· [Boox I. Also The intellect, or understanding; or the heart, or mind; syn. 1j: (M, 18: [in the...

[Boox I. Also The intellect, or understanding; or the heart, or mind; syn. 1j: (M, 18: [in the C]~ &;;:]) the inmnot part (J.r) of th hetart. (M, H.) Hence the saying, (TA,) LS I, ,. ',j This will not adhere to me, [or to my mind,] nor will ny oul accept it: (, TA;:) said of that whicl one does not love. (A.)~Also A con- tract, compact, or covenant: or suretiship, or repon.sibility: syn. ,.a&. (M, L, l. [In some copies of the 18, a;;.]) Also (?, M, Mgb, 0l) and sometimes [ ji,] imperfectly decL, (1i,) but all make it perfectly decl. except AO, who makes it imperfectly decl. because it is determinate or a proper name] and similar in meaning to AJL, which is fernm., meaning that all nouns signifying times are ,tAt L, (Th, M,) and, accord. to some, j.tl, (Mqb,) [The second month of the Arabian calendar;] the month that is [the next] after El- MoAarram (j/ I): (8, M, ]g:) so called because in it they used to procure their provision of corn from the places [in which it was collected, their granaries having then become empty (j); agreeably with the opinion of my learned friend Mons. Fulgence Fresnel, that it was so called from the scarcity of provisions in the season in which it fell when it was first named; for it then fell in winter: see the latter of the two tables in p. 1254; and see also 'i.]: or because Mekkeh was then empty, its people having gone forth to travel: or, accord. to Ru-beh, because the Arabs in it made predatory expeditions, and left those whom they met empty: (M:) or because they then made predatory expeditions, and left the homes of the people empty: (Msb in art. . :) pl. )Lloi, (?, , M, Mqb, 15,) and, as some say, ·$f,;. (Myb.) -j 1 The two months of El-1MoAarram and $afar; (M;) two months of the year, whereof one ras called by te Muslinms El-MoAarram. (IDrd, M, Msb, I.) : stee.", first sentence. 3[1~: see e, [of which it is the n. un.,] first sentence. si" [Ydelonmu;] a certain colour, (f, M, Myb,) well known, (M, 1,) les intense than red, (Mqb,)found in animals and in some other things, and, aocord. to IAr, in wvater. (M.) - Also Bilachnss. (M, ].) - See also ,4, in two places. -'' , imperfectly decL, is a proper name for The she-goat. (tgh, ~.) ah. (?M,O and A'e (1) The in crea, or offpring, ( o,) of sp or goats ($, M, 1i [in the CZ, jI is erroneously put for j before this explanation]) after that called : ($, TA:) or at the period of the [auroral] rtin of Suheyl [or Canopus, which, in Central Arabia, at the commencement of the era of the Flight, was about the 4th of August, 0. S.; here erro- neously said in the M to be in the beginning ol winter]: (M, :) or I the latter word signifies [as above, and also the period itjel abore men. tioned: or] the period from the rising of Suheyl to the setting of ItJJI [the Seventh Mansion of the nMoon, which, in the part and age above mentioned, was about the 3rd of January, O. S.], vl~n the cold is intense; and then breeding is approved: (M :) or the periodfrmn the rising of iSuheyl to the riing of s.1Iol [the Fourteenth 'MJansion of the Aloon, which, in the part and age above mentioned, was about the 4th of October, O. S.], commencing with forty nights of varying, or alternating, heat and cold, called s1jJ : (AZ :) the first increase [of sheep and goats] is the ta, which is when the sun smites (~Loj) the heads of the young ones; and some of the Arabs call it the an, and the & i: then is the .qAh, after the ua; and that is when the fruit of the palm-tree is cut off: then, the ,>, which is in the [season called] .j: then, the 5 ";, which is when the sun becomes warm: then, the "A. : then, the ;& : then, the ,.S, in the end of the [season called] Ji: (Aboo-Nar :) or Zt.al. signifies, (M, X,) and so A , (g,) the [period of the] departure of the heat and the coming of the cold: (Agn, M, ] :) or the period betwen the departure of the summer and the coming of the winter: (Aboo-Sa'eed:) or the first of the seasons; [app. meaning the autumnal season, called A. IJI, rwhich woas the first of the four, and of the six, seasons; or per- haps the first of the seasons of rain, commonly called ij .. ;] and it may be a month: (AJ.n, M, ]g:) or the latter, (M,) or both, (TA,) the beginning of the year. (M, TA.) [Hence,] .. t; vI ' ~ I1 Twenty days of, or from, (>:.,) the latter part of the summer, or hot eason. (TA voce -.. ) _ Also the former, ($,) or t both, (TA,) The rain that comes in tle beginning of autumn: (8:) orfrom the period of the rising of Suh~yl to that of the etting of tlJIl [expl. above]. (TA.) Also the latter, (, M,) or t both, (g,) A plant that grows in the beginning of the autumn: (g, M, g:) so called, accord. to AlIn, because the beasts become yellow when they pasture upon that which is green; their arm-pits and similar parts, and their lips and fur, becoming yellow; but [ISd says,] I have not found this to be known. (M.) k4h. A sort of dataes of El-Yemen, which are dried in the state in which they are termed y., (A ln, M, g,) being then yellow; and rrhen they become dry, and are rubbed with the hand, they crumble, and 'r is sweetened with them, and they s~pas sugar; (AlIn, M ;) [or] themy supply the place of ngar in; .j . (V.)~I" l, (& , M, ,) and, (V,) ar as some say, (S, M,) t iJlI, (M, ],) A sect of the ~ , (s,) a party of the l,d.; (M, i;) so called in relation to Sufrah (& [which is the name of a place in f El-Yemameh]): (M :) or in relation to Ziyad i Ibn-El-Asfar, (S, 18,) their head, or chief; (S;) or to 'Abd-Alah (8, M, 1) Ibn-E4-gafflr, (J,) or Ibn-Saffir, (1s,) or Ibn-$aflir, (so in a copy of the M,) in which case it is extr. in form; (M ;) or on account of the yellowness of their com- plexions; or because of their being void of re- ligion; (] ;) accord. to which last derivation, it is · i.I..alI, withl kear; and As holds this to be the right opinion. (TA.) .,And the former (fA/l~) The aiJ., (M, K,) who were celebrated for bounty and generosity; (TA;) so called in relation to Aboo-?ufrah, (M, ll~,) who was [sur- named] Abu-l-Mohelleb. (M.) 'i.ll: see the next preceding paragraph in two places. *a o : sec a , in five places. '~b is the sing. of .to, (S,) which signifies Poor men: (S, . :) the ; is augmenta- tive. (s.) ;t , (S, M,) with fet-h, (S,) or *;t , like , 4 L, (K,) what is dry, of [the si,cies ,f barley- gras called] M: (, , M, :) app. because of its yellowness: (M:) it has prichlk that cling to thle lips of the horses. (TA in art. a/:.) - And the former, accord. to lSk, A certain plant. (TA.) J;1.: see 1, in two places. -Also A certain diseas, in consequence of which one becomne yellow: (A:) the yellowv nytcr thiat collects in the belly; (M, g;) i. q. L, : (M:) or a collct- ing of yellow water in the belly, which is cured by cuttiit t/he JPS, a rein in the L [i. e. baclkbone, or back]. (S.) - See also .. - And see lU.._Also A yello,cness that takes place in wheat before the grain has become full. (A, TA.)-And Remains of straw and of otier fodder, at the roots of the teeth of beasts; as also t;%. (M, g.) -And The tick, or ticlks: (M, . :) and, (g,) or as some say, (M,) an insect, or animalcule, (*.,) that isfound in the solid hoofi, and in the toes, or soles, of camels, (M, j,) in thl hinder parts thieeof. (M.) ;ti" : see the next preceding paragraph. 'e,. inf. . of;i., [q. v.]. (s, MI, F.) - [In the present day it signifies also The sapplh,ire.] *J1k What lus withered, (M, .1,) and be~o altered to yellow, (M,) of plants, or herbage. (M, 8.) >L A dam "(L) betnwen tro tracts of land. (Sgh, -.) !5JLb. A species of bird, that wrhistl (s). (M. [See also what next follows.]) a,tL.. A certain bird; (IAqr, ;) as also a,!:-, without teshdeed; (S;) the bird called X (Sin art. ,) or (. o in that art.:) [Golius (who writes the word 4id.) adds, "ut puto, quae in Syria Ije dicitur, fiava, duplo majo pasere, nam et paer luteus, ut reddit Meid.":] i.q. ;~ . (IApr.) [See ao aso 1.] l Dr Ibn-SatTir, the Dr on plexions ligion; is %C .119 (A,j~) fo; relation named] ij ailmii, two places. *a : ace Lg ag is iBignifies tive. (?.) M,) What grass calkd] its tlte the (TA.) JU.o diseam, yellow: the in.q by 1 baclibone, see in TA.)-And fodder) C ]p:) animak-uk, and hinder paru 'm jt" in£ n. let- the 0. ' 3 ;Jtk. altered dam ,4k,o) beenwn (?9b, IP) A specin (M. 0.1 ' . adu.., without in art. & j [Golius Syria puto, ma . jor pa&~, 0"' ' Meic,:1 l1a0

Transcript of  · [Boox I. Also The intellect, or understanding; or the heart, or mind; syn. 1j: (M, 18: [in the...

Page 1:  · [Boox I. Also The intellect, or understanding; or the heart, or mind; syn. 1j: (M, 18: [in the C]~ &;;:]) the inmnot part (J.r) of th hetart.

[Boox I.

Also The intellect, or understanding; or the

heart, or mind; syn. 1j: (M, 18: [in the C]~

&;;:]) the inmnot part (J.r) of th hetart. (M,

H.) Hence the saying, (TA,) LS I, ,. ',j

This will not adhere to me, [or to my mind,] norwill ny oul accept it: (, TA;:) said of thatwhicl one does not love. (A.)~Also A con-tract, compact, or covenant: or suretiship, orrepon.sibility: syn. ,.a&. (M, L, l. [In somecopies of the 18, a;;.]) Also (?, M, Mgb, 0l)and sometimes [ ji,] imperfectly decL, (1i,) butall make it perfectly decl. except AO, who makesit imperfectly decl. because it is determinate or aproper name] and similar in meaning to AJL,which is fernm., meaning that all nouns signifyingtimes are ,tAt L, (Th, M,) and, accord. to some,

j.tl, (Mqb,) [The second month of the Arabiancalendar;] the month that is [the next] after El-

MoAarram (j/ I): (8, M, ]g:) so calledbecause in it they used to procure their provisionof corn from the places [in which it was collected,their granaries having then become empty (j);agreeably with the opinion of my learned friendMons. Fulgence Fresnel, that it was so calledfrom the scarcity of provisions in the season inwhich it fell when it was first named; for it thenfell in winter: see the latter of the two tables inp. 1254; and see also 'i.]: or because Mekkehwas then empty, its people having gone forth totravel: or, accord. to Ru-beh, because the Arabsin it made predatory expeditions, and left thosewhom they met empty: (M:) or because theythen made predatory expeditions, and left thehomes of the people empty: (Msb in art. . :)

pl. )Lloi, (?, , M, Mqb, 15,) and, as some say,

·$f,;. (Myb.) -j 1 The two months ofEl-1MoAarram and $afar; (M;) two months ofthe year, whereof one ras called by te MuslinmsEl-MoAarram. (IDrd, M, Msb, I.)

: stee.", first sentence.

3[1~: see e, [of which it is the n. un.,] firstsentence.

si" [Ydelonmu;] a certain colour, (f, M,Myb,) well known, (M, 1,) les intense than red,(Mqb,)found in animals and in some other things,and, aocord. to IAr, in wvater. (M.) - AlsoBilachnss. (M, ].) - See also ,4, in twoplaces. -'' , imperfectly decL, is a propername for The she-goat. (tgh, ~.)

ah. (?M,O and A'e (1) The in

crea, or offpring, ( o,) of sp or goats

($, M, 1i [in the CZ, jI is erroneously put for j

before this explanation]) after that called :($, TA:) or at the period of the [auroral] rtinof Suheyl [or Canopus, which, in Central Arabia,at the commencement of the era of the Flight,was about the 4th of August, 0. S.; here erro-neously said in the M to be in the beginning olwinter]: (M, :) or I the latter word signifies[as above, and also the period itjel abore men.

tioned: or] the period from the rising of Suheyl

to the setting of ItJJI [the Seventh Mansion of

the nMoon, which, in the part and age abovementioned, was about the 3rd of January, O. S.],vl~n the cold is intense; and then breeding isapproved: (M :) or the periodfrmn the rising of

iSuheyl to the riing of s.1Iol [the Fourteenth'MJansion of the Aloon, which, in the part andage above mentioned, was about the 4th ofOctober, O. S.], commencing with forty nights ofvarying, or alternating, heat and cold, called

s1jJ : (AZ :) the first increase [of sheep andgoats] is the ta, which is when the sun smites

(~Loj) the heads of the young ones; and some of

the Arabs call it the an, and the & i: then

is the .qAh, after the ua; and that is whenthe fruit of the palm-tree is cut off: then, the

,>, which is in the [season called] .j: then,

the 5";, which is when the sun becomes warm:

then, the "A. : then, the ;& : then, the,.S, in the end of the [season called] Ji:

(Aboo-Nar :) or Zt.al. signifies, (M, X,) and so

A , (g,) the [period of the] departure of theheat and the coming of the cold: (Agn, M, ] :)or the period betwen the departure of the summer

and the coming of the winter: (Aboo-Sa'eed:)or the first of the seasons; [app. meaning the

autumnal season, called A. IJI, rwhich woas thefirst of the four, and of the six, seasons; or per-haps the first of the seasons of rain, commonly

called ij .. ;] and it may be a month: (AJ.n,M, ]g:) or the latter, (M,) or both, (TA,) the

beginning of the year. (M, TA.) [Hence,] .. t;

vI ' ~ I1 Twenty days of, or from, (>:.,) the

latter part of the summer, or hot eason. (TA

voce -..) _ Also the former, ($,) or t both,(TA,) The rain that comes in tle beginning ofautumn: (8:) orfrom the period of the rising of

Suh~yl to that of the etting of tlJIl [expl.

above]. (TA.) Also the latter, (, M,) ort both, (g,) A plant that grows in the beginningof the autumn: (g, M, g:) so called, accord. toAlIn, because the beasts become yellow whenthey pasture upon that which is green; theirarm-pits and similar parts, and their lips and fur,becoming yellow; but [ISd says,] I have notfound this to be known. (M.)

k4h. A sort of dataes of El-Yemen, which aredried in the state in which they are termed y.,(A ln, M, g,) being then yellow; and rrhen theybecome dry, and are rubbed with the hand, theycrumble, and 'r is sweetened with them, andthey s~pas sugar; (AlIn, M ;) [or] themy supply

the place of ngar in; .j . (V.)~I" l, (& ,M, ,) and, (V,) ar as some say, (S, M,)t iJlI, (M, ],) A sect of the ~ , (s,) a

party of the l,d.; (M, i;) so called in relation

to Sufrah (& [which is the name of a place inf El-Yemameh]): (M :) or in relation to Ziyadi Ibn-El-Asfar, (S, 18,) their head, or chief; (S;)

or to 'Abd-Alah (8, M, 1) Ibn-E4-gafflr, (J,)

or Ibn-Saffir, (1s,) or Ibn-$aflir, (so in a copy ofthe M,) in which case it is extr. in form; (M ;)or on account of the yellowness of their com-plexions; or because of their being void of re-ligion; (] ;) accord. to which last derivation, it

is · i.I..alI, withl kear; and As holds this to be

the right opinion. (TA.) .,And the former

(fA/l~) The aiJ., (M, K,) who were celebratedfor bounty and generosity; (TA;) so called inrelation to Aboo-?ufrah, (M, ll~,) who was [sur-named] Abu-l-Mohelleb. (M.)

'i.ll: see the next preceding paragraph intwo places.

*a o : sec a , in five places.

'~b is the sing. of .to, (S,) which

signifies Poor men: (S, . :) the ; is augmenta-tive. (s.)

;t , (S, M,) with fet-h, (S,) or *;t , like, 4L, (K,) what is dry, of [the si,cies ,f barley-gras called] M: (, , M, :) app. because ofits yellowness: (M:) it has prichlk that cling tothle lips of the horses. (TA in art. a/:.) - Andthe former, accord. to lSk, A certain plant.(TA.)

J;1.: see 1, in two places. -Also A certaindiseas, in consequence of which one becomneyellow: (A:) the yellowv nytcr thiat collects in

the belly; (M, g;) i. q. L, : (M:) or a collct-ing of yellow water in the belly, which is cured

by cuttiit t/he JPS, a rein in the L [i. e.

baclkbone, or back]. (S.) - See also .. - Andsee lU.._Also A yello,cness that takes placein wheat before the grain has become full. (A,TA.)-And Remains of straw and of otierfodder, at the roots of the teeth of beasts; as alsot;%. (M, g.) -And The tick, or ticlks: (M,

.:) and, (g,) or as some say, (M,) an insect, oranimalcule, (*.,) that isfound in the solid hoofi,and in the toes, or soles, of camels, (M, j,) in thlhinder parts thieeof. (M.)

;ti" : see the next preceding paragraph.

'e,. inf. . of;i., [q. v.]. (s, MI, F.) - [Inthe present day it signifies also The sapplh,ire.]

*J1k What lus withered, (M, .1,) and be~oaltered to yellow, (M,) of plants, or herbage. (M,

8.)>L A dam "(L) betnwen tro tracts of land.

(Sgh, -.)

!5JLb. A species of bird, that wrhistl (s).

(M. [See also what next follows.])

a,tL.. A certain bird; (IAqr, ;) as also

a,!:-, without teshdeed; (S;) the bird called

X (Sin art. ,) or (. o in that art.:)

[Golius (who writes the word 4id.) adds, "ut

puto, quae in Syria Ije dicitur, fiava, duplomajo pasere, nam et paer luteus, ut redditMeid.":] i.q. ;~ . (IApr.) [See ao aso 1.]

























Ibn-SatTir, (1�,) or Ibn-?aflir, (so in a copy of


Mj in wliich case it is extr. in form; (M



account of the yellowness of their com-


or because of tlicir being void of re-


(]g;) accord. to wliich last derivation, it


1, witli kear; and AC holds this to be



ht opinion. (TA.) --. ,And the former


The &;�;, (M, K,) who wore celebrated


bounty and generosity' ; (TA;) so caUed in


tQ Aboo-?ufmh, (M, ]�.,) wlio wu [sur-


Abu-1-Mohelleb. (M.)


0. 1: see the next procedin- paragraph in



two places.*a

' ' A 11

: ace Lgag�

in five places.


the sing. of (?,) which


Poor men: (?, K.:) the Zo is augmenta-

tive. (?.)


with fet-h, (.5,) or like


isdrrj, of [the sixries tf barley-



(?, M, ]�:) app. because of


yellowness: (M:) it has prichk4 that cling to


lips of the hoims. (TA in art. diLl.) - And


former, accord. to 1Sk, A certain plant.



: see 1, in two placu. ~Also A rmain


in conseq~ce of which one becomm


(A:) the yeliopv nytick. that collects in


beRy; (M, g;) i. q. ' 2 : (M:) or a colkct-


of yeUom water in the Wiy, which is cured


cuttiiig tito WC, a rein in the rJL� [i. e.


lwof -


or back]. (?.) - See a j~. - And


ju..P. -Also A yelloyenez# that takei place


wheat bCfore the grain has becojpaefull. (A,


Remains of straw and of otiter


at the roots of the teeth of beasts; m also


(M, g.) -And The tick, or ticia : (M,


and, (g,) or as some say, (M,) an insect, or


that isfound in the solid hwfar,


in tite toes, or soles, of camek, (M, 9j in ilia



titeeof. (M.)


: ~the next preceding paragraph.


n. of;!.� [q. v-1. (�, M, IP) ~ [In


present day it signifies also The sapl)i&ire.]

0. ' 3;Jtk.

What lw ivithered, (M, ]�,) and bee~


to yeHow, (M,) ofplants, or herbage. (M,


Q cts of land.



troo tra

(?9b, IP)



of bird, that whidks


[See also what next follows.])

0.1 ' .ad�u..,

A certain bird; (IAV, ?;) as also


toshdeed; (?;) the bird ca&d



j.:4,) or Q� in that arL

& j[Golius

(who writes the word 4jU-o) adds, 1' ut


dicitur, ,%ta, du


quEe in IALID plo



nam et pamr luteus, ut reddit

jor pa&~,0"'


.0 ' 00


i.q. S~ . (IAqr.) [See abo
