You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!

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Transcript of You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!



    Enslaved by Consent

    The United States Constitution. If you are one the 99% that are made up of the individual

    "private people", you are NOT a party to the United States Constitution. I am going to present

    to you here the proof in black ink on white paper that will backup and support everything I say

    here. All the documented proof will be attached at the end for your reference as evidence.

    First and foremost I am going to point out what is in my opinion the mother case of all cases.

    This case was before the Declaration of Independence, and before all the founding documents

    were written. This is a 1772 case and the cite quoted in this case was from George Mason. One

    of the things the Supreme Court relies on when deciding constitutional issues is the writings by

    the founders in order to determine the meaning of what their intent was when the court must

    decide on the meaning of the constitution. When you discover who George Mason was you will

    learn he was one of the founders who took part in the constitutional convention, but about two

    weeks before the signing of the constitution he refused to sign it. His writings have been used

    as a model for other founders, such as Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson used Mason's writings as a

    model to write the Declaration of Independence. I believe this to be very important because of

    who George Mason was, there is no Judge in any court that could dispute what George Mason

    said in this case.

    Robin v. Hardaway

    "Now all acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice, are, in our laws,

    and must be in the nature of things, considered as void. The laws of nature are the laws of God;

    whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our

    obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which

    contradict his laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such have been the adjudications of

    our courts of justice. And cited8 Co. 118. a. Bonham's case. Hob. 87; 7 Co. 14. a. Calvin's


    Right there it says plain as day that acts of the legislature contrary to God's Law must be

    considered as void! In other words, God's Law is the superior Law and trumps any man made

    laws. (entire text of this case is attached below. 13 pages)

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    The next issue is we must determine exactly what is God's Law? Where do we get the source of

    this Law that can be used to bind any court to have to accept as God's Law? That source comes

    from the Bible. And by an act of Congress, they confirm that the Bible IS the Word of God.

    PUBLIC LAW 97-280-OCT. 4, 1982, 96 STAT. 1211

    Public Law 97-280

    97th Congress

    Joint Resolution

    Authorizing and requesting the President to proclaim 1983 as the "Year of the Bible" .

    Whereas the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the United

    States as a distinctive and blessed nation and people;

    On February 3rd, 1983, President Ronald Regan signed Proclamation 5018 - Year of the Bible.

    (This Public Law is found in the Statutes at Large, and a copy of the Proclamation signed by

    Ronald Regan is attached below. 5 pages total)

    So now we have the 1772 Robin vs Hardaway case that clearly states God's Law is the superior

    Law and any man made Law contrary to God's Law must be considered as void. Then we have

    an act of Congress signed by Proclamation by President Ronald Regan, confirming that the Bible

    is the Word of God, which is the source to find what all of God's Laws are.

    The next thing I want you to think about is to go back when the founders signed the Declarationof Independence. At that moment in time when the founders signed the Declaration of

    Independence, and when the war with the British ended, did we have a government in place at

    that moment in time? The answer is no, we did not. Did the King not FREE all his subjects that

    were here and make every single man and woman a free person? Yes he did. So at that moment

    in time, man was free and became his own individual sovereign King. As a sovereign King over

    yourself no other man has any authority to make any Law over you nor does he have any

    authority to rule over you.

    Think about that. Could you walk into Wal-Mart and make rules and laws over some stranger,

    such as an employee working there, where they would become bound and subject to whateverrules and laws you decided to make over them? Of course not. So by what authority does any

    man have over another man to be able to do that? There is none! They have no authority!

    When the founders got together and decided to form a government, and when they signed onto a

    new constitution, did YOU ever sign onto that? Where is your contract that you made with them

    and that you signed to become a party to their government? There is none. It does not exist!

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    Here is a case that proves you are not a party to the United States Constitution.

    Padelford, Fay & Co. v. Mayor and Aldermen of City of Savannah, 1854

    "*55 But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in Court, on the ground of a

    breach of the Constitution. The Constitution, it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it.The States are the parties to it. And they may complain."

    There it is right there in black and white. The court has clearly stated that you are a "private

    person" and that no "private person" has a right to complain, by suit in Court on the ground of a

    breach of the Constitution, because YOU are NOT a party to it! The States are the parties to it,

    and only they may complain! (entire text of this case is attached below. 61 pages)

    You may be thinking now, yeah, but the Constitution says "We the People" so that means us and

    that we are the ones that granted that to the government to be formed. You think? Well let's take

    a look at what "the People" means.

    Bouvier's Law Dictionary


    A nation in its collective andpolitical capacity.

    In neutrality laws,a government recognized by the United States.

    When the term the people is made use of in constitutional law or discussions, it is often the case

    thatthose only are intended who have a share in the government through being clothed with

    the elective franchise.

    So based on their legal definition of People, it means those who are intended who have a share inthe government through being clothed with the elective franchise. So who exactly would theelective franchise be? It isn't YOU and it isn't ME! Not unless you are an elected official of that

    franchise! What does franchise mean, anyway? Let's take a look.

    Bouvier's Law Dictionary


    "A special privilege conferred by government on individuals, and which does not belong to the

    citizens of the country generally by common right."

    Wow! So the federal government and the 50 states are all a part of a government franchise madeup of private individuals, who personally signed onto it, and who later become members and

    parties to it by becoming elected officials. Looks like a mighty fine private club they have

    created for themselves, doesn't it?

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    No wonder all oaths come under CFR 22, Foreign Relations, where upon their oath to office they

    relinquish their citizenship! They have agreed by their own consent to join the club and becomeone of its members and abandon their current citizenship to do so!

    Look up and read, Title 5 USC, Sec. 3331, Oath of office. State Officials are also required to

    meet this same obligation, according to State Constitutions and State statutory law. All oaths ofoffice come under 22 CFR, Foreign Relations, Sections 92.12 - 92.30, and all who hold public

    office come under Title 8 USC, Section 1481 Loss of nationality by native-born or naturalized

    citizen; voluntary action; burden of proof; presumptions. Under Title 22 USC, Foreign Relations

    and Intercourse, Section 611, a Public Official is considered a foreign agent.

    Now let's take a closer look at that Preamble to the United States Constitution.


    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and

    secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and ourPosterity, do ordain and establish this

    Constitution for the United States of America.

    We the People of the United States,

    The People of What? The United States. What IS the United States? It is a foreign corporation

    within a 10 square mile outside the jurisdiction of the territory that makes up the rest of the landthroughout America.

    Next it says..... in Order to form a more perfect Union,

    Form a Union between WHO? The delegates from the 13 colonies. They wanted to get togetherand form their own Union. The United States, Inc., and by creating a corporate entity known as

    the STATE OF XXXX, that was created within the boundaries of their colonies, together as

    separate sub-corporate States.

    Next it says.... establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense,

    promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,

    Establish, insure, provide, promote and secure...for OURSELVES... WHO is ourselves? Why

    that can only be the delegates that got together to form themselves a more perfect Union betweenthemselves and they are the only ones that ever signed onto the contract known as the

    Constitution for the United States, Inc. A foreign corporate entity formed and created within a

    ten square mile, known today as the District of Columbia. A ten square mile foreign territory of

    land this is outside the boundaries of America.

    Next it says... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    WHO ordained and established that Constitution? THEY did. The delegates. They got togetherand decided to form a more perfect Union for themselves, between themselves, for THEIR
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    justice, tranquility, common defense, general welfare, securing THEIR blessings of Liberty to

    THEMSELVES and THEIR Posterity. The UNITED States of America is the 50 corporateSTATES they created as foreign corporate entities which are all outside the boundaries of the

    territory not owned by the corporate government, known as the United States, Inc. For a

    corporate STATE to become a STATE of THEIR Union, it must be admitted into THEIR Union

    by Congress. The individual 50 corporate STATES did not become STATES on their own bytheir own doing, by the People within the boundaries of that territory the corporate STATE was

    created and formed by. They were created and formed by the members of the STATE that

    created it and admitted to the foreign entity known as the, United States, Inc., approved by theCongress of that foreign entity to join THEIR Union. The 50 corporate STATES are all foreign

    territory restricted to federal land only. This you can discover by reading all the organic Laws.

    The organic Laws are:




    These organic Laws have never been repealed and still remain valid and are still in effect today.

    You can find the evidence of this by going to the government printing office and ordering their

    book published for Title 1 thru Title 5 of the U.S. Code. These Laws are still published as Law

    by the government.

    For more information on this subject visit Ed Rivera's website at

    Ed Rivera is an attorney who has spent an enormous amount of time and research on this and

    offers classes for anyone wanting to learn about the Law.

    In the words of the late George's a private club, folks....and YOU AIN'T IN IT!

    Can you now see why judges threaten you with contempt if you bring up this constitution in their

    courts again? It is because it does not apply to you, because you are not a party to it! If you arenot a party to it then you cannot complain about it. And if they are telling you that you cannot

    complain about it for a breach of it, then that means it can't apply to you either. Every single law,

    code, statute, regulation, public policy, ect., ALL stems from the constitution. It ALL startedfrom that one document. So if you are not a party to the constitution, then you are not a party to

    the STATE OF XXXXX, INC., because the corporate States were formed by the United States,

    Inc., by having to be admitted into THEIR Union to become a sub-corp State of THEIR Union.

    And ALL laws, codes, statutes, regulations and public policies of the individual sub-corp Statesdo not apply to you because you are NOT a party to the Constitution of the United States, Inc.

    It's ALL a private club that only elected officials of the mother ship corp. known as the UNITED

    STATES, INC., and all the sub-corp. STATE OF XXXX, INC'S are parties to it!

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    Do you now see WHY they must always have YOUR CONSENT? You have to VOLUNTEER

    yourself to become subject to it. And even when you volunteer yourself to become subject to it,you still have no right to complain because merely volunteering to subject yourself to it does not

    make you are party to it! It only enslaves you to it where you become chattel property of the their

    corporate empire.

    And what did they do to sneak around this little problem so as to trick and deceive you into

    getting you to consent and volunteer? They created their own fictional legal person's where they

    would have a separate legal person created for every man, woman and child, where they woulduse their same Christian Name and ADD their family Name to it and create an entirely separate

    new Name comprised of a first, middle and last Name, which is a fiction created by the State that

    the State birthed into existence by creating a legal document to create a legal title for that Name,known as the Birth Certificate.

    Meanwhile, all the free "private people" outside their private club who are not a party to it, left to

    believe they ARE that fictional Name they created so they can freely CONSENT to being subject

    to all the laws, codes, statutes, regulations and public policies, all through their own individualignorance of not knowing who they are, and what they have done to deceive and trick them into

    freely consenting.

    Isn't that what is required of Satan to own your soul? Doesn't Satan have to get your consent in

    order to get your soul? Isn't the elite behind all this government creation, Satan worshipers? They

    all sold their souls to Satan so they can have their power and wealth over the masses. And theSatan worshipers have designed a scheme to trick and deceive you in order to get you to give

    your consent to sell them your soul through consenting to become a member of their satanic club

    by accepting to claim their Name they created for you through the birth certificate.

    1599 Geneva Bible:

    Revelation 13:17"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the markor the name of the beast or the

    number of his name."

    What does every man, woman and child need in order to buy or sell? They have to have a legalName that consists of a first and last Name. Man never had last Names. They had Christian

    Names which was a first Name and could have a middle Name. There was no last Name. They

    were known by first Names and being from the family of Name and/or from the Tribe of.

    If you search through the Bible everyone only has a first Name. They are called by a first Name

    and referred to by being from the family of xxxxx, or being from the Tribe of xxxxx, or being

    from the family of xxxxx, from the Tribe of xxxxx. There are no last Names!

    For many years some have felt the SS number was the mark, and some feel it will be the micro-

    chip. But what is the one thing every man, woman and child has now that they must have just to

    be able to buy or sell within their system they created? The fictional legal Name that was createdby a birth certificate. So could the Name actually be the mark? And what better deception to use

    than a fictional Name created by the State that just happens to look the same as your given

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    Christian Name and adding your family Name to that in order to create the illusion that is your

    Name when it is not? And because of our ignorance of not knowing what Names are and theirmeanings, we have all been easily deceived into freely accepting and consenting to it all, where

    we have accepted and taken the mark!

    So who exactly are we and where exactly do we get our rights?

    1599 Geneva BibleGenesis 26

    In the Bible, book of Genesis 1:26-30, to wit:

    26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have

    dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and

    over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male andfemale created he them.

    28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and

    replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over

    the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the

    face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you

    it shall be for meat.

    30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that

    creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and

    it was so.

    God made us in his image and in his likeness and he gave us dominion over this earth and allthings in and on this earth. These are your natural rights granted to you by your creator, which no

    other man on earth can take away from you, UNLESS, you freely consent and volunteer to give

    up your God given rights to become a subject to another man's laws.

    Do you consent? Do you freely volunteer?

    We all have been consenting and volunteering because of ignorance!

    1599 Geneva Bible

    Hosea 4:6

    "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou hast refused knowledge, I will also

    refuse thee that thou shalt be no Priest to me: and seeing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God,

    I will also forget thy children."

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    Well that certainly says a lot right there, doesn't it? We have all obviously forgotten who we are,

    what are real rights are, where that authority comes from, and through ignorance from our lack ofknowledge, we have allowed ourselves to become deceived by freely volunteering and

    consenting to be subject to all the laws, codes, statutes, regulations and public policies, that only

    pertain to a private club of a few, that is made up of a mother corporation known as a senior

    corporation known as the United States, Inc, and all its sub-corporations of the 50 State ofXXXX, Inc's, none of which YOU, as a "private person", are a party to. And those corporations

    are under the bigger world corporations such as private banking cartels out of London, the Queen

    and the Vatican.

    The most deceptive part of all this, is that the elite behind these corporate powers worship Satan

    and represent evil, where in order for them to steal your souls and renounce your allegiance toyour creator, they must get you to freely volunteer yourself by consent to become a subject of

    their evil empire! And we all have done this because of our own ignorance by allowing ourselves

    to be dumbed down generation after generation. They have used their media sources to feed us

    with. They have used their powers to enslave us and take our wealth away and force us into

    working longer hours, forcing our women to have to work just to make ends meet, and while atthe same time leaving us with no free time to learn anything and know the truth, where our most

    common source of information fed to us comes from their controlled media outlets, such asnewspapers, television, radio, etc. We have been duped and we have taken their bait hook, line

    and sinker.

    Everything you ever acquire you are acquiring it all on behalf of the State where all property isbeing vested in the State where you have nothing.

    Senate Doc #43, page 9, second paragraph in the right column.

    "The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership" is only

    by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with

    law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." (copy attached below)

    Congressional Record - House - March 9, 1933

    "The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the

    Nation.It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the


    The money so issued will not have one penny of gold coverage behind it. because it is really not

    needed. We do not need gold to back ourinternalcurrency." (copy attached below)

    They are using INTERNAL currency. And everything you acquire is vested in the State and

    becomes a mortgage on ALL property acquired. How can this be? How can they do that?

    They do it through the legal Name created by the States with their creation of the birthcertificate.

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    They create a legal Name that the State holds the legal title to (birth certificate), and then they

    issue you a certificate called Certificate of Live Birth. That certificate represents the legal Namethe State created. You then go out into the world and conduct all your business under the use of

    that legal Name the State created. You thought that was YOUR Name, but it is not. It is a

    fictional Name that was created by the State, in which the State holds the legal title to it.

    When you were born you were given what is known as a Christian Name. The Christian Name

    consists only of a first Name and could include a middle Name. There is no last Name. What you

    refer to as a last Name is the family Name that you were born of. The Name the State createddoes have a last Name. All corporate entities must have a last Name which you can find under

    Delaware legislation.

    DEL CODE TITLE 8 Chapters 6 617: Delaware Code - Section 617: CORPORATE


    The corporate name of a corporation organized under this chapter shall contain either a word or

    words descriptive of the professional service to be rendered by the corporation or shall containthe last names of1 or more of its present, prospective or former shareholders or of persons who

    were associated with a predecessor person, partnership, corporation or other organization or

    whose name or names appeared in the name of such predecessor organization.

    Texas Administrative Code


    79.31. Characters of Print Acceptable in Names

    (a) Entity names may consist of letters of the Roman alphabet, Arabic numerals, and certain

    symbols capable of being reproduced on a standard English language typewriter, or

    combination thereof.

    (b) Only upper case or capitol letters, with no distinction as to type face or font, will be


    Delaware legislation March 10 1899

    An Act Providing General Corporate Law This Act allow the corporation to become a


    As per THEIR internal Laws corporations are required to have Last Names, and under THEIR

    Laws they have allowed corporations to become a "PERSON". Under the Texas code allcorporate Names are to be in all capital letters.

    Look at your mail such as your credit card bills, utility bills, your checks, etc., and you will

    notice the Name is most often spelled in all capital letters. There is no proper grammar orspelling to allow proper Names to be spelled in all capital letters. These spellings, along with the

    fact they include a Last Name, all represent a fictional entity and not the proper Name of a man

    or woman.

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    The State takes the same Christian Name you were given at birth, then they take your same

    family Name you were born of, and they put those Names together to create a new fictionalName that is the legal person.

    For example a proper Christian Name would look like this:

    John Doe, of the family Smith

    The fictional Name the State created would look like this:

    John Doe Smith or JOHN DOE SMITH

    As you can see, they look close to the same, but they are in fact two complete separate and

    different Names. One is the Name used by man and one is a fictious Name that pertains to a

    fictional entity that the State created and is called the legal person.

    Some people believe because the Name appears to be the same and because the mother signedthe birth certificate as Informant that this makes the parents a grantor to this Name and gives us

    the rights to this Name where we could somehow go back and reclaim it. I do not agree with thattheory. The Names are not the same. They are two complete different and separate Names from

    each other. And anyone can choose to take any Name they want even though others may already

    be using that Name. Otherwise there could never be more than one John Smith. But there are

    thousands of John Smith's out there. And even though you may be known as John Doe, of thefamily Smith, that is not the same Name as John Doe Smith or JOHN DOE SMITH created by

    the State. They are as different and separate from each other as is a green apple and a red apple

    are different from one another. They are both apples, but they are not the same apples.

    As you go through life and use that legal Name the State has created and in which they have

    issued you a certificate of that Name they created, everything you acquire under that Name is

    being acquired on behalf of the State. It is no different than say, where you form a corporationand you go acquire property under that corporate Name. The property is vested in the

    corporation. You do not have any interest in that property personally. But as an officer of that

    corporation you do have use and control of that property. You hold the interest in the corporationthrough the legal document that makes up the corporation.

    The State holds legal title to that Name. So everything you acquire under that Name becomesautomatically vested in the State. Plus you are using their "internal currency" to acquire

    everything with. You use their internal currency that is backed by nothing, and you acquire

    everything under their Name that they created that the State holds the legal title to. (birth


    Since you are in possession of a certificate bearing that legal Name that the State issued to you,

    you are just a beneficiary of everything pertaining to that Name. You have no other interest in

    that Name other than being a gift recipient of the certificate issued by the State and all propertyacquired by you under that Name.

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    As a beneficiary and nothing more, you cannot be liable for anything that pertains to that Name.

    It is the same with any other type of legal entity such as trusts, corporations, LLC's, etc. When a

    trust, corporation or LLC is sued for something, where the suit is naming that entity as the party

    being sued, it is the assets held by that entity that is subject to being taken. You as just an officer

    or President of that entity are not personally liable unless you sign to be held personally liable. Itis the same thing pertaining to the Name. That is a legal entity created by the State and in which

    the State holds the legal title to. So any charges ever brought against John Doe Smith or JOHN

    DOE SMITH, is being brought against that fictional entity. They are not charges being broughtagainst YOU, John Doe, of the family Smith, the living flesh and blood man. So you cannot be

    personally liable for anything pertaining to the legal Name John Doe Smith or JOHN DOE

    SMITH, because you are not John Doe Smith nor JOHN DOE SMITH, and you do not hold orown any interest in the fictional entity, John Doe Smith or JOHN DOE SMITH. You are known

    as just John Doe, who was born of the family known as Smith, who is NOT a fictional entity, but

    in fact you are a flesh and blood living man who was created in your creator's image and granted

    dominion over everything on this earth, meaning you have USE and CONTROL over anything

    you currently are in possession of. You are nothing more than just a beneficiary to that legalName and as just a beneficiary you cannot be held liable for anything that is brought against that

    Name. UNLESS, you freely volunteer yourself through your personal consent to be treated andregarded as if you are that fictional Name.

    So how are they getting away with holding you, the man, known as John Doe, who was born of

    the family Smith, a flesh and blood living man? They get away with it because of our ownignorance every time we make a false claim by claiming we ARE John Doe Smith or JOHN


    You walk into a court and what is the very first thing they do? They call out John Doe Smith.

    Then John Doe, born of the family Smith, the real man, stands up and approaches the court and

    says, here. The very next thing that happens is the Judge asks you, are YOU John Doe Smith?

    And then John Doe, who was born of the family Smith, the real man, says YES I AM! At thatpoint the man has just perjured himself in court making a false claim and self incriminated

    himself in the process. And because you are a man and you are your own sovereign King over

    yourself, only YOU can say who you are. The court has no authority to dispute your claim of youclaiming to be who you say you are. And they can't prove otherwise. So having no evidence to

    prove otherwise, and no desire to anyway, and there being no one in the court to object to the

    false claim you just made, the court merely accepts your claim of being John Doe Smith. Sinceyou made the claim to being John Doe Smith, the court can now hold you liable for the charges

    that were brought against John Doe Smith, the fictional entity created by the State, known as the

    "legal person". Even though they know you are not the fictional legal person, John Doe Smith,

    they have no authority to question your authority as a sovereign King over yourself, and theyhave to accept your claim, even though it was a false claim!

    Do you see now how we are our own worst enemy because of our own lack of knowledge?

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    "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou hast refused knowledge, I will also

    refuse thee that thou shalt be no Priest to me: and seeing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God,

    I will also forget thy children."

    You walk into their temple of justice that you are not even a party to, and you freely volunteer

    yourself by consenting to be John Doe Smith! You claimed a Name that is just a legal fiction thatwas created and owned by the State in which the State holds the legal title to! Is that insane or

    what? Is it any wonder you are deemed incompetent and everyone needs a lawyer? Then the

    lawyer can at least try to limit your damages by trying to at least get your costs down or sentencereduced. Or in some cases might even get you off because of some technicality over their own

    private internal laws, rules or procedures.

    The same thing happens by claiming ownership of some piece of property you do not own, but

    you think you own it because of ignorance. For one, your creator did not give you ownership of

    anything. He gave you dominion. Dominion means use and control. You have the right to use

    and control any property in your possession that you acquired without having taken it from

    someone else that was already using it, but you have no right to own it. And since you acquiredpossession of all property by acquiring it with the Name the State holds title to, you have

    acquired it under the Name held by the State AND you used their internal currency to acquire itwith. So you can't possibly claim ownership of it! You create a controversy by doing so.

    By you creating the controversy, which is by your claiming to own the property, and also

    claiming to own it by claiming to be John Doe Smith, is it any wonder they want to lock you upand/or fine you? Is it any wonder why they declared us all as enemy of the State? We are

    constantly going into their private temples making all these false claims! It's insanity!

    Wouldn't the smart thing to do whenever they try to serve you with anything or issue you

    something that requires their Name to appear in their temple, to just privately send them a notice

    of mistake so they can correct their records and resolve any issues they have between

    themselves? Since you are NOT John Doe Smith or JOHN DOE SMITH, why would you evengo into their private temples of justice? If that ain't you then you have no business going in there!

    That can only lead to getting yourself into trouble you don't need. You can't go in there and start

    arguing their own internal club membership laws and rules when they don't even apply to you!So why even bother? It doesn't pertain to you! That ain't you! If property is the issue, that

    property ain't yours! It isn't in your Name. It is in their Name! You are only a beneficiary who is

    exercising his rights granted to you by your creator which clearly states you have dominion overit! So why should you care whatever their internal disputes and issues are pertaining to a Name

    that is a fictional entity that they hold the legal title to? Send the court a private communication

    to notify them of their mistake. They are trying to serve their papers on you the man. It is a


    Hasn't their own court already establish the fact that their man made laws that contradict with

    God's Laws, they are to consider their own man made Laws as being void? Sure they did! Let's

    look again.

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!


    Robin v. Hardaway

    "Now all acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice, are, in our laws,

    and must be in the nature of things, considered as void. The laws of nature are the laws of God;

    whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our

    obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which

    contradict his laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such have been the adjudications of

    our courts of justice. And cited8 Co. 118. a. Bonham's case. Hob. 87; 7 Co. 14. a. Calvin's


    Yep! That is exactly what it says!

    And haven't they declared the source of God's Law the Bible when Congress declared the Bibleas the Word of God? Let's look again real quick.

    PUBLIC LAW 97-280-OCT. 4, 1982, 96 STAT. 1211

    Public Law 97-280

    97th Congress

    Joint Resolution

    Authorizing and requesting the President to proclaim 1983 as the "Year of the Bible" .

    Whereas the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the United

    States as a distinctive and blessed nation and people;

    On February 3rd, 1983, President Ronald Regan signed Proclamation 5018 - Year of the Bible.

    Yep! That is exactly what they said! Ok, so what does God's Law say as it is found and stated in

    the Bible? Let's take a quick peek at that again.

    In the Bible, book of Genesis 1:26-30, to wit:

    26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have

    dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and

    over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and

    female created he them.

    28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and

    replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over

    the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!


    face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you

    it shall be for meat.

    30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that

    creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and

    it was so.

    There it is right there! God made man in his image and gave man dominion over everything! So

    that appears to trump any of their man made laws, doesn't it?

    And their own court has made it clear that we the "private person" is NOT a party to the

    Constitution, so if you are not a party to it and everything within their entire system today stems

    from that Constitution, then that means none of that can apply to you since you are not a party toit!

    Padelford, Fay & Co. v. Mayor and Aldermen of City of Savannah, 1854

    "*55 But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in Court, on the ground of a

    breach of the Constitution. The Constitution, it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it.

    The States are the parties to it. And they may complain."

    Is there any more proof or evidence one could ask for? It is all right here as plain as day!

    This leaves you with only one option! And that option is you MUST freely consent to subject

    yourself to become a party to it!

    You are NOT a US citizen. So stop claiming you are! That legal Name is the US citizen, not

    you! That legal Name was birthed and born WITHIN their jurisdiction, not you the man!

    The United States is the ten square miles WITHIN the District of Columbia. It is NOT the

    territory of all the land throughout America. Only land outside the ten square miles of the

    District of Columbia is any land that is owned by the United States, Inc., which is commonlyknown as the federal government. This would be areas such as federal national parks where the

    federal government owns that land, and areas like Puerto Rico, Guam and Virgin Islands, etc.

    In order for YOU the living man to become a US citizen you must complete a three step process

    first. This is confirmed by their court case, City of Minneapolis v. Reum, 1893

    "The United States, in the exercise of their undoubted right, have prescribed the conditions upon

    compliance with which an alien may become a citizen of this nation. The act of congress of April14, 1802, (2 Stat. 153, c. 28, 1; Rev. St. 2165,) provides that an alien may be admitted tobecome a citizen of the United States in the following manner, and not otherwise. First. He shall,

    two years at least prior to his admission, declare before a proper court his intention to become a

    citizen of the United States, and to renounce*578 his allegiance to the potentate or sovereignty

    of which he may be at the time a citizen or subject. Second. He shall, at the time of his

    application to be admitted, declare, on oath, before some one of the courts above specified, that

    he will support the constitution of the United States, and that he absolutely and entirely

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    renounces and abjures all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, state, or

    sovereignty; and particularly, by name, to the prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of which he

    was before a citizen or subject, which proceedings shall be recorded by the clerk of the court.

    Third. It shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the court admitting such alien that he has

    resided within the United States five years at least, and within the state or territory where such

    court is at the time held one year at least, and that during that time he has behaved as a man of agood moral character, attached to the principles of the constitution of the United States, and well

    disposed to the good order and happiness of the same; but the oath of the applicant shall in no

    case be allowed to prove his residence." (the entire text of this case is attached below. 7 pages)

    Have you ever declared, before a court your admission to become a United States citizen, and

    renounce your allegiance and sovereignty to your creator? Have you admitted an application,declared, on oath, before some one of the courts specified, that you will support the constitution

    of the United States, and that you absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and

    fidelity to your creator, that you were subject to at birth? Has it been made to appear to the court

    that you have resided WITHIN the United States five years at least, and within their federal zone

    States or territory as a MAN of good moral character, attached to the principles of theconstitution of the United States?

    Unless you, as a living man, have completed all of those steps you cannot be a US citizen!!!

    And WHY would anyone want to give up their allegiance to their creator and all the God given

    rights the creator has granted to you, just to become a member to a private club known as theUnited States, Inc and its 50 State, Inc's just become their chattel property subjecting yourself to

    over 6 million laws they have created on their internal books, and to a group of elite that worship

    Satan? Isn't Satan required to get your consent in order to take your soul? Since the elite that arebehind this empire that controls all these corporate entities are people that appear to worship

    Satan, could it be they are using this deception they created to get you the living man to freely

    volunteer your soul to Satan by getting your consent, where you freely consent yourself to be

    presumed to be that fictional entity, the legal person, created by the State through what iscommonly known as the Birth Certificate?

    You would have to give up your allegiance to God. And that is all that God wanted. If you became a

    UNITED STATES citizen you have to give up your allegiance to God. How can you be a US citizen and

    a Christian at the same time? Its an impossibility in law.

    1599 Geneva Bible:

    Revelation 13:17"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the markor the name of the beast or the

    number of his name."

    Are we selling our souls by accepting the Name and subjecting ourselves to their private systemthat is controlled by Satan worshipers? Could the Name they created be the mark of the beast?

    Isn't the Name always in our head because that is the Name we know more than anything? And

    we use our hand to sign that Name with to sign the Name to everything? Isn't it true you can't doanything without that Name? Would a bank let you open an account with just your Christian

    Name which is just your first and middle Name and without listing a last Name? Could you get

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!


    hired by a company doing the same by filling out an employment application to get a job? Could

    you get a driver's license, social security card, passport, or any government form issued by agovernment agency, using only your Christian Name? I doubt it.

    1599 Geneva Bible:

    Revalation 13:16" And he made all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their

    right handor in theirforeheads."

    Is that legal fictional Name you have been mislead to believe all your life not a Name that has

    been drilled into your head? And have you not used your hand to sign that Name to everything

    requiring you to give a Name on?

    When Obama stated we are no longer a Christian Nation, could he have known what he was

    talking about? If everyone claims to be a U.S. citizen and the only way to become a U.S. citizen

    is to have to renounce your allegiance to your creator, then could Obama have been correct when

    he made that statement?

    I'll leave it up to you to decide.

    I've attached the documents below to provide the black ink on white paper that supports these


    I AM

    Also know as John

    Documents attached below:

    1 Statutes at Large 19822 Proclamation 5018 - Year of the Bible, 1983

    3 Senate-Doc-43

    4 Congessional-Record-March-9-19335 1599-Geneva-Bible-Genesis 1-26

    6 Revelation-13-16-17

    7 Hosea-4-68 Robin v. Hardaway

    9 George Mason - background history

    10 Padelford, Fay & Co. v. Mayor and Aldermen of City of Savannah

    11 City of Minneapolis v. Reum

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!









    PART 1PUBLIC LAWS 97-146 THROUGH 97-301

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!




    B i l l N o . Law No .

    H. R . 6 7 8 27-306H. R . 6 8 0 47-417H

    . R. 6 8 6 37-257H. R . 6 8 6 57-352H. R . 6 9 4 67-398H. R . 6 9 5 57-253H. R . 6 9 5 67 - 2 7 2

    H. R . 6 9 6 87-323H. R . 6 9 7 67-292H. R . 6 9 9 37-449H. R . 7 0 0 57-439H. R . 7 0 1 97-369H. R . 7 0 6 57-274H. R . 7 0 7 27-370H. R . 7 0 9 37-455H. R . 7 1 0 27-470H. R . 7 1 1 57-342H. R . 7 1 4 37-438H. R . 7 1 4 47-378H. R . 7 1 5 47-462H. R . 7 1 5 57-399H. R . 7 1 5 97-440H. R . 7 2 9 27 - 3 6 7H. R . 7 2 9 37-310H. R . 7 3 1 67-433H. R . 7 3 5 67-394H. R . 7 3 7 77-400H. R . 7 3 7 87-452H. R . 7 4 0 67-423H. R . 7 4 1 07-454H. R . 7 4 2 07-422H. R . 7 4 2 37-427H. J . Re s . 2 0 77-299H. J . R e s . 2 2 57-223H. J . R e s . 2 3 07-209H. J . Re s . 2 7 27-165H. J . Re s . 3 4 87-158H. J . R e s . 3 6 17 - 1 8 1H. J . R e s . 3 7 37-157H . J . Re s . 3 8 27-146H . J . Re s . 3 8 97-147H . J . R e s . 3 9 17-148H. J . Re s . 4 0 97-161H. J . Re s . 4 1 07-170H. J . R e s . 4 1 27-178H. J . Re s . 4 3 57-167H. J . R e s . 4 4 47-225H. J . R e s . 4 4 77-166H. J . R e s . 4 4 87-173H. J . Re s . 4 5 97-445H. J . R e s . 4 8 67-284H. J . R e s . 4 9 47-233H. J . Re s . 4 9 67-277H. J . Re s . 5 1 67-239H. J . Re s . 5 1 87-210H. J . R e s . 5 1 97-204H. J . Re s . 5 2 0 7-270H. J . Re s . 5 2 6 7-228H . 5 4 1 7-237



    B i l l N o . Law No .

    H. J . R e s . 5 6 87-281H. J . R e s . 5 8 87-315H

    . J. R e s . 5 9 57-368H. J . R e s . 5 9 97-276H. J . Re s . 6 1 27-289H. J . R e s . 6 1 97-420

    H. J . R e s . 6 3 07 - 4 2 1H. J . R e s . 6 3 17 - 3 7 7H. J . R e s . 6 3 57-469S .1467-184S .1877-401S .1887-305S .2667 - 1 7 4S .4787 - 3 4 4S.5037-459S .6257-405S.6347-168S .6917-180S .7057-465S .7347-290S.7647-374S.8167-393S.8237-395S.8817-219S.8927 - 1 6 2S.8967 - 1 9 7S.9077-285S.9237 - 2 6 7S.10187-348S.11197-250S.11317 - 1 7 7S.11937 - 2 4 1S.12107 - 3 5 0S . 1 2 3 07-220S . 1 3 4 07-402S . 1 4 0 97-293S.14447-380S.15017-406S.15197-211S . 1 5 4 07-460S . 1 5 7 37-345S.16117-186S . 16287-275S.16817 - 3 8 1S . 1 6 9 87-359S . 1 7 3 57-403S .17777 - 3 3 5S . 18087 - 1 9 5S .18727 - 3 4 1S . 18947 - 3 8 2S .19377-163S .19657 - 4 0 7S . 19867-408S.20347-383S.20367-300S .20597 - 4 0 9S.2073 7-242

    S.2154 7-238

    S 7 - 1 5 9

    Publ ic

    B i l l N o . Law No .

    S.21777-373S.22187-232S.22407 - 2 2 1S.22447-176S.22487-252S.22527-322S . 2 2 5 47-160S . 2 2 7 17-286S.22737-464S.23177 - 2 3 1S.23327 - 2 2 9S.23337-171S.23557-410S.23737-175S.23757-336S.23867-326S.24057-283S.24207 - 2 9 1S.24367-329S.24577-334S .25357 - 1 9 1S .25747-327S .25757-190S .25827-264S.25867-321S.26117-387S.26517-217S.27067-230S.27107-384S.28527-301S.28637-463S.28747-307S.29557-411S .30737-388S .31037-412S.31057-471S.31137-404S . J . R e s . 5 37-187S . J . R e s . 5 97-188S . J . R e s . 6 77-172S . J . R e s . 9 17-153S . J . R e s . 9 57-224S . J . R e s . 1 0 17 - 4 4 1S . J . R e s . 1 0 27-169S . J . R e s . 1 0 57-154S . J . R e s . 1 1 37-316S . J . R e s . 1 2 27-150S . J . R e s . 1 2 37-240S . J . R e s . 1 3 17-194S . J . R e s . 1 3 47-149S . J . R e s . 1 4 07-198S . J . R e s . 1 4 27-151S . J . R e s . 1 4 57-183S . J . R e s . 1 4 87 - 1 5 6S . J . R e s . 1 4 97-193S . J . R e s . 1 6 07-189S . J . Re s . 1 6 5 7 - 2 8 0

    S . J . R e s . 1 7 0 7-182

    S . 1 7 4

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!



    Public Law Date Page

    97-272epartment of H ousing and Urban Development-Inde-pendent Agencies Appropriation Act, 1988 . AN ACTMaking appropri ations for the Department of Hous-

    ing and Urban Development, and for s undry inde-

    p e n d e n t a g e n c i e s , b o a r d s , c o m m i s s i o n s , c o r p o r a t i o n s ,

    a n d o f f i c e s f o r t h e f i s c a l y e a r e n d i n g S e p t e m b e r 3 0 ,

    1983 , a n d f o r o t h e r p u r p o s e sept . 3 0 , 1 9 8 21 6 09 7 - 2 7 3EB Rural Water Develop ment Project . AN ACT Toauthorize the Secretary of the Interior to proceedwith development of the WEB pipeline, to p rovidefor the study o f South Dakota water projects to bedeveloped in lieu of the Oahe and Pollock-Herr eidi r r i g a t i o n p r o j e c t s , a n d t o m a k e a v a i l a b l e M i s s o u r ibasin pumping power to projects authoriz ed by theF l o o d C o n t r o l A c t o f 1944 t o r e c e i v e s u c h p o w e rept . 3 0 , 1 9 8 21 8 1

    97-274ommunity Services Block G rant Act, a mendment . ANACT To amend the Community Services Block Grant

    Act to clarify the authority o f the Secretary ofHealth and Human Services to designate community

    action agencies for certain community action pro-

    g r a m s a d m i n i s t e r e d b y t h e S e c r e t a r y f o r f i s c a l y e a r

    1982 , a n d f o r o t h e r p u r p o s e sept . 3 0 , 1 9 8 218397-275mergency Fund Act, amendment . AN ACT To amen dthe Emergency Fund Act (Act of June 2 6 , 1 9 4 8 , 6 2S t a t . 1 0 5 2 )ct . 1 , 1 9 8 21 8 597-276o n t i n u i n g a p p r o p r i a t i o n s f o r f i s c a l y e a r 1983 . JOINTRESOLUTION Mak ing conti nuing appr opr iatio ns fort he f is ca l y ea r 1 9 8 3, a n d f o r ot h e r p u r p o s e sct . 2 , 1 9 8 218697-277ational Alzheimer' s Disease Week . JOINT RE SOLU-TION To provid e for the des ignatio n of the week

    beginning on November 2 1 , 1 9 8 2 , a s " N a t i o n a l A l z -

    heimer's Disease Week"ct . 4 , 19822 0 697-278e w H am ps h ir e a nd Ve rm on t c ompact . AN ACTGranting the consent of Congress to the com pactbetween the States of New Hampshi re and Vermont

    c o n c e r n i n g s o l i d w a s t ect . 4 , 1 9 8 220797-279ational Respir atory Therapy Week . JOINT RE SOLU-TION Desi gnatin g the week of Novemb er 7 throughNovember 1 3 , 1 9 8 2 , as "National Respiratory Ther-apy Week"ct . 4 , 1 9 8 221097-280e a r o f t h e B i b l e . JOINT RESOLUTION Autho riz inga n d r e q u e s t i n g t h e P r e s i d e n t t o p r o c l a i m 1983 a s t h e" Y e a r o f t h e B i b l e "ct . 4 , 1 9 8 22 1 197-281r . Robert H. Goddard Day . JOINT RESOLUTION Toprovide for the designation of October 5 , 1 9 8 2 , a s

    " Dr . R o b e r t H . Goddard Dayct . 5 , 1 9 8 22 1 297-282orld Food Day . JOINT RESOLUTION To au th ori ze

    and request the President to designate October 1 6 ,

    1982 , as "World Food Day"ct . 5 , 1 9 8 221397-283ibola National Forest, N. M e x . ; land exchange andboundary e x t e n s i o n . AN ACT To furth er amen d theboundary of the Cibola National Forest to allow ane x c h a n g e o f l a n d s w i t h t h e c i t y o f A l b u q u e r q u e , N e wMexicoct . 5 , 1 9 8 22 1 597-284ational Schoolbus Safety Week of 1982 . JOINT RESO-LUTION Authoriz ing and r eques ting the Presid entt o i s s u e a p r o c l a m a t i o n d e s i g n a t i n g t h e p e r i o d f r o mOctober 3 , 1 9 8 2 , thro ugh October 9 , 1 9 8 2 , a s " N a t i o n -a l S c h o o l b u s S a f e t y W e e k o f 1982 "ct . 5 , 1 9 8 221897-285r i m e s a g a i n s t g o v e r n m e n t a l o f f i c i a l s , p e n a l t i e s . AN

    ACT To amend sections 351 and 1 7 5 1 of title 1 8 o fthe United States Code to provide penalties for

    c r i m e s a g a i n s t C a b i n e t o f f i c e r s , S u p r e m e C o u r t J u s -

    t i c e s , a n d P r e s i d e n t i a l s t a f f m e m b e r s , a n d f o r o t h e r

    purposes ct . 6 , 1 9 8 2 219

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!


    Public Law 97-280

    97th Congress

    Joint Resolution

    A u t h o r i z i n g a n d r e q u e s t i n g t h e P r e s i d e n t t o p r o c l a i m 1 9 8 3 a s t h e " Y e a r o f t h e B i b l e " .

    W h e r e a s t h e B i b l e , t h e W o r d o f G o d , h a s m a d e a u n i q u e c o n t r i b u -

    t i o n i n s h a p i n g t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a s a d i s t i n c t i v e a n d b l e s s e d

    n a t i o n a n d p e o p l e ;

    W h e r e a s d e e p l y h e l d r e l i g i o u s c o n v i c t i o n s s p r i n g i n g f r o m t h e H o l y

    S c r i p t u r e s l e d t o t h e e a r l y s e t t l e m e n t o f o u r N a t i o n ;

    W h e r e a s B i b l i c a l t e a c h i n g s i n s p i r e d c o n c e p t s o f c i v i l g o v e r n m e n t

    t h a t a r e c o n t a i n e d i n o u r D e c l a r a t i o n o f I n d e p e n d e n c e a n d t h e

    C o n s t i t u t i o n o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s ;

    Whereas many of our great national leaders-among them Presi-

    d e n t s W a s h i n g t o n , J a c k s o n , L i n c o l n , a n d W i l s o n - p a i d t r i b u t e t o

    t h e s u r p a s s i n g i n f l u e n c e o f t h e B i b l e i n o u r c o u n t r y ' s d e v e l o p -

    m e n t , a s i n t h e w o r d s o f P r e s i d e n t J a c k s o n t h a t t h e B i b l e i s " t h e

    r o c k o n w h i c h o u r R e p u b l i c r e s t s " ;

    W h e r e a s t h e h i s t o r y o f o u r N a t i o n c l e a r l y i l l u s t r a t e s t h e v a l u e o f

    v o l u n t a r i l y a p p l y i n g t h e t e a c h i n g s o f t h e S c r i p t u r e s i n t h e l i v e s o f

    i n d i v i d u a l s , f a m i l i e s , a n d s o c i e t i e s ;

    W h e r e a s t h i s N a t i o n n o w f a c e s g r e a t c h a l l e n g e s t h a t w i l l t e s t t h i s

    N a t i o n a s i t h a s n e v e r b e e n t e s t e d b e f o r e ; a n d

    W h e r e a s t h a t r e n e w i n g o u r k n o w l e d g e o f a n d f a i t h i n G o d t h r o u g h

    H o l y S c r i p t u r e c a n s t r e n g t h e n u s a s a n a t i o n a n d a p e o p l e : N o w ,

    t h e r e f o r e , b e i t

    R e s o l v e d b y th e S e n a t e an d H o u s e o f R e pr e s e n t a t i v e s o f t h e U n i t ed

    S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a i n C o n g r e s s a s s e m b l e d , T h a t t h e P r e s i d e n t i s

    a u t h o r i z e d a n d r e q u e s t e d t o d e s i g n a t e 1 9 8 3 a s a n a t i o n a l " Y e a r o f

    t h e B i b l e " i n r e c o g n i t i o n o f b o t h t h e f o r m a t i v e i n f l u e n c e t h e B i b l e

    h a s b e e n f o r o u r N a t i o n , a n d o u r n a t i o n a l n e e d t o s t u d y a n d a p p l y

    t h e t e a c h i n g s o f t h e H o l y S c r i p t u r e s .

    A p p r o v e d O c t o b e r 4 , 1 9 8 2 .

    PUBLIC LAW 9 7-280-OCT. 4, 1982 96 STAT. 1 2 1

    LEGISLATIVE HISTORY-S. J . Res . 1 6 5 :

    Oct . 4 , 1 9 8 2

    [ S . J . Res . 1 6 5 ]

    Y e a r o f t h e

    B i b l e .

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!


    Proclamation 5018 - Year of the Bible, 1983February 3, 1983

    By the President of the United States of America

    A Proclamation

    Of the many influences that have shaped the United States of America into a distinctive Nation and people, none mbe said to be more fundamental and enduring than the Bible.

    Deep religious beliefs stemming from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible inspired many of the early settlers

    our country, providing them with the strength, character, convictions, and faith necessary to withstand great hardshand danger in this new and rugged land. These shared beliefs helped forge a sense of common purpose among the

    widely dispersed colonies

    a sense of community which laid the foundation for the spirit of nationhood that was todevelop in later decades.

    The Bible and its teachings helped form the basis for the Founding Fathers' abiding belief in the inalienable rights o

    the individual, rights which they found implicit in the Bible's teachings of the inherent worth and dignity of eachindividual. This same sense of man patterned the convictions of those who framed the English system of law

    inherited by our own Nation, as well as the ideals set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

    For centuries the Bible's emphasis on compassion and love for our neighbor has inspired institutional and

    governmental expressions of benevolent outreach such as private charity, the establishment of schools and hospital

    and the abolition of slavery.

    Many of our greatest national leaders-among them Presidents Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, and Wilsonhave

    recognized the influence of the Bible On our country's development. The plainspoken Andrew Jackson referred to Bible as no less than "the rock on which our Republic rests." Today our beloved America and, indeed, the world, is

    facing a decade of enormous challenge. As a people we may well be tested as we have seldom, if ever, been tested

    before. We will need resources of spirit even more than resources of technology, education, and armaments. Therecould be no more fitting moment than now to reflect with gratitude, humility, and urgency upon the wisdom reveale

    to us in the writing that Abraham Lincoln called "the best gift God has ever given to man ... But for it we could not

    know right from wrong."

    The Congress of the United States, in recognition of the unique contribution of the Bible in shaping the history and

    character of this Nation, and so many of its citizens, has by Senate Joint Resolution 165 authorized and requested thPresident to designate the year 1983 as the "Year of the Bible."

    Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, in recognition of the contributions a

    influence of the Bible on our Republic and our people, do hereby proclaim 1983 the Year of the Bible in the UnitedStates. I encourage all citizens, each in his or her own way, to reexamine and rediscover its priceless and timeless


    In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of February, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundr

    and eighty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and seventh.

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  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!


  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!


    11 1 "11iii 'II' I ,I, I I I'iG C O N G R E S S I - o N A L I I : ~ ,d D ~ ~ - o h s ~ ~ I : ~ A R C I I 9 ) . I I I: I I II I , ki1Our fir;,t l : \!k 1.

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!


    1933 I C ~ N G R E S ~ : n AL RECOhD-. H ~ U S E , ' 83printed and del iver d more tho. I' $30,000,000, ru n In' t Iboth nat iona l debt. TItat would help balahce the n U d ~ t ; Itday and n tcbt, 81 Ilar sums : le now being pr! t d and would take t a x - e x ~ m p t securities out o th e way and causedelivered daily. . i I I more income t n x e ~ to. bo paid to the 'ctovcrnment an lessr.xrAN. ON OP CURllI!:J1CT NECT.SSART . I I ' taxdodglng by th e big rich. : I

    I f th e Republlca. Party had , r e ~ a s e d itself ro ) the OPPOSITION TO CO,CENTRA'I ION or M O ' N ~ Y AND CltEDIT CON-c lutches of Wal l 8t eet and exp/md d th e curren y unme- TROL IN THE H A N ~ S OF A FEW GREAT INtERNATIONAl; DANKlNGdtntelv after th e sto k-rnarkct .crash I 1929 or wit n 0.1year CONCERNS!' 1 :nrter the crash. our eople would] ha e been saved r rrl this Mr. I,UNDEEN. I Mr. Speaker, today th e Chief Executiveawful money pani . Our Pi'efldent will. doUb lc sl ask sent to this House of Representat ives! 0. bo.nklI}g blll to ramendments to this new law w h cdnditions are 0 e nor- immediate c n a c t m ~ n t . The author of fhls bUl s e ~ m s to bemal and .when it is better underytooti. :Under th e n W law unknown. No o n ~ , ha s told us who dra,'!ted th e bill. Therethe money is is sued to the b a n k ~ 'in return for 00 e ent appears to be a. printed COpy at th e SPeaker's desk, bu t noobligat ions. bills of exchange. draft!;. notes. trad ccept- printed copies are] available for th e H ~ l U s e ,Memb!ers. TIleances. and banker's acceptances. I. Tlle money w m , ~ worth bill has been driven through the H o u s ~ with. cycl6nic speed100 cents on th e dQHar. becaus.el,it is backed by ljllc dredit after 40 minutes' '.debate, 20 minutes fb.r t . ~ : . ' minbrity andof th e Nation. I t V l ~ l l represent amclrtg:\,ge on all th e l ~ o r r t e s 20:minutes for theimajority. i inndother property 9! all the peoplCl.b. th".'e NaticJl1. I J I h ave dem..andC. (I.., 0. roll call. bu t have been unab.Ie to .sct.. iNO GOLD cottltAdE I'. the attention of th e Chair. Others havc done thp same,The money so is ued will not! Mve lone penn f gold notably, Congressm;an SINCLADl, of North Dakota, an d Con-coverage behind it . ecause it IS Ireally no t needed. e do gressman BtJ,L LbrKE, of North Dakta, as well, as some ot,not need gold to ba k our Internal currency. We yjneed our other Fa:mer-:Labor Members. Fifteen men were stand-gold to settle ou r balances with foreign count ie . I Our ing. demanding a l : roll call, bu t that number is not sum-people do no t actu ly usc gold as Ii medium of X ~ h ~ n g e ; clent; we therefore have th e spectacle of the grEiat HouSepaper money Is ju s as good and Is Imuch easiElf 0 handlc. of Representatives of th e United States of America paSsing,Ho,,:ever. i f gold Is eslrcd as a! b ~ c k i ~ g for papa' n ~ y , we after l\ 4.o-1l\lnute l.'debate. l\ bill it s Members never! read andhave a ~ u r n c i e n t a aunt to permi t the [tssuanc f $5000 _ never saw, a bill whose author is unknown. The great000,000 more money and still hayeal gold reserve (If140' p e ~ - majority of th e Members have been unable to get :l. minute'scent. When Engla d paid us approximately $100.1>00.000 in time to discuss this but; we have been re'used a roll call;gold last December t e TreasurY shoUld have taken! that gold an d We have been refused recoemtlonbr the Chai r. I doand issued $250,000000 in paper money, using t ~ e g o l d as no t mean to say that th e Speaker of th e House of Reprca sufficient coverag of 40 percent, 'and th e monevi should sentatives intended to ignore us, bu t everything was in suchhave been pu t into Icirculation by paying It to Odvernmcnt a turmotl and there was so much excitement tbat we sim')!:,employees or other Igovernmental debts. Instead] th e gold "were no t recognized.was delivered to t l ~ e private banks and the Government I want to pu t mysell on record against a procedure ofgiven credit for the hmount. The banks used apalrtoe it as this kind an d against th e use of such methods in p t \ ; ; S l r 1 ~a base to issue consider ab le money, which they loaned to legis la tion affec ting mil lions of lives and bUlions ot dollars.~ h e i r customers, and th c remainder,j which was th!e most of I t seems to I,ne that under this bllI thousands of small banksIt, was sold back to IEngland by th e bankers, I will be crushed arid wiped out of existence, an d that money

    DRIVE AGAINST G O ~ D H O A R ~ E R S i and credit cant.rOJ wlll be s.'till turthe,r l concentrated In th eThe gold that is Igiven up by: t h people In: t ~ present hands of those w ~ now hold the power. .crisis should be d e l i ' ~ e r e d to t h e . ' . I G o ~ ' ernment, :I t should be I t is ~ a f e to s a I that in norm.ali.tim,ell, 8.tter careful st:..lclyused to issue additi na l money upo which thcPeople will of a printed copy! Ian d after careful d t b a ~ c : and eonstdera-no t have to pay i nt r es t while it lIs i. c irculat ion. I . tton, this bill w o ~ d never .have p ~ e J l this House or any

    REsENT SATlSFAc-nON . : . . other House. Its; passage ,coUld ibe !aCcomplished only byThose of us who have worked for 3 yea:s ~ r Y i r . g to .get r a ~ i d procedure, hurried and he9tic ,dFbate and! a generalth e currency cxpa ded have, th e eonsolatton of: knowing rush t ~ voting w t ~ h o u t roll call, i ,.' "that our p lan ha s een adoptecti 1 [do no t believe that th e I believe.In th e , . l ~ o u s e of Rep.rese., n t a t ~ v e s . I belf.eve:n th eexpansion is being ade In n nianner that will permi t the power that was gh'en lL'I by' th e p o p l e ~ I believe , t h a ~ ConmOlit good. Howder. th e same kind of moneY; is being gress is th e g r e a ~ e s t anq tnost l J O w e r ' ~ body i America.issued that we havcl advocatcd: s1)oUl(1 be issued. *s sound and I believe t h a ~ i th e p0l?le pave vested in Gonftress theirmoney, although n1 t as wen as the moncr' wq pro- UltimO..te I\.nd ft,n ~ power IJt e.ver;vl, ire.nt, v.,ital QUes. tion, and,po1ied to Issue. ' : ! - : i the Constltutioll ~ ~ r s m e ou t in ~ h a t ' I ' ! ,m : . ~ ~ ~ ~ : o % , ~ : , i i ~ : ' ~ : : : ~ ~ b : ~ . l ~ ~ o ~ ~ . ~ ; , ~ ~ f 1:.U, ft ~ ; f ~ : : o ~ : . i . r aO ; " . n . : . I ~ \ ~ ~ ~ S ; ~ , . : ~ O ~ : ~ ~ ~tril)utlon t h n ~ will cst !lromotc: the general \\Ielf *e. : I want, the RIt baD to sHow th$,t .t: wan, and l \ ~ n , I\gnin.t

    I t could be paid 0 l ~ e d e r a l crnplOyees. It cou d be used this bUl and thl:1 m e t h o d ~ f :prcjccdure: nnd I believe noto retire a part of t e national debtland save a c s i d ~ r a b l e good wUl come.t tOl'Amerlfa. rNe mmt not. a!Xilcatef)Ulll In Interest caC'l year. At ~ h iprescnt time ur .tntire our power to ed*ctse jud eJ1t. I Wei must n ot allow our-national debt or $ 0,000.000.0001 c0'tld be retlt.ed wltl} .ne.w to . bC!. d.rc '.ou.r f ~ t by hySt' rlo ., and we must n. atmoney without pIa Ing too much money In cltcu allon and let the. power ofl th e :Executive ~ r a l ~ ou r led;.ls.t\ve ;1 0 4the G ~ v e r n m e n t Ii cd m o r e t h ~ n ~ 7 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 nUlUly. tion. I f we' do,' It 'w6uld tr' b e t ~ r tor U8 tOt ~ b m l \ n d (\ 0

    liA J: $100,000,000 " ~ N U A t . L Y ! I home-and save ,the p e o p l ~ th e ~ l a r y , t h " y a r ~ : ~ Y l n g Ull.I 't d ! th b ! I ! ! ' J I look f o r w a ~ 4 ito thl\t l:1ay w ~ e n ! i e shall read tho bUlns ea 0 e ks being per m l ~ t e d [ . t o . l o a ~ $ 5,pOq,ooo,- we arc conslderfrtg., :".'.nd the' au. o r o t thej bll1. s. taond000 with a reserve ,of from o n tol three blllion d o l h ~ r B to before th e H o laind expJi&,in it ; an then. after calm deback it up, they sh uld be denied that prlvllegq a l\ Imuch liberation and saber jUdirnent-aheJ,' ull and f r debategreater money rese ve required lof them. Then. I1stfdf I hope to see 8 a n ~ ILnd seNtblc l e k i s l a ~ l u : l p a s s e d ~ which willth e banks having l it tle money to pay the lr ~ < 1 P O Itors, 11ft Amer ica oud ot this ~ n i c and d l $ , , ~ u ~ r into which Wftt h ~ Y could have 4il lor 50 cents In actual money 0 lUll k up were plunged byl th e World War. 1every dol lar in de 11..'1. We woUldIthen have ~ n . f bat!Jklng, " \ !nnd the Governme,t would ~ 1 0 t 0 ' j V ( ~ a penny 0 I m l ~ I O m \ 1 i RULES 0'" tHY. HOURI':debt. Further, our OoV('rmnent wl)uld, be liavcd I t t ~ e 1;;'/00.- MI'. POU, Mr, Splmker' l I otTer 1\ rcn,]uUon ; l l ~ d nslr for000.000 that JIl now, 11l.:llIg paid lmriually as l n t c r f 8 ~ oIn th e ' its Immediate! con,sideraU,on. , II .

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!


    GENESIS 1:18 418 And to Iru le in the day , and in th e nigh t, and

    t o s ep ar ate the light from the darkness: and Godsaw that it was good.19 So the evening and the morn ing were the fO urth

    day ,20 Afterwa rd God said, Let the waters bring

    forth in abunda nce every 'creep ing thing that bath21ife:and lee the fo wl fly up on die ear th in the 'o penfirm ament of the heav en.21 Th en God creat ed the great wha les, and every-

    thi ng liv ing and mov ing, whi ch th e 'warers br oughtfO rth in abundance ac co rding to thei r kind, an d eve ryfe athered fowl according to h is kind: and God sawthat it was go od.22 Then God 'ble ssed th em , saying, Bring for th

    fruit and mulr ipl y an d /il l rh e wate rs in rhe seas, andlet the fow l m ultip ly in the earth.23 So the eveni ng an d (he morning were rhe Heh

    day.24 ~IMoreo ver God said , Le t th e earth bring

    fo rth the 'l iv ing th ing ac cordi ng to his kin d, cattle,and that whi ch cree pet h, and the beas t of th e earthacco rding to hi s kind, an d it was so.25 And God made the beast of the earth ac cord-

    ing to his kind , an d the cattle according to his kin d,and every creeping thing of th e earth according tohis kind: and God saw tha t it wa s g oo d.26 Furth erm ore G od said, 1"'L et u s make man in

    om' 'im a ge a cc ording to our lik enes s, and let them ru leov er th e fish of rhe sea, an d ove r die fow l of the heave n,an d ov er th e beasts, and over all the earth, and overev erythi ng that creepeth and rn oveth On the earth .27 Th us God crea ted die man in his im ag e: in the

    im ag e o f God created he him : he created th em 'maleand female.28 And God 'blessed them , and God said ro them ,

    iBrillg forth fr uit, and multiply, and il l (h e ea rth , an dsub d ue it, and ru le ove r rh e fish of the sea, and ov erthe fow l of th e he av en, and over every bea st th at1 : 2 0 1 A s fishand worm swhich slide,swim ,or cree p,

    1 Hebrew , h e s o u l o f l i f e ,S Hebr ew, a c e o f th e fi rm a m e n t.

    1:21 1 The f ish a nd f owlsh ad both one begi nning,wherein w e seethat nature giveth place to God'swill,forasmuchas the one so rt ismade to f l y ab out in t he a ir,a nd the oth er to sw imbeneat h i n t h ewater.1 :2 2 1 Th at is, by the virtue of his word he gav e pow er to his c re a -lur es to en gend er.1 : 2 4 1 Hebrew ,s o u l a f/ if e .1 :2 6 1 God commanded th e water and the ea rth to bring forthother cre ature s:but of man he sa ith,Letus mak e:signifying,hat Godtak eth counse l with hi s wisdom and virtue,purposing to make anexc ellentwo rkabo ve allthe restof hi sc re ati on .1Th isimag e and likenessof God in man is exp ounded, E p h . 4 :2 4 ,

    wher e it is w ritten th at m anw a s created af terGod in righteousn essand true holiness,meaning b y these tw o words ,allperfec tion ,as w is-dom , truth, innoc ence,pow er,etc.


    tJer . 3HShG en 5:!G < l .9 .6

    2C :IO

    rn ov eth upo n the ea rth.29 And God said, Beh old , I have give n unto you

    lev ery herb be aring seed, which is up on all the earth,and ev ery tre e, wherei n is the fru it of a tree bearingseed: kthat sh all be to yo u for mea t.30 Likew ise to every bea st of the earth , and to every

    fow l of th e h eav en , and to every thing that moverhupon the ear th , which hath life in itself, ev ery gree nherb s/ ,a ll be for mea t, and it was so.31 lAnd Go d saw all that he had made, and 10,

    it was very good. So the eveni ng and the mor ningwere the sixth da y.

    iM an .. l9:4iGen. 8"'7

    Gen .9 .1lGro . 9:3

    fEwd .31 :17M d r k 7 :3 7


    'Ex od.2< l:lIE >OO .l1:l1DetJtS:I'H eb . 4 : . :4

    i> 1 C o r . 1 5 :4 5 2 G od res tet l, the seventl: da y , a nd ;,m ctif iet h it _ 15 Heseu e tb m a n in the ga rd en. 22 H e cre a re tll rhe w om -

    afl. 24 M ar ria ge i5 ordnil led.21 Th us the heavens and th e earth were finished,

    and all the 'host of th em .2 For in the seventh day God en ded his wor k

    whi ch he had made , "an d the seve nt h day he 'restedfrom all his work. which he had mad e.

    3 So God bless ed th e seventh day , and 'sa nctif iedit, be cause that in it h e had rested from al l hi s work,whi ch Go d created and made .4 ~ Th es e arc the 'gene rlri ons of the heavens and

    of the earth , when they were created, in the day . th at,the Lord God made the ea rth and th e heave ns,

    5 And ev ery 'p lane of the field, before it was inthe earth, and ev ery herb of the fi eld , befo re it gr ew ,fo r th e Lor d G od had not caused it to 2rain upo n theea rth, neither w a s th er e a man to till the ground ,6 Bu t a m ist went up from the ea rth, and watered

    all th e e arth.7 The Lord God al so 'ma de the man 20f th e

    du st of th e g ro und, and br ea thed in hi s ta ee bre athof life , b an d th e man was a living soul.8 And the Lor d God planted a ga rden E astward in

    'E den, and there he put the man whom he had m ade.9 (For out of the ground mad e the Lo rd God to

    1 : 2 8 1 The p rop aqa non of man is h e blessingof God, P s , 1 2 8 .1 :29 1 God'sgreat lib er ali tyto man, taket h aw ay all exc use of hi singr atit ude.2: 1 1 That is,the in numerab le ab undance of creatures in heav en an dearth,2 : 2 1 For he had now f inishe dhi , creatio n , but hi s providencest i llwatchet h ov er his creatur es,and qov er neth th em .2:3 1Appoint ed it to be kep t holy,that man m igh t ther ein co nsid erthe exc ellencyof hisw orksand God 'sgoodflsStow ard him ,2 :4 'O r, the origina land beginn ing .2 :5 ' Or,tree, a s Gen.2 1 :1 5 ., God on ly op enet h the heavens and s hu tte th them , he sendethdrough t an d rainaccordingto his g oo d plea sure .2:7 'O r, form ed .1Heshow eth whereo fman'sbo dy was cre at ed, to the int ent that

    man should n o t gimy in th e exc ellencyof hi sow n nat ure .2:8 1Thiswas the name of a place,as s om e think in Mesopo tamia,mos t pleas ant and abundan t in all th ings,

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    REVELATION 13:14 1326!ire to CO Il l1 edowa fuwm RteaWlJl on d!e earth, in dnesight af men.l'f And deceived the ..-. d=:dwdl On !heannbym e signs which wae perll!litted to him [0 do in the

    ;,'igbt of the beasr, S -emy l I < l ff i c Ill' frlE!{:i:!IlI,e w ith men , bu t i~lelOf lly tho si? wh ic h ~ this .loointing aoo OJ!1Isemtion of C!ez .rk e!yto -WI ;:' as they ca ll it Re.ld G tatia flOe W n. --Sema tters .1E r e ihe i t; . e ~ do r.equ ie thr ee ~ wllid h~!o2 Sf1 :d o I m

    ! o tT I e G O O u f1 l 1 E ir g r e i i t l ' lB S , adl am: i.i:'r ,~GJ~ddihE'law{asthe'ldl ill(; ;OO" Iiat , iljJ d !h m to ot il> itwer-ell ladE l.!P ifI.ii[C OO ft.mdCa lt~1' IU !1 l-heiofthemj1 5l fficslhi :mc f.fu rirotheietl1i ngscooffi telhlherulii:-e rofIrntn om eof 1il e[P ..il9 tA ndmi> is e;c ~Si! tf ollih f l' i~l1" J t\" '~13:18 ' T hat is i n this ! ! 1 l I m c ;: r of ! h e be as t oC1f li is tem th a t f>opishwisOOrn ,wh icl! urrto!hem seemeth the g lP il t e s t o f aMDl 'he!s . In thes e" " m o s S.John e ;r , p o i .m d e t h th a t $iI )i 1 '!g wIll:h W ffit ~ o f'th e num -be r of Il l? bens t. wh a t i i naIh.a!bo ve hi s m..-, II {J f a t : C 0 1 1 i s a o c .e and hisname. l'h esf:thif1g5 . 2ii1h S, . \ : lt m ., the m a r k ,< !r u l! h e m m e o fl h e beas t0 0 easi ly h;]p j.le lfl l1fOOilf l)'m afl: hato ff im?t loe flllmberof thebeastis w',sdom: that Is ,onlytloe v .;;e an d IUCh as fla' ~ II~ canm m e by that Tl lJ f 110e l' fu r tlli;y mus t be mo st i luminated doc 1Dr stha ta tr a i " l tnerellf !K > "i\S rilf ;wmi s ln I I ! :w J i l l - ; ; du !le dM e, How g reat ann ci wiJ a tCeoom iNt ion t r n s I1! limDer of tIie beas t

    is . by which ,lie beas t acrou r,tro r l 5 . . . o o o m , S, John de d arerh ~f!tlla ewtm:ls Dos r theuc ernan d hawg lal it it is? it iss o~ .3 t, ther l .lCr u l'ieth me vm le man: he is a ll> tay> leilmill1J ,nd ~ r cO iT l 'thto the k now ledge tlle reof : he m u s t he a man ind ffd th at do ih a t' o a inumo ithk es t tho u o f wh at rienomi!lc -.uofl it is? v e r i l y - " " , i i& -- 1 h ofs ix lhf Ou glimltilli 'ld p erf .ertri M iseth of all tile pa ts thereof in :theirs e v e 1 ?J Oeoo m ina Iions \ , a s th eyt ffi ltheml s tan!leth o f s i x iJ y un i ts .tens, hur.d~ e:~SO a s the re is f l1) ore p at in tne lea rning 2lf \d{I ({!ed~, , !J1 ir a l ,.~ihidllsoot ea her r E 'l' ' l 'm s : i u nt o th e ~ .i! l" a i l5 lJt'h' O eil iet q [l ttt f feo f ,{i f Clll["dw.;d ilrl ir "" S ii Ii I.e : o fulydo a l l tl' t i k l ! !JS IIIthis hiela!l:hy ag!ee one with al Uth i:1; and wi lh their ~ Th efefu Rtm .tm el beas t llonifu re:theelghthdmhwmmend by:thenlll'l1berof si x t!mse De.aetil ls 11 '1h i!:he~ro:ed. \ri1h e pr of 'm d 1h e s O O i lb o c k W i ! i i : hb o o J . : ( sa tt h h e l i . 1 O O g w r e a d d " r l : w o o I 1 . - e o l O O -b r .. > r . \ U d 'if l e '> t lm e 1 IO I> . ; m e of D r o - e t r J i s . w e m oo g ilt goo d to o om e 5 e I : r u 1 ! l i f le5mh : th a t th e '> tlm e vo lum e ty adt'Aioo thereof ront(1illfr!g a .~ ori f l e ! l !l lO O e r d s ix tx ; .o / ( 5 ( Y A li d ! i sa o o m I: e Pc~) m a y J 4 e /d a {JEl'fedform of mtmagitlg al l tl l it lg> , oo dpm e d &roprw .: of be hav io r : Heret i l : : r e f o r e is th e n u m b e r of th e b P - '5 t . w O O powrah oomh imself allhis j)iillS and br iny~ th em a ll bac k ag a if ll1 fO O h i rn .. < c l f b y h ls diS[~p fine in !T lO5 t 1M ,; !" and CtllflrB1g manne[ IfM 1 Y m a n 'li5 iT e mo re ofthl 5 , let hlm r e a d th e glG 'is u oo n thar ,,]arel am nor igOOf,lilt thatoth er lr it ffp T e tJ tioos ilfi: brought upo n th is pl i= bu t Ithoogtn itm y d w ty , \~ 1i!hme good ~ da ll a ild lI > -M I ' 1 u tJ - . e () u f a lly ,tOjJ5iO pOtmdnaeopnon in this p oint An d fo rmisu. 'lJ5 l:'especi ally.h lha t i ! t se e li l 1 \! oo'[< J me rl tt J - - ~ r p rof it;abl ;: . nef nil e ill be tll!!e,tm .t the n! !im he ! of tf - r e ?!:le"st or o f me n;;me of tile beast s h o o k : !brta ke1'l as tliE rommo!1l so rt ofirn:e rp ret as 0 0 ta ke it FOn!fu num-b e r of the OOilSl : : r e a d i . - e th . giveth aJt il llj:f imah, as a p .lhrk m a ll ; o fs !l(h a sbenis ,a nd es .t."~ J ltiJ a t~ ilO Ov ea!lo1h ers a s 1hema rkof tho

  • 8/3/2019 You Are Not a Party to It! Enslaved by Consent!


    HOSEA 3:2 890according to the loveof the Lord toward the childrenof Israel: yet they looked to other gods, and 210vedthe wine bottles.2 So IIbought her co me for fifteen pi ec es of

    silver,and for an homer of barley, and an half homerof barley.

    3 And I said unto her, TIlOUshalt abide wie hIme many days: thou shalt not play the harlot, andthou shalt be to none other man, and Iwill be sounro thee.

    4 For the children ofIsrael shall lremain manydayswithout a king and without a,'prince, and withoutan offering, and without an image, and without anEphod, and without Teraphim.5 Afterward shall the children ofIsrael convert

    and seek the LOI'dtheir God, and 'David their king,and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latterdays,

    4 A co"'p!"i"( against the peop le ami the pr ie sts ofI"aei.1 Hear the word ofthe Lord, ye children of Israel:

    for the Lord Ih:lEha controversy with the inhabitantsof the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy,norknowledge of God in the land.

    2 Byswearing, and lying,and killing, and stealing,and whoring, they break Out, and 'blood rouchethblood.

    3 Therefore shall die land mourn, and everyonedue dwelleth therein shall be em oH~with the beasrsof rhe field, and with rhe fowls of die heaven, andalso rhe fishes of the se-a shall be taken away.

    4 Yet 'ler none rebuke, nor reprove another: forthy people are as they that rebuke the Priest.

    5 Therefore shale thou fall in the Iday, and theProphet shall fall with thee in the night, and Iwilldestroy thy 2mother.6 Mypeople are destroyed ror lackof knowledge:

    because Ithou hast refused knowledge, Iwill alsorefuse thee that thou shalt be no Priest to me: andseeing 2thotl hast forgotten the Law of thy God, Iwill also forget thy children.7 As they were 'increased, so they sinned against

    me: therefore willIhange their glory into shame.S "Theyeat up die sins of my people, and lifr up

    their minds in their iniquity.9 And there shall be like people like 'priest: forIwill visi t their ways upon them, and reward themtheir deeds.10 For they shall eat, and not have enough, they

    shall' commit adultery,and shall not increase,becausethey have left off to take heed ro rhe Lord.11 'Whoredom, and wine, and new wine takeaway the ir heart.12 My 'people ask counsel at their stocks, and

    their staff reacherh rhem: for rhe 2spirir of fornica-tions hath caused them to err, and they have gone awhoring from under their God.13 TIley sacrificeupon the tops of themountains,

    and burn incense upon the hills under the oaks, andthe poplar tree, and the elm, because the shadowthereof is good: therefore yom- daughters shall be'harlots, and your spouses shall be whores.14 Iwill not 'visit your daughters when they are

    harlots: nor your spouses, when they are whores:fur they themselves are separated with harlots, andsacrifice with whores: therefore (he people that dorhnot understand, shall tall.

    3 :1 iTha t is , gav e th em se lve s w ho lly to p leasure , an d c ou ld no t ta keup, a s th ey th a t ar e g iven to drun kenne ss ,3:2 1 'lei I lov ed he r and pa id a sm a ll po rtion fo r he r. le s t s h e pe rc ei v-ing the g rea tness ofm y lov e , shou ld hav e ab used m e , an d not bee nun de r du ty: fo r f ift e en p ie ce s o f si lv er w e re but ha lf the p ric e o f as lav e , Ex od . 2 1 : 3 2 .3 :3 1 I w ill try thee a lon g tim e as in thy w idow hood w het he r th ouw it t be m ine o r no ,3: 4 1 Mea n in g , n o t on ly a lilh e tim e o f the ir ca p tiv ity, bu t a lso un to Ch ris t

    1Tha t is , th ey shoul d nei the r have pol ic y no r re lig ion , and the irid o ls a lso w he re in they pu t the ir conf idence , shoul d be de s troy ed.3: 5 1T h is is m ea n t o f Ch rist 's ki ngdo m , w hi ch w as p rom ise d un toD avi d to be e te rnal , P s. 7 2 : 1 1 -4 :1 'B ecaus e th e peop le w ou ld no t obey the adm on it io ns o f theP rop he t, he c ite th them be fo re the judg m em sea t o f G od, ag a ins tw hom th ey ch ie flyo ff en ded ,lsa . 7 :13; Ze ch . 12: 10; M ic 6:1, 2.4: 2 IIn ever y p lac e appea re th a libe rty to m os t he inous v ices, sotha t on e fo ll ow et h in the neck of an o ther4 :4 ' A s thou gh he w oul d say th at it w er e in v a in to rebuke them : fo rno m an can ab ide it: yea , they w ill sp eak aga in s t the pr op he ts andpr ies ts w hos e o ff ic e it is chi e fl y to reb uke th em .4 :5 1 Ye sh a ll pe rish a ll to ge th e r th e on e be caus e he w ou ld no t obey ,an d the o the r, becaus e he wo u ld no t a dm on ish .

    1Th a t is , the Syna gog ue w he rei n tho u bo as te s t4: 6 1 T ha t is , the Pr ie s ts sha ll be cast o ff , beca use th at fo r lac k o fknow ledg e , th ey a re no t ab le 1O execu te the ir cha rge , and ins tru ao the rs , D eu t , 3 3 :3 ; Ma l. 2 : 7 .1Mean in g , the w ho le bo dy o f th e peop le , w h ich w er e w ea ry w ith

    hea ring the w o rd o f G od ,4 :7 'Th e m o re I w as be ne fic ia l un to th em .4 :8 1T o w it , the P rie s ts see k to e at the pe op le s offe ri ng s, an d fl a tt e rthem in th e ir s in s ,4 :9 1 S ign ify il1 g , th a t a s t hey have s inn ed toge the r, so sha ll th ey bepun ish ed tog e th e r.4 :10 1 Sho w in g that the ir w ic kedn ess shal l be pun ish ed on a ll so rts :fo r though they th in k by the m u ltitu de o f w iv es to ha ve m any ch il -d ren . ye t th ey sh a ll be dece ived o f the ir ho pe .4: 11 1 In g iv ing them se lves to p leasu res . they be com e like b ru te beasts .4 :12 1 Thus he spe ilk e th by de ris ion in ca llin g them h is peop le . w h ichno w fo r the ir s in s t h ey w e re no t: fo r they sou ght he lp o f s toc ks a n d stid s ,

    1They a re ca rr ied aw ay w it h a rage ,4 :13 1 Becau se they tak e aw ay G od 's honor , and gi ve it to ido ls :there fo re he w ill g ive the m up to the ir lu s ts , th a t th ey sha ll di shono rthe ir ow n bod ie s, R om 1 :2 8 .4:14 1 I w ill n o- c orre ct yo u r sham e to b ring you to am endm en t, butle t yo u ru n head long to your ow n dam na ti on ,

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    Jeff. 109, 1772 WL 11 (Va.Gen.Ct.)

    General Court of Virginia.

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