2015-2016 Annual brochure

Imagine what we can do together King David HIGH SCHOOL

Transcript of 2015-2016 Annual brochure

Imagine what we can do together

King DavidH I G H S C H O O L

support our annual fundWhy ?

?Empowering Jewish minds and engaging Jewish hearts for the modern world.

because...The King David High School of today is the result

of a community that understands the vision and value

of a Jewish education. This year, 207 students are on

the road to graduating with the knowledge, principles,

and community that will enable them to create

extraordinary futures. Sustain that shared vision

by giving to the Annual Fund.

Jewish Life and Holiday Celebrations • Social Emotional Learning Programs • Enhanced Co-curricular Programs • Tuition Assistance and Scholarships • Specialized Science Equipment • Experiential Education Opportunities • Specialized Athletic Equipment • Expanded Library Collection • Upgrading of Technology and Learning Tools •

Enriched Fine Arts Programs (Theatre, Music, and Visual Arts) • Student Service Learning (Random Acts of Chesed Week)

The Annual Fund supports

Jewish Life and Holiday Celebrations • Social Emotional Learning Programs • Enhanced Co-curricular Programs • Tuition Assistance and Scholarships • Specialized Science Equipment • Experiential Education Opportunities • Specialized Athletic Equipment • Expanded Library Collection • Upgrading of Technology and Learning Tools •

Enriched Fine Arts Programs (Theatre, Music, and Visual Arts) • Student Service Learning (Random Acts of Chesed Week) and much, much more!

King DavidH I G H S C H O O L

5718 Willow StreetVancouver, BC V5Z 4S9604-263-9700 | www.kdhs.org

King David High School Annual Fund

To contribute to King David please contact:Esther Mogyoros

Director of [email protected]

604-263-9700 ext. 109