2013 1st quarter report.pdf

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    Prepared by the Market Research Planning & Development [email protected] www.zimbabwetourism.net

    First Quarter 2013

    TT oouu rr iissmm TT rr eenn dd ss aa nn dd SStt aa tt iisstt iiccss R R eep oorr tt

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.zimbabwetourism.net/http://www.zimbabwetourism.net/http://www.zimbabwetourism.net/mailto:[email protected]
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    Contents 1

    Definitions 2

    Global Overview 3

    Overview of the Tourism sector in Zimbabwe Executive Summary 4

    Analysis of Foreign Tourist Arrivals 5

    Foreign Tourist Arrivals by Region 6

    Markets Share 7

    Foreign Tourist Arrivals by Country: First Quarter 2013/2012 8

    Trend of Foreign Tourist Arrivals: First Quarter 2008 2013 10

    Tourist Arrivals by Source Market 11

    Top Ten Overseas markets: First Quarter 2013/2012 17

    Top 10 African Markets: First Quarter 2013/2012 18

    Top 20 Global Markets: First Quarter 2013/2012 19

    Profile of Foreign Tourists 20

    Purpose of Visit: First Quarter 2013/2012 21

    Mode of transport 22

    Accommodation Statistics 24

    Hotel Occupancy Statistics 25

    Lodge Occupancy Statistics 28

    Conclusion 30

    Table of Contents

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    For reasons of comparability and consistency the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority uses International definitions

    as given by World Tourism Organization. Some of the definitions used are:

    Tourist: A visitor who stays at least one night in a collective or private accommodation in the country

    visited (Recommendations on Tourism Statistics WTO/United Nations 1993).

    Visitor: Any person who travels to a country other than that in which he/she has his/her usual residence but

    outside his/her usual environment for a period not exceeding 12 months and whose main purpose of visit is

    other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the country visited (recommendations on

    Tourism Statistics - WTO/United Nations 1993.

    Same day visitor: A visitor who does not spend the night in a collective or private accommodation in the

    country visited.

    Arrivals: All data refer to arrivals and not actual number of people traveling. One person visiting the same

    country several times during the year is counted each time as a new arrival. Likewise the same person

    visiting several countries during the same trip is counted each time as a new arrival.


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    Tourist arrivals in January and February 2013 are

    estimated to have grown by 3.6% compared to the

    same period last year. In the first two months of

    2013 a total of 137 million international tourist

    arrivals were recorded worldwide, about 5 million

    more than the same period in 2012. According to

    UNWTOs forecasts published in the January editionof the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer ,

    international tourist arrivals are expected to increase

    by 3% to 4% in 2013.

    Available information for the first two months of

    2013 shows a 3.9% increase in tourist arrivals in

    emerging economies, and a 3.2% increase in

    advanced economies. This is due to strong growth in

    emerging economies (especially in South-East Asia

    and Central and Eastern Europe), and more moderate

    growth in some of the advanced economy


    Asia and the Pacific saw the fastest growth with a

    5% increase in international tourist arrivals. At the

    sub-regional level, South-East Asia recorded the

    highest increase, with 11% more arrivals than in

    early 2012, fuelled largely by Thailand (+19%) and

    Cambodia (+18%).

    Europe (+4%) overall reported comparatively robust

    results despite the economic uncertainties. Available

    data shows Central and Eastern Europe growing 9%

    due to strong results in emerging destinations such as

    Georgia (+37%) and Armenia (+23%), while

    Northern Europe recorded a 5% increase on the back

    of robust growth in Denmark (+8%), Ireland (+7%)

    and Norway (+6%).

    The Middle East recorded an estimated 5% growth,

    though largely based on data from Egypt (+11%)

    where the recovery continues. Results are rathermixed in the Americas (1%), with small declines in

    the Caribbean, Central America and South America

    (in all three cases following strong results in the

    same months of 2012).

    Africa also recorded a decline in arrivals during this

    early part of the year, with 2% fewer international

    tourist arrivals than the same period in 2012. Again,

    this is predominantly based on information from a

    limited number of major destinations such as

    Morocco (+3%), Tunisia (-2%) and South Africa


    Source: UNWTO May Edition (May 2012)

    Globally, international tourist arrivals grew

    by close to 4% in the first two months of 2013

    compared to the same period in 2012.

    Demand remained healthy in both advanced

    (+3%) and emerging economy destinations

    (+4%), despite economic constraints in many

    of the source markets of Europe and North

    America. The regions of Asia and the Pacific

    and the Middle East saw the highest growth,

    both recordin a 5% increase in arrivals.

    GG lloobb aa ll OO vveerr vviieeww

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    Tourist Arrivals

    Zimbabwe recorded a 17% increase in touristarrivals in the first quarter of 2013with all major

    markets registering increases. Tourist arrivals

    currently stood at 404 282 up from 346 299 in

    2012. This growth is clearly a witnesses of the

    countrys improved destination image, resuming

    competitiveness in the region. The ever increasing

    regional trade and commerce also contribute

    immensely to the growth through indirect

    transiting tourists and business tourists as shown

    by the current 40% increase in business tourists

    and 65% increase in shopping tourists.

    The market share for the overseas arrivals stood at

    14%, up by 3 percentage points from 11% in

    2012. The overall arrivals from the overseas rose

    by 54% on the backdrop of exceptional increases

    from Europe and Asia with UK, France and China

    specifically registering outstanding performances.

    All overseas regional markets registered increases.

    Europe contributed 54% of the overseas arrivals

    followed by Asia with 20% of the overseas market


    M ainl and Afr ica had a 12% increase in arr ivals

    having r isen fr om 308 646 in 2012 to 346 428

    with South Africa, Mozambique and Zambia

    contri buting close to 70% of all arr ivals from thi s


    Hotel and Lodge Occupancy Statistics

    Average hotel room occupancy levels remained

    stagnant at 46% while average hotel bed

    occupancy levels rose slightly from 34% to 35%.

    As for lodges, average room occupancy levels

    experienced growth from 42% to 44% in 2013

    while average bed occupancy levels also rose from

    30% to 35%. Research has shown that while

    leisure tourism is still in its infancy in the country

    especially among the locals, MICE activities

    continue to drive performance in most regions save

    for Kariba and Victoria Falls which are dominated

    by leisure travel.

    Overview Performance of the Tourism Sector

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    Analysis of Foreign Tourist Arrivals

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    Foreign Tourists; Regional Growth rates, 1st Quarter 2013/2012

    The first quarter of 2013 recorded 404 282 tourist arrivals into the country, representing a 17% risefrom the year 2012 which had 346 299.

    While all markets registered growth, arrivals from Europe and Asia experienced significant increases

    which have been to an extent due to the increased outbound trend especially in China and thesoftening of the Eurozone crisis with UK and France contributing significant increases in arrivals toZimbabwe.

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    Markets Share by Region 1 st Quarter 2013

    Americas (3%)10 354

    Africa (86%)346 428

    Europe (8%)30 995

    Middle East (

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    FF oorr eeiiggnn TT oouu rr iisstt AA rr rr iivvaa llss bb yy CC oouu nn tt rr yy :: 11sstt QQ uu aa rr tt eerr 22001133//1122

    Source Market 2013 2012 % Change AFRICA Angola 651 205 218%Botswana 18 908 12 635 50%DRC 5 477 6 883 -20%Egypt 90 110 -18%Ghana 368 391 -6%Kenya 853 1 481 -42%Lesotho 466 1 119 -58%Malawi 55 643 53 125 5%Mauritius 89 385 -77%Mozambique 37 951 33 262 14%Namibia 1 855 3 056 -39%Nigeria 126 315 -60%

    Seychelles 12 16 -25%South Africa 170 327 133 033 28%Swaziland 781 1 403 -44%Tanzania 4 192 2 844 47%Uganda 669 1 360 -51%Zambia 47 538 56 257 -15%Other Africa 432 766 -44%Total 346 428 308 646 12%AMERICA

    Argentina 159 130 22%Brazil 343 344 0%Canada 1 060 1 067 -1%Mexico 20 35 -43%USA 8 550 8 184 4%CARRIBE AN I SLA NDS 39 71 -45%Other America 183 70 160%Total 10 354 9 901 5%

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    ASIA China/Hong Kong 3 714 1 400 165%India 473 564 -16%Japan 3 568 2 192 63%Malaysia 270 67 303%Pakistan 83 84 -1%Singapore 378 328 15%

    South Korea 3 143 1 689 86%Other Asia 28 308 -91%Total 11 657 6 632 76%EUROPE Austria 735 462 59%Benelux 2 350 1 778 32%Britain & Ireland 12 876 4 089 215%France 4 259 1 480 188%Germany 2 911 2 057 42%

    Italy 1 203 1 187 1%Nordic Countries 2 906 2 273 28%Portugal 808 640 26%Spain 1 200 796 51%Switzerland 797 632 26%Other Europe 950 1 435 -34%Total 30 995 16 829 84%MIDDLE EAST Iran 23 7 229%

    Israel 553 457 21%UAE 44 42 5%Other ME countries 128 145 -12%Total 748 651 15%OCEANIA Australia 3 024 2 354 28%New Zealand 997 1 112 -10%Others 79 174 -55%Total 4 100 3 640 13%

    GRAND TOTAL 404 282 346 299 17%

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    TT rr eenn dd oof f FF oorr eeiiggnn TT oouu rr iisstt AA rr rr iivvaa llss;; AA f f rr iiccaa vvss.. OO vveerr sseeaa ss,, 22000099 22001133

    Mainland Africa continues to dominate in its contribution to arrivals into the country having recorded346 428 tourist arrivals to Zimbabwe in 2013 up from 308 646 in 2012.

    Whilst Zimbabwe receives a lot of arrivals in the region after South, they are low spenders as the bulkof them are from Mainland Africa compared to a basket of high spenders from overseas who areattracted by Islands such as Mauritius.

    Overseas arrivals increased by 5% from 37 653 in 2012 to 57 854 in 2013. Overall, the trend isshowing an upward increase in arrivals from this zone since 2010 which is quite encouraging as mostof them are high spenders.

    Despite the ongoing economic challenges especially in the western world (Europe and NorthAmerica), performance of the overseas market is quite positive.

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    2013 2012 %Change

    Angola 651 205 218%Botswana 18 908 12 635 50%DRC 5 477 6 883 -20%Egypt 90 110 -18%Ghana 368 391 -6%Kenya 853 1 481 -42%Lesotho 466 1 119 -58%Malawi 55 643 53 125 5%Mauritius 89 385 -77%Mozambique 37 951 33 262 14%Namibia 1 855 3 056 -39%Nigeria 126 315 -60%Seychelles 12 16 -25%South Africa 170 327 133 033 28%Swaziland 781 1 403 -44%Tanzania 4 192 2 844 47%Uganda 669 1 360 -51%Zambia 47 538 56 257 -15%Other Africa 432 766 -44%Total 346 428 308 646 12%

    South Africa continues to be the key source market in Mainland Africa with a market share of 49% ofarrivals which is a 6 percentage point increase from 43% in 2012.

    Although South Africa registered a relative growth of 28%, it should be noted that in absolute terms this is37 294 which can be comparable to total arrivals from Mozambique during the same period.

    There was a general increase from markets within the SADC region especially Malawi, Mozambique andZambia, and this is mostly attributable to regional trade and commerce within the region for instance SouthAfrica contributes 58% of Zimbabwean imports while 13% of Zimbabwe's export go to South Africaalone. It is however, sad to note that the continued unrest in the Democratic Republic of Congo has seenarrivals from the central African state falling by 20% shedding over a thousand arrivals in the period underreview.

    Islands Mauritius and Seychelles have more inbound tourism than outbound leading to lower arrivals asthese mostly expect people to travel inwards rather than outwards.

    2013/2 Ar ri val Shares

    Tourist Arrivals; Anal sis b Market ShareAFRICA

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    2013 2012 %ChangeArgentina 159 130 22%Brazil 343 344 0%Canada 1 060 1 067 -1%

    Mexico 20 35 -43%USA 8 550 8 184 4%CARI BBEAN I SLA NDS 39 71 -45%Other America 183 70 160%Total 10 354 9 901 5%

    In spite of the sluggish growth in the United States, arrivals from this market increased by 4% duringthe period under review. This is 3 percentage points above the US outbound tourism growth of 1% inthe first quarter of the year.

    It should be noted that in absolute figures all American markets registered marginal changes with theexception of the United States. For instance the Caribbean Islands and Mexico which fell by 45% and43% respectively registered sheer declines of 32 and 15 arrivals in absolute numbers.

    USA continues to be the leading market followed by Canada. These two alone command 93% of all North and South American arrivals into Zimbabwe.


    2013/2 Ar r ival Shares

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    Source Country 2013 2012 %ChangeChina/Hong Kong 3 714 1 400 165%India 473 564 -16%Japan 3 568 2 192 63%

    Malaysia 270 67 303%Pakistan 83 84 -1%Singapore 378 328 15%South Korea 3 143 1 689 86%Other Asia 28 308 -91%Total 11 657 6 632 76%

    China exhibited an impressive performance in the review period having registered a 165% increase.This mirrors the general increase in Chinese outbound in the first quarter (16%) although it should benoted that arrivals to Zimbabwe are a mere 0.02% of the 22.6 million Chinese outbound tourists in thefirst quarter of 2013. The Chinese trend is expected to continue on the rise well beyond 2020.

    Although most Asian markets showed positive performance, Indias dec line is of great concern as it isone of the fastest growing outbound markets in the world with outbound tourist trips expected to reach20.5 million by 2015. This calls for even more aggressive marketing campaigns targeted at this market.

    It is worth noting that China overtook Japan in terms of market share during the period under review.This makes China the current largest Asian market for Zimbabwe. The rise of China is especiallycommendable considering that it is currently the worlds top tourism outbound and spending market.

    A A SS II A A

    2013/2 Ar r ival Shares

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    Source Country 2013 2012 %ChangeAustria 735 462 59%Benelux 2 350 1 778 32%Britain & Ireland 12 876 4 089 215%France 4 259 1 480 188%

    Germany 2 911 2 057 42%Italy 1 203 1 187 1%Nordic Countries 2 906 2 273 28%Portugal 808 640 26%Spain 1 200 796 51%Switzerland 797 632 26%Other Europe 950 1 435 -34%Total 30 995 16 829 84%


    2013/2 Ar ri val Shares

    UK continues to dominate all other European markets with its market share almost doubling from 24%in 2012 to 41% in 2013. The dominance of this market continues to show strong ties between the Britishand Zimbabwe.

    The prominent increase in arrivals from the UK to a great extent reveals the increase in holidaymakerstaking more than one holiday this year as sited by the World Travel Market report. According to thereport, this could be a sign that the countrys economic fortunes are improving. This is a positivedevelopment considering that since the global downturn in 2008, the proportion of UK consumers takinga holiday dropped alarmingly.

    France follows the same trend closely, confirming the positive progress of the softening of the Eurozonecrisis as also indicated by the general increase in arrivals from the European region.

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    Source Country 2013 2012 %ChangeIran 23 7 229%Israel 553 457 21%UAE 44 42 5%Other ME countries 128 145 -12%Total 748 651 15%

    Although there is now a direct link with the United Arab Emirates (UAE, through Emirates Air),arrivals from this market have not yet responded.

    However, Israel continues to dominate the Middle East market having yielded a 74% marketshare. The continued resilience of this market hinges on the fact that Israeli tourists are some ofthe regions most affluent tourists. Israel needs great consideration in our mark eting efforts as its

    potential is great.

    2013/2 Ar ri val Shares


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    Source Country 2012 2011 %Change

    Australia 3 024 2 354 28%New Zealand 997 1 112 -10%Others 79 174 -55%Total 4 100 3 640 13%

    2012/1 Ar r ival Shares


    Arrivals from Oceania increased by 13% on the backbone of Australia which is the only market with positive results in the first quarter of 2013.

    Like Israel, the Australian and the New Zealand markets need to be pursued. This would be more soconsidering the common colonial ties that existed between these markets and Zimbabwe.

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    TT oopp TT eenn OO vveerr sseeaa ss MM aa rr k k eett ss:: 11 sstt QQ uu aa rr tt eerr 22001133// 22001122

    Position Country 2013 Position Country 2012 1 Britain & Ireland 12 876 1 USA 8 1842 USA 8 550 2 Britain & Ireland 4 0893 France 4 259 3 Australia 2 3544 China/Hong Kong 3 714 4 Nordic Countries 2 2735 Japan 3 568 5 Japan 2 1926 South Korea 3 143 6 Germany 2 0577 Australia 3 024 7 Benelux 1 7788 Germany 2 911 8 South Korea 1 6899 Nordic Countries 2 906 9 France 1 48010 Benelux 2 350 10 China/Hong Kong 1 400

    USA has been overtaken by the United Kingdom as the dominating overseas market forZimbabwe during the period under review. The UK increased its arrivals to Zimbabwe byalmost three times.

    This is a possible return of UK as the largest overseas market for Zimbabwe as wastraditionally known until 2005 when the United States took over.

    France, China and South Korea are some of the rising markets in the review period withFrance and China having gained rankings by 6 places apiece.

    Although there have been changes in the top ten overseas markets, there has not been any newentry or drop out among the markets.

    Of the top ten markets for Zimbabwe, seven are part of the top spending markets for 2012namely China, Germany, United States, United Kingdom, Russia, France, Canada, Japan andAustralia. It is thus important to maintain aggressive marketing in these markets and also to

    pursue the remaining three which are Russia, Canada and Italy in order to obtain themaximum gain.

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    TT oopp TT eenn AA f f rr iiccaa nn MM aa rr k k eett ss :: 11sstt QQ uu aa rr tt eerr 22001133// 22001122

    Position Country 2013 Position Country 20121 South Africa 170 327 1 South Africa 133 0332 Malawi 55 643 2 Zambia 56 2573 Zambia 47 538 3 Malawi 53 1254 Mozambique 37 951 4 Mozambique 33 2625 Botswana 18 908 5 Botswana 12 6356 DRC 5 477 6 DRC 6 8837 Tanzania 4 192 7 Namibia 3 0568 Namibia 1 855 8 Tanzania 2 8449 Kenya 853 9 Kenya 1 48110 Swaziland 781 10 Swaziland 1 403

    In the period under review South Africa remained on the top position.

    Tanzania rose from position8 to 7 while Zambia fell from 2 nd position to 3 rd position. These werethe only markets that moved as the rest of the top ten African markets remained unchanged inrank .

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    PP uu rr pp oossee oof f VV iissiitt :: 11sstt QQ uu aa rr tt eerr 22001133// 22001122

    Purpose of Visit 2013 2012 % ChangeBusiness Visitors 46 741 33 273 40%Education Purposes 2 730 4 467 -39%Shopping 36 237 21 991 65%VFR 294 312 285 081 3%Other (Unspecified) 24 262 1 487 1532%

    Total 404 282 346 299 17%

    Most of the tourist arrivals into the country (73%) resulted from visitors on holiday and thosevisiting friends and relatives (VFR).

    The market share of the VFR category however, has shrunk giving way to business and

    shopping tourists whose market share has improved. Shopping tourism is especially prevalent in the border towns of Mutare and Victoria Falls.

    2013/2 Ar ri val Shares By Pur pose of Visit

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    Mode of Trans ort

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    MM oodd ee oof f TT rr aa nn sspp oorr tt 11sstt QQ uu aa rr tt eerr 22001133 CC oomm pp aa rr eedd tt oo 22001122

    Mode of Transport 2013 2012 % Change

    Air 54 097 50 081 8%Road 350 185 296 218 18%Total 404 282 346 299 17%

    During the period under review tourists who visited the country by air rose by 8% this being anincrease by 4 016 arrivals from 50 081 to 54 097. There has been a genera increase in arrivals by airover the past, thanks to new airlines that came into this destination over the last two years.

    However, 2013 has seen a decline in the market share of air travel from 14% in 2012 to 13%, losinga percentage point to road users. This is especially so considering most of the arrivals into thecountry are regional and these usually travel by road.

    2013/2 Ar ri val Shares By M ode of Tran sport

    Trend of Touri st Ar ri vals by Air fi rst Quarter 2010 - 2013

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    Accommodation Statistics

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    Hotel Occupancy Statistics

    Average Hotel Room Occupancies, 1 st Quar ter 2013/12

    Region 2013 1st 1/4 2012 1st 1/4 Room Capacity 2013 2012 Change Local Foreign Local Foreign

    Harare 2 371 44% 44% 0% 64% 37% 81% 19%

    Bulawayo 785 55% 55% 0% 90% 10% 90% 10%

    Mutare/Vumba 537 56% 48% 8% 89% 11% 93% 7%

    Nyanga 244 39% 35% 4% 98% 2% 100% 0%

    Midlands 314 63% 63% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%

    Masvingo 190 32% 52% -20% 88% 12% 98% 3%

    Kariba 447 46% 44% 2% 99% 1% 99% 2%

    Hwange 293 29% 24% 5% 98% 2% 86% 14%

    Victoria Falls 971 64% 42% 20% 30% 70% 35% 65%Beitbridge 275 37% 49% -22% 93% 7% 90% 10%

    National 6 427 46% 46% 0% 85% 15% 87% 13%

    Average hotel room occupancy level remained stagnant at 46% mainly because increases

    recorded in some regions were diluted by decreases in other regions.

    Notable increases were recorded in Victoria Falls, Mutare/Vumba, Hwange and Nyanga.

    Mutare is facing increased business due to the diamond activity. The increase for Hwange is to

    an extent attributable to increased foreign clientele with most of these being regional. This is

    especially evidenced by the increase in foreign clientele by 12 percentage points from 2% in

    2012 to 14% in 2013.

    It is encouraging to note that all resorts increased at the beginning of the year, which is notusually the case as it is a low season.

    Harare and Bulawayo remained stagnant whilst Masvingo and Beitbridge recorded a decline of

    20% and 22% respectively.

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    Average H otel Bed Occupan cies, 1 st Quar ter 2013/12

    Region2013 1st 1/4 2012 1st 1/4

    BedCapacity 2013 2012 Change Local Foreign Local Foreign

    Harare 4 387 35% 34% 1% 64% 37% 81% 19%

    Bulawayo 1 633 33% 38% -5% 90% 10% 90% 10%

    Mutare/Vumba 1 027 39% 34% 5% 89% 11% 93% 7%

    Nyanga 508 33% 31% 2% 98% 2% 100% 0%

    Midlands 596 37% 34% 3% 100% 0% 100% 0%

    Masvingo 260 20% 43% -23% 88% 12% 98% 3%

    Kariba 834 46% 43% 3% 99% 1% 99% 2%

    Hwange 580 20% 14% 6% 98% 2% 86% 14%

    Victoria Falls 1 772 58% 30% 28% 30% 70% 35% 65%

    Beitbridge 484 30% 36% -6% 93% 7% 90% 10%

    National Average 12 081 35% 34% 1% 85% 15% 87% 13%

    Victoria Falls experienced the highest growth in bed occupancies and a significant growth in

    room occupancies. This resort remains the most popular destination in the country due to the fact

    that it houses one of the seven wonders of the world.

    Masvingo experienced a significant decline in tourist arrivals impacting negatively on both rooms

    and bed occupancies. Research has shown that most traffic that put up in Masvingo are those in

    transit mostly from the region entering or exiting the country through the Beitbridge-Chirundu


    Positive growth was also recorded in Harare, Mutare/Vumba, Nyanga, Midlands, Hwange and

    Kariba due to an increase in meetings, events and conferences in hotels in these regions mainly

    from the corporate world.

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    Compari son of Room Occupancies by Region 1 st Quar ter 2013/12

    Compari son of Bed Occupancies by Region 1st Quarter 2013/12

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    Lodge Occupancy Statistics Average L odge Occupancies, 1 st Quar ter 2013/12

    Region Lodge Room Statistics Lodge Bed Statistics 2013 1st 1/4 2012 1st 1/4

    RoomCapacity 2013 2012 Change

    BedCapacity 2013 2012 Change Local Foreign Local Foreign

    Harare 1143 47% 40% 7% 2060 37% 32% 5% 95% 5% 95% 5%

    Bulawayo 1105 38% 39% 1% 2034 33% 33% 0% 98% 2% 98% 2%

    Mutare/Vumba 348 49% 62% -13% 661 40% 46% -6% 98% 2% 100% 0%

    Nyanga 95 47% 33% 14% 185 35% 10% 25% 96% 4% 100% 0%

    Midlands 336 42% 57% -15% 600 34% 47% -13% 99% 1% 96% 4%

    Masvingo 178 46% 42% 4% 344 33% 31% 2% 99% 1% 100% 0%

    Kariba 693 40% 35% 5% 1376 31% 22% 9% 78% 22% 86% 14%

    Hwange 150 45% 33% 12% 331 38% 29% 9% 88% 12% 95% 5%

    Victoria Falls 549 40% 34% 6% 1177 31% 23% 8% 71% 29% 69% 31%

    Beitbridge 264 46% 49% -3% 537 41% 33% 8% 95% 5% 97% 3%

    National Average 4861 44% 42% 2% 9305 35% 30% 5% 92% 8% 94% 6%

    Nyanga experienced high growth in room occupancies and significant growth in bed occupancies

    mainly attributable to an increase in MICE activities during the period under review.

    Hwange registered the second positive growth in room occupancies. Research has revealed an increase

    in photographic and hunting safari activities in the national park.

    Positive growth was also recorded in the resort town of Victoria falls mainly due to holiday makers

    travelling as couples or families on packaged tours.

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    Compari son of Lodge Room Occupancies by Region 1 st Quar ter 2013/12

    Compari son of Lodge Bed Occupancies by Region 1st Quarter 2013/13

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    CC oonn cclluu ssiioonn

    UNWTO forecasts continued growth in international tourism in 2013 although at a rather slower

    rate than previously envisaged. Arrivals are expected to increase by 4% according to long term

    projections by the international board. With the rejuvenation of the countrys major markets,

    arrivals into Zimbabwe are expected to ride on this positive trend through out the year. This is so

    especially considering the current performance of markets like UK, France, China and South

    Korea. Positive trends in 2013 are also expected to hinge on the improved accessibility , however,

    the impending elections to an extent may hinder good performance by the tourism sector, being

    one of the most sensitive economic sectors .