Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emergency Con~Uon Work ' 18,881.000 Barellu of...

\ . ' . - ' t··· . ,, ' . ,"; .. .. '. " ·- . ; . ., . . . - .- . ., .', ' .,. .. ... · ' . " " ' ' .... ' II;,, » . ' . .. . ' . - ' . ' t, , ,I' •, > > _ ', \. •, .. . . - . : ;;· ', . -. A ' ' { ... ' . " ' ' ··. ' .',. 'i . . •. .. . '; _, .. .. -- -• I .. . . - . . f I .... '·' . ··-·I Ojli.;..!J ... ' . . . . t • . Pat:n»nbe ' Tbt; . ·· .... " ' '" or - . _. ·, ., ' ,, ., , .. ----- - "-- ' ' . i "- n \ . . .. . · VULUME XU..: .... CCarrizozo News, Vol!. 26J · - . - . . L'inm.._ !:ouai:t ' ' •• / . ' . . .. ----- .. .' ". ' ', ' "' : . OA'RRIZOZO. NmW FRIDAY, Oct. 16, 1936 . . ' ·. NUMBER ''16 . D ' . t' It polled the largest of. any_ one ' is qualified and will sewe mar be said of. l)istrict Attorney Mt. and Mr8. c. G. Sproles of .., ·. RffiO(fa '('( em' in the nominating honestly and . Threet. They invite you to ex- Benhams, Va., visited their . . U · : - - J. vention. . · recoJ<d of econolily and brother and sister Mr. and Mrs. landon [(ODOIDY ' L. P. Hall fair dealing on which they stand. S.- 0. Sproles for several days. . Mr. Gordan :wens was nomina- nominated at t.hf} recent conven7 Together they make a team who While here they took a trip to . d . . . · T.he raJiy held in ted from 2 tion accl11mation. M.r. Hall is· will co-operate with the Citb;ens California, then paid a visit to Lan on, m hJa qommtUJity \last_ Monday Mr. M': IS prominent in. of the District in the administra- the Carlsbad cavern and the message to tbe KJUisas ugwla .... mght was. dee1dedly successful .. an ex,.serv1ce man, and nas-a · _ _ wdl take hts stand 1n tion · . ba-d--Stashed--4o:>er- . qur County Chairman, Wayne .of !a o!_f!. qui.et th? state leglslature"'··tr;r- .. tlios enforcement. They left for their Virginia home cent from the cost of operatmg Richard presided. He mtroduc_ed summg yn bus1· tpmgs that are of educationcd last Friday full of enthusiastic the Kansas As a result, Representative J. V. Tayl!lr, who ness, matters 1s aggressive and value. . . . praise for New Mexico's scenic 450 scho.ols were closed, 7000 in turn introduced Mr. Don R'. forward JookJng. Although he · . Mr. F. E. Meek, President of teachers worked for less than $10 Casados wbo be stated is one of says littlE;, he believes in the per- Frengehr, cffiandtdatteJ dfor, the Lincoln Co. Singing Conven- ' a week and the ·state drop-ped ·· ' ' · ' f · f d I ,... ectoon to ' • 0 oce 0 u gel · " 1 from 18th. t 27th · t' I t tb(l har?est m Fe. orma?ce o es as they of the Third Judicial will t1on was a. v1s1tor here • aat Democratic Speaking · o m na 10na ra • _.·6_ ·_._ Mr. Daa.ados lmetly wdl sh1rk or . dQdge up to the unposed . _He became one of . , _ _ . . . - ·- -- - _r in Spanish anctEngJish, his talk-s -Jssues-of--Qffiee,-. - -- · Theaamq our su6scribers wpile in town. - Certainly, that is not a gCJod made a favorable "impression on · - . Senator Carl A. Hatch and recorJ for Governor Landon to For District No. 8, "Mr. Dewey party will ·epeak at Wed, offer ·people or' the Uriited everyone. . · St k .... d t · d · •. M- 'Y'\ 1 - Cl "'. ,.. ·• ·t d iC d o <.>.s..-was eew o sut:cee Oct. 21, at 3 p.m. Capitan 7:30 States as a reason Cor electin1 M r:· d a ros u e Mr. T. E. Kelley. Mr. s . --op·-·nn· -.-A ·,·r· Me' etr·ng p.m. same day. Carrizozo Thurs. him President. . r. 0 gers, can. 1 ? e or . uper- has a wide acQ.illintanl'e in Lin· · t J-l Oct. 22{ 1:00 p. m. Other speak- 'Phe Republieans recently have mtendent of Pubbe mstructlon. coin County, is very popular. He ers wll be Fronk H. been rother quiet about Mr . Mr. Rodgers .has an. en- polled the second highest vote of -- · ·-- -- Attorney Generol, Mrs. Ehza· Landon's record as governor of vmble record m this 1 1;DPOr"?nt any man in .the nominating con- At Carrizozo Eating House · beth Gonzales, Sec. of State, office and has succeeded m domg vention. As a ronchman he has. Robert Valdez, Corporation Kansas: Every time. they BflY S mtaatn;, things for the acb.ools or the n Wl'.te bnn'ln'"'" '"'_o undnr-j. Sunday October 25, 19,.36 at One O"clock P. M. Commissioner, Frank Worden, sometlung, such ns pomtlng With .., "' '" - .. ..., '"" 1 " · . candidate for Lnnd Commis- pride to the fact' Mr. Landon M D St k f th stands the problemn, reahzes what • Prominent !eadem of tbc National Organization of the sioner. Everybody balanced the stntc budget, some r. one 0 e the county needs, nnd with Jus; Salvation Army and B:u:on .Auriemma will be with the party· . "nosey" dc.t'lhcrot digs up the local mtroduced. Han. good judgment wit{'koow bow to Mr. R. A. Walkpr Ia the facta nnd blocks the piny.-- EJ handle the county's ·affairs. . . Thl is is a good wiJI tour, not a fin"ncial public some -high class playa at PatJo Times. appea , the Lyric. Don't fail to ace the manly, so logical and so convin- Candidate for Probate Judge, · 1 playa this week. . . cing, that even tbe opposition Mr. Marahall St. John, was born The people of .Carrizozo npd vlcimty are cordially invited that with bin re-election, and reared in Lincofu County. He to inect theae people and give,thom a welcome reception. l' " Mr. and Mrn. F. J. Kockendor- ·- New Ml'xico will have a Congrcns- io an cx-nervi,•e man, nod nerved Should the be bad meeting will be hold at Cu of Glendale, California are Onh•r of Stars Paaa man who willrcprenentevcrybody. over &ell!J for fourteen months. If Community Hall. visiting Dr. and Mro. R. E. :\1ntrontl' dub will cl'lebratc the Morcov(.>r he Wn!l too busy ex- elected be will co-operate willing- Blaney. 26th annivl.!raury of Comet plaining tbe 4 ii!IUCS or the cam· Chapter No. 2!lat 1\lusonic Hall paigb to utter any carping. crlti· , Thurnday cv1•ning Oct. 22nd at cism or his · " ' 7:30. AU m'•mbern and Staro in Senator Louito Coe, candidate thin locality arc invited to attend. for re-election opoke on education· . - Minnie l'rehm, Sec.-Treao. al mattero, after which Mr. Perry Paot Mntrona' Club. tho crowd. Mr. Seam wtl!l nominated at the atnte -- Notice -- cnnvention Cor Senator from the 18th ditltrict. •• .... JL .. LYRIC ·TH·EAT 8 E - . . .... - - . ·• Ghairman.Richard next invited .,. . --·+ - ·-· __ .,.__,_,.___ . .___. - "" =- -- . ' "-· - - nlf tbB County CandtdateJ who . were there to come forward and prroented them to tho crowd. They were received E!nthuolaoLi· cally. A lew words about our county ticket. All tho c.andidatev are aineere, competent and EcnPible. Edward Penfield the nominee lor County Clerk WM born and retlr· in Lincoln County; is only twent.y·6ve yearn old', but ill-' nl- ready considered one of the finest and moat.. .progremive busints9 in the county. He ig reliable and trustworthy and places busi· ness first. Mr. Oncar Bamberger, nomi- nee for C\!!nly treasurer' has Jived in Lincmh County for yearn. He will give laithlut, efficient ser- also careful accounting, ne. curate compiling of taxes, and correctness of tax books. In ad· dition he will give prompt, cour- teous service. Mr. Larry Dow is candidate for re-election to important office or assessor. No better or more effi· cient eo-ql(! p0$3ibJy be Jound: He is especially good in ·tl)at line of WOJk and has· given - perfect satisfaction. · -- ··-- Mt$:Iteri"e Hart; ·. tor . county superintendent of scboo'ls realizes the importance, of e-ducntional of the :. .She behaves til hard ) \Vork and it eiected will serve enel'getic:auy·and afficlently .,. For sheriff, the patty presents · a man who is , He is f1 Jllntl or integritY; rs. forceful and : fearlE!!is. As sheriff he wiU serve . : · faithfully. . Mt. Perle¢to Sandoval; Jr., wru; . nommated as commissioner lrotn · District No: 1, to · Mt. Larry GQmez. ·Mit. Is _ . and • is an upright • . /1 ·citizen •. · improve.- · , .... ment, and for good roailis which ': · are e&J)eclllltyto ,. .tht. .i'tir&L ,p!:i . ·· ·· -- . p • -·- ..... -- - . 'cillatteiltiOiltti the fact that h• . . . . - . - ···- - . . -- Is A VIrtue 01 The American People - . Tbnl Is one reason why _President Frnnltlln D. Hooeev<>ll Is going to be given no overwhelming mnjorlty In New Mexlc.G-'-greatcr than he rccelvod rour yenm ngo. · It's only human nature to help those who he IJ' ua, nnd there Isn't a DlllD, WOUllln or child 1. ' New .lfcxfc.o wbo bmm•t prolltM directly or Indirectly rroin President Roonovelt'o program. . . 8tnoo IWmm;Jt took orooo on 1\Dii'cli H. IllJll, llio trcd- ('l'aJ Go\'rltunent ... btl.!l ttiWln Mid IOlUied to tbo people of Nl'W B total of SU'I.OO.'l,!I'IL On n per mplln b:u1lll l!lls n-preunlll SSOO for cwery IU!ltt, worn:1n and dilld lh tba Sltllt". Tho tnbnl.atlou below llliOWII bow th19 money wll.ll 0 LOANS CLOSEn lkmnnruetlon Flnnnoe Corptlrat.lan Flinn t-redll Ad.mlnlstmtlcn Commodity Credit CorpomUon Bat-ttlanent AdmlnlstmUon llomo Lo::ln Corporation Public \\'otkA AdmlnltttaUon LOA.h"B INSVREn Fedeml Jlolalng Adml$14ntfon 1,.2n,cGt t1,sM,Uf 72:1,012 J,7S0,514 2Mll,(UO GRANTS. ALLOniENTS ANn PADlENTS Agrtcu.tmrnl Adjo.qlment AdmlniBtratJon 4.121,!}15 f'.esettlement Admlnl&traUon UZ,8!18 --etnt ·wlll'klr' ttdmtnlstmtloti___ _ .. z.sw.Sn Federal Relict AdnliDistmtlon 10,888,228 ' Emergency Work 18,881.000 Barellu of Public now 11,821,841 Social SOOurlt)" . 1ll8,800 Publtc Works Adrnlntstratlon 1M70,4SO Emergency ReUef AM 'l'OTAL . . - JWvuliUoonra haYO erlcd "Waste, ExtraT&priOIII" They s.1.,: thlls money wna tooUahl,y trpent. Lf.t the people who.c bom[jt bavo lxlm mv1lCl, lilt tho!;(> who ratood In aoup Uncs under the Republican Ad- mtnlatmUon, let th0110 who wero without work. cmd thmm wlio wero ·rtiafig amn-aUon In IDM whtln Ptuldent noomn't'lt took olflce. bo tho Judl'e of that! Tl1o of thtte expend!ttu-ca CllU!IO no t:u;paytlr In New M.e:dco any alarm. ·We lun-e rt'.Cr'hro sm.ooo.ooo :hom the Federal OOTemltl«lt durlrut tho IMt ttnw anti B Jla1l nan. Jllld we haYo Jn bltea olwut $1.000.000. Any Cnx£'11 II!Tted to 1137 tho oost of the New' Delli ; \rlil bo Fl'dt>nll Clue& Federnl tlU'EW will fBII chlcll7. on Um rtch lndustrlal EI1At. That mean. P.te lndWitrlAI Eu& wiU pa.y mo;t of f.he New Deal cost In New :&lexlco. That 111 only fa.lr and jus&- alnce It b the lndmtrlnl. Ealfll which prnfitu from the mw mlltertalA ••• cotton, wool IUill •••• produced In N§W Mextco •• 1" ' Tbc Repuhllc:m Congressional t!andldalell .bate the New neaL They are to fllht the New to on!1'Unmv lt. It possible. They bonat thllt tbey wUI not be "rubber atBmpa," meaning that they will not aupport Phl!Jident Roosevelt _In hls great effor! m!\!n!Alln lJJ'!)Spe.UJ' Jn' Amc.rk3... ·-- ·- -- ·- . - . Tlu!t Is something we llhould Temembor. II there was ever ll time when n PreA!del\"b of the United Statell needs B Congri!ss wWch wiJJ work· with hlrn, It lA now. o1t tbem wiJ8 ewer a tfme- wheu New"M!Weo nN!di!l n ·Governor \vho wW eooperate'wltb the.Prealdent It lA now. Senator CARL A. HATCH, Senator DENNIS CJJIAV• EZ, Congre88miin' -JOHN J. DEMI'BE1t and Governor CL'i'J)E TINGLEY deserve r&-eteclton on their oWu roo- l!rds. But In· thiA elootfon the lisue b even creater. TheY Tlhoullt M""te'ctOO 11cr tlift Pnstaent BoO!ieveU wm noflHi · - . . Federnl lorua and &rlUlta to ·New have r;one to Ra't'tl homea. to provide Jobs (or the WJempio;red, fo feed tho hartgey, nnd to caro for the- ated, the arfpo pled and the bllltd, to make pernwtenf., necessarr lm· constantly opposed Jn hta prepam .of bcncllta to :New Mexleo. You can depend on tbeee men to work Jn bannont with Roosevelt and to tee that the needs of the State 41e met. prove menta, . .- I. . . .. ' . \ Do Not Put Liberty In Of Our_ . Protect Your Own .. ..., .... --By Voting The --- --- -·· - _,:_ ________ ...,.__..."----- ----:------- ;: --- . -- . . . .... ---..-- '"'• -,o ... .. ' ' ... ' .Ptlld . PoUtlcal A.dvntlacrnent) . '• ' ' ,. ,, . ,', . ,.(.,. - -- ... . '. '. .• ' ' ' .. .... . "'--k...·.; ...... '•' . " Thurodny and F'ridny Joan Bennett and Glenda F"arrell in '' We'Fe lo The Money" Ale a "Mainstreet. board l"ollien" . 11nd "Bill· • • Sun. Mon. and Tues. James CngnCJ nng Pat O'Brien In ''The Irish In Us" / . Also "A Merry Old .soul" and "A $50.00 Bill" Sunday matinee at 2:80 p. m. Night ohow at 8:00 .. ------· .......... . PerrySe_ara - l\lr. Perry,Searo wna hero yes- tPrday enroutc to Ramon. Mr. Sears is the popular nominoo for State Senator from the 1$h DiJ.e trict. He has a wide acquain- tnnC'e in the distril't and a host of · loyal friends who nre Cor him. He . his ..... or ror l'Onstructive legislation whirb will benefit residents of the District. This is the first time he lias been a candidnte but he- be. Jicves ht progression in national, state and county affairs. As nominee for County Super .. · schoOJ8 on the Re-- publican ticket: I will appreciate the support of t.he -voters. Marguerite Merchant. adv. Spaniah Diihea Enchiladas Tacos Tamatea & Sunday• U & I Cafe ·:- .. - '

Transcript of Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emergency Con~Uon Work ' 18,881.000 Barellu of...

Page 1: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emergency Con~Uon Work ' 18,881.000 Barellu of Public now 11,821,841 Social SOOurlt)" . 1ll8,800 Publtc Works Adrnlntstratlon 1M70,4SO

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· VULUME XU..:....CCarrizozo News, Vol!. 26J ·

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: . OA'RRIZOZO. NmW ~0, FRIDAY, Oct. 16, 1936 . . ' ·. NUMBER ''16


D ' . t' It polled the largest ~Qt~· of. any_ one ' is qualified and will sewe t~ mar be said of. l)istrict Attorney Mt. and Mr8. c. G. Sproles of .., ·. RffiO(fa '('( em' ~ndid(Jte in the nominating ~on- p~pple honestly and f~drly. . Threet. They invite you to ex- Benhams, Va., visited their . ~· . U · : - - J. vention. . • · amine~he recoJ<d of econolily and brother and sister Mr. and Mrs. landon [(ODOIDY

' ~ ~ aepr~entatlve L. P. Hall w~s fair dealing on which they stand. S.- 0. Sproles for several days. . Mr. Gordan :wens was nomina- nominated at t.hf} recent conven7 Together they make a team who While here they took a trip to ~ . d . .

. · T.he .Q~mocratic raJiy held in ted from ~istrrct 2• t~ succ~e.d tion ~Y accl11mation. M.r. Hall is· will co-operate with the Citb;ens California, then paid a visit to ~vernor Lan on, m hJa ~985 qommtUJity h~ll \last_ Monday Mr. ~E!Iv•.n Fr~nks. M': ~ells IS prominent in. c_ounty.~~ucatio!l~~d of the District in the administra- the Carlsbad cavern and the message to tbe KJUisas ugwla .... mght was. dee1dedly successful .. an ex,.serv1ce man, and nas-a · _ _ ~nd wdl take hts stand 1n tion · . ba-d--Stashed--4o:>er- ~

. qur County Chairman, ~r. Wayne .of f~i~nds; H~ !a o!_f!. qui.et una~ th? state leglslature"'··tr;r-.. tlios enforcement. They left for their Virginia home cent from the cost of operatmg Richard presided. He mtroduc_ed summg d1spost~10n, b~:Jt yn bus1· tpmgs that are of educationcd last Friday full of enthusiastic the Kansas sc~ools. As a result, Representative J. V. Tayl!lr, who ness, matters 1s aggressive and value. . . . praise for New Mexico's scenic 450 scho.ols were closed, 7000 in turn introduced Mr. Don R'. forward JookJng. Although he · . Mr. F. E. Meek, President of b~auty teachers worked for less than $10 Casados wbo be stated is one of says littlE;, he believes in the per- Ju1 qg~ Frengehr, cffiandtdatteJ dfor, the Lincoln Co. Singing Conven- ' a week and the ·state drop-ped

·· ~ ' ' · ' f · f d I ,... ectoon to ' • 0 oce 0 u gel · " 1 from 18th. t 27th · t' I t tb(l har?est wo~!cers m ~anta' Fe. orma?ce o u~ es as they of the Third Judicial di&tr~ct will t1on was a. v1s1tor here • aat Democratic Speaking · o m na 10na ra • _.·6_ ·_._ Mr. Daa.ados ~l~ed lmetly bo~ft ~nd wdl ~ot sh1rk or . dQdge up to the tr~t unposed ~ednesday; . _He became one of . , _ _ . . . -·- - - -_r in Spanish anctEngJish, his talk-s -Jssues-of--Qffiee,-. - -- · iJim·~tl'~etectOO. Theaamq our su6scribers wpile in town. - Certainly, that is not a gCJod

made a favorable "impression on · - . Senator Carl A. Hatch and recorJ for Governor Landon to For District No. 8, "Mr. Dewey party will ·epeak at ~i-gndo, Wed, offer th~ ·people or' the Uriited everyone. . · St k ~>I .... d t · d ·

•. M- 'Y'\1- Cl "'. ,.. ·• ·t d iC d o <.>.s..-was -e~ eew o sut:cee Oct. 21, at 3 p.m. Capitan 7:30 States as a reason Cor electin1 M r:· d a ~. "~?dest ~~ ros u e Mr. T. E. Kelley. Mr. s . --op·-·nn· -.-A ·,·r· Me' etr·ng p.m. same day. Carrizozo Thurs. him President. . r.

0 gers, can.

1 ? e or . uper- has a wide acQ.illintanl'e in Lin· · t J-l Oct. 22{ 1:00 p. m. Other speak- 'Phe Republieans recently have mtendent of Pubbe mstructlon. coin County, is very popular. He ers wll be Fronk H. Pat~on, been rother quiet about Mr •

. Mr. Rodgers .has ~a~e an. en- polled the second highest vote of -- · ·-- -- Attorney Generol, Mrs. Ehza· Landon's record as governor of vmble record m this 11;DPOr"?nt any man in .the nominating con- At Carrizozo Eating House · beth Gonzales, Sec. of State, office and has succeeded m domg vention. As a ronchman he has. Robert Valdez, Corporation Kansas: Every time. they BflY Smtaatn;, things for the acb.ools or the n Wl'.te bnn'ln'"'" '"'_o erl'en~e undnr-j. Sunday October 25, 19,.36 at One O"clock P. M. Commissioner, Frank Worden, sometlung, such ns pomtlng With

.., "' '" - .. ..., '""1 " · . candidate for Lnnd Commis- pride to the fact' Mr. Landon M D St k f th stands the problemn, reahzes what • Prominent !eadem of tbc National Organization of the sioner. Everybody lnvit~. balanced the stntc budget, some

r. e~ey ~ c;~. one 0

e the county needs, nnd with Jus; Salvation Army and B:u:on .Auriemma will be with the party· . "nosey" dc.t'lhcrot digs up the local ~andldatcs mtroduced. Han. good judgment wit{'koow bow to Mr. R. A. Walkpr Ia ~ivini the facta nnd blocks the piny.-- EJ ~~e;ker~~~~:=y~l~ !:S.a~r~~~r,~ handle the county's ·affairs. . . Thl is is a good wiJI tour, not a fin"ncial public some -high class playa at PatJo Times.

appea • , the Lyric. Don't fail to ace the manly, so logical and so convin- Candidate for Probate Judge, ~ · 1 playa this week. . . cing, that even tbe opposition Mr. Marahall St. John, was born The people of .Carrizozo npd vlcimty are cordially invited realiz~>d that with bin re-election, and reared in Lincofu County. He to inect theae people and give,thom a welcome reception. ~

l' " Mr. and Mrn. F. J. Kockendor- ·-New Ml'xico will have a Congrcns- io an cx-nervi,•e man, nod nerved Should the ~eatber be bad meeting will be hold at Cu of Glendale, California are Onh•r of Ent~tern Stars Paaa man who willrcprenentevcrybody. over &ell!J for fourteen months. If Community Hall. visiting Dr. and Mro. R. E. :\1ntrontl' dub will cl'lebratc the Morcov(.>r he Wn!l too busy ex- elected be will co-operate willing- Blaney. 26th annivl.!raury of Comet plaining tbe 4

ii!IUCS or the cam· ~~·~~~~======= ~~~~==~~~~~~ !'::~'!!i :"'~':"'='=!'=~~::'::!~~~!!::!:~~~:!!::!~==;:~~~~--~-- Chapter No. 2!lat 1\lusonic Hall paigb to utter any carping. crlti· , Thurnday cv1•ning Oct. 22nd at cism or his opponon~. · " ' 7:30. AU m'•mbern and Staro in

Senator Louito Coe, candidate thin locality arc invited to attend. for re-election opoke on education· . - Minnie l'rehm, Sec.-Treao. al mattero, after which Mr. Perry Paot Mntrona' Club.

~f.Seam nddr~cd tho crowd. Mr. Seam wtl!l nominated at the atnte •


-- ~··-..---

• cnnvention Cor Senator from the 18th ditltrict.


.... JL ..

LYRIC ·TH·EAT8 E - . . .... - - . -· ·•

Ghairman.Richard next invited ~ .,. ~" -~-· . --·+ - ~--o:: =~:::;;~--=- ·-· __ .,.__,_,.___ . -+~ .___. - ""

=- -- . ' "-· -•


nlf tbB County CandtdateJ who . were there to come forward and • prroented them to tho crowd. They were received E!nthuolaoLi· cally.

A lew words about our county ticket. All tho c.andidatev are

• aineere, competent and EcnPible. Edward Penfield the nominee lor County Clerk WM born and retlr· ~d in Lincoln County; is only twent.y·6ve yearn old', but ill-' nl­ready considered one of the finest and moat.. .progremive busints9 m~.>n in the county. He ig reliable and trustworthy and places busi· ness first.

Mr. Oncar Bamberger, nomi­nee for C\!!nly treasurer' has Jived in Lincmh County for yearn. He will give laithlut, efficient ser-

~vice; also careful accounting, ne. curate compiling of taxes, and correctness of tax books. In ad· dition he will give prompt, cour-

• • teous service.

Mr. Larry Dow is candidate for re-election to important office or assessor. No better or more effi· cient candid~te eo-ql(! p0$3ibJy be

• Jound: He is especially good in ·tl)at line of WOJk and has· given - perfect satisfaction. · ~

- -··-- Mt$:Iteri"e Hart; ~p!ittyfioiiifrie~ ·.

tor . county superintendent of scboo'ls realizes the importance, of

·"'-·~he e-ducntional t~liti~ of the :. -~County. .She behaves til hard ) \Vork and it eiected will serve

enel'getic:auy·and afficlently .,. For sheriff, the patty presents

,~ · '· ~r • .Alex.Jenkin~ a man who is , urtiv~rsally r~spected. He is f1

Jllntl or integritY; rs. forceful and : fearlE!!is. As sheriff he wiU serve

• . : · faithfully.

. Mt. Perle¢to Sandoval; Jr., wru; . nommated as commissioner lrotn · District No: 1, to su.cc~ed · Mt.

Larry GQmez. ·Mit. Sando~al Is _ . g~n~Iemanly and • is an upright • . /1 ·citizen •. · Heidor<livi~ improve.- ·

, .... ~ ment, and for good roailis which ': · are greafttime~venti e&J)eclllltyto

,. .tht. .i'tir&L ,p!:i Ulation~ . ·· ·· -· -- . p • -~ -··---~·- -·- -~- ..... -- -. 'cillatteiltiOiltti the fact that h• . . . .

- . •

- ···-- . . --

Is A VIrtue 01 The American People -.

Tbnl Is one reason why _President Frnnltlln D. Hooeev<>ll Is going to be given no overwhelming mnjorlty In New Mexlc.G-'-greatcr than he rccelvod rour yenm ngo.

· It's only human nature to help those who he IJ' ua, nnd there Isn't a DlllD, WOUllln or child 1. ' New .lfcxfc.o wbo bmm•t prolltM directly or Indirectly rroin President Roonovelt'o program .

. .

8tnoo IWmm;Jt took orooo on 1\Dii'cli H. IllJll, llio trcd­('l'aJ Go\'rltunent ... btl.!l ttiWln Mid IOlUied to tbo people of Nl'W l\tr~co B total of SU'I.OO.'l,!I'IL On n per mplln b:u1lll l!lls n-preunlll SSOO for cwery IU!ltt, worn:1n and dilld lh tba Sltllt".

Tho tnbnl.atlou below llliOWII bow th19 money wll.ll ~l; 0


lkmnnruetlon Flnnnoe Corptlrat.lan Flinn t-redll Ad.mlnlstmtlcn Commodity Credit CorpomUon

• • Bat-ttlanent AdmlnlstmUon llomo ~el'll' Lo::ln Corporation Public \\'otkA AdmlnltttaUon


Fedeml Jlolalng Adml$14ntfon

• 1,.2n,cGt t1,sM,Uf

72:1,012 J,7S0,514 G.~((} 2Mll,(UO


Agrtcu.tmrnl Adjo.qlment AdmlniBtratJon 4.121,!}15 f'.esettlement Admlnl&traUon UZ,8!18

--etnt ·wlll'klr' ttdmtnlstmtloti___ _ .. z.sw.Sn Federal Emer~ncy Relict AdnliDistmtlon 10,888,228

' Emergency Con~Uon Work 18,881.000 Barellu of Public now 11,821,841 Social SOOurlt)" . 1ll8,800 Publtc Works Adrnlntstratlon 1M70,4SO

Emergency ReUef Allilroil~tlQn AM .!J.~~ 'l'OTAL . . tt~093,!)11 -

JWvuliUoonra haYO erlcd "Waste, ExtraT&priOIII" They s.1.,: thlls money wna tooUahl,y trpent.

Lf.t the people who.c bom[jt bavo lxlm mv1lCl, lilt tho!;(> who ratood In aoup Uncs under the Republican Ad­mtnlatmUon, let th0110 who wero without work. cmd thmm wlio wero ·rtiafig amn-aUon In IDM whtln Ptuldent noomn't'lt took olflce. bo tho Judl'e of that!

Tl1o p~t of repa7ln~ thtte expend!ttu-ca n~ CllU!IO no t:u;paytlr In New M.e:dco any alarm. ·We lun-e rt'.Cr'hro sm.ooo.ooo :hom the Federal OOTemltl«lt durlrut tho IMt ttnw anti B Jla1l nan. Jllld we haYo ~ Jn bltea olwut $1.000.000.

Any Cnx£'11 II!Tted to 1137 tho oost of the New' Delli ; \rlil bo Fl'dt>nll Clue& Federnl tlU'EW will fBII chlcll7. on

Um rtch lndustrlal EI1At. That mean. P.te lndWitrlAI Eu& wiU pa.y mo;t of f.he New Deal cost In New :&lexlco. That 111 only fa.lr and jus&- alnce It b the lndmtrlnl. Ealfll which prnfitu mrn~t from the mw mlltertalA ••• cotton, wool U~ IUill ~emtJJ •••• produced In N§W Mextco •• • • 1" ~ '

Tbc Repuhllc:m Congressional t!andldalell .bate the New neaL They are pled~ to fllht the New nen~. to on!1'Unmv lt. It possible.

They bonat thllt tbey wUI not be "rubber atBmpa," meaning that they will not aupport Phl!Jident Roosevelt

_ In hls great effor! -~ m!\!n!Alln lJJ'!)Spe.UJ' Jn' Amc.rk3... ·-- ·- -- ·- . - .

Tlu!t Is something we llhould Temembor. II there was ever ll time when n PreA!del\"b of the United Statell needs B Congri!ss wWch wiJJ work· with hlrn, It lA now.

o1t tbem wiJ8 ewer a tfme- wheu New"M!Weo nN!di!l n ·Governor \vho wW eooperate'wltb the.Prealdent It lA now.

Senator CARL A. HATCH, Senator DENNIS CJJIAV• EZ, Congre88miin' -JOHN J. DEMI'BE1t and Governor CL'i'J)E TINGLEY deserve r&-eteclton on their oWu roo­l!rds. But In· thiA elootfon the lisue b even creater. TheY


Tlhoullt M""te'ctOO 11cr tlift Pnstaent BoO!ieveU wm noflHi · -• ~

. . Federnl lorua and &rlUlta to ·New Me~co have r;one to Ra't'tl homea. to provide Jobs (or the WJempio;red, fo feed tho hartgey, nnd to caro for the- depet~den'f ated, the arfpo pled and the bllltd, to make pernwtenf., necessarr lm·

constantly opposed Jn hta prepam .of eonllnnhl~ bcncllta to :New Mexleo.

You can depend on tbeee men to work Jn bannont with Presfd~ Roosevelt and to tee that the needs of the State 41e ~equatel7 met. prove menta, • . .- • -~ • - · I. .

. .. ~ '

• • • . \ •

Do Not Put T~e. Liberty l~ague In Cont~ol Of Our_ Govarn~entJ . •

Protect Your Own .. ...,.... --By Voting The D~9!JIOQrifl~ Tic~9fl •

--- --- -·· - _,:_ ________ ...,.__..."----- ----:------- -------,.-~-=--:--~---- -·~·: ;: --- -· . -- . . . .... ---..-- -~ '"'• ·---~-·--·•-••' -,o ... ,,•-<"~---·--- ·-.-~-~-· ·--"'•'•;;~--. • .. ' ' ...

' .Ptlld . PoUtlcal A.dvntlacrnent)

• . '•

' • '


• •

,, . ,', .

,.(.,. - -- "~ ... ~ .


'. •




• ' •

.. .... . "'--k...·.; • .~="" ...... '•'



~ • • • •

Thurodny and F'ridny Joan Bennett and Glenda F"arrell

in '' We'Fe lo The Money" Ale a

"Mainstreet. Folli~" board l"ollien" .

11nd "Bill·

• • • • • • • • • Sun. Mon. and Tues.

James CngnCJ nng Pat O'Brien • In

''The Irish In Us" / . Also

"A Merry Old .soul" and "A $50.00 Bill"

Sunday matinee at 2:80 p. m. Night ohow at 8:00

.. ------· .......... . PerrySe_ara

-l\lr. Perry,Searo wna hero yes­

tPrday enroutc to Ramon. Mr. Sears is the popular nominoo for State Senator from the 1$h DiJ.e trict. He has a wide acquain­tnnC'e in the distril't and a host of

· loyal friends who nre Cor him. He . his _wholeJ~te4-:endeav- -· .....

or ror l'Onstructive legislation whirb will benefit residents of the District. This is the first time he lias been a candidnte but he- be. Jicves ht progression in national, state and county affairs.

As nominee for County Super .. · ~ in~nderit.of schoOJ8 on the Re-­publican ticket: I will appreciate the support of t.he -voters.

Marguerite Merchant. adv.

Spaniah Diihea Enchiladas Tacos Tamatea ~alurday•. & Sunday•

U & I Cafe

C~Iarp ·:- .. -

• •

• •

' • •

Page 2: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emergency Con~Uon Work ' 18,881.000 Barellu of Public now 11,821,841 Social SOOurlt)" . 1ll8,800 Publtc Works Adrnlntstratlon 1M70,4SO

' ' I .

J l


't I

I l ' '

,. ., ' ...

'I '

' •.

. ·-


I 1


. ~ .. -



"' .. ,, "

• •

. " ' -. • . !


• JM/

' .

By. Edward W .. Pickard . . ' · ® Wtstem Ntw~/>DPtr Unlim

. I I .·· .

Madrid Claims Victone• · Over the Insurgents

THOUGJJ the capture o! Tcledl) . by the Spanish lnslirgents was a

severe blow for the. government; it by no means ended the civil war •. Madrid anl'IOunces that one of the loyallst columns broke'tJleTebelUne

·' that almost ·surrounded the capital and re-took the lmportant juncU()}l . town of Maqueda. An army of loyal· ist miners . was repOrted to bav.e reac,:hed t,hJ) dutskirts of Oviedo, nnd relnforcemeuts !OJ." the Madri4 sar·

' ri1Jon were., ~'n t~eir way froin A$tu· Mor,mons Are Off the Dole, were olleged to have received fa· rias provliice and from Valencia.

vored prices. · The government forces also w~re Says President Grant , In flUng Its bill of complaint, the · sah.l to b~W3 .taken the im"portan~ SIX months ago the Latter commission pointed 01.1t that no alle- town of M"otrlco on the Bay of :Sis·

Day Saints church-otherwise gatlon was made of "bad faith or cay. the Mormons~inauguratcd a pro- any subterfuge or secrecy on the I . Gen. 'Francisco Frt~nco, chi~f of 'gram to make everY able bodied port of ICraft·Ppenlx 1'11 conncctJon I the Insurgents, •. decreed. a :Fascist

member self-sup· with Its price P.ollcy." 1

dictatorship and creatt::d a: ~<junta port1ng by October Charges aga~nst Shefford Chee~e of state" which will govern subject 1. In the great tab· were substantially the same as m to his w.Ul. ll! l;lis_ first statem~nt of crnacle at Sn1t Lake Ute case of Krnft-Ph1mix. . _ _ policy. Franco· assur~d workers they City Heber J · -G~t. ~ ·· would be "protected .against the Ills president o f t h e Secretary Ickes Reports of. capitalism and that steps ~burch, told an au· Alleged Collusive Bids would be taken to regulate favor· dlence of thousandll · RIOR able w'Jrldng hours." that the plan had SECRETARY OF THE INTE "All Spnniards will be obliged to succeeded and that ~ ICKES referred to the· Depart- · work according to their capacity " ., the drive hadf taltcn \ ment of Justice for Investigation two ' h said "In the new state. no p.;r. ull the needy mem· f new _Instances of alleged collusive I a:ltical· citizens will be permitted;'' I bers olf" public re- OJddlng for federal C'!_llRtruction ma•l

Ueber J. lief. The church has , tertal contracts. The charges arc Bl kl · d Lehman for Grant consistently opposed : against s_evcnteen <;opper cable .qnd I ea ey an .

.. 0 without work." In reading his ! stcel fubtng firms. Tfie Justice ae- New York Governorship r ;.p~rt President Grant took occa· f partment already has under lnves~i- I R El>UBLICANS and Democrats , 11,n to cnllcize. the Townsend pen· gatlon previous c~argcs made Y .· ot New York st~t~~ .m,l!t in con·· Hton plan and govcrnmNit. control' ·IckC:s. CJ! collustvO blddmg on steel,; ventlon at Albany and Syracuse re­of c·rops and hl' warned. the mem· contracta. ·h ' spectlvely, selected their state tick·

' .. . 1 t 1 The projects affected were t e ets and started on 11 brra to nvold polltll'a en ung c· North Platte reclamation develop- · h t lg The rnrntn " o campo n.

· . , 1 d mont In Nebraska. and the Grand Rep111:11icans entered Undl'r thr <'hnrrh rl'JI,..f arlve, an Coullce Dam in the Columbia river : the fl ht under a

wos h•usl'd and the ne~dy ~rovlded ' bastn of Washlnaton. 1

new le~der tor they Nrth rrnplenwnts for ttlhng. Wom· I Many of the b1da In both cases '· d Willi F rna groups huve mode dothl'll and : sa1d Mr. kites, were Identical. How: I ~~:~tley ofamYon: heddlnl! Membc·rn huve rontrlbuted , c•ver In ca~:h case ut least one bid· , ' k S L till' flnun!'ial c•qUivnh•nt of two menlo der 'submllted dltTercnt and lower I ',. ... . c~j· urrefue cour. monthly tu u llpct·lul fund. ·: figures and the contracts were ' ' JUS ceh,. orTh e tlfgotv·

In IK'Utll.'r!'d utort•houucn Mr. • ernors lp, I> Y Grunt report<Jd, .nuppltl'n hnv~ b!'cn awarded. two-year-old jurist laid up In guncrouzs quunUUcls for "' prepared to resign dwtrlbuUon umonn the needy who Former Ambaasador Straus William F. !rom the bench and Jo~lped produ .. c thl'm. Tnk_en by, Pneumonia 01 kl take command 11t

ea ey ' once. Under tht• program, the npeukcr jf:SSE JSADOR STRAUS, mer· dl'durerr, "the curoc of 1dlcncos elton• prince and, until his resig· Col. Ralph K. Robortaon of Buf·

I I II ' falo was nominated tor: lieutenant would be dont• OWI•Y Wll I, tiC CV !I nn•lon loat August, American 11mban-f d I b I I d d I d d LV governor. Nathan D. F!llrlman or o o o e o o ill tc • on ° epl'n • sador to France, pasaed 11way In 1

t'Ol'e, thrill, and Delf·rcapect w11J be Ilia New Yorlt home New Yorlt city for 11ttorncy genera bl I d • lind John A. May, GlovcraviUc, tor ont'o rnm c c11to In 1e arnonCD• our at the age of oixty·

people '' four. The lmmedl· comptroller. Ole Caulle Of death The convention at Ita evenln,~t 'ses-

sion heard Col. F.rank Knox, Be-Social Security Act Is was pneumonia, but publlcan vice presldcnUol candl· Due for a Court Test Mr. StraWJ had beeri d 1 1 tt k '" th N

• ln. ill health for aome 0

aet11e1,. n a o rang a ac un e ow


1 time, thla being the • The Dcmocrata renominated Gov.

Montgoml'ry, Ala , lfJDucd an order ; 1 "';r,,_ reDDon for hlo ·re- Herbert H. Lehman, and hill ca~ holtlnll C'olll'l'tlon 1n Alabama ot a , , " tlrcment from the dldacy was warmly eapouoed by one pt•r cent payroll tax to finance L_'-, , • ambDDnndorahlp. Preoldent Roonovelt, who went to the unemploymcmt program. T h c II. · Gr:_~duatlng from Syracuno to deliver hio llrnt opccch rrnult, 11 1o cxpN·tl.'d, will be n clear I' Jc.uo 1. titraua llnrvardblh 11!93, Mrk. aa on avowed candidate. Tho PrC!si• cut tc•ot or tho validity of the New Straus egan wor denl toolc occMlon (o deny agaln Deol'n nol'lol occ·unty act, for Jaw· as a bank clerk. In lll!IO he ob- that he oeeka Coinmunlat oupport ycrn had no doubt the C'DIIe would 1 tained employment with R. H. Mocy and alleged th()t ill:::uc Wlltl a. "red be ··arrt('(l to the United States Su· ' & Co., big New York department herring" dragged ucrooa the traU prl'rnc court The order wan granted Jntoro, and by IOID wan ita pr~tl• _b}'_fljg_J!llllJ:!nf.lll1:k~ _ .. __ ...,.. _ .. , u~e Gull ss.a1ca &vol ~rporaUor• ~r t .dent,. l1oldlng 4hol -position- 11ntll het · . GndndNI Alo on a plen thnt tho was given tho Porls pobt by Pnof· ''AI S I h C 0 t '

. , ' d R It I 1"33 H m t omes u uurrnpl11yrnt'nl tnourante program, ' cot ooocve n " . e won a


' ; .t . .. •

. ,' .

. " T HE silk parade of fall frwhloflB -silk velvet with a VIctorian ootrich

marches ·acrona the country, feather quill ahooting up from the brb'lglng new and dram11tlc ollltll to crown, atunnlng velvet gloves with interpret the excitlna new silhou- a wrist bracelet ot elaborate com· etten. In one'a approach to the all· position flowera like Jhe clolnsone impoctnnt subject of prcoent-day jowvlry of an earll~r·r&y. tashlon one con choose their type, toneo In jewelry or nllk material nrc be It Dlrc.:tolre, Vlctorl11n or Ed· very Important thla !canon. wordian, of Spanloh or Tyrolean In· "Swing" IJ}(irta aro sweeping the OWlncc or unmlot.n:tllbly .Twentieth country along with, swing mll!lc. century \noderni3Uo or whatever thv For afternoon wear there Is o feel· period, It can be outhentlca!Jy fol· fng of galety nnd modernity in full· lowed right through from dreaa to oklrted frocks of rich allkD patterned related occetmorles In the .tew au- with mot.nw or otlff nUl' satlflS and tumn program. novelty ·aUk crepes. It Ia a well

·ThV prlnceso llncp or the turn-of~ known (get Utat sllk4~ave Q IQVcly drape and "owing•• of their own

tbc-ccntury Edwardian Caohlono arc that make th~ the perfcc~ mcdl· ofltat.nnding In today'o mod.!, dono E1 u with 11 suaveneaa that llta them per- urn for ouch a en. egance in 10 fectiy Into the tempo of modern daytime mode ls exprCDDed In the trcndo. You Gee In all advance dress afternoon drea!l pictured to the left.

A coat of mall Jrwplred the Idea or collcctlonp oUk crcpcn, ollk mctola, 6rlln metal on blnck nlllt crepe for slllc aatino, vclvata and broc~dcs thlo mCX:cl which 130 araco!uUy _ _tea­ot~!ed _il1. tn>lcal_ buttol!':!fQW0:1Jm. turctr llmf llt' Uilf- ViftY new owlrlg Tfonf rJlar,mcr wiU1 anua bodlceD like altlrta ThQ Uny: hat ill 0 glorl.fled we see In portrolta of oar grea\. veral~n of the overacao cap .nunta and grnndmrunmOD, r:oftened • by little collara nr neckline detail U'a high-note fMhlon, too, for and with full nkirta that hnve com· nklrta to be llned with bright con· fort.nble freedom. trastlng silk taflem. Bright red olllc

opl'ratl'd 10 ('(>-operation with the l Democrat and waa a member ot for 'Oo\'. Landon frdrrol 11o\'ernrnl'nt, v1olateo both the board ot ovcroeertl ot Harvard FRANK KNOX, Preoldent Roone­ntntC' nnd frd!'rol ronntltutlonn. A and of the American Academy of velt and AI Smith, all on tho Supr!'mC' l'ourt heanng would carry 1 Political nnd Social Science. ~le air the aamc evening provided a SometlmC!I the now-co-chic prin·· the thrC'at of ponnlblc Invalidation I maintained a country eDtate nt political feaat Cor radio llatencra. CC!IO typ09 ore true prlnceaa, with or lnnurnncl.' and pension programo

1 Mount Kloco, N. Y., no weU as 11 city Colonel Knox, opellking at Pllta- no waiDUinc Indication. Ther. again

now undN devl'lopmcn1 In the ncv· , apartment. burgh, reiterated and substantiated the prlncC!lll adde a graceful aott

tafrem Jines !be swing nkirt of the black nllk "crepe afternoon dre&!J worn by the figure seated.. Match­Ing allk Ia revewed at the throat with th_o ~ol9r &~c.ented In ruby·and· brllUant brooches. Tho empire walgt with unique sleeveD, tho oklrt and the mp!lt gorgeoWJ velvet glOVCD

ernl utntcu. I his former all!lertion that New Deal belt. or saob which mokes.Urn c:on• Itnty•o Cabinet Votes financial ppllcles were Imperiling tour leso nevere while pr01:ervlng

Chicago Mcnt Pockcra 10 Devnlue the Lira savings accounta and insurance pol· thQ dowlng llnll from bodice to hip-lc:ICD. ·Mr. RooseveU, not so elo- line. Tho prlncellll drCDD, centered

Cited by Wallace FOJ.LO\VINO tho example set by quent nD .llllUOI defended tho llJ>l!Jl(I,...J In the UlUDti'atlon, done In the Ed·

CIIAilGF-<; of enr.aclnll In u11fair 1 f.'ranc:e ond,other countrleD, the log policll!a of hl1l .ndmlnlatratlon. wordian manner adopts "the sMh

are nU very 1036. · Metals for aU sorta of dre4Sco gllt.­

tcr In t.be mcde. There nrcr ailk cocktail frocks ln street length, often with flne.ly plente<J sklrta. Silk meUll brocades nuUte tunics to

' IJDver' 'l'abkts. :Hnbi~ Almon

lmtcmtly · Ia 2 -"- •:r liCol __ _ . wdc•, a le.alllae 11.\YD .Uplrl!a tablet ...W to dlllaleCdlte Q4 10 CO work. Drep a .Ba7er ~Ida tablet ... c. ...... of qler, Br C1ae tiiao II &lie ... J>et.. ,_.ot ....... ltla .tlalatelrallar. · What .. .,_ .. lbla ..... • ; • ......... .. JOIII' ~ -


For 4,tnazingly Quick R~lief Get Genuine Bayer Aspirin

• If you sufiu ri-Om pains of neuritis what you wnnt is quick relief.

Genuine Bayer Aspirin tablet$ sivci quick relief, for one reason, be­callSil they ®!solv9 or disintegrate 11hnolfHnsmnUy they touch mois­ture;\Notu illUstrauon nbove.") ·

Hence - when you tnlce n real Bayer .Aspirin toblcf..it starts to dis­solve almost as guicldy· as Y0\1 · !lWqllow ::1~:· And tlius iS ready to 11fiii1. working almost Instantly ••• headnc~cs1 neuralgia and neurieb pains titan casing almost at once.

That's why millions never ask for nspirin by the niUile nsJlinn alode when they buy.,~. but lilwaya say "BAYER ASPlhiN" ana BCC that they get it.

Try it. You'll any it's morvelows.



VIrtually :lea~ ..


Brlrht Outlook ·~What mad~ the gobd old daya

"good" wan that you were young. tiJng. "-Luigi Piro,ndello. .

Why Laxatives Fail In Stubborn

Conatipaii(}!\ ~lve to j: hourale too Jon~:~ to walt

lirthtn "'f'' rom cloga-d bower. aniil conatlpat on 1 ntttltsl, fiW Uttn · 4tfor• f'IIOUI qU&tltlll .. Of lt,cttf .. tzC,:I,I.Iftll• llltt, eaualnll OAI. ndlatatlon and man)" Rltl"'- tiUplttt .nlo!lte.

If )'OU want ftlEA&.. QUICK RII:LII!P', tak• • lleuliil C'omtlouniil IU~;!I 1111 AC• 1 ~lie ACI.,Ika un"lr'11 ••VIltN'ea.

. · • -:anllf·>Carmlftattvf'-tntrfllf'llll" · att '" the atom•ch and DOTH

o.8tOW-'r. · Mtlt "ovtmltht"· laxaiJv•• «J!Uin IM lntri'Hitnt UIU &eta Oil Uti

IOWtl' ._,, •J>Iy, .. Allletlka'e 1:10U.LIIt ACTION tlvta

:IIOJir 1)"11tm • tllorouoll clean.Jnt. brlntlnr eut IIIII IOittllllll W&l1t mat­ter tha mil' have oau11111 aAa paint. " ~"" atomach, hndachta alld tleepll .. nlthta foP month._

Allltrlka RIIWII atom&ch 0Aa at ~·1 an1· uauaii)O' Rmovca bowat con. OMt Olt n IQI thJn tw. houra. Ne walllnt ftr tYtmiQht telllltt. Tille famtut treatment ·h.. bttn relom. mtnlllall .,,. many ffHtara an4 etua­•••ta 'fOi' H Y.Nra. 'r'akt Adltrlka one•

• alf hour tttfe,.. brtalefut or oM htur ,_ btdllmt anti f" a ahort while

,YOU Will fttl l1\lr'VI OUtly ntfrelhtdo uadlna Drugalate.

Bttt a Virtue · Meekpess is the weakest of the virtues. __________ ...... - .................. (

~ pr acuc·c:n ha vc bcell,.fllc.d onamst : Ita linn ~nblnet ~·oted to1!cvuluu the .He, too, spoke at Plttsbur&h. 'J'be !dell. Tbw very new mcdl!l 1!. atyled tile Armour ond Swift ment podt· lira, oettlng Ita value at opproxi· high sJ)1lt of the cvonlng cnme ot of block silk faille shot with crlm· an11 , umpunll'll or Chicago, nnc.J S<>c· ! motcly 6 2 ccnta, M compared with the close of AI Smith; II qddress to no.n lacquered metal. Watch these r rtary of Aarkulture Wallnt·c hilA . U1e latent previous figure of '1.6 a women'a orgtintzatlon In New now color-met.nllzed silks for they 1 atrcJ thl'fn for a h('(lrlng u1 Nt'w . c·ents. The rablnt>t also let It be York city. He hod been treating of nrc the latest In rich f11brlc show­York 1m Nuvcmbl'r 2, for v1olohon 1 known that it would take action to the New Deal and Ita leadcra with lngs. Acce!lllory details that add to or thr paek<'ro and atockyardo act

1 prc\'t'nt rent and price increases; bitirrg sarensm nnd wound up witli tim tlffi1 fif tnm~mri1Wlg costume·

of nm 1 and it voted a new 5" per cent capitol the dramatic declnration: . are a pert little turbafl of crimson

wear with afte::noon suits ot LyoM A Three Days' Cough_ or taffem·bncked nilk velveta, or ~v~ng tunie3 and l'Mingltes WOI'lllt fs· Yon. ~nge-rSianal

A1 1 nrdmg to Dr A. W Miller of jlcvy to which property owners are ''I firmly believe that the remedy the hurrou of n/llmol industry, the ~bll{ied to subscribe to the extent for all the illll that we are suffering , ornplolnt was based on the charge ot & per-cent of their wealth. from today Is the elcc:tlon of AJ!red rhut till\ pa<·kl'ro had been obtaining The gold volue of the lira was M. Landon." 1 ''"'"rss 1n nola lion of the law from placed at 4£l'l gl'ama of gold tor "'trorn!lhlp <·ompanlcs in New York. each 100 lire. Gold reserves of the b

t:ndrr thr allegl'd llll'{!nl arrange-. Bank of Italy will be revalued on the Frankfort, Ky., Cole rates n•rnt. Milll't 11a1d, Armour and Swift bash! of the new lira wlth the surplus Its Sesquicentennial . hart arr·nnard a rt'clprOC'al agree· to be placc.d at the dlSpositlon of the RESmENTS of Frankfort, Ky., n·rnt by whwh lhl'y sold meot to treasury. dropped work nnd Jl1)1ltlcs for 1 hr A hlp ownl'rs and In return sent three days and, with thousands ol thr1r rxp01l;.s abroad In thc1r ships. French Communints anc$ ~uests, celebrated the sesqulcenten-

Annther c hntJ:l' was that the pack· p el ts Cln!lh .llal of their pretty city. A pioneer rr• hod l'l<tended rrcdll for longer ns 11 touch was given the affair by tn~t·t l'f'"l~h fur fo\ort'd cuslotnt'rll than FRANCE may be on tho verge of arrival or many fa.miUes from other rur uthl'f 11 1 a civil war bot ween Communists porta of .Kentucky In horse-drawn

Test Cases Startad Under ' and Fa!relnta comparable to the tor· vehicles and on horseback. There

rlblc conlllct In Spain. In Paris were historical parades nnd serv­dcspernte fighting already has be- icCD, an old-fashioned b"Urgoo feast,.

Pohmqon·Pntmnn Act ' gun. The Reds,. numbering many nod 0

formal banquet at which ad­TIIIl EE <'om plaints wl'rc ·med by thousando, nnd the nationallats, un- dresses were delivered by Adtrilrnl '"" rrdcral trade commission un· der ordl}rs from Col. Francois de Ia Hugh Rodman of the navy and Gov.

c.ll'r thr ltnblll!iOO·Pntman net, nom· Rocque who~e Croix de l"e~u~x~.~or-~~-'~~·:li'~.C ~f Kentucky;-- • . lnjt five C:OUCCl'flll., mundlinr, lhe.flrst WD!I' dmbliffilccr mo\'e to t<'st ito powers under this government, undertook rival dem· fnr r!'ndllntt tealalnUon which fo~· OMti'aUons; and Ute rcsul\ ·was n btds lhl' ..r.rnnUna or receiving l'>y day-long series of stre(\t battles In mt'tdlandlsl'rs of disl"rlmlnotory which hundreds were wounded •. Or­pnco disC'ounts ltl lntorstato com• dar Wll9 finally restored lor the ml'r<·e. time being by a force of 121000 rc-

Thc complnlnto named Montgom- pubtlcnn uunrds nrtci pollee. rry Ward nnd Company, Inc.; The Natlonallst-rJghtlsts said. tho Kratt • Phcrnx Chcono corpo. ftghtlng "was only bcgtnntng." ration, Chlcnco: Shcffdrd Cheese Troubles resulting from dev.-tuatlon C'ompany. Inc., Syracuse, N. Y.; of tho (rnnc would bo s_oyere and Bird o,nd &n, Inc., and Bird Floor numerous, they ph!dl~tM.; Lettlsts c;uvcring Sales corJ)1lration, East charged tho bnttlet'wero part ot,a Walpole,, Maps. rightial.plot to-pro'loke- ti'<luble tor

Montgomery Word ond Company tho Soclnllst governtnent. · 11 named Jointly with lllrd nnd Son In Loudon, oll!o, \he.,~_ ~ a big und the Bird Floor Covering Sales riQt Jn which ' • hundtedi~5[fi.!; corpornUon, a subsldla.ry. The com· were Injured. 'Slr ~oswald · plaint contends that tho two Bird Block. Shlr~~- a ~ascbt compnnlcs sold tlOQr covcrlngs to tion, plann(l{f": a ~~~Co~~m~-Montgomery. Word and company at· muntsta llnd substontlnli.Y IO\V,er prices thnn to 100,0()0 were coQlpcting retallera. · It and battled

Krntt·Phcnix Chce&o wns charged east end ,pollee to with dl!}orlmlnntlnJ- In price btt- mles. The . . tween purchaa~ta. with the aUored eftect of JvssenmJt und lnjut(ng cern· petltion between it nnd other ma1nu· foctureta and ot amu

11rodueta. LC!ue1nnl~ng~0~I~ifr~~ uct~J~~~~!J!'~~~~~ between -et1stomen ffii ~~ wu alao aUeaC!d. and aomo ot ' .

. ' •

' •

. . . . . .......

.. • .. . '·

"Windfall" Ta~ Case to Be Decided by Courts '-

IN WHAT was said by ¢ourt nt­taches to be the fli-st Important

ruling anywhere on numerous sulls filed by pacldng companies and oth­

. ers against government. colleoUon of the "windfall" true, Judge Robert C. Bultzell of thtl Unifed States dl&o trlct court .at Ind!Mapollis~ ov~ ruled the government's moUon to dlsmlu n cult tor an lnjuncUon rued by Kingan and Company, meat pac:kera. · .. Supreme t:ourt May Pass on Wacnet l.abor Act

APPJV.LS . illed. bY Ute naUonal labOr relations b<i~ the

~preme n~

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over alim silk foundatioflS. • ·wa UC:I "0 ... · 0 Wutem N ... apaou UciC11. No mnUer how many medlclnes

JOU have trled for rour cough, chest


The "horoscope clre.ss" in the new collection of Mme. Jemme Lanvin hM ca"used n sensation In Paris.

These gownll, embroidered on the sleeve or on the bodice with signs. of the zod.Jac In gold and sllveJ beads and brigbUy colored beads, were a sudden inspiration of the veteran Paris. couturiere who dressez: mote screen and stage celebriUes than any other Frt!nch designer. Mme. Lnnvin announced that the world to­day Is in such a. topsy-turvy. un­settled state that peopl~ should.wenr their futures on their sleeves-hence the "horoscope" gowns embroidered

cold or bionclllal lrrttaUon. you can get relief 1lliW WUh etoomuJn~on. · Ber1tms trouble mnz be l.n'nfn& .and l'Oli cannot afford to t.clc& Ill chnnce 'Witb llllYtl11ng less than Croomul­alon, wl:ilch goes right to the teat of the traublo to a1d nature to 800Ule am1 heal the lnf'.Atned znem.. · ~ as t.be a-erm-Iaden pbll!Jm b loOsened and expe11£tL

l!ven It crth~ remecUu have =stdan't be di"CQumged, ¥Wt'

Is autblll'lzed to .auarantee cxeom!1l.s1on .and to refund rcur money It you are not £atJStled wUh results from t.be very f1m boUle, Get Cft,Om1tl5fan right rum. <AdvJ

-hrit11 astrnl sigrm.


Higher Hee•• for CoUege Gitla Ia Lateit Faabion

College girlS prefer sports $hoes but are takitlg to higher heels, ac­cording to a nation-wide liUrvey. These they wear for all-around ac­tlviUes,· tricludlng shopping In town, ~am pus and . cltlSSr'OOin antl fot week-end jaunts. Brown 1s the leading·color, With·dark ireen next and wine third tn popUlarity. Com• blnaUons of colors With brown as the ~~c· tone are popular with ll11 · ~- .

The ghillie, with rubber BOle ap. pears to be a camp\15 "must•i' this season-as a companion shoe and dellghttul c:hange to lend variety tn 1he. shde wa:xdto&e. •



' .


• '· . .

WEALTH AND HEALTH Good hcaltliindiuectssQO ~tiler. Don't lwiditap younelf-get rid of a aluggi!b, acid condition with tliSty Milnesia the original milJI:: of magnesia in '!V'a(cr lonn. BaCh wafer ~uals 4 teupoonfilts milk of m:iifieaia. Neuttaliies itfds iltld gives yclii plWIInt dimiilitiou. 20c,35c:&60caiier.

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• " t _ ..

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tlNCOf.;N COUNTY NEWS . ' I• .. '- ,,_,

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- -·' . ' . --..-: .. 'l'he poli!t. at bait past ten, !J~o~.J,llt

Mfrtle'a letter. ·

M1 J)Qr· J.fln Gienolth: ou ·' Etu·ly TrainJ~9. !

'Old Oaken Bt1cket' ·Panel h-~~i~ol~e: ~:~das:~:u~bb~s~~ · · • • ' · "A hundred ,years befQ.l't ·u is


. ·- . .t, . . . ' - . .,.'- * __ ,. ''' . '

· Can't .7011 poa.lbly come to aea tnd You ·know where .1 arn. 1 lfo not baye to write th• acidre... u.:-111 prl11o11 •

,.. . . Cal\ ;rou lrnacln• 11'hll~ .thl• place muu ~~--~~~--------~ . ' Sci de~ to 011r hearts-the tune; · ·. . · ·born," he replied. 'This is a

{coins pr.e!erred) tor this pattern t g y of putting the truth

By ED WI~ BALMER . ' . ' -. .. ... . ; .. CoP:rrlght by ll:dwln B1i.lmer • WNU.aervlc•

SYNOPSIS . . . '

Jell Braddon, .;rounc and fantastically •uccesJ!ful tir.ok'er .or Chicago, Is .lntat-­u.,ted with . Agnes Glenolfh, beautl~ul d'-ughter ·of a retired mauutacturer. Rodney, a doctor, In love· with Agnes, vlalts hie brother, Job, R.od plana. work at Jloclaeater. Jeb augseota' that he 'rnake a try tor Agnes b.etore leaving. In Rod tltero Ia a deeper; obstinate decency tltan In Jeb, Rod vlalta Ar,mea emit tells her of hiD gre11t deoln, but realizes It can never bo !~Hilled,. ~snes• mothOf 111 llttemptlng-to-r-egaln her l:lu•· band'a "Jove. Ag11ea has dlsturbl!llr ·doUbta u to ·what attracts \Jer Cather In Now Yor~. Job tells Asnr:a he Ia going to marry her, and together the.y view an apartment In Chicago. Jeb aaka Agnes to oet an .early date, but ahe tello him ohe cannot marry him. When tho agqnt, f4r, Colver, otrers to ehow them a furnlehed apartment, Job aeka Agnes to see It alone, ea;vlng ho must . rot urn to bla omco. Agnes conscnta and Jeb

'.l'rlcl~, wl.lo l!lld come with the wild bll for ill!!? d.e)!l$1_ or.- t!Ja .. t tt lle aat wltb ller ngllfn lfow 1rl11dl;r I would llllll on ypu'-lt

· · · 1 cou~dl 1 think of ;yqu diiiJ;r, BUll through FldC!IIo 11nd the D Minor 81111• when J 11but m:; e:res 1 c;an •ee ;rou phon;r, Bh~t con)ll tegatn hllll~'l'd~le comlilllo' In my door. 1· waa never ao 11at back In bls chair. Finally uo clad to 11ee another girl In Jt.ll my me. 81\tl)el'eiLo .. p ll.Js checks npd repl"..;.. .. · I am aura Go4 !le!lt. filii to JAe.ln mi · · · - "' .... .,., moment o.t terr.lble need. · · theQ! In the envelope wblcb' s.he ll!ld · Can't Tou poaslbly come ne ,me7 -sllt. She took his pen and wrO:tel on But wbethtlr ;you 4o or not, wltb Ull•

A sheet or· h· .. . 1 . d;vlnc thankfulness tor )'OU, . .. · dl ·persona 1/DPer: You. r '""lltctul ~nd 4evoto4 trlendo

"I opened ·this.'' .,. -... ~ ;r.IYRTL"' STlVER·LOR»IE.

She did not .sign her -nome.•, she · . · · cQold 00~ • a~ wou)d know her' writ: Ag~s dropped tho sheet of pqp.e: tng, -ot course; upd he knew thnt' shf) ·nnd looked oot over the· luwn. She wns here. 'So she lett the notBtloo"ln felt Q'o lolpulse ut nll ~o responll l)y tho -envelope and escaped from his or· tt -visit to the jnll. Should ~Sfle? Wqs 'l!ce bet ore he returned.' . · It her duty! · · - One more mnd thl~g-the mudd~t ... lllorun UM11rn .conld tell h~r. ot nU:..;.she did. She lett on his dealt . H(lr . melllof7 supplied . the phone besldf.' the envelope 11 Uckct, for the number ehe hod coiled, ot t.bnt tense, sent. beside hers, .at -the Orchestra, awful ~riRis, wit~ Myi"tte.

Beatrice hnd no lunch tbnt dny. Shl' A '1\omnn s lOice. ns b!lfore, an· went to the women's room nt Mnrshnll l!W~red. , .. Field's nnd lay down. At lnRt Bh" 'Mr. 0 lllnrn, plcnse, said A1:11es. went to Orchestra ~ll and took her And whnt w11s lt-n repetition or the sent. excitement or the llrst . eull7-whleb · Ne\·er, never before h11l! Stock "o 111\~ he.r qol\·erlng? ,, conduch.'fl a_nrJ tM ()r~e§trn !l!! nl!!i!UL •• '~to wunta him?.., -

.the l~ldello nnd the D ~llnor S>'m· } Mls~ 'GTIDIMt.ll. phony, nob did not come. . .Mr. 0 lllnm II ont, Ml8!1 Olenelth.

"Old Oaken Bucket," and now, a .wall panel in its memory, which every one of us will want to em· broider at once, Suc)l a home· like scene, this, wh.ich is planned

P-attern 106'l

to The Sewing Circle Needlecraft s ron WI! Cept., 82 Eighth Ave., New ~ork, that the trai.nlng of ~h_lldren N. Y. · . · ·should begin w1th the tralplQC o! Writ~ plainly pnttern number, theIr grandparents. - S. E .. ,,

your name and address. Wishard, D. D.

. •

• •


'I lei •

-lea'"•• -A -r11dlo ~~ blaring un~llcaU)L from ono ot tho apartments. Colver rapa upon the door, which Ia opened by a t~r:antlly clad slrl, who dr11wa Atrnt!a toto th• ·r.,om. Colvor ·nnda -her 1\usband, Charles .Lorrie, f11tally lrllot. He calla tho pollee. Myrtle Lorrie 11eka Agnea ·to phone Cnthal O'Mara, 11 law· yer, to como 11t once. Asnea 4oea. The pollr.o toke charge .. O'M11ro 11rrrvea. The omcora ar~ Jt.nt11aonlatlp to blm. AIHJQB al4ea with · O'Mara, Ag11ea Ia to be .a.. wltnecla at the comins trial. Cathal'a grandfather 1nd father 1J11d loot their Uvea In· the Uno or duty a a city nre• men,'' and hi• grandmother, Wlnnlb, baa built her all around Cathal. who, belnu •mbltloua, hlld worked hla \\Ill)' throulih l•w achool. Thoushta of Agnes disturb Ct>tlual. 0 J4r. Lorrie had ~:au olt tho wife. who l\ad borne him hla daughter to rn!lrQ' liltrtlo, And Aflor two yeor:n ot wedde4 lifo abo had lcllfed:111m; Tlio coronor'a Juq bolda lll:rrtte tp the sr11nd Jury. Asrnea promlaeo O'Moru 1o rovlow tho caao with him. When • CnthQI CAlla :Mra, Glenelth Mko queatlona rescudlna mnllllt problema, In tho hopo th!lt aho might cet o aolutlon to her own prob· lorn. Cath111 wlna them over to Mrrtlo'a CAuae. Jeb colla Aanea tbllt 0'"111'11 ,lo aecklnsr to pront on tho lnour!lflt:t• rnqne:r llyrtle will collect If acqultrod.

lie, ot cpurse, r.""o:wf.?lt from· r.n;~ . He Is In court this morn_lng. ~robn· . Oliver a report of rieatrlce's visit onrl bl¥ t cannol reach blot '?r liODIO trme. departure; nnd ho dlsco\'ered her nole ra ~~tero uny mellSage 3 oo can give

for quick embroidery, with single and running sUts:h • used }TUiinly, and only a smattering of French knots. No frame is 'heeded-just a lining.

. - I . - .. .. -


In hla checks no~:t the tour to Cnsh m~~llio. 1 wonted to nsk blm aome­w~lch hill wlte hnd assembled u nd left together. Dut 111111 did not tell him ·thing.'' 1m>¥ moc:h more neutrlee knew: nl)d "I will bnve blm call yon, Miss It rett 'him wholly In the dark UB tu Oll'neiUI. Where will you be?" what:.she meant to do nhout lt. Agnl'!l found tbe morning paprr ond

So fur, she hnd naked him directly shut herself In her room 'IVItllo shr nothing, for teur of the nnower: for uenrched the columlll! carefully and rear, he wm1 aware, nt rorclnll an open over a~ln, but vnlnly, for there was brenk. between them. Now whut woul•l no mention todoy of Marlin 0'1\lnrn she do7 '- • \'et hu wns In court arsd, thhs morn·

Tho concert tlckut gnvo him on nw. 1111:, mnkiiiJ: hlo ttleu for n cllt•nt. lt ful moment with Its pnwllr to recoil "·na n henrln~: of overwhulmlag lmpor. the pnal. lfii hnd to ll'ur It u1, and tnnc·e In 111·o ttrrllllllll,-:-lhe prll<nner 101111 It out or alght. nntl hla wlro ll{ld thrlr thl'ee lllth1

flo could krep O\VIIy from thr l'nn ehlltlrcp.-hut nltoccllal'r too comrnnn cert: hut then cnme tho hnnr wht•n nt111 unlll!nontlnnnl a l.'tllln to win no. hr munt ~:o homo norl ruce hllr. lice. before Ita tllllpnal!lon. In ll!e

nut aho 1111ld nothing when ahe mrt nwrnln~: pnprrs. Tonl~:ht thoro would him, and rhl.'y went to their lll'parntr ho n fNT llnl'll, hhlclrn 110mowhero het1rnorn11 nl nlchl without ht>r hnvln:c h:ark 1o1vnrrl tho nnnnclnl ncwn. ro­refcrrcd to hrr \'lnll nl hln onJrr. corcllrtlf tho Jnnllro dispensed to nn·

CHAPTER VI-Continued tn llao mornlns:. nftor ho hnd hnthCll other hurn11n 11•1111. -11- nntl ahnved nntl wna nrnrly tlri1lllll'rt. f'or one ltnrl Oint%. n ploddln11. on·

Tbo plnylng of tho 1-'ldollo o¥crluro ho wcmt Into hla wlfe'a room. Rho lmn~;lnntlvo nccountnnt fo~ n nrm In won an occanlon, tor rcmuona onl7 hnd been nwnko nnrl uho 11111 1111 In bed. rho lt>nlhrr buulnrAA, hnd cmbrnlt!<l known to themnclfl'll: nnd ao wna tho 1rl1hout well'omo nnol without 11urprlse. Aomo twent7 • two hundrl'tl dollnr• pertor.mnneo Clt Cctmr Jl'rnnck'a D lSI· "I !.\'liD thlnkln~: nhoul uo. t'ktb," uhl! which ho hnd lnat In npt>culn!lon. llr nor S7mphon1. anlll. aupportln~; 11enwJt on her hnnd• hncl hl't'n cnugbl, nnd tho en11o btttl

A few montha after their mnrrlnge, lll'r hair . won bruldl!d. an uhr> had como to Catlml when Uob t?aa )'Ct a boy..and tlcntrlco ulcpt, and drnwn bal'k from hl'r foro- P.xnmlnnllon of tho clrt'11mutnnC(Ill

f, rount;l!r than either of their daughU!ra hcllcL liD IO¥erll7 brou~:ht out the mnde but one t111l'il f1~m~tlht~r-~rullty: fudny, abo had como to town at noon clear, even optllnt'll that ~;nvo her race t.ut before the Jut It'-' 10d pniUIM ~n·

to mnko a vllllt to 11 cert.nln IIJI('('Inllst: chatnctrr. · ten('(', Cflunllel hod lite rls:Jat to of· nncl llo hlid llllld, JCII, tht>ro;woa no "Sho'o In New York, Jrsn't alll', nob7 f('r wllnC:AJI(!n for exnmlnnllnn. nnd to doubt Uint aho woa .:oln~:""i:u· tanvo n She aln)'a to New Yorkr nr1:11o for tt1o mllll:ntlon of tho of·

'__ bttby.· • .. - --"'Slier ha Tepentcd; 1mr 1rmnmuy tense ~bnt- wn11 -o.dmiUl'tt So nob and nbe hncJ ifrltchM tO')!eth· cll!t'lded not to e¥nde. "'Yes: fho RtD)'ll NrntoncP wan p:u:::ed nt hntr ·.(IoRI

er. Under tho tohll!t'loth. liP. l'noghr In New York." twclve: Olnt11 would 1:0 to the prnl· hor hnDcl and held 11 with n netl' awed •YCJU-)'OO hnven't hrought .hl'r hrre f('n!lnr,. for n Jl'Dr. 1t WIIA the> IJ!lnl· tenderneiJII. Uo defied uaunl dl~ )'el? You've never-ceen her Ia Chi· h111m ~erm for hla 111Tem:l', but Cnthnl tiD!l. nod plnrcd book1 trom tho omcc en go." f('lf hlmlll'lf Jl(>lltl'n. tor tho oflernoon. and went with her "No,"' ho a::tlcL "NeYer-whero yon flo bated swnlt>nrf'a: II •truck hltn to tho concert, whei'CI they heard thP were." chill to 111'1! a wire's nrmn J:tO up nnrl l<,dello and thnt 1olemn, (>lttiJIInst trl· "Tlant'• llllmelhlns;:. Dob. Not murh, rlOl!O about h~r huJJhnnd:ll ne<'ll 110 Phi' umphnl ot tho aonl ewer the flrob but aomelhlns:-" conhJ hold blm to her. 110 thAI 11h!' which wn11 tho D Minor Sylnphon1. . "Trlcle, )'OU don't J,mdenunnll lhls. mold cling . to hlrn ngnln, thnu!Ih' It

Jt told hol'l two would be bclnnr1 to. . Yon-" wn11 In tho courtroom. before thry i:elhl'r, tbougla tht>y died, nnd they "Dno'l, llob. • '. • Yl'lllenln)'"-ahe toot: him n~oy 'from her to Jflt'nd hill 'll'hll!Jlered to each otb!'r lh::lf nll!hl: hod to tl'll II: to hlm-"Siock plnred )'l'nra In prlllOn. and through the J'l!tlrtl nfterwurd. tho lo'ldrllo and Cea:lr f.'ranck." Sht> Cnthnl tnml!ll nrn:~,, J'l'l llP Muaht Dl'ntrlce wnrcllcd tho orchrsrm, pro- 11hol her l')ea nnd humml'd the notes .n. sdlmpne or theJr pll!llllon. Tbe roan

'5:rnm11 so that. on the 'sprclnl doy. ohP of the solemn, exolled muotc. qllP hod alvt'n hPf on. illl he hnd h111l: 11nd would lanve her hnnhnnd lnRtend nf eullle to that port-our port. nol>-the thr womnn hnd hrld from htm n_othlnl! one of tu•r dnu~thtertl or 11 friend ln pari thnt binds sonia to.:Nher rore,er. For them. u otrnek C'llthnl <'hill:

. t.br SI'OI bl'oltlc her. n~ matter what ma.r JJnPJ•eo to their bnl for h\m~Wit. It stlrrrd owlftl' '"''-'· Today the orchr!ltrn wn; plnylnl! bodll'.ll.~ rt'dlna wnrmrhs wllhln lrlm. Whrn>vPr

both the Fldl'lln and: C't'1C.'lr Frnnl'k'a \~b her eyes clos!'d. 111nl Raw hrr- wonltl l'llnlt to him fll)? Whom won't! JrobUmu defilmw of' the fiPRh. ft I!Ulf und him nut mlddfl' · lllWtf bm (i linlrl fill rnoilltli lir t'nUt.l ilc:"\'i't fpf seeml'd to ''ml.'nn" 1110mPthlng: lUI young togetl1er, nnd In owe hpfore thl' hPr ~""' Bentrlce Olenrlth. rom· &Pfl!n yPai'IJ wonoler "' their nl'llt child within her Wna he without lll'DSI.' or rl'n!>fln7 old, vPntnred to ber hnsbrmd'a omee to body. lte would havp As::nl'll Oll'nPIIh'R nrmg

1 "'ak him to pl111 hoo'k.r wllb her oni'P Oh. the notea bnd mennt them In nhont him: nnd ho'IV he would hnll ,. more. _ their mom~nw or t'XIllllltlnn - th19 hPr to 111m:

Bob's door wns 11hnt: nnd tt'lli'n Ahll lbeme of dNinnce of ft>:ll'. II btou~:t•! No one eiJII', nonr othPr, nt cmrh mn •. openPd lt. Phe llliW the ofll('(' t!mpt7: b3ck that 'light w}Jen ht'r "p:tlng" be· menta. come to him. Tbe llmuaht or ! but 111!:9 Ollvrl Immediately PDfer..tl gun, nod he was lrllfhlened that per- no other girl oT wnmnn pvpr hn•J nl!, i Crom her room on the other sldP. Ml!lll hapg she ml~tht die and leave him. g_;IJed him wllh cmcb ~ury. ·

1 Oliver knct1 her, and hDstPned for- Rot she could never. never lt>ovc him! ne tttml'd about. I'nrJ OJntz nt ; wont In a welcome which betrayed ~r Franck by bla music dl'Clnred It lost had let his wile (".arrle J:tO: nnd I no smnll Bnrprlse. lmpogslble I Rh!>. throol%b her tPnl'll, wns trylnl% to

"Why, Mrs. O!enelth I lllr. Olenelth Bob Olenellh'a witt>. mlddlt> • D~:t>•l thnnk Cal hal. He wished RhP ttnuldn'L , went out an boor ngo, nnd I'm not !!X· and In bed befoi'CI him. opened her She'd enrn the mone1 to pay him. she'·· peeling blm bnck tor perhnJ19 nnotbl'.r eyes, which hod wrinkles nround tht>m. rmld ~ he would know now lihe hnd boor. Was 1n• expectrn: ")'On1" ' "'t helped me aantn J'el!lt>rtlny, Bc\b," t"ln · • · · no u ~:. •

"No," uld Cf>tltrlce. "Do yon mind sho Bllld. "It mnde me know I'm: C'nthal kni'W that. YestPrdny hP hnd 1 It 1 wnlt bere?" bclnnd to J'OD, whatever you do. Cast. 1%1\'l!n bt>r twt'nty dollllfll. "TTIPI'f''s 1

•·or conrae not." And the two wom- IJ!n't... • no t«'," hi' 110ld quietly. "I did noth· 1 en· Tribked at each oltJet. . "Cnsbf' ln~t tor ;en." ' ·· Tlut (llrl llomewhat' tlnensiJj with- "Cnsh. You ~now whom I menn- He went on, clal!pln~t hba brlef-<'D!II' ·, drew And felt Mrs. Olenellh alone In en·sh." rontnlnlng. with other docttml'nts, the

Pattern 1067 comes to you with a transfer pattern of n picture 15 by 20 Inches; a cqlor chart and I key; material requirements, illus·

you· unpl'epareclf

tratlons of all stitches needed. : Send 15 cents ln stamps oa coins

Just Actions,

IT .IS not possible to found a lot?Ung power upon lnjuotice,

perjury, and treachery. Theoe may, pcrhapo, ouc.-eed for once, and borrow tor uwhlle from hope, n goy and flourioh· lne oppcoranc~. But time be· trayb their weakneo!l, nnd they fall Into ruin of thcmoclve!l . For, no In otructurcs of every kind.- Jho lower partn ohould have the grcatent flnnnca~co tho aroundn end. prlnclplcn of nctlonti nhould be junt and true. -Dcmoothcnco.

A noul filled wtth vanity hoo no room for charity.

Give your cu the protc:aion of Qu1ker Stltc

Winter Oils 11nd Grc::ucs. Spcciallr sclincd to I! ow ( rccly nt low ccmpcr.uurc:s ..• )'ct

with the swnin1 ro· smncl up und~r hard driving. Rttail prirt .•• J'~ ptr • .qutlrl Quaker Sr.uc Oil Relining Co., Oil City, Pa,


.wins .. the .. hall throw ALL OUT FOR. THE



. .: ....... -


..,.st:~•-·""':~~- . ~~----• . .. ·'. ' ' ..

.. ..... ...!..;..&.! "" .. ·" -~ ,._, • . ··--~ •• , .... ¥ ...-:-"~~-- ~--·· '

- ............ , . ...- "" -.,.. .. ·- • - . ..,_ .. ,. -.... ;,;;, -· x-u·-- -

•her hosbi\Dd'a office. · "Yes," he sold. ac:eonnun~ 4)f .Knrl G)nts!..tlltUut ttnd·

__.:~""·~_-·· ~~X:!e~:-:~~~~: ~~Ue~}P,-~!; noit~tn~9~:~n~8:er~erltn;:e.w::~ ~; ~~~ds dJ:tdo~l~~.~~~~:d ~~; r:a~ t!~~h __ , tttne looking about. the room and I.'IIZ- tell ml', l'rt Rl!k yeo• nor. It's tlllfrh various brokers. one of whlcb hnd




,~, ., .

\ '•

. '

In~ out the windows. . the bl'llt na It Is. I eun think of her been fimd~oq, ind Company. ~trice arose' and stood ot ·her bus• now simply as Cosh. I t'no seo her Cothnl thou~:ht or Je>b, not tn nny ft!.

bnnd's desk, Whereon lay letters op- Just as ·Cosh. Tbnt'i by nil means lntlnn to· Gintz. but 011 the possrs.qor ened and spread out; and one lnrge, euslest for me. So nPver tell or ex· of AJtties Olenellh. Old· ilhe draw bulky eMelope which hnd been' left plnln n thing about her, Bob. That's lttnddon down to her nnd cling to sealed. tt wtuJ trom Bob's bank, and not tl'lo much ·to ask of .yon. Ia It? him? or t'onrse she di.J!. and let him

. since today wDII the lll'llt. It undonbr· ~ve ~er, bet\\·een ron nnd me, Just , hold her. Wn!ln't !I he marrying him? edl.r contained his cnnceled checks or -Cash. 1 necollPclln~: himself wllb trer In hl'r ~~~l"'m~1t~-h_ls_ petsoi!_lll_ account. _ . 'l'~ls hlld OC<!Urred more thnn 11 week home. CMhRI wormed wltb 8 .. flnsh

·· · · ·. n ., .. "' !lftlt wellt!ted 1t In bP.r ago: . the emotionalism or Its moment of confusion n!i be rovlewl!d nsrnln _ '--- hand~ Ulen, ~!mo~l befOI'f! _she _fholl):l~t. __ long '!go h_nd loosed lis .holrl__oporf,_hl'!' •. 'bow he hlld tqld htt ot 1ha Green. 1~tA,)E .. NjY~~~\;oet

-"·,.-·.-... ,' wli!if s1ie MUJ dotog. ST1e ,.Jl~ ilie en- ·only to iroupre Ttfm oceu8Tonnlf7 since. Bl!nr nf Babbletree. ~FO;R. KIOS. l'r'S PACKED ·· , Telope ltltll hts paper ki:llre... , . lie coolll not pmn1t hlmsl!lt to 11'11' he teac.hed hlii office. , • • WITH NOi.J~ISf.IMCM''r' ..

. . !Us: cllec:~ ~erJt w. !~t.lous ·nntill!!l In tho p~st, on the relit'S ot ·lost ex- "'And," hiS secretary concllidM her ~~bij!~l ~KNOW....;I r:AT IT MV.SEt.F_ ·. , •nd: ror . rarroti,. 'lill1otttJtii,. Hdhe ot nltlltlons. . He relt too much Ute nbead repMt ot Occurrences during his nh-

tb_em al!-e ~cept , two-;.oo~~e thousand. ot him. Re wos going on, looking for· sene@. "Miss Gleneltb ~fll!d toll. She 8

· · dona~ ~o ~h-,-l)ne tbbu$11nd dollpra wni'd: the ~ae and· cl!rtatnty wlfh wanted ron to call her bllck-nt her 'BOYS! G lnLS! loin Dizzy Dean Winders! Get Valuable Prizes FREE! to Cosh. Hef~ were two moi'li"fo Cnsh. whlcb he contlnllnii.V ndvnnced bls hom~. Shull I cnll her?" • IIOW TO JOINrJustsend one top/rom ll futlotlze yet· IIIUJ IIUI ~ ~Pia. No·.tt!l36 • Ben~· Weft!' t,ltO'-IIIote lilllte---llve 1\Un· business a flairs, dl!ctnred lt. De had "I will " said Catha!. tow and bluo Grape-Nuts pneknge, with your name · ""'Iii' tWO.tM..S aolld ~to with r..s taU..t• , dted ddll!it.S di'il\tp tc> 1Cash-fo. Oish, ·never telt so cnJ'Inble. ' ~ · • . d d .. ~- .. M..., · .,..,.,,._ B t;;-' Cte 'lc: MI~" ., . . "'''Fr .. tot l Orape-Nutt Pld<Jco top. . . ... '" ·-• t.· • · -, ltll h ~ If 1 h 11 an o ..... ""', LU .... rope-nuuo1 a ue e 1 ... ..,.or ..,_ •• -'- ..... ~. 2• . • .. ve hunutf.u uUh4tl/ ' He turned, w 1nore composure. to Cnthnl s ut h•mse n Is o lei! nnd . new membetsbiS) pin llttd cettlflcnte and llt~tratl!d ;:r.f.f!'ti~~~";%,.1:";::!. ~. _ .· · ·

' . She loot~! it tlle dilletl. They fiad bls daUghter. . • .. ~nil~ on hill phone. catalog or 4!) nifty (re& prius. You,.'ll.llko ctisp, de-' 'or 3 Ottlpe-f:l~&tl ptchco tcpt. . . . . . j:l ~n dri."~::. t!ld ¢a~®,. t'tH."aSfi,; al· ·· "'l'Otlr mother slld ·t/' he snld, tn 11 "-Foo)f toot: ~ •. rooll" be· cut at llpo~ Grape-Nuts-it bas 8 winning . . · .. , . . .............. ,. •


. t- 'J. "'moM- UI(C'UJ>: .a "'(t!~ Jflnrt; the ~Wo qbllit votce. "ulld!!tsinnit eat'b otltet. bhnselt iforlntr, lht' wnlt after be hn!l flavora1lits own.Economtcnl toliervc Dlirt DJ.AH, e/o oaAJ>&.NuW, n;t11• Ctftlr. Mkb. . . · r, .• · t(Jr a tlllll1!,tlll~ I!Ach, l.'ot're$~bnded ,.ltli sbe--;~Ve. nM not Uilnldnn_ In terll!S ot the house, and llohlll one brtd rona to . . too, for twotabtesjXkitl{ula wltliwhot~ •~. . ............ <ltii~Nur.. r:.wro toP~, tot...t.kh

} ~IIi \"bit In .~e:~ ~or~,= !~8 ~ve bUD<, ..epa ration._ RM she t,ol~ you?" . . ~tlflii!IO~ ~er. ''J;)o 10u trt111fd_ne It's tor *illk 01' c:reanil!htU"riilt, ptovil!e mMe ~4 r;;~; lf~m!o) c!J«<<ell beto.r. P11t r:omrt $l0ttl..-oa

:.~:_·~~~~f';'fij~iWE':&~~~: -~ir~o:'ffi~}~~~e:r~r;;';;:a:it1~.~·;; :t!:::J!t:b:~~~~!~tl.itl~ri~!t~~i:r · ···1:!!:; !=!t~1l~;n;:;t: ~~~t · ~!_N~~:llf:.=:g~·=~1f:~:! ___ c _ _ :~ ·.. ~j~,JgJil\tlll*~L~ll~b lnftdelltt, ~as kln?et than to c_n11t orr thln~t. \Vould lihe ever .Jhlnlc nt ~on'1" • }!)35. Good only ln theV:S.A.). · • " • · ,.t,' · .. •· '· .. ·~.~; .. N ••• • •

, ~ .~dnn~~ .to._na~es f~r tlll_~T ~tllotlnli! .. !. wlft.. openlt• . _ . ·.. 11Jf1r~ \\-ill ftc>! !Oit'j!! "!frcO'~lMat'~ • . ~A-hllc..HI-~WO...tnl~ ~ · • • '· • • •• > a •

' ~ . 'f.ealrT~ GJ'nf!Pi!il1nto hfitblllf aDd ."Does that make 7DU any bulJvlerl" "O•Ainrrt.'' hP li.'Utl. . . n. .... ttaa·cetHtfltliMW~I a~ tat• · • •·• • . _, ' .Ari.t-Uttr. • few' liloaltD~ sbitlilt. • . '41J. il:llllli tiO, tat!aet/'" - · (TO llt CO,'JTJNUEDJ · •

' ' .. ~ .. . ~-

' t ! .

. ' • • • • • • ,.

' -' .. .

. ,


·'• ' ' :11 • i

Page 4: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emergency Con~Uon Work ' 18,881.000 Barellu of Public now 11,821,841 Social SOOurlt)" . 1ll8,800 Publtc Works Adrnlntstratlon 1M70,4SO


. I -•

, I '

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. '


I ,j

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. ' ... ' .

. ''l ' . '


.. •

Etatered u eecc>J>d-.~>IIISo "'att"r Jfll.J l11J. 11110 ... the poool oltlc• l!ll l',.rrl,oao. r;,.., Mea-. •dt~r tbe A~ of tlaret. ~. 111'1~

_..:.._. ___ ..,__._.. - ..•

ta"-ipdoa, ill adn••• 12.00 per " ....

.u.-w., .._,, ........... ~c .. ., •. ---~-----;·---

. FRIDAY, OCT. f6, 1936 -- ---·-------,----

itl'l'. Era \ SmUll, ' E•llor aud Publisher -.-- ---- ·- -- . . . -

Cloae of · Conference "J ear


~ ... ; " ::•. -~ ,: ' ... , ·.:.' ...• '

• I • • •

- ·.-·

JOHN E. HALL Attorney and Ooanselor 'at Law Carrizozo Hardware Building-

Upstairs ·" Carrizozo, New Me~ico


-- . ·-- ~--, --··. ~ . . . ,_ --.. :.- . ' .

.. :_,.


lN THE TIURP ........ ·. j .. ·. . · . ·. .. · ·. ·· · DISTRICT COURT QF .. ·. . . . . . · . . . . . . . ' STATE OF NEW MEXICO 1 STATE OF NEW · ... ·


Rumaldita Sanchez Ar· meda Chavei; ·Plaintiff


Juan Montes, implead­ed with the following n· am e d defendants· against whom subst.i~

.. • 1!, E. Freeqtte~' !lnd ·Efrel1

· >Pnchec.o. Pl&ip~ltf!l vs.

.J. A. M~Plfereon irbplend· · ed with th,~ f.olloW'il:lg' JlaJPCd del,ladaote · Bg'&in~t \VQ~nt · subsUtufe<l· service is here-by s~ught to be obtained, to•wit: Albert IJ, M11esy aqd

··-,- - -·--·,.. -····- ~ s- -· • tuted service is sought r<tnry France!< MIISJIY· his

FRAN. K J. SAGER . · to be optained, t~~wit, · 'rhe Un,mown He1rs at

wift>, Thomas H. Mn"py if tt'ving 11nd his unknown hl'irs if deceased, R~;~th

v s. cowMJS\1-JONR.!!___ Law of Elejo ·Montes, The Rev. J. A. Bell will preach . iJownsTUAD FILINGS~ deceased, The Unknown

his last sermons of the ron(erence AND PROOFS Heirs at Law· of L. W.

No. 4414

· Civil. Massy, wife of Tho.mas H:. N•· Massy, If II vlog and . her 4:tJIJ . uulrnown heirs if deceaaed, Civil.

year J)ext Sunday at Capitan in· lnllurance Notary Public A·dams, deceased, Th~ · · the morning and at. Carrizozo in '"' Unknown Heirs at L-ilw ·

p D. \V, Low if living and his t to known heirs- if-deceased,

M.vrtle.K. Low, wife of D. W. Low, if Jiving and her

om .... opJ"'"'t" TeJ,.phont' ... x. the evening. He will! leave on .Crmazozo. -N. M. of Jose Manuel San-

. Monday the 19th and drive to ....... • • ... chez, decea11ed, and All unknow heirs if deceased, Myrtle Woods. Duke, EJs. · Clovis where Conferenre will Con- . "' ·-·-·..,·-I- · · Unknown Claimants of

vane Oct. 21st. Mr. Beil has been Interests in the herein· • worth Duke, Prunelhl Duke, the unkno\\.n ltefra· at law

• und legal representatives of

well received here, and hatJ• made Miller Service Station after described premia-a host of friends. Everyone hopes . Highway 380, Wl'st of es, adverse to the plain-the Bishop will see fit to return City Limits · tiff, Defendants. him to this field of labor whe,re . .. . .L

Tum]. Duke, decea15ed, and All u11known clafmqn!!! Qf l.riferest~in -ilielle~elouttet deacribed premlse11 adverse he is acc·omplishing much for God Stdnd~rd 011 PrOI!Ul~. RPM 011 Notice of Pendenc.:y .

an.d rc!!sion. . .. • • . - -:-. of· St.~it ... " -~·-- ~-

Football By Bradley Smith

The grizzlies defeated Corona 7-6 on the local grid lorn last Ji'ri­day, with an aerial attack. [•'or the flrnt time Conch Stevens smiled as he I'UW tho pnlll!ing of hlo team, bt•gi nning to show fJer­rcctlon.

Tho 3c boys will pil'k a tf•,ll,m for a game with the griz.?tlit'll thiu afternoon.

Among our now aubncribert1 ar1• Albert Mat.x, Chicugo; Mrt!. C. 0. Davia, Carrizozo.: l<'riday Slwrrill, Jicarillo; Mrn. McDonald, Jit·aril· Ia. .

·Born---To Mr. nnd Mrs. C' (' Gilliland a~ Llwir mnch m•ar' < :ur· rizozo, Sept. 26, n girl.


Notice for Publlcatlon ' Urpurtmcnt Of The lr'lf•rinr

n••rlf'rnl Lnr•cf llflitt• nt I,., Cru,:, n, !>: ''"' ~ f r~ I I'll, Cktohrr !II I !l:lfi

~1,11• I l~ bt·fd.\ j:l\ l'tJ flt:t(

Al,\lsL I. ·r·;n, Ill, "' I nrt•na, ' I ~lt'X , w hu, un l\lar:h W, J!J;;.;, madl' homentcad l'ntry, No. (I.J t · 640, for S l";i N '', N ''18 "J, S l' .. s \\'! Sec. 24, S"£iNE'"• NEiSE Sec. 26, E•NF!J~, Section 26, Town­ship B S., Range 16 E., N. M. P. Meridian, han filed m•tire or in· hmtion to make B year. Proof, to eatablinh claim to the land abovl' d!?llcribcd, boforo Mary C. lJu

• t(> tbo ~ointltrs, Def«rud• auto

R~ A. A. CHASE The State of New Me~ico To Notice of Pendency of Suit Teacher of Voice and Piano the above named defendants, THK tl'rATK OP NEW 1\ll~XICO

Be2lnliera also talteo GREETING: To the above named defend11nts, Studio two blC?cka · north of You arc hereby notified that GRIU~TJNG:

the above named plaintiff has filed You and each of you rue hereby Post Office Phone '52 in tho above named Court in the llllttfied tbut the above uumed

nllove named and numbered platutllla have tiled lbeh complaint cause .of action her complaint nuulnut you In the Dlutrlct Court ol

Cibola Hotel •

Und1•r The Management 01 Mru. H. D. Gnrm~r

BeaulifuJ. ·Airy Rooms Df'liciuun Home-Cooked

MEALS·-IY• 0111 o.JWill• pr•IIG••tl t•


' against you, uf the Third Judicial Dlttttlct of the 'l'haL the gcnewl object o( aaid sautu ol New Mealco within and for

action is to quiet tttle in !i3id lhe County ol t:tocoln; thut thr plaintilr to tbc property desrrtbed l(<'nrml <•~>Jrct of 1111ld ucllou lu to an the complamt in said cause, <JI't'<!t the eoid Jllolnliiia Ulle to being a part of the SE•.; NE.·~ of thoue Ct'rtain lrnchl lind porcelu of Section 6, Township 11 Sooth, •·uh1ruld r\!nl eatote oltuotr In tllr Range lfi East, N. M. P. M., COD· County of l.lncoln, ototc ul Nrw tnininsc approximately 3 •; acres, Mt'.<ICO and more portlcnlarl)' deo ancl hein~ situate in precinct No. ntbed on folluwo, to-wJII 10, Lincoln County, New Muxico. l~!.:.NWJ;(, NEi Section 33

You are furt.ber notified that N !-{1 Section 84 .. unlell!l you enter your appenrnnce W 6 NWi . Section 35 on or before the 7th day of Novem· All in township 6 nouth, range 18 ber, 1936, judgm~nt will be rend- east, N.M.P.M. crcd against you in said cause by NEiSEJ. '\ Section 18 default. • ll

The name and nddrcM Q( J>lain· In ~n'lllahip 7 nouth, range 18 tlff'a n~torncy is John E. Hall, caat, N.I-it.P.M. Carrizozo, New Mexico. Lotn 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

Wltnesa my hnnd and nenl of SbSWi naid Court thin 6 day or Septem· Sb

• ..;..--.. -----~, .---. ber, I 936. . All . . . .. r•!rnPSt K<'y. All

.. ,, ~

• •

Section 6 St-ction 8 Section 10

Section ···1ft we' will do your

(drpenter Work AND

Painting a.t rMaonnble priccn. Glvo usn trial.


P.Q.Box 4. Carrizozo, N~1. or call at Blaclromlth ·-shop

at tho old livery barn

'Seal) Clerk. l.ol

Notice Of Hearing Of Final Report And Account

3, NI•! 'J SW '.i. SC'ction 18

Sl'c·Ljon 1 i NWiSEi

Born, { l. S. Commiooioner, nt 1'-------------· Coronn, N. Me:z., on thP20Ur doy or November. 1936.

Claimant names !l!l witnem:es: Milton Jon en, of Ancho, N. :Mex., Roy G. Dutton, D. M. Erwin, W. L. McDonnld, all of Corona, N. M.

Paul A. Roorh Oct 16- Nov 13. Regillter.

• -- -· -~- ,;.

• • • • • '

--· .. --- .. -· ..,_.


• WITH •

HENRY LUTZ' . Real Estate Dealer ·

•. f-.

Temporary office nt RESIDENCE


' .. . - .:.- . - .

tSeal) Oct2-23

Er;,neat Key District Oourt Crerk. ·


-----. -•

Ruidoso· (irDIYil and MisquerHe


' DAft(( •

. .

·Niglit •

• ~Wel(omer

P. 1. A.· 808tt . .


·- \ t "'

• •

AT.YO.UR sERVICE ... • t ••

· · . ·Ji ia to Jur advantage ~o ren<lef good -service ~9 tbis~community; w~ant yo~ to feel th~t ·we are stri'Vlng to m11ke this bank tlfleill1 · to You, · ~nd th~l'll

· ~.n~f:>e tiQ t>ermaQent benefit for n&·· unle~ you are de-o riving. benefitS from ua.

. .. . Lincolti County :.\gency .

'Citizens State Bank of Vaughn MeJ!ibcr.Federal Deposit InslU'an.ce Corpor~tion ·

Carrizozo, :•: :~: : ... : . · :•! N(!w ~e.dco '

·"~.- .a -- -_ -=-- - .- ~: ~-- .



' . OA LAUNDRY--.--

· Work CaJled For and Delivered • •

uartl'n ee • '

·---Phone i)(} ~ - ---carrizozo; N. Mez:- ~-:- -..

- • oi ...

• ..

• •

Rolland's Drug_Store. . '

ln choosing our medicines we have been careful to select those compounded by the greatest chemists in 'the world. They .have built up their reputation because they are reliable.


Magazines. (andy Cigars Cigarettes

Pr~ulpUoos ureruuy lOIDJDDDded

• I !"'.

Rolland's Drug Store • •

. .

,f/tt'Zactivil 1/antl 1al~li~nt2~ -- · •

Convenient ••• easy to use. Additional monthly charge now 15 cents for only 18 months~ •. in home or office.

Na t!ltcr1• itt t!ltc111• fa.r . .P'f.J«nt 1'«l«plullfal


The Mountain States TeL & TeL Compeny




-- -- -


Of fall and· Wjnter <lotbiDt as. followi: , /!

Ladies' All-wool Winter Coats . ,. Meit's Mackinaws ·'


· Men,__s aJl .. wool.D.reaa Trousers­. Boys' Corduroy··Suits· · Children '• Schaol Sweaters .

. ... - ......

We are lO~t•aUy teceiviat . or -®ttiat ldr • • • Men· Women attd Children


: ···. THf TIUWORTH. <&~ JNt ·; . . - . ' -•• • • " " . •

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Page 5: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emergency Con~Uon Work ' 18,881.000 Barellu of Public now 11,821,841 Social SOOurlt)" . 1ll8,800 Publtc Works Adrnlntstratlon 1M70,4SO

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' c•rrizozo·. ·Lv. Arri. · · a. pt.~. . a.m.

Mon.12-:00 • Tue:s. : 6:00 · W~d. 12~00 • Thllf(;· 6:00 Fri. 12:00- Sat. .. : 6~00 . ·.

·' •





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• ~ : fl (iJit•n Beiwty Sfioppe •

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Manicure .35c Hot Oil treatment Shampoo for Dandruff $1.00

Thelma Petera Capitan, ff.,w Mexko


------------------FOR SALE--tull line of Raw. premise• adverae to the eigh Productn. See Mta. Mary plainua. Defeodaote.


No. W8


The Order or Rainbow Cor Girls gave their annual balllnnf Sntur. day nigbt. Procee'do amounted to $62.00. The girls thank every­one ror their-liberal patronage. • -:;

I ~T T

Mr. Edward' Penfield "r Ltncolb~ was here Monday. Mr. Pen­field's /atht-r was deputy treasur­er under Mr. Henry Lutz, when

tJWJwldihe4ffic& of treaaW'f!r of Lincoln County. Young Mr •. Pen­field was book·keept(> for the Military Institute when he was in aehool tbereT so by experience and by aample and training he

• will be able to do expert service from the start.

Mftllll. T. E. Ketley and M. U. Finley, each brought in an ante-

048158 Notice of Pendency of Suit lope f~m their week-end hunting

Notfce for PubllcatfOD TB6l'ITAT60F NKW MKXICO: E!XCUf810n.


. D....,• ... ment Of The ln......:o• GTo t__he '!bove named defrlldont., Mr. Hale attended the Demo-•. .._.. • ...:u • RE.TING: era tic Count-.. Conv ti I f

• . General Land Office at Las Cru- You ood each of you artl hereh7 .. J • en on asu ' .cea,.New. Mexico

1 September 25, notified that the above oomeclplaio- week. Mr. Hale JS another one

·' 1936. tiff has filed his c"mplaiot agoto11 of our ·faithful subscriber_s_ who · NO"'rc'E· • h you in tbe District Court of the has been takiJtg the paper con-

• 'J.~ .· IS ereby given that Third JMicial Dlatrh·t <.f !h~ !!t~ie inuowsly sincei906.. . . • - ·· - -&atba- Mi!ltott ,Rustin, of Santa of New Mexico, whltln nod for the · .

. Maria, CaliC.; who, on .AuguSt 14, County of Lincoln;. that the general Mrs. Meda C. Haley went to 1,9331 made ·homestead applica- object of s,ald oclioo Ia to qufn';;lbe Cloudcroft laat week· to attend

• tton:; No. 048158, for all ot, See-. enid ploilttiJJ's title to .those ~ain the funeral of Mr. Dave Swope • \\\., t' . 1"' 'II. b' dr:'i •.. tracts and. parcels of lllod BUd rell1 which w•• heJd last Fn'da' v, Mr.

. ton u, ... · Ol_VIis lP o.;,,, Range eetate be1ng the property parHcul- . . . . .... · • • . - -; • \· lOE., N.M.P. Meridian, has filed orly dsaeribrd in the complaint C\f Swope waa killed than auto acCJ- ·

l. notiee of Intention to malre a year plaluua and being in aectfona -12. dent near Kerrville, Texas. ' Proof, to establish claim to the and 13, Towoahlp Iii South, ~ana-.e Mr. and Mrs. M. U. Finley

land Abo · d ' n. ... ..:a bet I Bast tad eecJfon.e 7, 8, I 'I and 18, . .. . • . . .. · .. · • . . ve . esctlut:U, o~e To' nabip I08_outb

1 ~an go~ IU~!\111. ,wen~ ~ • Clo~as ':J.'u~ay •.. M~. ·

··· - ~ ·:- Morm;J-.Stepban;·notrary}lublur in p ct ct o. o, Liucoh1 Oounty Finley will go to the Centenm~J · at Santa Maria, California, and New Me • tot 10 day., but will be bAek be-. the Uetim6nf ot. the witnesses You ate further notified tbat an, fore the election.

I will be taken • before Ftattk J, fetJif YOU OUter :fOUr B ppearllUC:¢ 00 . • . . . ~ ·: Sager; U •• s. Commislioner, at or b~fote the 12th·dav of November.· M. ~ra.. H

1at11' -~orhodn: 11 ~£ Des "

Cattizozo N M 1936, Judgment will be rendered ia . omes; P.!VA Viatte J.YU. and

. .


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dayot:N~~~bet~9a:; the 6th ~aid cause ogutaflt you by defailll. ~rs.x. ~...w .. ucerror two days. The name a. n.d address of .plaiii• M. ·n.~oo··"' ..... ho· n· w· h. 0 i• '"~. :nt..,•ker'a

. : Ctaimantlilnw ulritnesiea~ tiff' a att<>rney 111 .Joho E. Hall, Car- ..: tet.· 1:11':. . .......... I~'" toJ.Yllc· "'t~ . . Harry Shilq, . ' . moz9,. New Mexico. . .... . W~ ....auU~ . . a uOi'Dla • . • Geotge Stfah!1. . , I' Wit.neta my hand and leal of aaf4 ~~led l?Y_~her daUghter, ~ " ·

• ' . fJ • C.

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,- --n · · -~--~--~L ·· · A.~ n·. "h"",·. ... ..... ·t_hla iifday ofsjptembel', 1G34. · · . biiWite. . . · L • • ; • l' · ' •· "·. · ; ">: ~ .r. A. Matoiit all. of .. ., .l'h

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Page 6: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emergency Con~Uon Work ' 18,881.000 Barellu of Public now 11,821,841 Social SOOurlt)" . 1ll8,800 Publtc Works Adrnlntstratlon 1M70,4SO

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. Tales and Traditions

.. fUNIC L HAGIN -scon

TilE REPUBLICAN a:.a.a:. c •Ul->'

W If Y Is It that the pu'rty, which has dominated

thl! Amencun governmont fqr 60. out of the 80 years It has been In exurtence, should be s,Ymbollzcd by a beast from the Alrlcan jungles i.'l'· stead of some typical Americ'an ·an· J.mt.tl'/ The answer ill that a <.:ar­toonwt once used a junglL scene to dl!pll'l a 'political crisis and the flgur~," of an elephant was 1!0 appro­priate for what It was supp.osed to rl'present that Ita symbolism per· s1st<'<l long otter the c-risis Itself hod passed. Thc cortoonlst was Thomas Nast of Harper's Weekly and tho crillla Willi thia:

• '• . •

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IJNCOLN COUNTY NBWS · . " . . h f Jl ; < f ....... - l j. ;. !

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, I - i , . i , • '· . " • .- • 'i .· • -¥"'~'' . . . .. ·b. b. UnCJer the ·As~eG .~

! '

' · • 1

' Whicll of us tnat is tllltty ,years , it. , a · old has not ha1. his , Poqtpell'l·

what 'f 14. • De~p ul)der .ashes l~s Uf~. youth, · ,..JI!;;, th·l·n· .ks , the CDJ'I'!less sports, the pleasures · and pal'Jsion, the ing joy.-:

Lloyd ·ae~r~e v~; ~~~~~: ::;~;:;uP;,iY~f P~$· , ·Free

V ERNALIS, CALIF ...... That ·· Read tha olter made e Postuzu kO~mJ~Ill113':. In another part ot tbls pa •

shell of a once ~reat mental- They wl)l send a full W!ll!~'s Sllll~ ity which is Davi~ Llo) d George ply of health 'gl-vlng Postum tree to may be right when he says in hi5 anyone wl10 writes for lt.-Adv. latest book that Gen. John Per-

. shing '"was quivering with suspi­cion ~hat the British and French meant to rob him of his army."

A correspondent in France In 1918, I happen to know that that \t•as exactly w h a t the • British and French

~t~~ilPii;to do~ to I U1e A, E.

F.'a atr . sorption n t o t~eir {)WJn·commanda and thereb1v ·destroy its

as a con· s~~~f.t'~~ ·' fightlng fc and if Persh·

Varlonl'l Roads "There is no real road to hap­

plneas-you may be bapp;y with nothlng and u.nl!appy with every- • '

Dr. Pierce's F11vorlte Prcscrltltlon'mllkeS weak ••<>men · sh·ong. No alcohol. Sold · by druggists in tnblct!l or liqttid.-Adv,

E'aitb's Work · Faith may create mountains as

well os · move them.

. '

In 1674 It seemed certalr. thnt President Grant was. determined to.

·riDI uguln In 1876. The principal. opponent to the third term Ideo was Jurnes Gordon Dennett's Dem•' m-rulll' ncwt1paper1 the New York lturd'UI, whtda'-l!hrlelrod ~ocsar­lsm!" 1nccanantly. Taking his tip how ''An usn, hnvlrm put,on a lion's nkln, roamed nbout the ·forest and .umw1ed htmault by frightening all the foolish nnlmaw hl' r'nl'l with In hln wandermgo," .Nnt1l drew u car· toon whlctf he lubclled "The Thltd

with ·-+4>Uflpiclon' ' . .he.. b a d

ample grojlnds tor Irvin s. Cobb hls suspicion. But

If You" re Tolf.l t ~~A'lk ,. " .. 'l( - '0 · ..t:t. · a tze -, \ ·

· Tr:v 'flail Remorlwble }

1-Parade of the Grand Army of the Republic d:).wn Pennsylvania avenue, Waabington, durin~t the annual encampment. 2-Ncw palace of the League of Nations In Geneva which was occupied recently with dedicatory ceremonies. 3-Harry W. Colmery of Topeka, Kan., and Mrs. C. W. Hqhn of Wayne, Nebraska, who were elected national commander of the American Legion and prealdent of the women's awllllary at tho Cleve-

. land conventlort. · I 'I' •

Tl'rrn J>unlc." I 1 !Showed the lll'rnld as a donkey

ln o llun'o okan, lubellt•d "Cueonr· IMn," brnylng loudly and all the unm111ls 11<•<'11111 111 alnrrn. The New York Trabww won reprJ!IlCnted oa a l!lrullc, Uao World no un owl druppln)I un urllhmollc boo!!, the.

'Almost Died of Thirst in Desert • MAYORESS FROM CHILE

~ Tum•m uo u yn1com with u mono­dl' Ncor·by woo 11 half-conl'ealed fox lubl'llro "IJI.'rnocrallc ?arty" hut wllh fenturCll ouggt'liUnB thoae of Surnuol J. T1ldep.

In Uw foreground wall on elc­phont, lubelll'd "The Republtcnn Vote" on tho vargc ot un ubyO!I of · 'Chuos•• boroly Iudden by broken plunkn rnurkcd "Inflation.'' "Hc­purhnllnn," "Jleforrn (Tummnny)" und "HCC'onntru('tlon " Thin cor· trtnn .,. ... n nnt only u thtu!ll at the llr•rQid but ulw a holt·offecttonole Job nt Nunl'n own "huge but lim· or••un" party, the Hepubllcanu. . • TwCJ wrl'kn lotN Nunt drew on· othl'f l'urtoon ohowlnu on elephant tumbhn11 down into the pll with the rnttl'n plonko ond tho rejoicing ani· muln follow me ll. TI1ln Willi called .l)' "Couuht In u Trap-the llenult of $ u ... Third Ter~n ~o~.·· Jo'llrom Utot .. l;; ; ..

' .

Umc nn UJc l!tl~.p .. an, \\'011 10 aym- 1 L ' hoi of "'" Republican party. , • Paying o Jong:c!ctcrred vlnlt to

· ----- SC"no of. tho olght pnnacngcro ond crew of four of tho lmpcrlnl Air- NOw York ftJ Mro. Alicia C. Do Er-TIIEY SINO TilE OLD 80NOS wayn lmcr "Homo" ohowil o.a they lny ncnr exhnuntlon under tho ahado rnzuri!J, who In ohown on tho S. 8.

T o Till-; tune of "0, Sw:lnnnol" of the plano wing on tho Arabian dcnorl whore they modo o forced Santa Borbnrn. Bock homo ln ChUo wrlltt>n by Stephen Fo11tcr many landlrJ rccenlly. In U1o foreground In 'Mrn. Wollneo Smith of Bri.abane, tho ccnora Ill mayor of Provlden­

yrorn 1111n. nupportcro ol Oo\·. AU Engle d, the only woman in tho party, who nald when they were reu- ela, one of the c:ountry'o mo!lt nri!Jto­M l.unrlnn of Ka1111no oan1r him Into cued. "II ad .111othcr day pofined, I doubt If nny or WI would have been croUc rcnldenUnl communlUea. She lh<' ltl'pubhcnn nomlnnUon at 1 ollvu. · They cirank dew from tho plano wlngn. · Ill. tho flrot woman mayor In ChDe. Clrvr land nnd Utln bnnjo-t.lnkltnn ..._ tunr. whiC'h t·hcl'rct-1 wcntworch I · - · ·· -· · ~-· ~-- ·· --- ·· · · · ··-~ -~ ~ ·-~ .- -

· oounrt t'rn•uront.o tn the golden ciiiN.ESE ClltL WINS . · .. ~·Tliree SJ,Cel Barops ·Get Totrether "l>nyn of '40," b lwlnll tmll';J to · 0 ' hl'rr (<(>nntwprd • bqund (to · Uto Whatr llnuno. they believe) ltcpubt lu "" •nt..rn In the caqtpalan. "Doyll or :ro •· Will It dtown oul thil · d ,.,.,lui nlrt\111!1 of "llnppy Dnyn Arr liNt• Anoln"? ~~o!Vber 3 · ,..,u :tn<m-t'r thntl "' · •

Nnl lhl' IMat of UMI tntcre':lt In I hr· ro·nr\\ od llinltlng of ·"0, .Muniin- • 11n' '" the few lnatnnl'iill tif'whlch · fill .. t.t fllmlltar cane b rov!vcd tcr • ""·I· ·"lin purponl'n &tUng "cmm· l pruo;n 'l'rliell" to n fnmlliar,.rtuno I '"''' .,omg ll for political pufpm:ca ' "''" '''" ay:. b<'c~ n l'OPlll\!)D~Jl.roc·) lu r A~ fur back em IMO Uie Jflhlgn I """il " """" 1n praise of Hamson

1 to 1t.r tun~.> of "Auld Lang Sync." In If;~ fl. whl'n the Free Soil party "'''"'""''l'd Maron Von Duren. new' "nroh "'""' written and sung toW t "" hml' of "Old Don Tucker:· Tho 1

. uld fnmlllllr "Yankee Doodle," f · Auld Lana Sync." "Tho Fro a Ho Wm•ld n-Wootna Go" and "The Camptown llnceli" wcro employed as the rnlllllcol netting lor ~ronan In prnlse of Fremont In 1050.

,, - I

Cun.qldering tho fact tha\ a Spnn- L!ttto Gem Honbfng, 'Of "Chinn, Ish-American \Vnr hero wu a vlco pro\·ed horself a sensaUon ot the prea1donUol candidate In 1900 it girl's junior lawn tenn(g champfon­WII!I only natural that ''Thire+n Bo shtp tournament. nt Wimblct'on. o llot Tlmo 11\ UJ.o Old 'toWn To- -· · ·

~om docs a photographer snare three big flSb l!I'Ueh aa these with one anop of tho cnm~ra shutter. They ate three of the biggest sled i:!Xe~Uvcs ln the nauon ... pictured cbatUng ln the Union club, CleveJa.nd. where -they met prlor 1o attemllng tho Great .Lakes exposition. Left to. tight: Tom M. Girdler, clullrman and prealdent of Republic Steel; Eugene C. Clrac:e, president of Bethlehem Steel. and William A. Irvin, president of United State9 Steel. · ·

• "'.- ...... ~- --nl(lht" ohould beeom~ a Ropubllcan

,campaign song..l)tlUt. wa~ntll . -· ~~- . 'ibw that an old song waa .revived and 11ung Ln Us orl&h1al form tn support of o prestdcnUal candtdat~. 1., that year "The Sldcwnlb of t.low York/' wrltlen Jn 189( by Charlo11 D. Lnwlor nnd · J'amllS w. Bloke, woa ployea by a b•l)d at the 'S..'ln FranciSco DemocraUo con• ventlon when Gov. Alfred E: Sinith of New' York wna Introduced and given n arcat oVAtion. tt WQ!I hls "muslenl trademark" when tie bo­camo 'Cnndldate Sln1U\ [n ·tn:r~ and Nominee Smith ln 192lJ, WJU the reVival of "0, Suannnal"' .bring. bet•

Gathering the··(;rnnAH~t--in France

• tor luck to Qov. AL l,.nndtln thnn tho revlvo· ot-J~1Siilownlka of New York" did to CAY. At. Bmltht Anntn-"rcad tho ptiporll en No-vert\ bor 4." ''

0 WoaleJ'II New•~ Uill'"'-

Courae of Tho 11\llln ftaah ol

not travel ttom a enrth, but In tho .OptiO$\·to The main ta bt a aort

he didn't quiver from · any: other c:motl.Pns---~ot PJ>. as. you'<!.J!otlce it.

After all our, bragglng about ef· ficlency, we dld slip In the mattera of ordnance, airplanes, tanks, nnd, dut;ing the first few months, In transport service at the front. But there were certain -elementa In which we never failed - In man power and manhood llJld mtutly courage.

• • • Uncle Sam In the Lion's Den.

EXCLUDING Britona and Scandl· navians, ours· remains almo!lt

the only Important white -race that hatm't o dictalorablp or worn&, And the high tJdo of cpmmunlzm laps theoe shoreD, which once we thought wero l!lllulatcd by time and dlotnnce agnlnnt evil nUen contncta. ·

We allU atand aloo! from entan· iUng foreign alllances dl!!lplte pren­auro from within o.nd without, but no longer may wo bar trcllllona.ble foreign propaganda - not w l t h oclenco rnaldng duck-pondn out of occann. Moreover, oundry s rea t powern work to tum.,out wnrplanCD capable or opannlng a nco or o con­Unenl on n a111gle hD!!tUe dllllh.

Ion't it about tlmo we rcaUzcd­wc, tho foollah vJrs111 amongnt the naUooo. wo who onco fond1Y loncled this land Wll.D protc:ctcd by ltll hem· lnphorlc b:olatlon - that we're jwt about ll.D lz:oloted O!l Donlel wao 111 tho llon'o den? ·

And Daniel bad o miracle to fall bnclt . .onl.. ., . __ . . . . . _

' . . . . Bennolenr:e 111 Reverse.

BY EDJCI' Jnpon hll.D dclekd from il~r dlcllono_ry aU mention of

tho "war." To tho Korenll!l oruJ tho CbinOllo arut tho MancJlurinnn tbl!ll(! ahould Indee-d ba) JlcMngg of great Joy- to find out what o ~ violent­ly happening to them wan merely a 'benevolent brnnil of peace. ~ Evu-co~ it.~~ batcly pol:.!:lble thnt. come of the aurvlvorn of thin nclah· borJy friendship may nUll be Uko tho di!i,Unguillhed Amerlcon a~lor-1 think itWO.D Jack Bnrrymor~wM went to n luncheon where the IJUCDt of bonnr, tl natnbJe trom foreign ports. wruJ, no the oaylng goOD, rather cllucklng his weight about.

So Barrymore leaMd over to a tablemnte on d whispered: "The aenUemnn ccems to be som.cthlng ot a formidable oss, doolm't be?'•

"Oh. ob, I wouldn't go so for os to S\\)' that," said the other.

"Well, at least." murmured Bar· ·eyrnore, "he'D do Ull one ooml'll."

• • • • Great Alnuieat1 Puts.

W HEN be's not working at his regular trade, I know nnw

what hecomCD of the gentleman with the brnlnpan development of a Po­tomac shad who mnkes a business of siU111g ot the ringside and yellina to some poor dub of a srugilist. while the latter Is being whipped into a custard, "Go on. kid-he can't hurt you."

To show the other side of his nature, thla p.orty atteru:{g picture theaters orul hisses madly as the Ukeness of the opposition prCDJ.. denllal candidate is llasbed on the scre'en.-

StaUstlcs show thot his breed a1:

... _ "P/I.illl/11 .. ,.!&l! . ·-Thousand$ are /idqptint

On every cldo today people nrc bdng urged to allcall:e tlieir ototnl1ch. And tbtu em:o llymploJru or "acid lndigeS­Uoli;" nnu::ea and nlotnl1eh 11pset&

lo gain quirk alktlll:aUou. Just- do tbl!s: Take l\YO UW!])9011ll cr'PIIU..­LIPS' MlLI<. OF MAGNESlA 30 mlnut.ts ortrr eating. on- take two Phllll~· Milk or Masndn Tabtm, \Thidi bavo the ruuuc antacid eUecl.

Rdld comes nlm~l nt once..­mlllllly In n rrn mlnulc3. Nausea ••p" - ruUnw altu oUng ana ••add lodlce:~tlon" p:UIIll leave. You f~lliko a nc~ puc.on.

Try thiD WilY.• 'You'U bo nt¥Erbed at reu!U. Gd other lho liquid Phil· IIPJI" or the remnrbbll!t ncm Pbllli!ll• Milk of Mnnm;aia Table b. DcllgbUul to toke niltfi~y to ~ wltli you. Only 25f a .box at n1l dros 11tcm.

PHILLIPS' -;:~~A •


and is constantly be-uady~:::::~~:~=s~~~!::r cot.!se, oWing to a over-

close to~ore and the hatdl all liv' • 'of ~ IRVIN'"S. COBB

OOt>7rh:b't ... wnu so ........

BodDJ Reqllltements Our bodily requirements cali lor

verv much larger (jUantities of nit of food or water. The a~~:;;~f-

. consum~tion-..!9 three. 1 lc!:!l!•Jn~•ct. · of•food per person :ind water con­ai.unption foUf P9wtdso while the air w_e breathe in the course or a day weighs tbitt1·four potmds. Thin vast nmount ot air we breathe t:Qntain1: much mote than the principal c:Ofi.io stitucmt gases. bley'gen and iulrogen. It cnrrle$ germs. mineral dust J~rnolte, ~nen. crgMic particles:

. . .. ,, . . -· ·- -

• . ,t • • ; t' •

• . . • • fjl

• ' .. • •

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••• , ... , '!;!:.-. :- • .. · · ntt·;;; '-.~-, . Umv"'etse_· !..:c:;.r_ n.--Wiru_g·, . ~. · -- Past. Cruelty in Spain · . .

Say~ge 'cr!.u~!ty 1Q. qn~ anCI~ ··

.. ., -~

Flattering Matron frock .... •·· ifig ·(Jp l!arger,.Belid of ,. · · Fr~n~h ·.A~tronom~r

, is not~igg1 nljly.r ~p ~"~fu; In. tlie ~--------.,;._------.... -.,..~:---,...,.......,;.· ............ ~----' 1860s~ m <ino ,«1f the many Spamsh .

l'h}s frock is< the eighth < wonc;ter look at; !'ion't you? . civil wars .)t .-th~ last century J .. . · .. : . · firet·lmpG_ftnnMtn· Pf:ep· .He«*Ql~-- Milky Way'~ Age· ~ · ataiion of ~ishe~.,_~ -..


in of ·Yea~s By EDr.rB M. ,.ARBE.R., . . · · · , · "THE coo~ •. Jj~ the, ·artist. Js


Scien NEW s~iAAtitlc evidence ~M born, no~ ·fX\ade" .ill oPI} ol t .. ~;l~ey!t]~--r-.,.,__,_-~;,.i;,.·been produced that the uni·· ,t,hose .a.Jlonm w~pli·®un".$r~"'- fer., - • d' ·· h · all · h~ps th~ gr!lat cook, like t)l,e· great

ss expan mg. t us . aymg. artist, til the product of natur11l View I~dian City Visi~ed by De Soto

An~entLouisiana Site ' . Was Capital of T.ribe~ .

the fears of those who worry be- g~niu1:1, but J:¥'t as one learpzt by cause the sun· and the· stars are expedeny~ ·t~ ~ ble11~6. !til! cplorlngs destroying·themselves by turning the other· lear!)s to put togc;:~her

. , • • fcods which blend and make a har-thetr m~sses mto the __ radtat10n monlptm m~(ll. . they emtt. Given the same materials,, .. two

This evidence is presented in an peraons usiilg ·them· iil the prepara­article in the Astrophysical Journal tion of a meal can produce totally published iil Chicago. , dlffqrent. results. ijow ml.lclx _good

New Orl,eans,-Agreat -Judi M. Henri Mlneuri .astronomer-at· food h9ve·we seen ~~n~ .by. Jloor, --the Observatory o Paris, reports cook!ng or combining. New ''p~as,

capital in Louisiana, visited by calculations. showing that the stars tor mstance, cooked .ugtil. the;¥'•are Hernando de Soto in 1542 in his of the Milky Way, despite their a.ge soft an!l mushy, their delic;ate ttlivor weilry quest for golt;J&d, has b~en ~· of tem. of thousands of mUliolll! of lost, '}lerhaps combined' wltb. .• a plored to its dept_hs y sc_1e·ntafic_ years, hqve only l'~dioted -away strong flavor whlelu:ntir~ly o~lltet-·

- l.bout one hundredth of their mass. a tea their own: tend~r stealr toUgh-excavators- ~ · • Thus it one taltes M. Mlneur's ened and its f\avor lo11t by fryjng

· The modern archaeologists, see~ estimate that Miley Way stars or over.broUin_g; vegetable soup and. ing .. prehistory rather than gold,, trom •ten to twenty billion f.lllUCell !U{no:Jt dev'Oid of sepsoning-have bettl:l' success to report than . Did, the appar~nt age. ~f-- the t,bese _ loults. -ArC- ~ 4bvioua---that the Sparunl:ds nad.- · - - ·· · verse, before all the mass ts radi- they scarce~y need to be mentioned.

Digging has revealed the career ated away, .would be about a trillion The~e are so many little touches ot one ot the largest Indian "clUes" years. Compared ·to the life of a by whlch the best flavor of food ~llSt .Dt th.S, Mls;;;IMIP.Vl· Tbo man wh!l Uve:;...ltl be. 11eventy-fbw .r:an be.Jlrour.ht ,swt .. ana the ~ of mound wnlch baa oeen years old, the star galaxy which these stamps the cook as an ex· waa once built to n · ot containB the earth and tl'le Milky pert, even If no genius. teet, making it perhaps Wr17 ·io only a baby, about nine In past generations, when lite lndillJl moi.Uld In the South. months old, and cutting Its 'first was perhaps less complicated In .. A humber of technical .rensonB teeth. its outside demands upon the house-tor believing that this oite is most Upsetll Other Theories. wife, cooltina was considered an probt~bly the important Indian capo Significant to asironomers iB M. art urtd practiced all such. The ltal ot AnUco, are found by WJnslow Mlneur'o calculations ohowing that last generation which hll!l offered M. Walker who-.xplorcd the mound the utars in the Milky Way mU!lt Ull 50 much In the way of cimpll!y­for tho Smitlmonian ln!lUtuUon. have b~n tormed In the beginning lng the cookery problem through

lth th hi h the partially cooked or wJ!oUy pte-Was Thrlvln• Commun!tv. w a ost e name mass w c ed f od h I ed b .. ~ they have today. Present- held par 0 ll llll esaen • per apa,

of tbe world. Just l.nlogine. pnly oppo~nlty, order deiJonair ·after a· battle in the streets ol four major pieces_ to cut ilnd. sew model today. It' I> irresistible ·Madrid when _.D)IUlf ot tb· cap-and you've comJlleted a 'frock that deed: _ , _ tured r~bels were bki

1lle4, as ex1 -•·enders a becoming, chic, and tint- Barbara Bell Paitern No. 1841·;8 amples,: Queen Isa e' :not sat s­

termg app~arance to .11 size 34 or ·is. availabl~ for sizes 34, 36, 38, fled, sent word to her general to :46, • 10, 42, 44 an.d ·:o4S. ~.e 36 re- kill sfjt more of the captured.

· U has clever short sleeves, that · , d h h d Her ~><i11eral's reply is worthy ot quares -.• our .an . one-e t: t yar s rep~>UUon.· "'~"~oe .. _ •""e lad"' not un- . Clan be- supplant-ed bY. long ·ones, "'J ..... lol)~ ·'e·e s• ond ·three ~--d " "" ..... , "

..,, ·"'·' Q ,.:1-'. , ve • · · "" dershmd-," he s~id,. "tbQ.t If we

II ~


three-fou):th$'·yard8 of 39 inch rna- shoot aU the soldiers we catch, terlal with short sleeve:;.· Price the bloo(l will rlse up t1J her own of pattern, 15 c.ent~. chamber and drown her?'"

~OYS! GIRLS! Send for the BnrbaFa. Bell Fall ~ •

Pattern Book conta~1ng 100 well· planned, easy-to-molce {>atterns. Exclusive fashions for··· children, R(lnd tllo Grnpo Nols nd In another

-colu)lln ot. thls puper nnd lenrn hQW 'to join the DlliZY Denn Whiners and Win Vlllllllble mtt prlzes.-Adv.

. young ·women, anf:} llllltrons. Send Ill teen cents for your copy.

· Serid your order to The So.~lqg Circle Patt(!rn Dept., 367 W.

1 Adams St., Chicqgo, m·. (!!l 11<11 s, udicalc.- W S ll Sen icr. ' .

V alu.e of Accuracy I do not lmow that there Is any­

tl'l,ing1 except it be humility, which is . so valuable as an incident ot education os accuracy, And ac~ CID'lic)rcnn PP raugnt:- DfrecC!f~s told to the world urc as . dust In -tho baltlncc when wcished uc:nin:~t t h e talsehoodb of lnuccuracy. 'l'hcse •urc tl'nl •fatal things, !rf)d they ate all·perl/oding. I scarcoly ctarc what is taught to tho -¥(lung it' it will but implant In them the hdblt of accuracy.-Arthur Helps.

Remembrance Is Ours ' Remembrance Is U1c oniy para·

disc QUt .ot which we cannot be driven awny.-Richter.

••• Just ior. Nanlinm.~s :PictU're of Dr. D.afoo •" Accounto from Spanlllh conquc:lt thcorien ot otar evolution, there- tho apprcelatton of tho art ot coolt·

- - tlmca describe thlo citY an having tore, mullt go by the board It tho cry. • nbout .COO good hoU/lca, With a beau· French ootronom.er'tl· calculaUons A1 the same time, cclenco has tltul cquaro ln the middle. Thl) ~· the obnervaUons on which they brought U/l a now attitude toward

' ....

and the D1onne QU\hs ·.: -· . . · · · 4,USa D1FFERENT Glml


• '


... • corn fletdD hore abundnnU,, and are blltled arc correct. food ltl!elt. With our growiilg knowl-there were. good utorcll ot beaM, edge of nut.ritlon, we have come to matzo, wnlnuto; and dried pon1im- Soyn the French aatrpnomcr: rcalJzo. thnt our cholco mUDt be mona ln thlo nnd currounding towno. "The upper limit wo have found modo with rc!crenco to tho nulrl·

t Tho lndl:m chief drew up bc!oro for tho ose of the aton1 ln co amnll tlvo voluen rather Ulan to tanto tho town with a bnttnUon ot ,,mN,J that, In co brlct a tlmo, tho great alone. In our cmthwlnmn tor o picked men., but when Do maJority ot tho ctartJ cannot bave 11cleneo whicl1 In contributing co a r m '1 advanced, tho barbarian Jost more than o hundredth port much directly to tho better honlth bordo llcd wlUwut choottn;s an or- c tholr ma!W. Wo mUDt therefore ot tho tomlly, thoro to, however, o row. bellevo that tho clotll were formed tendency to finore tho orUntlc nldo

Thla IntlJon Cflpllol Ia now chown with nearly tho oomo mlltl!letJ na ot tho food quet~tlon. to hovo been on old, old coUlcment they hovo now, and thnt tho d1f. There In n'o rcacon why r:cJenco 'ven "then. Tho fin1t cctUons who terence In temperature and epee- and art cannot ;o hand iil hand Dtarted the grc.oot mound carried trnl typo ocWnlly obnerved oro duo ond give to tho lamily tho bcnetlt or

t I I -'·in •·- nd .to tho loct that tho otellar fJUUI!letJ tl 1 Jl h' h th h matl!:C!I o c oy • n ""' cacow a. wcro olrcod" different at tho Umo 10 v to ty w .c: o proper c: oleo dumped and pocked down tho cloy " of food promolcll and ot tho tltlmc to buUd o plnUorm. Tho dct~Uvc 0 ' ·their rormoUon. Umo glvn tho enJoyment wh!cll ccJenco ot.archncoloay lnlortJ trom EvoluUon Not Ltltel1. comco from tho proper blc:ndln; of thblr broken pottery that thc:co Wl· "An evolution or tho ctarn cucb Oo\rortnga (l{ld. GC!ll!:O;\iilgc, and from known Indian ploneera ..-;oro very as hen bcc!n oCCC!ptcd Ia, tho c:lnvcr ~btntUflll!J of 1ood!l

much llkb tho trunoWJ Mound BuUdl~tt~~~~~~~~~==r:(!tl~ul;t v~:1 which by ccmtroat Mhtmce tho val· !Jig IndJans of tho Ohlo valley. .u~~o~~c:b-4-.tltcH,Ihor. ---..- '--o= ..... _,.--"---;- ~ .,.._... "'•-""""""'"·- W' ............. ...,.... ......

Stoey of llfOUl\4 8nlld1c,:. cxpM!lion of Tho lilfOUP of ~ which I om --lr d buildln ln tmlvcme. giving oro rondo up from every· uw mcun ll waa lor. "0. Lcmoltro hnD auggc:nted o hf· doy lcodll whfe.h tho hoU!lclcecper al·

rupted when thD ploUorm wna only pothaol.a for tho formoUon or tho wnyo boa on hand or whle.h llho a few r~t high, .and tho ro~d placo ran~nlnl!d

0 c:omplng aile, lit.. extroguloctJc: nebulae bnnl!d upon pull! on "her market ll.nt rogulo.rty.

tcred bY csheo, chllrconl. bonu and JUg theory of the uporu:dcm of the They ore combined or ccaulned and brokm dWtC!ll whllo two JltUC! pecan unlvcn:.e, o~:eording to which tho coo1c£d 1n ouch o wny that tho belft tr~ grow up to mnrJc the poc!rlng Of!O of tho Milky WtlY would rwt of their flavor b brought ouL Each of Ume. axe«!d ten thounnnd million yentll," recipe ID on exnmplo of how wo

can mnke tho mont ol a food Pl.lt-- ~!Jt~tf.;,..MI". V/pll;er found. uE;;i'~,m~.,•• D .. O"tors~ ellMc oillf 1n · thla w~ mnJcc tho

wu uwmed by thoDO peop:e or • .u -'!ielr' '- family menl!J inlucnUng. oUtm~. With lop nnd Cflno Jeycra Ad • S ft ruu1 miild

1 a group of moundD were Yise .._ u ert'rs .$qualh Willa Cheese.

rntud, and tho whole won fuullly W'th Arth • .: Ped ond cut a Hubbard ~quatb combined- into- ·one ~at terrnel!d 1 nus ru:uJ boll -or ct«un untU tender. plbt!dnn with ram~. Mil$. To tht<!o CtSP-3 or the mnnhtd

Wbethet thla ploUonn mound, Rtchmond.-.. Eat eggs'' is the squncll nddp:~e-thtrd cup cd cream

~~eaUoped blouoe opening and tho Jdnd o{ collar that cchoen tho ad· miring '/'olw" of your nl!lUhboro. Tho dreoo l.o dart fitted at tho walnt :md tlbouldern for enno and a tlltmmlng elfccl, whllo a oeU­fabrlc bell ndda liD contribution too. You want to own thic Ulor­oughly )'ouns ntylo and attractive model fbot'o l1ll COllY to mako an to



Sec Your Groce~ lot Del3tls ol How to Wm One ol Tflr,_;e Wondl'llul Fu~e Gtll!! 1 c

,:nus wuou: rAMlLV Musr ~SEH1> AJ.L '"r'ifik



I • perhtJ~. 41J f«ll hlgh in Do Soto'n message of five dotlor:!l of the and one rum cme-hall tobJ!!SpooiW time, WI!§ the high ploc:e on which Medical College of Virginia-" to melted huttt!r nnd imlt. and PCJIPt!l~·l the kmpte or the c:hlero house people who suffer from al"tlJriti!h 'to mstc. Pcur into o butterro bnl~-stm:td. :is not c:"rt:llfi, Lesst?r heights in!'! dliin. trpririlie tlte J.QP gener·

_ wrta ..t'a!sed .lor -otb~ strm:turt>S Dtll. J. c, Forbe#, R. C. NenJe, ouaJy With grilled clleese nnd but· abcut tht! tmm •. The tt!mp1e 1s de- 0. L. Hite, D. B. Armistead nnd lered crumba. Bake in n moderate ccrlbed by the Spnnlnrda OlJ con· S. L. Rucker :lDve founlJ that diets oven (875 degreM F.) unW wcll tninlng banes of the chiefs of AniJco which ccntaiil n great deal of md· browned. in coffin brulkets, arul MCUnd the pbur and little ~aroobydrate are BroDed Fish Wtui Mushroom Satlee, building a-ere pikes 011 which the beneficial to sufferers from the pnfn. ....... _., _ _. ~~"=--"'~ heads of coptured ~ were ful disense. -u..- l.WG\.."<~ ~ .. u:oou..,. .. -stucl!. " ...... ..:,;,. th d .. _... a tlsh fill eli. -.. ~ .. uuu~,..... -ese octonr <mu, fll 1 tcl:lleapoon lrulter

o~mpnnled by the pre:enee of in- ~2 Cl'l'p s~ ~ms •

. Invisible "'Keep Out .. Sign 1\fakes Roots Stay Apart

dole in the blood. Tiilil ig o dtem- 2 tcli!~ fleur leal producro by the decomposition ¥.! ((!>1~ Slllt of body products. It haJJ long -been ~ cltpfut Clt'.lt' crelUtl known to he deleterlGW. \4 cupful water

Wasbington.-.. No trespassing" Valae of Sttlpbar. ~4 CllJI walnut meats signs are written in some kind of To remow this indole the OOdy Dip flUeig fn ~ i'MU" and

needs mdnbur The VirmnJa d....,. saute lti l:tltter or b'ocnn fat until unexplo'fed chemirol la.nguage by torn therEftore. feed thetr";rthri"U.; brown oo btlth sidu Melt bufulr growing roots, to keep other roots potients on diets which hove such nn<l snute the mwhrootnJJ in it abnut from· invading territory which sulphur, such as ig fourul in meat three minutes. S:;rinlde with flour they have t:tken for their own. OZ!d eggs. To old in preventing and seasoning and sUr unfiJ weD

indole production in the body only blended. Add sour creom and wa· Indications cd this are grophJcnlly fiery little caroohydrate is ted. ter and stir over the flre until

shown in a device invented. · v Prof. Sucb foods os potatoes and rice smooth and thick. Pou:- art>und the . M. A. &lfies of Howntd university. nre entirelY dltnb:lated. !torn tbe~-1-J:Wei!S t>n-a- bot.pllitter.

~--- • . -Pti)less()r Rriines' new method diet - ··- Stuft'ed Sweet Potatoes. makes tha toot system of plants The re~this· diet, the do~ · viSible throughOut their entire tors .find, are ptonusing. In one ~~:;~e=et--potaloes growth. AgtlinSt a sllghUy slopirlg case the paUent was kept on an 2 tablespoons btttter

.._ sheet of glass be lays a sheet of Otdfnary dlet Cor a month. There 3 egg whites , \. ~ dtttk papl!l' or other absorbent mn- was a gOod deal of indole in big · ·j ' ' teriat, kept moJst by a t:eties cd blood, and he suffered ccnsiderably. l-4 cup woirlut meats

. wiCks d!pped into a supply otwater. After a month on the special diet .~;pei' The toots sptouUng from: seeds there wer~ onlY traces of indole in Paprika 10 taste . placed at Ule {<Jp edge of tha sheh his blood, and he felt stronger, suf· Bake """l~ltoeil ""d wnen' don"

~ grow down the moist paper, and fered JeS!I. At the end of anotbe.r """ .... "' . can be stud.lea..ln d'etaii. th .... e ... _·as no 'n· do·le· ·_ •- -th- s!l1it in halv~ ~~~~ise~ 9C009 ~· .. 1 .... " out the conl(!ltts. A'dd milk, buttei'

• ·. ,.,. -- _ _ .. _ . arld the paUent was consider- and ~oschlng and be"at wen. Add

~·~~ " .Ancient-Roman Empite ·· - - ~= w~m:!~~~~e!f!: _ .' _ .. : Is Being Smveyed . · Lapl~tnd Revealed as. trees F.> /

· ·da~ Toast F.harus. " London. - Countries of 'the! · Warm i~ Slo1:1e Age Spread hMad on the ~~~!l~m~·t~h

.... ld -th· · _, .1- cr•amed b\tttel'. ·sm!e , .· •vor .. . u once ~ormeu pan·· of Stotk&olm.=-1\fore· tha·n 30 sef· L.~t.. ,.L.._.,.. ............

· the• MJcleD~ ~i'flgite 0£ Rotne ilft JII\:U UJ.,_ t.Ulll

• llqit ~a!Ont,. ~lttv~ of that one- trements or hUman beings d;nittg !d';fJ:::::· ; time tf!ipire. from the Stone Age, of about the ancl balte·ln 8 year 3000 B.· C., have been ua .. ·f· t -The their earthed in Swedish La plan~ hJ f:~* ~·l · ..

'l a f(uii Tinnbetg', Stockhohu~·atche~- . e~~ f:radlQ&,....wSJr~ . l · · · oJbgist. ·

'h . • ' <

• ~ ' 1--·


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• . . .

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• • •

• .. . . . . ... .. • <



-- til' ' •, M· < •

C::OUllSZ, chUdren tlhould never dti1lk tofi'M. And rriany KfO'Wll-UlHt too, flnd that the c:afl'eln in' coftH dlu.ztMi with ttlm. If you hAft Madachn at ~-Or Qn't- aJ~IOUftdly ••• uy Posrum . J't·fCzib!us iuJ diftmn. It II almply whct.11theat .00

fna7. rita cetrte at llnt, but aA.or 30 da)'l you'll love PcMum ror lli own tich. uild',yfiJC flaYOr. l"omw ~ IJl two lonnt-Poltom CctMi, tlle. k.IJtd )'011 boll. e1rl Instcl\t Postum, mad• ~tly

· . fn tM cup. ~thor way It I• •*V to-,.U;.th!Jdoldi ~m!tal,';.Mm.yprcwea ~ hel'p. A ~ot GtsMrii·l"Oodc. '·

·- . ' • • < • • . n .

. ' " ,: ... ·-·· ;._, ..... . .




• <



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Page 8: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emergency Con~Uon Work ' 18,881.000 Barellu of Public now 11,821,841 Social SOOurlt)" . 1ll8,800 Publtc Works Adrnlntstratlon 1M70,4SO

.. i

?~~<.:i . -- , . ~ . •-- ·_ "- . -

Bu.ndreda of you.fl people wh~ looked ahe:ad .dnly ·a f~w mQnt&. qo ~d enroUed, • ~or· the; D~ughon TltlniDa. are nowlaPPY in J)Oil~IOPJ ~f trust and . rtlpomlbillty - Jith broaa opport~uutiea for ad-VIfeeJDIIl~. J

Bow we can help you prepare tor limilar opportun­ltltl in Jhort tidte and at •mall expenae ·- ancl the~ help you ae+ a aood polition, will . .,e ful17 ~iaintd if you Will mail· the Coupon now for special tntorynatwn· · . . .

Draughorh Buaineaa Col eges . Lubbock, AbU~~. Dallu, Wichita Fall•,_ Tex~. ... . . ~


Your name .. lt,t. . • . . . •.• . .. ' .... ~ ....... .

Addre11 ..... . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . "'

1 . i

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With the campaign on, there· is · Sal'*' pf Chevrolet trucb. . ~UIC!b ~!k about relief ~Xpendi- ing, tbe Cun"ent year bay~ J!Jiatter•

· · • · , · · . ed' .all Pl'C!ViPWJ 4-uck · records· in • More · important than. the Chevrol~t history,, i~ was,.apnouQc•

sPending of·the money- for that ed this week. · · . .· was necess~ry to save J:9illicinfl .. Sales to ~ate ~i11ce JJm, l· bve from starvatio'n - js how was the totalled mO!'C! than 25 per cen.t money spent, and what do we get above those for the coiTesponding for tbe. mQ_pey? period last. ye!lr and ~Qre. ~a~ . What for instance did Lincoln 17 per· cent above the eame penod. CoUI.ltY get with the. •n 1929 the, aU tiine record :year,. allotted to han~le t.he work relief Truck sales. ·t~~ugh August ?i':\"\ load · here? . The list is .long: w.ere 1()3,576 units, as c01DPilLrE}d Schools, sanitation projects, with .1801296. ;ast year : tl_~rougltJ bridges, septic tanks, cqrb$ and August, and With 139,887 in 1929 • gutters in Carrizozo, wool carding, Chevrolet. dealers .sold more than recreational projeets, road work, 20,000 uni~ a~ f:llO}lth for ~ix repairing. school books. . • conse~utive months -beginning . Throughout , the county 27 with March of thiS year- a feat school projeets.~ere approved and unparalleled in their history. . ~

'.;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;:;:;;,:;:;:;:~:=;;;;:;:;:=:;;;:=~~;;;;=§.~.E=;;=:~:=::_ n~rly $p0,000 allo~ted for. their ':The outlook for tru~k b118iness /?.~ _ 1_ Safety Slo1an1 construction or remodeling. A few continues good. There is every

COMET CH~ER ~ of these have been temporarily,' reason to expect a new all-time No.2~' - suspended and .aponsom should high mark at the end of·the curr- ~

ORDER E,\ij1ERN Battey slogans_ printed on make every effort to have them '.ent year." W. E. Fish commercial

·LER . .. . - -


• . •. . , -.. · ..

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With August gone, chill nights and ·winter close at hand de.;. manding t h a t · thoughtful people prepare fot their coD_ling.

STAI0: coloftd -sxO.Oincb ·· cardr by the- reinstated. ··· -- · ·· - · · · ·· ~ -+car riuinager;Siid. - ·· - -. --··· - tt;M'-

. Merta oa the firat Th~y. Pontiac Motor company are ~!1- For the varipus other projects .·i In taeb month. -~ . td to the men peroldically. A $177,000 was allotted to Lincoln 1 · • -vllltinl Stari eordiaiJYr.i}nvlted recent lotOf the •!?gans contained· County:-'· Wlient!tese sehoof and

Subscribe for the News. t>" ... • • • - • . .

.! Ula Maret, Ina JYlayer 1uch thoughta u Time gained at other projects are completed they

your blanket needs · -now· from .our new , _,.

~ • See. . lli w. M. a street eroulng Is very often loat will be of lasting value to Lincoln . "' in the emer11ency ward".. "Good County. · .

County Candida~s. will speak at Hondo tonight at 7:30 line of==~ Wool· Part Wool

and· Cotton Blankets, with ·a·

'· I I

----------:~-,...--- judiUltnt and ufe ,d~Jvln¥, go to. I Lincoln County is better off for lanta Rita Chuf):h aethtr. Practice them · · Ped~ tbe policies that have made ouch

Lincoln tomorrow.night -'7:8f> Picacho, Sunday night 18th 7:80 Encinoso and Rabenton Mon- •. ,., -

C.IHIJt ' I' ...

. ca.Y .• ,. lalnt•n, Pa~ter)

8ilada7 llaw, 8:CXIa. m. ~ ... _ 8frrict '7:0Qil). m. z. .. ,body Cord1aU7 lla?Jted


r----------------~----tll I. 0. 0. P. - ~~

tlans abould be seen nnd not bat" • . • • "The Judae nysi'Take time or p:ojeets POISlble. Men have been do time'" .. Look out for ehil· · g&ven honest em~loyment, br:.ve dren. You can't tell what they'll I been taken off re~1ef and put to do and you're always wrong If you~ wor.k~ and m gettmg the · o~por­bit one".. "Ar• you . a safe' tumtL~ work b!w~ 1\ccomphJt~ed. driver?" · · · something for the1r. col}lm\tmty,

their county and tbe1r state.

day 19th Oseura and White Oaks Tues- ~ day 20th Pine Lopgc Wed. e1, 7:80 Arabela, Thum., 22-7:30 · Nogal, Friday night. 23rd:

·• We can be thankful that the Everybody is invited to hl!nr

Money ~:hac~ -g!Ja_~an~t~e. •

ZIEGLER BROTHERS • Attorney John E, Hall rceeived policies estnblished in New Mel· Congressman Wright Patman,

80 • letter la • t Tuesday from co not only solved the unemploy- who became famo'us for hie bonus l!eES:~ ~ ~~~ Mr. C. M. Harvey of El Puo mcnt .;.problem, but that the fight In th,e National. house or •


atatlng that usoon u the mem· money Wlcd ban been put into representatives. He will speak in =-=::-.-. ·=-~~---.-.-.-:.--::",,':"",.':": ...... -:_.-: ..... --. .... ':"" .. -:.-:_:-::~---=--~=---:-.. ':"".':::'.~:':'-=:-:"'·~-----=~:-:-::.-::::-bG ancl officlaJ board or the work that bns given us real vnlue Capitan, October 24th at 10 a. m. Notice Notlee Method tat church auceced in ·. Senator Chavca wlll J.ojn Congress- ,

, nillng $160,of tho $200 be will mnn Patman Oct. '24th and they Department Or The Interior, Department or tho Interior, MeN lntr7 Tu•4ar tfelng eontribu•- the Jut •50 toward "••• •' Tonudo•• will go to Albuquerque together U.S. Lan. d Office, Ln5 Cruces, U. S. Land Office, Lao Ctucea

,_ w • Tomadou aetdom occur outaldt th• N M 0 t 13 1986 W. J. Lanpton, ,TontCoo~, tht PIUJOJliiO fand. Ltt'a all Oaltld l!tatet. 1 nd fhlellJ Ill the lU• that night. Eveeybody invited, ow ex1co, e · •. . ,·- Now Mexico, October 12, 1986,-

• •

S.C.·Trras, Nob~ Grand eontribut. u quJcldy u pouiblc. IIIIIIPPI nne,o. especially ex·vervlcc men. Purouant t.o ~h.e prov1stons of Purauant to the provislonn of i~ . _ . . . . . .. . . . ' - Rulea for Admmtstmtlon of Gmz. Rulea Cor Administration ol f .,., . ·~---. · · ·" • ~- ~- ~-- -~--~ · • ing Dintricto, approved March 2, GraZing Districts, approved,

..,.,....,.._._ ____ _

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. . , ....... ~-it\ - • • idhtilftli•Jllili,lzW;f.tiwtfe••Pt<tu" tt.IMijte, r '· ;,~i?ra • •J• .. J'Mr · lllililiWi. • lllsiltoCiuel.JJejq,.;jM....,..,IIltiR'Iwiiio••

· · liip,~t!Ji irr q•.-.--~.l' .. t.••••tWii•illli .. Jria:I,.J;i~a••• . rAU1.'.rOklz:&b !fORD •J)Jt.Ai.&llS ·

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• 7 • ··~·

_,. . . -- ..

•• . ; I 1936, by the Secretary of the In- March 2', 1936, by the Secretary

terior, and in compliance wi~ tho or the Interior, and in compliance . ~~ rPqul'!lt or thc.J?!visi_on or G~ing. with tha.requent. oJ .the Dlvlsion... _ __ _ _ ~ notice is hereby given that an orGrazlng, notice is hcreby given ' election of district advisorn for that an election of district ad­New Mf.'xico Grazing District No. visorn fc•&: Ncw Mexico Grazing 4, which hn.s been l'!ltahlished un- District No. 6, whieb hag been der the act of June 28, 1934 t48 established under the net of Juno Stnt. 1269 '• commonly known nn 28, 1934 ( 48 Stat. 12691, common-

o th., Taylor Grazing Act, will tnke ly known ns the Taylor Grazing place at 10 a. m., Tueaday, Octo- Act, wiU tnkc phtce at 10 a. m., ber ~7, 1936, at Carrizozo,, New Thuraday, October 29, 1936, at Mex1co. Ballot. box~ will be; Roswell, Npw Mexloo. Ballot open. from 2 p. m. untd 5 p. m., I b 'II b t a

afld M much longer an mny be 1 axes WI c open rom .. p. m. necessarx.,. to permit qualified · until 5 p. m., and an much longer clcct.orn present at 6 p. m. : as may ba necessary.. to permit to depooit thPir ballot& . qualiflPd electors present at 5

6 Paul A. Roach , : p. m. to deposit. the1r ballotn •

ct 16-lt. · '1t'egill~; · '1t Paul A. Roach, Register. - -7-· =· -==· ==• - ,_____,_ -~-

Read rules and instructions ~efore Registering

. . To ent-ourage better sportsmanship in ·hunting, we will give M a prize, Cor tbt> largest BUCK DEER killed during tbe 1936 bunting season, A NEW 71 MODEL LEVER ACTION WINCHESTER RIFLE, caliber 348 in a 24 barrel valuE'd at:--


I r





• ' . . I ! i

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f l

t ' . , i f I I ' IP·· -- .. . •

. Rules··and Conditions

• • .. ,

( •

(1] Air ~ontestants m~t b£1 duly registered at o~ st;re, on or be-fore 6 o'clock p. m. October 24th 1936. -

A ~gistration· fee of n-oc·wm be charged. · -No. .contestant '!ilJ- he.re~gnizedunlesaduly -regisiefed: Buck must be killeddunng the 1936 open hunting season.._ • and weighed at F. E. Richard's teed store i_n Caniz()~o, N; M • . on or bet ore 6 o•cock NoV'. 16th t-936.

4 • ' • ~ ' 1

.[5] All records or weights wilt b6 kept by F •. E. Iticbard and the . contestant posse&sing, the larg(lSt b~ek in aetual weight, after inside!!,

helrt, liver and lung& haVjl been tetnoved, will be given M··a prize; the abov~ described iifle. · · .

• ",f-." c ;. '


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