18 march 2016

SPECIALISM SUCCESS Congratulaons to Jade Slater, Meghan Iveson and Georgia Holmes (Y12 BTEC Business Students) who this week were paired up with their 'Business Mentors' as part of The Career Ready Programme (formally known as Career Academy UK). All three mentors work for Astra Zeneca and over the next 12 months they were share their experse with the students and support them in their learning and career development. The students will have the chance to visit their work place and get involved in a range of acvies linked to their own interest in business. Seven other Career Ready students are due to meet their mentors next week, some more from Astra Zeneca and others from The Royal Bank of Scotland, Peninsula and one from Business Doctors. COLLEGE PRAYER Prayer in memoriam of Blessed Oscar Romero who was killed on March 24 1980: Lord, we bring before you all who are imprisoned unjustly and all who are tortured. We think of those people who live in fear of injusce and repression. We pray that the minds of those who abuse others may be turned to what is good and honourable. May those of us who live in freedom not take our heritage for granted, but be of good influence in leading others to value one another as brothers and sisters. Amen. Prayer Focus: Chrisan Persecuon During Maundy Thursday all students will have the opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliaon during our service of forgiveness. Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term Parents are reminded that the College has a no make- up policy. Students should not be wearing make up or nail varnish during the College day. We welcome the support of all parents in ensuring that this aspect of the College uniform policy followed. PARENTS AS PARTNERS:MAKE UP Tuesday 10 May 2016 Year 7 Aend College Acvity Day (organised by Mrs Marshall) Year 8 CONSULTATION DAY Reading blog at home on theme of Languages when not in appointments (organised by Languages Faculty) Year 9 Year 9 Higher Educaon visit organised by Miss Thomason and Mr Blades Year 10 CONSULTATION DAY Reading blog at home on theme of Sport, Exercise and Diet when not in lessons (organised by PE and DT Facules) Year 11 Home Study / Revision Study – Science work to be set (at home or in College – organised by Science Faculty) Year 12/13 Revision Day / Private Study in college or at home (organised by Mrs Garvey) CONSULTATION DAY A level Exams begin s 4th May, there are 16 school days leſt. G.C.S.E Exams begin 16th May, there are 28 School days leſt. EXAMS COUNTDOWN Parents / Carers are invited to aend a Principal's Surgery to discuss any concerns or ask quesons, on the following dates: Thursday 14 April '16, 9am - 10am Tuesday 17 May '16, 3.45pm - 4.45pm Tuesday 21 June '16, 9am - 10am Friday 1 July '16, 9am - 10am There is no appointment system so please be prepared to wait. PRINCIPAL’S SURGERIES On Thurs 24th March we will be holding our Maundy Thursday Services of Reconciliaon. 9.45 – 10.45 Yrs 11, 12 & 13 11.45 – 12.45 Yrs 9 & 10 14.00 – 15.00 Yrs 7 & 8 MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICES OF RECONCILIATION



Transcript of 18 march 2016


Congratulations to Jade Slater, Meghan Iveson and Georgia Holmes (Y12 BTEC Business Students) who this week were paired up with their 'Business Mentors' as part of The Career Ready Programme (formally known as Career Academy UK). All three mentors work for Astra Zeneca and over the next 12 months they were share their expertise with the students and support them in their learning and career development. The students will have the chance to visit their work place and get involved in a range of activities linked to their own interest in business. Seven other Career Ready students are due to meet their mentors next week, some more from Astra Zeneca and others from The Royal Bank of Scotland, Peninsula and one from Business Doctors.


Prayer in memoriam of Blessed Oscar Romero who was killed on March 24 1980:

Lord, we bring before you all who are imprisoned unjustly and all who are tortured.

We think of those people who live in fear of injustice and repression.

We pray that the minds of those who abuse others may be turned to what is good and honourable.

May those of us who live in freedom not take our heritage for granted, but be of good influence in leading others to

value one another as brothers and sisters. Amen. Prayer Focus: Christian Persecution

During Maundy Thursday all students will have the

opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation during our service of forgiveness.

Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term

Parents are reminded that the College has a no make-up policy. Students should not be wearing make up or nail varnish during the College day. We welcome the support of all parents in ensuring that this aspect of the College uniform policy followed.


Tuesday 10 May 2016

Year 7 Attend College Activity Day (organised by Mrs Marshall)

Year 8 CONSULTATION DAY Reading blog at home on theme of Languages when not in appointments (organised by Languages Faculty)

Year 9 Year 9 Higher Education visit organised by Miss Thomason and Mr Blades

Year 10 CONSULTATION DAY Reading blog at home on theme of Sport, Exercise and Diet when not in lessons (organised by PE and DT Faculties)

Year 11 Home Study / Revision Study – Science work to be set (at home or in College – organised by Science Faculty)

Year 12/13 Revision Day / Private Study in college or at home (organised by Mrs Garvey)


A level Exams begin s 4th May, there are 16 school days left.

G.C.S.E Exams begin 16th May, there are 28 School days left.


Parents / Carers are invited to attend a Principal's Surgery to discuss any concerns or ask questions, on the following dates: Thursday 14 April '16, 9am - 10am Tuesday 17 May '16, 3.45pm - 4.45pm Tuesday 21 June '16, 9am - 10am Friday 1 July '16, 9am - 10am There is no appointment system so please be prepared to wait.


On Thurs 24th March we will be holding our Maundy Thursday Services of Reconciliation. 9.45 – 10.45 Yrs 11, 12 & 13 11.45 – 12.45 Yrs 9 & 10 14.00 – 15.00 Yrs 7 & 8


Students must sign out at the Attendance Office before leaving College to attend a medical appointment. When they return to College the student must sign back in. This ensures registers will be accurate and we know the student is off site should we have a fire alarm. The Attendance Office is located in an office along the RE corridor. We thank parents for making medical appointments, where possible, that do not take up a whole day of schooling. This often allows a student to have their legal registration mark for both morning and afternoon sessions and so their overall attendance does not fall.


Holidays have not been authorised since 1st September 2013 under legislation on all English schools. Requests for holidays must still be made in writing to the appropriate Key Stage leader (Mrs Garvey KS5, Mr Diamond/Mr Blades KS4/KS3), but in the vast majority of cases they will be unauthorised. A Fixed Penalty Notice may be issued of £60 per parent / carer per student, to be paid within 21 days, otherwise the penalty will rise to £120 per parent / carer to be paid within 28 days. If the penalty remains unpaid then the matter will proceed to the Magistrates Court where you will receive a criminal record if you are found guilty. Please can all holiday requests be made well in advance of the holiday being taken if not before the holiday is booked.


Whilst the College requires parents to contact us on each day of absence, school policy now requires that any student who accumulates 7 or more days of absence during the course of the academic year will be asked to provide medical confirmation of the need to be absent before any further absences are authorised for medical reasons. This is a necessary measure as we closely monitor absence due to illness / medical reasons in order that we can ensure students are supported where needed. For your information medical confirmation does not have to be a doctor's note but can also take the form of a medical appointment card, a copy of a relevant dated prescription or evidence of medication being taken. If no medical evidence is provided then the absence will be coded as unauthorised. Ten or more unauthorised absences may result in you receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice. This incurs a penalty of £60 per parent / carer to be paid within 21 days, otherwise the penalty will rise to £120 per parent / carer to be paid within 28 days. If the penalty remains unpaid then the matter will proceed to the Magistrates Court where you will receive a criminal record if you are found guilty. The link between attendance and achievement is well researched and documented and students should be aiming for an attendance rate of no less than 97% over the year. Thank you for your continued support with this importance issue.


Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term


Over the last week of College attendance was as follows: Year 7 - 92.9% (down 0.8% on last week and Year 7 are now the lowest between Years 7 to 11) Year 8 - 93.2% (down 0.5% and a fourth consecutive fall for Year 8) Year 9 - 94.5% (up 3.3%, well done Year 9) Year 10 - 95.8% (no change, very well done Year 10 for being best in the College once again) Year 11 - 93.7% (up 0.6%, well done Year 11 on another increase) Year 12 - 90.5% (down 3.1% and too low Year 12) Year 13 - 91.5% (up 0.5%, but still too low Year 13) Attendance between Year 7 and Year 11 last week was 94.0% (up 0.5% from last week but 1.9% lower than the same time last year). Our overall attendance since 2 September 2015 has fallen to 95.3%. We aim for 97%. Last week GIRLS attendance (Years 7-11) was 93.6% (up 0.1% on last week), BOYS attendance Year 7-11) was 94.3% (up 0.9% on last week). Since 2 September 2015 boys attendance between Years 7-11 is 95.5% and girls attendance between Years 7-11 is 95.1%.


From September 2015 the College has changed the definition of “persistent absence” we use to include those students who are under 90% attendance. This is in line with national guidelines and increases the threshold from 85% at present.


[email protected] emails will be read by a Senior Teacher [email protected]

[email protected]

= Staff Present


Mrs J Pilling Careers Advisor Student Support Office

Mrs L Nolan Visyon Counsellor Student Support Office

Mrs R Czerwinski College Nurse Student Support Office

Mrs P Shatwell Family Support Office between rooms A9 and A10

Mrs J Beard and Mrs P Prince Education

Pastoral Office (ground floor of Fisher Building)



If any parent would like their son or daughter to have a careers interview with Mrs Pilling, our Careers Advisor, this year then please notify the relevant Year Learning Leader who can ensure names are added to the list. Mrs Pilling will prioritise Year 10-13, but students in Years 7-9 are welcome to attend her Thursday lunch time drop in. She uses the Student Support Office based next door to Music.

Most students appreciate the importance of being in College on time. Children who are regularly late do miss out on their education and form bad habits that will not be tolerated in the workplace. We need to inform parents that students must be in the registration form class for the register to be taken at 8.45a.m. This means students should arrive 5-10 minutes earlier in College to be on time. Any student who arrives after 8.45a.m. will receive a L code. Two L codes within a week will result in a whole college detention to be held each Thursday. Any student who arrives after 9.05a.m. will receive a U code. This means they will be classed as absent for the whole morning and this may have consequences for overall attendance. We are aware that College buses are sometimes late and we can confirm these students are not negatively marked in the register when this happens. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Gates are manned by members of staff and names will be taken of those students who are late.



Year 7: New dates will follow shortly Year 8: 22 March 2pm -2.45pm Year 9: New dates will follow shortly Year 10: 21 March 9am -9.45am Year 11: 24 Mar 1.15pm -2.00pm These are for parents who would like to discuss any concerns relating to their child. No appointment is necessary but please be prepared to wait. Please contact our Pastoral Assistant ([email protected] 01625 410285 x215), should you require an appointment with a Year Learning Leader at any other time.


Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term

Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term

Term College Opens to Students College Closes to Students

Easter Monday 22 February 2016 Thursday 24 March 2016

Whitsun Monday 11 April 2016 Thursday 26 May 2016

Trinity Monday 6 June 2016 Tuesday 19 July 2016


Students across Years 7 to 11 will be challenged to have 100% attendance once again as part of an attendance competition. This helped attendance to be raised last year and the prizes proved popular amongst students. Students will enter a prize draw for Amazon gift vouchers if they have 100% attendance for the 2 weeks leading up to a specific holiday. Year 7 and Year 8 - 100% attendance for 2 weeks leading up to Easter (£25 voucher) Years 9 to 11 - 100% attendance for 2 weeks leading up to May half term (£25 voucher) Years 7 to 10 - 100% attendance for 2 weeks leading up to the end of the summer term in July (£50 voucher) Attendance matters at All Hallows and the link between attendance and achievement is well known and shared with our stu-dents. Mr Blades, Assistant Principal



March Y11 Key Marginal Students’ Evening En/Ma/Sc/La Tuesday 22nd March 4.30pm-7.30pm Y10 Mock Results Day Wednesday 23rd March AHLC Sports Tournament Wednesday 23rd March 1.00pm-3.00pm Easter Half Term Thursday 24th March


Easter Booster Classes for Years 10,11 and 6th form by invitation Monday 4th April Tuesday 5th April National Youth Orchestra Sunday 10th April at The Bridgewater Hall Subject teachers Issue progress grades 7-9, 11 Monday 11th April NYO “Play the School” (venue tbc) Monday 11th—Wednesday 13th April Y10 and 12 Re-sits Y10 and 12 Re-sits Monday 11th - Friday 15th April Y8 Pathway Choices Deadline Wednesday 13th April An Evening at the Movies Wednesday 13th—Thursday 14th 7-8.30pm Y12 Reports Issued Friday 15th April Year 7-9, Academic Reviews Issued Friday 22nd April Y10 Reports Issued Friday 22nd April Y11 and 13 Walking Talking Mock Week Monday 25th April Y10 and 12 Resit Awards Issued Friday 29th April


Year 8 Retreat Wednesday 4th May - Friday 6th May PTA Chester Zoo Saturday 7th May Yr 8 and Yr 10 Parent consultation Day Tuesday 10th May 9.00am—7.00pm PTA Palace theatre Trip “Mamma Mia” Friday 13th May—Saturday 14th May Yr 5 Open Morning Monday 16th May 9.30am—11am Yr 5and 6 Athletics tournament Wednesday 18th May 1.00pm—3.00pm Andalucia Tuesday 26th May—Sunday 29th May


Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term Friday 18 March 2016



Monday Science/Languages 3:30 – 4:30

Tuesday Maths 3:30 - 4:30

Wednesday Art 2:45 – 4:00

Thursday Product Design – D3 Hospitality and Catering – F21 Music – E1 History F13 Business Studies (GCSE) F15 English (see revision timeta-ble for breakdown) http://smartfuse.s3.amazonaws.com/2b494380ca1f7fa63086fca40b33b30e/uploads/2014/02/English.pdf

3:30 – 4:30 3:30 – 4:30 3:30 – 4:30 3:30 – 4:30 3:30 – 4:30 3:30 – 4:30



MONDAY GCSE ICT RE Intervention Geography Interven-tion

Break 1 &Break 2 Break 2 Break 2

TUESDAY Art Drop in Science Drop-in

Break 2 Break 2

WEDNESDAY Art Drop in Break 2

THURSDAY Art Drop in Science Drop-in

Break 2 Break 2

FRIDAY Health and Social Care Business Studies

Break 1 Break 1


There will be an induction meeting for students wanting to sign up for entry at bronze, silver or gold level after Easter. Please consider what activities you will be evidencing for skill, physical and volunteering aspects before attending this meeting. ParentPay is now open for you to pay for the Duke of Edinburgh welcome pack, which will allow you to sign up to e-DofE. DofE Participants: Steve Wilson will be running sign-up sessions on Friday 15th April, and Friday 22nd of April during second breaks at 1:15. If you are intending to sign up, a payment of £22 (Bronze and Silver) or £25 (Gold) will need to be paid before this date, via ParentPay. Bronze and Silver expedition date has been confirmed as Friday 10th-Sunday 12th of June.

Date Exam/Test

Apr – May 2016 GCE/GCSE Languages, PE, Dance, Drama & Art Exams

4 May – 29 Jun 2016 GCE/GCSE Public Exams

13 Jun – 17 Jun 2016

Y7,8 & 9 Mock Exams

13 Jun – 24 Jun 2016

Y10 Assessments


GCE Results Day: Thursday 18 August 2016

GCSE Results Day: Thursday 25 August 2016

Year 11 students should now be fully engaged in their revision. A copy of the revision booklet, which includes useful guidance as well as revision timetable templates can be found on the College website. Along side this you will find a detailed, week by week, revision plan from the English department as well as information on College holiday booster days and after College drop in sessions.


You may access a copy of your child’s personal exam timetable via the Parental Gateway: · Select “Assessments” option from left hand side of home page · Select “Examinations Timetable” All changes or amendments will immediately be updated on Parental Gateway. Please note: Parents will be unable to view their child’s complete timetable until after February half term, by which time all departments will have submitted their entries in accordance with Exam Board deadlines. Paper copies will be issued to students after February half term.



EASTER English Maths Science ISA Day Year 13 Theology Dance ICT Languages Health & Social Care Catering Product Design Art and Design Hospitality Year 12 Psychology Year 12 Sociology

Thursday 31st March Thursday 7th April 29th March Monday 4th April Friday 25th March Wednesday 30th March Wednesday 30th March Wednesday 30th March Wednesday 30th March Wednesday 30th March Wednesday 30th March Friday 1st April Monday 4th April 9:30 – 12:00 Monday 4th April 12:30 – 3:00

Mrs Garvey Miss Mellor Mrs Williams Mrs Welfle Mrs Welfle Mrs Hartley-Potts Miss Cook Mrs Heaton Mr McSwity Mr Howles Mr Howles

Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term


Year 8 student Tyler Lovatt is raising money for Crohn’s Disease Awareness. On the 24th of March,

Tyler will dye his hair purple.

For anyone who would like to support Tyler, and his fund raising efforts.

Tyler's story can be seen in the Macclesfield Express:




Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term

Macclesfield District Under 13's Football Competition: Semi Final All Hallows Catholic College won against Fallibroome Academy 3-2 Scorers of the match : Alistair Nickson 2, Marshall Stuart 1 and Man of the Match: Alistair Nickson As mentioned, in the newsletter last week, we had two different fixtures this week one set on Tuesday against Wilmslow and one set on Wednesday against Eaton Bank. The results were as follows: Tuesday vs Wilmslow Year 7A - lost 19 - 1 Year 7B - lost - 15 - 6 Seniors - lost - 20 - 3 Wednesday vs Eaton Bank Year 7A - won - 19 - 6 - player of the match was Maddie Whitehurst Year 7B - won - 16 -0 - Player of the match was Erin Murray and Francesca Mauro Year 8 - lost - 11 - 14 - Player of the match Macy Hooley Year 9 - lost - 21 - 5 - Player of the match Katie Whyatt Year 10 - game cancelled Next week, Monday 21st, we have our last re-arranged games of the season against Fallibroome, The teams involved are, year 8, year 9 and year 10.


Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term

Sadly, Louise Rennison died this week and therefore, I decided to make her our author of the month. Louise wrote two series of 'diary' style books: one featuring the hapless Georgia Nicholson and the other Talluah Casey, Georgia's equally eccentric cousin. Her books deal with typical teenage situations with hilarity and she was often called 'The Queen of Teen'. Both series are very readable and suitable for year 7 students upwards. http://www.louiserennison.com/#!/home-page/

Monday - Thursday 8.15.a.m. - 5.00.p.m. Friday 8.15.a.m. - 4.00.p.m.


Library Book Amnesty March 21st to April 30th If you have any All Hallows library or Education Library Service books floating around at home, no matter how old, please send them into school. No fines, no questions asked - I will be happy to receive them! A reward will be given for every book returned!



All Hallows were recently chosen to be a shadowing school for The Peters Book of the Year awards. Log onto: http://peters-books.co.uk/pboty/ for details about the shortlist. Our year 7 bookworms read and voted on the junior fiction section of awards. A big thank you to all students who took part! The winner was How to Fly with Broken Wings by Jane Elson, heartwarming story of being different, friendship and family bonds. ''If Finn Maison shouts jump you jump or you are dead.' Twelve-year-old Willem has Aspergers Syndrome and two main aims in life: to fly and to make at least two friends of his own age. But all the other boys from the Beckham Estate do is make him jump off things. First his desk - and now the wall. As his toes teeter on the edge, Sasha Bradley gives him a tiny little wink. Might she become his friend? Bullied by Finn and his gang the Beckham Estate Boyz, Willem has no choice but to jump. As he flies through the air he flaps his arms, wishing he could fly and escape into the clouds. Instead he comes crashing down and breaks his ankle. Sasha, angry with herself for not stopping Finn and his Boyz, is determined to put things right. And soon, while the gangs riot on their estate, Willem and Sasha form an unlikely friendship. Because they share a secret. Sasha longs to fly too. And when Magic Man Archie arrives with stories of war-flying spitfires, he will change the lives of the kids on the Beckham Estate for ever. And perhaps find a way for Willem and Sasha to fly ..." All the shortlisted books are available to borrow from the school library.


All students in years 7 - 11 have received a £1 book token which can be used to purchase a special World Book Day book or a book of their choice (coasting £2.99 or more). There are terms and conditions attached to the vouchers, so please read carefully or check on the website for more details.


To support our student with this terms home-work assignments, please visit the library for our selection of resources available to help with completing the tasks set! We also have plenty of books for students to read as part of their sponsored read.


AHCC will be taking part again this year in the county's annual book award. The shorted list novels are all available from the library or a local public library.


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Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term

Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term

College Advertisements

Friday 18 March 2016

Friday 11 March 2016

College Advertisements

All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term

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Educational Psychology Team Drop-in Sessions 2015/16

Parents, carers and education professionals; do you have any questions or concerns about the well-being,

behaviour, learning or development of your child or a child that you work with? (Parental consent required

for staff).

‘Drop in’ and speak to an Educational Psychologist. We will be holding free 45 minutes sessions for parents/

carers and educational professionals in Children’s Centres between October and December 2015, January and

March 2016, April and June 2016; booking is recommended.

Conversations tend to be more open and productive without the focus child present; please do not feel you

need to bring your child out of school. Pre-school children MAY be able to join a session on a one-off basis if no

alternative child care facilities are available. Please enquire with the individual centre when booking.

If you have any questions please contact The Educational Psychology Team, Macclesfield Town Hall (Floor 1)

SK10 1EA Tel: 01625 374794 [email protected]

Please telephone the host Children’s Centre to book an appointment and please let them

know if you cannot attend.


(01270 371 235)

18th May



(01270 375 390)

8th June


The Brooks

(01270 371200)

15th June


Broken Cross

(01625 374 470)

27th April


Ash Grove

(01625 374 484)

4th May


Congleton &

Holmes Chapel

(01260 371 061)

11th May


Friday 18 March 2016 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Easter Term

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