10 Location-Based Services

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  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Department of Computer Science Institute for System Architecture, Chair for Computer Networks

    Location-based Services

    Mobile Communication and Mobile Computing

    . .


  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Positionin and Trackin S stems

    both outdoor and indoor s stems can be classified into

    stand-alone infrastructure

    dedicated infrastructure for positioning/tracking

    e.g. satellite systems, infrared-based systems

    integrated infrastructure ex s ng commun ca on n ras ruc ure a so use or


    e. . cellular s stems WLAN-based s stems


  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Positionin vs. Trackin

    positioning (client-based


    device actively determines/calculates

    + location information under control oflocated device

    device required

    tracking (infrastructure-basedpositioning)

    position determined by infrastructure,i.e. device is passively located

    location information not under controlof located object


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    Global Positionin S stem GPS

    (1) Satellites 24 satellites on 6 orbits,

    i.e. 4 satellites per orbit

    additional satellites for

    robustness height = 20.200 km

    (medium earth orbit)

    min. 5, max. 11 satellitesvisible from each point on


    hours, i.e. satellites are at thesame position each 24 hours

    (3) User Devices GPS receiver

    min. 12 channels, i.e.12 satellite signals can bereceived in parallel

    [Roth, Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste]


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    Satellite S stems

    + advantages

    few environmental influences (e.g. weather)

    high accuracy (in the range of meters)


    high costs, since for global availability many satellites are required

    enough signals have to be available for positioning

    at least 4 signals (3 for positioning, 1 for time synchronization)

    example: GPS

    originally named NAVSTAR (Navigation System with Timing andRanging)

    toda known as GPS Global Positionin S stem

    consists of

    (1) satellites

    (3) user devices


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    Cellular S stems - GSM

    positioning based on GSMcell ID

    available from Home

    cell size 1 35 km

    Mobile Positioning System

    (MPS) by Ericsson to

    few changes ofinfrastructure;

    no c anges o user ev ces

    Cell Global Identity (CGI)for identification of the cell

    uses GSM cell ID

    if sector-antennas used[Roth, Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste]

    segment of circle6

  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Cellular S stems - GSM

    GSM based on FDMA and TDMA

    certain time slot used forcommunication

    exact timing required for signalsynchronization

    time shift depends on

    base station

    device calculates distance

    based on signal propagationtime

    n orma on s use orpositioning in combination

    with CGI Roth, Ortsbezo ene Anwendun en und Dienste7

  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Cellular S stems - GSM

    U link Time Of Arrival UL-TOA

    can be used, if device is inrange of four base stations

    measurement of signalpropagation time at

    calculation of position

    accuracy 50 150m

    osition information

    stored in MobilePositioning Center (MPC)

    rac ng [Roth, Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste]


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    Cellular S stems

    inte rated a roach based on existin infrastructure


    + low costs

    high availability

    works indoor and outdoor

    sa van ages

    lower accuracy


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    Indoor Positionin Trackin

    satellite or cell s stems often not available in buildin s ornot accurate enough

    therefore other approaches required:

    (1) stand-alone infrastructure approaches infrared


    (2) integrated infrastructure approach WLAN


    installation effort yields high costs

    usuall users have to carr additional e ui ment bad e

    most of the systems are scientific prototypes


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    Active Bad e

    stand-alone infrastructure based trackin s stem

    based on infrared (IR)

    users carry badge sending specific user ID

    IR-receivers in the rooms receive those signals

    position of user is tracked by central server

    energy-efficient badges (sending short signals of

    0,1 s each 15 s)


    users position is positionof IR-beacon which



    received the signal

    user does not get positionactive badge


    infrared receiver infrared

  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Wireless Indoor Positionin S stem WIPS

    stand-alone infrastructure based ositionin s stem

    based on infrared (IR)

    beacons installed in the rooms sending unique ID

    users badges receiving signals of local beacons

    received beacon ID is sent to location server via WLAN

    server maps received beacon ID to semantic location

    which is sent back to the user

    + advantage:

    users nows s own pos onlocation


    integration of two wireless


    IR receiver


    infrared beacons infrared WLAN

  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Further S stems

    Active Bat stand-alone infrastructure based tracking system

    based on ultrasonic

    which is sent to the location server for processing

    accuracy up to 10 cm


    based on radio signals

    radio signals are able to pervade walls compared to infrareds gna s

    strength of radio signal depends not only on distance (thinkof walls, ) accuracy of 3 m for WIPS

    compensation of errors if more beacons available

    variant: using RFID-tags (user carries tag, reader in rooms)13

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    WLAN-based Positionin

    based on alread installed WLAN infrastructure(that was installed for communication purposes primarily) integrated infrastructure based positioning

    measurement of signal strength of various access points

    positioning by means of lateration

    at least three access points have to be available

    measurements are influenced by obstacles like walls,

    idea: tagging the environment with radio tags

    + improved accuracy

    startup phase required for reference measurements


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    Radio Ma

    measurement of si nal stren th at reference oints

    positioning based on current measurement

    accuracy depends on amount of reference points

    environmental changes require new referencemeasurements

    15cross points of measurement circle access points

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    Ma ic Ma

    developed by Humboldt University Berlin

    based on WLAN, but could also use ZigBee, Bluetooth orRFID

    hybrid approach based on measured signal strength andradio ma s

    calculation algorithm called probabilistic graph mapping

    accuracy: access points only 10m

    more reference points 1m


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    Ma ic Ma


  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Com arison of S stems

    Name Category Positioning/Tracking Mechanism Medium Accuracy

    GPS Satellite Positioning TOA Radio 25 m

    DGPS Satellite Positioning TOA Radio 3 m


    Indoor Tracking COO IR Cell

    n oor os on ng e

    SpotOn Indoor Tracking Signal


    Radio 3 m


    Indoor Tracking TOA Ultrasonic 0.1 m

    GSM Network Both Radio Cell, ,TOA

    MPS Network Both COO, AOA,TOA

    Radio 150 m


    Network Positioning Signalstrength

    Radio 3 m


  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Wh Location Models?

    think of Alice and Bob:

    Where is Alice?

    What is the distance between Alice and Bob?

    n w c room s o How many bus stops are between Alice and the faculty of computer


    for answering those questions we need a model of ourenvironment location models

    geometric coordinates geometric models (51.0298N 13.72896E)

    symbolic coordinates symbolic models (HSZ TU-DD, Bergstr.64)

    location models should model the following:

    object position

    topological relation connected to and contains


  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Geometric Location Models

    define places in form of coordinate tuples relative to referencecoordinate system e.g. World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84)

    mapping between coordinates of different reference

    North Pole coordinates usually do not have

    a meanin for humans

    calculation of distances,

    overlappings and inclusions of


    90 West 90 EastOrigin

    geometric operations possible

    topological relationPmcontains implicit available

    topological relation connected

    World geocentric coordinate system


  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    S mbolic Location Models

    define laces in form of abstract s mbols

    e.g. Cell ID in GSM, sensor identifiers in active badge

    system, room and street names

    no distance and other topological relations implicitlydefined


  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    S mbolic Models: Set-based Models

    usage of symbolic names

    e.g. a building with several floors and rooms can be modelled like this

    L ={L , L , }

    LFloor2={2.002, 2.003, , 2.067}

    contains relation defined by intersection of sets ( {xyz} L = {xyz} ? )

    overlappings can be identified ( L1 L2 ? )

    nearest nei hbour and navi ation

    connected to relation can be defined by modelling pairs of connected locations

    also simple (only qualitative) notion of distance possible


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    S mbolic Models: Gra h-based Models

    symbolic coordinates define vertices V of graph G=(V, E)

    connected to relation modelled by edges between vertices

    simple distance by calculation of hops

    weights for edges to model advanced distance notion

    no ex licit contains definition

    other: hybride models as a combination of geometric andsymbolic models


  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Back to the Exam le uestions

    How can the different model t es be used for answerinthe introduced questions?

    absolute question relative question



    Alice and Bob?



    In what room isBob

    located at?

    How many bus stops arebetween Alice and the facultyof com uter science?


  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    A lication Areas

    rovision location-based information

    museum, city guide, shopping guide, tourist guide



    service search ost office, restaurant nearb

    navigation systems

    tracking systems

    mediation of incoming calls

    a arm sys ems or c ren or e er y peop e


  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Mobilis - Solution

    Scenario: touristapplication

    roup o our s sexploring a cityindividually

    see each other on the,

    reusable frameworkwith services formobile real-time


  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Mobilis: Im lementation technolo ies

    Client: Android and Java, further implementations with Java ME and Java SE

    Communication: Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)OpenStandard for real-time collaboration

    Numerous extension protocols for presence, pub/sub, location, etc.

    Server: OpenFireXMPP Server imp ementation ase on JavaBro erservices implemented as XMPP clients based on Java 27

  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services



    lar e set of ositionin s stems

    satellite based, cellular, local/indoor

    different types of location models hybrid approach is preferable

    suppor s a ypes o quer es

    enables mapping between geometric and symbolic coordinates

    disadvantage: higher modelling effort, more data

    location-based services widely adopted

    e.g. navigation systems or tourist guides


    f h d

  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Some further readin s 1

    Becker, C. & Duerr, F.: On location models for ubiquitous computing.Personal Ubiquitous Comput., Springer-Verlag, 2005, 9, 20-31

    Dedes, George; Dempster, Andrew G.: Indoor GPS Positioning Challenges and Opportunities, 2005

    Hightower, J.; Borriello, G. & Want, R.: SpotON: An Indoor 3D LocationSensing Technology Based on RF Signal Strength 2000

    P.; Abowd, Gregory D.: TrackSense: Infrastructure Free Precise IndoorPositioning Using Projected Patterns, ETH Zrich, 2007

    -, . , .,ISBN 978-0470-09231-6, 2005

    MagicMap: http://www2.informatik.hu-berlin.de/rok/MagicMap/

    c er, . o sar , . oca on- ase serv ces

    Morgan Kaufmann, 2004 Want, R.; Hopper, A.; Falcao, V. & Gibbons, J. The active badge

    oca on sys em rans. n . ys ., , , , -


    S f h di 2

  • 7/31/2019 10 Location-Based Services


    Some further readin s 2

    WIPS Technical Documentation, Royal Institute of Technology,Schweden, www.online.kth.se/csd/projects/0012/

    Yeh, Shun-yuan; Chang, Keng-hao; Wu, Chon-in; Okuda, Kenji; Chu,Hao-hua: GETA Sandals: Walk Away with Localization, National Taiwan

    University, 2005
