Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand The Bible is the credible...

A Rational Response: The Power of Prophecy

Transcript of Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand The Bible is the credible...

Page 1: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

A Rational Response:The Power of Prophecy

Page 2: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

Introduction: Our faith Is the only

rational response to the evidence at hand

The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind

We have the same message used in converting 3,000 in Acts 2

We need to see the power of detailed accurate predictions concerning the end of a man’s life

Page 3: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Internal Argument:Prophecy

What is Prophecy?

Prophecy is “a declaration of future events, such as no human wisdom or forecast is

sufficient to make; depending on a knowledge of the innumerable contingencies of human affairs, which belongs exclusively to the

omniscience of God; so that, from its very nature, prophecy

must be divine revelation.” (The Evidences of Christianity, C.P. M’llvaine

7th edition p.185)

Page 4: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Internal Argument:Prophecy

What is Prophecy?

“If the prediction antedates the event; if the event is such as

could not be humanly foreseen; if it is unambiguous, if uttered by or

in the name of God, then the realization of it in the event crowns

it as genuine.” (Lawyer’s Examination of the Bible

pgs. 137-167)

Page 5: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Internal Argument:Prophecy

1. Jesus would be betrayed by a disciple, Ps 41:9 – Matt 26:14-15

2. Jesus’ betrayal price was clearly stated, Zech 11:12 – Matt 27:3-7

3. The betrayal money would be returned, Zech 11:13 – Matt 26:31,56

4. The betrayal money would be used to buy the potter’s field, Zech 11:13 – Matt 27:7

5. Jesus’ disciples would forsake Him, Zech 13:7 – Matt 26:59-61

6. During Jesus; trial, false witnesses accuse Him, Ps 35:11; Ps 27:12 –Mk 13:55-61

7. Jesus would suffer abuse, Is 50:6 – Matt 26:67

8. Jesus would suffer in silence and patience, Is 53:7 – Matt 26:63;27:12-14

Page 6: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Internal Argument:Prophecy

9. Jesus would be stripped of His clothes, Is 53:5 – Matt 27:28-29

10. Jesus would be beaten and spit upon, Ps 35:15; Is 50:6 – Mk 14:65; Jn 19:1 (pain and insults)

11. Jesus would be struck or smitten on the face Micah 5:1 – Matt 27:30

12. Jesus’ hands and feet would be pierced Ps 22:16 – Lk 23:33; Jn 20:24-28

13. Jesus suffering would be intense Ps 22:14-15 – Lk 22:42-44

14. Jesus would be given gall and vinegar to drink Ps 69:21 – Matt 27:34; Jn 19:28-29

15. Jesus would be numbered among the criminals of His day Is 53:12 - Mk 15:27

Page 7: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Internal Argument:Prophecy

16. Jesus died that he might take away our sins Is 53:4-6; Dan 9:26 – Matt 20:28; 26:28

17. Jesus became a “curse” and a “reproach” for us by hanging on a tree Ps 22:6; Ps 79:7; Ps 9:20 – Rom 15:3; Heb 13:13; Gal 3:13

18. Jesus made intercession for His murderers Is 53:12 – Lk 23:34

19. Men would divide Jesus’ garments at His death Ps 22:18 – Matt 27:35; Jn 19:23-24

20. None of His bones would be broken Ps 34:20 – Jn 19:33-36

21. His body would be pierced Zech 12:10 – Jn 19:33-37

Page 8: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Internal Argument:Prophecy

22. The crowds who viewed His crucifixion would rebuke Him Ps 22:6-8 – Matt 27:39-44

23. Both Jew and Gentile would combine to put Jesus to death Ps 2:1-4 - Lk 23:12; Acts 2:23; Acts 4:27-28

24. Darkness in the daytime would signal His crucifixion Amos 8:9 – Matt 27:45

25. Jesus was cruelly mocked Ps 22:7-8; Ps 35:15-21 – Matt 27:39-44

26. Jesus suffered alone – even the Father’s aid was withdrawn Ps 22:1; Is 53:1-3 – Matt 27:46

Page 9: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Internal Argument:Prophecy

27. He would be buried with the rich in His death Is 53:9 – Matt 27:57-60

28. His fleshly body did not see corruption Ps 16:8-10 – Acts 2:31

29. He would be raised up from the dead Ps 16:8-10; Ps 30:3 – Matt 28:6; Lk 24:6,31,34; Acts 2:22-32; 13:32-37

30. Jesus would ascend back to heaven Ps 68:18; Ps 24:7-9 – Lk 24:51; Acts 1:9; Eph 4:8-10

Page 10: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Internal Argument:Prophecy

The mathematical probability of all the

prophecies concerning Jesus coming to pass would be “one

chance in a thousand trillion” (I Believe Because


Page 11: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Internal Argument:Prophecy

The weight of the evidence

The clarity in which the evidence is produced

The honesty of the examiner

The logical ability of the hearer to evaluate what he has heard

The background prejudices of the hearer

Coming to a point of faith based upon the evidence requires:

Page 12: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Apostles Use of Prophecy

Jesus was delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God Acts 2:23

God raised Him from the dead because Deity cannot be kept by the grave Acts 2:24

The Claims of the Apostles

Page 13: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Apostles Use of Prophecy

David – soul would not remain in Hades, nor his body deteriorate (Ps 16:8-11)

David was a true prophet (Dt. 18:20-22)

The resurrection demands He was to take David’s throne (Ps 110:1)

The Proof of Prophecy

Page 14: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Apostles Use of Prophecy

"36Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God

hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord

and Christ. "Acts 2:36


The Logical Conclusion:

Page 15: Our faith Is the only rational response to the evidence at hand  The Bible is the credible revelation of God to mankind  We have the same message.

The Apostles Use of Prophecy

Jesus died for our sins, according to the Scriptures

Jesus was buried and rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures

Jesus was seen aliveWe quote the same

Scripture and ask for the same conclusion

1Cor 15:1-11