03111003053 m.riandi Adiwijaya Tugas Termodinamika i

Nama : M. Riandi Adiwijaya NIM : 03 111 003 053 Jurusan : Teknik Kimia A 2011 No Absen : 26 TUGAS TERMODINAMIKA I Dosen Pengampu : Ir. H. Abdullah, M.S, M.Eng Soal 5.26. One mole of an ideal gas is compressed isothermally but irreversible at 130 o C from 2.5 bar to 6.5 bar in a piston/ cylinder device. The work required is 30% greater than the work of reversible, isothermal compression. The heat transferred from the gas during compression flows to a heat reservoir at 25 o C. Calculate the entropy changes of the gas, the heat reservoir, and Δ S total ! Jawab: Diketahui : Isotermal T = 130 o C = 130 o C + 273,15 = 403,15 o K T res = 25 o C = 25 o C + 273,15 = 298,15 o K P o = 2,5 bar P = 6,5 bar R = 8,314 J/ K.mol Ditanya : Hitung perubahan entropi gas, reservoir panas, dan ΔS total ? Dijawab : 1. Menghitung perubahan entropi gas,



Transcript of 03111003053 m.riandi Adiwijaya Tugas Termodinamika i

Page 1: 03111003053 m.riandi Adiwijaya Tugas Termodinamika i

Nama : M. Riandi AdiwijayaNIM : 03 111 003 053Jurusan : Teknik Kimia A 2011No Absen : 26


Dosen Pengampu : Ir. H. Abdullah, M.S, M.Eng


5.26. One mole of an ideal gas is compressed isothermally but irreversible at 130oC from 2.5 bar to 6.5 bar in a piston/ cylinder device. The work required is 30% greater than the work of reversible, isothermal compression. The heat transferred from the gas during compression flows to a heat reservoir at 25oC. Calculate the entropy changes of the gas, the heat reservoir, and Δ Stotal!


Diketahui :


T = 130oC = 130oC + 273,15 = 403,15oK

Tres = 25oC = 25oC + 273,15 = 298,15oK

Po = 2,5 bar

P = 6,5 bar

R = 8,314 J/ K.mol

Ditanya :

Hitung perubahan entropi gas, reservoir panas, dan ΔStotal ?

Dijawab :

1. Menghitung perubahan entropi gas,

Isotermal, T = To maka

Page 2: 03111003053 m.riandi Adiwijaya Tugas Termodinamika i

Nama : M. Riandi AdiwijayaNIM : 03 111 003 053Jurusan : Teknik Kimia A 2011No Absen : 26

Jadi perubahan entropi gas yang terjadi adalah

2. ΔSres (heat reservoir),

Mencari Kerja (work) untuk Isotermal

Irreversible = reversible (100%) + 30 %

Q = ‒ Work


Jadi :

Page 3: 03111003053 m.riandi Adiwijaya Tugas Termodinamika i

Nama : M. Riandi AdiwijayaNIM : 03 111 003 053Jurusan : Teknik Kimia A 2011No Absen : 26

3. ΔStotal (Perubahan entropi total)