You Should Make Their Advertising Profitable

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Transcript of You Should Make Their Advertising Profitable


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FEB 2 0 1928

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Our Advertisers Make the Oracle Possible-

You Should Make Their Advertising Profitable

--- - -=---


Wl]r ®rarlr PnbJis h f.'d M onthly h y

Ow S tudt•nts of

Ban~or Hi~h Sch ool

Suhscriptions :

SI .00 per Annun1

in advance

nrn Pill( ']<; OF TIIIH :'.\T:\IBER rn TWEXTY-FIVE CEXTS The "Oracle" 1s fo:· :-;a]P a1 Ben n '~, <'la rP°s and El<lricl!!P'F a nd at t h!' High f'cl1nol

A<l<l !'(•,;s all liu~in•·h <·0111m 11nic·a 11Crn ~ fo BIU '(' l~ K C'l .\TXIXUJIA:\I. 22 Hudson S t 1cr•t

T lw "Or·1<·le" i'i approv1•d J,y thl' B:t11gor ('ha.m1H·r of Corn rw·rrc a:i nu adv('rtising 1t1('(l1Urn E 11 tn1·d us i'oro11d ('lu s :'\latter, .Julif• 11, 1'1 1 l, at t l11• Post OJJi1•1• nt ll:rnp;or, Mailll', ur11l1•r th1· .\ 1·t of :\Ian·h, 1~71)



Guv V. C'am ph<·ll, '2()


Bn11·1· K C' 111111111u;h·1m, "27


T l111rlow A. C' l•tllld l1·r, ':.!Ii


Hi<·h:ml T . .\lu1u· .. , ' ,2\j


Do111 .\ St·of f, '21i

.\lu rrn,\ L. IH!rn ,tnn, ':.!Ii



( ' ha rlot '.<' 11. Jfuhi>ard , '2()

D a nfo r t h \\'. Ilay<'.'<1 "27



Btll pP'' C'. Bf'!'! .\', '27



Bru«r E. Cunningham , "27


Bi P llll:l 11. Bla1,d 11, '2fi


.\J :1rjmw H. T),.i,·coll


.\larv T . Quinn, 26


.John ('utl1·r, "27

Br 11<'1' ('111111i11gh:1m, ' '27


Corh1111 Hol1i11 011, ''21)

,\ n•id Llih 1 011, ':!S H:d1>h Bro1111, ''2S ,\ ldt·Jt D <•Jll\CO ':27 Holtrrt Russ, ''2!J

NO. 4


1918-1920 1920-1926

"A yc•ar to l>P glad in, X ot to lw !Jae! in; A Y<'ar to live in, To gain and gi\'c m; A yPar for tl'ying, And not for sighing; A y<'ar for stri\'ing And hearty thriving; ,\ bright, ll<'W yPar. Oh! hold it dc•ai ..

' For <:od who sC'nclcth Only lcndcth."

To wish you a Happy Xc•w Yrar and rrally ~nc•a11 it , i.., about all mH• C'an do aftrr all, isn't 1 t '> "\' J I · <1t1 <'all Pac a ho!'::;<' to \\'atrr but you <'a11't rnakc• hint drink." ,\ <'Pl'tain spPakc•r <>11C·c• told how lw Oll('C' aclcln•ssc•d an audic'rH·e i11 whiC'h tlwn• was a C'<'rtain nia11 who was k11own to IH' cl!'f PrnrinPd 11ot to IH' so hilarious as to srnilc• 011 a11y occ·asion. The• :-;pmker. <·011ficlc•1it that 110 sll<'lr JH'l'so11 C'OU!d withstand his appPal for a srnilc·, 11sPd <'VC'IT lll<':u1s ll\'aila­},Jp Io <'OIHflH'I' t hP pc•c·1iliar lll:11.1 '. · c•1Tor, hut at I lie• <'lid of t hP addn•ss 11<• 11 alkc·d frnlll t IH' roo!ll a.· void of a11y <'XJ>l'<' sio11 of happirH'. s as hP had clc·lc·nni11!'d. And that i · j11st the• way "·ith <·v<'ry last OIIC' of us; 11·c· c·an IH• just about what ~1"' d<'tc·rr11i1H· to IH·; II<' <'all IH· happy and sing for· joy in llw pri 011 ('<'II: I\(' ,·:111 lw unhappy fllul cli--c·onll'll((•d in t lw 111icl. t of )H'Os)H'l'ity; lloliody <'all /1111/;1 u IH· a11ytlii11g.

To hr happy is not to be possessor of an ahund:uiec· of this world's goods; on the other hand it dc)('s not mran that one needs to de­prive onr's sc•lf of it. In truth, to find happi­nrss w<' must srek it in the simple clement;; of lif P even as Huskin says:

"To watch t IH' corn grow, or the blossoms R<'t; to cl raw hard !Jrrath ovrr ploughshare or spac!P; to read, to think, to love, to pray­tlwsc m·c· thP things that make mrn happy." AJHI these' things arc within the reach of the rich, ihP poor, t lw low, and the hi!!;h.

It i:-; not a sdfislt cksirr at all to desire to be truly happy and make• c•xprrsRion of that hap­pirwss, for tit<' happy disposition of one per­ROil bc•c·onH's 111(' rra:;on for happiness of anot hc•r. That per:.;011 i:-; Rrlfi:-;h who can have th<' appc•anUH'!' of happiiwss under pleasant C'irC'11111sl a11c·<'. · only; and that prrl'on who haH tlw appc·:tnlll<'!' of happirn•;;'-i in public or where hr may IJ!' ;;c'C'll of llH'll and is a grouch in the horn<• or mid Pr ad 1·c•rsc C'ircumstances is only frigning to IH' happy. But if you want to do sorndhing worth while, rPmcmber:-

"It is <'as)' to srnilc \\'hc•11 ]if<' i.., like a ::;ong, But the lllall 11·orth while b tlw nwn with aHlllilc \\'hc·n c·n·rything goes ckad wrong."

.i\Iay ""' IH• happy in .sea;;on, out of sra. on, all th'· t i11H·; rnay we• IH· 1norc• thoughtful and <':tl'IH"-t , ki 11d IH•art ,.d a11d true•; 1nay we have a JIAl'PY XE\\' YK\H.



Hcccntlv thr Xational Thrift C'ommi!l<'<' ::;cnt. a po~tcr annou11ci11g that priz<'s will hr award<'cl for t hC' IH'sl C'ssays 011 "The• .Many­sidC'd Franklin." Tlw <·ontc•st is opc•11 to all high-school st ud<•nts.

lIN<' is an opportunity that should not I><' iH'gl<'ct<'d. It \\'ould Ii<' a fin<' thing for Bangor if an <'ssay writtf'11 by a stwlc-nt of B. II..·. should win Ollf' of tlH' )>l'iZ<'s. One' c•ssay \\ill lw at<'C'P1<'d from <'ll<'h high sd100I, th<' author of tlw winning arti<'I<' r<'<'<'iving a lll<'dal, 11H' s<'hool thr <·ash priz<'.

"The ,\f:u1y-:-:id1·d Franklin'' is a hrnad :-:111>­j(•c;( to \\rite on. \\'p ha\'C' all r<'ad of f<'ra11k­li11's kit<', and as for tlw litc-rary sid(' or his <·arc·Pr, who has not r<'ad or at [past ll(':tl'd t hP famo1b :-:a~·i11gs of Poor Hic·hard'? \\it It :-:11<'11 a wi<IP S('()p<' tot lw c·hoic·<· of niat<·rial, it should ])(' <'asy to prod 11!'<' an c·x<·PJIC'n t Pssay i 11 dP­,·doping thi!; tit]<'.

This mon! h is a .'-' i 11g11larly appropriate' tint<' to writ<' on Franklin. Thrift \\'C'<'k <'OllH'. ' l)('tw<·c·11 t hr 171 h and th<' 2:{rd, thrift h<·ing one of tlw outstanding f<'at tll'C's of his lif<'.

Thi · <·011((,,,t, is a spl<'ndid oppor(1111ity to put Bangor II igh 011 th<' map. :\I any t h<•n1<'s should br sulnuitt<'d by Olli' larg<' s(11dc•nt body. Of COUJ'. ·p t h<'I'(' is t hC' )'('Ill()((' ('Oil( ingC'IH'V that our i-;choo] <' ,;ay 111igh1 not win a priz<', l111t at kast \\'f' <·an d<·ri\'C' sat i,;fa('( ion frorn t IH' fad that we' hav<' dom• onr I><'. t. A·,,o. Ed.


Thr Ornek Board regrets that it has brcomr nrct'ssary for ou1· Busi1wss .Manager to resign

his position. 11<' has found that thr strain has

IH'<'OJlH' too 1ntwh to g<'t th<' an101111t of ads

that w<' lmv<'. ] low<'V<'r, he has ('Olls<'ni<'d to

still assist as Ju' is ai>l<'. TIH' .Junior Assistant

IH·<·rnn<'s :\Ia11ag<•r; this will instil'(' grmter suc­

<'<'ss for t IH' JH'Xf y<'lll'. TIH' r<'spo11sil>ilities

that W<' tak<' upon oursdves gradually while

ttllo( hc•1 sf ands r<'ady to assist is usually lll<'L

with gr<'af<'r stH'<'<'ss than !hos<' that an' :-;ud­d<·nly t !trust upon 11s.

\\ <' f<'d that t lu• spl<•1ulid <·oopc•rntion of the

Hoard 11111st I><' wPll known. 11;ac·lt one' has 1><·rlon11Pcl IH·r or his duty 1nor<' or k.-;s auto­nrnt ic·all.\, and d<'s<'rV<'s p<·rso1utl <'0111111p1ula­t ion. Stwh <'XJ><•ri<·IH'(' has a pc•c·uliar <•d11C'a­t ion of its<•lf. A not ic·<•:il>l<' i1H·r<•as<' in t IH' i111<'n·st of th<' slt1d<·11ts in tlH'ir puhlicatio11 i.-: worthy of <·01nnH·1Hlal ion. :\I tl('h nior<' 111at <·rial has l>P<'ll hand Pd in than was th<' <·as<' Ja,t }'<'al'. To 1hos<' whose• <·ontrilllltio11s hav<' not IH'<'ll llsPd, W<' wish to say that you 111t1i<l no( q11it ln1t try again; prd<•r<•ne<' is to thos<' who t rv.

\\ <' liop<' that t lH• N<·niors will lH' 011( for the IH'-.( .ltllH' isstu• \'Pt. It i-: 1 inw tot ltink al>0t1l pid 111 <'s and p;H't ry ,\·011 know. ~o kt 's l>c "( ln your 1nark!" at !Past now.

T fze Mj;sterious Eyes By .J. H ulh Harrington

Alston ville> was a s1nall c·oasL-town of T rw l~nµ;land, which had hc'C'll foundC'd by thr curly l•,11glish srttlc'rs. It was rallrd Abt onvillr aftPr niy p;n'at-grandfatlw1 and my grancl­f~tt hc'r's last wislws \\'C'rC' that w<' should always livP t hc•rc'. \\ 'lH'n he' di<'d hr. lc,ft all his prop­<'rty to .Jc-rry and me. ( 'onsc'qU<'ntly w<' did i-; lay tlwr<'.

It wa" not wry p!C'a. ing to me' to Ii v<' in ,\Jsto11vilh, a l wa.· always frightc'llC'd in my g1·:u1d f·tt ltc' " J l · 'l'l I ' t s o < 111aus1m1. JC' p ac<' was ll()t 'lt ' ll l'k . ' . ' a 1 · p a lllodc'rll mansion. ]•,vr.ry-th111ir •ti t ·, r "' • >Ou 1l wa.· ',..,pooky" and "c·r<'<'PY·" l t c·on t. . I \ ·I . I •1111 r.c lll:tny sPCTd passage's, l<'p;C'llds of v He· 1 had IH'c•n c·xting11ished yc'ai" · ago lmt t hC'J'(' \\" , , . . 1

l ( .t. OJH lcw·nd w ludi wa too rea!tst1C' to )' l ' . l . J,lJlts l<'d fro111 anyl>odv's mind. This l<-g<'JHI

c 011 c·c'n1c· I · . s•tt . < an nnnH'lls<' stat 11< of Buddha. whiC'h ·' 111 the: c·ornc'I' al t hP foot of t IH' front . t air­l'a. ·p.

\\'he'll ti, , IC <'ye of the' st at \IC' t ur11C'd µ:rc'c •n ·t11<l ro,·c l I < a >CJllt it \\ 'l" s11pposc'd to h'L\'(' llH"llll ' , • . ' f· '. /.!l'C'at han11 for :-0111c 111rn1bC'r of the' ·ll111Jy.

1Iavi11" 1 . . . J .. don't 1 ': H \c•i wc'n a . llJlC'I'. ttt10us pn:-oll I

11 1 .idu·, <· that t lw --ton· would hav<' !lladc' ll1<·11111p· . •

Hll · • 1 <· ' 1011 on 111<' if it had not bc·c'JJ for n1<'1d<'11t t I t I «igl t ia 1app<'JH·d to 11w \\hen J wa , ' \'<•:11 old

I ''. . . .t J II t ' \\'}u. 11 1 . <'otnlllg; do\\ 11 tll<' front tairc·a:-c· 111" 1 " 1'' 1ltP <',)'<' of tlw tat111' l1li11ki11g at lilit·· 11 a fit of <'X<'i1C'llt< 'llt I I'll }IC'd into th·

, llJ' t o f' l I . ' 11 " 1 l<' lif<'I<· body of tny fat lwr

sitting upright in a chair and pointin12; toward the Buddha. He was found to have been murdC'rrd but no tnH'l'S of the murdeH'r were ever clisc·ovrr<'cl. Aftpr that incident I was ah\:ays fright C'lle<l oft his hideous green monster and I rC'solved that so11H' clay I would solve the

myst<'ry. It wa;; not long aftC'r th<' estate passC'd into

om hands, that l \){'µ:an hunting for some clues, by which the mystC'riom; ryes could be ac­countc'd for. I was examining the panel:> of th(' hall on<' day, wlwn suddenly, I heard a st r:rnµ:c crrnki11g noise as though somebody wC'r<' ripping nails. At fir:-t I was rather fright­C'IIC'd hut I kllC'\\' that if 1 would solve the mys­t<'rY, I must k<'<'P 11p my courag<'. f;oon the JiiciC'OllS grC'('JI ('_\'('s hC'gan to flash. l'nder ordinm y cir<·1m1stanccs I should have run away hut th<'."<' weren ' t ordinary circumstances and instc'ad of rnnning I courageously poked my fing<'r through th<' green optic of my friend, Buddha. ,\t one·<' tlw :-tatuc' ::-;\\'lllll2; a~ide dis­dosing a larp;P OI)('ll ing in the wall and a pas­"agc' l><'yond. .\s I looked I could see a green light di-:appcarinµ; in the di..,tancc.

Lat<'r upon inw"t igation it was found that th<' pa-.--aµ;t' lc'd to a caw and that it had been tH'd by 111any f an101i:,, outlaws, smugglc'rs and

I JOot lc·gg<'I"·· TllC' n111rdc·r of 111y fat hC'r who was a judge',

\\:l t ltot1ght to haY<' bc•C'n the· ael of a crimi­nal ,, holll !lC' had ""''t to pri:-;011 and who later 1·,e:qwd and ought r •\'('11ge.


A Dream That Came True By Barham II. Whitman


~Irs . .'.\oriou, a widow. Blauch<•, lwr dallghte•r. Billy, lwr adopt Pd :-:011. 7\Ir. Philip Marshall, a rfrh X<·w Yori·

ha11kc•r. Plue·<·: ,\et I, a ,-;mall :\Iain<• town.

,\et II, X<'\\' York< 'ity. Tinw: Tlw pr<"·wnt.

N'T I.

8c·P1H· I. The living rnorll of tlH' ~orton honl(•. Tlw family is H'af Pd a 1 >Ollf th<· room. 7\Ir: .• ·orto11isknitti11g, Bla1l('lrc· is doing fa1H'y work, and Billy is r<'arli 11g.

Bla11('hP: How lo1H'so111(' tlH' c•\c•11ings an· :-;i11ce Fathc·r kft us! It s<'f•111-: 111011t lrs t Ira( he was last lwre, hllt it\; l>P<'ll only two \\'(•<'ks , ill('(' })(' di Pc J.

Billy: (looki ug 11p frorn his hook. ) Yoll 'n· right, ~is. It doc·: s<'<'lll ag<•,,, and no OJH' c·an miss Dad any 1norc• than I. If it hadn't IH'<'ll for hint I don't know \VhPn• I'd lH· now. That was a lucky day form<·, t IH' day IH' fo1llld llH' \nu1dc·ri11g alollg t}1p road-:idP a lllil<' from t hi,; town, without fric•rnl or ho11H· or 1noJH'_\' .

.:\Ir;;. Xorto11: It wa c·c·rtai1il.\' a ltwl·y clay for Bla11d1c and llH', too, Ill~· hoy, for now you an• all we hm·c· in t hP \l'hol<·, wid<' world. (Pa11;-;<"-. ) My C'lrilrlr<'ll, tlH·n· i. f'01ll<'thi11g I rnust tdl yo11. I !rate• to rllon• than I <'all . a~. hut I fp<•l I hav<· k<'pt it frolll you too !0111!; alre·acly. (BlarlC'IH' and Brlly loo! :lllxio11sly at thc·ir 111otlu·r. J Thi ho11'<P i all lhP I''· -, c• ,.ions yo11r fat hl•r had \\ h<'11 lu· rli1·rl. It' · all \\'e• ha\"<', and we•\< got to do . Olll<'thing rigid awa~·, so111Pthi11g

Bla11d1<': (<., ·<'if<odly) I '1:1\<' it, ,\Jotlu r, I ha\ c it.

,.\fr. .• ·orion: \\h}, Blarwlre, \\lr:lf in tl111

world do you 11H·:111 '!

Blandw: r just ll\('llll this. ] '\'(' h<'('Jl thinking it all Ollf. \\'<''11 put a sign "Tour­ists i\e·c·011111rndat<·d" out front. You kuow t h<'re' an· floC'ks of tomists µ;<Jing tJ1rnugh her<' all :-;111llnH·r, and W<' lt:t\'<' pl<'nty of <'XLra roon1. The•n, l'lll goi11g to start a tC'a-roo111. .'.\ow, isn't t lrat a gr<•a t i dm!

Billy: Say, BlandH·, yo11'n· a, wonde•r! \\' <' ' II do it, and, and I'll liuil<l th<· tc•ahouse. Hight 011 t Ir<' Ii t t le· hi! I IH'yond the' sd100Jhou:-;p would I><' a good plae'<', a11d it's not \'Cry Jar l'l'Olll IH'J'(', <'iilH'l',

IHa11d1<': Oh, Billy, arc•11't you a darling'? :\Ir:<. '.\orton: (s111ili11g) J'111 glad you :tn'

so a rll l>i I i01H;, 111,v d<·a rs, and I'll do all T cau to he·lp yrn1.

(Tlu-y lH•gin to talk O\'<'l' tlH•ir pla!ls. ) ( 'u rt ai n.

S<·e•J)(• II. Tire· s:tnl(', four lllOllths lat Pr. E111<·r Mr. \larslrall and :\Trs .• ·ortou.

:\Irs. :\orion: lla\'C' a <:hair, :\Tr. \Iarshall. You 11111st I><' \'<'ry tir<'cl.

Mr. ,\Jar ... ltall: (taki11g a :-;<'at ) Thank you, I l)('li<'\'(' I am rat lr<'r t ir<·cl. Today has IJ<•e•n a hard drin•. ,\s I was t!'lling your dauglrf<'r, !'111 in a lr11ny to g<'f h:t('k to \<·w York to Ill,\' l>llsiJH' ·s. I :1111 j11 t rd lll'llillg horllC' frn111 i\lon­t n·:tl, wlr<·n· 111.\ lirot IH'r ha!' li('<'ll dang<•ro11 ly i J l.

Mr;-; . .'.\orion: \\hat a sham<'! .\Ir. i\lar. ltall: II<' \las a f<·rril>ly sid- 111a11

for a tillH', hilt I Id( hi111 \\<'II 011 t IH• rnad to hP:tlflt a 1"ai11. (Pall,<';,. ) Yo111· da11ght<·r lta-. a d1ar111i11g \'C>i<·<'. ;-;It<' ha;-; IH'<'ll . inging (o 111<' t lri,.; C'\'<'l>ing. I I hi11k I IH'Y('l' kn<·w a girl IH> yo1111µ; to IH' llH>n· nal 11rnll.\· gilt<·d t Iran :-II('. ( l\larrdH' arid Billy <'llf<or. ) ,\ly d1·:11·. lrow l\01tld yo11 Iii<' (o go to . ' <·w Yori- \\itlt 111<', :111d ' t 111[\ ·:

l\l:111C'lr: ( pt'<'<•hl<· :1( fir ·. t ) <>It, i\lr. ,\Tar lr­:ill, it's :1h111}. ')('('J) t lu· dr<':tlll or Illy !i f(' to')(' a . in "< 1r! It <'<'Ill j11 f too good lo IH' tnw,


but how could I leave Mother and Billy? Mrs. Norton: This is a wonderful oppor­

tunity, Blanche. Billy and I clo not want to stand in your way of success. I am sure you would ]){' sony if you Jet us.

Blanclw: I will never be able to thank you, I

Mr. l\farshall: I don't want you i o thank mr; I am only loo glad to be the means of training such a voie(' as yours, and I shall sec that you have' 111<' IH'st mastc'r in New York l'or your trach<'r.

(l\'Ir. l\Iarshall and Blanche' arc' dasping hands. .:\Trs. Xorton and Billy smiling hap­pily.)


A<'T II.

Nc-c•nc' I. A concc'rt stagr rn 1\ rw York, thrrr ymrs later. Blanche Torton, a wrll­known artist, apprars and sings.

Curtain. Scene II. The home of Mr. Marshall on

Fifth Avenue, New York. Enter Blanche and Billy, hand in hand.

Billy: I just knew you'd do it, Blanche! I always said you were a wonder ,: and we're all so proud of you! You know about Mother and Mr. Marshall, don't you? (They sit down.)

Blanche: Oh, yes. I'm so glad, and -happy for them. Thry'rc in the next room this minute. I never saw mother look so well and happy, and l\fr. Marshall, well, none was evrr more <lerply in love than he is.

Billy: The dear old soul! Now, here's somr news. He's offered me a position in his bank!

Blanche: Oh, really, Billy? Billy: But you're clearer to me than any­

thing else in this world, Blanche. Blanche: Billy, you always were a darling! (Billy':; arm is around Blanche.)


A N ight at Camp By Fraucisr <'lark and Doris Hieharclson

Alice' f-lmith l )orot h:v KC'llry H \I ( h y Ollllg

B<'lsy \\"c'C'ks :\Tary Brown


Nc·p1H' I: Dining Hoorn a( :\Imy Brown's c·ot (age'.

TinH•: .\11µ;us(, 1!)2:3. Di11i11µ; Hoolll of :\Ian· Brown's ('ottag(', at

Branc·h Pond. .\ typi(·:;l c:unp rooni. .\door IPading into (h(• kitc-lwn and a door k:vling into the· :-it ting-roo111.

As (·11rtai11 ri'""· :\Tan· Bnm 11, lkby \\'c•Pb '. 111d Huth Young, an• sitting a( (lw table· \1ai(-111g for BP( I\', Alic<' and Uo( (o '-'!'!'\'!' (]!(' ck'-'"<'l'L 'l'lH·y ha,·c· 0 lH·<•11 di ... c·u---.i11g a vi..,it (o a IH'arl>y li:u111f <'c I ho11sc•.

Huth. \\That arc you two whispering about,

out there? .:\Iary. IIustlr up with the def'Rrrt girlf:'. 1 It's

sc·vc'n now and we want to f'tart for the haunted

hons<' hy 7.:30. Dot (from thr kitchrn). Coming' Hold

yom horse's. (Dot and Al enter an cl take thC'ir places at thr table).

Al. f-lo you have finally dcciclrrl to invcsti­ga(<' thr haun(c'd house, to-night'?

:\Tary. Yc·s kt's go and grt our flashlighh now. (.:\Iary, Hu th and Betty exit by door

L.) Al! (\\"ith lowc'n·cl voice'). Xow's your eh:UH"C'

( o µ;c•l that sh Pc·( for the ghost stunt. Dot. All right, ~ay but won't we have a

µ;ood tinH· with thrm! (Exit hy door L).


Al (calling after her). Don't let any of thP girls sec you p;et it- (asidP). I wondpr what I did with my flash-lip;ht; oh I know, I guess I put it in my sweater pocket. (\\'bile she• is crossing the room to get hrr swPatrr which is lying on a chair the cmtains go down).

f:)('EXE IL

At the Haunted House

In the cellar. A rickity laddN on th<' right. Barrels and bot t lc•s st l'('\\'<'d about. It is pitch dark. The cmt ai n risc's as t hr girls :u·c· rrnning down the laddPr with lightc•d flash­lights.

Hnth (from the top of the• laddc•r). Isn't this spooky looh11g. Let's not go down lwrr.

Betty. Oh 111y goodrH'ss, my flashlight has g011e 011t.

.\1ary (aside• takes out lwr hattPry). \\'hat's the matter \vi th mine. It has gorw out too.

(A barrrl moves onr in tlw conwr.) Betty. " 'hat's that moving over tlwrr'>

(Pointing her fingrr toward t hP c·ornrr). Huth (turning toward 11w stair,.; and glances

back nc•rvously). Oh girls 1-kt 's (Awc-c-f' c·omcs f ron1 tlw bar rd ). Mary, I'm going to in\'Pstigatc•, come• on

girls. Huth and BC'tty (together). Don't hf' silly

let';; go up ;;(airs and sc<' what Al and Dot ai·c• doing.

.\Iary. scared. Huth.

I'm no 'fraid-cat, if you girls arc I'll go alorH', givP Ill<' yom flash-light

Huth. \\'<'11, I gtH'"· not. do you think that I a 111 going to . t and hPn· in t hP dark.

.\fmy. Do11't thr·11, I'll go without it (and hP :ipproa<'IH• th<' barrp] c·aut iol!ly. A tall

white• fif.!:tll'P ri " front t lw hand with out­!':tr!'fl'IH·d arrns ,\lary . top hort ). Y!' ~ods! <Tl11•n a rattling 011111! <'OllH'"' front th<' otlwr c· >l'IH'r and a ir11il11r fig11n· appc·ars in th<' dark-11(' " The "Y" arc• lightc·cl 11p, with flash­light ·.)

Huth. Oh-Ii! ( frp t:irt rnnr1irtg for the•

stain; and trips over some hottks. Iktty, who iH following clo::;e behind starts to help her up. Whc•n she fcclH the hand on bc•r shou l­dcr she jumps up cryinp;). lIC'lp! It's got nH'.

(shaking herself freP slw st umhks upstairs. The othN two girls follow close lwhincl as tlw ghost approachC's thC'm).

Betty (as she rc·achrs th<' top of the st airs). Oh Huthie, wait for us.

Mary (upstairs). Oh, she has p;onc• back to camp, l<'t's go too, I don't like- this placP vc•rywdl.

B<'I ty. All right , hm1·y 11p! (<:iggks arc• lH'arcl in tlw c·orrwr). Dot (in a whispc•r ). It worked gr<'at didn't

it, AI'? \\' c• rnust g<'I back to camp IH'fOI'(' t lwm so tlwy won't Ht1sppc·t trs.

Al. What will w<' do with tlws<' shc•c•ts'? Dot. f-llip t hm1 lllHIPr your arm and \\'<"II

hidC' tlwm und<'r the• huslH•s JH•ar nunp. (Exit Dot and Al).

Ac·c•np II I.

A ('amp Fir<' on shor<'. (:iris ar<' sc•atc•d aro1111d l he' fir<' c·ooki ng bacon and frankforb.

Huth. \\'hp!'(• \l'<'r<' you a11d Dot. Al whil<· WP wc•r<' dow11 <'Pilar'?

AL Oh W<' t ho11ght that we· wottlcl c·o1nc• back <'arly all(] build t IH' fire'.

Dot. \\'lwrc"s thC' 111ustarcl'? B<'l ty. I ' II go in au cl g!'( soJllC'. (As sh<' pttssP,;

hy son}(' lnrsll(•s she• sc•c•s sonl('t hi ng on t lw ground and picks it up) Ah girls! sc•c• what I\·p found.

(Hite· dangl!'s t lw shc·Pt in t 11(' air) . (\Tary and Htd h ju11tp up and ('J'O\\'d aro11111I


Huth. \\'hy it's th!' gho. t sll!'!'f. And hc•rc•'s I Jot 's narnc· in t ll!' c·orrl('!'.

H11th. Bc•tty and \Iary. So you \\c•n· t lw (':ll!S(' of 0111' . C'tll'C'.

Mary. ,\nd Al 11111-;t have• lwc·n f lw ot lwr Oil('.

(( '11rtain d< -. c·c·rHI a t lwy JH>lllH'<' 011 Al and I lot ) .


The Abandoned House By Thurlow Chandler

C\u;t of Characters

".Jack" Bennett; a tall, kan, Rtm-burned lac! of sixteen years.

"Tom" Bennett: .Jack's twin, with identi­C'al physical fratmrs.

".Joe"' Brown: A fat jolly f<'llow of the same a~<' with a ";;tick-to-it" disposition.

A('T I

Time: A Friday <'vrni ng in r-;urnnwr at the )ll'C'S('llt t j Ill('.

Plac·c: The front st<'PH of the Bennett home in a :-;mall town in X rw Eng;land.

,\C'( ion: Tom and .Jack arc Reen in convcr­sat ion.

.laC'k: \\'di, Torn, what shall we do to-lllOJ'l'OW'?

Tom: Oh, I don't know, .Jack. Can't you think of anything?

. Jack: l havrn't y<'L , 'uppose we both think a\\'hik. ~ikncc for a few minute' Torn: I 'v<' g;ot it. . Jack: What! Torn: ,\n iclra. Huppose we inve.,tigate

t!H' aliandcrnccl hou-.p on the top of Kings :\foun­tain. To-morrnw i.· , 'aturclay and we can "l><'11d 1 lw day on t hr n101mtain.

. lad~: Fine'! I'll rnn ov<'r aucl tC'll Joe. lJe,'11 want to go, too. You can p;et our knap­:-;ae·k,.; re·acly w bile' I am gonr.


Ti111(': ~ ~ <'Xt lllOJ'Jli Ilg. Plac·(': Tlr<' \·i<·inity of the abandoned houc;e,

. J\<·t ion: Tolll, .Jm': and .Ja<'k seen apprnach­lltg 1 he· ho11'<' 11 p the' -.t <'<'P a '-'('('llt lrncli ng; to it. •111" i fl' I I . . ''I ]>11 111g ,v 1r111g111g; up tlw r<'ar. l 1c <1t lr1·1· t . . I . . k \\o an· 111g111µ; 11111 to a q111c· ·pr p:t('('.

.J:ic·I : < '01tH' mr, old t inH'r. Jlit it up. It· <inly a lit I I<' "av fnrt IH'r. T .

<> 111 : A littl<'. p1·1·d, Fat. We' want to gc't (}H•J·1•,

.f 01 ': 'J'J 11 rat a right for yo11 fc,llcl\\·:-; hut 1 his

boy isn't going to wear hims<'lf out for you two bean poler-;.

Tom: Tever mind, .Joe strp on it just the same.

• ilcnce until they reach thr porch of the house .Joe: Thank goodness we're here at last. I

couldn't have walked another yard. .Jack: Get your breath, Fat. You'll need

it soon. Tom: Wr'll all take a rrst. It can't do

us any harm. Rilence for quite a while. Jack: What say, fcllowr-;, Rhall we investi­

gate the hour-;c now or cat our lunch? Joe: Let's investigate the ground floor ancl

thrn rat. W r can R<'r the rest of the house aftN rating.

Tom: Fine! 8uits me to a T. Jack: Great! Come on then . Thry rntrr the house ancl make their way

to the living room. Jack· Golly, what a big room. Its large

enough to hole! a banquet in . Tom: Rure. There': an old :-;tory that one

was hdd here long ago. .Joe: fa that so? I never heard it. .Jack: Xc•ithcr did I. Tell us about it. Tom: I will somdimc . .Jack: Wlwrc':-: thr dining-room and kitch­

en'? It ought to be near here. .Joe: Thrrc you go. Always thinking of

ROlll<'t hing corn1rctc>cl with your stomach. .JaC"k: That's all right, Fat. You have a

big appetite your:-;<·lf. Tom: Arr yon two quarreling again? For-

g<'t it ancl comr along. .J <><': IIc>n"s the kitchC'n, ,Jack. .Ja<"k: AJHI h<•re's th<' dining room, Fat. Tom: I gu<'..;,.; \\'<' h<'ft<'r <'at. .\ll you two

fC'llow.s will think of nm\' i-- food. B<'"icle,.;, the . !airway. arc' clown am! we ha\'e "<'<'11 all we C'a n ('X<'<'pt frorn the' out<"

,)aC"k and .Jo<'; to-gr11H•r: Hurray! Exit all to <'at

--- -


((Book/and" (After a , 'imilar Skrtch) By Mary Hanington, '2(i

, 'heriff Judge


Hip Van Winkle· A .Man Without a ( 'ountry Prndy Sister~ Jury


Placr. Courtrnom. Tim<', Prc•sPnt. 8hc•r-iff of Hockland, "Il<·ar Ye·! llrnr Ye•! Tlw C'omt of LitC'J·ary ( 'riticisn1 is about to O]l<'ll.

c;rn(ktll('ll of tlw .J11ry. Do you solPtllflly swc•tu· to perfonn the d11t ic·s of the• .J 11ry to the• hc•st of your ability?"

.Jury, I do. SherifI. Sile1H·c· in Court, .J udgc' Knowkdge

approaches. J uclgr. The 'ourt is now O]l('JJ, bring 111

the· first cas('. (Sheriff hrings in rough charac(<'r) .Judge. What is your namr. Prisonrr. "Hip \'an WinklP." .Juclgr. "·lwre did you find him slH•1 ifT'? , 'h<'t iff. ,\sk'<'P on HH' 1now1tain sidP. ,Judgr. \\"hat i::; the· charge•'? , 'heriff. Irlk11c•s::;, .·hiftl<''-'sll<'ss. Judge. Have you any clc>fc·11s<''? Priso11<'1'. A seolrling wife . • J udgP. You hav<' hc•ard t lie• t <'st imrmy.

You may rd in· and disdos<' a V<'rcliC't. (Exit .h1ry,. Forc•111t111. \\"e line! the· pri"Oll<'r no( guilty. .Judge. Hip \'an Winkle t hi <'omt li11d ·

you not guilty of a <'ri111P again t lit<'rat un·.


.J udµ;c•. Bring in next C'asc. 8lwriff. I found t his fc•llow wandering

arnund with no place to C'all hi,. honH'. ,J udgc•. By what 11a111c• arc• you known? PriHonc•r. "A Man Without a ('ountry." .Judge•. \\'hat have• you to Hay'? J>rismi<•r. I pray th<> comt to grant mercy

to 011<• who has w<'ll kam<'d th<' value of not having a rnu11 try to c·all ho11H•.

.Jury. );ot guilty.

.Jwigc·. The c·o11rt find" you guilt.y of llO

<TilllC'. 1t urge'" 1 hosp who arc not famil­iar with yom story to llC'<·d you c·arcfully. Case dis111is~c·cl.


.J udg;c·. x ('XL CUS('.

Hll<'riff. Tht>He girl~ have caused much gof'-sip among childn•n.

,Judge. \\'hy'? \\'ho art> they? Prisorwr;;. "Tlw Prudy Hi:-;(('rs'?" .JudgP. \\'hat have· yon to say'? J>ri'loll<'l's. \\'<' a111U'I<' th<' diildren. T IH'Y

lik<' u;; hr·r·auo.;c• W<' do things t lwy all know. ,Jury. Th<' c·ourt fi11d-· you guilty of hc,i11g


,J udg<'. You arc• sp11 t c•nc·c•cl to ( h<' j uwnilc d<'par(11H·11t 1111til you grow 11p.

8h<'riff. That <'11<1'1 the' court ·a!P11dar for t hP day.

(Exil. .Juclg<' and .Jury) :"IH·rilT. 1 l<'ar Ye'! I !Par Ye! TIH' C'ourt

of Lit 1·ntry < 'ri t ic·i 111 i dmwd for day.


An A ccident on the W ater By John C'. Ferry

I Iav<' you c•vc•r lJc•c•n down by the• wat0r­

fro11 t , looking ou ( acros: tlw IJl u<' wat c·r and

hav<' you :-;c•c•11 in tlw clista11c·c a small sail-boat

bounC'i ng, and lJohlJi 11g about , 011 (he wavc•s,

apparc•ntly lwlpk:-;s'? lf you have, you can

c•asi l:v und<'r. (and lllY fc•c•li11g,; , one• :-;urn1ner's

day. I had di:u ic·<'d to IJ<' on a wharf dmi11g a

:val'l1t 1ac·c•. Tlw sight, so fillc•d llH' with ad(•­sin• to sail in <JJH' of t ho:-;c• :-<IC'ndc•r watPr-car­riagc•s, that I a-.;lml a friC'11d wlH•1·c• I might fine! so11H'OJH' who o\\·1wd 01H•. To my gr<'at dc•­light, lw rc•plic•d that lw 011·11pd a :-;ail boat him­s<' IL Fmt hc•rn1or<', lw would he• glad to take lllP for a :-;ail any( i11w 1 bat was c·mivc•niC'nt for Il l<'."

"Tlw :-;oonc•r, tlw lwtt <'I'," was rny answc·r and we· arrang('(I so it would lw the• following lllOl'lling.

· \ ;.: soon as we• had pu llc•d away f rn111 the· Whan c· ·the• nc·...;( 111orning we• ran into a !wavy wind. :\Iy f1 ic•1H I was for r('( urning hut for ll H• 1 h<'r<• \\as no ( 111'11i11µ; hac·k, I must ha\"r. 111y :-<ai l, :-<o we· hpt on. \\'c· 11c•rc• trawling at a

fast dip, too, and my friend, not wishing to he too far away from the wharv<'s on a day like this, d0cidecl to turn around. Rhouting across to Ill<', I happ0ned to ])(' on the opposite side of the boat, "\\'atch out for the main sail I am going to l<'t it out."

I nevPr hemd the onkr. It may have been 011 account of tlH' high wind or it may be that I was so thornughly C'njoying my trip hut, anyway, his warning fd. on dc•af Pars.

Tlw nc•xt thing I knew I was struggling in tlw wat<'r, with the sail-boat fast leaving the spot. I'll nevc•r forget my thoughts as I 11·at c!H•d t h0 boat go away, !Paving mp there to :-<trugglr. al Oil<'.

\\'hik 11·orking d<'sp<'rntely to remove my C'lothing and to k<'<'P above, I also had time to think o\'C'r my past lifr. I could Ree my friends and could appr0ciat e t!H'ir surprise when tlH'y karrwd of my tiagic death.

:\I~· f1'ic-1td :-;oon had the yacht hack with the :-;ail down and with his hdp I dimhc<l hack into tlw boat, a wis<'r boy. X ow, everytime I :-<<'~ a sail-boat I think of my narrow escape from a wat<'ry gm ve.

The Htstory of the Stone of Scone By Huth Lloyd-.Jonc•,;, '21i

As orH• c·11(cTs \\'c· ... 1111in. 1<'r .\IJIH'y bv thP · 'orth Tnuisc•pt , OIH' Plltc·r. what is i01o~n1 as •'tat<' 111p11' · ,\ i le•.

. Th<'11 followi11g alo11g :-;lowly, \\it h 111a11y 111 t<·rn1p1 ions c·a11:-c·d b.1· toppi11g to '-'<'<' t IH' 1-!; ravp of . 111'!1 \\·c·ll k11ow11 nH'll a" .Jona" I Ian­''" . I ·l.\ • t l<' 111:111 who fir-.t had c·ot1r:tg<' to c·:11T,\" a'.1 1lllll>n·lla i11 E11gla11d, or to look at \\'big. ( 1'1'11<'r, Littl<' Pop(-.' ('ornn. or Tl)(' Bapt1-.-t ''I"\' ·

'fl!' J.!::tz<' tip :11 tlw fa111ot1"' 1{0,-.1• \\'111dow, <n· ghnc·<· at ot lu·r "<'II k1tm\ 11 a11d lw:tt1t iful tl1i 11g: 1. I .

1 °1H' t11:1 ly c·o11lC' to t lH' C'C'll1 ral port1011

of the• <'as(C'l'll c·11<l of the church which is oc­c·upi<'d liy Edward tlH' ( '011frssor's ( 'hapel.

In thi-: diapd lir. tlw bodi<'s of no less than six q1tc•c•11,; and ... i...; kings, one• of which is that of Edward I. 011 who:-<<' to111h arc infierihe<l the 11 1mls ":\lall<'tL :-;c·oton11n" or "Hammer of t ltc• :--mts." But more• intPrc•:-ti11g by far than t IH'-.<' is tlH' ( 'oronat ion C'hair, which :-;(ands again-,t ti)(' -.tcut<' -.c·rc•c·n of th<' chapd.

Thi-. c·oro11at io11 C'hair \\'lb niaclc• by Edward J. t 0 c·11C·]o.,<' th<' :-;1 <HH' of :-;con<', which he 11rough1 l>ac·k front ;o;c·otla11cl in 12D7, and was

-- ~·


firnt used at the throning of hii-; Hon. Wlwn firtit built it was garnishrcl with many falsr jewels, but now it looks old and dull.

Beneath the chair, attached to it with clam pH of iron, is the famouH Stone of H('O!H'. On this stone all the monarchs of Heotland wc'r<' crowned and also all thr I•~nµ;lish mmuu·c·hs from the time of Edward I.

Although it is indisputably nothinµ; but a piece of Scottish saiHlf;tonc, it is still liC'lic•vrd by some to he thr vrry stone• upon whic·h .Ja('()b laid his hrad on his famous jourrwy to Jkth<'l.

Thr stone is twc'nty-six inclws Ionµ;, six(<'<'n inC'hrs wide, and rlrvc'n indH'H t hic·k.

At the coronation tlw C'hair is niovc•d within the Sanctuary, which is a i-;pa<'C' indos<'d within the altar rails, all(! a µ;old doth is (HI( ovc•r it; but thr , 'tone of Hcorw is nc'vc•r rc'movC'd.

Near tllC' chair arc the swore! and shic·ld of Edward III. The sword is sc·vc'n fc'<'t 1011µ;.

The grcatrst wish of Edward 1. was to rnlr ovrr all of Grrat Britain, and to do this, it was necessary that tllC' Scottish kinµ; should pay him tribute; but thr Scottish kinµ; strarlily rcfusr<l to do it.

At first Eclwnrd att <'Ill pt Pd to make' t hr kingdoms one pcaecahly, and prnposrd to marry .Margaret, ni('(· of tlw ~kotC'h kinµ;, to his lion, but the little maid dic'd while' on hrr journey to England.

f'oon after, disputc·s tu·o:-C' l>c't WP<'n thr Sc·ot­tish noblemen conC'crning who should rnlc• at the death of their king, sin<'<' .:\Iargarrt was dead. Edward wi:-lwd to:-;('( t l<' the• qu<'. t ion, and of course' thP nolilP11H'll did not wish hill! to interfere, HJ they fo11ght against hi111.

In trn yrar. · Edward !Pd t hrc•p C'arn paiµ;ns again.t tlwm and aftc•r <HH' of t hc·1n lirn11µ;hl huc·k the Stonp of , c·ouc to I :nµ;land.

Dnring thr reign of Edward II, thr frerclom of the Scots was won hack to them by Robrrt Brncc'.

But in tlw rC'ign of Edward Ill. 8cotlancl was again in vadc'cl by tlw English and England suc·c·<'C'dc•cl to a C'<'rlain c'xtc'ni for Ho1nr time un t ii Franc<' d<'<'ic!Pd to help Heotland.

Front that t inw to th<' ]'('ign of Qu<'<'n Eliza­i><'th, England wagc'd wars first with Franc·r, tlH'll with Spain.

In Elizalwth's rPign , hcwc'V<'r, (roubk brgan with fkotland again , for throuµ;h a sPri<'H of d<'at hs in t hr Hoyal Fa1nily, the• n11c> of Hcot­land was finally I Pf( to Elizal><'t h'H c·ousin, ;\1 ary QtH'<'n of S('()I s.

Bc·rnusr of aC"c·11sat ions that she· killc·d her h11sl>and, .i\lary had to fie·<' to Enµ;lancl and so was imprisorwd l>y Q11C'C'n ElizahC'th, and fin­ally hC'hraclc'<i at IH'r· c·on1n1and.

A It hough Qi IC'C'll Eli ml>c't h's rPign was so brilliant, she• found hnsdf at the' <'IHI a londy, sad, old wolllan; and :-hC' wrote' to .J:unes VI., .:\lary Q11C'<'ll of Scots' son, asking him not to liPlic•vr all th<' C'htu-µ;c•s he' had }ward againiit hPr.

This was in .January, and in .:\1ardi a 111<':-;;;c'n­µ;c•r was R<'ll( to .JanH's \'I. to tdl hilll that ll<' was to I><' king of England as wdl as king o­~C'O( land.

Thus the' dc•sirc' of the• old "II arlllnrr of SC'o(s," whiC'h had IH•c·n rnadC' known thr<'<' <'<'llt uriPs IH'forc', <'alllC' about p<'ac·c'al>ly. Eng­land and Seo( land m·rc' Oil<', and t hC' words carvc'd on tlw Ston!' of Scone· ,,·c· r<' mack to COlll(' t I'll<'.

Thc·sc• word:- \\'<'!'<'; If Ji'atc·s µ;o right, whc·r'c•r thi.· :-;(one• is found The' SC"ots shall 11101iarc·hi; of that rl'al111 be


Up Mount lf7ashiJ1<.~lo11 By\\ dli · IH:tnc•h:trd

\\'hil<' on om to11r 1hrnugh tlu· \\'hit(• .:\foun­tains, lily pan·11t and I dc·c·idPd that \\C' \\c>1dd take the trip up :\To11nt \Vu hirigton l1y the·

'"' '·rnilw:iy. ~Totming WI' \\ c·n· i11for11wd 1 li:tl . t:irt in h:df an hour.

lo tll!' l1:i 1• tatinll, · II Jcl !IH· IH'\ t ( rnrn \\ o

I . "ll' ,dth J'm Ill/,!; Olli'(,


Uw oth<'rs, we' wnct down to the station to JHlrchasC' tick<'ts and wait. While waiting, we noticed the' ppculiarly built locomotives. The hoikr slanl<'d to within onC' foot of the track and hc'n' was support<'d on a pair of small wheels. Anoth<'r odd thing about it was tlw smoke sta('k, a tall scr<'<'J)('d funnd, roundC'd to a globe at t lw top.

Finally, tlw tirn<' of dc'partur<' arrivC'd and \\'(' t he'll lioarckd t hl' train. Tlwre w<'rr two C'ars, <'ach pushc'd l>y an <'nginc' <'rp1ipp<'d with a ('Og arrangC'lll<'JJf, that slipp<'d in and out of a third rail 11otdH'd l'or I his 1n1rpos<'. Ev<'t'Y s<'at was oc·c·11pic'd wh<'JJ tlw train start<'d on its snail-likC' pac·c' up the' st<'<'P inclin<'.

1\s th<' st at ion fadc'd awa.\' lwhind us, we r<'aliiwd that w<' W<'r<' to <'XP<'ri<'llC<' a fC'w thrills h<'for<' \\'(' r<'adwd t 11(' has<' again.

1\t fir:-:! OtH' has to g<'t ac·c·ustomrd to tlw jolting 1notio11 of the' car caus<'d by th<' cogs slipping into place" .\l'tc'r awhi!P w<' bC'gan to loo]- out of th<' \\ind<ms mi to thrprccipicr br­low. ~Tall,\' l:tk<'s and st r<'1uns, rrflr('t ing tllC' sun's rays, lookc'd lik<' . trips of silv<'r in the \'all<'ys.

TIH' fin·d , lop \\'as 111adc' at th<' wa!<'r tank, whf't'c' I he' alt it 11d<' was t hr<'<' thousand, nine' h1111drPd and f Pn f('pf. This tank was built 11 1>011 a high platforni of n)('k and tinilH'l'. ThP. 1)(>i1Pr hc•ing fill<'d again with wat<'r, tlH' jouriH'Y ~~·a. l'<'s11n1f'd. The' '-'<'<'ml<l stop was llladc at .Jac·oli'. · Laddc'r" whcTC' the• alt it ud<' was fom

thou. and, <'ight lnmdn'd thirtv-fin' f<'<'l . \Vr : 1~>\\' !Hit ic·c'd a srnldf'n diang<'. in t<'nlpC'raf ll!'C'.

1 hP third and la t . top lwfor<' we' r<':t<'h<'d tlw

top was at the Gulf Tank, the altitude here being five thousand, six hundred thirty-eight feet. The view here was wonderful. One could imagine hinrnclf suspended in the clouds as he looked backward upon the many moun­tains.

\\'hen we reached the top, the thermometer regi,.,tcrecl forty-fi vc degrees. The tcmpcra­turr, when we left the base station, was ninety drgrrrH. As we had half an hour'. , top, we had a light lunch and some hot coffee before aclrniri ng the scrnery from here. The top of :Mount Washington is coverc'd with huge gran­ite' rocks. The virw line lwrr swerps around a C'ircurnfrreucr of nearly one thousand miles, including parts of five state's and the Province of Quebec.

On thr return trip, which was the most in­t<'rcsting, there wcrr four trains. The two that wc•nt up in the morning, rC'maining until tlw afternoon trains arrived, then all went down one after the other. Cioing down, the c'n~i nc an cl car arc not shackl<'d until about tlw last mile, thi: IJ<'ing clone a" a precautionary rncasurr. Thr sprNl is somewhat faster com­ing down. WP. enjoyed thr trip immensely but would not ear<' to take it again.

8<Hll<' mouths lal<'r however, we read an ac­cotmt of an a('('iclrnt on a cog-railway in , outh AnH'riea, in which several lives were lost. This shows that a trip of this sort is rather dangcr­m1s and might end in a real disastrr.

Th<' railroad company claims that in fifty yC'ars of ope' rating this railroad, there has never l>C'Cll an acciclc11t.

f/1sitiHg at CaJJzp B,\' Louisf' :-;praguc

\\'P\\<'r(' .· ·1 · ti • I ' ti. f \I I mg )(' . (' S()IJ at H'll' (':llllJ>, e11· t lie· d·1 , 'I I . I '~ · rc·n· \\ e·rP 110 c·liddn'll of 111r ag<' >lit little•:\!• . . . ,;. '

ell .trv, agedfr\P Jll'OllliC'dto rntrn-1<·" . ' , Ill(• fq <'\e l'1thi11g. ' '

'<1C1f1 'tflt '1 k ' .. 111 ti ' ·r .. •n•a ·la t \\<'got pC'l'llll 1011 to go

I(• (• C l ' 1 1<>e• t<i g<· po!Jd lilie• . :\la!'\' dirc·dc·d

rn<' and soon I padcllc·cl our ('llllO<' around a l>c·nd illto a small inld or cov<'. The surfacr of t }w watc·r \\:t:-> c•CJ\'C'r<'d with µ;r<'<'ll lily-pads and lo\'f'IV white• lili<' \\'ith ydlow crutcrs. We· pic·kPc.l thirt~·-sC'\' C'll l1lo~"orlls. WC' lrft all t JI(' i>nd · and t lw ydlow c·ow-lilic•;-;. :\fary :-:aid


that the cove was her flower-grndc'n, and she did not think that anyone' ehw loH'w of tlw plaee. \Ve took the lilies hom<' and arnwgrd them in a blue and a gold di:-h. Thus, t hf' lovely coloring of th<' blossoms was n1orc' not icc'­ablr. A neighbor, Mm. Alhu1'l<', who c·a11H· in in the aft<'rnoon, saw a large' lily, the' lllOst beautiful OIIC' hacl Jwrn pul in a gla:-:-; dish h.v its<'lf and walhcl up and frlt of it. Tlwn slw laughed a11cl said that :-hf' had not hdic'V<'d it to h<' real. ~fary a!lllost. told hc'r of hc'r flow<'r gard<'n, Jmt stoppPcl j11:-;t in tinH'.

About tlw middk of t lw aftC'rnoon, ;\Iary and I wrnt for a \\all·. ~IH· said w<' would go to the "Fern Camp." This was quite· a distance from camp, up a lit tic' path. It was hy a largr pi1w trc•e, in a 111os:-y gkn fillc-d with ferns. \Vhilc' w<' :-at i 11 the' shade' of the' pine-tr<'<', .:\Iary tolcl me· of tlw squirrc'l whid1 at last hacl lH'C'll irnltwc'cl to <'at nuts and pi<'<'<':-; of cracker.· from hc'r hands. Tlwr<' was an old, vNy hla<'k crow who usc'd to :-it 011 a l>ot1gh overhead ancl wat<'h the :-;q11irrd <'at. .:\fary told me of the fu1rny i-;coldi ug hC't WC'<'ll the' two.

Tlwrr wrrc' many forC'st fri<'ncls who lrnrw and dicl not frar !fary.

On om way haek to ca111 p, we walkC'd down anothrr path. This was hardly <'V<'r usrd and l\lary told 111<' 1 o walk sortly and prrhaps wr lllight sr<' or lH'ar sonwthing un11stial. Our C'f'forts w<'r<' rc'wardC'd. Huddc'nly Mary gras1wd 11\y anl\ and pointC'cl alwad. TIH'r<' sitting by the' C'dg<' of t hC' path not far from us was "a big l>rnwn bunny-boy" as :\1ary c·allC'd it. I IC' was nibbling tc·nclc-r grassPs, now and tlwn twitC"hing his long C'ars and looking fron1 side' to :-idc• sharply for any dang<'r". lkforc' long lw disc·ovc'r<'d us and in a twinkling h<' was gone'. \\'c' hurric•d on, hoping to C'atC"h aglimpsP of hirn again around the' C'lll'VC', hut lw had disapp<':tr<'d. \\'c' r<'adlC'd rnn1p without any 11101'(' adVC'nt lll'('S.

I r<'ad to .:\lary frorn hc·r ll('\\ hook until SllJlPC'l'-tinlC'. ,\i'tc•r· SllPPC'J' shC' S('alll]H'l'('d off to he'd. .\nd soon we' ldt for om own c·a111p, twc'11ty mile's away. :\lary was a gr<'at littk fric·nd ancl <'nt <'rt ai JH'r, and I :-;11J'<'ly c·njoyc'd rny :-hort visit at hC'r ea111p.

Te nzp tat ion By B. fkavr.v

Tll<'re onrc liv<'d a band of gypsi<'. who, in th<'ir wandPrings, c-h:t11C'C'd upon a bC'a11tif11! ~it<' so nrar a prospC'rons town, that t IH'Y tarri<'d for many months. ~ow tJii,, trih<' livC'd 1nostly by fortmw-tc,lling and not, a. tradition gin' it, by :-l<'alimr: and dish ml(•. t trading.

Tlw yonng<'I' girl wovr· hr•a11tiful ha.,h·t of ,:;wP<'l gm"" and made• dai11ty p111· <' of bright lH'ad-.. \\ hid1 \\'Pr<'. old int IH' town 1>.v t 111· lllf'll and hoy: of the t n bP. TIH' oldr·r· wo1nC'n, <' ppc·ially the• q1u'c•n, %11Ia a11d hC'J· lo\'r•lv y011ng daughtPr, told thr• fort1111c> %1111 forC'told t IH· fut Ill'<' hy n·adi ng pal 111 a11cl L1 h, l11·r d:111glr­( C'r, hy c·on 111t iHg thP !:11 , \\hi IP t IH' ot l11·r wonwn g1·11c·1nlly rl':td t 111· <':trd .

At fi1 L th1· tow11 peoplP <''1J1Pd to di trn 1

thP Ho1na1Ly triliC' but fiually tl11·ir di l1kl' ind

i-;uspJ(·1011 dia11gC'cl to rc'al irrtc'r<'st, as I he',\ ol>­SC'l'VC'd the· diffc'l'C'IH'C' IH't\\'C'C'll this quid and nry"t Pl'ious C"lan and t IH' ot lH'r gypsi<'s who bad Pnc·a111pC'cl IH'ar t hc'ir tcm 11.

( llH• \\'lll'lll :-<llllllll('I' C'\'f'lli11g H'V<'l':tl of I h<' town's \\'C'aithi<'•d i11h11hita11t c·anH' to tlw c·ar11p to buy 011\C'11ir. and to ha\'<' tlH'il' pal111" !'<'ad hy <l11C'C'n Z11la.

\flc'r tlw \i itm had dc'part<'cl, Zula c·:dkd to IH'r l1'nl th" young 1nc·11 ()f lr<'r trilw and iru­Jll<' i 11g t hC'Jll \\ii h 1 hC' , l'l'l'C'I'\' ()ft llC' ()!'C'a"ioll, 1· pl11i11Pd \\ lr:tl 111• \\a lite d .. ( l1H· of t llC' lad.)'

I 'I 'w ·1 \I 1tor, 1r· :11e. hnd \\()I'll thnt C'\C'Jlll,., .' di:1111()11d l1r:11"1·l1·t. , 'Ill', Z1il:i, di• irc•cl t hr~ li1'llf·1·ll'f. Tot Ill' \llllll" 111:111 \I ho \\!Hild lirirl~ t I . I I . • I . I . ''on Id 11 t11 111'1 1Plon· t lf' IJl()J'Jllll' 1111, ll

( ( 'O II t j 111 !I'd fl II JI l r(' '...! )

C'harlottr Dn111m10rnl, a sophomore' in Amith C'ollrgr and a llH'mhe'r of tlw ( 'ollrgr cle'hating squad, was a mPn1hrr of thP tram which op­j)Os<'d Dartlllouth in a ekhat<' which took placr at Xorthanipton. :\liss Dnm111101HI was on tlw IH'gative' side' and won by a vote' of 82 to 18. Tlw q 11Pst ion was, J{C'solvc'd: Intdli­gPJH'<' t rs ts ar1• IH't t Pr t !tan Pnt ranee e•xamina­tions for adnii,..,sion to collC'gC'. ~Iiss J>nun­lllOJHl is abo a llH'1nlH•r of ilw sophon1orC' choir and t lw ('olkge' gl<'e' C'l11h.

B. l f. R. lllUsiC"ians havP a prrn11i1wnt part in tlH' {T. of :\I. hand. \\'illis Hollins i:-i ,'ltudc'nt dirc·e·tor of the• hand this y<'a1· ancl unclC'r the n1anag<'11H•nt of I !ugh Il11ntl<'y th<' band has prospPrPd and he'!•n shown to good adavntagC'. ,\t a J'('('<'llt eonc·c•rt Karl LarsPll, '2.), gav<' a solo.

Wal1Pr l'lnH'J', a sophomorr at Bale's C'ol­lr>g<', \\as rc·e·rntlv awarclc•d his l<'ttcr in foot­ball for t lH' ::.;<•as.on of ]():2.i. Jip has playrcl tiwklP in <'Ve'J'.\' i1nportant g:uiw this yc•ar.

,\ short t inH' ago a g;rnup of sP\'f'rnl h1111clrc•cl !><'oplP, <'clueational rc•prpse•1dati\'C•s of thP ~1 :Win. ('ity sC'!1ool., dine·d at tlw {'niwrsity

!uh 111 :-it. Paul. Tlwy \\'e'rc' gatlwrc•d togC'!hrr 10 honor tlH' high<'-;( wonian Pclucator in thC' l'nitc·cl :-\fate.. . :\Iiss :\Ian· i\fc:-ikillnno11. In a spe·e•e·h Mi .. \Ic:-il inin10;1 t 11r1H'd all honors fri>1n IH·1" P]f a11d ga\·<' Banp;or anothc•r hNo in th'.' J><T. 011 of I )r. ('hark· :\I. .Jordan fonu<'r :>r111 "i.pal of B. I I. ~ .. who \\'as al o pr<'"<'ld at

11 ' di 111H'I'. • 'Jw . aid that ,Jw mr<'d lwr suc·-1·1· 't :\J. , ''. t IH· <'ll!'1111rag1111p1Jt of I >r .. /11rcla11. ;\Ti--s ' ,., I 1111111011 pol 1• i11 :1 \\ liol1·-lwart Pd .._jnc'<']'(' \1 a\' t I . t .

• l.t 'l'<'a1 ly 1110\'c>d IH•J' a11d1c•n1·c>.

111 ,1 l<·;111 lhi!Py, ''.!.') i on t !J!' [ . of :\I. fn·.,.Ji­.tli >:t k1 l linll . quad.

Among thosr homr for the Christmas vaca­tion from thri r varimrn schools were: Hich­arcl Baldwin, Dean Benson, Marion Blaisdell, 8arah Blaisclell, .James Buckley, James Burns, Anna Bymrs, Dorothy Ewrr, Ruth Ilasey, Yirgi nia IIip;ht, Kathl('(•n McC'ann, Ilelen :\Io!'l'ison, ('harl<'s Hawyer, Phyllis Schriver, Edwin Hhort, Dorothy Hprar, Ilelcn Stanhopr, Emma Townsend, C:corgia Treat, Leo Whitr, Phillip \\'hitlllan.

Rerena Wood has hrrn rlrctrd to the ·Maine l\Iasquc•, tiH' dramatic society of the e. of l\'L

Pearl C:raffam is on the editorial board of the J\Iainc' ~pring, 1'. of :\I. literary quarterly.

Philip Whitman, our last years' Oracle Edi­tor, is active in the frrshlllan cfass of ' pring­fic·ld Colle•gr, w<' hear. He was on the fresh­man soc·cer team that brat Yale 4-3 and Har­vard 7-0. Il<' is also a mrmber of the :Maine (')uh and tlw LitNary Wcidrr;.;all.

.John "J{pcJ" Lynch was unanimously elected captain of the C'anisius C'ollegr football team for I ()2<i. Lynch will follow in the footsteps of Touchy :-\!tort, another Bangor High ath­lC'! c who was captain of this years' team. It is rat hc•r 11nus1tal for two boys from the Rame cit v to IC' ad a foot hall squad of a large college ill 0:-;tH'ePs"iv<' yPar,..;. Lynch played tackle for C'anisius this vc·ai· and was much praised for his <•xe·c·llc•1rt ,,:ork. Ile' is a junior in the Col­l<'µ;<' and his '-'<'lc·('(ion for the captaincy will pka"<' hi-; fric·nd". Lyuch is one of the mo:-;t popular atlrldPs to c·,·e•r graduate from B. II. :-5.

( .ra<'<' C'ooJJJI> i c•ngagi•d ill fa1nily \\'c•lfare ,, ork in ('011111·"1i<'ui alld ... ' 1•w York.

( <'ollti11ue•d oll page 2S)

From prcsrut indications the rifle' 1<'a1n will ::;hoot many mor<' rnatclws with othrr sc·hools in one srason than <'V<'l' l>rforc. ('apt. Trihokt, has l>rcn busy arnwging rnatdH's with any school or college that Mnild he' w i Iii ng to shoot against Bangor. Il<' has rc•cc·i v<'d !llO!'(' n•pli<'s from eollc•gr:-; than frorn high sd1ools and c·on­srqucntly more· rnatchcs will lJ(' :-;hot with t hr former.

A shouldrr to Hhould<'l' matd1 with the· l'ni­vrrsity of ~Iaine team is bc•ing arrangc•d. This differ· from the usual match in that both l<'an1s ::;hoot on the same range 011 tlw sanH' night. The outcome of the competition i:-; known a:-; soon as the last man has fired whcrc•as in the usual match, the targets arr c•xchanged allcl the final result is not known for many days. If it i. possible, two of thc•sc• matdH':-; will he shot; one in the Uigh :-ld10ol gyrnnasim11 and the other at the ·ni\'C•rsity of :\1ai1w.

On W ed1wsday of the last wec·k of S(' hool l>eforc the C'hristnias vacation, th<' fift<•cn llH'll

of eaC'h company \\ho had obtai11Pcl tlw high­est score» during t hP pl'(·vious two \H•Pl-s shoot­ing fir('(! in conqwtition for 1!H' c·ornJ>:lll) trn111. Th<· fin• nwn who mad<' t lw higlw t .·c·ol'(•s WPl"I'

clw,;c•n for the tcH11pa11y (Parn and lhl';.;I' i<'arus ~hot in tlw int<'r-c·o1npa11y rnate·h whid1 wa. held on Friday of tlwt \\'C'c•k. ( '0111pa11y ( '. ol>tainc·d tlH' hii.dw t. c·on· i11 t ht> i11te·r-c·o111pa11v match a11cl the· fi\·e· 111c·1nl>t>r of tlri. t<'a111 will cad1111• prc·,,e·rdC'd \\itli a rn<'clnl. Tlw individ11-ul. c·or<' of tlw nH·n of t lie· dift<'n·1d !t·ar11 · fol­low: «o. G Fit L \\. ( :allar1t, 2.i

K. K. Kirnl>all, 2.;

---- ~

AclttrllH, 2 l .J. J,. ( 'utlcr, 21 ( '. B. Sproul, 2:~

Total 121

( 'o. F f-kl'ond I). Yatc•s, 2;i Ha11clall, 2;i P. ( :alla11t, 21 I lasc·y, 2:~ L. \\'.Bandt, 2:3

Total 120

Co. ( 1. Third ( '. Uross, 2.) Hobbins, 2 I Slanl<'y, 2:~

Fogg, 2:~ L. Luro, 2:{

Total J lS

C'o. B. Fomth \\' .. Jordan, 21 .i\k<'ah<', 2 l l>yt·r" :n

C 'o. K Fifth

('o. A. ,'i th

\\'. \\'C'frh, 2:~ .i\I. i\}('( 'orruic·k, 2:~

Total 11 ()

E_ 'ieJ ('!'SOil, 2 J Pn•ssc•y, 22 Le•:ullH'( l<'t'. 22 A. Hand, 21 1". C:illin, :W

Tot al I OD

I lC'1111i rn1, 2L I< ll't di(>!', 21 Tozie·r, 21 H1111l e•r, :m T. Pen ·, I U

Total 102

' . -~ / . -I , I • \

'I . "' . --· -· LOCALS 11illir · -

Fivr 1ww member: were recently taken into tlw Cirl':-i II onor At hklic ('ouncil of Bangor lligh School. :·kvcral of the members spoke to thr stndrnts, tdling the aim:-; and purposes of girl's athktics. Th<' 1ww girls arr Barbara Jordan, Barham f-\c'avc'y, Paulinr McCrcady, Hachd Foss and lJarrid(<' Cror-s.

Tlw y<'arly cost u nH' party of the Latin C'lu b was hdcl in th<' Ass<'mhly Ila!!. Thr mrrn­lwrs we're' drcssc'd int he costume of the' ancient Horn ans. ( :c'rtrnde Ebl)('sou an cl Lawrence

1a1111 won prir.cs for tlw h<';.;L cost tunes. Games and clanC'i ng were enjoy<'<!. Icr cream and c·akP were' sc•rvc•cl. All joirwd in pronouncing thi:-i party tlw 1no;.;t c'njoyabk oft lw yc•ar.

The Ilistory C'luh of B. II. H. hdd a mreting Dc•cpmlH'r third. Thirtc•c'n llH'mhrrs were pres­ent. AftC'r the secretary's n·port of the last n1eC't i ng was rc•ad, Edward Blandin~, of the l'nivPrsity of .\Iain<', spoke• on "Early C'olon­ir.ation of Bangor." Ile also told about otlH'r Ha11gors thrnugh the• world. IT is talk wa · both <'llt<'rtaining and instnwti\'C'.

011 \\'c'cin!'~day uight thC' srconcl mreting ~>'. ll1p Library ( '!uh was hdcl at thr IIigh School. l he ll<'W rn11 titution wa;.; rc•acl hv .\Iarv .\Tc­Avc'y, diainnan of that co111rnittrr, a;icl ae­CPpt<•d liy t lw dub. Tlw ollil·<·rs we're '-<'ll'cte<l ~~ · fc:llow. : Pr<"-icle11t, ,) ohn Largay; \'iec•-

re Hl<'11(, I loris l{idiardson; , ''Crrtary, ('har-lot k 'l'I 'l' I . (, t. \

' : lOlll p. ()JI; J'(':t;.;11rl'r, AHU;.;e ay mg. 'll"I ' o11. · ganH• \\ c·rc· playc'cl.

'J'lu n' wa a lll<'<'t ing oft IH' I khat inµ; ~o«i<'i Y .J:u111·tr\· I 'I' · , ' . · 1·yo11 t" \\ <'r<' hr, Id for ( h<' I nkr-

la. · d<·I · t 'J'J J • · l' >.i c·. 10,..1· c· 10. <'II w<'r<'. :-;c•111or : ',rlria I ><•:1rliorn , , 'p1·akrT; I )orot h\' lfradv,

Altc'ni·tt ',, J • • • • , • •1 ' nr · · 11111or:-;: ,}C' H' l•ra r·r,, pr•al Pr; ara l't11 k \I t. , I > 1 <'!", , t(')'na n <' :-;op 10111on' ;

Phyllis Lorimer, Speaker; Ruth Nye, Alter­native.

The last meeting of the French Club was held Nov. 30, at 7.1.5 P. M. in the assembly hall. Prof. Kueny gave a talk on French "Marriage, Christening ct cetera." Two new mcmhrrs were admitted. The pins of the club were talked over. Hcfrrshments were .wvecl ancl the evening was passed sociably.

Mrs. Grace Thompson, prominent in poli­tics, gave a short talk about the World Court at AssC'mbly, Friday, Dec. 18.

Monday morning, Jan. 4, all the students of B. II. S. went to City Hall to hear the in­auguration of the Mayor. We learned a great deal about Parlimrntary Law. \Ve also learned what improvrmrnts wrre going to be made in our city t.his yrar. Evrrybody enjoyed this inaugural as wrll as vacation from school.

Both the Cirls Drbating Society and the , 'napclragons havr tried a new line of work this yc•ar. Thry have had at each meeting two or more clrbates with one speaker on a side. If time prrmitted open dif'cussion has followrcl. Some of the questions discuRsed haw been: f-ltuclrnt:-i whose rank is above 90 , houlcl he C'Xcusecl from examination; Parents should visit high :-;chool; Students should own thC'i r trxt-hoob; Women's drei'\s of today is hrtt('I' than that of the past. Thi:-; experiment in ckhating has proved very rmccessful.

.\Ii" ~Iary ('. Rohinr-on spoke before the C'ontrilrntor:-. Cluh of the •. of ~1. , recently. Thi · C"luh is eompor-ecl of thr English faculty and t ho,:r who major in English. ::\Ii. s Robin­:-on "poke· 011 Elir.alwth Barrett Browning and illu trat<'d hrr talk hy rmdinp; from her poems. Two W<'<'ks latc•r, ::\li,:s llobin'-'Oll spoke before

Th<' Lati11 C'luh.

BANGOR H. S., 19; DEXTER H. S., 16

B angor high op<'ll <'<l it s 1!)2.) '..W hask<·t -hall sc:lwdul<'. \\' <·clrwsday night, Ike'. 2:{ , in ( 'ity Hall , with a rn j(j win OV(' J' t lwir :t11('i!'11t riv­als, X. I I. Fay High of D<'xt <'!'.

Tlw gam<' was hare! fo11ght all t lw way hut Ba11gor always hdcl a sr11all ]pad.

Tlw first J><'riocl was slow, <·rHling with Ban­gor kadi11g 2 1.

Tlw 1wxt period, th<• ( 'rir11so11 s<'OJ<•d t hr<'<' more• point s from t lw foul li11<' agai11st two baskets for Drxt ·r, the• half <·rHli11g.) .).

Thr third sta11iw was tlH' IH'st of tlw g:ulH', both teams travclli11g at a fast pa<'<'. Nc·or<' : Bangor 1.); Dext <'r I 0.

In the final pC'riod The ( 'rim son sc·orc•d four points to Dc•xt<'l''s Ii , the• final c·ou11t h<'i11g l!l lG, in farnr of B. II . N.

The ganir was good , eo11sidc•ri11g that it was the first of tlw season.

TIH' Crirnsons' p<•1frd feud shoot i11g was a big help i11 kc<·ping tlwrn i11 tlw n11111ing, tllC'ir total sC'ore for tlH' fir,., ( half hc·ing JH 'lt<'d from the foul line"

i\kClay, IIic·k. on and O'Lo11ghlin , starn•d for Bangor, while· :-;hi<·ld ancl Bc·lin•u \1·c·n· Dc·xter ' he t.

Tlw , umr11:1ry:

BA~<:<>H , l!J ;

Narnwt1y, I. f .. 2 (:l). . . : ~ . I. Ii., NliiP!d. O'Lo1w;hli11 , r. f., I ( I ) .. I ( I ) r. Ii., J>c·a c• llic-k Oil , ' "· I (.I ) I, c· .. Bc·li v i1 ·w T11rn<'r, r. I>. , I ... 2. I. f. , l\1wh1a111 M . J{aif'!ilin, r. Ii. . . . ...... . i\Ic:Clay, I. f.. . . . . . . . . . . . '" f., L< iglrl Oil


Bangor suff<·rpd its firs( dd<•aL of the season ,

in ( 'ity Jl:dl , Saturday <'\'(•ni11g, .Jan. 2, taking

a t rot111<'i11g frolll Thornton Acad<'lllY of Ha<'o

l>y a 21 If) sc·orr.

lbngor 's µ;laring \\'!•akrwss was : hooting,

1·rn11plPting only ninP out of fifty-five• triPs for


TIH' dd!'11s<' and passi 11g of hot h t ctu11s wrre

al>otrl c'q ual, hut the• Sa<'o lads wc•r<' "d!'ad"

011 Jong shot s and int his 1na1111rr ran up a kad ,

whi<'h the• ('rimson was unal>le 1o ovc•rc·on1r.

Th!' Bangor t <'arnwork was <'X<'<'J>lionally

poor, a tPnd('llC'Y for one man playing spoiling

th<• ganH'.

Dc•1111P! t, thr visitor'~· diminutiv C'<'C ' ll(C'I'

starn•d, his dc•\'!'l' :-;hooting and drihl>ling l>c•ing

t lw fire'\\ orks of ( lH• g:tlll!'.

ThP SlllllllHll'Y:

Bangor, 15; Thornton Academy, 24

l\lt< 'lay, I. g ................. I. f. , ])a\·is

............... I. f. , I (J) lk1111is

\alc•11ta1 r. g.1 2 ...... 1 . f., I , M!'f,a11ghli11

11 id .-011 , (', ... . . . .. <'. , I, 1><'1111<'! l

<' ., :z, Narlis

TmtH' I" '" r., 2 ( I ) ....... 1. g., 2 ( I ), Pat (('!':-.Oil

O' Lo11 1 lrli11 , r. f., :2 .•... ... • ':u11way, I. f., . . r. g., I, I >i<'!;: ... 011

• 'nipt 11n·, I r. . . .... .

EXC Tlw "J\orlok," Chrboggan Iligh Hchool,

Chchoggan, ~lichigan. Meri ls: ( :ood <'ovrr; large and intrrrst­

ing Literary dPJHtrtnwn1; tlw ]JO<'lll "\\'hy Oh \\' hy?" is worthy of prais<'; your jok<'..; tll'<' ln1111ornus.

Rugg<•stions: You 11c•<•d a tahk of c·m1tPnts. It s<'<'llls as though this pap<•r <·ould I><• l>al­a!l<'f'd lllOl'e ('\'('lily, SOil](' dPpart lll('ll(s aJ'('

long whil<' ot IH'rs ar<' too short. \\'hy not hav<' the Editorials pn'<'<•dp t lw Li (C•rary'?

The• "011'[," \\'oodl>inP Jligh Rd100!, \\'ood­lJinc', X. ,].

ilr<•rits: An c'xedknt LilC'l'ary dC'partnwnt; nrnt arra11g<'111<'ll(; and good jolm<.

Suggrst ions: \\ hy 11 ot have an Al uni n i s<'C'lio11 and abo a <·ut at the hPacl of <'aeh dc'­parllllent '?

The "mllr: and ll 'liil<'," \\'<".;(brook Jligh Rehool, \\' Ps( brook, M <'.

:\f<'rits: A wdl arranµ;<·cl and intPrrsting 111ap;a;.:i1]('; good jok<'s; n1a11y sto1-i<'s; and a gn•at 111:u1y ad\'C•rtisP11w11(s.

:-iuµ;p;c'.-.;(io11.·: ,\ tal>IP of c·ontP11h would 111akc' this p:qwr <'01n plc·l<'.

The• ''Omd1 ," Plainfidd Iligh ~chool, Plain­fidd, J. T• ,J.

Mc•rit.·; ( 'l<•\'C'l' C'O\'<'r, good storic·~ and poc•111s; fin<' <·uh; and wilt)' jok<':-;.

~11ggP tio11.: \\ hv JIO( acid an Aluu111i dP­Partn11·11t to your 1;1agazi11P'? It would lH' a good idP~t to ha \'c• yo11r jokc· all 1111dc·r CHIC'

}u•adi11 r i II f (ad of '<!'af f C'l'Pd f Jiro11gJi ( IJp lllaga­Zi IH'.

Tiu· ", '1111/ulot '' l.011i \'illc· :\Tak lligh ''1'11001, Lo11i \'ill<·. K<•nt w·ky.

"\ 1<'1 it : J ,\!'<'ll<·nt l'CJ\'<'l' .d<' i 'II; V< ry good '.llT:u1g< 111!'11l of yo 1r 111 :111\· d<·p:1rt1111·1I1-.. and IJI((·n. tin r !'11( .

GES 8uggrstions: " Te suggrst a few more jokes

and a cut for your LitC'rary department.

Till' "UrN 11 and Oolrl," Frecrnont High Sehool, Oakland , C'al.

.:\l<'rits: An i11tc•r<'~ting, up-to-date, paper with so11H' good jokc•s, fun11,v c·artoons, well wriltc'll Editorials a11d frnt urc•s, and c•xcrllcnt r·11 ls.

8uggrstions: \\'C' think that iL would be a IH'Ll<'r idNt to haw a frw n10r<' joke". Don't you think that yo11 dC'vot<' too larg<' a space for "Sports" in proportion to 111(' siz<' of your paper'?

The "A. yotc," Billings 11 igh School, Billings, ::\Ion t ana.

.:\.Irrits: A snappy, witty, paper; c•xcrllent jokC's; am u:-;i ng rhy111r:-;; many Exchanges; and good Editorials.

8uggcstio1K \\'r suggrst the addition of a few more stori<'s and some cartoons or cuts.

Tlw "('0111111Nti11l . \ .f'll'.'," Commrrcial High ~chool, ::\C'w Ilav('ll, Conn .

.:\fC'rits: A wry crr•ditalJk pap<'r; good . torir;;, FrC'nch and Spanish sc•ctious interest­ing; "To illlJ)l'O\'C' and maintain thr :-;tandards and i11trrrsts of tlw s('hool" is C'xactly what this papc•r doc'"·

s11gg;<•st ions: ~0111P witty joke•:-; and a car­toon or so wo11ld add JWJ> to this paper.

Th<' "Jhmld," ~Pnior Iligh ~ehool, Spring­fidd, Ohio.

:\Tc•rits: l "niqtH' id<'a of ha\·ing a "\\'ho's \\ 'ho" :-c·c·tion. Thi:-; nrnst c·n•atc' intPrest anio11g th<' :-;t 11dc·uts. Th<· Editorials arc• iutC'r­<•:-;( ing. TIH• (') 11 ], . ~<'\\'"- is a v<'ry attractiq~ S('('( ioll.

;-> 11ggc·:-t ions: Why 1101 add an .\.lunrni sc'c-1 : k '1 •1 fc•w more' stories tion and sonic gooc JO ·c .. ,. ,1.

might al o help.

Thrn tlw ki11d1H'ss of tlw Ballgor Public· Library, WC' luwP a grPat 1na11y JH'W l>ool·s. TlwrP is µ;iv<'ll hdmv a partial list or t llC' IH'IV

books of fi C'I ioll.

;..IY:-lTElfY :-lTOHIES

])oylc• ;..IC'lnoirs of :-ihc,rloc·k IIolnH's. L<'C lkad Hight. ~IPigs Pool of Stars. On·zv L<'agtH' of the' :-irnrlc't Pimpc'rn<'I. 1-'inl!'mastc'r .John B:i ring II ow-;p A 11illlal

Talcs. London Olli van t T('J'h1111c·

;..Jid1acl, Brotlwr of Bob, 1"'011 of Batt le"

i-\Cl!OOL \\]) C'OLLEC:E , 'TOHJl·:S

Allc·n :\a vy Bl ll<'.

Barl>olll B<'1111<'t1

( 'rilll-.oll Sw<·a!Pr. .J urly',.; Pn•fpc·t Y <':tr.

Brem 11 Two ( 'o]lf'gr· ( :irJ.;. ( :ollorn p That ,\'<'HI' a 1 Li IH'o!ll II iglr. King ( 'adc•t I lays.


Jla\\' ("-. (;l'(•:t( ([ti!'(.

II c·yligc·r 11 i rlr lkrit 011, \\'ork('J'. .\larry:tl ;..Ia t!'n11a11 Hr 1:Hh·. HiP f'lllH·rg: Bob < :ralra111 at , 1•,. T: rki1wto11 Pc·nrod. Twni11 Pt1dd'11lu·:1d \\"ii ·011.

-- ------_---- - -~

I • • .. ,. . ~ , ,

::- : : :: : I

' ~-,/

Bailc•y Brown Bnrsh

Di111 Lan(Pl'll. Fotrr (:onions.

1\ Prairie' Hmw. .\lartin 11:111111,v l,011. l\1011(µ;011u•1)' ,\1111c• of ( ;1'('('11 Nahlc·s. \\c·l>s(C'I' ,)11st Patty.


B11C'lta11 I l1111ti11µ;tcmc·1'. Da.\ H id('J' of I\: i 11µ; Loµ;. Farnol ;..Jonc·y ;..10011. Lc•c· l 'nC'IP \\ 'illi:1111. Lillc·oln Q11<'C'I' .J11dson. \l<'igs \<'w ;..roo11. \\ ill:-.ic• l1:11('ha11t<'d ( 'u11yo11.

Jlli"'TOI{[(' :\O\' l•:L,'

,\darns Hc·d ( 'aps and Lili<':-.. Baf'IH'llc·r Fat hc·r ,\hrnlra111. ( 'rawford l 11 t IH' f>alac·c· oft he' Kinµ;. I laggard h'.illg Solrn11011's i\li11c'. I lo11g;h ~ort h of •:m.


.\lajor [)omthv \'prno11 of lladdon Hall.

.\lfll'o\\' \\'c· n111 t .\I:1rd1. P:1i1u• l'riv:t! c•<•1 , of '7(). Pry le· Ja<•I, H:i Iii ·t ""'· Fmt 1111c'. Sal1ati11f' Iii. to1i1·:d . icJ1f l•:11tc·rfai11llH'llt. Tlio111p 011 \lic·f' of (lid \ 11w1•1111c• . Tlio111p 011 (:old , f'C•k111g 011 f lw I >:ii ton

Trail. W<•yJl1:111 (~c·1rt ]1·111:111 of Fr:tll<'<'. Yo11gP J>ritH·c· :11HI t lw P:I''<'.



' . 'R T thr Scrnm.

o I I the pinnacle l ·e•u• l('C t h '1\'C ' f 1 ot 0

I Rrniorn, you , . . Be ear<' u n () l, C V("lJs. . r mor J ,

afle" fmu 0 · B IL S.

lT · l lnvrng · fall o · , ·on ml! '° ' , on go. I 't frw wcC'lrn } 1 · >lorna before y

n , " . Lo grt a < IJ . l s to have. fo>"v'""

1 •Y V>'>'Y >bimblr Ihu ~ hing like

Tlu•y m·<• ""ally . f,: hua 1,,.,. n "" ncl ' u ' f m· \'om· '<'hooJ J; 'l V(' J,,.('U at nm hJu>f' ('~ the

a hm that you • '.: . Aa yon look J.t Be 'C'try } c,u. k 'l'Y trny.

nnwy a w ' . lhc fool Im> v< I ·uul g"ccn FrPslu1H'tl at ·c•t'C' once a.' dum J' l 1 you w kiod to l >en ' cht>a

'xchanµ;c as they. t'11H' eomcs to c. it Don't \ ' l • ih 1 , ·citenwr · \ H n 'II l c grrat ex f your

ilwre wr > " to one o pi ct m·c , . . llatt«rn yon' , ">>em Y <:ty, "lhat P•l'lm~u wunl lo make ";, much friends un!Pss Yb ly thinks he loo t •tll the l ·r' Everv C>< f , . vou gc , fo1· ' " . • . ·tin·c A t<> • 't want , h<'ttcr than lus p1tc •t1Hi sollH' you cloi11> c·c>llc•c·t

W'lll ' "lY c J>icture•s you . l Jlllt 1 lH'lll a\\,, I il1rm I lH' anc . t•t <C t ak ' 1 IH'm "" .'. .,.,,,., from now ' " ' t ha! I t Fiv<' or six} . the• di<'ke'11s \\,1 'ti

' '" . , "X ow who 'o h« g>>V '" ' out and sa} • () . ",,·ho was t ,; · I"'' 1 "J hu eToss-<'y<'d grr . 't 'rrnrd hi1m;('lf , o .• .' t wide•

c· tlu s1,.., . the• grc .t , I h« pog "

0' t . .,,, ""'' out "' 1 . h ,,.hoot

Wl11·n at las } , f tho-.c• old ug l world tlu 11 • ti<'kct f01 · k kindly o · the• O/'llc '" I l . . 1 sc'ason days, aru >ll} '

"<WH PAK\ . ,,

I . n· ·twfnl, If' f'1Jir11 ' t H'll , ,t f '. I t • ' IJ'(' "l l'lg I' '

A11d ,J11111or ' '. . lit t 11· wor <' , I n· Jt1 t ,t A11d op 1111110 • It ~ ···tllngi. ,\11d Fn h1111·n aH '

If 8ophom01es, . t J 11.<)l'S Seniors, • • 11 • i

' (" , and D's, t All get s '<' the Rmartrs ' A nd Frrshmen ar l I)'~

I \ ' . [ll)( ) >' • Arni get al 1 s ,

. . , . ou state it, If t l11s is ,1s Y I .. to trase (\\'e don't say t irs . ·tatemcnts

r V0\11 s < t · 1st to prov · 1 Please. Bu J l , . lhc """ k-can R t he "l"cCRI" 8how us it·~ in answer to ti ·n our

(This 1 · , n " that cat · l'ttle' pocn '' . lle ou '. Triumphal f-;o g

mens l>c1· number. ) N°OV('Jll T

, TCHXED "CP \VIL\ 1 fluttering

Albert . hand and with trrmblrng

hea1 t, !' I propose, 'I' Cuthbert he< 1< 'ght turn up-

o . I f r what rn1 And waitcc o l . 10--r

I I H was us J • • . occurred A as. explosion th•tt quite an . acation in the \\' c hl'a" ' . C'hci>hna> v ' one

I· 'S befm c riod . ~ome . a few '·"J , chcmiat"y pc , ming hohduy srcond hom ht that the co . t have thoug

mus l Ith of July. . 'l shick WU.R ( >C '?7 i> qmtc < ' '

II-H-b-s-n, ~ . 1 , nbda dance Although ttcndcd the l'h> ,., ate llmokl!

tlwv >Uy he a . !'om· unfmhm .

wit iwut a pa"'""" , . , now (hat L. ( 'J'";;;; l\I. H-y-s i , '.Josi 11 ~~>and !)('cause. shr ir, • hv<·r l1I t H I •lsr chd

1 he• l>c·~t · pl ·~ ,flat wh1•11 noho<l: \ .< ~k<'rzin , '2 ' . hi Ill p!.t} >}

l " !Joan! con-! "Omc r· J ('J'S Of t )(' '1' t Ill' n1c·111 > • 1 " 0

I . "Tat c•r. C<'J lliJrg lllOSt }

Vo1,v~11;, IV

THOSE "CHAPEAUX" By Him H er) self

THE fACULTY REPORTER Ohst•n·ic•nts of this (•pie· 111ay not all IH'

for(' ip;n so - I hat s<•('11111! 11·orc l 11H·a11s ''Lots" In trying to furfllf'r s11nplify it for you wc· OJH'JH'd I ill' portals of \\'c•listPr and it's s111tt\• itlC'k.v our prl'vio11s ('Jlliµ:hf f'll IJl( ' lll,.; 1111'!111IC'd that ol dog; paddling; for what WP fo1111d ahuost s11:tlllJH'd II'.

"!lat;;" OIH' of t lrl' I wo poli t i!'al f:ll'-1 ions !iv 11 hi<·h ~11c·d1 11 11 as dist ra<·!Pd 111

th<' ] ,.(Ir ('('lllmy Ti11H·s sirn·c· have· clrang;<'d for 11 lrilc· WI' kno\\' th 1t ha11s11it adornm('n( s st ill oftf'n (':tll,C' di'I rac·I ion, W<' C'an 't rl'stllT«f an oC'!'llranr· • of 11 lrc·n· tht•y t·ntnc·d pqJjt i(·~ and sf'( t lrc·111s!'!vc·s up as fn(•I ions.

Prog;n•,,i11~ 11·c· rPad ' hats" <·ovc·r_ ing, for the• IH·arl anon I lrc· IH·ad of a p<'r,on is his paf P und Old I\ 111111-it-all ;;aYs that pall' Is "I lH• skin of n c·alf', l11·ad.' 0-.o-o-o- 1'011-1 a ni!'c fl'ila :1111'1 .\ 011sc•'? t'luch 1wn11•, to <·all a fc·lla ri"hl 0111 in p11h­li•· nH'C'\in ! \\ h:tl fo1 you t111l I «a1111 to 1·ou for advi(·c• In IH• t1Jld T''" ~ol :1 half grown ('()\I'S !11·:111 IJ<·~"? • 'ot for I r dos(' you t 1 .J11 ~ ud l1111k Io m11dd"r IH".;

fllll!' for lo k11011 01111•th111u. That c·all s

lu•ad Jii,111• s t, 11 boils ( 'alt lrPa<t, !rat ~ otM' 11ot hi11g hut th• c·c·ho of •01111• 111" tlc·ad "'"'! 11 lro, · to11g11" \l'IWi'•'<l 11101· • t lr :111 it might to Hut for 1011 t 1\P 1111~lrl p1·r­hap. he nlrl1 to say 0111,.thi11~- 111tl11111t getting our word ull tlJ<·m. e!vP nml gctti1w J ll 1111' uood]P 11 ht•Jl <Jiii' 11 on! WC' 11i11t !hi11k111".

lll(Jrt '


lint, you .11 oli \1 • \\ o( I th111• l•ippi11~ all . '0111" do CJJllC don't H• d n11d 11l11t1 1•t11rd111g l<• \\h t th \ kno11 01 haw got Ii\ 11111 I Jon l ll't 1 Ill foo l yu,

THE B. H. S.

t I' ll (' Ill apart l'asy, s1m•-t hi nµ; got ('111 strip('d 1111alik!'. \\lrU'h is who'? i\Hk ( m Ill~' t hots an• so ~('r:tlllhil'd I can't t ink. C'alf', IH'ad hair so's vou r old ma11. \'11ff ~aid ~Ion• lat!'r IH'rlraps.


··~!llc•lt" ,:\(•11·!lla 11 , lo"al h iµ; Ir S(·lrool :-;l11·ik and farlll lra11d won t IH· J 11t<·r-11al 1011:d lr11 111a11 adrlinµ; 111:t('lr i1H' till!' in J·:11u;la11d I Iris s11111nu•r. T IH' ti's! this ypar was to (·011111 llrl' n11111li<'1' of lilarll's of µ;rnss 011 llH• \ llanlH· O('!':tll. ~Jrrl'lt 's p;ll(•ss (':lllH' t IH• lll':t1·(•st liy li,000,000 figmc·s, I lrP 111111111!'1' ilsPlf !;)Ii . ~Ir. Xc·w111a11 has wo11 sPVPntl priz(•s as a soloist, at IH'l('IP, t r:H·k-111a11 , ln•kPl liall pla.l'('r, fislrPrman, sC'lrolar? Plc" In l!lOO lu• PlltPrPd Banµ;or I l iµ;h s('lrool a11d Ira· abo µ;ol a J>('llsron p. Ir. d dPgn·c" I lc· is st ill a frPsh 111 a11 a11d lows to t akl' ean· of I lu· Iii t J(' frl'shil's 11 lrilc· :\Ir. l'ro!'(or is awa.1· to din1H'I'. 111' i :dso a I rafli(' offic·PI', his IH•at lic·i nu; on I lrc· ~c·c·o111I floor lic·t w1·1·11 I hi' lilirary and liass park . \lr. ~c·w11i:111 rf'C'l'iv1·d :111 ofTl'r from llr1• 111ayor of his ('1l v t•i "' lo Tlro!lla Ion a11d takl' up a I l11rt 1· y<'ar (•01tfi111•!llf'llt dc·gn•(• \I r. Xc·w!ll:lll 1s r·o11gral11lalt·d li,1· his man li:11·k hit irw fri(•111ls.

llu t(•r \\'isc'.


Edwnrd ,'11·111, l\:ini;"r ll1glr ~(·lrool' r~pr1 e11t•1tiv1• lo tl11· \'1•:rzi1• ('011v1·11tio11 of llrll Jl.,p n liea11tif11l l1rn11l'ff<', 11itlt 1011 • fnught lrnir and lrort c·11rl1' tPPfh, gllv • th world an 1•xl11!.itio11 of 11pc·r-

s ]~ (~


h11111nn st n•nµ;t Ir. Edward, a sf ronµ;, hus­ky h11111 pha!'k('d astholllafi(' ho.\ !rad a S('V<'rc• at ta<'k of hald-hl'adc•d111·ss and was advis(•d to takf' a trip aro11nd fiH' world as a ('.IJI'('. I If' p:t('kc·d 11p his ol hf'I' shirt, a <'ollar hutfo11, 1110 shoc• st ring;:<, a tool Ir lrr11slr and an <·Xf ra s"I o[ f:tb(' tl'Ptlr and sl't 0111 011 Iris w:t~'. 011 .J11l.1' :J'..lnd, lrc· s(•t 0111 for llosto11. taking 1iw ro1111d trip t lrro11glr .\I illi111wkl'f. I ic' arrivc•d in llosfoll 11ilho11t a111· 1111 ·h:tp and sc·t aho11t lo find Iris stc·a1111·1'. l lP fot111d 0111 hP was a 1rc•c•k lalc• and ha d to hir!' ii

s111all fis l1111g; s111:H·k to start him 011 hi,; wa\'. T ill' ship was aho11f tlrn•f' 111il1·s 11111 11lrc•11 a IPrrilrlP fog <·a111c• up. 111' 11as 0111 airing lri111;;c•lf 011 flH· dc·<·k 11!11'11 Ill' s:tll' thP lig;h ts of a 111011~l1•r sfc·:1111 hip. Th!' ship wa~ IH'aring d1111·11 11po11 fiH'lll :ind c·v1dc·11th· would ('Ill th<· s111a ll ;;hip 111

lr :tlf. I j(' dc•c·1df'd to risk his !if!' for the sakP of Iris l'Ot111try and j1111qH'd over­board. .J11sl as tlH· .ship was alro11t. to i>11111p t Ir!' sr11:tll1·r v!',;sC'I hi' hnu·(•d '11 111•

fie sPlf liPt 11c·1·11 f Ir!' t 11 o a 11d p11slwd. . t ('ic'lll p11s!H·d so hard f Ju• st 1•a111Pr 11·1'11

I Jock'" hac·k to Bosfon and lll:t'IH'd I 1n·t' 1 ,

'.\Ir. ~tPrn 11·as :mar l1·d a (•Pll11loid fr.,·iilh pall as a fokPll of ho1101'.

,Johll llf'll.



LPadi1w the• e•11tire• (iPld of 157 oil <·ans I le'l'l><'rl ":-;pe·C'dv" Da\ 111 his ('he•\'(•rl!'t spe•e·ial rw11<' po1111di11µ; into th<· honu• sfn·t<'l1 a ,,·i1111e r i11 the· ~50 lllii<· spc·ed r·l:1ss1<·. \Jr. l>a • is a l>c·a11tif1il 1·011ng <'l1:ip of onH· (I'll odd \'!':tr.-; a11d ·has a ki11d f:11·e". I IP \\:Is at t'irr•d i11 a brand """ $ 17!i.OO '11it, ( 1~ pairs .,f pants), and a pair of rnlil1"r 1'1ovr·s.

This rne·e· rnakc·~ :\Ir. Dai· t!H• r·hampion a,h c·a11 lla\'ig:ilor of :-;t:'il<' , 'trc•1•t and aftr'I' t hi~ nu·r• h<' will ma1T\0 and ~wt ti<' dr"' 11 011 a f:IJ'Jn :\Ir. Dai· is a v<·n· F"Plll~1r \·111111 r fr•llr111 and \\·as OIH'<' a mii­llirT 111 th.. \\' i 111 Prport dnin· h<' made

e· for lhr• 1111lk i>otllPs. · :\ itPr this \' 11·1 on· ho,wv1·r :\Ir. Day w i IL i><• pro-1Jiot 1·cl Io I wr•lfl h a-sistan't JH'11e·il sharp-•·111·1· t ti I 1· . I '' 1 • !l\'l'llt\ Sf'l'OIH r Js(J'l('f \\':lS(<' r'.:r'ki·t ~·on11·r i 11 I h" i>ig :-;t 11t /, balloon .ie·tor,· 111 Ea<t Old Town.


Warren Oswald Whitcomb takes Miss Coral Listerine, as Bride

(' Lu.~t 111t 1• lwfon• n l:tl'!!;I' <Tm\ cl :\Iiss <1ra} I · t · . :\i '1 • l'llH', w:1 1111 t1·d 111 JJl:t'Tll'h to <•n:; l \\,:tlTf'll. () \\'U}d \\'hit('()rnl1. Jl<•\'-f,,1.1lf

1C '" llr·lr11 ( '0111111-b· :-11rlliYa11, 1wr-11r·r II :\J. If r·r·n·111011\.

\\'•; 1 ~ . 1-:J":rnor l\11111s of Bad Jl arhor l~a 11 :•i':i1rl of IH11101-, hr \\'H at I il'(·d 111 a l'r·r} 1. \1111 P't11· of gl'( 111 al 111 o\'<·r:tlls, a11d :\Jj 11 ' "'I' hoot . Th" l1ridr· lllaid \\'<'i'f' ( i1111 .. :-;, I I I I :r1flir•!, '. """• '<:I 1cll ::\!. \\"lra I'll, :-;:ira 1 l ... v11111 •llH} ll<Thert 1):1\, all of :-;011th

.\1 r \\I • lt·11.,: 11t .. 0111h Ii d 11 l)(· I lll'lll, 'a111uf'I f111,11,.;1i" Jr,! l1orro\\t d "l'ur·k1·r" .\I 1·( 'la~ 's l~liu·' Uit for lhr i::1n11d rn'l':t io11 Tlw Ir I '1""" \ll>1•r1 ' I url1 II <'11ir :\l<·(;i11-

''1\'d <" II , . '1"1 11 • (>I " •I n11d \\ 1ll1a111 Hir·h:ml 011. r},.,., 1 \111p11 'l'h .. 1tl!• \IU hc·rntif11lh k 'nte I t' . r11k "ti 1111 " e.11111r•d samkra111 and

V!rolr t 1 1 l '' II 1th h aut1f11} l11111rJlf' of l>r111k1,c\'1\k d lo\ '<"h·ul ,., \t1101HI ,

\J 1 1 IC l'P and t Irr I'(' 11po11 Ir · floor. \ 1111111;1 r '1 t~1111 1 n 11111lll1c•r of ti"•

·l""JI ••f : 11, n grnd11·1tP of the :\Id'd•<' II 'Ill', r11} It p•P.SPJJt }w r

sr·llinl.!; tae·ks and post (':trds at t lH' T<•n and l"iv<' <'<'nt :•Hon'. ::\lr. \\'hitC"omh is onr of t IH' most popular m<•n that <'V<'r \\'Hllf<'d to g<'( 011( of liigh :-;('}woJ. If!' was <':tptain of th<' Foot-hall lPam and \\'Oil his l il) sPl!ing l1111c·h ti<·kPts.

::\liss List!'ri1w \\·on• a i>mutiful dn•ss of Cast Iron, ri wt !'d on lwr I>~- t lw \'il­lag<' Bla1·bmit hs, s!H• \\·on· a pair of i>Pau­t iful r<'d i-;11ifl·as!'s for sl11><•s and e·lH'\\'(•d fo11r sti<•ks of .Juin· Fr11it gum \\'ith fi\'C' t1·Pt h during th<' C'<'l'('JllOJ1ial.

Owing to tlw fa('( that som!'orw sC'V<"l'<'I~· injun•d '.\1r. \\' hit~·on11> in tlH' lH·ad with a pi<•C<' od c:onf<·t tr, th!' [lone·~· moon wrll IH• post pon!'d unt ii ll<"xt Thanksgiving. TIH• \\'hit<"omh~ will r<•,id<• at 2W2 Han­cock Ht., Banµ;or , :\lain1'.

•!••: .. : .. : .. :••!••: .. : .. : .. :••!••!••!••!••!••!••!••!••: .. : .. :••!••!••!• + + •!• Said the Cadillac to the •!• + + :!: Ford: uYou'rc a better car :!: :~: tlian I am, l1unk of tin." :!: + + •!••!••!••!••!••!••!••!••! .. !••!••!• •!·•!••!••: .. : .. :••!••!••: .. : .. :••!•


CONTESTE 'fr old pi rat i('al and stPritizcd photo­

grap!H•r,.;. The one• winning tlw charmin~ bellhops photoµ;raphrr will win three box sC'ats to hold his sPrsonagp at tire Bijou.

Takr. pidun·s of )'0111· old man and aunt Emma, and c·om(' to lo1yn and d<'\'Plop t lwm at t hP aslH"an d(•v<·lopmPnt :-;opi!'( \'. Your old co11' lkss m l"n<"l<' Jkn will h<;a kncJC"ko11t. Tlw judg<'s of this page of µ;oof\' far·<•s to i>C" phot oµ;rap])('d wil I i><': Hhach· Larson. Twilight J)pnaco and ::\1id­niglrt Dumplwy. Tlrn•" i>lac·k slwrp who arc• tlw dPwlopcrs of this Compan)"

:\Iiss P!'av<'\' will <'llt<'r her photoµ;raph i>c•causc· shr has suC"h lov<•l)' frPt, slw \\'C'llrs sizr 8 shops and gum rulilic•r::;. :\liss Pow­ors 11·ill it is said photograph our handsome i-;m1li11g dumb but happy, HrrP:·o AllC"n, who is a f<•at 111·(• on aC"r·ount of hi8 flat nose· and t hn•c tP<'l h

D;JC"k WPlc-h, <'llll:<'r for '.\loviP fame., will apix•ar as a charaC"t<'r sk<'tch of tlw "::\Ian \\·itho11 a 1·Pnt." \'pr~· true• to lrfr and vi-»id in <ksC"ription \\'(' are having other cntntnts c·onstantl~· and bC'porHI a doubt sonwone• "ill mak(• 011r \\' illi<' ho/s pan look lik<' a pa\\·n shop.

Ent('!' \\'hilC" tlrPn• is,,·c·t time. Do your lwst and I>(• hkst 1 Fn•c• for an~·one- µ;C't your f1 <'('.<;Pats h.v S<"<·ing Your smiling map illl th(• h<·sl s<"lrool pap<•r in ::\pw England, th<' B. 11. ~. Talir'r.

Tlwr<"fOr<', t lrP J)('rson \\ hosr picture is on this pag<' will hr giv<•n thr<'<' fr<'(' ti .. k­<'t,; to tlH· Bijo11. You know who this 18 <·om<' 011 and µ;C"t a t ickd.


If you would ha vc more• pi ct urrs and joke's, the "Or11clt" would lw a promising papC'r.


,\ fin<' la('!' hanky lost. Fi ndc•r pl!' as<' r!'­t urn to \\'arr<'11 \\' hitco111b, '2fi.

Found: A C'h<•w of gulll park<'cl 11nd('J' a sc•a( in 2on. Own<'r may haw same· by ('alling for it.

Sonwwh<'r<' arnuucl tlH' buildinp; a <'<'Ill was lost. lfrwarcl for the· OIH' who r('( urns it to Edgar \\'c·ld1, ''27.

Lost a ;;ih·<·r bra<·<•!<'!. H<'111n1 sanH' to F. ~. \\'-bh-<• '2fi. It is worth 110( hi ng to anybody c·x<·<•pt th<• O\\' IH'I' who valttC's it IH•1·:w;;<' it was g;i\'C'll to hilll for ( 'liris(lllas.

\\'p lwar that It T , '2!l, is wry fond of "Oak"." In fad, slw is thinking of having ;;onic plant<'d around lwr hotN'.


,\n Epicur<' di ni 1111; at ( 'n•w<' Found quite• a Iarp;<' mous<' in his :-;tc·w

:-->aid th<· \Yait<'t', "Don't :-;hout \nd wave· it about

Or tlH' !'<';;t will b<· wanting one• too."

"What I want," shout<'ci the orator, "is rc·­forl!l! I want n•nt rPfo11n!. l want drink rdonn, "l want, I want."

"\\'ot yo11 want," <·am<' a voi('<' from th<' ('l'O\\'d, ''is r·hlorofonn."

Tmn111y wa" a-..k<·rl the• q ll<'. t ioll i 11 Sunday '-'C'hool: "\\ho was sorry wlwn th<• prodigal

0 II r('( ll rJ H•d '!" lmnH·diatPly IH• 1n:ul1· :111 wrT. "Tiu• fat­

t<>ci ealf."

"ll<'t<'' a man dip into an oy (Pr. l<'w alld find a p<'arl."

''l'll1 ":tti fiPd to find o · t1·1 ."

I l<'adllln tN \\'pJI, doi 11g out of hPd '!

()'f~rir•ll I ju t rot . II'.

< l'l\ri<'t1, \\hat an· yo11

Oil t t 0 L111·l· 111y (•If 111,



Pur<'ly l>y aC'C'id<'llt , Phyl and ,\!dy <·onglo111-<'ra!<•d in a tom of c•11(0111ologiC'al r<'s<'ardi ill Sia1n. Tl)('y w<'l'<' trnC'king a flat l'ootC'd whill­oC'issus of un usu:tl fprocity to its dc•ll, dos<' to the• south-so1t!lwast rlH'ostat of India, wlwn both w<'r<' suddC'11ly startlc•d l>y a loud air­split ting 11111n11m front tllC' d<'<'P 1kpth of a nc•ai liy h:un lioo.

TllC'y bot Ii rall for the· tH'arf'st I axi , hu I Phy I, l>y lllf':tllS of h1•r l'f'fif.c·I ing hifoc•aJs, ohsC'l'VC'd that tlw dii-itllrhillg noise· was c•111illc•d by an ltlllli-iWtl form of bug lif<', no\\ J><'l'C'IH•d a1nollp; t IH' widc·-1-iprc•adillg hr:u1d11·s or a walc·r-lil\'. The· 111111:-;ual oli.i<·<·t, slw i11111H'diat('}y nanH•d a "Broohippia," aftc•r IH•r J><'( ftH'<'dish C'ohra whiC'h :-;hf' hc•ps in IH'r washwrinp;<•r at horn<'.

Aldy happ<'IH'd to l'C'(mn within an hom, and, aftc•1 foenssinp; his goi.rp;ks 011 this ll<'w it<'lll 011 t lw Eski1110 hill-of-l'amr•, p;a\'!' out lo a joyous whoop, alld, al'lc•r j11111pi11p; in tlw air and p111linp; 0111 foml <'<'ll <',v<·lashc·s, 11ia11ag<'d to <'Oll\C'Y th<· i(ka lo Phy] that lw had d1·vi . ..,<'d a sdH'llH', by whic·h, usillp; a i>loC'k-and-ta<'J-1<'. this IH1p; <'ould :-;pill a IH'W alld sup<·rior kind of h<'lllJ> for wigs.

Phil . of c·o11rs<', paid !HJ at!Pll(ioll to I his, hut aftc·r i'f'f'di11g th1• i11s(•c·t (llot \ldy! ) a 1·011pk i<'<' ('!'(':till f'Ollf'.', , !H' ('Ollllll<'ll!'l'cl \\i(h J\ldy, tit<• dop;-sl<'rl trip lo tlH' lanrl of I lH' fr<'<'. wl]('!"f' , hr• 1·xc·hallg<'d t lw swil elH•s pl alls of llf'1' Ill'\\

di C'O\'<'l')', ~Pars allrl H<H'htl('k\, for a pair of ( ill-plal f•rJ 0\ ('l'><hOC' J>uck[1•s, JO:W lllfHi<-1.

<TH I<>SlTY <'OH Irn

<l11<•: !l ow do1·s "B11d" Bryant '2i, :·qwll IH·r gi\<'ll lla1111·?

\11 : :-1111' p!'!I ii, !\ml, Bnl, flpryl, a11rl Bnvl1'. 11111 it i 1111dr·t'l'ilood thal "l111d" prd1·r>< 11-ll • l'-r· i-1-1

{l1u : \\ lrnt i f•,l1·allor<'' favurit1· fruit'? ,\11 : lkn·i1· .



A Bed-Time Story by Elinor Tin


The Trials and Tribulations of a Poor Little Flea BY



The· day was :-:tit 11 n lay. Tlw hc•st n•aso11 for this was Lc•c·au•c• it was not ::\Ion day. TuC'sclay,

\\'c•d11c·sclay. 'I hmsclay, Friday or ~1111clay. Litt Jc• Tlwodorc Jkdliug was playing hide and S<'<'k

wit Ii Buclcly Bmz. t lic· lit t]p fly Jim· and having a wonderful tim<'. .\ll of a :-ucldcn a hig, had,

wolf c·a111<' along and cha,-e•rl hin1 down th<' strc•<'t whi<'h 111ack him marl hce·au,.;c thc•rc was no iitrcct.

,\ ft<'r IH· woke· up t lH· 111011<'.\' that was t o!e•11 fron1 him liy tllC' hippopotamus..,Ps was found lJ<'twcC'n

York a11rl JI anc·oe·k st 1'<'<'1 s by a lit 11<' pi<'<'f' of liacm1 that sold for 2.)c· liC'f orc· it wrnt and got iitrong

and walkc•rl out oft II!' store·. .\ll aftPrnoon. TPrld~· ... lc·pt it off and by night timr hr \\'US able to

Walk to work. t hi ... niar!P hilll 1nad as hP had no joli. Thc•rc·forr· little• Tcclcly rc•soln·d nc1t to drink

:tlly 111on· iorli11f' 011, 'aturday 111orni11g 1111til aftPr' tP11 o'c-lc)('k.

Tlw Encl.


Tlu• lH• :-111rn hoP . kii . j:wh·t", I atl'" , hcwkc· • -.tif'ks, ·p'Jl't c•ttJh, glove"'· shor skate-;, and

]H!c•k (':lll ]>C' of>t:tilJl'cl at tlH' ]H• ( flOl'lill r f..\OO<J,, -.ton• ill 10 \\'ll \\ }ij('Ji j.._

I>\ l\L • ·;-; ."POHTI;"\<; COOJ)~ ~TOHE

Adv. :?.) Central ~t.

-- - ~


ALUMNI (Continnf'd from pag<' 17 )

X unH'rals ha\'(' h<'<'n giv!'n io t hC' following girl;.; for work on (])(' ~Iai1w frps}rn1an hoC'k<•y (<'Hill: l\lary Hohinson, Ali<·<• \\'c•bst<'r, ( 'aro­linC' Collins and C<·m·va ~l<{;ary.

( 'adPt Bi!'hard Bahl>, '2.i, <·lass of I !J2!J, l '. f-1. ~Iilitary .\<'ac!r•my, \\'pst Point, was :·wl<•d<'<I as rnd!'l li<'11t<•rnu1t while• t })(' 11pp<•r dasse•s \\'e•n• away ou t lwir ( 'hrisf nias l<'av<'. This is a gr<'at honor as the· d1oi<·P is I ms<'< I 011 t lw lllili­tary and anHk1ni<· :-;!anding of tll<' !'adPt in qtH•st ion. ( 'ad<'I Bahl> is a ttl<'lll h<·r of t il!' arn1~·'s fc•1H'i11g tPa111, s<·aso11 of l!J2.i 2!i and is o 11 :-q 11 ad ",\" of t hat 11 nit .

TEMPTATION (( '011 till IH'd f J'Olll pag<' l(j )

giv<• as a r<'\rn1d th<• hand of h('I' da111.d1tN Ill marriag<'. .\ 111onwnt of as(o11i:-;ll!'cl :-;il<'ll<'P follow<·d t lw \rord,.: of th<' q 11!•<•11. Tlwn H amo, the -.:(rong<•,.:t and lllOS( agilP of ( IH' p;ypsy [ads, vol11nt<·<·n·d to u11d('l'tak<· the· ta:-;k.

~c·aredy had Balllo ]('ff t IH• c·ainp, wlwn Z11la realizC'cl what slw had done•. lTC'llC'dorth hC'r tribe' wo11ld IH'C'OlllC t lwivrs. ~IH' knrw t h<'.V wo11ld ll<'V<'r I><' fr('(• again b11t wo11ld Ii vr a h11nt<•d p<·opl<', 1111lc•ss and j/,11la pondPrPd.

At dawn lblllo r('( 11nH'd with t lw lmt<·<'lC't. And j/,11la , as sh<• had n•p<• ntc•d , at on<·r told hilll to tak<' it bad;: and hid<' it JH'ar t IH• wolll­a11's IHn1s<·.

Tlw n<•xt day an <'X<·itc·d gro11p of wonwn with t IH' ow11c·r oft he• hra<·PIC't [Padinµ; ea11H· to j/,11111 asking if by he•r (lO\\'('I' s!l!' wo1tld IH• ablP to fC'll IH•r wlH•r<• IH'r .i<'W<'lr.V 111ighf I><' fo11nd. j/,1ila told IH'r wlH•n• it was hidclPll say ing that it had IH·<•11 stol<'ll 1>11! tll!' tlH'if had n·pe•nt<•d a11d 110! daring to rC'! 11rn it had hiddP11 it IH'ar he·r ho111e•.

,\f(('I· I lw g11<•sts had !!'ft c·o11vi11<·Pd that t he·y would find t lw hnu·e·IP! Z11la rnllPd t Ii<' trilJ!' togdh<'r and told thP111 of h<'r thdt and lwr l'!'[H'll(an<·c·. ''A1Hl," she• <·onc·l11ckd, "]pt this I><' a }psso11 to Pad1 and <'v<•t·y Oil<' of yo11. Think w<'ll l>Pfon· yon a!'f and 11<·v<•r ]!'( gn·c•d O\'(')'('Olll!' .\'Oil!' }i('( f!'J' j11clg<•Jll('ll(."