Designing and Implementing a Document Management System for Exim Bank : Invitation to Submit Expression of Interest (EOI) for Short-Listing 1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 Export – Import Bank of India (the Bank) is contemplating the engagement of a reputed and experienced consultant to undertake Design and Development of a Document Management System (DMS) solution for the Bank. The scope of work will also encompass Design, Customization and implementation of a complete software solution for the DMS. 1.2 The Bank now invites reputed consulting firms of proven capability and expertise to express their interest in providing the above-mentioned services. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Set up by an Act of Parliament in 1981, the Bank has completed twenty-five years of services to nation. Its financing activities have expanded over time to address identified gaps in the financing spectrum for exporters and importers. Today, the Bank seeks to develop commercially viable relationships with a target set of externally oriented companies by offering them a comprehensive range of products and services, aimed at enhancing their globalisation efforts . Its financing products can be grouped into the following seven broad categories : Export Finance i.e. pre-shipment credit, suppliers credit, lines of credit, buyers credit. Export Facilitation i.e. export infrastructure like ports, equipment. Term Finance to Exporters i.e. term loans for projects, equipment finance, research & development, marketing. Working Capital Finance to Exporters i.e. short and long term working capital finance. 1



Transcript of 1.0 OBJECTIVE

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Designing and Implementing a Document Management System for Exim Bank :

Invitation to Submit Expression of Interest (EOI) for Short-Listing


1.1 Export – Import Bank of India (the Bank) is contemplating the engagement of a reputed and experienced consultant to undertake Design and Development of a Document Management System (DMS) solution for the Bank. The scope of work will also encompass Design, Customization and implementation of a complete software solution for the DMS.

1.2 The Bank now invites reputed consulting firms of proven capability and expertise to express their interest in providing the above-mentioned services.


2.1 Set up by an Act of Parliament in 1981, the Bank has completed twenty-five years of services to nation. Its financing activities have expanded over time to address identified gaps in the financing spectrum for exporters and importers. Today, the Bank seeks to develop commercially viable relationships with a target set of externally oriented companies by offering them a comprehensive range of products and services, aimed at enhancing their globalisation efforts

. Its financing products can be grouped into the following seven broad categories :

Export Finance i.e. pre-shipment credit, suppliers credit, lines of credit, buyers credit.

Export Facilitation i.e. export infrastructure like ports, equipment.Term Finance to Exporters i.e. term loans for projects, equipment finance, research & development, marketing. Working Capital Finance to Exporters i.e. short and long term working capital finance.Import Finance i.e. for import of capital goods, bulk commodities.

Overseas Investment Finance i.e. equity finance, working capital, selective equity stakes in Indian joint ventures, subsidiaries, acquisitions. Others i.e. short term finance etc.The Bank's functions are segmented into several operating groups including:

Corporate Banking Group which handles a variety of financing programmes for Export Oriented Units (EOUs), Importers, and overseas investment by Indian companies.

Export Credit Group which handles the entire range of export credit services such as supplier's credit, pre-shipment credit, buyer's credit, finance for export of


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projects & consultancy services and guarantees.

Lines of Credit Group Lines of Credit (LOC) is a financing mechanism that provides a safe mode of non-recourse financing option to Indian exporters, especially to SMEs, and serves as an effective market entry tool.

Small and Medium Enterprises and Agri Business Group to the specific financing requirements of export oriented SMEs. The group handles credit proposals under various lending programmes of the Bank. Regional Offices, which develop specific regions in the above areas. Export Services Group, which offers variety of advisory and value-added information services aimed at investment promotion

Fee based Export Marketing Services Bank offers assistance to Indian companies, to enable them establish their products in overseas markets.

Support Services Groups, which include: Research & Planning, Corporate Finance, Loan Recovery, Internal Audit, Management Information Services, Risk Management, Information Technology, Legal, Human Resources Management and Corporate Affairs.3.0 REQUIREMENTSBackground

The advent of alternative means of storage and communication technologies have led to greater empowerment of knowledge workers by means of better storage, better classification and better retrieval methods. These technologies enable better and more efficient self-sufficiency at workstations. They provide integration and synergy on the level of planning / monitoring / delivery. They alter structurally the nuances of work making it more creative. Improved workflows lend time for better interaction and productivity.

New tools with a more application-oriented approach are attempting to do just this by enabling the transformation into a less paper but knowledge-based company, involving building blocks such as text retrieval, document management, imaging and workflow management. Besides redefining work design, these applications have a systemic impact for overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Exim Bank finances, facilitates and promotes India’s international trade and investment, and coordinates working of institutions engaged in financing exports and imports. Bank has well-structured business processes. It is officer-oriented and adopts a multidisciplinary approach involving close coordination amongst specialists drawn from several fields such as Bankers, Business School Graduates, Economists, Chartered Accountants, Engineers, Law, Human Resources and Information Technology. Decision making process is consultative across Groups / Levels. Emphasis is on creating and enhancing international competitiveness.

Bank’s organizational structure is designed to reduce procedural rigidity while stressing interdependence and co-ordination among various Groups through ease of information flow, and to create an enabling environment so as to facilitate innovation As a part of


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continuous review of technology and its applications to the Bank, a study was conducted to set the framework for implementation of a document management system (DMS).

3.2 Recommended Platforms and scope of work

Workstations: windows desktops with web-browser to access the software.

Network Server: Pentium CPU based server with 1 GB RAM with backup devices

Operating System for Server: Windows 2000 Server or above.

Disk Storage: Approx. 15 GB for volume up to 3,00,000 pages (approximately 50K per page)

Database: ORACLE

Scope of work

Broad objectives of DMS are to (a) store electronic documents /paper documents in digitized form and enable instantaneous retrieval with access control to provide documents to authorized people and (b) enable workflow, alerts, reminders.

The system is proposed to be implemented initially at Bank’s Legal Group and thereafter extended to a) other activities of the Bank, b) other offices in different geographical areas.

3.3 Legal Group

Legal Group works on preparing and approving the documents necessary for execution of loans to various customers. It acts as a support unit for Operating Groups, maintaining loan-wise documents and scheme-wise templates and interfacing with Operating Groups at each phase. The documents, in safe custody, are returned to Operating Groups after the loan expiry. The Group also handles legal issues that require to be addressed in the course of the operating cycle related to loan approval, monitoring and administration.

3.4 Information flow – Legal Group

The loan information flows broadly as under -

1. Correspondence with customer 2. Application3. Evaluation of Loan and Sanction4. Loan documentation5. Creation of security and related documentation6. Disbursement, repayments and monitoring7. Redemption of loan and release of documents


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Some of the documents in the safe custody of Legal Group include –

Ø Title deedsØ Security documents like-o Loan documento Memorandum of entry – Equitable mortgageo Memorandum and Articles of Associationo Deed of hypothecationo Deed of pledgeo Declarationso Undertakingso Guarantee deedo Miscellaneous

The group would like to access information on the basis of full text search or defined parameters such as –

Ø Company NameØ Various documents executed by the companyØ Loan Agreement (Date, amount, currency, security, ranking of security, rate of

interest)Ø Programme / Group

Besides, the Group would like to put the opinions and judgments obtained into a knowledge management database for querying purposes.

These and other queries should equip the Legal Group to facilitate quicker decisions and extend the potential benefits across the Bank, specially to the Operating Groups.


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3.5 Reasons for selecting Legal Group for pilot implementation

The various reasons for selecting Legal Group for Pilot implementation include –

q Legal Group handles large number of important documents some of which are quite old; The documents need have a backup and to be accessible without referring the documents physically.

q Since the loan documentation is an integral part of lending operation, time spent on such processes becomes critical. The preparation of legal documents involves accessing previous similar agreements, constitutional agreements, etc., in real-time to shorten loan-delivery cycle.

q In the areas of Litigation and Recovery, existing Legal Documents need to be accessed quite frequently and quickly.

q Even if the hard copy of a document is present, it would be possible to convert it to text with the help of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software. This would provide considerable time-saving in generation of loan document.

q Apart from other activities, Legal Group have subscribed to some websites / newsgroups. Currently these needs to be printed or used adhoc by the users. They provide information relating to various laws, judgment, news, etc. The information accessed from these sites can be ported to the DMS application based on the priority of the information and used for decision-support.

According to case studies, organizations, which have successfully implemented DMS, have experienced time saving of 20-30 % which would release time for multi-skilling and other activities like Business Promotion and service thereof. This document pertains to creating a state-of-art document management system for Exim Bank.

3.6 Document Management Systems

Document imaging has been traditionally used to digitize paper. Every organization generates large amounts of paper and electronic documents. Traditional methods of storing paper and electronic records such as MS Word documents and Excel sheets require a great deal of effort to manage, distribute and find those documents. As the number of files grows, the time and effort required to manage them also increases. Document imaging is a tried method for archival and retrieval of documents / information.

Document Management systems also help in Disaster Recovery Planning as applied to important paper documents of the organization.


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The basic components of DMS broadly include:

Scanning and importing tools to bring documents into the system Methods for archiving and storing documents Indexing systems to organize documents Retrieval tools to find documents Access control to provide documents to authorized people Workflow

3.6.1 Scanning and Importing Documents

There are three primary methods of bringing files into a document imaging system:

• Scanning, for paper files • Conversion, for creating unalterable images of electronic documents • Importation, for creating modifiable versions of electronic documents

3.6.2 Storing Documents

Document imaging storage systems encompass changing technologies, increasing numbers of document volumes and the tests of time. A good document imaging system can use any storage device currently available — as well as those on the horizon — to provide long-term document storage.

3.6.3 Indexing Documents

When paper documents are received in an office, they must be organized to be useful. They are usually labeled, sorted, indexed, stapled, placed in folders and filed in a cabinet. Without these steps, nothing could be found in a busy workplace. Electronic documents are no different. A document imaging system should provide several different methods of organizing information for future use. Whatever combination of indexing methodologies is used, it needs to be easily used and understood by the people who retrieve the documents, as well as those who file them.

3.6.4 Retrieving Documents

There are three primary ways to organize documents in an imaging system:

• Index Fields - Indexing documents using categorization fields and keywords is a method traditionally used with paper files that translates very well into electronic systems. An imaging system should allow users to customize index templates, create multiple templates and have different types of index field data within each template, such as date, number and alphanumeric characters.

• Full-text Indexing - A well-designed imaging system should provide the ability to automatically recognize characters optically and do a full-text index of a document without requiring any human involvement.


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• Folder/File Structure - Along with index fields and full-text indexing, an imaging system should provide a visual method of finding documents. In most offices, files are normally found by looking in a particular folder, in a particular drawer, in a particular file cabinet. An imaging system should have the ability to electronically re-create this filing system through multiple levels of nested folders. A flexible folder structure eases the transition from paper filing to electronic filing and makes imaging systems more successful.

3.6.5 Controlling Access

The final component of a document imaging system is the access control. In many computer environments, different people use different types of computer equipment from different locations to search for information. A full-featured imaging system must provide these different users with appropriate levels of access, without compromising confidentiality or security.

To do this, a system must have these fundamental features:

Broad Availability - imaging systems must meet the requirements of offices with diverse uses and remote locations. Many users require portability to exchange documents with other colleagues, or to work off-site. In addition, sharing documents through the internet or an intranet allows system administrators to deploy an imaging system across their entire network or even to the public. Users should be able to search, retrieve and view documents with any web browser.

Comprehensive Security - As organizations use imaging systems to archive a larger variety of documents, both public and private, a system of access control needs to be present. A comprehensive security system must allow the system administrator to control what folders and documents users can see, and what actions they can perform on those documents (edit, copy, delete, etc.) This system must control access to folders, documents and even redacted (blacked out or whited out) images and text in a simple and complete manner. The ability to deploy imaging to a wide variety of users requires a robust security system combined with an elegant user interface. A good access system will make document imaging available to every authorized person, whether in an office, at a remote location or over the Web, all without compromising system security.

Audit Trails - As an additional level of security, an imaging system should offer the ability to track who is using the system, what documents are being viewed, what actions are being performed on the documents, and when these actions are being performed. Audit trail abilities are especially important when documents are confidential and when there are many different users. An auditable electronic movement and approval of documents through a business process would include user authentication, route based workflow and alerts. It would also contain administrative tools for workflow creation and management.

3.6.6 Other Requirements

The system should have -

Ø Comprehensive version control that includes the following features:


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Version history – User can view the detailed history of a document and can view any of the versions of the document.

Latest version download – By default the latest version is downloaded for the user to work upon.

Check-in/Check-out control – This feature allows the user to check out a document for working on it and check it back in once the modifications are done.

Ø Integration with MIS (Management Information System) information, to maintain information, for instance, on clients, calls etc. alongside every document received, document produced, e-mail sent or received, notes and research, all ordered either chronologically or by personal preference.

Ø Ability to create/convert a scanned image into a Word Processor for editing; and attach sticky notes that contain additional comments. All annotations should be overlaid and not change the actual image.

Ø Facility to allow images to be easily sent with any MAPI (Mail Application Program Interface)-compliant e-mail system and read by recipients who do not have imaging systems.

Ø Redaction (blackout or whiteout) that allows security to be controlled down to the individual word level. An imaging system should offer the ability to redact portions of a document’s image and/or text.

Ø Capability to logically group related documents in electronic “folders”

Ø Reports so that status of a document in a workflow can be generated for supervision.

Ø Search Facility - search on Wide Area Networks as easily as on Local Area Networks.

Ø Templates – for storing forms or modifiable templates to be retrieved and used.

Ø Storage Management - to delete or archive documents after a specified period of time.

3.6.7 Workflow

Workflow increases the benefits of a document imaging system by routing documents to various people. Workflow should automatically notify specific users of specific imaging system events, based on lists created by the system administrator. Once an event is detected, communication is established with the existing e-mail server to send e-mail notification of the event to the recipient.

Workflow should also include a set of condition tables that include the use of return receipts and timed responses. If a condition table is used, the imaging server should send either a reminder message or a second message to an alternate recipient. These condition


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tables help to eliminate bottlenecks and streamline business processes. Rules-based document workflow requires that information move through a hierarchical system with a minimal amount of outside intervention. Workflow systems should offer administrators drag and drop simplicity, a simple GUI (Graphical User Interface) interface and an easily understood folder structure. Workflow applications should also be ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) compliant to link the imaging database with third-party external database utilities and customized applications to create a fully functional workflow environment. As a final component, workflow must provide for comprehensive security reporting through an audit trail function.

3.6.8 Legal IssuesThe following should be possible :

q Capability of storage of records in an unalterable format, such as CD, DVD or WORM.

q The system should have reasonable controls to ensure integrity, accuracy and reliability.

q The system must provide some type of audit trail to prevent and detect unauthorized creation of, addition to, alteration of or deletion of records.

q A complete and accurate transfer of records can be made.q The system should have reasonable controls to prevent and detect

deterioration of records.q An indexing system should assist with finding records.q The system must have ability to print copies of records.q The system must be able to cross-reference with other record-keeping

systems and software.q The system must have documentation on how the software works and how it

has been set up.

AnnotationsAnnotations provide additional information about a document or its status without actually changing the original image. Papers records are often annotated with highlighting, stamps, redactions or sticky notes, and imaged records should support these annotations. An imaging system’s security should control who can view annotations such as highlighting, stamps or sticky notes, and who can see through redactions.

Typical document imaging annotations include:q Highlighting images and text in various colours to emphasizing words or

sections.q Redacting (blacking-out or whiting-out) images and text to preserve

confidentialityq Stamping images with words such as FAXED or CONFIDENTIAL, or with

signatures denoting approval or denialq Attaching sticky notes that contain additional comments

All annotations should be overlays that do not change the actual image. This way, a document can be printed with or without annotations. More importantly, from a Legal standpoint, a document stored in a document imaging system can often stand up as the ‘best copy’ of a record, since users cannot modify the original images.


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3.7 DMS technologies

The technological aspect of DMS may be broadly categorised as:

1. Core technologies2. Enabling technologies

These are elaborated in the following sections.

3.7.1 Core Technologies

Core Technologies include –

q Document acquisition (document capturing)q Document viewingq Indexing featuresq Document and Folder Searches Featuresq Workflowq Version control and Management featuresq Document Image Server features Document acquisition (Document Capturing)

Some of the features / tools for capturing and acquiring the document in the electronic format include:

1. Uploading through HTTP and LAN so that documents can be captured and sent through any location and by any valid user.

2. Importing of image and electronic documents.3. Handling of In-coming Fax 4. Direct uploading from ODMA compliant applications to take advantage of standard

products.5. Direct upload from MS-Office applications6. Uploading of Email and Print Jobs7. Scheduled uploading and uploading from directories8. Supporting large volume high-speed scans9. Supporting special image enhancement functionality offered by the scanner

through the driver interface.10. Standard and user-defined markings of image attributes for effective tracking of

the scanned images11. Go-to feature for automatically jumping to the user-defined field. 12. Providing for storing document Images in compressed form Document viewing

Document viewing is GUI based and the User has easy access in navigation and understanding the features. DMS must have these features:

1. Image viewer Applet for platform independent Image view2. Support for Document View without the native application3. Facility of putting text, graphic and image annotations on document pages


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4. Annotations for highlighting, marking text, underlining, pointing arrows, putting sticky notes on documents, and support for text and image stamps

5. Facility of zoom-in and zoom-out, zoom percentage and Zoom lens to zoom in on a part of image

6. Support for securing annotations for selective users7. Facility of taking print outs with or without annotations8. Support for Thumbnails on image and electronic documents including current and

older versions. Indexing Features

Indexing helps to analyze a particular document / set of documents. This encompasses these features.

1. Support for indexing the documents or folders on user defined and system defined parameters

2. Facility to add keywords with documents to act as quick reference for the documents.

3. Functionality for defining global indexes. Global indexes are user-defined indexes or fields that could be associated with any document across the Cabinet.

4. Provide the Editing and Modification functionality. Depending on the privilege rights, user(s) will be able to edit and modify the details of the concerned document (Indexes, Keywords, etc.). Strict security procedures, validation checks and proper record of addition / modifications must be ensured.

5. Support for automatic Full Text indexing Document and Folder Searches Features

These include the Document and Folder searching features of a DMS:

1. Searches to locate documents or Folders2. Saving of search queries and search results3. ODMA support for search and retrieval4. Combined search on Profile, Indexed and Full Text Search5. Search and retrieval through MS-Office6. Search for documents or folders on document or folder profile information such as

name, created, modified or accessed times, keywords, owner etc.7. Search for documents/Folders using user-defined indexes and document classes8. Support for Full Text Search on image and electronic documents9. Hit highlighting with a facility to browse between pages for a multiple page

document 10. Support for Boolean and complex logical searches


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12 Expression of Interest (EOI) Workflow

“Workflow is a technology which uses electronic systems to manage and monitor business processes. It allows the flow of work between individuals and/or departments to be defined and tracked. Although documents are often used as a medium for transporting information in a Workflow system, it is mostly associated with Document Management where the Workflow system is used to track the process of creating and reviewing and distributing Documents.”

Typical features of a DMS with respect to Workflow functionality would include:

1. Adaptive Workflow for routing and tracking of documents, messages 2. Provision for creating ad-hoc or predefined routes3. Support for both sequential and parallel routes4. Task assignment for each user5. Facility of attaching documents and folders in work-items6. Facility to act upon, forward, return or complete Work-items7. Support for referring work-items to other users outside the pre-defined route8. Diversion of work-items to other users for delegating or substituting9. Time -based/ Event -based reminders10. File tracking system with the provision for writing the notes11. Provision of putting shared and secured notes for collaborative working on

Work items12. Support for Form based Workflow with automatic data extraction and

indexing 13. Printing of the note sheet/ file for reference14. Linking of notes with files, documents and other notes15. Searching, reporting and monitoring of work process and status Version Control and Management Features

Version Control and tracking functionality in a DMS may include:

1. Version Management for tracking document revisions2. Support for image and electronic document versions, version comments and search

across versions3. Support for auto-versioning at Cabinet and Folder level4. Check-In and Checkout support for collaborative working on documents5. Linking of documents for cross-referencing related documents Document Image Server Features

A Document Image Server in a DMS would address the following:

1. Volume Management for Document and document caching form off-line, near on-line media

2. Supports for Storage Management Server3. Replication of Image servers for multi-location availability


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3.7.2 Enabling Technologies

Enabling Technologies include –

q General Technologiesq Integration featuresq Securityq Administrationq Reports & Audit Trailq Networking q Hardware and Software General Technologies

Some of the Technological aspects behind the DMS are:

1. Multi-tier architecture with each tier fully independent – An N-Tier architecture with Thin Client leads to the entire Administration being managed by the experts. Also with this architecture, the tasks are layered wherein different Application and Business Logic can be defined.

2. Web Desktop for Browser based access (Preferably Thin Client Architecture) – This helps as the end-user need not be aware of the happenings in the Server side of the product. Every Client will need only the Internet Browser to access the Server.

3. Web based administration of the DMS - This leads to monitoring the DMS from any location where Internet Browser is present.

4. Document Scanning support from browser – The DMS must be compatible with many different scanners. Also the DMS has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based browser to manage the scanning of documents.

5. Image Viewer Applet for platform-independent Image View - DMS will be compatible with all the available platforms in the market like Windows, Linux, etc.

6. HTTPS/SSL Support - Secure Client Access to the software. This is shown below:7. Support for Multiple platforms, Database, Web servers is a feature of DMS for

compatibility with various available architectures and solutions.8. Support for J2EE and XML based Application Server - For future integration with

ERP and other Applications of an Organization.9. Support for multiple Web Servers, Application Servers and database servers for Fault

Tolerance & Load Balancing. As the Workload increases by adding more documents and with constant bandwidth for the access channel, it is advisable to have Load Balancing / Fault Tolerance in DMS.

10. Support for separate storage management server for storing actual images in SAN/ NAS or some other Secondary Storage devices. This makes Disaster Recovery and Continuity of Operations easy.

11. Compliance with industry standards like ODMA (Open Document Management API - http://www.infonuovo.com/odma/) and WebDAV - HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring - RFC 2518. RFC (Request For Comments) is a Standard published by IETF, which specifies the Protocols to be followed with respect to DMS.

12. Multi-location deployment support can be further enhanced by using Web Imaging Servers which stores the Images in Remote Locations and act as temporary Servers.

13. Capability of deploying caching or remote image server for bandwidth conservation.


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14 Expression of Interest (EOI) Integration Features

DMS has these integration features in-built:

1. Support for API for extending applications in the client2. XML based API for server side integration of building custom interfaces.3. Libraries for scanning, document viewing and image processing Security Features

DMS needs to have an extensive range of Security Controls in-built because according to the IT Act and E-Commerce Act, Electronic Documents can replace paper documents in the court of law. So for the flow of the Electronic Documents all the various controls need to be in place to prove the validity of the Documents. The features of DMS, which enable this, include:

1. Definition of Users and Groups relation in the system2. Grant users and groups access permissions on Folders, documents and Data

Classes3. Multiple levels of access rights (Delete/Edit/View/None)4. Support for system privileges5. Facility of Secured Notes sharing6. Secure login and passwords for each user7. Support for Password encryption8. Support for Digital Signatures and PKI9. Authorization through Directory Services 10. Documents/files are kept in protective mode11. Disaster recovery by replicating the data at remote locations Administrative Features

A user-friendly browser based management functionality facilitates various controls like -

1. Easy to deploy and administer. Administrator would need to have minimum amount of training to understand the management of the DMS.

2. Definition of Users and Groups for the system through a GUI interface.3. Option of granting rights to Access, Modify or Delete documents and folders.4. Progress tracking of Work items so that the flow of documents at any point of

time can be easily tracked. It should be possible to revert to the original state of flow in case of any problem.

5. Notifications & Reminders helps in identifying the status to the Administrator. This can be through Email, SMS, popup window, etc.

6. Ease and user-friendliness of taking complete and incremental backups.


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Expression of Interest (EOI) 15 Reports & Audit Trails

Audit Trails are one of the security controls provided with a DMS. The audit trail features would enable DMS to track the documents flow. These controls may include:

1. Extensive audit-trails at Folder and Cabinet levels.2. Audit trails on separate actions, and between specific date/times3. System reports and statistics4. Tracking of each workitem through track-sheet which records all user actions. 5. Search on workflow progress through status searches, searches on user-defined

indexes, full-text search6. Searches on workitems date and time7. Reporting facilities: daily, weekly or monthly reports on completed, incomplete

workitems to identify slack and improve efficiency Networking

Networking technologies that enable DMS include –

1. Local Area Networks – DMS can be made accessible on Intranet.2. Wide Area Network using various communication channels. DMS can be accessed

across remote locations in different locations in different Geographical area.

3.8 Document Life Cycle

The concept of Document Life cycle covers the path of a document from the creation or receipt through destruction or permanent preservation. This may include -

q Creationq Storageq Access q Deliveryq Retirement / Disposal / weeding out of the Document

Documents are subject to changing requirements for timely retrieval, convenient distribution and reliable, cost-effective storage.

The document life cycle is divided, by frequency of reference, into active and inactive (less active) stages.

The active stage is concerned with the timely availability of information to support an organization's business operations. The storage medium selected for the active stage must permit convenient retrieval of documents for reference, editing, or distribution.


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The inactive stage is principally concerned with retention of information. The storage medium selected for the inactive stage must provide cost-effective, reliable retention of documents, often for long periods of time.

Source: The document life cycle: A white Paper on Document Life Cycle

(Prepared for the Association for Information and Image Management)

William Saffady, School of Information Science and Policy

State University of New York at Albany


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3.9 Functions of Legal Group

The functions of the legal group broadly include:

1. Maintenance of standard documents and their approval/modification.2. Verification and modification of documents proposed to be executed by

operating groups/regional offices3. Safe custody of documents executed by operating groups/ regional offices.4. Maintenance of the documents along with index of documents.5. Handling litigation for accounts referred to legal group and filing of suits.6. Consultancy on legal matters to the bank.7. Initiation of activities related to regulatory requirements pertaining to the

lending process.

3.10 Sample Workflows and Sample document hierarchy follow in the succeeding figures

Points 1-5 can be diagrammatically represented as under:



Prepare Standard Drafts for each document type for each



Check in new version

ReviewRevision Necessary ?

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Operating Groups / Regional Offices

Loan Information

Operating Groups / RegionalOffices

Loan Information


Verification and Modification of Documents

Chief Manager / Manager

Group Heads

Assignment of Work

Verified & Modified Document

18 Expression of Interest (EOI)

Figure 1- Maintenance of Standard documents by Legal Group


Figure 2 -Verification and modification of documents proposed to be executed by operating groups/regional offices




Executed document of operating group/ regional office

Is safe custody required?

Keeping of documents in safe custody

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Figure 3 – Safe custody of documents executed by operating groups/ regional offices

No Are documents in

order ?



Verification of documents

Indexing of documentsKey fields such as - name of borrower- programme /scheme under which assisted- loan amount- folio number- primary security- collateral security- description of document- date of document


Documents in order?

One copy of index is attached to each folio in a register which is maintained programme wise

Another copy of index, along with loan documents is kept in safe custody

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Figure 4 - Maintenance of the documents along with index of documents

NoCase referred to legal and

filing of suits


Figure 5 - Handling of litigation for accounts referred to legal group and filing of suits


Documents in Safe Custody

Case referred to Legal and filing of Suits

Access Documents from Safe Custody

Correspondence with Solicitors and Others

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Activities related to the loan process can be summarised as under



Legal group

Documents to be scrutinized before execution wherever modifications are done to standard documents

Application details

Executed documents for approval

Loan expiry details

Issues on legal notes

Suit reference details

Operating Groups / other offices

Credit monitoring group

Sick declared company details

Operating Groups / other offices

Standard documents

Approved additional documents

Status of documents in safe custody

Legal notice status details

Suit status details

Figure 6- Activities related to loan group

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Figure 7- Typical document hierarchy

Figure 8- Documents used by Legal Group

The types of documents used by Legal Group can be diagrammatically represented as under:

Documents Used by Legal Group

Loan Documents

LoC (Lines of Credit)

Miscellaneous Agreement

Refinance Agreements

Constitutional Documents

Litigation/ Recovery Documents

Agreements pertaining to Non Funded facilities

Risk Participation Agreements

Loan Documentation

Correspondence Standard Drafts

Legal Operating Groups


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3.11 Typical parameters to be included in DMS

A_LEGAL_1. Details of Documents before keeping in safe custody

1.1. Scheme Code1.2. Party Name.1.3. Loan No.1.4. Loan Amount.1.5. Document Date1.6. Description of Documents1.7. Date of Acceptance for Safe Custody

A_LEGAL_2. Details of Documents being returned from safe custody.

2.1. Date on which Loan is closed.2.2. Documents returned to.2.3. Date on which Documents are returned.

A_LEGAL_3 Details for Schemewise List of Documents

3.1 Document ID3.2 Document Type3.3 Document Sub Type 3.4 Document Description

A_LEGAL_4 Details for Approvals made to Documents

4.1 Scheme Name4.2 Party Name4.3 Loan Number4.4 Loan Amount4.5 Document Date4.6 Description of Documents4.7 Type of Security (Receivables/Current Assets/Fixed Assets)4.8 Type of Charge (Mortgage/Hypothecation)4.9 Ranking of Charge (Exclusive/Second Charge/Paripassu)4.10 Loan Expiry Date4.11 Status of the Document4.11.1 Received for Legal Approval4.11.2 Approved by Legal4.11.3 Accepted for Safe Custody4.11.4 Released from Safe Custody4.12 Remarks

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A_LEGAL_5 Details for Accounts referred for Issue of Legal Notices, Referred to BIFR and Suit Filing.

5 .1 Scheme Name 5.2 Loan Number 5.3 Loan Amount 5.4 Document Date 5.5 Description of Documents 5.6 Type of Security (Receivables/Current Assets/Fixed Assets) 5.7 Type of Charge (Mortgage/Hypothecation) 5.8 Ranking of Charge (Exclusive/Second Charge/Paripassu) 5.9 Loan Expiry Date 5.10 Date of Reference

5.11 PurposeLegal Notice

Date of IssueDate of ReplyDate of Next ActionRemarks

BIFRDate of HearingCourtDate of Next HearingRemarks

Suit FiledDate of Filing SuitSuit NumberCourtProgress of Hearings

Date of HearingNext Date of HearingStage of SuitRemarks


Alerts This matrix provides sample alerts that need to be triggered off by the system.


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26 Expression of Interest (EOI)

Alert Id Description Triggers Periodicity(if applicable)

User to be alerted

LEG_AL_1 Online Alert required for documents sent for approval

After sending the executed documents to the Exim Officer (Legal) for Approval

The Exim Officer (Legal) who will receive the executed documents for approval

LEG_AL_2 An alert for all mortgages pending creation after a set number of days from the date of loan agreement.

Exim Officer in Legal Group

LEG_AL_3 An alert for filing of forms with ROC after a set number of days from date of Hypothecation agreement/mortgage deed.

Exim Officer who files the forms

LEG_AL_4 For BIFR, a set number of days before BIFR hearing.

Exim Officer in Legal Group

LEG_AL_5 For Suit filed cases, a set number of days before each hearing.

Exim Officer in Legal Group

LEG_AL_6 A set number of days after issue of legal notice.

Exim Officer in Legal Group

LEG_AL_7 A set number of days after No dues certificate to both OG and Legal Group

Exim Officer in OG and Legal Group

LEG_AL_8 In BIFR, AAIFR cases a set number of days in advance of next hearing dates to the concerned person

Exim Officer in Legal Group


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3.12 Software Solution :

The software solution mated to the Document Management System (DMS) should exhibit the following key features:

User-friendly, context-sensitive, self-contained.

Capability of multiple user, simultaneous access

Capability of remote access from the Bank’s offices across the country.

Capability of recording recommendations at each stage of processing, differential access rights, security provisions.

Capability to define work flow in accordance with various user levels / hierarchies

Interface with bank’s e-mail system and ability to generate electronic alerts to the next level user on completion of the process at previous level

Detailed audit trail with regards to any changes in database/access across various user levels

3.13 Output :

Exim Bank will require complete documentation of the DMS software solution. The selected consultant will also be required to organise training for the Bank staff at various levels (all facilities will be provided in the Bank).


4.1 It is tentatively expected that the assignment would commence as soon as possible and be completed by November 15, 2006. Alternately, the bidder may specify the expected time for completion of assignment.

5.0 QUALIFICATIONS5.1 Consultants wishing to apply for being short-listed should have demonstrated experience

(completed projects or projects under implementation) within the last 3 financial years, independently or in association with another party / parties, in one or more scheduled commercial banks / financial institutions in India or overseas, of having undertaken assignments in the area of Business Process Management (BPM) especially in Document Management System (DMS).

5.2 Ability to demonstrate relevant experience beyond the minimum, and to procure letters of reference from / arrange visits to the assisted banks and/ or institutions, would be advantageous.

5.3 Evidence of a significant installed base of BPMs & DMSs in Indian banks / financial institutions would be highly advantageous.


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6.1 Interested consultants are invited to apply for being short-listed, enclosing detailed particulars as listed below. In preparation of EOI, reference can be made to Qualifications listed above (in para 5.0):

Criteria and sub-criteria for the evaluation of Expression of Interest are:

Vendor Evaluation

1. Market presence 2. Years in operation3. Technology alliances4. Size (Turnover / Support Team)5. Customer base and track record of existing implementations, with particular

reference to financial institutions and set ups handling legal matters6. Number of installations in India7. Support8. Source code availability and local Support in case of foreign vendors 9. R & D Competency10. Possibilities of partnership or strategic alliance

Product Evaluation (a) Extent of customization required (b) Security Features(c) Technology fit (d) Performance(e) Number of installations(f) Existing customer reference(g) Cost (h) Vendor standing, rating of an approved agency, if any.(i) Flexibility(j) Scalability(k) Capability of migration to another platform / solution(l) Hardware / Software requirement(m) Any other information / requirement

6.2 Clarifications required for submission of the Expression of Interest, if any, may be sought from the Bank on or before October 2, 2006.

6.3 Last date for receipt of applications for short-listing is 6.00 PM on October 4, 2006. All applications received within the specified timeline will be acknowledged by e-mail as having been validly received.


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6.4 All communications in this regard may be sent to the Bank by e-mail, fax or letter at the option of the submitted firm. Communication by e-mail is encouraged. All communications, including requests for clarification as well as Expression of Interest should be submitted to the Bank for attention of :

Dy. General Manager , ITExport-Import Bank of IndiaCenter One Building, Floor 21World Trade Center ComplexCuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005Tel: (022) 22185272 ext 2430Fax: (022) 22183878Email : [email protected]

7.0 SELECTION METHOD – QUALITY-CUM-COST BASED SELECTION7.1 Only firms short-listed from the above will be invited to submit a detailed proposal. It is

envisaged that proposals will be evaluated along the same lines as the short-listing with the following modifications. First, firms will be expected to expand the write-up as per 6.1 above into a detailed work-plan, with dated milestones, detailed background of Engagement Manager and key personnel, and expectations from Exim Bank. Second, firms will be encouraged to expand some of their experience (as per para 5.0 above) into brief case descriptions with lessons learned. Third a financial proposal would be required to be annexed. Detailed guidelines would be provided to short-listed firms while inviting Proposals from them. It is envisaged that short listed firms would be invited on October 6, 2006 to submit detailed proposals by October 13, 2006.

8.0 BANK NOT BOUND TO SHORTLIST ANY EOI RECEIVED8.1 The Bank reserves the right to accept, shortlist, or reject any EOI received in response

to this invitation and to annul the selection process and reject all EOIs at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the participating firms.