
.. ' ) ' ' \ . ) '. . '"' . . } .. · ' . . J ' . "\l'r l \ . . . .•.. 1 COUNCIL GROVE CELEBRATES' CENTENARY OF INDIAN mEATY ' . . ' ., ,. . ' .. ' ' 0 ,, ' . . - ..... - ' .. . ·: . . . ,, ' .. ' ... . ' .. ·. r.. .. . "' "' " . ' - ' ' . '. ·' \. J,_ ... ' ........ ' .... . ... ·(. '•. ·.• ·,... ' .·.' -, ' '. ' ' " '' By JOHrt DIOKINGON OHERMAN OUN(."'L GROVE'S Bonta Fo '.rrnU centennial COl· cbrnUon thlD tall em· pbnolu::J tho fnct that tho .Amcrtl'an Soutbwcot Ill now old enough to have a pallt worth wbUo. Ollband thJJS Amertron Bontbwrot lD Trail." W ltJJ a padHroln hl• r-<'11< h••J u gJrullnr trc1U7 with tho Kct7 In dillon. nbout 200 )'Ouuttcr Santa Fa by way of Tnoo. no cold Thla moctlD!: WillS boll1 at Turlloy than lho Aml!rtean At· hl!l. AJnl:!l1C\h at G2 tUl4 8:) a orcotr In bld'hcmm coao;y, .,_,.Jaot1o Oo::lstf Vllnl· (abort rim!). tthhl e=mt>Uolwd 'l'bc.:::o mmtlt'll ma"o {'.(Junl'll Orovd from CtlOthcr po!Dt of tbo tact lhat lha Snntn Fo trado 't711D a onto lltlthM"ing placo tot tho unltll viO'>?, tho SoutbtVcat aot ctnrtod con- prollto.blo. Denjnmtn Cooper of lA Mine of 11 rnrnvan. but did not tho c:arllc:- than tho AtlaDUc lllvor mD(I!ovceyllrofitablo trip.o ID Ul22 dnngera of U1o Trull boyond. At UmC3 Oollllt. and 182ll. In UIDI Colonel Marmaduke, tho ot '"nrtooa U'lbc:l warn co . It 't'l'WI tho Oorc:noclo C!lqrv(iltl® 0: D<lmard Pruttc, AUSUIItUD Stom:l llild ncUvo tbot tho United Btntco BOTC!rtr .1540-42. cent out b1 V1eeroy lknd010 nbout clihty other trodcn1 lo!ncd mcmt a mllltcry l'.l$t'Orl. Thill 'Woo of Now Spnln, lhot tlnrt e2'Jllort>d the forec:!:l. Th117 nbottt 6!W.· dono tn lli29. 1&34 nnd 1843. Dot pueblo ccuntrr ot No'W Meldco and 000 't'l'Orth of goode Ov.!r tho trncltlc>.DII our ITOOf'A mlaht not <TOII!I thc:t Arltnn- Art:!ona ond lho l'lnlnll DJJ tnr prclril!tl to tho Oreot lktnd ot tho Ar· c:1a (AmPriC'11D·Mestrnn Unel. beyoul1 northoar:t Cll ecntrnl Kanll:llL Ba nlso I:IIJllltul ant. Ulenoo the clreodl!d whleh the lil'l"'!fltl!tlt dnnge>r In)'. dtaeovercd the Colorndo lUver and tho a=rt dlrectly to Santa Fo. Thill Out nothtns ronld c!aunt tbo Amor1- 0rnnl1 Co.nyon. 'roeoon C'lclmu cattlo- enrnvan tUlGd the flmt 'tl'booled ve- ron ptoni.'RI'. For an yenru (182f>.18SO) cent b:V tho SpanJ!IJ'dll In li!SO. Snntn blclca Tho rctumo a-ere 8180,000 In lbo "Sontn Fo WillS an ll'e 't7Cll founded by Onate 1111 oorlr a.o gpct'Jo nnd 510.000 In nnnunl evont of nnrt to 1000 and porolbly ten :v= United Statal Bcnntor Tbom!lll S. St. l..nniA Attl'l' Prnnlllln 'Woo St. founl1cd In UiG5, 1D Denton of had tho vmlcm t,, Into tho r.IIJCoorl tho po1nt of dPpQr- pi'Obabl;v tho Atlantic Ooaat e:Jt· coo tho lmportant'O of tho Santo Fe tun:o movl'd to lnd('lH!Dden<'n. With tltmC!XIt. JIUDI!StOWD dntta from 1607. tmdo lllld hod lbe lnfinenl'o to s:nenno tbc of noantar nnd rnUnllo Champlnln founded Qn<lbce In 1608. tbo po.c::AiO ot on n<'t by C'OUgl'('ca lr litMtncr trnngportntton W!'Jitpart l.nno\. Tho Dutc:b mt11 hovo &Ot a foothold on lB2G appropriating tundo for the aur- Ina (KillllUIR City) bccoma !WPUiar. r.!anhattna Isltlnd oc (!Qrly QJl 1614. v117 ot n ronta from Frnnldln to Santa Tbe utnrt wat mado In April. Over Tbo Pllll1(ma IIUldcd on P4'roouth Fe. Tbtl 1111rverors followed tho Wltlol tho 160 mlll'll to Oouncll OroTt' ('DC'b Itoe!r In 1020 nnt1 tho fi't'l'Qdeg 11bot..t route to tho Gl'llnt Bond ot lbo Ar- pnrt7 modo Ita own wny A1 CounMI tho llllmo tlmo llllldo o IGttlcmcnt In I!Dilll!lll and thmro followro tho river n l'IItJtllln nnd "'""ro No't'l' Jeroe:v. to Ill! the llll.fet wuy. Tbo more cho:en nnd dl'"ld'PII tnto So tho Amerleo.n Atlont1e Co:wt d11r1Jig trodern, however, prefernod tbo rompnnleo for anard duty. propert;v datro from 1607. Tho Amllrl· aborter way OcrOSIIJ tho Clmorron De.11- Otbpr trnde nrtlvllii'D up. ron BaathWMt may be enid Propa"b' 'Dl1a ll1lrt;v mllen mlll n vcrltnbl" Tho Bent brothl'tll llllll Ceron St. to date trom tro6. To be llt!re. St. "J'ornado del Mnmo" tor tho nnpro- VrnJa buill pogt!l. BPnro Old Fort en Loulll bnd beoo In 1763, the Arlt!Ulllllll. comt>letro In 1832, -ma tho fotmdCl%1l wero French llDd tbo Tbo Oimorron lk::ert l11eked t otb tho 101ilell1 ond mol;t lmportllDt 8panJah 't'l'(!f(J In rontrol unW tho con· mwd nnd wotor, bot lto chtef dango- of thP tur-trndlna P=fll of the Orv.1t sntnmoUon ot tho Loullililon PnrchaDo 't'l'Qll from bondo of nemod Indlnrul Pln.lna. WUllnm Bent Willi lhP firtll In 1SM. Tho Lems nnd CUlrlr Clql& t7bo had on ltlm!Ullblo I'IQ::Ilro tor gottJer ot Colotnclo and for long liD dJUcm of 1804-00 trcm St. borne nod Man:v moot lmpnrtnnt cttken. Tho lknta Lou1a to thb mouth of t!i'., Oolamblll trerc tho of the wttb Tno11. Snnta Fo nod tho and raturn. It WOJJ Pltlo'o etpcd!Ucm Cimarron Tho Indl!lllll mlllbt nortbt'rll Mextron t;tata. For tom of :1800 thot 4fuerli!!1Ili1 tflo flrlrt to any ono of trlben. Tbo yoorn they aut at cmo dcllnlt9' of Meldeo, ttnd.eru did not nttempt to dl.lltfngnlllb dltloo to St. LoUlll. 'l'Uas tlOrthanl of nmutli thom ID mo.lr1ng raprtl:::l1£1. Fl- From 183t) fctt many ;vroTa B!lnto Fo New Spa.ln. Ttndo bc;t\TetlJ noll1 the &1tnnwm blxmoo vtrmany 11 ma tbo t'ellter of tho trading and 8Il4 New alt:lost lt:lc:cdllltct;v war of o:rtennln.aUon lxrt't7ca whlto fl'nPPini uta of tbe Thero }lmlDI up, ltJ lll!lw cf Ulo boiit!ll:Y d man nnd rod. weN rrndillg eJ:Pedltlcr.lQ to the- fnC!an and of tho &Dttm'o net of lB23 • tile Cblhunbua tlnd Ekl:lora and ID S8Ilta Il'e. oppolntmct at a eaaunlalon to traat and trnWIIli In n1l din» Putcei1. an tntUa.a tri!.te, wltb tho tndlnn rCJI:IlJ'dlng Bafo pan- tlonn. tatcn b:V Pa)9D(U to Teca (a Uttfp for c;arnvans. PrcsldGlt John Tben CllDib tho MC!ldam War. tn tlotth of Sllllto F<l) $.bo4t 1802. Taos Qtllney Adnm• appointed C!l eoou:ot• 1840 CoL &t€Pben W. Krornr'ChOO waa the oia.tJmo market to WbfctJ tho Ilana. Bdljamln H. IleavaJ. GOOTii'Q from Fort Lrovro't'l'ortb to Santo D'o .lpadlea took thtlr tnr. lil.s ·o. Sibtoy and 'l'Mmu MnthCJr. Tbotr and •took of Nw MC!lrlco. lid '\VnJJattl Harr1!Jon ot KaJk!Ui'kll4 nrat miletlng Will) wfQI chlets ·or tho Tben. tnllt<l:ld ot golna on Into Mexico, m.. to aem1 A eroole. Lo Lande, wtth Oreat nnt1 Lttt)o at on C'!%ten- bp, turnct'l at rlabt analtQ ond 't'l'e:lt ou of fiO<Ids ltl loot La stvo grovo ·ot lu!rdwood ttcea 't'l'bero to Oolllornto. wbldl bctmno onm b:r f..tule .taltbJCSI cm4 trnlalned tho trnll etoUOd tho Neosho ton anDe%0tlOJ JUly 1 Of that Je:lr, In ·re.. Meltntgbt. .d$ trom thO !Uscourt. Under a It 't'l'oo not untU thot tho anil toUo'We<! Plko'a tclptl.l tn wlde-iPrtadfug Gl1k tree tho land Stege ln,Odo lfu nppeoroneo on In Cht· 4grW1 to gtvo the 't'l'hlte man pcaco- tho Snntn Fe tratl, tw'entv'·tlvo buahtta J:mUl l$21. A. P. ChotC!\a aM fill J)a&ml[te. !l'll'O conslderdtton 't'l'Dfl of by prnfrto ,flclloonelr. .fuUwr·Dft ltuntf ot St. Lout. had iOO,- 1;1 C!l!l'b ond Tho Tm1 stages trovelod togt!tber ror pro. O()O.wem COri1lscahc1 at Btlllta .Q:il1n3 tbe Wthl Pa· agalnst tha lDdliltla. re IU1tt !.lit . (Long Halt) of tbo Grc:at The rrtory of tho Snntn Ii'o Trail r. · WUh )l'ex!«J., ot bc:r ibt'le- und . one at !llonm pu£!1. datlng adventure frl>fu Sp.m, fu 1821 Santa ,(Ii'(wllsb Cllf(.lf) of tho J.,:ttr0 Canga and Qgbtftlu, Tho lllraeit 'l'e'J' :ttttltitde ·folfitt,t .AW:ll'fetui ttil,tls ·Jolin . wnnrer. .tllo _ , ln:ipottnnce of. tho SOil to Jl'o 'l'roU ta -. . .... wt . !O'lit Wu. giltde'f wrota GrtiVef• on n but· thQ.t u woa o tlu factor rn brlcslns M. $ilid(J .tato I:itdO' With, l' C1Jumld JU& about tbo onne:xnuon 'lcxoB. thf' .it elt'net); ·tfio Allitell tho ·tikin to- tho eo'tttleD M(!:l!ICXill War und tbo co.nqu(llt ot enu. tttiit ·ut · the J:Jmta Fe' ·· «muniS&Ions mado romta. l ')<..- • • « ,. .,. ___________ _ # ..'·H·ir'' C1ft''tt'' .. rr '1'rt.,. ... , .. ,,,,,_" ...•.•. .. ? .. 't" i" "'"·n' 1 1 I'· ·• i•.... _ 'I". . . (I . .,. i • . ., . , IJ I .) ·j· .. lit. o' .. ,.; · ·IJ,;; ...... t'tJ. ·A£.· . the atmlP. tfnjf hnvo to- bn wm1i by tiltO. The . ·. J'Ou· .. re· · 'f'lW '"M.I . , Stiperior- ntm !hctill ot ll!tnple bQt . d 1 "" ' · · '"' •''" · 1 . ,:, . · thl) '* 'l! tlptm Ott lrhllltDf,.; :rn Wa lr'in1 lt· Til a orv&e etsrVM. thq btlt#l'! ot lt: 'VttPJJa te'Jt Wero - 'itt> whcniVer t;l'(d ()tl 1M lt(;11 c:att1'e!l 'troiU u:i .. . «J·. -40 · itllncd .... fP. .. B!tDIIM" toft!\. Jt;l; tfielr we-. ..lttiil: $U.'Of·UitJ d!!trlclii rut: l.&rrtt· 0 U ·jj'. but ·lbo Ulltt ,m . .f'il) 1!1l)DWdet. SOhthertr oro fi.!Jl. it flijtift til at waa lttat. iliUav<;raO. '!l1ien ... Q:'il' tiller I$. d11m thaf t$ell i»>'Hthlts vt theli< , ·, t ' ., ... a-: fll&tt 6rtat: .tilt¢r on tn* · · ·, ···' ., .. · '.tbtlYlilf$bt.l:!tlv4tbo th;•Q. . 'tilC)t ·.UtJt .Ui« lrott :w .·. .. : .. .. · . , ·· · · . ..,_ tlt ·th 111 •ll'.!t.U81e. m *• f.JQu;eu ... :. . ::.• ·· ":"'"'" · .,... .... , . · Mt'MUI•r• :'WliS.clt . . ··· .·. 'd45 !HUeJ.·tf,ln et• - . ' . ,, ' . ' ' ,, ' • J " ' . ' • f ·' . •, . " .,, .. ' ,. ' . ( ·.I-. •• ...... ' . ; ' ' . . ' . .:•;, -, . •, . ' ' ' . '' '•. .. · . . . ,'' " \ . ,, . ' {l ' ' . ' Sb . . . Sh tt d .. enan f1D8 a . . Ohio. Tl\o llru4lcato of. Albuquel'QUG' spqdded ill a well . and «>ne-balf mites taa VegM IMt Wlloff, to W • a. Pt\ttemou of Albuquerque. Work on the Ctlflllba.d·MQ.lngn high· wny WM lntl'\JBUrntcd IMt week, when c:ontroctol'$ began preparations tor the gradinG ourfaclng, by put. tina a force of men a.nd teams at work clearing ttie highway of bruoh · IUld movlns from t},lo rlght-ot· way. Ed · ot Rbnwell won tho otato golf champtonoblp by defeating Tony Otoro of Albuquerque. 6 and G, RoawolL Thla Wl1fl ono of the moot cxcltlna fiVer ocon on £\ l;iow Mexico golf . eourllo and ended three dBYD of tho beat soU over llCcn In this dtato. Three hundrcci ·tmd thirty otudento arc enrolled llt tho Normal at Lao Voaao llt tho or tbe rtrut woclt of the ran term. Nlnety·flve of theoo aro redular collc;to studento, obpwiQg ll ll(lnolderablo \nt:re11oe over the en· rollmont In thnt dppnrtmont Ill .o. cor- rcapondlns tim b. Yl!llr. A rocoiiJmend!!o\lon to tho United Stntco High Board to add tho route from GaUUJI .northward to B11lt Lllke City, Utt:\!1{ to the oyot<lm of United Btotoo \TM docldod upon nt n mcctJng of tho regional board ncUns Cor lho eleven weotern otntco at n meeting In Dcnvor recent· 17. Tho route toucheD Shiprock, N. M.; Mean Verde, CQrton und Monti· eollo, Colo. Carl 0. Mosco/ ,t.\lbuquorquCl editor. t7ho oevorn.l .O.I!O nhot and ltJUcd J'l)hn B. Laonettor, In tho lobby of a hotel In whUo defend· lntt blmcolf the ntto.clul of 17ormor .Judge D. J. Lc11h:Y. 11 bitter paUUcnl one my. plcnded not GUill:V to n fortlU11 C'hnrgo of murdor 11t Eaot LWI Vccnis. Mncce wno bound ovor to amllt cv.:tlun or tho rrrand Jury. To avoid our poDnlblc damon· atmtlon tho act1on trtlll cocrot. lnf!Uilllo pnrob'nlc, 11 drco.d dlcoMo tThlch hnll boon Quolnll murb Bppro honDion tn 11 QCQl'hf ctoto, Ia now found In Mcitlnioy coQtlty. Accord· tnu to Dr. Ert;.c!lt Protho. county hCillth oCflcor nfj Qo.•Jut>;.•two ClCIDilO of lnfnnUio lu\VCl 'b:!oO fCIWrtcll btu o1!Jt'o, oni!' bt' tboro nl'f1 othor mild ClCIDCO lc tho coun t:v. QJld nolthor of tho CAJif!11 roportcd hnvo 'ttDltcd out or llto olltl<' Tblo dtncano ID hhtbly conlA«Inuo In C'blldi'(Jn nuder etabt or ton ycnro of D.l(c Wby oxpoct o hlddlo to lny o maxi· mom nmnunt of <'lllfU onlnn11 you build bcr o eomfort.ohlv bomo to Uvo In? In n now elrc:ulnr on Poultry Rouao Coontrurtton, put ont by Ll!,? oxtcn- ulon oorvico ot (b., Now Mexico A 1:: rJ. Coth,ao. A. I. Wolllcr lnt'ludoo ptnna for four tnwa of bonoell .,hlrb "" don!gn<>d to till tho noodn of pool· lllmcm•"•Dn cmd druwlngo <U'O gtvpn for lb" oe>ml monitor typo, tbo nhod roof t vpo. tho two-room brooder houno. n nd Ibn nil- purpoco hounn. \lnudv Slmpwn who bnn b"en ro- <>l<'{'t#>d nf lbo Southern Now J>!Pxlro Amuu lotion. linn 11lrcndy nt.nr1Pd plano In Hoo.,oll for nn ()0• lnrgPmPol of th•· tldvortlnlng nctlv· It l<'o of 1 hQ Ollct>< 11\llon for lh£1 rom· tng y.. ar Tho offlc1>rn nnd dlrm:ton of thlo nrumctau .. n p\nn to lnllUGa· rnt<> a group ndvPrtlulna rnmpalltll In tndiBnn.. llllnola. fulnnllll. Mlllllourt. NPbraoka. O]!llnhoma. CallfomJn. Wllllhlngton IUld 1 Tho otbor offlcen> of lbo DJI<>nC!Atlon 11ro D. F. Blgau of l..rul CT••rml. t>rCJAJdont; 0. 11 :ed Arthur. Alll"'"WJrdo. v1C'o PToll- ldenl. llDd H. E finAllett. Silver City, t rCJtumn:or Al Jennlnp, formor Oklahoma out• low. defended hi• flrnt client In the coorto of Ne-w lll•dro boforo Judao 0 L. Pblllltlll of tho t'nlted !ltcteo Dlotrt<'t C.oort In AlbnQoorque. Tbo aecnoed man, Albert M. &rnell. on old friend of Jon n lng11. 'WllD 111logod to have fllellftated tbo lltllnm;llna llqquor Into thJg country from r.toslco, and a1llO =n chnraoil with pogoog. ofon nod tranoportAUon of liquor. Jennlngo enwrod n plllo of not ltlllltY to the smuacllng chargo 11M guilty to tho trtlnGport.ou&n and c:harr;o. Thnt tho CombtnAUon tnlno of tho Blncll Hawk ConsoiiGatcd :tlfnas Com· IJ:Ult, In tho Hnnovor·FIOlTO dllltrlet. Ill to add nnothar lmporto.nt proddeer to Grout eounty'o mtnlng acUvltle11. Ia Indicated by tho rocqnt progreos ot dovoloplllent work Dt thin property. Carl 0. Mcgoa of Albuquorqno han roolltiled trotn tbe otnto lnnano llllylutn !ward. Be Wli!l chnll'illnll of tho board, hn vlna !won elected tl;lo ®y of bin clash wlth torroar .Tt'lili1e D. :1. nt L:m Vcgng. rcllultcd tn: thb tdlUnct of 1. l). l..rulrtotor t1nl Woill'ld• Ina ot by Mnsco'a g{in, . Tho n(lW eteom tutbfuo of tM Pub- JJo 'Sol"Vi<:Q 'Cbmpo.nv til runswoll wco limt'Wd lett · 'WCtlk tiM tho lfUwor· tttrtled Into circuit fdl.' flrat- tl!llo. At . tlln<l tbO J)latit nt Adcalli 'Wil!l doatil tha VAllOt .clUes· · gal bOut Ulflt and Pl.lW'ot' ott tht tt.o'fl ltnee. • , •• ' •• Tr ' . .. ··. ·, .. Clo:mup vluw ot part of tho wrecltuge ot tho nnv)' d.lrlztlblc wblch n no deatroyad b;v a etorm ID Oblo nnd tell In threo ccctlono. ltYCLI wcro lo:rt In the dlaaotcr . -·---.------------ Ruins of the Shenandoah's Rear Section ,, ' . ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' . ' ... . ' ' . -.. ' ' •.• , t>'', * .• ' " . ' .., ' .. I .. \ lll'n> Ill a vll'tt of tho rulllD af tho buao f't'tU' u-ctJon of tho no .. , dlrtJ.'1blo Bhl'nnndoo.b anar hor dC'!Itroctlon ll' n atorm In Oblo. Two Dozen ChildrPtt, One Each Year l INDIAN SCHOOL HEAD :.111111 Urorglo A U>Uiml Ia eblef ot lndl11n llt'hoolo In tho tnd!ao Mr. nnd llm Jo11e 8nnC'hea of Yumo.. Arlll., who In 24 Jl!lltn of thPir m11r· i burt'lln. [)epnrtmcmt ot tbo .. rlro llto bavo the pnnmta of 24 children. Mm Sanrlu!ll ID thlrty-c1lah1 nnc1 i Tho work b..r tliVW01il doea mu;v b4t ber bn11bnnd firt)'-cnP. OniJ aevcn G1 the ehlldnm nro lhlna. AJI 24 """'" bof"Q 1 viRUilllll«f Whi'Il It l.o renlll:ed tbcrb 1n CODDQCiltlve ;caTll. tbcro belna no t\Tina, 1 ol'll over 100 Indian cchoota ID tte ; T'nlted Stutea trlth mona thnn !:3,000 Chiefs at Big Indian Reunion IIJUPlill. SUMMONS BY PLANE - ' ' ' ,, ' '' •· . . '• ,, : .'' ' ' . '·. !

Transcript of•...

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Fo '.rrnU centennial COl· cbrnUon thlD tall em· pbnolu::J tho fnct that tho .Amcrtl'an Soutbwcot Ill now old enough to have a pallt worth wbUo. Ollband thJJS Amertron Bontbwrot lD Trail." W ltJJ a padHroln hl• r-<'11< h••J u gJrullnr trc1U7 with tho Kct7 In dillon. nbout 200 ~ )'Ouuttcr Santa Fa by way of Tnoo. no cold Thla moctlD!: WillS boll1 at Turlloy than lho Aml!rtean At· hl!l. AJnl:!l1C\h roUe:~ at G2 tUl4 8:) a orcotr In bld'hcmm coao;y, ~

.,_,.Jaot1o Oo::lstf ()f~ Vllnl· (abort rim!). tthhl e=mt>Uolwd 'l'bc.:::o mmtlt'll ma"o {'.(Junl'll Orovd from CtlOthcr po!Dt of tbo tact lhat lha Snntn Fo trado 't711D a onto lltlthM"ing placo tot tho unltll

viO'>?, tho SoutbtVcat aot ctnrtod con- prollto.blo. Denjnmtn Cooper of lA Mine of 11 rnrnvan. but did not l~n tho aldarob~ c:arllc:- than tho AtlaDUc lllvor mD(I!ovceyllrofitablo trip.o ID Ul22 dnngera of U1o Trull boyond. At UmC3 Oollllt. and 182ll. In UIDI Colonel Marmaduke, tho Indl~a ot '"nrtooa U'lbc:l warn co . It 't'l'WI tho Oorc:noclo C!lqrv(iltl® 0: D<lmard Pruttc, AUSUIItUD Stom:l llild ncUvo tbot tho United Btntco BOTC!rtr

.1540-42. cent out b1 V1eeroy lknd010 nbout clihty other trodcn1 lo!ncd mcmt ~nt a mllltcry l'.l$t'Orl. Thill 'Woo of Now Spnln, lhot tlnrt e2'Jllort>d the forec:!:l. Th117 ~ nbottt 6!W.· dono tn lli29. 1&34 nnd 1843. Dot pueblo ccuntrr ot No'W Meldco and 000 't'l'Orth of goode Ov.!r tho trncltlc>.DII our ITOOf'A mlaht not <TOII!I thc:t Arltnn­Art:!ona ond lho G~t l'lnlnll DJJ tnr prclril!tl to tho Oreot lktnd ot tho Ar· c:1a (AmPriC'11D·Mestrnn Unel. beyoul1 northoar:t Cll ecntrnl Kanll:llL Ba nlso I:IIJllltul ant. Ulenoo ncro:~n the clreodl!d whleh the lil'l"'!fltl!tlt dnnge>r In)'. dtaeovercd the Colorndo lUver and tho a=rt dlrectly to Santa Fo. Thill Out nothtns ronld c!aunt tbo Amor1-0rnnl1 Co.nyon. 'roeoon C'lclmu cattlo- enrnvan tUlGd the flmt 'tl'booled ve- ron ptoni.'RI'. For an yenru (182f>.18SO) cent b:V tho SpanJ!IJ'dll In li!SO. Snntn blclca Tho rctumo a-ere 8180,000 In lbo "Sontn Fo Expec!IUon~ WillS an ll'e 't7Cll founded by Onate 1111 oorlr a.o gpct'Jo nnd 510.000 In fnn:~. nnnunl evont of nnrt lmporton~ to 1000 and porolbly ten :v= c:~rUcr. United Statal Bcnntor Tbom!lll S. St. l..nniA Attl'l' Prnnlllln 'Woo Wtu~bl!d

St. Aa~o. founl1cd In UiG5, 1D Denton of ~uri had tho vmlcm t,, Into tho r.IIJCoorl tho po1nt of dPpQr­pi'Obabl;v tho oldc:~t Atlantic Ooaat e:Jt· coo tho lmportant'O of tho Santo Fe tun:o movl'd to lnd('lH!Dden<'n. With tltmC!XIt. JIUDI!StOWD dntta from 1607. tmdo lllld hod lbe lnfinenl'o to s:nenno tbc adv~>nl of noantar nnd rnUnllo Champlnln founded Qn<lbce In 1608. tbo po.c::AiO ot on n<'t by C'OUgl'('ca lr litMtncr trnngportntton W!'Jitpart l.nno\. Tho Dutc:b mt11 hovo &Ot a foothold on lB2G appropriating tundo for the aur- Ina (KillllUIR City) bccoma !WPUiar. r.!anhattna Isltlnd oc (!Qrly QJl 1614. v117 ot n ronta from Frnnldln to Santa Tbe utnrt wat mado In April. Over Tbo Pllll1(ma IIUldcd on P4'roouth Fe. Tbtl 1111rverors followed tho Wltlol tho 160 mlll'll to Oouncll OroTt' ('DC'b Itoe!r In 1020 nnt1 tho fi't'l'Qdeg 11bot..t route to tho Gl'llnt Bond ot lbo Ar- pnrt7 modo Ita own wny A 1 CounMI tho llllmo tlmo llllldo o IGttlcmcnt In I!Dilll!lll and thmro followro tho river Orov~ n l'IItJtllln nnd ll~>utPnnnta "'""ro No't'l' Jeroe:v. to Too:~ Ill! the llll.fet wuy. Tbo more cho:en nnd th~> fo~TP ~nu dl'"ld'PII tnto

So tho Amerleo.n Atlont1e Co:wt d11r1Jig trodern, however, prefernod tbo rompnnleo for anard duty. propert;v datro from 1607. Tho Amllrl· aborter way OcrOSIIJ tho Clmorron De.11- Otbpr trnde nrtlvllii'D l!Ptn~ up. ron BaathWMt may be enid Propa"b' ~ 'Dl1a ll1lrt;v mllen mlll n vcrltnbl" Tho Bent brothl'tll llllll Ceron St. to date trom tro6. To be llt!re. St. "J'ornado del Mnmo" tor tho nnpro- VrnJa buill pogt!l. BPnro Old Fort en Loulll bnd beoo foun~ed In 1763, p:~red. the Arlt!Ulllllll. comt>letro In 1832, -ma tho fotmdCl%1l wero French llDd tbo Tbo Oimorron lk::ert l11eked t otb tho old~ 101ilell1 ond mol;t lmportllDt 8panJah 't'l'(!f(J In rontrol unW tho con· mwd nnd wotor, bot lto chtef dango- of thP tur-trndlna P=fll of the Orv.1t sntnmoUon ot tho Loullililon PnrchaDo 't'l'Qll from bondo of nemod Indlnrul Pln.lna. WUllnm Bent Willi lhP firtll In 1SM. Tho Lems nnd CUlrlr Clql& t7bo had on ltlm!Ullblo I'IQ::Ilro tor gottJer ot Colotnclo and for long liD dJUcm of 1804-00 trllval~ trcm St. borne nod ~d croi~Ja, Man:v moot lmpnrtnnt cttken. Tho lknta Lou1a to thb mouth of t!i'., Oolamblll trerc tho d~to encountas~ of the ~eult wttb Tno11. Snnta Fo nod tho and raturn. It WOJJ Pltlo'o etpcd!Ucm Cimarron ~ Tho Indl!lllll mlllbt nortbt'rll Mextron t;tata. For tom of :1800 thot ~o 4fuerli!!1Ili1 tflo flrlrt to any ono of ~v.!rnl trlben. Tbo yoorn they ~llt aut at lc:u~t cmo ~ dcllnlt9' lmo't'l'J~ge. of N~ Meldeo, ttnd.eru did not nttempt to dl.lltfngnlllb dltloo to St. LoUlll. 'l'Uas ~11 ~ tlOrthanl provtn~ of nmutli thom ID mo.lr1ng raprtl:::l1£1. Fl- From 183t) fctt many ;vroTa B!lnto Fo New Spa.ln. Ttndo bc;t\TetlJ ~ noll1 the &1tnnwm blxmoo vtrmany 11 ma tbo t'ellter of tho trading and 8Il4 New !laltl~ alt:lost lt:lc:cdllltct;v war of o:rtennln.aUon lxrt't7ca whlto fl'nPPini uta of tbe Soutb'W~ Thero }lmlDI up, ltJ lll!lw cf Ulo boiit!ll:Y d man nnd rod. weN ~ rrndillg eJ:Pedltlcr.lQ to the- fnC!an ~ and of tho Stlml~ &Dttm'o net of lB23 • ontb~ tile Cblhunbua tlnd Ekl:lora and ID S8Ilta Il'e. oppolntmct at a eaaunlalon to traat and trnWIIli ~tltmll In n1l din»

Putcei1. an tntUa.a tri!.te, ~ wltb tho tndlnn rCJI:IlJ'dlng Bafo pan- tlonn. tatcn b:V Pa)9D(U to Teca (a Uttfp .~Ago for c;arnvans. PrcsldGlt John Tben CllDib tho MC!ldam War. tn tlotth of Sllllto F<l) $.bo4t 1802. Taos Qtllney Adnm• appointed C!l eoou:ot• 1840 CoL &t€Pben W. Krornr'ChOO waa the oia.tJmo market to WbfctJ tho Ilana. Bdljamln H. IleavaJ. GOOTii'Q from Fort Lrovro't'l'ortb to Santo D'o .lpadlea took thtlr tnr. lil.s aUtte~S ·o. Sibtoy and 'l'Mmu MnthCJr. Tbotr and •took ~on of Nw MC!lrlco. lid '\VnJJattl Harr1!Jon ot KaJk!Ui'kll4 nrat miletlng Will) wfQI chlets ·or tho Tben. tnllt<l:ld ot golna on Into Mexico, m.. to aem1 A eroole. Lo Lande, wtth Oreat nnt1 Lttt)o Cll:lg~ at on C'!%ten- bp, turnct'l at rlabt analtQ ond 't'l'e:lt ou • eoilll~ctlt of fiO<Ids ltl loot La stvo grovo ·ot lu!rdwood ttcea 't'l'bero to Oolllornto. wbldl bctmno onm b:r f..tule I)~ .taltbJCSI cm4 trnlalned tho trnll etoUOd tho Neosho nt~er, ton anDe%0tlOJ JUly 1 Of that Je:lr, In SIB~ ·re.. Meltntgbt. Obnm~im .d$ trom thO !Uscourt. Under a It 't'l'oo not untU 1~ thot tho ~ anil ~ toUo'We<! Plko'a tclptl.l tn wlde-iPrtadfug Gl1k tree tho O~:~~geu land Stege ln,Odo lfu nppeoroneo on ~; ~e~·~era ~t!Soncd In Cht· 4grW1 to gtvo the 't'l'hlte man pcaco- tho Snntn Fe tratl, oft~ tw'entv'·tlvo buahtta J:mUl l$21. A. P. ChotC!\a aM fill J)a&ml[te. !l'll'O conslderdtton 't'l'Dfl y~ of trav~ by prnfrto ,flclloonelr. .fuUwr·Dft ltuntf ot St. Lout. had iOO,- ~ 1;1 C!l!l'b ond .~ Tho h~d Tm1 stages trovelod togt!tber ror pro. O()O.wem Of:~ COri1lscahc1 at Btlllta dlf'~ .Q:il1n3 tbe ~ncy Wthl Pa· t~on agalnst tha lDdliltla. re IU1tt 'W~ Imp~ !.lit . b~'" (Long Halt) of tbo Grc:at The rrtory of tho Snntn Ii'o Trail r. · WUh )l'ex!«J., 'tt~t~ilfbt, ot bc:r ibt'le- 0~ und . Ca·hOOgl!.4fa~t6-tiD~ one at !llonm pu£!1. datlng adventure 11\!hlleb~e frl>fu Sp.m, fu 1821 Santa ,(Ii'(wllsb Cllf(.lf) of tho J.,:ttr0 Canga and d~to Qgbtftlu, Tho lllraeit 'l'e'J' :ttttltitde ·folfitt,t .AW:ll'fetui ttil,tls ·Jolin . wnnrer. .tllo _ ~tntlll!ener'li , ln:ipottnnce of. tho SOil to Jl'o 'l'roU ta -. . ....wt J'C\'e~ . !O'lit ~ Wu. giltde'f wrota ~cll GrtiVef• on n but· thQ.t u woa o tlu factor rn brlcslns ~lm ~knelt M. ~kllti, ~C:. $ilid(J .tato I:itdO' With, l' C1Jumld JU& ~ about tbo onne:xnuon o~ 'lcxoB. thf' .it .f~l.nM 'tifn~ ~t elt'net); tot-~ ·tfio Allitell tho ·tikin to- tho eo'tttleD ~- M(!:l!ICXill War und tbo co.nqu(llt ot enu. tttiit ·ut · ''J"at!' the J:Jmta Fe' ·· ~~at'llltllt'tllo «muniS&Ions mado romta.

l ')<..- • • « ~ ,. • • .,. ___________ _

# ..'·H·ir'' C1ft''tt'' .. ~,. rr '1'rt.,. ... , .. ,,,,,_" ...•.•. ~,,-p·;q·,-.,., .. ? .. 't" i" "'"·n' 1 1 I'· ·• i•...._ 'I". . . (I . .,. i • . ., . • , IJ I .)

·j· .. lit. o' .. ,.; · ·IJ,;;......t'tJ. ·A£.· . the ~ atmlP. tfnjf hnvo to- bn wm1i by ~IJill,ll ~000 ~!lH tiltO. The . ·. J'Ou· .. re· · 'f'lW '"M.I . , ;ijsll~ ·~ .alltt~p:cd. Stiperior- ntm !hctill wei'~ ot ll!tnple ron~cllon bQt

. d 1"" ' · · • '"' •''" ·

1. ,:, ·~ .· . · (Jl'cH~lcileet Jn.·~ ~ thl) ~;ncitl:!t '* 'l! o~nm~tlJ ~1!1'0 li~~· tlptm

~1 Ott :<~tltm, l'!lott11J~ 1!1~:~ ~t ~· ·fi;l~ ~ lrhllltDf,.; :rn Wa lr'in1 lt· tb~ Til a orv&e etsrVM. thq btlt#l'! ot ~ lt: ~k .&tall~ ~If 'VttPJJa te'Jt Wero - 'itt> ~C<J whcniVer th~ut wl~es. t;l'(d ~to-~ ()tl 1M lt(;11 ~. c:att1'e!l 'troiU u:i .. . «J·. -40 ,~ · itllncd .... ~ ·~f$ fP. .. B!tDIIM" toft!\. Jt;l; &~lt!f\Qt tfielr thO~ ~ we-. int«Utc~ ~t: ..lttiil: :~y~fit ~ Uttf~t .~~ $U.'Of·UitJ d!!trlclii rut: l.&rrtt· ~ 0 U ·jj'. co~nt>'!m~t; but ·lbo n$/~lfctn.i Ulltt ,m ~ ~f.; '~d ~®twtt. . .f'il) ~V\'!l· ~ 1!1l)DWdet. SOhthertr oro fi.!Jl. it flijtift til at waa lttat. iliUav<;raO. ~ ~· '!l1ien ~. Ch~ftat tUN~ ... Q:'il' tiller I$. ~nrllor d11m thaf t$ell ~t\1' ~tM i»>'Hthlts vt theli< ~~t:.l

, · , t ' ., ... ·~ tt~1Bilflittr.,. ~ a-: fll&tt ~ t~ ·~· 6rtat: .tilt¢r ~~iltl. • ~~ ~~~ on tn* · · ~ rit(.!li.~M~tna~..,.. ·, ···' ., m·~",''' ~-.. ~~ ·~~r..- · '.tbtlYlilf$bt.l:!tlv4tbo th;•Q.

. 'tilC)t t~JbilfN. ·.UtJt .Ui« lrott :w ~ .·. .. : .. ~,e· F~•ar .. · ~ c~ w~ ~crt' . , ~ ·· · · ~tel . ..,_ tlt ·th 111 •ll'.!t.U81e. m *• ~·a' f.JQu;eu ·~ ... :. . ::.• ·· ":"'"'" · .,... .... , . ·t~:tfl• · Mt'MUI•r• ~tlJ JJ*!tii~J• :'WliS.clt . . ··· .·. ~~o~ .~~ IM~··:. ~~t ~ 'd45 !HUeJ.·tf,ln et•

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' . ' Sb . . d--Ll~ . Sh tt d . . enan ~· f1D8 a . e~ . Ohio.

Tl\o ,Pqttert!o~~.$tUJ1pf llru4lcato of. Albuquel'QUG' spqdded ill a well t~ . and «>ne-balf mites nort1111~t o~ taa VegM IMt Wlloff, ncc:or~U~g to W • a. Pt\ttemou of Albuquerque.

Work on the Ctlflllba.d·MQ.lngn high· wny WM lntl'\JBUrntcd IMt week, when c:ontroctol'$ began preparations tor the gradinG ~Jld ourfaclng, by put. tina a force of men a.nd teams at work clearing ttie highway of bruoh · IUld movlns tcn~t;)!l from t},lo rlght-ot· way.

Ed · .IUnon~~,tt ot Rbnwell won tho otato golf champtonoblp by defeating Tony Otoro of Albuquerque. 6 and G,

RoawolL Thla Wl1fl ono of the moot cxcltlna ma~c:hcs fiVer ocon on £\ l;iow Mexico golf . eourllo and ended three dBYD of tho beat soU over llCcn In this dtato.

Three hundrcci ·tmd thirty otudento arc enrolled llt tho Normal at Lao Voaao llt tho elo~'l or tbe rtrut woclt of the ran term. Nlnety·flve of theoo aro redular collc;to studento, obpwiQg ll ll(lnolderablo \nt:re11oe over the en· rollmont In thnt dppnrtmont Ill .o. cor­rcapondlns tim b. ~t Yl!llr.

A rocoiiJmend!!o\lon to tho United Stntco High way~ Board to add tho route from GaUUJI .northward to B11lt Lllke City, Utt:\!1{ to the oyot<lm of United Btotoo hJgbwt~yo \TM docldod upon nt n mcctJng of tho regional board ncUns Cor lho eleven weotern otntco at n meeting In Dcnvor recent· 17. Tho route toucheD Shiprock, N. M.; Mean Verde, CQrton und Monti· eollo, Colo.

Carl 0. Mosco/ ,t.\lbuquorquCl editor. t7ho oevorn.l wee~ .O.I!O nhot and ltJUcd J'l)hn B. Laonettor, In tho lobby of a hotel In Albuqe.¢~uo, whUo defend· lntt blmcolf o~lnnt the ntto.clul of 17ormor Dl~:~trlct .Judge D. J. Lc11h:Y. 11 bitter paUUcnl one my. plcnded not GUill:V to n fortlU11 C'hnrgo of murdor 11t Eaot LWI Vccnis. Mncce wno bound ovor to amllt cv.:tlun or tho rrrand Jury. To avoid our poDnlblc damon· atmtlon tho act1on trtlll cocrot.

lnf!Uilllo pnrob'nlc, 11 drco.d dlcoMo tThlch hnll boon Quolnll murb Bppro honDion tn 11 QCQl'hf ctoto, Ia now found In Mcitlnioy coQtlty. Accord· tnu to Dr. Ert;.c!lt Protho. county hCillth oCflcor nfj Qo.•Jut>;.•two ClCIDilO of lnfnnUio po.rnly(l!~ lu\VCl 'b:!oO fCIWrtcll

btu o1!Jt'o, oni!' bt' r.ll'~ tboro nl'f1 othor mild ClCIDCO lc tho coun t:v. QJld nolthor of tho CAJif!11 roportcd hnvo 'ttDltcd out or llto olltl<' Tblo dtncano ID hhtbly conlA«Inuo In C'blldi'(Jn nuder etabt or ton ycnro of D.l(c

Wby oxpoct o hlddlo to lny o maxi· mom nmnunt of <'lllfU onlnn11 you build bcr o eomfort.ohlv bomo to Uvo In? In n now elrc:ulnr on Poultry Rouao Coontrurtton, put ont by Ll!,? oxtcn­ulon oorvico ot (b., Now Mexico A 1:: rJ. Coth,ao. A. I. Wolllcr lnt'ludoo ptnna for four tnwa of bonoell .,hlrb "" don!gn<>d to till tho noodn of pool· trym~>n lllmcm•"•Dn cmd druwlngo <U'O gtvpn for lb" oe>ml monitor typo, tbo nhod roof t vpo. tho two-room brooder houno. n nd Ibn nil- purpoco hounn.

\lnudv Slmpwn who bnn b"en ro­<>l<'{'t#>d l~<>rrCJlar)' nf lbo Southern Now J>!Pxlro Amuu lotion. linn 11lrcndy nt.nr1Pd plano In Hoo.,oll for nn ()0• lnrgPmPol of th•· tldvortlnlng nctlv· It l<'o of 1 hQ Ollct>< 11\llon for lh£1 rom· tng y .. ar Tho offlc1>rn nnd dlrm:ton of thlo nrumctau .. n p\nn to lnllUGa· rnt<> a group ndvPrtlulna rnmpalltll In tndiBnn.. llllnola. fulnnllll. Mlllllourt. NPbraoka. O]!llnhoma. CallfomJn. Wllllhlngton IUld 1 tro~:on Tho otbor offlcen> of lbo DJI<>nC!Atlon 11ro D. F. Blgau of l..rul CT••rml. t>rCJAJdont; 0. 11 :ed Arthur. Alll"'"WJrdo. v1C'o PToll­ldenl. llDd H. E finAllett. Silver City, t rCJtumn:or

Al Jennlnp, formor Oklahoma out• low. defended hi• flrnt client In the coorto of Ne-w lll•dro boforo Judao 0 L. Pblllltlll of tho t'nlted !ltcteo Dlotrt<'t C.oort In AlbnQoorque. Tbo aecnoed man, Albert M. &rnell. on old friend of Jon n lng11. 'WllD 111logod to have fllellftated tbo lltllnm;llna llqquor Into thJg country from r.toslco, and a1llO =n chnraoil with pogoog. ofon nod tranoportAUon of liquor. Jennlngo enwrod n plllo of not ltlllltY to the smuacllng chargo 11M guilty to tho trtlnGport.ou&n and po~ogolon c:harr;o.

Thnt tho CombtnAUon tnlno of tho Blncll Hawk ConsoiiGatcd :tlfnas Com· IJ:Ult, In tho Hnnovor·FIOlTO dllltrlet. Ill to add nnothar lmporto.nt proddeer to Grout eounty'o a:~~tanrlN'o mtnlng acUvltle11. Ia Indicated by tho rocqnt progreos ot dovoloplllent work Dt thin property.

Carl 0. Mcgoa of Albuquorqno han roolltiled trotn tbe otnto lnnano llllylutn !ward. Be Wli!l chnll'illnll of tho board, hn vlna !won elected tl;lo ®y of bin clash wlth torroar .Tt'lili1e D. :1. ~ab:y nt L:m Vcgng. ~hlcl:! rcllultcd tn: thb tdlUnct of 1. l). l..rulrtotor t1nl Woill'ld• Ina ot ~ah1 by Mnsco'a g{in, .

Tho n(lW eteom tutbfuo of tM Pub­JJo 'Sol"Vi<:Q 'Cbmpo.nv til runswoll wco limt'Wd lett · 'WCtlk tiM tho lfUwor· tttrtled Into W:~ l'c~a circuit fdl.' 'til~ flrat- tl!llo. At . tlln<l tbO J)latit nt Adcalli 'Wil!l doatil

~~ ~ tha VAllOt .clUes· · gal bOut Ulflt and Pl.lW'ot' ott tht tt.o'fl ltnee. • ,


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~I .

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Clo:mup vluw ot part of tho wrecltuge ot tho nnv)' d.lrlztlblc ~ht'llllndunh. wblch n no deatroyad b;v a etorm ID Oblo nnd tell In threo ccctlono. Foo~n ltYCLI wcro lo:rt In the dlaaotcr .

---------------·----~~-- -·---.------------Ruins of the Shenandoah's Rear Section

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lll'n> Ill a vll'tt of tho rulllD af tho buao f't'tU' u-ctJon of tho no .. , dlrtJ.'1blo Bhl'nnndoo.b anar hor dC'!Itroctlon ll' n atorm In Oblo.

• •

Two Dozen ChildrPtt, One Each Year l INDIAN SCHOOL HEAD

:.111111 Urorglo A U>Uiml Ia ~tant eblef ot lndl11n llt'hoolo In tho tnd!ao

Mr. nnd llm Jo11e 8nnC'hea of Yumo.. Arlll., who In 24 Jl!lltn of thPir m11r· i burt'lln. [)epnrtmcmt ot tbo tn~ .. rlro llto bavo ~n the pnnmta of 24 children. Mm Sanrlu!ll ID thlrty-c1lah1 nnc1 i Tho work b .. r tliVW01il doea mu;v b4t ber bn11bnnd firt)'-cnP. OniJ aevcn G1 the ehlldnm nro lhlna. AJI 24 """'" bof"Q 1 viRUilllll«f Whi'Il It l.o renlll:ed tbcrb 1n CODDQCiltlve ;caTll. tbcro belna no t\Tina, 1 ol'll over 100 Indian cchoota ID tte

; T'nlted Stutea trlth mona thnn !:3,000

Chiefs at Big Indian Reunion IIJUPlill. SUMMONS BY PLANE


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Page 2:• .. ' ) • ' ' \ . ) '. . '"' • . . } ' .. · ' . . J '.~ . "\l'r l \ . .•..

Horlzz:ontol. lclf~tr'. ""'"" rltllJ "untb bl h:aled "'II boiOI

I G-11lrlon& Jf-J• ........ ollh1D

• Vertlc:a!.

1-0IJonc 11-tlhuti& O-l&!lllpo rt•or

\ ' . '

B-eub ~rod . ·-jljJq


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. • 1

lllhl d111111na llobc Ut.o af &·ortt

'1-'1''1'0 wboe>lad voblcla s-.tllcknouoll . •• o-J•ntulolo a llould cbroush oct1lj1

ro of. blnO U-A Anurol, >VJIC~ Of OU rl h • ' ·

rcr·'"'" .,,.". ~~~ IIJOD for\nU lor alu•ui.Soro 1111< o 14· '" .. 11 lottor •. ontain top n-1 .. ••all\lo ~ll>lo4 ....... u- <..11\i)ol nllll.e•• rib .m•a.nana beroro JfCO· fD-fll•lh~J nhJt tnt~U•r •d da.)' uruJ bCJI'IC! :ilr "''J'D4 h-1'1..., , ..... ~J•4lm•n t Ia • ..,. •ch IAiho '0 -- tlhrl•h 0 (a namo Ot -CHru• lrvU 6•·• hu•bcU•~

J 1-l'tOIIUt>IIIOP 11-To dr4w otr &ba JI~JUid trom J(>-J'Iodao 17-0ogllpoa ID-floJ"a nama ll1-U41'"1f.ltlll U--(Jrodo aii-Wida•moulbcO plCcbu te-J'oolcd 80-Pinlblo DI-Dan 08-Jtlp(l ol wino ! G-Uo ndlo 0&-t>oo 4 o-.'Lia bl oarcoom 4Z.I..~Juco "'ll!'ro a raco I.e golnll &o

' ~nd t.•-lrAIADtl (pt>otlol'o .Q\4Jl.dArd ,, •B-JOI1Vlof' • 11,\-ltlnd of ellppo' r.a-lllbliA'AI GharAclcr wbo aold bla

blrlhrtah& 64 A-l.ona otlo II GO· 1Cin4 uf I roA

' &G·-I'Iar Qn -wordo 11'-Thoo

a will .,,. ... , Ia aoo • laoao. u -l.uwor coco 1 prlqton' Abbr.J -----HOW TO 601.VCI A CR080.W0(1D PUZZLiil

.... l'lot .... ...,, l•ll•n ••• piD••d Ia tb• otbllo apDf'CI'! lblll •aula ""' worda •oua ••rtl•oll, ••d borlaoatafl,, Tb• erwr l•U•• (a •••II t:rord 11 r~ •• a aa ... b.,. "'"''" ••f••• '" n.. d•Oallloa ll•f•• Iorio"' lba Pl:llllll•. N4. I aad•r Ua• .-olu~~:aa •••ct .. d •b,1"faoatal• d•8a•• a 'Word n-lll•tt nUl tlll '""epa..- ap to ·~• a,., "'""" aqaoro tD Ill• eta1>1. alld a aambrr aodrf ~~~DOD .. D ""•d nb..,.. "'" au lb• wblto •Qaar"• Ia lllo nou blarla on• ~. ~ l•tt• .. • ao ID , ... biD•t. •Por•• All wttrd• •••d aro dlrllo•ar, word., ,.PO,.r ,..,.,..., A ""••~lalloaa, olaog, lc.Sllal., tHbaleaJ tan:aa Gild ob_. ~.....,._,,. fadh•oerd Ia lh• d•Oalttnae. • • J .,._____ ----- .... - ~--- - --·---ISCRIDE TO Ti1E MOUNTAINfER-·11.50 A YfAR .... _ -- --- --~

,·y pur property with us ~odty. We can s~ll it.

Let us show you . .,a few of the bargains we have in city prop­erty and close-in acreage.

Capitan ~ealt;y, Company · Heal Estate aQd Rentals

Cnpitap, N. M. ~talneer Bldg. Post Office Drawer 234

Tho .tlllfns ot silos lA· JD- pro· f$rei!IS nb the Foft tllltt weeltt W. A. Wunneh; f.t.J~m J'lopast·IJ11~cnfl· ent., J'eports that 1tfm corn ill ln tho beat oondiUoo for ycu.&·u •


• • ('

. I



• . , . •


.. ·!


. . •

P.O. 0. Ftlnt, Mwu..m

T~a · • · 052$ BcaduCl' • • • 5 25

I . ·~., ';!' ·C

Cou£ro • • • 675 sronn. • • • 775 ~- •. 425. ~!:r'CbuQ • . 550.1

AU. PnlCt!ll l'. 0. n. 5-UNT, AnCJUCl.\N

' •

IAROLIJ HriH> Attorney nt l.nw ~




Agents •

l A\tt1n \Inn 0 "''" tu t' R r.tncl om,~ Mr~ll••r"' : JlOOt'lct.t. N M


lAnd OOlco Pat'( Ut>11 a SpN•Inlly

! Uo:ctw~Lr, N. M· ·

;lie Carry in Stool< Fruit Jars Tanlac

~ Jtlr Rubbers &: Tops Wine of Cardui :·Beaver Board Syrup of Figs

•' f. . 11

t.- Cement, Sal Hepatica r: • ft · Castoria fLime f t,asings & Tub~G Crysilic Ointment

Denatured Alcohol .~<c.· .•.. ~l--""bia Dry ·Cells · "'" QUI .. Blackleg Vaccin~ :: ~aro 'Vax Aspirin Tabl•ts ·· : flints and Oils ·sUlphur · ~icotine S.fteep Dill Black Dtautht .. Sash & Doors · . Bromo Quinine ~'

·. -lacksmith6' Coal Eye Sal-ve. ~t~~.· Etc.· ~~·,,.. .. ..,. *. :.:;J· ~""""'~~~~~--""""''*""'~··..,··· "*" ;:,;·,., ..... ' . . . . . . -. . . . !· - ' ' .. '· . • . . ,_)

·· .. bur ·Pr1cies A~e R'· asonable . .. - . . --' .. . ._ ..... - . . . . ·-· -···' ·~- . -··· •'• ' . .., . -" - ·- -·· . ,, .

. ~ :• . ' .

• . I I

Th~ Titsworth •c··•· o.Dip~~ay··• In~· -.-... . . . .. . - .·· . .. . -D ' . ~~ . ' ' ~ \. . • • I • <, •

. '

Capitan, N. M.

. T L()W COSTl.

·. <

.... . . ' . . . '. . '·

• ~

' •• ' •. ' ' ' . ' .. J

.; t _, .

. ' ., ...

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. ' ,. ,;


l .•

' .. . '• ' .

9·1.8 to 10-l_G

NOTlCJiJ FOR PUBLICATION J~:\rtmcnt of tl1o Interior I . •

U. S. Land Oft:t:o LM Cruccn. N. M., Sept. 12, 1926

NOTICE lo glven that Simon ~anchco, of Ambo Ia, N. M.. who, on August 4, 1920, mado Add'l H E .. Roa­Wtall, No. 046331, for Lot 4, t!WtNWl, WjSWt, See. 8; Lot 1, SE!NE!, E~ BE!t~~:J"!• Town11blp s.s., Rimae 18F.., N. M.P. li'ioridian, hllll filed notice of in­tont!on to ma!Io finnl three yonr proof W cotnbuJh cllllm to tho land above dooerlbcd, before Dan C. Savage, U. S. OoiJ)m~pnor, In hiD office ot Roowl'll, N. M., on tbo Z<lth dby ot October, 1925.

Claimant names llQ \'litnoii!!Oo: Niclt Drill, Aron r.!ontn!la, Ota.bnno

Gn!Jego:J, Frllll.!leaco &iD, nil of Arnbcla, N. M. . .

Harry 0. Bradley.

0-18 to 10-10 Aetlng Rcrrcator.


lleJmrfmetlt of ffto 1ntcrlor, U. S. LMd Offico. Lao Crucu, N. M.

, '•' • • ' 1 • I• . ',

I!'Olt H EN'l'f-l~'ive l'Min (Uri,.: ._ •i • · n it~bed.twntJe, Bath -Btl"' L. L>.:' 'tll• · Btltu·d;

l~'UH LEASE OH Jill~'l'-Quar. l.t.•r section of land, lhe auilt'6 uortll Wt'8t of Cupitau. l•'m•r.y acres ;u cultivottuu. Cull or Muuutuinctlt for pnLJc • ulu111.

- - - -~ ' ----;---···---P.\ 1~1'."1, VaruiHIJc~. Pulnt

Bt·uzth(•M, Limo. Ct•mont., B 1lld- •1


P1"•4!1 llunrd, ek' .. t~t. tl10 FiZlbOl' ),; Lu UIUtH' ( 'o. '; u ·

.. -. -------- ... --1 •

B l'l I. D I :\10 tu ut.•rinlf.l lumht>l' ' ' . !thlllgft~tl, I'Oflfitlat.' ll!tiiP, tltolll'tl0

Sept. 12, 102:3. NOTICE ID hereby glv~ thnt Sun!o

t.torrio, of Ro:~woll, N. M., '17ho, on February 2, 1921, rnndo Homoateed En • try No. 04BG)7. for NE!NEf, S~NE1, SEf, Sco. 24; NW~NEt Soe. 25; nru1 \"tho, on Fobrunry 23, 1922, mode Add'l

,,.,41, ruul Jmi11}l:Jrr~• IJurclwaro.­Fi,._h,.,· J •U mhar1. o,

J :t. • •

f> .-\ J.X'('H, VBrlliKhel'l, ull!l, ~·lii~ lmul, pasnt hru~tht>tt mul 'l!l'f~ t>a"S' su IJPIIC8.- f•'inhur Lumlrcr Co.

StocltrniDing Entry So. 04Elm, for NEt -=======~=~~~=== NE!, S!~El. SE!S\Vi, NjSE! o.nd q SWf, So~ 25, Totm!!blp 10·8., Ronae 20-E., N. M.P. MorldJan, ht111 filed notice of lntmatlon to mnko finn) thltlo ycnr Romcatcjid proof. to cmabllah clllim to tho .bnd ~VCJ dcserlbod. bot oro Dtm C. ~::~.vnso, O.s. CommiC:Jionor, at Rcn­\701~ N. M.,"'on tbo 28th day of Oeto· bar, 1~5.

ClaimMt hlllliOO tiD '17itne!JllClll

Charlo~ Alllelm. of Rolm"'IJ, N. t.S. : John. Ctl*~ of Pi~ho, N. M.; ~'1711rd q. Roberta. of Ronwcll, N. M.; Luuin ll!ennocko, of P.cswoU, N.M.

Harry C. Drod!cy,

1).18 to 10--J.G. Aeting Rog{!rter •

~ { ~ " l ".

·' ..


c a;:1m) ~

I • •• •

·' , Ca~aitan Merc~n.tiie; ·· :(-: · ·. · ··· ' ... . . 'I'. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . .. .. ,.,j .o . > ]' • ··-' - ••• " .·,f': .

G •.

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Page 3:• .. ' ) • ' ' \ . ) '. . '"' • . . } ' .. · ' . . J '.~ . "\l'r l \ . .•..

" ' ' . ' '.' '



l I

' '' •

' .

Otero Withdraws Corit~~\ Against Hannett ·

Alhnqmwqm(, fiC(It, 17-A Q, lten<>ltni •• chief e 1Unsel Cor Mn..,.: ue4 H Otc •·n. rc1•u hllcnn en·• h•l4•

• t~'mt lor t:uvcrn~tr. hllli llll!tl In thQ dlt~klet e(lurt. In St\nt.t' li'u eunnty . n muLlon for thl' dlrtiiii~WI,l( of thl' Ct\140 n~tnilh~ ~ A. T. Hnn nett, 1.-hto d~moor.t.tlc lncnwoont .

M.-. ltt!neha.n In 1\1'\' ·JD<~tlon Htll.t(!(l. "UcciUlnO it 1\(>t•UIJ\ tn UH

tht\t lfiU CI\UIIC ill intcl"m!;tl\blu IJ,V

n~d~·Jn uf dtolll.\'"t n.etlon of thl11 KUrt~ bCC!UlftC iS.o eltllOIIMt•K . ' or t.!l0 l\t1gnt.lml l\1'0' • t•tl :rt'blo,

• nutl it. \o t•lttrnmols .nq~rl.n\n whethol" Uu• J13Tt.l 11oc nf tiH~ contest.'\nt. evt>n wiLh th~ ~t~t•htt. rmec ofl the emrtf'nL'\tll. \VIII \te

nblc, 1n the 1u·cvnillug povL!rt.) ur tJ1't! tlmr.c. 'tn mei>lo 1 tltnc0 e'li· ll.\"R4AA~ bcr.mtne tho c.mtru\blll

lq unwilllnli fu•·ttaer to auiJjt>cli hiM frlcndn tn eu~t.~ ur t~• l,lurdt>l1 hluu~o'f lhcrcwitll, In nn nmonnt tVhlch mlc:tat. Amount &u 82~.000 orono.~ 11,1lcl bec:tUAO I n.m 'rtn dir'-'CWd by,ttlC contA:lKtnn\:!4, who o.AAert.'l t.hat" the 'gnme-,i\." no~ wortb the ~-J}ntlle," J hcreu.v dl~ w11111 the coca!'-

. ' ' . ' ,. ' ' ' .




,. ' '

' . '


' 'J

• " • " '" #


'. . - ---- ----------- - -- ~-•



• TODN L. \VALIUm, Prop .


• Haircuts, Shaves, .Tonics, Massages.

~ ~. 4


"te Line Stage Co •

. ' * '

BQ-om~ 104 •otJTU ~JAIN' sTUzt. , . ' ~ • J:l: • ' • . ' ' ~

I! . "'~ ,>to ' ~ ~ ""'"

, ,,: ; Rdi\ve& Ne~ Mu.J~ I • • .

~ ' ll. ~ ~

, .P, , . ' ·;'

,jt • ' ""' ... ,. '

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•· ":-·~~ :"::.~""--~-'·~~.u.~_,~.;..~~~"-,.-..JI--'-"" f~r:;;._, '. •• ' '-' c~' ·,.:•"' ~.,· l• ~ • .'

Page 4:• .. ' ) • ' ' \ . ) '. . '"' • . . } ' .. · ' . . J '.~ . "\l'r l \ . .•..

' " 1 REMARKABLE '· ' f '

Givea I Credit f~r Reatored Health t() ·Lydia ·£. ·.,_,.. ·~ ham's Vegetable Compolll!d. AU

W ()men Interested ·F'arm~rs .ate ·:·'~"·~"~,,;.,~:~·~:'i·1 :~~,~:'W,' ~i~Ui~~~i~~~.~~~~~ tclil'llna ~bCf.!P' As"'O. Jng, One ot .tho ""'t cornet! UP He-ior~ tllo futmlit fntere11te(J In ·tho

ni),~Q~ tbjf bl)lll)lll tll¢ms~Jv~s, eJtn* \'~IIWr. ltml!l!. llXI<l, ., •·• lWlli ~11$h oM ttQz'n ; ·~ tranllpPrtiiUOIJ d()lll!:~ w~rld lt~ve Mt $'ct collrou~ll:l!<l..' · . m.. . &~;m1 bbe·(l#t,ll lc~M lll)~Lf

table Com~ now and I d() ell mJ hou!eworlt and help with tho·miJ~Ing. nnd tatdng we or chlckcma !WI ga_t• den. Bciidtsl have a tlnc baby jprJ el~t mont.M old, JUtJt tho pictUre ot hewth, and I am fooUng flriO rn;v®ll. You may~ thla lette.r CIS a t¢~U· monlal and I will aru:swer MY !cttcta llDking about tho Veg_ctoblo Corn­pound. "-D.tro. Oac.ut v. Bonom.nt, Routo No. 6, For~t City, Iowa.

A Bad Cue of .Nmu ReUe-re• Denver, Colorado. - "I WOP vor1

deDpondCllt, bloo nnd aad all the tfmo, which Ia woreo thnn real pnln, ana oxtrcmoly nervouo, with no appetlta. I Wll!l thfa way for nbout two yc!IJ'8 nnd thought no one c:arcl for mo. My mother bpd bad tbo eamc t:roublo nnd hnd taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for lt. I tried

ndv~ntnuea nnd pt ohcep, There are EeV(lJ'Ql advilnta~ In rolalnr: l!hflep, nnd With n llttlo cQJ'o mO!Jt ot tho cll.oactvantasl.!l' con be overcome. In ceneraJ, llh!WP rate­fog wUI pay provided tbe ®ecp IU'f} given proper utt.entJpn, fllYIS L. V, Sturlry, chief ot tbo nni~J~QJ boobon-4ry 41vlalon nt Clcmnon college, wbo ;Jveo below aomo of the ndvnntuiJ'OIJ and dlondvnnta(l'ea thnt U10 tnrmor

".J'bero- Are. mo;e .tleo{ild · W.9ro !\"' l'l!lt. W)d most · ot tllo leo Jum 'tilllb' llfj)UDd ltud®ll bll1: ll~<f ~~~ WP' by 411~~; ·J..oe~· im~!JIItlOD .. poscdlf 4rc~1'1 hllltQI:l~ U.Jm.liJ ~ slblo mtJ£h. entUI,lr •. The bQY efaU;v supp(lsecL For ~~ Pi!4 4 blllt lqw',1lll4 b(!Ats up ropllllf, flO

. . ._ . ~ ,- ' ."

': ~· ,' • '~- 1 '.

' 000 ,. R , ooRo&LI cverytbina olal!, then [began to tako rou n o•n, 1owo it. 1 eoon had 0. bottm' appetlto and

Foreot Clty Iowa.- "M'l flrotchlld rcatDrcd condition. I movcl to lived only 0 ohort timo nn I wllll olck o bright, ounny boUtJO, begnn ea.lllng for a yeu niter. Whco I bent over on different people, and ebang«ld and rlllncd mynelt op n.(!'ain I eoold mcny other thfnga. 1 also w:cd Lydia nlmoot Drrenm with pain ln my ba.clt. E. Pinkham's S:inotlvo Wllllh for msr Ono dlly I Willi co btld tbnt I had to fcmnlo wealmc:a. With tho aid of leave my wD.IIhing nnd got retldy to your medlcinca I am now a fairly flO to tho dtKtor lie gavo me rrv.:dl- hcnltby,happy nnd eontClltcd womzm. cioo, but It d1d ~o more good then If I've uood tho Vegetable Compound nt J clnmk jWit water. Once when we different tlm~ nnd will cay It alwayo bod bct-n tn 1/Jtm 11 little book tolllng help:~ mo over tho bod apcl!o th~~ about LydiA E. Pinkham 'o V ego table como to every womnn pllllt 40 yearo • ._ Compound wao In our cnr. I -Mro. HI':Lt!N Fmm, 35 South WIUlu­bavo La.Ju,n tivo bottle~~ of tho Vcgo- ington Street, Denver, Colora4o.

-· - .. --- ------~----~-. ,_.

F~oled by Scarecrow i The Want l'••r JU•\I·rltl •lu)• II Jtllflt•flt HnLf•nntHI I ... ,,"" tlld yuu lllft on lfl your cxnm-

mo:v ezpect to Dnd In cheep. Tho oototandlng advantage ot the

sheep lodUtJtry lo tbnt they require lono (Crain than nn.v ot!Jer elaso ot llvo utock. Thill doeo not metln that shocp eno ~eet along without teed. Tbero ore tlmeo when they must have plenty ot teed. A !!'Ood arade ot lo­ll'tJme hay lo one ot the moot oatfD­turtory teeda.

Bbeop will conoumo about 00 per cent ot tne weeda and buohea aro\m In tho ordlnney pnnture. In thle w.a:v they mnlHl the pnuturca better. Tboy alao upread tbelr mll)lure (lver tho pnrta or tbll pnatureo wblch need It m011t. Thoy aeem to like to occupy tho upotn wblob oro too poor to grow ifaiiiL

Conlinrtd ''Bada" Pan A prolific writer ot otrlldna letters

to nowapnpero, Sir Dorey Poland at Lond(lu, nt nluet)'·Bix boastll that ho owctll hlo lcn;r Ute nnd cndurtng pbyu. lrol and m~tal vitality to tbo tnct that be never murrled.


een~rlf#l p~itnent :'$4lttl~t,:pts .Qt . wo.w1 ~e%!!1Hl\'Uf:U~ Ia, htgber wbl~ have bcq~t·mnl!!tnlned i'4tQ~ tho umu ,tba~ 9f ltnko. $u~r1or. con11t. Tlio l.lrst, Ruv,e\1 Hou~e, .IIC!ll' !l'hl)ro · · 110U, around Jll.m,ell tho IIOutbernmollt Up. or thO ·llal~ Wll.!l (I~ tllo east •Me. It 1• erstnbllsJfi!«J ns a pollt ' ot tho Hu~n . Ula~ when a r!lllron4 Bay company fOou t~tW thll~ CPJ:l!Or. tQ tho ~ou,tllent euiJ ot tM ntlon of romap,Ue bfstoq cnDlo ~~~~ .ll(!~tlcrs move kt" a11d u~~Btley: existenCe Ill 1670. Stnep then tho lloeonies nvntlablo. ~e \nldln&' posts bavo grow.p Ill number, .:ram,es ·b~;v count1')' PlaY bccomo an gndl llll!lri.f. t:1 ~ro nrc seo\wrod alopg ajg'J.~turtU nl!d dolry 1'9it<ln. I!)x.cel· the ertlrt.,qnd west coasts. .At ea~ gt lept pr<JI!Ds oro arown nt Mo'!se Ii'no- · • tbo Hqd.!on Jlq eornp!UlJT pqolltt! J1 On· tot7, :Rupert Hous~>, East ll!aln }liver nadtnu. EnSIJsh or Bcotdl '!ftl.ctP.r'" ts a11ct li'o;t George. 'l'llo vcgotl.lblca that · In charS(!. .Allslst.ant tl;letors 1'(!1114<1 at thrlvb Ill thcrse plo'tll 111'0' pot~ttots tllld the tarirer posts, nntl mnny of tho om- all root crops. C~Jbbac(!, let--elals havo f.amllle:~ wJth t!Jcn:t. ln l'Qo rhubdrb and JJcrrl(!3. Onte bavfi eqnt JCIIJ'If po~ of a rtvnt tnr ~ll)o been sro~ IIUCel!SstuUy at m~veral pany, nevmou ~res. a Ti'r~neh COD• poete, lnaturtns perfectly, Tbero are cern. buvo been C!Btabllshll\t b~® tho no tacUltles lll the ~on. howevcr, older posts or lll cntfrcl;v ·now loea· tor tlilre3blllg gratn. 01'WlS grows lm:· Uons, In chOl'ID of French mniiOj;Ortl. urlnntlf near Jomea bllJ' and In v1,Uoys


' .


Tri&lrt- .to BrQCfl Wcim~ hnll I••~·•• n"fP..l "'·•Orllllll •. ,. ,,,. ... h,r•· 1 luarlur1'r' ,.., n ft>rtuHI ltflli•l ,,, \\ IJI•••• N II ! ''J rullt•d In nu•rranfllt- luw, nlOOD

ft 11 '" ufl•·r d•\ II•• ,.,,,,,lff,,~r•• A por 1Jnu un•l lnfl•mHrlunnl law•• rkulart, ••·htolttlil ,4 11,, tu·r f•·lr h-Urt· ''Thnt·lll t.ud ~·· th,. 1111111 '"'"'" 11 ,.,,," alwtr lruur ur1tl

1 ··Th,., \\Hrnl I" Yf'lf tn rnrno. I bovo nutln•·d u gurr.r ""''1'' Jl""'''•·r 'lo l1•ll uay rnutllt'r lralnw'''

ThP.rc nre two money erop11. the lorubu and tho wool. lt Is ottcn tho rnaP I hn I the wool will Pill' tor tho teed and thu lsmbu aro rlear t.roOt. If Ut" lurnbn rom" ~>nrly they will llrlnl( n ll"otl prlcP on lbl' mnrkel.

piJmnrwa. r•nrnalteo und dugu nro tho thrc" drowl•nrkn lu tht> Rlwep ln­duutry. lllut•ltMt•n un<l llllMJaltt'A may ho ('(IDlrnllt>d In n rf<>rtuln t'lllt>nl bY t'hDDlllDfl (JUDIIjrt'll fri'QUI!DII)'. lf ntu'f'p oro broul{hl Ul• lnlo u lot at Olllhta dogn nrP not lllwly to botllCl' tlaiHn. Doga vPry tlf'ldtUo ntturk sheep

Juat Dip to Tint Dye.

-·-Enrh 15-t'flnt pork·

01:1' roDUtiDD dlrl'<'· Uona oo ulmttle nnl' woman can tint oon, drllratp uhndeo or d7o rlrb, t•crmnn .. n' roloru In IIDJ;I'rl•~ allka. rlhbonB, o!drtll.

Tbo cypkal trndlns po:lt In tho ltud- ovc;1 farther north, IIJlll' at eovcl"t11 ot con ba;v counley conoltl~ of a sub,at.t:u;l· tile posts cows and bornes are. kept. tlal otore ctochecJ wlUI food rmpplloa, l.JMer the sun of J'uly nnd ancud lubrlca, toolo, guno, ammunition r;Uld fiowcrll oprlJIS up overywllere. lt trJ

or BoU to tnlocollooepuiJ goo~; the homo or no 11ncommon thlllg to rJee a~ .ot bomeD of comPIUlY officlnl.o ; a cburCb • wild l'tii!Cll, wild cwoot pcaa. vf(llctll n tow cabiiVJ of oettled lndlano, · IIDd and other blt:1ru10mo. Tbo one doml• perhapo o mlall.lon tlcllooJ buJicllna nantly Important foetor lll agrJCilllUro where llllltMJctlou ln. trndetl 111 ctvcn by In thla repon ~emo to b(l to drotg

, ml!!oJooarteo. At the po:rto Ia .IJJ>rlng tbo coil ndeQoately.


A Ul(lllUIJlcllt to l.Jro.!J .ltl~, an Anlerlcun ~clfnre worltl!r wbo 1~ ber Ute lll tho Jrmnn011o earthqualto ot W23, boo11 Jledlcated bY ~Jlo li'olrobamn Yountr Wemen'o Chrl!!tlon aGDOl'lnU.Qn. Mro. Lacey Willi n tc~;~dor In tbo Dll:!OclnUcm. 'Tbo m(IDUIDCl!lt l~j In the tor10 ot a boUI!Il \Tblcb to to bo · noed ltD a ret~t and recrentlon ccuta tor the gtrla ot Yok(lhama and La tho gltt of Mrs. . Lncey'o father, Dr. Cbarl~ C. J\003a of Dutrolo, N. Y.

Uu.• " u 1 r t,,.r • •• .\ ''" n ,,. Ill t~t·lSd of nrr I rtw•thiO fur l)rf> (l•hfl lllrhH! 11111 trr h•• j \\'h7 ahulllf1 QOl n rnlJO Jnam lJOIDC>-

D u rJI fruatolr.OPf1 AI u r•·•·ruv. thJnu \VhC•O 11 l.a tOUt f


In bed/our months ... now a well man

Givt"B Tanloc full credit.

()eyr rt;t/ct •ttJ.r/ of JlomtJ.t h mtJtry

~ad mtJ.dt "phy llttJ./ ~..~,. l of •Jaco!J I mJrnand 1/1 1prnl hundr~tiJ of Jol/orr "'~'"l rd"f !Jut 'IJn'] tJI•

trmpt jt1lltJ unlll lu rrud Tanll3t.

T~11 grtal tonu hougi.J IJir;, lr::­

r:udta/1 ''''rf· "Ajlrr urvn 6cllln, .. lu 14.11, "I am a ru/1 ond happy "'""· I c::tllzll3dly tallt to an7ont

pn-1ont1//y tmd ol/1 amr:ur tJIJ llfltrl rrzadlng CIJ tzpnUDII

r;l//1 TdnLu For II pro~J a rc.J-.und to au."

• Aurhtnnr ocar•gwnr. Mdrrca an ._q~m~t.

Tnnlo.c 1.1 Narure'• ~at Tontc l11ld builder. Compounded niter the fo.muut Tnnlac lntmuln, from roota, bun nnd curotrn hrrht olunt, 11 11 chrolutrly harmlru. M11110ru owe thw hnltlo and happmtu to thia wear rnnedy

l>nn'r lrr 1ttrmach rrouble make yout hit ma~rnb!e n day longrr Gu " boulr of T anloc at your druggtar'o at cmce. The /mat duu 1>'\JJ mcll.r you /~J benet. You'll be tl new ~n:on wuh the apuklang eye• lllld ~y chrd.D that rome (rom pul«t htDith.

• N"n for C'Dnmpar..,._ rah lanlar Vqo­uhlo J>illo. Nature't cmn harmlculuarif'&.


-- -- ----Molzinu Siunalo Sacrol 1 ~THE YOUR 1:."\'ES

ln"lolbt" llahl I• "'"'nina up n n<m \19-,~· ~"~ R~Qtbod of ltf'fl<llnll ""' re>l algnnlo ID u::s"Ei.u. '· - ___ ___,. ,. - __ ..., ---~orfDI'f> Yllub lllgnala "'" ln .. lltlblo w. N. U~ DliNVIIR~ f4o:· ~io;m.-lo all ''"' '"" ,.,..,.", nf lhr. m=an. nnll ' on '"' ""''' ID tult auntlsht tor n dlotnn• .... , ,,..,n. n • ., to e>l{lbl mlt<>D. Infra ,...d 'll1"- luu Ions In b<> n.,.,n. l'lln,... r<>rtnln •trctt aoll plamonta to l>enomP mur• lnrnllloua Tb• rt>t'OIYof nf I ho mflbQ~r. II f'QUIJI(>Cit'l a<ltb a tttltr>tl llhallr fur hlo Ot>ld UID~ 111m­liar In rnlor to Uoc> 11bndo Ulle>d to tho otsnat IDmJ•

Photovaphle SDclctiee Tho old.-At p.'lntoal'Qphle oranniJU:I·

Ucm In lbo aoorld ID the> noyol l'boto­arn(lblf' Sol'lel7 of Oraat 8rltnln. tuuo:tot'l In llil'.:J.. and tbo e::rond oliJ. ~ CUld lbo oldn~t In tbo UniiQd Ctct=. Ia tho f'hotoat"llpbl(' IIOf'IOt.r of Pbllcllatphln, fotmdc(J In 1CCJ.-8a· c:aro SC!rv!l'O.


Hu Idea "fl(ln>'a a QUCM ltQIU In tho p:~~.·

cld !Jn. JobOJ:O:J In tho mla&:t of t:er rrodlnQ "A follor, oYot at ~ D~ JITCt'll. allpllt'4 In a batbtob tatb~ ~. nnd fell IUld brnkt> llti'OQ rib:l."

'Tvo bt>cn Ctlrtw 11tu1t1tna tea o 1ClSP nr co about ba.rln.: o batbtob," roo plied Gcp Johru:nn of nompm~ Wdi;t\ "but I ~.lum rd bt>ttor atvo op U:o ley; tbc:m bathtuba Ia too <ltlVUl!O­p"tn I - Can(ltlro:m" - t{~ (llf7 Ctnr.

A ~b {Wale:~) W<lo:ul who ~ \TOI'Illct: In tho ~ m!nCJ et tho ap ot tc ~ra. ta ettn balo ana btsft:r ot tho CUIO ot OllQ btm<lfed IW4 twa.

.. •

In U•" duy tlmo. -----Proper Feeding IB Best

in Growing Market Hogs "Jo'nnn .. ro will nltlm• dny h•nrn Uutt

It r•nya to f••••d hn(lb Jororwrly and mar· k"l lht>to wh,,'' unyo W. W. Shay, owlhl' c•xlo•nnluo 11pc•rlnllnl tor tho 1\ nrt h ('II rullnn Mtalll ( 'oll~e or A art· rull urr.

"On Y•·hnm17 JO," atnt~a Mr. fihnl'. "('trUniJ A11.,nt C'. A. Hh••fllc•ld of lla· vhlann l'niiDiy <vo•lllh,.•l nlnu 1•lllR be .. lncaclng In J "· Yonnu ur l.c>xlnstoa. At thut Uuw lhiJ Jlii{A Wt>ltjhl'd 21!1 pourula ··

Tllnhnl11'. l't'd ring, nnl1 roro rn~'<al

noorv rnllo<l In whul bna '"'"'" pron•D by the .~urth ('nrullnn C>IJtt•rlnwnl ata· lion na Chr "'"'' rntlun In uwl'l U111 ro­qulrt>mPnla nf PUI'II pill• trum U•o ctllndpolnt rof lmth s;nlna t1Dd J•rnfllll.

w a I n t n, drl'an•·n. r 0 ll t a, DIOt'kh•ll'<. I" I'Oti'MI, dfl)1)erlo•M, l'O\'Prln~tn. hnnutn~:a --cvnrythlna I

Bu:r lllnmond l>yPti-Do otht>r kind -ond tell .ronr tlnJi:Jrtut whether tbo noot~>rlal )OU wloll to rolor 111 l•ool or Clllll. or whether It Ia linen. rottoo or mb:et1 &oodll ---

Exacting Customer l\.lllllrlt'r· -"Ab, u now hnll And

trhnr du ynu \fOOl II to mutrh r !lira. lln•wn-- uM7 hUJ•Ionnd'a I•Odtlltbnolll•

Cutlcuro for Pimply Pocu. To l't'UIOVO Vlmf•lell and blacl1!l~dD oml'll!' thC!m tTith <'otfcurn Ointment. Wanh oa In llvo rntnutCl l.rtth Cutf· curn Scop nn4bol m1tc:. Onro cloor hllt.'p yoor altiD d~>ar by ulllna them for dally totlct pu~ Don't tan to In· dodo CUUCilra TQJcum. Advc:tlDcmcnt.

Old Artlat--nld 7nn Ill>() tho Jollllll I lett

tblo momlna. lllr7

oM c:~rl7 nummer Indian and E:l!tlmo Whltoe Llvo Comf(lrtllbly. tmppcm and huntero antbe11 to trndo Tbo wblto realdentll at the Uttle tor tho tuns ot their \Tinter catch tor 'ncodo trodlna pootl! ot Budt:On bay do nat ed ouppUC!I. llv.o In tbo r(lagh wny that mluht bo

Groat Oca Rather Than a Oay. cuppol!ed. Tbnnka to trcnDportatlou "IludDon bat'' In a mltmomer. Thill through na~oa otroJt In oummer,

bugo body ot water, 000. mUI!tl loDII and many ot tho !acton hove well-boUt The Jolle writer htUI a tunny way of ncariJ' 600 '>·tde, to moro tbnn a bllJ' hou~roo thnt would not be out of lllacc mnlllns a Uvlnt;. ar even o ll'Uif. 1t In reaiiJ n great architecturally In AmcrlCllii or Ouna· ;;:;;;;;;;;==~~=~=====~ bJlnnd ~. nn orm nt oocc ot tho dian totnlll. Wltbl.o oro plano:s, AmcrJ­AtliiJltic and Arettc: oce:u1o. whlell bltcb enn nod Eurcpeno turnlturc, well· deep lllto U1e vat:st bolll of tho Nortb Oiled bookcnceo, pnlnttu~ chlnn, cfl· American rontlnvot. It Ia one ot tho Yl'r and linen. Bellldco maned nod· mont dlllraettrlstJC fcotnrec OD thO bottlt>d cooda of OVC!l)' dcsn1pt101lJ thO mup of tho contiDI!Jlt, otnnd!ns out pont ftunlll<'ll fluvo tre::~h ver;ctablell 1111 atrlklngly aa tile Gulf ot Mexico and oummer and winter (from Utolr root covertog LIIUIOIII CD in•al an nr(!Q. ceJJara tn tbo latter ClltlO) wbllo llDb

Enrly In Aurzuut of each )'cor oteam- and wUd GUIDO arc nbundlint.

N. Say "Bayer" ... Insist!

Por Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia

Lwnbago Rheumatism

"AI tho n&(•lrntlun or ll'l'l' WN>kll. •

llliYD Atr llbay, "thr J•hz• "'""' aunln wab:bod nnd f1>oo In dlffCII't'lll t•rupor­tlnna woo miJ:t>d tor IUlotbPr l"'rlo<l ot OYO """"'""· Thla \Yeo N•Dtlnuod during four twrlo•lll of n.... t'toaka tml'h, tho fpl>d holDS C'ltOD!fPd OtlCb Umt>. and nil lhe clrnt:t en amount of rom C'QODI by wel~:bc to tho alup mlt· 101'9 ~OD ff'd M

FAit or-· I dld-bt>torc hom!

uo bfolonulns to the tnr romp:mlt'll, (!hrloUanlt)' hiUI tnkC!D a atroca bold from Nvwf"undland and tho Bt. LatT• on tho lndlanJJ IIJld COIJ)G of tho. ED­once porta. Plllll• tbroul{b llruJ;oo trtmoa ot lJndm>n b~. Thera to o atrolt Durtb ot Lnbrndor nrul ooco mOOt'llt uw~ "l'tlthedrol" at Monco their \Tny <lnwn Into tho bay. The)' Fnctoey, tho ~ of 11 bU!Iop ot lbo nre loaded wiU• mll!l't'llnoeouo t'nraoc.>a Anallron chureiJ : ond at all ot tbo of tmdu KOOlta t'tbl<'b the.r dllltrlbnto to pootll' arc churcbl'tl or mlc:lloliu. Not .:cvornl ot the mnJor poDIIL Thero 1!!111· ovcry chun:b ediOro bta a p.'Ultor, bot hoatD from tho omaller poota meat tho there are l10'1e.rol mtlrtatofl) In tho rcto atonmera. brlagllll! tbe pnnt wlntcr'a alun tTho ItO from plAce to p!Qttt, ond nccumulnUon ot tnna. a-bleb oro to bo In tht>lr altl:etlt"' MI'VIe~ are ron-11'plat'\'d b7 caraoen of trodo coodn.. ducted by tbe toy r«~dcm.. In th~ Wbcn lbe DIOttml!rtl baYO mado thoir pootn eo tho cdao ot tho tTUdoruet:~~ rounl1ll and aru rrod1 to otrom homo- Bundayo oro cttupuloualy ob~rvotS. t'tOrd, lhi'J' ore loadt-d with ruro <7oMb The pout 11toro Ill <'locqt1, no j(lurooyo hundredll of thoollondD of dolllU'll. Tho are ctartro or worlr done!, and tbo ¢no

700 t?OM! vll!lt of tho at(!:lmen trom tho outllldo Ure popaloUon ~ l9 clloreh. In tho t?orld SA the event of tho 7C!lr ot tho coulb tho Ml"'llet!ll condoctad tn povto tJbore th1!7 tou<'b. 'n1e {JODtll oro lbe IOfal Ieaton tonliUO. tnrthet north. act IAOintf'd ot otbor tl~ b~O'Iot, in Eoltlmo. Tho nummer \'Ullxl of tho for there Ia roiUIIdnmblo movm~eot of bhthup llfO ('VIffilD that llharo lmpor­amall bO!ltD alona tho C'O:lllt In tho OiK'D rnnco ollll tho an1Yal of tbo onn!Ull

AD n rt>aull. ~Jr. Bhnl' roportu that. em Jnl.r 1, the> plfla w,.,... nold for lll cent a twr fl<•Und. A 1 ll•nt Urno thPF ~l'lgbod 1,1131 1•ound11 nod bruaJ>bt r-l§.OJ.

Attrr pnylou for nil th~> oth~>r ti'Oda Dl a('lUal 1'<1111, thf'AI' nlllt> p!ltO p:tld 02.21 per huaht>l tor lhl' 8:!1~ loObdll of roro u-hlc-h lht>7 ntt> 11ur1na U1la 1(0. day ~rind. It Mr \·ouna prndurt>d hto eom 111 a N>~lt or Tli "''DtA ~r buatu!l, tbl' pn•OI on that l'Oti'D by bla (lltlll \7110 $1222tl.

• Live Stock Items ~, ... ~v~~·~

floo't WalltCl JnUr IJtii'JliUD fN>dll. • • •

Don't tnm <'DUio or ah«>p on lnlt· urtnnt e!ovor <rbl'D Ibn df!'\7 111 on.

• • • Dvn't nllotT preunant bt«ldlna on

lmala to b<!rome too tal • • •

Don•& t~ o ration rolltlllntna rom Qlcno to any t'looo nf Dtodt.

• • • • Et:lJlli' com <'tlho help explain wbJ

atodrmm are t~lna nod lilorltatloa lntlbo co madJ tb"~ lbya.

• • • Da::l't allow your b~dlna oolma1o

to ~n:o Ill) tbtn tbat yon havo to Qpol(l;1111o for tbclr ro:Jalllcn..

• • • Holtl) llDd m!nMal mattor, plaeoll

wboro U1o ttralo can fi:OOt Cit aU Ut::ca, wW prodtlco thrltts' pbt'llcn.

• • • flbccp t~nll hoa pamoltea llvo lntl!t't

tho nnlmnla I yeo etm't COt nt thtltl with cmtcmat romoolc:a. • • •

l)nt)'t ~ ll:llltUrc.:J too enr\1 In Ult Qrlti!l end c!11n't crneo paQ'Q4Ct too .d~;v,

Are )"(In ~11dy to enjoy ~lal dutlea, a porto or recre.at1om1 ~

rr nol try H OJITI:TTI:Il 'o Ce1e· broted Stbmocb Bitten, ror Ul'Cr

ceventy reoa" noted oa a ~bole· wme tonic, nppetlller and ror­reoctiYe.

AI All l)ruggillo




r:c:ll:oa from pcot to poot. EYeD In llblp. winter llledao Jouruo,.a br dog te:mut So far Ucdcon bay htlll plcrett tbo mo.r bo modo to the nearer JlOIIta. rolo ot ramer to tho tTorlll. In lba

On tbo map. Hudcon bay dooo not ft>Ora to t'Omc It mtl1 odd other part# DP,Ilellr to be oxt'Crodlcsty ltlacce:.:I~blo to ItA n?vwtotJ. Aarlcoltnn?, It lu:us from tbo moro cl'ttlt>d p:~rco of Cunad:l he<;n ce<>n. Ill not out of lbo qut>Ution to tbo rwuth. Thl! Cancdlon NaUonol In tho coutb. Thi'ClQ bund~ mUaD rnll\l'llJ'. C!Xtendlna C!IUit and I:I'C?#t. north of Jam~ boy on tbo eOllt ~ ---·

Qu;,.k P\11ll:1!11 ouJ7 l'rn mlll.'ll cooth ~~ tho 11 lnro;v rl•er plungl'tl t10 feet almOllt ""' conthem tip or tho bay. a dl11tnnM at tbe chom Une. Undcmbtf'dly them reuabl.r pqnal to that bl>tt7t>en New l.o much water I)OU'{'r aoloa to t7010tQ sate York and nosnoo. From Cot-hmne. ono twhlrul tho arG:ll clll'to of tho nortb- 11 ot tho otntlonll on tbo CanodlaD Nn· roJrtern ('OQIIL Somo day It may bo R z·ef llonnl. II rnll liD(' bOll OOC!ll pllllhed dotTn ft'OIIIblo to harne;~a thlo po~er to fur- e l tho bay. lt ID oxtrnmol7 dllilcolt to wuthPm ll~>rtlt>tn"Dtn.. Reronnolrulllnt'O

tbn Abltlbl rh·er, nearly half·t;"OJ to nidi IIJ:tbt nod h"llt nnd paver to tbo co s conotroct a rntltTilJ' oo;-pr tbo rongh. hill! dlccloct'<l rcmolt'lccrnblo qtumtltJea ·!U~it:e~ ea .. ui • • ro~ed tr!ldernat:~, bovt>ver, and the of lroo ore and olber mlneraltl along ~~~=re~e:l~,·~~~~~ij~~~~t:utl:a complet!oo of tho Uno nt no enrly dato tho eam ro:u;t that It Clll3 como Ume ii ~ d~a oot teem an~~t~red. Tbla mUw113 he profltnblo to tTork-perllnpo mtll ll'lll evonron!ly rnacb MOOllo FnftnlJ, tbe olr7 of nrorby a-am pow~. D(r.U' tbe moolb of tbo Moo.:o rivet, ono Balloon bny'o areatcm Oi)portunftl' ot tbe old~ and mtlllt Important crt for ruturc s=>rvlce, btr.oevczr, ~ to tbo Bac!oon n::~y romPQill' P6lltll. Moo~:a be 011 0 Ghort llllll wnter route to FactorY GUioa add!ld lm~ bi Eoto'j)O tar lbo (01Q.fn of tbo ~~ tllo fact lhnt It !11 ono of the fotT Bod- Canadian provln~ Port Ncllllln ooQ coo &3' commnnJUt<~ tllnt cnn com- Fort Cbnrehllt. 'both ot tho mO'lltha ct muoleato with tho outllldo In ulnter. rtvero on tho tTeat ro:lCt. boVQ b~ Attw lbe Moo.:o aM Abitibi rfv!lrJJ t~ro afillld Oll tbo taturo ~f port ot tbe fro:e1l ovtr <!:111; lo ~er 'Uley bny. Shortly bclotQ the World nr ro:wtltuto htgbtTnyg alou.r whtcl! <los this proJQct wnt~ bdna rached ~ib. te:ml.!l coc:cttm~ mako tho triP to nr:.tll a tullwny, roru:Gcttos wttb t!:(l 0%• Occbron~ . 14Utli iil;l:tw Oll:lr kt!ro Wtrmf~

Areuncs J~tff.ti Bq. ttas prts.'lfna tcr.nmt l>ott ticllttl:l. It 'l'bo EnUthClm ~ miJcs of BodJ:oo a'cttllllly t@ltclled mtbln OJ mU~ Gt U.

b13 fa a narr0'>1 ~il of wat~r dcztfootJcm 'Vhtn work was nbatldcneil known as Jllt::ta btir~ Arotltla J'nc:cs b~uao ot tbo war. m:n~ Pt3CO emit bay tho fur li'lllU!il' ~a llRi tnott ftla48 havo tcc:r tmO.Ynllabfo to"..n~~UI:no nomctOtli tui(l ~ tttlil In. tbo coun- work, nnd tho tmclt', ttltotJ&fi · tey tarthel" Inland.~!!- '(oinnll. pt;~ula· ptnfll ona mu$kct.l• fatllli# Ultq, Uon giV(ll wny t;~.. ~ ~lmoa wbo f\'l)alr. !~'tom ~trut iull'l'ppto.ts ~ bunt fa mow of. tlit to'Obtrl- b11twetl:l In tl'!e Coruld!An tl~l) twntrl' Jt. Uudw:l bat Ql;lc1 41~Cllii\.. ()n tb& flaut ct 1.000 t:JU0$1 llt tndrb Wevld ~ollt tbo t!$att:J10t.3lltiUOll J)ef\' c~ b.v ahtpplngo S'ftllD .·tf6:!H n!s:a Cia tat n!!tth o·J;'~ ChlU'ehtU. Nelf;tl~ trbo Pwl~ · · 000 ml1ts nOrth l\f <l'ftl:i:!l!l~. th Clt«ttou of lilrgo dovo.toi'J ~ ftlln

mvrueauon hAt ~t~~,'t~ <rure.zo;. . oogo. ot ~tu~ 'bay ta· wti!t'fi w sl'lOrii t t:~tl.v tb(i ttl&tti&'l~:t.~\\ E!k!,m¢21 u.t ~ antt ~lrt ~1fnc~ tro~ ttto HQ~ b~ ~ 'tbit lhttiao.a. wm\flr. .tor tt~ would .Mvo toe 'b!t. ~r=;;::SE:;:;::;::;~~~~~ bttfl!lll' Mc]l;e;t ·tt~~olhlnl. toea tmd rtt~dt tot tt· lihbrt'. ~?ua · · · to 11 ~ ~to.t \M ll@'$lng ot the ·~~ · Utnle? tilt• v!an ~bltet. without tl'l¢lr tnet~oos cr jj]bt. ~rps; l}tcf\lfli.titt btittt . t~

M~e taUttt Pfet tO' tlie cJl(> leo ~~to doJ~ tfi.ts. ntl.f · Of ctrllliattO'tt ttt~ ·~ ~p1dll7 $e~l~n!ll !iiilllllt -pt$ :tn .n.& vttt

~a 11f~t 'qnt. _ttl tb(l. ba;r11~twctl\.!:i;l1(l.Julf< Mil the· Jut /Jf <:anttets wtt!l IDtr ~hlte~t th~. Ucte~.r. , titlirtltig ·~~~· · .tQi!. v, ·

llU' atu~· tltol~ do~lj to land wliete . ~~ ·'P\'eiR~· !:iii..fl li<l ~il··Q ot lit!\ iliit ~!! 4 iUU lt' . ·.· ~~~· '()tU'$ ,J'i.It$ . : .· . . .

. ' ' ~.~ .--. ~ ' .


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l ' '•

T <,, .~ J•' •' '; : ' ' " ..

. \ '' ·.


' '

" ' '


' •• ' .

' ·:


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' 1