The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was...


Transcript of The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was...

Page 1: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.



Page 2: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.

Some facts about the revolutionary war

The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around the 1700’s and the 1800’s.

Page 3: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.

The French Indian war

The French Indian war had taken place from the 1600’s to the 1700’s. great Britain and France both claimed the Ohio river and the British wanted to use the land for the rich soil and the France had wanted to use it for beaver skin. I think that just because each other didn’t want British for France on there land it didn’t have to cause I big fight for it. I think it was ridiculous. It was nice that we won but still crazy to have the fight.

Page 4: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.

The stamp actAfter the French and Indian war

great Britain needed money. In 1765, to raise money parliament passed a law called the stamp act. Colonists had to then pay tax to buy printed papers. Which includes newspapers, marriage license, pamphlets, and playing cards were taxed. I thought that we were fine with our money and that we shouldn’t have done it.

Page 5: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.

The sugar actThe sugar act was in

1764 which put a tax on wine, sugar, and other important things the colonists needed. The British did this because they needed more money. The British were going to use the money for security for the colonists. I really think that all the taxes on the colonists were quite unacceptable because the colonists would be losing a lot of money.

Page 6: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.

Battle of lexington/concord

The first thing that had started the revolution were was at Lexington, Massachusetts. On April 18, 1775, British General Thomas Gage sent soldiers to destroy guns and ammunition the colonists had stored in the town of Concord, which was right outside of Boston. We were able to destroy a lot of the ammo but I think it was a waste of time to do it. Why couldn’t we have destroyed the guns so they couldn’t hurt

us at all

Page 7: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.

The Boston massacreAround the 1770’s colonies were

angry that British was moving into there towns and cities. The colonists made fun of the British's red coats. The colonists teased them. Then colonists were enraged that the British had took away there jobs. Then one day the colonists threw snowballs and things at the British soldiers and then the leader of them said to not shoot, but people think that one person thought that the leader said to fire and one of the soldiers fired into the crowd then the colonists waked towards them and the British panicked and fired into the crowd. Five people died. My friend who thought our captain said “fire” was right beside me and when the crowd came to us I was frightened and me and my friend panicked and so did the rest of us so we all shot into the crowd. Luckily i didn’t hurt anybody.

Page 8: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.

The Boston tea partyIn 1773 parliament passed

a law called the tea act. It was that only a certain tea company called the British east India company. Colonists protested about the tea act. The act then had lowered the cost of tea for the colonists, but the colonists were still enraged. Then people dressed up as American Indians and boarded Boston ships and open 342 chests full of tea and dumped it into the water. That is what gave the Boston tea party its name. I think it was fine for the tax but not just to buy tea from a certain company.

Page 9: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.

Townshend actsThe Townshend acts put taxes

on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. The colonists reaction to these taxes was the same as to the Sugar Act and Stamp Act, and Britain eventually stopped all the taxes except the tax on tea. In response to the sometimes violent protests by the colonists, Great Britain had to send more troops to the colonies. I thought that there was to many taxes and told my friend for the Boston massacre about how we shouldn’t have to do all those taxes.

Page 10: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.

The first continental congress

The first Continental Congress met in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia. All of the colonies except Georgia sent people to carpenters hall. These were elected by the colonists. I thought it was a good idea to have it even though it could destroy us but I thought it could make the battle field even.

Page 11: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.

Battle of bunker hillAfter the Battle of Lexington and Concord, a patriot

controlled the hills surrounding Boston. The patriots heard that there were spies. The colonists found out that the British were planning to attack Bunker Hill. The patriots sent 1600 men to set up on Breed's Hill, which was closer to Boston. On June 17, 1775 General Howe led 2600 British soldiers up Breed's Hill. British warships also fired on the patriots position.The Americans held off the British for a while, but were finally forced to retreat. The British suffered heavy losses with 226 men killed and 828 more wounded. I was in it and only wounded in the leg. I was happy that we won that part of the revolution.

Page 12: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.

Coercive acts

Properly known as the Restraining Acts, the Coercive Acts, as they were popularly known in England, were introduced in 1774 by the new government of Lord North. The purpose of it was to restore order to Boston from the Boston tea party. I thought that it was a good idea but and hopefully it would calm Boston down from the Boston tea party.

Page 13: The entire reason the revolutionary war started is because of king George III. King George III was the king of great Britain at the time. It was around.
