13 Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) - Te Atatu...2019/06/30  · GOSPEL : Luke 9:51-62 As the time...

FIRST READING : 1 Kings 19:16,19-21 The Lord said to Elijah, ‘Go, you are to anoint Elisha son of Shaphat, of Abel Meholah, as prophet to succeed you. ’Leaving there, Elijah came on Elisha son of Shaphat as he was ploughing behind twelve yoke of oxen, he himself being with the twelfth. Elijah passed near to him and threw his cloak over him. Elisha left his oxen and ran after Elijah. ‘Let me kiss my father and mother, then I will follow you’ he said. Elijah answered, ‘Go, go back; for have I done anything to you?’ Elisha turned away, took the pair of oxen and slaughtered them. He used the plough for cooking the oxen, then gave to his men, who ate. He then rose, and followed Elijah and became his servant. RESPONSORIAL PSALM : Psalm 15:1-2,5,7-11 r. You are my inheritance O Lord. Preserve me God, I take refuge in you. I say to the Lord: “You are my God.” O Lord, it is you who are my portion and cup; it is you yourself who are my prize. r. I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel, who even at night directs my heart. I keep the Lord ever in my sight, since he is at my right hand, I shall stand firm. r. And so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad. Even my body shall rest in safety, For you will not leave my soul among the dead, nor let your beloved know decay. r. SECOND READING : Galatians 5:1,13-18 When Christ freed us, he meant us to remain free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. My brothers, you were called, as you know, to liberty; but be careful, or this liberty will provide an opening for self-indulgence. Serve one another, rather, in works of love, since the whole of the Law is summarised in a single command: Love your neighbour as yourself. If you go snapping at each other and tearing each other to pieces, you had better watch or you will destroy the whole community. Let me put it like this: if you are guided by the Spirit you will be in no danger of yielding to self-indulgence, since self-indulgence is the opposite of the Spirit, the Spirit is totally against such a thing, and it is precisely because the two are so opposed that you do not always carry out your good intentions. If you are led by the Spirit, no law can touch you. GOSPEL : Luke 9:51-62 As the time drew near for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely took the road for Jerusalem and sent messengers ahead of him. These set out, and they went into a Samaritan village to make preparations for him, but the people would not receive him because he was making for Jerusalem. Seeing this, the disciples James and John said, ‘Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to burn them up?’ But he turned and rebuked them, and they went off to another village. As they travelled along they met a man on the road who said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus answered, ‘Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’ Another to whom he said, ‘Follow me’, replied, ‘Let me go and bury my father first.’ But he answered, ‘Leave the dead to bury their dead; your duty is to go and spread the news of the kingdom of God.’ Another said, ‘I will follow you, sir, but first let me go and say goodbye to my people at home.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’ 13 th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) Sunday 30 th June 2019 SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION CONGRATULATIONS TO: Jean Bright Rachel Culas Sharon Culas Martha Hatzaw Johanna Jojo Aleena Joseph Nathaniel Kaufman Alec Luatutu Derek Macahilig Alayna Manning Nacasia Manning Vincent O’Brien Pierre Pua Sebastian Pua Isaac Spemann Chardonne Villanueva on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation !! Confirmation Morning Tea After the 9:30am Mass, All Parishioners are invited to come and celebrate with the candidates and their families.

Transcript of 13 Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) - Te Atatu...2019/06/30  · GOSPEL : Luke 9:51-62 As the time...

Page 1: 13 Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) - Te Atatu...2019/06/30  · GOSPEL : Luke 9:51-62 As the time drew near for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely took the road for Jerusalem

FIRST READING : 1 Kings 19:16,19-21

The Lord said to Elijah, ‘Go, you are to anoint Elisha son of Shaphat, of Abel Meholah, as prophet to succeed you. ’Leaving there, Elijah came on Elisha son of Shaphat as he was ploughing behind twelve yoke of oxen, he himself being with the twelfth. Elijah passed near to him and threw his cloak over him. Elisha left his oxen and ran after Elijah. ‘Let me kiss my father and mother, then I will follow you’ he said. Elijah answered, ‘Go, go back; for have I done anything to you?’ Elisha turned away, took the pair of oxen and slaughtered them. He used the plough for cooking the oxen, then gave to his men, who ate. He then rose, and followed Elijah and became his servant.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM : Psalm 15:1-2,5,7-11

r. You are my inheritance O Lord.

Preserve me God, I take refuge in you. I say to the Lord: “You are my God.”

O Lord, it is you who are my portion and cup; it is you yourself who are

my prize. r.

I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel, who even at night directs my

heart. I keep the Lord ever in my sight, since he is at my right hand, I shall

stand firm. r.

And so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad. Even my body shall rest in

safety, For you will not leave my soul among the dead, nor let your

beloved know decay. r.

SECOND READING : Galatians 5:1,13-18

When Christ freed us, he meant us to remain free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. My brothers, you were called, as you know, to liberty; but be careful, or this liberty will provide an opening for self-indulgence. Serve one another, rather, in works of love, since the whole of the Law is summarised in a single command: Love your neighbour as yourself. If you go snapping at each other and tearing each other to pieces, you had better watch or you will destroy the whole community. Let me put it like this: if you are guided by the Spirit you will be in no danger of yielding to self-indulgence, since self-indulgence is the opposite of the Spirit, the Spirit is totally against such a thing, and it is precisely because the two are so opposed that you do not always carry out your good intentions. If you are led by the Spirit, no law can touch you.

GOSPEL : Luke 9:51-62

As the time drew near for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely took the road for Jerusalem and sent messengers ahead of him. These set out, and they went into a Samaritan village to make preparations for him, but the people would not receive him because he was making for Jerusalem. Seeing this, the disciples James and John said, ‘Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to burn them up?’ But he turned and rebuked them, and they went off to another village. As they travelled along they met a man on the road who said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus answered, ‘Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’ Another to whom he said, ‘Follow me’, replied, ‘Let me go and bury my father first.’ But he answered, ‘Leave the dead to bury their dead; your duty is to go and spread the news of the kingdom of God.’ Another said, ‘I will follow you, sir, but first let me go and say goodbye to my people at home.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

Sunday 30th June 2019



Jean Bright

Rachel Culas

Sharon Culas

Martha Hatzaw

Johanna Jojo

Aleena Joseph

Nathaniel Kaufman

Alec Luatutu

Derek Macahilig

Alayna Manning

Nacasia Manning

Vincent O’Brien

Pierre Pua

Sebastian Pua

Isaac Spemann

Chardonne Villanueva

on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation !!

Confirmation Morning Tea

After the 9:30am Mass, All Parishioners are invited to

come and celebrate with the candidates and their families.

Page 2: 13 Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) - Te Atatu...2019/06/30  · GOSPEL : Luke 9:51-62 As the time drew near for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely took the road for Jerusalem
Page 3: 13 Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) - Te Atatu...2019/06/30  · GOSPEL : Luke 9:51-62 As the time drew near for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely took the road for Jerusalem
Page 4: 13 Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) - Te Atatu...2019/06/30  · GOSPEL : Luke 9:51-62 As the time drew near for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely took the road for Jerusalem

O let it freely burn, til earthly passions turn to dust and ashes in its heat consuming; And let thy glorious light shine ever on my sight, and clothe me round, the while my path illuming.

Let holy charity mine outward vesture be, and lowliness become mine inner clothing; True lowliness of heart, which takes the humbler part, And o’er its own shortcomings weeps with loathing.

And so the yearning strong, with which the soul will long shall far outpass the power of human telling; For none can guess its grace, till Love create a place wherein the Holy Spirit makes a dwelling.


Firmly I believe and truly, God is Three and God is One; And I next acknowledge duly, Manhood taken by the Son.

And I trust and hope most fully, In that Manhood crucified; And each thought and deed unruly, Do to death, as He has died.

Simply to His grace and wholly, Light and life and strength belong; And I love supremely solely, Him the holy, Him the strong.

And I hold in veneration, For the love of Him alone; Holy Church as His creation, And her teachings are His own.

And I take with joy whatever, Now besets me, pain or fear; And with a strong will I sever, All the ties which bind me here.

RECESSIONAL HYMN: Praise, my soul, the King of heaven; to his feet thy tribute bring; ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, evermore his praises sing: Alleluia, alleluia, Praise the everlasting King.

Praise him for his grace and favour to our fathers in distress; praise him still the same forever, slow to chide and swift to bless: Alleluia, alleluia, Glorious in his faithfulness.

Father like, he tends and spares us; well our feeble frame he knows; in his hand he gently bears us, rescues us from all our foes. Alleluia, alleluia, Widely yet his mercy flows.

Angels, help us to adore him; ye behold him face to face; sun and moon bow down before him, dwellers all in time and space. Alleluia, alleluia, Praise with us the God of grace.

PROCESSIONAL HYMN: Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; All else be nought to me, save that thou art. Thou my best thought, by day or by night Waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.

Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true word; I ever with thee and thou with me, Lord; Thou my great Father; thine own may I be: Thou in me dwelling, and I one with thee.

High King of heaven, when victory is won, May I reach heaven’s joys, bright heaven’s Sun! Heart of my heart, whatever befall, Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.

OFFERTORY HYMN: Come Holy Ghost, Creator, come, From thy bright heav’nly throne, Come take possession of our souls, and make them all thy own.

Thou who are called the Paraclete, Best gift of God above, The living spring, the living fire, Sweet unction and true love.

Thou who art sev’nfold in thy grace, Finger of God’s right hand His promise teaching little ones To speak an understand.

O guide our minds with thy blessed light, With love our hearts inflame; And with thy strength, which ne’er decays Confirm our mortal frame.

Far from us drive our deadly foe; True peace into us bring; and through all perils lead us safe Beneath thy sacred wing.

Through thee may we the Father know, Through thee th’ eternal Son, And thee, the Spirit of them both, Thrice-blessed Three in One.

All glory to the Father be, With his coequal Son; The same to thee, great Paraclete, While endless ages run.


Come Holy Spirit, Come Holy Spirit, Come Holy Spirit, Fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in us the fire of your love.

Send forth your Spirit and we shall be recreated, and you will renew the face of the earth. COMMUNION HYMN: Come down, O love divine, seek thou this soul of mine, And visit it with thine own ardor glowing. O Comforter, draw near, within my heart appear, and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing.

NEXT SUNDAY: 7th July 2019

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Yr C) Is 66:10-14; Gal 6:14-18;

Lk 10:1-12,17-20; _______________________________________________________


Readers: R. Lopez, M. D’Souza Prayers of the Faithful: F. Xavier Offertory: La’akulu Family

Special Ministers: F. Ulugia _______________________________________________________





ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK 30 Jun: Elizabeth Kerr, Terrence Gibson 1 Jul: Simi Sefo, Pat Bell 2 Jul: Frances Stanisich 3 Jul: Syd Apanui, Filomena Salle 4 Jul: Edwin Bonnie 5 Jul: Mary Taffard, Maurie Jamieson 6 Jul: Martin Luoni, Agnes Tang


Catholic Movie Night: - Bugler Centre Saturday 6th July 7pm -'Keys of the Kingdom' - starring Gregory Peck. Adoration 5th July 7pm till 6th July 6pm: If you are available to commit to an hour once a month. Please contact Ellen on 8346677. House of Nazareth: Every 1st Friday from 11am-2.30pm in the Hall. All are welcome, just bring a plate to share. For more information call Danielle 0212506318


Eucharistic Convention Auckland 2019 Take Courage, 12 July 2019 - 14 July 2019 (Friday - Sunday), Sacred Heart College (250 West Tamaki Road, Glendowie). Youth Night (Friday) - Koha ($5), Eucharistic Convention (Saturday and Sunday) - Koha ($30 per day, $50 for both days), To purchase the tickets for the Eucharistic Convention, please visit http://auckland.eucharist.nz

Quo Vadis (Where are you going?) gathering: Eucharist, sharing and discerning on diocesan priesthood with Bishop Pat and Fr Sherwin Lapaan. The next gathering is on Saturday, 6 July, 10.00 am-12 noon, at Pompallier Centre, 30 New Street, Saint Marys Bay. All men aged 17-27 years welcome. RSVP to [email protected].

Spiritual Retreat Apocalypse by Fr Jeremy Palman

here at Holy Family in the Parish Hall Saturday 6th July 2019 First Talk 11am - 12pm

Lunch 12 - 1pm Second Talk 1 - 2pm

Q & A 2 - 3pm Fellowship, BYO Lunch, Love Offering