12 Ways to Repair a Loose Wood Screw Hole for a Hinge - Wiki

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    How to Repair a Loose Wood ScrewHole for a Hinge

    Drilling Out the Stripped Hole Relocating the Hinge Using a Shim Using Over-SizedScrews Using Wood Glue Using a Sheet-Rock Anchor Using Pine Using DeckingScrews Using Steel Wool Using a Golf Tee Using Toilet Paper and Glue Using a PowerDrill

    Do you have a wood screwhole for a hinge that is loose? Here are a few quicksuggestions on how to go about doing this type of repair yourself.

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    Drill out the stripped hole and glue in a dowel the same diameter as the drillbit. If door sag has been a problem, drill through the jamb, any shims behind the jamb,

    and into the door framing studs. This gives you a dowelled connection all the way back tothe wall framing that will be suitable for a long wooden screw.

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    Method 1 of 12: Drilling Out the Stripped Hole

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  • 2 Glue, then cut the dowel off flush with the edge of the door or hinge mortiseand pilot drill for the screw after the glue sets. Reinstall the screw.

    1 Relocate the hinge just a little up or down. This may require re-chiseling thepocket in the frame and on the door; then filling with plastic wood and touching up thepaint. This is probably the most labor intensive fix. Suggest you try this when all else fails.

    Method 2 of 12: Relocating the Hinge

    Method 3 of 12: Using a Shim

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  • 1 Wedge a shim into the hole (a toothpick or wooden matchstick, for example)but it probably won't hold for long. You may be tempted to try this, but for a hinge,you really need holding power. Not recommended.

    1 Use over-sized screws. For example, a longer screw (2-1/2" ( 6.35 cm) to replace a1-1/2" (3.8 cm)) or a thicker screw (#8 in place of #6).

    Method 4 of 12: Using Over-Sized Screws

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  • 2 Make sure that the screw head won't stick out and interfere with operation ofthe door by causing binding or scarring the frame.

    1 Coat a shim or plug with wood glue and wedge it into the hole.

    Method 5 of 12: Using Wood Glue

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  • 2 After the glue dries, re-mount the hinge. Re-drilling a pilot hole into the shim mightbe helpful in keeping the screw in line with the hinge plate.

    1 Use a sheet-rock anchor. However, like the shim-only method (no glue), this mightnot last for very long.

    Method 6 of 12: Using a Sheet-Rock Anchor

    Method 7 of 12: Using Pine

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    Take a small piece of pine, (1/4" (1/2 cm ) cm) x 1/4") and, using a sharp knife,whittle it to a point.

    Put a dab of wood glue on the point and tap it into place lightly, with ahammer.

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    Once you have the whittled pine sitting snugly in the hole, use a sharp chiselto slice the pine flush with the hole.

    Make sure that the glue has dried, then place the hinge back where it belongsand mark the hole with a pencil.

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  • 5 Use a small finish nail or drill with a small drill bit (smaller than the diameter ofthe screw) to create a pilot hole for the hinge screw.

    1 Use decking screws. Probably the most permanent way is to use decking screwsabout 5 inches (12.5 cm) long, especially if it is an exterior door.

    Method 8 of 12: Using Decking Screws

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    Check to be sure the the heads are the same size as this will keep them fromprotruding and keeping the door from closing fully.

    Using the existing holes, run the extra long screws through the jamb and intothe 2 x 4" (5 x 10 cm) framing stud inside the wall. This will permanently anchor

    the door into place and will last for many years. The reason for the extra long screws is thatthey have to pass through the jamb and through a couple of inches of empty space beforehitting the framing stud in the wall. This is so effective that it is generally only necessary touse a couple of the decking screws per hinge.

    Method 9 of 12: Using Steel Wool

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  • 1 Stuff steel wool into the hole with screwdriver. Fill the hole almost completely.Screw the screw into the hole.

    1 Drive a golf tee into the old hole and use a chisel or cut it flush. Use wood gluefor a more permanent fix.

    Method 10 of 12: Using a Golf Tee

    Method 11 of 12: Using Toilet Paper and Glue

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  • 1 Mix one or two sheets of toilet paper with Elmer's Glue, e.g. using a small cupand a screwdriver. The paper disintegrates easily, and the mixture can resemblemodeling clay with the right amount of glue. Stuff the mixture into the hole, e.g. with a nailhead, before it sets and make a pilot hole with the nail. Before the unused mixture hashardened completely, drive the screw partially into the pilot hole, then remove the screw andallow the material to harden further for an hour or two. The dried material is firmly bondedand holds screws as well as the original wood. This procedure also works well for fillingholes in wall board.

    1 Just use a 2 inch long, self-drilling screw with a power drill. Drill the screw at anangle, I.E. slightly up or slightly down. I have been fixing doors this way for twenty-fiveyears and have never broken a jam or had the door come off again. Do not put the screw inat an angle more than 20 degrees or the head of the screw will stick out and prevent thehinge from closing (but you can file the screw down so it will not hit with an attachment thatgoes on the drill). I usually put the screws in at about a 10 or 15 degree angle so they will

    Method 12 of 12: Using a Power Drill

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    not prevent the hinge from closing.

    Many times you can use longer a 3 inch, self drilling screw right in the old holewithout having to go in at an angle. I have used 2, 3, 4, 5 and even 6 inch screws inold jams. Since I learned this, I have never replaced a jam. I buy the screws in onepound boxes but I use so many 2 inch, self drilling screws to fix doors that I buythem in five pound boxes.Be sure and replace all three screws where the problem is so that it will really holdwell (permanently).With the self drilling screws and an electric drill, you can fix the door really fast (inminutes).

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    When drilling a pilot (starter) hole for a wood screw in a hinge, use a self-centering drill bit (one brand name is Vix Bit). They ensure a perfectlycentered hole. If the hole isn't centered the screw will go in crooked andleave the screw head a little protruded. This could prevent the door fromshutting properly.

    1. There is an file attachment that goes on the power drill. You can usethis attachment to file down the head of the screw if it prevents thehinge from closing. This can be done with the screw in the door.

    Use a dial caliper that probes to gauge the depth of the hole for pre-cutting a dowel filler. This way you don't have to cut flush against themortise or jamb.If you have an automatic closer on your door, install a foot to hold it openor use a wedge at the floor. Don't place a wedge at the top corner of thedoor above the hinge, between the edge of the door and frame, as it willstress the screws in the top hinge and cause them to fail.

    Driving anything into the original screw hole(s) must be done very gentlyto avoid splitting the jamb. Light taps with a hammer until the glue juststarts to squeeze out is sufficient.

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    How to Repair a Loose Wood Screw Hole for a HingeMethod 1 of 12: Drilling Out the Stripped HoleMethod 2 of 12: Relocating the HingeMethod 3 of 12: Using a ShimMethod 4 of 12: Using Over-Sized ScrewsMethod 5 of 12: Using Wood GlueMethod 6 of 12: Using a Sheet-Rock AnchorMethod 7 of 12: Using PineMethod 8 of 12: Using Decking ScrewsMethod 9 of 12: Using Steel WoolMethod 10 of 12: Using a Golf TeeMethod 11 of 12: Using Toilet Paper and GlueMethod 12 of 12: Using a Power DrillVideoTipsWarningsRelated wikiHowsArticle Info