1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

Find out what is coming from the desk of Topaz for December! The recipe of one of your favourite Campfire Snacks... check it out! !""# $%&’(% )*’++ ,-.+/(%01 2%*’/(0 ’3.4* .4- +’5*’0*/6 +%&’(% 0*’++777 So much more INSIDE...Check it out! www.ilovecamp.org !X GAMES Winter Edition 2008 The 1st official CAIRN online Woman’s Magazine


Cairn's first official online magazine

Transcript of 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

Page 1: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

Find out what is

coming from the

desk of Topaz for

December!The recipe of one of your

favourite Campfire


check it out!


So much more INSIDE...Check it out!


!X GAMESWinter Edition 2008

The 1st official CAIRN online Woman’s Magazine

Page 2: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

got camp?


Page 3: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

)rom %e Desk of Topaz 2

...within every issue you will recieve a small note from the desk of Topaz!

#ho We Are 3

...a detailed look into the lives of several of our female staff from 2008

! Word "om One of Us 15

...in every issue one of our staff members will write a special article for XX Games. In this issue, Erin “Quill” Woods has written I am a Woman and I am Strong.

)or Your Tummy 16

...Master Chef Magenta has prepared something fantastic for you to prepare in your own kitchens!

&e Self Spot 17

...within each issue there will be an article containing helpful hints to apply to your daily life! In this issue we will be discussing the Building Blocks of Self Esteem written by Julie Plenty.

&e Spotlight 18

...This months spotlight is written by Beth “Topaz” Allison entitled Mary, a Woman of Courage and Strength.

Our (anks 19

#e Want $ Hear "om You 19



[email protected]

[email protected]

Welcome to our quarterly Online Magazine, XX Games. This is a forum for women of all ages. It is a place for us to talk about the issues women deal with

in today’s world and how to overcome our worries, our fears, and our insecurities by focusing on all that we have to offer and all that God has given


We will find strength in unity. We will share our wisdom. We will support one another in our challenges and rejoice in our successes. We will celebrate

being women!

#elcome $ %e Team!!!

-.ow important it is for us $ recognize and celebra/ our heroes

and she-roes!*

+ Maya Angelou, Poe,



Page 4: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

From the Desk of Topaz...

I have had the honour and privilege of working in camping full-time for almost 15 years. What an adventure! One of my favourite parts of being a Camp Director is working with young women and helping them in some small way to realize more of their potential. Over the years, I have come to realize how much more difficult it is for young women these days. You are bombarded every minute of every day with movies, television shows, music videos, print ads, online ads, magazines, bill boards; we are told what to wear, ‘who’ to wear, how to be popular, how to have whiter teeth, clearer skin, fuller hair, and how thin we are to be. The messages we are receiving are all about how to “fix” ourselves on the outside; none of it talks about what is truly important. We as women of Cairn, women of the world, need to speak out! We need to focus on what really matters. And we need to be there for one another. So be proud of your accomplishments, strong in your convictions and know you are not alone. Let’s make 2009 a year to remember!

Love Topaz2

photo taken Travis Allison ~


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photo taken Travis Allison ~


photo supplied by Natasha L C Dunn www.natashalcd.com"


Each month, we would like to profile some of the amazing women of Cairn (both young and young-at-heart). In this edition, we would like to present some of our staff members who worked at Glen Mhor and Iona this past spring and summer.


photo taken Natasha L C Dunn


photo taken Travis Allison ~


photo taken Travis Allison ~ www.subtlevoxphotography.com

photo taken Travis Allison ~


Who We Are...

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Colleen “Tauru” Logie ~ CounsellorWhat’s up? My name is Colleen “Tauru” Logie and I was born on August 19th 1991. I LOVE sports, especially soccer, basketball, x-country running and volleyball. I love listening to all genres of music and I especially enjoy performing with a guitar. I enjoy watching the ocaisional/often OTH, Grey’s or So You Think You Can Dance episode. This is my first year on staff but I’ve spent seven years as a camper in various places. I first came to camp on the Sr. High fall weekend with my church. In that one weekend I was transformed and I’ve loved this place ever since. Camp is important to me because it is here that I find my true self and get the opportunity to help others find themselves too.Some cool things about me are that I can count to ten in Maori, I flew a plane before driving a car, and my half birthday is Valentines Day. Tauru comes from the Maori words for 3 and Orange.photo taken Travis Allison ~


female profile 1Lauren “Zeea” Elliot ~CounsellorHow I got my camp name: After trip in LIT I had a lot of camp name

options but they all didn’t end up working. So I asked Sagga to come

up with a name! After many, many word associations about Tim

Hortons, hockey, canoes, can-can, to fantasia, to sia, to Zeea!

Interests: Dance, mainly Irish, historical events, camping, building fires,

writing poems, crafts, anything exciting!

Cool things about me: I can touch my tongue to my nose and tie a

cherry stem in a knot. I have broken the same finger 4 times. I went to

Halifax to dance at a wedding, and I can do the wave with my toes.

Why I’m here: After being at Glen Mhor and then Cairn for 15 years,

being a counsellor just seemed right. It was what I had dreamed of and

it was one dream I was willing to go for. My mom, aunt, sister and

cousin have all been on staff here and I couldn’t imagine being

anywhere else.

Caely “Equi” Dunlop ~ CounsellorBirthday: February 17

Interests: I love being outside, and I play a lot of rugby and volleyball. I like

to explore and travel, seeing and experiencing new things is a pretty big

deal. I spend most of my time working, eating, sleeping and spending time

with the people I love.

Cool things about me: Well, my elbows bend backwards. It’s pretty cool I


Experience: I have been at camp for 4 years: 2 years as a camper, 1 as an LIT

and 1 year (this year) on staff :)

Why I come to camp: I come to camp because I am my favorite self here.

Camp brings out the best in people, everyone is needed, wanted, and loved.

It is unlike any place I’ve ever been and I can’t get enough!


photo taken Travis Allison ~


photo taken Travis Allison ~


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female profile 2

Andrea “Squire” Scrivener ~ CounsellorBirthday: May 15th 1990

Interests/Cool things about me: I’m going to my first year of university next year

for sciences at Guelph. I like swimming, running and tennis. In my spare time I

lounge on the outside my school with my friends and I read a lot.

Favorite female camp person: I had a lot of counselors that I looked up to as a

camper because of the amazing enthusiasm , confidence, strength and

individuality that they exemplified. People like Palais, Plinko, Match and Ciaran

who were extremely positive role models have helped make me who I am today.

Why I come to camp: Part of the reason camp is so important and why I come

here is the tradition that I feel included in and that I want to pass on to my

campers. I try to be the best counselor and the most positive role model I can be as

a part of that tradition so that my campers can learn just as I did. Camp has

always been an extremely important part of my life and has helped shaped who I

am today. If I can help to have that same positive effect on a few campers then I

know I’m doing a good job.

Rachel “Razzle” Reeves ~ CounsellorBirthday: April 25th 1991

Interests: I love music and going to see it live is the best way to do that. I play

rugby on my high school team and was also really involved in the drama

programme this year. (Surprised?) I also really love to write and my dream is to

one day become a magazine editor!

Favorite female camp person: It would have to be Match or Burkz. They’re both

amazing people and I feel like my life would be a little less fun without them in it.

Why I come to camp: I feel safe here, and I grow a lot as a person each summer I

spend here.

Paige “Teal” Betts ~ CounsellorBirthday: October 5th, 1990

I’ve been coming to camp for 8 years, 5 as a camper, 1 as an LIT, and now 2

on staff. I got my camp name Teal because I used to travel to Bermuda every

summer and the water colour there is a deep saphire blue. Way out deep but

closer to shore its an aquamarine colour...and so...aquamarine - aqua -


I’m sure you’ll find a lot of cool things about me once you get to know me,

but for now I will give you one...

My favourite camp person is A-2. She was one of my counsellors my first year

at teen week and I had an amazing week. She’s an extremely amazing

woman with an unstoppable passion for dance. She showed me that it is

okay to be crazy, silly, funny etc. and to have a passion for something. I

came to camp my first year because my mom had just signed me up but ever

since then I’ve come back and I’m so happy I do. Cairn has become one of

my favourite places on earth. Its a place I know I can be myself without

judgement, share my faith openly, and be able to have loads of fun and all

the friends, love and support that I need. I believe camp is so important

because without it I wouldn’t be the person I am today. When I first came to

camp I wouldn’t dress up, get up in front of everyone or be outgoing. That

has obviously changed now. I love it here because I am comfortable with the

people and my surroundings. That’s what I truly need to be myself.


photo taken Travis Allison ~


photo taken Travis Allison ~


photo taken Travis Allison ~


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Ruth “Rue” Coulton ~ IntegrationBonjour! My name is Rue and I still wonder how I got my camp name.

However, what I can tell you is that I was born on August 7th in

Montreal. Since then, I have also lived in Finland and Germany and

am moving to Kingston in the fall. During my spare time, I love to

swim, read a good book, watch Grey’s and ER. I also love teaching

Sunday school, coaching swim team and babysitting. I have been a

camp person since I was 7 though I have been involved with Cairn

since I was at Camp Iona in 2005. My favorite camp activities are

swimming and canoeing. I come to camp because I love being with

children and in God’s Creation. Camp is so important because it gives

children and young adults a community of faith in which they can

grow and develop many skills. In the years to come, when I

temporarily move away from camp, I aspire to be a pediatric

cardiovascular nurse practitioner :-)

photo taken Travis Allison ~


female profile 3

Elizabeth “Tagu” Cooper ~ Asst. Cook &

CYOB Coordinator Hey team! Here’s Tagu telling you a little bit about herself. My real name is Elizabeth, but I prefer Liz. My camp name is Tagu and there are many nicknames and abbreviations, ask about them...they’re fun! My hobbies and interests include, music, drama and camping. This is my third year on staff and my eighth summer coming to camp. I’ve been a counsellor, IONA asst. Cook, and CYOB co-ordinator. This fall I’m starting at Conestoga College for Early Childhood Education. I love camp and keep coming back because of the family I have here, the community, and the immense amounts of love.

photo taken Travis Allison ~


Amy “Anka” Eastwood ~ Waterfront Director

Camp Name Origin - Anka: During my LIT Trip it rained a lot and I wore a red pancho. This then turned into little red riding hood, and then to children’s stories. We then associated this with Winnie the Pooh, then went to Kanga which was turned into Anka.

Interests: swimming, reading, playing Sims, modern history

Experience: I’ve spent my whole life working with kids as a babysitter, tutor, swimming instructor, and counsellor

Why I come to camp: To learn to grow in my faith, to spend time in the place that I love, and to work with kids.

Why Camp is important: Camp is a safe place that kids can’t often find. It also offers hard skills and a chance to develop in one’s faith with people who are learning too.


photo taken Travis Allison ~


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female profile 4

Natasha “Burkz” Willis ~ CounsellorCamp Name Origin ~ “BURKZ” : May Staff Weekend, I had 2 minutes before

the meeting to come up with one, so Soleil looked at me , and then at my

shoes. Birkenstocks. And thus, Burkz was created.

Interests: Bargain shopping, dance, improv, baking, guitar, long walks on the


Cool things about me:

~ I went to Nicaragua on a mission trip this past March and helped build a

school as well as delivered food packs to needy families.

~ I’m actually tongue-tied

~ my great uncle was a famous British Spy

Favourite Camp People: Refleckta, Plinko, and Oosta

Why I came to camp: because its where I feel like I can be myself with out

having to try to be something I’m not.

Why Camp is so Important: it brings together an amazing community and

gives people a sense of belonging.

photo taken Travis Allison ~


Karly “Kimona” Knapman ~ CounsellorI’m Kimona! I got my name from my LIT trip where I used famous star wars

quotes. So star wars 1 to Obi Wonkanobi, which went to Obi, which of course

is the back sash on a Kimono. and then Kimono to Kimona :)

My main interests are swimming, singing and dancing in the shower.

I come to camp because the people here are so open and so caring to each

other and always find a way to put others first. Camp is so important to me

because there is so much love and consideration for one another and gives me

so much to learn about myself and about my faith. I could never pick a

favourite female camp person because everyone has so many good qualities -

they are all fantastic people. I love everyone of you!!!!

* muah*

Hilary “Kaya” Orr ~ CounsellorHey! What’s up? During my free time at home I enjoy yoga, drinking chai tea

lattes, and I love playing physical activities such as hockey. Just to throw it out

there...I also like long walks on the beach and dancing in the rain!!! (hehe)

Some cool facts about me are that I love eating food! I will eat anything except

mushrooms and olives. My most favourite food is chocolate covered

strawberries. YUMMY!!!!!!

My experience here at camp is the following...its my 6th year (I think) being

here at camp altogether. Last year I did LIT and this is my first year on staff! I

absolutely love it here at Cairn. It is another home for me and it is the one place

where I can talk to God on so many different levels. I always end up coming

back here because of the people and the amazing community. Camp is the most

fantastic place to yourself!!!!


photo taken Travis Allison ~


photo taken Travis Allison ~


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female profile 5

Krista “Matelle” Steinhart ~ Programme Director

&Asst. CookInterests: Baking, horses

Origins of camp name Matelle : on my LIT trip I was named...it

started like this ~ I like horses - horses jump - jump in french is

saute - sautee veggies- paprika - blues clues - perrywinckle -

tinkertoys - Matelle

Cool things about me : i like to learn, I live on a farm, I go to the

University of Guelph and take biological Science, I want to be a


Why do you come to camp? I’m inspired to challenge myself at

camp and I like inspiring others to challenge themselves.

Why is Camp so important? You learn skills differently than the

way you learn in school. Camp helps people expand their comfort

zones. It important because you meet people that you never get

the have to meet and love. You make Lifelong friends.

photo taken Travis Allison ~


Chelsie “ Glitz” Boldger ~ Head CounsellorNicknames: Glitzy, G-Unit, Gritz

Experience: 9 years at camp, 5 years as a camper, 2 years as a

counsellor, 1 year as IONA asst. Cook, 1 year Head Counsellor

Favourite Camp Activities: Climbing Wall and Art & Crafts

Interests: Dirt Biking,the beach, WATCHING sports, Cottages,

Traveling, Water sports, Helping people, Jack Johnson.

Future Career: Social Worker

Why I love Camp: I love camp because it is truly a place of great

people. I have met the most real people here, some of whom have

become my lifelong friends.

Favourite Camp People:

Zilch ~ she is so confident and crazy. When I was a camper I wanted

to be JUST like her!!!

Matchy ~ she is so caring and understanding. When I was a camper

she told me something that kept me coming back to this place...she

knows what she said. Thanks my friend!

Kimberly “Athens” Stanbury ~ CYOB DirectorYears at camp: 12

Experience on Staff: 2 years counselling and 1 year as CYOB


Birthday: May 7th

Favourite Camp activity ~ Kayaking

Why I come to camp: Camp has always been a place where I can

just be me without other people’s judgment. Plus it’s just fun!

Chosen career: Primary school teacher!


photo taken Travis Allison ~


photo taken Travis Allison ~


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Rachel “Soleil” Terry ~ CounsellorBirthday: October 1

Interests: writing, guitar, singing, hockey, painting, boy stuff, the

outdoors, swimming.

Cool things about me: I live 45 minutes away from camp and I hunt.

Why I come to camp: I come to camp to escape the busy world and settle

myself in a peaceful, secure, understood place where I can love and

express myself as much as I want.

Why camp is important: The people. I figure if the world had 2 times

more camp people then it does now, there would be no war. At camp

you learn how to be a camp person and thats the person I think a lot

more people should be like.

How I got my camp name: On trip I got this wicked burn and my crocs

were shaped with suns in them and we discussed how I “brightened a

room when I walk into it” (Pryzm). So Soleil was picked for the french

word for sun.

photo taken Travis Allison ~


female profile 6Jessica “Galla” Drury ~ CounsellorHey girls of Teen Week, my name is Jessica “ Galla” Drury and I’m hoping

you love camp just as much as me. My birthday is August 24, 1991 and

this is my ninth year at camp. I love hockey and football, they are two of

my favorite sports. I also love to coach hockey. One of my most recent

favorite pastimes is running. It makes me feel happy, healthy and better

about myself. I have one more really cool thing I’d like to share with you, I

love hair and I have now had my hair nine different colors.

My favorite camp female: One of my favorite females at camp is Match.

She has been in my life forever, and whenever I need someone to talk to or

an office to cry in, she’s always been there for me, and I appreciate that.

She is also an amazing role model, she doesn’t care what she looks like or

what people say about her. She just holds her head high and knows that

she’s beautiful.

One last thing. This place is very special to me because I can be myself.

This place is free of judgment and it is encouraged that you be yourself.

Stephanie “Sagga” Neil ~ CounsellorBirthday: July 23rd 1990

Interests: Cheerleading, canoeing/kayaking, camp, being with friends.

Experience: I’ve been coming to camp for 8 or 9 years. I’ve been a camper,

an LIT, and currently I’m a second year counsellor.

Cool things about me: I’m from Mississauga and am going into my first

year at York University. I’m a vegetarian, I enjoy playing guitar. I like

making other people laugh, probably because I love to laugh. I love camp!

Why I come to camp: I come to camp because it’s one of the best

environments I’ve ever been in. It’s a place that doesn’t judge people and is

so friendly and welcoming. The people are absolutely amazing and I’ve

made some of the best friends here.

Why camp is important: Camp is important because anyone (staff or

camper) can feel safe and at home here. It’s amazing because it can mean

something special to everyone.


photo taken Travis Allison ~


photo taken Travis Allison ~


Page 12: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

Marina “Kriega” Bennett ~ CounsellorBirthday: March 23rd 1991

Interests: Graphic design, traveling, kayaking, music, reading,

wakeboarding, drawing.

Experience: I’ve learned that it’s much more satisfying to live life for

yourself and enjoy it than be totally miserable living the life that someone

else wants you to live.

Cool things about me: I have a green belt in jeet kune do (martial art),

broken both arms, my wrist, and had a coat hanger stuck through my


How I got my camp name:

Playing air soccer at the breakfast table during LIT > huge lung capacity

(“lungs of steel”) > Storm from X-men > lightning > blitzen (German for

lightning) > blitzkrieg > krieg > Kriega!

Why I come to camp: I love the welcoming, familial atmosphere; this is

where I feel closest to God.

photo taken Travis Allison ~


female profile 7

Michelle “Konk” Roberts ~ Eastern Europe Team &

LIT DirectorInterests: Reading, travelling, swimming.

Favorite camp activity: Funnen Games.

Cool things about me: I got to go to Eastern Europe this summer. Kiwi,

Sesame and I worked at camps in Hungary, Croatia and Ukraine.

Why camp is important to me: Camp is important to me because it

inspires me to be who I truly am. At camp I try things I never would

elsewhere, and meet people that I otherwise wouldn’t.

Education: I go to Wilfrid Laurier University where I major in North

American and Communication studies. At school I am on the Emergency

Response Team (ERT) and work at the pool as a lifeguard.

Katie “Dolce” Sebestyen ~LIT Director and Programme DirectorBirthday: May 23rd 1987

Experience: LIT at Kintail, Summer experience traveling Vacation Bible School for

Southwestern Ontario, 1 year as a counsellor, 2 years M&D Director, 1 year LIT/


Interests: music (especially piano and singing), swimming, reading, working with


About me: I volunteer at a homeless shelter. I’ve been playing the piano for almost

18 years. I’m at Queens University for my bachelor of music and education.

Why I come to camp: Camp is my home and my family. I love being at camp and

having so much opportunity to meet people and have an impact.


photo taken Travis Allison ~



photo taken Travis Allison ~


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female profile 8

Georgina “Kyri” Fung ~Adventure ProgrammerInterests: Building and supporting computers for other, playing guitar, volleyball, rock climbing, and computer game, photography, travelling, laughing and spending time with friends, learning the Japanese language

How I got my camp name: I can do a neat trick with a basketball. So we went from basketball to the Harlem Globetrotters. From there we went to the Washington Generals to General Romeo Dallaire (a Canadian General who, among other things, defied the UN's orders to withdraw from Rwanda and defended 20,000 Tutsis with only 270 ill-equipped troops). From Romeo Dallaire we went to Romeo to Shakespeare to Christopher Marlowe. Christopher Marlowe went to Marlon Brando ('cause they sound alike). Marlon Brando went to Apocalypse Now which went to "Flight of the Valkyries" which ended up at Kryi.Why camp is important to me: Camp is important to me because the people at camp are important to me.

Cool things about me: I can throw like a “guy”. I’m a lopper Rockstar. I was born in Hong Kong


photo taken Travis Allison ~


Page 14: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

Megan “Magenta” Allen ~ Head CookBirthday: December 24

I have been coming to camp for 4 years, and have been working in

the kitchen for the majority of that time. I first came to camp in 2005

because my youth leader was a camp person and she told me so many

great things about it. Her name was Anne “Antsy” Cheeseman. She

also gave me my camp name.

Outside of camp I am taking Biotechnology at Brock University and

hope to someday do research in human genetics and their effects on

disease and disability. I also enjoy music, including singing and

playing guitar.

photo taken Travis Allison ~


female profile 9

Lauren “Refleckta” Brucker ~LIT DirectorBirthday: January 21

How I got my camp name: Solo portaging ‘Reflection’ canoes on my

LIT trip.

Interests: I love to be outside and I love to be active. I’m really

interested in history (thats what I take at school) and I like to read

and write, although I rarely have time to. I also like to cook, dance,

play with my dog, and watch movies.

Why I come to camp: This is my 8th year at camp and I keep coming

back because camp is where I am most comfortable, where I can be

my most authentic self. At camp I have the opportunity to get dirty,

sing loud and off key, and laugh until I cry on a daily basis.

My favorite camp female: Palais! She was my teen week counsellor

one year and she inspired me to let myself go and be completely crazy

and goofy. She taught me the value of a good cabin cheer and we still

have inside jokes from that week.

Laura “Nye” Vereway ~Waterfront &

Creations Quest DirectorBirthday: December 11th 1989

Story behind the name: I invented a song to remember the

elements of the periodic table and it went from that to Bill

Nye the Science Guy to Nye!

Cool things about me: I can snap/pop my jaw. I took courses

in French at university. I am a master lopper and a tank!

Why I come to camp: Because I am attracted to camp and

care A LOT about it’s future. I want to see it prosper and

grow. I am too invested in camp to leave it.

Camp is important: Because you meet people you never

would have a chance to meet and get to know them so well.

Also, you learn a lot of awesome skills.


photo taken Travis Allison ~


photo taken Travis Allison ~


Page 15: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

female profile 10 Erin “Quill” Wooods ~ Music & Drama Director My name is Erin Woods but you may know me better as Quill. I’m

quiet by nature but camp brings me out of my shell a lot. I’m fond of

old-fashioned girl things like sewing and crochet, gardens and

poetry, dresses and long hair. However, I also can not get enough of

climbing trees, working with my hands, playing in the woods,

shooting my bow, and playing my drums. Few people expect those

things of me and I enjoy surprising them.

Camp for me is an opportunity to let loose both sides of my

personality. I can be quiet and spiritual, or loud and dramatic. I can

be creative and spend time on tiny details, but I can also lash sticks

and haul rocks around. Its a chance to teach and to learn. It’s a

place where we can get closer to people and closer to God.

I am at home here.

Marie-France “Pylonn” Pare ~ Administrator &

Camp Photographer This is my first summer back to camp since 2004 when I was a second year counsellor. Although I was not working at camp, I kept busy by going to school and working in the city. I graduated from Conestoga College’s Paramedic Programme in 2006 and became qualified as a Flight Paramedic in 2007. While working in the field I travelled to 6 different countries in 4 different continents. I came back to camp this summer because its always been a big part of my life, and over the years I’ve seen the importance in the work that we do here. In total, I’ve been involved with Glen Mhor and Cairn for 11 years as a camper, a volunteer, and as a staff member. In September I am heading back to school for Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo. One of my back-to-school purchases will be a bicycle, and I look forward to leaving my car in the driveway and biking to school whenever I can. I also want to leave myself some time in midst of all of my studies for some of my hobbies: photography, hiking and doing the crossword!!!


photo taken Travis Allison ~


photo taken Travis Allison ~


Page 16: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

Chelsea “Geara” Strachen ~ CounsellorMy name is Chelsea Rose Strachan, I have been going to camp

for 8 years. It has always been my absolute favorite place in the

entire world ever since i can remember. There is no feeling like

when your car first turns onto the gravel drive way, just an

incredible a sense of relief and comfort now that you are home.

When L.I.T. finally rolled around i was given the camp name

Geara. It came from canoeing on trip, and if you know me you

know that my proper place in the canoe is in the "princess

seat" ( I'm not crazy about paddling!). So to make up for my

lack of arm muscle I started singing Disney songs, before i knew

it i was singing at the top of my lungs "Look for the bear

necessities..." Bageara the panther is one of the singers of that

song, so Bageara went to Geara..and here i am. In the future,

in the "real world" I hope to go to Concordia for Theatre

Performance and who knows where that will take me. I really

believe that the reason i feel so comfortable in my own skin is

because of what camp has done for me. It was a place that i

learned being yourself is the best thing you can do and

changing yourself to conform to all of the pressures that society

puts on young girls today just feeds the fire. There were 2 people

at camp who i really looked up to as confident, amazing

women . They were my LIT directors Snap and Pryzm, they are

both just so sure of who they are and who they want to be in the

future. I really hope that someday I can have that kind of affect

on girls today. It is really because of camp that i can wake up

everyday and be happy with who i am.

photo taken Travis Allison ~


Greer “Fiero” Gallant ~ Out TripperName: Greer “Fiero” Gallant

Camp name story: Well I was talking very fast at lunch one day

and it reminded some people of a character from Ferris Bueller's

Day Off, which then led to Ferris's sister who drives a Honda

Fiero. So in the end I'm named after a car.

Birthday: Dec 24, 1988

Experience at camp: TRIP!! Dirt tans, swimming in rapids,

pooping in the woods, the rush of adrenaline before paddling

hard into moving water, boot sucking mud portages. Large camp

fires, trust walks around old Iona, loading canoes on the trailer

after a hard trip, slipping and falling, cutting your leg, it gushing

blood and then showing off the scar for months later...talk about

a long lasting reward.

Interests ~ cool things about yourself: I'm have this unique skill

of communicating with the life forms on Mars...they say hello

(post translation).

future hopes..what you want to be: A warrior!! A strong

independent woman. An Arctic explorer, an emergency medic, a

crazy embarrassing mother.

Why you think camp is important for females: I think that camp

is excellent for all humans, but Women can benefit greatly from

its warm welcoming environment. It can develop a shy girl into

an outgoing understanding women. I went from being a kid who

had very few friends to the girl who can lead a white water canoe

trip and portage a canoe 1.7km by herself! God sent me to camp

to learn about him because before I was oblivious to his power.

People who want to play in the outdoors GO OUTSIDE. People

who want to become the outdoors, learn about god, and be

challenged...GO TO CAMP!


photo taken Travis Allison ~


Page 17: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

A Word From One of Us...

Erin “Quill” Woods

In each edition, we would

like to hear what you

have to say.

This quarter, the words

of wisdom come from

Erin Woods. “Quill” is a

long-time staff member

o f C a i r n a n d i s

currently studying at

Nipissing University in

North Bay, Ontario.

I Am Woman and I am Strongan article by Erin “Quill” Woods

photo taken Natasha L C Dunn www.natashalcd.com

photo taken Natasha L C Dunn


photo taken Travis Allison ~ www.subtlevoxphotography.com

photo taken Travis Allison ~



I am as strong as Esther. She was chosen to be

Queen because she was beautiful, but she left

her mark on history because she was brave.

When the Israelite people were threatened with

annihilation, she risked her life to confront the

King and uncover the plot. The massacre was

halted before it began, and her descendents

celebrate her victory even today.

I can be brave like Esther, because I am


I am as strong as Mary in the New

Testament, who endured the scorn and

disapproval of important people for the sake of

honouring Jesus. Though they scorned her

actions and her character, Mary poured costly oil

over her Lord’s head and washed his dusty feet

with her tears. A woman of poor reputation

before this event, she is now remembered all

over the world as the one person who gave

Christ the praise he was owed. I can be

worshipful like Mary, because I am strong.

I am as strong as Ruth, who left the country

she knew and a chance at a good life to stay with

Naomi, her destitute mother!in!law whom she

loved. Though she was young and beautiful and

could have made a good second marriage in her

homeland of Moab, she chose to follow Naomi

to her native Israel where she was forced to

gather leftover grains all day in a field in order to


Despite her adversity, she remained faithful

and spoke these words that have since been

immortalized: “Where you go I will go, I will

go. Where you live, I will live. Your people

will be my people, and your God will be my

God. Where you die, I will die, and that is

where I will be buried. May the Lord’s worst

punishment come upon me if I let anything

but death separate me from you.”

I can be loyal like Ruth, because I am strong.

I am as strong as Mary of Nazareth, who

went through a pre!marital pregnancy that was

absolutely unacceptable in her culture. She

accepted this mission from God with full

knowledge of what her family, her community,

and her husband!to!be would think. Despite

their disapproval, despite the shame the

situation should have brought upon her, she

glorified God because she recognized the

wonder of what he had done, and she had faith

that the Lord could achieve anything.

I can be faithful like Mary, because I am


I can be as strong as Miriam, who lived in

Egypt during the time when all Hebrew baby

boys were ordered to be put to death. When

her baby brother was born, Miriam’s mother

hid the child from the Egyptian soldiers for

three months, and when she could hide him

no more Miriam helped to lay him in a wat!

ertight basket and place him in

the river, trusting that God

could save his life. Despite the risk to herself, Miriam stayed

close by the water and watched

the basket as it drifted down to

where the Pharaoh’s daughter

was bathing. When the Princess opened the basket and found the

crying baby, Miriam boldly

stepped out and offered to find

an Israelite nurse for him. The

Princess said “Please do, and I will pay her.” Miriam ran home

to her mother, who was then

able to nurse her child until he

was old enough to be adopted

into the Princess’ household.

I can be nurturing like

Miriam, because I am strong.

I can be anything and do anything with the help of God,

because I am a woman and I am



Page 18: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

FROM THE KITCHEN…yes friends,

its your favourite scrumptious snack

from camp...

Bee’s Bark

INGREDIENTS1 sleeve unsalted soda crackers1 cup margarine or butter melted1 cup Brown sugar2 cups chocolate chips


Step 1Preheat your oven to 350 degrees

Step 2Place crackers side by side on a lined cookie sheet. (note: To line the pan, you can use tin foil, waxed paper or parchment paper.)

Step 3Combine the melted butter and brown sugar.

Step 4Pour this mixture over the crackers and make sure they are covered.

Step 5Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top evenly.

Step 6Bake at 350 degrees for 5-8 minutes.

Step 7Remove the pan from the oven and spread the chocolate around using a spoon or spatula.

Step 8Cool in the fridge or freezer until chocolate has hardened.






share a little goodie from the

camp kitchen. We all deserve a

treat every now and then!

Thanks to “Magenta” who

served as our Kitchen Manager

in 2008 and is already on board

for 2009! She is a student at

B r o c k U n i v e r s i t y i n S t .

Catharines, Ontario.



Page 19: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

The Building Blocks of Self Esteem


GAMES... we will highlight an article

o r t w o w o r t h r e a d i n g . W e

recommend to you: “10 tips to kick

start your self esteem!” by Julie


You can find the full article at:


c g i - b i n / m o t i v a t i o n / i n d e x . p l ?


Julie lists 10 simple but effective

steps to think about as you work to

build your self-esteem. Definitely

worth a read!


Page 20: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

The Spotlightby Beth “Topaz” Allison

I have traveled many moonless

nightsCold and weary with a babe


And I wonder what I've doneHoly Father you have come

And chosen me nowTo carry your son

I am waiting in a silent prayerI am frightened by the load I

bearIn a world as cold as stone

Must I walk this path alone

Be with me nowBe with me now

Mary’s Song -- Breath of HeavenBy Amy Grant

At this time of year, we take time to

remember of one of the most remarkable women in history. Mary, the mother of our Saviour, was given a role that is truly indescribable. I have often wondered how Mary must have felt with such a phenomenal responsibility at such a young age in a time when women were not seen as much more than property. She was poor, young and likely very afraid but she heard the call of God and answered. Amy Grant, song writer and performer, wrote this song from the viewpoint of Mary in 1992. It is a haunting, timeless piece of music that will touch your soul.

To learn more about Mary’s story, you can read about her in Luke 1:26#56 in your Bibles. Her song is found in vs. 46#55.

MARYA Woman of Strength and Courage


Breath of heavenHold me together

Be forever near me

Breath of heavenBreath of heaven

Lighten my darknessPour over me your holiness

For you are holy

Breath of heaven

Do you wonder as you watch my face

If a wiser one should have

had my placeBut I offer all I am

For the mercy of your planHelp me be strong

Help me be

Help meYou can listen to this beautiful song at: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2egKS4d1oI


Page 21: 1st Edition XX Games Women's Magazine

To Travis “Zoic Allison (www.subtlevoxphotography.com), Natasha L C Dunn (www.natashalcd.com), Georgina Fung, Corey Marshall, Rachel Terry, Paige Betts, and Natasa Willis for their awesome photography

To Erin “Quill” Woods for her superb writing

To Megan “Magenta” Allen for her scrumptious recipe

To these Staff Members of Cairn for sending us their profiles - fascinating women

Our Thanks

We want to hear from you!This is your magazine. We have created it so that our female campers, LITs, Staff members and alumni can contribute, communicate and build each other up . We want to know what you are up to, what you worry about, where you find strength. Our next issue will come out in the spring of 2009 and we would love to add articles from you, profiles from you, advice from you. We want to share what you are doing, what groups you are involved and how you are making the world a better place! If you have books we should read, workshops we should attend or other ideas to share that will help us to develop stronger, more confident women, please drop us a line at [email protected]!

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