Enquirer (Richmond, Va. : 1804). 1813-02-12 [p ]....Prtersiuro, fell,

Prtersiuro, fell, <1. Capt. Gamble’s Cavalry from Richmond arrived here on Sunday evening, mid proceeded tbit night at 12 o’clock for Norfolk. Gen. Taylor with the troop. The governor proceed* lo Norfolk vr,b this troop,—Capt. Taylor** II -publican Light Infan- try of tint town, proceeds to-ruot row. Immediately outlie receipt of rapt. Tav tor's mnrt-hmg orders, eight or ten young men, with mu alacrity that due* them infinite credit, entered themselves as members of the company. Jit publican. The Richmond troop of Horse arrived in this town on Sunday afternohn, and left it the same night, in consequence, as we are informed, of an Express winch reached here from Norfolk during the night. Intelligencer. The New-York representation in the 13th Con- gress, consists of eight Republicans and nineteen Fe- deralists. The Legislature of Ptuntylriitiln have passed an act *or the relief of the unst-rtwnatc general ST. CI.Al.t, who is said to he hi the most deplorable pecuniary circumstances. Ta* a*t allows l«im imimdiat'-lv, and ^5‘2EfO autiunlly dun.ig bis life. Major-General Slu ufY**, who comutau.h d the 49th regiment, at the battle of (lauunlawn, has been made n Ur.run, by the IVmce Regent. New-Yosk, Feb. 4. TJITEST FROM POUTUC.1L. Last evening arrived at this port, the ship Illinois, Taylor, from Lisbon, from whence he sailed the 93<l of December. Capt. T. informs ns, that the allied army, tinder Lord Wellington, were preparing to go into winter quarters near Lisbon; that no battle had recently keen fought. An unofficial account of the capture of the Mace- donian frigate had reached Lisbon. Mr. John Griswold, a passenger in the Packet Countess of Chichester, from Bermuda, informs that tin- United States’ trigntc Ressex, captain Por- ter, ltad been evuising on the Lines, nnd had cap- tnred a British Packet from Rio Janeiro for Lon- don, which bail on board 70,000 dollars, in specie, ■which capt- P. took nut, and put a prize-master and crew on board, and ordered the prize far America, w hick was re-captured and had arrived at Bermu- da. The Legislature of the state of New-York, in a joint ballot, have appointed Rufus King, Ksq. a Se- nator for the next 6 years, in the Senate of the U. States, in the room of John Smith, Esq whose term expires on the 4th March next. Bosto n, Jan. 29. IATF.ST FROM EA8TPOHT. Yesterday nrriv jd below, scltr Commerce, Baker, five clays from F.astport: a passenger has informed us, that t' e British ship Dillig *ne«*, Symonds, from St John's, N. B- with a cargo of dry goods, salt, muskets, ammunition, and cannon for the defence of that harhor, was driven ashore, in a gale of wind, lflth inst. on Moose I’eeky head near Machius Soon after the Olinds, Ann, of Newburypnrt, pass- ing hy, boats were manned out from the ship and took possesion of her, and it was supposed part of her cargo was taken on hoard the ship—she had gone to 3t. John’s.—At F.astport they heat up for volunteers to go and lake possession of the ship, the capt. of which obtaining knowledge of their in- tentions, set lire to her, and she was entirely con- sumed—she was *09 tons, had 18 guns and thirty men. Suspension cf Intercourse r.'ith Jfcis»Brunetaick and Aosta Scotia- The subjoined is copied front an original letter front Uol. Ulmer, to the Selectmen ot Kastport, a eo|,y of which was poster! at the Exchange in that town on th*- 9th it it and a d ig sent to St. Andrews, to convey the information to the habitants there. EASTERN FRONTIER. Head- Quarters at F.astport, Jan. 8. Gentlemen—I an: -lit. uoted to endeavour to stop : r’rs- between the rubj..ets of the United the subjects of his Britannic Majesty, ‘V r -tif; you, for (he information mf the in- liioitaots of tour town, m:d those pet sons who may reside in the town, who is not an American citizen or rulij.ot, ir,.l does not take th« oath of allegiAnce w thin v d.i\s ndi he consider' d as a prisoner of war, and ill he removed to some other place for safety—Vv. "vary citizen who shall hereafter pass into the British dominions except hy permission from the commanding officer of this frontier, will be cor.s tiered as carrying information to the enemy, and trill he dealt with accordingly. Every person V’ter' e’d in supplying the enemy or any subject of l»ia Britannic Majesty, with provisions of any kind, or other articles of comfort or use, will be appre- hended for treason, and dealt with accordingly.— Flags of troec will lie granted to 'persons who have actually necessity to pass into the British provinces. AII letters .directed to British subjects will hereafter be inspected, anil delivered to the officer of the first flag of truce that passes, if the letters are admissible, j Aiit'it* vtiio b iMt lu ]’J39 inioiiic it iiibii guveruincni aro directed to apply within six days to the com- j mantling officer at this post, who will furnish them with a flag of tn»6e for the purpose. I am, gentlemen, with great respect, your obedi- ent humble servant, Signed, GEORGE ULMER, Colonel of Volunteers commanding on the Eastern Frontier. Trent, a Handbill printed in London, PROPOSED INSCRIPTION For the Lid of a Chest, in the Archives of the Privy Council. Beneath, are deposited all that remains of the once celebrated OHi)F. RS LX COUNCIL. Circumscribed by this narrow boundary, and reduced to a few shreds of worthless parchment, these haughty and innovating Decrees which, in their life-time, ennvu’sed Empires, and tore the scanty morsel from the grasp of starving Millions, now repose in harmless obscurity. Thro’ the baser passions of the human heart, the moral Genealogist may perhaps trace their origin to a remote distance; but their immediate progenitors, were Malignity and Infatuation. Fostered hy unremitting parental care, and the laborious exertioi a of their nearest rclalivas, Sophistry and Falsehood, they rapidly attained a formidable and disgraceful maturity. During a disastrous period Of Six Years, I ttrt exercised an uncontrolled oppression over th Industry and Resource* of the Poor; Folmted tlit commercial character of G. Britain with th'* most loathsome villainies; Cherished the infant Manufactures of ottr Rivals; and intuited the Public Avhteof Manki I, by a tong series of hateful N agrfe-*- .r Depredations netr caree- wa* r.r imgtn arr>,«t»M 1 j the awakened ent-g * of their victims; and after a rcsip'irteo which o' ly proved the genuine cowardice of tyranny when opposed to the united efliirts of R\ otifudo and Patriotism- overwhelmed hy the contempt of the Wise, and tli" execrations of *he Good, they exnirvd June lfr.'i, 1812. tt.i the san.e flay, t’nt.ir only I gitimafe descendant, The f.ieence System, Shared the f«te of its guilty parent ; and th"ir death ir. thus recorded My nn indignant public, as an Event trPU/M with nJmonlt.'on to !'• 'arc legislators, and strong.y ilfnvtt stive of the et.risohtory inti important Truth, Hut it»« essential to the very JXature of F.vil, to issue to its own Destruction. (BY AUTHORITY.) 0 AN ACT. In tfr tlic H«t» entitled " An act to raise nn Additional MIRtvy Force,” and for ether pnr* J* < a. JIK it r ttiesr > the S'enrtr nod ffome of Tir- frt ’/if allies oj the Unit'd St at re of Jimrrira in Congreve Jlettul) ttl. That in addition to t'»e pres- ent ntitthiry rs'nMWitnew? of I'Ve United States, there lie r*:scd B'teh ntimher of regiments ofinfan- * V, not <"*eeifif»)5 twenty, as in the opinion of the i’miUent fnjy l.c necessary h»r the public ccrrice, to be enlisted Tor tlie term of one year, unless soon*] er iliwimrpol. Sec 'i. And be it farther enacted, Tiiat each 01 the wi'.l regiments shall I'tmni ot .»ne colonel, one lieutenant colon. I, twu nui|ur«, one adjutant, onv pay-mtutcr, one quarter-muster; one surgeon, two lurceum' ww serjeaut major, one quarter* mnucr-serjeant, two principal musicians, and leu 1 Companies. Sec. 3. And be it f Aether enacted, That each company shall consist of one captain, one first li«tt- I tenant, 'me second Lieutenant, one thud lieuten- ant, one ensign, live sevieants, six corporals, two musicians, and ninety piimtca. Sec. 4. And be it f urther enact'd, That it shall be lawful for the President of the United States in the recess of the Senate to appoint such of the offi- cers authorised by this act, a.-. msy not he appoint- ed during the present session 5 which appointments shall »>c submitted to the Senate ut their next sess- ion lor their advice and const-tit. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, Tliv.t all the officers, non-com mitvoned officers, musicians, and prilutes, authorised by this act, shall receive the lilts: pay, forage, ration*, clothing, ami other emol- uments, (hunt and bounty cxci-ptcd) as the officers ot the same crude and corps, mm-comii.Union, d offi- cers, imt.iaians, and privates, of the present military establishment. Si c. C. And hr it further en-i'ted, That the offi- cers, no*i commissioned officer*, musicians anil pri- vates, ol the regiments hereby authorised t«* he raised, shall be governed by the rules and articles ol war, which have been established by the Uni- ted States in Congress assembled, or by such rules and articles ns may be hereafter by law estab- lished. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, Tiiat the com- missioned officers, who shall he employed in re- cruiting the force, authorised by this act, shall be en- titled to receive for every person enlisted by them into tiiis service, for the term specified, and apt ro- ved by the commanding officer of the regiment, k between the ages of eighteen and forty five years J the sum of two dollars \ Provided,nevertheleii,"Wax this regulation, so far as respects the age of the re- cruit, shall not extend to musicians, or to thntri sol- diers who mnv re -enlist into the service—And pro- vided n [so, That 00 person under the ag<-of twen- ty-one years shall he enlisted by any officer, or held in the service of the United Stales, without the consent, in writing of his parent, guardian or master, first hud am! obtained, if any hi* have ; and if any officer shall enlist any person contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, fqr every such ullem-e lie shall forfeit and pay the amount of the bounty and clothing, whicli the persons so recruit- ed may have received front the public, to be de- duct! «1 out of the pay anil emoluments of such offi- cer. bcc. 8 And be it further enacted, That there shall be alleged anil paid to each mat) recruited as aforesaid, a bounty of sixteen dollars ; bill the pay- ment of eight dollars of the ssitl bounty shall bo de- ferred until lie shall he mustered and have joined so-.ic r ilitary corps of the II States. Sec 9. And be it further en -.cted. That the said regiments si.all be paid in sucii manner, that the ar- rears shall at no tune exceed two months, unless he circuiim.mcvs of the case shall render it unavoi- dable. Sec. 10. And be i: further enacted. That if any officer, non-coiunvssioned officer, musician or pri- vate, shall he disabled by wounds or otherwise, j while m the line ot his duty in public service, he i shall be placed on the list of invalids of the United I States,at such rate of pension and under such re- | filiations as are or may be directed hy law—l1rovi- ded always, That the compensation to he allowed tor such wounds or disabilities, to a commissioned officer, sl ull not exceed for the highest rate of disa- bility half the monthly pay of such officer, at the time ot his being disabled or wounded; and that no o8ie« r shall receive more than the hall pay of a lieut. colonel; and llist the rate of compensation to iion-coinmisiioneri officers, musisians and pri- vales shall not exceed five dollars per month——— 1 And provided also. That all inferior disabilities shall entitle the person so disabled to receive ! «n allowance proportionate to the highest diaabil* ! Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That ifar.y 1 commission-d officer shall, while in the service of the United States; die, by reason of any wound re- reived iri actual service of theHInited states, and leave h widow, or if no widow, a child or children, under sixteen years of age, a'.cli widow, or if no widow, such chihl or children, shall be entitled to anil receive half the monthly pay to which the de— eersed was entitled at the time ofh;s death, for and dining the term of five years ; lint in the case oi the death or intermarriage of sucii widow before the expiration of the said term of five years, the ha f pay- tor the remainder of the time shall go to the child or children of such deceased officer—Provided al- ways, That such haif pay shall cease on the de- cease of such child or children. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That if any nomcommissioned officer, musician or private, snail desert the set vice of the United States, he snail, iu addition to the penalties mentioned in the rules Si articles of war, be liable to serve for and during such period as shall, with the time lie may have served previous to his desertion, amount to the full term of his enlistment ; and such soldier s .all and may- be tried hy a court martial, and punished, although the term of his enlistment «nny htve claused previ- ous to his being apprehended or tried. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That every officer, non commissioned officer, musician and private, shall take ami subscribe the following oath or affirmation, to wit: “I, A■ B. do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case mny be) that 1 will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America; and that l will serve them honestly k faithfully against their enemies nr opposers whom- soever; and that I will observe ami obey the oruersj of the President of the United Slates, anil the or- ders of the officers ap ointed over me, according to the rules and articles of war.” Sec. I A. And be it fart her enacted. That where any coin missioned officer ahall be obliged to incur any extra expense, in travelling and sitting on gen- era! courts martial, he shall be allowed a reasona- ble compensation for auoh extra expense actually in- curred, not exceeding one dollar and twenty fire cents per day to officers who are not entitled to for- age, and not exceeding one dollar ptr day to such as shall be entitled to lorage. Sec.-)5. And be it further enacted, That whene- ver any officer or soldivr shall be discharged from cite servior, except hy way of punishment lor an of- tence, lie shall he allowed hi* pay and ration*, or an equivalent in money, for such term of time S3 shall he sufficient for him to travel from the placo nl discharge to the place of hi* residence, computing at the rate of twenty miles to a day Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That there shall be appointed to each brigade one chaplain, who shah lie entitled to the same pay ami emolu- ment! as a major in the i-tfantiy. Sec. IT And be it further enacted, That no fieiil nr staffofficer, who may be appointed hy virtue o! tniB :<c(t siihii lie emilUMf Vf receive aftr or c* molnments until he shall Ire called into actual ser vire, nor for any longer time than he shall continue therein. See. 18. Ind be it further. <7ratted, That the set entitled " An >ct authorising tpio f’r-«idenl of toe United States to accept ami organize certain vnltin- trer military corps,” and the act entitled An act supplementary to the act entitled An act antbor- iniru? the President of the United States to accept and organize certain vohmt er military corps,” be, and the same u"e hereby repealed, from »u<t after the first day of February n<■ xl—Pro*iled, That j nothing herein contains <Wh:dl he so construed as to deprive the officers and in-'ii who rosy have entered the serficr as volunteers, limbs- the said nets, of! shy rights, immunities, or privileges therein secur- ed, or the United Abater of tie* services of such ! volunteers, agreeably to the provisions of the said acts. II. Cl.AY, Speaker of the tfou ?e of Heprcreetatirct. IVm. IF. Cn.AWKOlt'), President of the Senate,pro tempore. ! Jan. <29, ISI3. Approved, JAMES MADISON. jYO Tier.. Department of Sta'r, Ft-hnr>ry ft, tsi3. Alien rnrmi?* arrivint; within the hirflu of the United State* front fnreiifn ewnteie*, .arc iimn.’di ately on their arrival, to report Murnaclve* tn th*' Marahal of the U. Stater, or to In* rle mty, for tin diatrict within which they may >e landed. No Alien tMuiy can hr»'«atw»r proceed from p : [T'ort or plate within one district of the United’ Slnte*, in a >>m» or place within mfmkr did net ! the sail"-, t»y land or water, without a Special Fast-- [ port Iroiii the .Marshal or Irum thecollector uf tin eu itoins, as the ease niajr hr. Alien meruit' permitted to travel fiom one dis- trict of the United Status to another ihttriet there- of, tors lur'l*w-hli on their arrival to re'port then, selves to the Martha!, lo whom they are to ckhihi, their passport*. The Murslid* sod t!ie C illeetors of the Customs of the several distrirtsofthe United Slates, are nar- tionisrly charged »ills the execution in' the provis- ions of this notification. dj* Printers authorised to pn'dish the law of the Union, are requested ts insert the pro ceding notice three limes in their respective pa- pers. Felt. 13. 3t vT MARSH AL’s SALK—Ry virtue n' * :* dt ci-e- of the ..I ol’ tlie I_'. S L-,.* y fur the Virgin.l Ibstr.i"., rm'iin.n ceil on the fii-xi d*" of the pi.-seui * month, the ship OLIVER ELI.**-] WORTH, row lying at City Pn.ui, wi'h her rig -pug. tackle, app'-O-vI and furniture, uiil ho y'-l to tin I highest bidder fbr ready money. The *:.lc ni continence at t "’clock in -lie forenoon; on the 10 i. day of Jin. next, and wilt take place at City Point. This ship is supposed to he v^lua'di Wm. MANN H. At. for ANDREW MOO UK, \i. V. D. Dec. 10. _ Ij* I lie sale of tlie above ship Was been neeessn- rily po-tpoiu il till Thursday the 11th of IVIu-uarv next, when it will positively tukc place at Cuv Point. Jf»» 1^- _ C.vrtds ^l^DE subscriber being about to decline business, E. will offer lor talc the first day of April next, all [ his stuck, consisting of G .neeriev Glass War*:, Chi- na, Kc.——at the uni* lime, some vm-v valuable Fur- niture and Silver Plate. Grateful for the encourage ment lie has received fi-oni his triends and a generous public, lie bogs leave to thank them for the favors they have granted him. He lu gs also that those indebted to him may make immediate payment Any demand against him, will he paid bv AUBLN LA FOREST. I wish to hire out for this year, one excellent Senmstress, and one good House Servant. They are hired lor no fault but want of employment. January 5._ „8w Sheriff's-Ofp.ce, Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1812. VjOl ICE is hereby given, to the heir* and legal ■*-" representatives of Wnliam G. Holmes, tate of the township nf North Middleton, county of Cum- berlarid and state of Pennsylvania, di c ased, that •n pursuance of a writ of Partition or Valuation, is- sued out ni the Orphan's Court of Raid con-tty, an Inquisition will lie held on the real estate nf said dee. situate in th« township, county and state aforesaid, it being a tract of land containing one hundred eigh- ty acres, more or less,’ adjoining lands ot Andrew Holmes, Michael Clepfer and others, on Tuesday the ninth day of February next, at ten o'clock iii the forenoon, when and where all persons interest- ed may attend if they think proper. JOHN llODEN, Sh’ff January £. * wsw O ELL-FIELD FOJi SALE—The subscriber w5 wislicR to sell this estate, lying immediately on York River, five miles above York town, ami about ten or twelve from Williamsburg. This tract oun- taini by a late survey, 772 acres, a sufficient quanti- ty ot which is timbered. From the fertility of the soil, the improvements and its local situation, this may be justly esteemed among the most valuable desirable estates on York River It i* well adapted to tlie culture of corn, wheat and tohacoo. The im- provements consist of two story Dwclli-ig House, a pood Kitchen, ami all other necessary out>hotis<-s, two very fine young apple and one pencil orchard. ! Pi»e terms of sale will he made know n by the soil | scriher, living on the place—and in his absence the j premises will be shewn l»y major Gavrin L. Corbin, living in tbe neighborhood. Wm. M. WALLER. January 5._ w8w MARSHAL’S SALE. U-* * virtue of a decree of the Court of the United | States I'n the filth circuit in the Viiginia Dis- triet, in a suit therein depeivling, wherein ’l'hoinas j Pinkerton and Daniel Bell, assignees of Donald and Burton are plaintiff*. and Samuel Slu Iton anil Ko- [ ,w,rt Morrison and Mildred his wife, which said Sa- muel nud .Mildred are administrator and administra- trix of Chuigh Shelton deceased, who was one of the partners #1 Clough Shelton Ik Co., late merchants and partners, 'inti of Shelton Winfrey ami compnnv, likewise merchants and partners, the said Robert Morrison and Mildred his wife, in right of the said Mildred, who was widow and relict of the said Ciougn aheiion tiec’ri., Uicily A.Shelton, Maria C. Shelton, William Shelton, Nelson F. Shelton and others defendants, in Chancery, pronounced on the 8th day of June 1810, WILL BF. SOLD, for ready money, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the dwelling house ol ti e said Robert Morrison, in the county nf Albemarle, on Thursday the twenty-fifth day of February next, 900 ACRES OF LA.YD, lying in th-- county of Amherst, with ail the Ilourcs and other improvements thereon—and also the fol- lowing SLAVES. nnd the increase of the (emnles of the same, if any, viz: Grace, Mary, James, Ren, Dinah, Agg, Clot, Tom, Simon, Fanny, Adam, Cicilv, Alice, Xel, Mi- me, Nancy, New bin and Neal, to raise certain sums of money in sni.l decree mentioned. Wm MANN, I). M. for ANDREW MOORE, M. V. D. January 28; IN OHANCfiliY—Charlotte Chart Nov 3d ISIS- Mary h'reenwii a.liux. of Gideon f reeman deo’d. PW agair.st, Philemon Hurt Jnnr., Daniel It. Carnes adtnr. of Pin lemon Hurt, senr. dec’d. yiie defendant Philemon Hurt jr not haring en- tered his appearance and given security according to the net of Assembly and the rules of this court, and it appealing to rlie saimlAetion of the Court that ho not an iob ihjtaut of this state, on the motion of th<' plaintiff ''V her counsel, it is ordered tlipf he appear h^re on 'he fi -st Monday in Kehru try next and answer the Mil of the plaintiff- —and that a ro- py of this order he forthwith inserted for two months successively in some newspaper published in the ritv of Ri-drnond and also posted at the front door of (he Court House of s«hl County. A Copy, TITOs. HEAD, Cl>. wee. at. waw 1 i IT -> to forworn all persons from taking an as- stgm>’ it ■•>.■ i ,-ti me to t-.lij'ih 'lay, for rhe stun ot foe -. s, dated the .10th of f a mi ary 111,1, and made p.-,aWe and negotiable at ■the Rank of Virginia ont s after ilMc; ns the said Klijah ’f ts mn-jii tl a I cy of bad elinracter fin the subscriber, RDWd. GARLAND. Louisa, Feb. 2aw4w r 3^A i»F.V i;i i't<i ronvejed to Jail on the eighth 2 day of Oi.ti.bwr last, A NKf.»0 MW, who sov* he ii five horn, and hound to Georfjc Afa- *on of Greenville eonntv / any* hi* name is John '■filler, about ‘?>vr»r*of aj-’, dark eom|iiexiont five le«f hatfuirli lii'li: wlimi "om milted, hail on a white \ a. f'lo*h Coat, I>i.nit> IVii J'i'iti* anil white Hat. I he owner it rcpioslei) to ensue forward, |>ar eli,V’. f;t;* and take him away, otherwise he will he denit with At the law direct*. joiin \. u. ituriiEitFoou:). JtVitrr. ChnMotte, January 14. * w3rn VTonnP..—The t»'ilwtrlher as Adtn'r«ile hunts * * non with the Will annexed on fho Pi*t"tr <1 the I.’.te Gen. James Mien llndl^y, r'-’ijneit* all ner- sont indebted, In conic forward k sfcttlu the amount 'nr, a* the situation of the estate will not admit o' indoltjenre: those to whoirf the estate it indrhte<i r- r<««|uett.ed to make them known that provision rrisy tie made for their ptfrtli nt. ft It COCK* Uioon** Cattle, Sttrry, Dec I*. wit' T^RFNCH BRANDY—$ pipe* 4th proof f»r I A- talc by J. L. k N. K. rHOMAS, I). Street. Hw. IT. wtf 1'lt TX DTjLI.AKS NKU’AMU. riSK.It t'ISJ) liiiiu linpuin SeMen’* troop nl'Civ. w ulry, Corporal WV.tuu-rl), iv»cn m i'antjni.-r oxnity t£b*kl lux In* »i lately near PvitiShllig,') aged *4 years, 3 i*rt 1* niches high, <>i dark eiiiu^tcMOQ, iiiir.lt' eyes, black hair « I by ;>l‘<Hi***in* a I'l niter. Caddis I’haekcr, u private, in tla-mver eoiin t.'y.’geil Sill year*, 3 f. el 7 tit In, lii ,‘1,1)1’dirk Com- plexion, blue eyu», sandy ban an.I by proivBStuil a former. .lames drown, a private, burn in Ireland, five f< et 7 inches high, of dark complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, si d by profession a tdme-niaUcr—lie v».is cul.s- teil in the citv ol Iticli mood. Jessu IVi re’I.H private, born in Caroline county pint reCiiliog in ilauovi r uonuly :•* the .. o! di- luting aged ‘ii year*. fiv«- feel 7 inclus high, of ■igSilcmulilexlob, giey eyet,!>ioun hair, & by profes- sion a wag..oner, Joniilli in 11 roii, a priinlo. born in M: Iditt-.v uoniity flint r v: Img in llaiaivei unity when ho rn'istetl, j aged Ml n-mv, j i. et h inches high, tii'lignt complexion, bine eyes, anil i»y proteiui m a earpou* ter. »t i» presumed that the*- deserters have return- od, or vvill return, to the counties from which lin-v v,ent. I /•’.Y* OQ1.1A ItS reward will he given lor thedeliverv of each of them to me in Richmond, or Lieutenant Nicholas in Petersburg, or for their se- curity in jail. iRlCII’D. POLLARD, Cafit. 20t.A Heg’t. U- S. Tufty dsn. gS. itavvtf JAMl-.S RIVKU COMPANY* VT)I\ IDEND oT five per cent is declared on the stock in the James River Company for six months ending the 31 st December last, which will he paid to the respective shareholders or their order on application to ROBERT POLLARD Treasurer- Jan. 2T-_ 2uw3w. \ LL person* having claims against the estate of -m. Capt. Nathaniel Anderson deed, late of Asy- lum, Albemarle County, arc requested to bring them forward to .the subscriber, for settlement and pay meat: those indebted to the estate, arc earnest- ly requested to .make arrangements for the dis charge of their respective balances, as the situation of the Estate will not admit ot indulgence. CHRISTOPHER HUDSON, Exr. of Nathaniel Anderson dec’ll Monntair, Albemaile County, Dec. 24. w72wp LAND FOR SALE. Of the Estate o’7 JY.1T/I.l.VIE/. TIJli.YEH, deceased. Tract lying in Hanover countv, in Rlack e ville neck, containing hy old survey 124 1-2 a- ores, with a dwelling-house thereon, one third (or thereabouts) is w el I timbered and part low grounds will lie offered for sale to the highest bidder, at Han over courthouse, on Wednesday the 24th Feb.next, that being court day. Tlmse disposed to purchase such land, may he shewn the same hy Capt. George Street, Mr. John Beal, or Mr. Cunningham, or either of them, who all live in the neighhorhiHal. ANOTHER TRACT, Lying in Louisa county, eight miles below the Courthouse, and in the neighborhood of Col. O. C»l- Ks’s TaVrrn, containing 300 acres, more or less, with a small dwelling house thereon, will be sold to the highest bidder, at Louisa Court-house, on Monday the eighth ol March next, that being Court *'ay. Those disposed to purchase said ti..ct, will be shewn the same hv Mr.Jno Waddy, Anthony Wad- dy, or .Ino. Davis, who all rtwidw near to said tract of Land. Terms of Sale—1st payment (or one third) in G months after the days of sale—2nd payment in G months thereafter—3d and last in 12 nice.llis alter the 2nd payment. Bonds with approved security will he required to carry interest from the date if not punctually i paid, with deeds of trust to secure the ultimate pay- ments. JOHN TURNER, and A. TURNER, In behalf nf the Legatees. Jan. 7G. wjw nVE^rry DOLLARS REWARD. RUN-A-WAY from the subscriber about the 15th of December 1812, a likely negro man slave, named JOE, a little pitted with the Small Pox, and has a downlnrik when first spoken to; he is about 35 or 40 year* of ngv, lie is about 5 l'eet, 5 or 4 inches hirh, he had nn whin he left this, a cordtirnv coat well dressed oslierwise, a* he was mv hack driver ; he has been accustomed to drive a stage, waggon, cart,or carriage ; he has some connections in Middle- sex, and I suppose that he has either gone there or towards Charlottesville k Staunton. I will give the above reward to any person who will have him confined in jail so that ( can get him a- f»r th'.jt v.'jih nil !'vSion*b!c cxpcrjeOS *vnjd have him delivered to me in this place. CUllTlS R. MOORE. Jan. 21. w4w I^ORsalc, at Vail’s Medical Store on Shockoe * hill nearly opposite the Swan-Tavern, a gene- ral assortment of Genuine Drugs, Medicines, I’ainte, Oil, Dying Wood >cc. kc. 8cc. Also, Four Barrels Clorver Seeds, of Last year’s growth, Jan. 3f. w4w MUjVFO R D’s rf.ro r ts. JOHN R. JONES, has the pleasure of offering the gentlemen of the Bar, the first volume of MUNFORD’s REPORTS, being a continuation of the Virginia Reports, thro’ October Term, 1810. A I.so— Ballentine on the Statute of Limitations. Cranch’s Reports, Vol. 5th. January 16. «p2xrftlaw1m PETER LF. TELLTER DENTIST, continues to pt-MCiis- in thodifferent branches ot his pro- fession, i. e. Extracting teeth, cleansing and restor- ing them to their natural elegsu»<*, setting artificial ones, so an to In- useful ns well as ornamental, and , l<iuKgitig iiie tiuiajcii caviars of such as can ne pre- j served. Applications will be attended to at his Father's : nrx? door to the Penitentiary Store on the hill. j January 5. 2»wlf | DISSOLUTION. 5 it known to aH «*h nn it may concern, that 3 P the Mercantile Ilona- of COLK cf HliN PERSON, was Hinaltril In mutual consent on the fit it instant. All those havin' claims against said conn f i, are re- quested to present them for * .< It inent, and all those indebted either hv hond, note or open aecnmpt, are earnestly solieited to come forward without delay and make payment. Rosemv coi.F.. JAMBS lIBNliKUSON. Williamsburg, Jan. S3. w4w MOSCOW COT.F RROS loere tofeturn hia think* to his friends and on** in-r«, lor the 'll*er#l and extensive encourage- ment he has received in Msmm’sutilf transaction*, end re.i.erifnlly inform* them, that having piuclias- « l the valuable and well teleried STOCK OP CiOf)7)S, •elonging fo the late firm of (dole fc llcnderson ol ihi.se.iiv, lie nosv olf r* them for Relv, at his *tore, 'dimming the court .house sipts-e, On moderate term' I >r rash, produce, or to puncl'inl customers on short ■re'lit. Williamsburg, Feb. 4. si 4sv 7’ \ few hushelt of fre*Ts 77-d fllarcr Sued, an’ 'S barrels of best quality (Surry) Apple brands '1st received, ai d will btraold on moderate term*. K. U. TN CHANCERY.—Tappahanvtock Essex Coart. bold U'lrtJui.r, 131! Kuvii (Tie rue m», adm’or. fccc. de bonis non, fit' F.w- •n CImu.ihs, dec\U Pltjf. -'i:i st lt« i..k-r ilurknrr nnd Wiltisn tliifThi, cxe’nrx. See. t ,*Vl till chic live «1., A ill*nl(t lilitjyii', n,imb', v. .1., tlie vi.'l aunt soil, ot Itobt. I*. Waring, dic'd 1 t in.,a.i tCi.auc, cs'uc. fvc. o| i liotims ||n«sv, 'he pboniid' by bis attorney, find tb:i >-a«v.- iiii.ii'u on to t«- brant on tlie bill, alls .*• err. -mil < x liiti.U "dixl, on til** tmaioit «:t the plaint ill', bit bill is t:<( u tor oniVxxtvl as tfi the defendant \\ illiain lliifiin, and »vi at a mm re day decree tbe mutters of Itie ;ilainiid"t hill, and it is'decreed nut I milei-vd t»y Hie conrt, that t!tc Matter Commissioner ot ti.it mint (hi set'le Mild Stuff tbe accotlnt ol' admiuistra- ****** o' I'it/RMi Utfiui'nisj on tli«* estate ot F.wen Clement* i!eg’i!.. and fin tlie areonnt of Archibald Ritchie’* c.vfci.Kiralviji ,.f t!*o estate nf I’ltman (,!,*. niff Is, <ic> <1. u;n| ft..ion to footr Ids |.i‘ueerthu>>v aim nny mailer xj.e.Ually \»!-icii lit; max f!« «n:i pir- ftfi-ni, or i.iit-r party n.sx require—Mid to eiialile lion, lo m-or s.*c!t x«»Uic,iiciils that tin; dvfvitdaMs I in- i- iiif-kn"i‘ Him \\ Il'fioi Ituttoi, rx'ors. ot nr* ! chdold Rtvtlio-. produce hefore liitn tbe requisite papers si.d evidences. i A co; ;••• WILLIAM 1’. MATTHEWS, D. c.'V M ± Vs j The parties interested, will please take notice/ that I liK'c nppiuiiU'.t tin- t \t uty -si cfitid »!-»y tit A. pnl next, at l.xsex Cinirt-liUtisi-, to take t lie accounts required by tbe foregoing, order, to he toniinu.-d Itoin day to day, moil completed—at which time and plane they are required to attend, with their vouchers anil evidence, reatlv for examination. JOHN JONES. JJmftr Commissioner. Essex, January 1813. wftwp TO RF..KT, % y N D possession given the 3rd of next May, the •5». Tavern at present occupied liy Maj. Hugh Un- vis, railed the Planters* Inn, containing about un a- cre of Land, lying 11early in the centre of the city of Richmond For further particulars, apply to .Vlaj. Daxis or the subscriber—w ho xrlshea ulaoto consti nct lor the laying ol'about 8t>0 perch of Stone in a Mill House nnd l)nin, on the Soiithaana Hiver, Louisa county, near Anderson’s Bridge. GEORGE tr. TRUEHEJMT. February 4. v3W THR Subscriber tenders his services to his friends and the politick as commission merchant. He will also reci ive country products h;c. on slot age on the most reasonable terms at ike Lutnlier house occupied by Mr. Frederick Clarke next door to Mr. Janies Hutchison’* fronting tbe I’.asiu. KO. M. PULLIAM. Jnn. 9. iinwtf fJAWO HUNDRED HOLLARS REWARD, a J. bundle continuing 500 sheets ol twenty iiollar note*,printed in blent for tlie Farmers’ Hunk of Vir- ginia, was taken out of a box, and supposed tube sto- len on the night of the 19th instant, at the house ot Messrs. Woodford anil Taliaferro in Fredericksburg The above reward will he paid to any person who will deliver the said notes to Dabney Herndon, F.sq. of that place, or So the subscriber. That the public may be guar.led against imposition, they are informed, that no twenty dollerr nates hare been nor i.'ill be issuet/hy the Farmers’ Hank ol Vir- ginia or any of its Branches, until further notice. Mm. XKKF.KV IS, Cashier. Richmond, TOth October 1 812. ilawtf. El.OPED. ON the Ptl June 131*2, IYohi the Suhscrilirr, resi- ding within two miles nf Campbell c<iiirt-!i»tise, a negro man named Stephen, of a dark mulatto complexion, about ‘22 or *25 years of age, fire feet six or seven inch* x high and stout made. If questi- oned etoscljq puts on a Intd countettmce, and down look. He was raised in Northumberland, near the conrt house in the Northern Neck, of Virginia, where l»- most probably h 1 escapeil to ; but has been living f<ir several years past in Brunswick county, and last with Mr. James J. Hsrrisnu, Of whom the subscri- ber Istely purchased him and may possibly be still lurking in that neighborhood. As lie is somewhat of a Shoe-maker, he may at- tempt to pass rsa free mac, and work at that trade. A hirty dollars reward will lip given for apprehend- ing and securing him in i-.i', so that 1 get liim again, or Fitty dollars, if delivered to me. Any person who may Apprehend him, will please give the earliest information, to Dock Ro'o’t Walker of Dinwiddie county, Doct. David Walker of Peters- burg,Mr. Boiling M. Wylker of Kiel inond,or to the subscriber; nnd on application to either of them, may receive tbe above reward. RICH’D. WALKER. Jan. 50. e*;tf NF.W STOKE. f?F.NJ AMIN DENNIS ft Co. most respectfully II a inform tbe Public, that in addition to their former Stock ol Groceries, they have received a fur- ther supply, making their assortment general and complete. CONSISTING OF THE KOllu v\ i.m> ARTI- CLES ,un 11. n. mini OUI Cognian Brandy Apple ami Peach Bran- dy. Holland Gin Cherry Bounce Cordial Baltimore Whiskey in Barrel* Pennsylvania, do. Lubon’s best rectified do. Sid proof Madeira, Sherry, Mala, ga, Lisbon ami Pori Wine* Chanopaigne, Burgundy and long cork Claret bottles ,n Brandy, Fruits, Olives and Capers Christopher's lieat Lon- <lon Hcenvn Stout Philadelphia Porter do Presli Sallail Oil in bot- tles anti Flanks Muscovado and New- Orleaus Sugars Biddle: ami Lea's best loaf do. Lump, do. do. Molasses Ground and fine Salt, loose and in sacks Bar iron German and Blistered ! Steel Nail Hod Gut and Wrought Nails assort e<l Young Hyson, Imperial & Gun-Powder Teas Chocolate Coffee Pnweler and Shot Northern Cheese of first quality B;ie:e»» Shad and Herrings Soap kc Cartel'r* in litres Q'tfn’i Ware assorted Stone, do. f»!«*•», flee. Cav-nnc kc Blank Pen- I Cinnamon <x wassia | Mustard, Ginger and I Spice Nutmeg', Cloves and | Mace I Table Salt in bankets Saltpetre and Glauber I Salts, A Mum and Copperas, I Brimstone, Madder and | Blueing, Indigo and Starch, Prunes, Tigs and Rai- sins, I Hard and soft-shell Al- monds, I Lemons and Oranges, I Alexandria Crackers in Kegs, I1 Best chewing Tobaceofe Spanish CitfHM, Scotob SnuiTin 1 fe 1-9 I lb. bottles, Barley and Rice, I Playing Cards, Cotton and Wool do, I Sifters, Bedcords and | Lead ing Lines % S by 10 ami 10 by 1 i J Window Glass Quart bottles and hnttid corks Tnkpowder and Wafer* Writing and Wrapping I'nniT 1st and 2d quality Let- 1 ter do. Liquid Blacking, in bot- tles B'-st Irish Glae bump- black Bar Load Wool Hats, assorted 1st quality I'irr tlifto | Km* Cotton, in Bales | Colored thread, shoe (Jo. [ «* ’ving silk. Cotton' Ba'is and Turkey Cot- ion S «-«•»• T wine Pins and Needles assort 'ed, fee. per I N. n The »ho*c articles, will he sold ot> the reason hie terms fur cash only. Manchester, l eb. a. tf Y'ALL.tui.K PnovF.irnt rou njll.— » ^ wish to sell (list highly Vfl'tsklt* farm in the !onnts Of Cumberland, whereon John Kelio resides •ontniniriR 553 acres, full) atm of which are yet in» tVood«, Ii is unnecessary to hs more parfleiiler, as any mrson disposed to pm chase, will first rit-w the pn- nises ; which will be shown arrl the terms ms'le ;nown on application to d'oliti K*l*o or to the snh»* K-ribcr. ^ POBF.WT KV.LSO. N. B. Possession wilt lie givirw iomndisuly, il iiii- jcs'.nry. Prime Ldwar:1, Jan. 9 tistM

Transcript of Enquirer (Richmond, Va. : 1804). 1813-02-12 [p ]....Prtersiuro, fell,

Page 1: Enquirer (Richmond, Va. : 1804). 1813-02-12 [p ]....Prtersiuro, fell,

Prtersiuro, fell, <1. Capt. Gamble’s Cavalry from Richmond arrived

here on Sunday evening, mid proceeded tbit night at 12 o’clock for Norfolk. Gen. Taylor with the troop. The governor proceed* lo Norfolk vr,b this troop,—Capt. Taylor** II -publican Light Infan- try of tint town, proceeds to-ruot row. Immediately outlie receipt of rapt. Tav tor's mnrt-hmg orders, eight or ten young men, with mu alacrity that due* them infinite credit, entered themselves as members of the company. Jit publican.

The Richmond troop of Horse arrived in this town on Sunday afternohn, and left it the same

night, in consequence, as we are informed, of an

Express winch reached here from Norfolk during the night. Intelligencer.

The New-York representation in the 13th Con- gress, consists of eight Republicans and nineteen Fe- deralists.

The Legislature of Ptuntylriitiln have passed an act *or the relief of the unst-rtwnatc general ST. CI.Al.t, who is said to he hi the most deplorable pecuniary circumstances. Ta* a*t allows l«im imimdiat'-lv, and ^5‘2EfO autiunlly dun.ig bis life.

Major-General Slu ufY**, who comutau.h d the 49th regiment, at the battle of (lauunlawn, has been made n Ur.run, by the IVmce Regent.


Last evening arrived at this port, the ship Illinois, Taylor, from Lisbon, from whence he sailed the 93<l of December.

Capt. T. informs ns, that the allied army, tinder Lord Wellington, were preparing to go into winter quarters near Lisbon; that no battle had recently keen fought.

An unofficial account of the capture of the Mace- donian frigate had reached Lisbon.

Mr. John Griswold, a passenger in the Packet Countess of Chichester, from Bermuda, informs that tin- United States’ trigntc Ressex, captain Por- ter, ltad been evuising on the Lines, nnd had cap- tnred a British Packet from Rio Janeiro for Lon- don, which bail on board 70,000 dollars, in specie, ■which capt- P. took nut, and put a prize-master and crew on board, and ordered the prize far America, w hick was re-captured and had arrived at Bermu- da.

The Legislature of the state of New-York, in a

joint ballot, have appointed Rufus King, Ksq. a Se- nator for the next 6 years, in the Senate of the U. States, in the room of John Smith, Esq whose term expires on the 4th March next.

Bosto n, Jan. 29. IATF.ST FROM EA8TPOHT.

Yesterday nrriv jd below, scltr Commerce, Baker, five clays from F.astport: a passenger has informed us, that t' e British ship Dillig *ne«*, Symonds, from St John's, N. B- with a cargo of dry goods, salt, muskets, ammunition, and cannon for the defence of that harhor, was driven ashore, in a gale of wind, lflth inst. on Moose I’eeky head near Machius —

Soon after the Olinds, Ann, of Newburypnrt, pass- ing hy, boats were manned out from the ship and took possesion of her, and it was supposed part of her cargo was taken on hoard the ship—she had gone to 3t. John’s.—At F.astport they heat up for volunteers to go and lake possession of the ship, the capt. of which obtaining knowledge of their in- tentions, set lire to her, and she was entirely con- sumed—she was *09 tons, had 18 guns and thirty men.

Suspension cf Intercourse r.'ith Jfcis»Brunetaick and Aosta Scotia-

The subjoined is copied front an original letter front Uol. Ulmer, to the Selectmen ot Kastport, a

eo|,y of which was poster! at the Exchange in that town on th*- 9th it it and a d ig sent to St. Andrews, to convey the information to the habitants there.

EASTERN FRONTIER. Head- Quarters at F.astport, Jan. 8.

Gentlemen—I an: -lit. uoted to endeavour to stop : r’rs- between the rubj..ets of the United

the subjects of his Britannic Majesty, ‘V r -tif; you, for (he information mf the in-

liioitaots of tour town, m:d those pet sons who may reside in the town, who is not an American citizen or rulij.ot, ir,.l does not take th« oath of allegiAnce w thin v d.i\s ndi he consider' d as a prisoner of war, and ill he removed to some other place for safety—Vv. "vary citizen who shall hereafter pass into the British dominions except hy permission from the commanding officer of this frontier, will be cor.s tiered as carrying information to the enemy, and trill he dealt with accordingly. Every person V’ter' e’d in supplying the enemy or any subject of

l»ia Britannic Majesty, with provisions of any kind, or other articles of comfort or use, will be appre- hended for treason, and dealt with accordingly.— Flags of troec will lie granted to 'persons who have actually necessity to pass into the British provinces. AII letters .directed to British subjects will hereafter be inspected, anil delivered to the officer of the first flag of truce that passes, if the letters are admissible, j Aiit'it* vtiio b iMt lu ]’J39 inioiiic it iiibii guveruincni aro directed to apply within six days to the com- j mantling officer at this post, who will furnish them with a flag of tn»6e for the purpose.

I am, gentlemen, with great respect, your obedi- ent humble servant,

Signed, GEORGE ULMER, Colonel of Volunteers commanding on the

Eastern Frontier.

Trent, a Handbill printed in London, PROPOSED INSCRIPTION

For the Lid of a Chest, in the Archives of the Privy Council.

Beneath, are deposited all that remains of the once celebrated

OHi)F. RS LX COUNCIL. Circumscribed by this narrow boundary,

and reduced to a few shreds of worthless parchment,

these haughty and innovating Decrees which, in their life-time, ennvu’sed Empires,

and tore the scanty morsel from the grasp of starving Millions, now repose in harmless obscurity.

Thro’ the baser passions of the human heart, the moral Genealogist

may perhaps trace their origin to a remote distance; but their immediate progenitors, were

Malignity and Infatuation. Fostered hy unremitting parental care,

and the laborious exertioi a of their nearest rclalivas, Sophistry and Falsehood,

they rapidly attained a formidable and disgraceful maturity.

During a disastrous period Of Six Years,

I ttrt exercised an uncontrolled oppression over th Industry and Resource* of the Poor;

Folmted tlit commercial character of G. Britain with th'* most loathsome villainies;

Cherished the infant Manufactures of ottr Rivals; and intuited the Public Avhteof Manki I,

by a tong series of hateful N agrfe-*- .r Depredations netr caree- wa* r.r imgtn arr>,«t»M

1 j the awakened ent-g * of their victims; and after a rcsip'irteo

which o' ly proved the genuine cowardice of tyranny when opposed to the united efliirts of R\ otifudo and Patriotism-

overwhelmed hy the contempt of the Wise, and tli" execrations of *he Good,

they exnirvd June lfr.'i, 1812. tt.i the san.e flay,

t’nt.ir only I gitimafe descendant, The f.ieence System,

Shared the f«te of its guilty parent ; and th"ir death ir. thus recorded

My nn indignant public, as an Event

trPU/M with nJmonlt.'on to !'• 'arc legislators, and strong.y ilfnvtt stive

of the et.risohtory inti important Truth, Hut it»« essential to the very JXature of F.vil,

to issue to its own Destruction.


AN ACT. In tfr tlic H«t» entitled " An act to raise nn

Additional MIRtvy Force,” and for ether pnr* J* < a.

JIK it r ttiesr > the S'enrtr nod ffome of Tir- frt ’/if allies oj the Unit'd St at re of Jimrrira in Congreve Jlettul) ttl. That in addition to t'»e pres- ent ntitthiry rs'nMWitnew? of I'Ve United States, there lie r*:scd B'teh ntimher of regiments ofinfan- * V, not <"*eeifif»)5 twenty, as in the opinion of the i’miUent fnjy l.c necessary h»r the public ccrrice,

to be enlisted Tor tlie term of one year, unless soon*] er iliwimrpol.

Sec 'i. And be it farther enacted, Tiiat each 01 the wi'.l regiments shall I'tmni ot .»ne colonel, one lieutenant colon. I, twu nui|ur«, one adjutant, onv

pay-mtutcr, one quarter-muster; one surgeon, two lurceum' ww serjeaut major, one quarter* mnucr-serjeant, two principal musicians, and leu

1 Companies.

Sec. 3. And be it f Aether enacted, That each company shall consist of one captain, one first li«tt-

I tenant, 'me second Lieutenant, one thud lieuten- ant, one ensign, live sevieants, six corporals, two musicians, and ninety piimtca.

Sec. 4. And be it f urther enact'd, That it shall be lawful for the President of the United States in the recess of the Senate to appoint such of the offi- cers authorised by this act, a.-. msy not he appoint- ed during the present session 5 which appointments shall »>c submitted to the Senate ut their next sess- ion lor their advice and const-tit.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, Tliv.t all the officers, non-com mitvoned officers, musicians, and prilutes, authorised by this act, shall receive the lilts: pay, forage, ration*, clothing, ami other emol- uments, (hunt and bounty cxci-ptcd) as the officers ot the same crude and corps, mm-comii.Union, d offi- cers, imt.iaians, and privates, of the present military establishment.

Si c. C. And hr it further en-i'ted, That the offi- cers, no*i commissioned officer*, musicians anil pri- vates, ol the regiments hereby authorised t«* he raised, shall be governed by the rules and articles ol war, which have been established by the Uni- ted States in Congress assembled, or by such rules and articles ns may be hereafter by law estab- lished.

Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, Tiiat the com- missioned officers, who shall he employed in re-

cruiting the force, authorised by this act, shall be en- titled to receive for every person enlisted by them into tiiis service, for the term specified, and apt ro-

ved by the commanding officer of the regiment, k between the ages of eighteen and forty five years J the sum of two dollars \ Provided,nevertheleii,"Wax this regulation, so far as respects the age of the re- cruit, shall not extend to musicians, or to thntri sol- diers who mnv re -enlist into the service—And pro- vided n [so, That 00 person under the ag<-of twen- ty-one years shall he enlisted by any officer, or held in the service of the United Stales, without the consent, in writing of his parent, guardian or master, first hud am! obtained, if any hi* have ; and if any officer shall enlist any person contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, fqr every such ullem-e lie shall forfeit and pay the amount of the bounty and clothing, whicli the persons so recruit- ed may have received front the public, to be de- duct! «1 out of the pay anil emoluments of such offi- cer.

bcc. 8 And be it further enacted, That there shall be alleged anil paid to each mat) recruited as aforesaid, a bounty of sixteen dollars ; bill the pay- ment of eight dollars of the ssitl bounty shall bo de- ferred until lie shall he mustered and have joined so-.ic r ilitary corps of the II States.

Sec 9. And be it further en -.cted. That the said regiments si.all be paid in sucii manner, that the ar- rears shall at no tune exceed two months, unless he circuiim.mcvs of the case shall render it unavoi-

dable. Sec. 10. And be i: further enacted. That if any

officer, non-coiunvssioned officer, musician or pri- vate, shall he disabled by wounds or otherwise,

j while m the line ot his duty in public service, he i shall be placed on the list of invalids of the United I States,at such rate of pension and under such re-

| filiations as are or may be directed hy law—l1rovi- ded always, That the compensation to he allowed tor such wounds or disabilities, to a commissioned officer, sl ull not exceed for the highest rate of disa- bility half the monthly pay of such officer, at the time ot his being disabled or wounded; and that no o8ie« r shall receive more than the hall pay of a lieut. colonel; and llist the rate of compensation to iion-coinmisiioneri officers, musisians and pri- vales shall not exceed five dollars per month———

1 And provided also. That all inferior disabilities shall entitle the person so disabled to receive

! «n allowance proportionate to the highest diaabil*

! Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That ifar.y 1 commission-d officer shall, while in the service of the United States; die, by reason of any wound re- reived iri actual service of theHInited states, and leave h widow, or if no widow, a child or children, under sixteen years of age, a'.cli widow, or if no widow, such chihl or children, shall be entitled to anil receive half the monthly pay to which the de— eersed was entitled at the time ofh;s death, for and dining the term of five years ; lint in the case oi the death or intermarriage of sucii widow before the expiration of the said term of five years, the ha f pay- tor the remainder of the time shall go to the child or children of such deceased officer—Provided al- ways, That such haif pay shall cease on the de- cease of such child or children.

Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That if any nomcommissioned officer, musician or private, snail

desert the set vice of the United States, he snail, iu addition to the penalties mentioned in the rules Si articles of war, be liable to serve for and during such period as shall, with the time lie may have served previous to his desertion, amount to the full term

of his enlistment ; and such soldier s .all and may- be tried hy a court martial, and punished, although the term of his enlistment «nny htve claused previ- ous to his being apprehended or tried.

Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That every officer, non commissioned officer, musician and private, shall take ami subscribe the following oath or affirmation, to wit: “I, A■ B. do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case mny be) that 1 will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America; and that l will serve them honestly k

faithfully against their enemies nr opposers whom- soever; and that I will observe ami obey the oruersj of the President of the United Slates, anil the or-

ders of the officers ap ointed over me, according to the rules and articles of war.”

Sec. I A. And be it fart her enacted. That where any coin missioned officer ahall be obliged to incur any extra expense, in travelling and sitting on gen- era! courts martial, he shall be allowed a reasona-

ble compensation for auoh extra expense actually in- curred, not exceeding one dollar and twenty fire cents per day to officers who are not entitled to for- age, and not exceeding one dollar ptr day to such as shall be entitled to lorage.

Sec.-)5. And be it further enacted, That whene- ver any officer or soldivr shall be discharged from cite servior, except hy way of punishment lor an of- tence, lie shall he allowed hi* pay and ration*, or an

equivalent in money, for such term of time S3 shall he sufficient for him to travel from the placo nl discharge to the place of hi* residence, computing at the rate of twenty miles to a day

Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That there shall be appointed to each brigade one chaplain, who shah lie entitled to the same pay ami emolu- ment! as a major in the i-tfantiy.

Sec. IT And be it further enacted, That no fieiil nr staffofficer, who may be appointed hy virtue o! tniB :<c(t siihii lie emilUMf Vf receive aftr or c*

molnments until he shall Ire called into actual ser

vire, nor for any longer time than he shall continue therein.

See. 18. Ind be it further. <7ratted, That the set

entitled " An >ct authorising tpio f’r-«idenl of toe United States to accept ami organize certain vnltin- trer military corps,” and the act entitled “ An act supplementary to the act entitled An act antbor- iniru? the President of the United States to accept and organize certain vohmt er military corps,” be, and the same u"e hereby repealed, from »u<t after the first day of February n<■ xl—Pro*iled, That j nothing herein contains <Wh:dl he so construed as to deprive the officers and in-'ii who rosy have entered the serficr as volunteers, limbs- the said nets, of! shy rights, immunities, or privileges therein secur-

ed, or the United Abater of tie* services of such ! volunteers, agreeably to the provisions of the said acts.

II. Cl.AY, Speaker of the tfou ?e of Heprcreetatirct.

IVm. IF. Cn.AWKOlt'), President of the Senate,pro tempore. !

Jan. <29, ISI3. Approved,


jYO Tier.. Department of Sta'r,

Ft-hnr>ry ft, tsi3. Alien rnrmi?* arrivint; within the hirflu of the

United State* front fnreiifn ewnteie*, .arc iimn.’di ately on their arrival, to report Murnaclve* tn th*' Marahal of the U. Stater, or to In* rle mty, for tin diatrict within which they may >e landed.

No Alien tMuiy can hr»'«atw»r proceed from p :

[T'ort or plate within one district of the United’ Slnte*, in a >>m» or place within mfmkr did net

! the sail"-, t»y land or water, without a Special Fast-- [ port Iroiii the .Marshal or Irum thecollector uf tin eu itoins, as the ease niajr hr.

Alien meruit' permitted to travel fiom one dis- trict of the United Status to another ihttriet there- of, tors lur'l*w-hli on their arrival to re'port then, selves to the Martha!, lo whom they are to ckhihi, their passport*.

The Murslid* sod t!ie C illeetors of the Customs of the several distrirtsofthe United Slates, are nar-

tionisrly charged »ills the execution in' the provis- ions of this notification.

dj* Printers authorised to pn'dish the law of the Union, are requested ts insert the pro ceding notice three limes in their respective pa- pers.

Felt. 13. 3t

vT MARSH AL’s SALK—Ry virtue n' * :* dt ci-e- of the ..I ol’ tlie I_'. S

L-,.* y fur the Virgin.l Ibstr.i"., rm'iin.n ceil on the fii-xi d*" of the pi.-seui * month, the ship OLIVER ELI.**-]

WORTH, row lying at City Pn.ui, wi'h her rig -pug. tackle, app'-O-vI and furniture, uiil ho y'-l to tin I highest bidder fbr ready money. The *:.lc ni continence at t "’clock in -lie forenoon; on the 10 i.

day of Jin. next, and wilt take place at City Point. This ship is supposed to he v^lua'di

Wm. MANN H. At. for ANDREW MOO UK, \i. V. D.

Dec. 10.

_ Ij* I lie sale of tlie above ship Was been neeessn-

rily po-tpoiu il till Thursday the 11th of IVIu-uarv next, when it will positively tukc place at Cuv Point.

Jf»» 1^- _


^l^DE subscriber being about to decline business, E. will offer lor talc the first day of April next, all [ his stuck, consisting of G .neeriev Glass War*:, Chi-

na, Kc.——at the uni* lime, some vm-v valuable Fur- niture and Silver Plate. Grateful for the encourage ment lie has received fi-oni his triends and a generous public, lie bogs leave to thank them for the favors they have granted him. He lu gs also that those indebted to him may make immediate payment Any demand against him, will he paid bv

AUBLN LA FOREST. I wish to hire out for this year, one excellent

Senmstress, and one good House Servant. They are hired lor no fault but want of employment. January 5._ „8w

Sheriff's-Ofp.ce, Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1812.

VjOl ICE is hereby given, to the heir* and legal ■*-" representatives of Wnliam G. Holmes, tate of the township nf North Middleton, county of Cum- berlarid and state of Pennsylvania, di c ased, that •n pursuance of a writ of Partition or Valuation, is- sued out ni the Orphan's Court of Raid con-tty, an Inquisition will lie held on the real estate nf said dee. situate in th« township, county and state aforesaid, it being a tract of land containing one hundred eigh- ty acres, more or less,’ adjoining lands ot Andrew Holmes, Michael Clepfer and others, on Tuesday the ninth day of February next, at ten o'clock iii the forenoon, when and where all persons interest- ed may attend if they think proper.

JOHN llODEN, Sh’ff January £.

* wsw

O ELL-FIELD FOJi SALE—The subscriber w5 wislicR to sell this estate, lying immediately on York River, five miles above York town, ami about ten or twelve from Williamsburg. This tract oun- taini by a late survey, 772 acres, a sufficient quanti- ty ot which is timbered. From the fertility of the soil, the improvements and its local situation, this may be justly esteemed among the most valuable desirable estates on York River It i* well adapted to tlie culture of corn, wheat and tohacoo. The im- provements consist of two story Dwclli-ig House, a pood Kitchen, ami all other necessary out>hotis<-s, two very fine young apple and one pencil orchard.

! Pi»e terms of sale will he made know n by the soil | scriher, living on the place—and in his absence the j premises will be shewn l»y major Gavrin L. Corbin, living in tbe neighborhood.

Wm. M. WALLER. January 5._ w8w

MARSHAL’S SALE. U-* * virtue of a decree of the Court of the United

| States I'n the filth circuit in the Viiginia Dis- triet, in a suit therein depeivling, wherein ’l'hoinas

j Pinkerton and Daniel Bell, assignees of Donald and Burton are plaintiff*. and Samuel Slu Iton anil Ko-

[ ,w,rt Morrison and Mildred his wife, which said Sa- muel nud .Mildred are administrator and administra- trix of Chuigh Shelton deceased, who was one of the partners #1 Clough Shelton Ik Co., late merchants and partners, 'inti of Shelton Winfrey ami compnnv, likewise merchants and partners, the said Robert Morrison and Mildred his wife, in right of the said Mildred, who was widow and relict of the said Ciougn aheiion tiec’ri., Uicily A.Shelton, Maria C. Shelton, William Shelton, Nelson F. Shelton and others defendants, in Chancery, pronounced on the 8th day of June 1810,

WILL BF. SOLD, for ready money, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the dwelling house ol ti e said Robert Morrison, in the county nf Albemarle, on Thursday the twenty-fifth day of February next,

900 ACRES OF LA.YD, lying in th-- county of Amherst, with ail the Ilourcs and other improvements thereon—and also the fol- lowing

SLAVES. nnd the increase of the (emnles of the same, if any, viz: Grace, Mary, James, Ren, Dinah, Agg, Clot, Tom, Simon, Fanny, Adam, Cicilv, Alice, Xel, Mi- me, Nancy, New bin and Neal, to raise certain sums of money in sni.l decree mentioned.

Wm MANN, I). M. for ANDREW MOORE, M. V. D.

January 28;

IN OHANCfiliY—Charlotte Chart Nov 3d ISIS- Mary h'reenwii a.liux. of Gideon f reeman deo’d.

PW agair.st,

Philemon Hurt Jnnr., Daniel It. Carnes adtnr. of Pin lemon Hurt, senr. dec’d.

yiie defendant Philemon Hurt jr not haring en- tered his appearance and given security according to the net of Assembly and the rules of this court, and it appealing to rlie saimlAetion of the Court that ho i» not an iob ihjtaut of this state, on the motion of th<' plaintiff ''V her counsel, it is ordered tlipf he appear h^re on 'he fi -st Monday in Kehru try next and answer the Mil of the plaintiff- —and that a ro-

py of this order he forthwith inserted for two months successively in some newspaper published in the ritv of Ri-drnond and also posted at the front door of (he Court House of s«hl County.

A Copy, TITOs. HEAD, Cl>.

wee. at. waw

1 i IT -> to forworn all persons from taking an as- stgm>’ it ■•>.■ i ,-ti me to t-.lij'ih 'lay, for

rhe stun ot foe -. s, dated the .10th of f a mi ary 111,1, and made p.-,aWe and negotiable at

■the Rank of Virginia ont s after ilMc; ns the said Klijah ’f ts mn-jii tl a I cy of bad elinracter fin the subscriber,

RDWd. GARLAND. Louisa, Feb. 2aw4w

r 3^A i»F.V i;i i't<i ronvejed to Jail on the eighth 2 day of Oi.ti.bwr last, A NKf.»0 MW,

who sov* he ii five horn, and hound to Georfjc Afa- *on of Greenville eonntv / any* hi* name is John '■filler, about ‘?>vr»r*of aj-’, dark eom|iiexiont five le«f hatfuirli lii'li: wlimi "om milted, hail on a white \ a. f'lo*h Coat, I>i.nit> IVii J'i'iti* anil white Hat. I he owner it rcpioslei) to ensue forward, |>ar eli,V’.

f;t;* and take him away, otherwise he will he denit with At the law direct*.

joiin \. u. ituriiEitFoou:). JtVitrr.

ChnMotte, January 14. * w3rn

VTonnP..—The t»'ilwtrlher as Adtn'r«ile hunts *

* non with the Will annexed on fho Pi*t"tr <1

the I.’.te Gen. James Mien llndl^y, r'-’ijneit* all ner- sont indebted, In conic forward k sfcttlu the amount 'nr, a* the situation of the estate will not admit o' indoltjenre: those to whoirf the estate it indrhte<i r- r<««|uett.ed to make them known that provision

rrisy tie made for their ptfrtli nt. ft It COCK*

Uioon** Cattle, Sttrry, Dec I*. wit'

T^RFNCH BRANDY—$ pipe* 4th proof f»r I A- talc by

J. L. k N. K. rHOMAS, I). Street.

Hw. IT. wtf

1'lt TX DTjLI.AKS NKU’AMU. riSK.It t'ISJ) liiiiu linpuin SeMen’* troop nl'Civ.

w ulry, Corporal WV.tuu-rl), iv»cn m i'antjni.-r oxnity t£b*kl lux In* »i lately near PvitiShllig,') aged *4 years, 3 i*rt 1* niches high, <>i dark eiiiu^tcMOQ, iiiir.lt' eyes, black hair « I by ;>l‘<Hi***in* a I'l niter.

Caddis I’haekcr, u private, in tla-mver eoiin

t.'y.’geil Sill year*, 3 f. el 7 tit In, lii ,‘1,1)1’dirk Com-

plexion, blue eyu», sandy ban an.I by proivBStuil a former.

.lames drown, a private, burn in Ireland, five f< et 7 inches high, of dark complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, si d by profession a tdme-niaUcr—lie v».is cul.s- teil in the citv ol Iticli mood.

Jessu IVi re’I.H private, born in Caroline county pint reCiiliog in ilauovi r uonuly :•* the .. o! di- luting aged ‘ii year*. fiv«- feel 7 inclus high, of ■igSilcmulilexlob, giey eyet,!>ioun hair, & by profes- sion a wag..oner,

Joniilli in 11 roii, a priinlo. born in M: Iditt-.v uoniity flint r v: Img in llaiaivei unity when ho rn'istetl, j aged Ml n-mv, j i. et h inches high, tii'lignt complexion, bine eyes, anil i»y proteiui m a earpou* ter.

»t i» presumed that the*- deserters have return- od, or vvill return, to the counties from which lin-v v,ent. I /•’.Y* OQ1.1A ItS reward will he given lor thedeliverv of each of them to me in Richmond, or Lieutenant Nicholas in Petersburg, or for their se-

curity in jail. iRlCII’D. POLLARD,

Cafit. 20t.A Heg’t. U- S. Tufty dsn. gS. itavvtf


VT)I\ IDEND oT five per cent is declared on the stock in the James River Company for six

months ending the 31 st December last, which will he paid to the respective shareholders or their order on application to


Jan. 2T-_ 2uw3w.

\ LL person* having claims against the estate of -m. Capt. Nathaniel Anderson deed, late of Asy- lum, Albemarle County, arc requested to bring them forward to .the subscriber, for settlement and pay meat: those indebted to the estate, arc earnest- ly requested to .make arrangements for the dis charge of their respective balances, as the situation of the Estate will not admit ot indulgence.

CHRISTOPHER HUDSON, Exr. of Nathaniel Anderson dec’ll

Monntair, Albemaile County, Dec. 24. w72wp LAND FOR SALE.

Of the Estate o’7 JY.1T/I.l.VIE/. TIJli.YEH, deceased.

Tract lying in Hanover countv, in Rlack e ville neck, containing hy old survey 124 1-2 a-

ores, with a dwelling-house thereon, one third (or thereabouts) is w el I timbered and part low grounds will lie offered for sale to the highest bidder, at Han over courthouse, on Wednesday the 24th Feb.next, that being court day.

Tlmse disposed to purchase such land, may he shewn the same hy Capt. George Street, Mr. John Beal, or Mr. Cunningham, or either of them, who all live in the neighhorhiHal.

ANOTHER TRACT, Lying in Louisa county, eight miles below the

Courthouse, and in the neighborhood of Col. O. C»l- Ks’s TaVrrn, containing 300 acres, more or less, with a small dwelling house thereon, will be sold to the highest bidder, at Louisa Court-house, on Monday the eighth ol March next, that being Court *'ay.

Those disposed to purchase said ti..ct, will be shewn the same hv Mr.Jno Waddy, Anthony Wad- dy, or .Ino. Davis, who all rtwidw near to said tract of Land.

Terms of Sale—1st payment (or one third) in G months after the days of sale—2nd payment in G months thereafter—3d and last in 12 nice.llis alter the 2nd payment.

Bonds with approved security will he required to carry interest from the date if not punctually i paid, with deeds of trust to secure the ultimate pay- ments.


In behalf nf the Legatees. Jan. 7G. wjw


RUN-A-WAY from the subscriber about the 15th of December 1812, a likely negro man slave,

named JOE, a little pitted with the Small Pox, and has a downlnrik when first spoken to; he is about 35 or 40 year* of ngv, lie is about 5 l'eet, 5 or 4 inches hirh, he had nn whin he left this, a cordtirnv coat well dressed oslierwise, a* he was mv hack driver ; he has been accustomed to drive a stage, waggon, cart,or carriage ; he has some connections in Middle- sex, and I suppose that he has either gone there or towards Charlottesville k Staunton.

I will give the above reward to any person who will have him confined in jail so that ( can get him a-

f»r th'.jt v.'jih nil !'vSion*b!c cxpcrjeOS *vnjd have him delivered to me in this place.

CUllTlS R. MOORE. Jan. 21. w4w

I^ORsalc, at Vail’s Medical Store on Shockoe * hill nearly opposite the Swan-Tavern, a gene-

ral assortment of Genuine Drugs, Medicines, I’ainte, Oil, Dying Wood >cc. kc. 8cc.

Also, Four Barrels Clorver Seeds, of Last year’s growth,

Jan. 3f. w4w

MUjVFO R D’s rf.ro r ts.

JOHN R. JONES, has the pleasure of offering the gentlemen of the Bar, the first volume of

MUNFORD’s REPORTS, being a continuation of the Virginia Reports, thro’ October Term, 1810.

— A I.so— Ballentine on the Statute of Limitations. Cranch’s Reports, Vol. 5th. January 16. «p2xrftlaw1m

PETER LF. TELLTER DENTIST, continues to pt-MCiis- in thodifferent branches ot his pro-

fession, i. e. Extracting teeth, cleansing and restor- ing them to their natural elegsu»<*, setting artificial ones, so an to In- useful ns well as ornamental, and , l<iuKgitig iiie tiuiajcii caviars of such as can ne pre- j served.

Applications will be attended to at his Father's :

nrx? door to the Penitentiary Store on the hill. j January 5. 2»wlf | DISSOLUTION.

5 it known to aH «*h nn it may concern, that 3 P the Mercantile Ilona- of

COLK cf HliN PERSON, was Hinaltril In mutual consent on the fit it instant. All those havin' claims against said conn f i, are re-

quested to present them for * .< It inent, and all those indebted either hv hond, note or open aecnmpt, are

earnestly solieited to come forward without delay and make payment.

Rosemv coi.F.. JAMBS lIBNliKUSON.

Williamsburg, Jan. S3. w4w

MOSCOW COT.F RROS loere tofeturn hia think* to his friends and

on** in-r«, lor the 'll*er#l and extensive encourage- ment he has received in Msmm’sutilf transaction*, end re.i.erifnlly inform* them, that having piuclias- « l the valuable and well teleried

STOCK OP CiOf)7)S, •elonging fo the late firm of (dole fc llcnderson ol ihi.se.iiv, lie nosv olf r* them for Relv, at his *tore, 'dimming the court .house sipts-e, On moderate term' I >r rash, produce, or to puncl'inl customers on short ■re'lit.

Williamsburg, Feb. 4. si 4sv 7’ \ few hushelt of fre*Ts 77-d fllarcr Sued, an’

'S barrels of best quality (Surry) Apple brands '1st received, ai d will btraold on moderate term*.

K. U.

TN CHANCERY.—Tappahanvtock Essex Coart. bold U'lrtJui.r, 131! —

Kuvii (Tie rue m», adm’or. fccc. de bonis non, fit' F.w- •n CImu.ihs, dec\U Pltjf.

-'i:i st lt« i..k-r ilurknrr nnd Wiltisn tliifThi, cxe’nrx. See.

t ,*Vl till chic live «1., A ill*nl(t lilitjyii', n,imb', v. .1., tlie vi.'l aunt soil, ot Itobt. I*. Waring, dic'd

1 t in.,a.i tCi.auc, cs'uc. fvc. o| i liotims ||n«sv,

'he pboniid' by bis attorney, find tb:i >-a«v.- iiii.ii'u on to t«- brant on tlie bill, alls .*• err. -mil < x

liiti.U "dixl, on til** tmaioit «:t the plaint ill', bit bill is t:<( u tor • oniVxxtvl as tfi the defendant \\ illiain lliifiin, and »vi at a mm re day decree tbe mutters of Itie ;ilainiid"t hill, and it is'decreed nut I milei-vd t»y Hie conrt, that t!tc Matter Commissioner ot ti.it mint (hi set'le Mild Stuff tbe accotlnt ol' admiuistra- ****** o' I'it/RMi Utfiui'nisj on tli«* estate ot F.wen Clement* i!eg’i!.. and fin tlie areonnt of Archibald Ritchie’* c.vfci.Kiralviji ,.f t!*o estate nf I’ltman (,!,*. niff Is, <ic> <1. u;n| ft..ion to footr Ids |.i‘ueerthu>>v aim nny mailer xj.e.Ually \»!-icii lit; max f!« «n:i pir- ftfi-ni, or i.iit-r party n.sx require—Mid to eiialile

lion, lo m-or s.*c!t x«»Uic,iiciils that tin; dvfvitdaMs I in- i- iiif-kn"i‘ Him \\ Il'fioi Ituttoi, rx'ors. ot nr*

! chdold Rtvtlio-. produce hefore liitn tbe requisite papers si.d evidences.

i A co; ;••• WILLIAM 1’. MATTHEWS, D. c.'V

M ± Vs

j The parties interested, will please take notice/ that I liK'c nppiuiiU'.t tin- t \t uty -si cfitid »!-»y tit A. pnl next, at l.xsex Cinirt-liUtisi-, to take t lie accounts required by tbe foregoing, order, to he toniinu.-d Itoin day to day, moil completed—at which time and plane they are required to attend, with their vouchers anil evidence, reatlv for examination.

JOHN JONES. JJmftr Commissioner.

Essex, January 1813. wftwp

TO RF..KT, %

y N D possession given the 3rd of next May, the •5». Tavern at present occupied liy Maj. Hugh Un- vis, railed the Planters* Inn, containing about un a- cre of Land, lying 11early in the centre of the city of Richmond For further particulars, apply to .Vlaj. Daxis or the subscriber—w ho xrlshea ulaoto consti nct lor the laying ol'about 8t>0 perch of Stone in a Mill House nnd l)nin, on the Soiithaana Hiver, Louisa county, near Anderson’s Bridge.

GEORGE tr. TRUEHEJMT. February 4. v3W

THR Subscriber tenders his services to his friends and the politick as commission merchant. He

will also reci ive country products h;c. on slot age on the most reasonable terms at ike Lutnlier house occupied by Mr. Frederick Clarke next door to Mr. Janies Hutchison’* fronting tbe I’.asiu.

KO. M. PULLIAM. Jnn. 9. iinwtf

fJAWO HUNDRED HOLLARS REWARD, a J. bundle continuing 500 sheets ol twenty iiollar

note*,printed in blent for tlie Farmers’ Hunk of Vir- ginia, was taken out of a box, and supposed tube sto- len on the night of the 19th instant, at the house ot Messrs. Woodford anil Taliaferro in Fredericksburg The above reward will he paid to any person who will deliver the said notes to Dabney Herndon, F.sq. of that place, or So the subscriber. That the public may be guar.led against imposition,

they are informed, that no twenty dollerr nates hare been nor i.'ill be issuet/hy the Farmers’ Hank ol Vir- ginia or any of its Branches, until further notice.

Mm. XKKF.KV IS, Cashier. Richmond, TOth October 1 812. ilawtf.


ON the Ptl June 131*2, IYohi the Suhscrilirr, resi- ding within two miles nf Campbell c<iiirt-!i»tise,

a negro man named Stephen, of a dark mulatto complexion, about ‘22 or *25 years of age, fire feet six or seven inch* x high and stout made. If questi- oned etoscljq puts on a Intd countettmce, and down look.

He was raised in Northumberland, near the conrt house in the Northern Neck, of Virginia, where l»- most probably h 1 escapeil to ; but has been living f<ir several years past in Brunswick county, and last with Mr. James J. Hsrrisnu, Of whom the subscri- ber Istely purchased him and may possibly be still lurking in that neighborhood.

As lie is somewhat of a Shoe-maker, he may at- tempt to pass rsa free mac, and work at that trade. A hirty dollars reward will lip given for apprehend- ing and securing him in i-.i', so that 1 get liim again, or Fitty dollars, if delivered to me.

Any person who may Apprehend him, will please give the earliest information, to Dock Ro'o’t Walker of Dinwiddie county, Doct. David Walker of Peters- burg,Mr. Boiling M. Wylker of Kiel inond,or to the subscriber; nnd on application to either of them, may receive tbe above reward.

RICH’D. WALKER. Jan. 50. e*;tf

NF.W STOKE. f?F.NJ AMIN DENNIS ft Co. most respectfully II a inform tbe Public, that in addition to their former Stock ol Groceries, they have received a fur- ther supply, making their assortment general and complete. CONSISTING OF THE KOllu v\ i.m> ARTI-

CLES ,un 11. n. mini

OUI Cognian Brandy Apple ami Peach Bran-

dy. Holland Gin Cherry Bounce Cordial Baltimore Whiskey in

Barrel* Pennsylvania, do. Lubon’s best rectified do.

Sid proof Madeira, Sherry, Mala, ga, Lisbon ami Pori

Wine* Chanopaigne, Burgundy and long cork Claret

bottles ,n

Brandy, Fruits, Olives and Capers

Christopher's lieat Lon- <lon Hcenvn Stout

Philadelphia Porter do Presli Sallail Oil in bot-

tles anti Flanks Muscovado and New-

Orleaus Sugars Biddle: ami Lea's best

loaf do. Lump, do. do. Molasses Ground and fine Salt,

loose and in sacks Bar iron German and Blistered !

Steel Nail Hod Gut and Wrought Nails

assort e<l

Young Hyson, Imperial & Gun-Powder Teas

Chocolate Coffee Pnweler and Shot Northern Cheese of first

quality B;ie:e»» Shad and Herrings Soap kc Cartel'r* in litres Q'tfn’i Ware assorted

Stone, do. f»!«*•», flee. Cav-nnc kc Blank Pen-

I Cinnamon <x wassia

| Mustard, Ginger and I Spice

Nutmeg', Cloves and | Mace I Table Salt in bankets

Saltpetre and Glauber I Salts,

A Mum and Copperas, I Brimstone, Madder and | Blueing,

Indigo and Starch, Prunes, Tigs and Rai- sins,

I Hard and soft-shell Al- monds,

I Lemons and Oranges, I Alexandria Crackers in


I1 Best chewing Tobaceofe Spanish CitfHM,

Scotob SnuiTin 1 fe 1-9 I lb. bottles,

Barley and Rice, I Playing Cards,

Cotton and Wool do, I Sifters, Bedcords and | Lead ing Lines %

S by 10 ami 10 by 1 i J Window Glass

Quart bottles and hnttid corks

Tnkpowder and Wafer* Writing and Wrapping I'nniT 1st and 2d quality Let-

1 ter do. Liquid Blacking, in bot- tles

B'-st Irish Glae bump- black Bar Load Wool Hats, assorted 1st quality I'irr tlifto

| Km* Cotton, in Bales | Colored thread, shoe (Jo. [ «* ’ving silk. Cotton'

Ba'is and Turkey Cot- ion

S «-«•»• T wine ■ Pins and Needles assort

'ed, fee.

per I N. n The »ho*c articles, will he sold ot> the

reason hie terms fur cash only. Manchester, l eb. a. tf

Y'ALL.tui.K PnovF.irnt rou njll.— » ^ wish to sell (list highly Vfl'tsklt* farm in the

!onnts Of Cumberland, whereon John Kelio resides •ontniniriR 553 acres, full) atm of which are yet in» tVood«,

Ii is unnecessary to hs more parfleiiler, as any mrson disposed to pm chase, will first rit-w the pn- nises ; which will be shown arrl the terms ms'le ;nown on application to d'oliti K*l*o or to the snh»* K-ribcr. ^

POBF.WT KV.LSO. N. B. Possession wilt lie givirw iomndisuly, il iiii-

jcs'.nry. Prime Ldwar:1, Jan. 9 tistM