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Course Design Document (COD) -Storyboard

Table of Contents Revision History ............................................................................................................................................ ii

Module 1: Course Overview ......................................................................................................................... 1


March 2014 Version 1.0

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Course Design Document (COD)- Storyboard

Revision History

Ver. Implemented By

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# Date Date

1 M. Casanova 11/ 14/ 2014


March 2014 Version 1.0 ii

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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Module #: Identifying the Threat

Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Transit ion Screen

Screen Name: FF Transit ion Screen


Screen Graphic Notes: Transit ion screen



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Version #: 0 Date: 5/13/2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Introduction

Screen Name: FF Introduction


Screen You, together wit h t he community you serve, play an important role in Graphic Notes: identifying individua ls potent ially seeking to t ravel abroad to a conflict zone. These individuals are referred t o as foreign fighters.



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Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Characteristics

Screen Name: FF Characteristics 1


Screen Foreign Fighters (FFs) are individua ls/ sma ll groups who are recruited to travel t o Graphic Notes: a conflict zone or w ho choose to do so on their ow n in order t o t rain and/or fight Transit ion screen wit h a part icular group.

The motivation for t his travel may be polit ica l, ideological, religious, or thrill Alt t ag:


Some may operate wit hin the confines of an insurgency, while others t ravel to join foreign t errorist organizations (FTOs).


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Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Characteristics

Screen Name: FF #underSTAND video


Screen https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=CvoLXOiod2A Graphic Notes:

Alt t ag:


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Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Characteristics

Screen Name: FF Characteristics 2


Screen Because t here is no specific profile, identifying an individual susceptible to Graphic Notes: becoming a foreign fighter is diff icult for law enforcement and often does not

occur unt il after the individua l has already left, or attempted to leave, the country. Members of t he communit y, however, are better positioned t o Alt t ag:

recognize signs and behaviors of concern . This is w hy it is crucial to build t rust

and maintain open lines of cRtmfirli:RiRAiih IDcfmmMA What follows are general characteristics of foreign fighters t hat you and your community should be aware of.


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Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Characteristics

Screen Name: FF Characteristics 2


Screen Generally, foreign fighters are: Graphic Notes:

Looking t o release frustrat ion, and for recognit ion, a place to belong, Transit ion screen

• and/ or adventure. Alt t ag:

• Motivated by humanitarianism, solidarity, sympathy, identity/ belonging, peer pressure, and tRI§:ifid!RrRAWID<FttiMA

• Often radicalized before t ravel, but some foreign fighters are not ideologically motivated

Many of the well-know n examples tend to be men ranging in age from 18 t o 35.

Women have also been involved in traveling to engage in conflict regions.


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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Characteristics

Screen Name: FF Characteristics 3


Screen Recruiters and "ta lent spotters" often facilitate the travel of aspiring foreign Graphic Notes: fighters, but the Internet has made it even easier for individuals to find Transit ion screen propaganda that inspires them to travel, make t heir ow n connections, and plan t heir t ravel online. Alt t ag:


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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Characteristics

Screen Name: FF Characteristics 4


Screen Foreign fighters often lack cit izenship of the conflict state, but may be draw n to Graphic Notes: join warring factions or FTOs. Transit ion screen

They may lack affiliation to an official milit ary organization Alt t ag:


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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Ideology

Screen Name: FF Ideology 1


Screen Foreign fighters are generally motivated by a belief t hat a conflict is morally or Graphic Notes: religiously justif ied or necessary/ obligatory.

They are sometimes motivated t o travel to a particular count ry o r conflict zone Alt t ag: because of ethnic connections and an idea lized version of t heir homeland w hich

t hey seek to impose on oth~'EFERRAL TO FEMA


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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Ideology

Screen Name: FF Ideology 1


Screen Single (or Common) Narrative Graphic Notes:

Many individuals w ho aspire t o join AI Qaeda and it s affiliates or groups like ISIL Transit ion screen

(also referred t o as ISIS or Daesh) believe that the West is engaged in a perpetual Alt t ag: war with Islam and that it is their divine obligation t o use any means necessary,

including violence, to rise u~~i~~~J(tdftjd~~A


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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Why are they important

Screen Name: FF Subtit le Screen


Screen Why do Foreign Fighters Matter to You? Graphic Notes:

Alt t ag:


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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Why are they important

Screen Name: FF Importance 1


Screen Foreign fighters bring back skills such as arms training, t rade craft, and net work. Graphic Notes: A small number of returning FF may also have the ideological commitment to

faci lit at e and/or carry out a violent act.

In particular, t hey may target officers as symbols of Western authority . Alt t ag:

• FFs also provide material suREtfi<eRcRI(t..a lif(}lf'~A>thers t o join, FTOs.


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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Ideology

Screen Name: FF Importance 2


Screen FFs pose potential t hreat s not only to their count ries of origin but also to transit Graphic Notes: countries and new theaters of conflict.

• For example: European FFs can t ravel to the United States with relative Alt t ag: ease- part icularly if t hey are eligible for t he U.S. Visa Waiver Program.

0 The U.S. VisR'f!F€R:RAlallp€} cfiif!M<;C\Participat ing countries to t ravel to the United States without a Visa and

potentially evade established screening procedures.


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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Version #: 0 Date: 5/13/2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Ideology

Screen Name: FF Importance 3


Screen If unable to travel and join an FTO, radicalized U.S. cit izens may seek to commit Graphic Notes: an attack in t he United States in furtherance of t he FTC's goals and ideology.

• Factors prevent ing ability t o travel include: insufficient funds, a Alt t ag: perceived need and inability t o make contact w ith the FTO prior to

t raveling, and i nterv~~~~~rercrte~A


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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Why they matter

Screen Name: FF Importance 3


Screen Criminal prosecution of returning FFs is challenging. Graphic Notes:

It is difficult t o get evidence of illega l/punishable behavior abroad, though photos and videos posted online by FFs may be a way to build a case. Alt t ag:

In t he Unit ed States, prosecution is generally only an option w hen the returnee

has provided support t o a F"fQ-EFERRAL TO FEMA Even if prosecution is handled at t he federal or state level, you may be called in to collect evidence and testimony f rom the communit y and help build t he

prosecution's case.


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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Ideology

Screen Name: FF Ideology 1


Screen Nicholas Teausant from Northern, CA, was arrested in Washington State near t he Graphic Notes: Canadian border on terror charges, t rying to get to Syria. Teausant had been Transit ion screen exploring ways to support violent extremist activit ies and attempt ing to join AI

Qaeda. He came up on the FBI' s radar w hen he posted several messages via Alt t ag:

social media looking for a copy of t he Lone M ujahid Pocketbook, a how-to guide for becoming a lone-wolf te~mfS..fiR Rfo.t.a li@-EfteMA t he Los Angeles subway system


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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Version #: 0 Date: 5/ 13/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: Foreign Fighters

Topic Name: FF Ideology

Screen Name: FF Ideology 1


Screen Mohamed Hersi (Toronto) is the fi rst Canadian to be convicted for attempting t o Graphic Notes: join AI Shabab, the East African AI Qaeda terrorist group, and for counseling Transit ion screen another to do the same. He was arrest ed at Toronto Pearson Airport w ith a t icket to Cairo w here he claimed he was planning to study Arabic. Prosecutors Alt t ag:

argued that Cairo was a stopover on the way to Somalia . The investigation began

after a dry cleaner discovereR~IbAAAueT~Yfi6MAiform and became concerned about the contents, w hich included a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook, a Canadian Forces Department of National Defence Operat ional Manua l, and reports from Intercom Security, the company where Hersi worked.


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March 2014 Version 1.0 17