1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Renaissance 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Transcript of 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Page 1: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)


“The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep”


Page 2: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Renaissance The term renaissance literally means

“rebirth” or “reconstruction” The Renaissance began in Italy Focused on politics, arts, and intellect

Page 3: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Renaissance They abandoned

many ideas of the Middle Ages and began to develop modern interests

People were becoming more educated and were learning to think for themselves

There was curiosity in the sciences

Page 4: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)
Page 5: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)


Individualism – a moral stance or ideology that stresses independence and self-relianceo Stressed the importance of personal goalso Sought to become educated peopleo Sought to become famous for their works • (example: Artists during Medieval times

would not sign their artwork. They wanted to give God the glory for their talent and wanted no recognition. During the Renaissance, artists began to sign their artwork because they sought recognition and fame)

Page 6: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Renaissance HUMANISM

Humanism- an ethical system that centers on humans and their values, needs, interests, abilities, dignity, and freedom

Exalted humans and human cultures Church was no longer the main vocal point

(people began to become arrogant and thought they could do things on their own without God’s help)

Sought worldly pleasure and a perfect worldly life This movement brought along the idea that

humans could be perfect

Page 7: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Renaissance LIFE Jousting – favorite pass time Average life expectancy – 40 years Children were treated as adults and were

expected to work Inventions:

o Movable Type – made printing in mass easiero Portable clocko Screwdrivero Improved telescope

Page 9: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Renaissance MUSIC Golden Age of singing – A Cappella music was

very popular Effects of movable type on music

o It was much faster to printo It was much cheaper to printo There were less errors made in the printing

Characteristicso More instrumental musico Wide melodic rangeo Ornamentation and embellishmentso Wide skips and leaps

Page 10: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Renaissance MUSIC SACRED – was produced for the Catholic Church Mass – Catholic worship service Mass was sung in Latin (most common language) Fully a capella

Kyrie Kyrie means God. 1st piece of the musical mass.

Gloria Gloria means Glory. Celebratory music.

Credo Credo means Creed of belief. Recited or sung by the entire congregation (usually chant like)

Sanctus Sanctus means Holy

Benedictus Benedictus mean Blessed. Continuation of Sanctus

Agnus Dei Agnus Dei means Lamb of God

Page 11: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Renaissance COMPOSERS

Giovanni-Pierluigi Da Palestrina o Great Italian

composero Most esteemed

composer of the late Renaissance

o Was a member of the Pope’s private chapel choir.

Jubilate Deo

Page 12: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Renaissance COMPOSERS

William Byrd o Most

important English composer

o He composed music for all instruments

Gloria-mass for 4 voices

Page 13: 1450-1600 “The world is coming to it’s senses, as if awaking out of a deep sleep” (Eramus)

Renaissance COMPOSERS

Josquin des Prezo Spent most of

his time in Italyo Used a

technique called imitation- one line would mimic or copy another line of music

Ave Maria