
PbOMOTBI)..Lieut.-CoL Jamea A. Ekin, tttrtQirhrteimMterof tbe Caratry Burtaku, bM been g>roaotod te th. rank or Oolonel lu the BbBMBT Army. a^rVI fJaaBf bl BBBTB1 of the lat Ilmaionuf tbeQuartcr- BBjater'i l>i»arBaent. Entorlng ai rechnontal qnarter- Bxaator Ib tbe tberao-moutha* aerviee, be amlited ln oa^iinarattiwyrairt' regiment, of wln.b ha wui made BfAjatalBaVOobBBt Whilo in tbe field at the bond of kta cooBandbo wm apoolnted Captaln and AuLitaat ajriartonnMter. aod orrir-red i<> li'bvMBfi M aPbat 4J}oartermaiter. fcbortly after be wai MBBTBd to lo kfiAnapoita aa Depot Qr.arterrxaiTter. Wkfk boldirg ffcli poeitloo.from Octotoer. IMoi. tlll Pecraber. !»->». giewM tirat made (aptnin in the BtogaM Amy. and afterward tatjrtyttod Msjor and LtaMMBBt Qataaal fbe duthBof th, afaaa *i thi.-i aaart M inafnVittia, ayndtbobiulneMooctiiiiu.l U> hBBMBM ii'ill it irrew to IkelmnMnie, making the Uhomof tMaafoM bothouer- pat and Irka-ime, In t><a-oit>er. iBBk bo wai urderod lo WMhiagtoa aa Chief Ljaarvenaaitaoi of the Coialry mBaraaa._ , Poi Th* TrStnii*. Mpara bm Tdhe Bar. The Bun'd bunface i-howa B far h-^b nnmlwr taf ojpota thia aeaaon thaa niuo'. and theae af ranch BBBBBf fjre, whioh may acconnt for th* titiu»ueJ haat aod nb- Beaoe of BoUture ln the atmoenhere. Theae boloa opot* may bo aailly aeen wtth an eitnvneTTilcr.l tclo ajoope of oxoderato power. wheiitfbe w* ii at a low alfi grade in the mornlng. tho imoky ntmiaiphere reu.'.t togtheuBnalaceoiiipanyiiigan.i eye pteoei aaperflnon* Okttd tbe Tlew nnanrpMied. My lait obeerration. Ai:ff. II. ahuwad me abont hAlf a d/>»>n ipoti whioh ntiit--dly fould no| amoont to tnon-, ix>mt>arative.y, thau tha kead of a plaon a diik of eighteen incbei. and in Mtflf aaaaona on^uarter of the entlre BaxxBOT wonld be oi .itBM oorarad with apou of varioua ilapra and PkBA 3l o. a * . Moalher wl BBB. WaafclnBleaa, 11. 14. BVMhUT IlOlBi;. MT. VVAMlINf.TOX. B. II., < p-rlday. Aujt. IB, 1844 j Th'i weathorhore ia fae, und dolightfnlly aaooa. The therxnoineb r eiaad* tbi* moruing at Hi : 'AilTeitiaeinenLl Ai.tVTH Hocsb. llARrpoRP, CoNK..while the aanal raawrto at tbe aeaaide aud Ibe ipi.ngt an uneorn- IWtAWy oroaded, we do the traTehnir patlie a fnvor OT OillinfT attontion to the elegant ac-d-iinmudattorii of IM tflllTn Hooae, TbU Hotiee ia tiew. tbe haili and roorni are larpe and airy. and tho cullnory arr«ii(aeraent* MaalaVbrl few botola in tbe r>.unt.y. ^udiTiaPu i nnd .aVm.lie* Ib quMt of a qciet and envant »<.">-£"*»"*¦ * Barm montha con find their wi*b*i ratiiktW tl tbu Oatabliihmetit The BraaaM protinetor, Mr. K. *7. Al rn, f-ipcniei wllh no luiury which the market BffirfA K BBBBBTf and drina »l«'nt Uartf-rd are tvlcbrnvd for their beaoty. few i ities af equiU riau arOBOBbaf t»on laiiiioroua attractiona to itrjnkrt'ri. (UarUoidCottraat. f AdTartboraonL] Bh-WBl AjrBI0».» FevKB A14D AOCR CtTRB. A inre oure for Ferer ar.l Agae. lt ueror taJa. lKpol bo. rjy, ldUirty -IL, up aluTJ-a. J AatTartlieaDeTit 1 8rx Ybaiw F.ipfrikmcx, withont faimre, and 4b. BaBBMOT »f huodrada of onr be*t citbfaa, b tbat th* Beo-OLAB AiAikM iaLBOtura teude-i a bu.,.» bmkai uroof.* lact wonby th* atieoticn tf aT.rr -i-ir-n BViAfuv prtHM-B iac. , j- Hi)tJ|M (j; w, Hroadway. Snsinces iNcticcs. A SlQB OF THB TlME8..Mr. A. MoBTOrt, the Boibaa-t nuaOutar.tur.r of Ould r*ni, hru kl lei I'-h layeo rom- aolbd b, Um oontanui! tdruie. U nomlnil Talu**. ratuod b, tbe iBOatiM of our Co-rene,, to iAtboc* tb* pricM af hit (oadA. H* ba* (taod ont throagh tuao, moolhi, lucurrtui BM*Ty lo****. ia tbo bop* tbit tb* *nd of tb* War wouid avaoBedil, oaoabla tiia to botaat Bat ba bai loltt bb F«ni 4broo|bout at Peac* priea; bnt b* xive* bbBm t<ni», tbat h* Baa *land *ut oo lunr»r aud muat b.n -*i\r b rduri* er.u'.*b fbl hli iraod* to oorer tov-lr PoeL Tbi* b tarinod aa adTince ia avarlrvai, hut oot qutt* ac-surat*!,. P.Tery fainaar tu bu, one, B dooeo, o* a buaired af MoBTOBl Pena for -.. Prodnan. .rary kTAiAuiiaotoror tor Lvta, Clolb, wtj wcrkman Ibj lo*. liabor, tbaoln 1*0, Il b *lmpiy a readjaitioaut of nooilnaj B* actual Talu**. We hof* to b»ar tbat hla Irad* t* -itiaf-ct. d fe, U; for w* bold lt uaua true lr-lereat to buy my nmra lhaa tu eeli fooda fcr laaa* t ur n kbelr hnoett eoeL ITrlbuoe. JjI; 17. "~klBA WlBSLOW*b booTHlsu fiVRUP.-Por chil- |tm« TaB>tlabaf Corova tiyaaaletr aad Daarta.*» lef abU* tb. BBBBBBl * B*w*l*. *nd eara* VVInd Caiia,_ I" yon want to know, &.c, rpad Mipical Cnaaoii BMba A Mttooibook for cunon. p*<.pl*. and i ruod book fer enry .na. Piioe B| bu. Tu be lad a ail nowi depota. 4ont*nU (ava-a ai.tkao frr -. A .. Ur. K. H. PooTt, No. 1,130 Hroadway N. Y BATcntOR'a FIair DTE..The best in tho B*rbl Pirtoet. aat'oTil, reiiabb. kano.**i. aud inat*Bt«Be*iii ta »«.*_ Ther.-B. -e . ai|a*d VVnaJAM A. BaTCBBLOB. fkoU by ab Urutf.tta. PaeAory No. II HarrbTAL_ EXTAACT OP 8WKKT GrM. CtraM DllBaBKA. .>oid at No. li Ooldak, aod b, aii gragr'ata. Piice 60 eoBnta._ ^tSoMBTHIRO NEW..The NOVELTT Ml'RO- fui nhoiuloT. tb* wondoifui taaalfof ftairea aid li.aeovu. Mauad,pr*paid. fr i't. b, H< SIT < BAiO, o. 180 Caiitra-et., N-* Y-ni. Liboi-l di-o .ui tudaJ-ia.__ BBAtrTIPt'l, LlVB-LIa-B PlCTTJR_A Cmrtaa d* Viiit* *- per daaven. t*apBaBB Bl 40. Ail aef- Ive* rerbterad. R. A. Liwi*. Ne. i.'.'lihatban. it, N. V "" Artii>tcTal LiMita by E. D. HtTMOV, af. !>., flowTark, Aator.alaea. GbBBB M "P .-"-.. U. S. v,.liar. ¦nd monrvai fBrnlaho-d witnmtt rbarf* by ortbr oi tttfttm- 4W. H*roiooiid. li. S. A., aiod nui|ai.u VS beutu, I'. .'- TBUSSB8, ELASTItJ HTOfKINQS, SfSPIiNSORY BiMnnu. r^rrroRTaa*. kc. -Mimm A (io.l R*die_i(ii_o *lTuu (3t7ir*.only «t .N". 3 1 raay »L Laily ata.udaiit._ ~»;ii.>v_R & BaxkrA Higbeui Pretmiim, Elu.a- B* btib-ii «iwi.iG-.MivliJ'J, No*. 4*J Braadway, N*w Tork, anti 13k Pulton aC. HIooIItb^^_ " lVt)BT^ROOCHE4, EAR-KIK03, COMM, HaIB* .tbi. HUBTB-bcrtom. kc, aanaut-d ITOUT, Bl Wai.- flo->tt'l. No 871 H»"AiiWAt. oppoaiioi t:_ taabrapataBa, arijtu .f tbe Ootvoaa Ktai-iiA7.iT. _ "" For the llair BCtd 6klit.liAKiiv'h f rucfiiiJitt- BB8, the boM BDd rl-spei.t arti.-_B. BabjBjl ?eaaT .aaa . To I. Buy yoor M»* aow. oaluaof^B^ aua_.p-Ux *oti on aial BBBbBM to* jarir*. Thk Diamobb P*aiaBk MiTCR, lle btaat ta Uwworid, are iaiiiin .*r|>*T ir,oa. »r.y othen, M tle Lobl iatABCIACTi'tiaio ( o a. N-i.'.'. Corlbnd aL T'UB ABW A5P LtN (PALMKn'rv I'ATEVr) KUJ4. fbed Tur Duldieri by tle iniaut-r. g. PftABI PalMBB. tif ojoo- Artlat. Proadway. r< 7. AMBf flM*. M. I"., IM8 :-¦.- But-*c. Pblla. liy ord i uf tb* 8?t.aOKia<«a»taUa. Wl7BRt,EA A WlliSO.S-'P BlOHBWT l'RKVflUM t**ara Stttob 8awiao M*ci::Nia, Bo. b 'S Bl. I '- lf. iin.n. ttARv7'TT.f>n TTi-.roday tMMBBf. Ati^ !!, cf MBMB4W eoiri. plaiH. KoaMlB. JMa-l tifrlH ti VvUliakwBM Wl'* r-iattro* and frie:. ia of tb* familyar* laittod .- -. * 'nueral ou rla.ur.'a,. Aoj. U,M U a. i.i i.o-. . *> <,'^r*puaoe, Hrotkiyn. B>.i)K)R0-*t G'*t .ii. N- V., -b Th-iraiiy, A-f, IL faliaard Unntlni bad ord, ;r ,b) ot i. M ol ii 11. aud AuBk H*Tier Il*,ll,..-.l ,r* 1 3 y.aia. 7 i ...i.r,a MoJ tk d*>». f-.uiiv frcm the ii. D. fBBlM uf 0*e.m.M Hiv-itda; M i p m. B> RTiNK.AlMoont V.-irin. rai ThurarbT. Aof. 11, rhivlla Au. i-l. *oti<.f8aii..a. li. i_d M.ry A. BorUiie, «|*47 y**n, 8 tn uthi and 11 d.i 474)JtN\VKI.I..fh, ln'ty. Aaa, 17, WillUin K. Cor.iw,!!. ln tbe 4'id yaar of bii U(a. _ , I Mn-ra! frrta bla B llBtBM No. lW IVo-M Purtyelfhth BheMl, on Monday, lllB, at 'l u'. .oak p. Bk. CROMW ELL.On TTtBlltBI. Au{. ", t i.ari. * Cioit.well, aon uf Jrhn and the lateaWaa Crco.a-*:) .;). r * t..*.-t and .*>¦ eavere lltaaas, o$ri M yeara tad 4 moutbi. Jlunrr- (rom taabaaaaaf bb u:..:*. Natba.-.!*! Hawxhurtt, noar Rahwty, Se**oth day, it 3 f, ra. 13tL in*'_ fXLI.KRY. PBBWd to tbo lro.uuru. Iil*. -a, Th-.riarUy. Ae;. 11, lOVi, Mary J. i.iiary, wi'o ot >'paa P..>.ii.ry, afad 31 ,Mrt and i. nioutbi. " D.-aih b but a kliei Kod 0B*BBBS a*nr* ,t. who unbveokl «.tu noUela** band U't'i Bowef-eacirei*d duor to iknwu Iho** we .OT*. " f/ taaal «n RootUy. t4th lnac. fr.. ai bar bt* rMtdetvce., No. Ml ...- >i.d Ufti. i : - v . of tb, i.ov ln*lt*d. f/OX-Oa Frld*,, Aui, 11, Mr*. 8vnL wldow of TBarnM g, Paa tftf i-*tlTB* and frtertd. of tb* ta-'.ly, ai*o thoa* ef bar lea- lu law Edward Rutk tr. liiTitod aU*ud th* foaaral at Ht. l,uk*A Cborch, liuibuo atreet, OfapuiMo Uroro *tt**t, M Bonday M lf o eloek. JP.NKINS.lo N*wbnr|b. N. T oa Tbtr.l.T Anf, 11' Waitof, v n of Cbaa «. and Carrb E. iraklua, t|*d 7 .i i.lbt tnd 17 de,*. BtcCALI-- Ib tbb city. oo Tharaday, Atif, 11, 3atnt*, MeCall, Ib tb* 7iid yei.- of bb afe t*bc fBaanl wiil take phw* f ni tn, r*a!d ric* of hla brotber bi l*w. !au..-a Iiorii.iai (Jraha.. No lt TA'aehlia|tvn Hquar*, an Saturda*. the I'lth iual at 8| o'clock *. ui. Ti e rel* Bmei nl Meudi of thi Uiuliy . Urlud to altoad wlihoul fMkhM kVOtAo*. VARIArt-Al PrekikMl. on Wadaraday, Aag. II, taaac L. Varia_,lo IheT-th yeBofhltaaa. . . Tl,a raUtivai aad fnaadt of Ihe famity are reaeaetfully lavrBe* ». ittei.d tbe funera! on B.turda-. liKh Ina., M l| p '»¦. finiu h . hvt* r-ii.ier.ea. Cairlaaaa wIM ta la wtiilag M Pcnkaiill on Ibe arriral of tht lu a m. triln from New-Yorh. IKAIr-Oa Huiidty, loly 14. a th* l.o.|-it.,l, Daratiir., Abu, Corp. WehaBcT Tetl. of the 11th _*cti_*4it, N. T. V., afVer a «i. .-I BbflflBi 'fed 18 yeara MtHKITTKICK-Al Yonkert, ob Thnriday, Ang, II, Harbert IV fli mn, teeoud ann of Alexandor iad Llliie MunkitUicA, arad 18 year., i moutht and 11 d.yi. BMITH-At PitTMald, Matt. M Wednaeday. Ang. 10, Kata t., dtugbu-r of Inac T. and Kliaabett. P. Btnlth of thi. city, ir*d .i yeari /anaral oa Moadty nait tt 8 p. m., frora tha Kirtl Kaptlil Churuh. rora. r of Kruoin* tnd Klittbeth itreela Tbe rraa- tirat aud t: U ud. tr- .aei.--.ijny Uivitad to atteieL STAttR.ihi Th'jr*.i«ye-eninr. Aar 18. tl Yonk'n. Haory Ueokrr. in'Ant i.m of O. Wlnthrop .nd Mary E. Starr. I'uurrtl i«o_*-» on -atnidty rt 4 waktat p. ru. Tho relaUv-B an) f laata uia i.apeetAdry brtadio niond. TORBTBB fta Kridiy. Ang. IX afUr a -rrrare aad knfarlng ii!n ¦" Mra EQea Torran., ee.-d jti j-rar*. The frbid. <A tha f,i.i!v BM rr.peerfr'lv b_NM M BBM harfuaeial at I a m. to'day, tiom No. -9a Weat I ourt. eutb ttreri. I)a»rnlt ptpa-B pl*4*e eopy. TUlTDV-At Maaaa N. Y.. on Krid.y. A-.a », jM*l Knrdy I-, tbe 74th y-.r Bf LU ag". fonnerly uf W'UU Ttautt. Wett. ehattet Coanty, N. Y. TA1.1.MAS.At Byaak, ¦> I- °a Frid.r, Aur. I?. after a li^ering illnom. T. Snilta Tallman, lu tbe Wd yatrof hta Thr frimJ* of Thr fai-lly tra tnrltrd to iHecd hit lnnrr-l rrotn ht. into rciid. Boa, Nyack, to-day (SaurdayJ ' a » o'chvk. w1lh«..t furtbar notic*.____________ Cprriul _\0tuf*. :^^[kmt\-.,.i . ': ! I 1- 4I- o 8 . : S r R 2_. : li_-_.oBr_!>K!19a:_': £ 1 KRI'Ha^-ff^B'i : ft fi A>a*aw3-.i tr3a.j-» . H U . £- BBflMB .»?'; ; ¦ M ad i igjlflf; iiffl j a a |f . laCHlSB'i? iril? 5 ° 5 > Q : . _. 3 I r / . u, . -. h> J_ .. _> i: r; ¦.-. o ! ? a i w b s . n : B _.:'".. U . O R?°i -1 .-. 7 : f* : W r_tra. i! *S a|li ! b . < B,Sa ta* ri y.i,. ; w L....*.?!?*!.!t..P.....f.!."...:..... t'Bevaller'a MKE roB T.'IK HAIR. R«.lor.-t Oray H& to ltt on.'in..l Mbr, ttopt Ri ftlltng BM lu thr*e U-v«. Aeeyi th, Aaad r'.-on rn..'aad btak-M, wBl i."l ataln tha «kia or a^U thr fabrlr. Tiie b>-4 t.nlr dr. at Inf «v»r ober. d la lha PaOBa Caa ba uied frarly. , BtB-M Iio.hinrtr.j.irioti>;«t- -.'! IM rn! j,i r,.:irrt<-a t'.e jTowtli afOM treaka.t 1 air. ii -BBBB_MB_td B-fMad bpBbdbM-MMtal ¦ immatttp rn Bta li rk. Ail are bwaty i..v.l-,l to ai.inli.e Ihb wiiajerhii trlii.pb oftdanra. Huld .'. ti... d.-;i, t'.or. a Bfl| al BryM-taB,Balaia Bwalwey. ahMi Mbba Mto traataaM will br .-ratiltou.'y niven. Iru^i Al p^'r botllr| OB per ha.f do-rn, in faiiry taiv.a Caa Ire aar.t by riprrta BABAHAI BBVALIKA B. D. BL-nXiN-UOLK, COBDIAO, CRATIUNO ANI> i:M- BROlDERlBO BBWING MAOHI-fH, Ita-bMaa Ebtara-td hytkta r-tttmyBlBab tnd N v-i «a» il ini ar. BM -uiv a-; .1 .' ll b .1 hand nude i-i ti.a i..-. ng tb*B ln taeetyenthe wreag-kta. Btdthy 3ri l.leb «ob_ad-ai_b j |n-. HOLK PlBWBRhF-l. ()-.-,*. i!,, , .aiykted! luiike other oWwbig "vl.i.e. .' -anofaMarat ta awa i li, -..;, ARB ' irRD. * v 1. ono oi IM ;r*«t aarhi. H r..n be wagked aaa b] aaj To* I lady, wboi IU rtai Ur* -Byieiperi en-a uitXofiuai l,OvM) ic l,?-.«l 1'ar.iv t l.uTtou II i.. ¦ 1.1 BM !;, 'rar-rr iru i_id Nraille. »<.< rr-.pany aaak M-J-'rlne, livery 51 hia. ,. VV_rr_-tad fur I w-'te M;Btl.a Ma klaei caa he t.*r, in fal apafaHM B on aaa t^u. ttr-re, No. ha^i Broadwiy. i.rtr lii. ..rk. r wh. re li..'r t~i. roaBM tie r,..IforZ-ubra, PR-I8AU A flKCtTB, Agaata, Altcntlon, I.fldta-a aud NaraCBr-Mra P, R. M. PCrTTKB'a BOCeTHlNU COROlAb f-1 uiM.eo lt an iuftl- :.b'.. r ri.iv ir laeeMaB Mttatawtta, ataiera iafar.t.! i-riUbtlrtv oftempe-. b-»t af kead in laal ing. ilr.r.- .. - ¦oftnoM tu lha gaaa, aad tUaaftkea-ag w.-vk rabae. .''. . > a. .. othlag Btririia. romilalag na aai ttUt paaaaawhaieear, B*.era_cai cvn ba prudai'ed fuiu l.., umM aad-CM pnya'.rai- *iold al ^7 tlold tt and Mb av., It y., ».d t ra^a. labta .-/¦-.. Mra l)r. Potler r.n b* .. .iai ab '*ta Auiav aa al i_M4-ea of wmoan tnd chiUran. Paaraleaatl Doaaaieaal I DF.MTJI.CENT I Thta latlrefy aew ft-np ta bayond all eaBB-rtaea Ita keM ren.aoiiod yat "ferad faf CliaiTTXi; Olt TCNDER HANBS. THR BVRRCBT, ANf) ALL TOtLtT VBtA Mta-lactarad anly by J. O. HUIali'S HON. No. 3A PARR ROW.R. T. tVhr, alto off.n apward of IBA -ariettat of Toitat and Sttpli Batpt aad Candtaa Kot tale by rt, «t all ratpaeuhladaatara Dtaaaaad Hlawa. of ai! daarrlpvir-t. frow twoi.ty 6ra dollan ta M-tn hnndred dubait eath for aale by OKO. C. ALLKN. No. 411 Brordway, .,- d.-»r halow Canal rt foroterly No. 11 WallM. CLU.SK U U.N QAtMBBAlfl a Jo'etaek_ I n_ar.Mta)B»^dlni-B^NKVV ATTLK8 -Intt Baaatoad, Ttaaa Pwa s7vao,Trn. 'iwelve. rif_)*B.Twenty W «e*aaty 6*. t aat. Kor aa)* by UKU. C. Al.l.K.N, No. 411 Broadwty one doot bataw C-ual tt btirt ctaied M 3ai'_r j bya m J a aieok. IMPAIHKD 8IOHT, NOI8I-8 IN TUE HBAI), OATAKIUIAIaAFFKOTlONaiN THE THROAT, OHItONIC CATAJUUI, CATAKKH OP THF. TYMPANIO MUCOU8 MF.MBBANE, OBSTRUCTION OF THE EUS- XAVUIAU TUBE, CUlil'D. Ult08Si:\E BTltAIQHTENED B ONE MINirTF., lade-erydlieiaaof thtKyier Ftr requlrtag ettha Bedi-a or targtee! ald Mtrr.ded |o BT DBt VON l.IHKNIJF.lta, Aathorel "Suigt-al aod Praetleal Obterratioua oo tka Dta- eatet of tha Kar, wbuh tha Nrw Mod* ef TreaU-eat," at hta "fLcm> No. 810 .UlOADWAY. OiTMO.vs Of TBI H-Hf-TOlI FUlktSb Prim Yjt Juixa: '. of Connner a OATAKRH CU11ED. T1IK OABfl OF UITCIITNGri, TUK "UBBS-BM CALl L'LATOtt." t TLere ru pnbUi-ed hi iLete cohuini t taw _*yi ilnea tta reaiiikabta cure ol ¦abh-BBk 'ha " Li/htufog Mtabb*1 maell known to _b r<-M"' dnrlag thu riar.y l.e ai .-.. J .,.-.. ..»¦.'.. .-. a ,. - ¦. al l'.t:..-:. . Mata- nm, ty t-» ctiebrafed Ocuiiai anJ Auritt, Dr. V-jb Klienbarg af ll_aclty. llolcUngt ta reprateotad to Ltra beru atth* pointuf dactb, and, bat for llai t.mly takB-bBBBM af BO d<vtor. w.iild now bo raotlng ln h'i rTrtvt. T!ita lt t r-ipjirk. b'.a rat*. tad worthyt_ettUn'lt.nufparroi_itii_llar!y all.Urd Wa tblnk ll li hot jurt to Pr. Vou Kianhirg to c_U poLlta gtaa *l i lo thia -.»*. There ara bnadredt ua the tuui uanlty . af r | .'r. a .t-rt.. wi. BM tbe " I.', h-r.Ur «'a>i.later," il not tatuj_y pr.yl-f f»I tlea'.h, ar. leady t" trcopt of t >y l_i-., ta_tt pr.aiiaea bo teiiare ult. in .'roru itair dutrea^w. To , .. !. we wotld a»y hrtAa aul »i:« iacapailenead a..:., it eonio!t.wirlio;.l ui_i*reat*/y d/wty, Dt. Vea fctaea-erg, Brikflj alleiat, haitha bitrw-rty toaaaura :. i pa- .ui w-a-eti ilil wi'.i.L. I ii powet lo n.tke tb-B ahoia ar aat DIAFMBII OUUKO From Th* Trlhnaa V.KXKH TO TH* DF.AF. Xierymtn tud a.per.aliy evrry Wnman, balia-et la 1 i* 11 hmpbyabtaL Ih a *ra phl imB-tal aaata wbu-j. haht|B MakaMBaftah b Al p'Uy.urU.-'optthy.orllydr.ptaiy, artot* »'!... ronn of KMntiu cert. Lul a iii tba wutld rt l.rra lha br'!a." lt BM ln Uw eyew-m, but ln tha d.. tu.. Ka ;* tt'yli thit tr.te tt itfiidt e-rirt* a.i CM Bb I .¦» BBXhal wbo Lu mseaaaad bb ttafai m hb betrir.g i. . .r. t>._i fta MbMBg aaetl have baea reatnred to -Ln hy aa oOni pnatitiuaei Ibaii thal (artk witr on. :.* w'. m kli . ,'i <w 0»-t aa.arT.rad. Ih. Vea Klarritari U ain.teg e.-r b*«t k-iwr. loriata, Ha bat aoi irniu.uvui brutber pra-tltl n-r l*a ay*.. tul lu wlw.* iklll. thrraf.wa, wa b..lne lUn aTl tluara I'.ul we ttar of Llm frcm thota wbo ettaem tlrn ne! ' * -I, li I njrgeon, brt at t brnafarvVir A r*r*«.t .»te tjit brrn -r ta'.d lo u.. fur Ibe U-.tbfuia*ti-f a IJ wa can « ¦¦.' w. oan BBBM Bo ntruea Tlt paBflM w_i t tady who bad tatn Ueaf ftoru luftny. t. t rolieeq .*- a af ,.v - of tho i__-*t.ll lo wbl-h BH-bM arr li-bta. latt'-ily tbe diieate ljjd t_ttfl aa trute BMB, tnd tiie pitianb »lt BBkpMI M rnteoB to-er'ng Th* riraf..aet w.- BhpkBpb BBbg c.iopl-t-. u.J -M :tB_r». Ihaakhble-Aiji. dov .. _er Ur |1 J.. ,'. .ii:*..!!!'.-. 4»laud_r.t tpen contUnt pi'ru Oi.lituvy tnl ..r.u..ry t'lelee wne naadawi tnJ Dr. b ou BbMbaSg ott catrf..! lu. OTi Baed nr.t rapeal Ltadu^r.otii; fur UjA w ouiJ bo ou.y all.taf hard namatta ;!.e BBBBMl '-* BM bt dr'.e ted tt . .: '.ua tatt of dLtoaae, hiitlnone umtlcn of tht orga-um. Iheala ano'Ur, aad arBt BBatpahBlM -.Biiifaiat Ut 1-iijb: wat ac- rvirtta, be rraiurrd Ihe ct'itet, tnd ... wbo fuia lofaacir. luiletrd wi'L Aifrla.iltT, anl I»*t*r!y hrrdly at a'l. tflt* ataiad, flrit tn paila.-t h-BBk : tnd th r, I , |*rf.<t be-llh. Dr. V'oi. Flaen'.eri'a-Jvar' i t rt 'a'.i if'.a. eaai, wLlfa -.,, taM lii'ly ir v.a. tl.,Ufii tot »: l_a tal .*'- ¦"- b I L.ib ItathMhaM e*'«. i e.»r Pmm tu* CbbdM (taM blUHT BE8TOHED. covcnvafa im am» oculuii. Of lac fcr- BBB-ta thit Brk k BB MB tael.-.g I, tbe in,.l iiu I'.jrtai.t ir.d ttttt \ J :*L Iu pr rpartiaa aa I.I. ituao faa) ua, wt are rcj . .il'..< l»a'|,.r>»iiit.^ Ill .i. iy d-t'i' f flight Low OmB » o. .d beiur BBBBBBBb iruw rJ;c, tnd how li_i 1 ed .. .i ai^Le.-a uf ri tion ai.d MMBbflM lindcwed 1' lha Bflbaaai Lerou.a. t naw rrtii'.n, tlettad a Bk i" t'.t) aad uivei..-»d by ii l.ulle BMMp BM ¦. BBBM ftlta lo aii-ct tbo mlad aod ...»'. For raretil moiiiht ptrt thit haa beea t pr.ett-a t.b.r.-t to na An L.fltrn.d f.-idttion of the eye'lii, roir.rj. ui, ttlng allta Ika paat^ aaademd Ita .,.*..uc of .-lly laBta qji ..uly .. .'il. bn* d->i/» ¦.¦ a AltribulUig it to tht eiTeea of . r.old, ae andured ib Ihtiugh the Mprir|, wltii ll e 1,..;« llu' wllh Ihe return )l weaih.-r lt », tii an'.l.ely £ Ipp Hot ln tl.i. we we.t Jairjied to dlit^'.niU'i .-nt. BbbB ir* taraed,kataMbmwaariadfligb. tVha Mhara aaalb . .-.-..:. thmaagbam *i beema bb taalaBBV *. a gaaaatmfb rilaticf oui rtta to a rrt-nd, ta aii'.nd iu tbat t I'.tnJiar BM la hii own lamlly had raoenUy baea treaU-i wl'.h e-iiira . trcaai ly I)r. Von Fiteaberg of tldt rity. Sa'.fylig .... a-.rri l.y BMB l*ni, u't/Lnrj.lrirt thtJ the IWtoT ta M MB ;!rlc. t-'t t k Ir.l'ifi.i oroliit nd titlit, wi. u i .d«J tn Mek tbr hriM-fit of M> ti-Nltnv..'., wi.i h vtt iuvvt now r> k aataawb-gl at r-ry j. u. ILiuib Lul a i.-w w... bb *-r Lii. ir*. tbe flppflaa-MB of anr eya, h». tvtal'y cl.uige»L Tn* | "pi-1IBBB tul! tnl clear, tad ti* BbflM BBB-flb BM BaM .:.! .u,'i- j', .-- TU I'.a '. ar.yi Ibal , optle i i ,e ktt t wi.ktL-.l, and tbe riliua aaauiutd a ii. ..... .1.1 . r ttala, -fl- '.I. i mcrt ur ti t'J tb* ¦,.,. iL. .-a, aod ......:, Bg. lf oegiettad, toend ln Atuaoroila <.; .:.,:...i'i, wt ha iie»» ta tha tarm whirh ..-..' a'a appiy to .... aftrtad ti were aara Hivlng nhttined tbt Biarb dailnrd, vr take r: -«1 pleatara lo iclnowtadg-!ng our ,1-bt. !.-... to the taieut of Dr. Voa Etaentaia »'¦ * f ca-icg tn lt th* ittaattan of oLmmi who aiay bt tuffertag Ti.-.-n a ihuilar tt trrn wum roaditlun ef their ayaa lt it tad Uitl KroHdaaee proiidoa ib t.-.i.dtlt far etery bana It it eertaio Ihat tha aya la, la ttate, tnhJK-t to te-arer thali tbta formarly. Lat nt be thankful,, thtt ii wa ln. naw tha tamionrlai whi h dattroy Ihe argtn ot vl.1 .n, tha | r ,:-a.« «f . lenoa paoe with Matt ., II not lo tdrtBca of Iheau Of, Ii.t, N. bll B&OABWAT, V. B. 7*30 Laaa. The Berrotary of ths Tn a, 1; y (Itm aotlo* tlutt MDaertf ttOM will b, racaioed for Coupua Treiaar, Nute*. payahl* brrae yaaia from Ao|. IS, IB64, with aeml aonaal MbOT al tbe rato ef .*t.b m4 thre* teoihi p*r eeut per anuio,.otiaot- ptl and iatarett buth to b*> pald la ItwM aiooey. Tbe** BkM will ha rouTortibla M the oftloa of tn kolAat M maturtty, lola .U P** eent gpjf. boarloi bondi, payakl* aM Im* ll.*" bva nor loti tbin tvraii y yru. fioru tinir tbu, a, tbe O.T*ror_*nl may eleeL The, wlU tva taaued la tteooaai- tBfaMOf ?». BK*. .*".- *'.*"* tni .'.onC' tai ¦" ¦*. irnptl-ii oiuM b* for Bft, dallari or i.rre niehlpU of tft, gabM Tba notet wlll b* lriaMn.lrtod to the ownatifr*.* traaa- porlalioo cluri** M looo aftor tb* teoelpt *f tf** ort«in*l Gw tlrVitet of IBpeadt M tbe, e*n ti prepmxed. Ai tb* not** draw lnt*r**Tt from Au-uit 13, parieni taailnf d*po*iti iuhaefl.aie'.t to that date inuit pa, tb* Intora-ot te, .o>d fruoi dit* ef not* to date of ibpoolL fM'.lri kBfatBMg twotf,BM abBBBBd d-lWi ind upmeard for UicM ootei lt au, oa* BBB Bal be ailvwed a ooinoibaloo of noi-qitaner %t om pir eent, which will be pald by tn TrMniry Depcrtroeot upon th* PBSBBtf of a bUl for Um lanoaut, cettihedto b, th* BBBB with irt-oio th» d*poitl ».* ..-.--. Ne u> fur t»rnn,bi.oni BtiA bo trk*da from t.i . diBBBBBi bTLClAI* ADVANTAGKS OP TIIIS 1*0AN. It ii a Natiosa*. Batikoi IUbk. ottViH? * hithir rat* of Ipterrit tcin an, etrw, and IV bttt l*r'.«fja. An, MTin** b'^ATrLichr.)iit*depo.i'<^» M l'. 8. Notr*. eoniiden th>l it b p*,lr.| tn gM be* elroulalii.i m- BBM of Ibe 'oantry, Bal U faiiavoJ pi, an anjtba.| beite.', Ur iu ewn iae«* tn ei'.hcr in UoTenunaol **ciiik.b* or ia uokt* ot boadi payabU (a tioTerunaaal papar. lt 1* eoj.ii.dl, M * t' rr.p-rrtr, or patxau-eut la- ,T»*tmenL The nit?* can alwiyt b- ioI I for wt'hin a fraeUoo uf tbeir f.a, mJ a'-umulAU-d bibff**?, and ira th* Ult .*> eority with bir.i.* ai collaUriJi for illa.-ounti t\iNYKRTlriU-: INTO A SiX PBB < K'.iT 5-'a!0 iK)U) rlO.M). In ad-lillon ta fh* TM, Utaeril lntti«*t eo tlie Notoifbl thraei vetn, thil p-'.vtlaja ef entivari'ain lt now t, r!b liiont three por r*r.l p*r axnum, for tb* com-ol r*te f-*r 5 M Boodl ia n>t IaM fbia. wtwttm ttwttWwmtwM, before tha w.r Ua* fMBBBB oo .!. paf eaol U. 8. .miocki wu o/*f t«eu», par eent. It will b* aiaari thal tb* aeti.rd prtit on ll.b I-oan, M IL* pr*.-: '. niirki-l ra., U B"t baa lhaa t*o pM etnt per MBBBk 1TV KXPMrTION PROM FTATK OB, Mb^iriPALTAtv- ATION. 1,0'.. ttide f .ui ail tha aatrioUf** wm U»r» .uumer*J>d, a Spa-iiaJ A. t of C-eafr*M extmptt all r.wtt and Trftnty S lat /*»*! 1-viJ tu*ttr%. On tbe BTerrat*. liib *xrmptioo b worth a: v '. two per -nt pM au.-r.i, atve ilituil to tha rio- of .ra.-tioii la tart-vu ptrti of th* eountry. It it baBMOBd BM nafta-orlli-aotTer MgaM BBBBBaBBMl to b na ii a. tbaa* ia*n<-3 by tha, (Imaran --.nt Tn all tVhtt furrr.a . f babutediiaiA, th* bith or abuuy of priTat* iwrtits, or Maab r "Iipanie*. er .epirtl* rocmtultl**, <a»Iy, b pl*4|-aj ta ptyo eul. whi.e th* VBSb D*vper»y of tb, roun- try I* BaM I > ia -are. i>* rJl*cli*r|e tvf all tla- al,.'falioB8 lf th* L-nl'-alPiAba \\ i> tb* (<or,ai,iii*Dt (jfi-n tli* rr.-v*t ilViaU t. rjit for tt* Lo_.t K loeii. TM tl^l A. Tei, itiuB|rf. Ipp«»l wU bo to tha byalty *i. t pMrtu4«ui ef th* r-» p.*- BaBfaaBkB citdaoat** will b* laiued ttt ait ttopo.i a Tno p.ny BBaaaBtBJ BBBl indiri. i.p. u tha or\.pa*l rB-7'la4V.'e(h* daBoo.lui'Ioo ot oolM r*qtilrt^. tndwbetloBf th», i.-e'a . . u. biai * ..r faytba* lo oiJ*r. VVbeu ao iaaior.ed. tl aa-a**. bft » Bb tb* offkar tl-r d*po*il, '* ba for vtar-'-^ t-, tb* Trraaury Daparta-etiL PfBa RIPT70N9 Wll.I. BK BPlTIVVP by Ua* Ata-rra.r TarA*.BBBJ o* i*ta l artaa. r-iAtra, c rm** ef v\»j .ad Baaaa M In-r-.i- v. BaM OT Waa v.t Nn. i)V." *.. BatBBaTfarmn BiMMaaTtTrai "-if hBiJv,**. 1 aiiB Naroi .*' Kisa o* Naw \n*t. N-v 5 Naaaia .!. Iorara »*»a ur N*w Voax. Bl ,r.d l-i Pai* *C lir.a .'-A1104U Baib «f Ntw *n, B*4 3J' M .*. rixta Natioiax Uaia of Niw Toaa. »'h it k Br'-laray. Fiobtii BdrfBHUaBaABBOTBBB N ona, N.s .'. Hrneilway. Ni-ri- Natiobai '(ajibo* Naw Yoaa. Nu. :«vi . . ., TiiBTB PaAartasn Uabb o* New Vobk. B4 "4" awaMWBBB, Ca.ri-L BJBaMai HAsa or N'a* Voaa. N* "l Baaaa ab :iii.,..!).i..uii« Uaaao* BM '.-.*-. BM tb aTafbab ..-I j ... Noa .. I-i-Ia Bbfab ue abpoiiUrW* nl fubtb BBBBBj ANl) Al.b Rl IbbBBbI AND nANblf.aVB ti -i ..h.i.i tba eouotry wiU aluohtUaM APFDhll PACILITTE-I Tt) .SIIBSCblBl'ILlt. A ateaat rtinpT *td* hli* are helag itia.1* at ItM. I'I tnialleai Hllfera, b *y i-rt. ut tw.> ef .1 i -.i-.l 'il 1,-,..'..¦.» .-r.'.. ia.iraa.1 t-i C ,t,t* ur r-virit*rf«t' tbem. l-'l i.U of no uie. Tia* pBBf i. wuu't bo i*b| liup.aavl aj-ua. Ta* Piai l Bb BIH -o ar- in-raa.j.a, lu Ul* a .1 fSfal BBf »*'!.. vliy. I'kl lhat*l what t tt* mtl'.ai." avbaf a."B 1-, a*::i* .:-. 3 bfl * ia 1 invl' )M ii lb-y BBM *t 4r*t, i. J wlll roa- tlu B -0 h«, ul we liiail .' p tBaBBBJ 1 *vi. 'i - Plao'alioa U'.ttrn parlfr. itr.L-flbea, aal iuil|v,rik*. 1 b i- etaeta ibM tfrf spaatlta. 7 \.--j MB aa %i.'. b t>, iliana of water tu-t '.*C l'h , un-.-a-i iu- > .1. .,-.',.[.,.; "v 'i ji.-I .. ih 'i* Th -y .1 i.a.... -ti li * .>,(*u. aiiu rr.iiv ¦ tha nili.ak. Tl *v pHeOPl li.I ..ll. aU- Blld I- ri it'toM l*Tara. Tb.y partfr taa hwab aad aald r .. . l:..i. ira l>; tft pa > m,i i'. bbHbbHbB 'D^-_ Mta i 7h.Ba. CtMarBa, .nd Cboaar. MnT+i..a li., i- .r. lojaa P BBpMlM Bad Baaaa ¦' Haadaal ok T b. y n M tbo w.Hik atrory, ... Iar,--.ll, a-.d ar* cil...'.. d ivatuie a irett r-.t r«r. fi.« !'. ,- it. 1 ini, ( u u OT 1MBBMBadBBeb 0 :... taabtgyBMS,, aud p*|. oaa i krbeaiaBaV BBBf hahtl* lad*.. t .-aaii.-a, .. «i'-i ie. |v*Jpi Mth u !ita b. .:i. iv| rf sppot.te, diotieaa aft,a BBBBB, il at i.-.pi ..r.:, r.BBtlga iia, k--., wdl flt.,1 tmmtiutt ai.d fv*iu* no.i.t r*...: tathaM i:: ra. B-.t, abvra aii, tu yiara rvcaxo p. a4*d tb Va ik liei.itt, fao^vioi* Bil 1 r.-t-tlbMB Tliay a-* a-.iJ bf -I I'tiva. labla T»*7. biu'.tv. S*a*.l.teB-h . uui p. 1. ata 1'i.itayJ a-*t*« Suoup r..,i '.la* BBfk and ..»» ^ ,-.- ..'.- J.'r. BBBBB rtaaflBMl 'a.'.'loa, .¦..' tl iritiup bM 1(4 bv*a iBBBBBl b llll. Aiy poT-Bou BBBOT*BMJ 18 a-'li l"ai '..'. II Iil '. a by tla* Bkkaa !. a Ai.d i.i poi ,t ,t ar,,| ab.-a.J ba o/Aaaadbt ly i... i. v. -.. v.4 r. ll liltAiiP. 1 Cf*, _ _ PBB, tt tttkrow/, ft, T. . . . . Inrltiil.U . f . 1011 nrjEAPlflM AND Qt'AI.ITY W " MATUKWh' VKVJ/riAN HAIK IrVE," b»o b. r. ti f ifi tha Pkbll,- fr i.*ail "A QUABTKB C'P A CKIITVtVtt* aadb nnloai^ily ai,,,7i.T*d. .'. ITilS I1AIR DVP." a. IIIBBBMlBIld t-v » p. ..'iillar pr.-*B' w'ii.-h i»i'-i.t* M " i.i V'..\-1 KAt.1.1 BOfBBlOB" I* ai.y tl BM lo ti.ii ahkiaa of " A DVK - t.ow ar erey befur. th* peopl*. M, ln* rr.rBfi--!* lo -onL. BOTTI.P," BBJBMfaafAb a il reaulied, wbkb .:.-*(fy aiiup.ia*4 lo* affiV eatloo. in u.ii., tba. Oye, you at i.i tbal DUlSiY, I31RTY . arp'aoaiir*, by wh'ash dyed bair aud w!.kik*r* iro M iMdWy ra. ifuurJ »h-n tn lnfarlor arflrU Sa* ht-n uoa.1 "I RIlK, PIP-TY CBBTB PPR ,!,)T1'L,:i" B-ltb e-.|.t_hia douhl* Ib. dy. B lho*a uiuaily BBB tot *M -i- a ar. ifoai by all iir-i/i u * Tl.MATI1F.WB. BBbBMI Araerl, No. 11 (»uUl «4., New Yerk. Abo, Sfannfiatatorir of Mae-Bwy Aasica llaja (itotMB, Ib* br*t bai rnajaaebif ln UM. lo l*re* bcttl**, frktaliBBk P4Bt.O«eei4|*rtVa.-Tb. M.tb OREAT BRITArM aii-l tn CONIINKNT, *b BliiltaaiOTlB aud llmaan, ftw a. iu. i SMUuu O, V a. m. ABRIM WAKPMAN P**tmutor. Flab'a ralfat CoolklBB-I Nu. 3W PmiIil, iN.wlna Por BM Ffatlaa: OOF.'S DY8PEPSIA CURHt THR VXOR-.DS OUEAT REMSDT BBO DYSPF.PSIAt INDIQESTIONt -BB -Ut DISEA8ES M TBB BTObfACII AND BOWEI-9. PAKPABJSD BT THR PBOPR-ETORa OP " COE*l COUcBJ BAL8AM." Drar-twuliBottnly tha tura f.ritrun-ar of flnatfa bat tta eornpiniiin of a mliarthl* U&_ Il hta wtil beea etlled tta n-tlon'i icotirg*, for mort pertetw, both old iad yoong, Bata aad fer-ala, .Ji froai Ut ra-tgat, than frooi tii oliasr aUiueuti aombioed. It robt tha w_o4e tyttem of lu rigof and a-ergy, i>i vtt weari-ott tad total ,a to tltoaa onoo ttioug aad BcUtb reodert ihe ttooiteh poMMMM ta jige-t lha Ibc-, and hu f r tta itte-da-tt, UEAOACItF.. nKARTBLRN.CONRTIPATION,NAB-EA AT MTOMACH. A>D OKNF.RAL DKBIUTT OP THE WHOLE -T-TKM. refuil.glta eubjeeU a partl.lo of nr-urtattig or beerty food wUhout payUig tue peuaity lu tbe mort m-ntaing dirtreaa, and oftaeltaetcaynipleAaptotUitioa To ntti, the terrtbie rar- agea of tbta worrt of tii ditataaa VVT. HAVE rREPAXF.D OOl.'S DTaBPEFSIA CUREt iad we phrdga our r«patation npoa our etaleineut, wtaa wa *»y U wi'.l po-Rttni eun tue tPOBfli o? toui aot tn a yev-oot ln a moeth.oor la a weeh | bot yoo ahaU *** tta beaaictal Infl-aenca at onoa, l-une-tately. aud tha day yoo 't.t lt. To yon wfco htre llred fot yeara epoa OrihaB brtad aid ptain dlet, who dara not aat anythlrig tbe taaf.wbe hrt.-ty fl/tt, beeaim tba doclot _M ordeied the ptal-ett tooi, and teccu.ily, for fear of thu dtattaat ll ceueee, riaing and toar- lag oo yoor ttoo.vh-wa *ay, tit dnwa to yoor di__er, eatat Uaarty t ateal m yoo wtah. tnd u tooo at the food begiaa bo dtaueaa yoo, tel'.ow tt by a i-igl* teaapoonlul ol OOmVa 1)Y8I*KI,SIA CURJ-, an it wn.u, B-DU-tll 100 Daat*__fc_L_BB0__4ll fhM enehtag yon, hy hearty eatlng. and lha ca of the Care after eaeh meel (ta eftea ai tha food dittreaeei yon. or tonn ou yoor atomae-), to get ia a very f«w dayt to tbat yoo caa do wtthool tha BieJi-'ue. exoept ocoutonal'y. and by tbe tUn* tht _nt bot'.ie U rjtod Bp wa wili gntrautre yo'i !>r* from Dyipepeia, aud at> to eat, dhjoat, aud eu;oy aa hearty a break- fai* ta you evrr -tt do*m to la your bealtulnit houri; and wa wUI forfult ._ y. i th* prica of the taattta upon your tbowing lha our fatetnt jt li not earrect. Tba madL-ina L. p-iwr.'ul bat harrataif, and-rhlle a itagta t. aipoonfui wU! tt onr* rellar* t!ia dyiprpilo tuff-avrr, tue whoUb.xUefa.l woold not materlaily k\j-re him u it lt an- tu. iy vrfatibla, and c-iitalnt no opUlaa All c.anai of dli- r_*a thal hara tuatr oruln la a dltoi-ored .Stoniarb and iioweia *Je dlii-.iltd lu th* .a... i-aUatanooui wty, by the -Mof COT.'S DYSPEP8IA CUItKi r,rvar aad Ague, Slch Uea-aaha, St-kneB it tbe Htoma-h, tVxutipaiioa. if.rart-ur-, CuUo PbIbi ia tftonie.- a* How- a Dyaanle-f, Voatili-a a ffir iag of 1 :ui.-i and Lattit-da, Vb ,i:i uf Appetita, tlJ not aad rannot exlit wUar* lha oar* ta neod. Il retna-aa tho DUaaa* by r. tnoving tbo rauM, not llke AJeohollo Uittert whlcb oover up yo'_ btd .'. otagt for t few mon.eutt ky t-elr . :.:...-«"r.| »e liewirc uf ai au.h r-oiedl-t ot beTanget, bot iu their p.aea BM t B*r_*.1y thit wtl raatota tha dlwtted fen-tlnnt to tbrlr anrmal co-i-hioo and tet ln lunticB tbe eutlra b'jm_B tuaehaa-1 iitii Ui perfeot hanm-uy, u.d '.poo prtiK-lploi tynooyaiout w... dciined p_-,-*ii iof_:_i tawa 1 kat tu. a wiU ba Uta odoot COVB DYfePSP-OA CURE, l,-..n.a'^,!y aid liirt-ntaaouualjr. .». pl*-|a *ut «u.J -> . f h»uot.our irp'jt-allon at Putrus-cottutt*.our firoriblo ac- rjuaict-aro wlta th i -»op7r ai pmpriot )i- ef _hfl World ra- Bo-rtit-d'tiOE'S CoVoti UAtflAM," Ufctaoad aceerdiag lo IM di'.ctioti. B-BB- -ity be fooud with eaeh ho'.:._. We tddba.->wa.ina Tettiinonl-lt O'Ti ou. BeigLbort anl lowa*->AB, to wkii-h wi atk y _>r.r carri'al _Ui.n-.i_a. TF.STIMONTAI.8. Frooi thr F-V.-ir of tha M, Utoditt F.. Chunb. .Vtaltaon, CoBa. I ..,.-" aaad ' ea < Byapepab Caca ln uiy la-iliy, aad car wir.iialv Uratuv t lt" viui... zm t medlein*. " 'llENRY HIPMABD. Faalor JL E. Choreh. Iliul-jv. C ni.., J_ue JO, iki A V ot. e frotu hctn* BaflMjb o*:r C!fy Ptpara Naw ::.o. < onn , .'..«¦ II. 1814. -I.-t.rt. Fditobi: A-ow tu* tara.(b your eoiumna. to ac- krowU dte my iTatlMdr for ihe benrbt I btvr revrivrd froai tho .,*. of Ca,e'i1)*.pe--.i*Cuni. Aithouak I wtt ifl.1 tufli-rtrr fro-.t l)y>p*p«U. tii. br.t d .* BBVa r^a Inrtaut rtaat, tne ono ounea hat emhVd BB ta eat nnythioa thal ! i-.h-raaa w itiwi.l gkj J bM uaw taffal uaing _M .-jS^tlfifit" MaoitOT, t orta.. 'naa m. im. From Thr r-T.,t,t d-rl-ed hy tbo ua> ol Coo'l Byapeptb CaaBI In my furl.y. I tm pre;».-ad to BT tbM I uev.r u'.t-ud to ue Wa. r.ia: Tlia boota of CWl DyvaMpBta Cure yon r«-e me hat bv.-Ved up yoo.- aUli-neiK tt. 1 htva only u-e.1 l.ail B battkl aadcai e.t I'lneapple ahort-caVe or any'hlug alte without txjabl*. It acu UAe a atatB. 1*%BaMal ¦ ** f.rlt ti lavttnui^iua lABUB A. luwkcx. :,.* llavaa, Jun* IX 1&*- !f any ont wl.1 e-. M know wiuuCor . Dytpepta Co:a hat Isaa taaM of th. worM e-at of Py-P' p.ia la t i-ria .*-. i.t tbawaall *tNo.:i lruidla-lioy. 8o «r-tt ta tha ahaaaai « anata *i »ho uetatb baa _oubtf.5 to ttU tnd he*r for tkaa-BBbaa IMfotlTAVT TO TBAVELS-Ul W.ita laat-aytaf aa tbo cmn rnj'itoinioh b<-o_ma htdly de- ranaad -.'..ina at-aaapa-i lu u.y hoad. Bad h b«*o ou tb* witerll Wiruld Un. b. ,-u (-«:..-d ».-! .i.-knota Ahdy ahUbfl By o:o B y aond liou. rrach.d out a butlle, *ay»'.«. " Takaa .ailkw.' I -.1 w, in «*. than nvemuiute. my tiauhia wa. raadrd. Tbe iUH.-il.Iur ... -Cattt Dj i an bbIObb Ib rOad u Ud upoa th* ttomach, tud wba I le-.rt.-d el ll B-Wa, I ibink lt ruuU b* an axtaJleul teai- edy furru.a?lckt.a_, .iu Uyapop.ia ...,.-.. k.ntn Slad-KU, J._eaj, |Mt MRS.HAMli-LAlr.LU CIIOIXIIA MORBllfl. JI kjtkim MiiBBlalT' 0.H COE'B PYriPFP^IA CfJItE ta , BBfl7-B-M»3rC? ta ChabM Morbut. Dy^ntery. I>lar- ... irij ki-died a^.upuuiti. now to aiaialiM aaa Ma r,ea ana ..a-. iT, ,ery few m nut. . thr mo-t *"vare .ST .eavMM, iifaeatrVjlSS badeObri .f.en nrodur,.! I i nf wiiilr. drtohlagbewatar, ur -».u.a unripa dTTi'A » wUI cara all tuoh caaaa, »_f .very 1U9, UAbmISaa-Mka. J«»flBkaliid lr.forra.-da«Mtha%%ot a iady had k**o tave.i hy two do«<.a OSE Ul TH/. iWEltTTT-FlTE. NbW HaviB .' .ra 11, lBAt V-. I'oB.Jtr: Tlf.viar h^u trouhlad wl'h th* Dyaneprta l.a .. i.e- f iah» rr twofv.' u,«.~u.. I havo Takeii ilw ..uaf k.ndl, ,T, .. -!...'. 1 tv.. a- ¦"* i-taigooA l taw yoor ad-tr-1 ta-mcB' ol . mad'cl-o To cir* tha U. I .. 4 trla lt. L, 10 ,. d lt to bo TBB fiw-du lar. Tba Bnt iiften, dront (lha T ifof Jiiu.-i that ' l-ek I'.ihv-l -i.f'fi.ou., 'iiir.iu-. I ,.av* tikaii i'threo or I'.Ji.r'.iniaa. bul hur- ivd ni d'.atretihit fead- lu' a. uiy t-o-'it.-'i ita takbg Ita hr*' -fteea 'Irap., althonxh keaBM I could m : BM B BBB, BBdlOBBfJBB BM BBM t-MI ihrea or I' -1 BaoUinj «, wd_ow.dttlii.'4._,< uie. ' Reapeot:-',. Af.tVOOBMff, Naw I'.-.t. l-r.ell V'-i Ul ( oa. fWrr.SV 'i'be botta of l)v.po)q'ia Mtdirino I rviil.JlllS ".. 1." _,.'» ,,.,., ... rall.l. ... . ,.al.l wla n 11 y food* d'..^r.«»eed ui". It w*a ahotil like uii_g two doaet to day. 011a tamorrow, t.'iaa avary other ihiy. rucraatlaa tba q'li-tlty of food ..nd dt iii-aaiiig Uia iiwdir iu,, until I w.a vnahted to ett without Ualn* viTthlng at alL My caae wtt tn eilreaa* fie, htvlaf anflerad for arv n yeara I now rcriiid-r iuy». :l cmed, and by only uifng ooa botlla uf Medli _>e iu Ihe tpaoa uf bwo uto-tha Tho diaa. wai a l*a ipooi--l BU-CN B AIJ_r.N. Itaid ky I'rugtltta b rMy aod ooonfry ev-rywtara. PR1CK 01 TER Murri.E. Or-tn ky n-ui, bou aiiha deatan 01 oouroi-eii, proaiptly tUe-dedta. O. O. ClaARK A Of)^ toBOl-BBALB DRI.'Ot.lSTH, IHEWMAVliN. CONH. l*lwpfwm)Wt% Rara-Fiaiataa eaeeitito wifl And t-taaaptaadM aatldols 'or NAIJBEA AT BTOMACB. aad al t__tapot__oa peotUtar wthe-BaeBoB OEICAI BABBXB A Ca, Ha U fait-rew, B. T, I bM tta BhflM ptmaraBea fer eata ta targa at bbbbII gaaa- iUtaa 1 ata Coc. Ceagk Bataaa aad Byat't Parladtaai Drepa H. B. HEMBOLD, «htakai W alMi'-B, N t. IN hna-wtyt Caaaaftatlaa Llfa IBfTM gatapiBg of IODIDB POTAaSSIUaaT, Wah th* Cixnpaoad C<*ao*^rttod PTaU BaMBt Of TAJ.UABLB MEDICtNAt, oBOOTS AND HERB8. OONSTITUTION IaIFH SYRTJf? A BEVOLtmOH Ol MBDICINII WhM mi, MBB almMt tnoimarli bb ta, tbat MM, 4B8BM hlihano !y*Mld*rmd hapale*.!, tneonthb ira fM|iiMlj aaaa4 la ifM<bTiMoaaUn4w*iiBairt.ay bjTaa tf» bBOBB latloni of tha liTMBl-atailod and aslMtlao ta cotm wkhhtan M paralbl B) th* BBBbb dafk (JvimadieiMlipeeolbr, by B tho MMlfM, ****** M d'.r**.Uy rmached, and th* eojaflrbriiu- rMtMwA Tao** who h*-* lotTtnof Ung from faiofol aad abaBbata ThoMwhohart eainly toagbt lallaf bBB BBBBBBBB BBaV IfkWBj Tbom a*A* BtaBaa twrad by atha phMetaa, ARA INVITED TO USE CONafTTTUTION UFB 8Y1UT. DairlagthapOT fir* yein wa har* PMMfaf wahpfMBj .Mt,aal BBMBM oppotftUa m hareabaaa aaraBBMaa e/iantered b, aa, lafflnMfl. OONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP* a pmmitlT* aad ipwclAo rem*dy tor all dboaaM oriiloaiio, Baa m IMPL'RE STATE OF TUE BLOOD. ud f.r ail (baaaV ktary) AHaLA.tEd trat-mittod frora FAAENT TO (IKILB. FABALYSIB. It U m ontTBTMM, tdtrdttod that Coaitttat'.M Wfo flyrip te Ih. oriy effectlT. maaM of reatontlon b Um esrioo* fotwm tt Faraiyab, tlavt w. o**d not raltauau tbat B b PAMaBBBB*! to. Or*al UlaOiTBi I'wa DYSPEPSTA. wiiiB."AtiToaaaoa utib 4M«na4iM. uuaiiuiaaa laTDMBBtMt. turoturca aa* Baavkra. anjooiiaak 8CA0FULA i ox-raaiava iwaaxiaa*. aiotyaaktiaB. iitiii I47AA. bajvt aaaaa Thbtatat ihbbboitabt aad kcavtaaa.) BTliai tlb wM aa teid a.i*ei y, U by all aiual rtmodiM iacuiabb. RUEtMATl.aM. BaT-atloOt*. BtTIA.iOAV If tharr* b any diMMa U which tn ConttuuU oa Lifa flyiaa b* otrrrtoltn, ll b la BMoautba and tU kinJred thTntllM Tu* loeit UtoaM piiai m. aimt»*t loitaaUy albrbMl BMB Biout »w*Uinp ar. tadiieod. Ciaom, obronio. or Tlcavioaa, Of 10 or 38 y**aa itaadiaf, baia beoa osrid b, aa, Tkooaatvb wbo hatw auaWd for y**r* wtll bltw* th* 4*,4M vhleh the, read IhM* llna*. Fartlculariy to weak, MBMbaj woc-40 Bii thb medicio* p**TO *n baoMimablo bbnBg d'.r,.-l.f tbob BjBaioji to a BBM whioh fuiAib ¦koraUMab promi***. ( >Srtl ITT^fON LIFE BYRUT potga th, tyitom *Mtrahy from til tb. *TiI .atVt* of MERCUBY, remorUn Um Bal oroMtb, and turing tn W**k Joint* tad RbeuiBtlto FaM which tho mi of Calaaael b hn to prodtioe. ItaMBMB Spoof, Oiurak, aud Saeoro* tn Taath u Brml, m eror. CON.STITUTIOM L.IFE SYRUP Pra-:.¦.*-¦*.. roat ind taaaab, aii Craptira OtttatM of th* 4444. Uk. fLCKAS, FIMPLEA BLOTCTIEA Aad BO athar diff cuitle* of tbb kiod, whbh *o mieh aatkaMBB tb* lutward trraaoaxriAMB ot botb biabi md feaialM, .(Ua aaaV ir.j UaMB . dbf^Mlaf abject to U*era*ejT-i aad tbair f)ie_A*. CO>iSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP CfRES ALL BWELLINO OF TUE (JLANDB, P Itiier oi Um Ftee, Imoea. or Fiaaab Braeat, tod ahaold OT lakM u io.o m tb. iwellaiai U aUtectod, thui ptsTrptlaf thtte li-tik-ar.f, and prndncuxf tr,ubl**ome I>lacba~tn| Stvrtw, whtdb Bafg jra io tuo; af iu* younaer portioo of Um BMMMBaak from tfx I. twiBty yaari of Bf*. Yoang ehildren ar. my aaa* jMt to OuooharfM tMM tU tar*. whioh depeud* apoa a t*aaB> BBBB OoBitltiUoa. Ta. MM b»ob BMOM b, Ukiaf a OOT da**e *f tbo Lif* r-yiup. Ad Strofuloai penoai iuff«rtn( fr"« »«n*r*l n*4»ulty, Eara* ebxtoa, DyipoptU, ¦»'' Dropiy of th* Umbi. ibdomeo, tad ta tbi Femati. Dropiy oftfM onartM and womb, |Mkerally locaa ¦Mad with BBmBBMBOT aud 11 <-'aUioo of th* UtorM. aa poirnanenUy oured by Coattitulloo Llfo Syrup. Th. < knuwa ti OolJt ot Bwelbd N«ck. th* faf* Smrnp wtU i ratbrel,. Tba remed, ib*uld b* UkM fur wm* titu.. a* BB) bBBMB b exceedloxiy chfoaia kod itahborB, «d will ggfBB reaaoTKl witoint ixtrt iffv-rt Tumori of tb. 0*»rtM, Tvu»ori ot tha Br****, and iwttBBj of atbtf tTbaili ef m kody, will bo eomplatriy redoeod wgB> .ai iMortiaf to tb. kaif., a epondooi of an, kind, EpllAoptie Ph*, r>yiupath*tie .r Orgauilc ot BBB Ii*art, u Palpitttlon, DImom of tn Vahrot, pr-o.1 irlai * araV- ii-|orfilin| aourd, titD;iy aflb* Hoait Caim a^d aU tOT lBB> livoi of trai lauportast ot|aa IfortoM loitori&i fYom My MBM ptia Lo thi Mfiou of th* boart) artU b* |tmU, talbrrrt bf C'cMtUatioa L'.f* syrnp. FOB ALL FOBMB OF TJLCERATIVB DI8EA8ES, tfthar M tb* Nom. Tiiroat, Tao*-,, Opiao, V^tohoad, ot B*a*A m i*tD*dy bM priied itt oo.a*3. OT kS A r.F.NERAL BLOOD-FOlUFYmfJ AOaThTt THE LIFE BYBUF bTANDB UNIUVALEB BT ABY PREPARATION IN THE WORi.D. liiMAMi nf tn MptM m oioall, rUtTovkiped in Ib. ,oaa«, f_B Di-eoj*, N*nral|U, ar.d al! norroni llbetMa, anJ L*di*i wOT ui luffirtiaj fcoM OiioM** ftw wlilab Um, ara M a Imb OT inow wbat t. do, w. woikld tdrb. Um om t COHSTmt. riON UFE BYBUF. Il wUl iMtora tbtfr p*iud itoMaaa. aaaaa, itr*a|th*B tlMir weak back, aad ibm, ftra taaa aaa roargy, mw 113a Md iBjafaaaaj THE AICU AND FOOB tMiiohUtotn BBM faMBB WBtoa aad bbbB|| an oad* UM CoaiUtuUcn Llf* Brrwp f*1 tb* beneBt of aa. TVUt lIoOOU »r*dtoc**bMltb, BiO-tad woowai and lf th* bMbBBBBI ta »I>04*d 1B yeolh, 4avr*M *ud amrl, dcavtb b th, i-autu BB ,ua **-y wbM th* ma*iai are M MM at haad, in wi'_ua Ibf akchofalt, 0ON8TXTUTION J-TFE SYRUP f> gbj BhjMJ Ifafl FrbOT aad lha Bleb Mtn'i but rr, take rr. and be clrrd. IT IB UmVEBAAL IM ITB EFFECTB Wai. H. 0REt30, M. D., fOIaB FaVOPBlBTOB, BEW TO FiVaBlMB^^lBUBottbaiforaJi IV IM by .tafprea to all para of Um eoantr,. MOROAN A ALLEN, s Whttleojab Dranketa, AfeaB, aia 443 CivIFFAT., attWigtUV

Transcript of ·...

PbOMOTBI)..Lieut.-CoL Jamea A. Ekin,tttrtQirhrteimMterof tbe Caratry Burtaku, bM been

g>roaotod te th. rank or Oolonel lu the BbBMBT Army.a^rVI fJaaBf bl BBBTB1 of the lat Ilmaionuf tbeQuartcr-BBjater'i l>i»arBaent. Entorlng ai rechnontal qnarter-Bxaator Ib tbe tberao-moutha* aerviee, be amlited ln

oa^iinarattiwyrairt' regiment, of wln.b ha wui made

BfAjatalBaVOobBBt Whilo in tbe field at the bond of

kta cooBandbo wm apoolnted Captaln and AuLitaat

ajriartonnMter. aod orrir-red i<> li'bvMBfi M aPbat4J}oartermaiter. fcbortly after be wai MBBTBd to lo

kfiAnapoita aa Depot Qr.arterrxaiTter. Wkfk boldirgffcli poeitloo.from Octotoer. IMoi. tlll Pecraber. !»->».

giewM tirat made (aptnin in the BtogaM Amy. and

afterward tatjrtyttod Msjor and LtaMMBBt Qataaalfbe duthBof th, afaaa *i thi.-i aaartM inafnVittia,ayndtbobiulneMooctiiiiu.l U> hBBMBM ii'ill it irrew to

IkelmnMnie, making the Uhomof tMaafoM bothouer-

pat and Irka-ime, In t><a-oit>er. iBBk bo wai urderodlo WMhiagtoa aa Chief Ljaarvenaaitaoi of the CoialrymBaraaa._

, Poi Th* TrStnii*.Mpara bm Tdhe Bar.

The Bun'd bunface i-howa B far h-^b nnmlwr tafojpota thia aeaaon thaa niuo'. and theae af ranch BBBBBf

fjre, whioh may acconnt for th* titiu»ueJ haat aod nb-

Beaoe of BoUture ln the atmoenhere. Theae boloa

opot* may bo aailly aeen wtth an eitnvneTTilcr.l tclo

ajoope of oxoderato power. wheiitfbe w* ii at a low alfi

grade in the mornlng. tho imoky ntmiaiphere reu.'.t

togtheuBnalaceoiiipanyiiigan.i eye pteoei aaperflnon*Okttd tbe Tlew nnanrpMied. My lait obeerration. Ai:ff.II. ahuwad me abont hAlf a d/>»>n ipoti whioh ntiit--dlyfould no| amoont to tnon-, ix>mt>arative.y, thau tha

kead of a plaon a diik of eighteen incbei. and in Mtflfaaaaona on^uarter of the entlre BaxxBOT wonld be oi

.itBM oorarad with apou of varioua ilapra and PkBA3l o. a

* .

Moalher wl BBB. WaafclnBleaa, 11. 14.BVMhUT IlOlBi;. MT. VVAMlINf.TOX. B. II., <

p-rlday. Aujt. IB, 1844 jTh'i weathorhore ia fae, und dolightfnlly

aaooa. The therxnoineb r eiaad* tbi* moruing at Hi :

'AilTeitiaeinenLlAi.tVTH Hocsb. llARrpoRP, CoNK..while the

aanal raawrto at tbe aeaaide aud Ibe ipi.ngt an uneorn-

IWtAWy oroaded, we do the traTehnir patlie a fnvor OT

OillinfT attontion to the elegant ac-d-iinmudattorii of IMtflllTn Hooae, TbU Hotiee ia tiew. tbe haili and roorni

are larpe and airy. and tho cullnory arr«ii(aeraent*MaalaVbrl few botola in tbe r>.unt.y. ^udiTiaPu i nnd.aVm.lie* Ib quMt of a qciet and envant »<.">-£"*»"*¦ *

Barm montha con find their wi*b*i ratiiktW tl tbuOatabliihmetit The BraaaM protinetor, Mr. K. *7. Al rn,f-ipcniei wllh no luiury which the market BffirfAK BBBBBTf and drina »l«'nt Uartf-rd are tvlcbrnvdfor their beaoty. few i ities af equiU riau arOBOBbaft»on laiiiioroua attractiona to itrjnkrt'ri.


f AdTartboraonL]Bh-WBl AjrBI0».» FevKB A14D AOCR CtTRB.

A inre oure for Ferer ar.l Agae. lt ueror taJa. lKpolbo. rjy, ldUirty -IL, up aluTJ-a.

J AatTartlieaDeTit 18rx Ybaiw F.ipfrikmcx, withont faimre, and

4b. BaBBMOT »f huodrada of onr be*t citbfaa, b tbat th*Beo-OLAB AiAikM iaLBOtura teude-i a bu.,.» tor.piat.lybmkai uroof.* lact wonby th* atieoticn tf aT.rr -i-ir-nBViAfuv prtHM-B iac. , j- Hi)tJ|M (j; w, Hroadway.

Snsinces iNcticcs.

A SlQB OF THB TlME8..Mr. A. MoBTOrt, theBoibaa-t nuaOutar.tur.r of Ould r*ni, hru kl lei I'-h layeo rom-

aolbd b, Um oontanui! tdruie. U nomlnil Talu**. ratuod b,tbe iBOatiM of our Co-rene,, to iAtboc* tb* pricM af hit

(oadA. H* ba* (taod ont throagh tuao, moolhi, lucurrtuiBM*Ty lo****. ia tbo bop* tbit tb* *nd of tb* War wouid

avaoBedil, oaoabla tiia to botaat Bat ba bai loltt bb F«ni

4broo|bout at Peac* priea; bnt b* xive* bbBm t<ni», tbat h*

Baa *land *ut oo lunr»r aud muat b.n -*i\r b rduri* er.u'.*b

fbl hli iraod* to oorer tov-lr PoeL Tbi* b tarinod aa adTince ia

avarlrvai, hut oot qutt* ac-surat*!,. P.Tery fainaar tu bu, one,

B dooeo, o* a buaired af MoBTOBl Pena for -.. Prodnan.

.rary kTAiAuiiaotoror tor Lvta, Clolb, wtj wcrkman Ibj lo*.

liabor, tbaoln 1*0, Il b *lmpiy a readjaitioaut of nooilnaj

B* actual Talu**. We hof* to b»ar tbat hla Irad* t* -itiaf-ct. d

fe, U; for w* bold lt n» uaua true lr-lereat to buy my nmra

lhaa tu eeli fooda fcr laaa* t ur n kbelr hnoett eoeLITrlbuoe. JjI; 17.

"~klBA WlBSLOW*b booTHlsu fiVRUP.-Por chil-|tm« TaB>tlabaf Corova tiyaaaletr aad Daarta.*» lefabU* tb.

BBBBBBl * B*w*l*. *nd eara* VVInd Caiia,_I" yon want to know, &.c, rpad

Mipical Cnaaoii BMbaA Mttooibook for cunon. p*<.pl*. and i ruod book fer Piioe B| bu. Tu be lad a ail nowi depota. 4ont*nU(ava-a ai.tkao frr -. A ..

Ur. K. H. PooTt, No. 1,130 Hroadway N. Y

BATcntOR'a FIair DTE..The best in thoB*rbl Pirtoet. aat'oTil, reiiabb. kano.**i. aud inat*Bt«Be*iiita »«.*_ Ther.-B. -e . ai|a*d VVnaJAM A. BaTCBBLOB.fkoU by ab Urutf.tta. PaeAory No. II HarrbTAL_

EXTAACT OP 8WKKT GrM.CtraM DllBaBKA. .>oid at No. li Ooldak, aod b, aii

gragr'ata. Piice 60 eoBnta._^tSoMBTHIRO NEW..The NOVELTT Ml'RO-

fui nhoiuloT. tb* wondoifui taaalfof ftairea aidli.aeovu. Mauad,pr*paid. fr i't. b, H< SIT < BAiO,

o. 180 Caiitra-et., N-* Y-ni. Liboi-l di-o .ui tudaJ-ia.__BBAtrTIPt'l, LlVB-LIa-B PlCTTJR_A

Cmrtaa d* Viiit* *- per daaven. t*apBaBB Bl 40. Ail aef-Ive* rerbterad. R. A. Liwi*. Ne. i.'.'lihatban. it, N. V"" Artii>tcTal LiMita by E. D. HtTMOV, af. !>.,flowTark, Aator.alaea. GbBBBM "P .-"-.. U. S. v,.liar.

¦nd monrvai fBrnlaho-d witnmtt rbarf* by ortbr oi tttfttm-4W. H*roiooiid. li. S. A., aiod nui|ai.u VS beutu, I'. .'-

TBUSSB8, ELASTItJ HTOfKINQS, SfSPIiNSORYBiMnnu. r^rrroRTaa*. kc. -Mimm A (io.l R*die_i(ii_o*lTuu (3t7ir*.only «t .N". 3 1 raay »L Laily ata.udaiit._~»;ii.>v_R & BaxkrA Higbeui Pretmiim, Elu.a-B* btib-ii «iwi.iG-.MivliJ'J, No*. 4*J Braadway, N*wTork, anti 13k Pulton aC. HIooIItb^^_" lVt)BT^ROOCHE4, EAR-KIK03, COMM, HaIB*.tbi. HUBTB-bcrtom. kc, aanaut-d ITOUT, Bl Wai.-flo->tt'l. No 871 H»"AiiWAt. oppoaiioi t:_ taabrapataBa, arijtu.f tbe Ootvoaa Ktai-iiA7.iT.


For the llair BCtd 6klit.liAKiiv'h f rucfiiiJitt-BB8, the boM BDd rl-spei.t arti.-_B. BabjBjl

? .

To I.Buy yoor M»* aow. oaluaof^B^ aua_.p-Ux *oti on aial

BBBbBM to* jarir*.Thk Diamobb P*aiaBk MiTCR,

lle btaat ta Uwworid, are iaiiiin .*r|>*T ir,oa. »r.y othen, Mtle Lobl iatABCIACTi'tiaio ( o a.

N-i.'.'. Corlbnd aL

T'UB ABW A5P LtN (PALMKn'rv I'ATEVr) KUJ4.fbed Tur Duldieri by tle iniaut-r. g. PftABI PalMBB. tifojoo- Artlat. Proadway. r< 7. AMBf flM*. M. I"., IM8 :-¦.-

But-*c. Pblla. liy ord i uf tb* 8?t.aOKia<«a»taUa.

Wl7BRt,EA A WlliSO.S-'P BlOHBWT l'RKVflUMt**ara Stttob 8awiao M*ci::Nia, Bo. b 'S Bl. I '- lf.

iin.n.ttARv7'TT.f>n TTi-.roday tMMBBf. Ati^ !!, cf MBMB4W eoiri.

plaiH. KoaMlB. JMa-l tifrlH ti VvUliakwBMWl'* r-iattro* and frie:. ia of tb* familyar* laittod .-

-. * 'nueral ou rla.ur.'a,. Aoj. U,M U a. i.i i.o-. .

*> <,'^r*puaoe, Hrotkiyn.B>.i)K)R0-*t G'*t .ii. N- V., -b Th-iraiiy, A-f, IL

faliaard Unntlni bad ord, ;r ,b) ot i. M ol ii 11. audAuBk H*Tier Il*,ll,..-.l ,r* 1 3 y.aia. 7 i ...i.r,a MoJ tk d*>».

f-.uiiv frcm the ii. D. fBBlM uf 0*e.m.M Hiv-itda; M i

p m.

B> RTiNK.AlMoont V.-irin. rai ThurarbT. Aof. 11, rhivllaAu. i-l. *oti<.f8aii..a. li. i_d M.ry A. BorUiie, «|*47 y**n,8 tn uthi and 11 d.i

474)JtN\VKI.I..fh, ln'ty. Aaa, 17, WillUin K. Cor.iw,!!. lntbe 4'id yaar of bii U(a. _ ,

IMn-ra! frrta bla B llBtBM No. lW IVo-M Purtyelfhth

BheMl, on Monday, lllB, at 'l u'. .oak p. Bk.

CROMW ELL.On TTtBlltBI. Au{. ", t i.ari. * Cioit.well, aonuf Jrhn and the lateaWaa Crco.a-*:) .;). r * t..*.-t and .*>¦eavere lltaaas, o$ri M yeara tad 4 moutbi.

Jlunrr- (rom taabaaaaaf bb u:..:*. Natba.-.!*! Hawxhurtt,noar Rahwty, Se**oth day, it 3 f, ra. 13tL in*'_

fXLI.KRY. PBBWd to tbo lro.uuru. Iil*. -a, Th-.riarUy. Ae;. 11,lOVi, Mary J. i.iiary, wi'o ot >'paa P..>.ii.ry, afad 31 ,Mrtand i. nioutbi." D.-aih b but a kliei Kod 0B*BBBS a*nr* ,t. who unbveokl

«.tu noUela** band U't'i Bowef-eacirei*d duor to iknwuIho** we .OT*. "

f/ taaal «n RootUy. t4th lnac. fr.. ai bar bt* rMtdetvce., No. Ml...- >i.d Ufti. i : - v . of tb, i.ov ln*lt*d.

f/OX-Oa Frld*,, Aui, 11, Mr*. 8vnL wldow of TBarnM g,Paa

tftf i-*tlTB* and frtertd. of tb* ta-'.ly, ai*o thoa* ef bar lea-lu law Edward Rutk tr. liiTitod 4« aU*ud th* foaaral at Ht.l,uk*A Cborch, liuibuo atreet, OfapuiMo Uroro *tt**t, MBonday M lf o eloek.

JP.NKINS.lo N*wbnr|b. N. T oa Tbtr.l.T Anf, 11'Waitof, v n of Cbaa «. and Carrb E. iraklua, t|*d 7.i i.lbt tnd 17 de,*.

BtcCALI-- Ib tbb city. oo Tharaday, Atif, 11, 3atnt*,MeCall, Ib tb* 7iid yei.- of bb afe

t*bc fBaanl wiil take phw* f ni tn, r*a!d ric* of hla brotberbi l*w. !au..-a Iiorii.iai (Jraha.. No lt TA'aehlia|tvn Hquar*,an Saturda*. the I'lth iual at 8| o'clock *. ui. Ti e rel*Bmei nl Meudi of thi Uiuliy . Urlud to altoad wlihoulfMkhM kVOtAo*.

VARIArt-Al PrekikMl. on Wadaraday, Aag. II, taaac L.Varia_,lo IheT-th yeBofhltaaa. . .

Tl,a raUtivai aad fnaadt of Ihe famity are reaeaetfully lavrBe*». ittei.d tbe funera! on B.turda-. liKh Ina., M l| p '»¦.

finiu h . hvt* r-ii.ier.ea. Cairlaaaa wIM ta la wtiilag M

Pcnkaiill on Ibe arriral of tht lu a m. triln from New-Yorh.IKAIr-Oa Huiidty, loly 14. a th* l.o.|-it.,l, Daratiir., Abu,Corp. WehaBcT Tetl. of the 11th _*cti_*4it, N. T. V., afVera «i. .-I BbflflBi 'fed 18 yeara

MtHKITTKICK-Al Yonkert, ob Thnriday, Ang, II, HarbertIV fli mn, teeoud ann of Alexandor iad Llliie MunkitUicA,arad 18 year., i moutht and 11 d.yi.

BMITH-At PitTMald, Matt. M Wednaeday. Ang. 10, Katat., dtugbu-r of Inac T. and Kliaabett. P. Btnlth of thi. city,ir*d .i yeari

/anaral oa Moadty nait tt 8 p. m., frora tha Kirtl KaptlilChuruh. rora. r of Kruoin* tnd Klittbeth itreela Tbe rraa-

tirat aud t: U ud. tr- .aei.--.ijny Uivitad to atteieLSTAttR.ihi Th'jr*.i«ye-eninr. Aar 18. tl Yonk'n. Haory

Ueokrr. in'Ant i.m of O. Wlnthrop .nd Mary E. Starr.I'uurrtl i«o_*-» on -atnidty rt 4 waktat p. ru. Tho relaUv-Ban) f laata uia i.apeetAdry brtadio niond.

TORBTBB fta Kridiy. Ang. IX afUr a -rrrare aad knfarlngii!n ¦" Mra EQea Torran., ee.-d jti j-rar*.

The frbid. <A tha f,i.i!v BM rr.peerfr'lv b_NM M BBMharfuaeial at I a m. to'day, tiom No. -9a Weat I ourt. eutbttreri.

I)a»rnlt ptpa-B pl*4*e eopy.TUlTDV-At Maaaa N. Y.. on Krid.y. A-.a », jM*l Knrdy

I-, tbe 74th y-.r Bf LU ag". fonnerly uf W'UU Ttautt. Wett.ehattet Coanty, N. Y.

TA1.1.MAS.At Byaak, ¦> I- °a Frid.r, Aur. I?. after a

li^ering illnom. T. Snilta Tallman, lu tbe Wd yatrof hta

Thr frimJ* of Thr fai-lly tra tnrltrd to iHecd hitlnnrr-l rrotn ht. into rciid. Boa, Nyack, to-day (SaurdayJ

' a » o'chvk. w1lh«..t furtbar notic*.____________

Cprriul _\0tuf*.

:^^[kmt\-.,.i. ': ! '¦ I 1- 4I- o 8 . : S r R 2_. :

li_-_.oBr_!>K!19a:_': £ 1KRI'Ha^-ff^B'i : ft fiA>a*aw3-.i tr3a.j-» . H U. £- BBflMB .»?'; ; ¦ M adi igjlflf; iiffl j a a |f .

laCHlSB'i? iril? 5 ° 5 > Q :

. _. 3 I r / . u, .-. h> J_ .. _>

i: r; ¦.-. o ! ? a iw b s. n : B_.:'"..U

. O R?°i -1 .-. 7 : f*: W r_tra. i! *S a|li ! b. < B,Sa ta* ri y.i,. ; w



R«.lor.-t Oray H& to ltt on.'in..l Mbr, ttopt Ri ftlltng BMlu thr*e U-v«. Aeeyi th, Aaad r'.-on rn..'aad btak-M, wBl i."l

ataln tha «kia or a^U thr fabrlr. Tiie b>-4 t.nlr dr. at

Inf «v»r ober. d la lha PaOBa Caa ba uied frarly. , BtB-MIio.hinrtr.j.irioti>;«t- -.'! IM rn! j,i r,.:irrt<-a t'.e jTowtli afOMtreaka.t 1 air. ii -BBBB_MB_td B-fMad bpBbdbM-MMtal¦ immatttp rn Bta li rk. Ail are bwaty i..v.l-,l to ai.inli.e Ihbwiiajerhii trlii.pb oftdanra. Huld .'. ti... d.-;i, t'.or. a Bfl| al

BryM-taB,Balaia Bwalwey. ahMi Mbba Mto traataaMwill br .-ratiltou.'y niven. Iru^i Al p^'r botllr|

OB per ha.f do-rn, in faiiry taiv.a Caa Ire aar.t by riprrtaBABAHAI BBVALIKA B. D.


BBWING MAOHI-fH,Ita-bMaa Ebtara-td hytkta r-tttmyBlBab tnd N v-i

«a» il ini ar. BM -uiv a-; .1 .' ll b .1 hand nude i-i ti.a i..-.

ng tb*B ln taeetyenthewreag-kta. Btdthy 3ri l.leb «ob_ad-ai_b

j |n-. HOLK PlBWBRhF-l.()-.-,*. i!,, , .aiykted!luiike other oWwbig "vl.i.e. .' -anofaMarat ta awa i

li, -..;, ARB ' irRD.* v 1. ono oi IM ;r*«t aarhi. H r..n be wagked

aaa b] aaj To* I lady, wboi IU rtai Ur* -Byieiperien-a uitXofiuai l,OvM) ic l,?-.«l 1'ar.iv t l.uTtou II i.. ¦ 1.1 BM

!;, 'rar-rr iru i_id Nraille. »<.< rr-.pany aaak M-J-'rlne, livery51 hia. ,. VV_rr_-tad fur I w-'te M;Btl.aMa klaei caa he t.*r, in fal apafaHM B on aaa t^u. ttr-re,

No. ha^i Broadwiy. i.rtr lii. ..rk. r wh. re li..'r t~i. roaBM tie

r,..IforZ-ubra, PR-I8AU A flKCtTB, Agaata,Altcntlon, I.fldta-a aud NaraCBr-Mra P, R. M.

PCrTTKB'a BOCeTHlNU COROlAb f-1 uiM.eo lt an iuftl-:.b'.. r ri.iv ir laeeMaB Mttatawtta, ataiera iafar.t.!i-riUbtlrtv oftempe-. b-»t af kead in laal ing. ilr.r.- .. -

¦oftnoM tu lha gaaa, aad tUaaftkea-ag w.-vk rabae. .''. . >

a. .. othlag Btririia. romilalag na aai ttUt paaaaawhaieear,B*.era_cai cvn ba prudai'ed fuiu l.., umM aad-CM pnya'.rai-*iold al ^7 tlold tt and 3« Mb av., It y., ».d t ra^a. labta.-/¦-.. Mra l)r. Potler r.n b* .. .iai ab '*ta Auiav aa

al i_M4-ea of wmoan tnd chiUran.

Paaraleaatl Doaaaieaal I

DF.MTJI.CENT IThta latlrefy aew ft-np ta bayond all eaBB-rtaea Ita keM

ren.aoiiod yat "ferad fafCliaiTTXi; Olt TCNDER HANBS.

THR BVRRCBT, ANf) ALL TOtLtT VBtAMta-lactarad anly by

J. O. HUIali'S HON. No. 3A PARR ROW.R. T.tVhr, alto off.n apward of IBA -ariettat of Toitat and Sttpli

Batpt aad Candtaa Kot tale by rt, «t all ratpaeuhladaataraDtaaaaad Hlawa.

of ai! daarrlpvir-t. frow twoi.ty 6ra dollan ta M-tn hnndreddubait eath for aale by OKO. C. ALLKN. No. 411 Brordway,.,- d.-»r halow Canal rt foroterly No. 11 WallM.CLU.SK U U.N QAtMBBAlfl a Jo'etaek_ I

n_ar.Mta)B»^dlni-B^NKVV ATTLK8 -Intt Baaatoad,Ttaaa Pwa s7vao,Trn. 'iwelve. rif_)*B.Twenty W «e*aaty6*. t aat. Kor aa)* by UKU. C. Al.l.K.N, No. 411Broadwty one doot bataw C-ual tt btirt ctaied M 3ai'_r jbya m J a aieok.











lade-erydlieiaaof thtKyier Ftr requlrtag ettha Bedi-a

or targtee! ald Mtrr.ded |o


DBt VON l.IHKNIJF.lta,Aathorel "Suigt-al aod Praetleal Obterratioua oo tka Dta-

eatet of tha Kar, wbuh tha Nrw Mod* ef TreaU-eat," at hta

"fLcm>No. 810 .UlOADWAY.

OiTMO.vs Of TBI H-Hf-TOlI FUlktSb

Prim Yjt Juixa: '. of Connner a


CALl L'LATOtt."t

TLere ru pnbUi-ed hi iLete cohuini t taw _*yi ilnea tta

reaiiikabta cure ol ¦abh-BBk 'ha " Li/htufog Mtabb*1maell known to _b r<-M"' dnrlag thu riar.y l.e ai

.-.. J .,.-.. ..»¦.'.. .-. a ,. - ¦. al l'.t:..-:. . Mata-

nm, ty t-» ctiebrafed Ocuiiai anJ Auritt, Dr. V-jb Klienbargaf ll_aclty. llolcUngt ta reprateotad to Ltra beru atth*

pointuf dactb, and, bat for llai t.mly takB-bBBBM af BOd<vtor. w.iild now bo raotlng ln h'i rTrtvt. T!ita lt t r-ipjirk.

b'.a rat*. tad worthyt_ettUn'lt.nufparroi_itii_llar!y all.Urd

Wa tblnk ll li hot jurt to Pr. Vou Kianhirg to c_U poLltagtaa *l i lo thia -.»*. There ara bnadredt ua the tuui uanlty. af r | .'r. a .t-rt.. wi. BM tbe " I.', h-r.Ur «'a>i.later,"

il not tatuj_y pr.yl-f f»I tlea'.h, ar. leady t" trcopt of t >y

l_i-., ta_tt pr.aiiaea bo teiiare ult. in .'roru itair dutrea^w. To

, .. !. we wotld a»y hrtAa aul »i:« iacapailenead a..:., it

eonio!t.wirlio;.l ui_i*reat*/y d/wty, Dt. Vea fctaea-erg, Brikfljalleiat, haitha bitrw-rty toaaaura :. i pa- .ui w-a-eti ilil

wi'.i.L. I ii powet lo n.tke tb-B ahoia ar aat


V.KXKH TO TH* DF.AF.Xierymtn tud a.per.aliy evrry Wnman, balia-et la 1 i* 11

hmpbyabtaL Ih a *ra phl imB-tal aaata wbu-j. haht|BMakaMBaftah b Al p'Uy.urU.-'optthy.orllydr.ptaiy,artot* »'!... ronn of KMntiu cert. Lul a iii tba wutld rt

l.rra lha br'!a." lt BM ln Uw eyew-m, but ln tha d.. tu.. Ka

;* tt'yli thit tr.te tt itfiidt e-rirt* a.i CM Bb I .¦»

BBXhal wbo Lu mseaaaad bb ttafai m hb betrir.g i. . .r. t>._i

fta MbMBg aaetl have baea reatnred to -Ln hy aa oOni

pnatitiuaei Ibaii thal (artk witr on. :.* w'. m kli . ,'i <w 0»-t

aa.arT.rad. Ih. Vea Klarritari U ain.teg e.-r b*«t k-iwr.

loriata, Ha bat aoi irniu.uvui brutber pra-tltl n-r l*a

ay*.. tul lu wlw.* iklll. thrraf.wa, wa b..lne lUn aTl tluara

I'.ul we ttar of Llm frcm thota wbo ettaem tlrn ne! ' * -I,

li I njrgeon, brt at t brnafarvVir A r*r*«.t .»te tjit brrn -r

ta'.d lo u.. fur Ibe U-.tbfuia*ti-f a IJ wa can « ¦¦.'

w. oan BBBM Bo ntruea Tlt paBflM w_i t tady who bad tatn

Ueaf ftoru luftny. t. t rolieeq .*- a af ,.v - of tho i__-*t.ll

lo wbl-h BH-bM arr li-bta. latt'-ily tbe diieate ljjd t_ttfl

aa trute BMB, tnd tiie pitianb »lt BBkpMI M rnteoB to-er'ngTh* riraf..aet w.- BhpkBpb BBbg c.iopl-t-. u.J -M :tB_r».

Ihaakhble-Aiji. dov .. _er Ur |1 J.. ,'. .ii:*..!!!'.-. 4»laud_r.t

tpen contUnt pi'ru Oi.lituvy tnl ..r.u..ry t'lelee

wne naadawi tnJ Dr. b ou BbMbaSg ott catrf..! lu. OTi Baed

nr.t rapeal Ltadu^r.otii; fur UjA w ouiJ bo ou.y all.taf hard

namatta ;!.e BBBBMl '-* BM bt dr'.e ted tt . .: '.ua

tatt of dLtoaae, hiitlnone umtlcn of tht orga-um. Iheala

ano'Ur, aad arBt BBatpahBlM -.Biiifaiat Ut 1-iijb: wat ac-

rvirtta, be rraiurrd Ihe ct'itet, tnd ... wbo fuia lofaacir.

luiletrd wi'L Aifrla.iltT, anl I»*t*r!y hrrdly at a'l. tflt*

ataiad, flrit tn paila.-t h-BBk : tnd th r, I , |*rf.<t be-llh. Dr.

V'oi. Flaen'.eri'a-Jvar' i t rt 'a'.i if'.a. eaai, wLlfa

-.,, taM lii'ly ir v.a. tl.,Ufii tot »: l_a tal .*'- ¦"- b I L.ib

ItathMhaM e*'«. i e.»r

Pmm tu* CbbdM (taM

blUHT BE8TOHED.covcnvafa im am» oculuii.

Of lac fcr- BBB-ta thit Brk k BBMB tael.-.g I, tbe in,.l iiu

I'.jrtai.t ir.d ttttt \ J :*L Iu pr rpartiaa aa I.I. ituao faa) ua,

wt are rcj . .il'..< l»a'|,.r>»iiit.^ Ill .i. iy d-t'i' f flightLow OmB » o. .d beiur BBBBBBBb iruw rJ;c, tnd how li_i1 ed .. .i ai^Le.-a uf ri tion ai.d MMBbflM lindcwed 1'

lha Bflbaaai Lerou.a. t naw rrtii'.n, tlettad a Bk i" t'.t) aad

uivei..-»d by ii l.ulle BMMp BM ¦. BBBM ftlta lo aii-ct

tbo mlad aod ...»'.

For raretil moiiiht ptrt thit haa beea t pr.ett-a t.b.r.-t to

na An L.fltrn.d f.-idttion of the eye'lii, roir.rj. ui, ttlng.¦ allta Ika paat^ aaademd Ita .,.*..uc of .-lly laBta qji

..uly .. .'il. bn* d->i/» ¦.¦ a AltribulUig it to tht eiTeea of .

r.old, ae andured ib Ihtiugh the Mprir|, wltii ll e 1,..;« llu'wllh Ihe return )l weaih.-r lt », tii an'.l.ely £ IppHot ln tl.i. we we.t Jairjied to dlit^'.niU'i .-nt. BbbB ir*

taraed,kataMbmwaariadfligb. tVha Mhara aaalb. .-.-..:. thmaagbam *i beema bb taalaBBV

*. a gaaaatmfbrilaticf oui rtta to a rrt-nd, ta aii'.nd iu tbat t I'.tnJiar

BM la hii own lamlly had raoenUy baea treaU-i wl'.h e-iiira

. trcaai ly I)r. Von Fiteaberg of tldt rity. Sa'.fylig ....

a-.rri l.y BMB l*ni, u't/Lnrj.lrirt thtJ the IWtoT ta M MB

;!rlc. t-'t t k Ir.l'ifi.i oroliit nd titlit, wi. u i .d«J tn Mektbr hriM-fit of M> ti-Nltnv..'., wi.i h vtt iuvvt now r> kaataawb-gl at r-ry j. u. ILiuib Lul a i.-w w... bb *-r

Lii. ir*. tbe flppflaa-MB of anr eya, h». tvtal'y cl.uige»L Tn*| "pi-1IBBB tul! tnl clear, tad ti* BbflM BBB-flbBMBaM.:.! .u,'i- j', .-- TU I'.a '. ar.yi Ibal , optle i i ,e ktt t

wi.ktL-.l, and tbe riliua aaauiutd a ii. ..... .1.1 . r

ttala, -fl- '.I. i mcrt ur ti t'J tb* ¦,.,. iL. .-a, aod ......:,

Bg. lf oegiettad, toend ln Atuaoroila <.; .:.,:...i'i, wt haiie»» ta tha tarm whirh ..-..' a'a appiy to .... aftrtad ti were

aara Hivlng nhttined tbt Biarb dailnrd, vr take r: -«1

pleatara lo iclnowtadg-!ng our ,1-bt. !.-... to the taieut ofDr. Voa Etaentaia »'¦ * f ca-icg tn lt th* ittaattan of oLmmiwho aiay bt tuffertag Ti.-.-n a ihuilar tt trrn wum roaditlunef their ayaa lt it tad Uitl KroHdaaee proiidoa ib t.-.i.dtltfar etery bana It it eertaio Ihat tha aya la, la ttate,

tnhJK-t to te-arer thali tbta formarly. Lat nt be thankful,, thtt ii wa ln. naw tha tamionrlai whi h dattroy Ihe

argtn ot vl.1 .n, tha | r ,:-a.« «f . lenoa paoe with Matt., II not lo tdrtBca of IheauOf, Ii.t, N. bll B&OABWAT,

V. B. 7*30 Laaa.

The Berrotary of ths Tn a, 1; y (Itm aotlo* tlutt MDaertfttOM will b, racaioed for Coupua Treiaar, Nute*. payahl*brrae yaaia from Ao|. IS, IB64, with aeml aonaal MbOT altbe rato ef .*t.b m4 thre* teoihi p*r eeut per anuio,.otiaot-

ptl and iatarett buth to b*> pald la ItwM aiooey.Tbe** BkM will ha rouTortibla M the oftloa of tn kolAat M

maturtty, lola .U P** eent gpjf. boarloi bondi, payakl* aM

Im* ll.*" bva nor loti tbin tvraii y yru. fioru tinir tbu, a,

tbe O.T*ror_*nl may eleeL The, wlU tva taaued la tteooaai-

tBfaMOf ?». BK*. .*".- *'.*"* tni .'.onC' tai ¦" ¦*.

irnptl-ii oiuM b* for Bft, dallari or i.rre niehlpU of tft,gabMTba notet wlll b* lriaMn.lrtod to the ownatifr*.* traaa-

porlalioo cluri** M looo aftor tb* teoelpt *f tf** ort«in*l Gw

tlrVitet of IBpeadt M tbe, e*n ti prepmxed.Ai tb* not** draw lnt*r**Tt from Au-uit 13, parieni taailnf

d*po*iti iuhaefl.aie'.t to that date inuit pa, tb* Intora-ot te, .o>d

fruoi dit* ef not* to date of ibpoolLfM'.lri kBfatBMg twotf,BM abBBBBd d-lWi ind upmeard

for UicM ootei lt au, oa* BBB Bal be ailvwed a ooinoibaloo

of noi-qitaner %t om pir eent, which will be pald by tn

TrMniry Depcrtroeot upon th* PBSBBtf of a bUl for Um

lanoaut, cettihedto b, th* BBBB with irt-oio th» d*poitl ».*

..-.--. Ne u> fur t»rnn,bi.oni BtiA bo trk*da from

t.i . diBBBBBi

bTLClAI* ADVANTAGKS OP TIIIS 1*0AN.It ii a Natiosa*. Batikoi IUbk. ottViH? * hithir rat*

of Ipterrit tcin an, etrw, and IV bttt l*r'.«fja. An, MTin**

b'^ATrLichr.)iit*depo.i'<^» M l'. 8. Notr*. eoniiden th>l

it b p*,lr.| tn gM be* elroulalii.i m- BBM of Ibe 'oantry,

Bal U faiiavoJ pi, an anjtba.| beite.', Ur iu ewn iae«* tn

ei'.hcr in UoTenunaol **ciiik.b* or ia uokt* ot boadi payabU(a tioTerunaaal papar.

lt 1* eoj.ii.dl, M * t' rr.p-rrtr, or patxau-eut la-

,T»*tmenL The nit?* can alwiyt b- ioI I for wt'hin a fraeUoo

uf tbeir f.a, mJ a'-umulAU-d bibff**?, and ira th* Ult .*>

eority with bir.i.* ai collaUriJi for illa.-ounti

t\iNYKRTlriU-: INTO A SiX PBB < K'.iT 5-'a!0 iK)U)

rlO.M).In ad-lillon ta fh* TM, Utaeril lntti«*t eo tlie Notoifbl

thraei vetn, thil p-'.vtlaja ef entivari'ain lt now t, r!b liiont

three por r*r.l p*r axnum, for tb* com-ol r*te f-*r 5M Boodl

ia n>t IaM fbia. wtwttm ttwttWwmtwM, before tha w.r Ua*

fMBBBB oo .!. paf eaol U. 8. .miocki wu o/*f t«eu», par

eent. It will b* aiaari thal tb* aeti.rd prtit on ll.b I-oan, MIL* pr*.-: '. niirki-l ra., U B"t baa lhaa t*o pM etnt per


ATION.1,0'.. ttide f .ui ail tha aatrioUf** wm U»r» .uumer*J>d, a

Spa-iiaJ A. t of C-eafr*M extmptt all r.wtt and TrftntyS lat /*»*! 1-viJ tu*ttr%. On tbe BTerrat*. liib *xrmptioo b

worth a: v '. two per -nt pM au.-r.i, atve ilituil to tha rio- of

.ra.-tioii la tart-vu ptrti of th* eountry.It it baBMOBd BM nafta-orlli-aotTer MgaM BBBBBaBBMl

to b na ii a. tbaa* ia*n<-3 by tha, (Imaran --.nt Tn all

tVhtt furrr.a . f babutediiaiA, th* bith or abuuy of priTat*iwrtits, or Maab r "Iipanie*. er .epirtl* rocmtultl**, <a»Iy,b pl*4|-aj ta ptyo eul. whi.e th* VBSb D*vper»y of tb, roun-

try I* BaM I > ia -are. i>* rJl*cli*r|e tvf all tla- al,.'falioB8 lf th*

L-nl'-alPiAba\\ i> tb* (<or,ai,iii*Dt (jfi-n tli* rr.-v*t ilViaU t. rjit for tt*

Lo_.t K loeii. TM tl^l A. Tei, itiuB|rf. Ipp«»l wU bo to tha

byalty *i. t pMrtu4«ui ef th* r-» p.*-

BaBfaaBkB citdaoat** will b* laiued ttt ait ttopo.i a Tno

p.ny BBaaaBtBJ BBBl indiri. i.p. u tha or\.pa*l rB-7'la4V.'e(h*daBoo.lui'Ioo ot oolM r*qtilrt^. tndwbetloBf th», i.-e'a b«

. . u. biai * ..r faytba* lo oiJ*r. VVbeu ao iaaior.ed. tl

aa-a**. b« bft » Bb tb* offkar tl-r d*po*il, '* ba for

vtar-'-^ t-, tb* Trraaury Daparta-etiLPfBa RIPT70N9 Wll.I. BK BPlTIVVP

by Ua*Ata-rra.r TarA*.BBBJ o* i*ta l artaa. r-iAtra, c rm** ef

v\»j .ad Baaaa MIn-r-.i- v. BaM OTWaa v.t Nn. i)V." *..

BatBBaTfarmn BiMMaaTtTrai "-if hBiJv,**.1 aiiB Naroi .*' Kisa o* Naw \n*t. N-v 5 Naaaia .!.

Iorara »*»a ur N*w Voax. Bl ,r.d l-i Pai* *C

lir.a .'-A1104U Baib «f Ntw *n, B*4 3J' M .*.

rixta Natioiax Uaia of Niw Toaa. »'h it k Br'-laray.Fiobtii BdrfBHUaBaABBOTBBB N ona, N.s .'. Hrneilway.Ni-ri- Natiobai '(ajibo* Naw Yoaa. Nu. :«vi . . .,

TiiBTB PaAartasn Uabb o* New Vobk. B4 "4" awaMWBBB,Ca.ri-L BJBaMai HAsa or N'a* Voaa. N* "l Baaaa ab:iii.,..!).i..uii« Uaaao* BM '.-.*-. BM tb aTafbab

..-I j ... Noa .. I-i-Ia Bbfab ue abpoiiUrW* nl fubtbBBBBBjANl) Al.b Rl IbbBBbI AND nANblf.aVB

ti -i ..h.i.i tba eouotry wiU aluohtUaM


A ateaat rtinpT *td* hli* are helag itia.1* at ItM.I'I tnialleai Hllfera, b *y i-rt. ut tw.> ef .1 i -.i-.l'il 1,-,..'..¦.» .-r.'.. ia.iraa.1 t-i C ,t,t* ur r-virit*rf«t' tbem.l-'l i.U of no uie. Tia* pBBfi. wuu't bo i*b| liup.aavl aj-ua.Ta* Piai l Bb BIH -o ar- in-raa.j.a, lu Ul* a .1 fSfal BBf»*'!.. vliy. I'kl lhat*l what t tt* mtl'.ai." avbaf a."B 1-, a*::i*

.:-. 3 bfl * ia 1 invl' )M ii lb-y BBM *t 4r*t, i. J wlll roa-

tlu B -0 h«, ul we liiail .' p tBaBBBJ 1 *vi.

'i - Plao'alioa U'.ttrn parlfr. itr.L-flbea, aal iuil|v,rik*.1 b i- etaeta ibM tfrf spaatlta.7 \.--j MB aa %i.'. b t>, iliana of water tu-t '.*Cl'h , un-.-a-i iu- > .1. .,-.',.[.,.; "v 'i ji.-I ..ih 'i*Th -y .1 i.a.... -ti li * .>,(*u. aiiu rr.iiv ¦ tha nili.ak.Tl *v pHeOPl li.I ..ll. aU- Blld I- '¦ ri it'toM l*Tara.Tb.y partfr taa hwab aad aald r .. .

l:..i. ira l>; tft pa > m,i i'. bbHbbHbB'D^-_ Mta l» i 7h.Ba. CtMarBa, .nd Cboaar. MnT+i..ali., i- .r. lojaa P BBpMlM Bad Baaaa ¦' Haadaal ok

T b. y n M tbo w.Hik atrory, ... Iar,--.ll, a-.d ar*

cil...'.. d ivatuie a irett r-.t r«r. fi.« !'. ,- it. 1 ini, ( u u

OT 1MBBMBadBBeb 0 :... taabtgyBMS,, aud p*|.oaa i krbeaiaBaV BBBf hahtl* lad*.. t .-aaii.-a, .. «i'-i ie. |v*JpiMth u !ita b. .:i. iv| rf sppot.te, diotieaa aft,a BBBBB, il at

i.-.pi ..r.:, r.BBtlga iia, k--., wdl flt.,1 tmmtiutt ai.d fv*iu*no.i.t r*...: tathaM i:: ra. B-.t, abvra aii, tu yiara rvcaxo

p. a4*d tb Va ik liei.itt, fao^vioi* Bil 1 r.-t-tlbMBTliay a-* a-.iJ bf -I I'tiva. labla T»*7. biu'.tv. S*a*.l.teB-h

. uui p. 1. ata 1'i.itayJ a-*t*« Suoup r..,i '.la* BBfk and..»» ^ ,-.- ..'.- J.'r.

BBBBB rtaaflBMl 'a.'.'loa, .¦..' tl iritiup bM 1(4 bv*a

iBBBBBl b llll. Aiy poT-Bou BBBOT*BMJ 18 a-'li l"ai '..'. II

Iil '. a by tla* Bkkaa !. a Ai.d i.i poi ,t ,t ar,,| ab.-a.J bao/Aaaadbt ly i... i. v. -.. v.4 r. ll liltAiiP. 1 Cf*,

__PBB, tt tttkrow/, ft, T.

. . . . Inrltiil.U . f .

1011 nrjEAPlflM AND Qt'AI.ITY W" MATUKWh' VKVJ/riAN HAIK IrVE," b»o b. r. ti f ifi tha Pkbll,- fr i.*ail"A QUABTKB C'P A CKIITVtVtt*

aadb nnloai^ily ai,,,7i.T*d..'. ITilS I1AIR DVP."a. IIIBBBMlBIld t-v » p. ..'iillar pr.-*B' w'ii.-h i»i'-i.t* M

" i.i V'..\-1 KAt.1.1 BOfBBlOB"I* ai.y tl BM lo ti.ii ahkiaa of

" A DVK -

t.ow ar erey befur. th* peopl*. M, ln* rr.rBfi--!* lo-onL. BOTTI.P,"

BBJBMfaafAb a il reaulied, wbkb .:.-*(fy aiiup.ia*4 lo* affiVeatloo. in u.ii., tba. Oye, you at i.i tbal

DUlSiY, I31RTY .

arp'aoaiir*, by wh'ash dyed bair aud w!.kik*r* iro M iMdWyra. ifuurJ »h-n tn lnfarlor arflrU Sa* ht-n uoa.1

"I RIlK, PIP-TY CBBTB PPR ,!,)T1'L,:i"B-ltb e-.|.t_hia douhl* Ib. dy. B lho*a uiuaily BBB tot *M-i- a ar. ifoai by all iir-i/i u* Tl.MATI1F.WB. BBbBMI Araerl,

No. 11 (»uUl «4., New Yerk.Abo, Sfannfiatatorir of Mae-Bwy Aasica llaja (itotMB, Ib*

br*t bai rnajaaebif ln UM. lo l*re* bcttl**, frktaliBBkP4Bt.O«eei4|*rtVa.-Tb. M.tb f« OREAT BRITArM

aii-l tn CONIINKNT, *b BliiltaaiOTlB aud llmaan, ftw

a. iu. i SMUuu O, V a. m.ABRIM WAKPMAN P**tmutor.

Flab'a ralfat CoolklBB-INu. 3W PmiIil, iN.wlna

Por BM Ffatlaa:








Drar-twuliBottnly tha tura f.ritrun-ar of flnatfa bat tta

eornpiniiin of a mliarthl* U&_ Il hta wtil beea etlled ttan-tlon'i icotirg*, for mort pertetw, both old iad yoong, Bataaad fer-ala, .Ji froai Ut ra-tgat, than frooi tii oliasr aUiueutiaombioed. It robt tha w_o4e tyttem of lu rigof and a-ergy,i>i vtt weari-ott tad total ,a to tltoaa onoo ttiougaad BcUtb reodert ihe ttooiteh poMMMM ta jige-t lha Ibc-,and hu f r tta itte-da-tt,UEAOACItF.. nKARTBLRN.CONRTIPATION,NAB-EA


refuil.glta eubjeeU a partl.lo of nr-urtattig or beerty food

wUhout payUig tue peuaity lu tbe mort m-ntaing dirtreaa, and

oftaeltaetcaynipleAaptotUitioa To ntti, the terrtbie rar-

agea of tbta worrt of tii ditataaaVVT. HAVE rREPAXF.D

OOl.'S DTaBPEFSIA CUREtiad we phrdga our r«patation npoa our etaleineut, wtaa wa

*»y U wi'.l

po-Rttni eun tue tPOBfli o? toui

aot tn a yev-oot ln a moeth.oor la a weeh | bot yoo ahaU

*** tta beaaictal Infl-aenca at onoa, l-une-tately. aud tha day

yoo 't.t lt. To yon wfco htre llred fot yeara epoa OrihaB

brtad aid ptain dlet, who dara not aat anythlrig tbe taaf.wbe

hrt.-ty fl/tt, beeaim tba doclot _M ordeied the ptal-ett tooi,and teccu.ily, for fear of thu dtattaat ll ceueee, riaing and toar-

lag oo yoor ttoo.vh-wa *ay, tit dnwa to yoor di__er, eatat

Uaarty t ateal m yoo wtah. tnd u tooo at the food begiaa bo

dtaueaa yoo, tel'.ow tt by a i-igl* teaapoonlul ol

OOmVa 1)Y8I*KI,SIA CURJ-,an it wn.u,

B-DU-tll 100 Daat*__fc_L_BB0__4llfhM enehtag yon, hy hearty eatlng. and lha ca of the Care

after eaeh meel (ta eftea ai tha food dittreaeei yon. or tonn

ou yoor atomae-), to get ia a very f«w dayt to tbat yoo caa

do wtthool tha BieJi-'ue. exoept ocoutonal'y. and by tbe

tUn* tht _nt bot'.ie U rjtod Bp wa wili gntrautre yo'i !>r* from

Dyipepeia, aud at> to eat, dhjoat, aud eu;oy aa hearty a break-fai* ta you evrr -tt do*m to la your bealtulnit houri; and wa

wUI forfult ._ y. i th* prica of the taattta upon your tbowinglha our fatetnt jt li not earrect.Tba madL-ina L. p-iwr.'ul bat harrataif, and-rhlle a itagta

t. aipoonfui wU! tt onr* rellar* t!ia dyiprpilo tuff-avrr, tue

whoUb.xUefa.l woold not materlaily k\j-re him u it lt an-

tu. iy vrfatibla, and c-iitalnt no opUlaa All c.anai of dli-r_*a thal hara tuatr oruln la a dltoi-ored .Stoniarb and

iioweia *Je dlii-.iltd lu th* .a... i-aUatanooui wty, by the-Mof

COT.'S DYSPEP8IA CUItKir,rvar aad Ague, Slch Uea-aaha, St-kneB it tbe Htoma-h,

tVxutipaiioa. if.rart-ur-, CuUo PbIbi ia tftonie.-a* How- a Dyaanle-f, Voatili-a a ffir

iag of 1 :ui.-i and Lattit-da,Vb ,i:i uf Appetita,

tlJ not aad rannot exlit wUar* lha oar* ta neod. Il retna-aa

tho DUaaa* by r. tnoving tbo rauM, not llke AJeohollo Uittertwhlcb oover up yo'_ btd .'. otagt for t few mon.eutt ky t-elr. :.:...-«"r.| »e

liewirc uf ai au.h r-oiedl-t ot beTanget, bot iu their p.aeaBM t B*r_*.1y thit wtl raatota tha dlwtted fen-tlnnt to tbrlr

anrmal co-i-hioo and tet ln lunticB tbe eutlra b'jm_B tuaehaa-1iitii Ui perfeot hanm-uy, u.d '.poo prtiK-lploi tynooyaiout w.thw... dciined p_-,-*ii iof_:_i tawa 1 kat tu. a wiU ba Uta odoot

COVB DYfePSP-OA CURE,l,-..n.a'^,!y aid liirt-ntaaouualjr. .». pl*-|a *ut «u.J ->

. f h»uot.our irp'jt-allon at Putrus-cottutt*.our firoriblo ac-

rjuaict-aro wlta th i -»op7r ai pmpriot )i- ef _hfl World ra-

Bo-rtit-d'tiOE'S CoVoti UAtflAM," Ufctaoad aceerdiaglo IM di'.ctioti. B-BB- -ity be fooud with eaeh ho'.:._.

We tddba.->wa.ina Tettiinonl-lt O'Ti ou. BeigLbort anllowa*->AB, to wkii-h wi atk y _>r.r carri'al _Ui.n-.i_a.

TF.STIMONTAI.8.Frooi thr F-V.-ir of tha M, Utoditt F.. Chunb. .Vtaltaon, CoBa.

I ..,.-" aaad ' ea < Byapepab Caca ln uiy la-iliy, aad carwir.iialv Uratuv t lt" viui... zm t medlein*." 'llENRY HIPMABD. Faalor JL E. Choreh.Iliul-jv. C ni.., J_ue JO, iki

A V ot. e frotu hctn* BaflMjb o*:r C!fy PtparaNaw ::.o. < onn , .'..«¦ II. 1814.

-I.-t.rt. Fditobi: A-ow tu* tara.(b your eoiumna. to ac-

krowU dte my iTatlMdr for ihe benrbt I btvr revrivrd froai tho.,*. of Ca,e'i1)*.pe--.i*Cuni. Aithouak I wtt ifl.1 tufli-rtrrfro-.t l)y>p*p«U. tii. br.t d .* BBVa r^a Inrtaut rtaat, tne ono

ounea hat emhVd BB ta eat nnythioa thal ! i-.h-raaa w itiwi.l

gkj J bM uaw taffal uaing _M .-jS^tlfifit"MaoitOT, t orta.. 'naa m. im.

From Thr r-T.,t,t d-rl-ed hy tbo ua> ol Coo'l Byapeptb CaaBIIn my furl.y. I tm pre;».-ad to BT tbM I uev.r u'.t-ud to ue

Wa. r.ia: Tlia boota of CWl DyvaMpBta Cure yon r«-e me

hat bv.-Ved up yoo.- aUli-neiK tt. 1 htva onlyu-e.1 l.ail B battkl aadcai e.t I'lneapple ahort-caVe or any'hlugalte without txjabl*. It acu UAe a atatB. 1*%BaMal ¦ **f.rlt ti lavttnui^iua lABUB A. luwkcx.

:,.* llavaa, Jun* IX 1&*-

!f any ont wl.1 e-. M know wiuuCor . Dytpepta Co:a hatIsaa taaM of th. worM e-at of Py-P' p.ia la t i-ria .*-. i.t

tbawaall *tNo.:i lruidla-lioy. 8o «r-tt ta tha ahaaaai «anata *i »ho uetatb baa _oubtf.5 to ttU tnd he*r fortkaa-BBbaa

IMfotlTAVT TO TBAVELS-UlW.ita laat-aytaf aa tbo cmn rnj'itoinioh b<-o_ma htdly de-

ranaad -.'..ina at-aaapa-i lu u.y hoad. Bad h b«*o ou tb*witerll Wiruld Un. b. ,-u (-«:..-d ».-! .i.-knota Ahdy ahUbflBy o:o B y aond liou. rrach.d out a butlle, *ay»'.«." Takaa .ailkw.' I -.1 w, in «*. than nvemuiute. mytiauhia wa. raadrd. Tbe iUH.-il.Iur ... -Cattt Dj r.iti an bbIObb Ib rOad u Ud upoa th* ttomach, tud wbaI le-.rt.-d el ll B-Wa, I ibink lt ruuU b* an axtaJleul teai-

edy furru.a?lckt.a_, .iu Uyapop.ia ...,.-.. k.ntnSlad-KU, J._eaj, |Mt MRS.HAMli-LAlr.LU

CIIOIXIIA MORBllfl.JI kjtkim MiiBBlalT' 0.H COE'B PYriPFP^IA CfJItE ta

, BBfl7-B-M»3rC? ta ChabM Morbut. Dy^ntery. I>lar-... irij ki-died a^.upuuiti. now to aiaialiM aaa Mar,ea ana ..a-. iT, ,ery few m nut. . thr mo-t *"vare

.ST .eavMM, iifaeatrVjlSS badeObri .f.en nrodur,.!I i n« nf wiiilr. drtohlagbewatar, ur -».u.a unripadTTi'A » wUI cara all tuoh caaaa, »_f .very 1U9,

UAbmISaa-Mka. J«»flBkaliid lr.forra.-da«Mtha%%ota iady had k**o tave.i hy two do«<.a

OSE Ul TH/. iWEltTTT-FlTE.NbW HaviB .' .ra 11, lBAt

V-. I'oB.Jtr: Tlf.viar h^u trouhlad wl'h th* Dyaneprtal.a .. i.e- f iah» rr twofv.' u,«.~u.. I havo Takeii ilw ..uaf k.ndl,

,T, .. -!...'. 1 tv.. a- ¦"* i-taigooA l taw yoor ad-tr-1ta-mcB' ol . mad'cl-o To cir* tha U. I .. 4 trla lt.L, 10 ,. d lt to bo TBB fiw-du lar. Tba Bnt iiften, dront (lhaT ifof Jiiu.-i that ' l-ek I'.ihv-l -i.f'fi.ou., 'iiir.iu-. I ,.av*

tikaii i'threo or I'.Ji.r'.iniaa. bul hur- ivd ni d'.atretihit fead-lu' a. uiy t-o-'it.-'i ita takbg Ita hr*' -fteea 'Irap., althonxhkeaBM I could m : BM B BBB, BBdlOBBfJBB BMBBM t-MIihrea or I' -1 BaoUinj «, wd_ow.dttlii.'4._,< uie.'

Reapeot:-',. Af.tVOOBMff,Naw I'.-.t. l-r.ell V'-i

Ul ( oa. fWrr.SV 'i'be botta of l)v.po)q'ia Mtdirino Irviil.JlllS ".. 1." _,.'» ,,.,., ... rall.l. ... . ,.al.lwla n 11 y food* d'..^r.«»eed ui". It w*a ahotil like uii_g twodoaet to day. 011a tamorrow, t.'iaa avary other ihiy. rucraatlaatba q'li-tlty of food ..nd dt iii-aaiiig Uia iiwdir iu,, until Iw.a vnahted to ett without Ualn* viTthlng at alL My caaewtt tn eilreaa* fie, htvlaf anflerad for arv n yeara I nowrcriiid-r iuy». :l cmed, and by only uifng ooa botlla ufMedli _>e iu Ihe tpaoa uf bwo uto-tha Tho diaa. wai a l*aipooi--l BU-CN B AIJ_r.N.

Itaid ky I'rugtltta b rMy aod ooonfry ev-rywtara.PR1CK 01 TER Murri.E.

Or-tn ky n-ui, bou aiiha deatan 01 oouroi-eii, proaiptlytUe-dedta.


l*lwpfwm)Wt%Rara-Fiaiataa eaeeitito wifl And t-taaaptaadM aatldols

'or NAIJBEA AT BTOMACB. aad al t__tapot__oa peotUtarwthe-BaeBoB

OEICAI BABBXB A Ca,Ha U fait-rew, B. T,

I bM tta BhflM ptmaraBea fer eata ta targa at bbbbII gaaa-iUtaa 1 ata Coc. Ceagk Bataaa aad Byat't Parladtaai Drepa

H. B. HEMBOLD,«htakai W alMi'-B, N t. IN hna-wtyt

Caaaaftatlaa Llfa IBfTM

gatapiBg of


Wah th* Cixnpaoad C<*ao*^rttod PTaU BaMBt Of





WhM mi, MBB almMt tnoimarlibb ta, tbat MM, 4B8BM

hlihano !y*Mld*rmd hapale*.!, tneonthb ira fM|iiMlj aaaa4

la ifM<bTiMoaaUn4w*iiBairt.ay bjTaa tf» bBOBB

latloni of tha liTMBl-atailod and aslMtlao ta cotm wkhhtan

M paralbl B) th* BBBbb dafk(JvimadieiMlipeeolbr, by B tho MMlfM, ****** M

d'.r**.Uy rmached, and th* eojaflrbriiu- rMtMwATao** who h*-* lotTtnof Ung from faiofol aad abaBbata

ThoMwhohart eainly toagbt lallaf bBB BBBBBBBB BBaV

IfkWBjTbom a*A* BtaBaa w» twrad by atha phMetaa,


DairlagthapOT fir* yein wa har* PMMfaf wahpfMBj.Mt,aal BBMBM oppotftUa m hareabaaa aaraBBMaa

e/iantered b, aa, lafflnMfl.

OONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP*a pmmitlT* aad ipwclAo rem*dy tor all dboaaM oriiloaiio, Baa

m IMPL'RE STATE OF TUE BLOOD. ud f.r ail (baaaVktary) AHaLA.tEd trat-mittod frora FAAENT TO (IKILB.

FABALYSIB.It U m ontTBTMM, tdtrdttod that Coaitttat'.M Wfo flyrip te

Ih. oriy effectlT. maaM of reatontlon b Um esrioo* fotwm tt

Faraiyab, tlavt w. o**d not raltauau tbat B b PAMaBBBB*!to. Or*al UlaOiTBi I'wa

DYSPEPSTA.wiiiB."AtiToaaaoa utib 4M«na4iM. uuaiiuiaaa

laTDMBBtMt. turoturca aa* Baavkra.



ox-raaiava iwaaxiaa*. aiotyaaktiaB.iitiii I47AA. bajvt aaaaa

Thbtatat ihbbboitabt aad kcavtaaa.) BTliai tlb wM aa

teid a.i*ei y, U by all aiual rtmodiM iacuiabb.RUEtMATl.aM.

BaT-atloOt*. BtTIA.iOAV

If tharr* b any diMMa U which tn ConttuuU oa Lifa flyiaab* otrrrtoltn, ll b la BMoautba and tU kinJred thTntllM

Tu* loeit UtoaM piiai m. aimt»*t loitaaUy albrbMl BMB

Biout »w*Uinp ar. tadiieod. Ciaom, obronio. or Tlcavioaa, Of10 or 38 y**aa itaadiaf, baia beoa osrid b, aa,

Tkooaatvb wbo hatw auaWd for y**r* wtll bltw* th* 4*,4Mvhleh the, read IhM* llna*. Fartlculariy to weak, MBMbajwoc-40 Bii thb medicio* p**TO *n baoMimablo bbnBgd'.r,.-l.f tbob BjBaioji to a BBM whioh fuiAib ¦koraUMabpromi***.

( >Srtl ITT^fON LIFE BYRUT potga th, tyitom *Mtrahyfrom til tb. *TiI .atVt* of MERCUBY, remorUn Um BaloroMtb, and turing tn W**k Joint* tad RbeuiBtlto FaMwhich tho mi of Calaaael b hn to prodtioe. ItaMBMB

Spoof, Oiurak, aud Saeoro* tn Taath u Brml, m eror.

CON.STITUTIOM L.IFE SYRUPPra-:.¦.*-¦*.. roat ind taaaab, aii Craptira OtttatM of th* 4444.


Aad BO athar diff cuitle* of tbb kiod, whbh *o mieh aatkaMBB

tb* lutward trraaoaxriAMB ot botb biabi md feaialM, .(Ua aaaVir.j UaMB . dbf^Mlaf abject to U*era*ejT-i aad tbair f)ie_A*.


P Itiier oi Um Ftee, Imoea. or Fiaaab Braeat, tod ahaold OTlakM u io.o m tb. iwellaiai U aUtectod, thui ptsTrptlaf thtte

li-tik-ar.f, and prndncuxf tr,ubl**ome I>lacba~tn| Stvrtw, whtdb

Bafg jra io tuo; af iu* younaer portioo of Um BMMMBaakfrom tfx I. twiBty yaari of Bf*. Yoang ehildren ar. my aaa*

jMt to OuooharfM tMM tU tar*. whioh depeud* apoa a t*aaB>

BBBB OoBitltiUoa. Ta. MM b»ob BMOM b, Ukiaf a OOTda**e *f tbo Lif* r-yiup.

Ad Strofuloai penoai iuff«rtn( fr"« »«n*r*l n*4»ulty, Eara*

ebxtoa, DyipoptU, ¦»'' Dropiy of th* Umbi. ibdomeo, tad ta

tbi Femati. Dropiy oftfM onartM and womb, |Mkerally locaa¦Mad with BBmBBMBOT aud 11 <-'aUioo of th* UtorM. aa

poirnanenUy oured by Coattitulloo Llfo Syrup. Th. <

knuwa ti OolJt ot Bwelbd N«ck. th* faf* Smrnp wtU i

ratbrel,. Tba remed, ib*uld b* UkM fur wm* titu.. a* BB)

bBBMB b exceedloxiy chfoaia kod itahborB, «d will ggfBBreaaoTKl witoint ixtrt iffv-rtTumori of tb. 0*»rtM, Tvu»ori ot tha Br****, and iwttBBj

of atbtf tTbaili efm kody, will bo eomplatriy redoeod wgB>

.ai iMortiaf to tb. kaif., a epondooi of an, kind,

EpllAoptie Ph*, r>yiupath*tie .r Orgauilc ot BBB

Ii*art, u Palpitttlon, DImom of tn Vahrot, pr-o.1 irlai * araV-

ii-|orfilin| aourd, titD;iy aflb* Hoait Caim a^d aU tOT lBB>

livoi of trai lauportast ot|aa IfortoM loitori&i fYom My MBM

ptia Lo thi Mfiou of th* boart) artU b* |tmU, talbrrrt bfC'cMtUatioa L'.f* syrnp.


TJLCERATIVB DI8EA8ES,tfthar M tb* Nom. Tiiroat, Tao*-,, Opiao, V^tohoad, ot B*a*Am i*tD*dy bMo« priied itt oo.a*3.OT kS A r.F.NERAL BLOOD-FOlUFYmfJ AOaThTt



liiMAMi nf tn MptM m oioall, rUtTovkiped in Ib. ,oaa«, f_B

Di-eoj*, N*nral|U, ar.d al! norroni llbetMa, anJ L*di*i wOT

ui luffirtiaj fcoM OiioM** ftw wlilab Um, ara M a Imb OT

inow wbat t. do, w. woikld tdrb. Um om t COHSTmt.

riON UFE BYBUF. Il wUl iMtora tbtfr p*iud itoMaaa.

aaaaa, itr*a|th*B tlMir weak back, aad ibm, ftra taaa aaa

roargy, mw 113a Md iBjafaaaajTHE AICU AND FOOB

tMiiohUtotn BBM faMBB WBtoa aad bbbB|| an

oad* UM CoaiUtuUcn Llf* Brrwp f*1 tb* beneBt of aa.


»r*dtoc**bMltb, BiO-tad woowai and lf th* bMbBBBBI ta

»I>04*d 1B yeolh, 4avr*M *ud amrl, dcavtb b th, i-autu BB,ua **-y wbM th* ma*iai are M MM at haad, in wi'_ua Ibfakchofalt,


f> gbj BhjMJ Ifafl FrbOT aad lha Bleb Mtn'i

but rr, take rr. and be clrrd.IT IB UmVEBAAL IM ITB EFFECTB

Wai. H. 0REt30, M. D.,fOIaB FaVOPBlBTOB, BEW TO

FiVaBlMB^^lBUBottbaiforaJiIV IM by .tafprea to all para of Um eoantr,.


Whttleojab Dranketa, AfeaB,aia 443 CivIFFAT., attWigtUV