1917 Hsi-e

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Transcript of 1917 Hsi-e

  • 8/16/2019 1917 Hsi-e


    In the book "Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers Of God's Kingdom", on pages!-#, reference is made to diffic$lties %hich arose in && %hen P()(*(Johnsontried to take control of the +ritish branch office, and later ho% he and fo$r 

    members of the +rookln +ethel famil tried to take control of the )ociet(

    +rother $therford %rote the f$ll acco$nt of %hat happened, at the $rging of the +oard of .irectors, so that all might see the tr$th of the sit$ation( /his %asp$blished as "0arvest )iftings" b$t %as not for general release, onl beingsent to those %ho asked for it(

    Harvest Siftings

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against  powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against 

    spiritual wickedness in high places."  1 2phesians 3&!

    /02 24I* O52 6G6I5 6//27P/)

  • 8/16/2019 1917 Hsi-e


    /O .I)8P/ /02 )O9I2/:

    9O5;I.25/I6* )/6/2725/ O; ;69/) +: 2press o$r heart approval of the actsand cond$ct of o$r President and General 7anager and 2>ec$tive Officer of the W6/90 /OW2 +I+*2 65. /69/ )O9I2/:, %hich d$ties %e desire himto contin$e= and %e take this occasion to e>press o$r $tmost confidence inhim as a brother and servant in the *ord, and to commend him, %ith lovingpraers and ass$rance of o$r s$pport, to all %ho love o$r dear Pastor $sselland %ho believe that he %as sent to be the g$ide of the 9h$rch to the end of her %a=

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    "65. +2 I/ ;8/02 2)O*42., that %e believe that o$r dear +rother $therford is the man the *ord has chosen to carr on the %ork that etremains to be done in Pastor $ssell's name and in the name of the *ord= andthat no other in the 9h$rch is as %ell ?$alified as he to do this %ork= or co$ldhave received at the *ord's hand greater evidences of 0is love and favor=

    "65. +2 I/ ;8/02 2)O*42., that the President be, and is herebre?$ested to prepare a f$ll statement of the facts leading $p to the conditionsno% e>isting in the %ork at +rookln= and a f$ll statement of the necessitarising for the appointment of members of the +oard of .irectors and %h thesame is done= and s$ch other facts as ma be necessar in this connection for the good and %elfare of the 9h$rch at large= and that said statement bep$blished if deemed necessar(

    "In the name of the 7aster of the 0arvest, o$r *ord and )avio$r Jes$s9hrist, 6men@

    "6( 5( PI2)O5,"W( 2( )PI**,"W( 2( 465 67+8G0,"J( 6( +O052/,"6( 0( 7697I**65,"G2O( 0( ;I)02"

    "+rookln, 5e% :ork,J$l &th, &&("

    To International Bible Students scattered throughout world 3

    .26 +2/025 I5 90I)/3 1In this ho$r of sorro%, mingled %ith Ao, %e think of the %ords of )t( Peter,

    so appropriate at this time3 "+eloved, think it not strange concerning the fireamong o$ that is to tr o$, as tho$gh some strange thing had happened $ntoo$(" B& Peter C3&!(D

    /ime and again o$r dear Pastor %arned $s of this coming time, and no% itis here( In /he W6/90 /OW2 $nder date of , page CC, he said3

    ";ier trials are therefore to be e>pected b all of the *ord's people,especiall in this da of the *ord( 6s s$rel as %e are sons of God %e shallhave them= and %hen the come %e sho$ld promptl recogniEe their mission to$s and see that %e are e>ercised b them $nto godliness, sobriet and deepand fervent piet("

    Who then, %ill be able to standF /he *ord ans%ers, 2verone %hose heartis perfect 1 ! 9hron( &3(

  • 8/16/2019 1917 Hsi-e


    )eeing the activities of the 6dversar, and that a great trial %as coming, Ihad hoped and praed that the 9h$rch might be spared from it if it be the*ord's %ill, b$t evidentl it is 0is %ill that the fire shall b$rn o$t all dross= thatonl the refined gold shall remain( I ass$re o$, dear brethren, that in makingthis statement I have no $nkind feeling to%ard anone( 6s I search m heart I

    am s$re it is perfect to%ard all( /he *ord is m A$dge( I feel, $nder thecirc$mstances, that I o%e it to o$ to take o$ into m confidence and make aplain statement of the facts, and then let each of o$ A$dge as to %hat seemethgood, and ma the *ord g$ide o$ in hearing( I ask each one of o$ to be calm,%atching and praing %hile o$ read, and see that o$ have no preA$dice or feeling, either for or against= and that o$ do not form an distinct opinion $ntilon have read all this statement( In order for o$ to $nderstand, it %ill benecessar for me to speak of the brethren involved b name, even if it ispainf$l so to do( +rother $ssell long %arned as that the evil spirits %o$lde>ercise great po%er in the closing ho$rs of the 9h$rch's pilgrimage, and I am%ondering if the are the ca$se of this fearf$l trial( 0e %ill make it clear in d$e

    time( ead ev( comments in 4ol( of )9IP/82 )/8.I2)(/hat o$ ma $nderstand %h I %as led to appoint fo$r members of the

    +oard of .irectors in order to save the )ociet's mone from being tied $p bla% s$its and its %ork %recked, both of %hich hare been threatened, it isneedf$l that I relate to o$ some things that have occ$rred since I became o$r President( /o do this, I am impelled to tell o$ %hat occ$rred in Great +ritain%ith reference to +rother Johnson, %hom I have loved ver dearl( )ome of thefo$r brethren hereinafter mentioned, members of the +ethel ;amil, acting$nder advice of a la%er %ho is not too friendl to%ard the /r$th, and $nder the advice of another %ho is not a la%er, have been abo$t some of the classesmaking derogator statements against the President, )ecretar and /reas$rer and others of the )ociet %ith a vie% to creating a sentiment in the minds of the friends against these brethren( /he have done this %hile traveling at thee>pense of the )ociet and as its representatives( )ince the have made itp$blic and dist$rbed the minds of man of the friends, it becomes m d$t too$ to make a statement of the facts(


    2PI/O72 O; ;69/) 022I56;/2 2)/6+*I)02.

    /hat o$ ma intelligentl follo% the evidence hereinafter set forth, I firstgive a brief o$tline of %hat the facts prove3B&(D /hat +rother P( )( *( Johnson %as sent to 2$rope last 5ovember to do

    pilgrim %ork for the W6/90 /OW2 +I+*2 65. /69/ )O9I2/: and, in order to proc$re a passport, %as given a letter of a$thorit %hich he $nderstood infact limited him to preaching the Gospel and ascertaining b in?$ir certainfacts abo$t the %ork there and reporting them to the )ociet= that for someca$se he overstepped his a$thorit= that he charged several brethren %ithdisloalt to +rother $ssell= that he discharged, %itho$t a$thorit, t%o of themanagers of the )ociet's *ondon office and compelled them to leave the*ondon +ethel(

    B!(D /hat the 2>ec$tive of the )ociet appointed a commission of five ablebrethren of Great +ritain to go to *ondon and ascertain the facts and report=

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    that +rother Johnson attempted to $nd$l infl$ence this commission before itmet= and being $nable to do so, he rep$diated it and ref$sed to appear beforeit= that he %as recalled from 2ngland b cablegram(

    B(D /hat +rother Johnson anno$nced in vario$s places in 2ngland that he%as the ")te%ard" of the "Penn" mentioned in the *ord's parable B7att !H3#D,

    and claimed all the po%ers and a$thorit that +rother $ssell possessed= thathe had a %ell-laid plan to take f$ll control of all the )ociet's %ork in Great+ritain and to establish a ne% W6/90 /OW2 there= that he anno$nced to thefriends in Great +ritain that he sho$ld have been the )ociet's President b$tdeclined to accept(

    BC(D /hat %hen the commission met in *ondon for the p$rpose of e>amining into the facts, +rother Johnson then rep$diated the action of the)hareholders in electing the President of the )ociet at Pittsb$rgh, Jan$ar ,&&, and ignored the President and began to comm$nicate %ith +rother 6( I(itchie and, thro$gh him, to appeal to the +oard of .irectors(

    B(D /hat %hen he %as resisted b +rother 0emer, the remaining manager 

    in the *ondon office, +rother Johnson, together %ith an accomplice, gotpossession of the kes and forcibl took possession of the *ondon office, the)ociet's mail, opened the safe and e>tracted therefrom a large s$m of monebelonging to the )ociet and then instit$ted a la% s$it in the 0igh 9o$rt of 9hancer in *ondon, in the name of the )ociet b himself as specialrepresentative, against the manager of the *ondon office and against the +ank%here the )ociet's f$nds %ere deposited and tied $p the mone in the +ank=that this la% s$it %as decided adversel to +rother Johnson, and his solicitor %as re?$ired b the 0igh 9o$rt to pa the cost, and that later +rother 0irsh andallies and at the instance of +rother Johnson tried to have the )ociet pa+rother Johnson's solicitor in the case, b$t failed(

    B(D /hat everthing at the +rookln office %as moving smoothl, %ith nodiscord, $ntil +rother Johnson demanded of the )ociet's President that he beret$rned to 2ngland and, being ref$sed, then e>ercised his infl$ence over +rothers 0irsh, 0oskins, Wright and itchie and ind$ced them to believe thatthe President %as ignoring them( 0e infl$enced them to ask for a meeting of the +oard of .irectors to give him the third hearing abo$t %hat he did in2$rope= that %hen the President ref$sed to call a meeting for that p$rpose,then he advised them to set aside a b-la% %hich the )hareholders had passedand %hich the +oard of .irectors had passed, and take a%a from thePresident all of the a$thorit and t$rn it over to these fo$r brethren( +rother 

    Johnson, on the !th da of J$l last, admitted that the tro$ble hereinafter described %as the res$lt of the ref$sal of his demand for a re-hearing %ith avie% to his being sent back to 2ngland(

    B(D /hat the other fo$r brethren, acting $nder the advice of +rother Johnson, began a sstematic campaign amongst the brethren, charging thatthe President is ignoring +rother $ssell's %ill and going contrar to theprecedent established b +rother $ssell( /hat a plan %as o$tlined b themand the, acting $nder the advice of +rother Johnson and the la%er, set abo$tto infl$ence some of the prominent brethren against the President and bringpress$re to bear $pon him to s$rrender his a$thorit of the )ociet to thesefo$r brethren( /hat the o$tlined a co$rse e>actl parallel to that p$rs$ed b

    +rother Johnson in 2ngland, and openl stated that if the President and theP2OP*2) P8*PI/ 6))O9I6/IO5 resisted their action that the %o$ld resort to

  • 8/16/2019 1917 Hsi-e


    the co$rts of la% and tie $p all the mone of the )ociet, so that it co$ld not be$sed, and that the %o$ld either r$n the )ociet or %reck it= and that their %rongf$l action %as prevented b the President(

    +O/02 JO05)O5 GO2) /O 25G*65.

    +rother $ssell had arranged last ;all for +rother Johnson to visit 2$rope,and those left in charge after +rother $ssell's depart$re tho$ght %ell to carro$t his %ishes and send him( +rother Johnson called at the )tate .epartmentat Washington, and the +$rea$ of 9itiEenship in 5e% :ork for informationconcerning passports( et$rning he informed the 9ommittee that it %asnecessar for him to have credentials sho%ing that it %as imperative that hevisit the foreign co$ntries in the interests of the )ociet= other%ise thegovernment, beca$se of the %ar, %o$ld not grant the passport( 7self and+rother Johnson together prepared a letter to present to the )tate .epartment,%ith the $nderstanding that it %as for the  procuring of a passport ( When it

    came to the signing of the letter +rother 4an 6mb$rgh, the )ecretar, ref$sedto sign, beca$se it granted s%eeping a$thorit to +rother Johnson( /hen it %ase>plained in the presence of +rothers 4an 6mb$rgh, itchie and mself, and+rother Johnson, that the only purpose of the letter %as to enable +rother Johnson to proc$re a passport, and that his a$thorit %o$ld reall be the sameas an other pilgrim or lect$rer( +rother itchie then remarked to +rother Johnson that it %o$ld be %ell for him to in?$ire at the )ociet's offices hevisited in 2$rope and get all the information he co$ld abo$t the manner of cond$cting the %ork, to all of %hich +rother Johnson agreed( It then becamenecessar for him to have a letter of introd$ction to the *ondon office, and of co$rse this had to be %ritten consistent %ith the other letter, beca$se theGovernment of Great +ritain %o$ld e>amine all of his papers %hen he arrivedat the border, and anthing inconsistent %o$ld probabl res$lt in sending himo$t of the co$ntr, hence %e %rote a similar letter to the *ondon office with thesame understanding (

    /O8+*2 +2GI5) I5 25G*65.

    6bo$t the th of ;ebr$ar a cablegram %as received from +rother Johnson, reading as follo%s3")it$ation intolerable( )hearn, 9ra%ford, dismissed( 6ppealing to o$( Withhold ans%er 

    pending m mail("

    6bo$t the same time another cablegram %as received from +rothers)hearn and 9ra%ford, as follo%s3"6sto$nding developments, office and /abernacle( Please defer all A$dgment("

    /he I5/256/IO56* +I+*2 )/8.25/) 6))O9I6/IO5, organiEed $nder the la%s of Great +ritain, has a co$ncil of five members, +rothers 0emer,)hearn and 9ra%ford constit$ted the members in 2ngland, %hile +rother $ssell and mself %ere the t%o members here( /he same three brethren

    above mentioned %ere the managers of the *ondon office, cond$cting the %ork


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    Kno%ing that +rother Johnson had no a$thorit to discharge +rothers)hearn and 9ra%ford, and being do$btf$l of the sit$ation, I sent the follo%ingcablegram to +rother Johnson3"0ave contending sides sign agreed statement of facts and send for m decision("

    /hen in a fe% das I left for 9alifornia( )ome time after I reached *os6ngeles I received information from +rothers 9ra%ford and )hearn, also from+rother Johnson, that the t%o brothers mentioned had been discharged fromthe *ondon office and the *ondon +ethel( I appointed five able brethren inGreat +ritain as a commission to investigate, and then sent the follo%ingcablegram3")hearn, 0emer, 9ra%ford, Johnson, *ondon3 ")hearn, 9ra%ford dismissal absol$tel %itho$ta$thorit( estore them immediatel( 7$st have fair trial before m commissioners( )ho% cablecommissioners( eport a%aited("

    /he ne>t da I received a cablegram dated *iverpool, ;ebr$ar !C, &&,and reading as follo%s3

    "$therford, Watch /o%er )ociet,+rookln, 5( :(")$rprised at cablegram( 0ave o$ not received m letters second, eleven, t%ent-one,Jan$arF )hearn, 9ra%ford, leading si>th sifting( 2Eekiel 5ine +e%are( 9ablegram campaignengineered 9ra%ford( )hearn( 2Era 5ehemiah 7ordecai e>perience tpe mine here( )inceJan$ar /%ent-eight am )te%ard 7atthe%, /%ent, eight( )hearn, 0aman then hanged ongallo%s for me( Was then given 2sther 2ight, /%o ;ifteen po%ers like $ssell's 9ra%ford,)anballat, )hearn, /obiah( G$ard )enior, Gishen( Will o$ be m right handF 7$st keep mhands on("JO05)O5("

    B/his, and s$bse?$ent cablegrams sent o$t b +rother Johnson cost the)ociet h$ndreds of dollars for their transmission(D

    Within the ne>t t%o or three das I received the follo%ing cablegram from+rother 0emer, dated *ondon, ;eb( !th3"Johnson claims f$ll control everthing( I resist as o$r representative( .isp$te %ith co-managers his, not mine( *os 6ngeles cable has attention( What are Johnson's po%ersF"

    On the !th of ;ebr$ar I cabled +rother Johnson as follo%s3":o$r %ork finished *ondon= ret$rn 6merica, important"

    +elieving from the information that I had, and from the lang$age $sed b+rother Johnson in his cablegram, in %hich he stated that he %as "ste%ard"%ith all po%ers formerl held b +rother $ssell( I %as convinced that his mind%as deranged and that he %as dist$rbing the %ork in Great +ritain( /here$pon Icabled from *os 6ngeles to +rother 0emer as follo%s3"Johnson demented( 0as no po%ers( 9redentials iss$ed to proc$re passport( et$rn him6merica( )mpath(

    6 cablegram dated *ondon, 7arch , &&, addressed to +rothers itchieand 4an 6mb$rgh, %as received from +rother Johnson, %hich is as follo%s3")ociet's interest demand I retain po%ers +oard, not e>ec$tive committee, gave me( I appeal+oard thro$gh o$ against $therford's rep$diating +oard's representative( 0e is s$bAect)ociet( )ociet's representative s$bAect to it as against him( *etter follo%s 9ontin$e letter appointment and credentials( Increased inA$r other%ise( 9ongregation $nanimo$sl voted meconfidence appreciation against )hearn, 9ra%ford( $therford's committee approves me(.isapproves him( +ethelites approve dismissals( 6cted harmonio$s %ith m po%ers( I protest

    in God's name to +oard thro$gh o$("

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    *ater( +rother 0emer, learning of this cablegram, sent the follo%ing, dated*ondon, 7arch &th, addressed to +rother $therford3"8nderstand Johnson cabled $ntr$ths itchie( 0ope soon report his collapse("

    /he follo%ing cablegram %as received from +rother 0emer, dated 7arch&Cth, *ondon, addressed to mself3"Johnson rampaging( 0e and 0o$sden seiEing mails and cash( 0asten sealed cancellationa$thorit( 9ormack t%o others smpathiEe %ith him( )olicitor recommends Johnson's forcibleeAection( 0ave placed embargo on bank("

    6fter the commissioners %ere appointed and +rother Johnson learned thatthe %ere to go to *ondon to investigate the facts and report, he visited eachone of them personally  and tried to infl$ence them in his behalf and against theothers( /his fact is proven b the follo%ing letters from +rother 9ra%ford3

    *2//2) ;O7 +O/02 96W;O.

    Jan$ar !H( &&("*ancaster Gate, *ondon, W(, 2ngland(

    7( J( ;( 8/02;O.and /he 2>ec$tive 9ommittee,W6/90 /OW2 +I+*2 65. /69/ )O9I2/:,+rookln, 5( :(".26 +2/025 I5 /02 *O.3

    " ((((( +riefl, the circ$mstances are as follo%s( 6bo$t a month or so before o$r dear +rother $ssell passed beond, the 2lders of the *ondon /abernacle 1 realiEing that thearrangements then e>isting in the /abernacle %ere not giving complete satisfaction to themembers of the 9ongregation 1 unanimously  agreed to call a meeting and in?$ire into all thecirc$mstances %hich la at the root of the tro$ble((((

    ")hortl after, %ord came that +rother Johnson %as on his %a, and %e %ondered if b

    chance he had been charged b +rother $ssell %ith the e>pression of his mind on the matter(When +rother Johnson arrived, ho%ever, he kne% nothing of the correspondence and at onceset abo$t, as he tho$ght, to set things in order in the /abernacle( We all %ished him God speedand gave him ever assistance possible( J$dge, then, of m s$rprise %hen, a fe% das later, Ifo$nd all the eleven 2lders condemned b +rother Johnson, and mself %ith t%o other brethren of the Office staff charged b him on the follo%ing three co$nts3 1 B&D Withattempting to deceive +rother $ssell( B!D With concealing the real p$rpose of the esol$tion(BD With having an evil motive in signing same(

    "6t first I did not take the matter serio$sl and tried to believe that +rother Johnsons$rel did not mean to brand all the eleven 2lders of the /abernacle as hpocrites, etc(, %itho$tan proof or hearing %hatever, and the three brethren of the Office as even %orse( 1 & /im( 3l, &(((((

    "/he sit$ation that %as created became impossible, beca$se, in the first place, neither of 

    the three involved %ere conscio$s of an sin or evil motive nor had the %ronged an oneeither b %ord or action= secondl, to relin?$ish 2ldership meant to e>pose t%o of themBmself incl$dedD to the probable operation of the 7ilitar 6ct, a step %hich, to everreasonable mind %o$ld s$rel seem %rong( +rother Johnson's repl to this point %as thathaving committed this sin I m$st no% bear the conse?$ences= in the third place, this proced$re%as altogether contrar to the polic advocated b +rother $ssell 1 %hose recommendation%as that the Pilgrims and Office %orkers %ho represented the )ociet as lect$rers sho$ld be2lders either in a home 9h$rch or in the /abernacle(

    "6 fe% das later +rother Johnson came to *ondon, %hen I had a f$rther %ord %ith himand endeavored to point o$t ho% $nreasonable his attit$de %as(((((

    ":o$r brother and servant in the 6nointed("W( 96W;O."

    6lso the follo%ing letter %ritten ten %eeks later %ill be of interest3"C! )elborne d(, Ilford 2(, 6pril , &&(

  • 8/16/2019 1917 Hsi-e


    ".26 +O/02 8/02;O.3".o$btless +rother Johnson informed o$ that he dismissed me and m %ife from the

    office and home and instr$cted $s to leave the premises immediatel( 6s I had no time to makean arrangements and +rother Johnson threatened to p$t m f$rnit$re o$t or have it $sed if not removed at once, I %as forced to have it taken to the above address to be stored(

    "I am sorr to sa that +rother Johnson seems to be going from bad to %orse( /o m mind

    he isC

    either $nder the infl$ence of spiritism or else has temporaril lost his balance of mind( 5o saneman %o$ld act or do the things that he has done d$ring the last month or so( ;or no ca$se%hatever b$t merel evil s$rmising on his part he has deno$nced me for ho$rs in the/abernacle, telling them that I %as dead spirit$all and no longer a brother, etc, etc( 0e hasalso gone to m %ife %hen I %as absent on more than one occasion, telling her the sameridic$lo$s stor and tried to separate $s( Once he gave her s$ch a talking to in this %a that%hen I came in I fo$nd her %eeping and almost in hsterics(

    "(((((+rother Johnson has been telling the classes that he is the ste%ard of the parable of the Penn and that he %o$ld have been the president onl he ref$sed to allo% his name to gofor%ard for nomination(

    "6 pec$liar del$sion of his %hich he has been preaching to the classes is, +rothers)hearn and G$ard and I are f$lfilling certain tpes recorded in 5ehemiah, 9hap( !3 C and ( 0esas that I am ")anballat," +rother )hearn, "/obiah," and +rother G$ard "Geshem("

    "/he classes here are in sore straits thro$gh his visits( 0e seems to have $nsettled nearlever class he visited( /he brethren have been m$ch relieved ho%ever b the receipt of o$r cable and are glad to kno% that his doings did not represent the )ociet(

    "+rother Johnson, ho%ever, does not no% ackno%ledge o$r a$thorit to co$nsel hisdismissal and sas that can onl be done b the 2>ec$tive 9ommittee( 0e ref$sed to allo%either +rother )hearn or me to be reinstated(

    " ( ( ( ( 5o% A$st a %ord abo$t the 9ommission of In?$ir( It %as ver kind of o$ to makethis arrangement and I m$ch appreciate o$r efforts to have A$stice done( I %o$ld like ho%ever to make a fe% remarks regarding the members of the 9ommission and ho% the in?$ir %ascarried o$t( It %as no fa$lt of the members of co$rse that they had all been interviewed by 

    Brother ohnson and their minds infl$enced to some e>tent b +rother Johnson's vie%s of things( +rother Johnson had spent several days in Brother !. loy#s home  tring to convincehim of his vie%s of things, and indeed %as there %hen o$r cable of instr$ctions %as received(

     :o$rs b 0is grace,"W( 96W;O."

    +O/02 JO05)O5 WI/2) +O/02 0272:

    We also ?$ote a letter addressed to +rother 0emer, %ritten and signed b+rother Johnson( /his tetter appears as an 2>hibit in the 0igh 9o$rt of J$sticein the case %rongf$ll instit$ted b +rother Johnson in the name of the )ocietagainst the *ondon managers( /he doc$ment follo%s3

    "&& W( 5o( C&(

    "I5 /02 0IG0 9O8/ O; J8)/I92906592: .I4I)IO5

    7( J8)/I92 242W6/90 /OW2 +I+*2 65. /69/ )O9I2/:

     1 4) 10272: 65. O/02)

  • 8/16/2019 1917 Hsi-e


    "/his is the 2>hibit marked 'J( 0( C,' referred to in the 6ffidavit of Jesse 0emers%orn herein this !!nd da of 7arch, &&, before me,

    "6( )( J69K)O5,"6 9ommissioner of Oaths(

    "6( J( Greenop L 9o(+$sh *ane 0o$se,

    9annon )treet(*ondon, 2( 9(, C("

    "+IK25026., !Cth ;ebr$ar, &&("7r( J( 0emer,C 9raven /err(, *ondon, W("+2*O42. +O/02 0272:3

    "Grace and peace( Glad to receive o$r letter( Will ans%er it first, and then give o$something else(

    "e a f$rther trip( I had better remain at *ondon from the time of m arrival there $ntil the

    follo%ing /h$rsda or ;rida then go to Glasgo%, %ith possibl a da off at 7anchester( I %ill%ait and see %hat 7anchester develops ne>t %eek( On the %a back, so far as I can see, I%o$ld like an appointment at 2dinb$rgh so as to set matters clearl before the 2dinb$rgh9h$rch( $verywhere I go I am now giving an account of this trouble.  /his m$st be done tocirc$mvent the mischief that the are alread %orking( /he are %orking on ?$ite a campaign,and this %e m$st fr$strate( )hearn is spreading the report that I have interfered %ith hiss$ccess in the 7ilitar matter( 6s to %hether I %ill have appointments after 2dinb$rgh or not%ill depend on %hat develops( Keep o$r ees open, please, for sore spots( /hese are theplaces to %hich I %ish to go(

    /hanks for information abo$t )ister 6nnie, and the adoption( I $nderstand o$r letter tomean that I %ont even have to go to 9o$rt to have it settled 1 that o$r agreement before the+ethel famil made it binding and legal= am glad(

    "e food3 I %ish, dear +rother, that o$ %o$ld follo% m s$ggestion on this line( I am

    speaking ver advisedl %hen I sa it is imperative that staple articles be gotten and sto%ed ina safe place, safe from men and from rats( Please let them be bo$ght at different places( I%o$ld s$ggest, the making of a false ceiling as a receptacle, and let it be lined thro$gho$t %ithtin, as a safeg$ard from rats( Wheat is the special thing needed, and monke n$ts( /he famine%ill be ver sore shortl, and the prices ver heav( :o$ %ill notice 2lisha calls attention to thefamine, and that is %hat I have in mind( :o$ %ill remember that I told o$ %hen I came at first,that there %o$ld be this condition shortl, and no% I kno% it is at the ver doors and therefores$ggest that it be done immediatel, for the good of the famil( I have a %a of ans%ering?$estions that %o$ld be perfectl right, and %ill sec$re the food( Will tell o$ abo$t this %hen Isee o$(

    "e +rother )hearn's f$rnit$re3 I think o$ did ver %ell on %hat o$ have bo$ght0o%ever, the balance of his f$rnit$re m$st leave the ho$se as soon as possible( We %ill %aitfor indications and so, for the present, %ill let the f$rnit$re stand as it is(

    9O77I))IO52) I5/24I2W2. +: +O/02 JO05)O5

    /hank o$ for the 7anchester matter( I have it $nder advisement= also +rother )medle( Iam going to dictate a form letter to all of the eight brethren %ho f$rnished me names, askingthem to come to +ethel for a 9onference %ith me, 7arch rd at ! p( m( I am going to la the%hole position before them( +rother $therford has appointed four of these eight as aommittee to investigate= +rother 0o$sden is the fifth member of the 9ommittee(

    "I tr$st )ister 9ormack has ret$rned, and thank o$ for %hat o$ have done re 2lders and.eacons( e +rother 9ormack3 /hank o$ for bringing this to m attention( I %ill do as o$s$ggest= %e m$st p$t an end to grasping for po%er on the part of everbod concerned( I %ill%rite him toda on this line, sending the letter to the office(

    "e the si> 2lders elected %ho signed the esol$tion3 :o$ %ill notice in 2sther that on the&st da that the Je%s stood for their lives, %hich, I $nderstand, %o$ld refer to last )$nda, theten sons of 0aman are spoken of simpl as slain and that in the !nd da the %ere hanged $p(

  • 8/16/2019 1917 Hsi-e


    /his !nd da I $nderstand, %ill be 7arch Cth( 6t that time, since the are the sons of 0aman,the 6gagite Ban 6gagite represents a sinf$ll ambitio$s personD, I am s$re that everone of those brothers %ere ambitio$s, and their ambition moved them, along %ith other things, to signthat esol$tion, and I %ill therefore, after proving this point, recommend their dismissal( /hisprocess %ill be their 

    hanging( ;irst, ho%ever, %e %ill settle the matter %ith )hearn and 9ra%ford, b$t the %hole thing%ill be settled 7arch Cth and after that there %ill be Ao and reAoicing on the part of the faithf$land man ne% ones %ill come into the /r$th to take the places of others( I increasingl fear that+rother 9ormack is the son-in-la% of )anballat, and %hat o$ %rite me onl strengthens thatfear( If that proves to be tr$e I %ill 'chase him from me('

    "/hanks for the cablegram from +rother $therford( 0e is $ndo$btedl the victim of acablegram campaign, engineered b )hearn and 9ra%ford( /his morning I sent +rother $therford a long cablegram telling him that I %as anti-tping 2Era, 5ehemiah, 7ordecai, andthat on the !#th of Jan$ar, after hanging $p +rother )hearn on the scaffold that he hadprepared for me, I was appointed by the %ord according to $sther &' (, )*, the Steward referred to in !att. (+' .  I asked him to be m right hand man( I e>pressed astonishment at hiscablegram, and in?$ired %hether he had not received m letters of Jan( !ns, &&th and !&st= toldhim that 0aman represented )hearn in 2sther, and /obish represents him in 0eb(, %hile9ra%ford %as represented b )anballat, and Geshem represented G$ard )enr( I tr$st this %illchange his attit$de, for he is evidentl becoming e>cited( I told him I co$ld not keep hands off(5o%, m beloved +rother 0emer I %ill be responsible for everthing( I think o$ see eno$gh tosee %hat the *ord has been, and is, doing for me( I believe that o$ consider that mded$ctions from these +ooks are correct( 2verthing that $nfolds from them makes it all theclearer to m mind, that the *ord has given me the proper light on the books( I did not mentionin m cablegram to +rother (, and that again b forgetting, that the congregation $nanimo$slvoted confidence in me, and approval for %hat I have been doing for them against )hearn and9ra%ford( )eemingl the *ord permitted this forgetting again in order that o$, as 9hairmanand +rother )eeck, as )ecretar, might conve the ne%s( We have been somewhat too inactivewith cablegrams and have allo%ed the other side to keep the %ires hot( 0o%ever, the *ord is ono$r side against all them that rise $p against $s( I notice from /02 /OW2, that +rother 

    $therford is in )anta +arbara, on the !th( I tr$st m cablegram reaches him( I think the *ordis going to let him mi> things $p ?$ite thoro$ghl, until -e shows him who has been -is choiceas Brother ussell#s successor ( +rother $therford %rote me that the 2>ec$tive 9ommittee isnot in e>istence an longer( I am %ondering ho% this is( )eemingl from this, he is acting%holl alone as the a$thorit( It ma be all right, b$t I do not $nderstand it( I think +rother $therford %ill come to see the position properl in a ver short time( 7 cablegram thismorning o$ght to open his ees(

    "e the 2lders and .eacons3 I had better see the 2lders and .eacons together for part of the time, and then the 2lders alone the rest of the evening( What do o$ think of +rother .ingleas an 2lder and speaker in the /abernacleF Please let me have o$r opinion( 0ave o$ another recommendationsF 6ccording to 5eh( there %ill be t%elve 2lders in that congregation,and not eighteen( 5otice the passage that speaks of 2Era arising %ith si> priests on each side(/his is at the %ater gate, %hich I $nderstand to be the 2lders( One after another of these gates

    are becoming clear to m mind( I have nearl all of them no%, and %ill have them all, I believe,in d$e time("6m not at all %ell( 7 brain is ?$ite %ear, and the *ord, seemingl in compassion for 

    me, has arranged b$t one meeting a da for me $ntil this trip is finished( 6nnie is a great helpto me, I am s$re that the *ord has given her to me to give me m$ch needed relief( If this relief had not been forthcoming, I am satisfied I %o$ld have had a repetition of m &&H breakdo%n,b$t the *ord %ill s$stain me to finish the %ork that he has given me to do(

    "I send the famil, the associate managers, o$r %ife and o$rself, m$ch 9hristian love(/he *ord bless and keep thee(

    ":o$r brother and servant,P( )( *( JO05)O5("

    )8I/ I5)/I/8/2. WI/0O8/ 68/0OI/:

  • 8/16/2019 1917 Hsi-e


    When +rother Johnson %as $nable to infl$ence the 9ommissioners heremained ?$iet for a da or t%o, and then s$ddenl it occ$rred to him to denthat I had been elected President of the W6/90 /OW2 +I+*2 65. /69/)O9I2/:( 0e began to cable +rother itchie= and %rite him letters, and thenproceeded to forcibl take possession of the mails and mone in the *ondon

    office, and emploed a la%er and instit$ted a s$it in the 0igh 9o$rt of *ondonin the name of the W6/90 /OW2 +I+*2 65. /69/ )O9I2/: and against+rothers 9ra%ford, 0emer and )hearn, and the bank %here the )ociet'smone is kept, and tied up all the funds of the Society ( +rother 0emerthere$pon cabled me as follo%s3"Johnson appling co$rt ;rida ne>t for inA$nction restraining bank( 9able $s instr$ctionsimmediatel("

    I immediatel cabled +rother 0emer to oppose inA$nction and in replreceived from him the follo%ing cablegram3"6m cons$lting Greenop( Please cable him direct to oppose inA$nction and take necessarsteps, restraining Johnson's interference as not representing )ociet an capacit("

    /here$pon I cabled 7r( Greenop, *ondon solicitor for the )ociet, asfollo%s3"esist Johnson's inA$nction( .oes not represent )ociet( estrain him("

    On 7arch !Cth +rother 0emer cabled me3"Johnson b$siness fraEEled( )it$ation normal( 7ost mone received( .eposits safe( Johnson'ss$pporters repented( 0e left +ethel s$ddenl b $pper room %indo%("

    On the same da +rother 0emer %rote me in detail a letter, of %hich thefollo%ing is a cop3

    *2//2 ;O7 O8 *O5.O5 7656G2

    "!C 7arch &&("7: .26 +O/02 8/02;O.( 1

    "6t last i am able to %rite to o$ %ith some meas$re of satisfaction %ith reference to thissad b$siness %hich has been the s$bAect of so man cablegrams e>changed bet%een o$rself and $s in *ondon(((((

    "/he immediate sit$ation is this, as m telegram %o$ld indicate( Johnson's rebellion, andhis attempt to sieEe the %hole of the +ritish %ork, and its f$nds in bank deposits, has failed,tho$gh the matter of the inA$nction is not et o$t of the 0igh 9o$rt beca$se of the ?$estion of costs( J$dge Peterson adAo$rned the hearing of the 7otion $ntil ne>t ;rida( +$t the case %illnot again come into the 9o$rt( On receipt of o$r cablegram of the &Hth, in %hich o$

    instr$cted me to take f$ll possession, I, kno%ing something of Johnson's mind, immediatelgot in to$ch %ith the bank to safeg$ard the deposit of F#HH( I %as none too soon3 he %as thereimmediatel after me, endeavo$ring to $se his letters from head office to gain control of themone( We fo$ght for it( 6t last he iss$ed an inA$nction thro$gh the 0igh 9o$rt for a claim onthe mone, and against the bank for %ithholding it( /he %rit %as ret$rnable esterda( 0o%ever,%hen the case came before the A$dge esterda, Johnson's co$nsel said, after reading maffidavit, that he did not propose to proceed %ith his motion= b$t %e here, tring to protecto$rselves, had made a little slip, and th$s gave them a chance to haggle over the costs for theaction, and this is all that remains to be settled as far as the motion is concerned( /his %illmean that the bank acco$nt here stands in the names of +rothers )hearn, 9ra%ford and mo%n, and this

    arrangement %ill s$it ver %ell $ntil an f$rther readA$stment needs to be made according to%hatever o$ ma decide to do(

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    "5o% I m$st tell o$ ho% the immediate events developed 6fter o$r telegram givingcancellation of all Johnson's activities, he %as ?$iet for t%ent-fo$r ho$rs or so, then s$ddenlblossomed o$t %ith the statement that the election of the President of the )ociet %asabsol$tel o$t of order( 0e asserted his right to sit at the head of the table in the +ethel famil,and in order to make s$re of his right he %ent and sat in the 9hair before the famil assembledI ref$sed to ackno%ledge him as having the right to represent o$, and said to the famil that

    this %as open rebellion( I called $pon them to give no adherence to the rebellion against o$r a$thorit as representing the )ociet( /o m s$rprise most of the brethren staed %ithJohnson, and the contin$ed to handle the %ork( /hat morning Johnson raved at me for aco$ple of ho$rs and dismissed me half a doEen times or more( 0is insistence, and hismo$thing, made some of the brethren think that he %as the person in a$thorit, and the had,$nfort$natel, listened to his claim of being the antitpe of man )cript$re characters and, asthe no% sa 1 for the have repented 1 the seemed to have lost their reasoning fac$lties( It%as abo$t the middle of the %eek %hen I began to discern the tr$e in%ardness of the sit$ation,that Johnson %as not merel intending to take control of the office in the meantime, b$t that hehad an $lterior p$rpose in mind3 gaining control of the British field, of its resources, and running a separate W6/90 /OW2( *ooking back I can see man things %hich sho% the%orking of his mind, b$t %hich he caref$ll hid( I tried to rall the famil, b$t three brothersstaed b him, enabling him to carr on the e>ec$tion of the orders, %hile +rother 9ormack

    preferred, as he said, to be ne$tral, tho$gh his ne$tralit gave him a good deal of interco$rses%ith Johnson and none %ith me( I demanded of them a statement of the monies received ande>pended, b$t %as ref$sed this( In the meantime I %as in constant comm$nication %ith o$r solicitors, 7essrs( Greenop, doing everthing to safeg$ard the financial side of o$r %ork, andfelt ?$ite ass$red that, tho$gh %e might have some present diffic$lties, the s$m co$ld never behandled b Johnson( +rothers )hearn and 9ra%ford as members of the 9o$ncil of I( +( )( 6(and as associates in the %ork, %ere called in( (((

    "*ast )at$rda I called together in the cit a fe% of the 2lders and .eacons of the *ondon9h$rch, and told them the sit$ation( /he immediatel began to take steps to relieve thesit$ation, and from )$nda night last, %e have had someone in the ho$se all the time( 6 plan%e had for the beginning of the seiEing of the mails on 7onda morning, failed thro$gh an actof treacher, b$t %e began on /$esda morning, and since then ever letter delivered has comethro$gh m care( Johnson %as f$rio$s( 0e, and +rother 0o$sden %ith him, spent m$ch time in

    meditating over the sit$ation( I asked again for the mone and statement, believing that themone %as safe in the safe( 6s ref$sal %as made, it seemed necessar to take some morestringent meas$res, for %e had fo$nd it impossible to do anthing in the %a of arrestingJohnson for l$nac(

    )O9I2/:') ;85.) /6K25 ;O7 )6;2

    ")o on Wednesda both +rothers Johnson and 0o$sden having gone to bed rather earl,Johnson's %as held %hile +rother 9ronk, one of o$r 2lders, and I %ent $p to 0o$sden's roomand demanded the kes( /%o helpers %ere nearb and on 0o$sden's ref$sal to hand themover, the %ere taken o$t of his pocket, tho$gh %itho$t an violence, for he made noresistance( On going do%n to the safe, I fo$nd the mone gone( /he had scooped a deposit of 

    MH in gold %hich %e had b $s, abo$t MCH %hich had been given to the relief of the 7ilitarsit$ation, and %hich %as neither the )ociet's, nor the 9h$rch's mone, and a good s$m of abo$t M&H besides, the takings d$ring the das %hen the held the mail( +esides this s$mthere %as a che?$e of MH, a donation, and %hich I believe %e shall et save to o$rselves,tho$gh at the moment there is a little do$bt( 0o$sden ref$sed to sa %here the mone %as,and %e had to talk to him prett plainl( 0e promised ho%ever, that he %o$ld not aid Johnsonan more( We had spoken to him abo$t the possibilit of the police coming in( I sho$ld here tello$ that the da before, +rother .ingel, %ho had his head t%isted %ith Johnson's talk, sa% thefoll of the sit$ation, and apologiEed and rep$diated Johnson's position( 0e, feeling someresponsibilit, had gone $p to +rother 0o$sden's room to plead %ith him( /he %indo%-blind%as $p( +rother .ingle s%itched on the electric light, and got so b$s talking %ith 0o$sden,that neither of them noticed that the %ere breaking the lighting reg$lations( 6bo$t &&(H p( m(the door bell rang, and I %ent do%n to see %hat %as the matter( 6 constable %as at the door 

    %anting an e>planation of this violation of the ver stringent *ondon lighting reg$lations( 0einsisted $pon seeing those %ho %ere responsible, and I had to take him $pstairs( :o$ canimagine the sit$ation@ 0ere %as a constable appearing at the bedroom door immediatel after 

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    o$r talk abo$t the constable coming( 0o%ever, that matter %as soon over, and the constable%ent a%a, kno%ing nothing, of co$rse, of o$r conversation(

    *2642) +2/02* /0O8G0 8PP2 WI5.OW

    "6bo$t o'clock in the morning +rother Johnson's foot began po$nding on the door, andhe had not a great diffic$lt in driving a%a the bit of %ood that had been %edged against it tokeep him %ithin bo$nds( It had been his habit of late to go %andering abo$t the ho$se bet%eent%o and fo$r in the morning, evidentl seeing if his possessions %ere safe, for he is a vers$spicio$s character( +rother 9ronk, %ho %as sleeping in along %ith another brother, spoke toJohnson, told him he co$ld go into the bathroom if he %anted, b$t he m$st remember that heco$ld not have things his o%n %a, and that a constable had been $p to see +rother 0o$sdenthe night before( Of co$rse this %as a bit of bl$ff to help to keep Johnson %ithin bo$nds( 0e%ent $p to 0o$sden's room, and %hen he fo$nd that +rother 0o$sden %o$ld not come o$t tohim, he began to think there %as something %rong %ith C, 9raven /errace( Instead of goinginto the bathroom, he hastil dressed himself, left his baggage open, got o$t on the balcon,and then the milk deliverers sa% the l$dicro$s sight of a man in a tall hat and frock coat and, asthe said, %ith goloshes onl, letting himself do%n from the balcon into the street( If the

    matter %ere not so serio$s, the l$dicro$s side comes on this, beca$se it %as onl the fear for his skin, impelled b an evil conscience, that made him do this foolish thing( /he front door %as loose, he co$ld have %alked do%n and %alked o$t We %ondered %hat had become of him,b$t one or t%o strange telephone messages thro$gh the da ass$red $s that he %as standingb the speaker endeavoring to get some kno%ledge of his friend, +rother 0o$sden( 0e t$rned$p at the 9o$rt esterda, and sa% his fail$re %ritten large across the happenings at the 9o$rt(6fter%ards he said he %as %illing to go back to 6merica, and +rother 0o$sden e>pressed hisreadiness to go also, p$tting it as if he tho$ght he sho$ld go to take care of Johnson, b$t, as Ibelieve, %ith the fear in his heart that this embeEElement of the mone might bring serio$sconse?$ences to him(

    ".$ring the da +rother 0o$sden delivered to +rother Gentle, %ho had had some talk %ithhim, a package of mone containing abo$t *!!H in gold, treas$r notes and other paper, b$there seemed a little tricker, beca$se he has said he %as %illing to deliver $p the mone to me,

    for +rother Gentle 'phoned to sa that the mone had been placed in his care, b$t he %as tohold it $ntil he had a note from Johnson's solicitors giving him libert to hand it over( Iimmediatel reminded +rother Gentle of has danger in handling %hat %as practicall stolenpropert, and of %hat he himself has said to +rother 

    0o$sden on this matter( 0e had no diffic$lt in coming to a decision, and I got the mone, M!&,last night( /he have paid o$t MCH to their solicitor to meet preliminar e>penses, b$t %e areasking for a f$ll statement of receipts and e>pendit$res, b$t %hether %e shall get it or not( %edo not kno%( /he che?$e for MCH, %hich +rother 0o$sden had said %as in the package, %asnot there 1 I had the mone co$nted over in +rother Gentle's presence( I am at the moment%aiting for ne%s respecting this che?$e, and ma be able to report something before this letter is despatched(

    B*ater( 1 9he?$e %as ret$rned to dra%er, and is safe from +rother Johnson's hands(D/he costs in this case m$st be heav, for Johnson had to emplo not onl )olicitors, b$t

    9o$nsel( /he %rit %as served on the +ank as %ell as $s, and the emploed their )olicitor and9o$nsel, and it %as necessar that %e sho$ld do the same( /he la% is that a solicitor %hoenters into an action of this kind becomes personall responsible for costs if this case fails( Isho$ld A$dge from the look of the )olicitor %hich the emploed, that he has not m$ch mone,hence his desire to get *CH to go on %ith( It ma be that the have paid him more, b$t I kno% of no pament beond this( O$r )olicitors, 7essrs( Greenop, are intending to p$sh this matter some%hat as a lesson to +rother Johnson's solicitor, and, of co$rse, in o$r o%n interests(Johnson has made an a%f$l mess of this b$siness, for the +ank's position is that the acco$ntis reall not the W6/90 /OW2 acco$nt, b$t %as $nder the control of the original signatories(/he ?$estion of the validit of his letters of accreditation did not arise, for the simple reasonthat m affidavit killed the b$siness( 0ad this ?$estion of validit been raised at all, probablthe %o$ld have been reAected beca$se not notaril signed before the +ritish 9ons$l in 5e% :ork( It is not at all likel that %e shall have an f$rther tro$ble %ith these letters, b$t for 

  • 8/16/2019 1917 Hsi-e


    safet's sake it is to be hoped that the cancellation papers have the +ritish 9ons$l's signat$reon them, and o$ might note this for an f$t$re $se of s$ch papers(

    "Johnson speaks of being %illing to ret$rn to 6merica, b$t %hat his movements %ill beremain to be seen( 0e is foiled in all his efforts, and there is nothing more l$dicro$s in the%hole b$siness, and %hich ma be said to be a proper ending to all his abnormal claims, thatthis Plenipotentiar 1 a %ord %hich he has $sed a h$ndred times of late 1 charged %ith f$ll

    po%ers of a$thorit, %ho for fear of his skin and %ith a co%ard's heart and an $neasconscience getting over the rails o$tside his bedroom %indo% %ith his tall hat escaping fromno danger b$t that %hich %as created b his imagination(

    6 96)2 ;8** O; *2))O5)

    "We received him as a good brother, accepting him at his o%n estimation of himself, andno% have to admit that %e %ere imposed $pon, and to sa that he has been here as animposter( +$t in saing this, I %o$ld not at all have o$ think that his life and %ork here havebeen that of a hpocrite( /he %hole case is a strange one( and has been f$ll of lessons to$s 1 the %as of %orking of .ivine Providence( ;rom the moment that +rother Johnson got off the steamer )t( *o$is at *iverpool, he ceased not to talk abo$t himself( It %as not eas to

    meas$re him, for, being an $n$s$al man, and the circ$mstances being $n$s$al, it seemedbetter to %ait $ntil %e co$ld kno% more of him( ;or a %hile he seemed to act ver ca$tio$sland %isel, b$t meeting a little opposition, as he tho$ght, and %hich perhaps %as act$allpresent, he developed a severe side of character( ;rom a time %hen he tho$ght he fo$nd someopposition in +rother )hearn and 9ra%ford, and he had asserted a$thorit, he visibl s%elledin importance( 6s I have previo$sl told o$, I believe that the %ork he did here, tho$gh done inso ro$gh a fashion, %as according to the *ord's providence, and I sa this after m$ch time for reflection, and even tho$gh I am so nearl related to the affairs( +$t the $n$s$al sit$ation in%hich +rother Johnson fo$nd himself, allo%ed his mind to develop ver rapidl some things%hich had been there for si> or seven ears( ;rom time to time he had told me of tho$ghts inhis mind, and of some of the happenings d$ring his nervo$s breakdo%n in &&H( B:o$ %illperhaps remember that %hen I %as %ith o$ in the 8nited )tates in &&H +rother Johnson %asthen sick, and I did not see him(D ;rom %hat he has said, I have no do$bt that he has seen

    himself in his imagination as s$ccessor to +rother $ssell /he voices %hich he heard in &&Hhave left their impression $pon him( 9oming over here he seems to have tho$ght that his %ork%as antitped b 2Era's commission to help the spirit$al %ork of Jer$salem( 0is smashingblo% against +rothers )hearn and 9ra%ford at once made apparent a reconstr$ctive %ork( It%as eas then for him to think of 5ehemiah and reb$ilding the %alls of Jer$salem( 0e seems tohave spent almost ever moment of available time in %atching his %ork, and before he left $sthe other da, he had fo$nd t%ent-five to thirt instances %here, from point to point in %hathad been done or said to a brother $ntil something else %as said, fift-t%o das had elapsed( Itis s$rel tr$e, as I told him, that there %as some sort of connection bet%een 5ehemiah andhimself, not onl that both of them %ere Je%s, b$t 5ehemiah's %a of tearing the hair of hisopponents, and in telling the *ord that he sho$ld be remembered in all the %ork he had done(6fter seeing himself in 2Era and 5ehemiah as, first his Pilgrim %ork, secondl hiscommissioners %ork, he began to hint that he had seen a possible f$rther %ork, and that this

    %as tpified in 2sther( 0e did not sa %hat it %as, b$t at last hinted that be tho$ght ma be he%o$ld be Steward (

    9*6I72. /O +2 ')/2W6.'

    "Going do%n to *iverpool, he lost s$ch reserve as a Plenipotentiar o$ght to have, and beproclaimed himself openl as the "Steward of the /arable."  I heard of his cable to o$, and of %hat he had said, and I immediatel, as I informed o$, took a stand in opposition to his claims(;rom that time his hidden scheme got a shock, for he sa% that he %o$ld have little hope of making great progress here as a leader if I %ere not %ith him( 0e tried to coa>, caAole, and tosome e>tent b flatter, b$t on m ref$sal to compromise one little bit, he came in openopposition( I cannot sa that +rother Johnson is insane, b$t there is a sort of madness of pride

    that is in his heart( /hat he lacks balance is clear, for he %o$ld not have sent s$ch telegramshad his mind been in proper balance( 0e has plaed for high stakes, and there seemed to hismind t%o %eeks ago, a chance of %inning his game( 5o% he is a pricked b$bble( I regret to

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    have to sa that I have no confidence in him %hatever( 0e has s$ch c$nning %hich is notinsanit, and he is so capable of attending to his affairs, that I see no other concl$sion b$t tosa that he has been attempting a great impost$re $pon those %hom he hoped %o$ld be %ithhim, and b %hom he hoped to contin$e his scheme(

    "/here has been no greater s$rprise to me in all this strange b$siness that certainmembers of o$r famil sho$ld cast in their lot %ith him( I mentioned the name of +rother 

    9ormack in m cablegram to o$( 0e has, to m mind, taken an ignoble part in this sadb$siness( Instead of taking the onl stand that co$ld be taken b one %ho %as loal to the%ork, for some reason or other as bet%een himself and the *ord he said he preferred to %ait$ntil +rother Johnson's cancellation papers sho$ld be here( In other %ords he ignored o$r telegrams and the telegrams %hich %ere sent over the signat$re of the W6/90 /OW2)O9I2/:( +rothers .ingle and G$iver 


    %ho gave me great disappointment b their action, have come to see the foolishness of their %a in aiding +rother Johnson, and have e>pressed deep and, as I believe, sincere apologies(+rother and )ister 9ormack are the onl ones in the ho$se %ho are %aiting for the cancellationof Johnson's papers, for Johnson is, of co$rse( o$t of the ho$se, and +rother 0o$sden hasgone home( I believe that if +rother 9ormack, %hose long association %ith the %ork sho$ldhave given him a more decisive character, had taken the onl stand that co$ld properl betaken, that neither +rothers .ingle nor G$iver %o$ld have been so led astra b Johnson's%ords, and 1 I rather think 1 promises( I do not kno% %hat to sa abo$t +rother 9ormack(/he sit$ation here $nder the 5ational )ervice )cheme is that no one can take on a ne%emploee $nless b special permission( I do not feel it right that +rother 9ormack sho$ld stalonger in the home, and I am do$btf$l abo$t his staing on in the Pilgrim service( I do not feelthat I can commend him to o$r favorable consideration, b$t I am glad to think that o$ kno%him, and kno% of his long service in the ca$se of the /r$th, and also to believe that the *ord%ill g$ide o$ as to %hat o$ ma decide in his case( In respect to +rothers .ingle and G$iver,I feel that their repentance is so sincere that I %o$ld s$ggest the be allo%ed to contin$e in the%ork in s$ch %a as ma seem good here( +rother G$iver so far has been saved from theoperation of the 7ilitar )ervice 6ct, beca$se of an endeavor %e made to save some of o$r helpers( If his %ork here is discontin$ed, he immediatel comes $nder the claims of the

    7ilitar( +rother .ingle is beond age, and %e %o$ld be thro%n $nder the 5ational )ervicescheme aforementioned( +$t I believe their hearts are no% right, tho$gh their standing in the9h$rch %ill s$rel be affected( 6s for +rother 0o$sden, I do not kno% et %here he stands( 0ehas ret$rned the mone, b$t I believe it is more for fear of %hat he has done than belief in thefallac of +rother Johnson's claims( I %ant to keep in to$ch %ith him to save him, if this ispossible( In the meantime %e are no% ?$ite capable of going on %ith o$r %ork as in normaltimes( +rother Kirk%ood can do the general office %ork 1 the e>ec$tion of orders, etc, and heis a ver $sef$l brother( We have good stenographic help, and indeed, have no diffic$lties inthe %ork(

    "6s I %ish that o$ sho$ld have the foregoing as soon as possible, this portion of mletter is no% mailed( /he second portion shall be sent shortl( In it I shall hope to give o$ mtho$ght of the relation of this matter to the general %ork in the co$ntr, and an acco$nt of the9h$rch in *ondon, and, I hope, information of +rother Johnson's ret$rn(

    "In the meantime, %ith %arm love in the *ord, and praers that the *ord %ill g$ide o$ inall o$r %a, I am, dear +rother $therford,":o$r brother and servant in 0im,

    "J( 0272:("

    +O/02 JO05)O5 *2642) 25G*65.

    +rother Johnson, as seen from the above, left the *ondon +ethel and his%hereabo$ts %ere $nkno%n, $ntil on 6pril Cth %hen the follo%ing cablegram%as received from +rother 0emer, dated *ondon3".iscovered Johnson sailed B)teamshipD )t( *o$is )at$rda("

    *earning th$s that +rother Johnson %as on his %a to 6merica, it %asarranged that brethren sho$ld meet him at the dock and bring him to +ethel( I

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    had been personall re?$ested b his %ife to keep him here $ntil he recovered(When he appeared in the +ethel 0ome, to all intents and p$rposes he %as sane$pon ever point e0cept himself ( 0e asked me if he might have a hearingbefore the +oard( I called the members of the +oard to the )t$d, and severalother brethren, and %e listened to +rother Johnson for t%o ho$rs( I presented

    to him a cop of the cablegram %hich he had sent me %herein he claimed to bethe ")te%ard" of 7att( !H3#, and asked him if he sent it( 6fter m$ch effort hefinall ackno%ledged that he did(

    On another occasion the +oard and other brethren sat and listened to+rother Johnson for t%o ho$rs describing ho% the )cript$res foreshado%edhis e>perience in 2ngland, and his activities there( It %as the $nanimo$sconsent of all present that +rother Johnson %as of $nso$nd mind( I then statedto him, in the presence of the others, in s$bstance3 +rother Johnson, for thep$rpose of this matter %e %ill concede that o$ thought  o$ had a$thorit todo %hat o$ did in Great +ritain, and that o$ %ere acting honestl( *et $s dropthe matter no% and not think of it an more( We all shook hands kindl, and he

    %ent to his room( 0e contin$ed in the +ethel home $ninterr$pted for t%omonths, e>cept on one occasion he anno$nced at the table that he is the")te%ard" mentioned in 7att !H3#, b$t in a fe% das thereafter %ithdre% thestatement( O$r hope %as that he %as recovering, and %e reAoiced(

    /02 +2GI55I5G O; /O8+*2 I5 672I96

    "0o%ever, some time near the latter part of J$ne he approached me in thedining room and said, "I feel able no% to go back to 2ngland and take $p m%ork there(" I replied( "+rother Johnson, o$ are not going back to 2ngland=o$ have no %ork there(" 0e insisted that he sho$ld go, b$t I told him that heco$ld not go( 0e left me then, %ith the statement that he %o$ld appeal to the+oard( BOn J$l !, &&, +rother Johnson admitted to me that his appealing tothe +oard is at the bottom of the tro$ble %ith +rothers itchie, 0irsh( Wrightand 0oskins(D In abo$t t%o das he came back and insisted that I call a meetingof the +oard of .irectors= that he might appear before them( I declined to doso, saing to him that the matter %as entirel closed= the )ociet %o$ld notsend him back to 2ngland, and the best thing for him to do %o$ld be to remain?$iet( When I firml ref$sed to call the +oard he became agitated and said3":o$ are a $s$rper and I %ill appeal to the +oard and I %ill see that I have ahearing"= or %ords to that effect( /he ne>t morning he approached me in the

    dining room and handed me a paper, of %hich the follo%ing is a cop3"+rookln, 5( :(, J$ne &, &&(".26 +O/02 8/02;O.3 1

    "We, the $ndersigned members of the +oard of the W( /( +( L /( )( here%ith kindl re?$estthat o$ call a meeting of this +oard to hear +rother Johnson on his activities in Great +ritainand to e>amine the facts of the case( We %ill be glad to have o$ call this meeting at as earl adate as possible(

    "Praing the *ord's blessing on o$r deliberations on this matter to the end that it ma beto the *ord's glor and the good of the ca$se %e all love, %e remain %ith m$ch love,

    ":o$r +rethren and )ervants in the *ord,"I)669 ;( 0O)KI5),

    "6, I( I/90I2,"( 0( 0I)0,

    "J( .( WIG0/ "

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    /his paper had been %ritten b +rother Johnson himself, and he had takenit to +rothers 0oskins, itchie, 0irsh and Wright, and had them to sign it,asking me to call a meeting of the +oard, %hen t%o of these brethren sat at thesame table %ith me at ever meal, and one A$st immediatel to m left, and allfo$r of them in the dining room reg$larl and co$ld easil have spoken to me

    direct abo$t the meeting( /he had not mentioned this matter of a meeting to+rother 4an 6mb$rgh, %ho is also a member of the +oard( It seemed rather astrange thing that the sho$ld take this proced$re, so I called them into thedra%ing room for a conversation abo$t the matter( /hese fo$r brethren insistedthat I sho$ld call a meeting of the +oard of .irectors to hear +rother Johnson( Ifinall told them that the matter had alread been closed= that it %as not amatter for the +oard no% to take $p= it %as foll to think abo$t sending +rother Johnson back to 2ngland= that he sho$ld not go= and that I %o$ld not permithim to force a meeting of the

    +oard in the %a that he %as proceeding= b$t I asked the fo$r brethren named

    to have an intervie% %ith him and go over the facts if the desired and reportthe same at a meeting of the +oard( I there$pon delivered to them thecommissioners report, and m findings $pon the report, and other doc$mentsbearing $pon the case(

    9O77I))IO52) 2NP2)) 4I2W)

    /he follo%ing letters from +rothers 7acKenEie, 7c9lo and Warden, threeof the 9ommissioners %ho e>amined into the *ondon affair, also letters fromother representative +ritish brethren, sho% ho% +rother Johnson %o$ld bereceived in Great +ritain no%3

    "Glasgo%, Cth J$l( &&"7: .26 +O/02 8/02;O.3 1

    "1reetings2   In m little note to o$ on o$r appointment to be President of the )ociet Iindicated that I hoped to %rite o$ more f$ll soon, and let o$ kno% ho% %e are getting on atGlasgo%( )ince then, ho%ever, m$ch has transpired and someho% I delaed %riting $ntil no%(

    ":o$ are often in m tho$ghts, and am constantl remembering o$ at the throne of 0eavenl Grace, realiEing more than ever o$r need of help and strength in the ard$o$s d$tiesthat devolve $pon o$(

    "I %o$ld like to e>press to o$ m appreciation of o$r confidence in me in selecting meas one of the 9ommissioners in connection %ith the *ondon diffic$lties, and m %illingness todo anthing that I co$ld in the matter= and I %o$ld like to tell o$ ho% m$ch I appreciated o$r calm, charitable A$dgment, and o$r firm b$t loving recommendations to those concerned, andm regret that the did not fall in %ith them at once( I enclose cop of letter that I %rote to

    +rother 9ra%ford Bafter o$r A$dgment had been comm$nicated to himD in repl to some lettersI had from him= this letter %ill indicate to o$ m vie% of the %hole matter(

    "+rother P( )( *( Johnson %as evidentl $sed of the *ord in bringing to light m$ch of thediscord and lack of harmon that e>isted in the *ondon /abernacle and Office, b$t he s$reldid not go abo$t the matter in the right %a( 0e came to $s %ith great messages of love andcomfort and to enco$rage $s, b$t am afraid he did not b an means s$cceed in his mission=he rather ca$sed a great trial to come $pon the brethren(

    "0e began his %ork %ell, and %e %ere all impressed %ith his earnestness and Eeal, and itma be %e took too m$ch o$t of him, and so helped to bring abo$t his breakdo%n(

    ")ome of the statements he made, s$ch as %ho he %as and %hat he %as, and that onlhimself and +rother $ssell got the tr$th apart from the )9IP/82 )/8.I2), or co$ld get it,made $s %onder %hat he %anted to be at, and then %hen %e heard of his doings and saings at*ondon %e concl$ded the poor brother had gone off his head, and s$spended arrangements to

    have him %ith $s in )t 6ndre%'s 0all /hen %hen I %ent to *ondon and sa% and heard of hisactings there I had no f$rther do$bt b$t that his mind %as $nhinged( Of co$rse, %e do not

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    blame o$r dear +rother Johnson= he %as not responsible, b$t reall %hat took place after thatand before his depart$re to the 8nited )tates %as the most $ndignified cond$ct of an brother I have ever heard tell of( It %as a great relief to kno% he had $ltimatel ret$rned to +rookln,and I sincerel hope he is getting restored to health and strength of bod and mind, and thathis heart is right(

    ")ome one has said that he B+rother JohnsonD feels that there is more %ork for him to do

    in +ritain( Well I feel s$re that if he comes over again having the same great ideas of himself,and s$ch small ideas of mostl everbod else, he %o$ld neither be %elcome nor a help here,b$t if he is f$ll restored and has no% the mind of 9hrist Jes$s Bthe h$mble mindD %e %o$ld allbe delighted to have him again( +$t dear +rother $therford, is it not %ithin the limits of possibilit for o$ to come over o$rself( :o$ kno% ho% %e %o$ld %elcome o$, and %hat acomfort and help o$ %o$ld bring $s( /he *ord %o$ld take care of o$ crossing over if he%ants $s to get a verbal message thro$gh o$(

    "5o% I have said nothing abo$t ho% %e are getting on at Glasgo%, and %ill not %ait to%rite m$ch no%, onl to tell o$ that there is a good deal of harmon in o$r midst, and %e areendeavoring to keep the $nit of the spirit in the bond of peace( /he n$mber of those %ho areappreciating the +erean )t$dies so especiall commended b o$r dear +rother $ssell and so%arml recommended b o$, is increasing, and those of $s %ho have learned to appreciatethese f$ll are %aiting on the *ord, greatl desiring that the blessings obtained thro$gh these

    )t$dies ma e>tend to all("With m$ch love to o$ and to all,":o$rs in the one great 0ope,

    "GI*+2/ 769K25I2("

    "+irkenhead, J$ne !, &&("7: .26 +O/02 8/02;O.3 1

    "0ave A$st seen o$r +rother ( G( )mith and glad to get o$r love( I am ver pleased tohear that +rother Pa$l Johnson is improving in health and hope the rest ma do all that isre?$ired for him( 0e tells me that it is +rother Johnson's %ish to ret$rn to this co$ntr tocorrect the %rong impressions he made here( 0is desire is good, b$t I think it %o$ld be a ver$n%ise proced$re indeed, and I feel s$re %ith o$r so$nder A$dgment o$ %ill not permit him

    to come over here again for a good long time, $ntil his visit has died a nat$ral death( If hisinterpretation of the )cript$re is as %hen he %as here, it %o$ld onl res$lt in dist$rbanceinstead of a comfort to the brethren( I am s$re +rother Johnson %o$ld see the %isdom of o$r reasoning, if he is no% %ell in mind and bod(

    "I am s$re, dear brother, o$r hands m$st be f$ll A$st no%, b$t %e all pra for o$ and feels$re the *ord %ill give o$ all o$ need( ;aith can firml tr$st 0im, come %hat ma( Is +rother Johnson in comm$nication %ith +rother 0o$sden and infl$encing him in his vie%sF I aminclined to think so( I don't think he sho$ld do that no%(

    "5o% m beloved brother in the *ord accept o$r $nited love(":o$rs in the same hope,

    "/0O7)O5 7c9*O:("

    ".$mbreck, Glasgo%(".26 +O/02 8/02;O.3 1

    "I have heard that +rother Johnson has the desire to ret$rn to Great +ritain to finish %hathe considers his %ork here(

    "Previo$s to +rother Johnson's dismissing +rother )hearn and +rother 9ra%ford fromthe office in *ondon I received a letter from him %hich I read to the 2lders of the Glasgo%9lass, %ho %ere all $nanimo$s in the opinion that +rother Johnson's mind had lost its balance,and %e accordingl comm$nicated %ith *ondon and cancelled a meeting arranged for him inthe )t( 6ndre%s Grand 0all, Glasgo%( /he incidents that happened from then $p to the time of +rother Johnson's depart$re from Great +ritain f$rther confirmed $s in the decision that %ehad come to, and personall think it %o$ld be to the advantage of the brethren here if +rother Johnson did not ret$rn at present(

    "We at Glasgo%, %ith man of the other classes, have little diffic$lties of o$r o%n at

    present, and it is onl %ith special care and the spirit of the *ord being manifested amongst $sthat these diffic$lties can be adA$sted to the benefit of the brethren, and $nless +rother 

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    Johnson has improved in his health I do not think he %o$ld be of an help to $s( /his does notmean that +rother Johnson %as of no assistance to the brethren %hen he


    first came to +ritain3 in fact, I am of the opinion he helped $s over here in man %as, b$tmeantime %e do not see an reason to agree %ith his interpretation of the )cript$res regarding"the ste%ard("

    "We dail remember o$, dear brother, before the /hrone of Grace, having some idea of the man diffic$lties that o$ have to contend %ith, and ho% m$ch o$ %ill need to $se that%isdom %hich cometh from above( 7a o$r loving ;ather contin$e to g$ide and direct o$ inall o$r labors of love for his dear children(

    ":o$rs in One 0ope,"W( O( W6.25("

    5O/ W65/2. 6G6I5 I5 25G*65.

    "7anchester, J$ne H, &&("7: .26 +O/02 8/02;O.3 1

    "Greetings in o$r dear *ord(

    "/he p$rpose of m %riting at present is A$st to give o$ some idea of the infl$ence o$r +rother Pa$l Johnson e>ercised %hen on his Pilgrim trip in Great +ritain(

    "/he first time I came in contact %ith him %as at the 7anchester 9onvention last 5e% :ear( While I co$ld see he %as a brother of great abilit, et I %as not f$ll satisfied %ith hispresentations, partic$larl his interpretation and application of the Parable of the Penn( 0eevidenced great loalt to o$r dear +rother $ssell, %hich pleased me m$ch( :et there %as as Ihave proved since, an over statement of A$st %hat %ere o$r dear Pastor's vie%s( I met him later at Glasgo% and 6berdeen, and then finall spent t%o das %ith him here in 7anchester( /heset%o das proved to be ver saddening and A$st %ent to prove some of m earlier s$spicionsregarding his mental condition( :o$ are of co$rse conversant %ith the fact of his several claims%hich it is not necessar for me to f$rther detail, b$t m p$rpose is to %rite and sa thatinstead of his presence being a comfort to the brethren it proved rather the reverse( 0ad hebeen allo%ed to contin$e his to$r f$rther the res$lt m$st have been serio$s tro$ble in man of the 9h$rches( I can ass$re o$ that if it %ere proposed for his ret$rn to Great +ritain most of the classes would re3uest that he be not received ( If +rother Johnson feels he has a %ork to doin this co$ntr it is certainl not the *ord's %ork $nless he has altered his man strangeinterpretations and personal applications( 0e told $s in 7anchester here that it %as his s$rebelief that +rother $ssell had been e>alted to the *ord's right hand and that the left had beenreserved for 456T-$ (

    ":o$ m$st $nderstand the spirit in %hich I am %riting o$ this note and tr$st it ma behelpf$l for o$ at this time(

    ":o$r brother b 0is grace("JO05 J( 9O9065("

    6 letter from +rother 0emer, dated *ondon, J$ne !, &&, sas3"+rother Johnson came to $s as if charged %ith a special mission to comfort the +ritish

    brethren( It %as ?$ite apparent that he had a considerable idea of his privilege, and also of hisabilit to do this %ork( It %as strange to me that his p$blic ministr %as so $nprod$ctive, andthat from almost ever point of vie%( 0e neither comforted the p$blic, nor, e>cept in the earliestpart of his ministr, the brethren amongst %hom he ministered( 0is later claims p$t him o$t of the means of being a help to the brethren, for the %ant to be faithf$l to the channel %hich the*ord has given, and the co$ld not $nderstand anone attempting to set themselves $p as the*ord's channel, and et in opposition to the main spokesman for that channel( +rother Johnson might think that I am speaking m o%n feelings %hen I sa th$s, b$t I am p$ttingthese o$t of acco$nt, and looking at the matter from the point of vie% of the *ord's %ork as Isee it( I am ver s$re that if I %ere to ask the representative brethren of the co$ntr, the %o$ld,%ith a $nanimo$s voice sa, '.o not on an acco$nt send $s +rother Johnson(' 0is talents%ere esteemed= he himself %as also esteemd $ntil he p$t for%ard his strange claims, and

    sho%ed so clearl that he had a desire for place and power ( 6 ret$rn visit no%, even if he %ere?$ite right in his attit$de, %o$ld be too near his former mistakes in point of time, and s$ch aministr %o$ld inevitabl be received %ith s$spicion, and %o$ld fail of its desired effect"

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    O/02) .I)9O422. I5 9O5)PI69:

    2arl in the )pring of && +rother itchie made a pilgrim trip to the

    5orthern )tates and portions of 9anada( eports began to come in that he %asstating to some of the friends that a division %as taking place at the +ethel0ome, and that had he been elected as an officer of /02 W6/90 /OW2+I+*2 65. /69/ )O9I2/: he %o$ld have considered himself a member of the Great 9ompan 9lass( /hese reports came from n$mero$s so$rces and%ere calc$lated to dist$rb( I had a personal talk %ith +rother itchie abo$t thematter, in the presence of +rothers 4an 6mb$rgh and Pierson( 0eackno%ledged that he had made s$ch statements, b$t promised to do so nomore( +$t %ithin a %eek he violated that promise b making a similar statementto +rother 0aElett( 6 short time before that, +rother )t$rgeon had made astatement to me that it %as generall $nderstood in the +ethel 0ome that I had

    $sed political methods to sec$re m election as President of the )ociet(Pressed for names of some %ho said so, he gave the name of +rother itchie(On a certain morning at breakfast, %hile +rother Pierson %as present Imentioned the matter p$blicl to the famil, and there$pon +rothers Pierson,4an 6mb$rgh and 7acmillan, %ho had cast most of the votes at theconvention, each in t$rn made a statement that I had never so m$ch as spokento them abo$t the election prior thereto(

    I take this occasion to sa that there is no person on earth %ho cantr$thf$ll sa that I ever asked them directl or indirectl to vote for me( Ithoro$ghl believed that %homsoever %as selected to that position %o$ld beselected b the *ord, and I %o$ld not permit anone to be infl$enced banthing I sho$ld sa(

    +rother )t$rgeon f$rther called in ?$estion the fact that some of theclasses had elected me as co$nselor, saing that I %as creating an office in the9h$rch in order to gain prestige and power ( I tried in kindness to point o$t tothe brother that I had no desire or intention along the lines he mentioned= that Iam a co$nselor b profession, and have been for more than ! ears= that I%as co$nselor for several ears for +rother $ssell, and the )ociet= as %ell asserving man of the friends thro$gho$t the co$ntr in this same capacit(

    ;or more than thirt ears, the President of /02 W6/90 /OW2 +I+*265. /69/ )O9I2/: managed its affairs e>cl$sivel, and the +oard of 

    .irectors, so-called, had little to do( /his is not said in criticism, b$t for thereason that the %ork of the )ociet pec$liarl re?$ires the direction of onemind( /here are so man small details that if several persons had to directthem, more than half the time %o$ld be $sed in cons$ltation( /his %as clearldemonstrated b the 2>ec$tive 9ommittee, and it %as fo$nd that it took threemen t%o ho$rs a da %hat one co$ld do in a third of that time, beca$se of thetime cons$med in cons$ltation abo$t details, and these brethren on thecommittee %orked in e>act harmon at the same time(

    In harmon %ith the e>pressed %ishes of the )hareholders voiced b$nanimo$s vote at the election in Pittsb$rgh, Jan$ar #,&&, as the Presidentof /02 W6/90 /OW2 +I+*2 65. /69/ )O9I2/: I have attempted to

    manage the affairs thereof( 0o% %ell I have s$cceeded it is not necessar for me to sa( On the &th of J$l, &&, I made a report to the f$ll +oard of 

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    .irectors as to %hat had been accomplished( and amongst other thingspointed o$t ho% I had been enabled, b the *ord's grace, to save the )ocietsince the death of +rother $ssell more than H,HHH( It %ill be readil$nderstood that this is not d$e to mismanagement on an one's part= b$t after +rother $ssell's death, he having pec$liar kno%ledge of the affairs,

    necessaril it %as %ith diffic$lt that anone %o$ld attempt to take them $p(We fo$nd some arrangements made %ith o$tside parties concerning certain%ork, %hich parties attempted to rep$diate contracts or to


    claim damages= and o$t of t%o of these cases CH,HHH in act$al cash %assaved( O$t of another matter %hich re?$ired ?$ick action, &&,HHH %as saved,and had it been necessar to stop and cons$lt the +oard of .irectors it %o$ldprobabl have been too late to have saved an of it( In addition to the above %eobtained a favorable decision in the )$preme 9o$rt %ith reference to ta>es,%hich %ill probabl save the )ociet more than !H,HHH additional( Within thetime mentioned I also %as permitted to recover, in a contested case, more than

    ,HHH for the )ociet( It %as also m privilege to handle a la%s$it in *os6ngeles in behalf of some of the brethren that has res$lted in a great %itnessto the /r$th( In addition to this I had been giving attention to the arrangementof the foreign %ork, and %as enabled to make better progress therein beca$seof m personal ac?$aintance %ith the managers in these co$ntries, havingvisited each 2$ropean branch more than once( It %o$ld have taken me m$chlonger to ac?$aint others %ith the facts than to attend to the b$siness mself(

    )hortl prior to +rother $ssell's death be removed +rother itchie fromthe management of the office and placed him at some %ork at the +ethel 0ome,and placed +rother 7artin as office manager(

    +O/02 8))2**') 665G2725/ 9O5/I582.

    /he follo%ing e>tract from the min$tes of 5ovember , &&( %ill be of interest3

    "/he follo%ing resol$tion %as presented to the +oard b +rother Isaac 0oskins, to %it3"W0226), Pastor 9 /( $ssell, the President of this 9orporation, on the &th da of 

    October, &&, reorganiEed the %orking force of the office at & 0icks )t( and also the %ork atthe +ethel 0ome on 9ol$mbia 0eights, and designated certain persons to be in charge of therespective departments of the %ork, to %it3

    "+rother 6( I( itchie to have the oversight of the *ibrar Office= the Parlor, and all visitorson important b$siness at the +ethel 0ome, etc(= to handle s$ch mail as ma be addressed to+rother $ssell= and to receive telegrams=

    "+rother ( J( 7artin to have s$pervision over the office force and the %ork at the/abernacle at & 0icks )t=

    "+rother J( *( 9ooke as )$perintendent of the 6ngelophone 9ompan and the %ork inconnection there%ith=

    "+rother 2merson to have charge of the seating of the +ethel ;amil at the tables, and thecare of the baking for the ;amil, $nder the s$pervision of +rother 7acmillan=

    "+rother +aker, $nder the s$pervision of +rother 7acmillan, to have the care of all thefood s$pplies for +ethel, incl$ding coal, b$tter, etc(= also of the la$ndr, kitchen, cellar, ands$ch other %ork as ma be directed b +rother 7acmillan3

    ")ister oberts to have s$pervision of the +ethel affairs as 7atron, and to takes$pervision of the sisters and the %ork in the dining room and the ho$se %ork in general,e>cept the parlor= $nder the s$pervision of +rother 7acmillan3

    "65. W0226), It is the sense of this +oard to contin$e said departments in the same

    manner as %as left b +rother $ssell=

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    "/022;O2 +2 I/ 2)O*42., /hat the persons above named be, and the are herebre?$ested to contin$e to hold their respective positions and perform the d$ties re?$iredthere$nder, and to make report to the 2>ec$tive 9ommittee, thro$gh its representative, $ntilf$rther order of the +oard of .irectors(

    "+rother 0oskins moved the adoption of the resol$tion, %hich being seconded b +rother Pierson, %as $nanimo$sl adopted b the +oard(

    "7otion %as made b +rother 4an 6mb$rgh, and seconded b +rother Wright, that+rother 6( 0( 7acmillan be appointed to the position of epresentative of the 2>ec$tive9ommittee, to perform s$ch d$ties as said 2>ec$tive 9ommittee shall direct, and to report tosaid committee from time to time $pon re?$est( 8nanimo$sl carried("

    6mong other changes, +rother $ssell took +rother 0oskins o$t of the9olporte$r .epartment, and assigned him to other %ork( 0e bro$ght +rother 7acmillan in off a Pilgrim Ao$rne and asked him to take charge of the office%ork as General )$pervisor and as the President's representative in all thingsabo$t the %ork of the )ociet at head?$arters( We here prod$ce his letter to+rother 7acmillan as %ell as a fac-simile of his a$tograph letter to the/abernacle and +ethel force, also a letter of instr$ction to +rother 7artin, %ho

    s$cceeded +rother itchie as Office 7anager("6$g$st , &&(

    "7( 6( 0( 7697I**65,+randonville, W( 4a(

    ".26 +O/02 7697I**653 1":o$rs of the !nd inst( is at hand( 0aving mentioned the matter to o$, I asked the *ord to

    direct o$ as respects either accepting or declining the s$ggestion( I accordingl accept o$r repl as being an indication of the *ord's %ill in the matter, and bid o$ a heart %elcome(

    "When ma %e e>pect o$F "With m$ch 9hristian love to o$rself and famil and all thefriends in the /r$th in those parts, as ever(

     :o$r brother and servant in the *ord,"9( /( $ssell("

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    "October &, &&(".26 +O/02 76/I5 3 1

    "While as o$ kno% +rother 7acmillan in filling the office of 6ssistant to the Presidenthas a general s$pervision of all of the %ork, et in +rother itchie's absence there o$ght to besome person there at the /abernacle %ho %o$ld have a special s$pervision of the affairs Bco-

    operating %ith +rother 7acmillanD( It is m re?$est dear brother, that o$ accept this position,%hich I am s$re, in connection %ith a certain portion of the mail, %ill keep o$ ver b$s(

    "With 9hristian love,":o$r brother and servant in the *ord,

    "9( /( $ssell("

    /02 *O.') +*2))I5G 06) ;O**OW2.

    +rother 7acmillan accepted this position as 6ssistant to the President andhas performed his d$ties %ell, and thro$gh the efficienc of himself and+rother 7artin in carring o$t instr$ctions %hich +rother $ssell gave a short

    time before his depart$re, the office to-da is on a strict efficienc basis and ismanaged better than it has ever heretofore been, to m kno%ledge( /he %holeoffice is happ and harmonio$s and doing splendid %ork( 6fter m election asPresident I deemed it the *ord's %ill that I sho$ld keep everone in the position%here +rother $ssell had placed him, if possible( 0ence +rother 7acmillan%as appointed to the same position he held %ith +rother $ssell, and he hasproven faithf$l and loal( +rothers 0oskins and 0irsh bro$ght to mecomplaints against +rother 7acmillan( When I %ent into the office as PresidentI made the r$le to receive no acc$sations against a brother or sister $nless theone acc$sed %as present to defend himself or herself( I so anno$nced this r$leto +rother 0irsh, and said to him( "If o$ desire to


    bring an acc$sations against +rother 7acmillan let $s three go no% and talkthe matter over(" 0e declined to do this( On three different occasions heattempted to talk to me against +rother 7acmillan and I declined to listen$nless +rother 7acmillan be present, as that seemed to me the *ord'sappointed %a( /he brother became ?$ite incensed against +rother 7acmillan(

    ;or more than three months after m election everthing %ith the +oard of .irectors %as r$nning smoothl( We have met more fre?$entl than the +oardever met in +rother $ssell's da, as is indicated from the follo%ing fe%e>tracts from the 7in$tes3

    6t a meeting of the +oard of .irectors held 5ovember , &&( Present3

    +rothers 6, I( itchie( 6( 5( Pierson, J( .( Wright, W( 2( 4an 6mb$rgh( 0( 9(ock%ell( I( ;( 0oskins and J( ;( $therford(6gain, 5ovember &, &, there %as a +oard meeting to pass on some

    formal matter(6 meeting held .ecember &, &lQ 1 all the members being present(

    7in$tes sho% that +rother 0oskins made the follo%ing motion and secondedb +rother Wright, %hich %as d$l carried, "that the 2>ec$tive +oard bedirected to report to the +oard of .irectors at an meeting of the +oard $ponan matter %hich the +oard might re?$est the 9ommittee to report(

    On Jan$ar C, &&, meeting of the +oard of .irectors( 6ll the memberspresent, e>cept +rother 0oskins, %ho %as sick( 6t that time the matter of 

    disposing of the .rama to +rother John G( K$ehn %as disc$ssed and a motionto sell the same %as $nanimo$sl carried 1 all present voting for it(

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    /he contract for the sale of the .rama, %as signed b +rother itchie, as4ice President, and +rother 4an 6mb$rgh, as )ecretar and /reas$rer(

    On Jan$ar &, &&, there %as a Aoint meeting of the +oard of .irectors of both /02 W6/90 /OW2 +I+*2 65. /69/ )O9I2/: and the P2OP*2)P8*PI/ 6))O9I6/IO5, at %hich meeting the resol$tions and b-la%s passed at

    the ann$al meeting held at Pittsb$rgh %ere adopted and spread $pon therecord b the +oard of .irectors, and %as $nanimo$sl carried(

    Jan$ar &, &&, a meeting of the +oard of .irectors %as held, at %hichcertain matters of the )ociet %as passed $pon(

    On ;ebr$ar , &&( a meeting of the +oard of .irectors %as held, at%hich meeting +rother itchie made a report concerning the 6ngelophone 9o(,of %hich he %as in charge( /here %as then in the bank to the credit of the6ngelophone 9o( appro>imatel ,HHH of the )ociet's mone( +rother itchie proposed that this be t$rned over to him and he %o$ld ass$me theobligations of the 6ngelophone 9o( and attempt to have the parties %ho madethe contracts %ith the I( +( )( 6( s$bstit$te him for the )ociet and the I( +( )(

    6(, and he %o$ld cond$ct the b$siness in his o%n name( +rothers itchie andWright voted for s$ch a proposition, b$t it %as reAected(

    )$bse?$entl, the 6ngelico 9o( %as t$rned over to +rother 9ooke, the)ociet reserving the records and all rights thereto, +rother 9ooke taking onlthe right to man$fact$re and sell o$r machines, %hich the 6ssociation or the)ociet has no right to do( +rother 9ooke stated that this %as the original ideaof +rother $ssell(

    On ;ebr$ar #, &&, the +oard met 1 all present 1 at %hich time theresignation of +rother ock%ell %as offered( It %as filed and no action taken(6t that meeting the motion %as $nanimo$sl carried not to complete the saleof the .rama to the 7ena ;ilm 9o(( b$t to take it back(

    ;ebr$ar &, &&, the +oard met again(7arch !, &&, there %as another meeting of the +oard of .irectors(/he record sho%s that at this meeting +rother $therford reported the

    condition of the %ork in 2ngland and the sit$ation in reference to +rother Johnson and %hat he had done(

    6pril &, &&, %as the ne>t meeting(

    )22.) +2GI5 /O +I5G ;O/0

    )ome time abo$t the latter part of 6pril +rother 0irsh began to sho% a

    desire to e>ercise a$thorit $pon the +oard and to transact the d$ties of the2>ec$tive Officer( I gentl called his attention to the fact that the matter mentioned %as entirel %ithin the province of the 2>ec$tive and not a matter for the +oard to attend to( /his displeased him( *ater he bro$ght to me a letter he had %ritten to a brother, in %hich he stated in s$bstance that the +oard of .irectors %ere the managers and the President %as s$bAect to their control( Ikindl remarked to +rother 0irsh that it %as hardl in harmon %ith the factsand that I did not see the necessit of sending o$t s$ch a letter( /hatdispleased him( )imilar obAections %ere made b +rother 0oskins and onseveral occasions he stated that "We, the +oard, are the managers and %e %illgive the orders("

    5ot%ithstanding the shareholders at Pittsb$rgh passed a b-la% declaringthat the President shall al%as be the 2>ec$tive Officer of the corporation and

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    General 7anager, %hich b-la% %as later passed b the +oard of .irectors,these brethren disregarded the same and insisted that the +oard sho$ldmanage the )ociet's affairs( I tried to reason %ith them, b$t in vain( On the!Hth of J$ne a meeting of the +oard %as called for the p$rpose of hearing thereport of the 9ommittee on +rother Johnson's visit to 2ngland( 6fter this

    b$siness %as disposed of satisfactoril to all persons, +rother 0irsh dre% fromhis pocket a resol$tion %hich he had prepared in advance and offered thesame, %hich resol$tion provided that the management of the corporationsho$ld be taken o$t of the hands of the President, and that the +oard sho$ldtake charge and give directions as to %hat sho$ld be done( +rother 0oskinssaid, "We have been cons$lting la%ers and %e kno% %hat %e can do(" I triedto point o$t to them that s$ch a resol$tion %o$ld be overriding the %ishes of the shareholders at large( /o this the replied, "The Board of 7irectors are not answerable to the shareholders."  +rother Pierson then kindl remonstrated,saing3 "Brethren, I think we had better not try to disturb what theshareholders have done."  6fter considerable disc$ssion it %as agreed among

    all persons that the +oard sho$ld adAo$rn for one month, at %hich time the?$estion %o$ld be taken $p and settled, +rother Pierson anno$ncing that it%o$ld be inconvenient for him to ret$rn before a month(

    When in conversation %ith +rother Johnson he stated to me that he co$ldtake a Pilgrim trip( I asked the office to make o$t a ro$te for him, %hich %asdone, and the friends notified along the %a( On the same da a pilgrim ro$te%as made o$t for +rother 0oskins for t%o %eeks( 0e %as doing practicallnothing, and the opport$nities for service being good, %e tho$ght it %ell thathe go o$t on a trip, I %as taking a trip for the same t%o %eeks( We asked+rother 0oskins to go( /he ne>t morning I received a note from +rother 0oskins, declining to make this pilgrim trip( /he same morning I met +rother Johnson in the dining room and he approached me, saing, "I do not feel ableto go on this pilgrim trip(" I s$ggested that he have onl one meeting a da,and that he go as far as 9ol$mb$s, his home, as he had not seen his %ife sincelast 5ovember( /hen he said( "5o, I decline to go(" I said, "+rother Johnson,some of the friends in the ho$se believe that o$ are fomenting tro$ble, andthat o$ are engineering a conspirac to tr to break $p the %ork here as o$did in Great +ritain( 5o% I ask o$( in the interest of peace and harmon, thato$ go a%a from +ethel(" 0e replied, "I decline to do it3 the *ord is displeased%ith o$= o$ are a $s$rper= I %ill not go(" /hen I said( "+rother Johnson, Idemand that o$ leave the +ethel 0ome(" 0e retorted( "I appeal to the +oard of 

    .irectors," and left me( /he ne>t morning +rother Johnson came to me andsaid( "Wh can't %e talk this matter over