2 Steps to Identify

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  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    2 steps to identify ‘tone’ of RC passage under a minute

    Posted on September 10, 2012  by Shouvik 

    The ‘tone’ or ‘attitude’ uestions are uite !ommon"y found in both the #$%T and #R&' These

    kinds of uestions e(p"i!it"y ask us to identify the !onte(t and the f"o) in )hi!h the author has

    set the parti!u"ar passage' *e need to gauge the author’s f"o) of thinking, senten!es and the point he is trying to drive home'

     +o) under situations )here you are stret!hed for time, you !an app"y a ui!k 2step te!hniue to

    mark a !orre!t ans)er for ‘tone’ uestions'

    Step 1: Classify choices into strong or weak tones and eliminate those options that fall into


    Step 2: Select either equivocal or qualified criticism depending upon the context of the



    -et us "ook at an e(amp"e to understand this !on!ept more !"ear"y'

    Those examples of poetic ustice that occur in medieval and !li"a#ethan literature$ and

    that seem so satisfying$ have encouraged a whole school of twentieth%century scholars to

    &find' further examples. (n fact$ these scholars have merely forced victimi"ed character

    into a moral framework #y which the inustices inflicted on them are$ somehow or other$

     ustified. Such scholars deny that the sufferers in a tragedy are innocent) they #lame the

    victims themselves for their tragic fates. *ny misdoing is enough to su#ect a character to

    critical whips. Thus$ there are long essays a#out the misdemeanors of +e#ster,s -uchess

    of alfi$ who defied her #rothers$ and the #ehavior of Shakespeare,s -esdemona$ who

    diso#eyed her father.


    What is the author’s ‘ tone or attitude’  in this passage?

    1. Enthusiastic advocacy

    2. Dispassionate impartiality

    3. Detached ambivalence


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    . Quali!ied support  

    ". #$eptical  

    Step 1:

    -et us ana"y.e the ans)er !hoi!es )ithout reading the passage'

    1' &nthusiasti! advo!a!y means strong support' +ote that the tone of the author is never

    e(treme on the #R& or #$%T, )e !an easi"y e"iminate this option'

    2' /n this option there are t)o )ords, dispassionate, )hi!h means uninvo"ved, and

    impartia"ity, )hi!h means, being neutra"' The !hoi!e suggests that the author is being neutra" in

    an uninvo"ved )ay' This doesn’t make sense' *e !an e"iminate this !hoi!e'

    ' +o) here deta!hed means dis!onne!ted and ambiva"en!e means un!ertainty' So this

    option means dis!onne!ted un!ertainty, )hi!h, again, makes no sense'

    ' This option is neither too strong nor too )eak' So "et us ho"d this and !he!k the "ast


    ' *e need to read the passage for this'

    3n"y !hoi!es 4 and & remain after this step'

    Step 2:

    3n reading the passage !ursori"y )e get that ‘skepti!a"’ !annot be a !orre!t !hoi!e' The author

    does not e(press any doubt, or skepti!ism, about anything he is saying'

    5en!e the !orre!t ans)er is 4'

    /n summary

    Step 1: C"assify !hoi!es into strong or )eak tones and e"iminate those options that fa"" into it'

    Step 2: Se"e!t either euivo!a" or ua"ified !riti!ism depending upon the !onte(t of the passage'

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    Examples of Tone in a Story

    The tone in a story !an be 6oyfu", serious, humorous, sad, threatening, forma", informa",

     pessimisti!, and optimisti!' 7our tone in )riting )i"" be ref"e!tive of your mood as you are


    Tone in +riting

    Tone in )riting is not rea""y any different than the tone of your voi!e' 7ou kno) that sometimes

    it is not 8)hat9 you say, but 8ho)9 you say it'

    /t is the same )ith )riting' &very ad6e!tive and adverb you use, your senten!e stru!ture, and the

    imagery you use )i"" sho) your tone' The definition of 8tone9 is the )ay the author e(presses

    his attitude through his )riting'

    The tone !an !hange very ui!k"y, or may remain the same throughout the story' Tone is

    e(pressed by your use of synta(, your point of vie), your di!tion, and the "eve" of forma"ity in

    your )riting'

    &(amp"es of tone in a story in!"ude 6ust about any ad6e!tive you !an imagine:


    • %n(ious

    • &(!ited

    • *orried

    • ;oo"ish

    • Smart

    • 4epressing

    Conveying Tone in a Story

    Tone in )riting is !onveyed by both the !hoi!es of )ords and the narrator of the story'

    Consider the tone of %he #chool by 4ona"d

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    !omp"ained about it' So )e’ve got thirty kids there, ea!h kid had his or her o)n "itt"e tree to p"ant

    and )e’ve got these thirty dead trees' %"" these kids "ooking at these "itt"e bro)n sti!ks, it )as


    /n !ontrast, in &harlotte's Web, a"though the book is sad, the tone is one of pea!e and a!!eptan!e:

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    s)oreG / s)ung the !hair upon )hi!h / had been sitting, and grated it upon the boards, but the

    noise arose over a"" and !ontinua""y in!reased' /t gre) "ouder "ouder "ouderG

    /n 5eming)ay’s ( &lean- Well+ighted /lace the tone is !a"m and pea!efu"'

    /t )as very "ate and everyone had "eft the !afe e(!ept an o"d man )ho sat in the shado) the "eaves of the

    tree made against the e"e!tri! "ight' /n the day time the street )as dusty, but at night the de)

    sett"ed the dust and the o"d man "iked to sit "ate be!ause he )as deaf and no) at night it )as

    uiet and he fe"t the differen!e'

    ;ina""y, in ( %ale o! %0o &ities by Char"es 4i!kens, the tone !ou"d be said to be mysterious,

    se!retive, ominous, or evi"'

    There )as a steaming mist in a"" the ho""o)s, and it had roamed in its for"ornness up the hi"", "ike an evi"

    spirit, seeking rest and finding none' % !"ammy and intense"y !o"d mist, it made its s"o) )ay

    through the air in ripp"es that visib"y fo""o)ed and overspread one another, as the )aves of an

    un)ho"esome sea might do' /t )as dense enough to shut out everything from the "ight of the

    !oa!h"amps but these its o)n )orkings, and a fe) yards of roadE and the reek of the "abouring

    horses steamed into it, as if they had made it a""'

    /ormal and Casual Tones

    %n e(amp"e of a !asua" tone is:

    The )ay / "ook at it, someone needs to start doing something about disease' *hat’s the big dea"F Peop"e

    are dying'

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    There are as many e(amp"es of tone in a story as there are stars in the sky' %ny ad6e!tive you

    !an think of !an be the tone in a story'

    0 Tips to /ind the ain (dea in S*T assages

    Posted on Hu"y 2, 201, fi"ed in: S%T, S%T Tip of the *eek

    /t’s important to keep in mind for a"" S%T Reading Comprehension

    uestions that 6ust be!ause an S%T ans)er !hoi!e is reasonab"e, true, or mentioned in the S%Treading passage, does not mean it is automatically correct ' %")ays ask yourse"f: )hi!h ans)er 

    !hoi!e in this S%T uestion best addresses this speci!ic uestion being askedF To be ab"e to ans)er 8$ain /dea9 uestions, try to adopt these ui!k tips:

    1. Come up with your own &ain (dea' as you read.

    Read thorough"y, taking short notes on ea!h paragraph as you go' 8Sear!h9 for the main idea on the

    first read and try to )rite it do)n' /f you a"ready have the purpose )ritten do)n

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    %ns)er !hoi!es that !ontain e(treme "anguage su!h as 8a")ays9 and 8never9 !an a"so often be

    e"iminated if they do not mat!h the "essharsh tone of the passage' %ns)er !hoi!es that !ontain

    ua"ifying "anguage su!h as 8sometimes,9 8may,9 8might,9 8!ou"d,9 et!' are a"so )orth noting,sin!e they are freuent"y !orre!t'

    0. !liminate &half%right' choices.

    There may be an ans)er !hoi!e that has a great verb that rea""y ref"e!ts the author’s tone and

     purpose, but the detai"s after the verb don’t mat!h the passage' 3r, the detai"s may be a!!urate, butthe verb fa""s f"at'

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    % passage !ou"d dea" )ith dinosaurs, for e(amp"e, but it is too redu!tive to state the passage is

    about dinosaurs' *hat is the author doingF The author !ou"d be:

    • Convin!ing you of a vie)point Mare there arguments and e(amp"es to support an


    • Comparing t)o different vie)points Mdifferent arguments are presented, but the authordoesn’t pi!k a sideN

    • 4es!ribing or e(p"aining a phenomenon Mis it most"y des!riptive or e(p"anatoryFN

    • Te""ing a story Mis there a !"ear narrativeFN

    These are the kinds of uestions that )e must ask in determining purpose' Asua""y if )e on"y "ook at the first fe) )ords of the ans)er !hoi!es for these key indi!ator )ords Mdes!ribing, arguing,

    !omparing, et!'N, )e !an e"iminate the ma6ority of the possibi"ities be!ause the ans)ers des!ribe

    something that is not a!!omp"ished by the te(t' /f our imaginary arti!"e is !omparing e(isting

    theories about the e(tin!tion of the dinosaurs )ithout making a 6udgment on )hi!h argument isstronger, then any ans)er !hoi!e that states that the author is arguing, or !onvin!ing, and

    not comparing or explaining is *R3+#' *hat if an ans)er !hoi!e states that the author is

    making an argument on a possib"e !ause of the e(tin!tion of the dinosaursF That’s sort of )hat theauthor is doing, rightF +opeG /t’s )rong, )rong, )rong' 8Sort of9 true ans)ers are not !orre!t' %""

     parts of an ans)er !hoi!e $AST be !orre!t and supported by the passage in order for the ans)er to

     be true' /t is often easier to figure out )hat the author is +3T doing and e"iminate a"" !hoi!es thatdes!ribe an untruth'

    %s "ong as )e fo""o) these simp"e steps, )e shou"d be ab"e to approa!h this kind of uestion )ith


    • 4es!ribe )hat passage a!!omp"ishes Mis the author e(p"aining, arguing, !omparing, et!'N

    • &(amine the ans)er !hoi!es to see )hi!h a!tions the author is and isn’t a!!omp"ishing

    • &"iminate !hoi!es that don’t des!ribe )hat the author is doing

    • &(amine a"" parts of remaining ans)er !hoi!es and make sure they are supported in the te(t

    M%-- %+S*&RS %R& ST%T&4 /+ 3R SAPP3RT&4

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    6*T 6urus Speak 4ut: *nswering +hy in 7eading Comp assages

    Posted on ;ebruary 2, 201, fi"ed in: #$%T, #$%T Tips 

    /n #$%T Reading Comp, )e’re sometimes asked to determine why the

    author in!"udes a !ertain detai" )ithin a paragraph, or why the entire paragraph itse"f is in!"uded in

    the passage' *e have to understand the "ogi!a" stru!ture of the author’s argument, the 8f"o)9 of 

    one paragraph to the ne(t, and the "ogi! behind the use of a parti!u"ar pie!e of information'

    The most important thing you !an do )hen fa!ed )ith a 8;un!tion9 uestion is to go ba!k to the passage and look for clues. C"ues )ithin the paragraph are any key)ords, senten!e stru!ture, or 

     pun!tuation that give insight into the author’s intention' 4on’t be afraid to go ba!k and reread I remember the #$%T Reading passages are an 8open book9 testG 5ere’s an e(amp"e of a

    8;un!tion9 uestion:

    Why does the author mention &aesar in the second paragraph?

    9(: to compare 5apoleon to one o! his great !orebears

    98: to reveal an aspect o! the ;rench character 5apoleon utili

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    4etai"s in a paragraph are used to bo"ster that paragraph’s main idea' They key)ords here are 8sti""

    the same9 and 8"inked )ith@!hampion'9 The main idea: the ;rench 0ere unchanged in that 

    national pride A champion.  Caesar is used to sho) 6ust ho) far ba!k in time this !hara!teristi!)as eviden!ed' The ne(t senten!e then des!ribes ho) +apo"eon )as to be 8regu"ator9 and uti"i.ed

    this aspe!t to great 8po"iti!a" saga!ity'9

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    are often s!ho"ar"y and ba"an!ed in tone, so you must "ook !arefu""y at the ad6e!tives and adverbs

    Mand the des!riptive phrasesN to find the p"a!es )here the author revea"s his opinion' Think of 

    yourse"f "ike a dete!tive "ooking for !"ues' They may be subt"e, but they are definite"y there'

    2. re%phrase an answer on your own first. 4on’t even think about reading those ans)er 

    !hoi!es unti" you !ome up )ith your o)n predi!tion' /f you’re tempted, !over up the !hoi!es )ithyour hand' The #$%T Reading se!tion is testing your abi"ity to think !riti!a""y, and you must

    remember that the ans)er !hoi!es are not there to he"p you' 3n!e you read them, you’"" never getthem out of your head'

    3. Think positive 8or negative

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    &ven if you’re ama.ing at Reading Comprehension, it’s sometimesdiffi!u"t to te"" a subt"e /nferen!e uestion from a 4etai" uestion' 5o) !an you keep straight

    )hi!h uestion type is )hi!hF 5ere’s an overvie) of !ommon Reading Comprehension uestion

    types and some e(amp"e #$%T uestionstems to he"p you identify )hat you’re "ooking at on Test4ayG


    1' ;niversal I This uestiontype asks about the big pi!ture, the passage as a )ho"e'

    • 8*hi!h of the fo""o)ing best summari.es the passageF9

    • 8*hat is the author attempting to i""ustrate through this passageF9

    • 8*hat is the themati! high"ight of this passageF9

    • 8*hi!h of the fo""o)ing best des!ribes one of the main ideas F9

    2' Specific This type asks about detai"s from the passage' The !orre!t ans)er is often a paraphrase of something dire!t"y stated in the passage'

    • 8*hi!h has not been !ited as F9

    • 8%!!ording to the author, )hat is F9

    • 8

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    • 8*hi!h of the fo""o)ing best des!ribes the reason the author F9

    ' (nference I /nferen!e uestions reuire you to understand )hat is imp"ied by but not ne!essari"y

    stated in the passage' The !orre!t ans)er may re"y on subt"e phrases from the passage and be hardto findJ"ess obvious than Spe!ifi! uestions'

    • 8The passage uses to imp"y that 9

    • 8*hi!h of the fo""o)ing !annot be inferred from the passageF9

    • 8*hat does the author mean by F9

    • 8*hat !an be inferred )hen the author statesF9

    • The senten!e, ‘’, imp"ies that9

    ' *pplication I This is a s"ight"y more spe!ifi! type of inferen!e uestion, )here you’re asking to

    !hoose an ans)er )hi!h mimi!s a pro!ess or e(emp"ifies a situation des!ribed in the passage'

    • *hi!h of the fo""o)ing !ou"d be used to rep"a!eF• 8% , as !on!eptua"i.ed in the passage, !an best be des!ribed as9

    • 8*hi!h of the fo""o)ing best i""ustrates the situation 9

    L' Tone I This uestion type is a"so a spe!ifi! type of inferen!e, reuiring you to infer the author’s

     point of vie) and position on !ertain statements'

    • 8The author of the passage is most "ike"y to agree )ith F9

    • 8*hi!h of the fo""o)ing vie)s does the author most "ike"y supportF9

    To improve your identifi!ation ski""s, )rite the uestiontype ne(t to ea!h RC prob"em as you pra!ti!eG /t )i"" he"p to attune your mind to the subt"eties present in the various uestionstems, and

    get you one step !"oser to thinking "ike the testmakerG

    P"an on taking the #$%T soonF *e have #$%T prep !ourses starting around the )or"d ne(t

    )eek' %nd, be sure to find us on ;a!ebook  and #oog"eK, and fo""o) us on T)itter G

    ivian err is a regular contributor to the eritas /rep blog- providing tips and tric$s to help

     students better prepare !or the 4(% and the #(% 


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    >ui" ?: (dentifying Tone

    Copyright 200 -araine ;"emming'

    Copyright is granted e(!"usive"y to instru!tors and students using te(tbooks )ritten by-araine ;"emming' #enera" distribution and redistribution are stri!t"y prohibited'

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    -irections: %fter reading ea!h passage, !ir!"e the appropriate "etter to identify the authors tone'

    1. /f +at ing Co"e is remembered today, it is probab"y as the father of the ta"ented singer +ata"ie Co"e' % !ontemporary of ;rank Sinatra, Co"e died in 1U at the age of ' /n the era

    of ro!k and ro"", he seemed, if anything, the re"i! of a bygone age'

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    many' *hi"e voyaging on the 5'$'S' 8eagle, 4ar)in noted that the same spe!ies, )hen "o!ated

    on different is"ands, had deve"oped different"y' /n other )ords, geneti! differen!es among inse!ts

    and anima"s had been en!ouraged or dis!ouraged depending on their environment' ;or e(amp"e,

    a fin!h "iving on a ro!ky is"and might deve"op a "arge and very pointed beak usefu" for !ra!king

    seeds on ro!k, )hereas a fin!h "iving on a "ush tropi!a" is"and might have a sma""er and narro)er 

    one more appropriate to gathering seeds from fruits and f"o)ers' /n 4ar)inVs mind, the differen!e

    in beaks )as a resu"t of )hat he !a""ed natura" se"e!tion' %!!ording to his biography, 4ar)in )as

    haunted by his dis!overy be!ause it suggested that humans might have been shaped more by

    nature than by #od' rigin !aused an uproar' /n fa!t, the !ontroversy over 4ar)inian theory

    survives to this very day'


    a' Criti!a"

     b' /roni!

    !' &motiona""y neutra"

    3. &very fe) years !omets pass !"ose enough to the earth to be seen )ith the naked eye' -ike

    fro.en fire)orks, they g"o) against the night sky, periodi! visitors from the dark re!esses of our

    so"ar system' Comets have been seen for thousands of years, but )hat they )ere and )hat they

    !ame from remained a mystery unti" re!ent times' /n the 1U0s, a 4ut!h astronomer, Han 3ort,

    )orked out that the !omets that visit the inner So"ar System are 6ust the merest fra!tion of a

    giganti! spra)"ing reservoir of i!y fragments, )hi!h stret!hes out)ards to a distan!e 1000 times

    greater than the orbit of +eptune' They are so distant and so sma"" as to be invisib"e to our most

     po)erfu" te"es!opes, and it is estimated that there are thousands of bi""ions of these !omets, most

    of )hi!h )ere thro)n out of the forming So"ar System by Hupiter and Saturn' MPassage from

    4avid $!+ab and Hames 7ounger, %he /lanets' +e) 5aven: 7a"e Aniversity Press, 1UUU, p'



  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    a' %)ed

     b' /roni!

    !' &motiona""y +eutra"

    0. %"though its origins dated ba!k to the 1U20s, the first /ditarod, or 1,100mi"e s"ed ra!e, took

     p"a!e in %n!horage, %"aska on $ar!h of 1UL' /t )as a Saturday, and for most peop"e, it )as a

    good time to stay home and keep )arm' Temperatures )ere sinking, predi!ted to rea!h

    degrees be"o) .ero' /f the temperatures )ere !hi""ing, the )ind )as )orse' /t ho)"ed a"ong at

    100 mi"es per hour' 7et the horrifi! )eather didnVt seem to fa.e the thirtyfive parti!ipants and

    their ye"ping dog teams' &ven more ama.ing, fe) seemed to !are that, as one entrant put it,

    =+obody figured anybody !ou"d make it'=

    % "itt"e over three )eeks after the ra!e started in %n!horage, 4i!k *a"marth and his team of

    huskies s"ogged over the finish "ine in +ome' 22 of the origina" teams a"so finished the ra!e,

    )ith Hohn S!u"t. proud"y taking "ast p"a!e' /n some ra!es, taking "ast p"a!e may not seem a point

    of pride, but the /ditarod is different' /t reuires a "eve" of !ourage and stamina fe) possess'

    *inning it is a spe!ta!u"ar a!hievement but so too is 6ust staying in the ra!e'


    a' /roni!

     b' %)ed

    !' &motiona""y neutra"

    @. /n 1U1Q, a mass murderer sta"ked the g"obe ki""ing indis!riminate"y' S!hoo"s and )arehouses

    )ere turned into morgues pi"ed high )ith !orpses )hi"e theaters and movie houses )ere emptied

    of patrons' The mass murderer at "arge )as a dead"y f"u virus that ki""ed )ithout respe!t for age,

    !reed, or !o"or' /n %meri!a a"one, over ha"f a mi""ion peop"e died as a resu"t of the f"u' Then

    sudden"y )ithout )arning, the murderous f"u disappeared as ui!k"y as it had !ome'

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    3ver the years, s!ientists have been ab"e to study the stru!ture of that "etha" virus, but they sti""

    donVt kno) )here it !ame from, )hy it )as so dead"y, and?most frightening of a""?)hether or

    not it )i"" ever return' /f it does, there is no guarantee that the )or"d )i"" fare any better than it

    did in 1U1Q, )hen !offins )ere so s!ar!e many of the dead had to be buried in mass graves


    a' /roni!

     b' %n(ious

    !' &motiona""y neutra"

    -ast !hange made to this page: +ovember 1, 200

    %ns)er key

    Bui. L W %dditiona" $ateria"

    7eading for Thinking

    >ui" ?: *nswer Aey

    1' a 2' ! ' ! ' b ' b


    %uthorVs Purpose and Point of Die)

    Post test


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    1' *hat is it !a""ed )hen the author e(presses his opinions and vie)sF


    a' entertainment


     b' point of vie)


    !' !"ima(

    2' %"" of the fo""o)ing are three main reasons )hy an author )rites a story, &OC&PT to


    a' inform'


     b' persuade'


    !' entertain'


    d' to make sure the reader en6oys )hat he or she is reading'

    /dentifying the authorVs purpose' Read the fo""o)ing passages and ans)er the uestions'

    ' -isa a")ays "ooked for)ard to the fa"" be!ause of the 5arvest ;estiva"' 3f !ourse, she "oved

    the rides, but she rea""y en6oyed the sho)s' This year )ou"d be the best' -isa had a spe!ia"

    opportunity to perform in the ta"ent sho)'

    The authorVs purpose is to 

    a' entertain'

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify



     b' persuade'


    !' inform'


    d' !reate a mysterious mood'

    ' *hat do you do )ith a"uminum !ansF 4o you thro) them in the trash, or do you re!y!"e )hen

    you are finished )ith themF %t the rate )e are fi""ing our "andfi""s, )e )i"" not have any)here

    e"se to put our trash' /f you re!y!"e, you )i"" he"p the environment' The ne(t time you thro)

    a)ay your Coke !an, think about putting it in a re!y!"ing bin' 7our effort )i"" he"p save your!ommunity'

    The authorVs purpose is to


    a' entertain'


     b' persuade'


    !' inform'


    d' !reate a mysterious mood'

    ' Tomatoes )ere on!e !onsidered poisonous' Some brave peop"e fina""y took a bite of a tomato,and they survived' +o), )e use tomatoes in our sa"ads and sand)i!hes' 4o you ever use tomatosau!e or ket!hupF These produ!ts are made of tomatoes' /f it )erenVt for these brave individua"s,

    you might not be ab"e to en6oy ket!hup )ith your fren!hfries'

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    The authorVs purpose is to


    a' entertain'


     b' persuade'


    !' inform'


    d' !reate a mysterious mood'

    ' The impressive eag"e is a nationa" symbo" in the Anited States for patriotism and freedom'

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    The author be"ieves that


    a' #ori""as are misunderstood as vi!ious anima"s'


     b' #ori""as are mean anima"s'


    !' #ori""as donVt "ike other anima"s'


    d' #ori""as !ommuni!ate )e"" )ith other anima"s'

    Q' This )as athyVs first babysitting 6ob' She )as so e(!ited, but she )as rea""y nervous' athyVs

     parents made her attend a babysitting )orkshop before she !ou"d babysit her neighborVs fiveyearo"d son, $atthe)' athy kne) this )as a "ot of responsibi"ity, but she thought she )as

    ready' athy mar!hed !onfident"y to $atthe)Vs house and )aved goodbye to $atthe)Vs parents'

    /t seemed as soon as his parents "eft, $atthe) fe"" and hit his !hin on the !offee tab"e' *ithout

     pani!king, she remembered )hat she "earned in her babysitting !"ass and app"ied firstaid'

    The author )ants to sho) that

    a' $atthe) shou"d not run in the house'


     b' athy is ready to babysit'


    !' athy needs to attend more babysitting )orkshops'  

    d' Coffee tab"es !an be dangerous'

    U10 ' Ted, the s!hoo" reporter, intervie)ed both !andidates for the s!hoo" e"e!tion' /n his !o"umn

    on the s!hoo" e"e!tion, he printed his intervie) )ith the t)o !andidates' The fo""o)ing se"e!tions

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    )ere taken out of the s!hoo" ne)spaper'

    1st "etter' 4o you )ant the best !"ass president for your s!hoo"F /f so, p"ease vote for $ar!oRodrigue.' / am a responsib"e !andidate )ho )i"" )ork hard to make our s!hoo" a better p"a!e'

    Dote for $ar!o this !oming Tuesday'

    2nd "etter: *e need a !hange at our s!hoo"' / am the person for this 6ob' / am an honor student

    )ho is invo"ved in many different a!tivities' / kno) / !an make a differen!e' Dote for me, andour s!hoo" )i"" be even better' Candi!e Park 

    U' Ted mentioned the t)o !andidates in his arti!"e be!ause


    a' he thought Candi!e Park )as a better !andidate'


     b' he )as friends )ith $ar!o'


    !' his tea!her to"d him to'


    d' he )anted to give both !andidates an eua" opportunity'

    10' Ted be"ieves that


    a' $ar!o shou"d be the president'


     b' Canda!e shou"d be president'


    !' a"" students shou"d vote'


    d' the students shou"d kno) the !andidatesV vie)s'

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    P"ease print out your post test' C"i!k here to see ans)ersG

    *uthor5s urpose and oint of iew

    ost Test *nswers

    1. #

    2. d

    3. a

    0. #

    @. c

    ?. c

    =. a

    B. #

    . d

    1D. d


    9ack to ost Test<

    Synonyms for context

    noun framework$ circumstances

    •  ba!kgroundstar 

    • situation star 


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    • te(t star 

    • ambien!e star 

    • !onditions star 

    • !onne!tion star 

    • "e(i!on star 

    • re"ation star 

    • substan!e star 

    • vo!abu"arystar 

    • frame of referen!e star 

    $ore )ords re"ated to context


    noun' !ir!umstan!e, !onditions

    • !onte(t

    • !ontingen!y

    • !risis• di"emma

    • event

    • eventua"ity

    • fa!t

    • in!ident

    • o!!urren!e

    •  p"ight

    •  position

    •  predi!ament

    •  prob"em

    • uandary

    • situation

    • state

    • status


    noun' surroundings, atmosphere

    • ambian!e

    • aura

    • ba!kdrop

    •  ba!kground

    • !ir!umstan!es

    • !"imate

    • !onditions

    • !onte(t

    • domain


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    • e"ement

    • en!ompassment

    • entourage

    • habitat

    • hood

    •  6ung"e

    • "o!a"e

    • medium

    • mi"ieu

    • ne!k of the )oods

    • neighborhood

    •  pur"ieus

    • s!ene

    • s!enery

    setting• situation

    • status

    • stomping ground

    • surroundings

    • terrain

    • territory

    • turf 

    • .oo


    noun' sub6e!t, thesis• argument

    • !onte(t

    • fo!us

    • head

    • interest

    • motif 

    • motive

    •  point

    •  purport

    • reso"ution

    • sense

    • sub6e!t matter 

    • substan!e

    • te(t

    • theme

    • topi!


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify



    noun' message, signifi!ation

    • a!!eptation

    • a""usion

    •  bearing

    •  bottom "ine

    • !onnotation

    • !ontent

    • !onte(t

    • definition

    • denotation

    • drift

    • effe!t

    • essen!e


    • for!e

    • gist

    • heart

    • hint

    • imp"i!ation

    • import

    • interpretation

    • intimation

    • meat

    • name of the game• nature of beast

    • nittygritty

    • nuan!e

    • nuts and bo"ts

    •  pith

    •  point

    •  purport

    • sense

    • signifi!an!e

    • spirit

    • stuff 

    • sub6e!t

    • sub6e!t matter 

    • substan!e

    • suggestion

    • symbo"i.ation


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    • tenor 

    • thrust

    • understanding

    • upshot

    • use

    • va"ue

    • )orth


    noun' vie), out"ook 

    • ang"e

    • aspe!t

    • attitude

    •  broad vie)

    •  !onte(t

    •frame of referen!e

    • headset

    • "ands!ape

    • mindset

    • ob6e!tivity

    • overvie)

    •  panorama

    •  proportion

    •  prospe!t

    • re"ation

    • re"ative importan!e• re"ativity

    • s!ene

    • si.e of it

    • vie)point

    • vista

    • )ay of "ooking


    noun' s!ene, ba!kground

    • ambien!e

    •  ba!kdrop• !onte(t

    • distan!e

    • environment

    • frame

    • frame)ork 

    • hori.on


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    • stan.a

    • sub6e!t

    • theme

    • thesis

    • topi!

    • verse

    • vo!abu"ary

    • )ording

    • )ords

    frame of reference

    noun' standards for 6udging or de!iding

    • !onte(t

    • !oordinate system

    • frame)ork 

    •referen!e frame

    • referen!e system

    • standpoint

    • universe of dis!ourse


    noun' environment

    • ambian!e

    • area

    • aura

    •  ba!kdrop

    •  ba!kground

    • !ir!umstan!es

    • !"imate

    • !onditions

    • !onte(t

    • domain

    • e"ement

    • en!ompassment

    • entourage

    • environs

    • habitat

    • hood

    •  6ung"e

    • "o!a"e

    • "o!ation

    • medium


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    • mi"ieu

    • ne!k of the )oods

    • neighborhood

    •  p"a!e

    •  pur"ieus

    • s!ene

    • s!enery

    • setting

    • situation

    • status

    • stomping ground

    • surroundings

    • terrain

    • territory

    turf • vi!inity

    • .oo

    mise en scene

    noun' environment

    • ambian!e

    • atmosphere

    • aura

    •  ba!kdrop

    •  ba!kground

    • !ir!umstan!es• !"imate

    • !onditions

    • !onte(t

    • domain

    • e"ement

    • en!ompassment

    • entourage

    • habitat

    • hood

    •  6ung"e

    • "o!a"e

    • medium

    • mi"ieu

    • ne!k of the )oods

    • neighborhood

    •  pur"ieus


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    • s!ene

    • s!enery

    • setting

    • situation

    • status

    • stomping ground

    • surroundings

    • terrain

    • territory

    • turf 

    • )or"d

    • .oo


    noun' meaning


    • a""usion

    •  bearing

    •  bottom "ine

    • !onnotation

    • !ontent

    • !onte(t

    • definition

    • denotation

    • drift

    • effe!t• essen!e

    • e(p"anation

    • for!e

    • gist

    • heart

    • hint

    • imp"i!ation

    • import

    • intent

    • interpretation

    • intimation

    • meat

    • message

    • name of the game

    • nature of beast

    • nittygritty


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    • nuan!e

    • nuts and bo"ts

    •  pith

    •  point

    •  purport

    • sense

    • signifi!an!e

    • signifi!ation

    • spirit

    • stuff 

    • sub6e!t

    • sub6e!t matter 

    • substan!e

    • suggestion

    symbo"i.ation• tenor 

    • thrust

    • understanding

    • upshot

    • use

    • va"ue

    • )orth


    noun' meaning

    a!!eptation• a""usion

    •  bearing

    •  bottom "ine

    • !onnotation

    • !ontent

    • !onte(t

    • definition

    • denotation

    • drift


    • essen!e

    • e(p"anation

    • for!e

    •  gist

    • heart

    • hint


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    • imp"i!ation

    • import

    • intent

    • interpretation

    • intimation

    • meat

    • message

    • name of the game

    • nature of beast

    • nittygritty

    • nuan!e

    • nuts and bo"ts

    •  pith

    •  point

     purport• sense

    • signifi!an!e

    • signifi!an!y

    • spirit

    • stuff 

    • sub6e!t

    • sub6e!t matter 

    • substan!e

    • suggestion


    • tenor 

    • thrust

    • understanding

    • upshot

    • use

    • va"ue

    • )orth

    -escription of Comprehension assages

    The Reading Comprehension passages have a!ademi! !ontent and sty"e and in!"ude topi!s from

    a variety of fie"ds in!"uding arts, s!ien!es, so!ia" s!ien!es, et!' These passages are !omparab"e to

    the te(ts found in freshman university te(tbooks in +orth %meri!a' 7ou do not need to have

    spe!ifi! kno)"edge of the topi! to ans)er the !omprehension uestions' #eographi!a" and


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    histori!a" referen!es made in the test are genera""y re"ated to the Anited States and Canada' /n

    ea!h test, there are or !omprehension passages )ith Q12 uestions for ea!h passage' The

    tota" number of uestions for Reading Comprehension is 0'

    Eelpful Testing Eints

    Y $ore than 0 of the time, the main idea of a passage is stated in the first senten!e of the

     paragraph' Sometimes the main idea or topi! senten!e !omes at the end of the paragraph and, on

    o!!asion, any)here in the paragraph' They may not be stated at a"", but simp"y imp"ied' $ake a

    habit of reading the opening and !"osingstatement of ea!h paragraph' The most effe!tive )ay to

    ans)er the main idea uestion is to ask yourse"f )hat the )ho"e passage is about, not 6ust a

     portion of it' The ans)ers that !over spe!ifi! detai"s are either too narro) or too broad' The

    !orre!t ans)er is usua""y a restatement of )hat is said in the )ho"e passageE therefore, theoptions that have the same )ords from the reading are a"most a")ays in!orre!t'

    ain (dea >uestions

    *hat is the main purpose of the passageF

    *hat does the passage main"y dis!ussF

    *ith )hat topi! is the passage main"y !on!ernedF

    *hi!h of the fo""o)ing does the passage main"y dis!ussF

    Y Pay attention to signa" )ords and phrases' They he"p you understand the re"ationship bet)een

    the ideas )ithin a paragraphMsN'

    Cause-and-effect words  as a resu"t, therefore

    Time words  mean)hi"e, before

    Contrast words  in !ontrast, !onverse"y

     Addition words  a"so, in addition

     Emphasis words  more important, remember 

    Y *at!h for uestions that test your kno)"edge of the re"ationships bet)een the topi! and the

    supporting ideas' Anderstand definitions, re!ogni.e e(amp"es, understand e(p"anations, find

    simi"ar or un"ike !hara!teristi!s of t)o things or )hatever, "earn )hat produ!es a resu"t and )hat

    its effe!ts are'

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    Y #o over the passages )ith fami"iar sub6e!ts' Then read the passages )hose topi!s are "ess


     Description of the types of questions tested in the comprehension passages

    Y $ain idea uestions test your understanding of the )ho"e passage rather the individua" parts'

    Y Spe!ifi! detai" uestions are based on the supports presented in the reading' S!an the passage

    to spot the key )ords for the spe!ifi! detai"s' Some spe!ifi! detai" uestions are negative and are

    sing"ed by the )ords F4T, !GC!T, 4ST ,and H!*ST' /f you !annot find the !orre!t

    ans)er for negative spe!ifi! detai"s, e"iminate the !hoi!es given in the reading and !hoose the

    !hoi!e that remains as the !orre!t response'

    Y /nferen!e uestions ask you to dra) a "ogi!a" !on!"usion from )hat you read in the passage'

    The ans)ers to these types of uestions are not e(p"i!it"y stated'

    Y -anguage e(pression uestions in!"ude pronouns and vo!abu"ary uestions'

    Y Pronoun uestions ask you to spot the !orre!t ante!edent or noun to )hi!h the pronoun refers

    to' To "o!ate the !orre!t ans)er to these types of uestions,!on!entrate on the senten!eMsN before

    and a fe) senten!es after the pronoun appears'

    Y Do!abu"ary uestions ask you the meaning of a )ord or phrase )ithin the !onte(t of the


    Y Buestions about the organi.ation of the passage, the authorVs point of vie), ana"ogy, or the

    fo""o)ing paragraph are not as !ommon as the other types'


    Sample assage

    1' The sugar map"e is a hard map"e tree' /t !an gro) as ta"" as 100 feet and as )ide as

    2' feet' The sugar map"e is !ommer!ia""y va"ued for its sap, )hi!h is used in the

    ' making of map"e syrup' T)o northeastern states, Dermont and +e) 7ork,

    ' rank as ma6or produ!ers of map"e syrup' /n Canada, Buebe!Vs annua" syrup

    ' produ!tion surpasses 2' mi""ion ga""ons' To make pure map"e syrup, ho"es are

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    ' made in the trunk of the tree at the end of the )inter or in ear"y spring' The )ater

    L' "ike sap seeps through the ho"es and runs through a p"asti! spout that is put into

    Q' the ho"e' %fter)ard, the !o""e!ted sap is transferred into tubes that are hooked up

    U' to a tank kept in the sugar house' Then the sap goes through the boi"ing pro!ess'


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    This spe!ifi! detai" uestion tests your understanding of a definition' 3n"y the sugar map"e M"ine

    1N is defined' The !hoi!es M

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    ' *hat !an be inferred about the produ!tion of map"e syrupF

    %' /t is rather simp"e, but time!onsuming'

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    U' The )ord =its= in "ine 1 refers to

    M%N Sap


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    This uestion tests your understanding of ho) the author organi.es the information in the

     passage' $ost of the passage e(p"ains a stepbystep pro!ess of ho) map"e syrup is madeE thus,

    the !orre!t !hoi!e is M4N' The author does not attempt to !onvin!e the readerE !onseuent"y, the

    !hoi!e M%N is not true' The passage neither e(presses the !auses of the map"e syrup produ!tion

    nor "ists the simi"arities bet)een pure and !ommer!ia" map"e syrupE therefore, the !hoi!es M

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify



     Effective ays to !mprove "our #oca$ulary

    Y /f you do not kno) the meaning of a given )ord, the prefi( and suffi( information !an he"pyou un"o!k its meaning' Study the !ommon prefi( "ist to in!rease your kno)"edge of a )ord' To

    i""ustrate, =nourished= means having proper nourishment' = %alnourished = means improper

    nourishment' The prefi( =ma"= means bad or improper' /n addition, "earning !ommon suffi(es

    !an be an e(treme"y he"pfu" too" for the a!uisition of ne) )ords' ;or instan!e, suffi(es !an he"p

    you )ith the understanding of different parts of spee!h: nouns, ad6e!tives, adverbs, and verbs' /f

    you add the suffi( =ment= to the verb develop$ the ne) )ord development  is a noun' ;urther, if

    you de!ide to add the suffi( =a"= to the noun development , the ne) )ord developmental  is an


    Y The best )ay to in!rease your vo!abu"ary is to study 120 ne) )ords a day' *rite the ne)

    )ord and its pronun!iation on the front of a three by five in!h inde( !ardE on the ba!k, )rite the

    definition of the )ord and the senten!e in )hi!h you sa) the )ord' eep revie)ing your inde(

    !ard pi"e and adding ne) vo!abu"ary'

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    Y 4o not study unusua" or te!hni!a" )ords re"ated to spe!ifi! fie"ds of study su!h as !hemistry,

     bio"ogy, geo"ogy, and physi!s' The vo!abu"ary in the Reading Comprehension se!tion in!"udes

    on"y genera" )ords that have synonyms' 4efinitions of minera"s, anima"s, p"anets, !hemi!a"s,

     p"ants, et!' are not tested' 3ther types of )ords "abe"ed as S"ang, /nforma", +onstandard, Rare,

    Du"gar, Poeti!, and %r!hai! are not tested'

    Eelpful Testing Eints

    Y Ase !onte(t !"ue to guess the meaning of the )ords or phrases tested in the reading

    !omprehension passages'

    Y ;rom the four ans)er !hoi!es given, !hoose the )ord or the phrase that is !"osest in meaning,

    or is a synonym, to the vo!abu"ary or the phrase' Some of the !hoi!es might have simi"ar

    meanings, but on"y one )i"" be the most appropriate meaning )ithin the !onte(t'

    Y The vo!abu"ary items vary in degree of diffi!u"ty' *hi"e some may be easy, others may be

    semidiffi!u"t or diffi!u"t' Study a"" three types of vo!abu"ary'

    Y +ouns and ad6e!tives as )e"" as verbs and adverbs are tested in the vo!abu"ary se!tion' The

    ratio varies from test to test' Some vo!abu"ary items are t)oor three)ord phrasa" Mfor

    e(amp"e, get into ' look over ' count on N'

    Y The )ords tested on T3&;- are simi"ar to those used in !o""ege"eve" te(tbooks'

    Y /f you do not kno) the meaning of a )ord or a phrase, read the entire senten!e be!ause the

    senten!e may provide additiona" !"ues' The senten!es used before or after the senten!e in )hi!h

    the )ord or phrase appears often supp"y !"ues to the meaning of the )ord or phrase' The

    fo""o)ing e(amp"e sho)s this point'

    %"though mint hybrids are inferti"e, true mints !an be propagated from seeds'

    M%N Reprodu!ed


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    MCN P"anted

    M4N 4erived

    Pay attention to the !onte(t !"ue and !onstru!tion of this senten!e' The information in the

    dependent !"ause is in !ontrast )ith the information in the independent !"ause' The

    )ord infertile means barren, something that !an not reprodu!e, )hi"e the )ord propagate means

    reprodu!eE therefore, the !orre!t response is M%N'

    Y 43 +3T be tri!ked into !hoosing the !orre!t ans)er on the basis of its grammati!a" form' %""

    the possib"e ans)ers have the same grammati!a" form' ;or instan!e, if the vo!abu"ary is a

     phrasa", a"" the ans)ers )i"" be phrasa", but the !orre!t ans)er does not ne!essari"y have the

    same preposition' -ook at the e(amp"e'

    Cora", a gem stone, is related to "iving p"ants'

    M%N Compatib"e )ith


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


     (refi& %eaning E&ample

    a, an )ithout, not ase(ua", anonymous

    to)ard admission

    ambi ambiguous

    amphi amphibian


     before ante!edent

     before, opposite anti!ipate, antipathy





    hundred !entury

    !ir!um around !ir!umvent

    !om, !o" )ith, together !omp"e(, !o""aborate

    !on, !or )ith, together !ontra!t, !orrespond

    !ontra against !ontradi!tion

    !ounter opposite dire!tion !ountera!t

    do)n, a)ay de!ompose


    di, dif a)ay, apart diverge, differ  



    es, e( es!ape, e(terior  

    good, )e"" euthanasia

    e(tra beyond e(traordinary

    e(tro out)ard, beyond e(trovert

    hyper beyond, over hypertension

    i", ir i""iterate, irreversib"e

  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify


    into, not in!"ine, in!orre!t

     bet)een, among internationa"

    into, in import


    through permeate


     behind posts!ript, posterior 

     before pre!ede

    for)ard, in favor ofpromotion, pro"ife

    ma!ro ma!robioti!

    mi!ro mi!ro!omputer  )rong, bad misp"a!e

    mu"ti mu"ti!o"ored

    not, )ithout nonstop

    again, ba!k revie), re!a""


    under subside

    syn, sym )ith, together synta(, sympathy


    trans a!ross transparent


     beyond, over u"tramodern

    reverse, not un"oad, unab"e

    one, sing"e union, unise(


  • 8/18/2019 2 Steps to Identify
