Writing software requirement document

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Writing software requirement document

PowerPoint Presentation

The Software Requirements DocumentSometimes Called Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

What is an SRSAsoftware requirements specification(SRS) is a description of asoftware systemto be developed. It lays outfunctionalandnon-functional requirements SRS is the official statement of what the system developers should implement.SRS is a complete description of the behavior of the system to be developed.SRS should include both a definition of user requirements and a specification of the system requirements.The SRS fully describes what the software will do and how it will be expected to perform.

What is the purpose of an SRS?The SRS precisely defines the software product that will be built.SRS used to know all the requirements for the software development and thus that will help in designing the software.It provides feedback to the customer.

What is a Requirements DocumentA requirements document explains Why a product is needed, Puts the product in context, and Describes what the finished product will be like. A large part of the requirements document is the formal list of requirements.

What is a Requirements Document? Requirements includes Descriptions of system properties, Specifications for how the system should work, Constraints placed upon the development process.

Generally, requirements are statements of what a system should do rather than how it should do it. Requirements specifications should not include design solutionsRequirements documents usually include user, system, and interface requirements(very important)

Why Write Requirements Documents? Although writing a complete requirements document is time-consuming, there are many advantages to having one. Writing requirements helps to ensure that everyone agrees on what is to be done. This can avert misunderstandings down the road and save time that later might be wasted in rework. You can use a requirements document to help set expectations about what will and will not be accomplished in the current development cycle. A solid requirements document also serves as a guide to development and testing throughout the project.