1 Claim Severity Models - karlin.mff.cuni.czmazurova/LossDistributions.pdf · 1 Claim Severity...


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We shall deal with probability distributions suitable for stochastic mod-

elling of frequency and severity of insurance losses and of aggregate losses.

1 Claim Severity Models

This section is devoted to determinining probabilty distribution of an amount

of a single payment. The inference is based on data from past experience

with the given type of losses.

1.1 Empirical estimation

Let X1; : : : ; Xn be i.i.d. random variables (random sample) with d.f. F (x).

Our goal is to learn as much as possible about F (x) from the random


The empirical approach estimates F (x) by the empirical distribution.

For observation X1 = x1; : : : ; Xn = xn we de�ne the empirical distri-

bution function as

Fn(x) =

Pnj=1 I[xj � x]


where I[A] = 1 if A holds true, I[A] = 0 otherwise.

The empirical d.f. is a step function that increases by 1=n at each data


Grouped data


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In this case we have boundaries c0 < c1 < � � � < cr � +1 and for each

j = 1; : : : ; r we know nj - the number of observations in the interval (cj�1; cj].

The empirical d.f. can be obtained at the boundaries as

Fn(cj) =1




The graph formed by connecting the d.f. at these points by straight lines is

called the ogive and is an approximation to the empirical d.f. Formally,

~Fn(x) =


0 if x � c0;


cj�cj�1; if cj�1 < x � cj

1 if x > cr:

~Fn(x) is not de�ned for x > cr if cr =1 (unless nr = 0).

The derivative (where it exists) of the ogive is an empirical approximation

to the probability density function and is called a histogram.

~fn(x) =


0 if x � c0;



njn (cj�cj�1)

if cj�1 < x � cj;

0 if x > cr:

1.2 Moments

Let X be a positive random variable with d.f. F (x); x � 0.

We de�ne:


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� k-th raw moment (k-th moment about the origin)

�0k =

Z 1


xk f(x) dx;

where f(x) is the p.d.f. corresponding to d.f. F (x).

The empirical estimate of �0k based on the observation X1 = x1; : : : ; Xn =

xn is

�̂0k =

Zxk dFn(x) =




xkj :

For grouped data, we obtain using histogram as an estimate of the density

(provided that cr <1)

�̂0k =rX


Z cj



n (cj � cj�1)dx =


nj (ck+1j � ck+1j�1)

n (k + 1) (cj � cj�1):

Quantities useful for insurance calculations:

� k-th limited moment

E�(X ^ u)k

�= E [min(X; u)]k :

E(X ^ u) is called limited expected value (LEV).

In the context of insurance, u could be a policy limit - when the loss ex-

ceeds the limit u, only amount of u is considered as a loss for which insurance

cover is applicable. (Similar: XL-reinsurance treaty.)

It holds

E�(X ^ u)k


Z u


xk dF (x) + uk (1� F (u)):


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For a continuous distribution with a density f(x)

E�(X ^ u)k


Z u


xk f(x) dx+ ukZ 1


f(x) dx:

For the LEV of a positive random variable it holds

E(X ^ u) =

Z u


(1� F (x)) dx: (1)


E(X ^ u) =

Z u


x dF (x) + u (1� F (u))

= �x (1� F (x))ju0 +Z u


(1� F (x)) dx+ u (1� F (u)):

(Note that for u! +1 we obtain the well knowm formula for the expected

value of a positive random variable.)

In the insurance we can deal with a deductible - when the loss is less than

or equal to the deductible, there is no payment, and when the loss exceeds

the deductible, the amount paid is the loss less the deductible.

Let X be the random variable representing the loss. With a deductible of

d and a limit of u, the amount paid (per loss) is represented by r.v. Y ,

Y =


0 if X � d;

X � d if d < X < u;

u� d if X � u:


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Then the expected amount paid per loss is

EY =

Z u


(x� d) dF (x) + (u� d) (1� F (u))


Z u


x dF (x)�Z d


x dF (x)� d (F (u)� F (d)) + (u� d) (1� F (u))


Z u


x dF (x) + u (1� F (u))�Z d


x dF (x)� d (1� F (d))

= E(X ^ u)� E(X ^ d):

According to (1) it holds

EY =

Z u


(1� F (x)) dx:

The expected payment per payment is

E[Y jX > d] =E(X ^ u)� E[X ^ d]

1� F (d):

De�nition. The loss elimination ratio for a deductible of d is the relative

reduction in the expected payment given the imposition of a deductible.

LERX(d) =E [X ^ d]


provided that EX and E(X ^ d) exists.

De�nition. The mean excess loss for a deductible d is the expected loss

in excess of d, conditioned on the loss exceeding the deductible.

eX(d) = E(X � djX > d) =EX � E(X ^ d)

1� F (d):


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Empirical estimate for the k-th limited moment based on observationX1 =

x1; : : : ; Xn = xn:

Eh(X̂ ^ u)






xkj +Xxj�u


1A :

For grouped data with boundaries c0 < c1 < � � � < cr we assume that u is

such that cj�1 � u � cj. Then we can use the histogram to estimate the

k-th limited moment:

~Eh(X̂ ^ u)k



Z ci



n (ci � ci�1)dx+

Z u



n (cj � cj�1)dx


Z cj



n (cj � cj�1)dx+


Z ci



n (ci � ci�1)dx



ni (ck+1i � ck+1i�1 )

n (k + 1) (ci � ci�1)+

nj (uk+1 � ck+1j�1)

n (k + 1) (cj � cj�1)

+nj u

k (cj � u)

n (cj � cj�1)+


ni uk


1.3 Parametric models

We shall consider a parametric family of distributions fF (x; �); � 2 �g, where

� is a parameter (scalar or vector) and � is the set of all possible parameter


Parametric inference - steps:

1) Determine which parametric family describes the population.

2) Determine the value of the parameter (vector of parameters).


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3) Determine the value of the quantity of interest.

4) Assess the acuracy of the value determined in 3).

In steps 1,2,4 we use methods of mathematical statistics (e.g. parameter

estimation, hypotheses tests...)

Examples of parametric distributions and their characteristics

Exponential distribution

f(x) =1


x� ; F (x) = 1� e�

x� ; x � 0; � > 0

EXk =

Z 1


xk f(x) dx = �kZ 1


yke�y dy = �k �(k + 1) = �k k!

Eh(X ^ u)k


Z u


xk f(x) dx+ ukZ 1


f(x) dx

= �k k!

Z u=�


yk e�y dy + uk e�x�

Gamma distribution

f(x) =




x�(�); x � 0; � > 0; � > 0;

EXk =�k�1


Z 1




x� dx =

�k �(� + k)

�(�)= �k (� + k � 1) : : : �:


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1.4 Creating new families of parametric distributions

- transformations

Let X be a continuous r.v. with p.d.f. fX(x) and a d.f. FX(x); x � 0. We

shall explain the derivation of more general parametric families via various

transformations of r.v. X.

1) Multiplication by a constant (change of scale)

Let Y = � X; � > 0: Then

FY (y) = FX(y=�) and fY (y) =1�fX(y=�); y > 0.

2) Raising to a power

Let Y = X1=� . Then if � > 0 we obtain

FY (y) = FX(y� ); fX(y) = � y��1 fX(y

� ); y > 0;

and the distribution of Y is called transformed. If � < 0 it holds

FY (y) = 1� FX(y� ); fY (y) = �� y��1 fX(y� ); y > 0;

and the distribution of Y is called inverse transformed. In the special case

� = �1 we speak about inverse distribution.

Important examples of parametric families we obtain by transforming

Gamma distributed random variable.

Let X have Gamma distribution with � = 1 and let � > 0. Then r.v.


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Y = X1=� has the p.d.f.

f(y) =� y�� e�y

y �(�); y > 0:

After introducing a scale parameter � we obtain the p.d.f. of transformed

Gamma distribution:

f(y) =��y�



y �(�); y > 0:

It is a 3-parameter family with some well known distributions as special cases:

Gamma (� = 1), Weibull (� = 1), Exponencial (� = � = 1).

Moments of the transformed Gamma distribution can be expressed by the


EXk =�k �(� + k=�)


(It follows from

EXk = �kZ 1


�(y�)��+k e�(


y �(�)dy

by substituting x = (y�)� .)

Raising X to a power � < 0 gives a p.d.f.

fY (y) = �� y��1 y�� e�y


We substitute the negative parameter � by its opposite value and again we

introduce a scale parameter �. The resulting density

f(y) =���y


�y )

y �(�); y > 0; � > 0


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is a p.d.f. of so called inverse transformed Gamma distribution.

Special cases are: inverse Gamma (� = 1), inverse Weibull (� = 1), inverse

exponential (� = � = 1).

Moments of the inverse transformed Gamma distribution are given by

EXk =�k �(�� k=�)

�(�); k < ��:

Pareto distribution is a special case of so called transformed Beta distri-

bution with p.d.f.

f(x) =�(� + �)

�(�) �(�)

(x=�) �

x [1 + (x=�) ]�+�:

Moments of this distibution are given by

EXk =�k �(� + k= ) �(�� k= )

�(�) �(�)

and are �nite only in case k < � .

Setting = 1, � = 1 we obtain Pareto distribution with p.d.f.

f(x) = � �� (� + x)���1; x � 0:

3) Exponentiation

Let Y = eX . Then Y has d.f. FY (y) = FX(log y) and p.d.f. fY (y) =

1yfX(log y).


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Let X have normal distribution N(�; �2). Then Y has lognormal distrib-

ution with p.d.f.

f(x) =1

x �p2�

exp��(log x� �)2



Moments of lognormal distribution can be expressed using moment generat-

ing function of normal distribution:

EXk = ek�+k2�2=2:

1.5 Tail behavior

The tail behavior is expressed by the survival function

S(x) = 1� F (x) = P (X > x)

considered for x!1.

The tail bahavior of two probability distributions is similar, if the ratio of

their survival functions tends to a constant non-zero limit as x ! 1. The

same holds for the ratio of their probability density functions, since



SY (x)= lim



fY (x):

We shall illustrate the comparison of probability distributions according

their tail behavior for the following examples:


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1) Pareto

F (x) = 1��x�

���; x � �; � > 0;

f(x) = �� �x���1;

2) Gamma

f(x) =




x�(�); x � 0; � > 0; � > 0;

3) lognormal

f(x) =1

x �p2�

exp��(log x� �)2



We obtain the following comparisons:

1) Gamma vs. Pareto


x��1 e�x=�



exph(�� 1) log x� x

�+ (� + 1) log x

i= 0:

Pareto has havier tail than Gamma.

2) lognormal vs. Gamma


x�1 exp�� 1

2�2(log x� �)2

�x��1 e�x=a




�� 1

2�2(log x� �)2 � � log x+


�= +1:

Lognormal has havier tail than Gamma.


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3) Pareto vs. lognormal



x�1 exp�� 1

2�2(log x� �)2

� =limx!1


��� log x+


2�2(log x� �)2

�= +1:

Pareto has havier tail than lognormal.

2 Claim Frequency Models

We shall consider discrete distributions on non-negative integer values, i.e.

pk = P (N = k); k = 0; 1; : : :

Examples of parametric distributions used most frequently:

1) Poisson distribution

pk = e���k

k!; k = 0; 1; : : :

2) Negative Binomial distribution

pk =

�k + r � 1


� �1

1 + �

�r ��

1 + �


; k = 0; 1; : : : ; r > 0; � > 0;

3) Binomial distribution

pk =



�qk (1� q)m�k; k = 0; 1; : : : ;m; 0 < q < 1;

4) Geometric distribution (Negative Binomial with r = 1)

pk =1

1 + �


1 + �


; k = 0; 1; : : : ; � > 0:


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2.1 The (a; b; 0) class

All the above mentioned distributions belong to a general class of two-

parametric distributions, called the (a; b; 0) class.

De�nition. Discrete random variable with the probabilty function (p.f.)

fpk; k = 0; 1; : : : g is a member of the (a;b;0) class, provided that there

exist constants a, b such that


= a+b

k; k = 1; 2; : : : : (2)

Note that the probability p0 is determined by (2) through the condition

P1k=0 pk = 1.

For the above mentioned distributions we obtain the following values of

parameters a, b:

Table 1: Members of the (a; b; 0) class

Distribution a b

Poisson 0 �

Negative Binomial �1+�

(r � 1) �1+�

Binomial � q1�q

(m+ 1) q1�q

Geometric �1+�


It can be shown that the above mentioned distributions are the only dis-

crete distributions satisfying (2).


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Formula (2) can be rewritten as


= a k + b; k = 1; 2; : : :

Assume that we observe number of claims during certain period of time for

n policies. Let nk be number of policies with k recorded claims, k = 0; 1; : : :

We can estimate the ratio pkpk�1

by nknk�1

bpkdpk�1 = nknk�1


This suggests a graphical way of indicating which of the distributions should

be selected: We plothk; k nk


ifor k = 0; 1; : : : The points should form a

straight line, where the slope is 0 for the Poisson distribution, it is negative

for the binomial and positive for the negative binomial distribution.

2.2 The (a; b; 1) class

We explain a generalization of the (a; b; 0) class, that enables a better �t of

the probability at zero.

De�nition. Discrete random variable with probability function fpk; k =

0; 1; : : : g is a member of the (a;b;1) class, provided that there exist con-

stants a, b such that


= a+b

k; k = 2; 3; : : : : (3)


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The distribution for k = 1; : : : has the same shape as the (a; b; 0) class in

the sense that the probabilities are the same up to a constant of proportion-


k=1 pk can be set to any number in the interval [0; 1). The remaining

probability is p0 = 1�P1k=1 pk.

When we set p0 = 0, the distribution is called zero-truncated (ZT).

When p0 > 0, the distribution is called zero-modi�ed (ZM).

The zero-modi�ed distribution can be viewed as a mixture of a zero-

truncated distribution and a degenerate distribution with all the probabilty

at zero.

To show this we denote by fpk; k = 0; 1; : : : g the distribution from the

(a; b; 0) class and by fpMk ; k = 0; 1; : : : g the corresponding distribution from

the (a; b; 1) class. The probability generating functions of these distributions


P (z) =1Xk=0

pk zk; PM(z) =


pMk zk:

It holds

pMk = c pk; k = 1; 2; : : :

and pM0 is an arbitrary number. Then

PM(z) = pM0 +1Xk=1

pMk zk

= pM0 + c1Xk=1

pk zk = pM0 + c [P (z)� p0]:


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Since PM(1) = P (1) = 1,

1 = pM0 + c (1� p0)

resulting in

c =1� pM01� p0



pk =1� pM01� p0

pk; k = 1; 2; : : :

We can write

PM(z) = pM0 +1� pM01� p0

[P (z)� p0] =

�1� 1� pM0

1� p0

�+1� pM01� p0

P (z);

this is a weighted average of the probability generating functions of the de-

generate distribution and the corresponding (a; b; 0) member.

The zero-truncated distribution can be viewed as a special case of the

zero-modi�ed distribution with pM0 = 0. Then we obtain

pTk =pk

1� p0; k = 1; 2; : : :

We give a summary of the (a; b; 1) class:

1. For a = 0, b = �, � > 0 we obtain

Poisson (p0 = e��),

ZT Poisson (p0 = 0),

ZM Poisson (p0 arbitrary).


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2. For a = � q1�q

, b = (m+ 1) q1�q

, 0 < q < 1 we obtain

binomial (p0 = (1� q)m),

ZT binomial (p0 = 0),

ZM binomial (p0 arbitrary).

3. For negative binomial distribution in the (a; b; 0) class we have a = �1+�


b = (r � 1) �1+�

, r > 0, � > 0, with p0 = (1 + �)�r.

In the (a; b; 1) class possible values of parameter r can be extended to

r > �1:

We have to show that for r > �1, � > 0, the recursive formula (3) with

p0 = 0 de�nes a proper distribution. It is su�cient to show that for

any value of p1, the values pk; k = 2; 3; : : : obtained from (3) satisfy

pk > 0; k = 2; 3; : : : andP1

k=1 pk <1.

pk = pk�1


1 + �+r � 1


1 + �

= p1


1 + �

�k�1 �1 +

r � 1


�� � ��1 +

r � 1



where r � 1 > �k; k = 2; 3; : : : .


pk = p1



1 + �

�k�1(r + 1 + k � 2) � � � (r + 1)


= p1



1 + �

�k ��(r + 1)


�(�1)k <1:


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We call the resulting distribution "extended" truncated negative bino-

mial distribution.

A special case for r = 0 is the logarithmic distribution with the prob-

ability function

pk =1

k log(1 + �)


1 + �


; k = 1; 2; : : :

2.3 Compound frequency models

A large class of distributions can be created by the process of compounding

any two discrete distributions.

Let N be a r.v. with the probability function

pn = P(N = n); n = 0; 1; : : :

and the probability generating function

P1(z) = E zN =1Xn=0

pn zn:

Let M1;M2; : : : be i.i.d. random variables, independent of N , with the prob-

ability function

fn = P(M = n); n = 0; 1; : : :

and the probability generating function

P2(z) = E zN =1Xn=0

fn zn:


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S =NXi=1


has a compound distribution with probability generating function

P (z) = P1 (P2(z)) :

�P (z) = EE

�zSjN� = 1X


pn E�zSjN = n


pn E�zM1+���+MnjN = n



pn Pn2 (z)

We shall call the distribution of N primary distribution and the distrib-

ution of M secondary distribution.

Recursive formula (Panjer)

When the primary distribution is a member of the (a; b; 0) class, then

gk =1

1� a f0


(a+ b j=k) fj gk�j; k = 1; 2; : : : (4)

Proof. From (2)

n pn = a (n� 1) pn�1 + (a+ b) pn�1; n� 1; 2; : : : : (5)

Multiplying each side of (5) by [P2(z)]n�1 P 0

2(z) and summing over n yields


n pn [P2(z)]n�1 P 0

2(z) =


(n� 1)pn�1 [P2(z)]n�1 P 0

2(z) + (a+ b)1Xn=1

pn�1 [P2(z)]n�1 P 0



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P 0(z) = aP 0(z)P2(z) + (a+ b)P (z)P 02(z):

Comparing the coe�cients of zk�1 we obtain

k gk = akX


(k � j) fj gk�j + (a+ b)kX


j fj gk�j

= a k f0 gk + akX


(k � j) fj gk�j + (a+ b)kX


j fj gk�j

= a k f0 gk + a kkX


fj gk�j + bkX


j fj gk�j:


gk = a f0 gk +kX





�fj gk�j:

Formula (4) requires the starting value g0. This can be computed as

g0 =1Xn=0

P (S = 0jN = n) P(N = n)


P (M1 + � � �+Mn = 0) P(N = n)


(f0)n pn = P1(f0):

Note. When f0 = 0, then g0 = P1(0) = p0.

If the primary distribution is a member of the (a; b; 1) class, (4) is modi�ed


gk =1

1� a f0

�[p1� (a+ b) p0] fk +


(a+ b j=k) fj gk�j

�; k = 1; 2; : : : (6)


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Proof.From (3)

n pn = a (n� 1) pn�1 + (a+ b) pn�1; n = 2; 3; : : : (7)

Multiplying each side of (7) by [P2(z)]n�1 P 0

2(z) and summing over n yields


n pn [P2(z)]n�1 P 0

2(z) =


(n� 1)pn�1 [P2(z)]n�1 P 0

2(z) + (a+ b)1Xn=2

pn�1 [P2(z)]n�1 P 0



P 0(z) =1Xn=1

n pn [P 02(z)]

n�1P 02(z)

we obtain

P 0(z)� p1 P02(z) = aP 0(z)P2(z) + (a+ b)P 0

2(z) [P (z)� p0] :

After rearranging,

P 0(z) = aP2(z)P0(z) + (a+ b)P (z)P 0

2(z) + [p1 � (a+ b) p0]P02(z):

Comparing the coe�cients of zk�1 we obtain

k gk = akX


(k � j) fj gk�j + (a+ b)kX


j fj gk�j + [p1 � (a+ b) p0] k fk:


gk = a f0 gk +kX





�fj gk�j + [p1 � (a+ b) p0] fk:


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3 Aggregate claims distribution

We shall deal with some methods for computing the compound distribution

of the aggregate loss represented by a sum

S =NXi=1


of a random numberN of i.i.d. individual paymentsX1; X2; : : : , independent

of N .

3.1 Recursive formula

Suppose that the severity distribution FX(x) is de�ned on 0; 1; : : : ; r repre-

senting multiples of some monetary unit. The number r represents the larger

possible payment and could be in�nite. Further, suppose that the frequency

distribution, pk, is a member of the (a; b; 1) class and therefore satis�es (6).

Then the distribution of the aggregate claim S can be obtained from

fS(x) =[p1 � (a+ b) p0] fX(x) +


�a+ by


�fX(y) fS(x� y)

1� a fX(0): (8)

For the (a; b; 0) class, (8) reduces to

fS(x) =


�a+ by


�fX(y) fS(x� y)

1� a fX(0): (9)

Note that when the severity distribution has no probability at zero, the

denominator of (8) and (9) equals one.

The starting value of the recursive schemes (8) and (9) is fS(0) = PN(FX(0)).


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3.2 Constructing arithmetic distributions

The recursive method has been developed for discrete severity distributions.

In case of a continuous severity distribution, we can use as an approximation

a discrete severity distribution on multiples of a convenient unit h (the span).

Such a distribution is called arithmetic. We want to preserve the properties

of the original distribution.

1. Method of rounding (mass dispersal)

Let fj denote the probability placed at jh; j = 0; 1; : : : . We set

f0 = P(X < h=2) = FX




fj = P

�jh� h

2� X < jh+



= FX




�� FX

�jh� h


�; j = 1; 2; : : :

2. Method of local moment matching

In this method we construct an arithmetic distribution that matches p

moments of the arithmetic and the true continuous severity distribution.

Consider an arbitrary interval of length ph, denoted by [xk; xk + ph). We

will locate point masses mk0; m

k1; : : : ;m

kp at points xk, xk + h; : : : ; xk + ph so



(xk + jh)rmkj =

Z xk+ph


xrdFX(x); r = 0; 1; : : : ; p: (10)

Arrange the intervals so that xk+1 = xk + ph. Then the point masses at the


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endpoints are added together. With x0 = 0, the resulting discrete distribu-

tion has successsive probabilities

f0 = m00; f1 = m0

1; f2 = m02; : : : ;

fp = m0p +m1

0; fp+1 = m11; fp+2 = m1

2; : : :

By summing (10) for all possible values of k, with x0 = 0, it is clear that p

moments are preserved for the entire distribution and that the probabilities

add to one exactly.

The solution of (10) is

mkj =

Z xk+ph



x� xk � ih

(j � i)hdFX(x); j = 0; 1; : : : ; p:

The proof is based on the Lagrange formula for collocation of a polynomial

f(y) at points y0; y1; : : : ; yn:

f(y) =nXj=0

f(yj)Yi 6=j

y � yiyj � yi


Applying this formula to the polynomial f(y) = yr over the points xk; xk +

h; : : : ; xk + ph yields

xr =


(xk + jh)rYi6=j

x� xk � ih

(j � i)h; r = 0; 1; : : : ; p:

3.3 Fast Fourier transform

The fast Fourier transform (FFT) is na algorithm that can be used for invert-

ing characteristic functions to obtain densities of discrete random variables.


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De�nition. For any continuous function f(x), the Fourier transform is

the mapping

~f(z) =

Z 1


f(x) eizx dx: (11)

The original function can be expressed by means of its Fourier transform as

f(x) =1


Z 1


~f(z) e�ixz dz:

When f(x) is a probability density function, then ~f(z) is its characteristic


De�nition. Let fx denote a function de�ned for all integer values of x

that is periodic with period length n (fx+n = fx for all x). For the vector

(f0; f1; : : : ; fn�1) the discrete Fourier transform is the mapping ~fx; x =

� � � � 1; 0; 1; : : : , de�ned by

~fk =n�1Xj=0

fj exp



�; k = � � � � 1; 0; 1; : : : (12)

This mapping is bijective. In addition, ~fk is also periodic with period length

n. The inverse mapping is

fj =1



~fk exp



�; j = � � � � 1; 0; 1; : : : (13)

Note. In order to obtain n values of ~fk, the number of terms that need to

be evaluated is of order O(n2).

The Fast Fourier transform is an algorithm, that reduces the number of

computations required to be of order O(n log2 n). It is based on the property


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that a discrete F. transform of length n can be rewritten as the sum of two

discrete transforms, each length n=2:

~fk =n�1Xj=0

fj exp




f2j exp



�+ exp



� m�1Xj=0

f2j+1 exp




when m = n=2.

The application of the FFT to computing the aggregate claim distribution

can be summarized as follows:

1. Discretize the severity distribution to obtain the distribution

fX(0); fX(1); : : : ; fX(n� 1)

where n = 2r for some integer r and n is the number of points desired

in the distribution fS(x) of aggregate claims.

2. Apply the FFT to this vector of values, obtaining �X(z), the charac-

teristic function of the discretized distribution. The result is a vector

of n values.

3. Calculate the characteristic function of the compound distribution of

S using �S(z) = PN (�X(z)), where PN is the probability generating

function of N .


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4. Apply the inverse FFT to obtain the distribution of aggregate claims

for the dicretized severity model.

Literature: S.A.Klugman, H.H.Panjer, G.E.Willmot: Loss Models: From

Data to Decisions. John Wiley & Sons, 1998.