~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving...


Transcript of ~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving...

Page 1: ~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving Thanks Unto God Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock
Page 2: ~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving Thanks Unto God Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock

~ Sunday, November 20, 2016

Ministerial Staff

The Reverend Dr. Larry E. Campbell ~ Senior Pastor ~ Minister

The Reverend Joan Taylor ~ Youth Minister

The Reverend Nikia Smith Robert ~ Itinerant Elder

The Reverend Rochelle Wright Moore ~ Itinerant Deacon

The Reverend Homer Burnett ~ Local Elder

The Reverend Deborah West-Jones ~ Local Elder

The Reverend Tonya Turner ~ Local Elder

Our First Lady: Mrs. Melinda G. Campbell

Mrs. Selene Cox ~ Administrative Assistant

Office Hours:

Tues, Wed 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Thurs 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. & 4:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Fri. 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Closed for Lunch Daily: 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.

Music Ministry

Bro. Timothy Davis, Minister of Music

Bro. Jimmy Watlington, Percussionist ~ Bro. Carlos Caldwell, Pianist~ Bro. Darien Dorsey, Organist

Sis. Karen Law, Women’s Chorus Director ~ Sis. Tonia Graham, Children’s Choir Director

Bro. J. Renard Washington, New Generation’s Choir

~Serving Today ~

8:00 A.M. Service

Steward: Kischchen Hazelton Venerable

Acolyte: Everett Clayton

Health Unit: Karin Robinson-Smith

Trustee: Eddie Newman

Greeters: Wilma Haynes

Dorothy Panton

Class Leaders: Dee Smith-Gibson

11:00 A.M. Service

Steward: Gracie Warren

Acolyte: Justin McCree

Health Unit: James Williams

Trustee: Otis Triplett

Greeters: Mozella Caudle

Class Leaders: Stella Pulliam

Serving Next Week


8:00 A.M Lynnette Burke

11:00 A.M. L. Monique Sims


8:00 A.M. Janice Reeves

11:00 A.M. Gene Little

Attendance Last Week

8:00 A.M. Worship Service: 190

11:00 A.M. Worship Service: 119

Sunday School: 31

Bible Study Sessions: 36

FREE WI-FI services is available on the FAME Campus by accessing FAME 1700.

Password: 6267980503


Page 3: ~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving Thanks Unto God Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock

~ Order of Worship Experience ~ Warning: This order of worship is subject to change without warning or prior notice ---everything is

governed by the Sovereignty of the Holy Spirit.

Please note that our Worship Services are broadcast through Live Streaming.

Happy Thanksgiving

Doxology: “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”

The Call to Worship (Please see Monitors)

Leader: Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness;

Come before His presence with singing.

People: Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we

ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Leader: Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.

People: Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.

Leader: For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all


Unison: O Sing unto the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things. Make a

joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth, sing His praises.


Page 4: ~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving Thanks Unto God Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock

The Hymn of Praise Every Praise is to Our God

Every praise is to our God.

Every word of worship with one accord

Every praise every praise is to our God.

Sing hallelujah to our God

Glory hallelujah is due our God

Every praise every praise is to our God.

(Repeat 4 Times)

God my Savior

God my Healer

God my Deliverer

Yes He is, yes He is (Repeat 2 Times)

God my Savior

God my Healer

God my Deliverer

Yes He is, yes He is, yes He is, yes He is

Yes He is, yes He is, yes He is, yes He is

Every praise is to our God.

Every word of worship with one accord

Every praise, every praise, every praise, every praise

Every praise, every praise, every praise, every praise

Every praise, every praise, every praise, every praise

All of my worship, every praise,

Every praise, every praise

When you see me dancing, every praise

Every praise, every praise

When you see me shoutin', every praise

Every praise, every praise, every praise, every praise

Every praise, every praise, to our god

Is to our God

The Invocation

Ministry of Music 8:00 a.m. The New Generations Choir

11:00 a.m. Morgan Choraliers


Page 5: ~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving Thanks Unto God Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock

Scripture Lesson (Please Stand for the Reading of God’s Words)

Old Testament

Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving Thanks Unto God

Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us

come to him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to him. For the Lord is a great

God, a great King above all gods. He holds in his hands the depths of the earth and the mightiest mountains.

The sea belongs to him, for he made it. His hands formed the dry land, too. Come, let us worship and bow

down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the

flock under his care.

New Testament

Responsive: Luke 17:11-19 (MSG) – Giving Thanks

Leader: It happened that as he made his way toward Jerusalem, he crossed over the border

between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered a village, ten men, all lepers, met him.

They kept their distance but raised their voices, calling out, “Jesus, Master, have

mercy on us!”

People: Taking a good look at them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.”

Leader: They went, and while still on their way, became clean. One of them, when he

realized that he was healed, turned around and came back, shouting his gratitude,

glorifying God. He kneeled at Jesus’ feet, so grateful. He couldn’t thank him

enough—and he was a Samaritan.

ALL: Jesus said, “Were not ten healed? Where are the nine? Can none be found to come

back and give glory to God except this outsider?” Then he said to him, “Get up. On

your way. Your faith has healed and saved you.”

The Summary of the Decalogue

LEADER: From all that dwell below the skies…

SUNG: From all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator’s praise arise; Let the

Redeemer’s Name be sung, through every land, by every tongue. LEADER: Hear what Christ our Savior saith, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all

thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great

commandment. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor

as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

SUNG: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the

beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. A~Men


Page 6: ~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving Thanks Unto God Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock

Abbreviated Announcements Announcement Clerk

K-FAME Radio

Visitor’s Welcome Pastor Campbell

We Welcome You (To The House of the Lord)

~ Pastor’s Words ~

The Offertory (Tithes ~ Gifts ~ Benevolent Offerings) Clergy Choral Response: “All things come of Thee, O Lord; and of Thine own have we given Thee. Amen.”

~ Altar Call ~

Sermonic Selection The New Generations Choir

Proclamation of the Word of God Pastor Larry E. Campbell

The Invitation to Christian Discipleship

The Apostle’s Creed

Minister: What do you believe?

Congregation: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son,

our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius

Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. The third day He arose from the dead; He ascended into

heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to

judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Church universal, the communion of

saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen!

The Doxology

The Benediction


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Scripture of the Day Thanksgiving. “Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the people!

Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works!”

Psalm 105:1-2

Quote of the Day “Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you

will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey

Thought of the Week Expressions of Thanksgiving – Ephesians 5:15-20. Upon receiving a present, we ordinarily thank the giver. This

should be true of divine gifts as well. God tells us that all good gifts are from Him (Jas. 1:17). What’s more, He

instructs us to “always [give] thanks for all things” (Eph. 5:20). But how can we adequately express our gratitude to

the Lord?

Give thanks with sound. We can speak of our gratitude to the Lord in private or in public. Thanksgiving can also be

conveyed through music—Jon. 2:9 says, “But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you.” God delights in

heartfelt gratitude expressed musically, whether through informal singing or in choirs and orchestras.

Give thanks by living holy lives. As a response to God’s goodness and faithfulness, we should honor Him with our

obedience. Paul expressed it this way: “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies

a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” (Rom 12:1).

Give thanks through generosity. If we’re truly grateful for what we receive, we’ll gladly share our time, money,

gifts, and resources. It is easy to become possessive of what we deem ours, forgetting that it is actually from God;

then, with an attitude of selfishness, we might hold His blessings tightly. What we should do, however, is give back

to the Lord joyfully.

How do you express your gratitude to God? Take time today to identify some of His countless blessings in your life,

and offer Him heartfelt thanks.

Humor of the Week It's the day before Thanksgiving, and the butcher is just locking up when a man begins pounding on the front door.

'Please let me in, 'says the man desperately. 'I forgot to buy a turkey, and my wife will kill me if I don't come home

with one.' 'Okay, 'says the butcher.' Let me see what I have left.' He goes into the freezer and discovers that there's

one last scrawny turkey left. He brings it out to show the man. 'That's one is too skinny. What else you got?' says the

man. The butcher takes the bird back into the freezer and waits a few minutes and brings the same turkey back out to

the man. 'Oh, no, 'says the man, 'That one doesn't look any better. You better give me both of them!'

HOME DAILY BIBLE READINGS November 21, 2016 – November 27, 2016

Monday Wash and Be Healed 2 King 5:10-14

Tuesday Healing River Flows from the Temple Ezekiel 47:1-2,12

Wednesday God is Present and the City is Secure Psalm 46

Thursday The Sustaining Healing Water of Life Isaiah 41:17-20

Friday The Lord Acts With Passion Isaiah 42:10-17

Saturday The Paralytic Walks Again Matthew 9:2-8

Sunday Ready for the Lord’s Return Revelation 22: 1-7


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Thanksgiving is a continuous response to blessings, not a season that comes once a year. When we give

thanks, we express our joy and our gladness at the same time. The word teaches us to always give thanks

and to show gladness for every blessing received. Thus, we don't wait until a given month; we are thankful

every day the Lord sends. As believers, we rejoice in the goodness of the Lord. We are thankful for his

blessings for he has made us glad. Today, go forth with a smile. God has blessed you in so many ways. It

is with the utmost adoration that we wish each and every member of the FAME Church Family a Happy

Thanksgiving blessed with laughter, love and warmth.

With Lots of Love,

Pastor Campbell, Melinda & Terrence

WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! ~ It is with great pleasure and joy that we officially welcome

Dale Woods and Sherron Bennett to the FAME Family kinship. We are truly blessed and very grateful for

their presence and valued membership in our church family.

Annual MO-FAME Thanksgiving Benevolence Dinner

Thelma Blake Fellowship Hall

The Men of FAME will be hosting a FREE Thanksgiving Dinner for the young men in foster care placement

at Eggleston Youth Center on Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. We are anticipating over 100

young men this year.

FREE Thanksgiving Baskets

Please share this good news with those we can bless this Holiday season! Thanksgiving Baskets

will be available for distribution at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 23, 2016.

THANKSGIVING SERVICE. Please note that our Annual Thanksgiving Day Service will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, November

24, 2016. The presence of everyone is requested.

Church Conference

Pastoral Planning Meeting Tuesday, November 29, 2016 (6:30 p.m.)

(Trustee Board and Annual Conference Delegates elections will be conducted)

Steward Board Meeting

Saturday, December 10, 2016 9:00a.m.

Save the Date

First AME Church, Pasadena Annual Church Christmas Celebration

Saturday, December 10, 2016 Thelma Blake Fellowship Hall


Page 9: ~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving Thanks Unto God Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock


Trustee Baord Meeting

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


The combined Music & Arts Ministry of First AME Church, Pasadena will present the annual Christmas

Cantata on Sunday, December 18, 2016. Our theme is “A Celebration of the Spirit of Christ in

Christmas”. We will again produce a Souvenir book this year and are accepting ads. Please see any of the

Cantata planning committee members for assistance with procuring an ad: Bill Matlock, Alison Moses,

Van White, Denise Barden or Beverly Caldwell. Please see Karen Law for those interested in speaking,

acting, or dramatization parts in the program. Thank you, on behalf of Timothy Davis, Minister of Music.

Combined Christmas Day Worship Service

9:30 a.m.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

FIRST QUARTERLY CONFERENCE. The Presiding Elder’s First Quarterly Conference will be held

on Tuesday, December 27, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. The presence of all Ministers and Official Board

Members is required.

Combined New Year’s Day Worship Service

9:30 a.m.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

SAVE THE DATE: The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast is Saturday, January 14, 2017 in the Thelma Blake

Fellowship Hall; starting at 9:30 am. Tickets will go on sale in December. Contact a Missionary Society

member to purchase a ticket. Ticket donations are $10.00. More information to follow. Dr. King Essay

Awards will be presented at the breakfast. Laura Terry, Missionary President.


Honoring the Rev. Dr. Larry E. Campbell and Lady Melinda Campbell Saturday, January 28, 2017 at

5:30 p.m. Place: The Thelma Blake Fellowship Hall. Tickets are now available. Please see any committee

member for tickets. Tickets are $45.00.


Sunrise Prayer Service Wednesdays 5:30 a.m.

Hour of Power Bible Study Wednesdays 10:30 a.m.

Sunset Prayer Service Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.

Evening Bible Study Wednesdays 7:30 p.m.

Church School Classes Sundays 10:00 a.m.


Page 10: ~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving Thanks Unto God Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock


20/20 (5.0) Initiative Kickoff

The 20/20 initiative is a funding project established to assist with our annual connectional budget. Financial

gifts donated through the 20/20 initiative are added to our collected conference claims and assist greatly in

meeting the first and second half of our connectional budgetary obligations. The Stewards Board is

requesting in total 150 participants for conference year 2016-2017. The first half of our budget is due in

February 2017. In addition to the 18 officers and 5 team captains we are asking 127 people to give 20

dollars per week for 20 weeks in addition to your regular tithes, gifts and offerings. Please mark your

envelopes 20/20 and allocate $20.00. Our goal is to raise $60,000. Again, this will satisfy all budgetary

needs on the conference level without utilizing any operational funds. Over the next couple of weeks you

will be contacted by one of the team captains seeking your commitment. Thank you in advance.

The Altar Guild cordially invites all young people age 9 through 18 years old to serve as Acolytes for

our Sunday Morning Church Services. “An Acolyte is a helper in God’s ministry”. Will you serve?

For more information, please contact Mary Harris, Stewardess at 626-797-1995.

Children/Youth Ministries

Children's bible study will be held every second and third Tuesday's of each month at 6:00 p.m. BEFORE

choir rehearsal. Youth bible study will be held on the third and fourth Tuesday's of each month at 6:45

p.m. to 7:30 pm. Please see Rev. Joan M. Taylor for further information. Children's Church is looking for

you! Calling all who have a love and heart for children and their walk with the Lord, come and be a

volunteer for Children's Church. Come and help share the word of God to God's blessings...our children.

Please see Rev. Joan Taylor.

Live Streaming

FIRST AME CHURCH, PASADENA takes great pride in internet streaming our worship services live,

spreading our goodwill to an unlimited number of people located virtually anywhere. Those suffering from

sickness or disease can find comfort in witnessing our church’s services remotely: from a hospital bed,

hospice center or in the safety of their home. Servicemen and women located across the country or overseas

find peace and a sense of home when watching the services of their community church. Our college bound

students can stay in touch as well. Please spread the word. The internet stream is available with any device

having internet access. You can go directly to our website, http://famepasadena.org/ and click on “Worship

With Us Online” or you may copy and paste the following link in your browser:


CHURCH ALTAR FLOWERS DONATIONS: Do you have an occasion you'd like to remember or celebrate

with flowers? Sign up today to reserve a Sunday for the 2017 Altar Flower Calendar! Floral arrangements are

$132.00 for both arrangements and $66.00 for those who want to share a Sunday. Contact Charmayne Mills

Ealy at (626) 798-1569, e-mail [email protected] or Karen Little at (909) 803-0525. We welcome your

donations in support of the Altar Guild.


Page 11: ~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving Thanks Unto God Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock


A PROCLAMATION BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A heartbreaking disease present in more than 5 million Americans, Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia

and causes people to lose many of the critical abilities they need to live independently. Too often, those suffering from

Alzheimer's cannot recognize their loved ones or remember how to perform daily tasks, struggling physically and

mentally with things that once came naturally. Although we have long known Alzheimer's to be irreversible and fatal,

we maintain hope that by advancing research and treatment options we can work to change these outcomes and ensure

brighter prospects for all those who face this disease. During National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, we

resolve to continue working toward this brighter future as we stand with every person battling, Alzheimer's and their

loved ones.

Alzheimer's disease is more likely to affect Americans as they grow older -- although genetics can also play a role,

age is the most significant risk factor. But Alzheimer's touches many more individuals than simply those who are

diagnosed. Dedicated caregivers -- whether professionals, family members, or friends -- are also emotionally,

physically, and financially affected by Alzheimer's disease, giving of themselves to ensure those who face it are not

alone. And because these individuals need access to information and resources in order to provide this essential care,

we launched www.Alzheimers.gov to give them a place to find help.

Through the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease, my Administration has been working to meet a goal of

being able to prevent and effectively treat this illness by 2025. Over the past year we have taken a number of actions

to reach this vision, including developing a training curriculum that gives health care workers the necessary skills to

care for dementia patients and better detect and diagnose dementia. We have also helped family caregivers look after

their own health, in addition to addressing the needs of people with dementia, and launched a campaign to increase

awareness of changes in the brain as people age so that older adults feel more comfortable having open conversations

with family members and health care providers.

In addition to ensuring anyone with Alzheimer's can access proper care, we must harness the innovative ideas of the

scientific community and work to prevent this disease. To ramp up research and development aimed at uncovering

the answers to diseases like Alzheimer's, I have increased funding for research dedicated to understanding, preventing,

and curing Alzheimer's and related dementias. I also introduced the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative

Neurotechnologies Initiative, which will enhance our understanding of brain function and give scientists the tools they

need to better understand and discover new ways to treat, cure, and prevent brain disorders. And through a bold new

research effort that seeks to deliver personalized care through patient-centered research and collaboration, my

Precision Medicine Initiative is working to revolutionize our understanding of diseases like Alzheimer's.

From researchers and advocates who are bringing us closer to preventing this disease to family members who

devotedly look after their loved ones, people across our country are doing their part to support those touched by

Alzheimer's. This month, let us honor those we have lost too soon and renew our efforts to ensure more Americans

can live their lives with health and happiness.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority

vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2016 as National

Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month. I call upon the people of the United States to learn more about Alzheimer's

disease and support the individuals living with this disease and their caregivers.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of October, in the year of our Lord two

thousand sixteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-first.



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Prayer Request(s) Please notify the Church Office of Sick & Shut-in additions, deletions, or status/address changes.

Bishop & Supervisor Fugh Presiding Elder & Dr. Kaye Lindsey Dr. Larry & Melinda Campbell Traci Stevens President Barack Obama & Family Dr. Johnnie Carlisle, Jr. Deane Jordan Jimmie & Mildred Nobles Tammy Collins

Gracey Warren Bobby Hearns Louise Cox Myrtle Anderson George Sumpter

Bobbie Thomas Richard Morrison Virgil Family Connie Richardson Kevin Williams Sharon Davis Tracy Anderson Jerry Powell Cathy Farrar Burton Family

Ruth Angela Patten Dr. Malika G. Hendry Mary Ella Lewis Peggy Williams Antonette Collins

Rev. Tonya Turner George King Jarrell DuPont Olevia Brown Michael Dotson Michelle Cole Joyce Montgomery Tanya Matthewson Leola Jones Flossie Wright

Rev. Alvina Berry Valerie Wright-Robinson Kathryn Ray Ruth Nolan Gregory Poarch

Barbara Buchanan Jordan Brown Olive Murphy Edward Woods, Jr. Jack Allen Bonnie Hood Gwen Jackson Carolyn Simmons Family Lamar Odom Norma Burnett

James & Joyce Johnson Isaac & Selene Cox Erma Bullock Henry & Brenda Sharp

Nina Christy Robert Dove Moore Family Ada Chaplin

Sick and Shut-Ins Vivian Ewing 692 W. Mariposa St., Altadena, CA 91101

Zell L. Hill 375 Barthe Dr., Pasadena, CA 91103

Juanita Lawson 975 E. Union St., Unit #103, Pasadena 91103

Juanita Mitchell P.O. Box 341918, Los Angeles, CA 90034

Alice Pulley Arcadia Retirement Village, 607 W. Duarte Rd #607, Arcadia, CA 91107

David (Dewey) Richardson 338 Mendocino St., Altadena, CA 91001

Bernice Washington 1201 S. S. California Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016

Alberta West Golden Cross Nursing Facility, 1450 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103

Mattie Woodard 6805 Snake River Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89130

Queenie Williams 325 Cordova Street, #113, Pasadena, CA 91101

Jesse Wills 676 Palisade, Pasadena, CA 91103

Carolyn Dewalt 716 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena, CA 91105

Elois Blizzard 3819 San Rafael, Los Angeles, CA 90065

Leo Tavares 785 W. Altadena Drive, Altadena 91001

Arnice Wilfong 8417 Mission Dr., Rosemead, CA 91770

Govan Hill 3649 Monterosa Dr. Altadena, CA 91001

Doris Curd P.O. Box 782 San Fernando, CA 94341

Gwendolyn Pitter 1888 Fair Oaks Drive, Pasadena 91103

Murray Huff 727 Coniston Road, Pasadena, CA 91103

Jo Ann Thomas 2272 N. El Sol Avenue, Altadena CA 91001

Yvonne Hagan 1550 N. Mar Vista Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91104

Mary Armistead 1135 Wotkyns Dr. Pasadena, CA 91103

Ron Brown 2584 Catherine Road, Altadena, CA 91001

Elbert & Linnie Nollie 2250 E. New York Drive, Altadena, CA 91001

Delores Mitchell 1132 Forest Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91103


Page 13: ~ Sunday, November 20, 2016 - Pasadena · 2016. 11. 19. · Unison: Psalm 95:1-7 (NLT) – Giving Thanks Unto God Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock

Sermon Notations

Scripture: ______________________________________________________________

Subject: ________________________________________________________________

Points of the Message: ____________________________________________________





Main Ideas of the Sermon:








Illustrations I want to remember: _____________________________________________________






What should I do as a result of this Sermon?:







