Www.rkk.no RKK Rogaland Training and Education Centre CEDEFOP Study Visit September 2004 Leif...

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Transcript of Www.rkk.no RKK Rogaland Training and Education Centre CEDEFOP Study Visit September 2004 Leif...


RKKRogaland Training and

Education Centre

CEDEFOP Study Visit September 2004

Leif KnudsenProject Administrator



• Discuss with your neighbour:

• Define and prioritize two prerequisites for learning with ICT

• What will – in your opinon - characterize a good net supported course?


Some principles

• Make the students work for you!• Suggest activities that run sideways – not upwards• Make assignments – not textbooks

(project- and problems based teaching + ICT = TRUE)

• Let students contribute - they have real experience from a real life to build on and you can always correct and modify them


Some more principles

A three-stage-rocket (!):

1. Access – technically speaking

2. Socialization (within the tool/system)

3. Learning activites

Do not underestimate need for undergoing all 3 phases…


Even more principles – or advice

• Social and intellectual status is not automatically granted online – accept unaccustomed criticism positively though you may consider yourself an authority beyond criticism!

• Interpret every communication the most positive way possible - and assume it is meant so!

• You are most likely to say something stupid while online during the course, but if you are tolerant towards others you get away more easily…


And some final advice…

• Cultural differences – how to deal with them?• Discuss locally in beforehand about what to

expect (eg. Swedes vs norwegians and danes about the need for consensus)

• Create an open atmosphere and let people confront each other when they are uncertain on how to interpret the significance of a statement or point of view

• Make sure it is fun to participate• Make sure it is relevant to their future work


From ICT module 2A

Why focus on internationalization? Students need international competence Education, training and competence becomes

international Labour market becomes becomes international Communication, language, cultural impressions and

expressions become increasingly international. Resource exploitation, consumption, environmental

and resource sharing problems become international A generation gap? Perceived differently at different


Some ”pointing fingers” from Norwegian regulations ;-)

It [the education] must promote democracy, national identity and international consciousness. It shall develop a sense of belonging with other people and our mutual environment, so that our country becomes a creative part of the international community. (general part, p. 5)

The education shall promote (…) solidarity across groups and borders.(general part, p. 8)

What is the value of an internationally oriented education?

Information and new perspectives! Insight in other peoples situation Insight in other peoples way of solving

problems Focus on mutual dependency and not

simply “about the others” Empathy? (Magne Raundalen – norwegian psychologist)

Internationalization and ICT

…or why did the C enter in ICT? The Baby Brother Society – Everyone can

participate!• Easier to communicate

• Easier to publish / publicize

• Easier to establish contact

The cooperation can be organized as a project (PBL-assignment PBL: Problem and Project Based Learning)

Chat about!

Wich positive values could be added to your teaching by having an international focus?

On what specific topics may it be of particular interest to gain other peoples views and other impulses?

Objectives: (from the norwegian module)

During this topic you will: Get to know current meeting places for contact and

cooperation with other schools, classes and students from other countries.

Carry out an agreed assignment or an interview with the person(s) or class you have been in contact with.

Gain knowledge and experience about the pedagogical potential that can be discovered by working internationally, and learn about the challenges you will meet.


The Mini-project

• A stuffed tiger travles the world!

• A student case by Inger Johanne Fatnes

• Pupils in 3 grade (age 8)


Project description

• This is how the project was described


• 1 week on each location• 4 mails• Send pictures form the stay• Send one little item with Mini from

the place as a souvenir• First class priority mail (A-post)


The final route


Mini leaves

And then the local newspaper got tipped about the plans…


Local paper ”Ryfylke” got interested..


Web site from Reedely, California

• Cheryl, a teacher contact in Reedely, made several web pages from Mini’s stay


Local framework

• 5 computers in a separate room• 3 computers to share among the

teachers• 1 ne computers in the

classroom• All have access to the internet• Most computers are old• A few hours a week there are

two teachers• Students support each



They learned about…

• Nature

• Climate

• Time zones

• Culture and traditions

• Language

..and a lot more, and developed a closer relation to pupils all over the world


After Mini…• New project: • Year book on CD• Web interphase• Auto-run• Unique video

interviews• Thematic travels

nationally and internationally


In short

• ICT, PBL and International perspective had become general and useful tools for learning processes, not a hindrance for the IT-illeterate teacher

• She new HTML, JavaScript,video editing, presentation software and could make USE of the technology to develop meaningful learning situations


Thank you for your attention!

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