1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision...

1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and PhD student Department of Computer Engineering KFUPM Co-authors: Prof. Mayez Al-Mouhamed Dr. S. M. Buhari Dr. Talal Al Kharobi
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Transcript of 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision...

Page 1: 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and.


A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality

in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System

BySyed Mohammed Shamsul Islam

Lecturer B and PhD studentDepartment of Computer Engineering


Co-authors: Prof. Mayez Al-Mouhamed Dr. S. M. Buhari Dr. Talal Al Kharobi

Page 2: 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and.



Introduction Design Issues Implementation Performance Evaluation Conclusions & Recommendations

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A scheme that allows humans to extend their manipulative skills over a network.



Robot Contoller

Digital Cameras




Force feedback

Visual feedback

Visual feedback

Force feedback

Page 4: 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and.


Telerobotic Applications Hazardous situations

e.g. bomb disposal

Scaled-down and scaled-up situations e.g. micro-surgery

Situations affected by human presence e.g. closed-chest heart bypass

Teaching, training, maintenance, entertainment.

Page 5: 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and.


Problem of Conventional Tele-robotics

Time delay: Processing, copying video data, network delays Move-n-Wait strategy

Operator has to follow trial and error method to perform a task, which might be dangerous for example in telesurgery.

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Improving Performance by Using AR

By overlaying virtual image with the real image operator e.g. surgeon can make a plan before going for actual teleoperation safety.

Rehearsal and correction can be made in the simulation plan.

Saving bandwidth by sending (less frequently) only the planned data.

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Challenges of AR Graphical robot arm must mach

with real robot arm in the video.

Real video image

Graphics Subsystem

Graphic Co-ordinate




Bi-directional one-to-one mapping between graphic and real co-ordinate spaces

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Challenges of AR

Camera Calibration: Finding accurate

camera calibration is challenging.

Viewpoint Registration

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Design Issues

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Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System to be Augmented


Vision Client

Decision Server Interface

Client User Interface

MasterArm Component



Stereo Display

Eye-Shuttering Glasses





Server UI



Force Component

DigitalCameras Horizontal disparity = 6 cm


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Design MethodologyPerformance evaluation of the approach

Superimposition of the virtual object on to the stereo-video and augmented tele-manipulation

Interfacing to the telerobotic stereo-vision system

Moving capability of the virtual objects

Displaying the virtual objects

Drawing the virtual objects

Deriving the robot model equations


Augmentation ofStereo-vision



Virtual object rendering

Virtual object drawing

Mathematical models

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Mathematical Model of the Robot Manipulator

PUMA 560 Slave Arm: 6 DOF 6 links are interconnected serially to each other except first and last. All the joints are rotational.

A rotational joint

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Mathematical Model of the Robot Manipulator

Each link of the arm is attached with a frame of reference Ri (xi,yi,zi) to specify its position and orientation.

Link Li+1 rotates w.r.t Li when frame Ri+1 rotates w.r.t either axes of xi, yi, or zi

Link vector OiOi+1,i can be expressed as



iiiiiiii OOMOO

],,[ ,1,1,11

iiiiiiii zyxM Where,

Now position and orientation of Oi+1 w.r.t Oi-1 can be expressed as

1,1111,11,11 iiiiiiiiiii OOMOOOO





ii MMM

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Mathematical Model of the Robot Arm

This model will give us a skeleton of the graphical arm.


n MMMMM 132


100 ......


nn OOMOOOO ,100,100,0

)}(),({)( 00,0 nn MOOG

Position and orientation of the end effector is expressed relative to the frame of the base. So the geometric model of robot arm can be expressed as:

Page 15: 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and.


Building Body Shapes Around the Skeleton of Graphical Arm

Alternatives: Taking as is: link 3 and 4 are

trapezoidal, others are cylindrical.

Considering all as cylindrical

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Building Body Shapes Around the Skeleton of Graphical Arm

Cylinder is drawn with finite element representation.

Increasing number of segments will improve quality of view but increase computational complexity.

Alternatives of primitive for drawing a cylinder:

Triangles: Triangle stripe, Triangle fan, Triangle list

Lines Line stripe, Line list v 1

v 2

v 3

v 4

v 5

v 6

v 7

(a ) Tr ia n g le s tr ip

Page 17: 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and.


Data Structure Design Types of data and nature of manipulation:

A link is represented by its start and end point co-ordinates, radius, axis of rotation, joint angle, orientation matrix etc.

Each link is also associated with the vertices of its body shape.

Links are serially connected and position and orientation of a link depends on position and orientation of its previous link.

There is frequent movement of links in teleoperation and each movement involves matrix calculation for new position and orientation of the links to be changed.

Objectives: To reduce processing time by reducing computation. To provide flexibility and generality

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Data Structure Design

Our strategy: Each link is defined as an object

geometric data of each link is now apart from the other link,.

Configuration data (number of links, number of segments in cylinder etc) kept in separate data file.

World and view transformation matrices are combined to reduce matrix multiplication.

Vertex data of body shape of each link is stored in separate vertex buffer.

Page 19: 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and.


Displaying the Graphical Arm

Given the robot structure in its model space Rendering on the display screen:

Scene layout setup: Transformation matirces, Camera position, target position,

viewing angle, lighting. Viewing Models

Solid Model or Wire-frame Model Psychological studies and one performance studies in

telerobotic system of shows no significant diff. Wire-frame models have some adv.-reduce occlusion,

lesser rendering time. Rendering:

Scanline rendering, Z-buffering algorithm for HSR.

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Sample Display of Graphical Arm

Solid viewWire-frame view

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Movement of Graphical Arm in Joint Space

C al c ul ate ne w val ue s o f the jo i nt ang l e ,

Star t

C o m pute the P o s i t i o n ve c to r s

C o m pute the O r i e ntat i o n m atr i c e s

C o m pute the ve r t i c e s o f the bo dy shape s

R e nde r the w ho l e r o bo t w i th update d ve r t i c e s ( thus m o vi ng to a ne w

l o c at i o n)

N o

Ye s

R e c e i ve the i nc r e m e nt o f jo i nt ang l e ,

Ang l e w i thi n bo und?

).( 11


ii MMM

).( ,100,100,0 iiii


Page 22: 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and.


Movement of Graphical Arm in Cartesian Space


Receive the incremental position (X) and orientation (M) matrices

Calculate new position, Xnew(t) and orientation, Mnew(t) matrices

based on current frame of reference

Calculate corresponding angular values Using Inverse Geometric Transformation

(new=G-1(Xnew, Mnew)

Angle within bound?


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Movement of Graphical Arm in Cartesian Space…

Compute the vertices of the body shapes

Render the w hole robot w ith updated vertices

Compute the position vector of a ll the links

Compute the orienta tion matrices).( 1



ii MMM

).( ,100,100,0 iiii




Page 24: 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and.


Acquisition of Real Video Image

The MDTF Approach is used for stereovision. It is multi-threaded, distributed and provide better performance in

video transfer. Real video image of the slave robot at the server side is

captured simultaneously by two video cameras. Then a reliable client-server connection is established and upon

a request from the client a stereo frame comprising of two pictures is sent over LAN through window sockets.

On the client side after detecting and making connection with the server pictures are received and displayed on the screen and on the HMD when connected.

A double buffer, concurrent transfer approach is used to maximize overlapped transfer activities between cameras, processor and the network.

Page 25: 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and.


3D Visualization Tools and Techniques

Technique Alternatives: Sync-Doubling, Page-flipping Chosen: Page-flipping

Provides higher resolution and avoid ”flashing” problem of 3D imaging.

Display device Alternatives: HMD, monitor, eye-shuttering glass Chosen: HMD, monitor

No flickering, easy to work

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3D Visualization Example

A snap shot of a stereo-image.

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Camera Calibration

Heikkila’s calibration method which provides very accurate results. It shows accuracy up to 1/50 of the pixel size.

Pinhole camera model with perspective projection and least-square error optimization.

The intrinsic camera parameters: Focal length, fc Principal point, cc Skew co-efficient, alpha_c Lens distortion co-efficient, kc

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Camera Calibration…The aspect ratio= fc(2) / fc(1)

The field of view angle can be calculated from,











Page 29: 1 A Hierarchical Design Scheme for Application of Augmented Reality in a Telerobotic Stereo-Vision System By Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam Lecturer B and.


Camera Calibration…

Extrinsic ParametersIf XX=[X,Y,Z] and XXc are co-ordinate of P in grid and camera ref, then

1_*1_ TcXXRcXX C

Where, translation vector Tc_1 is the co-ordinate vector of O in camera ref frame and the rotation matrix Rc_1 is the surface normal vector of the grid plane in the camera ref frame.

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3D Visualization Algorithm

Step 1: Acquire video image and copy this memory stream to a surface( say FrontSurf).

Step 2: Copy the FrontSurf surface to another temporary surface (say, AugSurf).

Step 3: Draw graphical objects/change in graphical objects on AugSurf.

Step 4: Copy AugSurf to the surface that will be used to display (say, backSurf).

Step 5: Display backSurf with left camera image to left view port/monitor.

Step 6: Display backSurf with right image to right view port/monitor.

Step 7: Observe 3D with HMD.

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Graphical Tele-manipulation

How Graphic Manipulation Corresponds to the Real If the base link of the real robot remains fixed relative to the

video cameras, the base link of the graphical arm will also remain fixed relative to the graphical cameras.

The end-effector of the graphical arm can be manipulated in the graphical coordinate space, relative to objects in the task space (keeping base link in same location of real robot base).

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GUI Design

Client Side Input/Output Specification Connecting to the server PC, master arm and HMD Receiving and displaying the stereo video. Taking user's input for movement of the real and graphical

robot for simulation

Means of User Interaction: Master arm Joystick Keypad Mouse

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Tools Used

Client-server communication platform MS .NET with .NET Remoting

Programming Language Visual C#.NET

Graphics Tool Microsoft DirectX

3D Graphics API Alternatives:

Windows GDI Java3D by Sun MicroSystems Open GL (Open Graphics Language) by SGI Silicon Graphics Direct3D

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Motivation for Using Direct3D It increases performance by using hardware acceleration.

It allows applications to run full-screen instead of embedded in a window. As we are using HMD this feature is very helpful in our case to have the 3D effect.

Direct3D perfectly match with Microsoft's various Windows operating systems and with Microsoft .NET framework which are used in our telerobotic client-server framework

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Direct3D Architecture

W indows Application

Direct3D API


Hardware Abstraction Layer(HAL)

Device Driver In terface(DDI)

G raphics Device

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Graphics Implementation

Virtual Object Modeling Module Defines the structure of the virtual objects (robot, cubes

etc.) Handles functions like movement of virtual objects.

Display Module: Synchronization of real and virtual data Projection on video surface Augmentation of real video Page Flipping for HMD stereo visualization

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Interfacing to Telerobotic Stereovision System Client Modules:



DXInterface Component

Display Surface(HMD, Monitor


Stereo Video

Camera Calibration Component

Left, Right Images



),( MX

Robot Model

Augmented Video

),( newnewMX

),( MX

Robot Client

Virtual object


User Interface

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GUI Implementation Main Form

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GUI Implementation Stereo Form

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Performance Evaluation

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Evaluation of Graphical System: Refresh Rate:

Environment Graphics Complexities Avg. Refresh Rate


Graphics without overlaying real video


Without any drawing 273.36

With an object and the graphical arm in the scene 243.74

Only graphical arm with 8 segments in each cylinder 253.59

Only graphical arm with 50 segments in each cylinder (solid view)


Graphics without overlaying real video


Without any drawing 11.498

With an object and the graphical arm in the scene 11.384

Only graphical arm with 8 segments in each cylinder 11.347

Only graphical arm with 50 segments in each cylinder (solid view)


[Average is taken over 1000 samples, running on Pentium-4, 2GHz machine with 1GB RAM]

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Time Required for Rendering Graphical Arm

Environment Graphics Complexities Rendering Time (ms)



Graphics without

overlaying real video image

Only graphical arm with 8 segments in each cylinder

64.088 64.283

Only graphical arm with 50segments in each cylinder

65.034 65.151

Graphics overlaying real

video image

Only graphical arm with 8 segments in each cylinder

105.02 108.037

Only graphical arm with 50segments in each cylinder

105.37 109.362

[Average is taken over 1000 samples, running on Pentium-4, 2GHz machine with 1GB RAM]

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Accuracy Re-projection error with the calibration method: [Pixel Error (0.11689,0.11500)]


el A


in t

he y




Pixel Axis in the x direction

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Comparison to Other Apporaches Iqbal, A. [1] augmented with only a small red ball at the

position of gripper in comparison to our whole graphical arm. Iqbal, A. [1] used Faugeras [4] calibration with Kuno[5]’s affine

frame of reference which led him to noticeable mismatch with real error in the matching shown in his figure. Whereas our computer vision-based calibration reduces error upto 1/50 of pixel size.

J. Vallino reports in his PhD thesis refresh rate of 10fps to be required for AR, when we gets above 11-17fps after overlaying graphical arm with live stereo video.

Graphics rendering of our system is faster than Iqbal, A. [1],[2][3] for our use of Direct3D.

Our system is comparatively cheaper due to the use of commodity hardware (PC) and software.

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Summary of the Work and Contributions Using hardware accelerated graphics rendition that

provides us with excellent refresh rate of the output screen.

Improvement in accuracy of execution by using better calibration method and graphic aids (accuracy up to 1/50 of pixel size).

User-friendly graphical user interface for simple manipulation in the telerobotic AR system.

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Summary of the Work and Contributions…

Flexible and generalized data structure suitable for telerobotic visualization.

Identifying design strategy for intelligent switching in VR and AR mode for ensuring QoS.

Use of cheap and commercially available hardware and software

Can be used as a cheap and flexible visual tool for showing robot manipulation in the classrooms.

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Future Research Directions Providing an intelligent system to switch

between VR and AR modes of operation based on network delays to ensure QoS.

Using multi-processor system for processing video and graphics data more efficiently.

Using commercial software available to extract exact 3D model of the workspace objects which will facilitate more accurate task manipulation.

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1. Iqbal, A. Multistream realtime control of a distributed telerobotic system. M.Sc. Thesis, King Fahd University of Petroeum and Minerals,June 2003.

2. A Rastogi, P. Milgram, and D. Drascic. Telerobotic control with stereoscopic augmented reality. SPIE, Vol.2653: Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems III:135{146, Feb. 1996.

3. R. Marin, P.J. Sanz, and J.S. Sanchez. A very high level interface to teleoperate a robot via web including augmented reality. Proc. IEEEInternational Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2002 ICRA '02, Vol.3:2725 - 2730, May 2002.

4. O.D. Faugeras and G. Toscani. The calibration problem for stereo. Proceedings of Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Miami Beach, FL, Vol. 5, No. 3, June, 15-20 1986.

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[5]Y. Kuno, K. Hayashi, K.H. Jo, and Y. Shirai. Human-robot interface using uncalibrated stereo vision. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 95, 1:525{530, 1995.

[6]J. Abdullah and K. Martinez. Camera self-calibration for the ar-toolkit. The First IEEE International Workshop on Augmented Reality Toolkit, page 5, Sept. 2002.

[7]J.-Y. Herve, C. Duchesne, and V. Pradines. Dynamic registration for augmented reality in telerobotics applications. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cyberneticsn, Vol.2:1348-1353, October 2000.

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