Rude Awaking

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Transcript of Rude Awaking

  • 8/14/2019 Rude Awaking


    Subject: [Voice & Action]*Leaning against the frame of the door way, the cook watched the swordsman train quietly, smoke wafting from his newly lit cigarette in the

    light breeze.

    He blamed the kitchen window for revealing the other man's training spot and his own shitty need to feed the hungry. Which was why in his

    free hand was a plate, fresh salad and a fried egg still hot from being made a short while ago, fork neatly arranged on the side.*

    Oi. Hungry?

    [He didn't still his motions at the sound of the cook's voice. He was incapable of seeing himthough that didn't stop him from calling back.]

    ...2--Not yet--3...

    [It wasn't strenuous, so once more his thoughts pondered over why they couldn't use their fullabilities.]

    Subject: [Voice & Action]

    I made it for you, marimo, so you're going to eat it whether you're hungry or not.

    *Walks over to a spot closer to him, sitting down promptly on the grass, legs crossed, placing the plate down next to him. *

    Dont bust a wound, either.

    O-oi...Don't ask if you're gonna force me.

    [he glanced over at the plate, feeling hungry, but this came first as he continued]

    I'll eat when I'm done, cook, it's just training not gonna kill myself, che.

    Subject: [Voice & Action]As long as you eat it.

    *Sighs, smoke trailing from his lips lazily.*

    I know that, idiot. You know how Chopper hates you training while you're healing,though. He may not be here, but the same rules apply.

    Oh? Gonna start taking care of me then, shit-cook? Heh

    [gives a small smirk, making sure to keep a mental counting of each upward push.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Who'd want to take care of you, shitty bastard!?

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    *Growls, laying back on the grass, staring at the sky, cigarette held between lips, one arm behind his head.*

    Tch, it's only this once. Don't get used to it.

    Wouldn't want to, otherwise I'd start thinkin' you're growing soft, cook.

    [his arms were beginning to burn in that wonderful way as he started getting higher in digits.Normally he'd never get this worked up so soon...he'd have to get beyond this soon.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Soft? This might be your last meal for today.The house is running low at the moment, if you haven't realized. Like hell you'dbe able to get your hands on anything else.

    Hn, should have let you fast for a day.

    [scowls inwardly]

    I'll last, you should give it to one of 'your girls' then.

    [gives a sharp nod towards the plate]

    Don't get why'd you give it to me in the first place anyway, shit-cook.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]My girls are already catered for, idiot. You really expect me to serve you first?

    *Waves a hand at him, still gazing at the sky.*

    You get hungry after you train. You'd get lost trying to find food, and you'renakama. That enough reason for you?

    Idiot...I mean why waste the extra on me, when theres others who can't last aslong as us, nakama or not.

    [a small tick went off against his temple.]

    Che...think you know me so well, huh? Well whatever, eat it yourself cook, I don'tthink I've seen you take a meal since we got here.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Because most of those guys already have their stash. You and your shitty roomchanging don't.

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    So just stop bitching and eat.

    *Growls, flicking ash off of his slowly burning cigarette.*

    I don't need as much. And I have eaten since we arrived, just not with you.

    I just haven't been eating since we've low on food. Yako-chan and Zell need itmore.

    You're too scrawny to avoid eating. If anything you need it more, so just take italready, cook!

    [bites out]

    'Side, this place is always changing, I'm sure this lack of food won't last long andI've held out from eating before.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Shut up, marimo! I can last fine!

    *Sits up, annoyed now, hair askew.*

    Just close your trap and eat, asshole. I made it for you, not me.

    [huffs before finally righting himself and squatting into the grass.

    he takes the plate in hand, dark scowl in place as he cuts a piece only to shove towards thecook's mouth instead]

    Stop telling me what to do and eat it, cook.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Looks from the fork to dark eyes, glaring furiously before turning his head stubbornly to the side.*

    Like hell. I told you I'm fine.

    Like hell you're fine, I'll eat when you do first, shit-cook!

    [presses the fork insistently against his mouth]

    Stop being an ass already!

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]I'm not eating, bastard!

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    *Clamps a hand onto a tanned wrist, pushing his arm away.*

    Eat it yourself!

    [smacks his hand away, tossing the fork back onto the plate.]

    I'm not hungry anymore, don't waste food idiot and eat it yourself now.

    [laying down he begins on his sit-ups pointedly ignoring the blond]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Glares coldly at the swordsman, grumbling and muttering curses underneath his breath as he picks up the plate, fork inhand.*

    Last time I'm doing anything for you, shithead.

    *Mutters as he takes a bi te of egg, fuming.*

    Che, I doubt it.

    [he sat back up ignoring the face the cook was making finally taking the fork back for a bite of hisown.]

    Gotta admit you're the only cook I know who can make eggs bearable to eat overand over again.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]--O-Oi! Don't go stealing it now, asshole!

    *Splutters, snatching the fork back and skewering a tomato, shoving it in his mouth with a heated stare at the swordsman.*

    Get your own, you're the one that didn't want it.

    [he pursed his lips in annoyance before taking the plate and moving it out of reach]

    Well now I want it, you're the cook so go make another one.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Crawls forward onto all fours, stretching up onto his knees to try to steal the plate back, cursing and grabbing at a tanned arm.*

    Give it back, bastard! Thought you weren't hungry?

    That was before and this is now, dartboard brow!

    [uses one hand to push at his face, leaning back away from his advance and always making surethe plate was too far too grab]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Shoves his hand away, pulling it closer so the rest of Zoro followed suit, the cook leaning to the side so that he could make a snatch for the

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    You just want to piss me off, asshole!

    Stop messing around!! You're gonna make me drop it!

    [yanks his hand free to lean back further away.]

    You said this was for me before and now I want it, so deal with it, cook!

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Giving the swordsman a glare, he sat back, arms folded.

    Although he could easily argue that he didn't want to risk spilling the plate's contents, the main reason was that his calf muscles were

    starting to ache again.*

    Fine, as long as you eat it this time, shithead.

    [he gave him a bemused look, sitting up again and taking up the fork.]

    Giving up already?

    [the words came out muffled as he spoke through a mouthful of egg.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Manners, swallow before you talk.

    *Lays back down, flicking away ash from his cigarette as he frowns at the clouds.*

    Be quiet. Didn't want to spill the food.

    [shrugs carelessly as he finished, well his half at least. He placed the rest at the blond'sside]

    Here, I don't need it all, I'm not Luffy.

    [he turned his face away, propping his knees up to rest his arms against them, his gaze kept tothe wall, with a neutral expression in place.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Glances from the plate to the swordsman curiously, eyebrow raised.*

    ...You feeling alright?You didn't spit in it, did you bastard?

    Stop asking stupid questions and just eat it!

    [a drawn out sigh pushes passed his lips]

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    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Frowns at him before picking up the plate. He pokes around before stabbing a cucumber slice, opening his mouth to wrap lips around the

    fork, removing the utensil as he chews.*

    I really don't understand you, marimo.

    I don't expect you to, shit-cook.

    [Flips over, positioning himself for push-ups.]

    You should start training too if you're ever gonna get those legs of yours in shapeagain.1

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]I'll train when I can sprint without it feeling like my legs are bleeding again,marimo.

    *Breaks off a bit of egg, frowning at the warmth of the fork and how it tasted slightly like sake. Crinkling his nose at the thought, he ignored

    that, instead focusing on finishing the rest on his plate.*

    They can't be that bad.

    [grunts with each upward push.]

    What's with the face, cook? Don't tell me you actually messed up a meal?

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]They aren't. Healing slower than I'd like, but I'm trying to rest so that I don't open

    a wound when I test them.

    *Lifts another forkful to his mouth, glancing at the swordsman.*

    No, it's nothing.

    That's your fault, getting involved in things, walkin' around and just hurtingyourself more, Geez, you're an idiot.

    [pulls of his shirt, using it to wipe off the sweat.]

    Whatever you say then. Gonna start heading back.

    [slinging the shirt over his shoulder, he stands up dusting off most of the major grass and dirt thatclung to him]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Shut up! I can't just stay in bed all day, can I?

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    *Watches him get up, not moving, instead just continuing to methodically eat.*

    Back to your room?I'll... stay here.

    No, but you don't have to overexert yourself either, cook.

    [turns back, keeping a steady gaze on him.]

    Yeah, you can come if you want.

    Subject: [Voice & Action]*Nearly chokes on his food.*

    E-Eh?!Come where?


    What kind of stupid question is that?! the room, where else is there, moron?

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Blinks, slightly bewildered at being invited back to the swordsman's room.*

    ..Yeah, I guess.

    *Gets to his feet, swallowing the last of the egg, following the swordsman quietly.*

    [shakes head in disbelief]

    What's the hell is wrong with you, cook? You've been acting strange lately.

    [steps into the manor, slightly ahead of the blond.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Lift his head at the question, frowning when he realizes that agreeing so easily to the suggestion would give away his thoughts.*

    If this is about going back to your room, it's only because..

    *Sniffs, sulking.*

    Yako-chan and Takami are snuggling in there without me. It's not like I want to bein there at the moment.idiot...That's not what I meant!!

    [mutters under his breath]

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    Anyway who cares what they do, that's their business cook, you wanted her thenyou should have tried harder, or something.

    Subject: [Voice & Action]Then what did you mean, hm?

    *Shoots a glare at his back.*

    Shut up. I don't need advice from you!

    I don't know, just weird in general.

    [scratches the back of his head bemused.]

    Right, cause you've been doing such a great job making a fool of yourself in frontof women on your own anyway.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Who's weird? You're the one offering to share your room, giving me bandagesand shit that I can do myself!

    *Pauses in his tracks, darting into the kitchen to place the empty plate in the sink before catching back up with a snappy reply.*

    Like you actually bother, bastard! I at least have more experience, so I wouldn'tgo to you for shitty advice.

    I have my reasons.

    [brows furrow, his strides carrying him a little further ahead once more.]

    What experience? You mean being rejected? Hmph.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Tch, whatever you say, bastard. Reasons or not, it's still weird.

    *Lengthens his strides also, tailing the other with a frown.*

    It's better than nothing, so don't tell me that it doesn't count as experience!What the hell would you know, anyway? You don't give a crap about romance,shithead.

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    Whatever, dartboard brow.

    [Boots thump loudly against the stairs, practically abusing the floor.]

    You're right I don't, it's a waste of time and there's better things to put effort intothan drooling like a pathetic idiot over a woman.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Hisses at the noise, quickening his pace to walk side by side with the swordsman.*

    I do not drool! Tch, idiot.I wouldn't expect you to appreciate something so fine and beautiful such as love.

    Hmph, it's not 'love' if you give it to every girl you meet.

    [His words come out cool and low, yanking the doorway open he strides back into his room.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Do I have to repeat myself?

    *Growls, shoving hands into his pockets as he follows in.*

    You don't know anything about love. You're not one to be able to preach this shitto me.

    You're going to anyway.

    [places his swords down with an annoyed sigh]

    You're the one who doesn't know anything, ero-cook. I don't do the romance shit,but I know that when you love someone you should be loyal to them.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]I can't help it if I love more than one person, bastard.

    *Sits down on the edge of the bed he had used, slipping off his shoes to sit cross legged.*

    It's not like..Eh, never mind.

    That's not love, idiot. That's something else.

    [shoots a look from the corner of his eye at the cut off]

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    You'd probably have better luck if you didn't flirt with everyone, you know.

    [kicking off his own shoes he crosses his legs and begins his mediation process clearing his mindfrom the strange conversation.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]I told you not to try to give me advice, moron. You try getting a girl, then I'll listento you.

    *Sighs, lighting up a new cigarette before laying back against the mattress, exhaling smoke.*

    I don't need your help. I know what I'm doing.

    Hn...No thanks, not interested.

    [His voice was low and calm, his chest expanding and compressing with each slow breath.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Thought as much.

    *Is silent after that, watching the patterns the smoke made as it coiled and twisted it's path upwards.

    These moments were rare, where they simply enjoyed each other's company. Words would only get in the way at times like these.*

    What exactly is that suppose to mean, shit-cook?

    [Mouth twisted into a scowl, glaring balefully at him.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Waits until the smoke fades before he answers, noticeably calmer than before.*

    Didn't think you'd be the type of asshole to fall in love. Too up yourself.

    Don't act like you know me, Sanji.

    [Narrows eyes into mere slits]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Don't tell me I don't know you either.You've never expressed any interest in anyone we've met.

    *Sits up to look at him, only realizing now that he was being glared at.*

    Because no one we've met has!

    [grits his teeth]

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    The one I cared about is gone, lost my interest in girls a long time ago, cook. All Icare about is fulfilling my promise.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]I see.

    ...'M sorry for bringing it up.

    *Purses his lips, guilt f lickering through his visible eye.

    He sinks back down to stare at the ceiling again, mind working over that information silently.*

    [the atmosphere seemed to thickened, he aimed a heated glare at the floor, feeling foolish forsaying anything at all.]

    Just forget it, it was a long time ago.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]No, I won't. It's interesting to hear you're capable of feeling like that for a lady,marimo.

    *He breathes out another stream of smoke to the ceiling lazily, watching it rise and swirl as he listens for the swordsman's voice.*

    I wouldn't call her a 'lady'.

    [he couldn't help the slight curve of a lip]

    She was the only one back then who was able to beat me. Che...Countless duelsand countless losses, she was more my rival than anything.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]..Is that so?

    *A slight smile at that as he sets the cigarette back to his lips. That description sounded familiar.*

    Do you miss her?

    [he grew somewhat solemn]

    I wouldn't put it that way. More like I'm angry that she's gone, that she was takenbefore she could prove a women could be a swordsman.

    [looks towards Wadou]

    So I'm doing this for the both of us.

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    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]

    So you don't miss having her around? Hn, trust you to get angry instead ofsentimental.

    *Puffs out more smoke, flicking off the excess ash.*

    'M sure she'd be proud.

    Being sentimental wouldn't be what she'd want anyway.

    [smirks in amusement.]

    Proud? She's too stubborn to say such a thing about me.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]She doesn't sound all that lady-like.But then again, I wouldn't say something like that about you either.

    *Snorts at that.*

    Sounds like a nice kid, though. Shame she isn't here, you might actually have achance with someone if she were.

    [scoffs at absurdity of that.]

    If she was still around we'd probably be fighting each other to see who was thebest.

    Ah well, can't live in a world of 'what if's' anyway. 'Side now I'm stuck with a shit-cook who gives me enough trouble as is.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Stuck with me? You're the one who invited me up here.

    *Squishes out his cigarette on the nightstand, stretching out with a sigh.*

    Eh, guess that girl and I have kicking your ass in common.Except I don't do it just to prove who's better, I do it because you piss me off

    I meant in general, idiot. Not just here but back on the ship too.

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    Che, I kick yourass, cook, get it right, and the feeling is mutual.

    You've got more in common than you think

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Like hell you do. Haven't beaten me yet.

    ..Why did you offer for me to stay in here tonight, anyway? If you're complainingof being stuck with me, it makes sense to get the hell away from me.

    Only cause I don't really try to, idiot-cook.


    What does it matter what my reason is? You're the only one here I know anyway,

    better to stick around people who I know aren't the enemy.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Tch, that's just insulting.Well, equal force met with equal force. It's not like I go all out with you, either.

    You could always stay by yourself. Like you usually do.

    Hmph, I'll probably still win, cook. When you're better we'll give it a go.

    I could, but then I'd have no one to insult, unless you wanna go, I won't stop you.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Shouldn't take too long now.Just want to wait. If the wounds burst when they're this close to healing fully, I'dbe pissed off.

    *Smirks at that, sitting up to raise an eyebrow at the other man.*

    Haven't got anywhere else to go for now. Takami is being shitty with me at the

    moment. Bastard.

    *Curious look.* You don't mind me in here, hm? I'll leave if you don't want me.

    If you need more bandages I still got some left, hurry up and heal so I can proveto you who's the stronger, cook.

    [snorts in amusement.]

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    More like you're just licking your wounds cause Yako picked another guy.

    I said I didn't, stay all you want, cook. I can tolerate you for the most part.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*At that he rolled up his pant leg, inspecting the bandages already in place.*

    Mm, new bandages would be good. If you've got any spares.

    *Shooting him a glare, he let the material drop, smoothing it out as best as he could, despite them being too baggy.*

    Shut up. That bastard just doesn't want me in there right now.

    [sitting back up he pulled open a drawer rustling around for the left over roll, tossing it over forthe cook to catch.]


    Most people wouldn't want someone around when they're with someone else,idiot.

    What did you do anyway, barge in there and make a scene?

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]

    Oh. Thanks.

    *Catches the roll, placing it beside him so that he could start unraveling the old ones.*

    I did not. I was just surprised, that's all.

    *Huffs, removing the last of the old material, exposing the bruised skin.*

    Right. If Takami's pissed than you probably did something idiotic.

    [subconsciously he inched closer giving the wounds a cursory look.]

    Not as bad as before at least.

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    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]I didn't! Don't assume that I immediately did something stupid, bastard.

    *Eye flickers up to watch him a little warily, but not protesting at the movement.*

    As I said, it's healing. Shouldn't be too much longer.

    Who's assuming? I've known you long enough to figure it out, cook.

    Need help with those?

    [sitting at the edge of the bed, hand out, he offered his assistance bluntly not really caring whatthe cook thought]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Frowns at him, ignoring the hand, beginning to bandage over the bruises already.*

    No. Why would I need your help, marimo? I can bandage my own legs just fine.

    Che...Suit yourself.

    [he leaned back onto his hands merely watching the patchwork with a critical eye.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Glances up at him when he had tied off the material for one leg securely, starting on removing the bandage for the next leg.*

    Why are you so shitty, marimo? You don't need two people for this shit.

    Shut up, you're the one being a stubborn ass when someone's just trying to behelpful!

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Fine! Then you do it!

    *Pulls away the old bandage from his skin, moving closer so that the swordsman could reach.

    One elbow is propped against his raised knee, supporting his chin as he looks at the other expectantly.*

    Since you're obviously going to give me shit about it.


    [he stared at him for a while confused as to why the cook was giving in so easily. Dismissing it, hebegan unrolling the cloth, working them around his leg with a skill that had been born frompractice from taking care of himself.]

    There, looks better than the job you did on the other one, cook.

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    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Glances down at his work, eyebrow raising as he inspects it, fingers feeling over the material.*

    Hm? They look the same to me.

    Don't go getting up yourself just because I let you do one little thing, marimo.


    [he pulls off the extra sheet he had on the bed tossing it at the cook.]

    You're gonna need that too since you're all scrawny and shit, last night wasn'tbad but it gets pretty cold in here, cook.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Blinks down at the blanket, before looking back at him with a frown.*

    Oi, won't you get cold? This is your room for now, don't want to be of any trouble..

    [waves it off]

    I told you before I'm fine, compared to Drum Island this is nothing.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Alright, but you're not getting it back any time soon.

    *The frown stays despite his words, the cook gathering up the blanket to neatly fit on top of the other sheets.*

    I wouldn't be giving it to you if I just wanted it back, idiot-cook.

    [with a soft exhale he settles back down onto his own bed.]

    If you need more just take'em.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Eh, thanks.

    *Follows suit, burying underneath his array of blankets, grunting when he still shivered underneath them.*

    ..You were right about the cold part, marimo.

    Then get more already, I'm not going to pamper you.

    [his face was screwed up in annoyance as he pulled his own sheet over closer]

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    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]No, I'm fine.

    *Curls up as best as he can, blankets covering his shoulders, trying to prevent his body from trembling too much.*

    Stop saying you're fine, I can hear you're teeth chattering from here.

    [he had to admit, though not as cold as drum island there was a certain bite in the wind thatdrafted through.]

    Just get more cause that's pretty much the only option you've got.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]I'm fine, marimo. I can handle it.

    *Snaps, closing his eyes afterward and curling up tighter.*

    I'm not that weak that I need your help all the time.

    Oi, I never said you were weak, asshole.

    What the hell do extra sheets have to do with weakness anyway? Che...

    If you're cold then do something about it, no one's going to think less of you.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Yeah, but I'd be grabbing your sheets, idiot, and you need them too.I'm fine the way I am now.

    Now just shut up and fall asleep instantly like you're so damn good at doing.

    Then just grab them already, if you're not going to then just share mine and ifyou're gonna bitch about it then shut up and let me sleep, cook.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]S-Share blankets?

    Like hell I'm doing that!Who'd want to sleep next to you?!

    Suit yourself if you want to freeze to death that's your problem.

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    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Doesn't answer to that, pulling a face instead and turning onto his side, keeping his eyes closed in an attempt to sleep despite the cold.*

    [takes his silence as meaning he was going to shut up now, and furrowing down into his sheet,

    shutting his eyes.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Moments pass, and the cook finds that it just keeps getting harder to sleep with that damn cold.

    Gnawing on his bottom lip, he slipped out from the sheets, feeling much like a little kid again as he padded over to the side of the

    swordsman's bed, scowling at the unfairness of it all.*

    Oi, Zoro. Too cold.

    [heaving a heavy sigh he shifts over.]

    Learn to make up your mind sooner, cook.

    [voice groggy, he pulled up the sheet to let him in.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Be quiet. It's not like I wanted to do this.

    *Crawls in next to him, edging away from the body as much as he can without falling off the bed.*

    Don't you dare mention this to anyone, bastard.

    There's nothing to mention, idiot, just two nakama sharing a bed, it's not a bigdeal.

    [exhaling softly he ignored the fact that it was warmer now at least and focused on sleeping.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Just don't mention it.

    *Waits a few moments, letting the silence hang until he was sure that Zoro was actually asleep, before he inched closer.

    The heat was good from the swordsman, as he expected. He found a nice warm spot next to the other without their bodies touching. Much


    The cook would wake up before Zoro, so he was sure he wouldn't get caught. Closing his eyes, he sighed quietly, content for now.*

    [distantly he heard him, expelling a gruff sound, neither a 'no' or a 'yes'. He could even feel thebed dipping though he didn't think much of it, regardless of his earlier boasts he couldn't help theinstinctual need to shift closer towards a heat source.]

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    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Eyes snapped back open at the shift closer, the cook wriggling back in alarm, keeping that slight distance between them. He didn't want to

    be too close. Even if the heat was intoxicating.

    Still, a little warmth was enough for now. *

    [he made a strange snuffling sound of disapproval, but didn't move again, his breath comingmore deeply now.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Seeing that the other didn't move again, he managed to work up the courage to shuffle a bit closer. Only a bit more.

    Ugh, a little more.

    Eyes flickered to the swordsman's face for any sign of movement, shivering not just from the draft seeping through the sheets, but from the

    constant threat that Zoro might wake up.

    But shit, the marimo was warm! The guy was like a living heater! Sanji decided that for the sake of his own beauty sleep and comfort, he'd

    allow their shoulders to touch. Just for the heat. *

    [At the touch his arm snaked over him pulling him close, though his eyes were shut and lightsnoring was issuing forth, not aware of his own actions and merely quelling his body's need for aheat source that wasn't just his own.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Tenses, finding himself pressed against a warm body, eyes wide. Torn between shoving him away and risking being kicked out of the bed

    and possibly being able to sleep properly, he decided on the latter, allowing strong arms to hold him close grudgingly. *


    *Murmured quietly, more to himself than the other.*

    Shut up already and go to sleep, cook.

    [he muttered softly]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]E-Eh?!

    *Jerks backwards, gaping at him.*

    You've been awake this whole time?!

    No, you're annoying voice is hard to ignore.

    [his eyes were squeezed shut in concentration of ignoring his yammering, merely tugging theblond back and keeping him still.]

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    Told you before it's not a big deal, you're cold, I'm cold so we work with whatwe've got, idiot.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]

    Let me go, marimo!*Squirms in the hold, glaring up at the swordsman.*

    Don't get the wrong idea! I was only getting closer 'cause I was checking howwarm you were, not because I wanted to be this close!

    Well now you know.

    [his arms tighten around him]

    O-Oi..stop moving already, it's warmer this way, I'm not in the mood to freeze andneither are you. It's just for tonight, idiot.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]I don't give a shit if you're in the mood to freeze, asshole! Don't want to sleepnext to you like this, that's all!

    *Is quiet for a few moments after that, the tightened grip allowing the heat from the contact to warm his body up. He shivers at the

    comparison between his cold lower body and where their bodies touched, legs moving to huddle against the swordsman's.*

    Tch, well.. Fine. Just don't ever mention it to anyone.

    Who the hell would?!

    [snorts finally settling against him, hands rested upon his back, though he made sure that theirfaces didn't get too close, he didn't need another fight about something pointless.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Be quiet. You would.

    *He's a little unnerved by the hands on his back, it's something that wouldn't exactly happen between nakama simply looking for warmth.

    Not wanting to stare the swordsman in the face when he woke up, he bowed his head, breath puffing gently against a tanned collarbone.

    This wasn't so bad. Everything just smelt like Zoro.*

    [a shiver ran through him]

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    Stop that...feels funny.

    [he mumbled, body shifting to get over the strange sensation, legs pulls up only to tangle with thecook's]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]

    Stop what?

    *Of course, speaking causes more short gusts of air to caress his skin, the cook squirming a little at the intrusion of legs pressing against


    [shudders and scowls in annoyance by his body's reaction to something so simple.]

    Stop breathing on my neck, bastard!

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]I can hardly stop breathing, can I? Idiot.

    *Still, he lifts his head to stare into dark eyes instead, scowling at him.*

    Great, I get to wake up to that.

    [he stares back holding his gaze for a moment longer than needed, before shutting his eyes oncemore.]

    Yeah well...Whatever just go to sleep it'll be over tomorrow.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Hn, good. The sooner the better.

    *Closing his eyes, he curls instinctively around the other as best as he could, legs hooking around Zoro's as he gets comfortable.

    Hands cautiously grasp the front of the swordsman's shirt just for somewhere to hold on to, head slightly tilted down, trying to drift off to


    Hmph, you don't look like you're minding too much, cook.

    [he mutters under his breath allowing the cook for now to press against him. It was a good thingthe blond couldn't see his face at this moment, he shoved the unwanted feeling down again, it

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    was just the cold causing these problems, just like he was going to blame the cold for resting hishead upon the others.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Hm~? I heard that.

    *Inches his head up a little before returning it to it's previous angle, just to let the swordsman know he was conscious of the weight.*

    Oi. Don't get all cozy with me.

    I do what I want cook.

    [he pressed his chin down against his hair, ruffling a few strands.]

    You're not as much of a pain like this.

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]

    Stop it! I'm not here for cuddles, idiot!

    *Grumbles, loosening his grip on Zoro's shirt to flick his jaw, annoyed.*

    Don't get used to it. This is a one time thing, and it's not for your enjoyment. Soquit your head shit. It's weird.

    [frowns tightly]

    Can you stop fighting for once SHUT UP and just get comfortable already? If I'm

    stuck with you in my bed then I get to decide how I sleep with you.

    [he made a strange choking sound at the back of his throat belatedly realizing what that soundedlike.]

    J-Just fucking sleep already!!

    [with a final huff, he shuffled against him not caring anymore cause he was warmth and that waswhat mattered now anyway.]

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    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]Just shut up and sleep, marimo. Get this over and done with.

    *His fingers find their places twisted back in Zoro's shirt, yet his eyes don't close. That heat is temptingly warm, and he wonders if he could

    possibly get away with touching it when the swordsman had fallen asleep.

    Asleep for good this time. He made a face at that.*

    [finally agreeing on something he allowed himself to relax, face softening a tad from their usualfrowning features. Slow deep breaths caused his chest to rise and fall, not really minding theweight against it. Lips parting slightly, the first soft snores push passed them.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*Content with the fact that the swordsman was sleeping, he slowly freed a hand, lifting it up to delicately touch a tanned neck, fingers

    brushing over skin to retreat when he found it as warm as expected.

    Casting a quick glance at Zoro's expression and checking for any movement was f ruitless, considering the swordsman didn't seem to stir.

    Not at least while he was looking.

    Finally giving into the temptation, he inched his face closer, nearly humming in approval as he softly nuzzled against the warm underside of

    the swordsman's neck. Glorious heat and surprisingly soft skin. Luckily, he caught himself before he got too carried away, his cheeks heating

    up as he realized what he was doing.*

    [it was the cold nose against his skin that had him peering through slitted eyes wondering whatthe hell that was but too tired to move.

    As his mind cleared he realized with a shock that had his body tense, that the cook was--was...nuzzling, into his neck. He forced his body not to move, confused as to the reasoning andchocking it up to--Well to something he'd have to figure out later. Ignoring the strange sensationhe let his eyes closed once. It took him a moment to finally get his body to comply and relaxagain, his head slipped off the blond's resting more against the pillow and causing a gentle

    jingling sound from the three gold earrings.]

    Subject: Re: [Voice & Action]*The jingle nearly made him jump, returning back to his safe distance away from that heat source, only to find the weight that was above his

    head was gone. Peering up, he found Zoro apparently sleeping against the plush pillow.

    Which meant he had moved.

    Which meant that Zoro was aware of what the cook just did.


    Face flushing, Sanji decided that it was probably safer if he followed suit and rested his head on the pillow. Waking up to that face was

    nothing compared to waking up finding himself nuzzling Zoro's neck again.

    He just hoped that the swordsman wouldn't bring it up. No valid explanation on his part.*

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