Towards transnational funding of Nuclear Physics Research Infrastructures and associated equipments...

Towards transnational funding of Nuclear Physics Research Infrastructures and associated equipments GANIL- S PIRAL2 AGATA ISOLDE-ALTO JYVL-LNL-LNS- GANIL-SPIRAL1-GSI Eastern-Network Prim ary Beam s •10 12 /s;1.5 G eV/u; 238 U 28+ •Factor100-1000 overpresentin intensity •2(4)x10 13 /s 30 G eVprotons •10 10 /s 238 U 73+ up to 25 (-35)G eV/u Secondary Beam s •Broad range ofradioactive beam s up to 1.5 -2 G eV/u;up to factor10 000 in intensityoverpresent •Antiprotons 3 -30 G eV •Cooledbeams •Rapidlycyclingsuperconductingmagnets •Cooledbeams •Rapidlycyclingsuperconductingmagnets Key TechnicalFeatures Storage and C oolerR ings •Radioactivebeams •e – A collider •10 11 stored and cooled 0.8 -14.5 GeVantiprotons FAIR A LICE-LHC

Transcript of Towards transnational funding of Nuclear Physics Research Infrastructures and associated equipments...

Page 1: Towards transnational funding of Nuclear Physics Research Infrastructures and associated equipments GANIL-SPIRAL2 AGATA ISOLDE-ALTO JYVL-LNL-LNS- GANIL-SPIRAL1-GSI.

Towards transnational funding of Nuclear Physics Research Infrastructures and associated equipments








Primary BeamsPrimary Beams

•1012/s; 1.5 GeV/u; 238U28+

•Factor 100-1000 over present in intensity•2(4)x1013/s 30 GeV protons•1010/s 238U73+ up to 25 (- 35) GeV/u

Secondary BeamsSecondary Beams

•Broad range of radioactive beams up to1.5 - 2 GeV/u; up to factor 10 000 inintensity over present

•Antiprotons 3 - 30 GeV

•Cooled beams•Rapidly cycling superconducting magnets

Key Technical FeaturesKey Technical Features

•Cooled beams•Rapidly cycling superconducting magnets

Key Technical FeaturesKey Technical Features

Storage and Cooler RingsStorage and Cooler Rings

•Radioactive beams

•e – A collider

•1011 stored and cooled 0.8 - 14.5GeV antiprotons



Page 2: Towards transnational funding of Nuclear Physics Research Infrastructures and associated equipments GANIL-SPIRAL2 AGATA ISOLDE-ALTO JYVL-LNL-LNS- GANIL-SPIRAL1-GSI.

ERA-NET for Research infrastructures Objectives

To step up the cooperation and coordination of national and/or regional programmes/activities towards their mutual opening and implementation of joint activities

To contribute to the development of the European Research Area by improving coherence across Europe of such programmes/activities

To help developing a European policy for research infrastructures Eligible partners are only program owners

(National/region/ministries/governments or Research councils and funding agencies managing research programs)

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Motivations for a Nuclear Physics ERANET- NUPNET

In our field the challenge is to merge the national programs to create a stronger and more cohesive research activity which is truly European in scope

Two conditions are required 1- Independent scientific assessment of the field: emerging areas ,key developments, needed instruments ,

recommendations and scientific priorities . This is done by NuPECC and respected

2- Current funding procedures (separate funding agencies reflect separate priorities) has to be given a strategic direction to help to align some decisions on commonly agreed European research goals . This ERA-NET NUPNET proposal aims to meet this challenge

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Mapping the science priorities (NuPECC) into a funding action plan

Establish procedures and funding for trans-national common activities (variable geometry)Identification of joint activities to be implemented in the framework of NuPNET.Launching of a pilot joint activity Establish a sustainable action beyond this project

15 representatives of NP agencies, NuPECC delegation and EU officers met in PARIS to discuss the opportunity to launch a ERANET proposal called NuPNET All Participants unanimously agreed to built such proposal to be ready for the first FP7 ERANET call in May 2007


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NuPNET Consortium meets for the first time at the kick-off meeting on 27 March 2008 in Paris

NuPNET proposal was successful Budget : 1,3 M€

Start of the Project: 1 March 2008

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List of NuPNET Partners(18 partners representing 14 countries)

Partner no. Country Short name Partner

Partner 1 F CNRS-IN2P3Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Institut National de la Physique Nucléaire et de la Physique des


Partner 2 D PTGSI Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung

Partner 3 D BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Partner 4 I INFN Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

Partner 5 SP FECYT Fundacion Espanola para la Ciencia y la Tecnologia

Partner 6 SP MICINN Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovacion

Partner 7 B FNRS Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique

Partner 8 B FWO V Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Vlanderen

Partner 9 BG INRNE Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Partner 10 F CEA Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique

Partner 11 CZ NPI ASCR Nuclear Physics Institute - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Partner 12 FI HIP Helsinki Institute of Physics

Partner 13 GR GSRT General Secretariat for Research and Technology

Partner 14 HU NKTH National Office for Research and Technology

Partner 15 NL RuG Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Partner 16 PL NCBiR National Centre for Research and Development

Partner 17 RO IFIN-HH National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering

Partner 18 UK STFC Science and Technology Facilities Council

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The NuPNET strategy: Success through a stepwise approach


Information exchange and Census of resources

for Nuclear Physics Funding Bodies

Information exchange and Census of resources

for Nuclear Physics Funding Bodies

Agreement on an Action Plan for Infrastructures (Resource and financial Action plan of


Agreement on an Action Plan for Infrastructures (Resource and financial Action plan of


Implementation of pilot projects of the Action planImplementation of pilot

projects of the Action plan


18 participants are Funding agencies and ministries From 14 EU countries

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The NuPNET strategy: a combined Management Structure

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WP 1 Management Dorothée Peitzmann CNRS/IN2P3

WP 1.1 Overall Management of NuPNET Dorothée Peitzmann CNRS/ IN2P3

WP 1.2 Overall Co-ordination of the Consortium Dorothée Peitzmann CNRS/ IN2P3

WP 1.3 Communication and electronic tools Ioan Ursu IFIN-HH

WP 2 Information exchange Irene Reinhard PTGSI

WP 2.0 Co-ordination of WP2 Irene Reinhard PTGSI

WP 2.1 Systematic exchange of information on funding modalities and administrative procedures

Sotirios Harissopulos GSRT

WP 2.2 Census of present EU nuclear physics agents and resources Irene Reinhard PTGSI

WP 2.3 Liaison activities Irene Reinhard/ Muhsin N. Harakeh


WP 3 Definition of joint activities Angela Bracco INFN

WP 3.0 Co-ordination of WP3 Angela Bracco INFN

WP 3.1 Identification of opportunities for NuPNET Angela Bracco INFN

WP 3.2 Identification and tackling of formal / legal barriers to launching joint activities


WP 3.3 Funding Plan for joint activities Nicolas Alamanos CEA

WP 3.3.1 Finalisation of the Funding Plan for joint activities tbc CEA

WP 3.3.2 Proposal of the Funding Plan to the Funding Agencies tbc CEA

WP 4 Launching joint activities José Benlliure FECYT

WP 4.0 Co-ordination of WP4 J osé Benlliure MICINN with INFN

WP 4.1 Existing co-operation tools Chavdar Stoyanov INRNE

WP 4.2 Selection of joint activities at a transnational level J osé Benlliure (MICINN)Manuela Turrion (FECYT)


WP 4.3 Agreement on one or more pilot transnational activities tbc MICINN + FECYT

WP 4.4 Sustainable action beyond Istvan Kocsis/ Zsolt Fülöp NKTH

Appointed Leaders of NuPNET

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List of deliverables


Deliverable name WP no. LeadDelivery


Del. dateSubmitted

Approvedby EC

tesShort Management

planWP1 CNRS/IN2P3 2 ./. YES YES

D 1.2Communication plan

and logo WP1 IFIN-HH 3 ./. YES YES

D 2.1Census of existing

funding programmesWP2 PTGSI 12 July 2009 YES

D 3.1List of

opportunitiesWP3 INFN 18 Feb 2010

D 3.2Report on formaland legal barriers

WP3 NCBiR 18 Feb2010

D 1.3Periodic Activity Report

for the European CommissionWP1 CNRS/IN2P3 19 Dec 2009

D 3.3Funding Action Plan

defining joint activitiesWP3 CEA 21 April 2010

D 2.2Compilation of the results

of the questionnaireWP2 GRST 24 27

D 4.1Report on the possible use

of co-operation toolsWP4 NPI ASCR 24 2011

D 4.2Short report on the selection

of joint trans-national activities WP4 FECYT 27 2011

D 1.4Short report

on communicationWP1 IFIN-HH 36 2011

D 1.5Final Activity Report

for the EU CommissionWP1 CNRS/IN2P3 36 2011

D 2.3Short report onliaison activities

WP2 RuG 36 2011

List of Deliverables, ordered by deadline (as of March 2009):

NuPNET Deliverables, ordered by deadline (as of March 2009)

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Actions since the kick-off in March 2008

Year 1 –the first half- (March – Sept 2008) NuPNET Kick-off meeting on 27 March in Paris Article on Co-ordination Committee (CC) meets for the 1st time on May 19 in

Frankfurt The NUPNET Consortium approves the Consortium Agreement (mid-June) Submission of Deliverable "Short Management Plan" (approved by EU) First run of the WP2 Questionnaire (sent to CC members only) Article in "Le Journal du CNRS" Article in "Nuclear Physics News" A Logo for NuPNET Submission of Deliver. "Communication Plan & Logo" (approved by EU) Article in "CNRS International Magazine" The EU transmits the draft Grant Agreement (beg. July)

Official run of the WP2 Questionnaire (sent to NuPNET Consortium)

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Year 1 –the second half- (Sept. 08 – Feb. 09) 1st NuPNET Open Days on 8 Sept. in Athens Greece,Roumania,CK,Hungary,Bulgaria Announcements on Cordis Wire (EU) + NSCR + GSRT 1st Governing Council on 13 Oct. in Madrid Information relayed on Cordis Wire (EU) + MICINN + FECYT Interviews for the Spanish Scientific News Platform (video) The EU signs the final Grant Agreement (14 Oct. 2008) CC meets for the 2nd time on 30 Oct. in Darmstadt 2nd NuPNET Open Days on 30-31 Oct. 08 in Darmstadt Germany,Belgium, NL,Finland Announcements on Cordis Wire (EU) and GSI Article in "CERN Courier" (on-line + magazine) 1st instalment of the pre-financing received at CNRS/IN2P3 (14 Nov.

2008) All NuPNET members have signed the Forms A giving them an "Accession to the

NuPNET Contract" (22 Jan.) CC meets for the 3rd time on 11 Feb. in Paris First run of the WP3 Questionnaire (sent to CC members


Actions since Sept. 2008

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Actions since March 2009

Year 2 –the first half- (March - Aug. 09) Completed Questionnaires have all been received by WP2 A Web site for NuPNET: Analysis of completed Questionnaires by WP2 (in progress)

CC meets for the 4th time on 18 March in Bochum A Intranet for NuPNET CC meets for the 5th time on 12 May in Milan

3rd NuPNET Open Days on 12-13 May 09 in Milan France,Italy,Poland,Spain,UK July 2009 - Submission of Deliver. "Census of Funding“ see


On our time table Fall 2009 - Submission of Deliver. "1st Activity Report“

Feb 2010 WP3 questionnaire and list of Opportunities

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WP2: Questionnaire- Structure and Schedule -

General Structure of Questionnaire

1) Country and Contact person 2) Overview of Research System (general) 3) Who are the Actors in Nuclear Physics

a) facilities, research institutions b) funding agencies c) description

4) Strategic Plans 5) Definition of "Nuclear domain"

a) Mapping of NuPECC topics vs. organisations b) Boundaries

6) Participation to international collaborations a, b, c) pan-European: institutional involvement, collaborations d, e) non-European: institutional involvement, collaborations

7) Funding a) funding programs (institutional funding / project funding) b, c) major funding for institutions and projects

8) Personnel a) numbers b) levels, avg. salaries; c) hiring procedures; d) temp. positions e) gender


• Testrun in June /July 08• Quest. sent to Consortium Aug. 08• Final run in Dec. 2008• Analysis

• Census on existing programs (D&M) by June 2009

• General compilation of results (D) by May 2010

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WP2 -Results – NuPNET members FUNDING of NP

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WP2 - First Results –STAFF EMPLOYED

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WP2 - First Results –SALARIES

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WP2 - First Results – FP6- Support to NP

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WP3-Definition of joint activitiesWP3-Definition of joint activities

Identify opportunities for the Funding

Agencies to pool resources

Identify opportunities for the Funding

Agencies to pool resources

Find the best formal and legal framework for a

trans-national cooperation

Find the best formal and legal framework for a

trans-national cooperation

Propose a Funding Plan defining joint activities, that gathers the results of the precedent tasks

Propose a Funding Plan defining joint activities, that gathers the results of the precedent tasks

The 3 tasks of WP3 constitute an adequate way to achieve Goal 2 of NuPNET namely to have the main Funding Agencies in Europe discuss all together and agree on the identification of joint activities based onNuPECC LRP

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From Next NuPECC long range plan and ESFRI roadmap to NuPNET List of opportunities for Transnational Funding

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° I. European Gamma tracking Array AGATA II. The next generation of Radioactive Ion beams facilities ISOL and in

Flight Structure ,reactions and Nuclear Astrophysics III. Physics with high intensities stable beams (ECOS) IV . Structure and dynamics of the nucleon and hadrons electromagnetic and hadronic probes V. Phase of Nuclear Matter and High-energy Heavy ion collisions VI. Nuclear theory VII. Network of local and regional facilities ,university groups VIII Teaching NP in Europe (Network of Universities,EU Schools) IX Interdisciplinary use of Nucl.Phys facilities biology ,medicine,

energy ,art, environment, etc..) Nuclear data base (AIEA) The ERANET will be an instrument to define the European roadmap of

upgrades needed for large infrastructures and instruments ,but also for coordinating all others topics


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Priorities and possible extension of collaborations

Q.6.9: Which of all these international collaborations are most important for your country? Please name not more than 5, if possible ordered by priority.


CERN (ALICE) HADES & CBM KATRIN ECT* not priority listed




bilateral collaborations






FAIR CERN JINR INFN IN2P3GSI JLab SPIRAL not priority listed

(2) Q6.9: Which collaboration are the most important?(from Q6 - International Collaboration)

the major international collaborations centre around the "big" existing user facilities

(CERN, ECT*, GANIL,GSI, INFN; No. of international users > 100) and the "new" facilities FAIR and SPIRAL 2 as well as AGATA.

NuPNET Member Countries







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WP4-Work organisation: task leaders

J. Benlliure

Task 4.1: Use of existing co-operation tools task leader: INRNE (Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgaria) Chavdar STOYANOV

Task 4.2: Selection of joint activities at transnational level task leader: MICINN (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain) José BENLLIURE FECYT (Fundación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain) Manuela TURRION

Task 4.3: Agreement on one or more pilot transnational activity task leader: MICINN/FECYT

Task 4.4: Sustainable action beyond NuPNET task leader: NKTH (National Office for Research and Technology, Hungary) Istvan KOCSIS, Zsolt FULOP

NuPNET 1st Governing Council, Madrid 13/10/2008

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Goal 1 of the NuPNET project- as set by the Consortium -

Acquire a mutual and better understanding of the Funding systems of nuclear physics infrastructures and associated equipments in Europe

that is needed for future collaborations. Intensify the communication between

administrators in Europe to effectively develop infrastructures of a fully European scope.

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Future Meetings

1. Next Co-ordination Committee meeting CC6: Date:0ct 12 Place:Frankfurt (NuPECC LRP meeting)

2. Envisaged Governing Council meeting GC2: Date:Jan 15 Place:Budapest

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Thank you for your attention.

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An ERA-Net for Research Infrastructures -


To step up the cooperation and coordination of national and/or regional programmes/activities towards their mutual opening and implementation of joint activities

To contribute to the development of the European Research Area by improving coherence across Europe of such programmes/activities

To help developing a European policy for research infrastructures

Eligible partners are only program owners (National/region/ministries/governments or Research councils and funding agencies managing research programs)

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NuPNET Work packages overview

WP1: Management, coordination and communication ( Fr -IN2P3/CNRS)

-Overall Management &Coordination of NuPNET (IN2P3-CNRS)

Communication and electronic tools (Romania) WP2: Systematic exchange and networking(DE,GSI) - Systematic exchange of information on funding

modalities and administrative procedures (Gr/D) Action Open days - Census of present European Nuclear physics

resources (D/Gr/Ro) Action Questionnaire -Links with other bodies in nuclear physics (D) -Integration of new associates (Nl)

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NuPNET Work packages overview

WP3: Funding action plan (Italy, INFN) - Analysis of current funding of European nuclear research projects and identification of opportunities for NuPNET (I) -Investigation of formal and legal barriers for a future European cooperation (Pol) -Funding Action Plan: Establish common evaluation procedures and standards for common transnational projects for funding infrastructures of nuclear physics (CEA-Fr)

WP4 Implementation of trans-national joint activities ( Spain, FECYT)Task 4.1: Use of existing agreements (Bu)Task 4.2: Mechanisms for joint activities at a trans-national level (E/UK)Task 4.3: Test implementation of a coordinated trans-national pilot activity (E)

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Launched in April 2002 by Council of Research Ministers

Representatives from the 27 Member + 5 Associated States + one representative of the European Commission (EC)

The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has been set-up to help facing important challenges

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Brussels, 19 October 2006European ResearchInfrastructures –The ESFRI roadmap identifies 34 large-scale infrastructure projects

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