0850244 Network Neutrality

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Transcript of 0850244 Network Neutrality



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is a principle that is applied to residential broadband networks, and potentially to all networks. A neutral broadband network is one that is free of restrictions on the kinds of equipment that may be attached, on the modes of communication allowed, which does not restrict content, sites or platforms, and where communication is not unreasonably degraded by other communication streams.


The History of Net Neutrality

The concept of Network neutrality was created in the 1860s however the actual term network neutrality was popularized in the early 2000s

Originally ARPANET was under the end-to-end principal which is similar to Net Neutrality

In 2006 the The Internet Freedom and Nondiscrimination Act of 2006 made it a crime for broadband providers to refuse to connect to other providers, or block or impair content.


What would a world without Net Neutrailty be like?

Currently the way the internet works is every website gets the same availability and anyone on the internet can access anything on the internet.

Several companies in
Canada and the United States are currently lobbying to change the way the Internet works so that they can manipulate the Internet. For example: they could make it function in a similar way to cable television.


Is our generation Frequently Using of the internet?

Pecentage of young people connected to the internet.


How concerned are we
About Net Neutrality?


What is being done to protect Network Neutrality?

Currently there are two large Net Neutrality websites savetheinternet.com and saveoutnet.ca

They have held many rallies and savetheinternet.net releases a weekly blog and currently boasts more then 1.5 million supporters

Even google, microsoft and many internet celebrities are strong supporters of the movement.


What can YOU do ?

If you want to support the cause sign up at savetheinternet.com or saveournet.ca
sign the petitions attend the rallies and tell your story.


What others are already doing!




1 and 2: Information found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_neutrality

3, 6, and 9: Graphics and information are found at http://www.savetheinternet.com/

4: Statistics found at http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/resources/media_kit/news_releases/2005/ycww.cfm

5: Statistics can be found at http://blog.blogpulse.com/archives/cat_in_the_blogosphere.html

7:and the background were both created by 0850244 using paint.net

8: Image can be found at http://flickr.com/photos/benwatts/2529687036/

Column 1Column 2


Not conntected77

Percentage of Blog Posts about Net Neutrality

April 08th0.1

April 20th0.5

May 02nd0.7