Writeblazer n0 english

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Hello, brave reader! Thanks and welcome to my resume. I do not care if you’re a big boss or a clueless guy that passed through here by chance. My hope is that whoever you are, you read this entire comic for the pleasure to read and enjoy it. This is what I hope because rather than a curriculum, these pages are an expression of how I feel at this time of my life and reflect on the successes and mistakes of my career. It talks about emotions. This is what I like about the stories. This is why I do what I do. Because it hooks me on. So, dear reader, if you are a big boss and you’re looking for someone passionate about his work, is more than likely we understand each other well and so we can build a profitable relationship for all. And if you’re a clueless guy that passed through here, you are also very welcome. Sometimes coincidences are the source of the best things. Greetings. PD: You can also find the spanish, catalan and mandalorian version at http://aitorelcopy.wordpress.com/writeblazer