0f1 COUNTY ROUNDUPchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85053305/... · last week. Cecil Moen...

COUNTY ROUNDUP Interesting Coaty Item From Our Excanges and Readers CULBERTSON Ben H. Johnson of Plentywood was in town Tuesday. ' Walter ' Lorenson of the South Side was in -town Wednesday, Miss Eva Endicott of Brockton spent last week visiting at the Simp- son home. Deputy sheriff John Moran has (pen in town several times the past week. M's. Joe.. Tobin 'formerly Miss Anna Culwef of Genesee, Idaho, and little son adccinpanied by her sister Miss Marb# Culwell id' brother Pri- vate.A. J. Cauwell, spent last week visiting their friend Miss Maude Nugent and alsq attended the Dance Saturday light. J. S. Day is still laid up at the Elm Tree ranch with rheumatism. Anna Hagen and Cecil Moen left Monday on No. 1 for a visit to Yel- lowstone Park.. On she way they will visit Great Falls and Helena. Mrs. Lucille Newell, nee Feiker, was a guest at the Moen i, 'ent last week. Cecil Moen accompanied Mrs. Newell home and spent a few days in Plentywood. Pat Bture, now a member of the Rasmussen farm force, was in town Wednesday and reported the wed- ding and "surprise party" at the Rasmussen home Tuesday night. James Hornbeck, a brother of our telephone manager M. C. Hornbeck, has accepted a position in the Star Market with Chas. Jacobs, while Mr. Pierce is taking a vacation. The Lutheran Ladies' Aid of Cul- bertson will meet with Mrs. S. S. Moen next Thursday afternoon, July 31. N; N. Peterson returned Tuesday from a three weeks vacation spent mostly in Idaho. He visited Pocatel- la, Ida., Butte, Helena and Great Falls in Montana. He reports that Idaho is suffering from the same dry conditions as Montana. Willis Inman returned last week from a visit to his old home in Indi- ana. He also visited Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis. He reports journeymen blacksmiths scarce as hen's teeth in those cities. He triqd hard to secure a man for his Culbertson shop without avail. He is putting in a new electric weld- inr outfit. M r. and Mrs. Dave imcnenzie anu children arrived home from Regina Monday evening in their new Ford flivver. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McKen- zie, a brother and sister-in-law of Dave accompanied them and will spend a couple or three weeks here - looking over thg country. Dave's hands which were accidently burned some five weeks ago are healed up nicely and he has taken his chair in his barber shop again. Ammi Tanner arrived home last Saturday night, after spending about three weeks in the mountains. Harry Hansen and family of the America Cafe, arrived home Sunday morning, after a visit to several eastern cities. Miss Ruth McClure formerly of Culbertson but now a citizen of Ore- gon we believe, has received her ap- pointment as postmaster in Culbert- son, but it is not yet known when she will take charge, if she does at all. Neither K. O. Slette nor his daugh- ter Miss Ida Slette, took the exami- nation last summer as they claim the compensation is too small as it takes two persons to do the work.. Chief R. H. Murry of the Culbert- son Volunteet Fire Department, in- forms us that a full complement of ten men-bas signed up for each hose cart and that they are the only no who are expected to grab the ropes unless asked to do so by the chief or his lieutenants. He also says that any one ringing the fire bell for a fire should ring steady, quick and hard, so that the alarm may be un- mistakable. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tome visited Culbertson Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mr. Tome, familiarly known as "Happy" was the mechanic at the Donaldson Garage last summer and he now lives on a farm on the reservation. Mr. and Mrs. C. JR. Dorn - and family and Mrs. Doran's father and mother, H. A. Eveland and wife, all of the South Side, arrived home Wednesday from an auto trip of 1100 miles to the western part of the state. They were gone -two weeks. DOOLEY John and Emil Riggs have complet- ed plastering the Loyle Goss resi- dence. F. R. Decker, C. H. Decker and -Geo. Alderson motored to Scobey Tuesday. Mrs. H. C. Hanson and son Clif- foid returned Tuesday from a visit at Evansville, Minn. Selmar Hanson of Fairfield, this state, arrived here yesterday to work at the H. C. Hanson farm. J. C. Epler went to Williston Tues- day, returning. Wednesday with Mrs. Fpler and baby daughter, who have been vising the past month at Aus- ti. Minn. T H. N. Stenseth, Scott Wetzel, O; V. Johnson, H. Hunter, C. Sells YOU CA DO BETTER 'AT THE RE? EvrtigioEta Victory Prices arSo 1,RE v h i o , and P. T. HIegseth families motored to Eagles Nest near Navajo Sun- day, where they picked choke cher- ries. .The Misses Grace McNeely and Theresa Franey, who have been at- tending the Teachers Institue at Dil- lol, this state, left for their home at Waverly, Minn., today. Both passed in all subjects and Miss McNeely did exceptionally well with her Domestic Science. F. R. Decker and family, H. Hun- ter and family and G. C. Epler and family took in the Home. Coming celebration at Medicine Lake. last Friday. While the celebration, it is said, did not come up to expectations, the above named families enjoyed a bounteous dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Markuson. F. Cruickshank and wife spent the first of the week at Williston, N. D. C. H. Decker, father of F. R: Decker, and Geo. Alderson, of Aue- tin, Minn., arrived here Monday by auto for a visit at the F. R. Decker home. A. H. Reitan has erected a chicken house on his residence lot. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hanson of Gladmar spent the first oi the week here. C. G. Becklund and Adolph Ander- son were Plentywood visitors Tues- day. O. S. Rounsevilyl and the Editor Vezina motored to Plentywood Tues- day afternoon. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Anderson Wednesday, July 23rd. Mrs. Mike Hanson wand children of Redstone, are visiting at the H. A. Bretzke home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stifter and daughter, Miss Lillian, were in Plen- tywood Tuesday. Mrs. Sprau and children and Miss Marie Lavendure left Monday for Rolette, N. D., for a visit. Mrs. A. Hurst returned yesterday from Dunseith, N. D., and is visit- ing at the H. A. Bretske home, Lee Munson and Oscar Bergan played ball with i the Plentywood team at Medicine Lake last week Friday. Wm. J. Ehrhardt was here from Gladmar Saturday. His new resi- dence which he is erecting is near completion. Joe Burnham returned Monday from Outlook, where he has been working, to assist in the local bar. ber shop this week. Mrs. Kablefleisch and children ol West Hope, N. D., arrived Wednes. day to visit at the O. M. Johnsor and H. N. Stenseth homes. Thos. McGovern left Tuesday foi Sioux Falls, Ia., where he has hi! former position in an express office which he vacated when he enlisted Tom will also hold down a positioi on the fast Sioux Falls base bal team. -- II• Miss Anna Droter assisted at thi j Sherida Cafe last week. Mrs. A. Torgenson was ill the las week. Miss Hilda Anderson was an Am t brose visitor Mo nday, returninj t Tuesday. ' The directors of the local Equit' Elevator Co. met at the Bank Sat urday. Art. Noll returned to Plentywoo Tuesday after a two weeks visit wit Gilbert Burdg. Win. Kappahan and son, Jene, wit: leave Monday for Hans, N. D., where they have work. Gilbert Burdg has completed re- building his barn, which was blown down by the storm of July 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dahl returned last week Monday from a visit at Minnesota and Wisconsin points. Gus Bartner was an over Sunday visitor with relatives here, and look- ing after farming interests. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nelson and son Adry and daughter Beulah, visited at the Fremont Nelson home Sunday. Chas. Brumpton returned Monday from a trip to Saskatoon, Canada, where he attended to business mat- ters. Edward Christopherson and fami- ly returned last week Sunday from a visit with North Dakota relatives. Carl O. Anderson has purchased the Roy Hohman house, south of the Ibsen house, and has moved into the same. The A. N. Wankle and Chas. Brumpton families left yesterday to spend a week camping at Fish Lake, Canada. Mr. ahd Mrs. M. McKnight re- turned the latter part of last week from a visit in North Dakota and Minnesota. I 4•' Harry Huffman\ tnd family and Mrs. Minerva Huffman and Britt Chandler and family motored to Plentywood Wednesday. S. J. Saddler, the popular propriet- tor of the Clear -Lake resort, pur- chased a Ford from L. Lebatte first of the week. Oscar Bergon went to Broomhead, Canada, Wegdesday. to play ball with the Fortuna team, which played Broom head: Iver A. Johnson and wife and Jim Johnson and family visited near Gre- nora, N. D., from Saturday until Monday. Frank and Harry Kappahan mot- ored to Williston, N. D., the latter pert of last week, where the former had his eyes tested. On the returr trip, Harry secured work near Hans, N. D. Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huffman, was quite badly cul ni 1ln ii about the face Monday, when she l Was thrown against the windhield ij )f their car. The accident occurred when Harry ran into an old well t about two miles from his 'place, J which was made obscure by tall s grass. C. R. Downs, Continental oil man, I was here from Plentywood Monday. b H. C. Hanson has purchased 'the I G. C. Epler barn and moved the I same to his farm. H. M. Nelson supervised the moving of the barn. I Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rasmussen d and son Reider, were at Minot, N. 1 D., the latter part of- last week, v where Reider underwent an opera- f tion of the tonsils and adenoids. COMERTOWN M. E. Hooper was in Dooley Mon- I day and yesterday of this week. Axdrew Espe was in Dooley last week Thursday. .Thos. Berquiist and Lawrence Hooper left last week for St. Croix Falls, Wis., for a visit. Fred Shmidt of Loetto, Minn., is visiting at the D. O'Laughlin home. Eric Olson, Henry Lindberg, Alek St. Arneud and H. C. Johnson were in Plentywood last week Friday on business matters. Clayton Comer left today for Up- ton, Wyo., where he expects to take up a section of land. There are num- erous oil wells in the vicinity of Up- ton and from all reports the country is on the boom. R. P. Fitzgerald, Phil Vossen, H. P. Foster and U. G. Barnhouse mot- orcd to Plentywood last week Fri- day. They had. petitions made out to petition the commissioners to cre- ate a herd distritt of the township in this vicinity. Clayton S. Comer arrived home last week Saturday from Wyoming, where he had received his honorable dsicharge. Clayton was with the 15th Balloon Co., and' became a first class chauffeur while in the service. He enlisted a year and a half ago. H. Dunsdon and wife, Thos. Brock- ley and family, Mrs. J. Ueland and Miss Jessie Dunsdon and Clayton Comer camped at Fish Lake, Cana- da, from Saturday until Tuesday. Alfred Clementson left yesterday for Halley, Minn., to spend the win- ter. ' The implement business will be in charge of Peder Bruvold, seni- or partner, during Mr. Clementson's absence. Miss Selveig of Granite Falls, Minn., is visiting with her uncle, Mr. E. S. Strand for the past week. MEDICINE LAKE J.&O. Johnson made a business trip to Culbertson Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stanfield of Plentywood were in town Thursday en route to Homestead. Miss Gertrude Leiffring arrived Monday from Great Falls for a short visit with relatives here. G. E. Fulkerson of the Farmers State Bank is having a basement ex- cavated under his -residence this week. Mrs. Edw. Rankin returned the latter part of the week from points in Minnesota where she has been visiting relatives. Edw. Spencer has purchased the Malcolm Swanson residence this week and has moved it to his farm, six miles vast of here. Mrs. Geo. Borley left Sunday for Williston, N. D., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Hunt for a few weeks. SNorwegian services will be held in the Congregational church on Sun- j day, August 3rd, at 11 o'clock a. m. t and at the Smith school house at 3 o'clock p. m. Rev. B. I. Land, Pas- tor. Mark Griffin, accompanied by Miss Anna Thomas, Mrs. Gritfin's sister, took his infant child who had its t shoulder dislocated in a fall, to Wil- liston this morning for medical treat- Sment. -i t•".i James neley ieit monunay uIuIaUAU for Fort Snelling, Minn., to visit his son Edward who is still under medi- cal treatmtent for the wounds he received while with the expeditionary forces in France. The young ladies of Medicine Lake gave a farewell dance at the Com- munity Hall Wednesday night in honor of several of our young men who left for Camp Lewis, Wash., Thursday morning to enlist in the training school at that place. A sumptuous lunch was served at mid- night and all present enjoyed a real good time. The guests of honor were the Messrs. John Stubban, Rus- sel Wigmore, Ralph Borley and Clarence Charlesworth. FROID Miss Grace Mitchell is visiting friends in Froid and vicinity. J. W. Schnitzler transacted busi- ness in Plentywood, Wednesday. C. Willumsen and family of Dag- mar were callers in our village last Saturday and Sunday. The Stovers of Mt. Morris, Ill., had a full house at the Grandview last Sunday. An eight pound boy arrived at the home of Jabez Starry of Froid on July 10th. Miss Irene Jern of McCabe spent a few days' here visiting at the home of J. C.. Stuller. The Norwegian church will hold their regular bake sale, Saturday, Aug. 2,at the Froid Hardaware. The roof was again replaced on the Froid Hardware '& Implement Co.'s warehouse which was blown 0f1 dur- ags a recent storm. 4 !iss Alga Peterson of- Lake Pies- 4 tony So. Dak., is here visitiag the 'eka Jacobsen family. Mrs. Jacob- Ben is an au;t. of Miss Peterson. Iany from Froid autoed over to Poplar to witness. a fast game of ball between that place and, Wolf Point, whereat the latter won the honor, the scbre being 13 to 4. Fred Gangstad, who accompanied Mrs. GangStad to Fargo, N. D., Sun- day, returned Tuesday and reports Mrs. Gangstad stood the trip very well and will remain at the hospital for some time. Mr. J. O. Dahl, Mclford Dahl and Ralph Swain. left for Fargo last Sat- urday in their Buick to attend the Home Coming celebration and State Fair being held at Fargo this week. While there, Melford Dahl will con- sider some of the business colleges which he will attend this fall. W. E. Metzger, manager of the Facific Coast Adjustment Bureau, of Spokane, Wash., acting in capacity of loss adjuster for the several old line Tornado Insurance Companies operating in this territory, spent last week in the vicinity of Froid, Home- stead and Medicine Lake. Several other adjusters have also been in the field. Many thousands of dollars in losses will be paid by the insurance companies around here within the next few weeks. FLAXVILLE Mr. Olstrom of Evansville, Minn., who is making an extended trip through North Dakota and Montana, arrived in Flaxville Monday for a visit with his son, A. L. Ostrom of the Guranty Loan Co. of this place Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Aslakson au- toed to their farm near Redstone Tuesday where they found that two of their buildings were completely destroyed by the storm of two week:, ago. The chimney was also blown off their house. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Nelson and family left Wednesday for their home at Sydney after a short visit at the Rasmus Nelson home. A. L. Benson of Balfour, N. D., ar- rived here on Saturday of last week for a few days' visit with relatives. Sid ,Bennett and Sam Knapp were business visitors here from Scobey Monday. Evanglist Mills is holding meetings at the Lone Tree school house south of here, this week. Miss Eva Gordon, daughter of Ar- thur Gordon, who resides five miles southwest of here, left last week for her home in Minneapolis after a six weeks' visit at the Gordon home. Jack Holloway of Whitetail was a business visitor here Tuesday. Mr. Holloway informs us that several young men of that place have left to work in the Kansas harvest fields. Earl Randall purchased a header one day last week. Mr. Randall has several hundred acres of grain this year and as the straw is short, he believes he will save considerable by using the header. Vivian Rubin, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Rubin of Whitetail, left here on Sunday morn- ing's train for the hospital at Willis- ton where she underwent a success ful operation for appendicitis. ShE was accompanied by her father. Dr. L. C. Anderson, who recentl3 completed a course in dentistry, re Sturned to Flaxville this week. Mr i Anderson is an expert trombonm player and will assist the Anderso, SRag Time Kids at the dance her4 Saturday night. C. D. Nesbit of Volga, S. D., ar Srived Saturday of last week for - visit at the home of his son, R. E Nesbit, who resides south of here oi s the reservation. Mr. Nesbit state *, that the crops around Volga ar s completely drowned out this year ane - that the Sioux river, which is gener ally three or four rods wide nea his home at this time of the year, i g now seven miles wide. SGuy Wigmore of Redstone was -business visitor here Wednesday. e William Cartee of Whitetail wa ya Flaxville caller Tuesday. W. Enderby ,prominent rancher o e Whitetail, was transacting busines L- here the fore part fo the week. n A. P. Smerud, J. P. Doyle and A f L. Ostrom were Scobey visitors las Saturday evening. PLENTYWOUOD VULCANIZING COMPANY Bring in that old casing for re- pair, we can assure you we can re- pair it in good shape and we guar- antee our work. Sectional work, 3 inch tires........$3.00 Sectional work, 31 inch tires.... 3.50 Sectional work, 4 inch tires........ ,4.00 Sectional work, 4 inch tires.... 5.00 Sectional work, 5 inch tires........ 6.00 We also repair tubes at popular prices. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Gus Oie of the Citizens State Bank of Scobey was a business visitor here the foie prt of this week. Srk. and Hrsa Charles Hubbard and families of Redstone were calling on Flesville friends Tuesday. Mrs. C. C. Call left Tuesday morn- ing for a visit with friends and rela- tives in Qregon. Mrs. Fled Tasa, Mrs Leo Cossette and Mrs. L. J. Sorby enjoyed a pic- nic dinner at the Eagle's Nest, south of here, Wednesday. A. L. Ostrom purchased a five pas- senger Buick touring car this week. Miss Mattie Tousley of Redstone spent the week end with her parents at the Palace Hotel. Henry Molden was a Scobey call- er Wednesday. John P. Doyle of the Guaranty Loan Co., autoed to Poplar on a business trip Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Sorby, Miss Lindgren and Miss Cornelous were among those from here who attended the show at Scboey Monday even- ing. Emanuel Schlechter, John J. Goeh- ring and the latter's brother autoed over from Whitetail Tuesday even- ing. Edwin R. Huso arrived in Flax- ville Tuesday enroute for his home at Whitetail. Mr. Huso just received his discharge from the army and is the proud possessor of three gold chevrons, which signify eighteeen months' service "over there." Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bledsoe and family left Thursday morning for Mahoma, Minn., where they will make their future home. The Bled- soe family located near Flaxville in 1910. The people of Flaxville and vicinity wish them success at their new home. Oscar Askelson of Navajo was a business visitor here Tuesday. Henry Boyer was a business vis- itor at Scobey Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. C. E. McCormick of Whitetail were visiting at the Roy Dunn home on Saturday of last week. Aleck Onstat, who has been suf- fering with rheumatism for the past several weeks, is unimproved. Mrs. Hill and Mrs. O. R. Aslak- son and daughter, Canda were Plen- tywood visitors between trains Tues- day. Col. Asa Dunn and Fred Krosin returned Tuesday from a business trip to Havre and other points west of here. The fourteen year old child ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lindes was taken to Kenmare on Saturday of last week to undergo an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. A. S. Rubin and daughter, Mabel and Miss Gertrude Short au- I toed over from Whitetail Wednesday t afternoon. Harry Thompson, who recently returned from overseas, left Thurs- s day for a visit with friends at Great Falls. Mrs. A. Johnson, clerk at the 7 Farmers Co-operative Store, left Thursday morning for a visit wait•i r friends and relatives at Montigue, f Mont. The Hanson and Barzen Mining - Co. is rebuilding their elevator at Whitetail which burned this spring. e This goes to show that that company still has faith in this part of Mon- Y tana. - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Casper and -family of Whitetail autoed through e here Wednesday enroute to Dagmar a for a visit with friends and relatives. e Oscar Mollerstuen and Miss Clare Tollefson autoed to Plentywood Sun- day. Enroute to that place the top a caught fire and Mr. Mollerstuen burned one of his hands qufte severe- n ly before he could extinguish the s flames. e Mr. Wheeler of St. Paul, Minn. d president of the Capital Trust and - Savings Co. of that place, and J. L r Humphreys of Great Falls, manager Sof that company's interests in Monr tana, were Flaxville visitors for sev 8 eral days the past week. Both gen tlemen were well pleased with thi; Spart of Montana. REDSTONE SL. P. Kurtz was a county seat vis ~itor Wednesday. Mrs. M. H. Hanson is visiting witl (Continued on Page Six) Everything Under the S The Prade Are Two of the Most Talented and Va % People on the Platform "The biggest two-people company on the platform"-that's the PM There are no exceptions. They both sing and read and impersonate, 'cello, sAxophone, piano and accordion. And they do every one of these things with finished musicianship and ability. There is not a dull or esting moment in their two programs on the fifth day. If you miss them miss one of the big events of Chautauqua. HERE AUGUST 22 TO Minnesota Machinery Binders, 8 foot - $202.50 Mower, 6 foot - $67.50 Rakes, 12 foot - $40.00 All Knocked Down - Also Repairs J. S. NYQUIST Inquire at Producers News I SHARPLES DAY We have arranged with the Sharples Separator Company for a Sharples Day to be held at our store and farmers are invited to come in to the store and bring their families with them on that day. Special representatives of the Sharples Company will be with us and dem- onstrate the machines from the "world's greatest separator factory," the wonderful : SHARPLES famous Suction-Feed "Skims clean at ay Speed" Easiest totra D EPAR ATO K We want you to see this separator because it is a mlra the new profit it insures you. And yet, it is more simpce sanitary and easier washed than any of the old-style fixed-te-• c d•c d It gets all the cream at any speed at which it may be tur::: e a cream of qven thickness at widely varying speeds. A Sharples representative will demonstrate this Suctior-'f Sjs will U tell you of the Sharples Milker at our store on Sharples D '1 en the women folks how easily the Separator can be c .al -cr''--7 in the bowl-no discs to wash. If you are now using a Sharples Separator and it is: ". `,ir * bring it in to the store on Sharples Day a,_, a 1ac- :- r hand to repair it for you. His services will be f :: that all farmers of the county can be -izitors at c * and we will have souveniers for all. * Remember the date of Sharplos Day at our store--:' Zeidler Hardware 1Azy Genuine Sharples repairs and oil carried in stock aEm.. EUKEmU EU EUa lgl

Transcript of 0f1 COUNTY ROUNDUPchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85053305/... · last week. Cecil Moen...

Page 1: 0f1 COUNTY ROUNDUPchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85053305/... · last week. Cecil Moen accompanied Mrs. Newell home and spent a few days in Plentywood. Pat Bture, now a member

COUNTY ROUNDUPInteresting Coaty Item From

Our Excanges and ReadersCULBERTSON

Ben H. Johnson of Plentywoodwas in town Tuesday. '

Walter ' Lorenson of the SouthSide was in -town Wednesday,

Miss Eva Endicott of Brocktonspent last week visiting at the Simp-son home.

Deputy sheriff John Moran has(pen in town several times the pastweek.

M's. Joe.. Tobin 'formerly MissAnna Culwef of Genesee, Idaho, andlittle son adccinpanied by her sisterMiss Marb# Culwell id' brother Pri-vate.A. J. Cauwell, spent last weekvisiting their friend Miss MaudeNugent and alsq attended the DanceSaturday light.J. S. Day is still laid up at the

Elm Tree ranch with rheumatism.Anna Hagen and Cecil Moen left

Monday on No. 1 for a visit to Yel-lowstone Park.. On she way theywill visit Great Falls and Helena.

Mrs. Lucille Newell, nee Feiker,was a guest at the Moen i, 'entlast week. Cecil Moen accompaniedMrs. Newell home and spent a fewdays in Plentywood.

Pat Bture, now a member of theRasmussen farm force, was in townWednesday and reported the wed-ding and "surprise party" at theRasmussen home Tuesday night.

James Hornbeck, a brother of ourtelephone manager M. C. Hornbeck,has accepted a position in the StarMarket with Chas. Jacobs, while Mr.Pierce is taking a vacation.

The Lutheran Ladies' Aid of Cul-bertson will meet with Mrs. S. S.Moen next Thursday afternoon, July31.

N; N. Peterson returned Tuesdayfrom a three weeks vacation spentmostly in Idaho. He visited Pocatel-la, Ida., Butte, Helena and GreatFalls in Montana. He reports thatIdaho is suffering from the same dryconditions as Montana.

Willis Inman returned last weekfrom a visit to his old home in Indi-ana. He also visited Chicago, Mil-waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis.He reports journeymen blacksmithsscarce as hen's teeth in those cities.He triqd hard to secure a man forhis Culbertson shop without avail.He is putting in a new electric weld-inr outfit.

M r. and Mrs. Dave imcnenzie anuchildren arrived home from ReginaMonday evening in their new Fordflivver. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McKen-zie, a brother and sister-in-law ofDave accompanied them and will

spend a couple or three weeks here- looking over thg country. Dave'shands which were accidently burnedsome five weeks ago are healed upnicely and he has taken his chair inhis barber shop again.

Ammi Tanner arrived home lastSaturday night, after spending aboutthree weeks in the mountains.

Harry Hansen and family of theAmerica Cafe, arrived home Sundaymorning, after a visit to severaleastern cities.

Miss Ruth McClure formerly ofCulbertson but now a citizen of Ore-

gon we believe, has received her ap-

pointment as postmaster in Culbert-son, but it is not yet known when shewill take charge, if she does at all.Neither K. O. Slette nor his daugh-ter Miss Ida Slette, took the exami-nation last summer as they claimthe compensation is too small as ittakes two persons to do the work..

Chief R. H. Murry of the Culbert-son Volunteet Fire Department, in-forms us that a full complement often men-bas signed up for each hose

cart and that they are the only nowho are expected to grab the ropesunless asked to do so by the chiefor his lieutenants. He also says that

any one ringing the fire bell for afire should ring steady, quick and

hard, so that the alarm may be un-mistakable.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tome visitedCulbertson Tuesday and Wednesdayof this week. Mr. Tome, familiarlyknown as "Happy" was the mechanicat the Donaldson Garage last summerand he now lives on a farm on thereservation.

Mr. and Mrs. C. JR. Dorn -andfamily and Mrs. Doran's father andmother, H. A. Eveland and wife, allof the South Side, arrived homeWednesday from an auto trip of 1100miles to the western part of thestate. They were gone -two weeks.


John and Emil Riggs have complet-

ed plastering the Loyle Goss resi-dence.

F. R. Decker, C. H. Decker and-Geo. Alderson motored to ScobeyTuesday.

Mrs. H. C. Hanson and son Clif-foid returned Tuesday from a visit

at Evansville, Minn.Selmar Hanson of Fairfield, this

state, arrived here yesterday to work

at the H. C. Hanson farm.J. C. Epler went to Williston Tues-

day, returning. Wednesday with Mrs.

Fpler and baby daughter, who have

been vising the past month at Aus-ti. Minn.

T H. N. Stenseth, Scott Wetzel,O; V. Johnson, H. Hunter, C. Sells


RE? EvrtigioEta Victory Prices arSo1,RE v h i o ,

and P. T. HIegseth families motoredto Eagles Nest near Navajo Sun-day, where they picked choke cher-

ries..The Misses Grace McNeely and

Theresa Franey, who have been at-tending the Teachers Institue at Dil-lol, this state, left for their home atWaverly, Minn., today. Both passedin all subjects and Miss McNeely didexceptionally well with her DomesticScience.

F. R. Decker and family, H. Hun-ter and family and G. C. Epler andfamily took in the Home. Comingcelebration at Medicine Lake. lastFriday. While the celebration, it issaid, did not come up to expectations,the above named families enjoyed abounteous dinner at the home of Mr.and Mrs. N. K. Markuson.

F. Cruickshank and wife spent thefirst of the week at Williston, N. D.

C. H. Decker, father of F. R:Decker, and Geo. Alderson, of Aue-tin, Minn., arrived here Monday byauto for a visit at the F. R. Deckerhome.

A. H. Reitan has erected a chickenhouse on his residence lot.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hanson ofGladmar spent the first oi the weekhere.

C. G. Becklund and Adolph Ander-son were Plentywood visitors Tues-day.

O. S. Rounsevilyl and the EditorVezina motored to Plentywood Tues-day afternoon.

A baby girl was born to Mr. andMrs. Carl O. Anderson Wednesday,July 23rd.

Mrs. Mike Hanson wand childrenof Redstone, are visiting at the H. A.Bretzke home.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stifter anddaughter, Miss Lillian, were in Plen-tywood Tuesday.

Mrs. Sprau and children and MissMarie Lavendure left Monday forRolette, N. D., for a visit.

Mrs. A. Hurst returned yesterdayfrom Dunseith, N. D., and is visit-ing at the H. A. Bretske home,

Lee Munson and Oscar Berganplayed ball with i the Plentywoodteam at Medicine Lake last weekFriday.

Wm. J. Ehrhardt was here fromGladmar Saturday. His new resi-dence which he is erecting is nearcompletion.

Joe Burnham returned Mondayfrom Outlook, where he has beenworking, to assist in the local bar.ber shop this week.

Mrs. Kablefleisch and children olWest Hope, N. D., arrived Wednes.day to visit at the O. M. Johnsorand H. N. Stenseth homes.

Thos. McGovern left Tuesday foiSioux Falls, Ia., where he has hi!former position in an express officewhich he vacated when he enlistedTom will also hold down a positioion the fast Sioux Falls base balteam. -- II•

Miss Anna Droter assisted at thij Sherida Cafe last week.

Mrs. A. Torgenson was ill the lasweek.

Miss Hilda Anderson was an Amt brose visitor Mo nday, returninjt Tuesday. '

The directors of the local Equit'Elevator Co. met at the Bank Saturday.

Art. Noll returned to PlentywooTuesday after a two weeks visit witGilbert Burdg.

Win. Kappahan and son, Jene, wit:leave Monday for Hans, N. D., wherethey have work.

Gilbert Burdg has completed re-building his barn, which was blowndown by the storm of July 6th.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dahl returnedlast week Monday from a visit atMinnesota and Wisconsin points.

Gus Bartner was an over Sundayvisitor with relatives here, and look-ing after farming interests.Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nelson and son

Adry and daughter Beulah, visited atthe Fremont Nelson home Sunday.

Chas. Brumpton returned Mondayfrom a trip to Saskatoon, Canada,where he attended to business mat-ters.

Edward Christopherson and fami-ly returned last week Sunday from avisit with North Dakota relatives.

Carl O. Anderson has purchasedthe Roy Hohman house, south ofthe Ibsen house, and has moved intothe same.

The A. N. Wankle and Chas.Brumpton families left yesterday tospend a week camping at Fish Lake,Canada.

Mr. ahd Mrs. M. McKnight re-turned the latter part of last weekfrom a visit in North Dakota andMinnesota. I 4•'

Harry Huffman\ tnd family andMrs. Minerva Huffman and BrittChandler and family motored toPlentywood Wednesday.

S. J. Saddler, the popular propriet-tor of the Clear -Lake resort, pur-chased a Ford from L. Lebatte firstof the week.

Oscar Bergon went to Broomhead,Canada, Wegdesday. to play ball withthe Fortuna team, which playedBroom head:

Iver A. Johnson and wife and JimJohnson and family visited near Gre-nora, N. D., from Saturday untilMonday.

Frank and Harry Kappahan mot-ored to Williston, N. D., the latterpert of last week, where the formerhad his eyes tested. On the returrtrip, Harry secured work near Hans,N. D.

Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Harry Huffman, was quite badly cul

ni 1ln ii

about the face Monday, when she lWas thrown against the windhield ij)f their car. The accident occurredwhen Harry ran into an old well tabout two miles from his 'place, Jwhich was made obscure by tall sgrass.

C. R. Downs, Continental oil man, Iwas here from Plentywood Monday. b

H. C. Hanson has purchased 'the IG. C. Epler barn and moved the Isame to his farm. H. M. Nelsonsupervised the moving of the barn. I

Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rasmussen dand son Reider, were at Minot, N. 1

D., the latter part of- last week, vwhere Reider underwent an opera- ftion of the tonsils and adenoids.

COMERTOWNM. E. Hooper was in Dooley Mon- I

day and yesterday of this week.

Axdrew Espe was in Dooley lastweek Thursday.

.Thos. Berquiist and LawrenceHooper left last week for St. CroixFalls, Wis., for a visit.

Fred Shmidt of Loetto, Minn., isvisiting at the D. O'Laughlin home.

Eric Olson, Henry Lindberg, AlekSt. Arneud and H. C. Johnson werein Plentywood last week Friday onbusiness matters.

Clayton Comer left today for Up-ton, Wyo., where he expects to takeup a section of land. There are num-erous oil wells in the vicinity of Up-ton and from all reports the countryis on the boom.

R. P. Fitzgerald, Phil Vossen, H.P. Foster and U. G. Barnhouse mot-orcd to Plentywood last week Fri-day. They had. petitions made outto petition the commissioners to cre-ate a herd distritt of the township inthis vicinity.

Clayton S. Comer arrived homelast week Saturday from Wyoming,where he had received his honorabledsicharge. Clayton was with the 15thBalloon Co., and' became a firstclass chauffeur while in the service.He enlisted a year and a half ago.

H. Dunsdon and wife, Thos. Brock-ley and family, Mrs. J. Ueland andMiss Jessie Dunsdon and ClaytonComer camped at Fish Lake, Cana-da, from Saturday until Tuesday.

Alfred Clementson left yesterdayfor Halley, Minn., to spend the win-ter. ' The implement business willbe in charge of Peder Bruvold, seni-or partner, during Mr. Clementson'sabsence.

Miss Selveig of Granite Falls,Minn., is visiting with her uncle, Mr.E. S. Strand for the past week.

MEDICINE LAKEJ.&O. Johnson made a business trip

to Culbertson Thursday.Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stanfield of

Plentywood were in town Thursdayen route to Homestead.

Miss Gertrude Leiffring arrivedMonday from Great Falls for a shortvisit with relatives here.

G. E. Fulkerson of the FarmersState Bank is having a basement ex-cavated under his -residence thisweek.

Mrs. Edw. Rankin returned thelatter part of the week from pointsin Minnesota where she has beenvisiting relatives.

Edw. Spencer has purchased theMalcolm Swanson residence this weekand has moved it to his farm, sixmiles vast of here.

Mrs. Geo. Borley left Sunday forWilliston, N. D., where she will visither daughter, Mrs. Robt. Hunt for afew weeks.

SNorwegian services will be heldin the Congregational church on Sun-j day, August 3rd, at 11 o'clock a. m.t and at the Smith school house at 3

o'clock p. m. Rev. B. I. Land, Pas-tor.

Mark Griffin, accompanied by MissAnna Thomas, Mrs. Gritfin's sister,took his infant child who had its

t shoulder dislocated in a fall, to Wil-liston this morning for medical treat-Sment. -i t•".i

James neley ieit monunay uIuIaUAUfor Fort Snelling, Minn., to visit hisson Edward who is still under medi-cal treatmtent for the wounds hereceived while with the expeditionaryforces in France.

The young ladies of Medicine Lakegave a farewell dance at the Com-munity Hall Wednesday night inhonor of several of our young menwho left for Camp Lewis, Wash.,Thursday morning to enlist in thetraining school at that place. Asumptuous lunch was served at mid-night and all present enjoyed a realgood time. The guests of honorwere the Messrs. John Stubban, Rus-sel Wigmore, Ralph Borley andClarence Charlesworth.

FROIDMiss Grace Mitchell is visiting

friends in Froid and vicinity.J. W. Schnitzler transacted busi-

ness in Plentywood, Wednesday.C. Willumsen and family of Dag-

mar were callers in our village lastSaturday and Sunday.

The Stovers of Mt. Morris, Ill.,had a full house at the Grandviewlast Sunday.

An eight pound boy arrived at thehome of Jabez Starry of Froid onJuly 10th.

Miss Irene Jern of McCabe spenta few days' here visiting at the homeof J. C.. Stuller.

The Norwegian church will holdtheir regular bake sale, Saturday,Aug. 2,at the Froid Hardaware.

The roof was again replaced on theFroid Hardware '& Implement Co.'s

warehouse which was blown 0f1 dur-

ags a recent storm. 4!iss Alga Peterson of- Lake Pies- 4tony So. Dak., is here visitiag the

'eka Jacobsen family. Mrs. Jacob-Ben is an au;t. of Miss Peterson.

Iany from Froid autoed over toPoplar to witness. a fast game of

ball between that place and, WolfPoint, whereat the latter won thehonor, the scbre being 13 to 4.

Fred Gangstad, who accompaniedMrs. GangStad to Fargo, N. D., Sun-day, returned Tuesday and reportsMrs. Gangstad stood the trip verywell and will remain at the hospitalfor some time.

Mr. J. O. Dahl, Mclford Dahl andRalph Swain. left for Fargo last Sat-urday in their Buick to attend theHome Coming celebration and StateFair being held at Fargo this week.While there, Melford Dahl will con-sider some of the business collegeswhich he will attend this fall.

W. E. Metzger, manager of theFacific Coast Adjustment Bureau, ofSpokane, Wash., acting in capacityof loss adjuster for the several oldline Tornado Insurance Companiesoperating in this territory, spent lastweek in the vicinity of Froid, Home-stead and Medicine Lake. Severalother adjusters have also been in thefield. Many thousands of dollars inlosses will be paid by the insurancecompanies around here within thenext few weeks.

FLAXVILLEMr. Olstrom of Evansville, Minn.,

who is making an extended tripthrough North Dakota and Montana,arrived in Flaxville Monday for avisit with his son, A. L. Ostrom ofthe Guranty Loan Co. of this place

Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Aslakson au-toed to their farm near RedstoneTuesday where they found that twoof their buildings were completelydestroyed by the storm of two week:,ago. The chimney was also blownoff their house.

Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Nelson andfamily left Wednesday for theirhome at Sydney after a short visit atthe Rasmus Nelson home.

A. L. Benson of Balfour, N. D., ar-rived here on Saturday of last weekfor a few days' visit with relatives.

Sid ,Bennett and Sam Knapp werebusiness visitors here from ScobeyMonday.

Evanglist Mills is holding meetingsat the Lone Tree school house southof here, this week.

Miss Eva Gordon, daughter of Ar-thur Gordon, who resides five milessouthwest of here, left last week forher home in Minneapolis after a sixweeks' visit at the Gordon home.

Jack Holloway of Whitetail was abusiness visitor here Tuesday. Mr.Holloway informs us that severalyoung men of that place have leftto work in the Kansas harvest fields.

Earl Randall purchased a headerone day last week. Mr. Randall hasseveral hundred acres of grain thisyear and as the straw is short, hebelieves he will save considerable byusing the header.

Vivian Rubin, the little daughterof Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Rubin ofWhitetail, left here on Sunday morn-ing's train for the hospital at Willis-ton where she underwent a successful operation for appendicitis. ShEwas accompanied by her father.

Dr. L. C. Anderson, who recentl3completed a course in dentistry, re

Sturned to Flaxville this week. Mri Anderson is an expert trombonm

player and will assist the Anderso,SRag Time Kids at the dance her4Saturday night.

C. D. Nesbit of Volga, S. D., arSrived Saturday of last week for-visit at the home of his son, R. ENesbit, who resides south of here oi

s the reservation. Mr. Nesbit state

*, that the crops around Volga ars completely drowned out this year ane

-that the Sioux river, which is generally three or four rods wide neahis home at this time of the year, ig now seven miles wide.

SGuy Wigmore of Redstone was-business visitor here Wednesday.

e William Cartee of Whitetail waya Flaxville caller Tuesday.

W. Enderby ,prominent rancher oe Whitetail, was transacting businesL- here the fore part fo the week.

n A. P. Smerud, J. P. Doyle and Af L. Ostrom were Scobey visitors las

Saturday evening.


Bring in that old casing for re-pair, we can assure you we can re-pair it in good shape and we guar-antee our work.

Sectional work, 3 inch tires........$3.00Sectional work, 31 inch tires.... 3.50Sectional work, 4 inch tires........ ,4.00Sectional work, 4 inch tires.... 5.00Sectional work, 5 inch tires........ 6.00

We also repair tubes at popularprices.


Gus Oie of the Citizens State Bankof Scobey was a business visitor here

the foie prt of this week.Srk. and Hrsa Charles Hubbard and

families of Redstone were calling on

Flesville friends Tuesday.Mrs. C. C. Call left Tuesday morn-

ing for a visit with friends and rela-tives in Qregon.

Mrs. Fled Tasa, Mrs Leo Cossetteand Mrs. L. J. Sorby enjoyed a pic-nic dinner at the Eagle's Nest, southof here, Wednesday.

A. L. Ostrom purchased a five pas-senger Buick touring car this week.

Miss Mattie Tousley of Redstonespent the week end with her parentsat the Palace Hotel.

Henry Molden was a Scobey call-er Wednesday.

John P. Doyle of the GuarantyLoan Co., autoed to Poplar on abusiness trip Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Sorby, MissLindgren and Miss Cornelous wereamong those from here who attendedthe show at Scboey Monday even-ing.

Emanuel Schlechter, John J. Goeh-ring and the latter's brother autoedover from Whitetail Tuesday even-ing.

Edwin R. Huso arrived in Flax-ville Tuesday enroute for his homeat Whitetail. Mr. Huso just receivedhis discharge from the army and isthe proud possessor of three goldchevrons, which signify eighteeenmonths' service "over there."

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bledsoe andfamily left Thursday morning forMahoma, Minn., where they willmake their future home. The Bled-soe family located near Flaxville in1910. The people of Flaxville andvicinity wish them success at theirnew home.

Oscar Askelson of Navajo was abusiness visitor here Tuesday.

Henry Boyer was a business vis-itor at Scobey Monday.

Mr. aud Mrs. C. E. McCormick ofWhitetail were visiting at the RoyDunn home on Saturday of lastweek.

Aleck Onstat, who has been suf-fering with rheumatism for the pastseveral weeks, is unimproved.

Mrs. Hill and Mrs. O. R. Aslak-son and daughter, Canda were Plen-tywood visitors between trains Tues-day.

Col. Asa Dunn and Fred Krosinreturned Tuesday from a businesstrip to Havre and other points westof here.

The fourteen year old child otMr. and Mrs. Frank Lindes wastaken to Kenmare on Saturday oflast week to undergo an operationfor appendicitis.

Mrs. A. S. Rubin and daughter,Mabel and Miss Gertrude Short au-I toed over from Whitetail Wednesdayt afternoon.

Harry Thompson, who recentlyreturned from overseas, left Thurs-s day for a visit with friends at Great

Falls.Mrs. A. Johnson, clerk at the

7 Farmers Co-operative Store, left

Thursday morning for a visit wait•ir friends and relatives at Montigue,f Mont.

The Hanson and Barzen Mining-Co. is rebuilding their elevator atWhitetail which burned this spring.e This goes to show that that companystill has faith in this part of Mon-Y tana.

- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Casper and-family of Whitetail autoed throughe here Wednesday enroute to Dagmara for a visit with friends and relatives.

e Oscar Mollerstuen and Miss ClareTollefson autoed to Plentywood Sun-day. Enroute to that place the topa caught fire and Mr. Mollerstuen

burned one of his hands qufte severe-n ly before he could extinguish the

s flames.e Mr. Wheeler of St. Paul, Minn.d president of the Capital Trust and

-Savings Co. of that place, and J. Lr Humphreys of Great Falls, manager

Sof that company's interests in Monr

tana, were Flaxville visitors for sev8 eral days the past week. Both gen

tlemen were well pleased with thi;Spart of Montana.

REDSTONESL. P. Kurtz was a county seat vis

~itor Wednesday.Mrs. M. H. Hanson is visiting witl

(Continued on Page Six)

Everything Under the SThe Prade Are Two of the Most Talented and Va %

People on the Platform

"The biggest two-people company on the platform"-that's the PM

There are no exceptions. They both sing and read and impersonate,'cello, sAxophone, piano and accordion. And they do every one of these

things with finished musicianship and ability. There is not a dull oresting moment in their two programs on the fifth day. If you miss themmiss one of the big events of Chautauqua.


Minnesota MachineryBinders, 8 foot - $202.50

Mower, 6 foot - $67.50

Rakes, 12 foot - $40.00

All Knocked Down - Also Repairs


Inquire at Producers News

I SHARPLES DAYWe have arranged with the SharplesSeparator Company for a Sharples Day

to be held at our store and farmers areinvited to come in to the store and bringtheir families with them on that day.

Special representatives of the SharplesCompany will be with us and dem-

onstrate the machines from the"world's greatest separator factory,"

the wonderful

: SHARPLESfamous Suction-Feed

"Skims clean at ay Speed" Easiest totra

D EPAR ATO KWe want you to see this separator because it is a mlra

the new profit it insures you. And yet, it is more simpcesanitary and easier washed than any of the old-style fixed-te-• c d•c d

It gets all the cream at any speed at which it may be tur::: e

a cream of qven thickness at widely varying speeds.A Sharples representative will demonstrate this Suctior-'f Sjs willU tell you of the Sharples Milker at our store on Sharples D '1 enthe women folks how easily the Separator can be c .al -cr''--7in the bowl-no discs to wash.If you are now using a Sharples Separator and it is: ". `,ir

* bring it in to the store on Sharples Day a,_, a 1ac- :- rhand to repair it for you. His services will be f ::that all farmers of the county can be -izitors at c

* and we will have souveniers for all.

* Remember the date of Sharplos Day at our store--:'

Zeidler Hardware1Azy Genuine Sharples repairs and oil carried in stock

aEm.. EUKEmU EU EUa lgl