WP #3

Post on 06-Sep-2015

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Transcript of WP #3

Evans 1Halle EvansL.M. RaymondUWRT 11039 July 2015Writing Prompt #3: Text Message SlangText message slang greatly affected me in my middle school years. I used all the abbreviations and misspellings that were in during that time. When I look back on middle school now, one thing that I remember the most is instead of writing out y-o-u everyone thought that the cool thing to do was write y-h-u. Since both spellings have three letters I never understood why this was done. Nevertheless, I would follow the crowd and write all my texts with y-h-u. I did this so much that when I wrote papers or did assignments that certain spelling would sneak its way into my work earning a confused comment written next to it. Once I realized that misspelling this word on purpose made no sense, I stopped doing it and fortunately others began to as well. After I escaped the phase of bad spelling and abbreviations, I began to write full words and use punctuation other than exclamation points in my text messages. I still text in this way to this day. I use the occasional lol since now our generation has emojis for just about every emotion. This has affected my literacy narrative by making punctuation and spelling extremely important to me. In high school, every time I witnessed the rare grammar lesson I would sit up and listen closely. I understand why some teachers are strict about spelling and grammar check because they are just as important as content. It can emphasize what is being said by the writer and can get the message across much quicker than a poorly written text message. If it werent for my dislike of text message slang, I wouldnt value the comfort of correctly spelled words and my literary narrative and writing skills wouldnt be as strong as they are now.