Yl2014 cyber 16

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Yl2014 cyber 16

1 / S U M M A R Y YL2014_cyber_16


Main goal of our campaign is make users to donate and support Linka Bezpečí. Main tool to achieve this goal is Interactive phone call, which offers users unpleasant experience of not reaching the help line, and offer them possibility to help and donate LB to enhance their performance again. !We offer different ways to lead users to make the donation phone call. We are using fictional stories of clients, asking for friendship on Facebook and shoving their real like stories on their timelines. The urgent need for help is aided by letting LB comment on their desperate posts and show their inability to help. Secondary way to lead users to donate is to attract their attention via preroll videos on Youtube, with interactive counter of clients, that LB wasn't able to help. All traffic is routed to custom microsite, explaining situation of LB and offering way to help LB.

2 / W R I T T E N S U B M I S I O N O F T H E C A M P A I G N YL2014_cyber_16


The motivation for the campaign presented were two basic insights. First insight is an effort to bring the users to the real stories and issues that may affect clients of helplines. !This is brought to reality through fictional stories of affected clients via fake Facebook profiles. These profiles present very raw situation in which the clients receive and attempt to find help in solving the issues. !Because the capacity of the helplines was reduced, affected people can’t reach for help and that is why they plea for help to real users. !The second insight is an attempt to simulate the annoying and frustrating experience when the affected user can not reach the help. Through the illusion of the same experience that affected clients are experiencing on helplines, we appeal and strongly support the need of donating this service with a financial gift.

Our solution is using simple straightforward and effective campaign using mostly social media platforms as Facebook, Youtube, and other auxiliary media (e.g. Instagram) and their native functions.

We are using common style of communication which is natural for the clients and also believable for the target audience. The stories told via Facebook profiles, videos and other media are very real and members of the target group ca relate to them and believe them.

Every activity is heading towards the main goal, which is to force the user to make a phone call, experience the same situation as clients and finally donate and support LB.

To achieve main goal of the campaign we have to force users to experience the strongest feeling of the campaign, which is interactive call.   Every media is heading towards this goal. User may get in touch with the campaign in different ways. Strongest activation point is Facebook part, where fictional clients of LB are contacting users via friend requests and user can explore their stories. Then users discover, that LB is in trouble by seeing their comments about their inability to help them.   This is strongest reason for users to get involved and to try help through the interactive phone call.   Phone call consist of introduction, which describes the experience of clients who cannot reach LB. Then there is offered a solution to this problem by allowing users to donate via automatic donate system. Experience is further strengthened by presenting stories, where LB was solution for clients problems.

3 / T H E U S E O F 3 S O C I A L M E D I A P L A T F O R M S YL2014_cyber_16


4 / F A C E B O O K YL2014_cyber_16

5 / C U S T O M L A N D I N G P A G E YL2014_cyber_16


1. (Voice over) Dovolali jste se na Linku Bezpečí, je nám líto, ale všichni našioperátoři jsou zaneprázdněni, vyčkejte prosím. !2. *pozitivní hudba na hold on* !3. (Voice over) Dovolali jste se na Linku Bezpečí, je nám líto, ale všichninaši operátoři jsou zaneprázdněni, vyčkejte prosím. !4. *pozitivní hudba na hold on* !5. SCRATCH / STOP HUDBY!6. Stejnou situaci denně zažije více než 500 dětí, které se nedovolají nalinku bezpečí, podpořte prosím provoz finančním darem a podpořte nás ve snaze pomáhat více dětem !7. Pokud stisknete jedničku, darujete 30 kč a poznáte příběh Tomáše a tojak mu Linka Bezpečí pomohla vyřešit jeho problémy. !8. Pokud máte málo času a přesto nám chcete pomoci stiskněte prosímdvojku a darujte 30 kč pro Linku Bezpečí. !9. Pokud nechcete pomoci ohroženým dětem, zavěste prosím a neblokujtelinku těm co chtějí pomoci. !10. *Příběh Tomáše* (60 sec) !11. Děkujeme Vám za Váš dar, pokud chcete přispět dalších 30 kč, stikněteprosím jedničku a Adélka vám řekne svůj příběh se šťastným koncem.


6 / Y O U T U B E YL2014_cyber_16

7 / S U M M A R Y P I C T U R E YL2014_cyber_16