), I ( .. ..___ .. ;,..· ' _M ___ " -- :--lan:.!:ll. ( '! 1ark" L OOPEktllHiUn AN INOIEPcNDENT NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday Bv The Vol. 18, No. 18 GreenbeU C ope1·ative Publishing Association. Inc., 9 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryh_m_d ____ _ Greenbelt. Maryland, Thursday, December 10. 1953 GVHC M:embers .Again Ban Pets Give PR ,{ oting Irtformal Okay 10 cents By Ru&Sell Greenbaum For the seconc time in the past. six months, Greenbelt residents who are members of the Greenbelt Veteran Housing Corpor.l.tion voted down by a s1 bstantial majority, a::1 attempt to repeal the pro- vision in the GVHC ho:ine owner's contract which forbids the pos- session of pets. 'I he vote, taken a.t the GVHC quarte1·ly member- ship meeting ThUJ-sday night, De!:ember 3, reaffirmed a pre·;ious vote against pets at the membership meeting last June. The SC(X}r.d big issue on the a reconunendation by GVHC that the present propor- tional r..!presentatiG n I>"YStcm of voting for board m be re- placed by either p ura!ity voting or cumulative votint · wa.s not offi- cially deeidE::d ,became of a lack of a quonun. Howeve an informal vote reveal-ed that the members preferred b"J retail: the present .system. P.et lsst1e ·rhe pet Issue, which basically involves dogs, was raised again by a petition preEented to the m.er.n.bership meeting by the re- quired ten GVHC r.1emhers. The petitioners that the action against pet.s at · the Jur.e meeting was "an !n:'ringentent on our rights." The pe:ition went on to state: "Not aU 00' us OV\-'1 pets, but we feel the inherent ri 5ht to do so , should not !Je taken away from us. In a tenant relation.ship. the land- lord does have such rights to for- bid possession of pet;; and make it a provision of occu9ancy. How- ever, in a co-owners.'lip such laws have no place. \Ve wish to avoid encroachment on otl1 ers' rig.hts to •iv<! peacel;'uHy, hut we do illsist upon the right to n:.ake our own ' decisions of what 1night be our possessions." ptel:itioners S<1 ught per.nis- sio, for GVHC men: bers to keep pet3, subjeCt to such provisions as prov!ding a fenced 1-:-ea for the a.nfmal and not alloV\- ing it to run at large, delegating the police de- partm•cnt to declare an animal a public nuisance, and nquirdng that the o\vner of an an in. a! declared a public nuisance or a I)Ublic hazard dispose of t:ne pet hin ten days. Debate on the issue did not flame as high as had beer, anticipated, and there appeared tc be a certain amount of lethargy among the me.Inbers concerning this long- debated question. One member moved that the petiti "'n be tabled. He previously that a sub- stitute proposal Le submitted to the members in whieh the entirP responsibility for cor trolling pets would be in the hands of the city authorities. This motion was ruled out of order, and the motion to table the petition defeated by a J.arge majority. 'rlre ccmplaint of one member that hP never got e. chanee to vote on ar. issue at GVHC meetings be- cau.':le he had to leave for work by 10:30 p.m was enough to end the debate and call for tl:e vote. The mer..1ber was able to leave for work with five minutes to s :>are. Voting Sys;ern The discussion oh the voting system was· more prol<>ngerl. Orig- ir.ally sclreduled to prec:·ede the pets issue, it was :postpontd until after thet item on the motion of Tom Ritchie. , · The champion of proportional representation or the ::rarE systell" was Bob Volckhau.sen, who waa assisted in his fight by Ritchie. Both argued that the Hare system· was the only means of assuring minority representation on the GVHC board. They pointed out that the plurality syftem. which was preflerred by the 1: oard, would perrnJt an entire of candi- d.a.tes to be eloc-ted hy e. single gtoup, leavinJ othe1· members with no voice on tbe bc:oard. See G\<"'IC, Pa1re z St. Hugh's Pastor's 25th Year Sunday. December 13, mark> the obs.:>rvance of the twenty-fifth an- nivcmary of the Rev. Victor J. Dowgialio's .:.>rcination to the holy priesthood. Father Dowgiallo wili celebrate a high Mass of thE.nks- eiving at 11 o'clock. The Re\'. Casirr..er P. Losinski, uncle of Fa- -Lher .Do;'l:giaHo and pastor o: St. Church, Clinton, Md., will deliver the sermon. The Monas- tery group from St. J'ohn DeMutha, Hyattsville, will sing the :!lf.ass. St. Hugh's Boys Choir will sing thte processional and reccss:.:mal fer this occasion. Special guests, incluc:ing relatives. friends, and - parishioners of St. Hugh's will at- tenet Father Dowgiallo came to serve hS past<>r of St. Hug-h':!: in .rune lf347. He studied for the priest- hood at St. Charles College in Ca- tonsville, 1\faryland. and was or- DAccrr.ber 22, 1928 at St. .John Lateran Basilica, the cathe · c! !="ope in Rotne. Italy. . A public receptio::t in observa11ce of his silver jubilee will be held 'sunday afternoon from 1 ta 5 o'clock in SL Hugh's auditor.um. of various or- in Greenbeit, includ- ing City Charl'es Mc- Donald, 1•Iayor Frank Lastner, J.nd the m:::tnager of Greenl><'!lt Consumer Services and Greenbelt Veteran Hou.;;ir_g Corporation, will be on har.d to Fat her Dowgialh The public is invited to join St. Hugh';;; parish in l: nn- oring its pasto!'. The recei•tion is sponsored by the following la.y organization.!; of St. !:[ugh's parish, under the ci1airn anship of Jose;:>h Comproni: Our Lady's Sodality, The Holy Name Society, St. Hugh's Pan·nts liuil-::1, St. Vincent d'e Paul Socie·ty, the L3.dies of Charity, and the Parish Committee. Local NCJW To OffE,r Music Program Dec. 17 The Greenbelt Section of the National Council of Jewish Women will meet on Thursday, Decem·:·er 17 at :30 in the home economics room c,f the Center SchooL 'l'be program will mark the celebratio!>n of J-ewish Mu.sic Month. Mrs. Ros- alie Sirlin, concert pianist, will off- er several selections, .and a grcup of Israeli dancers will perfor-m. The public is invited. WELL DO YOU KNOW 1. How was th'e Greenbelt Co- operator started? 2. Hov;r was the name selected'? 3. \Vho was the first editor? t. HO\.v many past editors live in Greenbelt'? 5. Whnt is the relation ol' Gre-enbelt Coru;umer <the "Co-op'') to The Coop .. erator? Postmaster Lists Holiday Hours I'usttn.:tst•·r Ton1 Fr·,•f·r:1;i!o ha.s announ(',•.j th<' fo!lowir;g of servic(· to th•' puhlir- the Christma..o;; S<":"tson. Dc.-emb(·r 12 through DPccmb,•r 24: Salt:rlluys, Df'.cember 12 and Hl - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. D•·c.Pinber 13 20 - 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. \\' ,, i.:days, day Friday - 3 a.m. to 7 p.m. .-\11 llatron'> art> ad,·i.,••d to cnr .. dH"<·k Lht>ir Chri ... tma-; lists, lweau ...• .. r ttw 111an) addrt>.,, of tlwir fri••n•ls ha\'t• nto\· .. d frnn1 (;n ... nht·it.. If tht·:r dt• ... ir·· to h:n·,. th<·ir- grt•t>ting fnr- ward<ll tu tlu·ir frit•nd.. who ha\P IIJOH"(I it is n<"ct>s,.,ar,v for th••m to nwil Nards fir,l-eta., ... Lions OHer Prize For ChrisiMs Lights For the first time in its 17-y(·.:tr histor:,· rc-sidl·nu' will h . .n·p tiH· opportu:1ity to part:c:ip'l.t•· in an outdoor Christmas ch-cora· tion pr:1gram. The t: rr·r n b0:t Liuns Club will award a $:23 .s:lv- ings bond to th<· !'<·sident display- ing the• mu.st original and attmc- tive d('curatio!lS •>n U1t' out.sid•• ot hi.:< or hc·r home. .:; udg•·,; fur tnt· contest ''.Jil rY· G. group of Junior-Hj studr·nts. Judging will be don-e on Satu rcl:ly and Sunday, Dec '"mb<·r 26 and 27. and th(· winnc·r will b(' announced in this paper on Decemb<'r 31. cdlcss to say. InembPrs of th·,• I.i•-'ns Club will not be eligib]P b c.1mpPte.l Credit Union Starts Membership Drive The Greenbelt Fc·deral C!'('dit. t.'Eion, on Dt.·ctmlwr 195:-:l. <'!. ,;ri\·e to incrc'(!..sr· its m<"mb.·rship. S;llCL· SCJ mar.y nt•W famj}j,.' n10\'t·d to Gr•enhclt during lh<· pa.'it Y<·ar. the Credit l.Tnion is inviting th('m t.o join and b.•come eligible for- the servicc·s and benefits it offers. The credit union is one of th<· le!>S conspicuous members of the cooperative family in Grecn- hdt. Org-anizC"d 16 YPars ago. it bas served its nal'n:ber-patrons through the giving Rid to many families ln n•:ed of funds. It approves many loaru; on sig- aature. loans basf'd on the ehar- 'iCter of tile lx>rrow<·r. for all kinds of <·m·.-rgencies: new babks. medi- n.nd .::<'ntal bills. school tuition fee>: rc·pair h- sur.cl!H and (·tc. \\'hen the O\\'nPrship of the hcJ\lSf·s chang'<'d hands. rnany !ami:ir·s were helped by th<' special r·fforts of the credit union to rrKt.ke thc·ir homes accf'ptable as short-t(•nn security. Of course, for ;)o-'\:ars the shiny new 4·door special for the use has been financed through the union. \Vhy do so many people use the facilities of this group of \"olunt('('rs in (·very- man's finance? Quc,ting from th,. reocord in FCU !548 of the Fc·dc-ral Security "'During 19:>0, nearly a bll1ion dollars was made available to union members by the action of th>eir credit com- mittPes . . When with ether available sources of credit . . . the net saving:1 to members wu . . . possibly WI high as 175 miUJon dolh!.rs". Net a bad rec- ord. •·hat? Cit:r To Keep Library, Says Council As Citizens Hear Plan For Budget Gn·enbelt's city library will not be integr2.ted with the county liLt arv system, local citizens were assured by the city council at a puL.lic -hearing on the 1954 budget last Monday night. Over 60 citizens. representing many civic organizations, attended the hear- ing in the auditorium of the community building. Fonnat· D.-ploroo ---------- """' .'!. r(•sult of hearing no men• · · was adde-d to tht· budget or ,.o:1Ltr Chief complaint, how- ' V• :-. wa,., tiH, fonnat of the budget. r: tlph \Vehster. of Gr····nhdt Housing Cor- •r:tti:on. c:)mplainPd that the for- mat was not compz-ebensfve, was clifti. :!It to analyzP, was not prP- r:t. ·! 1:1 time to allow sufficient < nn.- "h·ration. a."ld did not clearly - :,tlin<' the a .. of income t•> ··x;• -nsf's He dPplored the prac- t in· of dividing a "man in quar- ! · , . " t'' c.d iocat<· his expense to .!.::·. r. :ct r 1,,,, r dPclared lhe for- n, 1t n•>t u:;::l•·rst'lndabic since it did not adequa.le•y present the It:•:r.·a.,:,,. or dt:C!'L·asc in various de- vu-tr:J•·,1:s. nor break down the ·1 :w.,n:ts alloca.t(>d to different of a department. City manager Charles MeDon- ;. ·,J np!ic<J that the manager- ,·r·lln<i! fonn of government re- q·I:r. ·'· in practice, that he pre- H·n: " "realistic appraisal of the dc·p;.rtm<'nts a.nd their anticipated ,·-.-r···: . .;. s." or in other words "<t P• r·:·,.n budgl't." The coun- hir· s an auditor each year to , .. , llniz:r• th•· proJwr use of !'JJ, .• s :11 department, and this i:-: nr.t a privil't.'ge of citizens at pub- lL· ill'<·.cr:ngs, he declared. How- <'\'1·1·. t.'u· council g('ts a monthly '' purt of the cxpPnditures of each dtp;,:tJnf•nt in "broken-down" :.:.;-:-n. J:.·· addt.d. reason for the fonnat, )oft-Donald stated, is. the close ad- h··r··nec· to e.dministrati\'e prac- fi,·, .-· which th'e presenta- tir'n anrl Hccounting methods in thl· municipal government. O:H· citi7.en expressed apprecia- t;.,n of :\IcDonald's reasons but -·.-;, d hope for two budg- .- rw:-:c y(•ar, one fonnal, an- infontw.! Cor easier intcrpre- Ltt:<on by the citizens. Lions Pian Goodwill Tree, Benefit Movie A · Cood \Vill Christmas tree will IJ•' <.r•·Ct('d and decorated by the Club in co-operation with t'1·· r.Jlinic::ipality and various civic orga'lizations c·arly next week. The tr•·e will be surrounded by a crib ·.vhr·n· good-wm contributions by citiM·ns of food. new clvthing. toys nnr] othPr gifts v.ill be deposited. The collr·ctr:d items will be distrib- ut<:·d to the needy fami:ies in (';rc,·nhc!t on Christmas. C•>mmunieatbn with Santa Claus 1s he ing attempt•>d in order to per- suad•· 3!:u.ta to visit Greenbelt very soon. The rc;:u!t.s of this en<leavor will h<· ann{Junco!'d in next week'll Cr;...-_..p, ra.:.or. Arrang(·mcnts are being com- plr:t<'{l h:: th(· L!on.s Club to run a movie, with December 18 rt.s a ten taLv(: dAte. with admis- sion prier: a gift parcel for a needy cit.iu·n. The name of the film is br•ing withheld at present but is tc. be a pleasant surpriSie. Green Valley Calling Grr-e:-.bdt Com.munity Builders is caliing til. lllleeting Wed,,esday, Dr·cembPr 16, at 8 p.m. at th"! G ·.:He office for those people who are interested .in buying Into Gn..-·n Valley Homes - indiVidually owned. Lil:miU'y Stays Assurance was given the citi- zens by Mayor Frank La.stncr that library will remain under city c<>ntrol. :Many citizens spoke in favor of keeping the library, with none in oppo-s.ition. An article in the Covpe.rator, reporting the o:f two county library officials at an e8.rlier informational met·ting, was criticized by sevel'la.l :·itL'-:ns for giving a "'one-sided" picture. Lastner opened the hear- iHg with a castigation of the Co- ope•·ator for an express- ing the opinion that the council "'"S using the library issue as a blind for mo:re significant aspects of the budget. "We arc not hiding anythmg," he declared. Nc"' ll:a.te "Guessed" .F'or the fir,;t time, Mayor Last- ncr hazarded an opinion on the new tax rate: he hoped it would. oc reduced to $2.50 because of a new county appraisal of property due to be announced later this month. The appraised value of Gre:tmbdt property is expected to be greatly increased, which would. drf1.:>tioillly lower the ta.x rate, Lastner ;;;aid. McDonald again Lu at the rate, but admitted the rate J.astner mentioned scc·m·oo reasonable. GVHC pre8ident Webster ap- pealed for a tax rate, de- claring the future of deveLopment in Ureenbelt depends largely on this item. HC' read a letter from Ruger Vlii!cox, of Commun1ty Builders, d'cvelopcrs of Woodland Homes, which stated that approv- al of financing by FHA was se- eur :d at great difficulty due to the tax rate. \Vilkox estimated that :.he present tax rate would requir'e payments of a.n average $520 "!. in taxPs by new no1ne-owners in Greenbelt. At a 2% tax rat-e, which he hoped for, only $331} y., oult! be required. He did not wish for redtJ<:cd services, since that. would make Grctenbclt a less ::tttractive place for home-pur- chaser.'!, lhe le·tter added. Personal lProperty Tax Althoug>h the revenue porti-on of the budget has not yet been con- sidered by the eounci!, the personal pruperty was the subject of some Ben Ro&enzweig, trca.surer of Greenbelt Consumer .Services, declared .that he hoped "a rl"asonable to the pr;rson::.I property tax would be taken with t-o inventorie3 in tht: eoopc:·a.tlve. Rosenzweig introduced general ma4lger Sam Ashe•lman of GCS. "What is good for Greenbelt is good for the Co- op," Ashclman a.ss<O'rted. He stal- ed that the loca.l cooperatJve en- terprise pays in personal !)roperty taxes and $2500 in real property taxes :to the city. He es- timated another $10,000 went to the city in "payments in lieu of through rent GCS pays to the federal g·nvemment. "You could cloublt> the personal property lax if it would! get the tax rate down," Ashelrn.<l..n declar:ed. He hoped that continued development In Greenbelt, wah new homes and famiHes would oenefit th'e C()-<)p in the lony run,. and ·fie offered to give any assistance tc. encourage development. (The personal property tax is now 1%. It can be changed each year by the councll. It applies only to local b\ulinesses, not citi- See C0IJ11li'C)IL, Page « ·- (,. f { ·. I l

Transcript of ), I OOPEktllHiUnEAST RI.VERDA.LE RIVERDtALE RO.AD & I~DMONSTON CENTEFt ROAD Sr.1per Community...

Page 1: ), I OOPEktllHiUnEAST RI.VERDA.LE RIVERDtALE RO.AD & I~DMONSTON CENTEFt ROAD Sr.1per Community Nlarlcet and Liquor SPECIIALS FOOD YES! Have your steaks and chops cut to order! Quality

), I


.. ..___ ..



_M ___ "


R~EENBEL'r :--lan:.!:ll. ( '! 1ark" L

OOPEktllHiUn ----------------------------~~ --------------·----------------------------------~----------------.._.--~- AN INOIEPcNDENT NEWSPAPER

Published Every Thursday Bv The Vol. 18, No. 18

GreenbeU C ope1·ative Publishing Association. Inc., 9 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryh_m_d ____ _ Greenbelt. Maryland, Thursday, December 10. 1953

GVHC M:embers .Again Ban Pets Give PR ,{ oting Irtformal Okay

10 cents

By Ru&Sell Greenbaum

For the seconc time in the past. six months, Greenbelt residents who are members of the Greenbelt Veteran Housing Corpor.l.tion voted down by a s1 bstantial majority, a::1 attempt to repeal the pro­vision in the GVHC ho:ine owner's contract which forbids the pos­session of pets. 'I he vote, taken a.t the GVHC quarte1·ly member­ship meeting ThUJ-sday night, De!:ember 3, reaffirmed a pre·;ious vote against pets at the membership meeting last June.

The SC(X}r.d big issue on the a~;•mda, a reconunendation by GVHC that the present propor­tional r..!presentatiG n I>"YStcm of voting for board m ~mbers be re­placed by either p ura!ity voting or cumulative votint · wa.s not offi­cially deeidE::d ,became of a lack of a quonun. Howeve ~. an informal vote reveal-ed that the members preferred b"J retail: the present .system.

P.et lsst1e ·rhe pet Issue, which basically

involves dogs, was raised again by a petition preEented to the m.er.n.bership meeting by the re­quired ten GVHC r.1emhers. The petitioners contend·~d that the action against pet.s at · the Jur.e meeting was "an !n:'ringentent on our rights." The pe:ition went on to state:

"Not aU 00' us OV\-'1 pets, but we feel the inherent ri 5ht to do so

, should not !Je taken away from us. In a tenant relation.ship. the land­lord does have such rights to for­bid possession of pet;; and make it a provision of occu9ancy. How­ever, in a co-owners.'lip such laws have no place. \Ve wish to avoid encroachment on otl1 ers' rig.hts to •iv<! peacel;'uHy, hut we do illsist upon the right to n:.ake our own

' decisions of what 1night be our possessions."

'I~he ptel:itioners S<1 ught per.nis­sio, for GVHC men: bers to keep pet3, subjeCt to such provisions as prov!ding a fenced 1-:-ea for the a.nfmal and not alloV\- ing it to run at large, delegating the police de­partm•cnt to declare an animal a public nuisance, and nquirdng that the o\vner of an an in. a! declared a public nuisance or a I)Ublic hazard dispose of t:ne pet wi~ hin ten days.

Debate on the issue did not flame as high as had beer, anticipated, and there appeared tc be a certain amount of lethargy among the me.Inbers concerning this long­debated question. One member moved that the petiti "'n be tabled. He previously ~-OVed that a sub­stitute proposal Le submitted to the members in whieh the entirP responsibility for cor trolling pets would be in the hands of the city authorities. This motion was ruled out of order, and the motion to table the petition ~ defeated by a J.arge majority.

'rlre ccmplaint of one member that hP never got e. chanee to vote on ar. issue at GVHC meetings be­cau.':le he had to leave for work by 10:30 p.m was enough to end the debate and call for tl:e vote. The mer..1ber was able to leave for work with five minutes to s :>are.

Voting Sys;ern The discussion oh the voting

system was· more prol<>ngerl. Orig­ir.ally sclreduled to prec:·ede the pets issue, it was :postpontd until after thet item on the motion of Tom Ritchie. , ·

The champion of proportional representation or the ::rarE systell" was Bob Volckhau.sen, who waa assisted in his fight by Ritchie. Both argued that the Hare system· was the only means of assuring minority representation on the GVHC board. They pointed out that the plurality syftem. which was preflerred by the 1: oard, would perrnJt an entire slat·~ of candi­d.a.tes to be eloc-ted hy e. single gtoup, leavinJ othe1· members with no voice on tbe bc:oard.

See G\<"'IC, Pa1re z

St. Hugh's C~lebraltts Pastor's 25th Year

Sunday. December 13, mark> the obs.:>rvance of the twenty-fifth an­nivcmary of the Rev. Victor J. Dowgialio's .:.>rcination to the holy priesthood. Father Dowgiallo wili celebrate a high Mass of thE.nks­eiving at 11 o'clock. The Re\'. Casirr..er P. Losinski, uncle of Fa­-Lher .Do;'l:giaHo and pastor o: St. John'~; Church, Clinton, Md., will deliver the sermon. The Monas­tery group from St. J'ohn DeMutha, Hyattsville, will sing the :!lf.ass. St. Hugh's Boys Choir will sing thte processional and reccss:.:mal fer this occasion. Special guests, incluc:ing relatives. friends, and

- parishioners of St. Hugh's will at­tenet

Father Dowgiallo came to serve hS past<>r of St. Hug-h':!: in .rune lf347. He studied for the priest­hood at St. Charles College in Ca­tonsville, 1\faryland. and was or­d~l.ined DAccrr.ber 22, 1928 at St. .John Lateran Basilica, the cathe · ~~-r:!.I ch'...:r~!-: c! th~ !="ope in Rotne. Italy.

. A public receptio::t in observa11ce of his silver jubilee will be held 'sunday afternoon from 1 ta 5 o'clock in SL Hugh's auditor.um.

I-~epi~esentatives of various or­~amzations in Greenbeit, includ­ing City 1\-~anager Charl'es Mc­Donald, 1•Iayor Frank Lastner, J.nd the m:::tnager of Greenl><'!lt Consumer Services and Greenbelt Veteran Hou.;;ir_g Corporation, will be on har.d to congratulat~ Fat her Dowgialh The public is invited to join St. Hugh';;; parish in l: nn­oring its pasto!'.

The recei•tion is sponsored by the following la.y organization.!; of St. !:[ugh's parish, under the ci1airn anship of Jose;:>h Comproni: Our Lady's Sodality, The Holy Name Society, St. Hugh's Pan·nts liuil-::1, St. Vincent d'e Paul Socie·ty, the L3.dies of Charity, and the Parish Committee.

Local NCJW To OffE,r Music Program Dec. 17

The Greenbelt Section of the National Council of Jewish Women will meet on Thursday, Decem·:·er 17 at ~ :30 in the home economics room c,f the Center SchooL 'l'be program will mark the celebratio!>n of J-ewish Mu.sic Month. Mrs. Ros­alie Sirlin, concert pianist, will off­er several selections, .and a grcup of Israeli dancers will perfor-m. The public is invited.

HO~V WELL DO YOU KNOW GREENBELT~' 1. How was th'e Greenbelt Co-

operator started?

2. Hov;r was the name selected'?

3. \Vho was the first editor?

t. HO\.v many past editors live in Greenbelt'?

5. Whnt is the relation ol' Gre-enbelt Coru;umer Servicef~ <the "Co-op'') to The Coop .. erator?

Postmaster Lists Holiday Hours

I'usttn.:tst•·r Ton1 Fr·,•f·r:1;i!o

ha.s announ(',•.j th<' fo!lowir;g hour~ of servic(· to th•' puhlir­du.-i:l~ the Christma..o;; S<":"tson.

Dc.-emb(·r 12 through DPccmb,•r 24:

Salt:rlluys, Df'.cember 12 and Hl - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

!~undays, D•·c.Pinber 13 a~Hl 20 - 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

\\' ,, i.:days, ~[on day t:uoug:~ Friday - 3 a.m. to 7 p.m.

.-\11 llatron'> art> ad,·i.,••d to cnr .. rull~ dH"<·k Lht>ir Chri ... tma-; 1nailin~e lists, lweau ... • .. r ttw

111an) addrt>.,, ehan~e"'"'· of tlwir fri••n•ls w~o ha\'t• nto\· .. d frnn1

(;n ... nht·it.. If tht·:r dt• ... ir·· to h:n·,. th<·ir- grt•t>ting e~rd" fnr­ward<ll tu tlu·ir frit•nd.. who ha\P IIJOH"(I it is n<"ct>s,.,ar,v for th••m to nwil Nards fir,l-eta., ...

Lions OHer Prize For ChrisiMs Lights

For the first time in its 17-y(·.:tr histor:,· Grcenbl'l~ rc-sidl·nu' will h . .n·p tiH· opportu:1ity to part:c:ip'l.t•· in an outdoor Christmas ch-cora· tion pr:1gram. The t: rr·r n b0:t Liuns Club will award a $:23 .s:lv­ings bond to th<· !'<·sident display­ing the• mu.st original and attmc­tive d('curatio!lS •>n U1t' out.sid•• ot hi.:< or hc·r home.

.:; udg•·,; fur tnt· contest ''.Jil rY· G.

group of Junior-Hj studr·nts. Judging will be don-e on Satu rcl:ly and Sunday, Dec '"mb<·r 26 and 27. and th(· winnc·r will b(' announced in this paper on Decemb<'r 31. '~' cdlcss to say. InembPrs of th·,• I.i•-'ns Club will not be eligib]P b c.1mpPte.l

Credit Union Starts Membership Drive

The Greenbelt Fc·deral C!'('dit. t.'Eion, on Dt.·ctmlwr 195:-:l. ~t:'lrtf'd <'!. ,;ri\·e to incrc'(!..sr· its m<"mb.·rship. S;llCL· SCJ mar.y nt•W famj}j,.' n10\'t·d

to Gr•enhclt during lh<· pa.'it Y<·ar. the Credit l.Tnion is inviting th('m t.o join and b.•come eligible for- the servicc·s and benefits it offers.

The Ioc~.l credit union is one of th<· le!>S conspicuous members of the cooperative family in Grecn­hdt. Org-anizC"d 16 YPars ago. it bas served its nal'n:ber-patrons through the year~. giving Rid to many families ln n•:ed of funds.

It approves many loaru; on sig­aature. loans basf'd on the ehar­'iCter of tile lx>rrow<·r. for all kinds of <·m·.-rgencies: new babks. medi­c~} n.nd .::<'ntal bills. school tuition fee>: ilutot~wbile rc·pair bill~: h­sur.cl!H ~ and lic~ns..--. f~·$: (·tc.

\\'hen the O\\'nPrship of the hcJ\lSf·s chang'<'d hands. rnany !ami:ir·s were helped by th<' special r·fforts of the credit union to rrKt.ke thc·ir homes accf'ptable as short-t(•nn security.

Of course, for ;)o-'\:ars the shiny new 4·door ~ustorn special for the f<~.nuly's use has been financed through the cr~it union. \Vhy do so many people use the facilities of this group of \"olunt('('rs in (·very­man's finance? Quc,ting from th,. reocord in FCU !548 of the Fc·dc-ral Security Ag~·ncy: "'During 19:>0, nearly a bll1ion dollars was made available to cr~it union members by the action of th>eir credit com­mittPes . . When compar~ with ether available sources of credit . . . the net saving:1 to members wu . . . possibly WI high as 175 miUJon dolh!.rs". Net a bad rec­ord. •·hat?

Cit:r To Keep Library, Says Council As Citizens Hear Plan For Budget

Gn·enbelt's city library will not be integr2.ted with the county liLt arv system, local citizens were assured by the city council at a puL.lic -hearing on the 1954 budget last Monday night. Over 60 citizens. representing many civic organizations, attended the hear­ing in the auditorium of the community building.

Fonnat· D.-ploroo ----------"""' .'!. r(•sult of tht~ hearing no

men• · · was adde-d to tht· budget or ,.o:1Ltr tr·~·'d. Chief complaint, how­' V• :-. wa,., tiH, fonnat of the budget. r: tlph \Vehster. pn~sident of Gr····nhdt Vt>~eran Housing Cor­P· •r:tti:on. c:)mplainPd that the for­mat was not compz-ebensfve, was clifti. :!It to analyzP, was not prP­~· r:t. ·! 1:1 time to allow sufficient < nn.- "h·ration. a."ld did not clearly - :,tlin<' the a .. ~sociation of income t•> ··x;• -nsf's He dPplored the prac­t in· of dividing a "man in quar­! · , . " t'' c.d iocat<· his expense to .!.::·. r. :ct dep~L-rtnlenLo;.

r 1,,,, r dti;~,·n~ dPclared lhe for­n, 1t ''·a~ n•>t u:;::l•·rst'lndabic since it did not adequa.le•y present the It:•:r.·a.,:,,. or dt:C!'L·asc in various de­vu-tr:J•·,1:s. nor break down the ·1 :w.,n:ts alloca.t(>d to different f'IIH'~i••n:; of a department.

City manager Charles MeDon­;. ·,J np!ic<J that the manager­,·r·lln<i! fonn of government re­q·I:r. ·'· in practice, that he pre­H·n: " "realistic appraisal of the dc·p;.rtm<'nts a.nd their anticipated ,·-.-r···: . .;. s." or in other words "<t

P• r·:·,.n 1anC'l~ budgl't." The coun­~·:: hir· s an auditor each year to , .. , llniz:r• th•· proJwr use of th<~

!'JJ, .• s :11 L~cn department, and this i:-: nr.t a privil't.'ge of citizens at pub­lL· ill'<·.cr:ngs, he declared. How­<'\'1·1·. t.'u· council g('ts a monthly '' purt of the cxpPnditures of each dtp;,:tJnf•nt in "broken-down" :.:.;-:-n. J:.·· addt.d.

A~:n~lir·r reason for the fonnat, )oft-Donald stated, is. the close ad­h··r··nec· to e.dministrati\'e prac­fi,·, .-· which ~~overns th'e presenta­tir'n anrl Hccounting methods in thl· municipal government.

O:H· citi7.en expressed apprecia­t;.,n of :\IcDonald's reasons but ':·:i'~"• -·.-;, d ~h.:: hope for two budg­,_.~ .- rw:-:c y(•ar, one fonnal, an­c~thcr infontw.! Cor easier intcrpre­Ltt:<on by the citizens.

Lions Pian Goodwill Tree, Benefit Movie

A · Cood \Vill Christmas tree will IJ•' <.r•·Ct('d and decorated by the Unr.~ Club in co-operation with t'1·· r.Jlinic::ipality and various civic orga'lizations c·arly next week. The tr•·e will be surrounded by a crib ·.vhr·n· good-wm contributions by citiM·ns of food. new clvthing. toys nnr] othPr gifts v.ill be deposited. The collr·ctr:d items will be distrib­ut<:·d to the needy fami:ies in (';rc,·nhc!t on Christmas.

C•>mmunieatbn with Santa Claus 1s he ing attempt•>d in order to per­suad•· 3!:u.ta to visit Greenbelt very soon. The rc;:u!t.s of this en<leavor will h<· ann{Junco!'d in next week'll Cr;...-_..p, ra.:.or.

Arrang(·mcnts are being com­plr:t<'{l h:: th(· L!on.s Club to run a n~:ncflt movie, with December 18 rt.s a ten taLv(: dAte. with admis­sion prier: a gift parcel for a needy cit.iu·n. The name of the film is br•ing withheld at present but is ex~c::tec! tc. be a pleasant surpriSie.

Green Valley Calling Grr-e:-.bdt Com.munity Builders

is caliing til. lllleeting Wed,,esday, Dr·cembPr 16, at 8 p.m. at th"! G ·.:He office for those people who are interested .in buying Into Gn..-·n Valley Homes - indiVidually owned.

Lil:miU'y Stays Assurance was given the citi­

zens by Mayor Frank La.stncr that th~· library will remain under city c<>ntrol. :Many citizens spoke in favor of keeping the library, with none in oppo-s.ition. An article in the Covpe.rator, reporting the s::,at~._ntr•nts o:f two county library officials at an e8.rlier informational met·ting, was criticized by sevel'la.l :·itL'-:ns for giving a "'one-sided" picture. Lastner opened the hear­iHg with a castigation of the Co­ope•·ator for an ~itorial express­ing the opinion that the council "'"S using the library issue as a blind for mo:re significant aspects of the budget. "We arc not hiding anythmg," he declared.

Nc"' ll:a.te "Guessed" .F'or the fir,;t time, Mayor Last­

ncr hazarded an opinion on the new tax rate: he hoped it would. oc reduced to $2.50 because of a new county appraisal of property due to be announced later this month. The appraised value of Gre:tmbdt property is expected to be greatly increased, which would. drf1.:>tioillly lower the ta.x rate, Lastner ;;;aid. McDonald again hc;,;;~<LL.;..; Lu ~(ut'.&i!l at the rate, but admitted the rate J.astner mentioned scc·m·oo reasonable.

GVHC pre8ident Webster ap­pealed for a l~ower tax rate, de­claring the future of deveLopment in Ureenbelt depends largely on this item. HC' read a letter from Ruger Vlii!cox, of Commun1ty Builders, d'cvelopcrs of Woodland Homes, which stated that approv­al of financing by FHA was se­eur :d at great difficulty due to the tax rate. \Vilkox estimated that :.he present tax rate would requir'e payments of a.n average $520 "!.

~·r·d.r in taxPs by new no1ne-owners in Greenbelt. At a 2% tax rat-e, which he hoped for, only $331} y., oult! be required. He did not wish for redtJ<:cd services, since that. would make Grctenbclt a less ::tttractive place for home-pur­chaser.'!, lhe le·tter added.

Personal lProperty Tax Althoug>h the revenue porti-on of

the budget has not yet been con­sidered by the eounci!, the personal pruperty ~x was the subject of some di~cussion. Ben Ro&enzweig, trca.surer of Greenbelt Consumer .Services, declared .that he hoped "a rl"asonable appro<:~.eh" to the pr;rson::.I property tax would be taken with reE~pect t-o inventorie3 in tht: eoopc:·a.tlve. Rosenzweig introduced general ma4lger Sam Ashe•lman of GCS. "What is good for Greenbelt is good for the Co­op," Ashclman a.ss<O'rted. He stal­ed that the loca.l cooperatJve en­terprise pays ~;2300 in personal !)roperty taxes and $2500 in real property taxes :to the city. He es­timated another $10,000 went to the city in "payments in lieu of ~axes" through rent GCS pays to the federal g·nvemment. "You could cloublt> the personal property lax if it would! get the tax rate down," Ashelrn.<l..n declar:ed. He hoped that continued development In Greenbelt, wah new homes and famiHes would oenefit th'e C()-<)p in the lony run,. and ·fie offered to give any assistance tc. encourage development.

(The personal property tax is now 1%. It can be changed each year by the councll. It applies only to local b\ulinesses, not citi-

See C0IJ11li'C)IL, Page «




f {

~ ·. I l

Page 2: ), I OOPEktllHiUnEAST RI.VERDA.LE RIVERDtALE RO.AD & I~DMONSTON CENTEFt ROAD Sr.1per Community Nlarlcet and Liquor SPECIIALS FOOD YES! Have your steaks and chops cut to order! Quality



H ury M. Zubkoff, Editc•r, 5801

IsildOr•• .J. Parker, At>sOCliat€ Editor, 6551

.Jennie ~{lcin, Business :\lgr., 8681

SJ(J Rubin, Adn•rti<>in~:. ·15215

Jim O'Neill. Circulation 1\lgr., 2436

Paul Kasko, Photographer, 8:<21

Rae Algaze, Gerry B~! r.kstrom, George Bloom, Betty Coleman. Anthony Di Muzio, E. Don Bullion, Keilh Gamhk, Sonia G:nin, Se..rah Gelbcrg, Russell Greenbaum, 1.1arian Hatton, Bernai·d Krug, L. A. Lee, Peggy J.larkfielc. Dorothy :J\kGee, Camlyn Miller, Ralph :Miller, Bill :Moore, George Reeves, Da•.·i l RE:znikoff, Eleanor Ritchie, Ethel Roscnzwdg, Miriam Solomon, Morris Solomon, Donny Vi·olfc, 1\Jary Jane Zust.

The GREE~BELT COOPERATOR is published every Thursday oy the Greenbelt Cooper.1tive Publishing P "'Sociation, Inc., Greenbelt, J>l:d. Establi~hed, NovemLer 1937. Board of Directors: I. J. Parker, Pr-2-s.; Bernard Krug, V. Pre>.; l\Hriam Soiomon. Sec'y.; George Bloom, Treas.; Har-ry Zubkoff, E<iito;--,

SUBSCRIPTION R "TE: $3.00 p(>r year

Applicatiott for entry as second dass matter is pending. Advertising may be submitted by mail or delivered to the Coo~ra·~?r,

9 Parkway, GR. 3-3U:l, or to the Gr~cnbelt Tobacco Store. Ed1tonal offices open after 8:~:0 p.m. Monday and Tue-;;day. News dcadiine is 8:30 p.m. of the Monday preceding publication.

Vol. 18 Thursday, December 10, 1953 No. 18

The Coun4:il and The Tax The Cooperator has been criticised on many occasions, but

not always so deser;edly as it was at Monday's publiC' hearing. In all sincerity, therefore, we extend our apologies to the city council and to the city manager -- and to assure them that we did not mean to cast any reflections on their devotion to the public welfare. They have all demonstrated, beyond any doubt, that they are working in the best interests of the city. They a.re involved in an extremely complex and difficuLt job, and they are conducting it in a most commendable mann~r. We are thankful, indeed, that we have such public spirited men among us.

Without challenging their motives or their sincerity, however, we do question some of their decisions and, in some respects, tbeir judgment. In our opinion, they have failed to come to grips \\ith the most pressing problem of all - - that is, the question of tax rate. The increased assessment on real property will result in a lower tax· rate, tnu·, but this is simply a matter of semantic~. a play on words. The fact remains that the amount of m-oney which each of us must pay in taxes has not changed. The tax rate, taken by itself, is meaningless. Only when related to the real property assessment do..:s it have any significance. And with a higher asc;ess­ment our lower tax rate is still obviously too high. The fact that next year we will p11y about half our current tax rate will not put another dollar in our pockets. What's the difference between -1% of $2,000 and 2% c·f $4,000?

Why lower the tax rate further? Many people are saying that the new home1; and businesses whieh will come lo Greenhtlt will 'broaden the ta:{ base and automatically lower the tax rate. We maintain, that this is putting. the cart before the horse. I;: is more likely that the high tax rate will discourage new development here - the cycle will never be put in motion -- the lowered tax rate, in the te:nns <•f money, is a sine-quo-non to the further de­velopment and growth of Greenbelt.

And here is the crux of our community problem. We refuse to lower taxes at the risk of losing services. But how much room is there for economy in the operation of these services? Plenty, we submit. Last year'::; surplus of $25,000 is significant. We believe that it is possible to practice the kind of economy which will give us the same services we now enjoy but at a reduction in cost.· If we can save $15,00(• this year, and add to it the surplus from :.ast year, and possibly $5.000 which GCS may pay in personal prope·rty taxes, we will have saved enough money to lower our tax rate: to something close to $2.00.

This would be nuch more likely to encourage new development here - and this, w~ belive, is what we all want. ...................................


SAVE WEAR A~jO TEAR ON TEMPER & NERVIES ..................... -.......... .. Decembe1r Membership Drive


'~ Greenbel~t Federal C:redit Union


7:30 to 9:30 P.M. on Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Located at 133 Centenvay - Room :W2, over Drug Store

For further informat-ion Call 2481


:'\!r. uld ::\!r,;. Ju;;ti:1 Klt-m. ·i-1) H!li:;iJ,, rwc-:tm.· th·,. parent,; o: a:< S lh. :? cz ::on c·n l\:n,·en~hr•r 2.1 ·~;.t

Pr;llct· GtOI"6<'-"' H•:Jspital. Tlw bil~l;'>'. ncHflt'<l Pc..al Raymon-J. \'.'.lS

w'l.rmiy ~r:·d<'d by his grand·· moth(•r. :'\Ir.'. E. Simon:-; -.~·ho

m3k···s brr homt> with th>_• KL·rn<. ~1:s ~i~tPr. Ktlr(·n. and brntht··r_...:, Toll:n1y anra Bobby.

Our Jll')St lwartf(·'.t sy·mp:<th:.· to three· friPnd.:; \\-:1ose n1otht_ r~ art· critiL\.1.lly iii.

:'\frs. Ha.l Fb:::hf'r. 18-H Ridg.•. l;a.;; l.JP<!n witi1 her n.othf'r ,,·hn w:ts

.:::f'riously injured in an autnmobilt' nccid(·nt in Xew .hrsf'y. ~·>d Almodo\·ar. 8-A Hilbi•k.

fi••w last Saturday to C.1.liforni·1 to see his mother. n•ry ill in thP hos­pital. H" r.:turned home y,~_-;t(·r­

day. :M:r. and l\{rs. Charles \\·atkins,

"t-B Hiils~de. ""·ere called suddc·nly last weekend to the bedside· of his ~other in Rochester. New York.

The Cooperu.tive Nursery School is giving its annual. holiday party Friday evening, D·~cember 11 in the social room at the Center School. The mothers are contrib­uting delicacies to the smorgas­oord. Ruth and Bruce Bov.-man will lead th·e games. All of which wct.ald seem to guarantee G.n eve­ning's fun.

Corporal Robert Plackett. "C.S. M-arine Corps, will be spending the Chri.!!tmas holidays with his parents, ~fr. and Mrs. Arthur Plac:kett. his sister, the b.~:lutiful 1\fargaret. and brother, Jimmy of 10-T Southw:1y. Corporal Plad-c­ett r<.•turned last WC'··k from a six month;:; c:n:is,• i~ ":'\troit('rmnean waters on the TJSS aircraft <':1 rri(·r FDR. He will he on le~n·,. ;:rom D<'cln:bcr 17 to .January 4. Rob­ert. 21. is a grad ua t.- of Dc•).f:1.: h :1

Hig-h School and attended ":'\far•;­iand TJni\·ersity for two yr·ars ..

l-· "s T E R--N -, s----, t DELICATESSEN , ~ 1:>31 l'nh er~.it:r LanP ~ ~ ! Tnlwma Pnrk. 1\ftl. I lr.c-:-<t to A,\:::P\ i i i + ;. !

+ . t !

Hebrew National Hot Dogs


Hebrew National Bologna 89c a lb.

Stort> H•I)Urs 9 a.m. - 12 :\1 Includin~ Sunda~·s and Holida;\ s



A~"THO~"Y M. 1\IADDE:'Ii

Hl Centerway

Call Greenbelt fill

. ' ' • t""" . .. .-

-----~· --------

HEBREW SERVICES Rahl.i C'. \\'aidman

s.r-. ', ·-~ \\·i:l be held Friday, De­( ·JY 'J• r 11 a' S p.m. at the home nf L·h',i C. \\'aidman, lR,-B Ridge Pd

(" .. L!:~::,~-iip.il\:~ng· time ~.s at 3:4S

GREENBELT BAPTIST 31•·.-tin:~ in Cent-er S.:•hool \\'m .. ,r. Crowdt•r, Ph.D.

ArtinJ: Pastor (• R. 3--1~-l-1

S.l!:•Liy. Decembc·r 13 • 9:45 a.m., :"''-ln,l:iy :-ichool. .T. S. Stewart, Su­Ji··Ji:•t,·n·;,.nt. da.sses for all ages. 11 a.m .. n:orr1ing worship sPrvice, R:dph C. Cl•e.nd:.cr, Department of r:oJPCition, D. c. Baptist Conven­t: -,n ;):"•"tchi::lg. Xursery for ba­r_ j,., anrl sma:n children maintained dtlr:ng- ::;unday Sr..hool and morn· ing worship hours. 7 p.m., Bap­tlst Training Fellow1hip for the entire f:lmily, 1\'frs. J. S. Stewart, Director. Story hour for small children. 8 p.m., eveniny worship service. messag·e by Ralph C. Chanrllcr.

Thurs<!ay, December 17 - 8 p.m.. .mi<J-we-Pk ~ervice, !ed by Hazel U. \Vi:son.

Sodality Bak~ Sale Ti1e Teen-Age Sodality of St.

H:nr;l s will hold a bake sale on Saturrlay. Dcceml:rer 12 from 9 to 12 in front of the Greenbelt thea­t•·r. Donaticns of bakro good3 c:!1r.t;'d b<' brought to the Center l"·t-.•:<·• n 9 and 10 a.m.

Prnr •···ds from the ~;alP will help to ,;,.fr.l)' ('Xp<·n:.f.~S of the Christ­:-:1n~ <!:trr-r· hPing: f:Pld by the Teen­.0 -''' :-:.,.~.-,:ity on Dt:•epmbc·r 28.

GVHC from page 1 A I' t· 'l _ 'm C h a san o \\', gener:ll

co;I:l~--1 for GVT:IC, explained why i•·· j,, li \'t•cl that lc·gaLty of an < :. "~-i'''1 UJH~o·r the Hare system ,-ro:d,J i11- challeng<-d in the- courts of :\Lu viand. He quoted the state I 1·.•:. v;]1ich h~· int<>rpret-ed as re­c,uiring all 'nt••mhers of a corpora­t:nn m u;-;t he· abl<• to cast. a ballot f,r ' 'lCil vacant placE> on the board. H•· fc.rthc·r stated that under the H.ut· syst·~m a voter Jil'<t.!:. the can­di •. ht< s in order of preference, and his \·ot•· may only go to one ca.n­clicl::tte.

Thr· \'alidity oi Chasanow's in­U·rprt·taUon was challenged by sonw of th'.~ members, and the Qtt<·<:tion wa.; r;:o.i.s<;d whether the i>'!"ll•' n!· lPga1ity would be raised af•, r ~he Hare systf•m ·has been v. lu1:g In u.s<: Chasanow pointed r:·1~ tlnt a disgruntied GVHC 111• 1 d .. ·r could conceivably chal­lcn;;. thf· legality of the entire !Jn:• r i and th;·rd>y void their de­ci.si(Jns.

\\'L•·n the vote was cal:ed, there v.-,-,~ a r·.'J.ll fo1· a quorum. A count nf i ;, • · housr- revealed that the n' · , .. ; ng- was ten m·embers short of :c r1::··r·::m. An informal vote, how­,., .. r r•·vr-all'd lhe viewpoint of a n"tjn:·it:.· of the members.

P .. t ExcPptionSI /'::nthi:r inforn1al vote wa.<; taken

r,n \', ;l .. •her the board should allow !, ... ,. teo h!: ko•pt by families under .-:p· :l.l nnrl trnusual circumstances, .~:wh "-~ ::t yo1mgstr·r \nth a penna­IF·::! d:"''lbility·. provided there .... -. ··· r·::r.·f<.!l rf'strictions includ­in;:;- a ~igned and s•·aled bond rrg:c:::;'c. f<~Y d;unag-P C:!U:·;<·d by th<' i >· ·t. ~~lv_~ l>:(!.embt.~rship indicated <'-,:·-·_ .'··wh c'<•~(·ptions \\'ould be ar.­c r·:ah!.·.

In Tht' Black J-:·,r:i•r in. th(• m('<ting R-alph

\\", <· r. pre-sident of thf· GVHC r -, ':- l !'"l.id that. all moncs from !~, ~ :~ ... ~ rln ri:-1;;~ H1e palit yf'ar had h· .. ,. narl•· v:ithr>ut th.-· nPCl'ssity r-f f·,,rcr·fu!ly e\'icting any tenant. 'J';;,. ;:-..-:.! y>·ar would end with <;\"HC "in tJ·J· hlal'l<" and in sound

Information o1: r.r·>.t yr·~•r's chargf·S is not yet :.v~cihhk. A complete treasurer's !"··p .• r~ will be releasC<l soot1.


Ht"v. \'idor .J. Dowgiallo, Pastor (;H, 3-;"i9ll

Confp:;~iou:,: By a visiting priest ~=aturclay aft,.rn0on from 3 to 5:30 p :ll. fo:- rhil<ln·:1 anJ again in the ,-':l'nir.;; frmn 7 l:o 9 p.m. for adults.

Sund:1.y: :.rasscs: 7:;j0, 8.30, 9::-!e and 11 a.m. ThP 11 o'clo<'k 1\iass v;il! ;,c a ili;;ll ::Vlass in ·thanl{r;;­giving o!"f,·rL'd by F·ather Dowgi­n!io on hi~> 2:,th anniversary in t:J(• priestLood. 't'his is Holy Com­m,mion :::;un.la.)· for the Holy Name Society at the 7 :_30 Mass. Begin­ning Sumlay, December 13, rcligi­ou,; in;,t ruction classes will not be h<'ld until after January 1.

BapU::;ms: There will be no bap­ti<'ms this Sunc:ay only.

\-Vecl nPsJay: Novena Services of the 8 p.m.

followl-d by Benediction Most Bl••.ssC<l Sacrament at Monthly meeting of the !>-7ame &ldety at 8:30 p.m.


Ember Doy>': December 16, 18 and 19 are F.mber d-ays. Wednes­day and Saturday, December 16 and 19 at"e days of partial absti­nence. On the~e two days m'eat may be eaten only onee at the main meal.


Sunday, December 13 - Morning ..-,·orship at 9 and 11 o'clock. Mr. Braund preaching at 9. At 11, Chaplain Luthe1r Gerhart, Captain, U3N. Truman H.1ddJe Navy Wives will be honored guests. Church School dasses at 9 and 11 for kin­dergarten and primary: alt 10 for juniors and a<'iults - Men's Bible class and Fidelis cla&s for W'Jomen. Nnrsery at 9 and 11, nursery room, Fellowship Center. 7:45 p.m., Church Council meeting, social hall. For all officers and teacher.:; in Church and Church Sch01.>l.

Sermon by 1\f:r. Braund at 9 a.rn., "T!:e Incarnation of God in Hu­man Life.' Sermon by Chaplain G•~rhart 'l.t 11 -a.m., "A Glowing Citation". The meeting of the G•cnera1 Church Council at 7:30, nationally-known 20-minutc film "The Hirlc:tcr. H·~art'' will be shov:n at 7 .:~o. All members of the con­;negation are invited to see thi:s film.

1-!onday. December 14 - 8 p.n1t., Christmas Pageant planning com­mittPc.

Thursday, Deccmb'cr 17 - 8 p.m., Eoy Scout party, l<~ellowshfp Cert­ter. 7:ao p.m., kindergarten o.nd nurser-y Christmas JX:.,rty, social !::all.

Sund!ly, December 20: 11 a.:mt., Chc;.ncel Choir an~ soloists, Han­ooe-l's "Messiah". 5 and 7~30 p.:mt., annual C'lrisl.mas pageant.


LUTHER1~N CHURCH Edward H. Bir"ner, Pa!!ltor

Telephone, GR. 4-2051 Sunday, December 13 - 9:45 a.m.,

Sunday Schuol and adult Bihle Clas,;. Classes are held for all agr:•s. Re.ymvncl Car:riere, Superintend­ent. 8 ::~(J an<il 11 a.m., Church Services. Holy Communion will he cel•:brated in both serviC'Cs. Nurse!"y is maintained for Uw hendit of parents with small chil-­rJrPn. 4 J! m., Rohea.rsal for tht:· Sunday School Chri.:;tmas program at the dlUrc:h.

Tuc·:::rl-ay, D.::eC'mber 15 - 8 p.m., Con~;:rPgat ion a! Voters' Meeting will lJe> held at the church. Eler. .. !ion of officers will be held at t:r..is mce~in,;. All members should 'l.t­tenu .


C. :n. Stmushurg, lUinister Harry n. l\lil<'s, A•.'>Ociate

81::-"hy, Dr~c,~mber 13- 0:30 a.1n., 3L .;;;ion of th··: Sunday School. 11 ;l.m .. \Vor.~hip ancl sermon by the ::\Tillist..•:-. Second of thee seril!s on ''\\"hy .Te>s11s Came''. Special rnu­sic by the choir. 6 p.m., Youth Fdlowslaip. S!:rvice under the h:ad­crship ot :\rr. :!'•!iles.

\VcdnPsday, December Jl6 - Offi­cial Bc.ard nu·d.ing at the Cha[pel on \'\'oodl;mdwa.y.




Page 3: ), I OOPEktllHiUnEAST RI.VERDA.LE RIVERDtALE RO.AD & I~DMONSTON CENTEFt ROAD Sr.1per Community Nlarlcet and Liquor SPECIIALS FOOD YES! Have your steaks and chops cut to order! Quality

I ~-.I - ..... --

~Ciassi!ied rates are thre<! cents per word, fifty cl!nts minimum. Ads shoulr:l he submit:ed in writing. accompanied by cash payment, to the Cooperator not later than 10 p.m. of the Tucicday preceding pub­ll"'ation. If accompanied . by cash payment, ads may be left for col­lectiun in the Cooperator box at thP. toha ~ro .;tore. "FOD~D" ad::; will be printPct frcf' of charf'e.!

·----· ·---------GRr:E:\'D.ELT l\10TORS - 8·1.20 'naltimore Rb·d. l~·,,,·d can; and trucks boudlf and ;;;oid. l'hcmP GR. 3 ·4466.

FOH FRESH FLOWERS to Pnit any occ&.s;on call ·Bell Flower5, College Park. CXion 4-1300. !:"ree delivery.

MO\'J:';"C & STORAGE-Ft'RN'T­ture, Freight. or Express. Anything, anywl:tere, anytimr. Bryan Motor Ex­pr<:>~c. ~:1ll GRanite 3-8341.

TJ<;LEVISION AND RADIO sales and service ON ALL MAKE SETS; antennae installation. YOUR LO­CAL G.E. dealer. QUALITY AP­PLIANCE CO., 8137 BAL'£IMORE BLVD., COLLEGE PARK, TOwer 9-6139.

CALDWELL'S WASHING MA­CHINE SALES & .SERVICE-Auto­u,atic and com•entional models ex­pertly repairea. R€asonable. Guaran­~eed. Free Estimate. Phone GR. 3-4063.

PIANO INSTRUCTION - adult, advanced, beginning. Call Sh·lin, GR. 3-5156.

TELEVISION SERVICE: By pro­fessional electrioo.l engineers using the finest of madera test equip­ment. RCA Registered Dealer. Any make, any model. Philco Author· ized Service. GR. 3-4431 or GR. 3· 3811.

T.V. SERVICE - Evenings and weekends. Steve Stan, ~lectronic engineer. GR. 3-7213.

TYPEvVRITER :oervice. Cleaning, overhauling, repa1rmg. Electric. :;tandard, portablE'. R. F. Polend, GRanite 3-2~~7. nights and week­enrls.

TV TROUBLES 1 ately? The fault could be tuhe<>. Bring yours for testing. :il{ost typ~s on hand. Lar­ry Miller, GR. 3-~ 466.

GRANITE DRY-CLEANEH.:::>. We are as nE:ar as your phone. Pick up and delivery day and night time.

WOMAN - to car1' for child in my home. Mc:m. thru Fri. 9 to 6 GR. 3-7358.

LOST Paroke.,t, yellow with gray-tipped 'I.Ving.>. Reward. Call 3536 - Marin - 3-G- Westway.

1 \VILL CARE f•>r your chUd in my home by the hour, day or we<·k. Mrs. Marj<•rie Miller. 10-B Hillside Road, GR. 3-7446. RIDER WANTEI-, ----=T=-o-a-n--:d--=fr_o_m_

15~h and K N.'W. (vicinity of VA Bldg.) Cail GR. ·l-4627.

SEWING .o\....'~'~'D ALTERATIONS expert \':ork.. Reasonable prices. Call GR. 3-Rt31.

l BEDROOM APARTMENT f~r rent. First Floor. $62.50. Call 2792 .after 6 p.ll).

'lorthweslern Notes Between 800-1000 students are

expected to attend the Junior and Senior B3ll on Friday, December 18 iu the sehcol gy·mP.asium. Dan­..::ing ·is from 9-J2. The affair is under the general direction of David Young of the school's fac­ulty.

Friday, December 11 marks th<! opening of thoe basketball and wrestling season. A double header is planned with the school basket­hall team Pl'l.ying the alumni aud the wrestling tc:am pitting their prowess against the University of 1\.Taryland freshman team. These ev-ents will be staged in the gym­nasium.

The combined Glee Club will perform Sunday, December 20 at 4:30 p.m. in the gymnasium. The r.oncert is fz:ee a:r..d or-en to all who care to att<:nd.



Letters To The Editor OVERLY -CRITICAL

One h~:,;itu:c!-; to h•.· 0\'(·rly-cr:t:­cal of a n(cwspapr:r pnblis.!:• <'l t~u·ough !.hl, cvopcra:i\·e ecf:ort.-; uf a "oluntcer staff.

B~1~ i:1 und·.··rtaldng this j)roj··c:. you al~~o undt...:rtvrJk C'l·rt 1ir~ !"f·­

spo;,:it.'i!itic-;; (hief of v:hic!: ;~

t!H: o:.!jC'ctiYc presentation of the Hr . s.

Eilh•r out of a sense of ohlig-a­Ucm to t!J,; C!Jesap<."llke & Potontac Telephone Company or merdy as a spo.c('<"Jller, you carrie-d a long ar­tic.r- in the Dec2mber 3 issue quot­bg in <in'lil th·e tclephor.~ com­pany's cas,· for a rate i ··,cn•ast.·. By th(, completely one-side-d tone of tlw artie:le. I would jud ~~e it to he a prLSS rclaas.-: written by th(; COTtlpany.

No\v the request for a :·ate in­crease is legitimate new:;. Th.c> colullln of company propaganda is pure bunk. It may be that an increase is justith:d, but I see no rc;;.:,on for taking the cocnpany's word en it.

I would much rather :>ec our cmnn1unity ncwspapl.!r come up wit.;1 some facts and figures. For e~t.mple: What is the co:npany's present profit? WhP.n was the last rate increase granted ? How do telephone charges hen~ com­pare with other areas?

A.:1 •advertiser generally gets value received for the space he bu~ts. The newspaper .that allows its advertisers to influen<~ news policy quickly loses the respect of its reai.~·rs.

David L. Pel'lman. <Ed. note : '\Vho hesitate:;?>

WATER RATE Re· Approval of increasE· of 'wa­

ter rate by City hoeads, I would like to know what part of 0~1r $30.00 a year water payment is assigned for repair a.nd mainte­nance of the se ... vcrs. Lqs·: J',farch I attended a Council me•·tm;; to ask wby our yearly water p~.yment was $30.00 "vhcreas oth•~r area r0sidcnts was $18.00. :May.)r Last­ncr and Council explained Lhat the first year the Veterans Hou.;;'J:~ Corp0raUm1 would h?..vc to p.1y c1t the same rat.~ as the Puhhr~ H(J,J-:­ing A•..:thority which v:as high. l r seems that Greenhclters as renters were very carelcg;> \\ith w.>.tcr. It is a known fact that when '..ltl!itics arc mC'tered the llScr becom0s more careful \Vhen he ha~ to p3.y the bill. Council told me the cvst of metering the water was prohi b­itive; that Gre<enbeltcrs would have to be made aware of their extravagant usc of watex·. The average use of water in metro­politan Pittsburgh was $7.2G a year. In the Carolinas the water rete is $12.00 a year. So .. t would seem $30.00 a year is ou•:rageous and the propoS'ed increase of S3.00 to $4.00 a year adds insult to in­jury. Let us make an av.-arencss of the facts known to the l:layor and Council.

Mrs. Caletta ¥' armc, 62-E Ridge Road.

APPRECiATION J w-ant to express my apprecia­

tion to the unknov;n per:;on who noted the fire in my park=d auto­mobile and promptly notified tlw Greenb(;it Fire Dcpartmen ; .

The ad!on, along with th~ prompt re-sponse of the Fire De­partment, without questi.:m pre­vented far more serious d~t.mage.

Ralph F. Webster.

~~~~:~~--~service on all makes ~·f tPl­§ evision.

§ We ha1·e specialist.~ 011 t MUNTZ, PHIU:O, ~ RCA, ETC. ~ALL WORK Gl..:ARA'!\'TEED

§~- BELTSVILLE TV SERVICE CO. WEbster 5-486'1 ~~.

PillsbL ry Panc;:<e 2!


KA:RC) light pt.


lb. pkg.

SYRUP rJark pt.


.. ._ :.; -·-........... ---~- -- -- --·


I• ·o., mb:r 10. 1953 GREENBELT COOPERATOR Three

Holy Name Society

A:: inf•nmath·t.· talk

'1 h· Liturg:: of the Church nt

r -~lr:·":-:: · •. ,··ill r_,. gi~·(·n Ly };:(lga~

, : ... , , rri. a r .. '-··-..'1. ~..:ur;:t•r to (;rct•nbt·lt. F f:· ·~'~::n1·nt~ v:iil bt:· s1·rn·d after

!i220 HHODE ISLA.~D A'\'"E Rin·rdale. Md. WArfield 7-2294

Chest (~ollections ':'hi' tot.li of collections for the

Co! 11 :-Ll:ni~y Cht st drive in Grr.:c·n­:,.::t t., t!at•· is $1.070.68, according , 1 \Ir · .. i:L!l:~·:.; F'lynn., chairnu1.n of ~'H::- !;.-,:. rlri·•,_. in Gn·c~1h••lt. 1t is ~""P''''·d th• ro' n1ay still be some sm:dl •!nn:>tion!:' turned in ·which ,, o•:;d r:C:.;" this total som•'What. Th 's 1 :gun· i1:el udl''i all collvdions fro;n ho:1l"S, bt.sinesses, ch.·rgy and · Jrf:.tnizat:uns. t,¥-'i~~~~~~~~~:;~~

~~ ('hristmas Gifts for EI'er·y- ~ ~ . one ~

~ tJP TO :o~~· OF~ ~ i1 on all electncal apph~n·~Cs ~ t$E ELECTniC TRAINS, W ATCHbSJ ~ * PORT ABLE TYI'EWHITERS lA

~ REAL. PRODUCTS I 920 9th St. N .W. 'll

~ STerling 3-6353 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::~====: _.;...____ ··-

For Your HoUday Needs


Beltsvllle, Md.





MA~OLA OIL pt. 37c qt. 71c PORTERHOUSE

-----------------------Dinty IVloore

Beef Stew



1 1;.! lb.

4'9c Morrall's Pride COUI\!TP.Y SAUSAGE

2 lbs. 23c

Armour Star






bnch. ------------~---------------------------

Florida Juice




doz. 25c CARROTS

'IVORY SOAP l .. arge 3 for 37 c ~r'le&ium 3 for 22c (i.uest 4 for 19c

2 pkg.

Walnuts lb. 45c CRISCO

39c 3lb.can 87c

Birdseye CHI(;KEN PIES

Funst.::n ·s

Pecans lb. Snow Crop ORANGE JUICE

2 for 3~'c



1~1:1-:E'.'nEL'f •q·pt;lOf..\UKJ.:'l' Hours: lOa.m.- gp.m. Mon., Tue., Wed.; 111 a.m. - 9 p.rn Thurs. &; F:ri.; 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.; N oo1rt to 4 p.m. Sun.

• ......_..,.

I 1,'


\ )

·, \

Page 4: ), I OOPEktllHiUnEAST RI.VERDA.LE RIVERDtALE RO.AD & I~DMONSTON CENTEFt ROAD Sr.1per Community Nlarlcet and Liquor SPECIIALS FOOD YES! Have your steaks and chops cut to order! Quality



Sr.1per Community Nlarlcet and Liquor


YES! Have your steaks and chops cut to order! Quality Our Motto


Gallons - $2.94 plus itax fifths - Champagn4e

$2;,99 plus tax

Beer 1nro'aways Old Bohemian $2.89 cs.

BUCK'S HARDWr ARE UN ion ~~ • 867~~

Complete Line of Dupont Paints Full Line of Toy!!;

'Lionel Electr:ic for Christmas




We Carry A Ful! Line of Toys - Including



Complete Line Chiildren's Clotlung FROM TOTS TO TEEN ACE


For Your Con\•enience \\'p will be Open Sundays 10-4 UntU Xmas Open Every Evenin;g UntU 9 p.m.

PATRICK Phone-s UNion 4-2121

8ejr1-Mar Children's Shol,

Members of Gentra~ Charge Service Charge Accounts Invited

WArfield 7-5500

PHARMACY WArfield 7 .. 0527

Pres('riptions called fm· and delivered FREE OF CHARGE

Reliable Valet Cooper's B.akery ·-----------------------

n·,. C:ury Complt>te Line~ of AU l,eading Cosmetic!•




8 Hour Special Service On llr:r _Cleaning

Leave it in the Morning P.ich it up at Night

Open frotn 'I ::::o a.m. - 7 :00 p.m.

Unhat'PY with :your present ,·alet service?

- rm<;x TRY us -




Old Fashioned Fruit Cake 98c lb.

The S«>aM»u's Sweett>st Grt>etings

J & L Ellectr.ical Center

Call UNion 4-47:34

For :Fast (iuar:uttf'f'd

T\. &· U.-\DJO IU:I'.\IH

~.1 .. "' und St•rv:ir4' - .

:\lt••nlwrs of Central Charge




Sheaffer Snorkel Pens & Sets Parker '51· and '21 · Pens & Sets Toys of All Kinds Hair Brushes

Wallets Watches Jewelry

Open Sundays 8 a.m~ - 8 p.m. a a I 1 1 a a I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I 1 I I I I I ··----------.. ·-· .............. _ .... _.,._._.., 4 ........ _..... I I I I ........ , _________________ ••ll~t I I I I ...... .,..........,_._ .............. ....._

COUI\iCIL. from page 1 zens. . McDonald suggested a raiSe to 2%, or to equal the real property tax.)

Service Calls !~3.50

OJ•Ex EVEUY DAY OJ.'' THE WEEK FR0:\1 8:30A.M. TO 10 P.M.

Se;tltrst Ice Cream Served E:x:clusively


Caruso Pleud!o For Band 4 A fervent aJ;p.:Jal by Vincent Ca­

ruso for $1000 to .supply uniforms for the Greer.;)elt. Band met with little SUC"cc,.s. At pr€sent, $300 is included in th ~ budget for main­tPr •. :.nce en~ rq>air of ·musical in­struments usee by the band an<! owr.cd by the dty. Caruso de­clared t:Jat n,e band publiciZ\~d the community a.t many out-of­town affairs. was a municipal ven­ture, and des<·rved g~eater con­sideration by the council. The band needs U'ti::orms ba.dly and has had to dec; ir.-c many revenue­pro..1ucing events because of this need. He ren:.inded the council that the city gave greater support, fina.r:cially, in earlier years.

Mayor L<U:.tn~~r stated that the council was dE;t(,nnined to keep the budget low and the ba.nd was not deemed a municipal enter­prise Ly the council. Councilman Ben Goldfaden reminded Caruso that tae practiee of "subsidizh>g" organizations C<•uld easily lead to app<"'d.Js from ntany other groups in financial stl'1!1.it.~. Th<e council and many citizens offered to help in any &10ney-r,tising venture ttoe band would undm-take in the com­ing year, and hopoo the financial problems of th4! band would be solved in this manner, rather than by municipal appropriation. A ~road hint by Gold.faden, how­ever, oisdosed •:hat money from within the "culturu.I" department might be found later in the ~ar for the band an :J could easily be appropriated at that time.

Lions Assist The Greenbelt :Lfons Club assU.t

ed Jn the budget hEe.ring with ush~rs, a loud.-5pEaker system, and

The Gift That J[s Long Remembered

WHIRLPOOL Automatic Washer

239.95 with trac,e-in Authorized WHIRLPOOL


CR 3-4063 ~">c<:~~ I .. . . ·1

S'e S""e ?Ua-t

~~-~M~~~ I I TELEVI~~~ y~~R RADIO!.

JOSEPHBANYOK I 10 A Crescent Rd.

.......... i t ·········~-----~

distribution of copies of the budg­et. Among the citizens whc spoke on various aspects of th(• budget were: Eric Braund, Mrs. Carolyn Miller, J. 'Walsh Barcus. Elliot Bukzin, Dave Garen, J.frs. Alberta Tompkins, Mrs. Ethel Fisher, 1virs. Jane Volckhauser.,. Sam Schwimer, Nat Schindermnn, Joe Dalis, Mrs. Nat Shein, 1\f:r. Bur­rows <lnd Mrs. Thelma Finlay.

Th.? city council will me1~ next Monday night at a regula.r ses~


---..,.....-·-__ - ----------- ------ ~ ~......:. -.c:::.-.:;-' • -

T'ht• Co-opt_-.mtor \':as ~t t.ri-f•·d

hy Th4· .Journalistic Cltlh. a gr·oclp of citizt·ns sp••cificall,:.· urganiz•'d for t!Jt• purpo.<;p of pt:hlish ng .t

con1m~;nity p.:~~p(•r. , .. ht 1iL-.:.t i~~1.11·

IJ, .·1!'.~ ti• · d:tt<·linc :\."c\·•·mh•·r 21, 1~:-:7. :;.n1l \\-:1.:; an eight-p:l}:!'t· rnirn­Log•·:'l•ht·d pap••r. Typ.·writ<·l·. pa­l'< r .tn l m'mroogrnp!1 machin,. Wc·rf• availablt• by Gr•···nbdt C·:m­sumc r Ser\'iccs. and the firs-: Flri­\'erLsl'mr·nt was a GCS a( for th(: sc·!'\"ic·c st.lltion.

2. l.ccording to mcmb<•rs of tlw .ToL<rn&li~:tic Club stir l \·ing her,'. the nan1<· "Cooperator" was chosen oy the club as appropria~,. tn th<' spirit of the young community.

3 L0u;s Bessemer wa.s the first £>ditor of Th(• Greenbdt Coopera­to-r. He also served on the first town council, Hnd lat-.·r a:; :\[ayor.

4. Six past editors o.' the Cc,­opcrator arp :still lh.·ing 1n GrH·n­helt: B•)b Volckhausen. .~:!liP Ritchie, 1. J. Parker. H.nry Zub­kotT, P..alph G. Miller and Berni(,_ Krug.

5. UCS i.<; a r:ews source· fc,r the papt.:r and is a. steady <.dw·rtise:-. It rr.akes no financial co 1t :-ibut.ion to the Pflp.-.r otht>r than in po:.;ng the- adw.·rtising bills. Both the C'oo;.;l'rator and GCS a" C00pc:ra­tivc organizations belong to the Potomac· Cr>Op .. rath·c F .. d•·ra:ion which aids ar.d promotes co-op:·• in the V>ashi11gton area :\fany of the Coop.'rat0r· staff' membc·rs ar(· 'lC­tiw in GCS.

·------- --·-f:ion in the ndministratio:1 offiu:.3'. It i.,- expeded that final appro raJ of th., budget will takr· pia~" 1: he following ::l.fonday, Decc·rnb('r 21. the deadline for final J>a.f'-Sa,l;t•.


.:Half Fried Chiclten Box Potatoes. Cr)]e Slaw, Corn Bread or Rolls

Delivered to 'I ji·S Your Doo,· Fo.,. - ••

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ti Rivef'dale, Md. :- APpleton 7-5100 --·~~-.~-.~~ .. ~~~~ .. ~~~~ .. ~~-----.. -~-.--~~~~

DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY -------------------------------


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