The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to...


Transcript of The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to...

Page 1: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.


Page 2: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.

L.T. : I can describe European motivation for exploring the seas.

The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things would have motivated them to do this? Try to list 3-5 ideas.

Page 3: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.

The Age of Exploration

A new age of European exploration, discovery, expansion, and settlement began in the 1400s.

What was going on at that time??? Renaissance Population Increase Centralization of Power (State-

building) New technology

Page 4: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.

The 3 G’s

GOD Desire to spread Christianity to the

“uncivilized.” GOLD

Find gold, spices, and other riches. GLORY

To become famous; associated with Renaissance spirit of curiosity

Page 5: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.

The Search for Spices

First explorers – looking for a new trade route to Asia.

Land – too long and too dangerous Arabs and Italians were the middlemen

between Europe and East Asia. Merchants wanted to bypass them and

find a direct route. How? Go around tip of Africa.

Page 6: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.


Extremely valuable Were used to preserve and flavor food, in

medicine, and in perfume. Where? Moluccas – island chain in

present-day Indonesia. “Spice Islands” How? New technology and improved

knowledge (prior to 1400s, ships could not sail against wind) Caravel, astrolabe, magnetic compass, better

maps, better knowledge of wind patterns.

Page 7: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.
Page 8: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.


Portugal led the way in the Age of Exploration.

Location – already traded along coast of Africa Traded gold, ivory, slaves

Prince Henry – founded a school for navigators in 1419. Bartolomeu Dias – 1488 – first person to round

the southern tip of Africa – Cape of Good Hope Vasco da Gama – 1498 – first person to reach

India by this route Very profitable…several thousand % (ginger,


Page 9: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.


Portugal’s success in Asia made other countries jealous, especially Spain.

Christopher Columbus Rejected by Portugal, sponsored by Ferdinand and

Isabella His idea: sail west across the Atlantic to reach Asia Thought it would only take a few weeks Underestimated the circumference of the Earth Didn’t know the Americas existed Left Spain in August 1492; reached land on Oct 12.

Page 10: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.


Believed he had reached the East Indies. “Indians”

Was really in the Bahamas. Made 3 return visits; claimed land for

Spain; exploitation of natives; empire building

Why America? Amerigo Vespucci Columbus died in 1506, still believing he

had reached Asia. Line of Demarcation/Treaty of Tordesillas

Page 11: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.


Was Portuguese but sailed for Spain Left Spain on Sept 20, 1519

5 ships; 277 men 1 ship was lost along the coast of S America 1 ship (most supplies) mutinied Strait of Magellan – Pacific Ocean Ate rats, maggots, and sawdust to survive

Scurvy was common (rotted gums, gangrene) 3 ships made it to the Philippines.

3 G’s accomplished.

Page 12: The Age of Exploration refers that time from the 1400s-1600s when many explorers took great risks to sail the seas and explore unknown lands. What things.


Spread Christianity to natives after performing a faith healing on the king’s brother

Set up trade with the king Trade route west to Asia

Magellan was killed in battle here. Only 1 ship (Victoria) makes it back to

Spain in 1522 with 18 men.