! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with...

to 10 Small Steps Wellness

Transcript of ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with...

Page 1: ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water. Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for 5 minutes or until


10 Small Steps


Page 2: ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water. Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for 5 minutes or until

It’s one of our great advantages as a species: the ability to individually change

our habits, our thoughts, and our practices to enhance our lives. However,

change isn’t easy. Take New Year’s resolutions, for example. According to

the Book of Odds, Americans have a 1 in 2.7 chance of abandoning their New

Year’s resolution within the first month of the year. Why might this be? We think

it has to do with people trying to make changes that are too big. While going

from a couch potato to working out six days a week is commendable, most

people will find it too di!cult to achieve this level of commitment so suddenly.

Most will likely become discouraged and stop exercising altogether, even

though just 2 to 3 times per week can be very beneficial!

For this reason, WellnessFX suggests incorporating small, feasible changes

over shorter periods of time. Only with these small changes can you experience

the motivation and confidence that comes from seeing your personal goals


In this ebook you’ll find workout regimens, supplement recommendations,

advice on avoiding sickness, healthy recipes, and more, sourced from

WellnessFX practitioners, our member base, and experts in the field. These tips

aren’t arranged in any particular order, so choose your favorite and start there.

Flip through and pick the small change that speaks the most to your life and

try it out. After you’ve completed that challenge, come back for more. We’ve

provided a checklist to print out below so you can keep track of the changes

you’ve implemented.

Being healthy can be incorporated into your life with more ease than you may

think. Life has enough stresses - don’t let failed resolutions be one of them.

Change is important.

© 2013 WellnessFXwellnessfx.com

Page 3: ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water. Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for 5 minutes or until

Keep out harmful pathogens:

practice good hygiene

For one month I will wash my hands whenever possible before and after social events, meals, and taking public transportation.

Germs have to find a way inside before they can start

wreaking havoc on the body. People touch their faces

many times a day, so it’s easy to see how hand health

a"ects overall health. It becomes especially important

while traveling, when public transportation, crowded

malls, social gatherings, and other germ factories o"er

ample exposure to potential illnesses.

Washing your hands thoroughly before and after

interpersonal contact, meals, and going through heavily

populated areas like a metro train can go a long way.

Using hand sanitizer is in no way a substitution for

washing your hands; it’s been found to be less e"ective

than soap and water. However, carrying it can be useful

when in situations where hand washing is not an option.

For two weeks I will go to bed and get up at the same time everyday.

One sleepless night won’t hurt, but chronic sleep

deprivation takes a toll on the body. It causes fatigue,

stress, irritability, cognitive impairment, imbalanced

mood, memory loss, and lowered immunity. It can

increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease,

obesity, and diabetes. Lack of sleep can even cause

overeating; people who don’t get enough sleep have too

much of the hormone that triggers hunger and too little

credit: Instagram @wjmarlow

Immunity Boost

Part I


2Get some z’s

Consistently wash your hands if traveling. Take a hand sanitizer with you and make sure you

apply before and after personal contacts.

—Surinder Yadav MD

credit: Instagram @funstu!405

© 2013 WellnessFXwellnessfx.com

Page 4: ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water. Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for 5 minutes or until

of the one that tells the body it’s full (and to stop eating).

How much sleep do you need?

It’s generally recommended to get around 6 to 8 hours

of sleep per night, on average. The exact number varies

from person to person, so experimenting with di"erent

amounts of sleep is key. There is, however, such thing as

too much sleep. People who sleep over 9 hours a day

are more likely to be overweight, diabetic, depressed,

and have heart disease.

Maximizing your sleep

People who get the “optimal” amount of sleep can still

feel terrible and groggy throughout the day. Here are

ways to get the most out of your night of rest:

» Low blood sugar after a night of fasting contributes

to fatigue and headaches. Consume 150 to 250

calories of low-glycemic index foods in small

quantities prior to bed. Tim Ferriss recommends

the following as options: a few sticks of celery

with almond butter, a mandarin orange and 5 to 8

almonds, or plain low-fat (not fat-free) yogurt and an


» Fitness expert Ben Greenfield takes the following

before bed to optimize his sleep: MAP amino

acid capsules, potassium citrate, Natural Calm

magnesium, MCT Oil, MillenniumSports Somnidren

GH, and Hammer REM caps.

» Rapid eye movement, or REM, is the most important

part of sleep. Even if you get your 8 hours in, bad

deep sleep can leave you feeling groggy and

unrested. Establishing strict sleeping patterns can

help ensure your body is ready to wake up when

you want it to. Technology can also help with that.

Check out the Appendix for suggestions.

Dealing with sleep deprivation

Sometimes losing sleep is unavoidable. The following

can help you feel at the top of your game, even after a

rough night.

» Co"ee might have a bad rap, but it is actually the

top source of antioxidants for Americans. Good

quality brew decreases risk for certain types of liver

cancer, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease.

When traveling, carry your own co"ee; avoid the

overly processed brands served at airports and

hotels. We suggest Dave Asprey’s Upgraded Co"ee.

» Liposomal glutathione is one of the most important

antioxidants in the body. It o"sets the decreased

e!ciency of the liver as a result of sleep deprivation.

» The area under the eyes contains exceptionally

thin tissue. After going a long time without sleep,

the body’s circulation su"ers and blood pools here,

causing circles. Spreading a little arnica gel opens

the vessels.

Rather than training excessively, I put

more focus into the quality and intensity

of my training, recovery, sleep, and diet.

— Ben Greenfield, MS, CSCS

Ideally get to bed as close as possible to 10 to11pm and sleep until 7. Our bodies are


— Dr. Scott Jurica, MS, DC, PAK, ACN

© 2013 WellnessFXwellnessfx.com

Page 5: ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water. Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for 5 minutes or until

For one week I will avoid sugary foods or processed foods and replace them with whole, natural foods.

Simple carbohydrates cause insulin imbalances, weight gain, and lack

of energy. They also take a toll on the immune system. WellnessFX

practitioners Karen Graham and Dr. Ross Pelton both warn that a

moderate dose of sugar suppresses the immune system for 5 to 6 hours,

lowering the body’s ability to fight o" infection. A sugary treat before

shaking hands with a sick co-worker at a company party, for example,

could ruin your whole week!

The trick to overcoming your sweet tooth is to find low-glycemic foods

that taste great, like the sweet potato. The following recipe from Ashley

Tudor, author of Sweet Potato Power, is a delicious appetizer without the

simple carbs.

credit: Instagram @laura_lienhoeft


6 very small yams, peeled to same size

# cup crumbled blue cheese or feta cheese

$ tsp. fresh rosemary, minced

1 tsp. fresh thyme, minced

3 fresh sage leaves, minced

1 clove garlic, minced

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

to taste

3–4 oz prosciutto

1 Tbsp. extra-virgin oil

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Peel yams until they are

sized for three or four bites each and the same size

for even cooking. Save the peelings for another use.

Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water.

Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for

5 minutes or until knife pierces with slight resistance.

Potatoes will not be cooked completely but will finish

cooking in the oven. Drain and cool.

2. Meanwhile, in small bowl, combine cheese, herbs,

garlic, salt, and pepper. Mash with a fork until fully

incorporated. Taste and adjust seasonings. Set aside.

3. Halve the yams. Using a melon ball, scoop out a shallow

trough 1-inch long down the middle of each half. Fill with

1 teaspoon of cheese-herb mixture. Place the top half

over bottom. Gently place the halves together so the

stu!ng doesn’t seep out when baked.

4. Wrap each stu"ed yam tightly with thinly sliced

prosciutto, working carefully so the prosciutto doesn’t

rip. Place the poppers on a sheet pan lined with

aluminum foil and drizzle with oil. Cook poppers for 10

minutes, then turn 1/4. Cook for another 15 minutes,

turning 1/4 again. Repeat until all sides are crisp,

browned, and easily pierced with fork. Serve warm.

Per serving: 153 cal. (6g protein; 7g fat; 14g carb)

Sweet Potato PoppersServes 6 - Cooking Time 1 hour

Simple carbs (sugars) lower the immune

system: avoid them!

© 2013 WellnessFXwellnessfx.com

Page 6: ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water. Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for 5 minutes or until

Vitamin C – Take at least 1 to 2

grams of pure ascorbic acid (a

form of vitamin C) per meal during

healthy days.

Vitamin D – Helps adapt to the

lower intensity of the sun and

maintain immune function.

Zinc – Helps boost immunity and

fight o" a cold. Zinc can be found

in lean ground beef, poultry, beans,

nuts, seafood, whole grains, and

fortified cereals.

Probiotics/kombucha - Decreases

incidence, duration, and severity

of colds and flus for people of all


Astragalus – Used in Traditional

Chinese Medicine (TCM) for

thousands of years, astraglus was

often combined with other herbs

to strengthen the body against

disease. It is thought to help

protect the body against various

stresses, including physical,

mental, or emotional stress.

Omega-3 fish oils – Converted

within the body to anti-

inflammatory molecules, omega-3s

are also beneficial for preventing

allergies, asthma, and other types

of hypersensitivities.

Rescue Remedy – A few drops

under the tongue can help restore

your inner calm and control.

Green tea – Contains antioxidants,

detoxifiers, and cancer-fighting


Probiotics can decrease incidence, duration, and


— Melissa Gastellum, ND

4 Don’t forget the supplements

For a more comprehensive list of supplements,

vitamins, and their benefits, check out the

WellnessFX iPhone App for free!

» When possible, consume whole food vitamins.

The body is most familiar with this form, and

thus they will have the best uptake.

» In general, liquid vitamins have better

absorption than those in pill form.

» It’s best to take most vitamins with food, but

check the label to see what’s suggested.

Fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E,

and K need fat in order to be absorbed, so

they should always be taken with meals

that contain fat. Vitamin C is only in the

bloodstream for a few hours so should be

taken every three hours for best results. Fiber

is best taken first thing in the morning after


For one month I will make a supplement plan and stick to it - even if I’m traveling!

The immune system is the body’s personal army for fighting infection.

Taking a long trip without strong ranks is asking for disaster. Red-eye

flights, bustling crowds, family stress, and limited food options can really

take a toll on the troops. The following supplements can help restock

the ranks:

Photo Credit: Flickr @dramafreezone

I carry three items with me at all times when I’m

traveling: oil of oregano as an anti-viral, and

elderberry tincture and echinacea tincture as immune

system boosters. I do the oregano in the morning,

and the elderberry and echinacea in the afternoon,

and often double-dose if I’m around sick people or big


— Ben Greenfield, MS, CSCS

%HIRUH�ȵ\LQJ��DFLGLI\�\RXU�ERG\ȇV�tissues so that they are resistant to

illness by taking high dose vitamin

C (1 to 2 grams). Drink lots of water


— Alexis Shields, ND

Although Oscillococcinum doesn’t

SUHYHQW�WKH�ȵX�RU�FROGV�IURP�occurring, clinical studies have

shown that it reduces days of illness.

— Yasmin Nibbe, MD, FAAP

© 2013 WellnessFXwellnessfx.com

Page 7: ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water. Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for 5 minutes or until

Relax, relax, relax

For one week I will take 10 minutes to myself every day to clear my mind - no computer or phone allowed!

Even those who have nutrition, exercise, and

supplementation under control can su"er from increased

long-term health risks due to chronic stress. This year is

the year to take time to yourself, leave your phone home

from time to time, and let your mind unwind.

» Don’t underestimate the power of a moment alone.

Taking 10 minutes to yourself can help hit “reset” on

all the troubles of the day. Take a walk around the

block. Leave the phone behind!

» A yoga session can open up the muscles, allow you

to breathe, and help you bond with your inner self,

all at the same time. » Consider meditating a few minutes every day.

According to New York physician Dr. Kulkarni,

meditation automatically reduces heart rate, lowers

blood pressure, reduces muscle tension, and

improves breathing.

» Listening to music, hitting the gym, or even

something as simple as loading pictures from your

favorite vacation onto your work computer can go a

long way in knocking out stress.

» WellnessFX practitioner Kathie Madonna Swift, RD,

MS suggests seeking the great outdoors. “Being in

nature, whether it is taking a long hike, rollerblading,

biking, kayaking, or swimming in a pristine lake is

nourishing to your body, mind, and spirit,” she says.

“Make a point to step outdoors each and every day

this summer and take in the sights, sounds, and

scents of this soothing season.”

» Ten deep breaths can relieve immediate stress, says

WellnessFX practitioner Janelle Deeds. Dr. Andrew

Weill, a physician who focuses on integrative

medicine, states that “practicing regular, mindful

breathing can be calming and energizing and can

even help with stress-related health problems

ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.”

If you have seven minutes a day to spare, you have time

to relax. Dr. Amyee Coget, founder of The Happiness

Makeover™ Training Program, suggests the following to

clear your mind:

» Get a meditation song you love that is about seven

minutes long.

» Play this song while laying down. Place one hand on

your heart and one on your belly.

» Now empty yourself. Release all thoughts, all

emotions and all physical sensations.

If you really have no time, try Dr. Weill’s following 4-7-8

Breathing Exercise:

» Exhale completely through your mouth, making a

whoosh sound.

» Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your

nose to a mental count of four.

» Hold your breath for a count of seven.

» Exhale completely through your mouth, making a

whoosh sound to a count of eight.

» This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the

cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.


credit: Instagram @kansypaige

© 2013 WellnessFXwellnessfx.com

Page 8: ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water. Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for 5 minutes or until

Long work hours. School rehearsals.

Home maintenance. Catching up

with friends. Studying for exams.

There’s less and less time for the

things you know you need: like

exercising. And when you do have

time, it’s not enough time. Fifteen

minutes here, 10 minutes there.

Is that enough for an e"ective

workout? Should you even bother?

In some ways, short, intense

workouts can be more beneficial

than longer ones. High Intensity

Interval Training (HIIT), for example,

is a strategy of alternating high-

intensity with low-intensity. A 10

to 20 minute session can feel as

taxing as a whole hour—and as

beneficial, too. The short, intense

workouts of HIIT provide improved

athletic capacity and condition,

improved glucose metabolism, and

improved fat burning.

Focus on compound strength

movements to incorporate as

many muscles as possible. The

big three are the squat, the clean,

and the press. Try out some of the

sample workouts below and see for


We suggest visiting CrossFit

Endurance for endurance athletes

and Gymnastics WOD for those

wanting to add a boost to their

athletic performance.

To further show that fancy

equipment isn’t a necessity, try

out some of the routines found

on MobilityWOD, a site run by

physical therapist Dr. Kelly Starrett.

His workouts specifically target

maximum mobility and injury

prevention. The 10-minute squat test

will not only make you a believer, it’ll

leave you dripping in sweat!

Stay Fit

Part II

20-minute HIIT run

Minutes 1-2: 5mph

Minute 3: 6mph

Minute 4: 7mph

Minute 5: 8mph

Minute 6: 9 mph

Minutes 7-18: (Repeat minutes 3-6 3x)

Minute 19: 10mph

Minute 20: 5mph

credit: Instagram @chrissy165


If resistance training isn’t your thing,

HIIT can also be used for aerobic

exercises. For example, periodically

changing your intensity during a run

can burn more calories in a shorter

time and boost your metabolism.

Here’s a simple HIIT workout that

will kick your butt! The speeds listed

are for an individual where 10mph is

a full-out sprint and 5mph is a light

jog, so adjust accordingly.

Workout hard, not long

For one month I will dedicate my workouts to shorter, more intense intervals.

10-minute workout4 rounds

40-30-20-10x reps

Walking lunge steps, forward


Walking lunge steps, reverse


20-minute workoutMax rounds in 20min.

5x Pull-ups

10x Push-ups

15x Squats

15-minute workoutMax rounds in 15min.

Run 100m

10x Burpees

10x Push-ups

10x Mountain climbers

10x Sit-ups

10x Prisoner squats

© 2013 WellnessFXwellnessfx.com

Page 9: ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water. Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for 5 minutes or until

A lot of people find themselves using

family trips, catching up with friends, or

other social events as excuses to skimp

on diet and exercise. For most of us,

family dinners are followed up with TV

watching, and catching up with friends

consists of downing empty calories at

happy hour. Finding ways to stay active,

however, is important. Sitting or lying

down for prolonged periods slows

the metabolism and decreases the

e"ectiveness of insulin. Also, the blood

sugar from a meal is released after 60

to 90 minutes, so utilizing this window

to exercise ensures that any pounds you

tack on will be muscle and not fat.

After a family dinner, for example,

WellnessFX practitioner Dr.

Je"rey Edman suggests

a family walk around the

neighborhood. Not only will

it burn calories and get the

metabolism going, but it

can also lead to memorable

conversations and maybe

even a tradition.

If an old friend’s in town, suggest a walk

through a park or a leisurely hike in the

woods. O"er to take them to your rock

climbing gym or go salsa dancing. Such

activities will not only make for more

active and memorable experiences, but

can help expose loved ones to healthier

habits as well.

For one month I will be active with others

For the next three trips longer than three days, I will bring my own weights - and use them!

When going on a roadtrip, why not throw a dumbbell set in the trunk

(and a pull-up bar while you’re at it)? If you’re taking a plane, train, or

bus, however, lugging around 40 extra pounds may not be feasible

(for the record, we don’t recommend it). But don’t throw in the towel

yet! Aquabells Travel Water Filled Exercise Dumbbells is a lightweight,

portable option that transforms into two 16-pound dumbbells.

If all else fails, the body’s mass itself is a great source of resistance. Great

bodyweight exercises include hand-stand push-ups, push-ups, pull-ups,

air squats, one-legged squats, V-ups, and burpees. See our tip for more



credit: Instagram @samtastic

credit: Instagram @terryesteve

Add some pounds


Include the family

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Page 10: ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water. Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for 5 minutes or until

Nutrition Strategies

Part III


Family dinners, potlucks, traveling, and even just a long

day of meetings at work are sure-fire ways to get o"

track. When visiting family on vacation, o"ering to do

the grocery shopping can ensure a gathering over fresh,

organic, and natural ingredients. It’s also an extremely

nice gesture.

Snacking is a good way to keep up the healthy routine

while on the go, and can save you from succumbing

to fast-food while away from home. If going on a trip,

a three-pound bag of mixed nuts, dried fruit, and dark

chocolate pieces is both healthy and delicious, fits easily

in your carry-on, and will last you a week. Before leaving

on your trip, grab a handful and weigh it on a scale.

Now you’ll always have a rough idea how much you’re

snacking on!

When attending a potluck, instead of crossing your

fingers and hoping there’ll be some healthy options, why

not bring a nutritious dish yourself? That way you’ll know

you can count on at least one healthy refuge. Try out this

recipe from Ashley Tudor’s Sweet Potato Power:

1 Tbsp. each unsalted butter and extra-virgin

olive oil

2 medium onions, thinly sliced

$ tsp. ground ginger

$ tsp. freshly ground black pepper

1 chicken, cut into 8-10 pieces

4–6 cups chicken broth, preferably


1/8–1/4 tsp. sa"ron

1–2 cinnamon sticks

1 tsp. Kosher salt

2 carrots, peeled and cut into $-inch slices

1 small yam, pealed and cut in $-inch cubes

1 cup $ head of cauliflower, cut into flowerets

2 zucchini, cut into $-inch slices

3 Tbsp. flat-leaf parsley, chopped

1. In a large frying pan, heat oil and butter over medium

heat. Sauté the onion until softened. Add ginger and

ground pepper. Stir to meld flavors. Remove onions to

plate and set aside.

2. Add chicken pieces to the pan and cook until slightly

browned. Add more oil if necessary. Add onion, chicken

broth, sa"ron, cinnamon sticks, and salt. Bring to a slow

boil, reduce heat, and simmer gently, covered for about

30 minutes or until chicken is almost done.

3. Add the carrots and simmer for 5 minutes. Add yam,

cauliflower, and zucchini, and $ of the parsley. Simmer

for another 5 minutes or until vegetables are tender

but don’t fall apart. Garnish with remaining parsley and


Moroccan Spiced


Serves 6 - Cooking Time 1.5 hours

Keep your metabolism amped

For one month I will prepare my own meals ahead of time, pack snacks, and take healthy options to potlucks.

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Page 11: ! Wellness · Save the peelings for another use. Place the yams in a large saucepan, cover with water. Salt water liberally and bring to boil. Parboil yams for 5 minutes or until

Though studies have shown that a glass of wine or

another light, alcoholic drink a day can actually be

healthy, heavy drinking can have detrimental long-

term results on the liver and overall health.

But it’s also important to consider short-

term e"ects, especially for athletes. Alcohol

consumption does not go well with building

muscle, losing fat, and overall recovery.

» A hard workout drains the body’s glycogen

stores, which need to be replenished before

the muscles can be properly repaired. Drinking

can slow this recovery process by displacing

carbs in the body and leaving glycogen stores

50% lower than normal, even eight hours later.

» The body prioritizes the metabolism of alcohol,

and when it is present it will burn that over fat

and carbs. Your body will have more excess

energy to store as fat than usual.

» Alcohol also breaks down amino acids and

stores them as fat.

» Alcohol increases cortisol levels, leading to

further fat storage.

» Finally, alcohol disrupts the potent recovery

power of a good night’s sleep.

If you are going

to drink, consider

tequila. Tequila is

fermented agave

juice, which

makes it gluten-

and starch-free. Dry wines are good for low sugar

content. The best include Pinot Noir, Cabernet

Sauvignon, and Merlot for red and Sauvignon Blanc

and Albarin for white.

If heavy drinking is a likelihood, plan ahead to

avoid a nasty hangover the next morning.

» Hangover pains are largely due to alcohol’s

dehydrating e"ects. To combat this, drink one

glass of water per alcoholic drink.

» Don’t mix darks and lights. It’s not merely a

myth; di"erent types of alcohol have di"erent

toxins, and combining them

» Finally, never drink on an empty stomach.

Having a full meal before drinking helps soak

up the alcohol, lines the stomach, and makes

absorption into the body slower.

Be wary of alcohol

For one month, when doing heavy drinking, I will have one glass of water for every glass of alcohol.


We hope you’ve learned as much reading these tips

as we have writing them! Remember that health is a

state of mind. By making health accessible to yourself

through realistic goals, scheduling, and expectations,

you can avoid the discouragement of falling short

that leads so many people towards abandoning their

principles entirely.

credit: Instagram @karmann79

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» Sleep Cycle

» WellnessFX

» Superfood HD

» Calorie Counter

» Fooducate

» Lose it!

» GAIN Fitness

» Fitness Buddy

» Teemo: The Fitness

Adventure Game

» Authentic Yoga with Deepak

Chopra and Tara Styles

» Health and Medicine:


» Pocket Pharmacist

» The Merck Manual Home


» Heartwise Blood Pressure


» First Aid by American Red



Apps and Gadgets for the Health-Conscious

Track your 10 Small Steps


» Fit Bit

» Zeo

» LarkLife

Phone apps

For one month I will wash my hands whenever possible before and after social events, meals, and taking

public transportation.

For two weeks I will go to bed and get up at the same time everyday.

For one week I will avoid sugary foods or processed foods and replace them with whole, natural foods.

For one month I will make a supplement plan and stick to it - even if I’m traveling!

For one week I will take 10 minutes to myself every day to clear my mind - no computer or phone allowed!

For one month I will dedicate my workouts to shorter, more intense intervals.

For one month I will be active with others

For the next three trips longer than three days, I will bring my own weights - and use them!

For one month I will prepare my own meals ahead of time, pack snacks, and take healthy options to


For one month, when doing heavy drinking, I will have one glass of water for every glass of alcohol.

Print out this checklist to help you keep track of any of the small steps you’d like to try











© 2013 WellnessFXwellnessfx.com