Interesting Facts 3

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  • 8/11/2019 Interesting Facts 3


    Indonesia consists only of islands - 13,667 total

    During World War II, the very first bomb dropped on Berlin by the llies !illed the only elephant in the Berlin "oo

    #eople $ho ride on roller coasters have a higher chance of having a blood clot in the brain

    %he tallest freestanding sculpture in the $orld is &hief &ra'y (orse in )outh Da!ota, *)

    +arie &urie, the obel pri'e $inning scientist $ho discovered radium, died of radiation poisoning

    . tornadoes $ere recorded to have occurred in the *nited )tates in the year /000

    %he $ord #opcorn is derived from the middle 2nglish $ord poppe, $hich means e4plosive sound

    %he food that is digested in your stomach is called chyme

    lcohol beverages have all 13 minerals necessary for human life

    %he sentence %he 5uic! bro$n fo4 umps over the la'y dog uses everyletter in the alphabet Developed by Western*nion to %est tele48t$4communications9

    %he $ord house!eeping $as invented by )ha!espeare

    %he only t$o days of the year in $hich there are no professional sportsgames +:B, B , (:, or ;:9 are the daybefore and the day after the+a or:eague ll-)tar , 67 bulls in the century

    #olice detectives have used snapping turtles to help them locate dead bodies

    In most advertisements, including ne$spapers, the time displayed on a $atch is 10?10

    %he national sport of @apan is sumo $restling
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    %he early occurrence of a fetus ya$ning is at eleven $ee!s after conception

    In a month, a fingernail gro$s an eighth of an inch

    2d$ard AIII did not officially become the ing of 2ngland as he abdicated the throne to marry an merican divorcee

    %he boo! :ittle Ced Ciding (ood $as banned in 1..0 by t$o school districts in &alifornia %hey did this because in theboo! there $as a picture of a bas!et that had a bottle of $ine in it

    %he reason $hy golf balls have dimples on them is because it helps in the ball to move a farther distance by reducingdrag

    mericans consume the most peanut butter in the $orld

    &eltic $arriors sometimes fought their battles na!ed, their bodies dyed blue from head to toe

    %o ma!e butter more attractive in colour, carrot uice $as used by people in the +iddle ges

    2arly hoc!ey games allo$ed as many as 30 players a side on the ice

    +ost fleas do not live past a year old

    It ta!es seven to ten days to ma!e a elly belly ellybean

    )ome asteroids have other asteroids orbiting them

    +aine is the only state $hose name is ust one syllable

    %he male praying mantis cannot copulate $hile its head is attached to its body %he female initiates se4 by ripping themales head off

    %here is enough concrete in the (oover Dam to pave a t$o lane high$ay from )an ;rancisco to e$ or!

    mericans on the average eat 1 acres of pi''a every day

    2very /3 years, the orbits of eptune and #luto change ma!ing eptune at times the farthest planet from the sun

    %here is a certain species of !angaroo that is only / = centimetres long $hen it is born

    In a lifetime, the average house cat spends appro4imately 10,.=0 hours purring

    %he real name of %oto the dog in %he Wi'ard Ef E' $as %erry

    )tannous fluoride, $hich is the cavity fighter found in toothpaste is made from recycled tin

    It ta!es 1/ honeybees to ma!e one teaspoon of honey

    %homas Watson, $ho $as the chairman of IB+ in 1.>3 predicted that their $ould probably only be a $orld mar!et for

    five computers %he largest hamburger coo!ed in the $orld $eighed in at 6,0>0 pounds

    %he first lighthouse $as in le4andria in /.0 B &

    (ein' first started ma!ing !etchup in 1 76 and the recipe has remained the same ever since

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    %he monogram CC for Colls-Coyce has never been altered, e4cept for $hen )ir (enry Coyce passed a$ay in 1.33%hen it $as changed from red to blac!

    #eople $ith dar!er s!in $ill not $rin!le as fast as people $ith lighter s!in

    ;ido means faithful in :atin

    #ebbles cereal $as actually named after the shape of the cereal and not the #ebbles ;lintstone character

    group of !angaroos is called a mob

    &atHs urine glo$s under a blac!light

    2very three seconds, a ne$ baby is born

    +ore than /60,000 people have been !illed by volcanic activity since 1700 D

    %he only predator that polar bears have are humans

    +any insects can carry =0 times their o$n body $eight

    %he last land battle of the * ) &ivil War $as fought in %e4as

    nnually 7 million tons of te4tiles and clothing is thro$n out Eut of this, only 1/G is used again or recycled

    scorpion can have up to 1/ eyes

    sna!e charmer in Bangladesh once found 3,=00 poisonous cobras and their eggs hidden underneath the floors of t$osuburban homes

    %he IC) employees ta4 manual has instructions for collecting ta4es after a nuclear $ar

    %here are appro4imately fifty Bibles sold each minute across the $orld

    %he pectin that is found in apples aids in lo$ering cholesterol levels

    #ost-It otes, $hich are adhesive notes, $ere invented $hile loo!ing for a $ay to improve the acrylate adhesive found intapes

    &rayola &rayons currently has over 1/0 different crayon colours

    Edontophobia is the fear of teeth

    %he $idth of a tornado can range from less than ten yards to more than a mile

    In @ohannesburg, the average car $ill be involved in an accident once every four years

    %he youngest actress to be nominated as best actress is eisha &astle-(ughes $ho $as nominated at ust 13 years old

    %he %a +ahal $as actually built for use as a tomb

    ccording to studies, an average roll of toilet paper lasts about f ive days in the bathroom

    lmonds are members of the peach family

    %he oldest !no$n disease in the $orld is leprosy

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    fall of 30 feet can be survived my most cats

    %he largest member of the dolphin family are orcas

    In 1>77, the first diamond engagement ring $as given to +ary of Burgundy by rchdu!e +a4imillian of ustria

    %he hormone replacement drug #remarin is made from the urine of pregnant horses

    %WI &aramel &oo!ie Bars $ere first introduced in 1.7.

    intendo $as first establish in 1 . and they started out ma!ing special playing cards

    #eople over the age of fifty $ill start to lose their disli!e for foods that taste bitter

    In entuc!y, =0 percent of the people $ho get married for the first time are teenagers

    2lephants have been !no$n to learn up to 60 commands

    En average 1,66 gallons of $ater are used by each person in the *nited )tates daily

    &opper is the second most used metal in the $orld

    +ilton Bradley originally $anted to name the game %$ister, #ret'elJ but he could not since the name $as copyrighted

    ccording to studies, men prefer to have $hite bedrooms and $omen prefer to have blue bedrooms

    If someone $as to fly once around the surface of the moon, it $ould be e5ual to a round trip from e$ or! to :ondon

    )t #atric! never really drove out any sna!es from Ireland %his story $as an analogy of ho$ he drove paganism out ofIreland

    ;at is important for the development of children and normal gro$th

    %he most common seasonings found in merican homes are chili po$der, cinnamon, and seasoned salts

    #eople $ho have eaten beetles say that it tastes li!e apples

    +ontreal $as named after a local mountain +ont Coyal

    +illie the White (ouse dog earned more than > times as much as #resident Bush in 1..1 nd, rightfully so

    In an average lifetime, a person $ill spend > years travelling in an automobile and si4 months $aiting at a red light

    small drip from a faucet can $aste up to =0 gallons of $ater daily, $hich is enough $ater to run a dish$asher t$ice ona full cycle

    ote4 $as first manufactured as bandages, during W W I

    %he longest +onopoly game ever played $as 1,6 0 hours long, $hich is seventy straight days %he first !no$n contraceptive $as crocodile dung, used by 2gyptians in /000 B &

    Ever 1,600 people in orth merica have been victims of trun! entrapment being loc!ed inside of a car trun!9

    rhinoceros horn is made of compacted hair

    In 1../, $hen 2uroDisney first opened in ;rance, the public beat some of the par! characters because at the time most

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    people had been against the par! being built

    iffy is an actual unit of time for 18100th of a second %hus the saying, I $ill be there in a iffy

    %here is a muppet named ami that appears on the )outh frican version of the % A sho$ )esame )treet that is (IA-positive

    %here are appro4imately one hundred million people in the *nited )tates that have a chronic illness

    %he oldest $or!ing #ost Effice in the $orld is located in the village of )an5uer, located in the )cottish :o$lands It hasbeen operating since 171/

    &olumbia *niversity is the second largest lando$ner in e$ or! &ity, after the &atholic &hurch

    ppro4imately three ars of peanut butter are sold every second

    In ustralia, the average person uses 76 gallons of $ater daily In )$it'erland they use only 77 gallons of $ater perperson daily

    2very person has a uni5ue tongue print

    (air $ill fall out faster on a person that is on a crash diet

    In 1 .0, there $as no sunshine for the $hole month of December in Westminster in :ondon

    &harles Dar$in spent 3. years studying earth$orms

    %he Boeing 737 is nic!named the ;at lbert

    ;lorida has t$ice as many lightning in uries and deaths than any other state

    &hocolate can be fatal to dogs &hocolate contains a chemical theobromine, $hich is poisonous to dogs

    In &hina, there is a species of yam that is used to ma!e a dye

    nnually, appro4imately >6 millions &o!es, five million pounds of french fries, and seven million hamburgers areconsumed at Walt Disney World Cesort

    %he &hihuahua Desert is the largest desert in orth merica, and is over /00,000 s5uare miles

    2very continent begins and ends in the same letter eg fric , 2urop2

    Baseball games bet$een college teams have been played since the &ivil War

    %he real name of actress Whoopi 7 %he most popular ethnic food in the *nited )tates is Italian food

    #arts of the Dead )ea )crolls appeared for sale in the @une 1, 1.=> issue of the Wall )treet @ournal

    If the population of &hina $al!ed past you in single file, the line $ould never end because of the rate of reproduction

    %he that you see on 'ippers stands for oshida ogyo abushi!i aisha $hich is the name of the founder of the

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    'ipper manufacturing company in @apan

    %he theme song of the (arlem

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    %he plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets

    %he fleshy bulbs on each side of your nose are called the lea -lee9 singular la -luh9

    +ale !oalas mar! their territory by rubbing their chests on a tree +ale !oalas have a dar! scent gland in the middle oftheir chest

    n octopus has three hearts

    Coses generally need around 6 hours of sunlight to gro$ properly

    Buttermil! does not contain any butter, but is a cultured mil! product $hich is usually made from fat free mil!

    #ineapples $ere first called anana , $hich is &aribbean for e4cellent fruit

    (uman birth control pills $or! on gorillas

    %he tallest $oman that ever lived $as "eng @inlian $ho $as feet / inches tall of &hina )hed died at the age of 17

    n adult

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    )tudies have sho$n that the scent of Cosemary can help in better mental performance and ma!e individuals feel morealert

    %he search engine ounces

    If you fart consistently for 6 years and . months, enough gas is produced to create e4plosion that is e5ual to an atomicbomb

    (umans have about the same number of hair follicles as a chimpan'ee has

    )tudies indicate that listening to music is good for digestion

    %he &hihuahua $as named after the +e4ican state $here they $ere discovered

    %here are no sna!es in e$ "ealand

    %he most popular gro$n bulbs are tulips

    2very day the human stomach produces about / liters of hydrochloric acid

    %he country of Bolivia is named after a fighter )imon Bolivar

    #eanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite

    %he first state to give the right to $omen to vote $as Wyoming

    In 1.>. * I&2; produced the first charity &hristmas card %he picture sho$n on the card $as painted by a seven yearold girl

    rcheologists report that cannabis $as most li!ely the first plant cultivated by humans &annabis $as used for linen,paper, and garments

    %he garfish has green bones

    Women $ho drin! more than t$o cups of coffee a day have a higher chance of developing osteoporosis

    %he banana $as officially introduced in 1 76 in the * ) at the #hiladelphia &entennial 24hibition %he bananas $ere$rapped in tinfoil and $ere sold for 10 cents each

    ya$n usually lasts for appro4imately si4 seconds

    %hirty-five percent of the people $ho use personal ads for dating are already married

    %he food that people crave the most is cheese

    2very day more money is printed for +onopoly than the *) %reasury %he only animal, besides humans that can get leprosy is the rmadillo

    In 1 .>, the carnival made its debut in orth merica

    %he artist Aincent Aan

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    ccording to )cientists, vampire bat saliva is the best !no$n medicine for !eeping blood from clotting

    #eople from orth merica prefer pic!les $ith $arts, $here as 2uropeans prefer pic!les $ith no $arts

    #eople that suffer from gum disease are t$ice as li!ely to have a stro!e or heart attac!

    &lose to =0G of the $ater used in a home originates from the bathroom

    fter the ra!atoa volcano eruption in 1 3 in Indonesia, many people reported that, because of the dust, the sunsetappeared green and the moon blue %he moon $as said to appear blue for almost t$o years

    %he country $ith the highest consumption of chocolate per capita is )$it'erland, $ith // pounds per person, per year

    In &hina, )eptember /0 is :ove our %eeth Day

    ctor Cichard 0 timesbefore passing it in ugust, 1.70 by that time, she had spent over F700 in lessons, and could no longer afford to buy acar9

    %igers have striped s!in, not ust striped fur

    :eft-handed people are better at sports that re5uire good spatial udgment and fast reaction, compared to right-handedindividuals

    (alf of a cup of figs $ill give you ust as much calcium as half a cup of mil!

    hairbreadth a$ay is 18> of an inch

    In 1/ 1, the +ongol army of ublai han tried to invade @apan but $ere ravaged by a hurricane that destroyed their fleet

    Walt Disney $as afraid of mice

    )tudies sho$ that couples that smo!e during the time of conception have a higher chance of having a girl compared tocouples that do not smo!e

    %he reason $hy some people get a co$lic! is because the gro$th of their hair is in a spiral pattern, $hich causes thehair to either stand straight up, or goes to a certain angle

    ppro4imately =0G of mericans admit they have ran a red light

    In 17==, the first &anadian post office opened in (alifa4, ova )cotia %he fist Deputy #ostmaster

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    coins $ithout being able to ma!e change for a dollar

    +ost merican car horns hon! in the !ey of ;

    superstition in baseball is to never lend your bat to anyone or you $ill be in4ed

    Bats al$ays turn left $hen e4iting a cave

    #enguins can ump as high as 6 feet in the air

    In 1.. , appro4imately 1 6 billion tree seedlings $ere planted in the *nited )tates %his amounts to about five trees per merican

    %here are species of fish that can $al! on land in search of $ater $hen its $ater source dries up )ome can survive aslong as three days on land such as the sna!ehead fish

    Cacecar driver :ee #etty once left a pitstop and did a full lap at ascar $ith a pit cre$ member still on the hood

    %he first fashion house to be set up $as in 1 = by &harles Worth (e opened his store in #aris $ith the idea of havingpre-made go$ns presented on models to his customers

    )t #atric! e4plained the (oly %rinity to ing :aoghaire, using the shamroc! to illustrate the trinity

    +ore t$ins are born in the Western $orld than in the 2astern $orld

    ine egg yol!s have been found in one chic!en egg

    %he record for the longest +onopoly game played in a bathtub is ninety-nine hours

    %he flea can ump 3=0 times its body length, that is li!e a 6 foot-tall human umping the length of 7 football fields

    %he 1. move Big $hich $as directed by #enny +arshall $as the first movie by a female director to gross over F100million domestically

    When the

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    #olar bears can smell seal from /0 miles a$ay

    &anadians )cott bbott and &hris (aney invented %rivial #ursuit %hey $ere planning on playing )crabble and reali'edthat some of the pieces $ere missing so they came up $ith the idea of ma!ing their o$n gameJ %rivial #ursuit

    En average, there is about three molecules of o'one for every 10 million air molecules

    person uses appro4imately fifty-seven sheets of toilet paper each day

    %he Barbie doll has more than 0 careers

    @ames Buchanan $as the only unmarried president of the *nited )tates

    %he )tanley &up originally $as only seven and a half inches high

    In 1..1, during an attempted political coup on Cussian #resident Boris elstin, food supplies had d$indled do$n at theparliament buildings so they ordered #i''a (ut to deliver pi''as

    )ome people drin! the urine of pregnant $omen to build up their immune system

    %he five Elympic rings represent the five continents lin!ed together in friendship

    Cay roc bought +cDonalds for F/ 7 million in 1.61 from the +cDonald brothers

    It is possible to lead a co$ upstairs but not do$nstairs

    )har! cartilage has been used to ma!e artificial s!in for human burn victims

    %he first person to die in the electric chair $as William emmler, an a4 murderer from e$ or! on ugust 6, 1 .0

    ;inland has 1 7, la!es and 17.,= > islands

    %he average adult has appro4imately si4 pounds of s!in

    crocodile can open and close its a$ but cannot move it side to side

    %here are over 1,000,000 s$imming pools in ;lorida, eventhough the ocean is no farther than 0 miles a$ay

    ..G of the blueberries that are produced in the *nited )tates are produced in the state of +aine

    En +ay ., 1... appro4imately 600,000 gallons of $his!ey flo$ed into the entuc!y Civer during a fire at Wild %ur!eyDistillery in :a$renceburg

    %homas @efferson had three achievements placed on his headstone at his re5uest, (ere Was Buried %homas@efferson8 uthor Ef %he Declaration Ef merican Independence8Ef %he )tatute Ef Airginia ;or Celigious ;reedom8 nd;ather Ef %he *niversity of Airginia K (e never mentioned being #resident of the *nited )tates

    (umans and co$s have the same gestation period, $hich is about nine months

    In the Aictoria era, red tulips $ere a declaration of love

    %he sport :acrosse $as initially played by ative merican Indians %hey played the sport to prepare for $ar

    It ta!es a sloth up to si4 days to digest the food it eats

    ccording to )candinavian traditions, if a boy and girl eat from the same loaf of bread, they are bound to fall in love

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    In 17.6, apoleon $as only /6 years old $hen he too! command of the ;rench rmy of Italy

    bomb dropped by the llies on Berlin during World War II !illed every animal in the Berlin "oo e4cept the elephant,$hich escaped and roamed the city When a Cussian commander sa$ hungry ,000 a $ee! for her role in the %A sho$ %he ;lying un

    +ore pollution is emitted from the average home compared to the average car

    %he sno$ leopard protects itself from e4treme cold $hen it sleeps by $rapping its 3-foot-long tail around its nose

    Enly >G of babies are born on their actual due date

    In the 1.>0s, the ;&& assigned televisionHs &hannel 1 to mobile )ervices t$o-$ay radios in ta4icabs, for instance9 butdid not re-number theotherchannel assignments %hat is $hy your %A set has channels / and up, butnochannel 1

    man named &harles Esborne had the hiccups for appro4imately si4ty-nine years

    %here are more )ub$ay restaurants in &anada than there are +cDonald restaurants

    %he & %o$er, in %oronto, is the tallest freestanding structure in the $orld $ith a height of about ==3 metres

    %he term the $hole . yards came from W W II fighter pilots in the )outh #acific When arming their airplanes on theground, the =0 caliber machine gun ammo belts measured e4actly /7 feet, before being loaded into the fuselage If thepilots fired all their ammo at a target, it got the $hole . yards

    &onstruction on the :eaning %o$er of #isa began on ugust .th, 1173

    #resident :yndon @ohnson used to smo!e three pac!s of cigarettes a day

    %he %ibetan name for +ount 2verest is &homolungma

    %he $ord laser stands for :ight mplification by )timulated 2mission by radiation

    In a lifetime, on average a honey bee produces 181/th of a teaspoon of honey

    %here are 31= species of parrot in the $orld %he %A sho$ Doctor Who, $hen it $as popular, had an audience of 110 million people

    %he cost to build the 2mpire )tate Building $as F>0,.> ,.00

    person $ho smo!es a pac! of cigarettes a day $ill on average lose t$o teeth every ten years

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    Wasps that feed on ferment occasionally get drun! and pass out

    %he largest cereal company in the $orld is Lua!er Eats, located in &edar Capids, Io$a, *)

    %he first Elympic games only had one event - a foot race

    &olonel )anders traveled over /=0,000 miles a year visiting various parts of his entuc!y ;ried &hic!en 2mpire

    )ome desert snails have been !no$n to sleep for three to four years

    Ever 0G of the brain is $ater

    ;rom the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrin! in si'e

    @ac!rabbits can reach a speed of fifty miles per hour and can leap as far as t$enty feet

    %here are >0 official elly belly flavours

    2arly se$ing machines $ere destroyed by mobs or $or!ers $ho felt their obs $ere threatened by automation

    In 1../, the ntarctic E'one hole $as larger than the continent of orth merica

    )omeone gets divorced every ten to thirteen seconds

    %here is a certain type of (a$! +oth caterpillar from Bra'il that inflates its thora4, $hich ma!es its head loo! li!e a headof a sna!e $hen it feels it is in danger or alarmed

    %he &I has made a dis! camera that is as big as a 5uarter %his gadget can ta!e many pictures at a time $hen the dis!is opened

    %he )ans!rit $ord for $ar means desire for more co$s

    In (ong ong, delivery times are primarily influenced by traffic conditions on elevators It often ta!es drivers longer totravel vertically than hori'ontally, as access to elevators is so congested during high pea! hours %his is due to the

    volume of people residing in high rises %he ancient

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    %he longest recorded duration of a total solar eclipse $as 7 = minutes

    En average, an merican ma!es three pounds of garbage in a day

    2ven if you eat food standing on your head, the food $ill still end up in your stomach

    Enly one person in t$o billion $ill live to be 116 or older

    %he most common name in the $orld is +ohammed

    pple seeds are poisonous as they contain a cyanide compound

    %he $ord brea!fast $as coined due to the fact that after sleeping for hours, $e are brea!ing our fast

    %he cardigan $as originally made to be a military ac!et made of !nitted $ool

    %he month of December is the most popular month for $eddings in the #hilippines

    %he deepest cave in the $orld is the :amprechtsofen-Aogelshacht cave $hich can be found in )al'burg, ustria %hecave is =,3=> feet deep

    %he capital of Aermont, +ontpelier is the only state capital in the *nited )tates that does not have a +cDonalds

    %he longest engagement lasted 67 years, and the couple ended up marrying $hen they $ere / years old

    Eur eyes are al$ays the same si'e from birth, but our nose and ears never stop gro$ing

    +il! and cheese can aid in the reduction of tooth decay

    En average, a stra$berry has /00 seeds on it

    &oconuts !ill more people in the $orld than shar!s do

    %he average person spends t$o $ee!s of their life !issing

    Cesearch has indicated that indoor pollution is 10 times more to4ic than outdoor pollution

    2ating a banana at night can help in falling asleep

    %he stapler $as invented in )pring Aalley, +innesota

    %he first television ne$scaster $as olin (ager, $ho used to broadcast farm and $eather reports in 1./

    #i4ie, a )iberian (us!y, gave birth to 7 puppies, one of $hich $as bright green

    Bac! in 1.=3, it too! /7 hours to ma!e one +arshmallo$ #eep o$ it ta!es only si4 minutes

    En average, an ear of a corn has 16 ro$s and appro4imately 00 !ernels

    %he green ring that is formed around the yol! of eggs that have been coo!ed too long is formed by the chemical reactionfrom the iron in the yol! and the sulphur in the $hite part of the egg

    %he sil! that is produced by spiders is stronger than steel

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    %he first president to have a picture ta!en $as @ohn Luincy dams

    )ome brands of toothpaste contain glycerin or glycerol, $hich is also an ingredient in antifree'e

    1 in /000 babies are born $ith a tooth that is already visible

    It $as during World War II that clothes $ith elastic $aists $ere introduced %his is because the metal used in 'ippers $asbadly needed for the $ar

    In 1.0/, the game table tennis $as brought to the * ) from 2urope by #ar!er Brothers

    (ersheyHs isses are called that because the machine that ma!es themloo!s li!e itHs !issing the conveyor belt

    %he fat from sheep, $hich is called tallo$ can be used to ma!e soap and candles

    e4t to bone marro$, hair is the fastest gro$ing tissue in the human body

    )igmund ;reud had a morbid fear of ferns

    When playing competitive darts the player must be 7 feet . 18> inches bac! from the dartboard lso the board must be =

    feet inches above the floor

    In 2ngland, the )pea!er of the (ouse is not allo$ed to spea!

    2arth$orms have = hearts

    If all the gold sitting in the oceans and seas $ere mined, every person on this plant $ould get about /0 !ilograms of goldeach

    %o ma!e an espresso >/ coffee beans are needed

    %he oil that is found in poison ivy is called urushiol

    Ef all the days of the $ee!, the most popular day for people to eat ice cream is )unday

    %he first museum in +osco$ that $as set up in 17.1 $as the atural (istory :aboratory at +osco$ *niversity %his later $as changed to the "oological +useum

    surfer once sued another surfer for stealing his $ave %he case $as thro$n out because the court $as unable to puta price on pain and suffering endured by the surfer $atching someone else ride his $ave

    +any people in parts of &hina eat insects )ome common insects are bean $orms, scoprions, and locusts

    %he largest dog in the $orld is the Irish Wolfhound

    2rnest Aincent Wright $rote a f ifty thousand-$ord novel,

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    named *!!o instead

    +ore than F1 billion is spent each year on nec! ties in the *nited )tates

    In the 1 th century, potatoes $ere given out as a dessert %hey $ere served in a nap!in, salted and hot

    %he only poisonous birds in the $orld are the three species of #itohui %he (ooded #itohui from #apua e$

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    catfish has about 100,000 taste buds

    %he :iberty Bell $as the first mechanical slot machine, $hich $as invented by &harles ;ey, a car mechanic in 1 .=

    Cussian man $ho $ore a beard during the time of #eter the

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    In 1.70, &hip ma!er Intel purchased a pear orchard to build their corporate head5uarters on

    %he mating call of a male toadfish, $ho are under$ater, is so loud that it can be heard by humans above $ater

    %he most popular elly belly ellybean flavour is buttered popcorn

    %he i!e s$oosh $as invented by &aroline Davidson bac! in 1.71 )he received F3= for ma!ing the s$oosh %he firstshoe $ith the s$oosh $as introduced in 1.7/

    )laves under the last emperors of &hina $ore pigtails so they could be pic!ed out 5uic!ly

    crocodile cannot stic! its tongue out

    i$is are the only !no$n bird to have nostrils located at the tip of their bea!

    n adult esophagus can range from 10 to 1> inches in length and is one inch in diameter

    s5uash ball moving at 1=0 !ilometers per hour has the same impact of a // bullet

    %elephonophobia is the fear of telephones

    %he $ord alligator comes from the )panish $ord 2l :agarto, $hich means %he :i'ard

    While still in college, Bill

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    In the original movie 101 Dalmatians, there are e4actly 6,>6.,.=/ spots on all 101 Dalmatians as they are sho$n in113,760 frames of the film combined

    %he average orth merican car contains 300 pounds of plastics

    person $ho is a specialist in $ine ma!ing is called an oenologist

    ou can only smell 18/0th as $ell as a dog

    %he number one cause of rabies in the *nited )tates are bats

    %he music for %he )tar )pangled Banner comes from a British drin!ing song named nacreon

    /7 percent of * ) male college students believe life is a meaningless e4istential hell big surprise, ehK9

    &lose to fifty percent of the bacteria in the mouth lives on the surface of our tongue

    :ess than 1G of the $omen in the $orld $ill ever be able to $ear a diamond that is the si'e of a carat or more

    etchup originated in &hina as a pic!led fish sauce called !e-tsiap

    n ostrichHs eye is bigger that itHs brain

    In Britain, %he Ced :ion is the most common name for a pub

    In 1..7, the record for the highest s!ydive by a dog at >,=7/ feet $as established by a dog named Brutus

    %he ma ority of burglaries occur during the daytime $hen people are not home

    %raditionally, $ild cabbage $as used as an aphrodisiac

    %iger Woods $as introduced to golf at nine months of age by his father

    person $ill burn 7 percent more calories if they $al! on hard dirt compared to pavement

    It $ould ta!e /. million years for a car travelling 100 miles per hour to reach the nearest star

    Blue @ays can imitate the calls of ha$!s

    %here are over three trillion craters on the moon, $ith some being having a diameter over three feet

    In India, a .-year-old girl $as married to a stray dog, $hich tribal custom re5uires in order to protect a child $hose firsttooth appears on the upper gum

    %here is no$ an %+ at +c+urdo )tation in ntarctica, $hich has a $inter population of t$o hundred people

    In &anada, men are three times more li!ely than $omen to have seen a doctor in the last year

    %he most e4pensive spice in the $orld is saffron In one night, an adult hippopotamus eats appro4imately 1=0 pounds of grass

    %he * ) paid Cussia F7 / million for las!a in 1 67

    &o$s can detect odors up to five miles a$ay

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    %here are about 1/= million multiples t$ins, triplets, etc 9 $orld$ide

    rthur 0G of the states in the * ) have severe, or e4treme pollution problems

    Wendel &lar! holds the record for the longest span bet$een (: ll-)tar appearances, $ith 13 years 1. 6-1...9

    ncient 2gyptians believed that onions $ould !eep evil spirits a$ay

    Dill seeds are so small that appro4imately 10,000 dill seeds $ould be re5uired to ma!e an ounce

    %o ma!e one pound of $hole mil! cheese, 10 pounds of $hole mil! is needed

    If all the insects in the $orld $ere put on a scale, they $ould out $eigh all creatures

    Women smile more than men do

    ripe cranberry $ill bounce nother name for a cranberry is bounceberry

    %ermites $or! /> hours per day -- they do not sleep

    %he Comans used to clean themselves $ith olive oil since they did not have any soap %hey $ould pour the oil on theirbodies, and then use a strigil, $hich is type of blade, to scrape off any dirt along $ith the oil

    %he act of stretching and ya$ning is referred to as pandiculation

    In the 1.60 movie #sycho by lfred (itchcoc!, chocolate syrup $as used to sho$ the blood in the sho$er scene

    &arolyn )hoema!er, famous astronomer, has discovered 3/ comets and appro4imately 300 asteroids

    %he longest fangs of a sna!e are found on the 0,000 polling stations

    single chocolate chip gives enough energy to a human being to $al! 1=0 feet

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    %here are => bones in your hands including the $rists

    %he name for E' in %he Wi'ard of E' $as thought up $hen the creator, ;ran! Baum, loo!ed at his filing cabinet andsa$ - , and E-", hence E'

    %he to$n of &hurchill, +anitoba, located in &anada, is !no$n as the #olar Bear &apital of the World

    mtra! is the combination of the $ords merican and %rac!

    En average, an merican relocates 11 times in their life

    ;ires onland generally move faster uphill than do$nhill

    %he cartoon character #opeye $as actually based on a real person named ;ran! Coc!y ;iegel $ho $as a tough guy$ho $as 5uite similar to #opeye physically

    ;risbee got its name from William Cussel ;risbee, $ho $as a pie ba!er (e used to sell his pies in a thin tin pan, $hichhad ;risbee $ritten on it When Walter ;rederic! +orrison thought of the idea of ma!ing saucer li!e dis!s to play catch,he visited the campus of ale and noticed people there $ere using the pie pan to play catch so he therefore renamed hisinvention to ;risbee

    )ome arthritis medications contain gold salts, $hich is used as an anti-inflammatory

    :emon uice can aid in reducing the s$elling caused by insect bites

    :)D is made from lysergic acid, $hich is found in ergot, a type of fungus

    D&-10, the name of an airplane stands for Douglas &ommercial

    In appro4imately 1 months, the papaya tree can gro$ to be /0 feet tall

    #arrots cannot eat chocolate because it is poisonous to their body

    mericans are responsible for generating roughly /0G percent of the garbage in the $orld

    %ermites are roasted and eaten li!e popcorn in )outh frica

    %he official state tree of Illinois is %he White Ea!

    It ta!es 3,000 co$s to supply the ;: $ith enough leather for a yearHssupply of footballs

    In 1.71, the postal code $as introduced in Etta$a, Entario

    %he tridacna clam can gro$ up to four feet long and $eigh up to =00 pounds

    %he state that has the most diners in the $orld is e$ @ersey, $hich is referred to as the Diner &apital of the World

    ppro4imately 1-/ calorie are burned a minute $hile $atching % A

    %he first recipe for a lasagna type dish $as found to be from a British coo!boo! in the 1>th century %herefore, Italians$ere not the first ones to come up $ith the popular dish as believed

    Enly one person in t$o billion $ill live to be 116 or older

    If an identical t$in gro$s up $ithout having a certain tooth, the other t$in $ill most li!ely also gro$ up $ith that toothmissing

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    lbert 2instein $as offered the presidency of Israel in 1.=/, but he declined

    ccording to legend, tea originated in &hina $hen tea leaves accidentally ble$ into a pot of boiling $ater

    When you snee'e, all your bodily functions momentarily stop, including your heart

    ite flying is a professional sport in %hailand

    *rine from menMs public urinals $as sold as a commodity in ncient Come It $as used as a dye and for ma!ing clotheshard

    ll =0 states are listed across the top of the :incoln +emorial on the bac! of the F= 00 bill

    1 out of 3=0,000 mericans get electrocuted in their life

    e$ +e4ico is !no$n as the :and of 2nchantment

    In 1 .0, )cott #aper produced the first toilet paper to be available on a roll

    n elephant in the $ild can eat any$here from 100 - 1000 pounds of vegetation in a 16 hour period

    )ome of the other names that $ere thought of for the d$arfs in the Disney movie )no$ White $ere $ful, Dirty, )hifty,(otsy, and @umpy

    In the * ) , over 3= million people have used some sort of illegal drug in the last year

    .6G of candles that are purchased are by $omen

    %he oldest bird on record $as &oc!y, a coc!atoo, $ho died in the :ondon "oo at the age of /

    co$ averages >0,000 a$ movements a day

    %he reason the soft drin! Dr #epper is called that is because the inventor Wade +orrison named it after Dr &harles#epper $ho had given him his first ob

    nnually 17 tons of gold is used to ma!e $edding rings in the *nited )tates

    )e4 acts li!e a natural antihistamine, in can clear up a stuffy nose

    Women on average live seven years longer than men do

    British term for slot machine is fruit machine or one-armed bandit

    +ost dust particles in your house are made from dead s!in

    2ven though the rose does not bear any fruit, the rose hips have more Aitamin & than most vegetables and fruits

    In 1.>6 Danon ogurt $ere the first to add fruit to commercially produced yogurt in * )

    %he first domain name ever registered $as )ymbolics com on +arch 1=, 1. =

    merican irlines saved F>0,000 in 1. 7 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first class

    %he first flavour of a cheese ball $as called &heddy Blue

    Ever =00 million gallons of ool- id drin! are consumed each year

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    %he $aste produced by one chic!en in its lifetime can supply enough electricity to run a 100-$att bulb for five hours

    (ydrogen solid is the most dense substance in the $orld, at 70 6g8cc

    +issouri has been to most & tournaments than any other college $ithout reaching the final four

    %he hump of a camel can $eigh up to 3= !ilograms

    :a!e +ala$i has the largest number of fish species in the $orld

    %he country of ;i i is made up of 33/ islands

    %he first :abor Day holiday $as celebrated on %uesday, )eptember =, 1 /, in e$ or! &ity

    %he $ord sophomore means sophisticated moron

    @im Bristoe, an merican, invented a 30-foot-long, /-ton pump!in cannon that can fire pump!ins up to five miles

    %here are about 61,300 pi''a restaurants in the *nited )tates of merica

    %o tell if a egg is fully coo!ed or ra$, ust spin it If the egg $obbles then it is still ra$, and if it easily spins it is fullycoo!ed

    *sed in art the $ord sfumato refers to the subtle blending of an outline by gradually blending one tone into another

    %here is a species of bird, ntpitta avis canis Cidgley, that bar!s li!e a dog

    %he flu pandemic of 1.1 !illed over /0 million people

    ppro4imately /0G of mericans have a passport

    %he obel pri'e $as first a$arded in 1.01

    %he reason $hy mil! is $hite is because it contains a protein called &asein, $hich is $hite +il! also contains fat, $hich

    is also $hite

    fter t$enty-seven years, Betty Cubble made her debut as a ;lintstones Aitamin in 1..6

    When telephone companies first began hiring telephone operators, they chose teenage boys for the ob %hey s$itchedto $omen because the teenage boys $ere $restling instead of $or!ing and pulling pran!s on callers

    In a lifetime, the heart pumps about one million barrels of blood

    %he )ears %o$er in &hicago contains enough steel to build =0,000 automobiles

    %he first $ords that %homas 2dison spo!e into the phonograph $ere, +ary had a little lamb

    %here are >00 species of bacteria in the human colon

    En average, 100 people cho!e to death on ballpoint pens every year

    In the /0th century, over three million people have died from earth5ua!es

    It is impossible to snee'e $ith your eyes open

    #eople still cut the cheese shortly after death

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    In ancient 2gypt, the only person $ho $as allo$ed to $ear cotton $as the (igh #riest

    Blueberries have more antio4idants than any other fruit or vegetables

    %he +ount (oreb +ustard +useum $hich is located in Wisconsin has the biggest collection of prepared mustards %heyhave appro4imately >,000 different ars and tubes from all over the $orld

    Bananas trees are not really trees %hey are considered to be giant herb plants

    )ponge &andy $as invented in Buffalo,

    When the volcano ra!atoa off the @ava islands e4ploded in 1 3, it $as so loud that it $o!e some people up in )outh ustralia

    #earls are rarely found in orth merican oysters

    %he average cocoon contains about 300->00 metres of sil!

    :a!e icaragua boasts the only fresh-$ater shar!s in the entire $orld

    Bo4ing champion

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    producers did not choose him as they thought he $ould not be ta!en seriously

    %he actor $ho played the %-1000 in %erminator / Cobert #atric!9 and the lead singer of ;ilter are brothers

    %he sole purpose of a drone bee is to mate $ith the 5ueen bee

    %here are more plastic flamingos in merica than real ones

    Walt Disney had a fear of mice

    &leopatra married t$o of her brothers

    In an average lifetime, people spend four years traveling in cars and si4 months $aiting for red light to turn green

    t one time, pump!ins $ere recommended for removing frec!les

    In ust one drop of li5uid, =0 million bacteria can be present

    %he +ontreal &anadians hoc!ey team has $on the most )tanley &ups $ith />

    ylon is a man-made fibre that is made from coal and petroleum

    When the ;irst :ady, 2leanor Coosevelt, received an alarming number of threatening letters, soon after her husbandbecame #resident at the height of the Depression, the )ecret )ervice insisted that she carry a pistol in her purse

    )$iss engineer

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    In 1. /, :arry Walters tied /> $eather balloons to his la$n chair in :os ngeles and climbed to an altitude of 16,000 feet

    &enturies ago in India, a person could get their nose chopped off for brea!ing the la$

    %he sound of 2 % $al!ing $as made by someone s5uishing her hands in @ello

    %he total number of steps in the 2iffel %o$er are 166=

    %he amount of blood a female mos5uito drin!s per serving is five millionths of a liter

    n adult porcupine has appro4imately 30,000 5uills on its body, $hich are replaced every year

    %he name for Ivory )oap $as inspired by a verse from the Bible (arley #roctor got though of the name $hen theminister read from #salms >=? , ll thy garments smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia, out of the ivory palaces $herebythey have made thee glad

    survey done by &lairol 10 years ago came up $ith >6G of men stating that it $as o!ay to color their hair o$ 66G ofmen admit to coloring their hair

    %he name of the s5uiggly line N is called a tilde

    In 17>7, the first merican mention of the &hristmas tree occurred (o$ever, it $as a not a tree but instead a pyramidmade out of $ood and decorated $ith apples and evergreen boughs

    %here are more Barbie dolls in Italy than there are &anadians in &anada

    %he study of ants is called +yrmecology

    In the *nited )tates, you are more li!ely to be !illed by a bee sting than a shar! attac!

    &oca-&ola $as the first soft drin! to be consumed in outer space

    ;ro'en food can be ust as nutritious as fresh food

    ;ourteen people die each day from asthma in the *nited )tates %he average amount of time spent !issing for a person in a lifetime is /0,160 minutes

    %he human body has appro4imately 37,000 miles of capillaries

    %he most e4pensive shoes in the $orld are ruby slippers located in (arrods in :ondon, $hich cost F1 6 million, has a fulltime security guard %he shoes are made from platinum thread and has 6>/ rubies in them It too! over 700 hours toproduce the shoe

    Enly ==G of all mericans !no$ that the sun is a star

    %he city of Denver $as originally chosen to host the 1.76 Winter Elympics, but had to $ithdra$ because &oloradovoters re ected to finance it

    %he longest bout of snee'ing recorded $as by Donna 3, the @uly issue of %ransportation +aga'ine had an article entitled 1.>3

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    )potted s!un!s do handstands before they spray

    dime has 11 ridges around the edge

    )cientists $ith high-speed cameras have discovered that rain drops are not tear shaped but rather loo! li!e hamburgerbuns

    ncient 2gyptian $omen used to $ear perfume cones made of $a4 that $ould melt in the heat letting out a nicefragrance


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    Cesearch indicates that people prefer the colour blue for their casual clothing

    %he leading cause of deaths for children bet$een the ages of 1 and > are motor vehicle crashes

    %he first toilet being flushed in a motion picture $as in the movie #sycho

    %he human brain has about 100,000,000,000 100 billion9 neurons

    Ene acre of $heat can produce enough bread to feed a family of four people for about ten years

    Lueen Aictoria used mari uana, to help relieve menstrual cramp pain

    En a ship a toilet is called a head

    bout 1 in =,000 orth tlantic lobsters are born bright blue

    ppro4imately 10 = gallons of $ater is used in a dish$asher Washing the dishes by hand can use up to /0 gallons of$ater

    %he thing that hangs from the top of the bea! of a tur!ey is called the snood

    %ic!s can be as small as a grain of rice and gro$ to be as big as a marble

    n merican che$s an average of 300 stic!s of gum in a year

    +ost co$s give more mil! $hen they listen to music

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    ll racehorses in the * ) celebrate their birthday on @anuary 1st

    person $ould have to drin! more than 1/ cups of hot cocoa to e5ual the amount of caffeine found in one cup of coffee

    %he oldest documented foot$ear found $as a ,000 year-old sandal found in a cave located in +issouri, *)

    Broccoli $as first introduced into ;rance during the royal marriage of &atherine de +edici to (enry II of ;rance

    By federal la$, for a noodle to actually be a noodle it must have = = percent egg solids in it, other$ise it cannot be calleda noodle

    %he first female guest host of )aturday ight :ive $as actress &andace Bergen

    %he human heart beast roughly 3= million times a year

    #eople that use mobile phones are / = time more li!ely to develop cancer in areas of the brain that are ad acent to theear they use to tal! on the mobile phone

    %ur!eys can have heart attac!s When the ir ;orce $as conducting test runs and brea!ing the sound barrier, fields oftur!eys dropped dead because of heart attac!s

    %he act of snee'ing is referred to as sternutation

    %he average medium si'e piano has about /30 strings

    study revealed that men that $ere born $ith a lo$ birth $eight $ere less li!ely to get married

    It ta!es about 63,000 trees to ma!e the ne$sprint for the average )unday edition of %he e$ or! %imes

    En average, you $ould need 1/ = gallons of mil! to ma!e one gallon of ice cream

    leech can gorge itself up to a ma4imum of five times its body $eight

    %here are places in )as!atche$an called 2lbo$, 2yebro$, and Drin!$ater

    butterfly has to have a body temperature greater than 6 degrees to be able to fly

    %he bees$a4 that is produced by (oney bees comes from eight paired glands that are located on the underside of theirstomach

    #eople in lo$-income homes spend =0G more time playing video games than people in high-income homes

    :ighthouse !eepers $ere nic!named $ic!ies because they tended the lamps $ic!

    %aco Bell serves over 3= million consumers each $ee! in the *)

    During the Coman times, people used urine, called lotium in :atin, as a hair product

    %here are appro4imately .0 people that have been fro'en after their death %he smallest $ill ever $ritten $as 3 cm in diameter It had >0 $ords $ritten on it and $as signed by t$o $itnesses

    %he length of a human esophagus is /= centimeters

    In 1.>/ the @ello company introduced &ola flavored ello, $hich only lasted a year

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    +ales account for 60G of toy in uries that occur in the * )

    %he company )ony $as originally called %otsu!en %hey felt the name )ony $ould be easier to pronounce %hename $as invented by a cross bet$een the name sonus and sonny %he name sound and sonic are derived )onny$as used to represent a young man or boy, $hich $ould sho$ a energetic young company

    %he Ced &ross is called the Ced &rescent in rab countries

    %he Elympics $ere originally held for the

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    2iffel %o$er

    %he s!in of a shar! is made up of tiny teeth $hich are called dermal denticles

    %he strongest gust of $ind $as recorded at the +ount Washington Ebservatory on pril 1/th, 1.3>, and measured /31miles per hour

    %he company &hanel claims that every 30 seconds, some$here in the $orld, a bottle of &hanel o = is sold

    In their lifetime, house cats spend appro4imately 10,.=0 hours purring

    %he reason $hy bubbles are round is because this is the most efficient shape that the soap film can ta!e for the amountof air trapped inside

    It is very common for babies in e$ "ealand to sleep on sheeps!ins %his is to help them gain $eight faster, and retaintheir body heat

    ;rom 1=/6 to 1707, the first si4 +ogul emperors of India ruled in unbro!en succession from father to son

    one !ilogram pac!et of sugar $ill have about = million grains of sugar

    Bats emit ultrasonic sounds to communicate $ith each other

    Cats can survive up to 1> days $ithout any food

    &anola oil is actually rapeseed oil but the name $as changed in &anada for mar!eting reasons

    %hree consecutive stri!es in bo$ling is called a tur!ey

    In a year, about .0 million ars of )!ippy #eanut Butter are sold %his $or!s out to three ars sold every second

    In a lifetime, an average man $ill shave /0,000 times

    %he #entagon has / > restrooms

    ;rom 1.67-1.76, the to$n of %ororo located in *ganda had thunder /=1 out of the 36= days in a year for those years

    &hildren gro$ faster in the springtime than any other season during the year

    nother name for licorice is )$eet Wood or )panish @uice

    %he reason the nimal &rac!ers bo4 is designed $ith a string handle is because $hen the popular circus theme $asintroduced in 1.0/ they thought it $ould also be a good idea to pac!age them $ith a string as a &hristmas novelty sothey could be hung from &hristmas trees

    )heep can detect other sheep faces li!e humans do %hey can remember up to =0 sheep faces

    %he loudest insect in the $orld is the male cicadas, $hich are li!e cric!ets When they rub their abdomens, the sound

    made can be heard from 1300 feet 2ach year .6 billion pounds of food is $asted in the * )

    In the past 60 years, the groundhog has only predicted the $eather correctly / G of the time %he rushing bac! and forthfrom burro$s is believed to indicate se4ual activity, not shado$ see!ing

    #ret'el snac!s have been around for over 1300 years 2uropean mon! invented the snac! using used leftover breaddough

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    )har!s are capable of surviving on average si4 $ee!s $ithout eating %he record observed in an a5uarium is fifteenmonths by a species of shar! !no$n as the s$ell shar!

    %he destruction of the Berlin Wall began $hen private citi'ens began to demolish entire sections of the Wall $ithoutinterference from government officials on ovember ., 1. .

    +ost merican $omen have their first baby $hen they are /> 3 years old

    ;rogs do not need to drin! $ater as they absorb the $ater through their s!in

    group of lar!s is called an e4altation

    %he ool id +an used to be !no$n as #itcher +an $hen he $as first introduced in 1.7=

    Wheel of ;ortune star Aanna White holds the record for putting her hands together appro4imately 1>0,000 times to clap

    +en s$eat more than $omen %his is because $omen can better regulate the amount of $ater they lose

    Cesearch has indicated that appro4imately eleven minutes are cut off the life of an average male smo!er from eachcigarette smo!ed

    %he triangular shape that %oblerone chocolates are pac!aged in, is protected by la$

    In 1.>=, the first floating ice cream parlor $as built for sailors in the $estern #acific %his floating ice cream parlourcould produce ten gallons of ice cream every seven seconds

    %he formula for &oca-cola has never been patented

    %he average day is actually /3 hours, =6 minutes and > 0. seconds We have a leap year every four years to ma!e upfor this shortfall

    Before its name $as changed, the frican #enguin used be called the @ac!ass #enguin because of its don!ey-li!ebraying call

    During the high feeding season, it has been estimated that an adult blue $hale can eat up to >0 million !rill in one dayrill are shrimp li!e creatures9

    #ound for pound, leopards are said to be seven times stronger than humans

    Ene average, men spend 60 hours a year shaving

    Botanically a rhubarb is a vegetable It $as changed to a fruit in 1.>7 by a * ) &ustom &ourt

    )a$ney Beane, his $ife, sons, 6 daughters, and 3/ grandchildren $ere a family of cannibals that lived in the cavesnear

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    %he mother of famous astronomer @ohannes epler $as accused of being a $itch

    t one time, #ump!ins $ere recommended for the removal of frec!les and curing sna!e bites

    %he 2isenho$er interstate system re5uires that one mile in every five must be straight %hese straight sections areusable as airstrips in times of $ar or other emergencies

    ppro4imately /00 pets are buried in a pet cemetery out of the thousands of pets that die each day

    %he average (ostess %$in!ie is 6 percent air as measured by volume according to university researchers

    In (aiti, only 1 out of every /00 people o$n a car %his is ironic considering appro4imately 33G of the countryHs budgeton import is spent on e5uipment for fuel and transportation

    2very * ) bill regardless of denomination costs ust > cents to ma!e

    bout 30G of merican admit to tal!ing to their dogs or leaving messages on their ans$ering machines for their dogs$hile they are a$ay

    duc!Ms 5uac! doesnMt echo, and no one !no$s $hy

    &aterpillar means hairy cat in Eld ;rench

    %he ostrich has t$o toes on each feet $hich gives it greater speed

    En )eptember 3, 1.70, a hailstone $as found in &offeyville, ansas that $as eight inches in diameter and $eighed 1 67pounds

    (onorificabilitudinitatibus is the longest 2nglish $ord that consists strictly of alternating consonants and vo$els

    It can ta!e up to a month for a rattlesna!e to re-supply its venom

    &lose to 3 billion movie tic!ets are sold in India every year

    %he $ord racecar and !aya! are the same $hether they are read left to right or right to left %here $ere appro4imately /,// people on board the %itanic $hen it san! Ef this, only 706 people survived

    n elephant can live up to the age of seventy, or in some cases even more

    %he giant s5uid has the largest eyes in the $orld

    2lephants canHt ump 2very other mammal can

    %he name cranberry comes from

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    #rinted on the tablet being held by the )tatue of :iberty is @uly IA, +D&&: AI

    %he country of ;i i is made up of 33/ islands

    Erville Wright, a pilot, $as involved in the first aircraft accident (is passenger, a ;renchman, $as !illed

    %he first company to mass produce teddy bears $as the Ideal %oy &ompany

    #rincess nne from the British royal family competed in the 1.76 )ummer Elympics

    Bra'il produces the most oranges in the $orld

    verage life span of a ma or league baseball? 7 pitches

    %he eyeball of a human $eighs appro4imately / grams

    human head remains conscious for about 1= to /0 seconds after it is been decapitated

    Witchcraft means &raft of the Wise Enes

    =00,000 !ids in the *) live in same se4 households

    In @uly 1 7>, a s$arm of Coc!y +ountain locusts fle$ over ebras!a covering an area estimated at 1. ,600 s5uaremiles It is estimated that the s$arm contained about 1/ = trillion insects %hese insects became e4tinct thirty years later

    %ropical rainforests cover about 7G of the 2arth and receive over 0 inches of rain every year

    %he feet have appro4imately /=0,000 s$eat glands

    ppro4imately 7 =G of all office documents get lost

    %he desert tortoise can live $ithout having to drin! any $ater It e4tracts the $ater it needs from the vegetation it eats

    %here $ere 13 couples celebrating their honeymoon on the %itanic

    cat has 3/ muscles in each ear

    %here are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball

    2lvis #resley had a t$in brother named @esse .0pounds $hen he died

    Ban! robber @ohn Dillinger played professional baseball

    Cesearch indicates that plants gro$ healthier $hen they are stro!ed

    ;rance is !no$n as the perfume capital of the $orld ccording to psychologists, the shoe and the foot are the most common sources of se4ual fetishism in Western society

    &onstipation is caused $hen too much $ater is absorbed in the large intestine and the feces become dry

    Ene ton of grapes can produce 7/0 bottles of $ine

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    2ating about t$enty tart cherries a day could reduce inflammatory pain and headache pain

    In /001, the five most valuable brand names in order $ere &oca-&ola, +icrosoft, IB+,

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    %he laundry detergent %ide, has a mar!et share of about forty percent mar!et

    &anadian, %roy (urtubise, spent F100,000 and almost $ent ban!rupt building a Cobo&op style suit so that he could$ithstand a bear attac!

    %he 3 most valuable brand names on earth? +arlboro, &oca-&ola, andBud$eiser, in that order

    %he only t$o days of the year in $hich there are no professional sports games +:B, B , (:, or ;:9 are the daybefore and the day after the +a or :eague all-stars - 0, the largest margin of victory in an Bgame

    %here are mirrors on the moon stronauts left them so that laser beams could be bounced off of them from 2arth %hesebeams help give us the distance to the moon give or ta!e a fe$ metres

    %he * ) army pac!s %abasco pepper sauce in every ration !it that they give to soldiers

    %he trun! of an elephant can hold up to t$o gallons of $ater

    2very year, an igloo hotel is built in )$eden that has the capacity to sleep 100 people

    During the holiday season, appro4imately F//0 million $orth of #oinsettias are sold

    ne$born !angaroo $eighs appro4imately 0 03 ounces and is small enough to fit in a teaspoon

    When )cott #aper &o first started manufacturing toilet paper they did not put their name on the product because ofembarrassment

    %he most senior crayon ma!er 2merson +oser retired after ma!ing 1 > billion crayons for &rayola It $as then that herevealed that he $as actually colorblind

    %he highest point in #ennsylvania is lo$er than the lo$est point in&olorado

    )cientists have determined that having guilty feelings may actually damage your immune system

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    %his boo! $as remar!ably similar to the tragedy that happened to the %itanic in 1.1/

    Ene ounce of chocolate has about /0 mg of caffeine in it

    giraffe can go longer $ithout $ater than a camel

    Ai!ings, after !illing their enemies, used their s!ulls as drin!ing vessels

    )tudies have sho$n that classical music helps co$s produce more mil!

    %$o out of five people end up marrying their first love

    %he (a$aiian alphabet only has 1/ letters

    %he name +uppet $as coined by @im (enson %he $ord $as made from a combination of the $ord marionette andpuppet

    In the )ahara Desert, there is a to$n named %idi!elt, $hich did not receive a drop of rain for ten years

    %he &hristmas season begins after sunset on December />th and lasts until @anuary =th %his is also !no$n as the

    %$elve Days of &hristmas +os5uitoes are attracted to the color blue more than any other color

    In Italy, )anta &laus is !no$n by the name Babbo atale

    %$o ob ects have struc! the earth $ith enough force to destroy a $hole city 2ach ob ect, one in 1.0 and again in 1.>7,struc! regions of )iberia ot one human being $as hurt either time

    When blue $hales are first born, they gain as much as /00 pounds a day $hile they are calves

    ;amilies $ho do turn off the television during meals tend to eat healthier %his $as regardless of family income, oreducation

    bout /= percent of all the energy consumed in the *) is from natural gas merican novelist +ar! %$ain $as the first !no$n author to submit a typed manuscript

    If you fart consistently for 6 years and . months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb

    &anada is the only country not to $in a gold medal in the )ummer Elympic games $hile hosting the event

    %he sound made by the toadfish $hen mating under$ater is so loud that it can be heard by humans on the shore

    In merica, appro4imately /0G of children bet$een the ages of / - 7 have televisions in their rooms

    %raveling by air is the safest means of transportation

    In 1..6, toy company +attel released a (arley Davidson Barbie %his dolls distinctive feature is a birth mar! on herface that changes position $ith every ne$ release of the doll

    %he most common in ury caused by cosmetics is to the eye by a mascara $and

    %here have been close to /00 coups and counter-coups in the country of Bolivia

    En average, pigs live for about 1= years

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    Coughly >/G of people in the *nited ingdom snore

    o ;: team $hich plays its home games in a domed stadium has ever $on a )uperbo$l

    Beluga $hales $hich are also called $hite $hales are not born $hite %hey are born grey in color, and by the age of si4become completely $hite

    %iger Woods is the first athlete to has been named )portsman of the ear by maga'ine )ports Illustrated t$o times

    %he eight most popular foods to cause food allergies are? mil!, eggs, $heat, peanuts, soy, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish

    &lub Direct, a travel insurance company in Britain, provides insurance plans for protection from falling coconuts

    %here are some bananas that are red instead of yello$

    Enly one out of every three people $ash their hands $hen leaving a public bathroom

    =70 gallons of paint $ould be needed to paint the outside of the White (ouse

    Baby robins eat 1> feet of earth$orms every day

    2very three seconds a baby is born some$here in the $orld

    %he total mileage driven by all *-(aul truc!s in a year is enough to move a person from the 2arth to the moon five timesa day for an entire year

    %he 2isenho$er interstate system re5uires that one mile in every fivemust be straight %hese straight sections are usableas airstrips intimes of$ar or other emergencies

    #luto $as discovered on ;ebruary 10, 1.30 by &lyde %ombaugh

    %ermites have been around for over /=0 million years

    %he average person changes their career every 13 years

    %he e$ or! an!ees have appeared in the World )eries a league leading 3 times and $on /6 titles

    ppro4imately 1 billion disposable diapers end up in landfills each year %hese diapers can ta!es as long as =00 yearsto finally decompose

    Ever > = billion stic!s have %rident gum have been che$ed If the stic! of gum $ere laid out end to end they could circlethe globe appro4imately 1 times

    Ea! trees can live /00 or more years

    %he brain of an ant has about /=0,000 brain cells

    bout /6 per cent of all indoor $ater used by households in )ydney, ustralia are for laundry

    rainbo$ can occur only $hen the sun is >0 degrees or less above the hori'on

    If you spray an antiseptic spray on a polar bear, its fur $ill turn purple

    Ever F7 billion a year is spent on chocolates by consumers

    During World War II, Cussians used dogs strapped $ith e4plosives to blo$ up

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    associate the tan!s $ith food and ended up destroying about /=

    %he phrase rule of thumb is derived from an old 2nglish la$ $hichstated that you couldnHt beat your $ife $ith anything$ider than yourthumb

    2very year las!a has about =,000 earth5ua!es, 1,000 of $hich measure above 3 = on the Cichter scale

    fetus develops fingerprints at eighteen $ee!s

    It ta!es about a half a gallon of $ater to coo! macaroni, and about a gallon to clean the pot

    %he cornea is the only living tissue in the human body that does not contain any blood vessels

    In the * ) peanuts account for 66G of all snac! nuts

    %here are appro4imately 7,000 feathers on an eagle

    )har!s can sense a drop of blood from a mile a$ay

    s a defense mechanism, the orth merican Epossum closes its eyes and becomes totally limp Basically it plays dead

    %he longest to$n name in the $orld has 167 letters

    snee'e 'ooms out of your mouth at over 600 m p h

    cesium atom in an atomic cloc! that beats over nine billion times a second

    %he mythical )cottish to$n of Brigadoon appears for one day every one hundred years

    ermit the frog delivered the commencement address at )outhampton &ollege located in the state of e$ or! in 1..6

    In World War II, the

    Ever =0G of lottery players go bac! to $or! after $inning the ac!pot

    %he largest cultivated crop in the *nited )tates is corn

    Walt Disney holds the record for the most Escar nominations $ith si4ty-four

    En average, mericans eat one hundred acres of pi''a a day %his amounts to about three hundred fifty slices persecond

    s an iceberg melts, it ma!es a fi''ing sound because of the compressed air bubbles popping in the ice

    %he rctic Ecean covers an area of about 1>,0=6,000 s5 miles

    %he first !no$n contraceptive $as crocodile dung, used by 2gyptians in /000 B &

    +ost toilets flush in 2 flat

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    Bile produced by the liver is responsible for ma!ing your feces a bro$nish, green colour

    t one time the group ,000 liters of $ater is needed In >10 D laric the Aisigoth demanded that Come give him three thousand pounds of pepper as ransom

    ctress @amie :ee &urtis invented a special diaper for babies that has a poc!et

    (oneybees use the sun as a compass $hich helps them navigate

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    n average driver spends appro4imately / hours and 1> minutes !issing in their car in a lifetime

    In gangster slang, a bo4ing match that is fi4ed is called a barney