· 2000-08-31 · ERRY EN0ME3T0, Start Chairmsn-Japangse American Voice Rings...

ERRY EN0ME3T0, Start Chairmsn- Japangse American Voice Rings loud and Clear in This Campaign Prop. 14. the California Real Ertate Assns segrega- It, has scn-ed one useful purpose. Why Californians Are Voting No on Prop. 14 1 URWalMMM* 50^ READERS- sccew OM S0*T«f MO *T LOS MULES. OUJr. ruSLSHED WtEXlT , PLCEST LiSt's^Br or YEAa m PACIFIC CITIZEN vot. W MO. 14 PftlOAY. OCTOBER U. 1M4 C. inOT.N i' Seldom tutf an issue so moved and motrilized the Japa* American community. Christians and Buddhists. Ch^ of Commerce, service clubs, fratemal group* group* resenting a-wide cross section of our communities, have record for "No on 14. Our group has traditionally not been aggressive in mat- of this kind, and our collective voice hu not been loud, being heard loud and dear non-. A large number of new voters have been registered Kigbout the State by the concerted effort of many. It is iiiicanl that chapters of the JACL played leading rotes lis maxlsuD effort Heartwarming might best describe the jricture.of so V community elements teaming up in a common i!*we. ■presence of 1.400 Californians at the $MH>er-pl»ir* Ecr on Sept 29 in San FTaodsco was perhaps the most ig testimonial to this.. ThWy-five Americans of Japa- sneestr^ were conspicuous by their presCTce. \ Also of signlficauce was the presence of a number of estate people. Flovd Lowe, a past president of the CREA. gave os a :ng account of the feelinp of those of his i»of«sion stand for true "freedomand place human values property values. A number of letters have been received from people are strangertin one sense, but who are unmistskahly ids in the sense of kinship on this issue. NoUbfc was Hr. Nasao Satoy Executive Secretery Japanese A»iertom» CitiMne LMI91M Dear Mr. satowi I an clad to OuMw bow much our citiaens of japaneae aaceatry ara doing to P«>- ' . . , . . . _____ a ...______ ____ VauA .-hta I A Education will beat 14 LOS .tMCBLESA* tbe furtt tJ Expcrti »*r*« lia? > Ur»e deleal P>vp 14 ftepi ioU> the rentafe of the voter* did ael uo- fm»l reuadi. it become, more tvi dentaod the irue anpiicauae* o( rial. •Tmiaidyer dcBl tc the day that the ke^ !o the mibaUv* when il qunUficd tar enerted by Rwrry JACL«- Vy- •voter education"- the baUot and many »uU eu^bot. betveee aoe ead Mor. t -r »e ranaiama day* are vielorv pba*eU of of the Jape Prop g W beh> the XbM . _ A recent 1 1* A^in*t zinc noted. CooUBmeS pcsitit tunity itioa 14, and'happy to have thl* oppor-- ,ity to thank you. Of courae. re»ne*r»rin« the past, your activity im not au^rtaang. let Mka clear by our MO'vote on 14 on ion day that California hat rejactad tr whola pattam of eacond-claet citiaenahip which eoiaatiiBaa ahowa itaalf in afforta to exaction day that < polUten from. CaWar- ocmenuiuir anna> A lew mwAs a^. brinre the ma'( Optaioo ReManSi Inc saked S-teMtea ■«* itatrwide J AC L Comrarttee Nefnxs whether they »p|»*vad oe your Cnrhag cerd u»U WiwiB An«M PnJp 14 first met in Sac tbr amentSmeot. SB pet taid thal wh»you are votaig a«a^. Francisco the first Sunday after That w*» yu»l what ftey had be®. 14. adw then, to do ^ aated- the NaUooal JAO. Coovcimoo in wenUna aU along. But when the I Wanning al iMat IS of jmm Deirmt lax July. p«dl*trr* predict- ptdhier* told the aame Magroei fiisedl. . ed an overwhelming viclory for the what thr practical eff®t* of the 4 No* the tnfonpal poll, tell a a«aiaat a." eu** **. Pt"'* dHfrrmt story- In Northern Cab- This U the evidence that urges 14. JACL QiiimilOaei caa ai«ae fomta the racr ehoul even and the JA<3- Statewide Ccmimittae a ap^tar U aaedad. ^___ in Southern Cailfonua the pc.-- Agmnjt Pitip 14 and ocher timiUr t Waking i»e o4 nw ttyn*. Cl,. anwln, orlMutkira thro*.*., ft. .1.1. » ICloser Vv ttte percenute *of ye* to spare no eflon to defeat thr o< metropolitan and total anwt^ i-oiet every dv pfcyiwaioB through voUrr aducs- p^. Nisei realtor convinced Prop. 14 would jeopoidito i«kn».>^ as he recalls bow discrindiMlion have deterred In ite PHI provnnt noon of our pnopln from owning land, ind aofltotiaaa in an attonpt, auch aa Propo- Bition 14, to prp%*ant tha Legialatura fr<* protacting tha right of all poepU to own a plaaaa axtand toy thanka to all waobara of the JACL. BY CLARENCE NBRXZV Aaahetoi Burd at BcaHan actions of the top lew 1. lOce Mr. Lcme, « of CR£A and those ? SJBWO 6. BBOMR. Covamor realtor boards who have knuckled douTi-lo their pres- An interesting sidelight was the comment regarding BMiienls made of members few a "dlscrimlnMiOB" fund «haU of Prop; 14. * At a community meeting in Traej-, at which 150 pec^te cared, a CathaBc priest and Methodist minister additaMd hselves ae^nsU*rop. 14. Amidst a predomlnintly ho^ Lence. an tatUvidual arose to support Prop. 14. .Aside froTte'^ fact that his participatiOD exposed ^ •oMUon reasoning and madp our sUBd more effective ___ _ ________________ )bablv the last thing ha wanted) t found his remarks L06 awgelesihi furor ovtr t^ck^n^md. o»e Ni»ei f»may wm not 6c »u«h uo«mu*i ,,c.ny mU««. merit. They typlcl of >*■. P^"" S. 'T «» -h. »» the "^es" proponents, and laced with such words as califanua m t*rm* of the Nuci ' "communisia" etc buyer. Ju»t bow nuKh di»crimtr.y- SMie Btwfcer* Bfid Bee* A Nisei from' Washington wrote of her deep eooceni b*n *ri, of the oWorls of her chafeh -can* wbo are tn the m nmtf'OmnilV' UUi route »o that »«urity aod 'economic procre** of . I>iicriiniBil HU, whi <b. humul K, h»u». d««'l *»™.iu, U CUUU.U pProp. «„diu.unidmeol.herf..rt.othereh»rch S duette imople on their SUke in this Dght. _____ u, .d^t you aio knkio, Ur, r. io luv. mi iiimoUud duuiu. o.m,. Ounty .. > o.. ^ ooM, *iu.ooghud,h«r..«yi„£.u.uoie.,u™^^^^ Housing in So.Caiif. stiH unequal for Nisei, despite 'buyers marketBut Prop M *rould rob the » 1 further britove Itat n U court* of thmr rt#il to protect the peratto* Wte SaoM be «>aeaM individual and give owner* "abrv ■> at to mculcato in their rntndt luto dtacrwuiio" at to their diapoti- the aeue id awartmaat ^ mt uca of property wltlmut rtfard to value of orfahaacua and uaXy tt Since 1 am a txoperty owoet „„ ^ om luhn m .America. and would be faced wittLthc Idrou- klore recenav. In October MO. WBB Bo*4 Baatoaa ___ cal probtem* otter properly own- , j^ee. couple wa* abowa a bmue Eviey^eitoeaday I uwally aV <n have, then was much rosearch ^ Bevery CaiOo: Ectatei to tood rintoiiiir Boird of Ml and aouUaarching lor me to de- Caitoea Grove. A bntoar fnewd of uct mcMtoC Sotae Wne an*,- a etde oa whutt tide of the Prop retunmg to hit office pcQttou wa* nmilatod araoac jD* 14 lence l abould tread- «-ith rt ' ' - 'NaOroal Director Mat Satow f had aeked NiAizu to write ttu ^ objroted to bavttg a > arhcle from a Niaci reate» ^ broker atomd bow one te a ataad. Ni*hi*i wai to Saa Praa- igrateit IL He roplkd that the fwii « ci»OD attaKlltkg tte roaventton to easeclad (urtttr aatad to bitoUe lor ticaa- the CaiilornU Beal Eatate Aaaa.. ren»*« the pror* al toanasg caaun. eo^tponior of. Prop 14 > tte market Ai * raamte to JACL wBkb - h> Prop l< leek* to aoUThou«h are citaeo. by birth. tou*a Bar equal rt«iu. I roaW l> porttotu to eurttag law* <»ueh ^ y„ xht- .amt m to my n^Rful emari ai«i 4t as tte Rumtord and Usruh AeUi ^ tnrtteae* guaranteed peuttoa. Bow eautf I aM ettaca which deal with nacial and r^ otter Ameneaaa. who happro to to toga a*te 1 MAean a eicttto pous dtomintBatkB by ptwerty Caueaaian Tbe Dectaratei to to t Aaabeim c. aner returamg m u* s>uge peauuu wa* nrcuiairo amwa 9 the buyer, teoeived a eaD mpnilurttB' to qualBy tte aaw n tte aeUer fUttog Ua heigh- Pm. M«a ttt haUoL I; wa* qtlB objeeled to bavtag a Niaej Uve irfginiiipi to me to be tbe «wtv e peuuto * their agenu. to gu*- iatepenteice fUpulatoa that "an Aad Ite thnna of tte CBEA eto*- ----------- tte ability to reject ^ ,^m»«d equal, that they » _ - . applicant* tor any rearoa mclade ,,, endowed by their Crrotor with raotee them t Fraaciaeo BT EATB EllNmOGC <Bpacial to tte Petoftc CStiReai aad rellgtai. atal to re^ uaahenahie . . .. _ Vi»ei «>» with cltwum- OTO tract lor ttitaace giwaraiof bodies tte abUiiy tteee are Uc. Uberty and taver of Prop. l4 regard tbe Rum- Stance* eaactly alike, the aamr where tong-u-rm fioancinc 1*^.^ •per- HMe to Oiaage Ceter •" •'n«M Arc tJasaaese Antanc Racial ducrimmatieo ha* acted UUed to equal nghu to tlw "pOr mas* to tte peopte to tbetr bade SIBt to family lise. tte same edue«#oe*l able, and the d I -Iboae ta ttr mtoorittos to tltoir totoirad n*t to acv>lf« ptSage aad I " rtBit* to ehwee ta rea&ag o a* toceUTaed. me tteir peapoTye that JACL and Ye ttit Act eaaceRu'hem 1 attich wi ____ Needless to say. aa authorittUve ____ _______ ___ rouslv donated funds. k have^nythtag available tor ^ Sxirfi there « pocket* ol As SUte diaiman of the campaign. 1 urgently ask fel- •' ** *.California Nisei. JACLws (B Ml. to give what they can -nu* article, being «rtt»ea by The exp^Mhi of a fight MMM-v-MM in ** naaea tor tsiad* wtiii* a ',.^,,■1, of their *<> protect our ri^u a* cituen*. all the pauple. iLgaidlcn to_rtet. e carapais'L » uigcnuy *v. ^ 8 cw Ml. to give what they can -nu* It ike this fTV. radio, id*) »?"«" >. tarq bawiLineHiirs anAfrtr - ""y* that ooe realtor lanply refused to gcle*. U'l Ibtoo, Borte HeWit. kW the Usei geaeratna show her any pi'uiicnies ia the L** west Lo* Aageles. Oardcaa. Pasa- owaiaf land . '■'■iiTiiti.1. *TW ^ Pelt* •fva, Anotter give her ttt deaa. Loag Beech Monterey Park The Uroi were j tr il and prtvneges as Aterteaa* and fund* are c aot tor tbe fact that disertmi- **ial we deserve to be treated with raatofc to : MhM «»M LMd L.. a, .no, , bmM WIW- 1 tor tte eetfish ad- •e whii want tte fC^ltouid ca Page I) Kndous. Send your Wt to JACL hetdqoerteri d"S'br®i^usii« suMy lPS,l,«Jpn.m«-.her.vtr 11 s««, il «lll ■» -b, m. I, . mic), LKbp, 14. ttoerttme iauT- sympaOtauc neculuirated. th We arc in the home stretch- Each of u* needs to commit ourselves as much as we tn this effort. . If the least thal vou can do Is to talk to your fnends RivcObem the word on Prop- 14. you will Rave done •Mhing. 1 invite all Americans of Japanese ancestry to remember thing, if nothing else, the Cabfomia Real KsUte Assn, tahind Prop 14- This is the outfit that has traditionally e iu best to capiulizc on every means to make Japanese ericans second class citizens, in the hu.dMss of hmistng- 1 for one wiU be happy to »vc them a kick in the t^th. and «M be the oeqwst growiag area. •rtiv;iii». «»c time eDterpruiag. the deotod tte latoL And tte Jape- 1 m San Pedro at deiued the right to fijhiag boat*. Uphill Battle Agates! Bigotry BY LABRT TAJIBl «fT«t inteeesttog tto«itt-«: view* Witt Niaei twalwr* lyet. ttere are N«ci tnembers to tte *»««* CaUtornia Real R*Uto A«*n- erweial quesUoo at tbU ptwii ^ , ,mM.b.r.hiP U. l-.l ». d, O. Bm' tePpUs SmT KiJT hoard*'. ever aftor? }Shc >aid tte ted a rompirtel* denied to Ni*ei. Jewish neal-<taor neighbor who tualtari* Cnamte* ' ' wax ratter imfnendlyin lacL tte Yta hwri.. wMh tte cmi*eaiBS dumped garbage ta her yanL I Nisei realtor Rartey Taira. ----------------------------------------- - naged fact feel* s- Hence, tte Nisei'aod Sansei have The . profiseen in Calif:rnia real extatc Intern'.* « Barer'* Ma*%M Tbdar Ur no a'rea.«. »Vtt the po*slble n- !'JUI; *wtt'to perpetuaie facial tticnmi roption to San Manno and Jarti *" natarn te reason* to early 'te*. Ttaeaed Dew. ta PbUeet.^ ______- Niaei real ertale broker* target how she taid ahe ■fcniT to be that it is a bu.verV i> dUcourage tti* wemra or Soutteni CalitomU bousttg market That ie to »ay. tte *un>l.Y whether they finally moved away ture far Nisei that he feel* tte A aetuaHy ea- But my friend *akS tte eoataderrd paaaagc to Prop, 14 woojdn-t make apparently are aueccedmg ta work ing their rocker <4ay on a aegmeai Japanese Amenean* aeuirntlig PWl*- I to Orange County after BttfJ were a-maraiillr an aatic Ni- aorry day to IMS tte tatoC* to Paarl Harbor, the avfl nghu to tte Niaei •rt aside temporarjy i* adequate. If not actually ....................................... ceedifif the demand. Particularly her a minor nuiswiec aoTway. So- much difference to tte home rnd .when tte current market U cim- eially. the wa. invited to )oto property-teying Ja;taneto .Ameri- treated with more dignity, thanks to tbe benasm of tte .•fixei GI. But ie MQover 90 year; after nto>t.»to Prop 14 en the Caliiomia atate ballot ta tte ipanese can't buy or reni anywhere Jn in frandpeo; two eq»rtentes offered kcial to the Pactok; Ocuen) id give foe FRANCISCO A realur tkm. «iog for Prop. 14 declarad that Another recent ekpenence wa or Japaneae anenrtry ran diKrtnlnahtt w purttaat teosttg "any I called, tor my to the rtftiea when an ever- luncheon group* and card group* arheittinc demand ior a plto ol in thr neighborhood, and wa* qu**e groitod and' a bufllinf',i* barm,, happy witt her new htmie, I bath- to c*H .hotte created a Her situation pxau aituatei ta which everybody seem- thing which I ferl is cd to be ta the market tor tefnes you are determmod uta every otter btoy seemed » certain be ta tte real estate bostaess. tte find «u current picture » a good deal more her inan-Niaci'that i* tricodly ,,r-rrmn- >. »ati«lactory explana- ,^cene. and the buyer ron mnee er the oet^ttortmod feneraBy «^4' Jiitoatioo auU c«l«. less pick and ttooee. genial. ' ^ The picture 1* aro*y « > ,naBy Niaci '«e » the buyer's .tl'A" tt™J^.wiUtaa to '"«»eer'!^to Ui.s hU ttta no Japanese Amenean*I ^ i; pr- SCI. blinded by reason* to selfltt advantage, who have fallen for tte cymeal campaign eS 14 «n t el*r- evaaiaUDn to Japanese Amarieina' on crouadt to tnce ataoe attada kxlay a* ana o ftte meat *haa>y Vuti HiIU to Ftillenoe Pnto 14 wiB grant "fr^om . VI*C» mils <a ruun-ioD. ^ _ »•_ However, anotter Niaei realtor. Ken Nakaoka to Gardena, prob- ^ ^ purttare m .cw.«.»tv .____ ____ 1. aldy ttoce closely agree. Witt gen- witt the term to tte lirting. but Pte**** d to^ ta a "W4 Nte optttan ttat w^iUe a tte owner refused to sen because h:usifig to w What Tf*rop Tbe Niad were row to towro ttaS' tte taBiti stere wrong, aad 9m feeltag to mas* guOt Ml hg |M , aany of tteir fcliow AmertcagK. . who acepted tte e ynu Ctoi pntebN targe enough ctece h tgnn to tte ^ KtaeL e covert. ■S«Uemen-. aatvament" tvew to subtle discri- /'mmp.pmT - ,p^ MP,», ?»■ p,.M„ Prop. 14 would nulUly section* tte «atc boitatac taws, "1S2!^y hero achteed a SwtoTNir «ay tte n.*a listed ta - «* «»W ttft m 6w senfee of aim- iTVve to P*r breaking new g^nd, ktert »*P^- -tonng, in , , Ntael take tte atttude that ttey "tVttasJjeen the personal ea- Tb^ apart«»«ta were ta above- ^^^^ood to «0.«« tace to Tasumoto of SOtO average neigtitehands. {tisei botne buyer doerot towich SL. ttat« Is ottepwtse "Aftar getting aome tafor^bon fa, a* f« ^ titad two^Suaptas. rtoul tte apartmy, ta eatt c^. sale aitad a real estato tofice 1 aikcd a it made any datewee ^e's tootang tor. for sale, to ttem icen. hvmg there ir ,wo.Y aaked B it made any dBterence »« .ta,,.,.- -M bu. MM «. -U' 1 Lck " rP ^ ^ _ phoney ekcuse*. such *r- <tt. »swinamng pool tt tte tec* yaro « hat very few J . that they are net wanted Bal* to Niaei Bteten - saitL *\-tia htmw. ibeie are myseB until ■^nes and Oriemals-Japa- -The above ^ Ju*t •te Qimeaa-tt tha neigh- peratoial axpenencni- I toen identified myaelf: jmu. how can I be^ tan ■tt ctotarenased aad unaWi on Prop. «*" iwiaantag'pool m tte back yard Instead, ttey go to Niaei reel ■®;!^i^^able io cS5 tte Nte are roneaewd: Soutaero Japanese American, are.totaraiad Calitaenta U an Lpen teustag B not wnkmne Ibis wiD oaualN iro, U <im- mean'tnat tte teme* avaOable are and that tbe down gay' No* 1 ask pie. No, it b not. E>ron tte mota nto new No persbtew optimbt artU ogre* that meot te tivva. a Csuronao famO.' and s *ta*i,l. Pres,g«a: foittd enactment to future fair boistac IcguUtsn. The iaaue it Even with tbe aggregate of such primartly ^ whitta ctotoanu Cal; IPMl.,, ppd.m,MP,.pdp, to force tito aale since tte owner a^ct* tte ctoam a the other . ted tte role right to dtaertnvnata. »« a* wpn. The facokcT a* agmit to the aeller Prop M u a bental attack eouM not be teta. As a Ur. resort, agnuut the Civii rigbu revnkitJte I met tte seller ta peiwon. explaiii- to tti.« currant genamua whiek [ to him to my qualBicatusis has s«ea t tteee stffi estau poekctt to s Ameneaaa. on racial j Yte PTOBfaad Mato Yteae Ifiata atto tote >inta M or dmg tteir tort IB iRe t<RW to have- tte araa to aquality aad betroytog tte king ntf- dowB be- D-Jy for AmeiTcans. regardleas to ^ - ______ ^He- was r«e. color or refigitoL ^ ASLiteThaw^SadiiF Shouta tte propaneaU to Prjp ^ inmikin to ttair own cMi tte area would be prtud But ! wai flatly turned drora enae to my aaceaby atmki It would .taopafttle tte sate of tte rest to bu iMa. i* succeed ta theu- endeavor, all More than ever, i roaliaad ttat civO ntfits taBstation would be wlttout gorornmeni, wlttcnt law. m»perttod. for tteir bhirapb would yet » oa* witteu; courts to eoforec ttem. I emholdte tagtoi toarwtaetc m tt«M uw m UnitedSutet That u w«iT. a* Ctli j^neae te fartte * Governor Bdffiiad C |i nmn ;pat; Brown BoUd m New YoH speu day. ttkf tte fight iiM. arcMa

Transcript of · 2000-08-31 · ERRY EN0ME3T0, Start Chairmsn-Japangse American Voice Rings...

Page 1: · 2000-08-31 · ERRY EN0ME3T0, Start Chairmsn-Japangse American Voice Rings loud and Clear in This Campaign Prop. 14. the California Real Ertate Assn’s “segrega-

ERRY EN0ME3T0, Start Chairmsn-Japangse American Voice Rings loud and Clear in This CampaignProp. 14. the California Real Ertate Assn’s “segrega-

It”, has scn-ed one useful purpose.

Why Californians Are Voting No on Prop. 14 1


50^ READERS-sccew OM S0*T«f



C. inOT.N i'

Seldom tutf an issue so moved and motrilized the Japa* American community. Christians and Buddhists. Ch^ of Commerce, service clubs, fratemal group* group*

resenting a-wide cross section of our communities, have record for "No on 14”.

Our group has traditionally not been aggressive in mat- of this kind, and our collective voice hu not been loud,

being heard loud and dear non-.

A large number of new voters have been registered Kigbout the State by the concerted effort of many. It is iiiicanl that chapters of the JACL played leading rotes lis maxlsuD effortHeartwarming might best describe the jricture.of so V community elements teaming up in a common i!*we. ■presence of 1.400 Californians at the $MH>er-pl»ir* Ecr on Sept 29 in San FTaodsco was perhaps the most ig testimonial to this.. ThWy-five Americans of Japa- sneestr^ were conspicuous by their presCTce. \ Also of signlficauce was the presence of a number of estate people.Flovd Lowe, a past president of the CREA. gave os a :ng account of the feelinp of those of his i»of«sion stand for true "freedom” and place human values property values.A number of letters have been received from people are strangertin one sense, but who are unmistskahly

ids in the sense of kinship on this issue. NoUbfc was

Hr. Nasao SatoyExecutive SecreteryJapanese A»iertom» CitiMne LMI91M

Dear Mr. satowi

I an clad to OuMw bow much our citiaens of japaneae aaceatry ara doing to P«>-' . . , . . . _____ a ...______ ____ VauA .-hta I

A Education will beat 14LOS .tMCBLES—A* tbe furtt tJ Expcrti »*r*« lia? > Ur»e deleal P>vp 14 ftepi ioU> the rentafe of the voter* did ael uo- fm»l reuadi. it become, more tvi dentaod the irue anpiicauae* o( rial. •Tmiaidyer dcBl tc the day that the ke^ !o the mibaUv* when il qunUficd tar enerted by Rwrry JACL«- Vy- •

•voter education"- the baUot and many »uU eu^bot.

betveee aoe ead Mor. t -r »e ranaiama day* are

vielorv pba*eU of of the Jape Prop

g W beh> the XbM. _ A recent 1

1* A^in*t zinc noted. CooUBmeS

pcs it it tunity

itioa 14, and'happy to have thl* oppor-- ,ity to thank you. Of courae. re»ne*r»rin«

the past, your activity im not au^rtaang.

let Mka clear by our MO'vote on 14 on ion day that California hat rejactad tr

whola pattam of eacond-claet citiaenahip which eoiaatiiBaa ahowa itaalf in afforta toexaction day that <

polUten from. CaWar- ocmenuiuir anna>A lew mwAs a^. brinre the ma'( Optaioo ReManSi Inc saked S-teMtea • ■«*

itatrwide J AC L Comrarttee Nefnxs whether they »p|»*vad oe your Cnrhag cerd u»U WiwiB An«M PnJp 14 first met in Sac tbr amentSmeot. SB pet taid thal wh»’ you are votaig a«a^. Francisco the first Sunday after That w*» yu»l what ftey had be®. 14. adw then, to do ^ aated- the NaUooal JAO. Coovcimoo in wenUna aU along. But when the I Wanning al iMat IS of jmm Deirmt lax July. p«dl*trr* predict- ptdhier* told the aame Magroei fiisedl. .ed an overwhelming viclory for the what thr practical eff®t* of the 4

No* the tnfonpal poll, tell a a«aiaat a." eu** **. Pt"'* ‘dHfrrmt story- In Northern Cab- This U the evidence that urges 14. JACL QiiimilOaei caa ai«aefomta the racr *» ehoul even and the JA<3- Statewide • Ccmimittae a ap^tar U aaedad. ^___in Southern Cailfonua the pc.-- Agmnjt Pitip 14 and ocher timiUr t Waking i»e o4 nw ttyn*. Cl,. anwln, orlMutkira thro*.*., ft. .1.1. » I— *° *»Closer Vv ttte percenute *of ye* to spare no eflon to defeat thr o< metropolitan and total anwt^ i-oiet every dv pfcyiwaioB through voUrr aducs- p^.

Nisei realtor convinced Prop. 14 would jeopoidito i«kn».>^ as he recalls bow discrindiMlion have deterred In ite PHI

provnnt noon of our pnopln from owning land, ind aofltotiaaa in an attonpt, auch aa Propo- Bition 14, to prp%*ant tha Legialatura fr<* protacting tha right of all poepU to own aplaaaa axtand toy thanka to all waobara of the JACL.

BY CLARENCE NBRXZV Aaahetoi Burd at BcaHan

actions of the top lew 1. lOce Mr. Lcme, «of CR£A and those ?

SJBWO 6. BBOMR. Covamorrealtor boards who have knuckled douTi-lo their pres-

An interesting sidelight was the comment regarding BMiienls made of members few a "dlscrimlnMiOB" fund «haU of Prop; 14.• • • *At a community meeting in Traej-, at which 150 pec^te

cared, a CathaBc priest and Methodist minister additaMd hselves ae^nsU*rop. 14. Amidst a predomlnintly ho^Lence. an tatUvidual arose to support Prop. 14..Aside froTte'^ fact that his participatiOD exposed ^

•oMUon reasoning and madp our sUBd more effective ___ _ ________________)bablv the last thing ha wanted) t found his remarks L06 awgeles—ihi furor ovtr t^ck^n^md. o»e Ni»ei f»may wm not 6c »u«h • .«uo«mu*i ,,c.ny mU««. merit. They typlcl of >*■. P^"’ " S. 'T «» -h”. »»

the "^’es" proponents, and laced with such words as califanua m t*rm* of the Nuci' "communisia" etc buyer. Ju»t bow nuKh di»crimtr.y- SMie Btwfcer* Bfid Bee*

A Nisei from' Washington wrote of her deep eooceni b*n *ri,of the oWorls of her chafeh -can* wbo are tn the m

nmtf'OmnilV' UUi route »o that »«urity aod 'economic procre** of . I>iicriiniBil HU, whi <b. humul K, h»u». d««'l *»™.iu, U CUUU.U

pProp. «„diu.unidmeol.herf..rt.othereh»rch “Sduette imople on their SUke in this Dght. ____ _ u, .d^t you aio knkio, Ur, r. io luv. mi iiimoUud duuiu. o.m,. Ounty .. > o.— . ^ ooM,*iu.ooghud,h«r..«yi„£.u.uoie.,u™^^^^

Housing in So.Caiif. stiH unequal for Nisei, despite 'buyer’s market’

But Prop M *rould rob the » 1 further britove Itat n U court* of thmr rt#il to protect the peratto* Wte SaoM be «>aeaM individual and give owner* "abrv ■> at to mculcato in their rntndt luto dtacrwuiio" at to their diapoti- the aeue id awartmaat ^ mt uca of property wltlmut rtfard to value of orfahaacua and uaXy tt

Since 1 am a txoperty owoet „„ ^ om luhn m .America.and would be faced wittLthc Idrou- klore recenav. In October MO. WBB Bo*4 Baatoaa ___cal probtem* otter properly own- , j^ee. couple wa* abowa a bmue Eviey^eitoeaday I uwally aV <n have, then was much rosearch „ ^ Bevery CaiOo: Ectatei to tood rintoiiiir Boird of Ml and aouUaarching lor me to de- Caitoea Grove. A bntoar fnewd of uct mcMtoC Sotae Wne an*,- a etde oa whutt tide of the Prop retunmg to hit office pcQttou wa* nmilatod araoac jD*14 lence l abould tread- «-ith rt ' ' — -

'NaOroal Director Mat Satow fhad aeked NiAizu to write ttu ^ objroted to bavttg a > arhcle from a Niaci reate» ^ broker atomd bow one te aataad. Ni*hi*i wai to Saa Praa- igrateit IL He roplkd that the fwii « ci»OD attaKlltkg tte roaventton to ease clad (urtttr aatad to bitoUe lor ticaa-

• the CaiilornU Beal Eatate Aaaa.. ren»*« the pror* al toanasg caaun.eo^tponior of. Prop 14 > tte market Ai * raamte to JACL wBkb

- h> Prop l< leek* to aoU Thou«h w» are citaeo. by birth. tou*a Bar equal rt«iu. I roaWl> porttotu to eurttag law* <»ueh ^ y„ xht- .amt m to my n^Rful emari ai«i 4tas tte Rumtord and Usruh AeUi ^ tnrtteae* guaranteed peuttoa. Bow eautf I aM ettacawhich deal with nacial and r^ otter Ameneaaa. who happro to to toga a*te 1 MAean a eictttopous dtomintBatkB by ptwerty Caueaaian Tbe Dectaratei to to t


c. aner returamg m u* s>uge peauuu wa* nrcuiairo amwa 9 the buyer, teoeived a eaD mpnilurttB' to qualBy tte aaw n tte aeUer fUttog Ua heigh- Pm. M «a ttt haUoL I; wa* qtlB objeeled to bavtag a Niaej Uve irfginiiipi to me to be tbe «wtv

e peuuto *

their agenu. to gu*- iatepenteice fUpulatoa that "an Aad Ite thnna of tte CBEA eto*------------ tte ability to reject ^ ,^m»«d equal, that they » _ - .applicant* tor any rearoa mclade ,,, endowed by their Crrotor with •raotee them t Fraaciaeo

BT EATB EllNmOGC <Bpacial to tte Petoftc CStiReai

aad rellgtai. atal to re^ uaahenahie . . .. _Vi»ei «>» with cltwum- OTO tract lor ttitaace giwaraiof bodies tte abUiiy tteee are Uc. Uberty and taver of Prop. l4 regard tbe Rum-Stance* eaactly alike, the aamr where tong-u-rm fioancinc 1*^.^

•per- HMe to Oiaage Ceter •" •'n«MArc tJasaaese Antanc

Racial ducrimmatieo ha* acted UUed to equal nghu to tlw "pOr mas* to tte peopte to tbetr bade SIBt to

family lise. tte same edue«#oe*l able, and the dI -Iboae ta

ttr mtoorittos to tltoir totoirad n*t to acv>lf«

ptSage aad I • " •

rtBit* to ehwee ta rea&ag o a* toceUTaed. me tteir peapoTy”

e that JACL and Ye ttit Act eaaceRu'hem 1 attich wi

____ Needless to say. aa authorittUve ____ _______ ___

rouslv donated funds. k have^nythtag available tor ^ Sxirfi there « pocket* ol

As SUte diaiman of the campaign. 1 urgently ask fel- •' ** *“.California Nisei. JACLws (B Ml. to give what they can -nu* article, being «rtt»ea by

The exp^Mhi of a fight

MMM-v-MM in ** naaea tor tsiad* wtiii* a',.^,,■1, of their *<> protect our ri^u a* cituen*. all the pauple. iLgaidlcn to_rtet.

e carapais'L » uigcnuy *v. ^8 cw Ml. to give what they can -nu* It ike this fTV. radio, id*) *« »?"«" >. tarq bawiLineHiirs anAfrtr - ""“y*

that ooe realtor lanply refused to gcle*. U'l Ibtoo, Borte HeWit. kW the Usei • geaeratna show her any pi'uiicnies ia the L** west Lo* Aageles. Oardcaa. Pasa- owaiaf land .

'■'■iiTiiti.1. *TW ^ Pelt* •fva, Anotter give her ttt deaa. Loag Beech Monterey Park The Uroi were

j tr il and prtvneges as Aterteaa* and fund* are c aot tor tbe fact that disertmi- **ial we deserve to be treated with raatofc to

: MhM „ «»M LMd L.. a, .no, , bmM WIW-

1 tor tte eetfish ad- •e whii want tte

fC^ltouid ca Page I)

Kndous. Send your Wt to JACL hetdqoerteri ”d"S'br®i^usii« suMylPS,l,«Jpn.m«-.her.vtr 11 s««, il «lll ■» -b, m. I, . mic),

LKbp, 14. ttoerttme ■ iauT- sympaOtauc neculuirated. thWe arc in the home stretch- Each of u* needs to commit ourselves as much as we tn this effort. .If the least thal vou can do Is to talk to your fnends RivcObem the word on Prop- 14. you will Rave done

•Mhing.1 invite all Americans of Japanese ancestry to remember thing, if nothing else, the Cabfomia Real KsUte Assn, tahind Prop 14- This is the outfit that has traditionally e iu best to capiulizc on every means to make Japanese ericans second class citizens, in the hu.dMss of hmistng-

1 for one wiU be happy to »vc them a kick in the t^th.

and «Mbe the oeqwst growiag area.

•rtiv;iii». «»c time • eDterpruiag. the

deotod tte latoL And tte Jape- 1 m San Pedro at deiued the right to fijhiag boat*.

Uphill Battle Agates! BigotryBY LABRT TAJIBl

«fT«t inteeesttog tto«itt-«: view* Witt Niaei twalwr* lyet.ttere are N«ci tnembers to tte *»««*CaUtornia Real R*Uto A«*n- erweial quesUoo at tbU ptwii ^ ,

,mM.b.r.hiP U. l-.l ». d, O. Bm' tePpUs SmT KiJThoard*'. ever aftor? }Shc >aid tte ted a rompirtel* denied to Ni*ei.

Jewish neal-<taor ’ neighbor who tualtari* Cnamte* '' wax ratter imfnendly—in lacL tte

Yta hwri.. wMh tte cmi*eaiBS dumped garbage ta her yanL I Nisei realtor Rartey Taira.----------------------------------------- - — —naged fact feel* s- •

Hence, tte Nisei'aod Sansei haveThe . profiseen in

Calif:rnia real extatc Intern'.* «

Barer'* Ma*%M Tbdar

Ur no a'rea.«. »Vtt the po*slble n- !'‘JUI; *wtt'to perpetuaie facial tticnmiroption to San Manno and Jarti *" natarn te reason* to

early 'te*.

Ttaeaed Dew. ta PbUeet.^

______- Niaei real ertale broker* target how she taid ahe■fcniT to be that it is a bu.verV i> dUcourage tti* wemra or Soutteni CalitomU bousttg market That ie to »ay. tte *un>l.Y whether they finally moved away ture far Nisei that he feel* tte

A aetuaHy ea- But my friend *akS tte eoataderrd paaaagc to Prop, 14 woojdn-t make

apparently are aueccedmg ta work ing their rocker <4ay on a aegmeai

Japanese Amenean* aeuirntlig PWl*-

I to Orange County after BttfJ were • a-maraiillr an aatic Ni-

aorry day to IMS tte tatoC* to Paarl Harbor, the avfl nghu to tte Niaei •rt aside temporarjy

i* adequate. If not actually .......................................ceedifif the demand. Particularly her a minor nuiswiec aoTway. So- much difference to tte home rnd .when tte current market U cim- eially. the wa. invited to )oto property-teying Ja;taneto .Ameri-

treated with more dignity, thanks to tbe benasm of tte .•fixei GI.But ie MQ—over 90 year; after

nto>t.»to Prop 14 en the Caliiomia atate ballot ta tte

ipanese can't buy or reni anywhere Jn in frandpeo; two eq»rtentes offeredkcial to the Pactok; Ocuen) id give foe

FRANCISCO — A realur tkm.«iog for Prop. 14 declarad that • Another recent ekpenence wa or Japaneae anenrtry ran diKrtnlnahtt w purttaat teosttg "any I called, tor my

to the rtftiea when an ever- luncheon group* and card group* arheittinc demand ior a plto ol in thr neighborhood, and wa* qu**e groitod and' a bufllinf',i* barm,, happy witt her new htmie, ■I bath- to c*H .hotte created a Her situation pxau aituatei ta which everybody seem- thing which I ferl is cd to be ta the market tor tefnes you are determmod uta every otter btoy seemed » certain be ta tte real estate bostaess. tte find «ucurrent picture » a good deal more her inan-Niaci'that i* tricodly ,,r-rrmn- >.

»ati«lactory explana- ,^cene. and the buyer ron mnee er the oet^ttortmod feneraBy «^4' Jiitoatioo auU c«l«.less pick and ttooee. genial. ' ^

The picture 1* aro*y « “> ,naBy Niaci '«e » the buyer's.’tl'A" tt™“ J^.wiUtaa to '"«»eer'!^to Ui.s hU ttta no

Japanese Amenean*—I

^ i; p—r-

SCI. blinded by reason* to selfltt advantage, who have fallen for tte cymeal campaign eS

14 «n tel*r-

evaaiaUDn to Japanese Amarieina' on crouadt to tnce ataoe attada kxlay a* ana o ftte meat *haa>y

Vuti HiIU to Ftillenoe Pnto 14 wiB grant "fr^om. VI*C» mils <a ruun-ioD. ^ _ »•_However, anotter Niaei realtor. „

Ken Nakaoka to Gardena, prob- ^ ^ purttare m .cw.«.»tv .____ ____1. m.—it aldy ttoce closely agree. Witt gen- witt the term to tte lirting. but Pte**** d to^ ta a "W4 Nte optttan ttat w^iUe a tte owner refused to sen because

h:usifig to w What Tf*rop

Tbe Niad were row to towro ttaS' tte taBiti stere wrong, aad 9m feeltag to mas* guOt Ml hg |M

, aany of tteir fcliow AmertcagK. . who acepted tte e

ynu Ctoi pntebN targe enough ctece h tgnn to tte^ KtaeL e covert. ■S«Uemen-.

aatvament" tvew to subtle discri- /'mmp.pmT - ,p^

MP,», ”?“»■

■“ p,.M„ „Prop. 14 would nulUly section*tte «atc boitatac taws, "1S2!^y hero achteed a

SwtoTNir «ay tte n.*a

listed ta - «* «»W ttft m 6w senfee of aim-iTVve to P*r breaking new g^nd, ktert

»*P^- -tonng, in ,, Ntael take tte atttude that ttey"tVttasJjeen the personal ea- Tb^ apart«»«ta were ta above- ^^^^ood to «0.««

tace to Tasumoto of SOtO average neigtitehands. {tisei botne buyer doerottowich SL. ttat« Is ottepwtse "Aftar getting aome tafor^bon fa, a* f« ^titad two^Suaptas. rtoul tte apartmy, ta eatt c^. „ saleaitad a real estato tofice 1 aikcd a it made any datewee ^e's tootang tor.

for sale, to ttem icen. hvmg there ir ,wo.Y

aaked B it made any dBterence

»« .ta,,.,.- -M bu. MM «. -U' 1 “L “ck " rP^ ^ _ phoney ekcuse*. such *r- <tt. »“ swinamng pool tt tte tec* yaro

« hat very few J. that they are net wanted

Bal* to Niaei Bteten

- saitL *\-tia htmw. ibeie are myseB until ■^nes and Oriemals-Japa- -The above ^ Ju*t •te Qimeaa-tt tha neigh- peratoial axpenencni-

I toen identified myaelf: jmu. how can I be^ tan ■tt ctotarenased aad unaWi on Prop. «*"

iwiaantag'pool m tte back yard Instead, ttey go to Niaei reel

■®;!^i^^able io cS5 tte Nte are roneaewd: Soutaero Japanese American, are.totaraiad Calitaenta U an Lpen teustag B not wnkmne Ibis wiD oaualN

iro, U <im- mean'tnat tte teme* avaOable are and that tbe down gay'No* 1 ask pie. No, it b not. E>ron tte mota nto new

No persbtew optimbt artU ogre* that meot te tivva. a Csuronao famO.' and s *ta*i,l.

Pres,g«a: foittd enactment to future fair boistac IcguUtsn. The iaaue it

Even with tbe aggregate of such primartly ^ whitta ctotoanu Cal; IPMl.,, ppd.m,MP,.pdp,to force tito aale since tte owner a^ct* tte ctoam a the other •

. ted tte role right to dtaertnvnata. ■“»« a* wpn.The facokcT a* agmit to the aeller Prop M u a bental attack eouM not be teta. As a Ur. resort, agnuut the Civii rigbu revnkitJte I met tte seller ta peiwon. explaiii- to tti.« currant genamua whiek

[ to him to my qualBicatusis has s«ea t

tteee stffi estau poekctt to sAmeneaaa. on racial j

Yte PTOBfaad Mato

Yteae Ifiata atto tote >inta M or dmg tteir tort IB iRe t<RW

to have- tte araa to aquality aad betroytog tte king ntf-dowB be- D-Jy for AmeiTcans. regardleas to ^ - —______ ^—He- was r«e. color or refigitoL ^ ASLiteThaw^SadiiF

Shouta tte propaneaU to Prjp ^ inmikin to ttair own cMi

tte area would be prtud But ! wai flatly turned drora enae to my aaceaby atmki It would .taopafttle tte sateof tte rest to bu iMa. i* succeed ta theu- endeavor, all

More than ever, i roaliaad ttat civO ntfits taBstation would be wlttout gorornmeni, wlttcnt law. m»perttod. for tteir bhirapb would yet » oa* witteu; courts to eoforec ttem. I emholdte tagtoi toarwtaetc m tt«M uw m

UnitedSutet That u w«iT. a* Ctli j^neae te fartte * Governor Bdffiiad C |i nmn ;pat; Brown BoUd m New YoH speu

day. ttkf tte fight iiM. arcMa •

Page 2: · 2000-08-31 · ERRY EN0ME3T0, Start Chairmsn-Japangse American Voice Rings loud and Clear in This Campaign Prop. 14. the California Real Ertate Assn’s “segrega-


wS^fSt^oSF'tS*^ mS Sl<kw. ^SS»SJ\^•Mrt»« «*• “ilSiJ!?’r^ScTiAC? J3ST"* ^. . ,-«sH s=v= - ~

AlniiMI: «Tm<IIU«»J 3D PcM (Xtm. IM Aacca*. C

oTtend^uwr'oiliml^pai’ic ciuicc


foodamenU) God-gireo righU;"Now. tbCTTfore, be it resolved that this assemblage

of the Japanese American Citizens League of 88 cbapten Immo throughOBt the United S^es . . . does hereby corn- mend, endorse and shall continue to support the campaign to defeat Prop. 14. particularly the campaign plans and pro- grams of tbc JACL district councils and chapters in Catt- fornla."

There la no question but that JACL dupten should be in the forefront of leadership tn this campaign against Prop. 14. And this week's PC is a testimony of this effort and a testimonial to those who have contributed their efforts.

! '

e rented L !, tad one <


Sinoe the 6r« weeks of August, the Pacific Citizen has devoted perhaps an aggrmting amount of cohmn inches on the Prop 14 campal^. This issue figures to be the height of JACL's role in the aUtewide effort to defeat tbe con- Itttiitlonal anendment that «ouW (if passedi (Unrm The Jbeal and state governments from efforts in promoting the common good in the field of housing.

This issue is under car of Tad Masaoka and Mat Satow. speoal editors who asked the writers to contrfbote their

to publicly show Japanese Americans are 'involved in the "No on 14"'figM.

Lest tbert be JACLers who feel aloof of this cam­paign, we need only to remind ourselves of the action of tbe Nabonal JACL Council at the Detroit tonveation, irtuch tleemed this important enough to appropriate 15,000 out of tbe treasury. The National Council represents the collec­tive voice of eveey one of the chapters and spells <wt our policies.

U rnki as oae ^ the most crudal campa^as JACL has ever participated in cooperatiop with other statewide and local groups in the cause cf mankind.-^

In iu report to the National Council, the le^latlve-Iegal omaiUee said: "JACL recognizes this constUutional amend- inent as a threat to the dvtJ rights of all Americans everj^ where in the nation, and partii-ularly those of Japanese as- .castiy ' • • JACL commends, endorses and supports in every reasonable way possible, including a National Council sitp- pnrttng resolntion. the plans and programs of the JACL district councils and chkptert in CaUfomla to campaign jtfWHgi acceptance by tbe voters of Cabfomis of tbit .i^tia-

coBsOtstiomi amendment against fair hotzsfaig."The resatutSon reads:

- ’'Whereas, in November 1984, there is to appear on the California baDot an initiative consUtuUond amendment dHignated as Prop. 14. which wotdd operate to euUiff tbe Ihni^ord Fair Hottaing Act as wen as certain j>ortlons of the Hawkins arid Uoruh Ci\i1 TigbU Act: 9^

"Wbereas. said Prop. 14 wouM farther operate to under­mine the very foundation of mir democrattc system of govenunant If paralyzlnf the executive, legiriath-e and jwfi- cial braiEbes of the California state, countv and local govern­ments Insofar as meeflug the issues of reli^ous and racM dkcrimlnation in housing, and

"Whlreas, Prop. 14 presents an insidious threat mM only ed system of government and to our con-

ionally guaranteed ri^s. but also said PrqpostUon challenge to basic human dignity and to roan's

'Y' moan—THAT litti* d^fhtag caustna all that i m 9

WafhingtON NuwbleHer: by Mike M«&^

Prop. 14 ImplicationsVMM A an ia c«tr»R to jw»eO®«*.

W.\SiaNt7rO>: - wb« Amen- «, Witt R«1 Qww

-ballot u> mm3- raan. Nat p«noat. I

prrHe Iw Preudent auu »•—. —.. ..—Presjaent. as wvB ai for L'nftvS enSW* »»» FH.\a^dw SUMS SeimoC-Ca UmWd Statei m-e!l as -I'Eap«seaui:«. but tbay *01 alsc tp.CaUtorata. It«te * Prop. M, tte eoBiUaiUoai! of boadr^ of » 4^ o»sea»«.ces that caa no.- «™..,

America os. and oiach be written and raid atanul it in me final weeks and dan before tbe cessful N.v. S general elections.

And. since we are in WasSmgt: we have been asked to rommeni r antoag Uie {v-mc.-


_ fjniia

M lor ttls special >ss» cd tbe rigWa laws and ordaances.-IneloS-Parific Cauacn. _ u. mlo m, those ibvolvmg fatr .touwnt-

* 1 la» and its ctmslituljoo such o;ft- japascM Amenjins too. pc;Tbe hintory of fair h3jjir.g >g- disertninaban as Uu • so- haps of all tbe many racial minor-

hlauoB u this countn' sboa|( tbai (-tafaU diwi land laws, tbe ptohi- in CaUloiBla. have tbe most more laws hive been otaeted is tbttod awrtnst using public tacili- to gain fmn lair boosing fvre- thii tpecOie field in 1«m time than -rad tbe dental of licenses to tees u so because Japanese for oCher civil -rtgbta tegislauon. ej^ge a certain professious and ^.-nencans are at the ea«wi.c. such as. emplaymcnt and public basmeeacs. social, and pulitcal stage whenacconuDodatiions ^ they are among the most mobilV.

Tbe first iaw barrmg racial and . m-cessful Proo 1« »»4 ^ Cal^^*religious diicnmmitioo m private ^^the "•

QVtOJ«9T V , blgatofarsadie- toraogbo-t the country

anrM al- ^a^_/air housing.

soon will be. in tbe socaOed "bet- local U« «»■" areas. Tbey are escaping

froBT tbe rae-ml gbettoes in wmehf,-ir?ed

<LetWr by Jerry Enomoto I (be Stocktoo Record appeared in

It elicuwf

orraniied *1- »iwr pwenti* bive to Uve by the lack, of fair bous­

ing oppormnities -- --------------


give Realtors eaempuoet ftom the boimag at l«afHn*^i^ and RUfib Act of 196^ pasted ^ hnmes in neela. that no other buslnessmin en- ^ -^Ve o.-' flue past «

ta—ah Pt^ve. Joys* diaanoes or poDey resblubons alreatiy tefcnj tor ‘beite."-rs'E'ssTu.vE.tiis;pcess their opinkuis cm wtuv-lhey toe Proppsitun a ‘pollticai lanesr»Tlf 2r„sr„'r,p.“ ~ ^ . :-«« —

have recorded tbeir objectionpari.^. ^iFTnoi tbe Stodaen Record)

o» ~rerty ^ wmsttaaotir Repobliean Assembly

s' 'in Out pe-'tod of inoreuing in-Tuii. in a real sense, tbe total “4 greater opporu^tic.

c:«l progress of the nation, ------------------- ’ **in tbi pru;'ecat-jiy is at stoke

Over 40 pc!. flw tofal popiilB- ton of fS* UoJtcd Strtei. and atle*TteOWottrtflofttenatSM>n3B- ^ ^ .^.s

th^ ««^ W^vfry’SS^; «-n'oo1h*con!l--.l>Ul»^ n ^ m^ it^.^^ >«■ “> Pl*« *'‘ , rf^ib^L- *‘***.‘. .•“? the begmmnr of a campaign Uck • Prt« «*ey can afford to .

jurisdictions that prohibit discrimi- iwn-r Accwdingly, tbe stdf-interest. Umore wm un- •' Amenc*«. aside

gnd written be- many fel- mvUves (UUfoniis sto- eipkstation and siav- »'•»>eteetkm d^. As an Amencon ^ Bwf»Hirvn« The peiwetive ’“*** erv were tbe accepted practical of sugferts &«t «>* l*>n*

cm«n of J^wse antestiT. ««1 S ads^mTlump aecency’Li oppor- » J;

tract developers and apa-nraem interest jaeasare group omert Ae freedom to deny hous- upoc «t»n*ww<. tbe *' '

d AgniU'.

A Buddhisfto make it legal to agafnR Japanese. Chinese. Negro._ _ . ---- . •:. in the

j be Isa-NegroT To a friend because beU Catholic or Jewidi* lb give <ihonc. Jew. rdipino, v... u. "freedom" for sU time to fhose rental or lute of bousing,bigots who wim tapraetme-housing But this is eucU.v’«bat passage dUCTlmination. by tytog tbe. band' of Prop. 14 -win do.

------ --------------------- JERRY EN03II7TO

„ ^ iw" but nvtfacnze lenl estate of tbe great and real prograra tm:U tbe unioa bankers and others who we m tbe United SUtes ba-.e madedisenmbtote ----------------------------------- m the eauae of bwnan rights ar.d ^

dgnsty over tbe ye«s and eape- IWerpreWlKMl

Prop M wiB do- 1 -have Joined with many Jaltoa

rtoi- -niani in apeakmg out agntost tUa proposUiOd because it let but <w>r ineraUy iadefeos'ble. brt 11 ii atos a law. I have attanpled «e approach ihii issue objaebveiy and eooUy on the pte-n- iia. ftat oae can indeed beromc

PC letter Bei

Fdir housing laws ftimeddownby vofefs in four cities

NbBi uwrspqfBTtoo involved emotiooaUy. becaoM BdBg.-: of lU implicauoos. However I am Tl>*fe la a need lor an English ri*hi to :

...................... • the Nlset to gen-

Pair ^sim OB ttirtied down by v Mnarjcaa cities to years.

In Detroit a rights" OTxitoanee a

dally receotly Sbould Pnp M reeeh-e the sop-

pert of tbe majority of CaHbr- niana. those to other Uads ^ have cctodemned our racfil jne. tioes as the tnw ■■»*»» of our A- cUnatktos. wffl be gtoen added er>- deoce ftai their eooiadans arc correct and that our prafrstion:

; and Prop. 14BT RE>-. LAVERNE SA&.Ua

Wsdraaliw■<=»»« l~» I>.-i

of » to freedom to <

Ideal of selfiessness .»d sacrifice so'that all tivtog embraced in th.-Wi

laaoe pnooerly a and that we niled

moitaoa trolingi. eral. which tbe Pacific attaeo d

all tivtog being'adorn and Con>-

iZ the Bt^ba.•fives tbe jndtvidual "the Legal auibonties have tinted “niDuA the highly oetixivmsal

rospaet the P«to 14 mnito. if patsml. estnbltoh PtoTS is twf^nyT^iiica] proHam. It becomes a mewl prob-

laog af «>a poaawe of suchprivacy i«nd) to esjoy •

y tawtol tashon who dtorrbnmate s-i the mla at

C«£A UaOra CtMked

npologtoc lor not fill. As long ra it remains a to his ’own diciaies". renril of tbta propeur' ang' newsletter with trivial socwl fV SBcWgta Stole Sopreme Court ther exempt them from peanent ^itrras and "mlumnlsts" wnliae i.^ ____ i. ;_____ « »,.k— i._____ __ ___ numan person.

RUMFORD ACT—ONE YEAR EXPERIENCEThe on^ycar case report of tbe Pair Employment Pne-'

tkes Cofimitesioo wllb «f««nce to tbe Rumford FWr Uoua- iag Act shows that individual hoineownert were virtually untouched by Jke FEPC in disposing their homes

Of the 192 complaints of housing discrimtngtJon filed during the year ending Sept. 19, 1964, 150 (or 78 pcL) con­cerned apartment rentals, 13 cases rdating to sales by tract developers. 12 home sales in iriikdi practices of tbe.brol»s were at Ismk. 6 concerning bouse rentals, 7 involving Bis- c^aseom transactions sodi as the sale of lots, finaBeing and trailer site rentals, and 4 over hidMdnally owned homes for sales.

TMs almost negligible amount of four indtvidBally- owned homes for sale shows that tbe hue A ay of g»«dled “home preteclion” by Prop. 14 sponsors grosriy ml*re|ire-

tbe situation under our fair housing law.It is evident that tbe 9«at majority of Califonda's

homeowners wiD not be materially affected, one way or Otber. by tbe outcome of Prop. 14 because privately finmae- ed borne are not\overed by the Rumford Act, wliUe fbOK viilh PHA or VA financing are for the roost part under federal non-discriminatiOB requirements whicb would attU apply mir if Prop. 14 were adopted.

Tne report also sbows tt9 ca.«es have been closed and 69 {Rnding as of Sept 19. Sixty per cent were settled through conference. 44 dismissed after iuTestigatlan. A ease vrenl to paibUc hearing. resaUang to « Commission order to avrtl to K^n» cumptahante tbe next vacancy in a San ^nando apartment iRmse.

Of tbe four indivWua) home eases, two in bona fide nggotibUons but no sale.

j win. ropkto lalm- tioMtty eiwid’ be te<t«d towr.I towRTd yow pubOration, j„ Setttto. ra "open

t iBl o.hard Rof orttooaev adopted h>- the Dty »S»v‘ CouBCU w« drfeoteO to ■ M«r.

» rotevhdura 112AM to SJ.4S1 ag«to»t Prep. 14~ WU tlUMgAfi

•powcrlwu b of Uw Buddhist r.-l;gioo ve is a bisto.-it:a] porallrl TTi.- story •y of tbe Budttoa is » sury «f hi*

CouBial was dvintnl to ■ M«r. ckiaol. Jew uto *^rtltMiiiii an ii^,Si«ha d«Sd ^

"eoluanisti" wriliaf to role toe i»ue ofl futureabout tfaeir vacations. n»« ol a» t»not, saying that caisUto-

■n, cun^ R-i lan» A»-------- . -m ~™.i. t.,. ------------------------ ------------ctotloo. oteeb u brtitod Prop lA iipss ?^T. £ "Z" 1“nwlafd Fair itouatog A« which. FT«»cti Vanui JACto j»eve« dlserimtoattoo to ral «•I... L4M4.HW if a Liarj' medereiu iLatnt tatailatiofi of the PC tate trmasastiabs. > . _i .k. -----Uw that has been oo the books for Readerohlp Stiivey todicaUs this Jn Tacoma, a similar otUtoaoce Uro a» PwWamjaboot 0 year, auf whicb has forced reader m«j be correct "Ceoeral was repealed to a -Feb. a .-efere'n- bonei ino bocne owner to aeli to undettr- Nisei News" has been cberkcd dum S.OS to T.<?D. pnperjable people, but reauHed to roooey more Ibaa other- typw of news la Berkeley, peior to the enact- turn to

Bcattora. If repeal carried to tog PC to read^ of tbe Rumfwd Act voWr. treaaure ra»e the righl ' of *, life, such ai toe todivvduto

assutnpUen that all human beings woiU Foraeai tbe aatare at Sopeemt per- eattng iectioa callad Buddha Nature. So

believe ia rial disttoettohs astit exizti'tada:

RusHord Act was what toe CREA ; e intcrertod. But should be PC ddeated anlied, why didn't ttiey'suPBert he She newspoper lor (be Nbci to houaing pn^osal to i^nl. 196. by T^Ki

tbe unsueceufui atttoBpt at repeal. generar-Ed.i Z2.7S0 to 20.323.State Supreme Courts uphold constitutionalily of anti-bias laws in housing; property rights subject to police^ers

family, family tree, commuoily. 1 ikoe very Utile diw and pertod cf Msterr. as cosipared to years It u tberefes-e aaaiMed tn!

I elanination of ignorance will bilp

in ton. fsT nwre faaekward toan the origtoai pocituto. Prop. M to • "tt*m kght" to tbtoe (■apertvowners who. wtnld dinezlmbtote ignoraiice and diacnramatioo. I «■

yesTt. IS states held that since toe Uw only ap- ntlUtg in the 196 milk pr'ee eon- hapo^y atoee the law would yren siv peraong} oppositiao ■ ■ ............... .. ■ .................... • *“ -n toet side the pnssage of this P.-on 14^xly a«i»Jed hous^. ^ case, in which the majartty ^

eftSee have meat . . _ly to puhtiely aiiifttd hoastng'.

Where tbe LtowUhrtJahaUty of also to f» such Jaws has been teelcd. hare been

Interpreted.roeamng that bad tbe law api>l-ed -Bu, .oeitoar caorartv also to private teoting. it would

.... ... .________ tore bran upheld. Only tra> of the — .u..brve been uftoeM by Be state 5- maj^ told ttot tto Uw vtoiated « ,i wUl ua« bw property

also to frtvite faPutiag.Uftoeld. Only two of the

. , eJd ttot ti« Uw \ _ _pewoe eottrta alamat tBvarUMT. a state eonniuitional right .>it to Uw detrimeni of bu «««—'

rare bks re.etod Bo UB be dtottobed to i-ivtoe aMaies.

5ttU peBdng.TM FEPC works in i constructive way te secure equel

mccm of boucog to All, res^rdlem of nee. creed er ceter. U tte l*w seeds perfecting, it tbouM be ttirotigli Ub h(bto-

hfTta__not by a congtitutional ameotoent for (be mailyrltooiu stated ebewtere in this issue.

SiqMme Ontot. ------ --la as. New Jeteey'a omitoto- Cswrt rotod «atz

cfiBUBBtkto tow atBettoc poi»hcJy erawr of a privately aaatated touctor to tbe LewitM opaAaara bouse wito dradognrat -oat wtortd. “Ptee- toon fafhfiiaa vbo rCtoad oe th? dotn with legoid to pepporty U due ueoceas ctoora «T te 14to set tovtoWte." te New Jeney ri'nitortinrnt SwproDse <tonrt rated "ft it tab- -Tto operator r[iiilT-iT~' tto! th- jeet to tbe reoaeuble ezerdae ttate b^ Mflaeatwl aa Meres! tbe police power.”

. Su. to wpgk tem barm, to regviUte A ia tto •

___ WHO'S WHO:^ ~ Japanese Americans Against Prop. 14

. .4. Ckaraoe 'tern CaawM“ Trtol f OowM. LtgM Agrtwr

cmmiM. CAuroBNu-

10 his property atere te "freraa.11

a the aaU a;■ SB. te «a» <d Wadtef- his property U the maat r# Uw torrttr dteertoitottei attribute of owMeatop” pdtBeJy araiaMd fMaaeed beww court deoied a "titoag'of ; was declared uooociatito>,aoaJ in a coattihAiooal seaae" a S-4 decision Three of tbe fire ferred to the UB. Su;re3te Cou.-i -CrtfK:. Uo Angetes Iiwet.

5Si22!i^,iS5^W-i wraw .13,

Flower View~^re^V

tanr A KataFW*i riwre

Esalita Secte* «<;h bran 1 S4S g 2M Sl (12: ra

f54_ S Ortora (4^%*g


Imperial Laga -noi - 2te Aw Si tw

wx OM — Fm tmKluomoto Trxvri Sag

Frau r Kn>

g ACeemiUBti

Wniuaguii IW._.IIS - lau sl nr«

FULUPJt?urncs a im isaam

-4iW-—Saw Bi toii-

Rrtws toiap UwMMI • Curretrt Rate

Paid Quarterly 1 • Imurwd Savmp

300 CofTwnorrFwlirateei, CaW. TRpjan 14244



SAVlNi242 E.'rte^Sireet^

RiooeHorn 16 a m to 5^1aourdm 19 a.«


Page 3: · 2000-08-31 · ERRY EN0ME3T0, Start Chairmsn-Japangse American Voice Rings loud and Clear in This Campaign Prop. 14. the California Real Ertate Assn’s “segrega-

pacific otiiem .: PrMn OdebM’U, 1M4By Bin Hosokmra

From the Frying Pan

Denver, Ccrio., T u>at »lithip «oi’«

Did wre end pimtil* in th« u«b«:AU tnirruv Uie btmffoctt. ^

And Ott motnt rexh* otagrebe.

500 endorsements secured for leafletJ tk>4». YMUIO

•Todfi Ur»miLOS ANCEL£S-.\n puiel leiiOr'. (irepefed lor Uk sUtevide cDmmmcv of J«v*tie»c Aotencan* Afauut Prop dixtribuud

TOP i< »-.» o£=«i.*Tu.d?^Sr5SJ^thro.^> '

0«KI «NYo»hK iKjrvo r™t>»

>1 *r> r:tJt: Jo T^>

Prv Km> OU J»OrfflSn! K.WI^


tnura. 1Ywnadt *AWO*»-DEL UV

Torn Nakanun. Jurmnn Kcb It WiUnMo. TOnv K * '

AljaMEUA ‘ «AT»0»«

Te#Km». l»»c

Caliioniia may become 'political dsasler'^ area’, if Prop. 14 carries on Hot. 3

u. ' bade:1 Prop M nmes. Caliierma

s p^ucal dlasMy , * W*RMd a« WSD t»

i„, -c.‘ '^.“pS^u „^c3S-i


Yam. '

Harry Hakau^ i V.mad. .

BM» KiEu^ _*«.Hartry' Makamua. . VoahlD HooSa

Baa KocnMo

Alice, of WonderUnd fame, discovered in the Looking- House. -After Alice bad read the poem, which goes

or seven verses in equally nonsensical rhyme. Author Carroll has her saying;

-It seems very pretty, but it’s rather hard to under- i (You see she didn't like to confess, even to bers^ she couldn’t make it out at all.) Somehow it seems to ny head with ideas-only I don’t exacUy know what arel"U-His Carroll died in 1898, a half century before Ameri- became aware of civil ri^ a luUonal issue. But he «Tote could well apply to the iimocuously labeled 14. Shorn of its jabberwocky. Prpp. 14 is an effort

;alire housirtg discrimination in California by amending, "tatc conslilution. But you wouldn’t recognise it as such eading the proposed amendment. In fact, the onfrsen- amendmenl U so long and confusing that it discourages reading and undersUnding. For the record, here,it is:

■ Neither the state nor any subdivision or agency h4H deny, bmit or abridge, directly or tndirecUy. tfi®; of anv pereon. who i.' willing or desires to sell, lease ent any gart-or all of-his real property, to decline to lease or rent such property to such person or persijns t in his absolute discretion, cbopses."•Curioser and curioser," cried Alice, and all thinking

ricans could well echo her concern If the California Estate Association, prime instigator of Prop. 14. bad

led Uie people to understand what this proposal was It. it could have phrased the amendment in just 12 is: ‘•Cabfomiatjs have the basic right to discriminate in matter of housing,” '

In essence, that is what Prop. 14 says.-But to pul it lOiUly would be to doom it from the beginning, so the egv was to confuse the public. Prop. 14 has. m 'Hme azine's words: "a sort of anti-officialdom. Ict-freedotn- sound to it.” So do the mis-Jabeled “Right to Work”

riosaU which are in effect anti-union measures, and Trade’Jaws which are a price-fixing subterfuge. Any one fleds a Philadelphia explain docu-

its that ought to be written in basic English with no lence running longer than 10 words- Thc matter of legalizing discriminaUon by-an amend-

.nt to a state constitution is such a serious one that it pands discussion purely on its issues to mineuver for passage of such a measure by deliberately confusing

:Dt«it is immoral. H I-were a Californian, i would reaent ;e UcUcs as an insult to my intelligence and vote against proposal regardless of my position on segregaUon.Let’s clarify Prop. 14. It would pve ^judices of every

i legal status in California It would legalize discrmdna- al a time when the rest of the countiy is trying to-out- it Prop, 14 is a dangerous law It deserves to be buned

ier an avaUnche of “No" voles._______ V

ai wtit* Gov. EdnuBri G. Brown was pnncipwl speakar.

Mats tiiemc. as devdoped br

sac aad Boberu AceocY. urges -Vote NO Now tar Your aUdreo.’' aumaa mid

■ il Prop- M pa*»«. it would da- «Japanese Americans ^ludaj rw.Aaa couott

• - re of Ibeir rxbtt ,£Su iSJSt’sS"^teU a home oe

lent where taer please price they can afford."

Glenn Anderwm dectared “CaUnr-B.a w ukl become a ptJrticsl dis- area." _ ---- - ^ aster area" tf Prop )4.cames it. accepUag the teaydup of s^

j . -iAr Mm^svipp.. fce poor, modi

“JfS; 11 Cl,ton.»» -J1 tb-iir~- prmcsplev nutewj of Bieir pn; «“ udtee*. Prop M will be defeated. >

Aodemn. wim'heljeved Sia’

•OUOIWU •*»» »< “W I .

t the moot badjr tfwcraad' in the aatirm "

kk>a«v ri«n« Kj»sm». Krn Tkitii

YouHi respond to ’no-14’campaign


,'v.^'kunJ ■ MAaTiMlJA -*Rw iSMie is nJl-Wtoo we »an;2i'uU-S."'Tuk"Tia^“Si bvm, nesl door The Ume 1. .n.’

TmO>. Akm ta«d of aocw we warn to Inraa«iiY>«A-i*AMJ A1.T0.MT viFW ^ ^ qd w: ^ “> **“ *rodit*M“‘

Hsi-on-te, Amencan>eal of «jua! JusUre un^ LCB A.VOELES-T1>e "No;r. -irjirsnsnticxt^ ^ gt l«f UL Oet. J1 OPdf be^

JACi lesigned -Vote . . . on Prop. 14 ' buttoe the Kaojl charaner for "Ialso depietad in the leaflet, wlucl ___ _______________

AmencBB voters- ^ ch«ia»rThe coitHBinee i» di^Mtcbrng -

ZO.OOO copies for Northern and Central CaUfonua dmributMD and reutnlng »,W0- here (or Southeni California use. One panel is blank^^SS^c^ to peemit local committee mailir.g. ?bC»eT...«

Along wiib the luting of princi­pal orgmnvattons endorsing "No (to 14". the leaflet mciudes aearl>'900 indvkhuat names of Japanese Amencaiu ^througbODt the w^te.

Among them are:<7he endonement list includes

itkiiu received this weekPacific Citi-

Prap. 14 dnbode sM at B«t UL Oct. 21 omI

AfTT S RST.- ^ H-CO have mmrromiMas jfhiKsrs, erwl tneetiiuf of She tall for the Eas. 5-.;ckers aWS ieaflete i

sell die JACL "No oi

ftoveral Jr. JACL chapMrs M*


Cmest Torlaew DOS drsT«v« TskeU.. T Or Turn T»k«a 0«w*r T»uk»»iw». J»r

--------------------- tM\» M Tatsurw T»d Tomns Yosh YaiHleWien Kyokai— fvtocu .Henry UtvOa

WAbe Lee M Wewnsbe »n> 1^ T-

k Ode. KAttin Sbl- M« Jonn 0~ John li^kA DM.

t additkiiu re retfialiy for t

■ja* We^Live™; Angeles JACL will fCAtur.- «H foto rrmnk dtscussioo -to the conUtovema


»u.rr H-*n,ww.■ ^ ■ Takasagt. will «»ak tor lingm ' IJoka Roier. engaged A tnducrial . rCfrifl toir baafOa MW "

Mrs John o«A John immika DD*. Cortet •WAOhito umm. ..o™, e..— ^ , member e< theJ tu. Goch. KA«er.o» Sem. KoOe- byurun Chun^to-------------------------------------^ speaker's bo-

lL“ch*^ike’r“wfa'heaott fatt h~^ ^ ayeemg imed 25 sninutos with S mmutetfor rtfouttal after which quesuoas • ** ^ ^will be f Vo" from flie floor, accord- tor P»WP "•ng to Bor Ya*


San Jose, San BenHo, Salinas, Monlerey, Walsomrille contribnie Iremendons mass efiorts to vanqidsh Prop. 14

rr Oemenl. Att* rrsnk 1 CeoTgr ChoCT«]l

Sen- runilA. Yu|0 fuku and Mrs I>Kk H. Ptijloka.

■'Vr.nkblno. r._...........SrSTHe’S?'??...

Yosh InaOcnil. f SekAC imihare. Sen) wuoeo.

In additt-to. both groups are co- committed agaout 14 b> •operating with the local Citizen: lime He admits that tJi ''

J Oommiuee agsijut Prop: 14 and against 14 has yn I

Fi«e. M asceu dlagainst Prop 1sS^», .al M«.tTO ^ S o—=1 m. OTrao....™! N- H «•

roceol «f. to of their tremendDus effoi-. to the togreficance and enecia « as mi^iko KAwekem: Hebb vnehoe- candidatts tar <dfic* vripCoumtos, the recent (topMgn f eamptogn. if pass«L , Henr, OnoOe,. Aiur. urfe*.,

Kamirooto reports the MontO.-e.v Peninsula JAO. cam- yja n,^, Ort M. f-JO nA,.4tA<»i^ — ebapter has been very peign. beaded by Mike ^bda aad --------- ----------------------------------- Budifolst Qiurcii Aimex. -

paoese Amertoto. Oammttto. merotoful to thetr registrition InsMua. nf Wntof. Vhtan Dr Mmo Ta«

Couaties. the recent . . .lA Rev- Or MASAjg^- tarts of these various areasuill^T ab5£^ worthy of roeoto. Tkutae Kamimoio reports

prt*ram, ShimoiniiD and Y'o TatBta,

Chsrta Kamaystsu. Vu- camTMiga~with lO Nisei regisi.-ars all <4 Ite Japai 5kA.*Atty*A»S£r itou- and was cenduded succeaafuUy been regisu^

chainwn PhO atxH*. 14 and also believes that Both organizaUans foe etonement against 14 Is

an educB- overwhelming, ttonal program and crovidihg

t intoaHy ported to be waging mnunlty hat ceaafid eampaia in t«ai ro...-..v-

) itity afwinn 14. They have been

iMfw «f Woaic!! VM prtcMMt gxpMa stoiB Lnvalty Itoague-apcnaorad- gram, said there would be a Jagw

nity against 14. They have been pAIX> ALTO - Mrs WUUam Irv- ne»e-fontuage aecto tor natortV auuMa very chwely with foe local presidem U tbe California ued Ssaet aito an B^ifo^hgiiti^Otueas Committee against 14. and League of Women Voters, charged ,^rtKai Heetmg ts fo wA 'Sanda states that foey have con- taat Prop 14 u "an areapcnaible i_tarested rotorstributed to foe focal committee apprAch" to probtoms affecting ____ ^ ^

Thev haro alto been encouraged “nB ^ PWl« <>» ** *“»'■ , Huge »foe postbon ct the League

SaBnaa Valley Eeparto encouraged

Tkd ttemotp. psesMait o< foe by foe fact font me influenba!as. asocnoke tiofakemi The Japanese American Com- Salmas VaUey JACL. raports foat members of foe majority coromu- .of Wo I WAt^vrs. mitt*, against 14. beaded by on- „ prt. the eligible Jupaneae nity haw oBerad foeir suwort nixl tare (y lewnikAwa uo. t—.,—AQd Dr. voters have been eon- brip in ddeating 14 and.from all power

i time tacted. Recootiy. at foeir dinner indieaUcsu foe Jat______ chairmen IK Ishimatau aad Dr. Aro«rtcan vowrs have been eon- brIp in defeaUng 14 and.from all power to regulate .Tro Otaimoto Cee M. Watanabe. both oM time Beeentiy. at foeir dinner iadieaci<ieu foe Japaneae etJmmu- rentals of reatocnttal tmtoerty

Mi iS Nisei residents, prepared a letter honoring foe pfooeers of that area, nity is aware of foe dangers <4 prevent dlscnmfoation. foe pointed Ime askurwi. Juo tacal eodorsemenU to pr«- Prop H was dl^Msed Tsd Ua- foe pusage of 14 aad ha* re- out -'Prop. U would rnd (41 de-

y ^ roailihg (4 foe JA£3- bfo- was aviud to spaak. and tpeeided tremendously in foeir ef- bate on fair housing legiala-^ foito. ehure roailing*. urging ■‘no’' vow has been indicated foat-foe re- foru to campaign agatnst 14. wan w^fo drwstc finality

posiwai os “ ‘-'vP-fst s.“sjrss..S'i.ST9

A WallAce TAStoms. T*4 Tsu-flev Havard Tornutil Atty.TSkasugl Tosh Tnwtows. ArtHoben TSkasufl Tosh Teiwa------

Taket. fted Taomaa. Mr ant Mrt.

etaure mailings, urging “ao" vote ^ has against 14. tmplemeoUng foe JA­CL campaign.

Other emunittee beafo a» fi-At foe I


Si' Jot" B-. »! Xf «

IfotmaWu and Mineta

strong against 14 Xak Higuchi of foe Wataoovile time, an educa- chapter atates that pewparauun*

condocled by are underway tor the mailing of bv Lefty Mi- foe JACL leaflets and hopes to

yaoaga with good restdu. have them to foe maUThe Salmas chapter wiH >Jin »» they are rroetved. ,

to with ttto local CiUzni Committee j]e notes foat 51 ace the influen- _.. . .by wplactog an ad in foe local paper tial organizations and foe charchei »roed Goimty Ctiz^

-We urge rotors from aH over foe flan Joaquto Valley to atwO. Too many votors go to focjnii wifoveryllttfokhcrot^-^

LMgftMhNUrwd JACUr bflBdi Ptb|l 2 c»—ilttflfl .......... ...........

L1%T54GCTCK< — Buddy T Iwau. know foe true nature <4 foe inttfo- i. active JACLer. u rttAjrman of foe t»ve measure. Pt^ 14. aad foe

___ ition* <m for bkflot and T!badegrouada of foe ensdidatoi ke Mice Too fnan.y' votors do ^

ahifo artImkiiiK. MAbl, Y^ ;-uh«emeols aeatost Prop 14 by wpwemg an an in me men. tial organizations and foe dlarchei Merced ^ Jv —dkn VMhirtA Ceom against rrvp _ : «n on 14 i.rwn... Amenran raimu- tor Yei co Proi* 2. the W.OW.400 on foe haB-f Our sproker* W

-ofoklA. MJtsuyA VAmA*udii MD. and orga^tw. inditAies foal bv and nlty hawto^aed foe vote ■•no" fotod issue to build Junior tnOege. give ctajeettve pneesMtaos a^

_ ___ _________. . . veterans affair, cor- the interests of good CttthBtfo^dissemini^'turfoer •irfoi™tio.i. recttonal sod forest f.r«- fjthttng. attend tfa.s meetiag *

• . Mable TBkciMlo. me» Ccorae Ts- ITS. Ber- Cwirle T. T»e4. Sam I

AD MASAOKA, No. Cslif. Chsironn-Common Practice for Japanese

UrtAan. MlS*§S

VXNICg-CDLTRB ._____ 0 Adachl. HareU HaradA--------

MATEO-Last year i y fa.n- dale a 1. Elsewhere y but notf Qiui, ^ _______________ . <l«d »«l "r®-of San Mateo from adja- appointment to *<***‘ ^ .

»-Brtmonl because of Its walk- Finally to November 1« we ^ KakAoka. Tidao MAaaim^ airsschools tor our paled one reM «taie &‘^F22id’*SWo^

,l betouse of Its walk- Fujal to aD schools tor our caled <

because of lb sidewalks wrhom my wife knew .

more mioerity group families » homto foerc.And. to January ol fois jtu.

selectod a good home, hot twloed. Our real

Aokl. CeraU

integralioo charaetofis- i^

■Realtor" randtaied foe sale aHlktdS. to rs MD. I


Ibbor whoae Niildren oceasigo- able iru*. . ^ „ *«r Jam- JSi

•tt-hen 1 And «tofocr hc«« to ority _________________ _ vhdalc that meett your needs. - stew Ab*. Rev 6 Krot.Ik^

________S’issstJts,‘"s£t.’£MlR Isadomi. Toi


_____________ several Vmef COftfUSIItg pPOpOSltii ^but be SMgmr found another FBANCaSCO-Brett Abel <4 woRTR SAS hixoo blW

-- tn foil NWock area ^ san -rranclseo Bar Asm. oe- YWii mEotelepfaaoedifoBalf dozen other j^rfbed Prop. 14 as a ccefaiing AsakawA Rev Ben^fr m-

---------- - --------------- Dr Htuw..--------Uiiting Sotoe and wifo ____

tosernents fo the local newsjia- j^urts tor years n to every--litae foey asked me

in:?>^name Od the secretary •alesmaa 1^ sne tlat foey bad

beyoA-foe listed adver- to JEfo metofoeHU^

Mug edi&to IRMt M rop. 14 doted SmdoyB .A.VCELES—The Rev Charles * from the .Univ of Soefoern

w-iljj^ guest speAer S-mday. 2foto-. at Maryknoll

afa ytfoiriwn I young people’s

) Lkiyd :



eop.1 VSHTT , •

MrSilSS'StJS'iiS: ■ ,-5S.-oSsrt.SfS£s5

imst 14. he beheyes Irgest immlty la against 14 and hopes "nc . ’ ^

morning and that foe ed-jcation drive and foe foe leaflets, he says, will be <ediuon Just prior to foe ad to foe, paper before eiectioa great assufonce to foe chaplet an roenton.v

impact. . will swing foe doufatfuls and v --------- -

Fly JAL TO Japan. ENjoy All tHese‘•EXTRAS** AT NO

EXTRA FareAll jet feres to Japan are exactly the game But only Japan Air Lines offers you flie enchantment of Japan from the moment you step on board Only JAL offers you modern DC-8 At Couriers decorated in the classic Oriental motifs. Only JAL of»*ra you’ such gracious hostesses Only JAL offers you the delight of dining on such delicacies as tsumami mono a^well as daJeotable continental cuisine In either Eewpomy or Firwt Class. JAL offers you service that is thoughtful and-warmly personal. And-when you fly JAL you can stop over for a vacation or to via« friends and relati'^s in gorgeous Hawaii at no extra fare. If you . wish to travel within Japan, JAL offers you the most complete domestic schedule Yes. all airJincs cost the same to Japan, but only JAL offers you the "extras' of s travrt experience unique in all the world.CHOOSE EftOM u lETS A WftK 70 TOWrO I


' LM Jtopwa.. San rfvoteo SrotMNm Yefo. Ch« and afoar arf. c*

Page 4: · 2000-08-31 · ERRY EN0ME3T0, Start Chairmsn-Japangse American Voice Rings loud and Clear in This Campaign Prop. 14. the California Real Ertate Assn’s “segrega-

Fri^ty. Octoter 1964

V cImpressions



- Ten Reasons for Defeafing Prop. 14 ^ ^ ^ ^• TtM Me». Um«* Akl tte

442nd KcKliMatnl Oxnbat Tksm. fouM

Ml. ■ .i^iv gntnim havr «

AiM»—DnltvwBdwi ADgosf Pro««t lo bn ntwiMlni ta Chnptar

«Caiost PK^ W. . . ..Aki Is cottelmMi 4« tSte J«p». OCK AMMistM Aciin* Prnp.SOUTHS CAUPORNIA JIOUMOOP

Los ARCfiUB - The Soutbcn >«» hMTt of ber time to add ber CblifsBia Japanese Amecicau emoencr to tbe work <d tbe com-Afainst Prop J4-h«^ lU cam- mltte*. BT MM CrmAKA

. tee* objeetlvcs>«toBr and Mike SbUnUu ::d VaniceCuIvYr. sAN FBUCANDO - In a .deter- ____' «anple: to defeat Prop. 14 at tbe serves as trensttref. mteid cr«M root level aspraudt. 1 vmild never bav« been eeoepi-

as KM.-ieditiic fseoe uflotores; ie»l»l»Uio ad] have t»«i reasan w ,« — --------------- _

Vs.xt“Xi;-race to ptoees of pg»e acenmmo- fineJ trtai but fcM

BT BKV. Crants. seboaU. duf tociriatam will reensia is ef- <4 aettoa

tor tbSBie provistoro * w 14 Is t,BS by rx* a ^tua- Calitotaa is «0

be avoided k#aU.v. These a larte coalito ^ ■ctatt d personil eaper- ,tou,. tobor saa racT^

<d to trace ivttti discrmnnatSoo. stwnM uons has been fbtaid ' and cn*ilinilJOB and wbea we bno* better but the toiry fart, o.' JACS. (bapton In f '

toat they do not.n bousini' course. a acbve p


also inaudes a

applyiix to tr,a devriopers toto our hdmes t1! br ivi-led *r>« Nssei.__________ _ laadtatds-. Surely one •« rore^rttoe d to tracr wx‘± dsscrmiaatSoc

NovVmber polls Tbe purpose, im- «„ TosM Yosnau has ao n»ny tbe San” Perwik>'*'aUey”jAa. ed'lrto #» k^plato Oirpa d be asx^ diecnrooatoe- petu. and dlrecttjo was sulLctoal numerous responstoUUies Oiat i Chapter ha. foa* all oot ia an United Stales Arm, durin, World bM* made Ijr a ^ _________ __ _____-to laimc* IkU nea- coouun^ Into tsUs^io {be eateaorr of srttat Is tatenshe Tte oo Prop W drive -U ff it were toft ap ta roe ,, ^ s^mi chief emenim of deinociicy. It Wha arc the interesU hatomd tate men la Caliiomb

called "tfaki detafi work." Wab- In coortinatton wito te "Japanese atooe-or only to the JapaMse ^ ^ difficult to vtsuaUee a happy prop- .M* Ibu srfainods towsla- awaa wHb the potiucae missioa at aaad was to out hW belp. we would be a com- AfaKut Prop. 14 COenmliiee’' la AenenooA «mmalty. s^cemM ^ re^esuu borne wten it is sftoated. where tioo i« beind^roptoed \>i Cabfor- tanaa £naie tt people. speeiacaOy tte Ja- juttaJin Biroe only. Los Anpetes. Under tbe dedicatod The 44tad would haw died jn loto. win also oeeh to ealn e»- we dkl n« choose to bve. m* real estate iroups »hl*. ac- ft* Maip taas t»*e Asnertcana. iMh Isaet and *_____^ - leadershtp of Hs cnen^Oee chair- the fBei <d the War Daphrtroatil «nptkin fm pwliMM «f -tt» law juid to the ibme tbe follow.n* corduM to WUliam C Becker, aide able nitsuikiereunila,. oipnmimity lawtoe.. JAOL man. Kats Anm^toTlbe diapter had-oot tt« twvJapaneae wrluen. to OovUm Brown, "has tri«l by poaes of Prop iH

churdtos 11 seems always unfair to oUee »** musterwl and or,anised an tokdrmoroad. visitod, pleaded and ^ *7 .??. ^..a eveer avtoidd. means to hwabre nated tnopoa. ot■ ■ ~ . ■*—J>.^iak- the meanm* erf aas, prior to World „ subordinated -

»Jr.” t* p™p«t. rte.1. wta. p»* u. “, v.a„. - ■ ..i...... b.™. "TTz. X.. .'.'SI.':'" ^

KMls. JIT. char

«r all miths am) d '•aalzattons and and the Japanew ARM.Ticao c

3 discrimiitotlmi in Calitonua'' for nro 1 ____44 yeors Aecerdjnf to There are nrin.s

».«»• titles <*, eommittot mtsnber. ;«ien •«»“» woA farce to a cam- eafa^ No inteUt«eBi. <b mipt. In actuality our conmiUec mem- Inform every Japaaem me Japanese American c _

^ ™ rj:::our further ttsks were to rtead irtr.Wm drive when the Ntoei Fw >dejudrterly maetmd at the Cast. We are what w. a« bMwase thiy i^lly_wTaie. ^ of Jepanese an- erf Prop 14 ihs: -.e«

our tonaeaoe to the wider Orteatal uval was u foil swine Wnd was »«y B«»tir«« on Au*.- 2. to of many flbiacs aad m» Mu- oTas,Sf^lISr«« l*-Ualw Prtp. 14 b falmif. ^ ctofafnia m IM etous mfnortaes deps«rommutcties-rne Chtoese. PUlptos chairto* the ieis Ar^s Cty Sis- ^sta** Ceanmle- eaces Boi WalMp he^ie help a stole dSo S' iX a*^ *'* ** *•”am) the Korean AmerieaM of ur Qiy Na#jiya dZs evaat dor- “U** C<*dea made a chal- ad aiststaM west hai«3 la hZ n it to iJSto , ’S"* **“ died far us, p.^ Adencans, because of The fcibt asamsi■eulhee. Cdaoroto-tboTOby .iv- to, the SJ^waS . tS C •"«•» « the with tottiaCve mto SS-to. SS Si^tow T.L.*" “f STbaveT^ denied .cress to whfab oroeerns {M craater Impact scop. <4 k*ba„, workia, „toetly bdand the ^ »- Pr^ «° be the Punbemmre. te X^yhle « (S eessiential to -ma-y P-m nes. Americmistmity wiihm te oamimipi scenes,-used every lartlity of com- rtmudus far tbe ctepUr Aroericans wto> .Mad u. stUl^ wa^ and tbom *to will c«ne aP-er

t-d. much than "te. In-o dewrve aU tbe bewak we e

I essily FS of th ‘ pltoinia, to dr. soliciLa,

committee was '

ttaousb ear -i^ctives were far cMrer and simMrr to understond.

te lob a AlM^^a^- 1—Made 7M pboae cars towhich lus included

tnoto ftrsl oontocted Lucks Haas. <

tost P» ut thee wi

TTte respohribfUty of tbe r te r*ater aomben.

14 Pidilidty Director, to meet with * ''’!sr-j5r •'The doutbern Oalifarato Jwpa- _

oete Americani AfaiaR Prop. 14 Rimrttod tbeensefves to under>

aivm of JAAP if’, "as tbe Sad Fernando VaD^ Holiness isjt been fbuad wamto, wto chi' ”mT ttato of fair

hOITimi<ake U

cbalrman. Kuma- Church with Cbspier Becistrar lca,aL__________nm«ntal\a laun^' blrs. Flora Komatsu hi ebarft. {jin, far current Sumpe^ft^rs S-Mailed oui £n,lish and Japs-

Mike brnfa^EaTar pamphleu —ptoief, "No w . "‘°un

ibUily aad to see ways fives tof to te it>.i|S.» ad u._.

people withia te com- American family to tbe San Fer-j hirity. we

f* -throufb dll the way.

NavwSarBfaf.Itc tepcrfl today that te JAAP

e and helped nando VaDey. 4-OMatoed te «i

S local JAO. ai

te M Prop. 14 . "meUt croups In all parts of tbe abort peefad of ma- <wtmiry will be emboUaned to • aftta eatewited. >Mk mmOar lectolattae « tbeir

specifically »tatei." Even Uissisupto has

pan (rf tbe "nauu of sbeep".; that we can see ckarly faroufb vecial ‘-------- --------------»- a»t w« know


be umd tor difMbutton of te PCin tbe eurrem <.17 ii'zJTTf' o“'«* »**“« Lsr^ch, who - -«»tertlons_ and te feeTmiunrVT ^ earopaifa efforts ff«‘

to take a stand afalnst Prop, 14. _ , hi<i< b» »*«<». ValhWe have extendM our Mfluenre tixx, te CUnaae. rilifdito aM teJ3S’to^T.:^;:riu£era Caliiorni

. KaU Anmoto of «rs to be apoas.^ te te SS pit “* _E»te Atom_____ ____ _________ , mored «• W" tad-Sao Fernando Valley chapter to an

te evil erf racism and aecr^a- lloei bM tel we win rot silently abdicate our nural leadership.

Let's take our stand aloncsok- ______ iwovisjon ttw». believed in us duriai

And this k Prop. 14- *1*^ the dark day,'of Ei-araatioo and... have read vtrj earn- be*ia a landslide far ^ise acainst Ptro 14«U ^ ««, L« ill- -xMdl,. me™ .jar diicnmmauiry amendments m- Aoienea that Americans erf Japa

„ ^ - _______ to flieir own state cansbtutions. ^ese anceiitrv know- that Proo l«rtntopio •»« •»»*«» ^ ha vlfte. Prop. 14 la dWentod. j, ^ «ul tet we wiU

_We are chalkofed by , ——------------------------------------ ^ oo. it to be w part of our*1^. '^Cato- Oct UHeatto, American Itortlace. and we shall.

. <wui mu»iMtu •Wiir.v ciiulwer U) an - -----outstandfaf fab on fais 'campalfai

t“ 'A top esasiple te all ebaptes! **«« troip te sato of ‘

*‘P*ty attorroy cenerai. wui -hub wmdd ■make Mfsl. odrets . public meetto* here OeC

0 tn bousinx.

e eampaifn.Boutent CalUornla. oio- effarts ted to be doubled ama, te few ^

M. 1» p.m. at DU Puidoe Avc.

(Sovenii, te vailms conummi- Me^f k beSfaporoorod bv'^WiUhirMlptown iteptor attorney >» «*“ valley were the foUow- **« U-* Commumty MctbodistJames .Nakaro..alw«y, on band to -»i cNtems: ^ rommtostoo of Chr«u.o

« five taadership and support to tbe u3&»°‘Srrin5Srd«''SSS,'. SET' t*»-- i Stf.'ssr.js'campaifB . '. . Bruce Asakawa Mss HirofTska cf San Diefo. lead­ers throufbout these past iweeks • teir area - - . Stone Sartiwa-

i of San Istls Obispo. Ccori

*»to|»GSATKMceOnwninB. Inulisias.^SAM KEMftW

VRoirf ymoodSD. voi is£r»Wtii. ksoe W CtetoltoB Ctetory. Itesc

x^’L.'sLtr;Wiare of tett- loyany. sweat and ^ reacevauae ^ Pwnafato VaSey Japa- dlacttetellaoWhatever one ealU te stuff that ^ neae Amertcro Ctonmnnitr Caaier "tteM nteority froopsoa^ one sa.r. ^tr die- ^ aU-nme hah meo^wto rec- *'*' “* cooperated hiHy **“> •* Oneteh. NcKroes. Meti-. We-ro 00! to >t a fab done. ^ « the cmitotoCn in addtoon to en- Catelids. e«".



The Sumitomo BankOF CALIFORNIA

Head once—Sm Franciico• 3«tefsrni& • nil SB Sacramento orr>ca • !<30 Fewrf ireel • t<3 fftlSanJoMOlhee • ill Menk fusl Si'sW • 2&ilU

nOKica • la • KHWii

Page 5: · 2000-08-31 · ERRY EN0ME3T0, Start Chairmsn-Japangse American Voice Rings loud and Clear in This Campaign Prop. 14. the California Real Ertate Assn’s “segrega-

CfTigM FHday. OdolMr 16,1964KVaiVOMSfffPORLBJ;mwiumfaff. Man Cay WHh KwMii R«|MiWiuns Mn.n>n4ahK«Nr

Dentef canmistoi Mcomnw^ relaHons reviewed

DEKVER—As \*icr ' chsinaaa ot the CHy-Ouotjr CostmissMa os CesnrouBitj RriaticaM of Dcnwr. Min Ynsul summsrtiid its pro- gnm or tbe r««r a a finn. 31 r*pnt to Ma^ ‘niORMf’ Curnian.

Also appcsnac oo Ae nagatn arerr Eljl HornuAi. the MUr4a JACU Ca Nakata- of St. John s

iifM "I -*der.„al that tbera W verr je« ‘««n «“ cl,y auditor s office. pMteta eandldato who have 7^^ eoiiunUsion. «Alcb taerta

Some Questions & Answers on Prop. 14^^0^1. h■ nr rn hone n «. VThM t

hare the rUM I

Fev-cbapler aree in San Joaquin, SlanhlaiK, Mercai couiriles sees Kisei combine pash wtl*< local CfP t4

______ _ A At a time «m tte Mtim" it moriof ahead in tromaa riihts.

. Prsjp. 14 arould declare, m aflect. “ " that electix-e oBicials of the state.

a Valer Am

A. You can if you . cupx a tJxSe fijnil.vhome and if you are not subsSalsed ^ ^ to, area isby a pubUc a^cy to toe buy4« -epntunlty to hcpusto*' And. chiitarsi----------_ ^or rmaDcmi of n -nte B-tmtord ,n p,.eaeirt toeil aad Ooete* chapters to cloae iiroxiifciy- 1-,Fair Koiutos Art covers honatog .m rtsH un- to the aouth to Merced and'Sian-

iiatelr become hull aad void, islaus eouniies. aod the SlacklM

overiag actv-it 1 to prex-ious c

- 3. .«sn^suias the <

. wuh eicuxix-c xn .__ ____ _dtjei and oounties. dtall arxAr TRACY-Tbe Saa Joaq^ VaOer dtopwr coepeoibtad a dr- --ponae. tu ant.-iBtj2a w3 »a *have the right to legiatoto tor area is compoaed of tour JAC*- «,Pwp. U wito tike Merced 1 “ 'equal epporumity to housing And. cAatfarsi Liviagstoo-Merced and■ ' - - - -............ .. -* --------------- ----------------------- - 6mbibx

B toe bustoesaof bton ,tog lapartaeiits aod raulUplC«Su»- log un:U‘ or if public fuad< hax-e been used to help build or bny 11.

S Hia. Cl,.Spmby’s Friends stall final push

^ is not betog hoont wito Shnie gnup. metropolitan “***- *Each of tone RepubUcana Denver, aSocatoTrtce and rcli- ••power" teat tec Realtor seeks to ^

, Nov. S enst his vjte for ~,n emoloymeot. *»'x..cnc ***^^^^- -***-^ ^ control rcsidentiel arras.Yrdflml WIU it be tir mi ”"5"?““'; parbsao Mamhmd »ato ttammlVR Tjf.nsjm ..i TL-ri u rtji‘ L accomitiodalkins. entered. Jti Gnl stager. 41. UMd B»w a pet5. Jia™, «B.rp.G,.J- „ „un.i«d LU.«, Klk, MUM, .» tek ».l k b dl«.

oto-x .4M. «t» various nab-nal organlii- nounred agetost «an ce to tor eaarta as

p!^-r* •?' ^ *■ “* • *it hekeC. was oa band ' cMiBO. had prrvkwly. hUely that a reliable paL'

78 parcent of Hawaii'

aad Frrwch Camp chapters cIumI/ law wen » awen -e: 5^ Joaquto County to

turns over to real eriate *>“ resale > fignifithe power to decide whm '“i

■ gilpiitj tlr^ts? pejplc shall lix-e. !u real purpMC• A • No Artirle 1 of tee CatUbex -to tode away your rights to boy

tea Stole Cuartiteiii* has for ever or rem tlje home of your choscr- lOS years stolid that cltiiew btv* “ deliberately hidden

repiace tlto cxistotg property ri^t panie eellhtg lor huge rrrfiLx by aeparato tenn^"


f o, chapters at Calxary Presbytc. ian ly I - ■ -.............................................• It I

gir^r., iSr?!S^S^aeTtoS

. Bote chaptora hadres at tot Ort. H "B4eky Sb.-<w at Stockton »t SMGregory

a licket-___ __________Both Bex-. L. Sasaki ih» Bj6-

dUist Churdi a»l Rev. Am* Sqto boast *ear. of ter Calvury PreabjrteriM have

chapter aent t-vo of their roember- i Zj Pairmca SiO prr ^ic.

-X o,^ ceuse Ft PairmflOt ftote! «!uto aid Geo

perlic-qtotod 1' >4 Bxe«bs«i.


lite 6r'‘tb /.txiidijng »Mi

ite. rccogteteog the distinct g o- cooiribubaoB to 'the Oaunty Com- " - ' and abu tel

San Joaquin OAP

pub- Many trioads . .ox agettoies. It has ctoiducted have benefited from Mataoaaga-; af the h

,1^ workshops. hoMlaf stafies and is artiviUes' in the Nattan'a Capital “5 c mpletint an American lodki

A. AO preant laws affrcling t » ^ch chip

reliable poilaboa-rd Riehaid E. Young u com-Indlan at^ eapecied w send In oogtffc*-


, vD-to for Lyndon Jotasoe. Ruteung for the scat now held

Hiram Fohg. Rep. T'-m i;daioed teat Fa« will not

Hte hbn. Mayoralty eanendate that .fir-

MW, Washingtao, DC.

KEIP CAUFORNTA FAIRWEK-Oa. ra-25-SCT _____________

.LOS A.NGE1XS - ProtoW «« thtews to debau clergymen against Prop. 14 have •• t^tengme apparent abemto of tee Rc- proclaimed tee a-eek oTOct. IS- AltoteTPart, baa Manned the 2* »* “K*^ ^CajHamia Fair"BgMBy ective UM^. The* »«*-cm to believe titof iritB no op- Dr. Myron C. Cole, preridre*. f.uon party, the Demucraif of tee So Cakf. Cbonail uf khl be Jess responsive to the Ciurches. saH^-Plop. 14 eon-

I.v. U-U««. « mted agtenst binder Prop, i«. au 5^ ^ Caiifoctea !• became atvan

nutu-e aid Kax purchased ad s.ian Sato »»«< thic writer, irage local group par- uc the Turto^ paper, which inci- OTenurae. we here are I maili '

fu^^'rgrU gr^ 14 arc ter Rum- ** ^ . ^-4rd Fa^.Bousing Art and portions ur am by aoUciUng the active On toe evwkiw M Oat 84. aa

support iif ote4T organliaesoa and open mertiM wUl be hcM and will ~‘i 7"*AM7 iadniiduals wilWa the Japanese be labeled -Caovass and Pru-,.. 14 S^^l^***'*^ Jf ^ communit.v and by encouraging NighT.

tee identeKtotiati of eowe Nisei _ . . uca. CAP .W C^r.toe TheIt declares <e tee policy ot with tee CAP 1-

their bousing and job <

of labor. -u . tradleuLWTf ehieftoiBs have endorsed church and. ou

____ Fong and are USienvg brotherhood ofort.tbe s'trieken RepahUcan Pir- - - doubtful if tee rank

Id file of tee ILWrtT can be per-•d'lt IS pr.-£toble to play to a patienl who seems to

hwt tee wlB to live.

hr stale Senate arte Assembly. Q. Wha^ daea U require?

Dr KengB TenWiita: rbrno and hi oas-aectito

In tee

iriiiia^^srsiuSsri^^iri^.^ Bmu TUiaMawa. Oi lolu) K

< in.!:".

mntt foreeafcl lueeasg to _ titerr told o>c tecy>e %n

••converted" tnetadiaf owJerry -is a -neutftT 1 gave I

ttengaw an eHecUxre meesage be- | ibrewm far* tee Japaneae commototy. n ^.<«._4ackj

Q. V NM te nat aae tlw M- teems, we cmild not fottify our '•Wtl sataguarte af tee Bnatlard \ Thai owners of. property *»»« *«i concern. * amatler ;Fab ■i^eg M. what gaad to built with public funds o.- who cmniaKies pardcutosly, wdhaut gh to Iteto? . have five or more uniu in a single l*ndlBg active support to tee greav :A Nisei get a great deal of deve)oto««il must apply te. same «■ omtominiw which -e^ are a :

and enjoy br*d«»ter <worlnmtle» gMd out of tee Bumlbrd Act ev«i standards to all applicanu who t*« of everyttoy of our Lves ... ^ ^ because of Spark s msny and though they are reldctanl to d>- want t., Iwy or rent. Ahead ^22ELa r , U. »_► *> »♦ have usurped Qgreat contrteuUoiis bedare and rectly use it. Fair hoosuig laws ll does not as bachars <d Prito _ ♦ ..... rt2pS^ mehide San JoUquln 1after fais electloa two years ago eetobtite a legal and aqral cUmale W want w to believv. affect tee Th^ we have yet to reach Cb—n Ma-ww. w a. tew^ ^ Against Prep 14 0 .. Congress. ’ Vaaaoka said. -Wc In the tarrmonity. IMs moral cU- owner of a single faaa> resktoBce all Niaei voters of this area, I o-SSS^ epeatoer is » be Sute Sen. AQan

.......................... - - - X.... .nargMl built with privet* fmancing. There bare unwavenag conMenee. as E^ST T Sr^ - '

i-iOx-t »rd Mtey.

executive board member Cler­gy Against Prop. 14.

rights and tppnrtanSOes.^^

New DesdUne; Tussday

now afraid to dis- eothing in tee HuroJord Art teal We enter these crucial weeks of Wiwi Club — WiIt tee Nisei be-. requires tee owner of property to the campaign, that they will over- *>«s — »-»■*

communilv »eE of rent to anotex-r person icho wbelmmgly "fall in line^’ srilh our Aren—JlgaMarMi

aivarr ineiude San Johquln OaoBty NJaai: Op "r Against Prop 14 Our faatorel4 M-nbws. teveaxun i» Stole Sen. Alton

t Of «r pS.^- Waya* MW>

I against discnmisa- does n

• for tee CS.

Though the most rush puhhoiB would ned suggest it is iislblr to prevent tee >e-dccbm Sparky MStanaaga. some enter-

1 a wisted hope of edging out running mate. Palsy Mu-k.

rbe aeapoc teal will be used jain others ain.x; Patsy is tee charge jie, ^ *elert her would toe to send to other forms istiimrton a delegaii<»_tesl_ii praetiees."

The above

Though.TOUlhl to defeat Prop. |

I vote, they can aid I a variety of ways

‘ lS!TC .?“S.Sf SSK

' BT EOT nC»A NC-WNDYC Chstmaal

San Fraote 'To encourage lU c

combatmg preju-

Profits only molve; or natter support

- trihop. 14: WttvANCiELES-^NAACP

lest of tee legal outcome, teeae switch grounds beeause of the sj> miioIvlM* dtortwoit teeae MqM. msrguial tagots ihll beliex-e teat plicanri relitftois beliefs ot nee. tame pronunenl. suffering from ■ -• • -- fthey are m tee majority and lie- "nie Uw s-anpJy says the same certain mytgdc x-toions or some S£hJS2oSifv touaST*come bolder and bolder in their standards of aelectioij must appLv fjpoe in memory _______ BjH, smektoa and Fronti Campdesire to o^se cix-iJ righu tJ all- From immediate penonal rr- went on caBcertad reglstraWto

. M. ^ - . . — ^ perience I dae^t share the wnft. drives. In French Cwnp 1«• *•..*' 7^- ^ «*«*« tf« « «u“ "shak^up" gratifring to note tee resulU of tee

fore to do hj utracst to see teat rimteitoWT agatort Prop- U. worar ^ ,^,3^ eonserWtive rttaru «g Bthis Proposition is defeated-. .A, Yes. The Japanese comnite x. Yes nfT-c B *»«-■ hew to ef- **'4 "entiendied" good friends of NataaBoR x___________ ______ _

Many of ui. however, tmd ii nity throughout California is unitod „n„,ptoh.t. big row gnaeral cansnanlty The erto- gj p^xenl lock in rogissraliDB tost tt»e roewtery B^ WBISDa. M %difficult to "Stand up and be as never before in its oppoai^po been or are bemy thndsg tate of tee broad cross- to M permt rogistored thU recent press tsmtentoiw hero. aaUeousned " because we ar.- too « p,^. 14. The Boddhlst and „ttled by cuDciliatiaQ Ten other neclieo of tee .VistL once Udarmad- tec real esute toduatry's eipaiw.young to east our vote at tee polU. Chrirtian eburtites are wofkSng ,.^1^, liimtar fair hauB&g I* » let those fhods know where Stockton with wtoftirma cemraro l«As was "tee tody mbm

i.,wi..~x,.^iiix but Fc can do our part in tee together against it. as are Jspa- i,,, 22 stales have fair em- •* “4 why. and that we jn, «ad several fcglit-atiito tor itt support of prifx 14^.campaign during the crucial daj-s nes* businessea, civil, frate.-nal j^-meiR tows and tU aro operaV against prejudice applied to Nights" at Bw *»**■■-» HaB aBd "The hoBwownert wed tadrtteU

unbiJaneed." Official Ha- ,bove is one of tee cbiee- left until tee eJecte*. aad social groopt and dubs. ^4' auccessfullT and witeoui ha.ti- «>««” as to us Calvary Church, made a nggiB- Cghfiwto did aal Mbui has Ubited hard aad tone to fevea tafcw from tee canstituttoo *» o a*. .» toe^iw mm n* 'Slp far business cr property onn- ^ foB-'wtag lists ear commit- cpal d*« to the sometimes lagcmg ^ this tee deseendanu of HawaU i ^f tee Nationa! Jr. JAd. lu a?- «• ***^ „s Never, a. all of tee case. “4 "" campaign posit™ of the N»ei ---------- ’■wsrront gWMgM to fiatnist each plication can never be put td bet- quarters, vttemieertng our rorv.m ■ ____ he:* and in other states, has icy- livhMslM rtiTrid ®«h Lodi and LtedesX------------. -u..- idcntrfied ter use.than in the fight to de- l« •»? T,'""*' ** 1 * out PUb- on* grme to Jail tor vioUting'tee lAvtegato*

• racially un- «... p„o j4 aWe to fill I'-" for Pros 14 to the haendedge , __te*uaitj Uws■ lesi rit^. is................. ... 1, ..--...x ... ... ut *n.*i woraauiy tows.Caeigresstonsl delega- ^ te*'youth, this issue is espe- As a Jr. JACi graup we can oc ae

would TlQlate Hawaiian »a- .1,11, imp-rtaot because it would give a danoe to rairo moewy. have Against Prop 14 . . . _ . . j . . • .... w.'<h I. AirtrOvi*. lileVIliire

Jake Rlnhata. e

Nevertheless. Patsy is eapected puv tee property of our eteoice in ««i bumper »«e*ers. piro^t receive the cadoraemest rt tee ^e future. epe^ker before the •Munmimitv

FZsdO and has the edge in this <1^ rwslitv of the reitrlc- <*"7 on a » ' ‘ce. The ILgro has declined to. covenants, ctoaed neighbor- iaitriimenlai enmit itself, appeox-tng tee rer- ^laods aad discriminatory clauses Prop- >* b t< bote Patsy and that-of John ^ c.otrarts that fdagned the hu- • T^ i*- >»? aiigan. tee Rcpttelican canrti- •

right to Ibnt t X waish to distrteuie literitiire «. Whart. tee a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ made eiatinuing lodlvidusl

han. riwnk gueuKI tOwpWr Five.), tact


The real estate iadustty (. cwre lass abrot tee p . ,

«. Whe aasBachi PtijC If?A. The Califfirnij Real Estate In every state

i^fof other project. ^ ^ ^the fight to defeat than $».?» to on tee bal- ‘

seUinglaviagaton ar

-■ pertaot ia

Counlr iwu tee hwhar ^iftoeerod aad finaacod ter ________ -•tewc-regis^'' l^S^ S^o^e «“ «*auas

a aeil- teoac Nisei ": to tee

I nghts of if- Are itere oteer daagan? duaty CAP Coeuniue* ir

Yet Wite hmiTtog dtecruni- the Kirtearo't are active.. . — ■ .-■.T- . .x;. I»r. ‘

te, ou. ... X,. means, limited to John Birch Society. White Qtiiens tegs AMwertM tee appeal of tee San Jooquin CAP 14 Caam^tte*. tee SutokUB Chapter forwarded

matter how roach the raaf « Induetiy pfpfesecs to telhe ;

^ iaaue of "property

of OM-Thi* V

itenew Your Monbenliip. tec reh^i

American citi&i < IdciU of human rights

ipholi and C


The can U out ... our duty is x:,cn. clear, let us not teirk from our

iTsponslbibties* and waUb the processes of social change as a bystander. Ler us plunge deep into_ struggle and work to bringtee Amenean droam M equality .• A N<^xcept in blodk-tusbnf

Esute Assn, coold eaqMl a to««B- ber for aiding in the role or rental of property to a racial miaoilty family in an area not racially is-

*? deOars to federal funds for _ 00s construct™ peojeets. •]

' •• • peroaa cause W-idx Rjctad unem-to rol ar rewt to « ro™i roi^- pioyment and force higher uxes tty fandy to an aBHrtdle aelgh- calllornia for rttim clearance

and other uibao projects.

groopt ulMudrog «8CS. News ads a HMrevCa. a bin^ movie h^

coupled wite aXVELAND — Tbtei Ei - * aad SaeBle Tanstea aM I

tee Jr. 1tee local Buridhial HaB ea Out. club.

MMtRffrVdterMkstti BBdMi cM

AUBURN. Wash. - The Whili Rn-er Valley Buddhist Church, to- q. cated between Auburn and Senl. totfikBitr w as iQRnaUy deditwttd Sept U by CT tee « Bishop Sfafnsbo Ranaytau at San Aaro.?

; FranriaoD and Rev. Keaiyo Kuma- ^

Prop. 14 Oiled national ii^scope

CiBtasMia Baal Satate

i. including White

The ehuT^ was designed by Al-

LOB A-NGELES ~ SMurday Bro- nmg Itost cotomnist Stewart Alaop has called Prop. 14 •'nattoaal act™" in Ae Ort l« issue.

‘The basic issue Involved 'flpr- Prop. M goes to the heart of te.

- ixy a>x«.«, ...x^x.. aad racial crisis' with whicfa this cbroken have great aiBcuHy it) try te now seized. ^ Alrop antes

■ ^

to tuO citiaenshte with the r-ght

I -WVgUrSwewyfW'ewto.wHMI dwmagcrouMwSwWory I crv/waprteakfCSeuaw*

Af MM* Bro* raemaaMM

S«S-« «-».—•

becoming members of the Cahlor- nia Retell Estate Aaro. Eves in


Beingl^repand lor Dec. 18-25 IssuehigWiglitg of the year gnd


A. Yes 11 varies frosn place t» of Prop . fiaee and nwat Nisei seek bousing quest™where they know there is

Alaop also quoted LewAngelea realtor Ruben Rowan. Istaunch B^biican and atrtog oppt

Page 6: · 2000-08-31 · ERRY EN0ME3T0, Start Chairmsn-Japangse American Voice Rings loud and Clear in This Campaign Prop. 14. the California Real Ertate Assn’s “segrega-

Friday, Oefob«^U.l»«4


Sonoma County'CL elects Dr. Okamoto as'65 president

1%5 Olficers

~Vip ASGEl-ES—easelbW^ben Braiil'i fi»-" ari-ord- in >1-- -----------

JJr. Teini Suzuki, uhoii 430.000 Jo3ioe«r in Br»zJ. cwMMtee h«» coarliKW * •eol«« «.m< 65.000 (vn^z.cpaws of ibe Jspineve in Brszil 7be ri»e of Js]«ae*e sfricu.lure H« waz here thi> »•«* me-ting in 8r»iil rurstlels ttul of I»»ei •-a Ibf J.4a. U^.« in Americs. Dr Sowki poiW.-dProject St UOJl 'OeU '< of The Jit»ne*« were flmc.ttaui nre la thr Sept. IS P" » zharecTppi<rv. then tensm fsrm-

Afler Pre^idrnl Roo,^^!! or*o- m and over half ownAeir famu JijMd the OenUemeti s .^grrenmii lodiy. Ahoui 20 j*cl <3 the N-*«i or MOT to cut off Japaaeae farm areanroaed .n umverutie* or have

freta rmifralin; >i !i -graduated and iWermarrlagc t» <» - - !• the iiiCTe«e»e. he added

I. Suzuki

S.!..STA ROSA-Or Boy.Oki

Sonema County JACL------------------------- .... «n yr-

Palsy MinUnay be first Nisei women elected lo Congiw, on same licke! with Spark Matsunaga^adng two Repubheans

HeM. one of her 1 oeOc-Uy claaaedTTw’J


United State*. Brazil bc(an tn icome them—thlr firzt group of — .. ----------- .laieHBC in Sao Pauio to work on expreszed mlervjl tn the JACI. the eWIee t^rrtatisns Hizlory Project, opined that the

The beaviett JzpeaeM m«ra new rtudj- Uu.l abould be Under- ewi. to Brazil came in the mid- taken in Brazil ia zamilar to aACL »

awl the 30* after .the US aoeial hiztory jrojecr______________

letters from Osaka orphan 'adopteir fay San Francisco JACL temporarily halted

Villafc Service Qub.The member*^ cuTOBSle-i wu-

abo ^tlen . underway wiib ®r.Okamolo. Ceorte Sti.'-i.rJ „ni Georye Yokto-ama >ervme O: co- chairmen DeacUttr of !>.-c. 31 b«» beeii *el foe the M6S .mrn.brr.'hjp.

‘Thj* t>e»« the firzt of lS6i chapter of/icer* lo be ekaeJ; Ure com[dcte tozter of edfuer* Wftaiwl under the heading c. "IWj _____Officeri". which (hall appe-.r troi.i ^;j a|,tont»an. time to time.) ^ ptopowli haw

i. ■

S-«» FRANCISCO - With the re­cent fMuing of Kauue Kobanhi. ditWcfta- of the Hakuai-sha Orphan age m Ozaka. correspoDdepce of Nptnru Miyamoto «-.tb hit Califor. nia spreiiori. the San Francivco JACL. has been temporarily batl- fld.^eeordinf to Bar Ttuchlmox). project chairman *

A new diredor has been appoint­ed a»d baa' asAired JACL moothiy

ua -a N» r>f«-' "1,

NC-WNDC BIDS FOB GROUP HOSPITAlFtANSAX FR.A.VC1SCO------"nie NC-WNDC i» *t---k;ng a gixxTJ h^ pitaliZBUun Uii-urance program for iu membership, acoctding

John Yasumoto. district ewa- said a aimiter also been -«ub-

___ .nii>d lor coazalerata* by the'■ ■■ Insuran.-y Commiuee

Ttw chapicr't campwgta aga;a*t Tbe council, however, invites prop 14 cnleed it* l.njl ;*a*e other intererted firms to submit Jun Murakami and Oeofgr Hama- -proposals t» eifher Ihe JAOy raoto. co^hairmen. . i>y OHice. 1634 Post St. San Fras-somc. ten members oT tiie chaplei cisco IS or committee chair- board. tbe bnai ■ducatiuia! cam- man Wilson Makabe. 661 Ediu paign ietiers to memh-rs are be- Way. San Mateo by Oct 22 mg mailed. Cuoeentrauon -a! -.c The DC escr-itive boa rd msists-

aecxiiio graor euu made through varhma local all proposals' should be on a

balder My favorite subjecU are

ticket foroi*of;he»woavaiiac.<

-V--.-..nallv imbaiim.-- ti--w.t n..: win H.r lana-ng mst. .

disbarred from being of American

being disseminaled Hawaiian propaganda

, Itftet. rafter -TtoMEh she mazes no a..eo-.^

the nin« theo^ ol ,

' tt« Houm. k ,

die If they voted But euen if »11 dw

5„snr.„t: h- - ^ ••no place far prejudice to ddaiet lor ftvale life She u mimed to Jehn ^wt iMmk. a Caucasian erolngist. wno ^ ^ ^ ^i, acting as her campaign m«a- BgJU*cans m«| » _

ziruofer gtinmKl toan a ^■ - ■■ .-3

She also

t her campaign n

has jmar«“«V ^ against a “lacwliy

PaL«>' Takemoto Mink

Commerce. But Patiy. a Sanse-. cimima i.further remmed fi

to do an. she publicly advorzied atomic testing. She

calm reason to ^twnal. personal aUacks upon her.

Especisllv among the Abin- pnes. m Hawnh/one ryetz *-i:b a ‘strong fi-eling of resentmcai

1 against the political dorn^Um « Hawwu by tbe Nihke. -T» min^

Ijapaoese." it *e refrsm of many of them. "Soon there wdi be noft- ing left for us."

Exposed as ftev hive been to - of officisl Hawai

d Pstay from Omgrea,

s the an- 0“ ^y* prevsousiy s» . ^ -— gounoed his candidacy lor the US

cisco:Ho« an you m San FranctsM*

As tar me. I'm 4«ng b> zcbio) every da.v Soon 111 be m the secziiMl grade and must stady

bani would follow.U tbe last letter, which

eluded seven wTii'.en in Japanese tn ctaildren of a local Cakuen class. Meberu sa>d:To all my friends in Ran Prsn-

frieods m San Fianri-co.We have a puppy by the name

Lassie Sacc be is very y good care «I

him by Aeeding end bathing bon. ^ Ty all my friends in San Fra&i<^

CISCO, please cootc and •” ' in Osaka.


CafauUi* ■ ' J Chapter Call Board.«h.

Wasi La* Ancelfs — Tah ^wuu* Catown. IPe p

Ditot _%aiLi*KS.:V_u. Zi»-4Je Oct. IS < -•

WmT Lm AnpwiM JACL Ittt Cabtoet: The Wv<: Lo. An-

gelcs JACL Auxiliary presents its slate of M65 officers at the regular

*aam. moQthl.v meeting Oct l:i. * p.m at the Oueen't Arms rrstauram in

r*?® Yo-n:ia.

JAn Miyano. chapter pi-cuden! said proceeds from the Japune.-e to age 65bosefit movie, held the list week- Servilai on fte enmsmttee are end of September w-iil rfJble thv Edison Uno. Sum Ola. Haruo eSmminee lo complete vanou. ots iidiimaru.‘Has Satov and Yazu- jeeuwes a. planit^. (kilr tiiruu^ axno. tbe generous aopporl <W the com­munity has l-his been psssitor. «.-

\ yano added.'..Jpaias Minwkami. member of the Sonoma County Executive Bi^rd AgauiM Prop 14. and Mrs Murakami srrrc among the hosts ^ hostesso greeling toe many

irs, n.ANn«»-D, n...,.,.■ST’Jis.r S';;;:;

ceiiual culture tiian Sparky.

Japanese'Storol that ft.- Aboriginef .

turwl that ftey are jrolnu* of tbcir ^S«LiMVr«<PMb

du^p.^1- H. « S..U Or..D-Hawaii' make-

T. “St..!.. -1.'™. ““‘.“'F; ..Nrt. MU. »- K, ,T.« H .«h. u

Nisei to Chair'64 computer confab

Retwed s class vakdictoeian and

on. IS The new Auzil.ary ornnrs win xnd rc

Tanaki of the l.o;k!ii-ri M;--rj!es and Spicc Co research iabora-. lories at Palo <Alto. general

* -• ’ . ■“ chairman of the 1964 Fail Joint----------------------------------------------- Computer Conference to be held

here Oct. »•».Ftttrin JACLer MeetiirtBI Over 11.000 per*»s a» expect a. . • J _I to a* program at theS3 BUlBeB WfHWboOM Md Cv-lr Center and Jack Tar Hotel.

- U.S’. mvcftpr ^ prominent in hh-Gmu-be •la- technical activiUes. a mem-

arourr^fs-zere ber the Board of Gevyrnors «

student body president 8be grad- fwtotl W uated frwn the Umv. cd Hawaii cumsttnees in IMS otkl from the Unlv. ' - '■C.iiragoCaw School in 1051. rewl oisappourunro. uj o^

Hex pobtical career began aboir*. experience she-1 lixe she hung out^ shingle statewide cimpaign cd I«8 and >0 Himolu^ ^ organlirt^ ftc orgamzataai zbc bmh ftim U Young -Deroocrau. of Hmii. She supposed to have gn-en her soccrssfully ran for the tfawauan vantage o«Hou.-e of Re^eesematives in 1*6

19M after Hawaii was granted SmaU. deoture. Yemimne.

lag this de-,, ^ fcal. but it must have been a

r the two catMidales

dutoer ebairmaa.'

n ISO* aiier nawaii *r»* aieuwu ---------- - -------------i.lehond. she rad for the US round face •«<“«*? refci

r of Reprrscntatrves And

Church loY leoder

zra rrCQgUy i


, -“sSSs’"'

- ,

Saturday. J<pv.

Socraingntg JACL «4at» of 1

Bwtohwi in fte area

Grower; in «>« Institute of Elecu czlElcctrosuc* Engineers Ccanputer Group, author of a forlhromtog b-rok on coinputer techainuea and

United member o.’ fte UC-

Caiul'idata* Nlglit. Carlat

fromLeandro lha\ mduded a 2»J»C tq ^ ___ .ft warehouf- ftimpiez and office space and restaurant facility ca^

r.^ -Itor the lift annual Sacramento at 82.000JI00. Tbe Florin --------------------------------------------JACL "Star.- of Tomorrow-" shiw is one of the major prin- ^ nkMbedulcd for Nov. n at the local oamers alohg with Gene "*y f•«» DOnOltt

Harr b*n*m Buddhist Qurreh audstonum. Wong of Sacramento and investors e___ ..1- L___L -I C4 ftliCtonrot ft. PerZnrmere wishfae to aoocar on u___ i..i.. >W€mit DOBK ®1 »»AM •

O^SLtND—Ke.-. Malsuinoto. wtii Srert as a Natwoal J.AOL v: .- pre.klcfit during the. war year:, war elected presiden: of toe OiV- Uad Assn, of Anirnc^ BaiXist Mrn rc--cntj,v. He-wiU Krve a two-yraf term of the group ihicb embraces ti .harches

Malayan .strain. .IS fair, she makes a grnceful. per­suasive figure on the piatform. In private life she seem* to prefii




g HEiA teurrsp—PBMUri-u.'SIM»r*r.«

her sfiai________iHLSaMtsi mtmm

a OrWst. I

-"svs’jsjDd — Votere R - Jap*n»>

Pertormen wifthig to appear on -ty MM- stage Aould call tSr. Jam;* Kutu

<44340341 Of BIU MaUumoto <44*-Uj) t!»'.

from Hmolulu.

SrotUe—Dan.-* Club sorizJ W>*l lot Annies—Knn Cl

Meter Gty goKen te|(eU1 TeUe Nlieage ebtt to start ta Sun Bldg.

SEIATTLE—Tw.- pice-looking Ni**i w-omro' triirrs got their pirlurvs in toe papers here Monday, v. lim.s of two "toy gun ' banditi w robbed the Abacus Branch, of t

LOS ANGELES A chaoae is*-w*iy fwmwwsHwwi polish up rusty or

II Mamenal; L'CTROIT — Sixty pliycrs Iced leani toe Unguage from toe pnme target of what tt " ; S in the annual TrbCily 'Aunts- ground-up m Li'l TofcJo win be was a "Wr patol . In tin

_________ __ ______ Sit cooon. I lem here iwenllv wHh fte hint offered when YoihikTa.iaks next cage, fte other bandit pslm-wnScreiBtry Out Motor City club noaing out fte staru her classes next week in cd what was bej^ed to be phsvr

Sa^ jaae C^WWC u»f«r1r CleveUndcri 4TH fc 45 The Ifth Roam 2U» Sun Bl^l 'sani* n»t P*sftl «t Mr* I^l Allure »S5» cutre. R<«> Doe Hole Club of Chicago tiiriled w.ft as the JACL Regional OCieci. The short bandit handed Mn

«m. fur« 27^ pt, RegistTitions are now being ae- Cchida a paper zaclr. silently nu.Vow 11.111 -» K-rti«a o.y J^v Sate* of Detroit wm low 'cepted by Miss Tanaka at MA 8- Uoniag her to fill tbe Sack w:«.

cmiraw. pwriT n*t wrtft »2S«5 Other jrinaen M6B or NO 34054 T» imttol the money « her «?«l cash draxN*> s ia**a*ii were course w-Jl eowist of eight weekly cr. Mi* .Adamura. meantime. w-;>

«-Ri ookuchi ICIV tt. Bm Wiioki .essions. m itiooless under ment>S*^ ArViaTnUiin- '.Shins arrtr. "ail Hauiirvrto iDi IS ' She li an instiuctor at tbe Ja- toll bsodifs gun The

N*V IJ irHSs^i _ *-jor KMS»*hi <CII 14 Mm Ki- tianevr Lacruscr aid Culture In. ager -vas"IS.AVli.’SJiilSf.i:?.' 'i' ».k bas Uughi at the itow-nev _

------IS .awwa.., nct-eland-

of fte IhodeRt

3 Jaiiar JoiD the .1000 aub

TANAKA'S JAPANESE CLASS.e-W*ek Court* in CooiWrMfionil Nihengo

STARTS OCT. 22-23Registrations Now - NO 3-9095, MA B-2469

Mis* Yothiko Tanaka, Instructor Reont 309, Sun BWs- IM Welter Sf„ Lo*(Ang*tl*»

wiAa.m I2“’ H*'

O 'jjpj'w' ciiw"

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