2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a...

6930 Alpha Road / Dallas, Texas 75240-3602 / 972-661-1810 / FAX 972-661-2636 E-mail: [email protected] / Facebook: Temple Shalom Dallas / Website: www.templeshalomdallas.org JUNE/JULY 2015 SIVAN/TAMMUZ/AV 5775 VOLUME 50 NO. 1 2014-2015 Volunteers of the Year This year’s two Volunteers of the Year are two special individuals! Here are excerpts from President Dennis Eichelbaum’s remarks as he presented them with this honor. “Our first Volunteer of the Year you would know if you attend Torah Study. Or Saturday morning services. Or religious school. Or had a child becoming a B’nai mitzvah. Or been on the Big One trip to Israel. This person has been everywhere this year, and if you have not seen him, then you must be a first-time visitor to Temple. The composer of the Temple Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris. Volunteering at Temple Shalom is often a passion which can find its origins from a variety of circumstances. Sometimes, it is just the opportunity to make a difference. Other times, it is more personal. The willingness to give of oneself to make others happy is a unique quality; we can make the world better for one person through what may feel like an insignificant or even enjoyable task; like playing photographer or throwing a dinner party for others, not to mention holiday meals. Ilene Zidow is such a volunteer. Without her our Temple slideshow would be shorter than one song long. She regularly comes to Temple with her camera in tow, and has done so for years. She has been a leader in Sisterhood, and has also worked tirelessly for CHAI, having led the CHAI programming at Temple Shalom for years. Her work brings pleasant events and memories to the residents of CHAI, and has filled all those who assist her with heartfelt nachas for having helped bring such joy to others. It is her years of tireless volunteering that has made Ilene Zidow our second 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year.” SAVE THE DATE! The Connections Council Invites You and Your Family to a July 4th Celebration! “Party on the Pavement” Celebrate America’s birthday and watch fireworks with your Temple Shalom community! Saturday, July 4 6:30pm – Temple Shalom’s Gates Open Bring Your Own Food, Drinks & Seating Enjoy Northwood Club’s Fireworks Viewing! 9:00pm – Gates Close Questions? Contact [email protected].

Transcript of 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a...

Page 1: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

6930 Alpha Road / Dallas, Texas 75240-3602 / 972-661-1810 / FAX 972-661-2636

E-mail: [email protected] / Facebook: Temple Shalom Dallas / Website: www.templeshalomdallas.org


2014-2015 Volunteers of the Year

This year’s two Volunteers of the Year are two special individuals! Here are excerpts from

President Dennis Eichelbaum’s remarks as he presented them with this honor.

“Our first Volunteer of the Year you would know if you attend Torah Study. Or Saturday

morning services. Or religious school. Or had a child becoming a B’nai mitzvah. Or been on

the Big One trip to Israel. This person has been everywhere this year, and if you have not

seen him, then you must be a first-time visitor to Temple. The composer of the Temple

Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the

Year is Ray Farris.

Volunteering at Temple Shalom is often a passion which can find its origins from a variety of circumstances.

Sometimes, it is just the opportunity to make a difference. Other times, it is more personal.

The willingness to give of oneself to make others happy is a unique quality; we can make the world

better for one person through what may feel like an insignificant or even enjoyable task; like playing

photographer or throwing a dinner party for others, not to mention holiday meals.

Ilene Zidow is such a volunteer. Without her our Temple slideshow would be shorter than one song

long. She regularly comes to Temple with her camera in tow, and has done so for years. She has been a

leader in Sisterhood, and has also worked tirelessly for CHAI, having led the CHAI programming at Temple

Shalom for years. Her work brings pleasant events and memories to the residents of CHAI, and has filled

all those who assist her with heartfelt nachas for having helped bring such joy to others. It is her years of

tireless volunteering that has made Ilene Zidow our second 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year.”


The Connections Council Invites You and Your Family

to a July 4th Celebration!

“Party on the Pavement”

Celebrate America’s birthday and watch fireworks

with your Temple Shalom community!

Saturday, July 4

6:30pm – Temple Shalom’s Gates Open

Bring Your Own Food, Drinks & Seating

Enjoy Northwood Club’s Fireworks Viewing!

9:00pm – Gates Close

Questions? Contact [email protected].

Page 2: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 2



Beha’alotecha / Numbers 8:1 - 9:14 6:30 PM - Service

Epstein Chapel


10:30 AM - Morning Worship Epstein Chapel

FRIDAY June 12

Shelach Lecha / Numbers 13:1 - 14:7 6:30 PM - Service

Epstein Chapel


10:30 AM - Morning Worship Epstein Chapel

FRIDAY June 19

Korach / Numbers 16:1 - 17:15 6:30 PM - Service

Epstein Chapel


10:30 AM - Morning Worship Epstein Chapel

FRIDAY June 26

Chukah / Numbers 19:1 - 20:21 6:30 PM - Service

Epstein Chapel


10:30 AM - Morning Worship Epstein Chapel


Balak / Numbers 22:2-38 6:30 PM - Service

Epstein Chapel


10:30 AM - Morning Worship Epstein Chapel

FRIDAY July 10

Pinchas / Numbers 25:10 - 26:51 6:30 PM - Service

Epstein Chapel


10:30 AM - Morning Worship Epstein Chapel

FRIDAY July 17

Matot-Masei / Numbers 30:2 - 31:54 6:30 PM - Service

Epstein Chapel


10:30 AM - Morning Worship Epstein Chapel

FRIDAY July 24

Devarim / Deuteronomy 1:1 - 5:18 6:30 PM - Service

Epstein Chapel


10:30 AM - Morning Worship Epstein Chapel

FRIDAY July 31

Va’etchanan / Deuteronomy 3:23 - 2:1 6:30 PM - Service

Epstein Chapel

6:30pm Friday Services are preceded

by a 6:00pm Wine & Cheese


The Legacy Senior Communities, parent company of The Legacy at Home, has received a generous supplemental grant from the

Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas to help Jewish seniors who are aging in place in their own homes to receive financial support

for personal assistance services. Based on predetermined criteria, the services will be available on a sliding scale according to

each individual’s financial circumstances.

Personal Assistance Services Provided Under This Grant Program Include:

• Assistance with bathing, grooming and dressing

• Assistance with meal preparation and eating

• Housekeeping and laundry

• Transportation services - Synagogues, shopping/errands & doctor’s visits

• Companion Care

• Recovery from illness

• Transition home from hospital stay

Each individual will be assessed to determine the level of assistance required. If you are in need of these services or you

become aware of anyone in the community who could benefit from them, please contact:

Lindsay Feldman at 469-203-7303 or [email protected]

About The Legacy at Home:

The Legacy at Home is a not-for-profit organization that brings Medicare certified home health care services, nurses, short-term rehabilitation, private duty services and Personal Care Assistants directly to people’s homes.

6101 Ohio Drive Plano, TX 75024 P: 972.244.7700 F: 972.224-7701 www.thelegacyathome.org

Page 3: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 3

As we have finished

celebrating and commemorating

the Shavuot holiday; the holiday

we celebrate to commemorate the

Giving of Torah at Mt. Sinai, it is a

season and a moment to reflect on

important themes of Jewish life. I

wish to share thoughts I have

about my Jewish world in the

hopes that perhaps, this summer,

you might do the same and that your summer will be filled

with thoughtful and meaningful moments of Godly

connection. The text in the center of my comments here

are meant to be the central guiding text. The paragraphs

that follow are my commentary.

I believe that God revealed

Torah to the Jewish people at

Mount Sinai. The word Torah

means “teaching” and there

can be no doubt that God and

Moses attempted to teach the

tattered group of Hebrew

slaves how to be a nation

called “Yisrael,” “the ones who

struggle with God.” What the

Torah describes in its

unfolding saga is at once a

quasi-historical account of a

certain people and the

revelation of undeniably and critically important truths

which transcend time and space. The stories of the Torah

are my family stories. I do not know whether they are

factual; it is beside the point. It may be an interesting

exercise to attempt to discover these facts, but Torah is

trying to do something far more significant. Torah is trying

to help us to hear God’s voice. It is only through the

careful and methodical study of it that we really

experience its magnitude. At each turn of the biblical

page we must engage the text on an emotional level, to

react to it. Then we must ask ourselves one very

important question, “WHY did we react that way?” It is

only when we hold Torah up to our souls as a kind of a

mirror, penetrating our body armor and getting to our

insides that the Truth, revealed to all but known as Torah

to the Jewish people, can really come out. Torah helps to

sustain my world.

No one really asked me to seriously consider how God

played a role in my life prior to Rabbinical School. But,

since then, it has been a daily struggle. Since then, I

have come to know there is a God who is the Original and

Continually Creative Energy of the Universe who has

been the One to whom the Jewish people have prayed

and connected to since the days of Abraham. I believe

that God is the ultimate Parent, commanding us to live in

accordance with the Truth as revealed to the Jewish

people through Torah, and through the subsequent holy

texts of our tradition as they become apparent in every

generation. I experience God’s presence daily in the

fulfillment of mitzvot, but most clearly in the

relationshiping in which I am blessed to be able to do

each day. In the familiar paradigm of describing God with

the attributes of “all knowing, all powerful and all good,” I

have come to believe that God is, in fact, all knowing and

all good, but not all powerful. God simply cannot prevent

the evil that befalls each of us and, like a good Parent,

cries with us when we are in pain. Just as we as parents

are unable to prevent the hurt in the lives of our families,

so too, is God unable, but who, nonetheless, continues to

nurture, teach and support us

to allow us to continually grow

in our humanity. God helps to

sustain my world.

As a child and well into my

twenties, I never challenged

Israel; her policies, her

positions, her promises. I

have come to understand her

complexities and I have a

more mature and ever

evolving relationship with her.

I believe that Israel the people

and Israel the land belong together. I believe the ancient

connections to the land helped to bring about the

possibility of a people rooted both in time and in space.

Since the days of Abraham, the Jewish people has

identified itself as connected to the land and some have

felt that the best place to live out God’s commands. I

believe it to be the destiny of the Jewish people to work

toward the creation of a State of Israel for all Jews

everywhere, where every Jew can live out their Judaism

freely and creatively, where the people of all faiths and

beliefs can experience their truths and that the completion

of that dream will only strengthen the Jewish communities

all over the world. I believe that Israel is uniquely

positioned to help to fulfill the dreams and aspirations and

longings of our souls and that working in partnership with

Jewish communities around the world can create a

mutually beneficial, nurturing and dynamic Jewish people,

one who struggles with God, one called Yisrael. Israel

helps to sustain my world.

Rabbi Andrew M. Paley

[email protected]

To be continued....Shimon haTzaddik said,

“The world is sustained by three things: by

Torah, by worship and by loving

deeds.” (Pirke Avot 1:2) Rabbi Shimon ben

Gamliel said, “The world is sustained by

three things: by truth, by justice, and by

peace.” (Pirke Avot 1:18) Rabbi Andrew

M. Paley said, “My world is, in part,

sustained by three things; by God, by Torah

and by Israel.

I Was Just Thinking...

Page 4: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 4

A Note from Cantor Devorah Avery


I am delighted to introduce myself to the Temple Shalom community. At this moment, I am

still in New York serving as cantor of Temple Israel of Northern Westchester. This is a time of

exciting change and emotional goodbyes.

In our Mishkan Tefilah, (our prayer book) there is a poem written by Rabbi Norman Hirsch

called Becoming that I feel reflects the move I’m making at this time. Below is an excerpt of the


Once or twice in a lifetime

A man or woman may choose

A radical leaving, having heard

Lech lecha — Go forth.

God disturbs us toward our destiny

By hard events

And by freedom's now urgent voice

Which explode and confirm who we are.

Throughout the generations, our people have moved and relocated for numerous reasons. In our Torah, we read the

story of Abraham and how he moves his entire family, relying only on his faith. Our people moved in times of strife as

well. This poem identifies that moving to new locations and making significant changes in our lives can help us become

the people we are meant to be.

I feel I’ve been called to serve this beautiful congregation. Temple Shalom has amazing leadership, a fantastic clergy

team, and excellent professional staff. I am deeply honored to join this team of exceptional people. My husband, Aaron

Greenberg, and I are so looking forward to our move to Dallas, TX. We are eagerly anticipating getting to know our new

community at Temple Shalom.

I begin my job on July 1, 2015. Please feel free to call or to stop in and say hello.

In Peace and Song,

Cantor Devorah Avery

High Holy Days Adult Choir Rehearsals Begin Tuesday, July 14!

If you are interested in singing for the High Holy Days and are an adult Temple Shalom member, please email Joy

Addison at [email protected] and let her know that you will be joining the Adult Choir. We want to be

sure to have enough notebooks prepared for the first rehearsal.

Rehearsals will be in the Sanctuary on the following days and times:

Tuesdays, July 14, 21 & 28 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Tuesdays, August 4, 11, 18 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Sundays, August 23 & 30 from 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Sunday, September 6 from 11:00am - 12:30pm

Tuesday, September 8 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Thursday, September 17 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm

High Holy Days Dates:

Rosh Hashanah: Sunday, September 13 and Monday, September 14

Yom Kippur: Tuesday, September 22 (Kol Nidre) and Wednesday, September 23

Page 5: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 5

We Recycle!

Please remember that Temple Shalom recycles! Be

sure to throw out papers and recyclable plastic in our

clearly marked blue bins. Food-stained paper and food

waste should be deposited in our trash bins. Thank you

for being kind to our environment and for encouraging

fellow congregants to do the same!

Any questions? Contact Trish or Noah Washington,

our Tikkun Olam Council Recycle Chairs, at

[email protected].

The Food Truck Palooza 2015 Committee

Needs YOU!!!

Don’t miss out on a great advertising opportunity!!

We are now soliciting prizes for our Raffle, which is proving to be the biggest ever. This year, Food Truck Palooza is on Sunday, September 20th.

Proceeds go to our chosen charity, “No Kid Hungry”!

Do you have contacts with businesses, large and small, who will support us by providing some amazing raffle prizes? Do you have a vacation home you wouldn't mind sharing?

Think about donating a week vacation for a lucky raffle winner. How about tickets to sporting events?

We are now accepting goods and services, gift cards, and cash donations for our raffle.

We will be putting your company name in front of thousands of local buyers. Last year we had more than 2000 people attend!

If you are interested in donating or sponsoring, or know someone who might be, please contact Robyn Young at [email protected] or (972) 365-8825.

If you would like to be on this fun committee, please join us for our next meeting!!

Next meetings will be Wednesdays, June 10th and July 15th

at 6:30pm in the Learning Center.

In our ongoing efforts to be environmentally and fiscally responsible, we are implementing

the electronic delivery of billing statements. The statements will be sent via

email with a PDF file attached.

(If you do not have an email address, the statements will continue to be mailed

in hard copy.)

Thank you for your membership, and for your support of this initiative.

Page 6: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 6

Nu Here she comes

Walking down the street

She gets the funniest looks from Everyone she meets… Hey hey she’s the Cantor People heard she’s coming to town And we’re getting ready for singing And soon she’ll be renown[ed]

On July 1 we will welcome our newest member to our clergy, Cantor Devorah Avery. Cantor Avery will bring her musical talents and personal warmth to supplement our wonderful clergy and add new depth to much of what we offer at Temple. So, a quick biography of Cantor Avery:

Cantor Avery grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Yes, Oklahoma, our sister state to the North, where the minimum age for drinking is 25 so they can keep it out of the high schools. She attended the University of Tulsa, where she earned a BA in Music with an emphasis on Voice and Viola (large fiddle). Fortunately, she did not attend Oklahoma State, where the coach only dressed six players for basketball this year (the others could dress themselves).

Cantor Avery next went to Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s School of Sacred Music where she received her Masters in Sacred Music and was invested as Cantor in May of 2007. While in school, she served congregations in New York, Colorado, Texas, and West Virginia (the state that invented the toothbrush – any other state could have called it the teethbrush).

Cantor Avery has served as Assistant Cantor at North Shore Congregation Israel in Glencoe, Illinois. Glencoe is smack in between Chicago, the home of the mighty Chicago Bears, the greatest football franchise in the history of “ever,” and the Wisconsin border. Speaking of Wisconsin, do you know why the packers are the only team to have no website? They can’t string three W’s together.

Her next stop was in North Westchester, New York, at Temple Israel. Cantor Devorah Avery lives in White Plains, NY with her husband, Aaron Greenberg. In September of 2010, Cantor Avery participated in the Hudson River Swim for Life, a three-mile swim from Nyack to Sleepy Hollow to raise money for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Thanks to all the rain, she is looking forward to the challenge of swimming across the Trinity River.

Please introduce yourself to Cantor Avery next time you are at Temple. By the way, services will be continuing each Shabbat during the summer.


Dennis Eichelbaum, Temple Shalom President

2015-2016 Council/Committee Structure

Lifelong Learning Council Chairs Howard Gottlieb/Kamy Ross

Religious School Diana Krevo/Mandy Gold

Scholarship Wendi Klatsky

Early Childhood Education Hollye Ferreira

Adult Education Barry Bell/Howard Gottlieb

Youth Groups Greg Krevo

Music Jacque Comroe

Worship Council/Committee Chair Ken Parker

Onegs Sisterhood

Materials Review Bernie Mayoff

Minyans/Grieving Bill Hoffpauer, Michael Kaplan

Ushers Brotherhood

Tikkun Olam Council Chair Jerri Grunewald

Tikkun Olam Committee Jerri Grunewald

Caregivers’ Day Out Barbara Glazer

DAI Barry Lachman

Embrace Jane Lachman

Caring Congregation Reesa Portnoy,

Jo-Ann Saunders

Habitat Chair Susan Beck

Israel Connection Jim Warner

LIFT Debra Levy-Fritts

Connections Council Co-Chairs Julie Gothard/Keo Strull

Membership Stuart Marcus, Chair

Gail Davidson, Marcia Gold, Lauren

Green, Toba Reifer, Moy Speckman

Young Adults Abby Hancock

Young Families Jennifer & David Arndt

College Connections Lisa Speckman

Havurah Kathryn Frish & Denise Blasband

Interfaith TBD

Shalom Silver Judy & Ken Parker & Judy Utay

Stay & Play Hollye Ferreira & Amy Milton

Holiday Celebrations Ilene Zidow & Elaina Gross

Davening & Dining Toba Reifer

Adult Singles 40+ TBD

Budget/Finance: Irwin Kaufman

Building & Grounds:Ken Portnoy

Cemetery:Mark Fishkind, Jim Liston

Food Truck Palooza Robyn Young, Brandy/Mark Wayne,

Michelle/Murray Swanger

Golf Tournament: Ken Braswell,

James Bier, Barry Pierce

Annual Fund Richard Kahn, Mark Lerner,

Moy Speckman

Legal: Gregg Stevens

Governance/Constitution Barry Bell

Endowment: Irv Munn

Administration Council

Josh Goldman & Irwin Kaufman

50th Anniversary Chairs: Harriet/Barry Bell, Jeff/Kim Kort,

Beth/Mark Stromberg

50th Publicity: Irene Sibaja

Archives: Bernie Mayoff, Dan


Donation/Trip: Cantor Croll/

Jacque Comroe Leadership Development: TBD

Gala Events Kathryn Frish, Cindy Munn, Cindy Quint, Debbie Jordan. Brandy/Mark Wayne

50th Treasurer: Mitch Hurwitz

Torah Production: Laurel &

Mark Fisher

Torah Solicitation: Stephen

Enda Underwriting: Mark Fishkind

Strategic Plan: Aric Stock

Page 7: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 7

50th Anniversary Update

In seven months, Temple Shalom will celebrate its 50th Anniversary, and programming for this big event is already

underway! Keep your eyes open for photo displays (including video interviews), special worship services, and learning opportunities,

capped off with a grand celebration on January 9, 2016 and a special "Time Capsule" ceremony next May.

There will be plenty of volunteer opportunities for these events, and we look forward to your participation!

The Torah Legacy Project is a significant and meaningful part of our 50th Anniversary celebration. Writing in the Torah is

considered to be the 613th mitzvah and final commandment (Deuteronomy 31:19). Scholars tell us that anyone who writes a single

letter in a Torah, or causes one to be written through their support, fulfills the commandment. More than 140 families have already

participated in the meaningful opportunity to complete this mitzvah, and here are what some are saying….

"I’ve felt as though I belong at Temple Shalom before today - but more so since this experience."

"Who knew such profound meaning can come from one tiny letter?"

"A new, thrilling experience that warms the heart and makes me especially proud to be Jewish."

"I feel enlightened, clean, both spiritually and mentally. I feel the blessing of my creator has entered my soul and answered

questions I have been asking for most of my life. My deepest gratitude to Temple Shalom for granting me this

most precious gift."

"It has been an honor and privileged to scribe letters in the Torah with my beautiful wife, amazing son, and my parents.

Temple Shalom has given its congregation a fascinating opportunity to learn and do something of the highest commandment."

Don’t miss your opportunity to fulfill this incredible mitzvah!

The Sofer will be visiting Temple Shalom again on Sunday, October 11th and Monday, October 12th. Scribing times are going

fast, but are still available! Click http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f49afac2ba7f49-scribe3 to sign up for October 11th and click

http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f49afac2ba7f49-scribe4 to sign up for October 12th.

We will also need volunteers on both days! If you have already scribed and want to help someone else through this

meaningful experience, please click http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f49afac2ba7f49-volunteer2 to volunteer.

To see photos from the scribing days, please go to https://templeshalom50th.shutterfly.com.

Questions? You can reach the Torah Legacy Project Team or the 50th Anniversary Committee by email at

[email protected] or by voicemail at (972) 661-1810 ext. 527.

You ought to be in pictures!

Were you married at Temple Shalom? Named at Shalom? Had a brit milah (bris) at Shalom? As part of our 50th

Anniversary, we'd like to display photos of your simchas (celebrations). If you have a photo(s) to share please

contact Bernie or Denise Mayoff at [email protected] or (972) 669-9169. They'll arrange to make a copy

and you'll be famous.

Page 8: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 8

Temple Shalom Spotlight Congregant of the Month

As part of getting to better know our congregation, each month we will feature a Temple Shalom Congregant.

Patricia Washington

Please introduce your family.

SHALOM, SHALOM! Hello, my fabulous fellow congregants, or as I would love to call you

guys... my spiritual family!

Yes, it really is me, oh M gee, I am so excited and honored to share a little bit about myself if

you have not been so lucky to be my Facebook and Instagram friend to see my gazillion posts

that flood everyone’s timelines in the morning. Okay, let’s get the party started….

If you do not know, my name is Chaya Ashira, better known in these parts of town as Patricia

Washington, and my son is Noah, and we are the Washing”Steins.” I am a 42 year old spicy

mom trying to stay sane in the world of a seventeen year old conservative young man.

When did you join Temple Shalom?

We joined Temple Shalom in 2010 and it was one of the best decisions of my life.

Tell us about yourself.

Let’s see, a little bit about me….well, I first want to say that I am the “new Jew” in town. Judaism chose me about

five years ago which in Jewish years is like 20 years. I studied with the previous Associate Rabbi for about two years

before I became OFFICIAL, and I studied on my own about two years prior to that. Being a member of Temple

Shalom is just a huge part of my journey to spiritual wholeness.

What has been your greatest joy during your time at Temple Shalom?

My greatest joys at Shalom are so many that it is really hard to narrow it down but I have to say this is the

warmest, friendliest and most family-oriented place in town. I love how my family has been welcomed and how

amazing the people are here. I spoke a few years ago along with some really awesome people at the High Holy Day

symposium and I feel as though that was such an honor and so that has been the super highlight for me.

You are involved with many Temple programs/committees. What is your favorite and what should others

know about this program and/or committee?

Temple Shalom is always up to something amazing but my favorite activities here have been “Salsa in the

Sukkah” and always the Purim Schpiel.”

Of all the activities in which you have been involved at Temple, in which one did you have the most fun


I am a member of Sisterhood and it has been so fun hanging out with these wonderful ladies. Just this January, I

was the Emcee at the Sisterhood General Meeting where we announce the Woman of Valor. Wow, how much fun I

had and what an amazing time that was had with amazing queens just like myself!

What is your favorite Jewish holiday and why?

My favorite Jewish holiday is the one with food, oh wait, they all include food. Ha ha! Well, I guess I love them all

but one that is special to me beside Shabbat is....wait for it, Shavuot! Why, you ask? Well it's the converts’ time to

shine in our beloved Torah.

Which of your activities at Temple fulfills you the most or makes you feel the most connected to Judaism or

your Jewish identity?

The activities that make me feel more connected to my Judaism are most definitely Shabbat services and Torah

study, when I am able to attend.

Thank you for being our Spotlight Congregant! Any parting words or thoughts?

I just want to thank Temple Shalom for being so amazing and having awesome Rabbis that are young and fresh

and innovative and also for having an amazing staff, from the front to the back door and everyone in between. Hugs

and kisses.

Page 9: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 9

Lifelong Learning Council

As summer approaches, I cannot

help but think about camp and all the

good memories I have from my

childhood and teen years at Camp

Eisner in Great Barrington,

Massachusetts. For 15 years of my

life, I spent every summer at URJ

Camp Eisner surrounded by friends

and family. It was there that I had my

first kiss. It was there that I made my

closest friends. It was there that I

learned Hebrew and all of the Shabbat prayers. It was there

that I developed my sense of Jewish identity. At Camp Eisner, I

not only had a blast playing sports, swimming and doing art

projects, but I did it in a Jewish environment, surrounded by

Jewish friends and mentors. Being Jewish was “cool”! While I

did not attend a school which had a large Jewish population, or

even have many Jewish friends in my hometown (or island, in

my case), when I went to camp, I was among my people. I was

surrounded by peers who also celebrated Shabbat and

Chanukah, who knew Hebrew words and phrases and who, like

me, attended religious school on a weekly basis. I remember

feeling at “home” when I was at Eisner. I was among people

like me. People who understood me on deeper levels; who

could relate to me in more meaningful ways. While I do not

solely attribute camp as the reason for my becoming a rabbi, it

surely played a large role in shaping my identity and leadership


A religious school director once told me that, while religious

school has some impact on our childrens’ Jewish identity, the

number one indicator of continued Jewish involvement in adult

years is a child’s involvement with Jewish camping. Whether

this be a day camp at the JCC or an overnight camp, being

surrounded by Jewish friends and peers in a casual and fun

environment has an incredible impact on our youth. According

to the Foundation for Jewish Camp, “the impact of Jewish

camp is immediate - campers return home connected to a

community and friends that will last them a lifetime. And it

doesn’t stop there. Children with pivotal Jewish camp

experiences are more likely to become adults who value their

Jewish heritage, support Jewish causes, and take on

leadership roles in their communities.”

This summer, Temple Shalom will once again send over

100 children to the URJ Greene Family Camp. We are proud to

be the largest delegation represented at Greene and we hope

to continue the tradition year after year. Our children come

home feeling excited about their Jewish identity and motivated

to continue their involvement at Temple Shalom and within the

larger Jewish community.

If you have not yet sent your children to Greene or to

another Jewish summer camp, I hope you will consider it in the

future. Both Rabbi Paley and myself are huge advocates of

camping and are happy to help answer any and all of your


I wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe summer and for

all of our kiddos going off to camp, have a wonderful time!

Rabbi Ariel Boxman

Director of Lifelong Learning

[email protected]

SHFTY & Youth


Keep an eye out for all of SHFTY’s events by liking the SHFTY Facebook page at

Questions? Contact Melissa Beldon, Youth Advisor, at [email protected] or (972) 661-1810 ext. 232.

Congratulations to the new SHFTY 2015-2016 Board!

Interested in helping the Board plan SHFTY events?

Contact Youth Advisor Melissa Beldon!

www.facebook.comgroups /19312


9th - 12th Graders!

Mark your calendars for Summer Kallah!

September 4 - September 7 at Greene Family Camp

Watch the SHFTY Facebook page for Registration information.

Judaism 101

Are you looking for a class to learn the basics about


Did you forget everything you learned in Religious


Are you thinking of joining the tribe?

Judaism 101 is the class for you! This class is designed to

introduce or re-introduce students to the “basics” of Judaism

including Torah, Israel, God, history, ritual/prayer, holiday

observances, Tikkun Olam and Hebrew.

Saturdays, October 3 through April 30 (with breaks for

holidays), 9:00am - 10:30am

There is a $60 fee for this class, plus any books you might

choose to purchase. Call Karen Thompson at (972) 661-1362

to register. This class requires a minimum of 10 students.

For further information, contact Rabbi Ariel Boxman at

972-661-1362 or [email protected].


Lauren Stock

Programming Vice

President Noah


Religious & Cultural

Vice President

Ethan Fisher

Page 10: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 10

Lifelong Learning Council

2015-2016 Religious School Registration

If have not yet registered your child(ren) for Religious

School, please register them immediately as we have

begun classroom placements and cannot place children

until the necessary paperwork has been submitted.

Pre-K - 12th Grade Registration information for the 2015-

2016 school year http://www.templeshalomdallas.org/


forms. Please print out the forms, fill them out and send

them into the Lifelong Learning Office.

If you have any questions, please contact the Lifelong

Learning Office at (972) 661-1362 or Karen Thompson at

[email protected].

We are looking for people interested in helping with the

many educational programs planned for the

50th Anniversary and the Torah Legacy Project.

Email [email protected].

Concierge Judaism

The program

continues to have

interest and programs

are being scheduled by

many groups.

We featured several of

the programs during the

Intergenerational Day of

Learning and we hope

you got a chance to

enjoy these topics.

If you have misplaced your brochure, pick one

up in the Temple office or see it at this link:



Adult Education Programs for 2015-16 Watch for weekly and monthly alerts for dates and times

UNT Visiting Professors

Richard Golden: Director of Jewish and Israel Studies Program, UNT

The Age of Persecution

The Witch Hunts and the Jews

Timothy Jackson: University Distinguished Research Professor of Music Theory

Continuing Series on Classical Music, Opera and Anti-Semitism

and Portrayal of the Jewish People

Proper Conversations To Have With Mourners Series

Rabbi Paley, Kyra Effron, Jo-Ann Saunders and Bernie Mayoff

Lectures by the visiting Sofer

Two or More Debates!

Composer/Musician-in-Residence Program

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Neshama Carlebach and Josh Nelson

Shabbat Morning Service with Clergy: 10:00am

Saturday Evening Concert: 8:00pm

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June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 11

Lifelong Learning Council

Torah Study

Every Saturday 8:45am - 10:15am, Learning Center

Start your Shabbat morning with lively learning led by our clergy

as we explore the weekly Torah portion.

Summer Adult Education Programs

For further details, contact Adult Education Co-Chairs Howard Gottlieb at [email protected] or Barry Bell at [email protected].

Judaica Study

Every other Saturday (6/6, 6/20 & 7/4, 7/18)

9:00am - 10:15am, Boardroom

Books significant to an understanding of Judaism are selected and studied by class members

who lead discussions of the bi-weekly assigned readings.

Lay Led Learners

"If it's Wednesday, it must be Lay Led Learning."

Wednesdays, 12:30pm Learning Center. Bring your lunch! All welcome!

We will discuss a variety of topics using articles, books and guest speakers.

For further information on our new group, contact Ken Parker at

[email protected].

Watch the weekly enews for our topics!

4 Months, 16 Days until The Adult Ed Trip

to the Jewish Caribbean

We’ve added more cabins so make your reservations quickly!

Dates: October 17 – 24, 2015 with add-on visit to Parkland, Florida for Shabbat Service and Dinner at

Kol Tikvah with Rabbi Boxman the elder!


Miami – Half Moon Cay, Bahamas – St Thomas - San Juan – Grand Turk – Miami

Visit historic synagogues and more!


Carnival Glory

For additional information and standby procedures, contact Howard Gottlieb at [email protected] or call (214) 762-6673.

See the Temple Shalom website for a tour brochure.

Israel-Focused Programs Coming Soon!

Gil Elan will show and discuss the documentary Iranium. Tentatively scheduled for this summer!

Mickey Gitzen, Executive Director of Israel Hofshit (Be Free Israel), an Israeli grassroots movement whose mission is promoting freedom of religion and pluralism in Israel as core democratic values. Tentatively scheduled for Fall 2015. Watch the enews for details.

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June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 12


Want an updated look at what’s going on at Temple? Visit our calendar website at http://calendar.templeshalomdallas.org:81/BrowseEvents.aspx


2 Serving at The Bridge Noon offsite

3 Habitat Build Day 7:45am Shift 1 11:45am Shift 2 Offsite

Lay Led Learners 12:30pm Learning Center

Essers & Fressers 6:30pm Spring Creek BBQ Offsite

4 5 Wine & Cheese 6:00pm Congregational Gathering Space

Shabbat Service 6:30pm Epstein Chapel


Torah Study 8:45am Learning Center

Judaica Studies 9:00am Boardoom

Morning Worship 10:30am Epstein Chapel


New Board Member Orientation Boardroom 8:00am Board of Trustees Retreat & Meeting 9:30am Boardroom Habitat Build Day 7:45am offsite


Council/Committee Meeting 6:00pm Learning Center Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:15pm Learning Center


DAI Healthcare Committee Meeting 7:00pm King of Glory


Lay Led Learners 12:30pm Learning Center Food Truck Palooza Meeting 6:30pm Learning Center


Caregivers’ Day Out 10:30am Learning Center

Sisterhood Bunco 6:30pm Frish Home (All filled up!)

Brotherhood Guys Night Out 6:45pm Arbor Hills

12 Wine & Cheese 6:00pm Congregational Gathering Space Shabbat Service 6:30pm Epstein Chapel


Torah Study 8:45am Learning Center Morning Worship 10:30am Epstein Chapel


Brotherhood Tikkun Olam Project at JFS 10:00am Lunch at Torchy’s Tacos Noon (New event!)


Brotherhood Board Meeting 7:00pm Palio’s Pizza Traditions Sale Begins-Special Hours Noon - 3:00pm


Traditions Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 6:00pm Congregational Gathering Space


Lay Led Learners 12:30pm Learning Center YAC Happy Hour 6:00pm Nickel & Rye


Brotherhood Book, Music & Movies Club 7:00pm Davidson Home


Wine & Cheese 6:00pm Congregational Gathering Space

Shabbat Service 6:30pm Epstein Chapel


Torah Study 8:45am Learning Center

Judaica Studies 9:00am Boardroom

Morning Worship 10:30am Epstein Chapel

Shalom Silver Theatre Event 7:30pm UTD

Brotherhood at Lone Star Park 6:30pm offsite


50th Anniversary Committee Meeting 12:15pm Boardroom

28 Young Families Summer Brunch 9:30am Campbell Green Park

Sisterhood YES Fund Event 4:00pm Carafiol Home


29 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00pm Boardroom




Lay Led Learners 12:30pm Learning Center

25 Caregivers’ Day Out 10:30am Learning Center


Wine & Cheese 6:00pm Congregational Gathering Space

Shabbat Service 6:30pm Epstein Chapel


Torah Study 8:45am Learning Center

Morning Worship 10:30am Epstein Chapel

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Want an updated look at what’s going on at Temple? Visit our calendar website at http://calendar.templeshalomdallas.org:81/BrowseEvents.aspx


Lay Led Learners 12:30pm Learning Center Essers & Fressers 6:30pm Pera’s

2 3

Temple Offices Closed Wine & Cheese 6:00pm Congregational Gathering Space

Shabbat Service 6:30pm Epstein Chapel


Torah Study 8:45am Learning Center

Judaica Studies 9:00am Boardoom

Morning Worship 10:30am Epstein Chapel

July 4th Party on the Pavement 6:30pm Temple Shalom



Board of Trustees Meeting 7:00pm Boardroom


Serving at The Bridge Noon offsite DAI Healthcare Committee Meeting 7:00pm King of Glory


Lay Led Learners 12:30pm Learning Center 50th Anniversary Steering Committee Meeting 7:00pm Blumin Room

9 Caregivers’ Day Out 10:30am Learning Center Brotherhood Guys Night Out 6:45pm Flying Saucer


Wine & Cheese 6:00pm Congregational Gathering Space

Shabbat Service 6:30pm Epstein Chapel Greene Family Camp 40th Reunion Begins


Torah Study 8:45am Learning Center

Morning Worship 10:30am Epstein Chapel


Sisterhood Welcomes Cantor Avery 4:00pm Strull Home



Traditions Steering Committee Meeting 12:30pm Boardroom Worship Committee Meeting

7:00pm Boardroom Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Sanctuary


Lay Led Learners 12:30pm Learning Center Food Truck Palooza Planning Meeting

6:30pm Learning Center


Brotherhood Book, Music & Movies Club 7:00pm Davidson Home


Wine & Cheese 6:00pm Congregational Gathering Space

Shabbat Service

6:30pm Epstein Chapel


Torah Study 8:45am Learning Center Judaica Studies 9:00am Boardroom

Morning Worship 10:30am Epstein Chapel


50th Anniversary Committee Meeting 12:15pm Boardroom Brotherhood CHAI Bingo & Pizza Parties 4:00pm offsite Young Families Picnic & Concert 6:30pm Richardson Civic Center

26 Sisterhood Resale Shop Event Noon Palio’s Pizza

Shalom Silver Meadows Museum Event 1:30pm SMU


Brotherhood Board Meeting 7:15pm Boardroom

27 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00pm Boardroom


Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Sanctuary


Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Sanctuary


Lay Led Learners 12:30pm Learning Center

29 Lay Led Learners 12:30pm Learning Center

23 Caregivers’ Day Out 10:30am Learning Center

30 Sisterhood Girls Night Out Painting with a Twist 7:00pm offsite


Sisterhood Gourmet Lunch Bunch Noon Kona Grill Wine & Cheese 6:00pm Congregational Gathering Space

Shabbat Service 6:30pm Epstein Chapel

31 Wine & Cheese 6:00pm Congregational Gathering Space

Shabbat Service 6:30pm Epstein Chapel


Torah Study 8:45am Learning Center Morning Worship 10:30am Epstein Chapel

Page 14: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 14

Connections Council

Essers & Fressers, Our Monthly Dinner Group

Wednesday, June 3

6:30pm Spring Creek Barbeque

14941 Midway (NW Corner of Beltway & Midway—1 block south of Belt Line)

If you’re craving slow smoked ribs, beef, chicken and all your favorite sides, come join our congenial group for a

fun dinner!

Shalom Silver

This year, Shalom Silver offered wonderful music programs, field trips, a nutrition seminar, social media

classes and chair Tai Chi classes. We’re hard at work to bring you more great programs next year!

Dues of only $18 per person for 12 months starting June 1st are a real bargain!

Send checks for membership and events, payable to Temple Shalom,

to Judy Utay at 913 Warren Way, Richardson, TX 75080.

For information or to be on our mailing list, contact Judy & Ken Parker and Judy Utay at

[email protected].



Saturday, June 20

7:30pm UTD at North Floyd Road at Lookout Drive, Richardson

$16/ticket. We already have almost 30 people signed up!

RSVP ASAP to Judy Utay at [email protected] so that we can purchase more tickets!

This rousing musical, which takes place in the Oregon frontier around 1850, features great

choreography and songs, such as Sobbin’ Women, Goin’ Courtin’ and Bless Your Beautiful Hide! Does that bring

back good memories? Join us for a great evening!

Wednesday, July 1

6:30pm Pera’s Turkish Kitchen

17487 Preston Road (NW Corner of Preston & Summerside)

Pera’s offers great lentil soup, moussaka, and shish-ka-bob, just to name a few of their

delicious dishes.

Please RSVP by the Monday before Essers & Fressers to Denise Mayoff at [email protected]


Sunday, July 26

1:30pm Meadows Art Museum, SMU

This collection is one of the top private collections in Spain, and will only be at the Meadows, its only U.S. venue,

for just a few months. It features 100 highlights from Chagall, Dali, Degas, Matisse, Braque, Picasso and other

international artists!

The cost for a guided tour of this amazing exhibit, and access to their permanent collection is $8 per person,

which must be paid in advance. RSVP to Judy Parker at [email protected] and send checks, payable to Temple

Shalom, to Judy Utay, so we’ll know how many docents will be needed. The Meadows Art Museum is located at

5900 W. Bishop, just west of Central Expressway off Mockingbird. Ample garage parking is provided. Detailed

directions will be sent to those who RSVP.

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Connections Council

Temple Shalom Needs Your Help!

Many people move to Dallas in the summer. Be an Ambassador for Temple Shalom!

If you know anyone moving into the area, mention us. If there is any way we can help make people feel more at

home and give them a community they can be part of, contact Membership Committee Member Toba Reifer at

(972) 898-4828 or [email protected].

Young Families Group and Young Adult Connection

Our Young Families Group is for all families with preteens while our Young Adult Connection is for young adults, ages 22-39,

who are single or married. To contact Young Families Co-Chairs Jennifer & David Arndt, email

[email protected]. To contact Young Adult Connection Chair Abby Hancock, email

[email protected]. For event information, see our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/


Young Adult Connection Happy Hour (22-39 year olds welcome!)

Wednesday, June 17 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Nickel & Rye 2523 McKinney Avenue, Dallas, TX 75201

Join us for a night of socializing and schmoozing! Enjoy drink specials, too - 1/2 off bottles of wine and

Weird Beer Wednesday!”

The Young Families Committee is ready for summer! We have fun events planned in June and July that will be perfect for the

whole family - we hope you can join us. If you know of a young family that is new to the area or Temple Shalom, please send their

contact information to [email protected] so we can reach out and personally invite them to our next

event. Please RSVP for events to Jen Arndt at [email protected] or (401) 484-3456.

Summer Brunch Kickoff

Sunday, June 28

9:30am - Noon Campbell Green Park Sprayground (16600 Parkhill Road, Dallas 75248, Hillcrest/Campbell)

We'll bring the bagels and coffee - please bring your favorite brunch dish to share. We'll meet at the covered

tables to eat, socialize and let the kids play.

Summer Picnic and Concert

Sunday, July 19

Richardson Community Band Concert

Meet at 6:30pm, Concert begins at 7:00pm Richardson Civic Center Lawn, 411 W. Arapaho Road, Richardson 75080

We'll all meet up to picnic together at the free summer concert series from the Richardson Community Band. Please RSVP so we

can confirm a meeting spot and make a contingency plan if it rains.


A havurah is a group of Temple members with similar interests who gather for holidays, cultural and

educational experiences, game nights, social action and more. It's a great way to connect to our Temple

community and the Jewish community at large. Each Havurah determines what it wants to do and plans

activities according to its members’ interests.

Find a Havurah application on the Havurah page on the Temple Shalom website at

www.templeshalomdallas.org. Send in your application TODAY!

Questions? Email [email protected].

Denise Blasband and Kathryn Frish Havurah Committee Co-Chairs

Page 16: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 16

Tikkun Olam Council

Serve Lunch at The Bridge 1st Tuesday of the Month (June 2 & July 7)

Noon - 1:00pm

Temple Shalom serves lunch at

The Bridge in downtown Dallas. If you would

like to volunteer, please contact Arlene

Kreitman at (972) 233-3754. We collect

unexpired toiletries, as well as eyeglasses, in the

Administrative office.

Caring Congregation

Please see our webpage at http://


caring-congregation to see the ways we

can help you and you can help fellow

temple members! Contact Caring

Congregation Committee Co-Chairs,

Reesa Portnoy and Jo-Ann Saunders at

[email protected].

Access our Caring Congregation blog, written by

Jo-Ann Saunders at http://www.templeshalomdallas.org/


Caring Congregation Survey

The Caring Congregation Committee is looking to our

fellow congregants as to how we can best meet your

needs in the coming year. The following topics have

been tossed around in our committee, so we would like

to hear back from you as to which topics interest you so

that we could have a speaker or workshop on one or

more of these areas:

1. Aging parents

2. Chronic and terminal illness

3. Midlife

4. Death of a spouse

5. Death of a child

6. Death of a parent

7. Sudden vs. traumatic death

8. Caregiving

9. What to say or not say to grievers

10. How to face our own death

Please email the Caring Congregation at

[email protected] and let us know the

topics that are of interest to you. We are always here for


DAI Committee

Dallas Area Interfaith News

Interested in working across the community on Social Justice issues? Join our Temple Shalomn Core Team for Dallas Area Interfaith, a Dallas and Collin County based group of more than 40 congregations and other organizations working on local and state advocacy on health care, early childhood education, worker safety, tenant rights, workforce development and immigration reform. Call Barry Lachman for more information at [email protected] or 214-808-0042. Also see, www.Dallasareainterfaith.org. for more information

Join the TS Early Childhood Education effort on June 2 at 7 PM to discuss how we can educate ourselves in early childhood education needs and solutions in our communities. Contact Barry Lachman at [email protected] or 2145-8087-0042 for more information

DAI (Dallas Area Interfaith) Committee

Interested in working across the

community on Social Justice issues? Join

our Temple Shalom Core Team for Dallas

Area Interfaith, a Dallas and Collin County

based group of more than 40

congregations and other organizations

working on local and state advocacy on

health care, early childhood education, worker safety, tenant

rights, workforce development and immigration

reform. Contact Barry Lachman for more information at

[email protected] or 214-808-0042. See

www.dallasareainterfaith.org for more information.

Upcoming DAI Events:

Tuesday, 6/2 Join the Temple Shalom Early Childhood

Education effort at 7:00pm to discuss how we can educate

ourselves in early childhood education needs and solutions in

our communities. Contact Barry Lachman for more

information. CANCELLED

Tuesday, 6/9 Healthcare Committee 7:00pm, King of Glory

Lutheran Church 6411 LBJ Fwy, Dallas 75240.

Tuesday, 7/7 Healthcare Committee, 7:00pm, King of Glory

Lutheran Church

Stewpot Cooking We are always in need of volunteers to help us cook a meal for The Bridge. We cook for 1 1/2 hours one Sunday per month beginning at 9:30am in the Temple kitchen, preparing beef stew, biscuits, muffins & fruit salad.

We will cook again when Religious School resumes. To be on the reminder list, email us at [email protected].

Mark your calendars for next year’s dates! Be a part of a great group of enthusiastic cooks - and you don’t even need to know how to cook!! We just need willing people 14+ to help us in the kitchen!

October 18 February 7 November 15 March 20 December 13 April 10 January 10

Caregivers’ Day Out 10:30am - 2:30pm Learning Center

June 11& 25, July 9 & 23

Caregivers’ Day Out, now in its third year,

meets twice each month for four hours each

time. Volunteers give caregivers some well-

deserved respite time when they drop off their

loved ones at Shalom.

For information, please contact Barbara Glazer at (972)

931-9077 or [email protected].

Page 17: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 17

Tikkun Olam Council

Embrace Interfaith Women’s Group

Temple Shalom's Embrace women

hosted a mock Seder led by Rabbi Boxman

on Monday April 27 in the Radnitz Social

Hall. We invited our friends from the

Northwood Church in Keller and the Islamic

Center In Irving. Our Temple Shalom ladies

donated all paper goods, drinks and ceremonial food for the

seder plates.

Not only did our guests have fun, but they also learned

about the symbolism behind our seder. A Big Thank You to

Rabbi Boxman for leading this important event. Please

consider joining us at our next Embrace gathering, helping to

make the world a more tolerant and understanding place for


For the past four years, we have enjoyed meeting at each

congregation's home to share our traditions and friendship. If

you would like more information, email Jane Lachman at

[email protected] or call at (972) 735-0133.

Interested in learning more about the Tikkun Olam

Council? Contact Tikkun Olam Chair Jerri

Grunewald at [email protected]

and she will be happy to discuss your interests and

which committee you might find most suitable to

your specific talents!

Do you have a minor home maintenance issue that needs attention?

Don't know who to call but want to find someone who does excellent work and is reliable? Look no further!


First Richardson Helpers’ senior volunteers help seniors in Richardson and the Dallas area within the RISD with minor home maintenance and repairs with a key focus on safety issues. Typical repairs can be completed in three hours over one or two work sessions.

Examples of services include:

Installation of bathroom grab bars and outdoor hand rails

Installation of smoke detectors and batteries

Basic home repairs (dripping faucets, running toilets, screen repair, minor electrical)

Basic home maintenance (caulking, light bulb and A/C filter replacement)

Issues resulting from City of Richardson Code Enforcement letters

Minor fence repair

And much more...

There is no charge for the labor provided. Your tax deductible donations are welcome to help others who are less fortunate and to offset their cost of materials. First Richardson Helpers is currently comprised of volunteers from area synagogues, churches and civic associations.

If you live in Plano, McKinney or elsewhere, similar organizations may exist to assist you. Call the First Richardson Helpers 24 hour hot line and they will tell you. In addition to our handymen volunteers, volunteers are needed to schmooze with clients while projects are being completed. Interested in volunteering? Need services? Contact Temple member Jerry Gray at (972) 740-4726 or the 24 Hour Hotline at (972) 996-0160 or http://www.firstrichardsonhelpers.org.

Worship Committee Meeting

Would you like to provide input about worship at Temple Shalom?

We want to hear from you!

We meet each month on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:00pm.

We are working on special commemorative services for the 50th Anniversary. If you have any ideas, please email

Ken Parker, Worship Council Chair, at [email protected].

Next meeting: Tuesday, July 14

Worship Council

Unfortunately, rain cancelled our May

17th Habitat build, but we have other days

when you can sharpen your carpentry skills,

meet others from area synagogues, and

know you have made a difference to a deserving family.

Wednesday, June 3, 7:45am – 12:30pm Wednesday, June 3, 11:45am – 3:30pm Sunday, June 7, 11:45am – 3:30pm

(Kosher lunch provided on 7/7))

To volunteer, visit http://vhub.at/BuildingTogether

(after creating username and password, our Join Code

is Temple Shalom). For more information, contact

Susan Beck, at [email protected] or

(972) 773-9237.

Habitat for Humanity + Jewish Community

= Building Together 2015

Page 18: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 18


Brotherhood Board Meetings

MONDAY, June 15 (Palio’s Pizza at Coit/Campbell)

MONDAY, July 20 7:15pm Boardroom

All Brotherhood Members Invited to Attend.

As I begin my second year as Brotherhood President, I am excited to have

the following men on my Executive Committee:

Executive Vice President - Bill Hoffpauer

Vice President - Membership Jim Warner

Vice President - Programming Steve Weintraub

Financial Director - Irwin Kaufman

Treasurer - Roy Flegenheimer

Recording Secretary - Jason Sandler

Corresponding Secretary - David Edelstein

Immediate Past President - Scott Butnick

I am also excited to have five first-timers on the Brotherhood board - Jeff Fritts, Greg Krevo,

Bob Landers, Michael Mittman, and Paul Preite - along with Past President Michael Kaplan and

returning members Rick Cohen, Jim Davidson, Ken Glaser, Mark Goodman, Sander Gothard,

Andrew Hepworth, Brian Strull and Ron Wolff.

The Brotherhood Board is here to serve our members, and we welcome your input. All

members are invited to attend our board meetings and share their thoughts. Our membership

year starts June 1. We will be mailing membership forms soon. You can also find our

membership form on the Temple website. Don’t delay; join today!


Perry Zidow

[email protected]

Brotherhood Membership

Join us! Download our

membership form from the

Temple Shalom website at http://


groups/brotherhood. Questions?

Contact Membership Vice

President Jim Warner at

[email protected].

Brotherhood Books,

Movies & Music Club

A terrific forum for Bros with a thirst for

things intellectual. In June, we’ll discuss a cappella groups!

Thursdays, June 18 and July 16

7:00pm Home of Jim Davidson

625 Sagebrush Lane, Allen 75002

For info and to RSVP, email Jim at [email protected].

The Brotherhood Is On Twitter: @TSBrotherhood.

Brotherhood Guys Nights Out Thursday, June 11

6:45pm Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

Parker/Midway, Plano

Followed by 8:00pm dinner at Gazeebo


6009 W. Parker Rd, Ste 165, Plano 75093 (NW Corner of


Thursday, July 9

6:45pm Flying Saucer

14999 Montfort Drive, Dallas 75254 (South of


RSVP to Mark Fisher at [email protected].

Brotherhood at Lone Star Park!

Join us for the Horse Races! Saturday, June 20

Tickets are $49.63/person and include general parking,

admission, program and BBQ buffet in a glass-enclosed and

climate-controlled area with a great view of the racetrack!

Races begin at 6:35pm. Checks payable to TS Brotherhood

with Lone Star Park written in the memo line. and mailed to the

temple. For info, contact David Gordon at [email protected].

Brotherhood 2015 Man of the Year

Congratulations to the 2015 man of the

Year, Jim Warner! Jim is a leader who makes

things happen. Our membership grew to 178

men this year under Jim's direction! This is a record for recent

years. The 2nd Night Community Seder, chaired by Jim, drew

over 200 attendees and got great reviews. Jim was also very

instrumental in the success of our Shalom Award dinner as

team leader for the tribute book. Jim engages other members

to help him and he works with them to ensure that they

succeed. He is a worthy recipient of this award!

CHAI Bingo and Pizza Parties Sunday, July 19

4:00pm - 6:00pm

The CHAI Homes provide high quality, long-term living

arrangements for adults with cognitive disabilities. We need

volunteers to help run the games and serve dinner. Contact

Rick Cohen at [email protected] if you can join us. This

Mitzvah opportunity is open to all Temple Shalom adults and


Page 19: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 19


Storewide Sale

June 15th - July 15th!

See back page of this newsletter for details.

June - July Hours

Tuesdays: Noon - 3:00pm

Wednesdays: Noon - 3:00pm

Fridays: Noon - 3:00pm &

5:30pm - 6:25pm

Open Monday, June 15: Noon - 3:00pm

Closed Mondays & Thursdays.

We're also open by appointment any other day or time,

just call (469) 438-9956 and ask for Clare.

http://www.traditionsdallas.com/ (972) 661-1850

Look for the Gift Shop tab on the Temple Shalom website!


JOIN SISTERHOOD!! We can’t wait to share all our

great programs with you! Membership forms will be in

your mailboxes soon! Contact Membership Vice

President Dawn Kaufman at

[email protected] with any questions! We’d

love to hear from you! Together, we can move


Wine, Women & WRJ

Sunday, June 28

4:00pm - 7:00pm

Home of Robyn Carafiol

4630 Gulfstream Drive, Dallas 75244

Please join us for this FUN Sisterhood Event benefiting the YES Fund (Youth, Education and Special Projects).Guest Speaker: Maura Schreier-Fleming, who works with business and sales professionals to increase sales and profits. She is a Dallas based speaker, sales consultant and Temple Shalom Sisterhood member.

Wine, champagne, martinis and delicious food will be served!

Send a rabbi to school! Please bring a $36 check, payable to Women of Reform Judaism. RSVP by 6/24 to Robyn at [email protected] or (214) 460-8016.

Meet & Greet with Cantor Devorah Avery

Sunday, July 12 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Open House to welcome Cantor Avery and

her husband, Aaron Greenberg!

Keo Strull’s home 6925 Spanky Branch Drive, Dallas 75248

This event is for Sisterhood members and spouses only, so renew

your membership now!

RSVP by 7/8 to Linda Young at [email protected].

Sisterhood Gourmet Lunch Bunch

Friday, July 24

Noon - 2:00pm

Kona Grill

5973 W. Parker Road (NE Corner Parker/Tollway)

Anxious to try a new Plano restaurant with our Sisters?

Please join us at Kona Grill!

RSVP by 7/21 to Wylee Protas at [email protected].

Summer Style Show & Shopping! Sunday, July 26 at Noon

Join us for lunch at Palio’s Pizza Café

(SE Corner of Campbell/Coit). After lunch, we’ll go to The Resale

Shop, 2120 Beltline, Richardson (SW Corner of Jupiter/Beltline).

Sisterhood members will model fashions from The Resale Shop and

then we will have time for shopping. The Resale Shop provides funding

support to Jewish Family Service programs and services for anyone in


Please bring a donation of gently or unused clothing,

shoes, household goods or books. RSVP by 7/22 to

Ilene Zidow at [email protected] or (972) 523-6231.

Girls’ Night Out - Painting with a Twist

Thursday, July 30

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Painting with a Twist 4001 Preston Road, Ste 510

(Lakeside Center) Plano, 75093

This is FUN art and not FINE art, so you don’t need any

experience painting to have a great time! Painting with

a Twist provides you with step-by-step instructions with

an experienced local artist. You’ll leave with a

one-of-a-kind creation and a new found talent you’ll

want to explore.

This is not just another painting class, but a painting

party! Please bring your favorite party snack and/or

adult beverage to share.

The cost for this unique event is $35 per person.

RSVP by 7/27 to Julie Eichelbaum at [email protected]

or Renee Roth at [email protected].

Save the Date! August Bunco & Potluck Dinner:

Thursday, August 13 6:30pm - 9:00pm

Cost: $5 at the door. Limited space available. Temple Shalom members only!

RSVP to Evelyn Hillenbrand at [email protected] or Randi Shapiro at [email protected].

Mark your calendars for the Membership Coffee!

Sunday, September 27

9:30am Congregational Gathering Space

Page 20: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 20


Adult Education Fund

B'not Mitzvah Class in honor of Rabbi Paley, Rabbi Boxman, Ray Farris, Ariela Shargal & Oshra Nir

Gene & Louise Yoss in honor of Les Taub

Howard & Denise Gottlieb in honor of Brenda Grossman, Nancy Marcus, Terri Parker & Randi Shapiro

Ken & Judy Parker in honor of Brenda Grossman & Sherry Rosenberg

Les & Shelli Taub in honor of Brenda Grossman, Sherry Rosenberg & Randi Shapiro

Pam Alexander in honor of Sherry Rosenberg

Susan Hoffman in honor of Tamara Farris & Terri Parker

Nathan & Leslie Axelrod in memory of Jake Axelrod

Torah Study Class in memory of Eileen Simonette & Gloria Tuman

Beautification/Flower Fund

Elaine Spitz in memory of Rose Rosenberg

Michael & Elaine Griver in memory of Roger Mellow


Andrew & Ruth Bramley in memory of Rose Solka

Building Fund

Bart & Tobi Bradshaw in memory of Harriet Samuels

Cantor Croll's Discretionary Fund

Joan Sandfield Jackson in honor of Nancy Marcus

Caregivers' Day Out Program

Susan Hoffman in honor of Brenda Grossman & Sherry Rosenberg

Susan Hoffman in memory of Roger Mellow, Eileen Simonette & Gloria Tuman

Caring Congregation Fund

Bob & Jean Weinfeld in memory of Abe Thalheimer

Howard & Denise Gottlieb in memory of Ruth Gottlieb, Roger Mellow & Harold Lewis Tave

Les & Shelli Taub in memory of Roger Mellow

Mark & Karen Fishkind in memory of Roger Mellow

Perry & Ilene Zidow in memory of Jack Zidow

Sarah Yarrin in memory of Roger Mellow

Stuart Stone in memory of Nancy Stone

Epstein Chapel Fund

Barry & Paddy Epstein in memory of Roger Mellow

Ed & Ann Brandt in memory of Roger Mellow & Samuel Litman

General Fund

Doreen Stecker in honor of Randi Shapiro

Linda Feldman in honor of Sherry Rosenberg

Bernie & Denise Mayoff in memory of Gloria Tuman

Bob & Carolee Blumin in memory of Harvey Singerman

Bill Burms in memory of Roger Mellow

Eric Taslitz in memory of Dorothy Gross

Helene Glazer in memory of Kim Walsh

Isaak & Marina Rivkin in memory of Bella Rivkin & Feyga Volfson

Ken & Susan Bendalin in memory of Roger Mellow

Larry & Linda Levey in memory of Phillip Stolper

Marlene Fischer in memory of Joseph Fischer, Irving Ginsburg & Polly Ginsburg

Pam & Richard Squires in memory of Roger Mellow

Raisa Obrant in memory of Vladimir Obrant

Robert & Rosie Bloom in memory of Martin Elfenbein

Greene Family Camp Fund

Jeff & Debbie Diebner in memory of Judy Diebner

Joan Glauberman in memory of Henrietta Bernofsky

Sara Pfeffer in memory of Bettye Weltman

Steve & Rita Fisher in memory of Sally Fisher

Julia Michele Warren Scholarship (Greene Family Camp)

Ted & Marcia Gold in honor of Brenda Grossman

Alice Warren in memory of Regine Ginsburg, Roger Mellow, Bess Mintz, Gershen Warren & Jacob Warren

Arvin & Arlene Kreitman in memory of Roger Mellow

Jeff Mark in memory of Deborah Mark

Max Pressler Library Fund

Gerry & Susan Urbach in memory of Elizabeth Freiberg

Page 21: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 21


Barry & Paddy Epstein in honor of Nancy Marcus

Joanne R. & Steve Levy Family Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation in honor of Nancy Marcus

Susan Hoffman in honor of Nancy Marcus

Helene Levitan in memory of Aaron Kohner

Joe & Ellen Gordesky in memory of Thelma Gordesky

Winston Stone & Deborah Baron in memory of Sylvia Baron

Prayer Book Fund

Elaine Spitz in memory of Philip Rosenberg

Sheila Alvarez in memory of Arthur Feldman

Project Atideinu/Fifty for Fifty Fund

Lillian Ostroff in memory of Lilly "Luba" Ostroff

Dennis & Julie Eichelbaum in memory of Roger Mellow

Gerald & Laura Hacker in memory of Roger Mellow

Rabbi Boxman's Discretionary Fund

Sheldon & Linda Widman in honor of the Rabbi Ariel Boxman and Asher Saida

Gary & Susan Weber in memory of Dora Weber

Murray & Carole Rice in memory of Roger Mellow, Eileen Simonette & Gloria Tuman

Rabbi Paley's Discretionary Fund

Andrew & Reyna Kasten in honor of Samuel Matthias

Ellen Brown in honor of Jennifer Brown and Ian Black

Geane Glaser in honor of her birthday blessing

Jerry & Deanna Kasten in honor of Samuel Matthias

Phil & Judy Goodman in honor of Rabbi Paley

Sheldon & Linda Widman in honor of Nancy Marcus

Thomas & Priscilla Roosth in honor of Cameron Svec

Will Hancock & Abby Freeman in honor of Rabbi Paley

Alan & Gale Malinger in memory of Arnold Malinger

Allen & Barbara Liebnick in memory of Grace Rebecca Mann

Arnie & Marge Bier in memory of Sarah "Sally" Bier

Bob & Mary Potter in memory of Mack Potter

Claire Lee Epstein in memory of Harry Epstein

Dick & Naomi Fogel in memory of Sandra Pevsner

Family of Claire Lee Epstein in memory of Claire Lee Epstein

Gary & Susan Weber in memory of Celia Fogel

Howard & Joyce Korn in memory of Carol Jast & Minnie Werther

Larry & Karen Bissinger in memory of Saul Brenner & Flora Schloss

Larry & Linda Elkin in memory of Sylvia Kanner

Mark Bond & Lea Rosenthal-Bond in memory of Samuel Rosenthal

Odette Johnston in memory of Alan Johnston

Richard Kahn & Barry Pierce in memory of Lisa Thibodeau

Ron & Martha Kapusta in memory of Abe Kershenbaum

Sariet Allen in memory of Abe Allen, Anna Allen, Pearl Covens & Roger Mellow

Sheldon & Linda Widman in memory of Roger Mellow

Susan & David Beck in memory of Jane Beck

Sheldon & Linda Widman wishing a speedy recovery to Harvey Cotlar

Rabbi Roseman's Discretionary Fund

Richard & Barbara Toranto in memory of Rhoda Toranto

Temple Shalom Endowment

Bette Miller in memory of Roger Mellow

Irv & Cindy Munn in memory of Roger Mellow

Lory Kohleriter in memory of Michael Kohleriter & Roger Mellow

Robert & Donna Light in memory of Louis Baldassin

Tikkun Olam/Social Action Fund

Susan Hoffman in honor of Betsy Anderson

Susan Hoffman wishing a speedy recovery to Allan Gilbert

Young Adult Program Fees

Leo & Adele Niger in honor of Brandy Wayne

Youth Activities Fund (scholarship)

Howard Frysh D.D.S. in honor of 3rd Grade Project for Homeless Children

Ron & Carole Burg in honor of Brandy Wayne & Deborah Wayne

Youth Education General Fund

Craig & Gladys Blumin in memory of Carmen Siu Li

Page 22: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 22

Congratulations to…

Ellen Brown on the marriage of her daughter Jennifer Brown

to Ian Black

Kevin Dym and Sara Mancuso on the birth of their son,

Asher Daniel Dym

Carmen Mallini, daughter of Karen Morguloff and Leanne Mallini,

Diane Scheinberg, daughter of Sidney & Debbie Scheinberg

and Megan Shea, daughter of Tony & Regina Shea, for being

inducted into the Parkhill Junior High School National Junior

Honor Society

Marc & Debbie Perlstein on the engagement of their son, Max,

and Cathy Martin

Jason Taper, son of Rose & Allan Taper, and Alyssa Berger,

daughter of Laurie Berger for being named 2015 National Merit


Senior Rabbi…….…...………..Andrew M. Paley

Rabbi…………………………….Ariel C. Boxman

Cantor (7/1)………………….. Devorah G. Avery

Rabbi Emeritus…………...Kenneth D. Roseman

Cantor Emeritus…………………..Don Alan Croll

Executive Director…………………..Steve Lewis

Youth Director……………………Melissa Beldon

President………………….Dennis J. Eichelbaum

Exec. Vice President…..…………Josh Goldman

Vice President………….………Mark S. Fishkind

Vice President……………................Kamy Ross

Secretary……………………………..Irene Sibaja

Finance Director………………….Irwin Kaufman

Treasurer……………………................Barry Bell

Past President………………….…...Aric L. Stock

Of Blessed Memory…

David Berger, great uncle of Meryl Wilson

Mary Jo Clem, mother of Charlotte Gruber

Temple member, Claire Lee Epstein

Dorothy Gross, mother of Gary Gross

Grace Rebecca Mann, niece of Marsha & Stephen Schulman

Suzanne McNeely, sister of Jeff Fritts

Lowell Nussbaum, father of Carolyn Coggan

As a caring community, we would like to

reach out to our members. When there is

an illness, death, hospitalization, birth, etc.

please contact Joy Addison in Rabbi

Paley’s office at 972-661-1810 x201 or

[email protected]

Clergy and the Caring Congregation

Committee are here to help during times of

need and celebration.

Remember the Temple in Your Will

Temple Shalom is committed to preserving the future of our congregation for

generations to come. Bequests of all sizes are important resources for the

Temple, and we encourage you to be a link to the future by remembering the

Temple in your will. Your lasting tribute is your commitment to the survival of

our religion, our Temple, and our people.

A bequest can easily be established by adding a simple codicil to your will.

Additionally, many other options exist to leave a legacy for Temple Shalom.

A brochure with more information is available in our main foyer, or by

contacting the administrative offices. For more information, please contact our

Executive Director Steve Lewis at 972-661-1810 x202.

Your planned gift will serve the future of our congregation and community.

Thank you for helping assure the strength and health of Temple Shalom for

generations to come.

Our mission is to inspire in you a relationship with God, Torah, Israel

and the Jewish people through worship, study, gathering and

community service. Do you know someone we should invite to

Temple, someone who is new to Dallas or is not connected to a


Please contact Executive Director Steve Lewis so we can show

them that Temple Shalom is their place.

The on-line directory is updated periodically. Please send any changes to Heidi

at [email protected]. If you need assistance accessing the

directory on our website, please contact Heidi.

Please check your entry in the directory to ensure that it is accurate.

Please help keep postage costs down by notifying us promptly of any address


Career Resources

Jewish Family Service (JFS) www.jfsdallas.org offers assessment, counseling, job search training assistance, and selective placement services to help the unemployed, underemployed and persons with special needs (physical and emotionally disabled, single heads of households, New Americans, and the elderly).

For more information about any of our Career and Employment Services and to submit a job opening for posting on our website, please contact Director of Career and Employment Services Allison Harding at [email protected] or (972) 437-9950.

Celebrating a SIMCHA?

Give the gift of

Israel! Consider the purchase

of an eMitzvah bond for as

little as $36. The recipient will

receive the principal plus interest at the end of the

five year term. You can now invest in an Israel

bond online for any occasion, at any time. Simply

go to www.israelbonds.com, create an account

and purchase a bond.

Page 23: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.

June/July 2015 www.templeshalomdallas.org Page 23

Greene Family Camp’s 40th Reunion

July 10-11, 2015

Campers, parents, staff, grandparents, clergy, alumni

and anyone with a connection to GFC are invited!

Cost: 30+ years old, $36; 18-29 years old, $25;

11-17 years old, $18; under 11 years old, FREE

Friday, July 10th: the gates open at 5:00pm for a sunset Shabbat Celebration including

dinner, a song session, Israeli dancing and fireworks!

Saturday, July 11th: the fun begins at 9:00am, including free swim and your favorite

camp activities!

GFC Executive Director Loui Dobin says, “It makes me so happy to

see people who spend much of their year as ‘adults’ let loose and be kids

again. Building this holy community is the goal of camp and the reunions

are the perfect reminder that our alumni are what support our vision for

Greene Family Camp.”

Go to http://greene.urjcamps.org/alumni/ for further information. To register, go to

tinyurl.com/GFC40. Learn more about Greene Family Camp at www.greene.urjcamps.org.

Maccabi Games

All Temple members have an amazing opportunity to participate in the JCC Maccabi Games in our very own Dallas Jewish Community. The Aaron Family JCC will be hosting the Games this summer, the week of August 2-7.

The JCC Maccabi Games are an Olympic-style sports competition for Jewish teens that includes over 1,000 athletes from across the country and around the world, over 200 local athletes as well as the coaches and fans that support them. The Games reach far beyond the athletic fields in promoting friendship, teamwork, social action and Jewish continuity.

Please join Brotherhood President Perry Zidow and other members by volunteering and showing your support. The success of the Games depends on the involvement of the ENTIRE community and we invite you to be a part of the experience!

Click here http://www.jccmaccabigames.org/registration/ for the website and register to be a volunteer, host family or sponsor! Game on, Y'all!

Page 24: 2014 2015 Volunteers of the Year - Temple Shalom Dallas · 2019-12-18 · Shalom spirit song and a string of other hits, the 2014-2015 Temple Shalom Volunteer of the Year is Ray Farris.
