1995 intergovernmental agreement

MEETING OUTLINE August 3 , 1995 Introduction by Village President A. Purpose of Meeting B. Explanation of TIF Funding School Board Presentation f Financial Dilemma Discussion of Intent of Proposed Actions: A. Direct available fund balance o District 90 while maintaining the necessary ontrol over the annual low of TIF incremental r&enue to assure hat: l. Debt service will be paid; 2. The new Village complex will be completed; 3. Future TIF projects can be funded if desired. B. Improve District 90 financial situation without increased ax burden C. Distribute to the greatest extent possible TIF incremental revenue o th e community. D. Avoid declaring,surplus under the TIF Act thereby requiring the return of the declared surplus state sales ax increment to thJ Ilinois Department of Revenue and the proportional return of the declared surplusproperty tax increment o all taxing bodies. E. Attempt to change state aw to specifically reference his distribution under the TIF Act. F. Continue the tradition of broad based communify support for quality public education. G. N_o pecific oversight authority by the Village Board on the exact us of the funds other than all dollars will be ured in the Education Fund.

Transcript of 1995 intergovernmental agreement

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troduction by Village President

A. Purpose of MeetingB. Explanation of TIF Funding

School Board Presentation f Financial Dilemma

Discussion of Intent of Proposed Actions:

A. Direct available fund balance o District 90while maintaining thenecessary ontrol over the annual low of TIF incremental r&enue

to assure hat:

l. Debt service will be paid;2. The new Village complex will be completed;3. Future TIF projects can be funded if desired.

. Improve District 90 financial situation without increased ax burden

. Distribute to the greatest extent possible TIF incremental revenue othe community.

. Avoid declaring,surplus under the TIF Act thereby requiring thereturn of the declared surplus state sales ax increment to thJ IlinoisDepartment of Revenue and the proportional return of the declaredsurplus property tax increment o all taxing bodies.

Attempt to change state aw to specifically reference his distributionunder the TIF Act.

Continue the tradition of broad based communify support for qualitypublic education.

. N_o pecific oversight authority by the Village Board on the exact usof the funds other than all dollars will be ured in the EducationFund.

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e specia l meet ing of the Board of Educat ion of Schools t r ic t 1190, Cook County, I l l inois , and the River Fores tlage Board of Trustees , was cal led to order in theosevel t School audi tor ium, 7560 Oak Avenue, River Fores t ,nois , on August 3 , 1995, a t 7 :35 p.rn .

e following River Forest Village Board Members weresent :

Mr. Frank Parj -s , Pres identTrustee Di l lonTrustee GrahamTrustee HeppesTrustee Sul l ivanTrustee RiderTrustee Rigas

so present : Mr. Char les Biondo, Vi l lage Adminis t ra torMr. Terry Barnic le , Board Attorney

e following River Forest Board of Education Members \4rereesent :

Mrs . Nancy McCracken, Pres identMrs. Car lot ta Lucchesi , Vice Pres identMr. Phi l ip P. 0rDonnel l , SeeretaryMrs. Carolyn Lang

o present : Dr. Tyra L. Manning, Super intendentMr. John Barryr Director of School Operat ionsMrs. Patr ic ia Cleveland, Recording Secretary

sident Par is s ta ted that the purpose of the meet ing wasdiscuss an intergovernmental agreement between the Vil lage

ard and the School Board which would a l low the dis t r ibut ionavai lable funds f rom the Vil lage I s TIF Dist r ic t to Sehool

t r ic t 90.

Biondo introduced the Village Board Members and Dr. Manningroduced the Board of Educat ion Members Dresent .

s ident Par is out l ined the Tax Increment Finance Act br ief lyd explained that funds are generated by proper ty tax revenuesd sales tax revenues wi thin the dis t r ic t which encompasses

Lake Street business corr idor. When the TIF dis t r ic t wasated seven years ago, the assessed value of proper tyhin the dis t r ic t was frozen a t a base year for 20 years .

those assessed values increaser any addi t ional tax revenues

ove the base 1eve1 go into the TIF fund, ins tead of the loca1ing bodies .

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Minutes (2)August 3, 1995

esident Par is presented the posi t ion of the Ri-ver Fores tlage Board by recommending that an agreement with the

ver Fores t Board of Educat ion would permit the Vi l lagedis t r ibute excess funds f rour TIF revenues while mainta ining

ntrol over the annual flow of TIF incremental revenue tosure that the fol lowing responsibi l i t ies are met :

Debt service paid for bonds now outs tanding.

New Vil lage complex completed as planned.

Future TIF projects funded i f des i red.

ly af ter meet ing a l l of thei r own financia l responsibi l i t iesuld the Vil lage be cornmit ted to release funds to the Schools t r ic t .

es ident McCracken voiced

ween the two Boards andx dol lars in the Vil lagemmunity.

. Manning discussed theres t Publ ic Schools andojected short fa l l by the

her appreciati-on for the collaboration

the opportunity to work together to keepto benefit both the children and the

f inancia l posi t ion of the Riverthe s teps taken recent ly to remedy a

L998-99 school vear.

1993-94 school year, the Board appointed Stra tegic Planningpresentatives drar^m from the c ommunity to study the financiala tus of the dis t r ic t among other charges . Mr. Dan Lupiano

aired the Financial Plan Action Team which did a completeudy of the dis t r ic t f inances and wrote the Dis t r ic t 90 Storyich s ta tes that the Dist r ic t i s spending more than i t i s

king j.n and has done so for several yeals

th the recomnendations of the Strategic Planning Finance Plant ion Team and the Dist r i -c t Finance and Operat ions Corumit tee ,

e Board of Educat ion put a referendum on the Apri l , 1995,l lo t request ing an increase to $2.7O from $2.145 in theucat i -on Funds to operate the Dist r ic t through the year 2000.

e fa i lure of the referendum prompted cuts in dis t r ic t programsi le a t tempting to mainta in a high level of educat ional services

those chi ldren the dis t r ic t i s mandated to serve,5-13 year olds .oject ions s ignal that reserves wil l be depleted by the 1998-99hool year.

es ident Par is pointed out that the School Dis t r ic t has los t,400,000 in tax revenues because of the TIF Dis t r ic t and het that th is opportuni ty to ass is t the School Dis t r ic t shouldtaken.

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Minutes (3)August 3, 1995

sident Paris out l ined the fol lowing intent ions of thever Forest Vil lage Board in addit ion to their f iscalponsibi l i t ies already stated:

Improve Distr ict 90 financial s i tuat ion without increasedtax burden.

Distr ibute to the greatest extent possible TIF incrementalrevenu to the coumunitv.

Avoid declar ing surplus under the TIF Act therebyrequir ing the return of the declared surplus s ta te salestax increment to the Illinois Department of Revnue andthe proport ional return of the deelared surplus propertytax increment to al l taxing bodies .

Attempt to change state law to spcif ical ly referencethis distr ibut ion under the TIF Act .

Continue the tradi t ion of broadfor qual i ty public educat ion.

No specif ic oversight authori tytheexact use of the funds otherused in the Educat ion Fund.

based community support

by the Village Board onthan al l dol lars wil l be

esident Paris s tated that this type of act ion by the Vil lageard i s not without precedenee. Although TIF revenues weret used, various community projects have been funded by thelage Board such as the new Community Center and the Parkthe Priory.

esident Paris announced that the meeting would be opened tobl ic comment before discussion by the two Boards and thelowing ci t izens made statements or comnents :

t r ick Hostyr l , i l i11iam Gleason, Sandi Bercovitz , Kevin Peppard 'mes Faulkner, David Kuelper, J . Creczek, David Hanson,c Samore, Joe Elwood, Kirsten Coe' Merry Beth Kowalczyk'r laine McVisk, Sal ly DelBecarro, Martha Schauss, Maura Zinni 'm Cullen, A1 Swanson, Don Peters , Paul Bris tol

st coumunity members spoke in support of distributing fundsm the TIF Distr ict to Distr ict 90. Several quest ions weresed concerning distr ibut ion to Distr ict 200 as well as thementary schools . Enthusiast ic support was given to thecal management of the School District by Dr. Manning andncern for the future excel lence of educat ion in the vi l lages voiced.

ter a l l members of the audience had the opportuni ty to beard, President Paris asked the two Boards to express theirini-ons and answer questions raised by coumunity members.

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Minutes (4)August 3, 199

rustee Graham spoke to the quest ion of distr ibut ing fundsDistr ict 200 as well as Distr ict 90 by explaining that

r . Offerman and Mrs. Srni ley discussed their posi t ion withe two Boards on July 24 at a joint meeting stat ing that

ny funding the Village could give them would be ansignif icant factor in fulf i l l ing their monetary needs andight act against them by promoting a false sense in theornmunity that this could solve their f inancial problems.

a l l funding is directed to Distr ict 90 to forestal l aferendum, a future referendurn by Distr ict 200 would be

a bet ter posi t ion to pass voters of both communit ies

rustee I leppes stated that there is no guarantee in regard a future referendum by Distr iet 90. Dr. Manning rei teratede posi t ion of the Board of Educat ion of Distr ict 90 byaintaining that i f the t imeline of the project ions ent i t ledcenario Two by the River Forest Vil lage Board and theontr ibut ions in that project ion are met according to thatmeline and if other unseen variables do not occur, theoard of Educat ion could be in a posi t ion to commit to a f iveear project ion not to seek a tax rate increase through aferendum unti l the year 2001. Because project ions beyondve years are diff icul t to support , Dr. Maning said that

he cannot at this point in time commit beyond that but isr tainly not stat ing that the Distr ict wil l need to seek ate increase at that t ime.

rustee Rider suggested that an agreement be drarnm up withe imput of both Dr. Manning and Mr. Biondo upon advi_ce of

ounsel for the Boards to peruse and revi .ew separatelyfore vot ing approval at their respect ive Board meetings.

f ter considering the recommendation to draw up a contractthout dollar amounts , i t was decided that i t was not possibler Di.s tr ict 90 to make any cornmit tment to be a party to antergovernmental Agreernent without the timeline and amounts

be contr ibuted from the Vil lage. Dr . Manning and presidentccracken were clear in stat ing that the distr ict has based i t tsojected plans on the scenario as presented in the project ionsesented to both Boards. (Copy in Official Minutes)

oth Boards bel ieve they are under a t ime constraint to makee local TIF agreement before changes in TIF laws are enacted

y the l l l inois General Assembly in the Legislature t s vetossion that begins af ter Labor Day.

f ter al l members of both Boards has ful1 opportuni ty to beard, it was the consensus that an Intergovernmental Agreement

ould be drawn up encompassing the funding concept as discussedth the t imeline and amounts as presented with lega l detai ls

be worked out between cousels of each Board. I t was agreedat an 18 nonth not ice be given Distr ict 90 in the event the