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A Time to Review a New Government Review Packet # 2 The Articles of Confederation : An agreement known as the Articles of Confederation went into effect in 1781 while the Revolutionary War was still being fought The confederation was a weak, loose association of independent states Each state sent one representative to the Confederation Congress, where it had one vote Strengths Weaknesses 1- Established the doctrine of Federalism A- A system of government where power is divided between a national government and state governments 1- Lacked a proper balance between the national government and the state governments A. Congress lacked the ability to raise money B. Congress lacked the power to control and regulate both domestic and foreign trade 2- Established a policy for the settlement of western lands A- Acquired the Northwest Territory, north of the Ohio River and west of the Appalachians as a result of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 2 - In Massachusetts, farmers who were crushed by demands for payment of debts and taxes joined together A. Led by Daniel Shays, a captain during the Revolutionary War B. A Militia was raised to put down the rebellion C. Emphasized the need for a stronger central government 3- The Northwest Ordinance of 1787: A- Chartered a government for the Northwest Territory B- Provided a method for admitting new states to the Union from the territory C- Listed a bill of rights guaranteed in the territory 3- From the Constitution (Section 4 of Article IV) – As a result of Shays Rebellion A. “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic 1. The primary purpose of the Articles of Confederation was to A. provide revenues for the national government B. establish the basic framework of the national government C. give the national government the power to regulate interstate 2. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established a model for later settlement by providing A. legal expansion of slavery B. creation of national parks C. distribution of free land to war “… Article 6. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory….: Provided, always, That any person escaping into the same, from whom labor or service is lawfully claimed in any one of the original States, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed and conveyed to the person claiming his or her labor.…”— Northwest Ordinance, 1787 3. Based on this excerpt from the Northwest Ordinance, which statement is a valid conclusion? A. The issue of slavery was largely ignored before the Civil War. B. Abolitionists had gained control of the Constitutional Convention.

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A Time to Review a New Government Review Packet # 2

The Articles of Confederation: An agreement known as the

Articles of Confederation went into effect in 1781 while the Revolutionary War was still being fought

The confederation was a weak, loose association of independent states

Each state sent one representative to the Confederation Congress, where it had one vote

Strengths Weaknesses1- Established the doctrine of Federalism

A- A system of government where power is divided between a national government and state governments

1- Lacked a proper balance between the national government and the state governments

A. Congress lacked the ability to raise moneyB. Congress lacked the power to control and regulate

both domestic and foreign trade 2- Established a policy for the settlement of

western landsA- Acquired the Northwest Territory,

north of the Ohio River and west of the Appalachians as a result of the Treaty of Paris of 1783

2 - In Massachusetts, farmers who were crushed by demands for payment of debts and taxes joined together

A. Led by Daniel Shays, a captain during the Revolutionary War

B. A Militia was raised to put down the rebellion C. Emphasized the need for a stronger central


3- The Northwest Ordinance of 1787:A- Chartered a government for the

Northwest TerritoryB- Provided a method for admitting new

states to the Union from the territoryC- Listed a bill of rights guaranteed in the


3- From the Constitution (Section 4 of Article IV) – As a result of Shays Rebellion

A. “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.”

1. The primary purpose of the Articles ofConfederation was to

A. provide revenues for the national governmentB. establish the basic framework of the national

governmentC. give the national government the power to regulate

interstate commerceD. guarantee a bill of rights to protect citizens from the

national government

2. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established a model for later settlement by providing A. legal expansion of slaveryB. creation of national parksC. distribution of free land

to war veteransD. process for territories to

become states

“… Article 6. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory….: Provided, always, That any person escaping into the same, from whom labor or service is lawfully claimed in any one of the original States, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed and conveyed to the person claiming his or her labor.…”— Northwest Ordinance, 17873. Based on this excerpt from the Northwest Ordinance, which statement is a valid conclusion?

A. The issue of slavery was largely ignored before the Civil War.B. Abolitionists had gained control of the Constitutional Convention.C. Slavery was legally banned in the Northwest Territory.D. Enslaved persons had constitutionally protected civil rights.

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Shay’s Rebellion, 1786-87: In Massachusetts, farmers who were crushed by

demands for payment of debts and taxes joined together

They took matters into their own hands after the courts ordered that their homes and land be sold to pay their debts

Led by Daniel Shays, a captain during the Revolutionary War, some 1,200 armed followers gathered to attack the federal arsenal at Springfield

Shay’s Rebellion was put down by state troops, but if it had spread, the Confederation government would have been too weak to stop it

The Constitutional Convention: Delegates from twelve states met in Philadelphia in 1787 They quickly decided to abandon the Articles of

Confederation and to write a new constitution (a doc. outlining the basic form and rules of government)

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention agreed on the need for a strong central government with a national executive, legislature, and judiciary

The Great Compromise: At the Constitutional Convention, a debate occurred over

representation in Congress Small states favored the New Jersey Plan and wanted

representation to be equal so the small states would not be under-represented

Large states favored the Virginia Plan and wanted representation based upon each state’s population

The Great Compromise or Connecticut Compromise created a bicameral (2 house) legislature where the House of Representatives is based upon population and the Senate has equal representation (2 Senators per state)

A census is taken every ten years to determine each state’s population and thus, its number of representatives

The Three-Fifths Compromise: Delegates from the South wanted to count slaves as part of

a state’s population, to increase their number of representatives in the House of Representatives

Southerners didn’t want slaves counted for tax purposes Northerners wanted slaves to count for taxes but not

representation The Three-Fifths Compromise was reached Agreed- three-fifths of the slave population in a state

would be counted for the purposes of representation and taxation

The rebellion revealed the weakness of the Federal Government under the Articles of Confederation. Congress did not even have the power to raise a standing army. Clearly, a new document was needed to insure domestic tranquility.

4. Shays’ Rebellion (1786) became a concern for many national leaders because itA. indicated there would be future conflicts

over the spread of slaveryB. exposed fundamental weaknesses in

government under the Articles of Confederation

C. pointed to the need for federal government regulation of interstate commerce

D. showed that frontier settlements were vulnerable to raids by Native Americans

5. Which constitutional principle best protects the public from abuse by one branch of government?

A. equalityB. federalismC. executive privilegeD. checks and balances

6. The Great Compromise enabled delegates at the Constitutional Convention (1787) to

A. establish the principle of popular sovereignty in the territories

B. give Congress the exclusive right to declare war if the nation is attacked

C. protect the interests of states with small populations and states with large populations

D. provide for the indirect election of the president through the electoral college

7. The Three-fifths Compromise was included in the Constitution to resolve a conflict over theA. counting of enslaved persons in

relation to taxation and representation

B. reimbursement of plantation owners for runaway slaves

C. number of votes needed to approve a treaty in the Senate

D. number of states needed to ratify a proposed amendment

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One More Compromise Regarding Taxes on Goods: Northern states wanted to tax imports and exports Northern states also wanted to regulate interstate

(between states) commerce Southerners did not want exports taxed Southerners exported lots of farm goods The compromise: the Federal Government has the

power to regulate interstate commerce and to tax imports

But the Federal Government cannot tax exports A tariff is a tax on imported goods The Federal Government has the power to impose


Federalists Antifederalists Supported the ratification

(to approve and formally sanction) of the Constitution

In favor of a stronger Union, Federalists felt that anarchy could result without a stronger national government

Many came from business and propertied classes

Had a personal economic interest in the establishment of a strong stable government

Alexander Hamilton and John Adams were early federalist leaders

Did not fear strong government as much as they feared a strong centralized government at the expense of local state governments

A major concern was the potential danger to individual liberties posed by the lack of a bill of rights

Wanted the states to maintain a large degree of sovereignty

But also wanted Congress to act for the states in areas where the state could not act for themselves – notably foreign policy, western settlement, commerce, and disputes between states

Thomas Jefferson was an early antifederalist leader

The Federalist Papers:

Tariffs are taxes on imported goods. A tariff raises the price of an imported good. Think chocolate. With a tariff, Belgian chocolate bars in the United States would cost more than similar American chocolate bars. And of course, there is the Law of Demand. This law states that consumers buy more of a product at lower prices. Thus, the more expensive Belgian chocolate bars would not be bought as readily as the similar American chocolate bars. As the tariff encourages Americans to buy American chocolate bars, American chocolate companies prosper. In other words, tariffs protect domestic industries. But today, most economists believe in free trade or no tariffs because in free trade, the consumer gets the best product as a result of increased competition. Oh, and back in the day, the North favored tariffs because new industries in the North had a hard time competing with more established European companies. It takes time for new companies to become competitive. So, new companies liked tariffs because tariffs created a sort of guaranteed market for the new companies’ products.

It is important to remember that the new Americans had just fought a powerful king. So, naturally, there was fear of a powerful central government.

9. A major reason the Antifederalists opposed the ratification of the United States Constitution was because the ConstitutionA. created a national bankB. lacked a provision for a

federal court systemC. failed to provide for the

direct election ofmembers of the House of Representatives

D. changed the balance of power between the state and national governments

8. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. RepresentationII. Slave tradeIII. Taxation

IV. Election of the president

A. Causes of the Revolutionary WarB. Provisions of the Treaty of Paris, 1783C. Protections under the 10th AmendmentD. Compromises at the Constitutional Convention

10. The primary purpose of the Federalist Papers was to(1) justify the American Revolution to the colonists

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A series of 85 published essays arguing for the need for a strong Constitution Leading Federalists like Alexander Hamilton argued in favor of the Constitution in The Federalist

Papers The authors claimed that a stronger government was needed to protect against rebellion or

foreign attack and to regulate interstate trade They also said that citizens should not fear the new government, since its power was divided

among three separate branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial In Federalist #10, James Madison argued that a strong union would be able to control tyrannical


The Bill of Rights, 1791: The first ten amendments to the

Constitution Added to the Constitution to address

the fears of the Antifederalists Added to protect the individual

liberties of citizens The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791,

two years after the Constitution went into effect

A Time to Review : United States Government

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” - — United States Constitution, 10th amendment

11. This part of the Bill of Rights was intended toA. give the people the right to vote on important issuesB. reduce the rights of citizensC. limit the powers of the federal governmentD. assure federal control over the states

10. The primary purpose of the Federalist Papers was to(1) justify the American Revolution to the colonists

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Federalism: Federalism is a system of sharing power between the

national and state governments The Federal (national) government deals with

national matters and relations among the states, while state governments deal with matters within each state

Concurrent powers, such as the power to tax, are held by both the federal and state governments

Reserved powers are those held exclusively by state governments

Three Branches of Government: To protect its citizens against tyranny, the

national government’s power was further divided among three branches: the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches

This separation of powers makes it almost impossible for any one individual or group to gain control of the entire government

This idea of separation of power was first articulated by Baron de Montesquieu, a philosopher of the European Enlightenment

Legislative Executive Judicial Congress (Bicameral)

1- House of Representatives(representation determined by population)

2- Senate - (Two Senators for every State) Its job is to make laws Decides on who and what to tax and how to use tax

money Each house meets separately but they can come

together for joint sessions

The president of the United States, the vice president, and the major departments of government

Together, all the leaders, along with the president, vice president, and a few other people, make up the cabinet

The job of the executive branch is to enforce the laws

Made up of the Supreme Court and other courts

Its job is to interpret the laws

The Elastic Clause: The “necessary and proper” clause in the Constitution

The Legislate branch legislates or makes laws. The Congress is bicameral composed of a House of Representatives with 435 members and a Senate with two Senators per state (thus, 100 Senators). The Executive branch, President and Vice President, enforce the laws. The Judicial Branch (courts) interprets the laws.

12. Which statement most accurately describes federalism?A. The judicial branch of government has

more power than the other two branches.B. The president and vice president divide

executive power.C. Power is divided between the national

government and the states.D. Power is shared between the two houses

of Congress.

13. In the United States Constitution, the power to impeach a federal government official is given to the

A. House of RepresentativesB. presidentC. state legislaturesD. Supreme Court

14. Which statement from the United States Constitution is referred to as the elastic clause?A. “All legislative powers herein

granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States…”

B. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of

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Expands the powers of the federal government by giving Congress whatever additional powers are “necessary and proper” for carrying out those powers specifically listed in the Constitution

These additional powers are sometimes called implied powers Implied powers are powers that government has but are not specifically and explicitly granted by

the Constitution A strict constructionist of the Constitution would only use the elastic clause if absolutely necessary A loose constructionist of the Constitution would use the elastic clause more freely

Strict Constructionist: Individuals who felt that the Constitution should be read literally and that the elastic clause

should be used only for expanding the powers of Congress in cases where the expansion is absolutely necessary

Thomas Jefferson was a strict constructionist – this is why he experienced so much conflict before purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France; there was no passage in the Constitution that stated that a President could buy land – but the land was too good to not buy; so, he justified the purchase as a treaty…the Constitution states that the President has the power to make a treaty, of course, the Senate must ratify

Loose Constructionist: Individuals who held the belief that the Constitution and specifically the elastic clause should be

read broadly and that the framers intended the clause to mean that Congress should have the “proper” powers resulting from its other powers

A Flexible Document – The Constitution: The Constitution is still in use today because it has the ability to adapt to changing situations

through the amending process and new interpretations The Constitution can be changed by amendment However, to prevent changes for unimportant reasons, the amending process was made much

more difficult than the passage of an ordinary law After Congress votes for a Constitutional amendment, three-quarters or three-fourths of the states

must ratify or approve it

The Unwritten Constitution: The federal government relies on many

practices that developed after the Constitution was put into effect

These practices, often referred to as the “unwritten Constitution,” became customary

Many of the practices of the unwritten Constitution were based on the examples or precedents of President George Washington, the first President of the United States

Examples include the President’s Cabinet or advisers, political parties, and judicial review (the power of the Court to declare a law unconstitutional)

I am not as flexible as I would like. Perhaps I should try Yoga.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected President four times. He was President during the Great Depression and World War II. He promised the people that things would get better. He gave many Americans hope. But loved or not, in a democracy, leadership must change.

14. Which statement from the United States Constitution is referred to as the elastic clause?A. “All legislative powers herein

granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States…”

B. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of

18. Which presidential action is an example of the use of the unwritten constitution?A. signing a law passed by CongressB. calling a meeting of the cabinetC. ordering the navy to patrol the Persian GulfD. nominating a federal court judge

19. Which headline illustrates the use of the unwritten constitution?A. “Washington Establishes a Cabinet”B. “House Votes to Impeach Andrew Johnson”C. “Senate Rejects the Treaty of Versailles”D. “President Nominates John Roberts for Supreme


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Judicial Review: The power of the Court to decide if laws are constitutional is

known as Judicial Review Chief Justice John Marshall (1801 – 1835) introduced judicial

review and helped establish the importance of the federal judiciary and the supremacy of the national government over the states

The Electoral College: The members of the Constitutional Convention did not trust the

people to elect the President directly Instead, they turned selection of the President to electors who

form the Electoral College To become President, a candidate needs to win a majority of the

Electoral College votes The number of electors each state has is equal to the number of

its Representatives in the House combined with the number of its Senators

The candidate with the most votes in a state wins all of the electors of that state

If no candidate wins a majority of the Electoral College (270), the election must be decided by a special vote in the House of Representatives

Sometimes the winner of the electoral vote is not the winner of the popular vote

How a Bill Becomes a Law: Before it is a law, it is a bill Bills are drafted in committees in the House and the Senate Each house debates the bill and votes In the Senate, debate can be unlimited (a filibuster is a strategy employed in the Senate, where a

person can delay a vote on the proposed legislation by making a long speech or introducing irrelevant information)

If a bill passes both houses by a simple majority, it can be signed by the President The President can veto (to say no) a bill if the President does not approve the bill The Congress can override (cancel) the President’s veto with a 2/3 vote from each house

Some differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate: The House of Representatives starts all revenue (income or money) bills, impeach (to charge a

public official with misconduct), and determine who becomes President if no candidate wins a majority of the Electoral College

The Senate ratifies (approves) treaties, acts as the jury for the impeachment cases, and approves Presidential appointments

20. Many critics of the electoral college system point out that itA. penalizes the states with

the smallest populationB. encourages the

formation of minor political parties

C. grants too much influence to the United States Senate

D. might not select the candidate with the largest number of popular votes

21. At the Constitutional Convention, the delegates agreed that Congress should have the power to

A. declare laws unconstitutional

B. levy and collect taxesC. select the presidentD. eliminate slavery in the


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Lobbying: To try to influence a political official regarding an issue An interest group tries to persuade lawmakers to vote a certain way

Pork-Barrel Legislation: Appropriations (the action of taking something for one’s own use) made by Congressional

representatives that are not essential but benefit the representatives’ local districts Bringing money into local areas to benefit local representatives

Impeachment: To impeach means to charge a political official with a crime The House of Representatives can impeach a federal official

After the House of Representatives impeaches or charges a federal official, the Senate holds a trial

The Senate decides if the charged official will be removed from office

Thus far, two Presidents have been impeached (Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton)

Yet neither President was removed from office

The Amendment Process: An amendment is a change or addition to the Constitution The general method for adding an amendment is as follows:

- 2/3 of each House must approve the proposed Amendment- 3/4 of the state legislatures must ratify (approve) it

Only the Twenty-First Amendment did not use this method The Twenty-First Amendment was ratified when 3/4 of the states

had a special convention to legalize the sale of alcohol and repeal (to take back) Prohibition

Due to the amendment process, the Constitution is a flexible (can change) document

The Ways of the Supreme Court: There are nine justices on the Supreme Court Supreme Court justices are appointed by the President and

confirmed by the Senate Once appointed and confirmed, they serve for life The justices only hear cases that involve Constitutional

issues The justices can overturn (reverse) cases that come out of

the lower federal courts and the highest court of each state To get to the Supreme Court, there is an appeals process

(appellate jurisdiction) that goes through the federal court system or the states’ courts

The Court can strike down a Legislative or Executive act in a process called judicial review

The first instance of judicial review was Chief Justice John Marshall and the Supreme Court’s decision in the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison

The law applies equally to everyone. Even a public official can be charged with a crime. This is why Lady Justice wears a blindfold. Lady Justice does not see class or gender or ethnicity. She only objectively listens to the evidence.

22. How many members of the House must approve an amendment before it can be sent for ratification?A. Half of the membersB. All of the membersC. Two thirds of the membersD. Three fourths of the


23. Judicial review is most accurately described as the power of theA. president to override a decision

of the Supreme CourtB. state courts to overturn

decisions of the Supreme CourtC. Senate to approve all

presidential appointments to federal courts

D. Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of laws

24. Under the leadership of Chief Justice John Marshall (1801–1835), the United States Supreme Court issued decisions thatA. declared racial segregation laws

unconstitutionalB. gave states the power to tax the

Bank of the United StatesC. increased the ability of Congress

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Judicial review is the power of the court to determine the constitutionality of a law A law can be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

Amendments: There are twenty-seven Amendments The first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights in 1791

Precedents (Examples) Established by George Washington: Known as the Unwritten Constitution A two term limit for President Neutrality in foreign affairs (Farewell Address) Formation of a cabinet to aid in decision-making A farewell address upon leaving office

The Three Capitals of the USA: New York City, 1789-1790

Here is a list of important Amendments that frequently appear on the United States Regents: 1st – Freedom of speech and press, religion, assembly, and right to petition the government 2nd – To bear arms (carry firearms/guns) 4th – Protections against unreasonable searches and seizures 5th – Right to Due Process (Fair treatment in court – to be charged with a crime, to have a

trial, to have an impartial jury, etc.) and a Person cannot be charged twice for the same crime (freedom from double-jeopardy)

6th – Right to a fair trial and attorney 10th – Division of power between states and federal government (federalism)

Added after the Civil War:

13th – Abolished slavery 14th – Equal rights for citizens 15th – Universal Male Suffrage (all male citizens have right to vote)

Progressive Era Amendments: 16th – Graduated Income Tax (the more you make, the more you pay) 17th – Direct Election of Senators 18th – Prohibition (No alcohol) 19th – Women’s suffrage

Two More to Consider:22nd – Two term limit for President26th – Lowered the voting age to 18 (during Vietnam War – if you can serve in the military, you should vote!)

This is an excerpt from George Washington’s Farewell Address: “The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation…Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course…neutrality.”

23. Judicial review is most accurately described as the power of theA. president to override a decision

of the Supreme CourtB. state courts to overturn

decisions of the Supreme CourtC. Senate to approve all

presidential appointments to federal courts

D. Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of laws

24. Under the leadership of Chief Justice John Marshall (1801–1835), the United States Supreme Court issued decisions thatA. declared racial segregation laws

unconstitutionalB. gave states the power to tax the

Bank of the United StatesC. increased the ability of Congress

26. On the issue of creating a national bank, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton differed on whether to

A. apply a strict or loose interpretation of the Constitution

25. President George Washington pursued a foreign policy of neutrality during his administration primarily because he believed thatA. the United States needed

time to gain economic and military strength

B. treaties were prohibited by the Constitution

C. the United States should not expand by force

D. alliances should be established with both France and England

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Temporarily moved to Philadelphia (1790-1800) Washington, D.C. permanent home

Alexander Hamilton: Federalist Claimed a stronger federal government was needed Secretary of Treasury under Washington

Yes to A National Bank No to A National Bank Alexander Hamilton asked Congress to establish a Bank of the

United States that would be a depository of federal funds and able to issue sound paper money on the basis of securities held

Using the “loose constructionist” view, Hamilton held the bank to be constitutional

He claimed that the power to create the bank could be implied from the enumerated powers to coin money, borrow money, and raise money through taxation

Using the “strict constructionist” view, Jefferson declared the proposed United states bank unconstitutional

He claimed that the power to create the bank was not listed in the enumerated powers (Article I, Section 8), nor could the power be implied from any other power through the use of the elastic clause

Proposed a program to put the nation’s finances on a solid basis Proposed that the federal government pay off the nation’s debts Pass a high tariff (tax on imported goods) to protect American

industries Place a tax on whiskey Create a national bank Favored a loose construction of the Constitution Favored using the

elastic clauseWhiskey Rebellion:

Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton proposed a tax on whiskey to raise money for the national debt and to assert the power of the national government

Small farmers of the back country distilled whiskey, which was easier to transport and sell than the grain that was its source

The distillers resisted the tax (the Whiskey Rebellion) by attacking federal revenue officers who attempted to collect it

The following month President George Washington issued a congressionally authorized proclamation ordering the rebels to return home and calling for militia from four neighboring states

After fruitless negotiations, Washington ordered some 13,000 troops into the area, but opposition melted away and no battle ensued

Of course, compared to Shays’ Rebellion which exposed the absence of an army under the Articles of Confederation, this insurrection was peacefully put down by the stronger government that existed under the Constitution

Washington’s Farewell Address:

That National Bank created a lot of conflict. Some loved the idea and some feared that a National Bank would only loan to the rich and powerful.

26. On the issue of creating a national bank, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton differed on whether to

A. apply a strict or loose interpretation of the Constitution

28. In his reaction to the Whiskey Rebellion, Washington demonstratedA. That the government would react with

compassion and understanding to the plight of the disadvantaged.

B. The national government’s ability to accept criticism.

C. That the national government would not allow violent resistance to the laws it enacted.

D. The need for a permanent standing army.

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In his final address as President (Washington’s Farewell Address in 1796), George Washington cautioned against entering into a permanent alliance with any European country

Washington urged Americans to devote themselves to developing trade and influence in the Western Hemisphere

The XYZ Affair: 1797 After a U.S. treaty that favored Britain, the United States sent Secretary of State John Marshall to

France to protect peace In response to the American treaty favoring Britain, in 1796, the French had decided to issue an

order allowing for the seizure of American merchant ships, carefully timed to catch as many as possible by surprise

When the Americans arrived, the French would not let the Americans talk to a diplomat named Talleyrand unless a fee of $250,000 was paid

The Americans would not pay “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute.”

The Alien and Sedition Acts: Four separate laws

o limited free speech against the government o allowed the President to deport immigrants who were suspected of plotting against the

government Alien means belonging to a foreign or nation – a foreigner who has not been naturalized or who

has not become a citizen of the new nation yet Sedition means writing or speaking in a way that encourages revolution or revolt against the

government These laws were passed after the XYZ Affair President John Adams and the Federalists wanted to prevent opposition It is also important to remember the President can suspend habeas corpus in a time of war and

arrest without due process Habeas Corpus – a writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court,

especially to secure the person’s release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention Due Process – the official and proper way of doings things in a legal case; fair treatment through

the normal judicial system

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions: Vice President Thomas Jefferson (Kentucky

Resolution) and James Madison (Virginia Resolution) wrote these statements in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts

Neutrality means to not support or help either side in a conflict. It means to stay out of other nations’ wars or conflicts. We, aliens, are neutral regarding earthly matters…at least, while our intergalactic soap opera is airing on our intergalactic television sets.

This one is not about me.

Our true policy is to steer clear of permanent alliances . . . ."~George Washington

29. President Washington made this statement to warn against United States involvement inA. European military conflicts B. international trade C. the race for overseas colonies D. westward expansion

30. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (1798) held that states could nullify the Alien and Sedition Acts because these lawsa. repealed the Northwest Ordinance b. placed an unfair tax on whiskey made by

western farmersc. violated the Constitution d. established limits on universal suffrage

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They wrote that state legislatures should have the right to declare these acts of the federal government “null and void”

The Louisiana Purchase: In 1803, France offered to sell the Louisiana

Territory to the United States for $15 million Although Jefferson, who had become the

nation’s third President, was not sure if the Constitution allowed the federal government to buy territory, he went ahead with the purchase

The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States

The territory included all the area between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains

Jefferson believed American control of the Mississippi River would provide an opportunity for farmers to move further west and have free transport of the sea

Thus, Americans gained full control of the Mississippi River, the port of New Orleans (connecting the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico), and the Great Plains

Lewis and Clark: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored the

new Louisiana Territory, and went as far as the Pacific Ocean on the Oregon trail

They received help from a young Native American, Sacagawea

Maps were produced of the new territory These maps encouraged westward expansion

Marbury v. Madison: Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall

increased the power of the federal government He was known for judicial review Judicial review is the power of the Supreme Court

to review a law and determine if it is constitutional or unconstitutional

The Era of Good Feelings: After the War of 1812 and the disappearance of the

Federalist Party, the Republicans (Democratic-Republicans) were the only major political party Called the Era of Good Feelings because there was only one major political party But there were internal divisions within this one party

The War of 1812:

33. The phrase “by military conquest, treaty, and purchase” best describes theA. steps in the growth of American industry B. methods used to expand the territory of

the United States C. major parts of President Woodrow

Wilson’s Fourteen Points D. causes of the United States entry into the

Korean War

34. The establishment of judicial review in Marbury v. Madison (1803) gave federal courts the authority toA. decide whether a law is constitutionalB. create lower courtsC. approve foreign treatiesD. appoint judges to lifetime terms

31. The Louisiana Purchase initially presented a dilemma for President Thomas Jefferson because he believed it wouldA. lead to war with Great Britain B. bankrupt the new nation C. force Native American Indians off their lands D. violate his strict constructionist view of the


32. Which geographic advantage did the United States gain by purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803?A. warm-water ports on the Atlantic coast B. rich fishing areas in the Great Lakes C. full control of the Mississippi River D. vast coal reserves in the region west of


35. The War of 1812 has been called the “Second War for American Independence” primarily because theA. British blocked United States access to

the port of New OrleansB. United States continued to resist taxes

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The causes: to prevent the British seizure of American sailors in the Atlantic, to stop British support of Native American Indian raids in the Northwest Territory, and also to try to seize British Canada

Congress declared war on Britain in 1812 The War of 1812 ended in a stalemate in 1815, coinciding with the end of the Napoleonic Wars in

Europe During the war, the English burned the capitol, Washington, but the U. S. fought successfully in the

Southwest, where the hero of the war, Andrew Jackson, defeated the English at the Battle of New Orleans

Unfortunately, this battle was fought two weeks after the United States and England signed the peace treaty

A bit more:- Impressment of sailors means that the British were seizing Americans who were presumed

deserters of the British navy, and forcing them into service for Britain- A U.S.A. desire for more land – like Canada- A desire to finally remove Britain from the American northwest

Thus, this war is often called the “Second War for American Independence” The Treaty of Ghent was signed in 1814 - The Treaty ended the war but no land changes occurred Canada is still Canada and not a state of the Union But Americans gained a sense of pride and respect and nationalistic fervor Francis Scott Key wrote the U.S. National Anthem Additional outcomes were increased manufacturing in the USA and increased isolationism as well

as the end of the Federalist Party

Some More Supreme Court Cases under Chief Justice John Marshall: McCulloch v. Maryland 1819

- The State of Maryland taxed a branch of the National Bank in Maryland

- The Supreme Court ruled that a state could not tax a federal entity

Gibbons v. Ogden - 1824- Thomas Gibbons was issued a license from the federal

government for a steamship commerce between New York and New Jersey

- Aaron Ogden was issued a similar license from New York State

- The Supreme Court ruled that Gibbons had the legitimate license

- The Federal Government regulates interstate commerce or commerce between states

The Monroe Doctrine: Spain’s attempts to restore its authority after the Napoleonic Wars triggered

independence movements in its Latin American colonies In the Monroe Doctrine, President Monroe announced that the U.S. would

oppose any attempts by European powers to establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere or to reconquer former colonies

Chief Justice John Marshall strengthened the power of the Federal Government!

The Western Hemisphere (the Americas) was off limits to European powers. The Americas belonged to the peoples of the Americas. Europe must stay out! - At least according to the doctrine! No new European colonies in the Americas and Britain agreed!

36. What was one result of the Supreme Court’s decision in Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)?A. The power of the federal government over

interstate commerce was strengthened.B. The rights of accused individuals were

expanded.C. The power of the judicial branch was limited.D. The Court declined to hear cases involving

disputes between states.

35. The War of 1812 has been called the “Second War for American Independence” primarily because theA. British blocked United States access to

the port of New OrleansB. United States continued to resist taxes

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Sectionalism: Loyalty to a person’s region or section of the United

States For example, Northerners generally liked tariffs

because tariffs raised the prices of foreign goods thereby making the nation’s domestic (or made in the USA) goods more affordable – The North favored tariffs because tariffs protected American goods from foreign competition and most factories were located in the North

Southerners generally disliked tariffs because Southerners were more dependent on agriculture and often sold agricultural products to Europe – Thus, tariffs did not benefit the South; tariffs just made foreign goods more expensive and increased the possibility that Europeans would place tariffs on Southern agricultural products

These sectional differences divided the nation Clearly, the issue of slavery was the most significant

sectional difference as Southern plantations relied on slave labor but Northerners did not rely on slave labor

Andrew Jackson: Elected President in 1828 A native of Tennessee, Jackson

was the first President not born to wealth and not from an Eastern state

His main supporters were ordinary people, especially laborers and Western frontiersmen

Jackson’s two terms in office saw an expansion of democracy

States eliminated property qualifications, allowing most adult males to vote.

- Selection of Presidential candidates by party leaders was replaced by nominating conventions

Jackson also developed the spoils system; supporters who helped in his election campaign replaced existing government officials- Jackson believed it was wise to change office-holders so that more people would have government

experience Jackson also forced the National Bank to

close, since he believed it gave an unfair advantage to Eastern bankers and investors

Jackson’s “Kitchen Cabinet” referred to his friends and confidants who offered advice which Jackson sometimes preferred to his actual cabinet

Andrew Jackson vetoed the National Bank or the Second Bank of the United States! He enacted the Indian Removal Act, removing all Native American Indians east of the Mississippi River and relocated the Native Americans west of the Mississippi River. He enforced the tariff – there would be no nullification or state’s refusal to obey federal law and he implemented the Spoils System or gave government jobs to supporters.

39. During the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the spoils system resulted inA. federal laws being nullified by the states B. elected officials rewarding their supporters with government jobs C. all free males being given the right to vote D. the end of political corruption in the federal government

40. President Andrew Jackson’s policy toward Native American Indians was created to

A. encourage Native American Indians to become part of mainstream American society

B. force Native American Indians to move west of the Mississippi River

C. improve educational opportunities for Native American IndiansD. grant citizenship to Native American Indians

37. The principal reason Congress raised tariff rates in the late 1800s and early 1900s was toA. increase personal income taxesB. lower prices for American consumersC. guarantee high wages to American workersD. protect United States businesses from

foreign competition

38. In the early 1800s, which factor was most important in the development of Northern manufacturing centers?a. abundance of water powerb. availability of slave labor in the Northc. development of gold minesd. access to passes through the Appalachian


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The Whig Party: Supporters of the National Bank did

not agree with Jackson’s veto These National Bank supporters felt

that Jackson was acting like a King In Britain, individuals who did not

support the King called themselves Whigs

The Whig Party in America was conservative and anti-Jackson

The Treatment of the Native American Indians under Jackson: Under Jackson, Congress moved all

remaining Native American Indians to territories west of the Mississippi River

Jackson refused to help the Cherokees of Georgia even though the Supreme Court declared that their forcible removal was unconstitutional

The Indian Removal Act (1830) entitled the president to negotiate with the eastern nations to affect their removal to tracts of land west of the Mississippi and provided some $500,000 for transportation and for compensation to native landowners

In 1838 and 1839, as part of Andrew Jackson’s Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma

The Cherokee people called this journey the “Trail of Tears,” because of its devastating effects. The migrants faced hunger, disease, and exhaustion on the forced march. Over 4,000 out of 15,000 of the Cherokees died

More on the Native American Indians under Jackson: The Indian Removal Act of 1830 removed

Native Americans from the east, and relocated them west of the Mississippi River

41. The Indian Removal Act of 1830: A. Called for the relocation of all eastern tribes across

the Mississippi River. B. Led to a mass movement of Native Americans that

was called the Trail of Tears. C. Led to the movement of the Creek, Choctaw,

Chickasaw, Cherokee, and Seminole. D. All of the above

42. The Indian Removal Act was passed because the Indians wereA. occupying lands wanted by white settlers B. a menace to white settlersC. occupying public lands D. opposed to nullification

43. In 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removal Act in which Andrew Jackson _____. A. Was against individual ownership of land. B. Expressed sincere concern for Native Americans’

well-being and for the preservation of their arts. C. Called the Native Americans savages, without using

the buffering adjective “noble.” D. Did not feel that Native Americans could be civilized

44. In the period from 1860 to 1890, which experience was shared by most Native Americans living in western states?A. They maintained control of their traditional lands. B. They benefited economically from government

policy. C. They became farmers and small business owners. D. They were forced to live on reservations.

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In Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the Supreme Court ruled that Georgia could not pass legislation regarding Cherokee lands

Jackson defiantly said of Chief Justice John Marshall, “John Marshall has made this decision, now let him enforce it.”

During the Trail of Tears, in the winter of 1837-38, approximately 15,000 Cherokee Indians were uprooted from Georgia- On the western journey, thousands of

Cherokee died from starvation and cold temperatures

The Tariff of Abominations: A tariff is a tax on imported goods A tariff raises the prices of foreign goods A tariff makes domestic (or made in the country’s goods) more

desirable because these goods are cheaper than similar foreign goods in the nation

The South did not have many factories; so, it did not like tariffs The North had many factories and liked tariffs The 1828 tariff was a particularly high tax The South called this tariff, “The Tariff of Abominations” The word “abomination” means hated

South Carolina Exposition and Protest, 1828: After the Tariff of Abominations, Vice President John C.

Calhoun wrote this document It stated that South Carolina and other Southern states

should be able to nullify acts of Congress To nullify is to make null and void or to not accept the

federal law in the state In other words, the state refuses to obey federal law This document was similar to the Kentucky and Virginia

Resolutions which did challenged the Alien and Sedition Acts or federal laws

Calhoun though even hinted at secession over the tariff Secession is when a state leaves the Union!

The Ordinance of Nullification: The Tariff of 1828 was replaced by the Tariff of 1832 But the South still found the tax rates on imported goods to

high South Carolina passed the Ordinance of Nullification

Even though the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee in Worcester v. Georgia, the Cherokee were forcibly removed from their lands. This forced relocation of the Cherokee is called the “Trail of Tears” because many Cherokee died on the forced march.

45. Most tariffs in the 19th century were intended to

A. allow access to cheap foreign imports

B. raise revenue and protect domestic manufacturing

C. redistribute wealth among the social classes

D. limit American exports

46. Prior to 1850, what was a main reason the North developed an economy increasingly based on manufacturing while the South continued to rely on an economy based on agriculture?A. Protective tariffs applied only to

northern seaports.B. Geographic conditions supported

different types of economic activity.

C. Slavery in the North promoted rapid economic growth.

D. Manufacturers failed to make a profit in the South.

41. The Indian Removal Act of 1830: A. Called for the relocation of all eastern tribes across

the Mississippi River. B. Led to a mass movement of Native Americans that

was called the Trail of Tears. C. Led to the movement of the Creek, Choctaw,

Chickasaw, Cherokee, and Seminole. D. All of the above

42. The Indian Removal Act was passed because the Indians wereA. occupying lands wanted by white settlers B. a menace to white settlersC. occupying public lands D. opposed to nullification

43. In 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removal Act in which Andrew Jackson _____. A. Was against individual ownership of land. B. Expressed sincere concern for Native Americans’

well-being and for the preservation of their arts. C. Called the Native Americans savages, without using

the buffering adjective “noble.” D. Did not feel that Native Americans could be civilized

44. In the period from 1860 to 1890, which experience was shared by most Native Americans living in western states?A. They maintained control of their traditional lands. B. They benefited economically from government

policy. C. They became farmers and small business owners. D. They were forced to live on reservations.

47. Before the start of the Civil War, many Southern political leaders supportedA. States rightsB. higher tariff ratesC. voting rights for womenD. repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act

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This declared the tariffs of 1828 to be null and void Or again, South Carolina refused to obey the federal law Of course, President Jackson threatened a Force Bill or that federal troops would enforce the

tariff But a compromise was agreed upon and it was agreed that the tariffs would be reduced over the

next few years

Temperance: A movement in the mid-nineteenth century that looked to rid society of alcohol Alcoholism led to crime and the destruction of the family Women were active reformers in the temperance or anti-alcohol movement Women had an opportunity through the temperance movement to enter the political realm Years later, the sale of alcohol would be prohibited or banned by the Eighteenth Amendment,

1919 Of course, the Eighteenth Amendment was repealed (revoked or reversed) by the Twenty-First

AmendmentSeneca Falls Convention:

An important meeting at Seneca Falls, New York in 1848

Issued a proclamation modeled on the Declaration of Independence listing women’s grievances and calling for action

Led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott A movement for women’s rights Challenged the cult of domesticity or the idea that

the woman’s sphere was in the home and that women must be subservient to men In the years after the Convention, the women’s movement focused more and more on gaining the

vote for women Susan B. Anthony became a leader of the temperance movement in New York State and later

focused her attention on the Women’s Suffrage and National American Women Suffrage Associations

Her name is always linked to the movement that won the right to vote for women

Dorothea Dix: A social reformer Fought for the better treatment of mentally ill patients in asylums

The Hudson River School:

Elizabeth Cady Stanton once said, “Woman will always be dependent until she holds a purse of her own.”

Oh, and suffrage means the right to vote. Thus, a suffragist was a woman advocating woman’s right to vote!

“In a world where there is so much to be done, I felt strongly impressed that there must be something for me to do.” ~ Dorothea Dix

Since I am visiting the beautiful Hudson Valley, I had to include this!

48. Women who were fighting to end slavery recognized their own bondage and formed the ______.

A. Temperance movementB. Employment movementC. Education movementD. Women's rights movement

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An art movement dedicated to landscape painting – of course, of the Hudson River Valley

Antebellum: Means existing before the war In U.S. History, this refers to the period before the Civil War Sectionalism was an issue during this time period Sectionalism is loyalty to the person’s region or section rather than to the whole nation Slavery was an issue that greatly divided Americans in this period

Abolitionists: Abolitionists wanted to end slavery Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book Uncle Tom’s Cabin helped spread a sense of moral outrage against

slavery in the North Former slaves, such as Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman, were leading abolitionists

The Missouri Compromise: The addition of new western territories posed

the problem of whether an extension of slavery should be permitted

Southerners felt that extending slavery westward would preserve the balance between slave and free states in Congress

Northerners opposed the further spread of slavery

Between 1820 and 1850, national unity was preserved only by admitting new states in a series of compromises

The Missouri Compromise allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state and Missouri to be admitted without restrictions on slavery

The area north of the Missouri Compromise line of 36°30′ was to be free of slavery.

The paintings of the Hudson River School reflect a spirit of Romanticism or a school of art that emphasizes human emotion as opposed to human reason. Romanticism was a reaction to earlier Enlightenment thought.

It is often reported that when President Abraham Lincoln met Harriet Beecher Stowe, he said, “So you're the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war.”

49. Which statement about the MissouriCompromise (1820) is most accurate?A. Slavery was banned west of the Mississippi

River.B. Unorganized territories would be governed

by the U.S. and Great Britain.C. The balance between free and slave states

was maintained.D. The 36°30' line formed a new boundary

between the United States and Canada.

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The Life of a Slave: The Southern economy was based on plantations Plantations depended on slave labor Slaves were exploited and forced to labor without pay Cultural syncretism occurred – slaves blended their

African culture with Christianity Eli Whitney’s cotton gin increased the need for slaves- The cotton gin allowed raw cotton to be cleaned quickly- Cotton became a profitable crop in the South- As cotton production increased, more slaves were needed

Slaves were frequently beaten and lived in poor conditions The children of slaves were frequently sold and sent away from their parents

The Alamo: Americans had settled in Texas before 1836 Mexico hope American settlers would become Mexicans American settlers declared independence from Mexico The Alamo was a former mission which was turned into a

fort by the Texans In 1836, Americans were defeated at the Alamo by the

Mexican army under the leadership of President Santa Anna All soldiers within were killed, including frontiersman Davy

Crockett At the Battle of San Jacinto, a month later, the Americans

yelled “Remember the Alamo” President Jackson would not take Texas into the Union because it would disrupt the free/slave

state balance In 1845, President John Tyler annexed Texas as a state Texas became a slave state

Manifest Destiny: The belief that the United States should stretch from

the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast

Why was it so important to preserve the balance between slave and free states?

Think Congress: The more slave states, the more representatives in Congress and the more power over the nation’s laws…but even with a balance, can a house divided stand?

Slavery is a cruel and tragic institution.

50. The term Manifest Destiny was first used to supportA. independence from Great BritainB. westward expansion to the Pacific

OceanC. efforts to stop secession of Southern

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In the 1840s, Americans began to believe it was their “manifest destiny,” or future, to extend the nation’s borders from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

The term was coined by John L. O’Sullivan, a New York editor, in 1845

54º40' or Fight: President James K. Polk wanted more land north of Oregon, believing that the border between

the U.S. and Canada was at the 54º40' latitude line Britain insisted the border was further south at 42º The Americans threatened “54º40' or fight” but settled at 49º latitude line Thus, another example of Manifest Destiny Another example of westward expansion

The Mexican-American War: American settlers in Texas declared their independence in 1835, when Mexico recognized Texan

independence In 1845, Congress voted to annex Texas In 1846, war broke out between the U.S. and Mexico over the border of Texas The Americans believed that the border between Mexico and the United States was the Rio Grande The Mexican government believed that the border was the Nueces River War ensued In the Mexican-American War (1846 – 1848), Mexico was quickly defeated and forced to give up

California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and parts of Colorado and New Mexico

The Compromise of 1850: To keep a balance between slave

and free states California was admitted to the

Union as a free state after the Gold Rush of 1849

The slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia

The territories of New Mexico and Utah were organized under popular sovereignty (the people of the state voted on whether or not the state would be slave or free)

The Fugitive Slave Act was passed- The Fugitive Slave Act required

that all US citizens assist in the return of runaway slaves

- Runaway slaves had to be returned to their masters

The Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854: The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act abandoned the Missouri Compromise It established the idea of deciding whether a state should be a free state or a slave state through

popular sovereignty The people of the state would vote to determine if they wanted the state to be a free state or a slave


The Underground Railroad, a vast network of people who helped fugitive slaves escape to the North and to Canada. It was not run by any single organization or person. Rather, it consisted of many individuals – many whites but predominantly African Americans – who knew only of the local efforts to aid fugitives and not of the overall operation. Still, it effectively moved hundreds of slaves northward each year -- according to one estimate, the South lost 100,000 slaves between 1810 and 1850.

Harriet Tubman helped run this network of safe-houses for slaves who were looking to escape to the North and Canada. The Underground Railroad took on increased importance after the Fugitive Slave Act became law.

50. The term Manifest Destiny was first used to supportA. independence from Great BritainB. westward expansion to the Pacific

OceanC. efforts to stop secession of Southern

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The question now became who would control Kansas Pro-slavery and anti-slavery were both strong in Kansas

Bleeding Kansas: There was fighting in Kansas over the issue of slavery Both pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups were strong in Kansas Fighting resulted and Kansas was dubbed “Bleeding Kansas” as a result

The Republican Party: This new political party combined Northern Democrats, Free-Soilers (opposed to the extension of

slavery in the USA), Know Nothings (anti-immigrant party), and former Whigs Main goal was to stop the spread of slavery in the west Some in the party were abolitionists or wanted to ban or abolish slavery

Abolitionists: Wanted to end slavery From 1831-1865, William Lloyd Garrison

published The Liberator, an anti-slavery newspaper

- He was the founder of the American Anti-Slavery Society

- He also favored increasing rights for women Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book Uncle Tom’s

Cabin helped spread a sense of moral outrage against slavery in the North

- Stowe was the daughter of an abolitionist- She wrote this book about the horrors of slavery- In 1862, Abraham Lincoln said to her, “So,

you’re the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war.”

Former slaves, such as Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman, were leading abolitionists

- Frederick Douglass had escaped slavery and revealed the horrors of slavery through speeches and writings

- Frederick Douglass wrote a slave narrative- Harriet Tubman helped many slaves gain their

freedom through the Underground Railroad

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857: Dred Scott was a slave who

had been taken by his owner to a free state, Illinois, and a free territory, Wisconsin

Scott sued for freedom in the Missouri courts and appealed its decision to the Supreme Court

Dred Scott claimed that because he lived on free soil for an extended period of time, he had the legal right to sue for his freedom

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”~ Frederick Douglass

51. Which term refers to the idea that settlers had the right to decide whether slavery would be legal in their territory?

A. NullificationB. SectionalismC. Popular sovereigntyD. Southern secession

“Compromise Enables Maine and Missouri to Enter the Union”“California Joins the Union As Part of Compromise of 1850”“Kansas-Nebraska Act Establishes PopularSovereignty in the Territories”52. Which issue is most closely associated with these headlines?

A. status of slavery in new statesB. negotiation of the Oregon TreatyC. expansion of land for reservationsD. influence of political parties on economic


53. Most Southern political leaders praised the Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) because itA. granted citizenship to

enslaved persons

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Chief Justice Taney and the Court held that Scott was not a citizen of the United States or of Missouri and could not sue in federal courts

Then the Court went on to say that Dred Scott’s temporary residence in a free state did not make him free, and the Congress could not outlaw slavery in the territories since it deprived persons of their property, which was unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment

This interpretation made the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional After the Civil War, the Dred Scott decision was overturned by the 13th and 14th Amendments to

the U.S. Constitution

John Brown: John Brown was an abolitionist who believed

one should fight the evil of slavery He organized a raid on the federal arsenal at

Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, in October 1859, hoping to seize weapons to arm slaves and start an uprising

John Brown was captured, tried, and executed, but his action epitomizes the growing split in the nation

He became a martyr in the North, and verses and songs were written about his attempts to end slavery

Meanwhile, Southerners had expanded their rhetoric in defense of the institution of slavery

It is important to remember that slave rebellions had occurred in the past

- The Stono Rebellion: in 1740; armed resistance in South Carolina that led to slaves losing their rights

- Denmark Vesey, 1822: A failed plot in South Carolina, Vesey and others were executed

- Nat Turner, 1831: A violent rebellion in Virginia that led to almost 200 deaths …Turner and others were executed

The Presidential Election of 1860:- When the Republican Presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, most

Southern states seceded (withdrew) from the United States- The seceding states formed the Confederate States of America- Lincoln refused to recognize the secession of the South and resolved to preserve the unity of

the United States

The Causes of the Civil War:- Slavery- Sectionalism- The creation of the Republican party- Failure of slave compromises- The election of Lincoln in 1860, and the Republican Party controlling the White House

Secession means to leave the Union. Of course, the Southern states did not physically leave rather than claimed that they were no longer states of the United States and thus formed their

53. Most Southern political leaders praised the Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) because itA. granted citizenship to

enslaved persons

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin Stirs Controversy”“Kansas Rocked by Bloody Conflict”“John Brown’s Raid Angers South”

54. Which statement about the United States in the 1850s is best supported by these headlines?A. The nation had grown increasingly divided

over the future of slavery.B. Americans had lost confidence in the plan for

Reconstruction.C. Northern and Southern voters were united in

support of popular sovereignty.D. Support for abolitionist movement decreased

during period.

55. When he raided Harpers Ferry, John Brown apparently hoped to (A) Convince non-slaveholding southerners to

oppose slavery. (B) Provoke a slave insurrection. (C) Discredit northern abolitionists. (D) Frighten the North and South into negotiating

a compromise on slavery. (E) Help make Kansas a free state.

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- Secession began on December 20, 1860

Word Bank: Washington’s Farewell Address, Louisiana Territory, New Orleans, Marbury v. Madison (1803), Whiskey Rebellion, Shay’s Rebellion, Judicial Review, The War of 1812, Monroe Doctrine, Federal Court

1- During the fall of 1786, an incident in western Massachusetts helped to convince many Americans that changes in the national government were necessary. In Massachusetts, farmers who were crushed by demands for payment of debts and taxes joined together. They took matters into their own hands after the courts ordered that their homes and land be sold to pay their debts. Led by a captain during the Revolutionary War, some 1,200 armed followers gathered to attack the federal arsenal at Springfield. _______________________________ was put down by state troops, but if it had spread, the Confederation government would have been too weak to stop it.

2- In reviewing cases, the Supreme Court not only decides whether the law has been applied correctly, but also whether the law itself is within the power of the government according to the Constitution. The power of the Court to decide if laws are constitutional is known as ________________________________. Chief Justice John Marshall (1801 – 1835) introduced judicial review and helped establish the importance of the federal judiciary and the supremacy of the national government over the states.

3- A key decision of the Marshall Court occurred in the ____________________________________ case. William Marbury asked the Supreme Court to require Secretary of State James Madison to deliver his commission based on the Judiciary Act of 1789. The Court ruled that this part of the Judiciary Act was unconstitutional and that the Court had no power to order delivery of the commission. In so doing, the Court established the principle of judicial review, greatly strengthening the Supreme Court’s decision as the final interpreter of the Constitution.

4- Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton proposed a tax on whiskey to raise money for the national debt and to assert the power of the national government. Small farmers of the back country distilled whiskey, which was easier to transport and sell than the grain that was its source. The distillers resisted the tax (the ___________________________________) by attacking federal revenue officers who attempted to collect it. The following month President George Washington issued a congressionally authorized proclamation ordering the rebels to return home and calling for militia from four neighboring states. After fruitless negotiations, Washington ordered some 13,000 troops into the area, but opposition melted away and no battle ensued.

5- In his final address as President (___________________________________ in 1796), George Washington cautioned against entering into a permanent alliance with any European country. Washington urged Americans to devote themselves to developing trade and influence in the Western Hemisphere.

6- In 1803, France offered to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States for $15 million. Although Jefferson, who had become the nation’s third President, was not sure if the Constitution allowed the federal government to buy territory, he went ahead with the purchase. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States. The territory included all the area between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. Jefferson believed French control of the territory and particularly of the city of ___________________________________, which could block transport on the Mississippi River, was a threat to the United States. Jefferson believed American control of the Mississippi River would provide an opportunity for farmers to move further west and have free transport of the sea.

7- Much of the ________________________________ was unknown to Europeans when it was purchased. To develop relations with the Native Americans and to develop routes to the west, Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William

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Clark on a three-year, very successful exploratory trip through the northern part of the territory. Lewis and Clark’s trip opened the territory for settlement and inspired future explorers.

8- To prevent the British seizure of American sailors in the Atlantic, to stop British support of Native American Indian raids in the Northwest Territory, and also to try to seize British Canada; Congress declared war on Britain in 1812. __________________________________ ended in a stalemate in 1815, coinciding with the end of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe. During the war, the English burned the capitol, Washington, in a raid but the United States fought successfully in the Southwest, where the great hero of the war, Andrew Jackson, defeated the English at the Battle of New Orleans. Unfortunately, this battle was fought two weeks after the United States and England signed the peace treaty.

9- Spain’s attempts to restore its authority after the Napoleonic Wars triggered independence movements in its Latin American colonies. In the __________, President Monroe announced that the U.S. would oppose any attempts by European powers to establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere or to reconquer former colonies.

10- The U.S. Supreme Court is our highest __________. Federal courts form the Judicial Branch of government. The Supreme Court has nine members, each nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The Supreme Court can review lower-court decisions that come before it on appeal.

Word Bank: Harriet Tubman, Missouri Compromise, Arizona, Manifest Destiny, Trail of Tears, Cotton, Spoils System, Dred Scott v. Sandford

1- Andrew Jackson was elected President in 1828. A native of Tennessee, Jackson was the first President not born to wealth and not from an Eastern state. His main supporters were ordinary people, especially laborers and Western frontiersmen. Jackson’s two terms in office saw an expansion of democracy. States eliminated property qualifications, allowing most adult males to vote. Selection of Presidential candidates by party leaders was replaced by nominating conventions. Jackson also developed the ______________________________; supporters who helped in his election campaign replaced existing government officials. Jackson believed it was wise to change office-holders so that more people would have government experience. Jackson also forced the National Bank to close, since he believed it gave an unfair advantage to Eastern bankers and investors.

2- Under Jackson, Congress moved all remaining Native American Indians to territories west of the Mississippi River. Jackson refused to help the Cherokees of Georgia even though the Supreme Court declared that their forcible removal was unconstitutional. The Indian Removal Act (1830) entitled the president to negotiate with the eastern nations to affect their removal to tracts of land west of the Mississippi and provided some $500,000 for transportation and for compensation to native landowners. In 1838 and 1839, as part of Andrew Jackson’s Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma. The Cherokee people called this journey the “______________________________,” because of its devastating effects. The migrants faced hunger, disease, and exhaustion on the forced march. Over 4,000 out of 15,000 of the Cherokees died.

3- On December 10, 1832, President Andrew Jackson issued the Nullification Proclamation, which stated that states and municipalities are forbidden from nullifying federal laws. He also threatened to enforce the proclamation with the use of federal arms. Although congressional compromise soon defused the situation, Jackson’s proclamation made it clear that he believed the federal government was the supreme power in the United States and he was willing to use the military to ensure its supremacy. The debate over the issue of nullification actually began before Andrew Jackson took office. The passage of highly protectionist Tariff of 1828 upset many South Carolinians. They

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felt that tariffs on foreign manufactured goods, designed to protect the United States’ infant manufacturing sector, hurt them disproportionately, since they sold their _______________________________ on the world market and could more profitably buy manufactured goods from abroad. Since only a small number of states in the lower South shared the South Carolina viewpoint, there was little prospect of repealing the offending tariff. Believing the tariff to be unconstitutional, South Carolinians articulated a route by which they themselves could declare a law unconstitutional. Jackson disagreed with the South Carolina viewpoint.

4- In the 1840s. Americans began to believe it was their “__________________________________,” or future, to extend the nation’s borders from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

5- American settlers in Texas declared their independence in 1835, when Mexico recognized Texan independence. In 1845, Congress voted to annex Texas. In 1846, war broke out between the U.S. and Mexico over the border of Texas. In the Mexican-American War (1846 – 1848), Mexico was quickly defeated and forced to give up California, Nevada, Utah, ____________________________, and parts of Colorado and New Mexico.

6- The most explosive issue facing the nation was slavery. Abolitionists wanted to end slavery. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book Uncle Tom’s Cabin helped spread a sense of moral outrage against slavery in the North. Former slaves, such as Frederick Douglass and _________________________________, were leading abolitionists. Pro-slave Southerners argued that slaves were better treated than Northern factory workers.

7- The addition of new western territories posed the problem of whether an extension of slavery should be permitted. Southerners felt that extending slavery westward would preserve the balance between slave and free states in Congress. Northerners opposed the further spread of slavery. Between 1820 and 1850, national unity was preserved only by admitting new states in a series of compromises. The __________________________________ allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state and Missouri to be admitted without restrictions on slavery. The area north of the Missouri Compromise line of 36°30 was to be free of slavery. However, the passage of the Kansas-′Nebraska Act abandoned the Compromise and established the idea of deciding whether a state should be a free state or a slave state through popular sovereignty. The question now became who would control Kansas. There was fighting in Kansas, which was dubbed “Bleeding Kansas” as a result. Pro- and antislavery governments were established.

8- The Supreme Court offered a solution to the slavery issue in the ______________________________ case in 1857. The case involved Dred Scott, a slave, who had been taken by his owner to a free state, Illinois, and a free territory, Wisconsin. Scott sued for freedom in the Missouri courts and appealed its decision to the Supreme Court. Hoping to resolve the issue of slavery in the territories, the Court entered the political arena with its decision. Chief Justice Taney and the Court held that Scott was not a citizen of the United States or of Missouri and could not sue in federal courts. Then the Court went on to say that Dred Scott’s temporary residence in a free state did not make him free, and the Congress could not outlaw slavery in the territories since it deprived persons of their property, which was unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment. This interpretation made the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. After the Civil War, the Dred Scott decision was overturned by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

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