10/20/2020 Sankalan (SDLC)

10/20/2020 Sankalan (SDLC) User Manual Modi Nupur Atulkumar Sankalan URL: https://hpsdlc.hpcl.co.in/SDLCManager/

Transcript of 10/20/2020 Sankalan (SDLC)

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Sankalan (SDLC) User Manual

Modi Nupur Atulkumar Sankalan URL: https://hpsdlc.hpcl.co.in/SDLCManager/

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Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Functional Team............................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Functional Head .................................................................................................................................... 5

a. View Accessible Projects ................................................................................................................... 5

b. Add New Project ............................................................................................................................... 6

c. View Owned Project ......................................................................................................................... 7

d. Work on Project ................................................................................................................................ 7

i. Upload Project documents ........................................................................................................... 8

ii. View Project Activity ..................................................................................................................... 9

iii. Edit Project .................................................................................................................................... 9

iv. Delete Project ............................................................................................................................. 10

e. Pending Work by me ....................................................................................................................... 10

f. Approve Requirement ..................................................................................................................... 11

g. Approved by me .............................................................................................................................. 12

2. Functional Manager ............................................................................................................................ 13

a. Project ............................................................................................................................................. 13

b. Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 13

i. Create a requirement .................................................................................................................. 13

ii. Work on requirement ................................................................................................................. 15

iii. Edit Requirement ........................................................................................................................ 16

iv. Delete Requirement .................................................................................................................... 17

c. Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 17

i. Approve on Hold MVP ................................................................................................................ 17

3. Functional Creator .............................................................................................................................. 19

a. Project ............................................................................................................................................. 19

b. Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 19

c. Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 19

i. Assigned to Me ........................................................................................................................... 19

ii. Release on Hold .......................................................................................................................... 23

Technical Team ........................................................................................................................................... 24

4. Technical Head .................................................................................................................................... 25

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a. Select Category ............................................................................................................................... 25

b. Category Summary .......................................................................................................................... 26

c. Task Report ..................................................................................................................................... 28

d. Projects ........................................................................................................................................... 29

e. Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 30

i. Reassign requirement ................................................................................................................. 30

5. Technical Manager / Technical Lead ................................................................................................... 32

a. Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 32

i. Reassign requirement ..................................................................................................................... 32

ii. Work on requirement ..................................................................................................................... 32

Add new MVP .............................................................................................................................. 34

iii. Initiate requirement delay .............................................................................................................. 36

b. Tasks ................................................................................................................................................ 37

i. Approve Task On hold ................................................................................................................. 37

c. Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 38

i. MVP Created by me .................................................................................................................... 38

ii. MVP Conflict List ......................................................................................................................... 39

6. Developer ............................................................................................................................................ 40

a. Tasks ................................................................................................................................................ 40

i. Tasks assigned to me .................................................................................................................. 40

b. Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 44

i. Move to Production .................................................................................................................... 44

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Introduction As an endeavor to streamline development lifecycle & bring more visibility in the development processes,

SDLC tool (Sankalan) has been designed & developed. It is a tool, which will help both functional &

technical team & bring transparency to development lifecycle. As development process, we will be

following agile methodology & Sankalan helps in following the same. Roles have been identified both for

functional & technical team which enables both segregation of the work along with proper collaboration

to take the projects forward and complete the same at the earliest.

Functional Team

There are 3 different types of user roles given in functional team of each category:

Functional head is assigned role of head of functional team of particular category. Functional manager is

middle level & Functional creator is lower level. All roles have different work to perform which is given in

details ahead. In brief functional team work can be described as below:

Functional Head

Functional Creator (FC1)

Functional Creator (FC2)

Functional Creator (FC3)

Functional Manager (FM1)

Functional Manager (FM2)

Create ProjectWork on project(upload documents/edit/delete)

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Functional Head /Functional Manager can create project, upload necessary documents & modify project.

Some projects can be across multiple categories if requirements span different categories. Each project

has a functional owner (Creator) & technical owner (by default Technical Head).

Functional creator/functional manager can create a requirement against a project. While creating

requirement user can upload related documents & can also select BRM ID (Business Requirement

Manager ID) for priority & reference. For requirement created by functional creator, functional manager

approves it & even can assign approvers for additional categories if required. In case of project across

multiple categories, user can see while creating requirement if all categories approval required. If required

than only after all approver approves it work can start on requirement. Approver (Functional Head/

Functional manager) can either approve a request or send back with remarks.

Once technical work on requirement is complete, it comes back to functional Manager/Functional creator for testing. A requirement can be divided into one or more than one MVP (minimum viable product). Each MVP has to be tested. It can go through different stages such as started testing, testing in progress, hold for some time (for some reason), send back with observations (If there are any observations to functionality) and at last Ok to move to production. Further details on testing is given ahead.

Once testing is done, than it is moved to production by technical team & if the functionality is complete, requirement is closed.

Create Requirement

(in current/open project)

Send for approval

Approve Requirement (by all approvers)

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1. Functional Head Functional head role is assigned to IS-functional head of particular category. Functional head can

see all projects under that category, create a new project & modify / delete etc.

a. View Accessible Projects

As shown above after login functional head can see all projects under his category & projects

belonging to other categories but having this as additional category i.e. the projects which are

related to functional head sbu.

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b. Add New Project

On view projects page, click “Add New Project” button which opens form as shown. Functional head can

create a project by filling details like name, description, status of project-New/Old, project version (always

0.0 for new, for old it can be edited 1.0, 2.0 etc.), Category (same as sbu of head), additional category (if

a project relates to more than one sbu), Technical Owner (Technical head).

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c. View Owned Project

Once a project is created user can see it under my owned project menu. Creator of project is functional

owner of the project.

d. Work on Project

After clicking on work on project user can see all project details, requirement details if any & on right top

corner buttons to upload project documents, view project activity & edit & delete Project.

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i. Upload Project documents

After clicking on icon on top right corner of project details, user can see above page

where he/she can upload project related documents like circular, MOM or other. Maximum

allowed file size is kept 2MB. After choosing file & selecting Document type & filling name click on

“Add Files”.

After file is uploaded, user can see it in added files. User can add as much as documents needed

& than click on submit at right bottom corner.

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ii. View Project Activity

Click on icon at top right corner of project details page user can see project activity

page. On left side it shows uploaded documents & on right side it shows activity log i.e. when

project was created, when documents where uploaded, if there are requirements when they were

created & sent for approval etc.

iii. Edit Project

User can edit project details by clicking icon.

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iv. Delete Project

User can delete project by clicking icon.

e. Pending Work by me

Click on “Requirements” menu -> Select “Pending work by me”. This page shows requirements

pending for approval in functional head sbu & requirements with this sbu as additional category. User

can click icon to approve requirement.

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f. Approve Requirement

As shown above page open to approve requirement, user can enter remarks & approve/send back


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g. Approved by me Click on “Requirements” menu -> Select “Approved by me”. This page shows requirement approved

by user.

If user clicks on view requirement it shows details of requirement with bottom page looking like image


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2. Functional Manager

a. Project

Functional manager can perform all project related activities such as view projects, create a project,

edit/delete project, Upload documents ,view project activities as same as functional head. For further

details please go through 1.a -1.d

b. Requirements

Functional manager can approve requirement, view pending work as same as functional head. For

further details please go through 1.e-1.g

Functional manager approve requirements of other categories and requirements of her category

created by user – “Functional Creator”. In case other categories approval are required, functional

manager assign employee id for other categories to approve.

In addition, functional manager can also create a requirement as shown as below

i. Create a requirement

When a functional manager work on project he/she can see “Add new Requirement” button on

right middle as shown above. Clicking it opens create requirement page.

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As shown above functional manager fill details for requirement like name, description regarding

requirement in detail, type of requirement normal/urgent, can select BRMID for requirement,

timeline for requirement either estimates completion date or estimated no of days it will take &

upload documents & submit. It will create a new requirement & it can be seen under “created by

me” menu.

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ii. Work on requirement

User can click on icon of requirement row to work on requirement. It opens up below page.

Here user can see details of requirement. On top right corner two icons to edit & delete

requirement. User can either edit or if no changes can send request for approval.

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iii. Edit Requirement User can edit requirement details by clicking icon.

Clicking on “Get BRM Id” button opens up popup like this shown above. User can choose appropriate BRM


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iv. Delete Requirement User can delete requirement details by clicking icon.

c. Testing

i. Approve on Hold MVP User can approve / reject MVP (for testing) put on hold by tester (Functional Creator).Tester can

put MVP on hold for some reason as another priority job or conflict or leave etc. If hold is greater

than some specific no of days e.g. 10 (Configurable in system), it goes for approval to FM/FH. User

can either approve hold or reject hold with remarks. If hold is rejected, MVP goes in previous status

it was before put on hold.

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3. Functional Creator

a. Project Functional creator can view projects that are accessible to him. He / She can just view project

details & related documents.

b. Requirements Functional creator can create requirement & work on requirement & send for approval as same

as functional manager. For further details please go through 2.b

c. Testing

i. Assigned to Me Here user can see list of MVPs assigned to him/her for testing purpose.

User can reassign MVP to another Tester (Functional Creator).

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User can start work on MVP by clicking on icon.

User can change status of MVP & add comment on current status & add attachment to the comment.

Following is list of different status. Once testing is completed user can either send back MVP with

observations or Ok to move to production.

User can also put MVP on hold for some reasons such as leave or another high priority job etc. If

hold is greater than some specific no of days e.g. 10 (Configurable in system), it goes for approval

to FH/FM. FH/FM can either approve hold or reject hold with remarks. If hold is rejected, MVP goes

in previous status it was before put on hold.

If hold is approved than after the no of days for hold, hold will be released by system or user can

also release hold if required before the hold period is over.

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While working on MVP, user can see 2 buttons on top right corner. First is “View MVP history”. This

page shows changes in MVP status, comments on that & attachments with comments.

Second is “View MVP Hold History”. User can see how many times MVP has been on hold & whether

it is rejected/ released / approved.

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If an MVP has one or more task common with other MVP & it is “send back with observation” than

that MVP is said to be in conflict and Tester would not be clear whether to test further or hold


In this scenario, tester is suggested to contact a designated person for conflict resolution, and per

his/her advise tester can hold testing or progress further in testing.

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ii. Release on Hold

If MVP hold has been approved than after the no of days for hold, hold will be released by system

or tester can also release the hold earlier if required.

When hold is released MVP goes back in previous status before it was put on hold & previous

progress is also restored.

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Technical Team

Technical team consists of 4 types of users:

Technical Head is head of development. He can see all current ongoing projects, their progress & also has

a view of who is working on which task. Technical head is owner of any new project which he then

reassigns to any technical manager. Technical managers handles projects under different categories.

Technical manager can reassign requirements assigned to him, can create tasks for requirements; can see

who is working on what task in his team. Technical lead divides requirements assigned to him in tasks &

assigns to developers. Developers work on task & than move for testing to functional creator/tester. Once

they receive ok to move to production they move MVP (minimum viable product) to production. In brief

technical work can be described as follow:



Manager (TM1)

Technical Lead (TL1)

Developer (D1) Developer (D2)

Technical Lead (TL2)

Developer (D3) Developer (D4


Manager (TM2)

Technical Lead (TL3)

Create tasks for requirement &

group them into MVPS

Developers work on task & send for testing

When testing outcome is ok Move MVP to


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4. Technical Head Technical head is head of development team. Technical head is by default technical owner of any

new project & is assigned new requirement. Technical head can reassign the requirement &

change project owner to any other person (commonly technical Manager).Apart from that

Technical Head can see progress of projects category wise. Technical Head can also see who is

working on what tasks, which tasks are on hold, which are in testing etc.

a. Select Category

Immediately after login, user see List of all categories he is assigned to & on right side No. of new

requirements, newly assigned Tasks to users & new MVP moved to Testing assigned to user. As in

above image, in finance category there are 2 new requirements, 0 assigned tasks & 0 assigned MVPS.

After selecting any category user lands on category summary page.

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b. Category Summary

This page shows summary of requirements & list of projects in a category. It shows how many

requirements are pending for approval, approved & canceled.

If user clicks on icon he can see list of requirements with progress.

User can see if requirement is moved to production & if progress is less than 100 than fetch latest

progress. User can see MVP & task wise progress by clicking on “View Detail Progress”

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Here on this page user can see MVPs progress, status, weightage, individual progress & weighted progress.

We can see lists of tasks under MVP too.

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c. Task Report Under “Views” Menu, select ‘Task Report”. It shows List of all Technical Manager & people under

them hierarchy wise. It shows pending task, in progress task, Move for testing & on hold Task. To

view particular type of task click on the number.

Above images shows “task in progress” for a developer.

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d. Projects Under “Projects” Menu -> “My Accessible Projects” user can see list of all projects under selected

category / projects which has selected category as additional category.

Under “Projects” Menu -> “My Owned Projects” user can see list of all projects where he/she is

technical owner.

User can see details of projects & work on requirements by clicking icon in “Work With

project column”

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e. Requirements Under “requirements” Menu -> “Assigned to Me” user can see list of all requirements assigned to

him for selected category.

User can see all requirements & can work on requirement /reassign requirement/initiate

Requirement delay.

i. Reassign requirement

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User can click on icon to in row on “assigned to me” requirements page. User can reassign

requirement to another technical person in this case Technical Head mostly reassign requirement

to a technical manager & make them Project Owner (‘Reassign Project to Technical Manager”).

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5. Technical Manager / Technical Lead Technical manager can have technical lead & developers reporting to him/her while technical lead

has developers working under him/her. Both technical manager & technical lead can perform

same activities in Sankalan. After login user can see list of categories to choose & to summary of

requests & projects category wise. User can see all people working under him /her & what they

are working on. For detailed reference user can go through 4.a to 4.d.

a. Requirements Under “requirements” Menu -> “Assigned to Me” user can see list of all requirements assigned

to him for selected category.

User can see all requirements & can work on requirement /reassign requirement/initiate

Requirement delay.

i. Reassign requirement User can click on icon to in row on “assigned to me” requirements page. User can reassign

requirement to another technical person (Another Technical Manager/ Technical Lead/Developer).

ii. Work on requirement User can create Tasks under the requirement & assign them to developers. A requirement can has

one or more than task. User has to create one or more MVPs under a requirement also. Each MVP

can have one or more than one tasks under it. MVP is minimum viable product which will be tested

& move to production.

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User has to fill Task description regarding what is to be done /developed & assign task to a person.

User should click on “Find Assignee” button and a window like below will popup. Use can search

person by employee id, user name.

User than can assign weightage to task. Total weightage assigned to tasks under a requirement will

be 100. So user can assign weightage accordingly. If weightage is kept blank / 0 system will assign

weightage automatically e.g. if total tasks created under a requirement are 3 than each will have

equal weightage of 33.

There are 5 checkboxes under task. First is testable task – If task is related development changes

that can be tested by functional than checkbox is checked otherwise it can be unchecked. Second is

whether task assignee allowed to view requirement details or not. If task is being assigned to 3rd

party developer than it can be unchecked. Next is whether task assignee is allowed to divide that

task into further subtasks or not. Fourth is whether to transfer progress of current task to sub task

(child).Concept of subtask is useful when developer wants to assign part of task to another

developer so he/she can divide this task into two task assign one to him/herself & second to other,

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he/she may or not may transfer progress of parent task to sub task. Fifth & final is JDE Task. If task

is related to JDE work than tick the checkbox.

Add new MVP

User have to attach MVP to task by clicking “find MVP” button. For first task user has to add new mvps

for that requirement as shown above. User can fill MVP name & its description, assign weightage to

MVP. Total weightage assigned can be 100 for a requirement.

User has to assign testing to a functional creator (mostly creator of requirement) & assign conflict

resolution to a technical person. It is possible that one task in under more than one MVPs. If any of

the MVP is failed in testing & sent back to observation than a person (conflict resolution assignee) has

to take a call if other mvps should be hold in testing or they can progress further.

After filling all details, user has to click on “Create New MVP”. Once MVPs are created user can select

MVP to attach to task.

User can also add attachments to Task for developer.

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Once task is created user can see it under “Tasks” -> “Created by Me”.

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iii. Initiate requirement delay User can initate some time delay if required in requirement . User has to enter no of additional

days for delay, reason for delay & enter remarks for the delay for justfiying it. Than click on “Submit

Requirement Delay”. Delay will be communicated to all functional/technical person involved.

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b. Tasks Technical Manager/Technical lead can see Tasks created by me, Tasks Assigned to me, Release Tasks

on hold & approve tasks on hold. For Assigned tasks & release tasks refer 6.a.

i. Approve Task On hold Developer can put tasks on hold for some reasons like leave, another priority task etc. If hold is

greater than some specific no of days e.g. 10 (Configurable in system), it goes for approval to TM/TL.

User can either approve hold or reject hold with remarks. If hold is rejected, task goes in previous

status it was before put on hold.

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c. Testing Under this menu TM/TL can see “MVP Created by me” and “MVP Conflict List”.

i. MVP Created by me

Under this menu user can see all MVPs created by user for this category. User can edit MVP before

testing is started on MVP and view details of MVP.

User can edit MVP & change tester, conflict assign to etc.

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User can “View MVP” by clicking on icon

ii. MVP Conflict List Under this page, user can see list of MVPs that have conflict & has this user assigned as conflict

resolution to. If an MVP has one or more task common with other MVP & it is “send back with

observation” than that MVP is said to be in conflict as Tester is not clear whether to test forward or

hold testing.

As shown here one task is common in 2 MVP & that has Conflict occurred status. Now User can

contact respective developer & ask if the changes in task will affect this MVP or not. If changes will

affect this MVP than user can inform tester to hold testing & if not than user can tell tester to go

ahead with testing.

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6. Developer After login developer can see list of categories assigned to him & new pending tasks under each


Main responsibilities of developer includes work on Task assigned to him/her , create sub tasks if

required , release on hold tasks by him/her, move MVPs to production & MVP conflict resolution.

a. Tasks Under this menu user can see tasks assigned to him/her.

i. Tasks assigned to me

Reassign Task

Developer can reassign task to another developer if required for some reason.

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Work on Task

Developer can change status of task & add comment on current status & add attachment to the

comment. Following is list of different status. Once development is completed user can unit test &

than move task for testing.

User can also put task on hold for some reasons such as leave or another high priority task etc. If

hold is greater than some specific no of days e.g. 10 (Configurable in system), it goes for approval

to TM/TL. TM/TL can either approve hold or reject hold with remarks. If hold is rejected, task goes

in previous status it was before put on hold.

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If hold is approved than after the no of days for hold, hold will be released by system or user can also

release hold earlier if required.

In work on task, user can see 4 buttons on top right corner. First is to view requirement. Second is to

create a subtask. To know further on creating a task see 5.a.ii Concept of subtask is useful when

developer wants to assign part of task to another developer so he/she can divide this task into two

task assign one to him/herself & second to other developer. A task can have multiple sub tasks (more

than one). Third is “View Task history”. This page shows changes in Task status, comments on that &

attachments with comments.

Last is “View Task Hold History”. User can see how many times task has been on hold & whether its

rejected/ released / approved.

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If a task is a JDE Task, than user can add objects name in task details.

User can click on add objects & select objects in a project. User can also add new object by filling object/file

name & clicking on “Add New”.

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b. Testing User can see “MVP created “& “MVP conflict List” under this menu. For further details refer to 5.c.

i. Move to Production On this page user can see list of requirements that have MVPs with status “ok to move to

production”. Here user only see those requirements which has some task assigned to this user.

User can see list of MVPs to move to production. User can select any no of MVPs to move to production.

User also has to select what type of change is in version of project. E.g. suppose version of project is 0,

change is a hotfix than new version will be 0.0.1, if change is minor than new version will be 0.1.0 and if

change is major than new version will be 1.0.

If all tasks under MVPs are moved in production than progress of requirement is “100” and it is closed so

no further tasks are allowed to create under that requirement. If all requirements under a project are

completed (100%) than project is closed by system.