2. The Big Idea

1. The most significant issue that an entrepreneur might face when executing a problem is where they come up with a business idea, of what they think will work but it is actually not what the customers are looking for. This often happens to several businesses – they show an immense amount of dedication towards their idea but end up being a failure as they were unable to obtain a proper market for their products or services. First time entrepreneurs would be more likely to obtain opinions of their products from close friends and family but the problem with this is that, they are unable to act as part of the population of the market who are buying this entrepreneur’s products at the end of the day. Every consumer’s taste varies, and merely obtaining the opinion of a selected sample of people would not suffice for the future success of the business. Another accompanying issue would be the ability of the business to execute what they propose to offer. Several businesses promote the ideas of their businesses, some being agreeably innovative yet at the same time, might be difficult to achieve. For example, an aspiring entrepreneur proposes the idea of creating the first organic ingredients supermarket in Brunei. This idea portrays a sense of quality along with the capability to offer a healthier option for the society. However, it should be considered beforehand that if the business were to operate, is there a high demand for such products? If so, how would the business obtain these products and would this company be able to sustain a considerable



Transcript of 2. The Big Idea

1. The most significant issue that an entrepreneur might face when executing a problem is where they come up with a business idea, of what they think will work but it is actually not what the customers are looking for. This often happens to several businesses they show an immense amount of dedication towards their idea but end up being a failure as they were unable to obtain a proper market for their products or services. First time entrepreneurs would be more likely to obtain opinions of their products from close friends and family but the problem with this is that, they are unable to act as part of the population of the market who are buying this entrepreneurs products at the end of the day. Every consumers taste varies, and merely obtaining the opinion of a selected sample of people would not suffice for the future success of the business.

Another accompanying issue would be the ability of the business to execute what they propose to offer. Several businesses promote the ideas of their businesses, some being agreeably innovative yet at the same time, might be difficult to achieve. For example, an aspiring entrepreneur proposes the idea of creating the first organic ingredients supermarket in Brunei. This idea portrays a sense of quality along with the capability to offer a healthier option for the society.

However, it should be considered beforehand that if the business were to operate, is there a high demand for such products? If so, how would the business obtain these products and would this company be able to sustain a considerable amount of profit in the long run? Moreover, as organic products have to be obtained from overseas, bringing it into Brunei would pose additional shipping and legislations costs that would in turn, be passed on to the consumers. Thus, would the consumers be willing to pay more for the products when there are several other similar non-organic products offered nationwide, and at an immensely more affordable price.

2. The first phase of the 5-step brainstorming process to begin by cultivating a set of criteria through the listing of required resources, skills needed to accomplish objectives, limitations and undoubtedly, its aims. These four elements together come together as a whole package because they work in perfect harmony with each other. In layman terms, in order for a business to attain success, it should precisely define what it plans to achieve at the end of the day, search for the subsequent materials needed to reach those goals be it manpower or innovation and contemplate the possible risks that would arise with the implementation of these resources to reach the companys objectives.

Secondly, the business should select a starting point where they outline the reasons it chose this line of business or the field it decided to enter, further breaking down these and aspects into sub parts and excluding certain unimportant aspects.

After the business has finalized on its short list, it should carry out further analysis by specifying the issues associated with each aspect. Next, the company should list these problems according to their importance.

Upon identifying the prominent issues of the firm, formulating a variety of solutions would be the consecutive stage of the brainstorming process. Adequate amounts of research would be required in order to devise a profitable solution to the potential problems of the firm and it should also be recognized that different problems require different strategies to tackle them.

The final step of the brainstorming process is to conceive probable business opportunities based on the proposed solutions to the issues listed. Companies should note that issues do not constantly pose as a threat to the business, but should rather view it as a form of opportunity. Opportunities appear at the sign of challenges, which if managed to overcome, would result in symbolic benefits towards the firm.

A simple example could be used where an archer, who has no intention of hitting the target, with the mindset of merely shooting the arrow. In this case, the archer could simply shoot his arrow with his eyes closed, hoping with the strike of luck that he could hit the bulls eye. On the contrary, if the archer had a focused determination to hit the bulls eye, he would place his full concentration and exercise the possibilities he needed to ensure that he meets his accomplishment. In addition, he would lay out the possible techniques he could adopt in order to boost his chances of hitting the target, along with likely challenges that would arise if he used those approaches.

3. (b). A business should be able to deliver the goods to its consumers with the prominent reason that it is providing these products or services to its customers. These customers have then placed their trust into the business to accomplish what they proposed they were offering, therefore if the company fails to do so, it would face a negative return from its clients. In terms of delivery of goods, it accounts to the fact whether the business possesses the right expertise to perform the tasks and if there is a market for its products and services. It is eminent for every business to ensure that there is an active market for their goods as creating a product that does not garner interests or buyers will result in a failure as well as wasted time and effort.

(c). Besides that, good teamwork is beneficial for a firm to distribute its products or services. A well-composed team works in a near perfect coordination and has a similar level of understanding of the companys objectives, issues and the solutions to be implemented. What can be interpreted from this is whether the business has the capability of accepting failures. It should be recognized that firms are not able to cater to every consumers needs, however it is the perseverance and the companys ability to remain tenacious despite encountering a downfall, starting anew and trying again. These qualities are what make a successful entrepreneur.

Majority of the companies worldwide prioritize in providing the best possible service or products to their customers but what they are missing out is that becoming a successful entrepreneur does not merely revolve around being the best. The better approach would be for the company to evaluate themselves with their competitors and analyze what their competitors are doing right that they are not doing. With this mindset, the business can create an improved strategy that could overtake its competitors.

(d). The question, Can I make a profit? is one that all businesses would ask themselves. The main objective of the start of an entrepreneurship is for the concern of generating higher return. All companies today would analyze their companys ability to obtain profits by the end of their set period. With the mentality of obtaining profit, the firm would proceed to devise strategies that would help it get those profits, be it resource allocation or manpower.