2012 The Weaverbird · 2012 Volume 40, Issue 1 The Weaverbird interest: September Meeting...

www.weaversguildcincinnati.org Join us on September 6th at 10am for a fall trip through the world of the Weavers Guild. Have you ever traveled to Punch Needle? Taken a rest stop in Hooking? How about a side road to Structure? This is an opportuni- ty to travel to places you may have seen on the map but never taken the opportunity to visit. Explore the beauty of Beading, a love- ly spot on the coast right next to Surface Design and down the road from Tapestry. A great trip is planned so be prepared to fas- ten your seat belt and see what this Weav- ers Guild world has to offer . .....and then stay and join us for a potluck lunch . Bring a dish of your choice! Nance Widdowson Program Chairperson and Kathy Mari Lunch Chairperson September 6, 2012 Program: Exploring the World of the Weavers Guild and Potluck Lunch GUILD HOUSE RENOVATIONS’ UPDATE Please make note that the Guild House will most likely be closed to all for the re- maining portion of August. It will be open for the September meeting. The exact re-opening date will be posted on the weekly E-announcements. If you have any questions, please contact Joy Thaler or Pat Bennett. The Weavers Guild of Greater Cincinnati SEPTEMBER 2012 Volume 40, Issue 1 The Weaverbird Special points of interest: September Meeting Renovations Prez’ Points Officers & Committee Chairs Programs & Work- shops Fiber Arts Sale For Sale Swatch Watch Study Groups 2012 Classes Tea Towel Exchange Inside this issue: Prez’ Points 2 Officers & Com- mittees 3 Programs & Work- shops 2012-2013 4 Fiber Arts Sale 2012 6 For Sale Items 7 Study Groups 10 Guild Classes 12 Are you getting the Weaverbird Weekly email? It's the electronic update to the traditional monthly newsletter that arrives via email. Get the latest news every week. Check with Alice Weitzenkorn or 513.871.6453 if you are missing this valuable publication.

Transcript of 2012 The Weaverbird · 2012 Volume 40, Issue 1 The Weaverbird interest: September Meeting...

Page 1: 2012 The Weaverbird · 2012 Volume 40, Issue 1 The Weaverbird interest: September Meeting Renovations Prez’ Points Officers & Committee Chairs Programs & Work-shops Fiber Arts Sale


Join us on September 6th at 10am for a fall trip through the world of the Weavers Guild. Have you ever traveled to Punch Needle? Taken a rest stop in Hooking? How about a side road to Structure? This is an opportuni-ty to travel to places you may have seen on the map but never taken the opportunity to visit. Explore the beauty of Beading, a love-ly spot on the coast right next to Surface Design and down the road from Tapestry. A great trip is planned so be prepared to fas-ten your seat belt and see what this Weav-ers Guild world has to offer .

.....and then stay and join us for a potluck

lunch .

Bring a dish of your choice!

Nance Widdowson Program Chairperson


Kathy Mari Lunch Chairperson

September 6, 2012 Program: Exploring the World of the Weavers Guild

and Potluck Lunch


Please make note that the Guild House will most likely be closed to all for the re-maining portion of August. It will be open for the September meeting. The exact re-opening date will be posted on the weekly E-announcements. If you have any questions, please contact Joy Thaler or Pat Bennett.

The Weavers Guild of Greater Cincinnati



Volume 40, Issue 1

The Weaverbi rd

Special points of


September Meeting


Prez’ Points

Officers &

Committee Chairs

Programs & Work-


Fiber Arts Sale

For Sale

Swatch Watch

Study Groups

2012 Classes

Tea Towel


Inside this issue:

Prez’ Points 2

Officers & Com-

mittees 3

Programs & Work-

shops 2012-2013 4

Fiber Arts Sale

2012 6

For Sale Items 7

Study Groups 10

Guild Classes 12

Are you getting the Weaverbird Weekly email? It's the electronic update to the traditional monthly newsletter that arrives via email. Get the latest news every week. Check with Alice Weitzenkorn or 513.871.6453 if you are missing this valuable publication.

Page 2: 2012 The Weaverbird · 2012 Volume 40, Issue 1 The Weaverbird interest: September Meeting Renovations Prez’ Points Officers & Committee Chairs Programs & Work-shops Fiber Arts Sale



This is what 9 year old Natalie told her grandpa Loftus she needed to do while playing a game of limericks. While we are not playing limericks, we are in a rebooting process of sorts at the guild this summer. Sometimes things need to be shut down in order to make way for the new. The rebooting process should be complete soon and we will all get to see and hopefully enjoy our new gallery/meeting space.

In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying your summer and finding ways to connect with fiber and with your fiber

friends. I know that I am missing the chatter of the study groups and their lively discussions about their fiber creations.

I hope you are planning to come to our first guild meeting of the year on Thursday, September 6 at 10am. The Program Committee has an awesome and informative info ses-sion planned on “Exploring the World of the Weavers Guild.” You’ll be tak-ing a trip through the world of our Study Groups. Bring a dish and plan to stay for the potluck lunch, too.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon as we “reboot” and begin another guild year.

Joy Thaler,



but also with the dedication of the new meeting room gallery in her memory.

Again, we extend our gratitude to Cathie Beckman, whose generosity has underwritten the entire project to renovate the room and purchase the new equipment.

We will “close” this exhibition and officially dedicate the Paddy Thornbury Gallery in the Frank Wedig Meeting Room at our evening meet-ing on November 1st. All are welcome

to attend the reception. Details will follow in future Weaverbird issues and on our e-announcements.

Barbara Moss,

Exhibitions Chairperson

Our new installation system from Walker Display has its maiden voyage for our first show of the Guild year, Written in Fiber: A Retrospective for Paddy Thornbury. Paddy was a prolific craftsperson and worked in many media. You will see evidence of weaving, dyeing, knitting and cro-cheting, book-making, felting, and jewelry fabrication. Paddy’s hus-band, Steve, and her daughter, Vera, graciously helped curate this show.

We honor Paddy with this exhibit

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Volume 40, Issue 1

DONORS AND VOLUNTEERS Donors and volunteers generate the energy and support for the Guild to fulfill its mission: The Weavers Guild of Greater

Cincinnati, Inc. is a nonprofit organization with the mission of promoting weaving and other fiber arts. Through education

of its members and the general public, the Guild is committed to encouraging creativity, excellence and the preservation

of our fiber heritage.

The Weavers Guild of Greater Cincinnati proudly recognizes the donors who have generously provided gifts between July

1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. Gifts include cash donations as well as donations through sales made at the annual Guild

Sale. Please see Donor List.

Page 3: 2012 The Weaverbird · 2012 Volume 40, Issue 1 The Weaverbird interest: September Meeting Renovations Prez’ Points Officers & Committee Chairs Programs & Work-shops Fiber Arts Sale



President Joy Thaler

Vice-President Mary Anne Cella

Recording Secretary Linda Rouse

Corresponding Secretary Pam Gregory

Treasurer Moya Jones

Trustees Jo Ann Loftus thru June 2013

Estelle Pearson thru June 2014

Cathie Beckman thru June 2015


Finance (4) Millie Stratton*, Moya Jones, Pat Bennett, Joy Thaler

Membership Alice Weitzenkorn*

Program Teresa Nieberding*, Barb Gallagher-Board Rep

Property and Facilities Pat Bennett*

Strategic Planning Judy Dominic*

Parliamentarian (appointed by President)


Archives / Historian Estelle Pearson and Susan Wolven

Courtesy Correspondence Barbara Eden

Demonstrations Pat Maley

Donations—Equipment Pam Gregory

Donations—Yarn & Material Barb Niehaus

Education Judy Workman

Equipment Rental Sarah Hoffman

Exhibitions Barbara Moss

Hospitality Lyndelle Murphy

Library Mary Anne Cella

Newsletter Mailers Nancy Core and Kathy Mari

Nominating Committee TBD; appointed by President

Public Relations Amy Winegardner-Classes

Paula Baumann-Other

Publications / Newsletter Cheryl Muckenfuss

Sales—November Ginny Bolte and Barb Gallagher

Sales—June Picnic Pam Gregory and Barb Niehaus-Equipment, yarns and materials

Scholarships Frances McClure

Spring Grove Village Liason Sandy Gray

Study Groups Tracy McNulty

Swatch Watch Ruth Archer

Web Site Caren Cohen

2012—2013 WGGC Officers & Committees

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Volume 40, Issue 1

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Following is a list of programs and workshops for the coming 2012-2013 Guild year. If you are interested in taking a workshop, please put your name on the signup sheet at the guild house or complete a workshop registration form found at:


Mail it to the Guild house including your workshop deposit of $50. If interested in acting as a chairperson or hostess for a program or workshop, please contact Barb Gallagher

Exploring the World of the Weavers Guild Program and Potluck Lunch - Bring a dish!

September 6th, 2012 at 10am

Chairperson: Nance Widdowson

Lunch: Kathy Mari

Anne Field – Collapse Weave Workshop

Unfortunately, Anne is ill and is unable to make it to the States for this tour of teaching. We will miss this great opportunity to learn from one of the masters, but we wish her all the best. Deposits for this workshop may be picked up at the September meeting or can be returned via mail at that time. Cheryl Muckenfuss will handle the returning of the checks.

Bobbie Irwin – Twisted & Twined Rugs Program and Workshop

October 4th, 2012 Program - “Twisted Rugs” at 10am

Program Chairperson – Teresa Nieberding

Oct 5-7th Workshop – Twisted & Twined Rugs

Workshop Chairperson – Teresa Nieberding

Workshop Hostess: NEEDED

Magic for the Holidays (Show & tell what you make for decorations, gifts, etc)

November 1st, 2012 Program at 6:30pm

Chairperson: Kathleen Carels

Holiday Party AND Scarf Exchange

December 1st, 2012-Saturday afternoon Chairperson: Phil Schwartz


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Volume 40, Issue 1

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ROC Day—Mini Classes AM and PM

January 5th, 2013 - Saturday all day

Chairperson: Pam Gregory

Cheryl Muckenfuss – “Mixed Warps” Workshop – 2 days

February 23rd and 24th, 2013

Workshop Chairperson: Millie Stratton

Put a New Spin on It March 7th, 2013 Program at 10am Chairperson: Sharon Dingle

Mary Zicafoose – Weaving Program and Workshop

“The Power of Cloth Under the Influence of Ikat”

April 4th, 2013 Program –at 6:30pm

Program Chairperson: NEEDED

April 5th Workshop – A Day of Dyeing – 1 day

April 6-7th Workshop – Vibrant Rugs: Designing & Weaving for the WOW – 2 days

(Member may choose to attend either or both workshops)

Workshop Chairperson: Cheryl Muckenfuss

Workshop Hostess: NEEDED

Lynn Ticotski - Program Notan—The Dark / Light Principle of Design

May 2 at 10am

Chairperson: Teresa Nieberding

June Sale and Picnic (Installation of new officers)

June 6th, 2013 at 4pm

Chairperson: Barb Niehaus

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There are seven woven Swatches for the 2011-12 Guild year available to each member who asked for a Swatch on last year’s member form or identified themselves as a weaver. Don’t worry about trying to remember if you checked the‘Swatch’ or ‘weaver’ box. I’ve got a list and have put names on the packets. You can pick up your swatches from Millie Stratton at the September meeting. If you live outside the greater Cincinnati area and don’t make it to the meetings, contact Ruth for mailing instruc-tions.

If you are submitting other items for sale, you can just put your donated items on the same sheet. Just mark them DTG, our secret code for “Donate to Guild.” And thank you so, so much for your help.

We’re here to help you be successful at the sale—it’s for you AND the Guild.

Remember Honorary Members need not sign up for a volunteer job in order to sell their creations.

Review Session Schedule

Thurs. Sept 13 10am – 2pm

& 5pm – 8pm

Sun. Sept 16 10am – 2pm

Tues. Sept 25 10am – 2pm

Tues. Oct 2 10am – 2pm

Thurs. Oct 11 10am – 2pm

Ginny Bolte & Barb Gallagher

Delightful Donations

Are you thinking of donating an item or two for the fall sale? That really helps us out. It’s like Free Money! But we need you to remember to do two things:

1.Put a tag on it

2.Enter it on an inventory sheet.

We need you to write the tag because you know the fiber content and care required for the item. Please put your name on the tag, too so we can send you a letter for your tax return. You can get the tags and bar code stickers from the Review Committee (JoAnn Loftus keeps them at the Guild House. Just contact her). We hope it’s not asking too much to have you just list the item or items on an inventory sheet (you can do this on line after you get your bar code sticker).

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Volume 40, Issue 1


If you are interested in joining the Swatch weavers for 2012-13, please contact Ruth via email or phone 937-514-7522.

SWATCH WATCH 2011-2012


The next Board Meeting will be held Thursday, September 27th at 10 am.

Anyone is welcome to attend.

Page 7: 2012 The Weaverbird · 2012 Volume 40, Issue 1 The Weaverbird interest: September Meeting Renovations Prez’ Points Officers & Committee Chairs Programs & Work-shops Fiber Arts Sale


Guests are welcome! After attend-

ing two meetings at no cost, guests

must become members to partici-

pate in guild activities. Annual

membership is $50. Please wear

your membership name tag when

you are in the house.

The Guild House will be open at 5:30

PM before evening meetings and

at 9:30 AM before daytime meetings.

Come early and catch your breath.

Please turn your cell phones off be-

fore the meeting.

The Weaverbird will be posted

electronically on the Guild website

in the private (members only)

section. Look for it a week before

the meeting.

SCHACHT MATCHLESS SPINNING WHEEL-Single treadle with lazy kate/4 bobbins, carry strap ($1050 value) and additional slow whorl ($25 value). Total retail $1075. My price is $700. Email Ruthie Anderson or call (513) 673-2860


$20 for a full page

All ads must be fiber related.

When required, send ad copy with

check made payable to WGGC to

the Guild House. Also, please

email copy to Cheryl Muckenfuss.

Pictures are highly recommended.

Please submit in jpeg format.

Guild members may send ad copy

and pictures directly to Cheryl at

[email protected]

Guild members, as individual, may

advertise in The Weaverbird

Newsletter free of charge.

A business, even if the owner is a

Guild member, or a non-member

are responsible to pay the following


$10 for a quarter page

$15 for a half page

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Volume 40, Issue 1

Tidbits will return in the next issue of The Weaverbird.

Guild Meetings

From Estelle Pearson and Sue Wolven


Did you know you can access our library catalog online? Check it out!

There are QR codes around the guild house to give you not only the library catalog in the library, but tips for new

members. For those who have smart phones, you can access those links by scanning the code. Pretty cool…

QR Code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-

dimensional code) first designed for the automotive industry. A QR code might look like this:

Reference: Wikipedia

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This year we're having a handwoven Tea Towel Ex-

change! ( think kitchen dish towel !)

Weave several Tea Towels turn them in and get back

the same number of all different Tea Towels. Also,

receive all the records of each Tea Towel woven for

the Exchange!

Sign ups will begin in September and will run for sev-

eral months.

Information concerning how many Tea Towels to

make, dimensions, materials, etc. will be made availa-

ble to you as you sign up.


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Volume 40, Issue 1

Tea towels need to be finished and turned in by May


They will be distributed at the June Picnic.




Cathie Beckman, Jo Ann Loftus , Moya Jones

Respectively Submitted by Moya Jones, Treasurer



July 2012

CHECKBOOK BALANCE 06/30/12 34,217.18


Dues 1733

Donations 270

Interest 2.75

Donated Items Sold 10



Building Operations 633.21

Property/Facility Committee 260

Guild Sales 50

Membership 29.45

Swatch 120.79

Publicity/Website 31.98

Preservation Projects 938.37


CHECKBOOK BALANCE 07/31/12 34169.13

SAVINGS ACCOUNT 07/31/12 21,176.02

Interest for July 0.41

Scholarships 910.00

PRESERVATION FUND 06/30/12 123,836.93

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Diane Hotz-Blevins

Brenda Hug

Jo Ann Loftus

Barbara Moss

Sue Parker Bassett

Mary Anne Capplinger

Barbara Cuilwik

Susan Dlott

Lynn Osswald

Mary Lynn Phillips

Millie Stratton

On paper



Pay by check, please.

Questions ?

Contact Alice Weitzenkorn or Moya Jones

Choices, choices! You can renew on paper same as last

year OR you can be daring, cutting edge and ever so chic

and use the online eMembership form. The Membership

Committee is implementing a new eform for this year's

membership. Why? To save paper and lots of time that

Alice spends processing the membership information. The

online form is easy to use…there's a link on the member-

ship section of the member page of the Guild website. Fill

it out and submit it and the info will flow to Alice, the Mem-

bership chair. You will also be emailed a printable form

just for backup. Then send a check to Alice (her address

is on the form).

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Volume 40, Issue 1

The Weavers Guild of Greater Cincinnati has 180 members in 168 households.

No new members or returning



Membership Renewal for 2012-2013 Guild Year

Sunshine Cards sent to: John Curley - illness

Judy Dominic - surgery

Barbara Hollar - Husband had surgery

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3-D Study Group, Ginny Bolte, Chairperson

The 3-D Study Group will be meeting at the Guild house on the first Tuesday of the month beginning on September 4th,


Knitting Study Group, Alice Weitzenkorn and Susan Voegtly, Chairpersons

Dyeing Study Group, Pat Maley, Chairperson

Dyeing Study Group will CHANGE TO THE SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH. This is a trial to see if we can get more participation by putting it a week away from Spinning study group. Wednesday, September 12 at 10AM will be the first meeting. If you are interested come and help plan for the year and we will go over basic dye procedures, types of dyes, materials and supplies that you will to bring to dye sessions. Weaverbird Fledglings Study Group, Joy Thaler, Chairperson

The Weaverbird Fledglings Study Group will meet Wednesday, September 12th at 10am. This group is mostly for weavers who are “trying their wings” interspersed with some experienced weavers. Rug Hookers Study Group, Teresa Nieberding, Chairperson

Tapestry Study Group, Barbara Sliter, Chairperson

Bead Study Group, Caren Cohen, Chairperson

The Bead Study Group will meet Thursday, September 13th from 4—8 pm.

Spinning Study Group, Pat Maley, Chairperson

The Spinning study group meets the third Tuesday of the month from 10am to 2pm. It will resume meeting in September on the 18th . On Sept 18th we will work on wheel repair, adjustment and tips on maintenance. We will set up topics for future study group meetings. Bring your lunch and spinning and join us.

Weaving Structure Study Group, Millie Stratton, Chairperson

The group will not meet in the month of August, but will meet at 10am on September 20th.

Punch Needle Study Group, Cindy Sturdevant and Gun-Marie Nalsen, Chairpersons

The Punch Needle Study Group will resume it's regular meetings on September 25 at 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. Can't wait to see what everyone has been working on during our long hot summer!


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Volume 40, Issue 1

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 3 4 SG-3-D


6 10 am

Guild Meeting

7 8

9 10 11 SG-Knitting

12 SG-Dyeing SG-Weaverbird Fledglings

13 SG-Rug

Hookers SG-Tapestry SG-Bead

14 15

16 17 18 SG-Spinning


20 SG-Weaving Structure

21 22

23/30 24 25 SG-Knitting SG-Punch Needle

26 27 28 29


Indicates Guild House is generally open 10am-2pm SG– Indicates Study Group

All events are at the Guild House unless otherwise noted. Items on the calendar are subject to change.


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4870 GRAY ROAD, CINCINNATI, OH 45232 513-591-2500


Beginning & Advanced Classes: September - December 2012


TRY IT! WEAVING ON A FLOOR LOOM Instructors – Pam Gregory and Linda Rouse

$42 members/$68 non-members + materials fee payable to the instructor Do you have a curiosity about weaving but not sure if this is something you want to do? This is the class for you. This four hour class will give you an opportunity to weave a piece that demonstrates four different woven patterns on a pre-warped loom. You’ll learn how to wind bobbins, throw and catch a shuttle, tromp on treadles and develop a consistent beat. You’ll go home with a beautiful mat. Bring lunch. Sat. Sept. 15, 10am-2:00pm


Instructor – Pat Bennett or Joy Thaler $110 members/$135 non-members + materials fee payable to the instructor Do you think you have an interest in weaving? This 2-day class is designed to help you discover the magic, fun and endless possibilities of weaving. Students will be introduced to some of the basics of weaving including basic weaving terminology, parts of the loom and how they work and then progressing to winding a warp, dressing a loom and reading a draft. The instructor will guide students through this process and you will complete either a wool or bamboo scarf in plain weave or twill. Bring a lunch. Class size limited to 5. Sat. Sept. 22 & 29, 9:30am-3:30pm – PB Wed. Oct. 17 & 24, 9:30am-3:30pm - JT


$135 members/$160 non-members + fee for handout payable to the instructor Do you want to learn more about twill and just weave towels? Then this class is for you. Weave lovely cotton twill towels in vivid colors. Refresh your skills for reading a draft, winding a warp and dressing a loom. Students will be given a twill threading draft and the opportunity to explore different tie-ups and treadlings to create your own beautiful towels. Students should expect to spend more time at the guild in order to com-plete their towels. Students will be given recommendations for purchasing their own fiber. Bring a lunch. Wed. Sept. 5, 12 & 26, 9:30am-2:30pm


$135 members/$160 non-members + materials fee payable to the instructor Now that you got a taste of weaving are you hungry for more? Here is the next step! This 3-day class is designed to provide more inspiration and to introduce you to more structure and technique.

Now that you have some basic terminology and have learned to wind a warp and dress a loom this class will provide more practice. Beginning with the draft provided, students will have the opportunity to weave another scarf or table runner in one of five weave structures. Possibilities are star twill, log cabin, rosepath, overshot or huck. Weaving with two shuttles will be presented. Students will be given recommendations for purchasing their own fiber. Bring a lunch. Class size limited to 5. Sat. Oct. 13, 20 & 27, 9:30am-2:30pm


Instructor Coordinator – Joy Thaler

$60 members/$85 non-members 2-hour minimum Want to have one-on-one instruction with an experienced and knowledgeable instructor? Would you like a refresher on how to wind a warp, dress a floor loom from back to front or just plan those projects you want to do. Set your own goals and find a schedule that works for you. Private tutors are available for weaving on a 4 or 8 harness loom. An instructor will be assigned based on instructor availability and time requested.


Instructor – Pat Maley $110 members/$135 non-members + materials fee payable to the instructor Spinning is a relaxing way to obtain yarns for use in weaving, knitting and crocheting. In these sessions you will learn the basics – wheel mechanics, drafting fiber and spinning on a wheel. The course includes an introduction to several fibers and a discussion of various types of wheels. You will learn how to ply yarn and how to finish the yarn you have spun. Use a guild wheel or bring you own. Mon. Sept. 10, 17, 24 & Oct. 1, 6pm-9pm Tues. Oct 2, 9 & 16 9am-1pm Mon. Nov. 19, 26, Dec. 3 & 10, 9am-12noon


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Beginning & Advanced Classes: September - December 2012



$85 members/$110 non-members + materials fee payable to the instructor If you have just learned to spin, if you want to learn how to improve your spinning, or if you want to learn the tricks of spinning yarn to the size and texture that you want, this is the class for you. You will spin a variety of fibers, learn to make the wheel do what you want it to, and learn to control the size and type of yarn that you spin. Thurs. Nov. 29, Dec. 6 & 13, 9am-12noon


$35 members/$60 non-members + materials fee payable to in-structor Do you want to learn to spin but you don’t have a wheel? This is a class for beginners that will teach you to spin on drop spindles making spinning fun and portable. This is an easy and inexpensive way to spin a lot of yarn in the little bits of time that are scattered through the day. You will learn to use the various types of drop spindles that allow you to spin several kinds of longer fibers while you sit, stand and walk. Bring any spindles that you have to class. Spindles will be available to use in class. Wed. Sept. 26, 9am-12noon


$35 members/$60 non-members + materials fee payable to the instructor Once you have learned to spin on a drop spindle, the next step is spinning on a support spindle. Support spindles are used for cotton, down fibers like cashmere, yak, camel and bison. They are also used for very fine silk and wool yarns. You will learn the drafting and twisting techniques used with several types of small support spindles as well as the large Navajo type support spindle. Wed. Oct 17, 9am-12noon


$35 members/$60 non-members + materials fee payable to in-structor Topics to be covered will include: anatomy of a spindle, survey of spindles currently on the market, how to choose a good spindle, spinning on ahka, Navajo, Russian and other spindles, plying with spindles and much more. Bring your spindles to share and try mine. Tues. Oct. 30, 9am-12noon

DYEING WOOL THE EASY WAY Instructor – Pat Maley

$60 members/$85 non-members + materials fee payable to in-structor Learn to dye wool fiber or yarn the easy way. We will dye using premixed due so no chemistry is needed. Variegated and solid colors will be dyed. Colors can be mixed to get other variations. Bring animal fiber/yarn (wool, silk, exotics) to dye. There will be some fiber/yarn and dyes included in the materials fee. Additional fiber will be available for purchase for those who don’t have any. Bring a lunch. Wed. Nov. 28, 9am-3pm

BASICS OF COLOR Instructor - Pat Maley

$35 members/$60 non-members + material fee payable to the instructor

Color challenged? This is a hands-on class in which you will mix colors on paper to learn how colors interact and affect each other. You will learn how to describe color by hue, value, and intensity. You will learn about warm and cool colors, contrasts, harmonies, and using the color wheel. Bring a small tablet or sketchbook of paper and a small artist paintbrush.

Wed. Dec. 5, 9-12noon

MAKE YOUR OWN YEARBOOK Instructor – Judy Dominic

$35 members/materials fee payable to instructor Remember how handy the little yearbook was to carry around? Stick around after the September meeting and make your own yearbook! Print out the Member Directory from the guild’s “members only” website page and bring it with you. You’ll have several different options to choose from to make your yearbook just what you want; when you are finished with that, go ahead and make samples of the other book structures. Thurs. Sept. 6, 1:30pm-4:30pm

PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS Instructor – Amy Winegardner

$42 members/$68 non-members Do you have PhotoShop Elements and are still trying to make it work? In this class we will go over the basics of PhotoShop Elements. You will learn how to crop and color adjust your photos, so that you can print them or transfer them to fabric. This is a class that will help you understand how PhotoShop Elements can help you in your projects. If you have the program on your laptop please bring it along, but this will be presented as an instructional lecture. Bring a lunch. Sat. Sept. 29, 10am-2pm

NUNO FELTING Instructor – Amy Winegardner

$42 members/$68 non-members + materials fee payable to instructor In this class we will be creating a Nuno felt silk scarf. Nuno felting is relatively new to the world of felt making. The technique was developed in 1994 by textile artist Polly Stirling and her assistant, Sachiko Kotaka. They learned that by manipu-lating a small amount of wool fiber through a base fabric, they created a felted fabric with characteristics quite different from traditional felt. Nuno felt is lightweight with a lovely drape and flexibility. It is a wonderful textile for apparel, home de cor and jewelry. Truly, the possibilities are endless. We will work with silk scarves, wool roving and wool prefelt to create beautiful artworks. Bring a lunch. Sat. Oct. 20, 10am-2pm



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Pre-registration is required for all classes. Instructors need time to prepare and purchase materials for class.


*Minimum enrollments must be received with registration form and fee 2 weeks prior to class unless otherwise


*Minimum enrollment for all classes is 3 participants.

*Maximum enrollment will vary with each class. Please note the maximum number of participants with each

class description.



Please send a separate check and registration for each class! Check payable to WGGC– Photocopy this form.

Send registration to: Weavers Guild of Greater Cincinnati

Attn: Classes – (Instructors Name)

4870 Gray Road, Cincinnati, OH 45232

Instructors name _________________________________________________________________________________________

Class Title ________________________________________________Starting Date______________________ Fee_________

Your Name ___________________________________________________ Email ____________________________________


City______________________________________ State___________ Zip_____________ Phone _______________________

I understand that my fee will be refunded if the class is cancelled or held at a different time.

Looms and wheels for members use: Contact Sarah Hoffmann 513-321-0546

For more information about classes, call 513-591-2500 and leave a message. Your call will be returned.

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Page 14

Page 15: 2012 The Weaverbird · 2012 Volume 40, Issue 1 The Weaverbird interest: September Meeting Renovations Prez’ Points Officers & Committee Chairs Programs & Work-shops Fiber Arts Sale


4870 Gray Road Cincinnati, OH 45232 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED


The Weavers Guild of Greater Cincinnati

24647 Zimmer Road, Guilford, IN 47022

Hours by appointment

Please call or email ahead to be sure we’ll be open

812-576-3904 (shop)

513-335-3338 (cell)


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Our Mission:

The Weavers Guild of Greater Cincinnati, Inc., is a nonprofit organization with the mission of promoting weaving and other fiber arts. Through education of its members and the general public, the Guild is committed to encouraging creativity, excellence, and the preservation of our fiber heritage.