17 Key Tactics to Get Your Content Seen by the People Who Matter



And Generate Concrete Business Leads 1. Define your target market 2. Create an RSS feed on feedburner.google.com and optimize it 3. Create Google authorship by linking your content to your Google+ account 4. Place a subscribe button on your blog in a highly visible area 5. Make sure social sharing buttons are visible on all posts 6. Build your social media follow lists by following others 7. Create relationships with your followers by sharing and commenting on their posts 8. Create high quality content specific to your target demographic 9. Optimize your content with keywords 10. Create headlines that will grab attention 11. Place keywords in the Alt and Title tags of your images 12. Create clean, easy-to-read infographics or slideshows that illustrate your content 13. Upload slideshows and infographics to Slideshare or similar sites 14. Schedule social media shares to post when your target audience is online 15. Retweet your content several times the day it's published, and throughout the following week 16. Reshare your blog post on your other social networks using different angles, such as a key point made in the body of your post 17. Post as a guest blogger on a popular site relevant to your audience. Link back to your site.

Transcript of 17 Key Tactics to Get Your Content Seen by the People Who Matter

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