€¦ · Web viewAnswer questions about Tafsir during the era of the Tabi’in. Answer questions...

11 th -12 th Grade Qur’an Packet 5 Ms. Yasmine September 15-19

Transcript of €¦ · Web viewAnswer questions about Tafsir during the era of the Tabi’in. Answer questions...

Page 1: €¦ · Web viewAnswer questions about Tafsir during the era of the Tabi’in. Answer questions about Surat al-Nazi’at 27-33 . Qur’an Journal. Monday, September 15: al-Baqarah

11th-12th Grade Qur’an Packet 5

Ms. Yasmine

September 15-19

Name ______________________________________

Page 2: €¦ · Web viewAnswer questions about Tafsir during the era of the Tabi’in. Answer questions about Surat al-Nazi’at 27-33 . Qur’an Journal. Monday, September 15: al-Baqarah

Iman Academy SE 2014-2015

What are we learning this week?

Write reflections on three selections from the Qur’an Develop the habit of reading/memorizing the Qur’an daily Translate 20 common verbs found in the Qur’an Review memorization of Suwar from Juz’ ‘Amma Correct recitation of Surat al-Ikhlas and al-Masad Answer questions about Tafsir during the era of the Tabi’in Answer questions about Surat al-Nazi’at 27-33

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Qur’an Journal

Monday, September 15: al-Baqarah 110

كاة وما تقدموا وأقيموا الصالة وآتوا الز ألنفسكم من خير

ه بما تعملون بصير ه إن الل تجدوه عند اللAnd establish prayer and give Zakah, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves - you will find it with Allah. Indeed, Allah of

what you do, is Seeing.

Have you ever been in a difficult situation when you were very sad or very angry, when you hurt so much that you wondered if doing the right thing was even worth it? If you’d like to share such a situation, please do. Whether you share a story or not, explain how this Ayah could help a person in that situation. Think of as many benefits as you can.


After discussion thoughts and reflections:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Wednesday, September 17: al-Baqarah 119

ا أرسلناك بالحق بشيرا ونذيرا وال تسأل إن عن أصحاب الجحيم

Indeed, We have sent you, [O Muhammad], with the truth as a bringer of good tidings and a warner, and you will not be asked

about the companions of Hellfire.

Many times we see those we care about fall into repeated mistakes, and we try to advise them and help them stop, but they just won’t listen. Sometimes we feel like we’ve failed and we give up trying, like it isn’t any use. Sometimes we may feel like putting pressure on them to FORCE them to fix their ways. Are either of these approaches usually the most helpful? What can you learn from this Ayah about sharing the Truth with others?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________After discussion thoughts and reflections:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Friday. September 19: al-Baqarah 131

ه أسلم قال أسلمت لرب إذ قال له ربالعالمين

When his Lord said to him, "Submit", he said "I have submitted [in Islam] to the Lord of the worlds."

In this Ayah, Allah is reminding us of how eagerly and quickly Ibrahim (as) submitted to Allah when Allah (swt) told him to. Ibrahim (as) lived before the time of Prophet Muhammad (s) and before the rules of Islam were legislated, yet we know that Ibrahim (as) was a Muslim. What does it mean to be a Muslim?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________After discussion thoughts and reflections:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Qur’anic Du’a of the Week

نا أفرغ علينا صبرا وتوفنا مسلمين ربOur Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as Muslims

[in submission to You].

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Memorization Plan

DaySurah &

AyatMs. Y’s


Tester Name



Tester Signature

& Comments








Qur’anic Du’a of the Week

نا أفرغ علينا صبرا وتوفنا مسلمين ربOur Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as Muslims

[in submission to You].

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Student observations and comments:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Teacher feedback: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Weekly Qur’an Log

Day Suwar/Ayat Skill Time








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Total Weekly Minutes: ____________

Teacher Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Vocabulary: List Four: Common Verbs

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English Meaning

Arabic Word Test Yourself


نفعreached بلغ

left تركplotted مكرcarried حملthought حسب

perceived شعرdisliked كرهput, set,

gave birth toوضع

befell, fell وقعgranted, bestowed

وهبfound وجد

inherited ورثbore a load وزرdescribed وصفpromised وعدprotected وقى

encompassed وسعtasted ذاق

1. was almost2. plotted


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NOTE: Please write BOTH meanings of كاد on Friday’s quiz.

Homework 1: Choose five of the above verbs. Search for a separate Ayah for each of your chosen verbs (i.e. the Ayah contains the verb). The verb may be in any tense. Write the Ayah in Arabic and its translation. You may use the search tool on quran.com to help you.

Verb 1: ______________Ayah: ____________________________________________________________Translation: _______________________________________________________

Verb 2: ______________Ayah: ____________________________________________________________Translation: _______________________________________________________

Verb 3: ______________Ayah: ____________________________________________________________Translation: _______________________________________________________

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Verb 4: ______________Ayah: ____________________________________________________________Translation: _______________________________________________________

Verb 5: ______________Ayah: ____________________________________________________________Translation: _______________________________________________________

Homework 2: Choose any five of the above verbs (أفعال). Think of a noun/adjective (اسم) you know that comes from the same root. State how you think the two words relate. You may use online references if you need help thinking of a related noun.

Verb 1: ____________________ Related Noun/Adj: _____________________How they are related: ________________________________________________Verb 2: ____________________ Related Noun/Adj: _____________________How they are related: ________________________________________________Verb 3: ____________________ Related Noun/Adj: _____________________

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How they are related: ________________________________________________Verb 4: ____________________ Related Noun/Adj: _____________________How they are related: ________________________________________________Verb 5: ____________________ Related Noun/Adj: _____________________How they are related: ________________________________________________

Challenge words: Check here if you are testing on the challenge list.

1. returned = رد2. turned away, hindered = صد3. hurt, harmed = ضر4. erred, went astray, got lost = ضل5. counted = عد6. deceived, beguiled = غر7. stretched out = مد8. touched = مس9. loved, wished = ود10. thought, believed, assumed =ظن

Tafsir Homework

1. Read through Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir of Juz’ ‘Amma. You may choose whichever Suwar you prefer. Look for narrations by the famous Mufassirun among the Sahabah and Tabi’un. Write 3 Ayat for which there are explanatory narrations (include Surah name & Ayah number), and write the name of the Sahabi or Tabi’i who commented about it.

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a) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Define Sahabi:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Define Tabi’i:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. List the sources of Tafsir:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Choose five Tabi’een and write one fact you learned about each. 5. ________________________________________________________________________


History of Tafsir: Part 2The Period of the Successors

Famous Mufassirun during this Period: 1. Sa’eed ibn Jubayr (d. 95 AH)2. Mujahid ibn Jabr (d. 104 AH)

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3. ‘Ikrimah (d. 104 AH)4. Tawoos (d. 106 AH)5. ‘Ataa ibn Rabah (d. 114 AH)6. Abu al-‘Aliyah (d. 90 AH)7. Muhammad ibn Ka’b al-Qurazi (d. 118 AH)8. Al-Aswad ibn Yazeed (d. 74 AH)9. Qatadah al-Sadoosee (d. 117 AH)

Characteristics of Tafsir during the Period: 1. The differences in interpreting the Qur’an were much greater

than during the time of the Companions.2. There was an increase of forged narrations attributed to the

Prophet (s).3. The quantity of verses for which narrations from the

Successors exist is greater than that for the Companions.


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Nouman Ali Khan’s Dream TafsirSurat An-Nazi’at (Those Who Drag

Forth) [79]Section Four: Allah’s Magnificent Power

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Ayah 27:

ماء بناها أأنتم أشد خلقا أم السA antum ashaddu khalqan am-issamaa’u banaahaaAre you more severe/difficult/intense of [a] creation? Or the sky [He] built?

This is a new passage in the Surah now, preceded by the one about Musa and Fir’aun.

Notice that the rhyming scheme has again changed now that a new topic is being discussed.

Banaa (binaa) To build; when one part meshes into the other. i.e. when you build, one brick meshes into another so it becomes one big construction.

This word is used for the sky being Created (Banaa).

Samaa'- Everything which is above us. The sky, space, Heavens, Allah built all of them.

Ayah 28:

رفع سمكها فسواهاRafa'a samkaha fa sawwahaaHe elevated it at the highest point and balanced/levelled it.

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Rafa'a- Elevated

Samk - The highest

Saamik - The highest part on a camel's hump

So Allah is telling us that He heightened the skies to the highest part.Allah elevated the roof of the sky to where we cannot even see it with our naked eye.

Fa Sawwaha – Then balanced it out and levelled it to Perfection

Do you see any gaps in it (the sky)? (Surah Mulk; 67:3)

Ayah 29:

وأغطش ليلها وأخرج ضحاهاWa aghtasha laylaha wa akhraja duhahaIts night He covers with darkness, and its forenoon He brings out (with light).

Allah uses many words for “night” in the Qur'an. Many of them are in Juz 'Amma.

Some include:

1 - Wal-layli idha 'Asss-'Asss - And the night when the chokehold of the night takes place (at Maghrib/sunset time).

2 -Wa al-subhi idha tanaffass - And when the morning breathes.

3 - Ghasaqa (wa al-layli wa ma Ghasaq) - The dark of the night when the blue of the day sky has gone and it is fully dark.

4 - The word is in this Ayah is: ightaash (agtasha)- The darkness of the night when things becoming blurry and you can't see in the dark.

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Allah made the night exceptionally dark where you cannot see anything.

And from the extreme dark (aghtasha), He made the clear brightness of the late morning (Duha) when everything is so clear and bright.

This can also be a comparison of life without guidance, and how Allah brings clear light of guidance after a dark period of misguidance and darkness.

Ayah 30:

واألرض بعد ذلك دحاهاWal ardi ba'da dhalika dahaahaaAnd thereafter - He made the Earth a smooth surface.

Daha (dahwa)- the egg of an ostrich

Ud-hiyyah - the place where the ostrich lays its egg

Some have said that because there is an implication of Daha being something like an ostrich's egg. It is possible that this is the implication. And Allah knows best.

In the classical sense;

Daha / yad-hu / dahwun - To smoothen and spread

So Allah is illustrating that after the sky is such a magnificent creation, which goes to extreme bright light from extreme darkness. He also makes the Earth and how widely it is spread.

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This is also a reminder to the disbeliever because when he sees the expanse of the Earth, he will remember the Day when he will be on the flat plain land of Saahirah on Judgment Day, waiting to be judged by Allah.

Ayah 31:

أخرج منها ماءها ومرعاهاAkhraja min ha Maa'aha wa mar'aahaHe drew out from it it's water and it's pasture,

Maa'- water

Mar'aa (ra’) - pasture and grazing land where produce for your animals and you is grown.

So Allah made the earth wide and smooth and expansive so we could find water in it, and also made areas where we could grow food for ourselves and our animals in different locations and different times.

Ayah 32:

والجبال أرساهاWal jibaala arsaahaa

And He drew out the mountains

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irsaa (arsaa)- to put an anchor down in a large ship

So Allah is saying that He put the mountains down like an anchor is thrown, firmly in the ground. So they are firmly there and cannot easily be moved from that place.

Irsaa also means to peg/pegging.

This word will come again later in this Surah (79:42).

Ayah 33:

كم وألنعامكم متاعا لMataa'an-lakum wa li an'aamikumProvisions [usage] for you and your cattle.

Mataa' - Provisions to use. In ancient Arabic, this word was used for the brush/cloth you use to wash your dishes. It is not enjoyable, but it is usage which we need to move on ahead in life.Allah is telling us that these things of the world are for our use, to get to the next life.

Similar words:

Tamattu' - use and enjoy

The real problem is the one who is attached to this world and the things in it, when they are not even fully worth enjoying. They are just a means for us to fulfil our purpose of obedience to Allah. The true enjoyment (Tamattu') is in the next world! May Allah make among those who enter Jannah.


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1. Explain the creation of the sky and how Allah describes it in the first two Ayat.


2. Provide the different ways “night” is worded in Juz ‘Amma and explain their meaning/connotation. Is there any connection for the transition from darkness to light of day and night that is discussed?


3. It’s possible that one thinks about the Day of Judgment when looking at the sky. What comes to your mind?


4. What is some advice you might give to a person who is overly attached to materialistic things?



Recitation Focus: Surat al-Ikhlas

Mark the letters/vowels that you need to practice. Include the time you spend practicing in your Qur’an Log.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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ه أحد قل هو الل

ه الصمد الل

لم يلد ولم يولد

ه كفوا أحد ولم يكن ل

Comments for Improvement: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Recitation Focus: Surat al-Masad

Mark the letters/vowels that you need to practice. Include the time you spend practicing in your Qur’an Log.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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ت يدا أبي لهب وتب تب

ما أغنى عنه ماله وما كسب

سيصلى نارا ذات لهب

وامرأته حمالة الحطب

في جيدها حبل من مسد

Comments for Improvement: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________