Mexico- Mexico City Belize- Belmopan Guatemala- Guatemala City Honduras- Tegucigalpa El Salvador...

Latin America

Transcript of Mexico- Mexico City Belize- Belmopan Guatemala- Guatemala City Honduras- Tegucigalpa El Salvador...

Latin America

Nations and Capitals

Mexico- Mexico City Belize- Belmopan Guatemala- Guatemala

City Honduras- Tegucigalpa El Salvador – San

Salvador Nicaragua- Managua Costa Rica- San Jose Bolivia- La Paz, Sucre Panama- Panama City Jamaica- Kingston

Cuba- Havana Dominican Republic-

Santo Domingo Colombia- Bogota Venezuela- Caracas Brazil- Brasilia Peru- Lima Ecuador- Quito Argentina- Buenos

Aires Chile- Santiago Uruguay- Montevideo

Latin American Government Began with Dictatorship, but in 1979, but in the

1980’s it became a democratic rule. Written constitutions were ignored, public

dissatisfaction led to revolts, and governments relied on the military to keep order.

Spanish and Portuguese colonists built cities and towns that served as trade centers and seats of government.

Latin American countries are struggling to end corrupt politics and bring economic benefits to all their citizens.

Farmers and workers demanded more political power and greater economic benefits.


GDP per Capita- $6,544Exports- Sugarcane, coffee,

cotton, bananasResources- Coffee beans, cocoa

beans, bananas, timber, rubber, gold, spices, salt

Mineral Resources- gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, petroleum


Battlefield of the Cold War in the late 20th Century

Argentina and Britain- Falkland War in 1982

Dictatorships were common after WWII but in the 1980’s the government was overruled to a Democratic rule

Fidel Castro and his personality style was more in line with the characteristics of a military dictatorship.


Multicultural In the late 20th century Spanish rock

emerged-influenced by British Pop and American rock

Sports- Baseball, soccer, horse racing Culture was influenced by European, Spain,

Portuguese, and U.S. Variety of music- Tango is most common Languages- Portuguese and Spanish-

predominant some French Hindi, Indonesian, and Italian.

Religion- Majority is 71% Catholic or Protestant. Jewish, Agnostic/Atheists, and Sephardim

Population Characteristics

Population- around 590 millionGrowth Rate- 5.7% in 2010. 4% is

expected for 2011Ethnic Groups- Amerindians (pure

blood), Mestizos, Mulattos, Sambos- Amerindian and mestizos are the most common.


Predominant wet and hot- varies on what country.

Highest Temp- 110 degrees fHighest Rainfall 350 inchesLandforms- Panama Canal, Angel

Falls-highest water fall, Amazon River, and the Andes Mountains

Present Day

Volunteers come to Latin America once a year to help where it is needed.

Mexico Soldiers arrested on alleged Zetas drug Cartel member who allegedly confessed to killing a U.S. immigration agent

Anti-Chavez parties to hold presidential primary in Venezuela. Pick candidate to run against Hugo Chavez next year.

Election is Nov. 27, 2011-March 11, 2012

Government- Colombia

Republic-executive branch dominates government structure

Executive Branch Chief of state: President Juan Manuel SANTOS

Calderon (since Aug. 7, 2010). Head of Government: President Juan Manuel

SANTOS Calderon (since Aug. 7, 2010), Vice President Angelino GARZON

Elections: President and Vice President are elected by popular vote for a four-year term (eligible for second term); Election last held on May 30, 2010 with a runoff election June 20, 2010. (Next to be held in May 2014)

Government-Colombia cont. Legislative Branch- bicameral Congress;

consists of the Senate; (102 seats; members elected by popular vote to serve four-year terms) and the Chamber of Representatives (166 seats; members elected by popular vote to serve four-year terms)

Judicial Branch- four roughly coequal, supreme judicial organs; Supreme Court of Justice (highest court of criminal law; judges are selected by their peers from the nominees of the Superior Judicial Council for eight-year terms)

Government- Colombia cont. Council of state (highest court of administrative

law; judges are selected from the nominees of the Superior Judicial Council for eight-year terms)

Constitutional Court (guard integrity and supremacy of the constitution; rules on constitutionality of laws, amendments to the constitution, and international treaties)

Superior Judicial Council (administers and disciplines the civilian judiciary; resolves jurisdictional conflicts arising between other courts; members are elected by three sister courts and Congress for eight-year terms)

Government- Cuba

Totalitarian communist state; current government assumed power by force on January 1, 1959

Independence: May 20, 1902 Political Party: Cuban Communist Party

(PCC); only one party allowed. Administrative subdivisions: 14 provinces,

including the city of Havana, and one special municipality (Isle of Youth).

Headed by General Raul Castro

Government- Honduras

Democratic, constitutional republic Independence: Sept. 15, 1821 Constitution: 1982 with amendments 3 Branches: Executive, Legislative, and

Judicial Political Parties: National Party, Liberal

Party, Innovation and National Unity Party

Can vote at the age of 18 President: Jos Manuel Zelaya Rosales Vice President: Elvin Ernesto Santos


Three Branches- Honduras

Executive- President, directly elected to four-year term

Legislative- Unicameral National Congress, elected for four-year term

Judicial- Supreme Court of Justice (appointed for a 7-year term by Congress and confirmed by the President) Several Lower Courts


Member of the UNThe World Trade Organization (WTO)Rio PactMember of the Central American

Defense Council (CONDECA)2004 signed the U.S.-Central

America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)

Economy- Colombia

GDP per Capita- $9,800Major exports- oil, and natural gas

($40.24 billion)Produce 686,600 bbl/day of oil—9

billion cu meters of natural gas production (2008)

Unemployment rate- 11.2%--population below poverty level is 46.8%

Economy- Cuba

GDP- $50.01 billion GDP per Capita- $4,450

Growth Rate- 1.4%Average monthly salary- $18Resources- Nickel, Cobalt, iron,

copper, manganese, salt, timber, oil, natural gas.

Exports- Nickel/cobalt, oil, sugar, tobacco, seafood, citrus, tropical fruits, coffee

Imports- petroleum, food, machinery, chemicals.

Economy- Honduras

GDP- 14.8 billion GDP Per Capita- $1,829 Resources- Arable land, forests, minerals, and

fisheries Products- coffee, bananas, shrimp, lobster,

sugar, fruits, basic grains, and livestock Exports-apparel, auto parts, coffee, shrimp,

and bananas (Total $5.2 Billion) Imports- fabrics, yarn, machinery, chemicals,

petroleum, and vehicles, (Total $7.79 billion) Unemployment rate-28%

History- Colombia

Flag was adopted on Dec. 17, 1819—yellow symbolizes sovereignty and justice—blue represents loyalty and vigilance—red represents valor shown and victory achieved during the war against Spain

Gained independence on July 20, 1810 from Spain

Santa Marta was the first Spanish settlement founded in 1525


Spanish settlers established the raising of cattle, sugarcane, and tobacco as Cuba’s primary economic pursuits.

Cuba was the last major Spanish colony to gain Independence, following a lengthy struggle begun in 1868. Final push for independence in 1895. In 1898 the United States entered the conflict after the USS Marine Sank in Havana Harbor on Feb. 15

History- Cuba cont.

In Dec. 1898, Spain relinquished control of Cuba to the United States with the Treaty of Paris.

May 20, 1902 the United States granted Cuba its independence but retained the right to intervene to preserve Cuban independence and stability with the Platt Amendment (1934 was repealed now it’s the Treaty of Relations 1934)

History- Honduras

In 1969 El Salvador and Honduras fought the brief Soccer War over disputed border areas. The two formally signed a peace treaty in 1980, which put the border dispute before the International Court of Justice. (ICJ)

1992 the ICJ awarded the most of the disputed territory to Honduras.

1998 Honduras and El Salvador signed the Border Demarcation Treaty.

History- Honduras cont.

Honduras was originally inhabited by tribes, the most powerful was the Mayans

July 30, 1502 Christopher Columbus first saw Honduran soil and claimed the territory and named it Honduras (meaning depths)


Special passion for football (soccer) Influences by American Culture and

other Latin American Cultures, European, African, and Native American cultures

Multicultural-many different types of cultures

Religion- 90% Roman Catholic 10% Other

Spanish is official language—over 60 other native languages spoken also

Culture- Cuba

Multiracial society Religion- Roman Catholic is the most

popular, but the protestant population continue to grow rapidly. Afro-Cuban religions- a blend of native Africans religions and Roman Catholicism are practiced also.

Government seized and shut down all private schools, including more than 400 Catholic schools.


Culture- Honduras

Religions- Roman Catholic ( majority), Protestant

Languages- Spanish, some EnglishEnjoy football (soccer)Education- 6 years- Attendance:94%

overall, 61% at junior high level. Literacy-83%

Work Force- 42.2%, Argiculture-35.9%, Manufacturing-16.3%, Construction/housing- 5.6%

Population Characteristics-Colombia

Population- 44.91 millionGrowth rate- 1.184%Ethnic Groups- Mestizo: 58%, White:

20%, Mulatto: 14%, Black: 4%, mixed-black Amerindian: 3%, Amerindian: 1% (multicultural)

Bogota, Cali, and Medellin 3 largest cities

Population Characteristics-Cuba

Population-11.2 million 75% Urban, 25% Rural

Ethnic Groups: 51% mixed, 37% white, 11% black, 1% Chinese

Language: Spanish

Population Characteristics-Honduras

Population- 8.0 millionGrowth Rate- 1.94%Ethnic Groups- 90% Mestizo, 7%

American, 2% Black, and 1% WhiteNationality- Honduran

Climate and Topography- Colombia

Tropical along coast and eastern plains—cooler in highlands

Lowest point- Pacific Ocean zero m– highest point Pico Cristobal Colon 5,775 m

Annual Average Rainfall- 42 in Temperatures depending upon elevation varies

from 24 degrees C to 38 degrees C Arable land- 2.01%--permanent crops: 1.37%--

other 96.62% Magdalena River and the Cacau River are the 2

major rivers


Climate and Topography- Cuba

Tropical, moderated by trade windsDry season Nov.-AprilRainy season May-OctAverage Min. Temp- 70 degrees FAverage Max. Temp- 81 degrees FWinter Temp- 71 degrees F

Climate and Topography

Hot and humid year round. Temperatures vary by altitude rather than season.

Average High Temp.- 90 degrees F Average Low Temp.- 68 degrees F Dry Season- Nov.- April, Wet Season May-Oct. Mountains cover 2/3 of Honduras Land below 1,000 meters-hot land, between

1,000-2,000-temperate land, 2,000+- cold land 3 Distinct regions- extensive interior highland

area (covers 80% of country) and two narrow coastal lowlands.\

Major Rivers: The Rio Coco, Ulua (most important river), and the Rio Patuca (largest)

Present Day- Colombia

Drug problems in Colombia—government is trying to destroy the drug lords

Colombia has played an active role in the UN Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru

formed Andean Community in 1969 The U.S. Colombian Trade Agreement was

signed in 2006 and was passed by Colombian Congress in 2007 and is still awaiting U.S. congressional approval

Colombia 4th largest trading partner for U.S. in Latin America

Colombia’s major environmental issues are soil erosion, deforestation, and preservation or wildfire.

Present Day Honduras

Many Americans do mission trips to Honduras every 6 months to help with medical care, food, and help the people in Honduras.

Helps U.S. with peacekeeping, counternarcotics, and disaster relief.

Tegucigalpa banned smoking in public areas

More than 200 American companies operate in Honduras

U.S. Aid budget for Honduras was $49.5 million for 2010