1 Lace Curtains - nebnewspapers.unl.edu€¦ · -M-J'THE * SUNDAY;, AUGUST 7. 1S37.TWELVE PAGES....

" - M- J'THE * SUNDAY ; , AUGUST 7. 1S37.TWELVE PAGES. THE SUNDAY BEE. ; . COUNCiTlLUFFS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEABL STREET.- t . y cmrlcr in nnypnrtof tliocltynt- r tr.ty cents per wook.- H" . W. TILTON , . . . Manager.- ailMH'H . '> BCBlKrMOmcc. No. 43- .KIOIIT . Euiioii No. 3 MHNT10S.- N. . . Y.I'himblng Co- .Hcitor. . . tailor. Summer goods chcno- .Tliocity . council meets to-morrow even- ing ¬ , f Finn coupes for Inilloi calling. Win. Lewis , telephone 123. Ollico 111 !) Hroad- way. - . Captain A. Overtoil has removed Ills olllco from Alain street to room No. 8 , Everett's block. The ca o of Schurvs. . the county is to- cnlled up for argument in thu superior court to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. The contract for painting the 1'iorco street .school lias been given to Charles IHiimer , who will put on a force of six or eight men to-morrow morning. Leave to marry was yesterday given to Charles H. Hnrton and Molllo Johnson , both of tins county ; Otto liasmu cn and Anna I la ti sen , both of 1'olk county. Tim wtiion bridge company has moved Its ofllcu from Main strret next to Chap- roan's - , and will now occupy the room re- cently ¬ used by Wright , Baldwin is HtilJ dene , on 1'carl street. The statement that Mr. Person was a member of the Iloyal Arcanium proves to have been a mistake. He was a mem- ber ¬ once , but allowed his membership to lapse over a venr ago. Out of live drunks in police court yes- terday ¬ two worn discharged , lliroo lined and two only paid. Out of a possible live , at thirty days rise , Judge Aylesworth really snored only two. The others wore missed or fell outside the bounds. The saloon cases are to come up before Judge Carson to-morrow. Considerable Interest is felt in them , and front seats will bo in demand. It is expected that the first two informers , who have Icon in durance at Omaha , will bo present to give their testimony if wanted. Superintendent Huehanan , of the Wn- bash , was hero yesterday to see about the motor line crossing the track of that road. It seems that the crossings con- troversies ¬ have not all been settled yet despite the many announcements to the contrary.- J. . . T. Field , of Field & Cole , desires to relieve hinmelf from any suspicion that ho wns among those who sought to take advantage of the distress of the unfortun- ate ¬ excursionists. He walked from the lake to the city to secure conveyances for them , and did not charge the excursion- ists ¬ anything , simply taking their tickets where they had any- .Haverly's . mmistrels arc to appear at the opera house next Thursday evening , August 11. The name of llaverly is an assurance that there will bo an enjoya- ble ¬ evening of fun and frolic , good music and keen wit. His companies always drew well hero , ami with the new attrac- tions ¬ which ho promises for this occasion there will bo a ready sale of tickets.- A . real entertainment is promised all who go to hear Chaplain Lozier at the G.- A. . . It. hall Monday night. The Union Veteran legion has secured "the lighting chaplain" for this one night , and all should improve the oportunity of hear- ing ¬ him. Ho is one of the jolly sort of men , who can laugh as well as fight , and who can make others laugh. The oldest daughter of Wall MoFaddcn some tune ago lost the use of one eye , as the result ot measles. The sightless orb has been lately causing much irritation , and it was feared that it might affect the other eye. Yesterday the eye-ball was removed by Dr. Chamberlain , to avoid any such results , and preserve the other eye.J. . . Hannibclscn , who lives about three miles from the city in Hazel Dell town- ship ¬ , lias found that the springs upon his farm have valuable mineral properties.- Ho . has recently sent some of the water to I'rof. Uodo , of Milwaukee , a well known chemist , and the analysis shows , according to Mode's letter , that it has Tory much the sarao qualities as the famous Waukcslia water. Mr. Hanni- bolscn - proposes to put some of the water on the market , and proceed to improve the springs. Miss Kittle Hurchell entertained her friends in a very happy manner at her homo on Pierce street Friday evening.- A . platform was arranged for dancing , a good orchestra provided , and the lawn brilliantly lighted by many Japanese lan ¬ terns. The refreshments consisted of ice cream and cake. Kaeh guest was pre- sented ¬ with a beautiful souvenir , hand- painted , the work of the fair hostess , who is an artist of no mean skill or abil- ity. ¬ . The gathering was a joyous one , and the evening passed delightfully to all participants. Surveyor Broadbeck was yesterday taking the measurements for the neccs- iary - crossings for the motor lino. From this it appears that there is no immediate prospect for the crossings being put in. They will have to bo made , sent hero and then laid , which will take .soiuu little time yet. The public is getting out of patience with the delays , apparently unnecessary , which are attending the construction of this lino. It docs not appear clear why Mr. Graves is so long getting this line in- operation. . Pat Horton was before the police court yesterday for being drunk. Pat is an old settler , and by holding to land which lie got at the early prices , ho amassed a for- tune ¬ , but by the easy way of living and free use of the cup ho has gradually al- lowed ¬ his property to dwindle to whore Dickies count big. Ho declared ho was not drunk , but that ho had a sore foot , which made him limp , and even tumble down. Ho got his case continued until nitornoon , and then secured permission to run over to the drugstore to got some- thing ¬ tor the foot which had brought him into such disgrace. The judge told him to hurry back , but at last reports ho was still hunting for corn salvo. When you are m the city stop at the Pacific house. Street cars pass the door every fifteen minutes for all the depots. Meals 50 cents each.- To . Excursion Part ION. The excursion steamer and barge John M. Abbott Is prepared to fulfill engage- ments ¬ for excursions on the Missouri river cither day or moonlight parties. Capacity 400 passengers. For terms and other particulars inquire of L. P. Judson , 921) ) Sixth avenue. Wanted Two coed boys to work In dining room at Kiel's hotel. Apply al- onco. . For Sale A Standard bred stallion for one-fourth its value. Will sell on time. Five years old. Will show 2:35 : gait. A.- C. . . Arnold , Donison , la.- At . the Pacific house vou will save from 60o to $1 per day. Try it and bo con ¬ vinced- .Heisler's . , coolest barber shop in the city , 503 Broadway , Mclchior Bros. ' eel- brattd - chairs ana now fixtures. . Ono thousand head of one , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Knqulre of A.- J. . . Greenamayer , 023 Mynstor St. , tele- 211 - , , t t Pacific house Is the ncnrcsf'holpl-to-thQ majority of real estate-oflices in'the city tJper ! day. . '' . : . . - , : ' , DETAILS OF THE DISASTER As Bhown by Evidence Before the Cor- oner's ¬ ' Jury, VIEWING OF THE WRECK- An - Avocn I-iiuidlord And Ills Tenant Have IIIood Ovrr Ilnrley A Musty Divorce Proceeding llovlvcil The Churches Today.- Ilctnllf . ) of The Disaster , 3 Coroner Faul yesterday Impanelled the ury to inquire In the Lake Manawa dls- istcr. - . The place of holding the inquest was the court room , in the Masonic build- ng. - . The jury consisted of P. 0. DoVol , J. C. IJoilaven and A. C. Graham. The county attorney , Colonel Dally , con- ducted ¬ the investigation , questioning the witnesses ; * , and the coroner sat quietly by , his only duty being apparently to swear the witnesses.- Sol. . . 11. Foster , of the Council Hinds laint , oil and glass company , testified : on steamer Manawa whun she went lown. Mv watch was stopped by the water at 10:15 : o'clock. Before wo loft .ho wharf someone asked the captain low many were on the boat anil ho re- ilied - "about twenty-live. " 1 didn't sco- my one. Our party got in bow wind blew stern if boat back against dock ; I heard tim- bers ¬ crack ; some one said it was the wheel-house that broke ; my belief is. a- liole was knocked into stern of boat in striking dock. Bow of boat was to the west when it was at dock ; the stern was toward bath houses. Cracking of tim- bers ¬ might have been those on tiie dock.- Wo . started down the lake to the west. None of the boat hands were in bow of- boat. . 1 didn't see any one on the boat except adults , all men. Everything to- me was quiet and ordurly. It showed to- te mo very plainly that the water came into the stern of the boat , and when the order logo forward came they rushed to the bow and it sank. The waves did not wasli over the bow. I don't think the boat was overloaded , when the bow went down I jumped into : ho water and swam ; went back and got lolil of Hag staff ; four or five men were n the water ; balance were holding on to- ho boat. Some swam toward the boat louses on the beach. It took all my : imo to look after myself. Boat Is fired from the bow ; don't know anvtlnng- xbout the people in charge. George Motcalf , F. J. Dav , Charlie Ferson and myself sat in the bow under Metoalf's umbrella , facing lire box. First noticeil water in pit near fire box with scum on- t ; apparently fresh water. Less than ive seconds it was putting out lire. Some- one said to get to the front , uid she wont down in an instant , bow first.- H . , L. Shepard. clerk for Benson & Mayne , stated that in his opinion the crowd rushing to onu end was the im- nediato - cause of the disaster , lie had ivoided the steamer Manawa heretofore thinking it unsafe , but as she had been changed to a side whcolor r'ocently , .bought she was now all right. Every ¬ body behaved in an orderly manner. It was raining very hard. Shepard al first Maimed to have been in the stern of the loat , but when his attention was called o facing the tire box ho concluded it was the bow instead.- F. . . J. Day , real estate broker. Colonel Oaily asked witness if ho could throw my additional light on the .subject. Ho said , "as I sat down , on going on board , [ found a brace and auger bit on the seat. I asked if there were any life preservers on board and understood there were , but could find none , as I put my hand under the seat. Before wo got on board ono of the deck-hands said they could carry safely ten more passengers. Metcalf , Fosler- uid myself were the first , 1 think , to dis- cover ¬ the water going into the fire-box. I think it was the whcelhouso that struck the dock before we left ; was sitting right by it. Some suggestions were made about it. but a boat-hand said it was all right. I think the boat drifted after it went tlown. I stood on top of the awning with water up to luy breast. Water did not wash over the bow at all. I saw three men jump and leave boat. It was suggested that some good swimmer go to notify those on tlic beach , and 1 think two loft with llfu preservers. Harry 11. Ininnn testified as to being an auctioneer. Ilu said. "I was wet and cold and was standing by the engine get- ting ¬ warm as wo left the dock. 1 noticed in particular the engineer seemed to have trouble in getting started. Didn't know of boat striking dock. 1 was standing where they put coal in the furnace , fac- ing ¬ ttie boiler. Saw the water but don't know how it got in. 1 must have been in bow of boat. Everybody seemed quiet on board. I know the waves were not high. " Eli Thomas testified : "Iheld the wheel during the accident. I had piloted her a number of times , but not since they changed her to a sido-whcoler. Have known her since September last. She was on the beach out of the water with probably ton inches of water in her. Dur- ing ¬ the winter the water in her. Saw her in the spring. They put a now hull over the outside of the old ono. The original hull was of cottonwood ; they put on a false set of ribs over old hull clear to deck , leaving a space of four inches between the two hulls. The old bottom was not touched , the repairs being only on the sides. The new casing was of inch pine lumber. She was a stern pad- dle ¬ wheeler until four or five days ago. I know she sank one time. In Juno the wind blow her onto shore. Later she sank. 1 helped raise her at the hotel dock , where she sank in four and a half feet of water. Didn't stay to see if she had a hole in her. She "mado her first trip the night before she sank after chang ¬ ing the wheel. llavu had no experience in piloting. Her captain is her regular pilot. The captain was at the engine and I was at the pilot during the accident. The engineer was sick. 1 helped push her away from the dock. Corner of wheel caught dock. I don't think wheel was damaged but won't swear it wasn't. 1 suppose 1 should have examined it. 1 didn't want to leave the dock as the storm was very heavy. I- wasn't anxious to leave , but was confi- dent ¬ we could make the trip. The port wheel caught dock. We went down the laku ; shouted to captain to stop wheels as I tried to turn her. Asked three or four to come to stern of boat as the rud- der ¬ was out of the water some and I wanted to sink the rudder , 1 then shouted to the captain , "For- God's sake , get thorn forward and stop the wheels. " She then instantly went down bow first. I held onto the tiller until the bow struck bottom. Thu stern then sank and I still hold on to the tiller until 1 was in water to my shoulders. The steamer Manawa now lies with some water in her upon the beach , where they looked to find If any bodies were still in her. I liavo made no examina- tion ¬ for holes in her bottom. She was ordinarily in charge of J. Tipton as en- gineer ¬ and Harvey Holloway as captain and pilot. She carried from forty to sixty pounds of steam and has a sovon- horsii - power engine. She wasn't heavily loaded when she loft the dock. " At this point , it then being 19 o'clock , a recess was taken until 3 o'clock. After recess the first witness called was Harvey Holloway , owner of the steamer Manawa. He said his previous business was farming and bo had been baling hay four years proviolis ' to last spring.- Steamur . Manawa was a stern-wheeler up . to last Monday , " 1 did most of the work myself. She was , finished Wednesday evening nnd'mado two trips that even ¬ ing. On'Thursday'thu day of''llio'dis ¬ aster , I ran her all day. The boat was ) ullt about, two years ago at Onawa , of elm and not cottonwood. She was twenty-nino foot long , seven feet wide and was built for a steamer ! the man building it calculating to goto Florida oni- t. . Part of the old machinery is- n ) it. She I.is ) a sovcn-liorso power boi- ler ¬ , only change I've made was the widening of the boat thteo feet by put- ting ¬ on now sides over old .sides. The top was left open a distance of eighteen inches in center of boat. " Colonel Dally hero tried to got him to explain it ho didn't think this a danger- ous ¬ way to leave it.- Ho . admitted if water gel in between these at the top on one side that it would bo apt to tip the boat. Ho stated that there was no way to got the water out after it got in between these two bulls , [ ixcopt to pump it out by putting a pump in between. The only experience ho had in running a steam en- gine ¬ was In running da hay press engine. "That evening my en- gineer ¬ was sick ; I was engineer that night. Thomas was pilot that night. 1 was attending the engine and was on the boat when she ieft the dock. 1 knew she struck the dock before we left. 1 don't know If any damage was done or not- .Didn't . examine it at all. Ham was com- ing ¬ from thu northwest and the crowd kept well over to the .southeast comer in the storn. At the time the boat was sinking I heard the pilot say to jcml the crowd forward. I shut oil' steam to re- verse - the engine , intending to try to start- up for the beach. Wo aimed to run north to the willows and run to the hotel landing nuder the lea of the willows. The only way 1 can account for the sinking was on account of the crowd getting on the side. About sixteen inches of water would be required in the bottom of the boat to put tlic lire out. An ordinary load would bo forty or fifty people ; wo had sixty on the trip before that. Wo had about twenty-live to thirty on it on that trip. Thu reason she sank in Juno was in auger hole throe-quarters of an inch in the bottom of the hull. After she wont down 1 swam to shore for help. 1 was along side of Mr. Inman , near the center of the boat. " Alderman George Motcalf , of Motcalf- Bros. . , testified : "Was on the Manawa when she sank. Nearly all the .scats were filled , and probably 23 persons were on it. Our party sat in the bow near the 3enter of the boat. Wo noticed water in the nit. Some one said she was sinking , and immediately she began to sink ; in live seconds she was on the bottom. About eight or ten were forward of the center. If the boat had been out of bal- ance ¬ wo certainly would have noticed it.- Mr. . . Ferson jumped ahead of mo ; as 1 wont into the water I put my head on top of the canvas. Ferson wont toward the island. I did lot know Newman or Cartwright. Those on the boat were all quiet and orderly. I know nothing of the boat striking the dock. 1 thought the storm a- ightone , more of a mist than a rain , at that time , and didn't consider it a dan- gerous ¬ night at all. " Joseph Gaglagan , engineer of the of the Lake , testified1 : "Am engi- neer ¬ ; been on Lake Manawa four weeks ; nspected the machinery on the Manawa and believe it all right. I have a govern- ment ¬ license for running boats. Was no- n ) the beach at the time , was over at tlit- lotcl landing. I consider the false sideo- dangerous. . If water got in one side is would bo liable to tip it , but if the samel amount of water was in botli sides In tlic chambers she would balance. " After taking the above testimony the jury , accompanied by the coroner and county attorney , with tlic reporters , pro- ceeded ¬ In carnages to the lake. Upon irrival at the beach the ill-fated steamer Manawa was found to bo lying on the ground about thirty feel out in the water , where she had been towed by the steamer Lady of the Lake on Friday. Taylor Wolsey and Huben Bryant had just searched the Mr.nawa for any bodies that might have remained in- tier. . They thinking possibly the Hico boy , reported missing , might bo in the steamer. The object of the jury's visit was to ex- amine ¬ the bottom of the steamer and to see if she had been scuttled , but in that position it was impossible to make any examination at all. It was then deter- mined ¬ to haul her up onto the beach but how to do this was an important question to solve. They finally procured ropes and all hands , including the jury , began to pull away , but she gave way very reluctantly and only moved inch by inch. Many of the boatmen on the lake lent their assistance , increasing the number at the ropes to about forty. The boat was bailed out finally after she was pulled to within fifteen feet of the shorn , the chambers between the two hulls still contained water. She lloated for an hour or so , which wont to show that she contains no holes. No examina- tion ¬ was made from the outside of dark- ness ¬ interfered , but will bo to morrow.- Thu . jury returned at 0 o'clock last night , adjourning until to-morrow morning. The Omaha parties who were in the wreck will bo examined Monday. The House * or Mournlnc. The funeral of Charles Ferson will probably bo held Tuesday morning. In response to a telegram sent to his rela- tives ¬ in Massachusetts Information has been received that his brother is on the way hero , and is expected to arrive Mon ¬ day. His parents are quite aged , and they will probably not be able to under- take ¬ the sad journey. The blow to hid wife has boon a terrible one. She was recovering somewhat from the shock yes- terday , but is still confined to her bod. The tendorest sympathy is felt throughout the community , and she h receiving the moso careful attention. Her stop-father , Judge Casady , is quite ill , his health having been poorly for some time. Mrs- .Casady . finds duty drawing her in two directions at once , her husband and her daughter each needing her constant at- tention ¬ and care. The body of young Cartwright was yes- terday taken to his homo at Weston , Mo. , for burial. His brother , Robert , and Mrs. Bell , wife of the Omaha druggist for whom ho was'at work , accompanied the remains. The Illco Boy- .No . tidings have been had of the Rico boy and many suppose that ho was lost in tha wreck. The boy is ono who is inclined to roam about , and has no very fixed habitationso he may bo all right yet.- Ho . had been out in the country working for some one , and came into the city the night before the disaster. Late that night ho appeared at the police station , and as ho was well acquainted with the officers , they allowed him to remain there. Ho was just in time to share in their midnight lunch , and when a ked why he didn't go to his brother's to sleep , ho said ho was afraid his brother would not lot him go to the picnio at the lake the next day. Ho had 50 cents with him and this ho was saving for the picnic.- Ho . had a ticket good for ono trip on the Manawa. Ho slept in the station that night , and it is supposed wont to the lake the next day as intended. The habits of the boy wore such as raise grave doubts about his being in the wreck , for ho may have taken a notion to go out in the country again or other- wise ¬ disappear. Notes From the Itnko. Ole Anderson , a Northwestern railway employe , lost a $75 gold watch with his coat anil vest , in the wreck. Mr. Snod- grass found them and Joft them at police headquarters , whore they were idonti.l- ied. - . . : There were , very few visitors at the lake yesterday and last evening. Tne shadow of the. disaster rests too heavily for the community to ( jikg much pleasure thcro at present. ( , The Manawa was twit ) .verv well sup- plied ¬ with life preservers. There wore noiio belonging to tho7boat , but Mr- .Woolsov . , of the Lady1 of the Lake , lent four. In the disaster the captain used ono of these , leaving throe for the thirty passengers to divide among themselves. The boat had no pump to put in use in- ca o of a leak , or water coming over the sides. The more the niattcr i.s looked Into the more fcarfnl seems the re- sponsibility ¬ that rests upon the man who would solicit passenger. * for such a tub , even on a pleasant day, to'say nothing of- a stormy night. ' , ( Thumping n'Tcnant.- M. . . Friel , of Avoca , Is the latest victim of the hot blood which lias caused several sensational occurrences in the place. His trouble was with W. B. Cuppy , of whom lie rents sixty acres of land about a mile cast of town , and near where Cuppyl- ives. . The statement of the affair as given by Mr. Friol is that on Wednesday evening , between 8 and 9 o'clock , ho was preparing to drive homo with the last load of barley , which they had been thrashing that day. The barley bad been divided at the machine , Mr. Cuppy re- ceiving ¬ one-third. With Mr. Fricl was his boy , a lad of fifteen. The boy was'opening the gate , and Friol was driving through when Cuppy appeared on the"scone , and in a rage. Ho seized the horses and backed them into the yard , swearing a bin swear that Fricl should not take the barlov off the place.- As . a man named Desmond had made the division at the machine , Friel felt that ho had only what belonged to him , and in- sisted ¬ on taking it. High words ensued.- Friol . was sitting on the high spring seat of the wagon , while Cuppy was standing on the ground at ( ho side of thu wagon. During the quarrel Friel says that Cuppy suddenly picked up a round piece of wood , about three feet long , and struck him , knocking him over backwards into the barley. As he foil he hit him the second time on the side of the neck and shoulder. As Friel Jay partially over the seat , and unconscious , the boy started to lift him up , but Cuppy turned on the lad and witli an oath threatened to "knock him C9ld. " Friol , after laying there a little while , recovered consciousness biilliciontly to sit up , and after some more abusive words from Cuppy was allowed to drive out without further molestation. The wound inflicted is about three inches in length , across the forehead. His eye" arc entirely closed and face badly swollen- .Friel . is much prostrated , and is unable to take nourishment. Dr. Connauchoy , the attending physician , says there is no im- mciilato - danger , and unless inflammation sets in ho will bo all right. No arrests have been made as yet. Friel is fifty-six years of ago , and has a family of six children , lie is said to bo a quiet , in- offensive ¬ , hard working man , and there is much sympathy felt for him in the community.- A . Musty lilvorce I'npcr.- A . soiled , pocket-worn petition for a divorce was filed yesterday in the district court. It had apparently Ween made out originally October 5 , ISStf , mid thru car- ried ¬ around in somebody's , pocket until now , when the date was changed , the in- strument ¬ freshly acknowledged and filed. The plaintiff is Ben F. Allison and the defendant Sarah Allison. The original petition sol forth that she had threatened to knock his brains out , but the revised edition omitted this and the claim for freedom was based solely on the fact that she had loft his bed and board in March , 1831 , and had not returned. The certifi- cate ¬ of the wife accepting service was made upon the back of the petition , so that it appears that they have agreed to- disagree. . Church Chlmoa. Services at Harmony Mission chapel at 3 o'clock p. m. , conducted by Mr- .Kobcrts . , an orthodox Quaker. Sabbath school at 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Topic , "Tho Power of God's Word ; " Hob. 4th chapter.- Prcsbyteri.m . Business men , particu- larly ¬ merchants , not attending other church services , arc cordially invited to the Prcsbpterian church this morning , as the sermon will bo especially for them , by the pastor.- Thcro . will bo services in the Congrega- tional ¬ church this morning. Preaching by the pastor. Subject , "Out of Dark- ness ¬ into Light. " This will bo the pas ¬ tor's last sermon until the First of Sep ¬ tember.- Rev. . . Mr. Painter will give a bible reading in the Tabornaclilo on Fourth street , at 4 p. m , Subject , "Is Sunday tlio Lord's D yV" All are invited to bring their bibles. He will also preach at 8 p m- .Preaching . in the First Baptist church Sunday ah 10iO :! a. m. No evening .ser ¬ vices in the church. New Steamnr. Vic Roller is building at Wray's land- ing ¬ a line , new boat for use on the lake- .It . will be the largest steamer on the lake. Its length of keel is fifty feet. The best of hickory and white oak is being used. The ribs are two by four and twelve inches apart. The bottom is made of ono and a half inch Indiana white oafc plank. The awning is to bo of wood and the pilot- house is on top , so that the pilot may sea clearly in all directions. Every feature of the boat is being made thoroughly strong and by skilled workmen. It is to- bo ollicially inspected and run by a licensed engineer. The machinery is all new , the engine being of ten horse power , and supplied with u pump and all need ¬ fuls for a first class boat. It is expected that it will bo ready to launch the first of the week. Masonic.- Excelsiorr . Lodge No.t59 , A. F. & A.- M. . ., will hold its regular communication Monday evening , August 8. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order W.- M. . . Persounl t'nrncraph *. Captain Overton starts to-morrow morning for Texas on atwo ( weeks' trip. Harry James is confined to bis homo by malarial fever , but is rapidly recover ¬ ing.B. . . It. Bomberger , who has been visit- ing ¬ friends here , on his rettjrn from the Yoscmito , leaves this ovijiiing for his home in Llttz , Pa. , where ho is engaged in the hardware business. The hot weather has brought Frank M. Hunter to a boil. Ho is only temporarily disabled , and is nursi.ig the comforter as best he can. i , Foit RENT. Nice largo office , first iloor. Enquire W. W. Chapman's art store , 107 Main stre- et.ST.FRANCIS . ACADEMY Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs. Ono of the best Educational Institu- tions ¬ in the west. Hoarding and day school conducted by the Sisters of Char- ity ¬ , B , V. M. Hoard and tuition for a term of five months , 75. For further particulars address SISTEK SUPERIOR , St. Francis Academy , : . . Council Blufls.Ta. OFFICER , C PUSEY , r oo Broadway , Council muffs , Iowa. Established 1S- ST.REAL . ESTATE , Vacant Lots , I.nmU , City licsMonccs nnd- Kiirins. . Aero property In western part of city. All sdllnjr clicii | . B. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Itoom f , ovcrOQlccr ft Pusoy's Hnnk , Conncll- llulTs. . .VI Tj- I , nrpohnts Inrlilto , bluck ml all colors. Pat tirn lionnots , hiuj nnd toques , n specialty.- No . I5U Douglas St. , Umnha. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , such as f.ost , Found ' . .ol.niin , Kor Bale , To Kent , Vtants , Koimllnir , etc , will boltiorlod In this column ut the loir- ratoofTKNCCNTSI'KIt LINE forthoflm Injor- lonnndIvoCantsPcrUnofot'cacusubsoiiiotii Insertion. I.I-HVO advertisements nt our olllco- No.. U I'curl sticeti no.tr Uroadway , Council UlufTs. _ WANTS. _ VOU HAI.K Oil TltADn.-For Council Hinds J property 40,000 acres of lowu mid No- tirnslin - Iniul. J. U. lUcv , 110 Mum St. . Council IllnlTs. " ANTI'.DSituation by younir married man. ' Host of references , lluslncss oxporlunco. Wholosiilo lionso preferred. Address li 10 , lloo olllco. Council lllullB. _ by lady bookkeeper In- T olllco or an saleslady. AddrobS W y , Jluo- onice , Council llhills. Situation t y younir man , pro corv or elothlntr business preferred. Three years experience In each. Address I) 1 : . ' , lice ofllcc , Council HlutTH , Iow- a.W . ANTKO Situation as bookkeeper by- younir man who can jrlvo satisfactory ref- erences ¬ its to experience , habito nnd icsponsl- bility. - . G. 1) . lice olllcu , Council llliufs. _ WANTED Situation ns sidesman In grocery . Hefercnccs ( riven. 1) . U. T. , Ilee- office. . Council lllull- s.WlLli . sell tno carriages on Innir time or will for horses. William Lewis- .KSTAHUSHii)15G8 . : D. H. MCDANELD& COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pelfs , WOOL AM > FURS- .Jlialtcut . Mtirlict Prices. Frotnp Hctiirnn. 820 and 823 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. BEST LIGHT LIVERY xisr- Tlio line.it of driving horses always on hand and for sale b- yMASE WISE. Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OFFICES : No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. 33- Na. . G15 Main Street , Telephone No , 93. LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , TortoiseShell etc.Hair On- nnnionts , ns well as the newest nov- eltlcHin - hair goods. Hair goods niadcto order MrsTcTL. Gillette 29 Mr.in St. . Council Kind's , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attended to. Star Safe Stables and Mule Yards.l- irondwny . , Council lllulls , Opp Dummy Depot. B5- llorfics and mules constantly on hand for sulo at retail or in car load lots. Orders promptly Tilled by contract on short notico. Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. Sni.i'TT.K & HOI.KV. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council UlulK CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , A ID FINE POTTERY. Prices Fiery Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , A'O. ! tt MAIM .ST. , COUXVIL ItLUfJfS , 1A : ' HARNESS "BROS. , 4'f BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. CLOSING OUT ALL Summer Dress Goods , White Goods Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc. OT- JPLCARPETS , Are Large and Well Selected Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best , New Goods are arriving and invite inspection A FULL LINE OF Lace Curtains , CURTAIN DRAPERIES , SHADING ETC. , ETC , Work Done by Competent Workmen. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.- N. . . B. Special attention given all orders by- mail. . BEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OP Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to call on ns- .IiiRlrtiinciif . * Tuned and Repaired. We never rail to give sallNl'aellon , Over ! iO years'Experience In F'lano and Organ Work. Swanson Music Co.N- o. . . 32 ! ) liroiuhvay , Council Hlufl's , Iowa o. Real Estate Broker and Dealers Con n fit IS I n ( ft Ofttec , Temple. Omalia Olllco , % Ill North Midi Hlrecl. Particular attention given to In- vesting - I'uiuU lor neil - resi- dents. ¬ . Speelal bargain * in loin St. aero properly In Oinalia & G'omi- cll - ISIuH'i. Correipundonee lolicI- ted. - . " " VuWS5v ! & ) I- WBECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL. Best 2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE ROOMS an* ALL MODERN CONVENIEK CES ! Regular : Boaiderts : : Reduced : - : Hates.- NO. . . 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluf- fs.ZRIls . No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.- A . C . Fancy and Staple Groceries Both Domestic and Foreign ,

Transcript of 1 Lace Curtains - nebnewspapers.unl.edu€¦ · -M-J'THE * SUNDAY;, AUGUST 7. 1S37.TWELVE PAGES....

Page 1: 1 Lace Curtains - nebnewspapers.unl.edu€¦ · -M-J'THE * SUNDAY;, AUGUST 7. 1S37.TWELVE PAGES. THE SUNDAY BEE. COUNCiTlLUFFS OFFICE, NO. 12, PEABL STREET.- t. y cmrlcr in nnypnrtof

" -M-








y cmrlcr in nnypnrtof tliocltynt-r tr.ty cents per wook.-


W. TILTON , . . . Manager.-


'> BCBlKrMOmcc. No. 43-


Euiioii No. 3




. Y.I'himblng Co-


. tailor. Summer goods chcno-.Tliocity


council meets to-morrow even-ing


, fFinn coupes for Inilloi calling. Win.Lewis , telephone 123. Ollico 111 ! ) Hroad-way.



Captain A. Overtoil has removed Illsolllco from Alain street to room No. 8 ,

Everett's block.The ca o of Schurvs. . the county is to-

cnlled up for argument in thu superiorcourt to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.

The contract for painting the 1'iorcostreet .school lias been given to CharlesIHiimer , who will put on a force of six oreight men to-morrow morning.

Leave to marry was yesterday given toCharles H. Hnrton and Molllo Johnson ,

both of tins county ; Otto liasmu cn andAnna I la ti sen , both of 1'olk county.

Tim wtiion bridge company has movedIts ofllcu from Main strret next to Chap-roan's

-, and will now occupy the room re-


used by Wright , Baldwin is HtilJdene , on 1'carl street.

The statement that Mr. Person was amember of the Iloyal Arcanium provesto have been a mistake. He was a mem-ber


once , but allowed his membership tolapse over a venr ago.

Out of live drunks in police court yes-terday


two worn discharged , lliroo linedand two only paid. Out of a possible live ,

at thirty days rise , Judge Aylesworthreally snored only two. The others woremissed or fell outside the bounds.

The saloon cases are to come up beforeJudge Carson to-morrow. ConsiderableInterest is felt in them , and front seatswill bo in demand. It is expected thatthe first two informers , who have Iconin durance at Omaha , will bo present togive their testimony if wanted.

Superintendent Huehanan , of the Wn-bash , was hero yesterday to see about themotor line crossing the track of thatroad. It seems that the crossings con-troversies


have not all been settled yetdespite the many announcements to thecontrary.-


. T. Field , of Field & Cole , desires torelieve hinmelf from any suspicion thatho wns among those who sought to takeadvantage of the distress of the unfortun-ate


excursionists. He walked from thelake to the city to secure conveyances forthem , and did not charge the excursion-ists


anything , simply taking their ticketswhere they had any-


mmistrels arc to appear atthe opera house next Thursday evening ,

August 11. The name of llaverly is anassurance that there will bo an enjoya-ble


evening of fun and frolic , good musicand keen wit. His companies alwaysdrew well hero , ami with the new attrac-tions


which ho promises for this occasionthere will bo a ready sale of tickets.-


real entertainment is promised allwho go to hear Chaplain Lozier at the G.-


. It. hall Monday night. The UnionVeteran legion has secured "the lightingchaplain" for this one night , and allshould improve the oportunity of hear-ing


him. Ho is one of the jolly sort ofmen , who can laugh as well as fight , andwho can make others laugh.

The oldest daughter of Wall MoFaddcnsome tune ago lost the use of one eye , asthe result ot measles. The sightless orbhas been lately causing much irritation ,

and it was feared that it might affect theother eye. Yesterday the eye-ball wasremoved by Dr. Chamberlain , to avoidany such results , and preserve the othereye.J.



Hannibclscn , who lives about threemiles from the city in Hazel Dell town-ship


, lias found that the springs upon hisfarm have valuable mineral properties.-Ho


has recently sent some of the waterto I'rof. Uodo , of Milwaukee , a wellknown chemist , and the analysis shows ,according to Mode's letter , that it hasTory much the sarao qualities as thefamous Waukcslia water. Mr. Hanni-bolscn


proposes to put some of the wateron the market , and proceed to improvethe springs.

Miss Kittle Hurchell entertained herfriends in a very happy manner at herhomo on Pierce street Friday evening.-A

.platform was arranged for dancing , a

good orchestra provided , and the lawnbrilliantly lighted by many Japanese lan ¬

terns. The refreshments consisted of icecream and cake. Kaeh guest was pre-sented


with a beautiful souvenir , hand-painted , the work of the fair hostess ,

who is an artist of no mean skill or abil-ity.


. The gathering was a joyous one ,

and the evening passed delightfully toall participants.

Surveyor Broadbeck was yesterdaytaking the measurements for the neccs-iary


crossings for the motor lino. Fromthis it appears that there is no immediateprospect for the crossings being put in.They will have to bo made , sent hero andthen laid , which will take .soiuu little timeyet. The public is getting out of patiencewith the delays , apparently unnecessary ,which are attending the construction ofthis lino. It docs not appear clear whyMr. Graves is so long getting this line in-operation. .

Pat Horton was before the police courtyesterday for being drunk. Pat is an oldsettler , and by holding to land which liegot at the early prices , ho amassed a for-tune


, but by the easy way of living andfree use of the cup ho has gradually al-


his property to dwindle to whoreDickies count big. Ho declared ho wasnot drunk , but that ho had a sore foot ,which made him limp , and even tumbledown. Ho got his case continued untilnitornoon , and then secured permissionto run over to the drugstore to got some-thing


tor the foot which had broughthim into such disgrace. The judge toldhim to hurry back , but at last reports howas still hunting for corn salvo.

When you are m the city stop at thePacific house. Street cars pass the doorevery fifteen minutes for all the depots.Meals 50 cents each.-



Excursion Part ION.

The excursion steamer and barge JohnM. Abbott Is prepared to fulfill engage-ments


for excursions on the Missouririver cither day or moonlight parties.Capacity 400 passengers. For terms andother particulars inquire of L. P. Judson ,921)) Sixth avenue.

Wanted Two coed boys to work Indining room at Kiel's hotel. Apply al-

onco. .

For Sale A Standard bred stallion forone-fourth its value. Will sell on time.Five years old. Will show 2:35: gait. A.-


. Arnold , Donison , la.-



the Pacific house vou will save from60o to $1 per day. Try it and bo con ¬




, coolest barber shop in thecity , 503 Broadway , Mclchior Bros. ' eel-brattd


chairs ana now fixtures.

. Ono thousand head of one , two andthree-year-old steers for sale. Will givecredit to reliable parties. Knqulre of A.-


. Greenamayer , 023 Mynstor St. , tele-211


, ,t t

Pacific house Is the ncnrcsf'holpl-to-thQmajority of real estate-oflices in'the citytJper! day. .

' '. :

. .- , : ' ,


As Bhown by Evidence Before the Cor-



' Jury,




Avocn I-iiuidlord And Ills TenantHave IIIood Ovrr Ilnrley A Musty

Divorce Proceeding llovlvcilThe Churches Today.-



) of The Disaster ,3 Coroner Faul yesterday Impanelled theury to inquire In the Lake Manawa dls-


. The place of holding the inquestwas the court room , in the Masonic build-ng.


. The jury consisted of P. 0. DoVol ,

J. C. IJoilaven and A. C. Graham. Thecounty attorney , Colonel Dally , con-


the investigation , questioning thewitnesses ;* , and the coroner sat quietlyby , his only duty being apparently toswear the witnesses.-


. 11. Foster , of the Council Hindslaint , oil and glass company , testified :

on steamer Manawa whun she wentlown. Mv watch was stopped by thewater at 10:15: o'clock. Before wo loft.ho wharf someone asked the captainlow many were on the boat anil ho re-


"about twenty-live. " 1 didn't sco-my one.

Our party got in bow wind blew sternif boat back against dock ; I heard tim-bers


crack ; some one said it was thewheel-house that broke ; my belief is. a-

liole was knocked into stern of boat instriking dock. Bow of boat was to thewest when it was at dock ; the stern wastoward bath houses. Cracking of tim-bers


might have been those on tiie dock.-Wo


started down the lake to the west.None of the boat hands were in bow of-

boat. . 1 didn't see any one on the boatexcept adults , all men. Everything to-

me was quiet and ordurly. It showed to-

te mo very plainly that the water cameinto the stern of the boat , and when theorder logo forward came they rushed tothe bow and it sank. The waves didnot wasli over the bow. I don'tthink the boat was overloaded ,

when the bow went down I jumped into: ho water and swam ; went back and gotlolil of Hag staff ; four or five men weren the water ; balance were holding on to-ho boat. Some swam toward the boatlouses on the beach. It took all my

: imo to look after myself. Boat Is firedfrom the bow ; don't know anvtlnng-xbout the people in charge. GeorgeMotcalf , F. J. Dav , Charlie Ferson andmyself sat in the bow under Metoalf'sumbrella , facing lire box. First noticeilwater in pit near fire box with scum on-t ; apparently fresh water. Less thanive seconds it was putting out lire. Some-

one said to get to the front , uid shewont down in an instant , bow first.-


, L. Shepard. clerk for Benson &Mayne , stated that in his opinion thecrowd rushing to onu end was the im-


cause of the disaster , lie hadivoided the steamer Manawa heretoforethinking it unsafe , but as she had beenchanged to a side whcolor r'ocently ,.bought she was now all right. Every ¬

body behaved in an orderly manner. Itwas raining very hard. Shepard al firstMaimed to have been in the stern of theloat , but when his attention was calledo facing the tire box ho concluded it was

the bow instead.-F.

.. J. Day , real estate broker. Colonel

Oaily asked witness if ho could throwmy additional light on the .subject. Hosaid , "as I sat down , on going on board ,[ found a brace and auger bit onthe seat. I asked if there wereany life preservers on board andunderstood there were , but couldfind none , as I put my hand under theseat. Before wo got on board ono of thedeck-hands said they could carry safelyten more passengers. Metcalf , Fosler-uid myself were the first , 1 think , to dis-cover


the water going into the fire-box. Ithink it was the whcelhouso that struckthe dock before we left ; was sitting rightby it. Some suggestions were madeabout it. but a boat-hand said it was allright. I think the boat drifted after itwent tlown. I stood on top of the awningwith water up to luy breast. Water didnot wash over the bow at all. I sawthree men jump and leave boat. It wassuggested that some good swimmer go tonotify those on tlic beach , and 1 thinktwo loft with llfu preservers.

Harry 11. Ininnn testified as to beingan auctioneer. Ilu said. "I was wet andcold and was standing by the engine get-ting


warm as wo left the dock. 1 noticedin particular the engineer seemed to havetrouble in getting started. Didn't knowof boat striking dock. 1 was standingwhere they put coal in the furnace , fac-ing


ttie boiler. Saw the water but don'tknow how it got in. 1 must have been inbow of boat. Everybody seemed quieton board. I know the waves were nothigh. "

Eli Thomas testified : "Iheld the wheelduring the accident. I had piloted her anumber of times , but not since theychanged her to a sido-whcoler. Haveknown her since September last. Shewas on the beach out of the water withprobably ton inches of water in her. Dur-ing


the winter the water in her.Saw her in the spring. They put a nowhull over the outside of the old ono. Theoriginal hull was of cottonwood ; they puton a false set of ribs over old hull clearto deck , leaving a space of four inchesbetween the two hulls. The old bottomwas not touched , the repairs being onlyon the sides. The new casing was ofinch pine lumber. She was a stern pad-dle


wheeler until four or five days ago. Iknow she sank one time. In Juno thewind blow her onto shore. Later shesank. 1 helped raise her at the hoteldock , where she sank in four and a halffeet of water. Didn't stay to see if shehad a hole in her. She "mado her firsttrip the night before she sank after chang ¬

ing the wheel. llavu had noexperience in piloting. Her captain isher regular pilot. The captain was atthe engine and I was at the pilot duringthe accident. The engineer was sick. 1helped push her away from the dock.Corner of wheel caught dock. I don'tthink wheel was damaged but won'tswear it wasn't. 1 suppose 1 should haveexamined it. 1 didn't want to leave thedock as the storm was very heavy. I-

wasn't anxious to leave , but was confi-dent


we could make the trip. The portwheel caught dock. We went down thelaku ; shouted to captain to stop wheelsas I tried to turn her. Asked three orfour to come to stern of boat as the rud-der

¬was out of the water some

and I wanted to sink the rudder ,1 then shouted to the captain , "For-

God's sake , get thorn forward and stopthe wheels. " She then instantly wentdown bow first. I held onto the tilleruntil the bow struck bottom. Thu sternthen sank and I still hold on to the tilleruntil 1 was in water to my shoulders.The steamer Manawa now lies withsome water in her upon the beach , wherethey looked to find If any bodies werestill in her. I liavo made no examina-tion

¬for holes in her bottom. She was

ordinarily in charge of J. Tipton as en-gineer

¬and Harvey Holloway as captain

and pilot. She carried from forty tosixty pounds of steam and has a sovon-horsii

-power engine. She wasn't heavily

loaded when she loft the dock. "At this point , it then being 19 o'clock ,

a recess was taken until 3 o'clock.After recess the first witness called was

Harvey Holloway , owner of the steamerManawa. He said his previous businesswas farming and bo had been baling hayfour years proviolis ' to last spring.-Steamur


Manawa was a stern-wheeler up. to last Monday , "1 did most of the workmyself. She was , finished Wednesdayevening nnd'mado two trips that even ¬

ing. On'Thursday'thu day of''llio'dis ¬

aster , I ran her all day. The boat was) ullt about, two years ago at Onawa , of

elm and not cottonwood. She wastwenty-nino foot long , seven feet wideand was built for a steamer ! the manbuilding it calculating to goto Florida oni-t. . Part of the old machinery is-

n) it. She I.is) a sovcn-liorso power boi-ler


, only change I've made was thewidening of the boat thteo feet by put-ting


on now sides over old .sides. Thetop was left open a distance of eighteeninches in center of boat. "

Colonel Dally hero tried to got him toexplain it ho didn't think this a danger-ous


way to leave it.-


admitted if water gel in betweenthese at the top on one side that it wouldbo apt to tip the boat. Ho stated thatthere was no way to got the water outafter it got in between these two bulls ,[ixcopt to pump it out by putting a pumpin between. The only experience hohad in running a steam en-gine


was In running da haypress engine. "That evening my en-gineer


was sick ; I was engineer thatnight. Thomas was pilot that night. 1

was attending the engine and was on theboat when she ieft the dock. 1 knew shestruck the dock before we left. 1 don'tknow If any damage was done or not-.Didn't


examine it at all. Ham was com-ing


from thu northwest and the crowdkept well over to the .southeast comer inthe storn. At the time the boat wassinking I heard the pilot say to jcml thecrowd forward. I shut oil' steam to re-verse


the engine , intending to try to start-up for the beach. Wo aimedto run north to the willowsand run to the hotel landingnuder the lea of the willows. The onlyway 1 can account for the sinking wason account of the crowd getting on theside. About sixteen inches of waterwould be required in the bottom of theboat to put tlic lire out. An ordinary loadwould bo forty or fifty people ; wo hadsixty on the trip before that. Wo hadabout twenty-live to thirty on it on thattrip. Thu reason she sank in Juno wasin auger hole throe-quarters of an inchin the bottom of the hull. After she wontdown 1 swam to shore for help. 1 wasalong side of Mr. Inman , near the centerof the boat. "

Alderman George Motcalf , of Motcalf-Bros. . , testified : "Was on the Manawawhen she sank. Nearly all the .scatswere filled , and probably 23 persons wereon it. Our party sat in the bow near the3enter of the boat. Wo noticed water inthe nit. Some one said she was sinking ,

and immediately she began to sink ; inlive seconds she was on the bottom.About eight or ten were forward of thecenter. If the boat had been out of bal-ance


wo certainly would have noticed it.-


. Ferson jumped ahead of mo ; as 1

wont into the water I put my head ontop of the canvas. Ferson wonttoward the island. I didlot know Newman or Cartwright.Those on the boat were all quiet andorderly. I know nothing of the boatstriking the dock. 1 thought the storm a-

ightone , more of a mist than a rain , atthat time , and didn't consider it a dan-gerous


night at all. "Joseph Gaglagan , engineer of the

of the Lake , testified1 : "Am engi-neer


; been on Lake Manawa four weeks ;

nspected the machinery on the Manawaand believe it all right. I have a govern-ment


license for running boats. Was no-n) the beach at the time , was over at tlit-

lotcl landing. I consider the false sideo-dangerous. . If water got in one side iswould bo liable to tip it , but if the samelamount of water was in botli sides In tlicchambers she would balance. "

After taking the above testimony thejury , accompanied by the coroner andcounty attorney , with tlic reporters , pro-ceeded


In carnages to the lake. Uponirrival at the beach the ill-fated steamerManawa was found to bo lying on theground about thirty feel out in the water ,where she had been towed by the steamerLady of the Lake on Friday. TaylorWolsey and Huben Bryant had justsearched the Mr.nawa for any bodiesthat might have remained in-tier. . They thinking possibly the Hicoboy , reported missing , might bo in thesteamer.

The object of the jury's visit was to ex-amine


the bottom of the steamer and tosee if she had been scuttled , but in thatposition it was impossible to make anyexamination at all. It was then deter-mined


to haul her up onto the beach buthow to do this was an important questionto solve. They finally procured ropesand all hands , including the jury , beganto pull away , but she gave way veryreluctantly and only moved inch by inch.Many of the boatmen on the lake lenttheir assistance , increasing the numberat the ropes to about forty.

The boat was bailed out finally aftershe was pulled to within fifteen feet ofthe shorn , the chambers between the twohulls still contained water. She lloatedfor an hour or so , which wont to showthat she contains no holes. No examina-tion


was made from the outside of dark-ness


interfered , but will bo to morrow.-Thu


jury returned at 0 o'clock last night ,adjourning until to-morrow morning.The Omaha parties who were in thewreck will bo examined Monday.

The House * or Mournlnc.The funeral of Charles Ferson will

probably bo held Tuesday morning. Inresponse to a telegram sent to his rela-tives


in Massachusetts Information hasbeen received that his brother is on theway hero , and is expected to arrive Mon ¬

day. His parents are quite aged , andthey will probably not be able to under-take


the sad journey. The blow to hidwife has boon a terrible one. She wasrecovering somewhat from the shock yes-

terday , but is still confined to her bod.The tendorest sympathy is felt throughoutthe community , and she h receiving themoso careful attention. Her stop-father ,

Judge Casady , is quite ill , his healthhaving been poorly for some time. Mrs-.Casady


finds duty drawing her in twodirections at once , her husband and herdaughter each needing her constant at-


and care.The body of young Cartwright was yes-

terday taken to his homo at Weston , Mo. ,for burial. His brother , Robert , and Mrs.Bell , wife of the Omaha druggist forwhom ho was'at work , accompanied theremains.

The Illco Boy-.No

.tidings have been had of the Rico

boy and many suppose that ho was lostin tha wreck. The boy is ono who isinclined to roam about , and has no veryfixed habitationso he may bo all right yet.-


had been out in the country workingfor some one , and came into the city thenight before the disaster. Late thatnight ho appeared at the police station ,and as ho was well acquainted with theofficers , they allowed him to remainthere. Ho was just in time to sharein their midnight lunch , and whena ked why he didn't go to his brother's tosleep , ho said ho was afraid his brotherwould not lot him go to the picnio at thelake the next day. Ho had 50 cents withhim and this ho was saving for the picnic.-Ho


had a ticket good for ono trip on theManawa. Ho slept in the station thatnight , and it is supposed wont to thelake the next day as intended. Thehabits of the boy wore such as raisegrave doubts about his being in thewreck , for ho may have taken a notionto go out in the country again or other-wise



Notes From the Itnko.Ole Anderson , a Northwestern railway

employe , lost a $75 gold watch with hiscoat anil vest , in the wreck. Mr. Snod-grass found them and Joft them at policeheadquarters , whore they were idonti.l-ied.


. .: There were , very few visitors at thelake yesterday and last evening. Tne

shadow of the. disaster rests too heavilyfor the community to (jikg much pleasurethcro at present. ( ,

The Manawa was twit ) .verv well sup-plied


with life preservers. There worenoiio belonging to tho7boat , but Mr-.Woolsov


, of the Lady1 of the Lake , lentfour. In the disaster the captain usedono of these , leaving throe for the thirtypassengers to divide among themselves.The boat had no pump to put in use in-

ca o of a leak , or water coming over thesides. The more the niattcr i.s lookedInto the more fcarfnl seems the re-sponsibility


that rests upon the man whowould solicit passenger. * for such a tub ,even on a pleasant day, to'say nothing of-a stormy night. '

, (

Thumping n'Tcnant.-M.

.. Friel , of Avoca , Is the latest victim

of the hot blood which lias caused severalsensational occurrences in the place. Histrouble was with W. B. Cuppy , of whomlie rents sixty acres of land about a milecast of town , and near where Cuppyl-ives. . The statement of the affair asgiven by Mr. Friol is that on Wednesdayevening , between 8 and 9 o'clock , ho waspreparing to drive homo with the lastload of barley , which they had beenthrashing that day. The barley bad beendivided at the machine , Mr. Cuppy re-


one-third. With Mr. Fricl washis boy , a lad of fifteen. Theboy was'opening the gate , and Friol wasdriving through when Cuppy appearedon the"scone , and in a rage. Ho seizedthe horses and backed them into theyard , swearing a bin swear that Friclshould not take the barlov off the place.-As


a man named Desmond had made thedivision at the machine , Friel felt that hohad only what belonged to him , and in-


on taking it. High words ensued.-Friol


was sitting on the high spring seatof the wagon , while Cuppy was standingon the ground at ( ho side of thu wagon.During the quarrel Friel says that Cuppysuddenly picked up a round piece ofwood , about three feet long , and struckhim , knocking him over backwards intothe barley. As he foil he hit him thesecond time on the side of the neck andshoulder. As Friel Jay partially overthe seat , and unconscious , the boystarted to lift him up , but Cuppy turnedon the lad and witli an oath threatenedto "knock him C9ld. "

Friol , after laying there a little while ,

recovered consciousness biilliciontly tosit up , and after some more abusivewords from Cuppy was allowed to driveout without further molestation. Thewound inflicted is about three inches inlength , across the forehead. His eye" arcentirely closed and face badly swollen-.Friel

.is much prostrated , and is unable to

take nourishment. Dr. Connauchoy , theattending physician , says there is no im-mciilato

-danger , and unless inflammation

sets in ho will bo all right. No arrestshave been made as yet. Friel is fifty-sixyears of ago , and has a family of sixchildren , lie is said to bo a quiet , in-offensive


, hard working man , and thereis much sympathy felt for him in thecommunity.-



Musty lilvorce I'npcr.-A

.soiled , pocket-worn petition for a

divorce was filed yesterday in the districtcourt. It had apparently Ween made outoriginally October 5 , ISStf , mid thru car-ried


around in somebody's , pocket untilnow , when the date was changed , the in-


freshly acknowledged and filed.The plaintiff is Ben F. Allison and thedefendant Sarah Allison. The originalpetition sol forth that she had threatenedto knock his brains out , but the revisededition omitted this and the claim forfreedom was based solely on the fact thatshe had loft his bed and board in March ,1831 , and had not returned. The certifi-cate


of the wife accepting service wasmade upon the back of the petition , sothat it appears that they have agreed to-disagree. .

Church Chlmoa.Services at Harmony Mission chapel

at 3 o'clock p. m. , conducted by Mr-.Kobcrts


, an orthodox Quaker. Sabbathschool at 4 o'clock. Prayer meetingWednesday evening. Topic , "ThoPower of God's Word ; " Hob. 4th chapter.-


Business men , particu-larly


merchants , not attending otherchurch services , arc cordially invited tothe Prcsbpterian church this morning , asthe sermon will bo especially for them ,

by the pastor.-Thcro


will bo services in the Congrega-tional


church this morning. Preachingby the pastor. Subject , "Out of Dark-ness


into Light. " This will bo the pas ¬

tor's last sermon until the First of Sep ¬



. Mr. Painter will give a biblereading in the Tabornaclilo on Fourthstreet , at 4 p. m , Subject , "Is Sundaytlio Lord's D yV" All are invited tobring their bibles. He will also preachat 8 p m-


in the First Baptist churchSunday ah 10iO: ! a. m. No evening .ser ¬

vices in the church.

New Steamnr.Vic Roller is building at Wray's land-


a line , new boat for use on the lake-.It


will be the largest steamer on the lake.Its length of keel is fifty feet. The bestof hickory and white oak is being used.The ribs are two by four and twelve inchesapart. The bottom is made of ono and ahalf inch Indiana white oafc plank. Theawning is to bo of wood and the pilot-house is on top , so that the pilot may seaclearly in all directions. Every featureof the boat is being made thoroughlystrong and by skilled workmen. It is to-bo ollicially inspected and run by alicensed engineer. The machinery is allnew , the engine being of ten horse power ,and supplied with u pump and all need ¬

fuls for a first class boat. It is expectedthat it will bo ready to launch the first ofthe week.



Lodge No.t59 , A. F. & A.-



. , will hold its regular communicationMonday evening , August 8. Visitingbrethren cordially invited. By order W.-



Persounl t'nrncraph *.

Captain Overton starts to-morrowmorning for Texas on atwo

(weeks' trip.

Harry James is confined to bis homoby malarial fever , but is rapidly recover ¬


. It. Bomberger , who has been visit-ing

¬friends here , on his rettjrn from the

Yoscmito , leaves this ovijiiing for hishome in Llttz , Pa. , where ho is engagedin the hardware business.

The hot weather has brought Frank M.Hunter to a boil. Ho is only temporarilydisabled , and is nursi.ig the comforter asbest he can. i ,

Foit RENT. Nice largo office , first iloor.Enquire W. W. Chapman's art store , 107Main stre-




Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs.

Ono of the best Educational Institu-tions


in the west. Hoarding and dayschool conducted by the Sisters of Char-ity


, B , V. M.

Hoard and tuition for a term of fivemonths , 75. For further particularsaddress SISTEK SUPERIOR ,

St. Francis Academy ,

:. . Council Blufls.Ta.


roo Broadway , Council muffs , Iowa.Established 1S-




Vacant Lots , I.nmU , City licsMonccs nnd-Kiirins. . Aero property In western part of city.All sdllnjr clicii | .


Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,

Itoom f , ovcrOQlccr ft Pusoy's Hnnk , Conncll-llulTs. .

.VI Tj-

I , nrpohnts Inrlilto , bluck ml all colors. Pattirn lionnots , hiuj nnd toques , n specialty.-


I5U Douglas St. , Umnha.


Special advertisements , such as f.ost , Found'..ol.niin , Kor Bale , To Kent , Vtants , Koimllnir ,

etc , will boltiorlod In this column ut the loir-ratoofTKNCCNTSI'KIt LINE forthoflm Injor-lonnndIvoCantsPcrUnofot'cacusubsoiiiotiiInsertion. I.I-HVO advertisements nt our olllco-No.. U I'curl sticeti no.tr Uroadway , CouncilUlufTs._


VOU HAI.K Oil TltADn.-For Council HindsJ property 40,000 acres of lowu mid No-tirnslin


Iniul. J. U. lUcv , 110 Mum St. . CouncilIllnlTs.

" ANTI'.DSituation by younir married man.' Host of references , lluslncss oxporlunco.

Wholosiilo lionso preferred. Address li 10 ,lloo olllco. Council lllullB.

_by lady bookkeeper In-

T olllco or an saleslady. AddrobS W y , Jluo-onice , Council llhills.

Situation t y younir man , procorv or elothlntr business preferred.

Three years experience In each. Address I) 1 :.',lice ofllcc , Council HlutTH , Iow-



ANTKO Situation as bookkeeper by-younir man who can jrlvo satisfactory ref-


its to experience , habito nnd icsponsl-bility.


. G. 1) . lice olllcu , Council llliufs._WANTED Situation ns sidesman In grocery

. Hefercnccs (riven. 1) . U. T. , Ilee-office. . Council lllull-



sell tno carriages on Innir time or willfor horses. William Lewis-





Hides , Tallow , Pelfs ,WOOL AM > FURS-



Mtirlict Prices. FrotnpHctiirnn.

820 and 823 Main Street , Council Bluffs ,



Tlio line.it of driving horses always onhand and for sale b-


Finest LandausCoaches and Hacks in City.


No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,Telephone No. 33-

Na. . G15 Main Street , Telephone No , 93.


In Amber ,


etc.Hair On-

nnnionts , nswell as thenewest nov-



Hair goodsniadcto order

MrsTcTL. Gillette29 Mr.in St. . Council Kind's , Iowa. Outof town work solicited , and all mailorders promptly attended to.

Star Safe Stables and Mule Yards.l-


, Council lllulls , Opp Dummy Depot.B5-

llorfics and mules constantly on handfor sulo at retail or in car load lots.Orders promptly Tilled by contract onshort notico. Stock sold on commission.

Telephone 114. Sni.i'TT.K & HOI.KV.

Opposite Dummy Depot , Council UlulK



FINE POTTERY.Prices Fiery Low ,

W. S. HOMER & Co. ,A'O. !tt MAIM .ST. ,





Summer Dress Goods, White Goods

Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.


Are Large and Well SelectedOur Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best ,

New Goods are arriving and inviteinspection




Work Done by Competent Workmen.

Mail Orders Promptly Attended To

401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.-



. B. Special attention given all orders by-mail. .


Pianos and OrgansPersons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to

call on ns-


* Tuned and Repaired. We never rail to give sallNl'aellon ,

Over !iO years'Experience In F'lano and Organ Work.

Swanson Music Co.N-o.

.. 32 ! ) liroiuhvay , Council Hlufl's , Iowa

o.Real Estate Broker and DealersCon n fit IS I n (ft Ofttec ,

Temple. Omalia Olllco , % IllNorth Midi Hlrecl.

Particular attention given to In-


I'uiuU lor neil - resi-dents.


. Speelal bargain * in loin St.aero properly In Oinalia & G'omi-cll

-ISIuH'i. Correipundonee lolicI-



" " VuWS5v !&)I-

WBECHTELE'S' NEW HOTEL.Best 2.00 a day house in the west.



Regular : Boaiderts : : Reduced : - : Hates.-



. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluf-



No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.-


.C .

Fancy and Staple GroceriesBoth Domestic and Foreign ,