20 interesting facts about google

20 Interesting Facts About Google Presented by Rohit Sharma Digital Marketing Consultant www.rohitsharmalive.com


Google which was Originally known as BackRub, was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in a friend’s garage while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. It has since grown to become the world’s biggest search engine, and the name Google has become synonymous with search.

Transcript of 20 interesting facts about google

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20 Interesting Facts About


Presented by

Rohit Sharma Digital Marketing Consultant www.rohitsharmalive.com

Page 2: 20 interesting facts about google

Google which was Originally known as BackRub, was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in a friend’s garage while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford

University. It has since grown to become the world’s biggest search engine, and the name Google has

become synonymous with search.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Google was named due to the misspelling of the word googol.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Google encourages its employees to spend at least 20% of their time developing an independent idea which

gave rise to some of Google’s biggest projects including AdSense, Gmail, Google Transit, Google News and Google Talk Some of them are so interesting that

Google takes them up officially resulting in so many beta products.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Google takes over 200 factors into account before delivering you the best results to any

query in a fraction of a second.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Google indexes 60 trillion individual web pages

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Google’s search index is more than 100 million gigabytes in size. It would take

100,000 one-terabyte personal drives to contain the same amount of data.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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The company owns a bunch of domains that are common misspellings of Google, like

Gooogle.com, Gogle.com, Googlr.com, and more. Google also owns 466453.com, too …

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Google has been acquiring, on average, more than one company per week since 2010.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Go to Google Mars. You can see a map of Mars.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Google is a wedding planner. Yes, you heard it right. Plan your special day with Google


Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Google Sky Maps allows you to view stars, constellations, galaxies and planets. Check

out www.google.com/sky.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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There are more than 2 million Google searches per second.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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620 million users visit www.google.com daily. Does that number stand for half the world’s

population? Maybe not, but it definitely stands for almost all the people use the Internet.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Over 6 billion who hours of video are watched each month on YouTube — that’s almost an

hour for every person on Earth.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Up to 97% of Google’s revenue comes from advertisements

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Google written backwards is elgooG, but did you know you could search backwards too

at http://elgoog.im

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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YouTube makes money through advertisements that are placed near the videos. It works like Google itself. It further earns money through

sponsored competition on the website. Google paid $1.65 Billion to purchase Youtube on

October 9, 2006, even though they had an in house product called Google Video.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Google pays Mozilla Millions of dollars a year. As part of the deal Mozilla makes Google the

default search provider in its Firefox web browser and some speculate the partnership

also protects Google from antitrust complaints.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin own just 16% of the company That 16% gives them a

combined net worth of around $46bn.

Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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The “I’m Feeling Lucky” button, which bypasses the results page and takes users directly to the first result of their search, is nearly never used.

It has been estimated to cost Google around $100 million in lost advertising revenue every


Rohit Sharma www.rohitsharmalive.com

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Thanks Rohit Sharma

Digital Marketing Consultant www.rohitsharmalive.com